#platonic glenn rhee
"fondness" LOL
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When -- directly after Scary as a sleepy kitten. We're back to season 2, slowpokes. We had taken a brief trip to pre-season 9 for Still beating
Is there a picture of baby Carl at the end as a prize? -- yes, just as Dale describes it to you!
What -- Andrea and Dale thought you and Daryl were a thing? Lol. But like why are you so defensive about it? While also being defensive about the mangy hick, oh, this is confusing...
Perspective -- 2nd person (you)
Pronouns - nada
Who -- You, Andrea, Papa Dale, and Glenn. Daryl's sleeping, he's concussed and fell down a ridge twice with a bolt hole in him, he needs his rest.
How long is this one? -- shorter, about 10 minutes!
TWs -- a few cusses, and reference to Carol's spousal abuse
Reading assignments -- How's your head? Part 2, then souls stripped bare if you want more emotional context, as well as Invisible tugging strings Part 1 but especially -> Part 2 , then Spell your last name, please. , He hasn't been himself, and Scary as a sleepy kitten.
All that for reading assignments?? -- reading is healthy, y'all :P
Choose your fighter: The Full + Official Masterlist vs Chronological Slowpoke Chapters Only (reading them in publishing order as opposed to chronological order is recommended)
have fun and happy reading!
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“Ah, the culprit behind Andrea’s little conclusion. How are you?”
Dale finishes matching a pair of socks as he responds with a quiet chuckle, “Just fine, I hope. I see now that the conclusion caused some…offense?”
“Don’t be silly, Mr. H, you meant nothin’ by it,” you play off, and start to help his sort through the pile of clean, dry socks.
“‘Meant nothing by it’ implying there was some offense taken.”
You tuck in your lip, and meant to return eye contact, but you’re still feeling strange about the whole mix-up. With the simple words, “nazi-bike,” you tell him what you consider a fair reason to have taken some offense.
20 minutes ago
“Y/N, I didn’t realize,” Andrea says, slowly walking beside you.
“Realize what?”
“You two.”
“Me, too? What’d I do?” Is she talking about how you’ve got the medical wrap on your upper arm, maybe? “Do you mean this?” you question, looking down at your shoulder.
She peers at you, head tilted to the side.
“You and Daryl,” she softly clarifies. “It was Dale who wondered first, after you had to excuse yourself.”
Me and Daryl? “What’d we do?” Perhaps she's referring to the search today? Andrea isn’t one to not speak her mind, you wonder why she’s not being more succinct. She doesn't know about you having shot that guy. Dale has an idea, but he's tight-lipped about it.
“So, you and he…?” she trails off.
So, you start to fill her in about the search. “Before Daryl found the doll, we’d—”
—OH WAIT, now you get it!
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Once you figured it out, your hands were raised in innocence and you kept your voice lowwww. “Ain’t nothing romantic happened between us two.”
And you weren’t fully sure why you were going into defensive mode so hard, either, but there you went. “C’mon, Andy, there’s a fuckin’ nazi symbol on his drug dealing, motorcycle gang bike,” you’d grit, doing your best to play if cool regardless of how weirdly defensive you’d gotten.
Forcing a smile to cover up for that fact that you licked your teeth in annoyance, you finished up, “He’s my friend, but that right there would be a deal breaker off the bat for aught else. And besides, back at the quarry, we noticed he didn’t seem into people.”
“I’m not entirely sold on that. Maybe, it’s simply that he’s shy and careful and not a pig like his brother was.”
Andrea then had peered at you as if she could see something you couldn’t, which disturbed and annoyed and for some reason thrilled you even more.
You thought about it, and supposed that he did seem to blush that time Amy was headlighting after the first rainstorm at the camp. A squall had come out of nowhere. Last time she ever wore that shirt without a tank top underneath.
Anyway, Daryl had immediately turned his head away, in fact, as opposed to (Merle, obviously, but also) even Glenn, who’d frozen when he’d seen. Amy didn’t know who’d been gaping, but you’d been on the hunt for anyone objectifying your new friend, so had been darting your eyes around like a cat getting ready to pounce, and took inventory of every glance.
That Daryl turned his head so readily was the main reason you’d felt safe enough to ask if him if he’d teach you how to hunt, in all honesty…
“It was his brother’s bike, not his,” Andrea next stated, very like the way older siblings will talk down to younger ones. “Merle was the head, and the dealer. Would you want to be held accountable for what your brother does, his choices?”
That simple reminder made your bow your head, and you could hear your pulse begin to thrum in your ears. You wouldn’t want to be held to Shane’s choices and actions. You still couldn’t (can’t) wrap your head around the fact that he’d just flirted with Lori. And kept flirting after she’d clearly been alarmed by it.
“Something Merle once said made it sound like Daryl wasn’t a big part of the gang,” Andy went on.
However, you got even more defensive at what you were taking as insistence of Dale and Andrea’s little conclusion. “And? He still rode or, or at least hung with them. He still wears the cut sometimes.” 'Sometimes' meaning that spate of a few days when he was particularly sad about Merle...
“‘Cut?’” she repeated, then remembered, “Oh, I remember learning that from Sons of Anarchy, it’s the um, that’s the Boy Scout vest that bikers wear, right?”
Ha. You were cracking up despite yourself, that was funny. Boy Scout vest.
“As for the bike,” Andrea added mildly, “painting over that symbol isn’t on his radar. I mean, routine hygiene isn’t on his radar.”
Nope, you weren’t defensive at all. “…So he’s grimy and desensitized to a nazi symbol. It’s a match.”
With a tut very-like what your eldest sister would make, she stated, “I didn’t remember what the symbol on the bike stood for at first, and I'm a civil rights lawyer. I thought they were stylized lightning bolts.” You heard her breathe deeply as she rested her arms on the livestock fence. “The symbol, the one on Merle’s bike, what’s it mean again?”
“Shoots-stah-full.” You’re bad at pronouncing it and were feeling embarrassed, so spoke it shyly. “SS is easier to say.”
“They were the secret police?” she checked.
“The secret police was the gestapo, the SS were another sort of special branch. Über-jarheads, I guess.”
“See? I only really remembered the swastika as being a nazi symbol, until you and Dale were talking about the symbol on the bike. It’s not unreasonable to think some things in Daryl’s education were forgotten or missed, too.”
That was the point in the conversation when the private knowledge of him having gotten lost for 9 days, as a young child, and without anyone looking for him, slapped you in the metaphorical face.
Why did you react so strongly to her assumption in the first place? It’s not a big deal. You’d have probably assumed the same. Like, for goodness sake, you were the one who couldn’t keep the pet names for him from going on parade little over an hour ago. You'd cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead in relief that he was alive!
Either way, there was a (…sane?) inner battle in your head between being offended at Andrea and Dale’s conclusion versus being offended at your own negative reaction to it.
Bitch, he tossed the ‘hard stuff’ this morning, obviously he isn’t a user.
Still ran with the dealers, still was complacent and complicit with it all. And think about how cruelly he insulted you earlier today, how scary he was? You were expecting it to turn into his backhand. It’s something that was plainly done to him, you think he’s unlearned that yet? No, because you remembered how he grabbed you by your arm and dragged you back at the house until you cussed him out.
But then he apologized. Then, when you needed help, he carried you gently and made sure it wasn’t hurting you. You saw how careful he was being, and he isn’t good with touch.
Then he stole Mr. Greene’s horse instead of just asking like a normal person.
He also gave Carol that flower and told her the story to go with it, and meant it.
Before drinking about four beers last night and was hardly buzzed from it.
He carried, buried, and mourned that family of strangers with you today, he’s not some selfish deadbeat, Y/N!
Well, he chain smokes and drives a nazi bike!
And still almost died today three times to give the group—to give Carol—concrete proof that her baby girl’s been near.
Fine! Explain away the r-a-c-i-s-m.
That mangy hick saved Glenn’s life, he saved T-Dog’s life twice. He gave Jacqui extra root beer when she said she loved it, helped the Morales kids learn to throw a punch (and a kick). Y/N, he’s clearly doing some kind of weeding of the bad stuff in him and letting good things take their place, idiot, are you stu—
“Y/N. It wasn’t an attack on you, or a judgment. Amy told me how,” Andy paused to think of a good verb, “discerning you are when it comes to things like that. How strong your boundaries are. And how hesitant you’ve been to enter into a relationship for those reasons.”
She was diplomatic and tactful, you were grateful. You’d have just said ‘old-fashioned, kinda scared, comparatively prudish.’ Lol.
Crossing her arms as she walked, she then drove home, “Maybe I would have trusted your decision, if there was a ‘you two.’”
A slightly stammered “Okay,” was the best you could do right in terms of responding. Let’s be real, sentences aren’t your strong suit on a good day, never mind today.
Andrea stuck her hands into her belt loops and she ambled alongside the fence. You followed, looking out at the cows. One of them had twin calves.
“You gave him the benefit of the doubt before any of us,” she reminded you. “Are you backtracking?”
Your voice cracked when you tried to insist, “I ain’t backtracking on that, it’s j-just been a long day.”
“It’s been something else,” Andrea softly agreed. Her pace slowed a little and she placed her hand on your back as she continued toward the nearest cow field. “I saw Carol washing your stuff. Where’d the bloodstains come from?”
You shrugged. “My stitches ripped.” Ohh damn it, you said it out loud. “Wait, Andy, don’t—please don’t let Shane find out,” came out of your mouth in such a desperate tone of voice that you couldn’t not see a red flag.
“Oh, I won’t.” Andrea’s lips pursed, and she put a hand on her hip. “He’s been acting up.”
One word for it. You closed your eyes, and mumbled, “Thank you. He has been.”
“It doesn’t seem like you to hide stuff from him.”
Hide stuff? “No, it’s the…” After inwardly tugging the halyard to get that red flag down, you give up. Let it fly; you were hiding stuff from your brother, plain fact. Still are. For now, at least.
Andrea said nothing more about it. Again, you were grateful. You also felt stupid.
You stood there in silence for a few minutes, listening to the breeze, the mooing, the birds chirping, the cicadas buzzing.
Once the sun was halfway set, she lead the way back.
“At any rate, back to what we were discussing,” she relaxed her position and gave you something of a teasing smirk. “T-Dog is convinced Daryl’s a good guy, too, so what does that tell you?”
“That Teddy’s a saint,” you answered quietly, mouth twisting into an embarrassed grin. You may or may not sometimes remind her of what a catch you think T-Dog is combined with the fact that he’s single and in her age range. “Andy, where was all this goin’?”
“I have no idea, at first I thought I was being supportive,” she chuckled. “I guess: Daryl is proving to be a different man than we thought. And I’d say you know that better than anyone here.” She inhaled, then made a slight groan. “And, well, I did just shoot him, so maybe I’m biased.”
You held back a giggle. “So you’re tryin’ to set Daryl up to make amends?”
“Mmhm,” she sassed back. “Guess I’ll need a more willing victim.”
“Understood, let’s find Carol, she's half in love with him after today.”
“Perfect, let's get her. She’s probably hanging laundry,” was her initial sarcastic agreement. After a few steps in silence, she grew serious. “Carol needs to learn her worth before we can let a man near near her again. Especially one like Daryl.”
The first half of her statement sent you in for a hug. But the second sentence in her statement put you right back on defense and simultaneous offense. What came out of your mouth as you sought clarification, however, was unproductive. “Seriously?”
Per usual, Andrea remained unruffled. She held a hand up. “Based on what I know, your bar is high enough to do pull-ups on. Now, you’d help hoist someone up to your bar—and would kick off anyone who tried to lower it.” She gave you a pointed look. “Carol’s bar wasn’t only low, Y/N, it was taken down and used to beat her.”
The mental image struck right in the gut.
Blindly, you followed her past the grove of trees where Otis’ cairn lay, so offered a quick blessing in your head for him.
She turned back to look at you. “Do you understand where I was coming from, Y/N?”
You had to swallow some of the emotion down first. “I think so.”
“You and him, I’d be fine with, because your bar is set high and firm. It would imply good things about Daryl.”
After a sniff, you thanked her, that was a very generous compliment. And unfortunately, unable to not be a weirdo, you mumbled this dumb comment: “I can’t be hoistin’ nobody up until my darn shoulder is healed.”
“The motorcycle was Merle’s,” Dale lightly defends. Same response as Andrea, but with more of an understanding tone of voice. He was raised Jewish and lost family during the Holocaust, you know that.
Still, why didn't he react with more gusto, then? You hum and end up matching a sock somewhat aggressively. Which is not a sentence you’d ever have imagined thinking.
“Y/N, you can’t fault the man for accepting his dead brother's gas-friendly, easily repairable and reliable mode-of-transport that can go places bigger vehicles cannot. Him being able to go ahead and scope out the roads has been a boon. The emotional connection to the bike in itself would be understandable.”
“Yes, sir.”
He sighs. “My first thought was one of…how to describe it, uh, it was an...” he considers for a moment. “I suppose the best word is ‘confidence’ in Daryl’s character, if you had taken a shine to him.”
“‘Taken a shine to him?’”
“You know, a fondness for each other.”
“A 'fondness?'”
“Though I suppose the camaraderie that you two have is a commendation for him in itself,” he went on, eyeing you with something of an exasperated look. Good humored, though.
You scratch your nose. “I think we all have some kind of camaraderie or, y’know, a ‘shine’ with him after today.” It would be impossible not to. “To be fair, I couldn’t stop callin’ him pet names earlier. There’ve been a lot of up and downs we’ve gone through together the past few days, I’m not lookin’ too deep into it.” And you were merely so relieved that he was alive after getting grazed by that bullet, which is why you pressed your forehead to his and gave it a kiss.
“And he was injured, a circumstance which tends to encourage terms of endearment,” he kindly agreed. “Nothing wrong with that, kiddo. And there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that he’s not so bad.”
Nodding, Dale points his finger after matching another sock. “For me, what solidified it was when he found out that T-Dog had the blood infection.” He pressed his thumb and pointer finger together. “The man immediately gave us those antibiotics, as well as some painkillers.”
The recollection of that blessed relief trickled from your belly down to your toes and fingertips. And hearing that it had been done ‘immediately’ sent a tightness to your throat. You swallowed.
“However, it was before that, at the quarry, when I really started to trust that the, uh,” he raised his brows, then grinned briefly. “That the ‘first impression’ wasn’t accurate in several ways. One, I imagine you will remember, it was a few days prior to the supply run to the city. The last supply run, as it were.”
You nod. You’d been barred from going due to an uptick in getting migraines the previous two-ish weeks. Must’ve been the barometric pressure or something.
“Daryl had been looking for you, found fresh tracks close to the campsite, if I recall.”
Just then, Glenn walks over with his mouth full of something—oh snap, he’s got a container of honey wheat pretzels. Yay!
He plunks it in the middle of you and Dale and begins to help with the sock-sorting and laundry folding.
Like a starving Dickensian orphan, you zero in on the pretzels and quickly stuff a few too many into your mouth. Glenn finds this very funny, cracks up, and now you’re trying not to snarf as you desperately try to chew and swallow.
“I gave half my supper away,” you do your best to enunciate as you crunch.
“Glad you’re doing better after passing out earlier.”
You press a finger to your lips and subtly shake your head, just in case your brother would somehow overhear it.
“Anyway,” Dale gets back to it, with a handful of the pretzels for his own, “after I explained to him that you were indisposed, he seemed irked, wandered off. Some time later, however, he came back to me with a sports drink in his hand, asking if you’d left your tent yet. It seems that he intended the beverage to go to you.”
The memory kicks in and, mid-motion and mid-chew, you stop reaching to grab the mate to the sock in your hand. Another sensation spreads through your belly, a nice but nervous one. Your eyes flit up at Dale, who paused to take a drink from his water bottle.
“I hadn’t seen you or Amy leave your tent at that point, so let him know,” he narrated, capping his bottle again. “Except, on his way back to his and Merle’s spot, he slowed and crouched to look under the truck. Then, he held out the bottle.” Dale next makes a chuckle that probably qualifies as a ‘guffaw,’ it’s a proper old man belly-laugh. “And to my quite vocal alarm, a skinny, pale little arm popped out from underneath and took it!”
The name “Gollum?” is the unfortunately first thing that enters into your head and, yes, you say it out loud…but it’s cool, because Glenn happens to say at the same time, “Like Sméagol.”
“You’re such a nerd.”
“Look who’s talking, dork,” he pokes right back.
“My mind went to the two children hiding behind the Ghost of Christmas Present’s cloak, personally,” Dale muses, then continues the story. “Daryl wandered off on his way after that, but, naturally, I hopped down from the RV to see who on earth was under there." He lifts a shoulder. "I bend down to see who but our young Carl! The boy had already drunk half the bottle, said he felt much better for having done so. It seems he’d felt sick before and crawled under the truck to escape from the sun.”
Daryl gave your Carl a gatorade, too, and said not a word about it.
Good Moses, just when you thought you’d tamped down any notion of irrational affectionate feelings toward that mangy hick...
“With that, little Luis came dragging Miranda over with a cup of water—Miranda had been watching the boys while Lori was out foraging for mushrooms, Eliza must have been with Sophia and Carol.” Another sip from his water bottle. “Mmm. Those mushrooms were a treat,” he said mainly to himself. "Y/N, he found you later and gave you the beverage before you washed up, if I'm not mistaken? He came by with another bottle, I directed him to the quarry lake after seeing you head down with a wash bucket."
You nod. Was it obvious that you flushed when he told you the story?
Because you feel flushed, and that’s with the cool breeze outside this evening. You fold a shirt. Some undies. Match another pair of socks…then you figure you should say something, you’ve been too quiet and Dale is looking at you expectantly. “C-Carl does have a way of, uh, slippin’ out of sight.”
“Like a hobbit.”
“Just like a hobbit, Glenn, the boy coulda burgled us blind.”
Your friend remains mock-serious. “He still might.”
“He’s a tricksy one.” And with that, you take more pretzels. Maybe if you feed the butterflies in there, they’ll get tired and nap. Or, if you stuff enough into your belly, there won’t be enough room for them to fly.
“Hey, saw Shane’s setting up his own tent,” your friend mentions.
“Mm. Privacy will be nice.” You kept your face and voice nonchalant, except for maybe searching a little too intently for the matching sock that was plainly in front of yo—owww, you reached too far with your bad arm.
When you found out from Lori last night about the new baby and who the biological father potentially might could be, it’d felt like the seed of dread that had taken root in you however many months back, regarding Shane, had blossomed.
Now, after you caught him flirting with a very unreceptive and visibly shaken Lori, it feels like the plant shot up and was now pushing against your insides. It’s a wonder the irrational butterflies in your stomach even have room.
“That sound good, Y/N?”
Glenn nudges you with the side of his foot. “Can you join?”
“Join what?”
“I told you, head was in the clouds,” Dale commented, kindly razzing you.
“Jimmy and I are playing board games later, we want you to come. Beth will be there, too. And maybe Maggie? I-I don’t know…” His cheeks turn purple-red. “Sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds real good. On the porch?”
“Cool. I’ll be right in the house tonight, anyhow.”
“No way?”
“Way. Daryl needs overnight supervision, I think Carol might will be helping, too?”
Dale looks up from his lap. “Oh, did he enjoy the spam and eggs that she made for him?”
“Not sure, he was asleep last I knew.”
“Ah, that’s right, yes,” he remembered. “Well, maybe in that case she’ll have the pleasure of watching him eat and enjoy. I tell you, it smelled heavenly. She was very intent on making something special for him.”
The first half of what you said was totally innocuous, if maybe on the wishy-washy side.“Who could blame her? After today, she’s probably half in love with the guy.”
But then you followed it up with, “Who isn’t?” and you knew right then that you’d misspoken.
Dale’s made a point to keep his eyebrows level, as if that would help him hide his surprise and suppressed grin better.
But Glenn was under no such pretense, and your best friend dead-ass coughed his mouthful of pretzel.
“Dude—” you go to say.
He held up his hands after getting the pretzel bits off them. “I didn’t say anything.”
You held up yours, too. “I was bein’ objective.”
“Okay, Amy,” he said regarding your choice of word. Amy liked the word ‘objective.’
“Calling me that’s a compliment.”
“We are all objectively in love with Daryl?” he repeated. “Isn’t that a little…wait. Dude, are you saying you—”
“—It was hyperbole.”
“But you’re not, like, do you like him?”
“Now, Glenn,” Dale starts.
That surge of both self-defense that people would think you’d be into a grating racist or that one would be into you collided and was catalyzed with protectiveness against the poor man. That wonderful sumbitch has been on a solid redemption arc, let anybody try to deny it. “Define ‘like.’”
“Like like.”
“Bless your heart, no!” What is with people today? “However, I want you to think back over how he was when we done first met that mangy hick, to today, in terms of his behavior. Try and make like he ain’t grown. Don’t you love a good redemption arc?”
Glenn considered it. “Fair.”
The awful thought that Glenn might not believe you and might think less of you only worsens the mosh pit that is your stomach right now. “I’m gonna, um, g-go grab some of my stuff, bring it inside.”
“Wait, bumpkin, I wasn’t trying to, like—I meant it more as, um,” he can’t seem to get the wording right.
You’re making it worse, man. “Dude, it’s cool, you didn’t mean nothing by it.”
“But like—”
“—Glenn, I’ma start chargin’ a quarter for you using too many ‘likes’ per sentence.”
“Perfect, I’ll charge you for talking too hillbilly.”
Eh. You reckon admit you’ve been speaking a lot more twangy now than you had been at the quarry camp. There’d just been so many new people, you’d toned it down. Maybe being around more folk people who talk like you is why you’ve let it fly. “It’s a deal.”
“Good — you owe a quarter for saying ‘when we done first met’ Daryl,” he races to say.
“And you owe me one for how many likes you done sprinkled durin’ this here conversat—shoot! Did that count?”
Dale, entertained by the looks of it, cuts in, “See, this is why I’ve been thinking that you two had a fondness for each other.”
“Aw, hear that, buttface?” you giggle, folding the last undershirt from the pile.
“Fondness.” He makes an exaggerated curious face and strokes what would be there if he had a mustache.
“You two expect me to believe there wasn’t fondness between you two?” Dale remarks with a bit of a tut thrown in.
“There still is, it’s just different now,” you insist. And immediately hop into gear to (gently) bust your friend’s balls. “Especially now that Glenny-boy here’s got his eye on a certain mystery lady.”
He’s right there with you. “And now that Y/N’s apparently hopelessly in love with Daryl.”
“There’s such fondness,” you barely manage to say without laughing, as much as it makes your newly stitched abdomen ache.
Dale sighs and throws back a gulp of his water as if it were something stronger. “Glenn, just tread lightly with the certain mystery lady, is all I ask. And Y/N, kiddo,” he looks at you. And winks? “I trust you completely with Daryl.”
“What?” Glenn protests, to which you just slap your leg and snicker “Ha!”
“If between you, there ever was a…” Dale pauses long enough for you to see the twinkle in his eye. “Fondness.”
And here's the picture from Dale's memory
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-> Masterlist link here <-
and our teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338 @its-freaking-bats​​​​ @whistlesalot​​​​ @buffy-the-assbutt-slayer​​​​  @dreamingaboutthewonderland @kwazii-kat​ @darylsmavis​​​​​  @outlanderhornet22​​​​​ @battinsonrobs @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @multiifandomhoe @writingmybeloved @boomergirl123 @iheartathena0 @moonliight-luv @suniloli @supernaturalgirl02 @cnake-garden @daryldixmedown
(inbox is open if you would like on or off the taglist, slowpokes. Please don’t feel bad or nervous if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, just let me know! We’re all friends here and your comfort level matters!)  
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Random person in Alexandria: Wow, your group is so strong. What’s it like being with them?
Y/N: Well, imagine being with some completely mature, civilized, and responsible people
Random person: Oh, wow! That’s great-
Y/N: *having flashbacks to every chaotic moment that has ever gone on with everyone* Now throw that image out the window
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scarisd3ad · 8 months
Promptober day 7 - “do you think it’s Halloween yet?”
Pairing - (s2)Carl grimes x fem!reader (platonic)
Warnings - none
Promptober ‘23 masterlist
Main masterlist
A/n - both Carl and reader are 12 in this fic and there is nothing romantic about it just a cute conversation between 2 kids who survived the apocalypse, Glenn is like readers guardian (like how lee is to Clem in twdg or Joel is to Ellie in tlou)
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carl and I are sat in the grime's tent talking about what we miss from the old world. "I miss chicken nuggets" I whisper with a smile. he laughs "I miss...Halloween...do you think its Halloween yet?" he asks with his brows furrowed. I furrow my eyebrows too trying to calculate how long since it's been since the world had ended. the world ended in august, and it's been at least a few months since well that's what Glenn told me. "Maybe I think its October already" I reply I sit up onto my knees and pop my head out of the tent. "Lori, do you think its Halloween yet?" her brows furrowed as she looks up at me and carl who both have out heads popped out of the tent. "I don't know maybe, why do you ask?"
carl and I both giggle before popping our heads back into the tent. "Maybe I can get Glenn to sneak us some candy when he goes back to that pharmacy" I whisper with a smile. he nods "you should ask where is he?" carl asks, and I shrug "I dunno maybe our tent" I reply "go ask..go ask" I agree and quickly get out of the tent and run to Glenn and i's tent. he's sat near it in a fold out camping chair. "Glenn, Glenn!" I shout breathlessly as I stop in front of him. his brows furrow together "what is it did you get hurt? see a walker?" he asks worriedly. I shake my head and smile "can you get me and carl some candy when you go to that pharmacy again?" he laughs as he rolls his eyes playfully. "If they have any left" he says softly.
2 days later
Glenn had finally gone back to the pharmacy, so now I'm stuck waiting around for him to come back to the farm. he returns back to the farm in the afternoon. "Glenn!" I shout as he arrives back on the horse he had took. I run up to him and the horse as he gets off of it. he kneels down in front of me, and I whisper, "did you get it?" he chuckles and nods as he reaches into his bag and hands me two chocolate bars. I throw my arms around his shoulders hugging him. "Thank you Glenn" I whisper as he pats at my back lovingly. I pull away and immediately run towards where our groups tents are set up.
"Carl! Carl!" he's sat in his family's tent "look! look!" I say showing him the two chocolate bars. his eyes widened as I crawl into the tent. I hand him a bar and we both immediately open them.
"Where did you guys get those?" Lori asks as she spots both of us with the candy.
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misterier · 2 years
what about carl grimes x male reader who is glenn’s younger brother?? maybe the reader was split up from glenn and was reunited with him at alexandria. also could the reader be pretty outgoing, sociable, and funny (a bit of a flirt too??). honestly do whatever you want with it i just crave carl grimes ❤️❤️❤️
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|| I thought this was an episode and spend days going over episodes and giving up so I just decided to make my own, I'm sorry this took so long bro! And sorry its kinda short n sucky I had no idea what to do 😭
You were really beginning to regret asking your brother to take you and your boyfriend for a hunt, the three of you were completely apart. Man you were scared as hell, your machete was firmly squeezed into your fists, humor was your survival mechanism so you had to make some kind of joke right? Nothing better than being out in the middle of nowhere by yourself. "Knock knock?" You wondered, laughing at yourself, "Who's there?" You answered, not even two hours of being alone and you were losing it. "Interrupting cow" "Interrupting cow wh-" "MOO!"" You whisper shouted, practically cackling while swinging your machete in your hand aimlessly.
You'd heard the same joke three times already, and you were getting sick of it. You stopped in the middle of the woods and slapped yourself hard across the face, and bounced on your feet quickly as if you were about to box someone, get your head in the game man. You’re gonna find them. All of the sudden you were grinning again, you had this. You’re going to get back to your boyfriend and your brother.  
At this point you were running through the leaves, not a care in the world as you strained your voice to call out the boys’ names. “CARL! GLENN-” “Y/n?” Your head spun quicker than a gun barrel “Carl!” You beamed clenching your machete and running full force to him so you could tackle him. Carl's arms were held out wide for you a relieved smile on his face.
The two of you held each other tightly, gripping at eachothers jackets for dear life. "I missed you," muttered Carl against your neck while he nearly destroyed your ribs with the mere force of his hug. 
You pulled away with a confident smile, “It's only been like an hour? You really love me allot huh?” Carl’s face flushed red and he attempted to hide it with his hat “No- I mean- I love you but I’m not like- desperate or anything.”
You couldn't contain your laughter and your burst out in cackles while he stood embarrassed, “Shut up!” You smiled back up at him and raised your hands in surrender. “Fine, we have to find Glenn anyway.”
Your boyfriend nodded and grabbed your free hand and walked with you through the thick woods, “’M pretty sure we split up ‘round here,” He said firmly and let go of your hand, his head turning constantly to look in the trees on one side while you looked through the rest. You could hear the sound of Alexandrians talking amongst themselves, you where close to home and you still had no idea where Glenn was.
“Just look at us, all alone.” You flirted in a joking manner, moving closer to elbow your boyfriend who slapped your arm and scoffed, also joking. “Y/n! There could be baby squirrels out here!” You both burst into loud laughter. You grinned at your boyfriends laughing face and planted a soft kiss to his cheek and you felt something hit your shoulder, you turned confused, apparently Carl was hit as well because he looked in the same durriction.
You turned to look up slowly, low and behold, Glenn was up in the tree, his legs dangling down and a smile spared on his face. “You boys are gross.” The older man scoffed, jumping down to his feet. 
You lifted your hand to create an ‘L’ with your thumb and index but Glenn just ruffled your hair. “Come on, dinners probably done by now.” You and Carl rolled your eyes but followed eagerly after him.
Your smiles were contagious Glenn found his cheeks hurting after just looking at the two of you holding hands and grinning ear to ear. The thing you two had was absolutely adorable.
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leojago · 1 year
⧼ˏˊ˓ A run with glenn for supplies (season 1-2)
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book-place · 7 months
Idk if anyone knows but in case you don’t I write for TWD if anyone wants to send in any requests :)
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theodorelore · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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❊ rick grimes
❊ daryl dixon
❊ carl grimes
❊ michonne
❊ carol peletier
❊ maggie greene
❊ negan
❊ glenn rhee
❊ ezekiel
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kermit-coded · 1 year
dyke4himbo truly is the relationship dynamic of all time
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puppypopcornpizza · 8 months
hey pookie idk if ur taking fic requests but a man can dream!!! so if u are, could you do something like ur angsty fics with daryl (idk if you've done them for others) with glenn where it's either gn or male and reader is just kinda like exhausted and not eating
if u don't want to or don't feel comfortable feel free to ignore!!!!! have a good day
Hi, nonny, I don't mind requests at all! I'm just typically more comfy with characters I've already written a lot of, but I gave it a crack just for you. I've written Glenn a total of maybe 6 or 7 lines of dialogue before this fic lmao.
I made it so their relationship is platonic, I hope that's okay!
I hope you're doing well, remember you are loved.
Warnings ➳ massive caution tape, flickering light warning for eating disorders and depression, pls be safe
Pairing ➳ Glenn Rhee x Platonic GN!reader
Word Count ➳ 710
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Alexandria's roads sparkled with rain, petrichor hanging in the late afternoon. Gravel crunched under their boots, weary footsteps accompanied only by the scattered chirp of a bird or cricket. Fatigue seemed to seep into the very wildlife surrounding the community.
Their limbs, heavy as they felt, moved unthinkably down the asphalt. Muscles tense but exhausted, an unbearable weight in their chest yet a feeling of moving underwater. The contradictions felt the most infuriating.
"Hey!" Glenn's voice echoed from behind them, heavy steps approaching before he fell into step. A look of happy recognition falling into immediate concern and their stomach twisted itself into knots at the coddling neither of them knew was needed.
"You okay?" But that wouldn't stop Glenn from trying.
"Yeah," they breathed shortly, shooting him what could only be described as a grimace in an attempt for comfort. It only worsened their situation.
Glenn spun and continued walking backwards, his focus fully on them and they wanted the ground to swallow them at the scrutiny from their friend.
"I'm fine, Glenn," a more convincing smile this time round. "Really."
His eyes narrowed before hands gripped their shoulders to a halt, sighs and a look to the side to avoid his gaze. They couldn't hide hollow eyes and the sway in their stance.
But then his face changed once more, and their heart shattered in their chest as eyes finally locked. He knew.
"Again?" His shoulders fell, hands still firmly planted on them and an anguish taking over his features. The crack in his voice was what had their so carefully built up facade crashing down into pieces.
They bit their tongue, hands trembling before balled into weak fists and Glenn was the only thing holding them upright in that moment. Gaze fell to their shoes, how could they look at him? Why would he want to see them?
"I'm…" But that would be a lie, an insincere apology to provide false comfort to the one whose mind was clear and fingers stayed steady.
Time felt like limbo in that moment, in the moment where he pieced together patterns that had repeated and tangled until the start couldn't be determined from the end. Until they all blurred in a horrid weave of stupidity.
Because they were stupid, they had to be. They couldn't tell the difference from the walkers outside the walls and their own reflection most days, more often than not, they avoided their own eyes completely.
"What…" Gears turned at rapid speeds in his head; working out a plan and determining solutions that they both knew would end them right back where they stood now.
"You shouldn't have to-"
"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna let you deal with this on your own," and he said it with such certainly, such unwavering belief that they almost believed him.
They wanted to believe him - more than anything.
"Let me help, me and Maggie." Words urged further, leaning down to make sure their gazes locked. "Please."
When words stuck heavy in their throat, he continued. His hands still held their shoulders firmly, they knew his fingers felt the trembling beneath.
"And even if we can't help, just let us be there." They searched his eyes for traces of a joke or malice, it seemed idiotic to even consider the idea of a lie because it was Glenn. "Lean on us."
Swallowing the lump in their throat, eyes fell to their boots once more and the disagreement sat on their tongue.
But why? Did they believe themself so unworthy of help that even the idea, the mere thought of healing made the wicked voice in the back of their mind scream to spin around and never speak to him again? To continue fabrications of, "I've eaten already," and, "No, I'm not hungry."
Because as loud and as awful as that voice was, they were tired. Exhausted of waking to trembling fingers and a mind that couldn't fucking think. They could barely find the energy to wave greetings with false niceties and find excuse after excuse to not go on runs because they knew they'd only be a liability.
So they swallowed their pride, along with that screaming voice wailing in disapproval.
And they nodded their head.
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wolfish-nightmares · 3 months
Days Gone By
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Pairings: platonic!Glenn Rhee x reader, platonic!Carl Grimes x reader 
Era: Season 1
Warnings: TWD gore and violence. Bad language. Death.
Category: Fluff, Angst.
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: After joining the group in the quarry, you grow closer to some of the group members and make enemies out of others. 
Game of Survival Masterlist
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The quarry was like a gift from the universe. Spending endless days in the woods made living in the quarry like an expensive spa resort. Having other people to talk and interact with became a grace from your slowly slipping sanity. Never before would you have believed that not having the constant background noise of other people, going about their lives, would have bothered you, but now, you almost craved it.  
Pushing open the flap of your tent, you stepped out into the blinding sun. As much as it hurt your eyes, it did feel good to no longer be under the constant shadow of trees. Being here felt like there wasn’t impending doom lurking around every corner. It allowed you to relax a little. 
But not completely. 
A figure moved into your peripheral, and your body tensed as you grabbed the handle of your knife. You shifted your back to the tent, so you had a view from almost all sides. All that time in the woods had rewired you in a way, you had become untrusting and alert. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Glenn spoke softly as he came more into your field of vision. He moved slowly and spoke like he was trying to soothe a wild animal. “I was just wondering if you were going to get breakfast. I was going to offer to join you.” 
You felt a bit embarrassed now, you had fully overreacted. No geek, a name you picked up from Glenn, had come anywhere near camp since you arrived, and most of the people in camp didn’t seem to have some devious personality lurking beneath their smiles. Except for Ed Peletier or Merle Dixon, you wouldn’t trust those two for anything. 
“Ain’t your fault,” you let go of your knife and relaxed a bit. “Is there still oatmeal left?” 
Glenn smiled, “I saved us two bowls and some of those peaches you brought.” 
What was left of the canned food you had packed was given to the group. The peaches were the hardest thing to let go of, but the younger kids seemed so excited to see them. Reluctantly you let the peaches go to the group, fully thinking you’d never see them again, but of course, Glenn came to the rescue, saving you some.  
“Thanks, Glenn.” 
He smiled at you, “I think we should hurry up and go eat before the kids try to take what’s left of those peaches.” 
You chuckled softly and followed behind him to the main area. Your tent was a little further away from the others, not as far off as the Dixon’s but enough to give you some personal space away from the group. Sitting in the main area wasn’t your favorite thing to do, you had always hated being in large groups before, and now it was even worse. 
Glenn handed you a bowl of lukewarm oatmeal with some peaches on top. You gave him a small smile as thanks and sat down, digging your spoon into the bowl of mush. Oatmeal wasn’t a go-to breakfast option of yours, but now it was all you ever seemed to eat. 
The oatmeal didn’t have very much flavor, it was the generic oats in a can, so there was really nothing to be expected from it. The peaches, however, were like gold. You pushed them around until you had scraped every last bit of oatmeal from the bowl. You smiled to yourself once you had finished, you knew the juicy sweetness of the peaches would wash down the dry-tasting oatmeal. 
Using your spoon, you cut off a piece of the peach and ate it slowly. Never before would you have savored peaches so much but now with a lack of food, flavorful food, these peaches were practically a five-star Michelin dish. 
You scooped up another piece with your spoon, ready to savor it, and suddenly someone harshly shoved your shoulder. The spoon and the bowl both fell from your grip and landed on the dirt in front of the fire pit. You whipped around to face the asshole who ruined your breakfast and weren’t surprised to see Merle standing behind you with a proud smirk. 
“Sorry sweetheart, didn’t see ya there.”
Pushing yourself off the log, you stood up to him, “Like hell you didn’t see me. You wasted my fucking food, Merle.” 
“Looked to me like you was done, nothin’ but some scrappy peaches in there.”
Naturally, most teenagers didn’t have the best tempers, little things could quickly set the average young adult into a fit of emotions. Your temper had become short and your emotions came on strong. With Merle around it felt like he was just poking at the live wires of a bomb and it was only a matter of time before he set it off.  
This was going to be the fateful day that Merle finally sparked the explosion and everyone could tell that he was getting closer and closer to setting you off. There really was no surprise when you suddenly punched Merle in the face. You were preparing to hit him again when Glenn stepped in and pulled you away from him. 
Perhaps your reaction could have been considered an overreaction but in your mind, he deserved every bit of it. Ruining someone’s food was the highest offense in your book, and frankly, you were tired of Merle’s attitude.
“What the hell is going on here,” Shane’s demanding voice boomed from across the quarry. 
“Peaches here just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that’s all.” 
You could tell from the way he spoke, Merle still had that annoying smirk on his face. Fighting against Glenn’s grip, you tried to turn around to face him but Glenn held you tight. How the former pizza boy had such a good grip was beyond you. 
Once Shane came closer you turned to him, “Asshole here knocked my food out of my hand. That’s what’s going on.” 
Everyone in camp knew you and Merle would have an all-out brawl if Shane allowed it. The tension between you and him was thick enough you’d need a chainsaw to cut through it. Since day one, you two had been at each other’s throats, constantly. 
“I didn’t see the little one here, was just an accident.” 
Glenn’s grip loosened a bit and you turned around to look at Merle, “What? Did mommy and daddy not love you enough so you have to go around camp being an asswipe?” 
Your question must have really hit a nerve because Merle’s jaw clenched and he stepped forward, obviously coming to do something to you. 
“Listen here ya little bitch!”
Shane pushed him back and Glenn kept his arm out, stopping you from stepping forward as well. It was like trying to hold back two feral cats who were ready to have it out. 
“You two need to stop it, now!”
By now some of the others in the group had come over to see exactly what the problem was. Daryl had come over as well, placing his hand on Merle’s shoulder before Merle angrily shoved it off. You and Merle continued to stare at each other for a moment before he turned and stalked off into the woods. 
Glenn completely let go of you and stomped back to your tent. You wanted to go out hunting but you knew since Merle was out there, Shane would never let you go. He probably thought you’d kill him out there, not that you hadn’t considered it, so instead you just decided to sulk in the corner of your tent. You grabbed the book Glenn gave you and figured you could just kill time by reading. 
You weren’t in the tent long before someone came and tapped against the front flap. The new way to knock, brought to you by the apocalypse. You got up and unzipped the tent so whoever knocked could see you. 
Lori smiled at you, “Hey, I know you’re probably still upset but I was wondering if you’d be willing to watch Carl later today.” 
You usually sat and entertained Carl and Sophia while the others were cooking, foraging, or just doing laundry, so this was a usual request from Lori. Apparently, most of the adults believed that you’d be a good babysitter for some reason, and you had gotten stuck with that duty. There was nothing wrong with watching them, they were pretty self-entertained and if they did need you to entertain them it was pretty easy too. Most of the time you just had to keep them from wandering off or go with them when they wanted to pick flowers from the woods. In fact, your favorite thing to do was play with Carl and his toys. He was one of the most entertaining people in the camp, in your opinion. 
“Yeah, how much later?” 
“After lunch should be good. I want to go foraging again, see if I can find something.” 
Foraging, sure.
You nodded in response and she thanked you before leaving. For a while, you considered just staying in your tent until Lori needed you to watch Carl but it was too hot and too boring to be cooped up in your tent all day. If you couldn’t go hunting then you figured you should at least do some target practice. 
With your bow and arrows, you left the tent to head over to the tree you usually shot at. It had multiple markings of previous shots and there was an “x” etched into the bark. You ensured that the tree was far from the main camp so nobody could accidentally get hurt. 
For a moment you just stood there, watching the leaves sway from the slight breeze and listening to the songs of distant birds. It reminded you of hunting with your dad, staying still and quiet, just listening and watching the forest. A small smile crept across your face as you remembered what it was like out there. It was always so peaceful with your dad by your side, cracking a joke every once in a while or pointing out a pretty bird. You’d both talk about the next big project your mom wanted to start, claiming it would be a total disaster but you always had faith she’d find a way to pull it off. You would give everything in the world to go back to that. 
The sound of footsteps pulled you from your wishing and you looked over to see Shane walking toward you. You already knew that he was coming over to talk to you about your outburst with Merle. It happened every time, he’d come to find you after the big blow-up and give you some wanna-be lecture on why you should just leave Merle alone. 
“Look Shane, I know the drill, okay? I have an argument with Merle, it gets big and you come over to talk to me about the importance of peace in camp. I get it, I can practically recite it at this point,” you gave him a tired look. “Can you just leave me alone this time?” 
He ran his hand through his hair, “I didn’t come out here to lecture you. I just wanna talk.” 
“‘Bout what?”
“Look, I don’t know what happened to you before you got here-” 
“Stop,” you shook your head. “I’m not having this conversation with you.” 
You walked past him, not caring for what else he had to say. There were a few in the camp who asked what happened to you when this whole thing started but you never answered. Having to put your mother out of her misery was not something you’d want to relive.
“Hang on just a second,” he followed you and grabbed your shoulder, you turned and shoved him back. “Shit!”
“Don’t touch me! I said I’m not gonna talk about it so leave me alone!” 
By now, you were breathing hard and fighting back tears. You hadn’t given yourself time to grieve, and it left you bitter. It was why you never wanted to talk about it, the grief of what happened left you feeling hollow and shattered. It also made you angry, which was why you were so quick to jump to violence now, and how easily everything pissed you off. Even just thinking about it brought every buried emotion clawing to the surface. 
“I’m sorry, I won’t touch you. I just think it would be good for you to talk about it.” 
You stopped and stared at the ground as you tried to blink back the tears that were threatening to spill over. A part of you wanted to confide in him, to tell him what happened, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You could feel Shane’s presence behind you, waiting for you to say something, but instead, you just shook your head and walked away. 
Speed walking to Dale’s RV, you tried your best not to catch the attention of the others. You leaned your bow against the side of the RV but kept your quiver strapped to your back. The door was always unlocked so you didn’t bother to knock, swinging the door open and climbing inside. You ignored Dale and Andrea sitting at the table and made a beeline to the cabinets. In the very back of the cabinet, there was a small stash of food. 
When you first arrived and began giving your food to the group, Dale offered to keep a few things for you since he could see how badly you didn’t want to let it go. You decided to hide a can of ravioli, cherry pie filling, and a bag of jerky. 
Originally you planned to save it just in case something happened but today you really needed a pick-me-up. Grabbing the can of ravioli, you decided that would be your lunch for today.
“Forks are in the right top drawer,” Dale said, showing no surprise to what you were doing. 
You grabbed a fork and peeled back the lid of the can. The watery insides made you think of your childhood, back when Chef Boyardee was gourmet to you, the mini cans had been your go-to snacks after school. You saw them on the commercial and begged your mom to get them, she caved and they eventually became your comfort after a long day of school.
“Wait, you’re not even going to heat it up,” Andrea gave you a shocked look as you dipped your fork into the can. 
You shook your head as you speared a ravioli and popped it into your mouth, “‘s good straight out tha can.” 
Her face twisted in disgust, “Cold ravioli?”
“A delicacy.” 
Since you didn’t feel comfortable sitting right beside them, you liked your personal space, you went and sat in the driver's seat of the van and kicked your feet up on the dashboard. The seat allowed you to see what some of the others outside were doing. 
“So, other than the Merle incident, what else happened that warranted your little craving for canned ravioli?” 
Craning your neck, you looked back at Dale and chuckled, “What, you don’t think Merle was enough for me to need this? This right here,” you tapped the side of the can with your fork, “is the equivalent of a drink, the alcoholic type. Dealing with Merle, I definitely need a drink after that.” 
That earned a chuckle from both Andrea and Dale.
“You had a look on your face when you came in, something obviously bothered you out there.” 
Sighing, you sat the half-empty can down, “Shane tried to take a dig into my past again.” 
Both of them knew that Shane had tried a couple of times to get you to talk about what happened and they also knew that it was something you hated talking about. You had no idea why Shane seemed to want to know so badly. 
“Oh, that makes sense,” Andrea said, “It’s usually Shane or Merle that gets on your nerves.” 
You turned around and gave Andrea a deadpan look. Before you could say something to her, Shane came inside. 
“Speak of the devil,” you commented under your breath and Shane gave you an odd look before turning to Andrea. 
“We’re putting together a group to make a run. Figured you’d wanna join.” 
Andrea got up and left quickly but Shane stayed for a moment. You raised your eyebrow at him as you continued to eat. 
“Where’d you get that?”
“That can of food you’re eating right now.” 
You shrugged as you ate the last piece, “Dunno, just found it. You can have it if you want it.”
You held the now empty can out to him and he gave you an annoyed look before following Andrea outside. Since they were getting a group together, you figured it was time for you to go and watch Carl, so you got up and threw the can away. 
“See ya later, Dale.”
He waved at you as you left. You stopped and grabbed your bow before heading over to the main fire pit. Lori and Carl were already there, finishing their lunch. 
“Oh hi, I’m not going out right now but if you want you can sit with us,” Lori gave you a bright smile. 
“Yeah, that’s fine.” 
You sat on the log across from them and plucked at the string of your bow as you looked around awkwardly. Lori kept giving you small smiles whenever you made eye contact and it made you feel uneasy. You always felt odd when it came to her praise and thanks for looking after Carl. 
“Sorry I told you after lunch, I didn’t know Shane was planning a run,” Lori apologized. 
When Shane put runs together, Lori often stayed around to see who was going. You tried offering to go plenty of times but he always said no and put you on some other duty. That was another reason why he drove you so crazy. 
Looking over at the group you spotted Glenn among them and got up to go give him the usual goodbye when he went on runs. He saw you walking over and smiled. 
“Anything you want this time?” 
That was his usual question, always wanting to know if there was anything you wanted him to pick up for you. He had grabbed plenty of books for you on the last few runs. He even found you a book of word searches. 
You shook your head, “Nah, unless you find any cool bracelets, I’m good.” 
He nodded and you gave him a fist bump. That had become your usual goodbye, rather than actually saying the words. He turned to walk away but you lightly punched his shoulder. 
“Make sure you come back.” 
“I promise.” 
You gave him another smile and made your way back to Lori and Carl. Once you sat down, you looked back over at the group and saw Merle among them. You didn’t notice him come back. He made eye contact with you and he gave you a smirk and a sarcastic salute, something he often did when you caught his eye. You rolled your eyes and flipped him the bird, something you often did back to him. 
As the group went off, you silently hoped that all of them would come back, even that douchebag Merle.
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The first Christmas “without,” Pt. 1
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Hey now, traditionally Christmas was still celebrated until Candlemas, which is February 2nd. Just doing my part to keep the season bright with my lateness!
When - 35ish minutes after A fu---n’ great Christmas. It takes place in between season 2 and 3. That means heck yes, we’re doing a time skip after souls stripped bare
What - the first major holiday without loved ones is hard. The first major holiday without loved ones because one of your loved ones was killed by another loved one is somewhat harder. (for those who are newer Slowpokes, Shane was your older brother. Remember, he was at most your half-brother by blood. Imagine yourself as you are!)
**Note that some plot points haven’t actually been published yet, they are  merely discussed or alluded to because the series is non linear**  
Relationships - slow burn Daryl x Reader always, but this chapter’s Part 1 is focused on the found-family aspect of the TWD, specifically platonic Glenn x Reader. Part 2 will be focused on familial Rick x Reader. You’re still snuggled in the mangy hick’s poncho and wishing he didn’t smell so good, though
Perspective - 2nd person You
Pronouns? - ain’t even needed, y’all, but in Part 2 they/them
TWs? - discussion of respiratory percussion, some foul language, crying, discussion of grieving, and you and Glenn being nerds and quoting LOTR.
Word count - normal, but if you wait for Part 2 (arriving tomorrow), set aside some downtime and get comfy and snuggly in something cozy, dare I say a poncho, perhaps?
What stories to read or reread - “All of them!” the author cackles A fu--in’ great Christmas, The Chicken Swim, Too much thinking before bed, Part 2 and Ain’t nothin... are the ones most pertinent to this chapter.
Check out the Masterlist if you’d like to read all about your Slowpoke self :)
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35ish minutes later
Glenn calls out “Time!” and promptly hoists Hershel back up and onto the bench. He starts smacking the pillow the way you’d just been smacking the poor man’s back, then places it behind Hershel so he can relax. “There we go.”
“Thank you, son,” he coughs out. You’re worried that him getting the night off last night in honor of Christmas Eve was the wrong choice, but that’s by the by.
And it should be noted that postural positioning with gentle respiratory percussion isn’t quite ‘smacking’ in the usual sense of the word and isn’t violent in the least, but you still sort of want to cry every time you do it to him.
The last position requires Mr. Greene to angle face-downward with his hips above his lungs; it’s that position that gets people emotional sometimes because y’all achieve this by his laying belly-down with his hips on a couch while the forearms brace against the floor. But you use pillows, and Glenn or T-Dog or Lori or Maggie or Beth or Carol or Rick or you tend to brace him, too.  
Still, it simply feels a little cruel to see a man of his age maintaining such a position, even with support — especially when the whole point is to help him cough, therefore, he ends up coughing a lot.
He’s fully on board, though, you aren’t being a bully, Glenn.  
In fact, perhaps 10 minutes after you and Daryl settled by the fire following you gifting him the nicotine gum and pickles (those gifts sound so weird when you say them out loud, don’t they?), Hershel had made a particularly wet cough. You, of course, straightened up and turned your head like a ’lil prarie dog and watched as he raised his eyebrows as if considering something.
Then, he gestured to the little water department building and said directly to you: “Shall we?”
It was so scary how sick he’d gotten and how quickly he’d become so a few weeks back, good Moses. All you’d wanted for Christmas had been an expectorant (and that elusive peak-flow meter) because you’d been convinced Hershel was gonna develop pneumonia and slowly suffocate to death. There weren't that many nebulizer doses in the tinfoil packet you and Glenn found a few weeks back, so while it was amazing that you could offer Hershel treatment with a nebulizer (by plugging it into the jack of the crank radio and having someone crank away to power it up), it wasn't enough and wasn't the right medicine to thin and expel the mucus from his lungs. What it did was open up his airways via mild steroids.
Not two hours ago, you were gifted with four boxes of the stuff, plus one, beautiful, unopened peak-flow meter that your sweet Carl had found because this year, he wanted to be Santa. That little punk surprised everyone.
The treatments y’all were able to give Mr. Greene before did help a lot, but that medicine is 100% how he’s improved so fast and so much since yesterday.  
Daryl was spot on when he said it was a fuckin’ great Christmas.
Anyway, Hershel found the fact that most of you got so up-in-arms and oft times emotional about the positioning and percussion somewhat amusing. Quote: “You’d think I truly was a small child, the way you’re all coddling me after a simple pulmonary treatment.”
He said all that while darn near hacking up a lung following his second day of the regimen a couple of weeks ago.
Okey dokey, all that’s left of the regimen for now is the deep breathing, and the last set will be done closer to bedtime.
“We are blessed to have found a place like this —” Mr. Greene cuts off to cough several more times. “It may be smaller than that lovely house we had for the past two weeks, of course, but this feels much safer, in my opinion —” He cuts off with more coughing, but you can hear how much mucus is getting kicked out, it’s great!  
Good Moses, the things you get excited about now that you’re taking on the group’s medic role to a more official extent.
“It’s small, but yeah, we could camp out for a while here,” Glenn hopes.
“The water from the reservoir seems clean enough,” Lori agrees, adding honey to the mug of tea she’s heating up on top of the woodstove. She chuckles to herself and mumbles, “We’re living on waterfront property now.”
Cool story about the tea: Glenn found the exact same tea that his family swore by for lung issues at this crunchy, holistic type of hole-in-the-wall market tucked away in a corner plaza in the middle of nowhere in between Clermont, Cleveland, and Dahlonega. It had this cool ingredient(s?) you’d never heard of called pyungang—no, pyung…tang…shoot, you don’t remember. And Glenn had pronounced it so nicely. 
Hershel now swears by it. He’s big into naturopathic stuff, too, very pro-elderberry (if only it wasn’t December, you’d hunt some down for him). He was pleased to discover that you had a few of those plant books. ‘Backyard Medicine’ was on his bookshelf back at the farm, turns out.  
“I’ve just psyched they’ve got a woodstove here, guys, like, that’s insane! The chimney is so tiny, we can keep the fire going all day and night,” Glenn goes on. “No more building a campfire and hoping it’s not wet outside. No toilet here, granted, but…”
Mr. Greene chuckles. “But there is toilet paper. We’ll have to get started on a good, old-fashioned hole. The ground hasn’t yet froze.”
You groan.  
“Here you go, Hershel.” Lori carefully walks over holding the mug of steaming tea handle-side out, using the ends of her scarf as oven mitts.
“Wanna do your deep breathing exercises now while that cools down, Mr. Greene, or later?” you question.
Glenn is doing his jaw clench.
“He needs a break, Y/N.”
“Sorry,” you apologize. You know you tend to go big or go home when it comes to medical stuff, and you’re working on toning things down. He does seem a little off today, but Glenn is your strongest ally in terms of reminding you, but one time, okay, this is gonna sound stupid, but he name-called you “Nurse Ratched” one of the first times you two had a genuine argument about Hershel’s treatment and it was such a slap in the face to the extent that you’d accidentally blurted out “fuck you!” in your shock and had a solid two days of being convinced that everybody secretly hated you because you must’ve been a cruel, nasty person, anyway that’s the story of your first real fight with Glenn.  
So, you defend your question as delicately as you can when you start to reexplain how “All them pulmonary exercises build on one other —”
“— So wouldn’t it be better to wait a few hours so he’s better able to do them?”
Lori places her hand on your elbow and softly voices to the two of you, “It’s up to Hershel.”  
“Seems Lori is still the only one in here with sense,” the man himself grumbles.
Neither you nor your best friend heed any of that.
“After a few hours, a whole ’nother set of all the exercises would need doing, Glenn.”
“Y/N, you’re going too hard on him,” he warns, “that could make him worse.”
“Might could make him tired, sure, but I’m not goin’ too hard — he would speak up if I were. And he had the night off yesterday!”
“Coughing too much can break someone’s ribs, man, he’s old! Too much exertion could, like, give him a heart attack!” He quickly adds, “No offense, Hershel!”
“He ain’t that decrepit yet, Glenn!” You quickly add, “No offense, Mr. Greene!”
“If I, the old but not-quite-yet decrepit patient as well as individual with the most medical training here, may interrupt,” the old but not-that-decrepit-yet Hershel who has the-most-medical-training-here begins with a serious, firm frown at the two of you, “I would like to use my lungs as much —” ohp, and he’s coughing again.  
Lori rubs his back while you and your friend wait like two schoolkids outside the principal’s office.
“Pardon, excuse me.” He clears his throat and continues where he left off. “I would like to use my lungs as much as possible right now, because,” he pauses to look at Glenn in particular, “I don’t know how long until the turkey Y/N and Daryl bought home will be safe to eat, but I do know I intend to enjoy a very large helping or two of it without worrying about a coughing fit emptying the contents of my stomach.”
Oh poop, now you’re welling up.
That happened a few weeks back when you’d first begun the regimen with Hershel. Lesson learned: lung drainage and smacky-smacks should take place either before a meal or well after. Ugh, the poor man had gotten so ill, then he went and coughed so much he couldn’t even keep his tiny meal down…
“You okay?” Glenn whispers.
“It also is better to let the exercises build upon each other, son, your friend is correct,” Hershel affirms. “Everything’s warmed up, so to say, which makes it the ideal time to continue. The whole purpose, even.”
The door opens and cool air whooshes in.
It’s Maggie, who correctly guesses within a few seconds: “Were they buttin’ heads about you again, Daddy?”
“Only a little. I was referred to as ‘old’ and ‘not that decrepit yet’ this time. But they resisted name-calling each other, so haven’t broken their two-week streak on that yet.”
Back to using those terms likening you and Glenn to schoolchildren, this is the equivalent of the principal calling your grown-ups and telling them you were fighting.
Also, you think you need a nap.
“Allow me to finish scolding these two, sweetheart,” Hershel says to his daughter, coughs twice, then clears his throat.
Looks at you. Here we go… “And Y/N, Glenn was entirely correct in understanding that I do require a break. Doing too much of a good thing can and often does backfire, your shoulder therapy, for example. I know you know this and are working on remembering it.”
He blows lightly on his drink and goes to sip but it’s still too hot. Kinda like how your face feels. “Thus, I am going to sit here, take my time enjoying this very beneficial tea — which will further help my congestion break up — and then, once I’ve finished, I will utilize the new peak-flow meter to do the breathing exercises.”
The door opens again and more cool air whooshes in.
It’s Beth, who almost shuts the door, but first turns around and calls to the group “He’s all done, we can go in!”
After this, yes, she is just as sharp as her sister when she sees you and Glenn.
And you knowwww she doesn’t mean to embarrass the living daylights out of you and him, but as everyone but Rick and Daryl pour into the little building, she innocently guesses: “Daddy, did you scold them about babyin’ you again, going too hard, or about name-callin’ each other this time? Glenn and Y/N look like they just got grounded.”
Was that T-Dog who just snorted?
Hershel seems amused, so you suppose that’s good. “I think it’s remarkable that I have that effect on them. Margaret and Shawn tended to be unperturbed.”
“Mostly Maggie,” his youngest daughter agrees.
The attention mercifully is now directed at the sisters, so you unplug the mp3 from the crank-radio charging port (poop, only ¼ charged), throw on your new camo scarf and hat, and slip outside.
Carl whispers to you, “You’re taking good care of him.”
You love that kid so much, it hurts.
You give him a peck on his forehead, and before you’re even out the door, you’ve started to fiddle with Shane’s ‘22’ pendant around your neck.
A nap won’t work right now, you’re thinking too much, so you head over to the water to take a quick walk around the small reservoir to shake it off.
When you and Glenn fight, it gets to you. Especially when he’s of the mind that you’re being too hard on Mr. Greene. It frightens you. What if you’re losing your capacity for mercy and compassion like Shane was losing his?
Well, the ground might not be frozen yet, but it sure is nippy out. You snuggle deeper into Daryl’s poncho while you still get to wear it, and try to wish away the stupid, annoying crush you’ve got on your that mangy hick. Why did he always have to be working on bettering himself and smell so darn good to you is all you’re asking.  
From behind, you hear rushed footsteps.
Mid-way through unsheathing your knife and whipping around, you hear, “Hey Y/N.”
You swivel fully, sheathing the knife. “Hiya Glenn.”
“You okay?”
“I’m chill. You okay?”
“I figured we could go on a quick jog.” As he finishes putting his gloves on, he lowers his eyebrows at something on you. “You’ve got the necklace out, are you sure you’re cool?” he hints.
You pause, then sigh. Fiddling with Shane’s old necklace has become something of an unintentional billboard for how you’re feeling. Like how a baby rubbing their eyes a lot is their unintentional signal that they need sleep. Glenn’s worried he’s hurt your feelings or whatever.
“Wanna jog around with me?” he asks.
“Let’s do it. We’ll need go up into the wooded area to get around the far left edge, by the shed and the old boat.”
“There’s a boat? Oh heck yeah, I wanna check that out, c’mon!”
And so, an impromptu run begins (ew). Unusual outfits for it, ordinarily you and him will at least change into sneakers.
He’s thinking the same thing, so you discover, once he cracks up. “Dude, can you imagine seeing people jogging in outfits like this in the before-times?”
You laugh, but it blends in with how heavy you’re already breathing. “How many laps you plannin’ on doing? I’m wasted on cross country.” (Yes, you said that part in the Gimli voice. You couldn’t help it).
But he finishes the quote! “We dwarves are natural sprinters!”
“Very dangerous over short distances.” (Okay, you’re done, you promise.)
Cracking up, he tells you “Just one lap. Wanted to apologize for earlier.”
“So you’re makin’ me exercise?” you play-whine. Move those arms, inhale, exhale, keep that posture upright. Ugh, running is the worst.
Glenn clears his throat. “Wanted to give you a chance to beat me, natural sprinter.”
“In the race.”
And just like that, he takes off sprinting like—OH, that sneak!  
Go, go, go, go!
“Cheaters never prosper, buttface!” you squeal after him.
“But they win!”
     about 18 seconds later
The race ended faster than intended when he ran into half of a spiderweb, and you, while razzing him, ran into the other.  
After some wild shaking like y’all were getting electrocuted, as well as repeatedly shouting that you were both fine to the group’s calls of alarm (“Ain’t walkers, we ran into a spiderweb!”) you’re now taking turns brushing each other off and trying not to yelp too loudly whenever you swear there’s one crawling under your clothes.
Speaking of, you grab your scarf, hat, zip-up hoodie, and Daryl’s poncho from where they were unceremoniously strewn about and give them a final shake so you can bundle back up.
“Let’s call it a tie?” Glenn shivers, putting his own coat and gloves back on.
“A tie. And worst-case scenario, we get spider powers.”
“Or gangrene.”
“Glenn,” you giggle. The fear of having spiders nesting in your hair notwithstanding, you’re feeling much better than before. A quick walk to ‘shake things off’ took a very literal turn, you must say.
“Dude, can you, um,” he starts, then stops. Scratches his neck. “Sit with me for a while?”
“Of course.”
In the hopes of avoiding any more spiders, you both hop to a fairly large rock that’s about two feet out on the water from the treeline. It’s a nice spot even thought your butts are gonna freeze on it.
“Y/N? Sorry for picking a fight again.”
“Friends and family fight,” you’re quick to say. “Besides, Mr. Greene is worth it.”
“But I overreacted again, I know I did.” He’s got a stick in his hand, which he’s snapping off tiny piece by tiny piece. “I think T-Dog was right, the day is getting to me, I guess.”
“That thing about the first holiday ‘without?’”
A soft, cold breeze rushes through the air and whips up old, dried leaves. Yeah, T-Dog was concerned that the first Christmas without normalcy and loved ones might hit people hard. And because you wear Dale’s watch, Rick wears his, and Hershel has his calendar book, the time and date is something about which your group keeps track. So far, at least.
Speaking of Rick, you notice Daryl and him out on the far side of the small lake. Rick is facing away, to your relief. You just — you don’t want to think about or look at him right now, and you don’t want him to see you, either.
Which isn’t a good sign, you know, because it means you’re sinking into a bad headspace again. Ugh.
...I don’t hate Rick, I don’t hate Rick, I love Rick, he loves me, he is family, he’s not a bad man, you repeat in your head.
Rick still isn’t facing your direction, but Daryl almost is, still filling out Shane’s old coat so nicely.
You give a small wave, and your stomach makes a delicious but very annoying flutter when his hand goes up in return. Is he smiling? you wonder.
The moment passes, and you’re back to fidgeting with the ‘22’ pendant.
“Your baby sister always danced in The Nutcracker this time of year, right, Glenn?” you say to your friend.
That’s when you hear sniffling, and look to see him crying very quietly. Glenn used to go hide to cry. It’s good that he’s comfortable getting his stuff out more openly now.  
The group’s protocol is mainly that when somebody needs a cry, let them get it out without making a big deal.
“I couldn’t stand going to see that dumb ballet, oh my God,” he groans, trying but not really succeeding in not blubbering when he tries speaking. “The plot of that show is just so weird!”
“It is strange.”
He’s gonna need to blow his nose soon. “Last year, I —” he pauses to make a big sniff, “— I had just got back to Michigan, and I snuck in a pocket radio, I —” Again, he cuts off.
He swallows, tugs his hat down, and admits as if he were confessing to murder, “I listened to the Wolverine post-game with earbuds during the show, I w-was such an asshole!”  
“Don’t name-call my best friend,” you murmur.
“And Bri, she snuck in a three pound bag of M&Ms, so we —” he pauses to cry heavier remembering his middle sister. He blows his nose. That he took to carrying a handkerchief like Hershel does is convenient at the moment. “We had a contest to see how many w-we could fit in our mouths.” He laughs for a second as he remembers it, then stares down at his feet dangling off the rock. His tears seem to have slowed.
After a several moments pass and his breaths even out, you ask “How many did you fit?”
“And Briana?”
Rubbing his face, he sighs, “49. And Umma got to —” a quick inhaled shudder as he talks about his mom, “— She noticed the candy and made it to like 30 before my baby sister finally got onstage. She l-loved watching her dance, we all stopped what we were doing to watch her.” His tears are back to streaming. “She’d gotten so skilled, Y/N.”
“What was your Dad up to in all this?”
Glenn starts to smile again through his tears. “He would watch ballet like it was a basketball game, so he was eating the M&Ms like popcorn with his eyes glued to the stage. He’d do this whenever one of the students aced a move.” Your friend demonstrates a subtle victory pump with his fist.
He snaps the stick in his hand into smaller and smaller pieces.
Once he’s breathing normally again, you offer, “My eldest sister put The Nutcracker on her mp3. Wanna borrow it for a while?”
First, he blows his nose again with what space on the handkerchief is left, then nods in agreement. “She put everything on there, didn’t she?”
She really did, though. You pull the music player out of your pocket and head to the T section to find ‘Tchaikovsky.’  
“My baby sister was in so many of the dances last year. Ever since she was old enough, she was put in the Chinese dance, obviously,” he grumbles with a slight eye roll. “So last year, she’d practiced and auditioned for the dude’s role. You know, the guy with the hat who comes out of a box and does all the jumping up and down?” Wiping away more tears, he smiles through it and declares, “She kicked ass.”
“Heck yeah, she did.”
“And th-this—” his voice hitches, rises, and he’s back to heavy crying. “This is the first Christmas without, a-and—”
Oh man, he’s holding it back best he can, but it’s rough.
“— I can’t go see that weird, boring show with them anymore! I-I’d pay attention to every dumb plié and be so,” more sobs, “so f-fucking happy to just be with them again, I just wanna see them again! I don’t h-have any photos or-or—” another sob interrupts and he stops trying to speak.
Even with the sobs, still, he’s somehow a very quiet crier.
He lets it all out. You wait with him.
The tink, tink, tink of the pendant rubbing against the chain as you pull and tug, pull and tug your necklace mixes in with the soft sounds of the breeze, what few birds are still chirping, and the occasional hint of conversation from way over around the fire.
After maybe three or so minutes, Glenn’s calm. He tosses the mini bits of broken stick that he snapped into oblivion into the water. “I wanna chuck rocks in here like we did at the douche car.”
“Me, too.”
“Let’s do that in a while, I think I’ll need to sleep for a bit. I’m just thinking too much right now to want to do that.”
True that, too much thinking before bed doesn’t often result in peaceful dreams.
He seems up for a dumb joke, and he’ll get the reference, so when he goes to toss more of his itty bitty stick nubs, you grab a hold of his wrist and hush in your (it’s not good) best Aragorn impression. “Dew not dis-terb the woh-terr.”
It has the intended effect, his neck relaxes and he grins. “When we find a place with a generator, we’re wasting all the power on the TV so we can watch the extended editions. I don’t care what the dick-tator or anybody else says, we find that house with a gennie, we’re watching Lord of the Rings.”
“Maggie almost grabbed the One Ring replica at the GameStop for you for Christmas, actually, but she settled on the Portal book.”
“And after we’ve watched all like, 12 hours of the movies and the special features, we’re gonna find a PS3 watch you play that cowboy game.”
“Yes! I just wanna rescue that guy’s family and ride my horse.”
While you were there with Maggie, you’d grabbed a copy of this new game you’d been excited for, it had just come out like one week before the world started going downhill. You’d barely gotten passed the first few missions when SHTF. (You two also grabbed a copy of the actual Portal game, but that’s being saved for Glenn’s birthday, so shh!)
Imagining finding an empty place with a generator is a silly way to keep positive, but sometimes silly is best for keeping positive, right?
Glenn’s looking like he’s on the up. Tired, but he seems like he’s gotten most of his tears out. You hand him the earbuds, then show him The Nutcracker score so he can choose which of the 24 songs he wants to remember his family with.
“Want me to get Mags?”
“Yeah. Wait, no, I just need some time alone for a while, I think. When I get some sleep, I’ll see if she’s cool with me holding her.” He cleans off and positions the earbuds. “Thanks for doing this, dude. And hey, I won’t drop it in the water,” he promises, wiping his eyes again. Then they grow big.
He bumps your arm with his knuckles. He gestures to the lake and to the rowboat by the run-down shed next.
Then, he says two terrifying words you hoped you wouldn’t hear again:
“Chicken swim.”
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> Part 2 here <
> Masterlist link here <
and our teeny tiny taglist :D
@spenciepoo338​ @its-freaking-bats​ @whistlesalot​ @buffy-the-assbutt-slayer​  @dreamingaboutthewonderland @kwazii-kat​​
(inbox is open if you would like on or off the taglist, slowpokes. Please don’t feel bad or nervous if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, just let me know, we’re all friends here!)
52 notes · View notes
Maggie: I don’t want Y/N to die
Maggie: You don’t want Y/N to die
Maggie: So we’ve just got to make sure Y/N doesn’t want Y/N to die
Glenn: Fantastic idea, but have you met Y/N?
744 notes · View notes
scarisd3ad · 7 months
man oh man you're my best friend
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Part of the ‘to the end and back series’
Pairing(s) - Glenn Rhee x best friend!reader (platonic)
Warnings - regular twd warnings
(a/n) - similarly to Daryl I can't find an age for Glenn in season one, so I just said he's 22 because I do know he's on the younger side.
I let out a deep sigh as I laid back on the overgrown grass that tickled at my ankles. “I hate this,” I whisper as I stare up at the night sky that was freckled with millions of little stars. Sometimes I wished I could become one of those stars.
I wished I could be up there twinkling so gorgeously instead of being down here fighting to survive. “What?” Glenn whispers as his head turns, so he’s facing me. “camping” I whisper back with a giggle. Our whole lives were camping now. We slept in tents, cooked on fires, and bathed in a quarry. My entire life was one of my grandpa’s favorite hobbies and my least. how could that even happen? “I wish we could find a neighborhood and clear it out so we could live there,” I whispered.
Maybe it was a ridiculous dream, but it didn’t seem too farfetched to me. I’m sure other humans have already done it. Clear out a small neighborhood, maybe a gated community and then secure it so no walkers or other humans could get in. Then we could live normal lives and not camp.
“I don’t think we can do that,” Glenn whispers as his hands reach up to sit behind his head comfortably. “Why?” he shrugs. “Too much work,” he whispers back. I sigh as I scoot closer to him, snuggling into his side. “you’re like my best friend” It’s weird that a man I had met maybe a month ago was my best friend. normally a person wouldn’t label someone as their best friend until years of knowing them. but with Glenn, it felt like I had known him for more than a month. it felt like decades. we already knew each other so well; it was like we were made for each other.
Glenn was younger than me, but it never felt that way. Despite being only 22, the same age as my little brother, he was braver than I could ever be. He was brave, so brave he’d throw himself in front of walkers for the entire group if it meant we’d survive. He was selfless, and so kind it was hard to believe that he was only 22.
“Yeah?” he asks. I hum a quiet “mhm,” back. “You’re my best friend, too.”
@rivversin @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl @maziejay08 @oi-itse @rhaenryawhore @kimbunnysstuff @blipblopper @ramielll @ilyhannah @daryldixonnn @delicatebearpandaopera @crypticmushroom @daryldixmedown @duckybird101
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glennrheesdaughter · 1 year
Imagine you and your brother, Hershal, experiencing snow for the first time.
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You were asleep in your bed as you felt your brother jump on you." SIS! IT SNOWED!"he yelled as he ran back out.
I groaned as I put a cardigan on and my boots as I walked down the stairs. I looked to see white stuff all over Alexandria and it's still falling.
Eyes wide, I walked out and touched the white stuff, it was cold. Then I felt Judith take my hand and we ran outside.
I looked to see Uncle Daryl smashing the head of a frozen walker.
Then I saw mom and dad walk out. They both smiled as they saw all the kids play. I grabbed Hershal and bent down." Wanna ambush, Mum and Dad?" I asked as he nodded.
We loaded up with snow balls and we started throwing them. Mom shrieked as Dad laughed.
In the chaos I hit Uncle Daryl. He turned as Judith and I pointed at each other. He smirked and had a pile himself." SCATTER!" I yelled, as we ran.
After three hours, I felt Dad pick me up." Okay, Lunch and Cocoa." He said, as Mum held Hershal. I nodded as we headed inside.
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
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(Masterlist updated 2024/06/06)
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★ You can just call me Krys.
★ I'm a woman and I go by she/her pronouns.
★ I like to read and I write stories, although I feel like they're not that good.
★ I love a lot of things, including The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Marvel, Stranger Things and a lot of other things.
★ My comfort character is Daryl Dixon.
★ My favourite seasons in The Walking Dead are seasons 2 and 6.
★ Richonne is my favourite TWD ship.
★ Snakes and spiders can go to hell.
★ I have kinemortophobia, which is ironic, considering my love for TWD.
★ Proud owner of one hyperactive, annoying, loving dog and a couple of cats who love me one minute, then hate me the next.
★ I tend to stay up late. I'm a night owl.
★ I started watching TWD for Glenn, but I stayed for Daryl.
★ Rick was the first TWD character I ever saw. Briefly saw him on screen a few years back, long before I officially started watching the show.
★ English and Math nerd.
★ I have a huge tendency to ramble, so I apologise in advance if I do.
★ I love to interact with everyone online, but I'm too awkward to reach out first.
★ I'm always down to discuss theories, headcannons or anything else. Just inbox or DM me!
★ I write whenever I have time, so I might post very frequently or every once in a while.
★ I don't tolerate any racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, hate language, DV, etc. This blog is a safe space for everyone!
★ I edit on TikTok. My username is @/dixonssunshine.
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★ I'll keep on adding as I write.
★ This does not include my stories written in 2022.
★ Fluff—❤️ Angst—💔 Smut—🔥 Suggestive—👀
The Walking Dead
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Scooby Snacks With Your Whiskey ❤️
You Are My Sunshine ❤️
In SICKNESS And In Health ❤️
I Found You 💔❤️
Sleepy Time ❤️
Something To Prove 💔❤️
Hazelnut ❤️
Daddy's Little Girl ❤️
Night Terrors ❤️
Pregnant Pause 💔❤️
Spot Of Tea ❤️
Feel The Rhythm In Your Soul ❤️
I'm Right Here 💔❤️
Holding On To You ❤️
Just A Bad Dream 💔❤️
Two Plus Two Makes Four 💔❤️
I Never Lived For The Applause 💔❤️
Cleansing The Mind, The Soul And The Body ❤️
Just Try It ❤️
Run Away With You ❤️
Spa Day ❤️
Observe ❤️🔥
His Motorcycle Princess ❤️
That's What Makes You Beautiful 💔❤️
Sleepy Head ❤️
His Little Girl ❤️
Bloodthirsty 🔥
All The Love ❤️
Punishment Enough 💔❤️
The Importance Of Secret Keeping ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Pregnant!Reader headcannons ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Mom!Reader With Baby Headcannons ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Former!Celebrity!Fem!Reader Headcannons ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader—Daryl With A Kid Headcannons ❤️
Vampire!Daryl Dixon x Reader Headcannons 💔❤️
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU:
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams ❤️
Dyeing For The Haircut ❤️
Snitches Get Stitches ❤️💔
Third Time's Not Always The Charm ❤️
Through The Good Times And The Bad 💔❤️
Mouth To Mouth ❤️
Breathe With Me 👀💔❤️
Headcannons ❤️👀/ Part Two ❤️👀/Part Three ❤️💔
A Trip Down Memory Lane ❤️
Selfish 💔❤️
The Archer's Girl 💔❤️
Beside The River ❤️
Someone To Love ❤️
The Morning After ❤️
Study Buddy ❤️
Yielding Isn't My Middle Name:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
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Because Of Her 💔❤️
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The One That He Wants ❤️👀
Blade 2:
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Stay Quiet, Pretty Boy 🔥
Apologies, Baby 💔❤️
Cuddler ❤️🔥
(More coming soon!)
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★ Done with it. ★ Almost done with it. ★Working on it. ★Haven't started on it yet.
★ Inner Fury—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader.
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★ My requests are: OPEN.
★ I'm taking requests for:
→ Daryl Dixon
→ Scud Frohmeyer
→ Rick Grimes
→ Michonne Grimes
→ Rosita Espinosa
→ Glenn Rhee
→ Carol Peletier (Platonic only.)
→ Negan Smith
★ My default is Fem!Reader. However, I'll write for any gender, skin type, culture, etc. Just specify it in your request!
★ I'll write any tropes/kinks I'm comfortable with, and if I'm not comfortable with it, I'll let you know!
★ Some tropes/kinks I'm not comfortable with writing is non-con, dub-con, incest, stepcest, pedophilia, pervert!(character), piss kinks, mommy/daddy kinks (won't write it myself, but love reading it in other fics), hardcore degradation, spanking/any bodily harm, cheating (if it's on the reader with the person I'm pairing them with), rape and abuse unless it's in the past, and fetishes, like foot fetishes for instance. There are a few others as well, but these are the main ones I don't feel comfortable writing.
★ I won't write character x character. I obviously have my favourite ships and characters I feel should get together, but I won't write for ships. It's not something I'm comfortable with. I'll include canon couples in my works, but not ships that haven't gone canon yet.
★ I'll try my best to write every request I can, but remember I have a life outside of Tumblr and it might take me a little while to get to your request.
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grievedeeply · 11 months
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dating glenn rhee headcanons
fem!reader (no pronouns used) | tws: it's the walking dead so.. gore, death and injuries are all talked about. 
notes: this is formatted a bit differently than my other dating headcanons, but i wanted to branch out a bit if that makes sense. i feel like i can go into more detail without it getting messy or making you have a headache. it’s a lot to read without any breaks in between. let me know if you like this way! this is incredibly self indulgent.. so. thank you @energeticsirens for encouraging me in my delusions <3
when glenn first meets you, he tries not to stare. he lets his eyes linger on you for a few moments but he doesn’t want you to notice that he’s looking at you 
you’ll become an integral part of the atlanta group. you’re skilled with your weapon of choice, you’re kind and you’re honest, you’re genuine, and that’s what draws glenn to you to easily. you’re just.. good. 
he falls first. he can’t help it. you’re frequently assigned to runs with him which annoy him a bit at the beginning. he’s just used to going into the city on his own and he felt like another person would just drag him down until you came along
you’re capable and you’re a good listener. you don’t question his decisions.. you trust him, and god, it feels good to be trusted. you easily put your life in his hands right from the very beginning
he realizes he likes you at the most mundane moment. you’re just sitting around, talking to someone at camp about whatever it might be.. but you smile and you laugh, and he feels his face heat up
and then you smile at him, waving at him from where you sat. he’s gone, really 
his heart belongs to you long before you ever realize he likes you, but it’s sooo obvious to everyone else in the group
it’s all in the way he looks at you. his eyes get so soft and he has a little grin on his lips every time he sees you 
it’ll take you a little longer for you to realize that you like glenn. you’ll think he’s attractive from the moment you meet him, but it takes you awhile to even admit your feelings to yourself
you realize you like him in the middle of atlanta. you’re scavenging for supplies— the essentials like food that hasn’t gone bad or clothing that’ll protect against the elements— and glenn is looking around for anything for the kids 
"they’ll get bored with the stuff back at camp,” he says, scouring every isle through the store, “it’s hard enough for us out there. can’t you imagine what it’s like for them? they’re just kids.” he tells you, finally meeting your eyes. 
“the least i can do is find a new toy for them.” he mutters under his breath. he turns a corner and exits your line of sight.. but all you can see is him and his beautiful smile in your mind 
when you return to camp that night, glenn’s carrying an extra bag. he found it somewhere in one of the stores you passed through and filled it with anything and everything he thought the kids would like
you watch as they gather around him, eyes sparkling in curiosity. he pulls the toys out of the bag and they all hug him, knocking him to the ground in the process
he laughs, and you go weak in the knees. you knew then that what you felt for him was more than platonic.. but you didn’t care 
glenn’s heart is what draws you to him. for a man living through an apocalypse, he’s determined to keep his kindness. it’s admirable, and you can’t help but to fall for him
glenn is a bit of an overthinker. he wants everything to be perfect for when he asks you out. or.. as perfect as it can be in a world like yours
realistically, none of the things he wants to do with you are possible. he can’t take you to an aquarium. he can’t bring you to a restaurant. he can’t do all of the cheesy, cliche stuff he saw in the movies before the world fell because it just isn’t possible anymore
his confession comes in the heat of the moment, after a near death experience on your end at the prison. walkers are flooding through a breach in the fence and it’s a picture that’ll be forever etched into his mind. you’re holding a walker back from your neck with your bare hands and he’s powerless to stop it. he watches from the corner of his eye as you finally dig your knife out of the holder on your belt and into it’s skull. it falls to the floor and you pull back with a huff 
he resists the urge to run to you and instead breathes out a sigh of relief that you’re still alive and standing with him. you go back to killing walkers as if nothing had happened, but his thoughts linger on how you almost died right in front of him
once the waves stop and the fence is back up, glenn goes to find you. you’re in a more secluded area of the prison, sitting with your back against the cold brick of the wall
“you mind?” glenn asks, gesturing to the empty spot on the floor between you. you shake your head and he sits next to you. you sit in silence for a little while, just enjoying each others company
“no bites?” his voice cuts through the silence. “no bites.” you repeat back to him, a breath escaping through your lips
“i thought.. you almost died, y/n.” he mutters, finally turning his head in your direction. he had been staring at the wall before but now his eyes are pouring into yours, and you don’t know what to do or say anymore. “i’m alright,” you reassure him, pulling up the sleeves on your shirt to show your skin to him. no bites, as you promised. 
“i know. but seeing that made me realize that i don’t want you in danger. ever. i care about you too much to let something like that happen again.” he tells you, voice filled with determination. “i’m sorry,” he says immediately after, “but i can’t.. i can’t.”
you furrow your eyebrows. “can’t what?” you ask, and his words cut you off from being able to continue your train of thought 
“i like you.” 
the room is silent again, and you can practically hear the beating of your own heart in your ears. glenn doesn’t break your gaze as he waits for you to say something.. anything
“fuck, glenn.” you whisper out to him, shaking your head, pulling your lip between your teeth. “i like you too.” you tell him after a pause
you can see his face light up, and he immediately wraps you in the biggest hug he can muster. his grip is tight, and his face is buried in your neck
“you have to promise me that if you need help you’ll call for me, okay?” 
“okay,” you reply.
you can feel him smile against your skin. 
he wants your first kiss together to be special. but god, he wants to kiss you so bad. he doesn’t know how much longer he can resist doing it
he just.. adores you. he looks at you and the weight of the world falls off his shoulders. he has so much he needs to protect but he sees you and it feels normal again
the two of you spend a lot of time on guard together. it’s a quiet way to get to see each other and glenn thinks it’s really special. sometimes you’ll get distracted and start talking. talking about life before the world fell, and you’ll talk about the future 
it’s in one of these moments that he kisses you. you’re talking about something, and you aren’t even looking at him. you’re looking up at the sky or at the trees, he can’t tell, but you just look so.. beautiful. your eyes are sparkling in the sunlight and your smile is so bright
he can’t hold back anymore. he lifts his hand to your cheek, and you turn to look at him. his gaze flickers back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
“can i kiss you?” he asks. you nod, blinking a few times. his voice was so soft. you never wanted to stop hearing him talk
with your words, he closes his eyes and presses his lips to yours. his lips are just as gentle as his voice is, and his touch eases you into him and makes you weak at the knees. his other hand moved to cup your other cheek, and yours fell limp at your sides. he held onto your face and kept you close..
you were made for him, he thinks. your lips fit against his so perfectly, he can’t help but to believe it. two pieces of a puzzle made whole
he pulls away, chuckling breathlessly. his eyes meet yours, and the two of you just laugh, melting away into each others arms. his forehead presses to yours, and he doesn’t ever want this moment to end
he says it first, and it slips out without him even realizing he said it
the two of you finally have some downtime, away from the responsibilities of helping to keep your group safe. you’re sitting together, your fingers entwined as you talk about whatever might be on your mind
glenn’s paying attention, he swears he is, but he gets so lost in you that he forgets to respond sometimes. his gaze is soft and he is completely and utterly infatuated by you
you wave your hand in front of his face and pull him out of his thoughts, a soft grin on your lips. still, your eyes show concern
“you alright?” you ask after a pause, and he nods, eyes skimming across your features. he wants to memorize you. he wants to keep every single detail of you in his memory
“you sure?” you ask again, brows raised as though you don’t believe him. he nods again, moving a little closer to you. “just thinking about how much i love you.” he says through a smile, and your features soften
it takes him a moment to realize what he said, but he can’t back on it now, and he doesn’t want to. he’ll just look away from you for a few moments until your hand comes to rest on his cheek, turning his attention and his head back to you
“i love you too.” you whisper, pressing your forehead to his
he swears his heart melts in this moment. he had never felt so loved and safe in someones arms before. he lets out a relieved sigh, his arms wrapping around your waist
“good,” he chuckles, “i love you so much.” he says again. he doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of saying those words
you nuzzle into him, “i love you too, glenn.” 
he shuts his eyes. everything is perfect. 
glenn adores being intimate. moments where he gets to hold you in his arms are very few and far between, so he cherishes each and every one of them
when he’s around, he’ll most likely have a hand on you. it might be wrapped around your shoulder or your waist, but it’s there. you help to ground him into reality, but he really just likes feeling you next to him
he loves to cuddle. there’s something so special about laying down next to you and scooping you up into his arms
he’ll usually be the big spoon.. but on his bad days, he just wants to be held. he loves feeling your lips on his neck and hearing your reassuring words, even if they’re muffled by his skin
he loves falling asleep next to you. sometimes, you won’t even be touching, but by the morning your legs are tangled together and your head is buried in his chest
he’s really big on kissing, too. he just adores the feeling of your lips against his and he never wants to stop once he starts. your lips are so soft and so sweet, he’ll melt into your arms as soon as you start kissing him
kissing him out of the blue will always get him flustered. you’ll come up to him and kiss him for a few seconds and walk away, going back to whatever you were doing before. he’ll just watch as you leave, slack jawed and blushing 
it isn’t just physical intimacy that you two share, though. you’re both very open about your emotions. you’re transparent about your feelings and deepest fears, helping each other to get through anything and everything
he’ll talk about losing you. ever since he met you, it’s his biggest worry. the world is cruel and unforgiving, and one misstep could result in you getting hurt or killed. he can’t handle thinking about it, but you reassure him
you may not have all the time in the world, but dwelling on it now when everything is okay won’t do anything but make yourself miserable
you’ll take his hand in your own and rest your head on his shoulder, whispering soft ‘i love yous’ over the breeze  
glenn doesn’t restrict himself to just one love language.. so he’ll indulge in every single one of them to cater to the moment or how he’s feeling
first, acts of service. he’ll find himself doing anything and everything he can to make your life easier. if he has time, he’ll help you with whatever task you might be working on. he’ll make you breakfast every day so you don’t have to cook. he’ll do your laundry when you’re feeling down. little things that— in his eyes— make all the difference
gift giving. he loves to give you gifts. he’ll find all sorts of different things while he’s out on a run, and sometimes they just happen to remind him of you. it could be a toy of your favorite animal, a book you mentioned liking, a poster of something you enjoy.. anything. he will shower you in these gifts when he can. he just feels like you deserve it
quality time is big for glenn. he loves being around you. he’ll just sit in silence with you if that’s what you want to do. as long as he gets to be in your company for awhile, that’s all that matters to him. there’s something so special about sitting next to you and relishing in each others just.. being there. it helps him remember that you’re real, and you’re his
words of affirmation is a frequent one for him. he says he loves you over and over again. he sees you often, but he won’t let you walk away without hearing him say it to you. he compliments you, your skills, your beauty and your kindness, all the time. he’ll also just tell you how much he appreciates you and how much he values you being around, even if you aren’t actively talking
psychical touch! glenn loves holding you, as mentioned before. the feeling of you next to him is so grounding. the world may be horrible now, but he has you, and that’s what having you in his arms makes him remember. he loves holding your hand, kissing you, any sort of thing that lets him hold you tight
he’s just.. the sweetest person in the world. he would lay down and die for you if he had to, and he truly believes he got lucky with you
he loves with everything in him. he loves with his heart, his soul, his mind, everything. he will absorb you and enjoy you as much as you will let him. he will never tire of you
he is so great at comforting you. if you’re feeling upset or stressed out, glenn’s by your side. his arm wraps around your shoulders and he’ll let you talk about it. if you don’t feel like it, he’ll tell you how much he loves you and all of the things he adores about you
he has the most soothing presence. just him being next to you is enough to calm you down, make you happy, anything. his voice is soooo.. so soft too
he’ll whisper sweet things in your ear throughout the day and as he gets more confident in himself in terms of your relationship, he’ll do a bit of teasing in front of the others. he’ll kiss you in front of the group, he’ll wrap his arms around you and hug you from behind.. all of it flusters you, and he lives for it 
he loves to look at you. he gets lost in your eyes so easily and he’ll find himself staring at you a lot
he’s the bravest person you’ve ever known. he’ll stand in front of you and protect you no matter what the situation might be 
he’s just.. so sweet. the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. loving, caring, gentle and so incredibly beautiful inside and out
he has the purest heart and intentions and it shows in everything he does 
it shows in how he loves :) 
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