#plate compactor
sunindustries · 1 year
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riequip · 11 days
Buying Guide: How to Choose the Right Honda Generator
When it comes to reliable power solutions, Honda generators are at the top of the list. Whether you need a generator for home use, camping, or work, choosing the right model can be a daunting task.
This guide will help you navigate the options and make an informed decision. Let’s dive into the essentials of selecting the perfect Honda generator for your needs.
Understand Your Power Needs
Before you start browsing Honda generators for sale , it's crucial to understand your power requirements. Consider the devices and appliances you plan to run with the generator. Here are some common scenarios:
Home Backup:Refrigerators, lights, air conditioners, and medical equipment.
Outdoor Activities:Camping, RVing, tailgating, and boating.
Work Sites:Power tools, lights, and heavy equipment.
Calculate the total wattage required and choose a generator that can handle at least that much power. Remember, it's better to have a generator with a little extra capacity than one that’s maxed out.
Types of Honda Generators
Honda offers a variety of generators designed for different purposes. Here are the main types to consider:
Portable Generators
These are great for camping, outdoor events, and light home use. They are easy to transport and usually come with convenient features like electric start and multiple outlets.
Inverter Generators
Perfect for sensitive electronics, inverter generators provide clean and stable power. They are quieter and more fuel-efficient compared to conventional generators, making them ideal for camping and RVing.
Industrial Generators
For heavy-duty use at job sites or as a home backup, industrial generators offer robust power and durability. These models can handle high wattage requirements and run for extended periods.
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Fuel Efficiency and Runtime
Fuel efficiency is a critical factor when choosing a generator. Honda generators are known for their superior fuel efficiency, which means you can get longer runtimes on a single tank of gas. When browsingHonda generators for sale, look for models with features like:
Eco-Throttle:Adjusts the engine speed to match the load, improving fuel efficiency.
Fuel Injection:Provides better fuel efficiency and cleaner operation.
Consider how long you need the generator to run and choose a model that can meet those needs without frequent refuelling.
Noise Level
Nobody wants a noisy generator, especially if you plan to use it in a quiet neighbourhood or campsite. Honda generators are renowned for their quiet operation. Inverter generators, in particular, are designed to operate at low noise levels.
When evaluating Honda generators, check the decibel (dB) rating to ensure it meets your noise level requirements. A generator with a noise level of around 50-60 dB is considered quiet and suitable for most residential areas.
Portability and Convenience
The ease of transporting and using your generator is another important consideration. Look for features that enhance portability and convenience, such as:
Wheel Kits:Make it easier to move the generator around.
Compact Design:Helps with storage and transportation.
Electric Start:Simplifies the starting process, especially in cold weather.
Honda generators are designed with user-friendly features that make them a breeze to operate and transport.
Budget and Warranty
Lastly, your budget will play a significant role in choosing the right Honda generator. Prices vary based on the type, power output, and features. While it might be tempting to go for the cheapest option, investing in a quality generator will save you money in the long run through better efficiency and durability.
Additionally, consider the warranty offered. Honda provides excellent warranties on their generators, which can give you peace of mind and protect your investment. When searching forHonda generators for sale, compare prices and warranties to ensure you're getting the best deal.
Choosing the right Honda generator involves understanding your power needs, evaluating different types of generators, considering fuel efficiency and noise levels, and looking at portability and budget. By keeping these factors in mind, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect generator for your needs.
Remember, when you're ready to buy, check out the latest Honda generatorsto find the best deals. With the right generator, you'll have reliable power whenever and wherever you need it.
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aactg2002 · 1 year
Vibratory Plate Compactor Reviews
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The proper foundation compaction is an essential element to ensure the longevity and quality of landscaping projects, including driveways, sidewalks, and roads.
Inadequate compaction of foundation material and soil leads to uneven surfaces, creating safety hazards and undesirable characteristics. That is why a vibratory plate compactor is an indispensable device for anyone working on any project that requires a solid surface.
Read More About Hydraulic Products: https://besthydraulicproduct.com/
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sunindin · 2 years
For construction projects which require a stable subsurface, a plate compactor is used to compact certain types of soil, small stones, sand, and 2A aggregates. Plate compactors come in a variety of shapes and attachments, but the main features of it remain consistent.
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
Hi sweet Jas, can I please request some forced proximity smut? A tight space and a whole load of sexual tension 😮‍💨 the character is up to you! Thank you!
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» PAIRING : The Mandalorian x Reader
» CONTENTS : Dry humping, dirty talk, Greef Karga and his loveable bullshit. Not proof read, who has time for that?
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“Mando- Mando!”
You cry out as the durasteel walls of the trash compactor suddenly brace against your palms in your feeble attempt to prevent the kriffing things from smushing you.
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Lodged between you and one of the walls, The Mandalorian stands firm. He, too, had been shouldering the advancing walls. The silver sheen of his beskar armour reflects your terrified expression, eyes frenzied as you realise they’ve stopped.
“Are you alright?!” Greef Karga’s voice sounds from above, no doubt shouting down the rubbish chute. This was the last time you were offering yourself up for a bounty mission on an Empire fleet ship- not even for five thousand imperial credi—
“We’re fine,” Mando’s raised, modulated voice sounds tinny in close quarters, hurting your eardrums. “If we let go, it’ll crush us.”
“I’ll find a way to get you out!” Karga calls down the chute, “Wait there!”
You cringe slightly at the order, finding it hard enough to safely unwind your limbs from The Mandalorian that had tangled in your desperate attempts to survive the compactor, let alone leave the blasted thing.
“Can’t wait anywhere else.” The Mandalorian’s response, muttered sarcastically, makes you huff out a laugh. He turns his face back to you, the beskar steel helmet barely brushing your nose.
One of his palms rests beside your head with his arm locking you in place, while his left leg, situated between your own, pushes the toe of his boot into the wall. Your own hands are settled on the opposite side of the compactor, trapping his body between your forearms. It’s a tight squeeze.
Blackness stares back at you, his tinted visor obscuring the view of his eyes. Besides the shaky rise and fall of his chest plate, thanks to his exertions in trying to stop you both from becoming Jawa Juice, Mando offers no insight into how he’s feeling.
Swallowing thickly, you cast your eyes to the darkness above your heads. It’s ridiculous, but you can feel his body heat from the breaks in his armour, covered only by his undersuit. It makes your heart flutter, the biting scent of leather.
“… I apologise,” his voice cuts through the silence and causes you to jump, “This-… This is uncomfortable for you.”
“‘S okay,” you mumble weakly, attempting to smother the butterflies that launch in your stomach at the soft, soothing whisper of his voice.
Silence settles between the two of you again. Despite your attempts to loosen up, the searing gaze through The Mandalorian’s visor feels as though it’s settled on your face, burning a hole into your lips. Stars, there must be fumes in the rubbish beneath your feet, driving you crazy.
Swallowing, you avoid his line of sight by looking at literally everything else. The woven flight suit that conceals his neck, the contours of his shoulder plates. Was that a Mudhorn-?
The sharp inhale through your nose as his knee brushes against your heat practically ricochet off the walls, eyes finally snapping to his visor against your better judgement. Unmoving, he offers nothing to infer he even noticed how he effortlessly set your body alight as though he’d triggered the flamethrower on his vambrace. Surely not. Surely he’d just been adjusting his foot to hold the wall better!
“You’re fogging up my eyeshade.”
It’s mortifying. Condensation from your heavy breaths is steaming up the silver beskar of his mask. The Mandalorian’s voice is flat but rich, and you can’t read his tone through that fucking modulator!
“S-orry,” you stumble over your apology when his thigh drags between your thighs deliberately, the second syllable coming out in a pathetic little squeak.
“Don’t be,” he says. “Don’t hold your breath.” He catches you before you even manage to still your lungs in embarrassment. “I want to hear them.”
His admission has the air trapped in your throat expelling in a quiet whine, unable to stop the noise from slipping out when he slooowly grinds his thigh up and forwards, rolling your clit between the layers of fabric.
“Hoh- '' you heave another breath, the mist encroaching across the beskar of his mask and mattifying the shine of the pure metal. “Oh fuck-“
“Don’t move,” he orders calmly. It sounds less like an order and more like an observation. “You need to hold the wall.” Yes. Yes, he has to remind you that you’re in a life-threatening situation, because the simple friction is enough to numb your brain with the thrill.
You whimper softly, shaking your head. The tip of your nose drags against the cold metal of his mask, sweeping through the misty dew and exposing the shine beneath. Stars, you can see your expression through the track you leave behind. It’s obscene, jaw slack and eyelids heavy as you mindlessly grind your hips down on the cuisse beneath you.
“So desperate you’re willing to risk your life,” he murmurs, watching you use him to get off like you’re a fragment of kyber- the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. “You like this? Using me to get off when your life hangs in the balance?”
“Y-ou starte-ahh-“ your pussy clenches as he drives his thigh up to match the roll of your hips. It grinds just right, and you arch against the throbbing hum between your legs.
“I started it,” he nods slightly, the low lighting flickering off the grooves and concaves of his mask, “I did. But you wanted it first. Burning for it.”
He’s right. Fuck, The Mandalorian is right, and you’re too far gone to be ashamed by his observation. If you weren’t on the brink of an obliterating orgasm, you’d be mortified that he’d found it so easy to read you.
You stifle a sob by biting the flesh of your lip as your clit drags against the smooth metal again. Trembling, your own thighs nearly give out entirely as you begin to crest the euphoric surge he’s pulling from you.
“Yes,” he breathes, his voice haggard as he watches you, “That’s it. That’s it, ther-“
“There!” A loud call bounces off the walls of the compactor room. A loud beep splits your eardrums, and suddenly the walls fall away as they draw back. The sudden lack of support has you falling into the chest plate of The Mandalorian in front of you, your orgasm blurring away between your thighs with the sudden lack of attention.
“Knew I could find the button!” Karga chuckles, the compactor walls falling in place to reveal your boss standing with his hands on his hips, grinning with a complete obliviousness that has you wanting to punch him in the face. With an ion cannon.
You sag against The Mandalorian slightly, devastated by Karga’s interruption. The little sigh you let out is pathetic, almost childish in nature.
“A thank you would be nice!” Karga chastises you, “I’ve never seen someone look so ungrateful to have their life saved!”
You swear you hear The Mandalorian huff a chuckle behind that stupid fucking mask, and you decide he was deserving of a punch with an ion cannon too.
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nyxistyxi · 5 months
Saudade - Sun x Moon Drabble
I know there's a bunch of theories for why there are all those dismantled STAFF bots in Sun and Moon's room, but I wanted a more wholesome reason. Enjoy~
It wasn’t easy being in love with someone you couldn’t touch, but that didn’t mean Sun wasn’t going to give it his all. The joy Moon brought to his life far outweighed the yearning he felt to touch him, hold him in his arms. Neither celestial bot held out hope that Fazbear Entertainment would separate them, even if the benefits would out way the initial cost. They had to create a place for their love as they were and let it grow in the body they shared. They found ways to show their affection to each other, even if they couldn’t occupy the same physical space.  
Moon started the gift giving, finding things while out on patrol and leaving little surprises for Sun to wake up to when he shifted. Sun responded in kind, while he wasn’t able to leave the daycare, he was able to create little trinkets and decorations for his love, he was a master at arts and crafts after all. 
It was no secret they were neglected compared to the Glamrocks, their room was barren of furniture, a dilapidated storage space at best. But soon the little testaments of each other's affections made the space a home, Moon even dragged home some scrapped shelves from the trash compactor to display their tokens. 
Sun, in turn, stripped the rooms of all scrap, creating a clean canvas for them to work with. One day when Moon transformed, he was met with a giant nest, consisting of bedding and pillows from the daycare. Sun had explained that he needed a place to relax after his long shifts patrolling the Plex. Moon made sure all the children were rested during nap time, and it was his turn to be coddled. The lunar bot would have cried at the gesture if he was able. Over time the room became a safe haven for the couple, a space for them where they could just be, without their duties to the Pizzaplex. 
It wasn’t that he was unsatisfied in their relationship, but the longer they were together the worse his longing became. It wasn’t enough to just feel Moon’s presence in his mind as he held himself close, he wanted Moon’s hands around him. Sun was never one to give up, he was going to find a way for them to be together. 
Moon noticed Sun was cutting him off from accessing his optic feed for longer than usual. It wasn’t abnormal for either bot to do that, it usually meant they were working on a surprise for the other, but Sun was barely around in his free time, and when he was distracted. Sun avoided giving him a concrete answer when questioned about it, and Moon tried not to be worried about it, but he was alone except for Sun, he wouldn’t survive being completely alone. 
Sun knew he didn’t have much time before Moon tried to force himself out, his lover was worried about him, but he just needed more time. In their spare room, STAFF bots were split open, their wiring on display and parts strewn about.
One bot remained pristine, its chest cavity cracked open slightly with its machinery exposed. It was delicately painted, a detailed rendition of Sun’s crescent moon adorned its face, and metal plates were adhered to its head in a mock rendition of his rays. The whole bot was painted pale yellow and sported wrist bells and little buttons and ruffles. All of his arts and crafts experience paid off, it looked like a little Sun.
The solar bot had been working tirelessly, manic in his quest to finally embrace his lover. If he could connect himself to the STAFF bots wiring, control its movements, then there was a possibility that he could control the bot while Moon was out. There were times when the other forced themselves out, despite the lighting state, and once where they managed to both be out at the same time. He was sure if he had another body to control this would work, he just needed to find the right combination of wires. 
Just when he was ready to give up for the night, he felt something, like a tingle but from outside his body. Looking intently at the STAFF bot he tried zeroing in on the sensation, gasping when the bot moved one of its fingers. Overjoyed, Sun made sure to note the combination of wires before crawling back into the main room, he would have to continue later, Moon was going to come out soon. 
The next few days Sun seemed to be back to his excitable self, if not more manic than usual. Moon was still unable to see what Sun was doing after the daycare closed, but he was more talkative during that time and the lunar bot’s anxieties started to lessen. Before he could switch out for the first time that night, Sun spoke up, softly calling out to him “Moonie?” 
Moon did not like the hesitancy in his voice, but tried not to let it affect him, “What is it, Sunshine?” There wasn’t a lot he could do to comfort his counterpart in their headspace, but he found if he manipulated his processors just right, it felt like a slight weight in the back of Sun’s head. Sun had come to recognize that feeling as a reassurance, Moon was telling him he was here, as much as he could be. 
“I know I’ve been distant, I didn’t mean to be, but there is something I’ve been working on.” His visual sensors were still cut off, but Moon could hear Sun moving around their room, rearranging things if he had to guess. “I knew you had some sort of secret. I’m not saying you’re not entitled to your privacy, but you shut me out, Sunshine.” Moon was worried more than angry, having Sun suddenly become reclusive scared him more than anything. 
“I’m sorry I kept it from you Moonlight, I couldn’t tell you though, I didn’t want to get your hopes up if it fell through.” There was a thunk of something heavy being set down, whatever Sun had kept hidden from him was involved, what could he possibly have gotten his hands on that was so heavy? “I know I worried you, but I promise you that it was worth it.” He reassured, sitting down in their nest and holding his hands in his lap.
Moon checked the time, less than a minute left until power cycling, whatever Sun had been doing was important enough he actually kept a secret from him. While it unnerved him, he couldn’t deny he was a little excited. “You know I can never stay upset with you, Sunshine. Just tell me next time, okay? We can shoulder the disappointment together. Promise me.”
“I promise.” Sun murmured, lights going out and pushing him back into his headspace. Moon’s vision faded into the sight of his hands clasped together, Sun often did that before they shifted, arranged his body in a way that was embracing Moon in some way so he ‘woke up’ to Sun’s touch. Moon smiled at the gesture, it always made him feel cared for. Remembering the surprise he looked around the room, immediately met with a STAFF bot that appeared to have been made to look like Sun. “Is this what you’ve been working on, Sunshine?” he questioned, walking over and inspecting the bot. The detail work was beautiful. Besides being made to look like Sun, there were little stars, hearts and moons in different phases painted all over the bot. In its cupped palms was a letter, with detailed instructions on how to hook his own wiring up to the bot. 
“I know it’s crazy, but if you hook yourself up to it, I can control it while you’re out. We can finally be out together, touch each other, hold each other.” Sun’s voice was soft inside his head and Moon stared at the bot in bewilderment. So that’s why Sun had made the STAFF bot look like himself, so it was like Moon was really touching him. He had long given up on being able to hold his lover, resigned to a life apart, like a piece of glass was always separating them. Never in his wildest dreams would have thought it possible, he was at a loss for words. “Sun… I don’t know what to say.”
The sound of Sun’s laughter in his head never sounded so beautiful, ringing clear like a bell, “Then don’t say anything! Hook me up already.” He urged. Moon hastily opened his chest compartment and that of the bot, carefully but swiftly hooking the wires up according to the instructions. If he breathed, he would have been holding his breath, eyes scanning the bot for any movement.
Slowly the bot started to twitch, disjointed movements becoming more coordinated before slowly the bot turned to meet his eyes. “Hello Moonbeam.” The voice coming from the bot wasn’t Sun’s, but Moon could have cared less, it was him. He was talking to him. Moon wished he could cry to expel this swelling feeling in his chest. With a shaking hand he reached out, cradling the bot- No, Sun’s cheek. “Hello, Sunshine.” He cooed, for once the static grin on his face felt accurate, the joy that bubbled up inside of him drove his processors into overdrive, a loud hum emitting from his chassis. 
Sun couldn’t contain himself, reaching out and pulling Moon into a tight embrace. It had worked, they were finally together, in the same room. The STAFF bots sensors were far more limited than his own, but he could feel the pressure of Moon’s grip around him and melted into the touch. “I love you so much.” He pulled back, staring in wonder at his love’s face, he never thought he would see him from this perspective. Moon leaned down, pressing his faceplate to Sun’s in an approximation of a kiss, “And I you, Sunshine. You are the light in my sky, burning bright to guide my way. I would be lost without you.” He confessed, nuzzling his face into Sun’s. Taking his hand, he led them both to their nest, both resting in each other’s embrace for the rest of the night. 
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 2 months
Hey there! Do you want the entire wall-e script? Here you go.
The upbeat show tune, Put On Your Sunday Clothes, plays.
“Out there, there’s a world outside of Yonkers...”
More stars.
Distant galaxies, constellations, nebulas...
A single planet.
Drab and brown.
Moving towards it.
Pushing through its polluted atmosphere.
“...Close your eyes and see it glisten...”
A range of mountains takes form in the haze.
Moving closer.
The mountains are piles of TRASH.
The entire surface is nothing but waste.
“...We’re gonna find adventure in the evening air...”
A silhouetted city in the distance.
What looks like skyscrapers turns into trash.
Thousands of neatly stacked CUBES OF TRASH, stories high.
Rows and rows of stacked cubes, like city avenues.
They go on for miles.
“...Beneath your parasol the world is all a smile...”
Something moving on the ground far below.
A figure at the foot of a trash heap.
A SMALL SERVICE ROBOT diligently cubing trash.
Rusted, ancient.
Every inch of him engineered for trash compacting.
Mini-shovel hands collect junk.
Scoop it into his open chassis.
His front plate closes slowly, compressing waste.
A faded label on his corroded chest plate:
“Waste Allocation Loader - Earth Class” (WALLY)
Wally spits out a cube of trash.
Stacks it with the others.
Something catches his eye.
Tugs on a piece of metal stuck in the stack.
A hubcap.
The sun reflects off it.
Wally checks the sky.
The sun sets through the smoggy haze.
“...And we won’t come back until we’ve kissed a girl --”
He places the hubcap in his compactor.
Presses a button on his chest.
The song stops playing.
The end of a work day.
Wally attaches a lunch cooler to his back.
Whistles for his pet COCKROACH.
The insect hops on his shoulder.
They motor down from the top of a GIANT TRASH TOWER.
Wally travels alone.
Traverses miles of desolate waste.
Oblivious to roving storms of toxic weather.
Passes haunting structures buried within the trash.
Buildings, highways, entire cities...
Everything branded with the SAME COMPANY LOGO.
“Buy N Large”
“BNL” stores, restaurants, banks...transportation!
The corporation ran every aspect of life.
There’s even a BNL LOGO on Wally’s chest plate.
CLOSE ON NEWSPAPER Wally drives over.
Headline: “TOO MUCH TRASH!! Earth Covered!!”
The deck: “BNL CEO Declares Global Emergency!”
A photo of the BNL CEO giving a weak smile.
Wally’s old treads are threadbare.
Practically falling apart.
Cause a bumpy ride for his cockroach.
He passes the remains of other RUSTED WALL-E UNITS.
Fancies one with NEWER TREADS than his own...
Wally now sports the newer treads.
The solar-powered ads still activate when he passes them.
(Ad #1: BNL logo over trash)
Too much garbage in your face?
(Ad #2: starliner in space)
There’s plenty of space out in space!
(Ad #3: starliners take off
from Earth)
BNL starliners leaving each day.
(Ad #4: WALL-E units wave
We’ll clean up the mess while you’re
Wally drives down a deserted overpass.
Depicts passengers enjoying all its amenities.
The jewel of the BNL fleet: “The Axiom”.
Spend your five year cruise in style.
Waited on 24 hours a day by our fully
automated crew, while your Captain and
Autopilot chart a course for non-stop
entertainment, fine dining. And with our
all-access hover chairs, even Grandma can
join the fun! There’s no need to walk!
“The Axiom”. Putting the “star” in
Executive Starliner.
The BNL CEO appears at the end.
Waves goodbye as the Axiom takes off.
Because, at BNL, space is the final “fun”-
The holographic billboard powers off.
Reveals the AXIOM’S DESERTED LAUNCHPAD in the distance.
The mammoth structure sits across the bay.
Now empty and dry. A polluted, dead valley.
Near its edge rests a WALL-E UNIT TRANSPORT TRUCK.
A giant child’s Tonka Truck left to weather the elements.
A “Buy N Large” logo on its side.
Wally approaches the rear of the truck.
Pulls on a lever.
The back lowers.
Wally motors up the ramp.
Open racks for storing WALL-Es line both walls.
KNICKKNACKS OF FOUND JUNK littered everywhere.
The tired robot removes his newfound treads.
Ahh... Home.
Wally motors down the center aisle.
Flicks on an ancient BETAMAX PLAYER.
Jury-rigged to an iPod.
Pushes in a cassette labeled, “Hello Dolly!”
The image is very poor quality.
Actors sing and dance to Put On Your Sunday Clothes (POYSC).
The same song Wally worked to.
[Hums POYSC]
Wally opens his cooler.
Newfound knickknacks.
Pulls out the hubcap from his chest.
Looks back at the TV.
Mimics the dancers on the screen.
Pretends the hubcap is a hat.
Continues to unpack:
A spork.
A Rubik’s Cube (unsolved).
A Zippo Lighter.
He presses a BUTTON by the rack of shelves.
They rotate until an empty space appears.
His new items are lovingly added to the shelf.
The Zippo joins a pre-existing LIGHTER COLLECTION.
A new song, It Only Takes A Moment, plays on the video.
Wally is drawn to it.
Presses his “Record” button.
Two lovers sing gently to one another.
They kiss...hold hands...
Wally tilts his head as he watches.
Holds his own hands.
Wally motors outside.
Turns over his Igloo cooler to clean it out.
Pauses to take in the night sky.
STARS struggle to be seen through the polluted haze.
Wally presses the “Play” button on his chest.
The newly sampled It Only Takes A Moment (IOTAM) plays.
The wind picks up.
A WARNING LIGHT sounds on Wally’s chest.
He looks out into the night.
A RAGING SANDSTORM approaches off the bay...
Unfazed, Wally heads back in the truck.
IOTAM still gently playing.
...The massive wave of sand roars closer...
Wally raises the door.
WHISTLES for his cockroach to come inside.
The door shuts just as the storm hits.
Obliterates everything in view.
Wally alone in the center of his shelter.
Unwraps a BNL SPONGECAKE (think Twinkie).
Lays it out for the cockroach to sleep in.
It happily dives in.
Wally collapses himself into a storable cube.
Backs into an empty shelf space.
Rocks it like a cradle...
...and shuts down for the night.
Outside the wind howls like the Hounds of Hell.
Wally’s CHARGE METER flashes “WARNING”.
He wakes. Unboxes.
Groggy and lifeless.
Stumbles outside.
The morning sun.
Wally fully exposed in its light.
His front panel splayed out like a tanning shield.
A solar collector.
His CHARGE METER chimes full.
Solar panels fold away into hiding.
Wally, now awake, collects his lunch cooler.
Heads off to work.
...and accidentally runs over the cockroach.
Horrified, Wally reverses.
Reveals the FLATTENED INSECT under his tread.
The cockroach simply pops back to life.
No biggie. Ready to go.
Relieved, Wally resumes their commute.
- CU of Wally’s hands digging into garbage.
CU of trash being scooped into his chest compactor.
A cube lands by the cockroach.
- Wally discovers a BRA in the garbage.
Unsure what it’s for.
Tries placing it over his eyes, like glasses.
Tosses it in his cooler.
- Wally finds a set of CAR KEYS.
Presses the remote lock.
Somewhere in the distance a CAR ALARM CHIRPS.
- Plays with a paddle ball.
The ball keeps smacking him in the face.
He doesn’t like it.
- Wally discovers a DIAMOND RING in a JEWEL CASE.
Throws out the ring. Keeps the case.
The jewel case drops into the cooler, then...
...An OLD BOOT...
...A TROPHY...
- Wally finds a FIRE EXTINGUISHER.
Activates it.
FOAM blasts in his face.
It’s tossed far, far away from his cooler.
- Wally’s shovel hand strikes something solid.
Faces a REFRIGERATOR much larger than himself.
Now what?
- CU on fridge door.
A WELDING BEAM moves down its center.
It emits from between Wally’s SPLIT BINOCULAR EYES.
The door falls apart in two pieces. Reveals...
in its early stage of growth.
Wally is entranced.
Carefully, he extracts the section of earth around it.
Wally gently places the plant inside the old boot.
Dusts dirt off the leaves.
Robot and faithful cockroach return home.
Wally stops short of the threshold.
Stares at the ground.
Continues staring.
quivers on the dirt.
A single laser point of light.
Wally moves to touch it...
...The dot races along the ground.
Wally drops his Igloo.
Chases after the dot.
The dot leads Wally deep into the polluted expanse.
He is so fixated on it he doesn’t notice
coming from every direction.
All racing into the valley over the contour of the terrain.
Triangulating towards a center.
Wally’s dot suddenly stops.
Slowly he reaches for it.
Can’t grab it. Just light.
ALL THE DOTS converge in front of him.
The ground shakes.
Wally becomes confused.
Doesn’t see above him.
The SUN growing brighter behind the cloud cover.
A noise. Building.
Rocket engines.
Wally senses he should look to the sky.
Now THREE SUNS are descending on him.
Wally runs for it.
An enormous COLUMN OF FIRE blocks his path.
A second column of fire.
A third.
Wally cubes the ground beneath him.
Working fast.
Noise deafening.
Heat rising.
Digs in just as a tide of flame carpets the ground...
...Then suddenly quiet.
Smoke clears.
Wally’s head rises out of the dirt.
Glows red hot from the heat.
Trembles with fright.
Everything in shadow.
Something very big looms over him.
Wally climbs out of his hole.
Bangs his head on metal.
WIDE on a massive SPACESHIP.
Rests ominously in the empty bay.
A PORTAL on its underside opens.
Frightened, Wally tries to hide.
Nowhere to go.
He places a SMALL ROCK on his head. Boxes up.
A DEVICE lowers to the ground on a long stem.
Scans the surface.
Wally creeps closer for a better look.
The device unfolds.
Wally boxes up again.
A CAPSULE descends from a chute in the stem.
ROBOT ARMS emerge from the device.
Place the capsule on the ground. Press buttons.
The capsule falls away in sections, to reveal...
It hovers gracefully above the ground.
White. Egg-shaped.
Blue-lit eyes.
Wally is transfixed.
Inches closer.
Watches Eve from behind the device.
Tilts his head.
Time stops.
She’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
Eve hovers over the ground.
A BLUE RAY emits from her front panel.
Fans out 180 degrees.
Scans random objects and areas.
The device rises back into the ship.
Exposes Wally.
He rushes for cover behind the nearest rock.
Never takes his eyes off Eve.
Watches her float away from the ship.
...from the ship?
The ship!
Engines roar back to life.
Wally digging furiously.
The rocket takes off.
Smoke clears.
Again, a red hot Wally peeks out from the ground.
Looks for Eve.
She is watching the ship rise into the clouds.
Waits until it is completely out of sight...
...then Eve rises high up into the air.
She flies around the bay.
Soars like a graceful bird.
Does loops in the sky.
Zooms right past Wally’s rock.
He is hypnotized.
Eve descends gently to the ground...
Wally sneaks up closer.
Hides behind another boulder.
Makes a NOISE.
Instantly, Eve whips around.
Her arm converts into a LASER CANNON.
Blasts Wally’s boulder to smithereens.
...Smoke clears...All quiet.
Eve, now cold and dangerous.
Scans the area.
No sign of life.
All business again.
Hovers away to probe more of the planet.
Wally boxed up behind what little remains of the rock.
Trembles uncontrollably.
Eve wanders through the pillars of cubed trash.
Scans random areas.
Wally spies from the shadows.
Too frightened to approach.
She moves on. He follows.
Eve probes a mound of tires.
Wally hiding nearby.
He flinches at the sight of
innocently approaching Eve from behind.
She spins around.
Blasts the insect.
Wally is gut-punched.
The cockroach climbs out of the smoking crater.
Unscathed. Still curious.
Eve finds the insect intriguing.
Lowers her arm.
The end separates into individual hovering sections...
...A HAND.
She lets the insect crawl up her arm.
Wiggles into her workings.
It tickles.
Wally relaxes.
CHUCKLES privately.
Eve sonically picks up Wally’s location.
Locks onto him.
Arm converts to laser cannon.
Fires rapidly.
Quick glimpses of Wally dodging the blasts.
Trash piles are systematically obliterated around him.
Wally now exposed.
Nowhere to hide.
Boxes himself up. Shakes uncontrollably.
Eve holds her fire.
(electronic hums)
[Identify yourself.]
She slowly approaches Wally’s box.
Keeps her gun trained on him.
(electronic hums)
[Repeat. Identify yourself.]
Wally peeks out from his box.
Doesn’t understand a thing she says.
Doesn’t care.
Can’t believe she’s real.
The cockroach climbs down her gun arm.
Jumps onto his master.
Eve scans Wally.
A RED LIGHT appears on her chest.
Buzzes “negative”.
He’s not what she’s looking for.
She retracts her gun arm.
Hovers off.
Wally watches her go. Lovestruck.
Eve scans through the market.
Wally follows from a safe distance.
A stray puppy-dog.
Eve glances over at him.
Wally panics.
Creates an avalanche.
They chase him down a flight of stairs.
Wally reaches the exit doors.
Won’t open!
Carts pig pile on top of him.
Wally perched on the roof.
Patiently watches Eve fly.
She scans the ground below her, like a searchlight.
Eve comes in for a landing below.
Shuts down for the night.
Wally waits.
Quietly sneaks down the refinery fire escape.
Accidentally trips. Tumbles to the ground.
Eve doesn’t wake.
Wally creeps up to her.
Opens his arms wide...
...and measures her.
Turns to a pile of trash.
Splits open his eyes. Begins welding something...
Eve powers up again.
Does a double take.
A TRASH SCULPTURE OF EVE stands in front of her.
She hovers away, unimpressed.
Doesn’t notice Wally hiding behind a PILE OF PIPES.
Wally kicks the pipes in frustration.
They roll on top of him.
- Scans a car engine.
Slams the hood shut.
- Scans a Port-A-Potty.
Slams the door shut.
- Scans an Apollo capsule.
Slams the hatch shut.
Slams the lid shut.
Eve hovers over the freighter.
Not finding what she’s looking for.
Wally eavesdrops from afar.
Eve flies past the ship’s CRANE MAGNET.
Gets stuck.
Wrestles to free herself.
The reaction startles Wally.
Eve slumps down against a dredged anchor.
She gives up.
Concerned, Wally cautiously approaches.
Sits at the other end of the anchor.
Both robots stare silently at the fiery wreck.
...slowly, very slowly, Wally inches towards her.
Musters the courage to speak, when --
She suddenly turns to him:
[So what’s your story?]
Wally falls backwards with surprise.
Eve scrolls through a variety of languages:
[Oh, I understand that!]
Wally eagerly turns to some nearby trash.
Scoops it into his compactor.
Proudly spits out a cube.
Points to Eve.
(struggles to speak)
Wally nods.
[Oh. Sorry.]
She scans his CHEST LOGO.
(struggles again)
W-wally? ...Wally.
(smooth; almost perfect)
Wally nearly melts.
She says his name so beautifully.
Moves closer.
Wally. (giggles)
Wally tries to repeat it:
Eeeve. Eeeve.
She giggles again.
Wally likes making her giggle.
Eee-vah! Ee --
The wind kicks up.
The WARNING LIGHT sounds on Wally’s chest.
He moves to grab her.
(Gasp!) Eee-vah!
[Hey watch it! Don’t come any closer!]
She draws her gun on him.
Doesn’t understand the danger.
The sandstorm rushes up behind her.
Too late.
Wally collapses into a box.
The storm hits full force.
Eve is instantly lost, disoriented.
Wally? Wally?
WALLY’S HAND appears out of the dust.
Calmly takes Eve’s hand.
The back door lowers.
A rush of wind and sand.
Wally pulls Eve inside. Closes the door.
She coughs up dust.
Wally hits a switch...
Strings of CHRISTMAS LIGHTS fill the space.
His racks of oddities painted in colored light.
An air of enchantment.
Eve is taken aback.
[Come on in.]
She drifts through the sea of knickknacks.
Becomes spooked by a SINGING BILLY BASS FISH.
Threatens to shoot it, but Wally calms her down.
He is compelled to show her everything.
Hands her an eggbeater...
...bubble wrap (so infectious to pop)...
...a lightbulb (lights when she holds it)...
...the Rubik’s Cube (she solves it immediately)...
...his Hello Dolly tape.
Curious, she begins unspooling the tape.
(loud beeps)
[My tape!!]
He grabs it back. Protective.
Inserts it carefully into the VCR. Please still work.
The movie eventually appears on the TV.
Plays a clip of POYSC.
Wally is relieved.
[What do you think?]
Mimics the dancing for Eve.
Encourages her to try.
She clumsily hops up and down.
Makes dents in the floor. Rattles everything.
Wally politely stops her.
[How ‘bout we try a different move?]
Spins in a circle. Arms out.
Eve copies.
Spins faster, and faster...
Too fast.
Accidentally strikes Wally. He flies into the shelves.
Eve helps him up from the mess.
Wally’s LEFT BINOCULAR EYE falls off.
Dangles from two wires.
Eve GASPS with concern.
Wally placates her.
[It’s fine.]
Feels his way to the rack of shelves.
Rotates them until...
Replaces his broken eye with a new one.
Eve is relieved.
Flicks open a Zippo. Ignites a FLAME.
Wally freezes.
He had no idea it could do that.
Moves closer to inspect it...
It’s the closest he’s ever been to Eve.
She remains focused on the lighter.
Wally stares up at her.
...The tiny flame flickering between them...
...The Hello Dolly video plays IOTAM in the background...
Suddenly, he is moved to express his love.
Musters the courage to open his fingers...
...Timidly reaches his hand out to hers...
-- Eve turns and looks at him.
Wally instantly chokes.
Pulls his hand back.
Eve becomes intrigued with the TV.
Scans the image of the lovers singing IOTAM...
Wally watches her.
His infatuation still palpable.
Then he remembers...
He rushes to his shelves.
Eve watches him rummage through junk.
A drum falls down on his head.
She giggles, charmed by it all.
Something about Wally...
She is drawn back to the lovers on TV...
...then the lit Zippo lighter in her hand.
A tap on her shoulder.
She turns to find Wally holding something.
The plant.
Eve immediately locks onto it.
Drops the lighter.
In a flash...
...her chest opens...
...a TRACTOR BEAM snatches the plant away...
...stores it inside her...
Then she shuts down completely.
Only a SINGLE GREEN LIGHT pulsing on her chest.
Wally is stunned.
What’d I do?
Waves his hand in front of her face.
Knocks on her chest plate.
No response.
Wally panics.
Gently shakes her.
Still no response.
Ee-vah? ...Ee-vah?!
CAMERA MOVES IN on the blinking green light...
The morning sun.
Wally places Eve in his charging spot.
Aims her hovering form to f
Actually looks like I can only post the first "part", roughly... Already this is lagging my phone. Will experiment more tomorrow. For now, enjoy!
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vellichorom · 4 months
i feel like this is an obvious question based on what you've said abt tsp,exe in previous moments, but is it malware of some sort?
what im asking is: if you were to download the stanley parable.exe onto your computer, would the game (or ig thierry) do typical creepypasta virus game things like encrypting your files, getting a hold of your personal info, putting pop-ups on your screen that either multiply or dont close whenever you try to close them, manually crash/turn off/restart your computer, or other adjacent things?
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as a matter of fact, it does ~
are the ".exe" genre of games considered malware ??? i mean, i know of ones that could be but... curious;
now, i of course welcome my beloved @tomiechu's input as well here if they have anything to add, but the way i see it;
your personal information & files are safe! most of the odd happenings occur within the game & tucked in its own files; the worst you may have to worry about is your storage space getting filled brimming, or the occasional bug or buggy pop up. it's one of those things you have to consciously go & find in your computer more than it is in your face, methink.
what is it that's taking up that storage space? well, the game's a bit heftier & bloated than the original game would be, & while its files are getting moved around, altered, & deleted all the time ( due to thierry actively updating the thing ), you're likely to find a couple of his digital footprints, a few notes & to do lists, stuff like that. among other things... a couple audio clips dated back to the skip button period, a thorough, drawn chart of rosemary's anatomy, a few notes meant to be scattered in the office that have nothing to do with the in-game lore... et cetera.
in-game, the gameplay is relatively normal - as much you'd probably expect from the base game, but wow... there's a LOT of endings to this thing, isn't there? & the game is liable to freeze & pause in certain rooms & areas, textures of red may seem to flicker in in random spots & may stay there, depending. there IS an occasional jumpscare in the form of some horrific bug - perhaps like the sound of grinding or the visage of a character without a face, but nothing the game should have pre-programmed; nothing with a record it should have ever been. fans of the game ( in this world ) are truly puzzled.
there were once reports of players being able to find traces of old viscera on the compactor plates, or outright walking in on something they shouldn't have. theories have sprung up that The Stanley Parable is actually meant to be more of a horror game beyond mere psychological play, but not everyone can agree on this. any of these reports sent back to the developer OR his accounts are met with radio silence or being told they're just screwing around.
things like that, you know! relatively " tame, " but not things that should be or happen. thierry can't make heads or tails of it either.
ah well.
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sunmoon-starfactory · 2 years
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Pottery Party - Functional Pottery Making
Sims with proper creativity skill can transform raw clay into useful and functional glazed pottery objects. This set consists of two main crafting stations, time-sensitive products, and new functional objects. Traits are supported but not required. See under the cut for more info and make sure to read the manual for specifics and details of use.
Download - SFS
View Use/Instruction Manual
The Pottery Wheel Using raw clay and water, combined with skill and talent, sims will give form to the clay to produce a piece of raw pottery. The pottery wheel requires Raw Clay and Water Buckets. Sims may fail at crafting with this station.
Raw Pottery These pottery pieces must be fired to be any more useful than as a decorative item. Raw pottery will decay over time if left out and not fired. To prevent decay when not in an inventory, place them on a Pottery Rack.
The Kiln Using raw pottery and fuel, sims will fire pottery into a more durable and useful state. This station is responsible for the final stage products of the set, allowing items to go from deco and fragile pieces to slotted or functional items. The pottery kiln requires Raw Clay Pottery and Fuel (wood, coal, or charcoal). Firing takes 8 hours.
Functional Pottery New Items Include: ● Bowl Sink - Functional Sink ● Chamber Pots - Functional toilets. Individual for Adults, Children & Toddlers. ● Dishwashing Pot - Functional Dishwasher ● Food Storage Pot - Functional Fridge ● Mortar & Pestle - Functional Food Processor ● Shower Pot - Functional Communal Shower ● Trash Compacting Pot - Functional Trash compactor ● Washing Bains - Functional Sinks. Can be used to wash hands, wash face, or sponge bath. Must be stocked with water (Fetch Water) and soap (Suds 'N Bubbles) to be used. Previously Released Set Items: ● Fire Pots/Chimenea (All Fired Up) ● Oil Lamp Pot/Oil Diffuser (Pressing Matters) ● Select Teapots & Coffee Urns (Quali-Tea) ● Bowl, Plate, Cup (Super Pottery Set)
Bonus Items ● Raw Pottery Rack ● Decorative Plate Holder ● Kiln Door
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Writing Patterns Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
I was tagged for this by @sciencemyfiction and it looks super fun! I am going to cheat a little bit tho and post only from my One Piece fics as I haven't published anything else since 2018 and I think the writing sample will be more representative of my current styl
Flotsam and Jetsam
"When Big Mom's crew arrives on Zou, Sanji's first thought is, Damn, we didn't fuck 'em up enough before?"
Here I am cheating AGAIN because this line is actually from chapter 2 of Flotsam and Jetsam, "Instead of the Cross, the Albatross," but IN MY DEFENSE it's the only chapter of that fic that was meant to be its own standalone fic. The rest of those chapters are just things I didn't want to consign forever to the desolation of my scrapped file.
2. Found in the Crack of Your Palm
"'Oi, Luffy,' Zoro calls.  He punctuates his bid for Luffy’s attention by toeing his hip with his heavy boot."
3. New Seas Ahead (chapter 1)
“Oh come on.  Please?”
4. spill your wine
"Zoro’s had a shower and a nap and three platefuls of food before the scent of his new captain really hits him."
5. Same Song, Different Verse
"The first time Zoro sees Monkey D. Lucy, the sky is a hard, clear blue and the earth is packed dense beneath his feet."
6. New Seas Ahead (chapter 28)
"How is she doing that though?”
“It’s a mystery, Usopp.”
“She’s like a human trash compactor…”
7. New Seas Ahead (chapter 27)
"The oniwabanshu should have an easier time following them in the snow, but they don’t see another attack after Hakumai."
8. New Seas Ahead (chapter 26)
"When he wakes up, Zoro’s surprisingly not feeling like complete shit."
9. New Seas Ahead (chapter 25)
"Tama turns out to be fine, which is a relief.  And she eats the oshiruko well when they convince her to actually accept it."
10. New Seas Ahead (chapter 24)
"Are we there yet?"
I was actually super nervous to do this because hooks and opening lines are not my strong suit as a writer. My thoughts about the above are pretty much what I already knew. I have a tendency to set the place of any given scene before anything else. It's present even at the start of fics/scenes where the lines aren't explicitly about the sense of place or setting, and I usually accomplish this by calling reference to some time or place that the reader, as a One Piece fan, will undoubtedly be very familiar with and will instantly be able to recall the wheres and whens of the given scene.
In part this is intentional because in the Fair Winds and Following seas series specifically I jump over or outright skip certain events and catching the reader up to where we are now as efficiently as possible is important. HOWEVER, I definitely have a tendency to over-rely on this strategy, which is something I'm definitely thinking about and considering as I've been writing some original fiction!
Alternatively, four of the above entries begin with outright dialogue which is, funnily enough, my least favorite way to start a scene. I usually do it for the sake of a joke and to set the tone and sometimes place which all of the above entries are with the exception of "Found in the Crack of Your Palm." Also Usopp is the one speaking in both 3 and 6. Probably because I try to include his dialogue wherever possible in Fair Winds because I struggle to insert him into the plot and he's good at setting a mood.
I do think the "best" of these opening lines are from "Same Song, Different Verse," and also "spill your wine." Both of them do the thing where I'm establishing place but they also manage to tie in some important sensory information which becomes thematic as their respective fics go on. Food for thought.
Thanks for tagging me, Dev! I'm tagging @faggotzoro, @acewithapaintbrush, @thricepiercedpirate, @thychesters and @zaharya!
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sunindustries · 1 year
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riequip · 18 days
Investing in a Quality Concrete Mixer: A Wise Choice
In the world of construction, efficiency and quality are paramount. Whether you're a contractor or a DIY enthusiast, having the right tools can make all the difference. 
One such indispensable tool is a concrete mixer. Investing in a quality concrete mixer for sale can significantly enhance your projects, offering a range of benefits that can streamline your workflow and improve the overall quality of your concrete work. Let's delve into the advantages of choosing a high-quality concrete mixer.
Enhanced Productivity
Time is money, especially in construction. A quality concrete mixer enables you to mix larger quantities of concrete efficiently, reducing the time spent on manual mixing. 
This efficiency translates into enhanced productivity, allowing you to complete projects faster and take on more work. With a reliable concrete mixer, you can consistently produce batches of concrete without the inconsistencies and delays associated with hand mixing.
Consistent Concrete Quality
The key to a durable and structurally sound construction lies in the quality of the concrete used. Investing in a reputable concrete mixer ensures that you achieve consistent concrete quality with every batch. 
These mixers are designed to blend materials thoroughly and evenly, resulting in a uniform mixture that enhances the strength and integrity of your concrete structures. Consistency in concrete quality also minimises the risk of defects and callbacks, ultimately saving you time and money.
Cost Savings
While the initial investment in a quality concrete mixer may seem significant, it pays off in the long run through cost savings. 
By producing your own concrete on-site, you eliminate the need to purchase pre-mixed concrete, which can be expensive. Moreover, you have better control over the raw materials used in the mix, allowing you to optimise costs without compromising on quality. Over time, the savings accrued from producing your own concrete can offset the initial investment in the mixer.
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Versatility and Convenience
Modern concrete mixers are designed for versatility and ease of use. Whether you're working on a small-scale residential project or a large-scale commercial development, there's a concrete mixer to suit your needs. 
Portable mixers are ideal for smaller jobs that require mobility, while larger drum mixers can handle substantial volumes of concrete. Investing in a mixer that matches your project requirements ensures convenience and flexibility on the job site, allowing you to adapt to various construction demands.
Long-Term Durability
Quality construction equipment is built to last, and concrete mixers are no exception. When you invest in a reputable brand of concrete mixer, you're investing in durability and reliability. 
These mixers are constructed using robust materials and undergo rigorous testing to withstand the demands of the construction environment. A durable mixer not only performs consistently over time but also requires minimal maintenance, reducing downtime and repair costs.
Investing in a quality concrete mixer for sale is a strategic decision for any construction professional or enthusiast. From enhancing productivity and ensuring consistent concrete quality to achieving cost savings and enjoying long-term durability, the benefits of owning a reliable mixer are manifold. 
Before making a purchase, assess your specific needs and research reputable brands and models that align with your requirements. By choosing the right concrete mixer, you're not just acquiring a tool but making an investment in the success and efficiency of your construction projects.
0 notes
What are the toys, doesn't matter which ones, favorite food that they have eaten before or that Picky has made for them?
Dogday's would be chicken (ha). Grilled chicken
Hoppy and Kickin love pizza, Bubba's is salads for sure. Crafty's would be fruit-based. Probably strawberry shortcake. Bobby's is chocolate chocolate CHOCOLATE!
Catnap likes a good salmon, who doesn't? (When he eats, of course, sometimes he goes days without eating)
Picky's is... She doesn't talk about it. No one really knows but everyone assumes it's everything.
Sunny and Moon are trash compactors, anything that hits the floor is their favorite (they have their own plates don't worry, they're just like that)
As for the other toys...
Huggy doesn't like a lot of new things. He sticks to a grilled cheese. Kissy can eat a bowl of pineapple like it's nothing.
Soups are easier for Poppy to eat so she prefers tomato bisque with small biscuits.
Ollie is very very very particular about his food. He prefers things that are smooth. Yogurt is a good one!
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ncdweller · 8 months
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Roughly 4 tons of #57 gravel down. A plate compactor would be nice.
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douevenbleachbro · 10 months
Part 1
Staying with Hikifune gave Ichigo time, and though most of it was spent stuffing his face into a stupor, some of it was also spent thinking of a certain petite shinigami that was somewhere within these walls. He could feel her reiatsu, albeit slightly, lingering in the space around him. Had she been there? Was she fully healed? Did she eat? Was she training? Was she stronger? The image of her zanpakutou’s snow white ribbon curling around her came to him mind. He remembered how he felt when he first saw it. It fit her so well. He’s sure she also wants to tap into the side of her power she had yet to reach, just like he did. She was a soldier, after all, and they were at war. There were important things that needed to get done. He needed to figure out his whole situation with Zangetsu and then there were the Quincy and their King - waiting. 
Regardless, Ichigo thought of Rukia and of how much he would like to see her, speak to her, at least once before they left this place. He wasn’t sure of what was going to happen once he faced Yhwach. All he knew was that he had to win, no matter what. The fact that he could die crossed his mind a few times, a blink of a thought like lightening in the clouds. It would send shivers down his spine and made him to swallow hard. But he would arm himself with resolve, and if he didn’t have any, he would borrow from the look his friends gave him or the hope the shinigami had loaded onto his shoulders. They were all expecting him to win, so win he will, because he has to, because he needs to.
Because he wants to see her again.
“Oh, Ichigo! You haven’t touched your fifth plate! Is something wrong?” Hikifune’s downturned face materialized in front of him, snapping him of his reverie and making him jump back. The sudden movement caused the plates to rattle, which didn’t stop Renji from continuing to stuff his face. He spared a quick side-look, shrugged, then went back to scarfing down the rice. Ichigo let out a breath.
“Uh, no Hikifune-san, nothing’s wrong. The foods delicious!” He gave her two thumbs up and a lopsided grin. She gave him a raised eyebrow and a knowing smirk. 
“I’m so glad to hear it! It’s always so nice to see strapping young men enjoying my food. I mean, I had two other young ones here before you that didn’t eat as much as you do. I should’ve known they would be more reserved. Nobles usually are,” she sighed wistfully, whipping her haori and long lilac tresses as she turned back to her kitchen. Ichigo and Renji gave each other a look.
“Wait, are you saying Captain Kuchiki was here? And you served him...all this food?” Renji asked incredulously, specks of rice falling on his chin. Hikifune turned her head, her finger tapping her chin as she thought.
“Why yes, of course. I serve everyone my delicious food when they’re out of the hot springs. And he needed a lot of food I mean, he was in pretty bad shape. The little one that was with him wasn’t in better shape but she did eat more than he did. She was particularly fond of the strawberry bunny mochi I made,” she giggled, her eyes searching Ichigo’s face. She smiled wider when he delivered. His eyes widened at the mention of the little shinigami - a light returning to his dark eyes. 
“Rukia was here? Of course she liked the damn mochi. I’m surprised she ate it though. She never likes eating cute things,” Renji said as he bit into a chicken leg. Ichigo scowled, eyeing the redheaded food compactor next to him. Something about the way he so casually spoke of what Rukia liked rubbed him the wrong way. They were friends. Best friends. For many, many years, so of course he’d know. But Ichigo knew too. He also knew that strawberry was her favorite flavor and that she probably named all the damn bunny heads and probably made herself near cry at the thought of eating them. 
From her spot, Hikifune giggled again. Ah to be young and dumb! There was something about Ichigo that made her feel almost maternal. Maybe that’s why she sent one of her servants to get some rooms ready for her guests and to make sure that the Captain of the 6th Squad and his vice-captain were on a different floor and on the opposite end of the Ryoka and the vice-captain of the 13th. 
Rukia had never felt this good in her life. Not only was she fully healed, but her hair felt smooth and glossy, and her skin was supple and also very soft. She had renewed energy coursing through her and Shirayuki’s voice was strong and clear in her head. After finally healing and spending some time training with Renji, Rukia was taken to Hikifune’s place where she enjoyed some of the most decadent and delicious food she had ever laid eyes on. I mean, the Kuchiki manor had excellent cooks, but something about this food was more than just filling. Of course, as expected from a member of the 0 Squad, Hikifune’s food was imbued with her reiatsu which replenished them from the inside. She almost stumbled out of the dining hall, only to find that she was setup in a beautiful room with a nice little private onsen. She dipped into the warm water, sighing happily at the relaxing feeling. She didn’t stay too long though, not wanting to drown after she started to feel herself fading into sleep. Now, she sat on her bed, wrapped in the softest robe she’s ever felt, running her fingers through her hair. She stretched leisurely and fell back into the soft pillows, waiting for sleep to take her. 
But it never came. Instead, her mind was filled with everything that had happened so far. Images of the Soul Society being destroyed kept popping up, then the memory of Byakuya’s reiatsu fading away. And then, Ichigo. 
Giving up the idea of sleeping, Rukia sat up with a huff. She knew he was here, probably going through some very intense training. He was being prepped to take on the mantle of Hero of Soul Society. The thought made her chest squeeze. It all seemed so unfair. A part of her knew that there wasn’t anyone else that could take on Yhwach, that it would come down to him in the end. Another part of her raged against the thought, seething at the unfairness and selfishly wishing they could just go back to Karakura and wear their uniforms and go back to school. Another, much smaller but very much there part of her wished she could do the same. 
A stupid thought. She was a soldier of the Soul Society and it was her duty to fight and defend it. This was her place and where she belonged and nowhere else and with no one else! With a groan, Rukia slammed back into the pillows. She took one that was next to her and shoved it over her face, trying to suffocate the intrusive thoughts out of her mind. The room was quite, the only sounds were her breathing and the very soft gurgling water of the onsen. She was alone and no one here could hear her thoughts. It was the night before they would head back into battle, so what would it matter if she let her mind wander a little? Who would it hurt if she allowed herself to daydream, or simply dream, here in the darkness of this big room so far from home. She softened her hold on the pillow, leaving it on her face. It felt nice against her flushed skin. With nothing and no one around, what would she allow herself to think about? Or whom?
Ichigo’s face materialized in her minds eye almost instantly. She snorted out loud at herself. So predictable and terrible. She shouldn’t be thinking about him. She had allowed him to get too close, to change her too much. But she’d be a fool to deny the way her heart started to beat so hard against her ribs when she thought of his dumb face and loud hair and deep, soulful eyes. So here, in the solitude of her room, she allowed herself to bring up her memories of his eyes, and smile, and face. The way he would say her name, callout to her. The way he would look at her as if there was no one else in the room. She brought up the memories of the time he lost his powers and she disappeared before him. The mournful look in his eyes confused her, but mostly it broke her. She wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch his face and make him stop looking like that. But she couldn’t, so she left. Then she came back and gave him his powers and he gave her a different look. It burned through her like liquid fire as she held on to the sword that pierced his chest. They had that small moment together after, when Riruka and Orihime were sleeping next to them. Renji had said they were going to be leaving soon. Ichigo looked like he had a million things to say. His mouth opened and closed several times like a fish out of water. Her hands were shaking a little. What was he going to say? Spit it out, idiot! Please, before I have to leave again!. He didn’t and she left, feeling so foolish. What was she expecting? Then he was in the Soul Society looking for Ginjo’s body. His reiatsu was as wild as ever, and it enveloped everything around him, her included. He was at her office door then, looking away and scratching the back of his head. Congrats, you deserve it he had said with that smirk of his. She thanked him - it’s an honor you know? He then gave her that smile of his, warm and sincere, bright and blinding. His fingers skimmed the ends of her now short hair. They stood there, suspended in time, for what seemed like forever. Not a word uttered yet so much was said. Then he was gone again because he doesn’t belong there but she does, and she has a duty to fulfill and whatever she was thinking about was foolish and wrong. But he had been staring at her lips, and she had been staring at his, and they had been so close. In the moment, everything seemed possible, doable. He was standing there in his black robes like he belonged. Maybe he could. Maybe he did.
A sharp rap on her door made Rukia jump, squeaking in surprise. Did she hear that right? Was that her door? Another small knock came and she jumped off the bed, wrapping the soft robe tighter round herself. “Hello?” she whispered at the door.
“Rukia? It’s me. Open up,” Ichigo hissed back. Rukia took a step back, suddenly nervous. She had just spent the last...lord knows how long thinking about this man and now he was there knocking on her door. “Oi, Rukia? Are you there?” He sounded worried, like maybe he mad a mistake. Without a second thought she opened the door.
“Fool, of course I’m here. What’re you doing here?” She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly very aware of the fact that she was just wearing a robe and nothing else. Ichigo stood at her door holding a tray of what looked like tea. His face was suspiciously flushed, as were his ears and neck. He was wearing what looked like pijamas. He cleared his throat and looked away sheepishly. 
“Hikifune-san gave me this tray and said she had made too much, so maybe I should offer you some. I felt your reiatsu and assumed you were awake, so...want some tea?” He asked lamely, his ears getting a lot more red. He shoved the tray at her. Rukia blinked, then sighed and moved aside to let him in. She closed the door behind him, took a quick breath to steady herself and turned back, following Ichigo into the small seating area in her room. He set the tray down and sat on the floor with his legs crossed as he placed the tea cups on the table. She sat on the other side of the table, watching him work. 
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goddesspharo · 5 months
Sugar's pregnancy cravings are batshit; luckily, crazy food provides her Bear fam with a perfect distraction from the equally insane task of living life.
[Send me the first sentence and a pairing and I'll write the next five.]
Sugar's pregnancy cravings are batshit, but since everyone else is either an experimental chef or a fucking Fak, only Richie seems to be concerned that there might be a serious nutritional deficiency causing them. Honestly, if Sugar hadn't shown him the sonogram last week when he found her crying in the bathroom over impending motherhood ("Natalie, if I can parent a kid without completely fucking her up, you're going to make it so that your kid overcomes Pete's genes and joins Mensa!"), Richie would've driven her to the hospital to get checked for pica right now in the middle of Sugar's tirade about how far up the ass Richie will have to take it from the health inspector if he tries to explain that they didn't hire professionals because "the mold wasn't that black or moldy."
Richie's not trying to judge a pregnant woman's right to eat whatever she wants. Tiff consumed so many bananas when she was pregnant with Eva that he's still mad at himself for not buying stock in Chiquita. She'd have them sliced with her morning oatmeal, baked into bread as a post-prenatal yoga snack, smashed into PB&B sandwiches for lunch, frozen and dipped in chocolate the weekend the AC crapped out while Fak was in Philly for a Fucking Fak Family Reunion, and once even flambéed when Richie made forgive me for missing the anatomy scan because Mikey was on a bender and about to hurl himself off the State Street Bridge apology dessert. At one point, Richie had to google if banana toxicity was a thing and then kept worrying even after Google said that it wasn't.
But there's a difference between eating tons of fruit and whatever the hell is happening with Sugar's taste buds right now. Richie decides that Carmy and Sydney are using her cravings to soft launch their chaos menu once Syd puts down a plate of pickled zucchini coated in Marcus' leftover birthday cake batter, deep fried in ghee, and dusted with confectioners' sugar.
"Bet that would taste so good dipped in Smuckers ice cream topping," Fak suggests because he doesn't need to be pregnant to have the palate of a garbage compactor.
"Please don't eat that with that," Richie begs when Natalie trades Fak a bottle of Pepto for the jar of fudge he just took out of the microwave.
"Fuck off, Richie," Sugar snaps with a glare that makes it clear that she's not above murdering him and pinning it on pregnancy hormones. "I'm growing a human being inside me!"
Debatable, he wants to say because he's not entirely sure that they're in Juno instead of Alien, but Richie bites his tongue because he really doesn't want to have to put his last twenty-dollar bill in the asshole jar again.
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