#please ask to tag
excessive-moisture · 1 month
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attached to life
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saintluil · 16 days
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zona-doing-art · 2 years
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You promise to stay with me, right?
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void-imp · 7 months
sad oc ramble (it's sad)
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jab has heavy body dysmorphia. he genuinely thinks he's hideous and is ashamed of his non-human features, and puts excessive energy into hiding what he can of them; like, shaving all his body hair because it grows out blue/purple, dyeing his eyebrows, etc. it's honestly exhausts him.
when my story starts he's never had a boyfriend or any experience sexually, and i realized there is a reason for this. even the thought of being naked around someone else makes his anxiety spike, and if he actually found himself in such a situation he would probably shut down completely.
this fear took root in middle school, in the locker rooms before PE, where the other boys would bully him relentlessly. like, it got quite bad, to the point he was exempt from PE. he might even have had to change schools, but i'm not certain yet.
anyway, because of this dating has always seemed impossible to him. so when he discovers that jeremy is asexual it's so perfect for both of them, because neither of them have any expectations of sex from each other, and they can take it completely at their own pace.
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sisysaysstuff · 10 months
Spooky Au (that's its name until I find a better one)
Mind meets Heart 2 (I'm just gonna call the spookies that, why not)
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Try not to speak challenge
Loser gets viciously mauled and torn apart bite by bite
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sorotrax · 2 years
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Ectober Day 10: Hunger
He's hungy :)
Scene from my fic Red Riding Hood, part 3 of the We Are What We Are series.
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draakart · 1 year
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Earthlings protesting conscription in Brisbane, 2029.
In the late 90's, the geteza (χetezɑ, ge-TE-za) and their allies started a movement called Earthlings. The primary goal of this movement was to blur the line between humans and geteza and to secure the future of their shared world.
Mieke de Wet (pictured) immigrated to Australia with her family in 2010, hoping for a better future. But as the cost of living went up and her parents grew ill, things grew dire. Mieke joined Earthlings in the mid 20's and took to the streets with them during the 2028-30 protests and riots against conscription.
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burningchandelier · 2 months
I think I’m ready to write about what happened at the Thursday show on Tuesday in Boston.
After Many Eyes, a very drunk man started screaming in a hostile and aggressive way in the ear of a woman I was standing next to. He had been looking over her shoulder and saw the word “Zionist,” to which he took offense.
Okay. I’m an America Jew. I was brought up in a family that left Israel because they did not want my brother to serve in the IDF. I also have a knee-jerk reaction when I see that word. It makes me worry because a lot of the time it is used to paint a wide brush and excuse Jew hate.
In this instance, the man who was yelling was completely offensive. He would not take a breath. He was gesturing so wildly that he was actually hitting this woman.
I called security over and explained what was going on. I switched places with the woman who was being harassed. Security finally got involved and removed the guy. It went on for way too long before he was kicked out.
It turned out that this woman is Palestinian. She lived in a refugee camp as a child. She knows more than most of us what is going on. She was able to enjoy the rest of the show safely, but we were both looking over our shoulders for the rest of the show.
I wrote to Geoff to see if there was any chance that she could meet him or maybe just get a signed pick or something. It seemed like something he would want to step in and help with. He liked the message, but obviously, he had other things going on.
When the show ended, we were both justifiably concerned about her safety. Thursday’s merch guy was one of the only people working the show we interacted with who acted like an actual human being about the incident. He was so kind to us both and outraged by what happened. He gave us a safe place to stand.
Security didn’t even agree to escort us to the car. The one guard who agreed was a very small woman who was willing to help after she clocked out. They weren’t even going to pay her!
We thanked her, but decided to wait instead. While we waited, we had a great conversation and found so much common ground.
To my delight, but not surprise, Geoff did come out and greet her. It was late, it was cold, and his voice was going, but he still took the time to say hello. This is the kind of kindness and care that I have come to trust Geoff Rickly to show to his fans.
I am glad to have made a new friend in this awesome and strong woman. It was a big event with a lot of emotions, but ultimately I am reminded that the energy you put into the universe comes back to you, sometimes not in ways you expect.
I hope that my new friend can have a better time at our next show together.
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golddustdyke · 7 months
not to overshare completely but the day i went into psychosis, my mom (alcoholic) stopped drinking and has been sober ever since. and my mom has been like my mom again throughout my recovery; she's become the mom i lost when she began drinking. she was up with me every night when i was out of the hospital, she woke up every night i had nightmares, she drove me around when i couldn't stand to be home, and even now, she and i read books together at night.
all of this to say that i do not know what i will do when my mom dies (probably go into psychosis, but i digress.) no one will ever love me like my mom does. a love of a mom or a guardian is not something you can replicate
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warcats-cat · 1 year
Yuletide Glow
A/N: My very *very* late gift exchange fic for @muppenthings is finally here! I really hope it was worth the wait. Her half of the trade is here; my little Floof AU OC playing with the other Floofs. I treasure it.
For my part, I wrote a little blurb about two of her beloved OC’s, Snuffy the Dragon and his old lady friend Hilda, celebrating Yule. (And I added in a handful of surprises for my fellow long-time Muppen fans.) I did a moderate amount of research, but I’m sure there’s still stuff I got wrong so feel free to leave comments and tell me more about your traditions! Also as always, please shoot me a message/comment if I missed any tags! Anyway, on with the fic!
Alternatively read this on Ao3
Snuffy felt a firm pat on his nose as he was sniffing at the wooden bowl Hilda had set out. It was a funny shape; oblong, slightly pointed on one end and curved up on the other. It looked like a weird shoe. His ears twitched down slightly at being caught mid-investigation, but Hilda was smiling at him anyway.
"Don't move that. That's your shoe for the Yule Lads." She said gently as she carefully hung a long branch of pine across the top of the window. Snuffy moved and carefully grabbed the branch with his claws, lifting it the extra few centimeters to the hook.
"My what for who?" He rumbled, picking up another branch to hang over the farther window.
"It's an old tradition. You set out a shoe for thirteen nights and if you've been good, the Yule Lads will leave you gifts. And if not, they'll leave something else…" Hilda replied simply. It only left Snuffy more confused.
"Why a shoe? And who're the 'Yule Lads' "
The old woman's smile turned from fond to a touch mischievous, and Snuffy quirked his head.
"They're kind of like elves that like to cause trouble. They're watching to see if children are behaving and doing things like cleaning up after themselves."
"Why do they care, though?" Snuffy's ears perked up, watching as Hilda disappeared back inside the house with a little pine tree in a pot, and reappeared with a very thick oak log, which the dragon carefully took from her as well.
"Well, their mother eats the naughty children." Hilda motioned for Snuffy to put the log down in the little fire pit structure near the cabin, and when he did, she spread some black ashes over the top.
Her explanations weren't making anything clearer for him.
"But why do I have a shoe? I don't wear shoes. And I'm not a hatchling anymore."
Hilda huffed, but her fond smile didn't waver, and she gestured for Snuffy to set his head back down and settle; which he obliged, if for nothing else than to receive a scratching on his nose.
"I thought it would be fun to include you in my Yule celebrations this year, but if you're not interested I can put everything away. The shoe is an old decoration I found in the attic, and it's big enough to plausibly belong to you." She pondered for a bit, and Snuffy rumbled happily at the feeling of her little nails on the soft scales of his snout.
"I didn't say it didn't sound like fun." He replied, after a few minutes of scratching. Hilda perked up and gave him another pat, before going back into the house for another box. "So what do I have to do to be 'good' ?" He asked when she returned.
She chuckled, and began hanging funny looking ornaments on some of the lower trees and bushes. "Oh, you're already good. You'll just have to wait and see if you get any presents."
Looking closer, the ornaments were all simple and covered in seeds and dried berries. Snacks for the other, much smaller wildlife in the area. There were four that were hung very low on the bushes closest to the front door, along with dishes of water that looked to be mixed with honey.
A bundle of fresh daisies from the store in town, catnip, sweet berries, and small strips of dried meat: gifts for the funny spirits that had been wandering around the cabin lately. And sure enough, each ornament had a little scroll with their (assumed) names: Bee, Cat, Raccoon, and Fox.
Snuffy hadn't seen them much this winter. He hoped they were doing well.
They spent most of the afternoon like that; decorating the cabin with the rich greens of pine and holly, placing bundles of mistletoe and colorful candles on a little altar. Hilda finally declared the decorations complete by clipping bells to each of the four corners of the altar cloth.
"There," she said, brushing her hands clean on her skirt.
Watching her, Snuffy rumbled again, "Are you sure the other villagers won't mind me coming tonight?" His ears lowered a touch, betraying his nerves.
Hilda simply flashed her mischievous grin again, "Well, they don't really have a choice. You're my family now, so you're coming. I'm the crazy old lady who lives in the woods. It's not like they can stop me. Unless, of course, you don't want to come?"
He offered her a hesitant smile in response; he couldn't say he wasn't nervous about it. He liked the other people he had met so far, and of course, Hilda would be there the whole time. He'd even been getting more practice at shape-shifting and changing his size.
But all of the times Snuffy had met new people had been only one or two at a time; this would be the whole town. And there was going to be an even bigger Yule log burning in the town square, lots of tables and decorations.
Lots of things to trip over.
Snuffy shook his head, and perked his ears as Hilda finally returned with the last of the evening's necessities: a big pot.
Everyone in town was bringing food tonight; the main event was a big feast in celebration of the gods. Hilda had spent almost all of yesterday cooking something incredibly savory-smelling, and hadn't even let the dragon lick the spoon! 'A surprise,' was all she had said, as she set the kettle aside for the night; the pot stayed warm by the fire and never ceased its temptation of Snuffy's tongue.
Snuffy concentrated hard, closing his eyes. Slowly, he felt magic from the world around him wrap along his body, and he could feel the rushing sensation that came with changing from the size of a house to (roughly) the size of a human.
Even like this, he was well over a foot taller than Hilda, and most of the rest of the town...
He bent just slightly and carefully took the handle from the old woman's grasp, carrying the hefty metal and hearty stew with little effort. Hilda gave him a look, which he knew meant 'I was carrying that just fine'; he responded by raising his eyebrow and one ear, matching her gaze to convey 'I know, but you don't have to carry it when I'm here'.
One of Snuffy's favorite things about living with Hilda was how easily they could communicate without words. So much of dragon language was in face and gesture. It had been an exciting surprise to learn that humans could talk with just their eyes or postures too!
He swished his tail and rolled his shoulders, enjoying the quiet of the forest and the crunch of iced over snow under his feet. Hilda was covered head-to-foot in warm furs and knitted scarves, and her boots made much lighter prints behind them. The silence of their walk was comfortable; friends simply sharing space.
And if the dragon kept his tail loosely circled behind his old friend to catch her if she tripped, that was simply his own secret.
Several minutes of walking finally bled the dark, quiet forest into a warm, glowing town; the edge of the trees gave way to soft flickering torches and candles, and there were ribbons and wreaths and ornaments everywhere.
Snuffy stopped at the tree line, in awe of the sights around him. The center street had been cleared, and the town square held a massive bonfire surrounded by tables and cauldrons. There was more food than Snuffy thought he could eat, even in his massive true dragon form. The whole town had come out to celebrate, people dressed in warm reds and off white, carefully embroidered coats and long twirling cloaks. Several people were wearing wreaths on their heads, decorated with ruby red and sparkling gold flowers.
Hilda must have noticed his pause, and he felt her hand on his back.
"What do you think?" She asked softly.
"It's really beautiful." He replied earnestly.
With a gentle nudge, they began walking again, down into the center of town. The dragon couldn't help feeling a little self-conscious with all the staring, and he felt his ears tilt down slightly without meaning to.
Oh well.
A few townsfolk came to meet the pair, and carefully showed Snuffy where a much smaller fire had been started, to keep the stew warm. As he passed, his nose twitched at the familiar smell of apples and cinnamon, strangely coming from the cauldron next to their own. The girl stirring this cauldron barely looked up as he came over to investigate, and he took a deep breath of the sweet steam coming from the liquid.
"Would you like some?" The girl asked; her voice was unwavering, and she looked back up at him with a cheery smile.
He hesitantly smiled back, moving a little closer. "What is it?" He asked softly in response.
"This is Wassail," the girl replied, giving the pot another stir, "this one is for the kids, but on the other side of the table there's one made with alcohol."
Snuffy tilted his head in question, prompting her to continue, "it's apple cider with honey and a bunch of spices. It's really good for warming up, and it's really sweet."
Well, the dragon didn't have to be asked twice when it came to sweet things made with apples, and his tail swished in excitement as the girl handed him a wooden mug filled with the drink, offering him another smile as she did so.
Snuffy spent a good amount of time just enjoying the smell, remembering Hilda's baking sitting out on the window sill in summer. He turned to comment on the memory, but found the woman no longer at his side. He startled, more than he cared to admit, looking for her, until the girl simply pointed in the direction over his shoulder.
Turning, he saw Hilda standing next to the stew pot they had brought, stirring and adding last-minute spices.
Right. All of the food for the feast was being blessed for the gods, and everyone was putting their best cooking forward to bring a bountiful new year. There had been a ceremony earlier in the day for a sacrifice, a goat being ritually dressed and led through town before being killed in the name of the gods. Part of that offering too was now roasting, being readied for the feast they were about to have.
Not to mention, Hilda had lots of other people she wanted to see tonight, too. Holding the mug protectively, (perhaps tighter than normal,) he wandered back over to her slowly, watching her chat with other older townsfolk. But the second she looked up to see the dragon, her face lit up and she waved him over.
"I see you found the sweets right away," Hilda teased. Snuffy offered a mildly embarrassed smile, and his ears bent down, but he knew she was happy to see him trying something new.
"Did you want one?" He asked, watching the other townsfolk wander away again, over to the tables.
Hilda merely waved him off, "No, no, I'll get something to drink a little later. It's just good to see you enjoying yourself. I really do want you to have fun tonight." She spoke with a warm smile, and he settled himself next to her in the snow, sitting and lightly waving his tail, watching the town.
It was a peaceful night; the sky almost on fire with glowing stars. The dancing bonfire lights reflected against the snow and ornaments, bouncing around the town merrily. There were some more children a little ways off, having a snowball fight.
Someone dropped something itchy over his ears.
His head darted around, moving much faster than he would have intended, to see the girl from the Wassail cauldron standing next to him with her hands out but empty.
Her face was red with embarrassment, but thankfully, she didn't look scared.
"Sorry," she stammered, "I thought you might want something festive to wear too…"
Snuffy's face tilted again, and he reached up to lift the thing from his head - it was a wreath, like he had seen some of the others wearing. Carefully braided branches of holly and pine, tied with the same red and gold flowers, which turned out to be made of fabric.
He smiled back at the girl again, carefully placing the wreath back on and balancing it between his ears.
It fit perfectly.
"You just surprised me a little," he admitted with a shrug. "I'm not usually so easy to sneak up on."
The girl beamed, swinging her arms slightly, which waved the bottom hem of her long red dress. "Good then. I hope you have fun tonight! I'm really excited for fruitcake!"
His ears twitched up again in excitement, and Hilda gave him a light clap on the back, "cake is for after dinner."
Snuffy responded to her quip by sticking out his tongue playfully.
He trailed along behind Hilda for the most part; there were, of course, lots of wintery things to taste and smell, and a handful of people exchanging gifts and other displays of affection. At one point, Snuffy shyly asked Hilda if they could get one of the little knitted bears on display, so he could give it to the Wassail girl as a thank-you.
The dragon spent a long time just staring up into the night, marveling at the dancing colors that the town was dressed in. There were little lights of every color spilling over windows and along houses, twinkling and chasing each other like snow-pixies in the night.
As he wandered behind Hilda, the warm smells of roasted meat and hearty spices filled the air. All around, offerings were left on little altars or hung on evergreen trees. Candles flickered as some humans knelt to pray.
At one point, they came up to a small group of people before the fire, singing merrily. Though he didn't know the words, Snuffy's tail began to sway lightly to the melody.  He closed his eyes and let everything wash over him, then.
The night was crisp and cold, but the glow of the little town felt warm against Snuffy’s soul. This would be nice, after all.
The little town had welcomed the dragon with open arms.
With Hilda’s hand on his back, Snuffy took a seat at the long table, and took a deep sip of his Wassail, smiling.
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cogsincorporated · 1 year
It’s Been A Bit, Hiya
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I’m Sorry For Vanishing From the Face Of Every Social Media We Had To Draw Rainbow Friends and Rainbow Friends OCs and A.U.s and What-Not
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crypticalwitch · 7 months
Goretober days 7 and 8!
Two for one special today, featuring both of our happy couples
Tw for body horror
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They're just vibing!
Anywhere heres day 7s two different halves alone.
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They're having a cute date, but magic that withers at a touch can make things...strange
I wasn't kidding about Lucas melting, and while there are some benefits to dating magic users, the heat produced by moments of high emotion can make things... awkward.
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silverdeer · 7 months
In the beginning, it gave.
To its silver child, it gave a bit of an offcast. Something from everything that would come, but less than perfect. It watched her teach it how to breathe and how to move. But she could not teach it how to thrive.
It took the offcast from the silver child. The perfected offcast was given to its golden child.
The golden child loved it too much. He would not take from it. The golden child was promised new things, from which it would take.
When the silver child asked for why the offcast was taken, it denied ever giving it to her.
"Lying child, you stole it from your brother."
Then it made more. More beings that would praise it. To these, the silver child was forced to give. And from these, the golden child fed. But he was not praised. The silver one was.
"You don't deserve everything I have given you. Why can't you be like your brother?"
The golden child eventually had enough. He cornered his sister and took. He took everything he could, clawing at her heart.
The silver child eventually had enough. With the last of her strength, she threw him off. Her horns held his face away. But it was not enough. And the zygardes were too late.
The bloom of life made the golden child powerless, losing his luster and hunger. The scorch of death made the silver child weak, empty and silent.
It had enough. It took its golden child to a high place to rest, leaving the other to tarnish. It passed a judgement. Every millennia's dawn, the golden one will take from the silver. All so that all life would give it praise.
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ratscraftz · 2 years
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Thank you!
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“Door after closed-door after closed-door...the gauntlet tends to push people in the direction of the legislation that is there, which is medical assistance and dying, " said Fancy, who has started a GoFundMe to try to help Denise find better accommodations. "I've got a very significant concern that this is the tip of the iceberg," he added.
"Devastating," said Devorah Kobluk, a senior policy analyst with the Income Security Advocacy Centre in Toronto, part of Legal Aid Ontario. She says many people with disabilities are living far below the poverty line, giving them few options.
"There is an extraordinary cost of living with a disability that is unique to them and their disability. Wheelchairs are expensive, therapy...all these things cost extra," said Kobluk.
The larger issue of the purpose of medically assisted death in Canada also comes into play, say disability rights advocates. Initially approved by the Senate as a way of alleviating the suffering of those near death, it was expanded in March 2021 to those with chronic illnesses and disabilities.
"We've now gone on to basically solving the deficiencies in our social safety net through this horrific backdoor, not that anybody meant it that way, but that's what it's turned into," said David Lepofsky, disability advocate and Visiting Professor of Disability Rights at the Osgoode Hall Law School.
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dykeredhood · 2 years
No, my dears, the solution to John Mulaney siding with Dave Chapelle is not to immediately jump to another comedian and start up an idolizing parasocial relationship
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