#planning to update/change a couple tags so I’ll edit this post as needed
vampromantic · 5 months
Pinned. January 2024.
Hit a follower milestone so I decided to finally make a pinned post. I’d appreciate if you liked this post before following but idrc.
nico | 21 | it/he
trans nonbinary, queer, polyam, vers, switch, posts will reflect this.
DNI: minors, any kind of bigot (terfs, swerfs, racists, zionists, transphobes, fatphobes etc.)
This is a sideblog, I won't like/reblog a lot from main. I'll consider us mutuals if we interact on a frequent enough basis, we're all besties here.
If you know me irl and find this blog, I don't really care but I'd prefer if you let me know.
(tags, triggers, misc.)
the rating of nsft vs nsft ish is based on my own interpretation of the post and can vary.
most kinks are untagged, but my recurring tags are:
🐾.txt : pet play (puppy edition)
🐰.txt : pet play (bunny edition)
💤.txt : somnophilia / sleepy nsft
👑.txt : regency play
💭.txt : reblogs where I add personal tags
misc tags not in featured tags:
fav / polyam content / t4t content / public / skirts / yearning hours / mythical nsft / autistic nsft / nsft funny / texts
photos / videos / gifset / art
(this isn’t all of them, but I wanted these listed somewhere.)
if anyone wants a trigger tag added feel free to dm or send something to my inbox.
current trigger tags:
tw consent issues
tw physical injury
tw guns
tw knives
tw drug use
tw slur use
tw religious mention
the consent issues tag does not mean the scenarios are non-consensual, only that consent may appear blurry to some people (eg posts about/implying cnc or intoxication). consent is always mandatory - if you think that isn’t the case, Fuck Off.
in terms of the slur use tag, I completely support slur reclaimation, I’m literally a faggy tranny dyke who has faggy tranny dyke sex. but I will not expose people who don’t want to see slurs to those slurs without an option to avoid them. we can have our pride and our freedom using those words while also acknowledging that people in our community have trauma related to them and don’t want to see them used in this context.
this blog operates using a queue set to post throughout the day.
once in a while I’ll reblog something immediately (#not queued) but most of the time this is not the case.
tags are added manually after a post goes up.
anyway! have fun - be safe - enjoy your stay
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mushroomjeremy · 1 year
Moldy Writing Masterpost
I didn't know a better way to start off showing my writing so I’ll make this masterpost that will update with new writings or delete projects I don't want to finish.
For anyone who doesn't want to see these post the blockable tag is ‘Moldy Writing’
This is the format I will explain the works in
This also included other smaller writings:
Working Title | Shortened Title | Status | Length | Type | Fandom | Description
Any with ‘Working Title’ means it doesn't have a title yet or it will be changed to something else in the future.
Single means I’ll write one chapter but I’m keeping open minded to writing another story that follows the previous writing. One-Shot means I have no intention to continue the story from that point.
Fanfictions :
Two Greens in Hunters' Clothing | Two Greens | Chap 3 In Development | Multi-Chapter with no known end point | Found Family with Timeline/Reality Jumping | SCP | For currently unknown reasons D.C. Al Fine adopts a young Agent Ukulele. With a background of the Ichabod campaign going on as well.
Kingson: Seven Hectic Days | Hectic Days | Chap 9 WIP | 15 Chapters | Angst Couple Fic | SCP | Through a phenomenon excessive to Dr. King called the Narrative causes him to turn into the Scarlet King; Dr. Clef, who has barely survived his own past with a Scarlet King, while having a paranoid breakdown that is ignored by all, notices things he perceives as warning sighs in Everett goes to warn and protect Dr. Edison, King's husband, from ending up as he did decades ago trying to teach Edison the lessons he had to learn the hard way before they meet the same crossroads.
Anomalies on the Run | Anomalies |  Chap 2 WIP | Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount but has end point | On the Run Ship Fic | SCP | “Clight” slow burn fic where Clef and my SCP 963 Jair Shimmer both breach containment after 70 year and are on the run to reach an anomalous safe zone to live in.
Mini Bite - Part A: Spicy Nuggets | Spicy Nuggets | Done | NSFW One-Shot | SCP/Humanized County-balls | After Goc gets raided by CI, he shamefully goes to Foundation to get information and help. After the Foundation notices how stress the Goc is currently he add an extra unplanned section to help.
Mini Bite - Part B: Whiskey Coffee Cakes | Whiskey Coffee Cakes | Done | One-Shot | Fluff Fic | SCP/Humanized County-balls | Same as Spicy Nuggets above but the plan is drinking coffee cocktails and a lot of kissing.
Mini Bites - Vodka Shots | Vodka Shots | NSFW One-Shot | SCP | Next propaganda fic about humanized SCP x GOC. This one they are have a drinking contest.
Seamounts & Scarlet Kings | Seamounts | Chap 2 WIP | Many many Chapters | Cross-over mash of 6-7 plots | SCP/Dungeon & Dragons/PlanarScape | A crossover where SCP-verse getting sucked though a portal into PlanarScape and wider worlds of DnD. This one deals with various group and GoI that deal with the Scarlet King all with there own plot the sometimes connect back into one another there are currently. : Main Scarlet King where he is trying to get back his “wives” by starting a war with the whole sphere of DnD, Daevites plot where the remaining Swords of Daeva have to come together to establish a settlement in planarscape to help with the Scarlet Kings war efforts, Children of the Scarlet King plot where they are racing with the Foundations to get who can find the most leviathans over the other, a side b to the Cotsk’s plot is Robert Montauk helping his brother Jacob/ SCP-3554-A find the other kids/instances, and then a side c where Montauk is trying to cause Clef to go into madness, there a CMA plot where they are this evangelical raiding band to get recourse for the daevite settlement, and finally the last plot I’ve called Bitch Plot where its about Lily waking up if people some how really wants her to show up. There’s more plots now I need to do back and fix this later.
Anomalous Omegaverse Hell - Clef Edition | Omega Hell | WIP | Single | NSFW A/B/O | SCP | Just some pure cursed content with A Major System and Alpha/Beta/Omega. Don’t mind me.
Working Title: Smoke | * | Pause | Single | NSFW | SCP | Pwp with A Major and my SCP 963 rewrite Jair Shimmer. They smoke a fictional drug.
Mini Bites - Cherry Chocolate | Cherry Chocolate | Pause | WIP | NSFW One-Shot | SCP | A SCP 173 x Clef fic that taken place in an AU where every anomaly is “mostly” human. This is so AUed that I would even say that it is Freeform in nature.
Mini Bites - Whiskey Truffles | Whiskey Truffles | Pause | WIP | SFW One-Shot | SCP | One-Shot about my version of the Administrator with one of my Dr. Wondertainments. Self-indulgent as this is my rare-pair.
Mini Bites - Irish Cream Waffle Cones | Waffle Cones | SFW One-Shot, Seven Minutes in Heaven Closet Fic | SCP | Agent Ukulele and Agent Shard get locked and forgotten about in an empty utility closest. Ukulele is shit at words and feelings. Takes place in my Split AU.
Mini Bites - Spicy Noodles | Spicy Noodles | Pause | WIP | NSFW A/B/O One-Shot | SCP | It’s Clefdraki and that's all I’m giving.
Dark Moon Dance | Dance | Pause | WIP | Single | AU Self Indulgent Fix - It | Dungeon & Dragons/Forgotten Realms |  A story of ex-lovers coming together at a dance festival hosted by Eilistraee. So much to explain yet few sentences between the two.
 SCP -  Α Β Ω  Omega Virus | Omega Virus | WIP |  Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount | Horror A/B/O | SCP | A slightly fix-it Robert Montauk returns to the Foundation adamant that he has been mind controlled. When a mysterious virus shows up and shows sighs of being an STD as it appear sexually transmutable, however not entirely just that. Montauk get spared from death if he uses his obsessive and moral-less personality traits to help research it. Also just an excuse for me to writing about my full Greek alphabet Omegaverse.
 Fusions | None | WIP | Multi-Chapter, 0/3 Done | IDK | SCP | Short stories that will go with some fusion designs of the SCP doctors.
Family of Bluee | * | Pause | Single | Family Reunion | SCP | Mr. Redd goes to talk to his family.
Mother of Blue, Son of Green, Family of Red | Mother of Blue | Pause | Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount but has end point | Self-indulgent Family Reunion | SCP | I just wanted to write about Lady Agora and Clef interacting. That was all. There’s no other plot but that.
DND Flavor Text:
Elemental Plane of Smoke - WIP - Currently filling in Biomes (need basic ideas for how each one would look like being near current other elemental planes)
Colothys - WIP - Currently filling in Inhabitants (a few NPCs I have)
Vanishing Tower - Currently Filling in Biomes (Indoor Floors of the Tower, currently Floor 2 out of 10)
Ellaniath-Svartalfheim - Currently Filling in Events
Hidden Shadow/AU-ed Vhaeraun - Currently Filling in Relations with Races (with Drow specifically)
Black Dragons- Currently Filling in Personality (on average)
Dragoth Mistbasalt III - Personal NPC - Filling out History
Pinata Court - An AU of Viva Pinata where I’m writing my own version of journal entries - Currently working on Mothdrop (Residential Requirements)
Pokemon Eatillity - Large Doc of me going on and on about if a Pokemon can be eaten and how or if it has anything to help get more food. - There a few different one I haven't finish and I could always add another Pokemon
I have a lot of things dealing with an SCP/DnD crossover with giving SCP Stat blocks, long flavor text, as well as mechanics to add to DnD games. I can work on any of these.
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ticktockstuck · 1 year
June Update
Big updates today! It’s taken a bit more time than I originally planned but I’m happy to report some of the changes I’ve been working on the last few weeks are now live!
That delay was due mostly to...well...I found out the fun way that user-made Tumblr pages have a maximum character limit for their HTML text of 500,000 characters (and that includes spaces and HTML tags) and I had to take like a week looking over everything to make sure it’d actually fit within those constraints.
New Aspect Page
GOOD NEWS: Our new-and-improved aspect catalog is live! Barring some eventual trimming and slight editing it should even be able to fit within the 500K character limit well into the future. BAD NEWS: Our new aspect catalog is up in only a partial state, because I didn’t want to have to make y’all wait forever for me to be done revising all the old text (it’d be Autumn by the time I’d be done if I did that).
I do intend to eventually get all of the original information back into the new page, just in the form of regular updates instead of pushing it all out at once (and for the preservationists out there, I’ve got the original text safe and sound in case I ever need it). My expectation with that is adding 2 aspects a month, possibly more depending on available time. I’ll be focusing on getting the aspects we already had in there back in there, after which I’ll be getting to work on filling the rest of the catalog out.
In the meantime, you’ll just have to pardon the dust and filler blocks.
Extended Zodiac
GOOD NEWS: Our Zodiac sideblog is now updated with the aspects of Craft and One, including the Omnisearch! BAD NEWS: The Omnisearch was too big for Tumblr, and I’ve had to split the main page into four smaller pages.
Trying to update the Omnisearch in preparation for the upcoming set of signs is how I actually found out about Tumblr’s page character limit in the first place. For those who weren’t around when the sideblog started, the Omnisearch used to exist as thirteen pages (one for each caste grouping) and I eventually compiled the whole thing into one page for convenience’s sake. It’s very disappointing that I have to split it up again but thankfully I’ve done the logistics to minimize the damage, and we should be able to get every single other sign updated into the system with just four pages (and if we can’t that’s not going to be a problem for a LONG time).
The Omnisearch link on the main page for the TTSEZ still works, it just brings you to the first of the four pages (rusts, bronzes, and golds) and you use the links in the header bar to move between the others.
Future Plans
For the immediate future my schedule is going to be looking a little hectic and I may need to put TTS work on the backburner. I still plan to get aspects updated, but the main focus for the next couple weeks is going to be getting the TTS Extended Zodiac back up and running (at whatever pace ends up working out the best).
For the Zodiac, I’m still working on building up a sizeable buffer so I won’t have to stress over uploads once the TTSEZ goes live again. That said, it’ll start posting again next month and, with luck, should be able to keep posting through the end of the year.
This hectic part of my schedule should hopefully wrap up by the time we get to August, and I’ll be able to give more concrete plans for the future at that point.
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badassxbirdy · 2 years
August Activity Update (Pinned Post)
It’s a new month, which means it’s time once again for the monthly activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. I missed last month, so this update includes things posted or drafted in June and July. Everything else an be found over on my thread tracker (here).
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, click here. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
Thank you for the support regarding my terrible PIP assessment. You guys are lovely. ❤️
The theme has been updated at long last! A couple of minor aesthetic things need fixing, but I’m glad to have it finally (mostly) done.
There are new opened starters here.
I’ve changed up the tagging system for images of Ty’s friends and contacts. Rather than just being tagged with the name of the character, they are now tagged with “contact: name or nickname”.
As usual, I’m off to stay with family for a bit. I’ll be leaving on the 8th, but should still be able to trim threads with my mobile workaround.
I still have a couple of headcanon memes in the inbox/drafts that I’m hoarding to write while I travel lol. Thank you for sending them! ❤️
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
Edit: it’s been suggested that I put these in alphabetical order rather than date order to make things easier to find. So let’s give it a try! In alphabetical order by username, let me know if you prefer this way!
Being a little shit at the bar. (drafted) - @blutschatten
Car trouble (link) - @demcnsinmymind
At the motel (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Lance and Ty just being adorable little shits. ❤️ (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Damon shields Ty (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Bloody Mary (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Interrogation time! (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty meets Hook (link) - @hvbris
Arriving at the motel with FBI!Fish (link) - @imprvdente
Acrobatic injuries (finished! more mischief with these two definitely needed soon. ❤️) - @indyflanery
Tyler hates Alec’s plans. 😂 (link) - @lcbcshcart
Ty summons Lilith (link) - @magaprima
Accidental interrogation (link) - @medicatedmedium
Ty shows Mel a favourite place. 🥹 (link)- @nightiingaled
Proteus is bby and Ty is 😡 (link) - @nightiingaled
No such thing as too much sauce! (link) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
“Does it still hurt?” (link) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
“Get down!” (link) - @normallyxstranger (Mason)
Actual children. 😂 (link) - @normallyxstranger (Carla)
“I was just trying to help” (link) - @normallyxstranger (Casey)
“You shouldn’t be here.” (link) - @razorfst
Ty meets Kiara! (link) - @thatevester
Ty really said 🥺 (link) - @tobeblamed
“This isn’t what it looks like.” (link) - @wraith-of-christmas-future
Headcanon, dash games, crack, and assorted silliness:
The beach episode! (link)
Tyler + platonic love (link)
How does Tyler respond to silence? - botanical headcanon meme (link)
What’s your most unpopular opinion? (link)
Do you want your powers back? (link + a related hc here)
Height comparison: Ty and Lance (link)
“Should have dug the hole deeper.” “THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY? 😡” (link)
Ty wants someone to take Damon’s mic away. (link)
Bad joke meme (link and link)
Warning label meme - deadly puppydog eyes 😂 (link)
Dash game - what type of live interest would you be in a dating sim? (link)
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ladykf-writes · 3 years
Challenge: list the WIPs you promised you’d update, and why you haven’t yet
Tagged by @yuzukimist - if you want to do this, please repost and tag me, don’t reblog, because this will be a bit long. I have, uh... a lot of WIPs to address.
A few suggested tags: @vorpalgirl , @wandererriha, @thegeeksqueaks , @lynati , @deadcatwithaflamethrower​ and @norcumii​ if you all would like to? And YOU, you person who’s reading this!
NOW! Being fair the only one I’ve “promised” updates on is Dog Whistle, and I just updated that Saturday, but there was such a hiatus in-between that I’ll address it.
The fact of the matter is, I got stuck on DW because I wanted to do Shelke justice but she’s a very different fighter than the other Tsviets/SOLDIER (and therefore out of my usual experiences as a writer). A traditional fight scene... isn’t going to be what she’s angling for. She is a Brain, the fact that she was out where someone could attack her head on... that was a miscalculation on their part. She would he have been so much better left to manage things behind the scenes. Alas.
But yeah, a lot of these are either “plot got stuck on a problem” or “character in the story was not cooperating” as you’ll see shortly. XD
Cause of delay on DW: 
- differently paced fight scene / figuring out how to get in Shelke’s head. (shoutout to @wandererriha for getting me unstuck with some great ideas!)
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I’ve also had a couple people ask about It’s Not a Game (the FF7/Avengers crossover that I haven’t posted on since early ‘19 whups?) And actually, it’s... sort of tricky what happened.
See, I had finished the next chapter, but it’s short. It’s like, nearly 300 words short of my self-imposed minimum count (I aim for between 1500-2500 words on my chapters because in my experience most people can read that in one sitting and at the same time feel like they’ve read a good chunk / me actually advance the plot / character arcs / etc.)
And I got hung up on that. I couldn’t seem to make it organically longer, and it frustrated me, and it wasn’t like I had a plot for this - spoilers: this was meant to be a thought provoking one-shot what-if, not the multichaptered fix it that it’s turning into - so I didn’t want to jump ahead without really knowing where “ahead” was supposed to be.
I have since then accepted that the chapter’s going to just be short and I have some ideas on where I’m going from there. I do, in fact, have a few chapters written now (like, 2.5 I think? maybe 3? I don’t have it open right now) but I want to try and wind up DW before I start working hard core on something as plotty as INAG is threatening to become. To top it off, Age of Ultron (2015) had started my decline in enthusiasm for Marvel (I really only watched the Iron Man and Avengers movies; Guardians of the Galaxy and Ragnarok were exceptions) and in 2019 what happened? Endgame, and a severe blow to my love of the MCU.
Cause of delay on INAG:
- pacing issues + lack of plotting + falling a little out of love with the MCU canon and therefore losing my grip on Tony and Bruce, which makes it harder to write the story.
Some honorable mentions under the cut since this is too long already:
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Another WIP is Party of Five, which no one has asked about in a long time but does get a mention because... basically I’ve got at least two chapters edited but I need to make some changes to fix things and... really? The big thing is I fell out of doing MMOs, so I lost enthusiasm for writing about MMOs. XD There’s an unposted, halfformed Sanders Sides MMO AU I’ve even got that never saw the light of day for the same reason.
That said, I’m planning on starting some serious gaming soon, if all goes according to plan, so you might just see me revisiting that!
Cause of delay on Po5:
- quit playing MMOs and lost enthusiasm for a MMO heavy fic
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Then of course there’s the Welcome to FFVII series and that one’s been even longer stagnating... and the biggest thing getting in my way is saying “how much am I willing to stick to a canon that doesn’t make sense” + “how do I make it make sense / justify things” and I think anyone in the FFVII fandom can relate. We love it dearly, but it is a hot mess. It’s been a hot mess since day one, and just gets messier the deeper into the Compilation you go.
I’m not even touching the Remake, and doubt playing it would make me change my mind.
Cause of delay on WTFFVII:
- canon is a hot mess and it’s really hard to make it make sense. Brain-bendingly hard. It requires a lot of thinking and tbh I think I’m just going to overhaul the whole thing into something new.
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My last two (posted) WIPs are not, in fact, FF7 fics so you guys may or may not have read them.
I have a ton written on Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] - my seminovelization of the old PS1 game that approximately 5 people remember, because I did it for a NaNo. Frankly, I think it has some of the highest quality prose out of anything I’ve ever written.
It also has no comments. And very simply? I write for myself - I wrote over 50K on this baby for me, because I love it - but I post to share the love. It hasn’t gotten attention, so it’s on the back burner. Why spend time on something no one’s reading?
Cause of delay on JTTR:
- zero feedback on 12 chapters killed my enthusiasm for the project. I’ll come back to it someday, but it’s not a priority.
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And finally, Times of Change, which does actually get periodic traffic - I would say probably only because it’s listed as “inspired by” a fic from the fantastic @deadcatwithaflamethrower but who knows.
This one suffered from the same problem Po5 did - it’s a crossover with SWTOR... which I quit playing. It also has the problem that INAG did, in that it’s not fully plotted. And additionally it’s been so long since I’ve read the fic it’s based off of I’d have to go back and do that too. So while it’s not abandoned... it’s way down the list. XD
Cause of delay on ToC:
- lost touch with Star Wars in general, honestly, and specifically the two (fan)canons it was born from to begin with. Lack of enthusiasm = lack of progress.
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folerdetdufoler · 3 years
Hi!! How are you doing? I know some authors would rather not answer questions about works in progress or future fic, so you do my have to answer if you don’t want to. But I do miss your new writing very much, and I was wondering if you are working on something. I hope you are doing really good!
i'm sure my answer would change on a different day but to be honest i think i need to talk about it as much as you do. i lost my twitter account so i lost the little prompts or WIPs i had started there, which i would eventually come back to when i had time. so i'm going to use this to outline what i have in progress and what i'd like to do in the future.
1) young royals crossover / mondays at sixteen update - i had an idea and started writing this on twitter: isak and even are down at the harbor swimming, and even spots wilhelm and simon there, vacationing somewhat anonymously. he takes creepshots from a distance, just like he had done with isak back in the day, and approaches the prince to share them (leaving a terrified and embarrassed husband behind on his towel). even is allowed to text the photos to the prince, but then is ordered to delete any evidence of the exchange from his phone: the photos, the prince's number, etc. it was a random and strange encounter that neither isak nor even thought was going to be relevant again...until even gets a text from an unknown number. it's the prince, and he's requesting even's photography services.
so there's that, and i have about 22k written for it. i don't know how long it's going to be, and i don't really have a decent plot for it, just that initial hook. but that will most likely be the next thing i post.
2) number nine! once upon a time i had hoped i would do my next chaptered fic in time for the big bang, but like...lol. i have about 17k of that written and i haven't touched it in months. i'll go back to that next. i'm writing isak in his second year at nissen, and jonas is his bff, and he'll meet even through his mom (marianne), who is a professor at a university in oslo. i don't think isak's friendship with jonas will be really important, but it's one of the first things i wrote about, so for a while i was really focused on figuring out who jonas was going to be. and sana is there, as isak's nerdy classmate.
this one still feels pretty vague, like i don't have an arc for it yet. i know a couple of small specific scenes i want to set, and i've already mapped out the floor plan of isak's house. but i don't have the ~grand~ story i like to give to my chaptered fics.
3) oh god i think i lost whatever tidbits i'd written for the next one, but i want to try childhood-friends-to-lovers after that. there was also something i had called a "running fic" and i don't know if that's going to be the same thing. but i want to explore that dynamic, to see how people's relationships change as they grow up and figure out what intimacy looks like. that also seems like a good opportunity for some...pining. and for the running fic, isak and even were probably going to be on a cross country/track team at school, maybe teammates or maybe rivals. but the competition of a sport would certainly add some spice. ugh, these might be two separate fics. but i'm lumping them together because they're both involving a younger isak and even, with more of a history together.
4) i had started a thread on twitter of even as a psychologist who ends up back at nissen as the school nurse, once skrulle retires. he and isak had gone to school together just like in canon, a year apart, but they'd never officially met or been more than "person i walk past in the hall once in a while." but then as adults isak has a teenaged daughter who goes to nissen, and isak is concerned about her performance/social life. even gets to know the daughter, olivia, at isak's request, and isak and even start this professional relationship that GUESS WHAT becomes something more. somehow. i hadn't written beyond even meeting olivia and starting to develop that trust bond that he would need in order to actually help her with whatever is going on. isak would probably be more in need of a psychologist than olivia though, considering his closeted past. but hey! we're getting into actual parent characters! how adult of me.
um, and there might be more things if i go back through my writing tag, or if someone remembers anything from twitter, or sends me other prompts. but those are the ones that are the most "formed" in my head, as places that i can go to whenever i want to play with another story. someone once asked for more "married evak" and i'm kind of doing that with the mondays at sixteen updates. but maybe i'll get into something standalone to fulfill that too.
AHHH i just remembered i wanted to write a pandemic fic??!! which is so weird to think about because i remember i had been worried i wouldn't write a pandemic well but jesus fucking christ we've been in one for a year and a half now so i think i have done enough research there. shit, that was a thing from back in november at least, and that was before i had even thought up what number nine turned out to be. for the sake of my mental health though, THAT pandemic will have an ending. whether i'll write it faster than whatever happens in america is still to be determined though!
so there, we probably have at least four more chaptered fics coming. who knows what else will pop up in the meantime. i don't want them to be as long as magic eight ball but i've never been able to limit/edit myself in that regard.
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I’m back!
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So, I kinda quit using this blog a while back. There are some notes about it in my old pinned post and probably on my fanfics, lol, but basically, I felt overwhelmed by fandom and everything going on irl and I crashed. I just withdrew from like, everything. I still logged in on Tumblr but I just liked things to later view them with the boyfriend or laugh at them again myself.
Honestly, it’s not that fun, just doing that, and not really that fair to people who put effort into their posts like art, music, writing, etc., or even just people who are very passionate about a subject and may want it to reach others that are the same. Because I know I’m like that!
But anyway, this is going to be my new pinned post. So! (More under the cut, please keep reading!)
About Me
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You can call me Prowess, I’m a FtM transmasc (he/him please)! I use this space to elevate my personal works, such as art or writing, while also occasionally posting about topics I am passionate about. I realized I was trans in 2020 at the age of 19 years old, in the midst of a pandemic and college fallout, so as you can imagine, I’m still riding the rollercoaster of emotions that come with that. I’m also ADHD... so expect some posts about those sort of things.
But that is hardly the focus! I am big on art and writing. While I am mostly obsessed with Pokemon, I am a lover of stories, and so generally, I love most fiction, even the really bad stuff. Along with my Pokemon stuff, you can expect posts involving ARK: Survival Evolved, The Tales of Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir, animated movies (Luca, Toy Story, Spirit - you name it, I probably love it), and plenty of other stuff.
While I have too many older posts to go through and try to sort out the unclean tags, going forward, I am going to use these sort of tags: subject (whatever the post is about, for example, Pokemon), characters depicted, media (whether it’s art, writing, animation, or a mix), and any warnings that may need to go with it (for example, cussing when stronger language is involved, or racism if racism is getting discussed, etc). Memes or one-off posts will likely be tagged with simply “memes.” While this is pretty true for most any blog, this is so you know if you need to block certain tags! For example, if you hate Miraculous Ladybug, you’d just blacklist ‘Miraculous.’
I will also reblog a lot of posts asking for help or boosting awareness. I will try not to inundate the blog with these, but as I will likely have to make a post asking for help at some point myself due to unfortunate irl circumstances, I want to pay it forward in advance. These will be tagged with simply “help needed!”
Below are some projects I’m working on + what you can expect from this blog.
Pokemon Retold
By far, my biggest project to date, is Pokemon Retold.
This is an expansive written anthology of all the pokemon mainline games as far as generation 8. Red, Heart of Gold, Omega Ruby, Platinum, Black, Black 2, Y, Ultra Sun, and Sword are all intended to get rewritten and posted on both my FanFiction.Net and Archive of Our Own accounts. I may also post some chapters here, but I admit Tumblr makes that difficult sometimes.
These stories are very personal to me, as I started writing them when I was struggling in college with undiagnosed ADHD, and felt like my life was falling apart and I was alone. I started writing a retelling of Sword, but the more I wrote, the more disappointed in it I felt, so I started writing Black instead and scrapped Sword altogether.
I’ve had some rough road since, but Black is complete, Black 2 is also complete, and Ultra Sun is (mostly) complete (but with plans to be heavily altered), while Red is underway!
WARNING: These stories can get DARK, and I would rather my readers be over 18. They are not dark with the intent to squick out or upset people, however; they are dark with the intention of exploring thoughts and ideas I find too difficult to think about directly. There are more personalized warnings at the beginnings of each story. With that out of the way, please just try and move on if you find yourself disliking a specific story or part of a story of mine... If you want to give constructive criticism, you are more than welcome, but tearing into me and my writing just because you didn’t like something helps nobody. Keep in mind I write these for fun and as a form of self-therapy throughout some of the worst years of my life.
Furthermore, I edit them a lot. And I do mean a lot. My FFN profile acts as a “changelog” for what has changed in the stories over the course of the time they’ve been posted.
Pokemon Retold posts are tagged “Retold.”
My FFN Profile
My AO3 Profile
Pokemon Retold: Black has been added to TVTropes! I honestly don’t even care that this person digs into it a couple of times, I was so incredibly flattered they took the time to do that at all. (But be warned the page does have some spoilers!) I have no idea if you enjoyed the story or not upon reading over that page, kind stranger lol, but I really appreciate that you took the time to do that nonetheless! <3
Creatively Destructive
This incredibly well-titled story is an idea I have for a retelling of Miraculous Ladybug. I know, I know - absolutely never been done before /s
While I know there has got to be a thousand retellings of this show by now, based on just how.... terrible, the writing is, I want to try anyway. Because I genuinely love the premise of the show! I’m just constantly disappointed by how it seems to never go anywhere with its plot or characters.
So, Creatively Destructive will be a fanfic, and when I have more information on it, I’ll post it under the tag “creatively destructive.”
Me and my boyfriend love to RP a lot. From Monster Hunter to Pokemon, we do a lot of different stories. Sometimes, I really get inspired by what we come up together and I want to share it with others! Be it quick art based on a scene from the RP or a quick rundown of what occurred in an RP, you can catch these in the ‘Prow RP’ tags.
Currently, we are having a lot of fun with an RP based on the Hoenn pokemon games that I am sure I’ll be posting about!
I may also be open to RPs with others in the future :> Don’t be offended that I’m not open to them already... I’m just a very easily overstimulated person.
The Ballad of the ARK
ARK: Survival Evolved is a lot of things. It’s an amazing concept, an open-world game where you befriend dinos and fight alongside tribemates against other tribes, or work together to survive the hostile environment. But the true tragedy of this game goes so much deeper than that, and I want to explore that in writing, starting with my story, my experience, and then graduating to where I think the issue primarily stems from. 
This strange memoir will be posted under the tags of “Ballad of ARK.”
I hope to take commissions for art and writing in the future!
However, I need to figure out the parameters of what I’m willing to draw (and what I can feasibly draw), as well as what I can promise when it comes to writing, not to mention pricing.
That’s not to say I’m not open to ideas though! Feel free to message me/send me asks anyway and we’ll see if we can work something out. :)
Although I am not in a financial disaster just yet, I feel like I am not far from one. This is why I hope to try to build on commissions in the future. I know they will never support me, but I would still like to try to be useful and helpful to some. I currently live with my grandmother, having left my abusive home with my father, and although she generously allows me to live with her for the low cost of merely helping with some electricity and my own food, I struggle to remain abovewater financially due to difficulty finding work (thanks to issues with ADHD and physical problems following a bout with COVID in early January 2021).
If you would like to help anyway, feel free to subscribe to my Patreon, or make a one-time payment via PayPal. I promise no matter what or how much it is, your generosity is greatly appreciated!! <3
My Patreon
My PayPal
My Ko-fi
(Note that my Patreon is... very outdated and needs to be updated. I will do that soon!)
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stygianflood · 3 years
Star to Every Wandering Bark  (Ethan x F!MC)
Hi everyone! I’m here with my very first fanfic. I’m really nervous about posting this, and have been changing my mind every hour. But I suppose I’ll just do it. I would like to thank Ruby (@starrystarrytrouble) for her encouragement and appreciation, and also for prereading this.
Summary: Set somewhere in the time jump in 2.18. Ethan surprises Aparna by asking her to add her name beside his own, on paper.
Also my submission for Choices January Challenge 2021 day 30 prompt, “Hope”
Words, rating- 1.2k, Teen
Genre- Fluff, with minor angst at the beginning
Open Heart Fanfic Trope- And they were Soulmates
Disclaimer- Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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We need to talk. How about tomorrow, at my place?
Aparna had been pacing the locker-room for the best part of an hour, ruminating the full import of that text. And knowing Ethan, she had an inkling what it was about. She now wondered if she should have asked for more. 
With the recent exigencies at the hospital, even when they managed to be at his place, sleep overtook them the moment they hit the bed. And there was the added business of life after Edenbrook, an issue Ethan was skilfully eluding for some time now. 
Between going through the prospects and the plummeting vacancies in other hospitals, and wondering if she had completely misconstrued Ethan’s view of their relationship, Aparna was amazed she still retained her sanity.
When Marlene informed her that Mrs. Watson had responded to the antihistamines and was finally sleeping, Aparna knew she was only playing for time. 
Ethan had been checking the time every fifteen minutes over the last couple of hours. She must be miffed at his non-responses this week. And then there was the other matter he was planning. But just as he was about to call her, the buzzer and then Jenner’s excited barks broke into his reverie.
Her smile was weary, the circles under her eyes darker. A few unruly strands had escaped her messy plait. And Ethan had never settled his eyes on a more calming sight. 
But today he saw something else. 
Could it be caution? 
When she returned his embrace with a one-armed hug, and almost deflected the kiss, he wondered if it was only because she was tired, and Jenner, a little too distracting.
‘Why don’t you freshen up first?’ He asked as Aparna and his dog completely divested themselves of his presence.
She scratched behind Jenner’s ear one last time before answering, ‘I think I would prefer the talk.”
‘Of course.’ Ethan gestured towards the couch as he pondered over the wine rack. ‘I’ll just get the wine.
His motions were untroubled, leisurely.
‘Ethan, I don’t have time for this.’ Aparna replied through gritted teeth.
‘But,’ Ethan flinched, perplexed. ‘You said you’re free.’ 
‘Not free enough to break up over your fancy wine.’ she snapped, turning away to face the dusk that smeared on his windows. 
A fraction of a second passed before Ethan gathered his completely disarrayed thoughts.
‘What the… Have you lost it, Apu?’ 
He walked down to her, wary but resolved. And almost as a reflex, his hand caressed her arm. It was their dance. Choreographed and familiar. And when she did not object, he dipped his chin on her shoulder.
‘Come on…’ Ethan whispered into her hair, and though she avoided his gaze, she did not refuse. He took that as a sign to steer her to the couch. 
‘I thought we’d discuss our prospects after Edenbrook. Among... other things.’ Ethan tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and sighed.
Aparna looked up. Timid and sheepish.
‘And you aren’t breaking up with me? Or leaving the continent?’ She asked, her ears reddening by the second.
‘Seriously, where’s this coming from?’
‘I’m sorry,’ Aparna mumbled, before quickly defending herself. ‘But Ethan, you don’t just tell people you need to TALK... Ugh! I need a shower.’
After a hot shower and voracious gulping of pizza, Aparna found herself looking at Ethan in his element. She had seen him dressed to the nines, and in other more private occasions. But she knew her favourite version of him was the one before her, speaking of the future of medicine, and in no uncertain terms, her future in it. He finished with the fundamentals of the hospitals she had chosen, and turned to face her.
‘Of course, I’ll follow you after you’ve made your decision.’ Ethan laced their fingers, before continuing, ‘That is to say, if you want me to.’
‘I have my reasons for avoiding this at work.’ Ethan put down his glass and edged closer before continuing. ‘I know we aren’t hiding anymore. But I stand by what I said. Your professional development is far too important. And I won’t tolerate people saying you were matched to a programme because I had anything to do with it. 
‘That.’ Ethan smirked before sweeping her into his arms. ‘And food.’
The steady thrum of his pulse beat a tattoo on her forearm as she stared at him. 
Ardent and doe-eyed. 
Reminiscent of Miami. 
Hope was treacherous and liberating, she realised. 
And for the first time since they had known each other, Aparna was at a loss for words. But when she closed her lips on his, she hoped he would know. 
A few more glasses later, they were sprawled on his couch, Jenner snuggling close to Aparna.
‘They might suggest one of their research assistants.’ Ethan continued, hoping she would take the hint. ‘But I already have-’
Purple remnants of the day lingered on the window panes, and the dimmed lights cast a strange, dreamlike aura on the living room.
‘I meant to ask you something else,’ Ethan ventured with trepidation in his voice. ‘My book is getting a second edition. John Hopkins and Novartis had rudimentary talks of sponsoring the research that’ll go into updating the data. 
‘Ethan, are you saying what I think you’re saying?’
‘Yes.’ He grinned. ‘And legally, you’d be the second author.’
‘But… But I’m just a second year resident!’ She was back on her feet.
‘With experience on my team, and the first authorship of a paper on phage therapy.’ He said as though it was self explanatory.
And it’d be our first co-authored book, he told himself.
Ethan sat with bated breath as his eyes followed her nervous pacing across the living room.
Absentmindedly, or perhaps drawn by some intuition, Aparna reached for Ethan’s copy of Diagnostic Principles, and ran her hand across the title page. 
Her thoughts were muddled by her younger self furiously scribbling along the margins of his book, every whirlwind circumstance that had brought her to this beautiful man, and the inebriating realisation that her own name could accompany his, on the same plush paper.
And in that moment, Aparna knew something had changed. Irrevocably. She was no longer the only one fighting for their future. 
‘I must be mad to agree to this. But… Yes, Ethan.’ 
And she was as certain as the day she chose medicine, her first utterance in a lore she had composed for a decade.
Ethan felt before he knew he had walked across to her. Pressing his forehead to hers, he caressed her cheek. And with a surge of pride, he realised he had long wed his life’s vision to the woman he had held in his arms in Miami. 
And you have only detoured in vain ever since. 
And he kissed Aparna as he had never kissed her before, soaking in the honeysuckle of her hair, the wine on her tongue. Fervent. Ravenous. And then slow, and delicate, until they were both out of breath.
They stood teetering on the spot, drunk on each other, Jenner staring at their antics. And a warm glimmer doused the scene, and curled itself about Dr. Ramsey’s minimalist living room.
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Thank you so much for reading this!
Title inspiration-
Tag list:
@starrystarrytrouble @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Prompts tag list:
@choicesjanuarychallenge2021 @lucy-268
Let me know if you want to be added.
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twstoric · 3 years
nothing too serious but hello hello!! i’m sorry for dying these past few months as my time management skills needs some serious brushing up and i’ve been... under a lot and still sorta am lmao
i’d like to say a couple of things regarding the blog, requests, and future updates and such! nothing too heavy hehe
1. the blog is safe!
i won’t be deleting this or abandoning it or anything! of course i’m taking breaks and all that but this blog will (hopefully) stay even though i’m not always active! 
2. i’m planning to do heavy revamps to the blog + posts
i’m not sure how you all think about my current format but i feel like it’s kinda (very?) messy so i’m planning to edit a lot of things in and out starting from my mobile theme as you’ve probably seen! my tags will probably change and a lot of other things i’ll hopefully work on later
3. about requests
i’m still planning to do them! though i think i might have to speed run through them to get things done faster and open up a new batch of requests. i’m really sorry for that but i find it to be much more effective (hopefully)! as a reference, i normally do a scenario for one character about +1k words and three charas is at leasts 400-500ish words which would mean on average a single scenario request would be +1.5k-ish words? you get the idea! i’m thinking of writing them a bit shorter same with headcanons and such! 
4. will i be more active then?
unfortunately not :( i’m still super duper busy until... may? ish but i find myself needing an outlet to vent and cool down hehe so i’m gonna treat this as a stress relief! although to be honest my interest in twst is all over the place so my characterization could be ait troublesome :((( i’m sorry for that
5. about asks
i have a lot of thirsts in my inbox rn hehe thank you for that! i’ll be answering them at really random times but i’m sorry it’s taking me up till now to pull it together lmao but i hope we’ll continue to have more fun together!
✨bottom line✨
i’m gonna slowly ease into my revamping so twstoric can be reborn tsk tsk and i’ll be closing my inbox for awhile so i can just empty it out! i’m not sure if any of you tried to contact me since i did close it at some point for one reason or another but yeah! heads up i’ll still be closing the inbox for a little while but if you wanna say hi for bit please do!! i am deprived lmao ♡︎
also also!!! this happened while i was one with the undead but 🥺 i reached more than 1k followers!! thank you for that!!! i was really shocked but i’m glad that many people found my writings entertaining enough to follow and continue following this blog despite my lack of presence ahah thank you so much!!! 😭
which really makes me wanna 💔 make something or an event for you but boo i suck at that and it’ll probably make me guilty if i just.. delete all the previous requests in favour of an event blegh but we’ll see! again, thank you very very veryy much for your interest and i’ll try to do better! ♡︎
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sephhaa · 3 years
How To Customize Your Tumblr Blog!
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Alright! Here is the long-awaited blog post I’ve been meaning to make for a long time now. When I was trying to customize my tumblr blog, I found it extremely difficult(especially because the first time I got on tumblr I didn’t customize my own page at all) So hopefully, this will help you try to create a masterlist, how to navigate features and implement a theme for your blog! Also I hope this can answer some questions people have if they’ve come to an error when creating your blog.
I’ll also be making a AO3 guide(mainly how to customize your writing on the HTML page on ao3) so if you’re looking for that go here.
I’ll also be making a potential youtube video for these two guides. Since I don’t have a lot of time today, I’ll be making a video on these two guides the next time I decide to revamp my blog and I’ll be sure to link those.
Alright! Let’s start!
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Alright! So starting in your homepage we’d be focusing on choosing, implementing and setting up a theme for your blog. 
But before we do that, I highly—HIGHLY suggest you go through your blog and delete the clutter on your page. By clutter I mean—reblogs. Or at least delete MOST of them. Reason being—if you are a fic writer(like myself) and you publish your stories on your tumblr blog, your masterlist etc; and you want to link your chapters on your masterlist or you want to locate your masterlist(the original post NOT the reblog) it’s hard to do that with all the reblogs cluttering your page. This is crucial for later when we create our masterlist. If you are a fic writer and you’ve been uploading your chapters and you already have a masterlist—locate them, copy their link addresses(which I will teach you how to get copy link addresses in this guide) and paste them on a google doc or a notes of some sort. It’d save you so much time later when creating/revamping your masterlist.
If you absolutely refuse to de-clutter your blog and/or you’ve never published on tumblr but you plan to so you don’t necessarily need to scroll so much to find your original masterlist post/story post/chapters etc; then ignore this step. 
But if you are a fic writer or writer in general and you have a masterlist and/or story posts/chapters published on your tumblr blog—go ahead and scroll to find those original posts(NOT the reblog) and get their copy link addresses and paste those links in a separate google doc, notes etc. You can refer to this doc/notes when creating/revamping your masterlist/story post without having to delete any of your reblogs. I must warn you tho, it WILL take you a lot of time. Especially if you reblog A LOT. Happy scrolling!
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Okay—moving on—THEME! Alright so you need to find a theme for your blog. What is a theme?
A theme is a decorative set up for your blog.
But before you go looking for/implementing a theme, here is some things you need to know:
1-  Many of these themes are made by fellow tumblr creators who have spent SO MUCH time creating the codes for these themes. In saying that, when you do select a theme by a creator, READ THEIR RULES! It’s very important that we’re following the rules that these creators put for some of these themes.
2 - The general rules for themes if you plan on using one:
*Do not change/steal the themes and/or use them as a base to implement a different theme.
3 - If you want to change something, look at the rules and see what you are allowed to change and what you’re not allowed to change. If its not listed, reach out to the creator to see if making these changes are okay. Generally, these creators are good at listing their rules and/or do’s/don’ts for their themes.
4 - Reblog the theme you chose! Not only does this let the creator know you’re using their theme, it also lets other people check out their page in search of themes. 
Now that’s out the way—I’m going to list a couple of theme pages I frequent:
·  https://maziekeen.tumblr.com/
·  https://glenthemes.tumblr.com/
·  https://raiidens.tumblr.com/
·  https://amboise.tumblr.com/
·  https://kosmique.tumblr.com/tagged/t:recs
·  https://magnusthemes.tumblr.com/
·  https://seyche.tumblr.com/tagged/%26themes
·  https://egg.design/tagged/egg%20theme
·  https://lemonfawn.tumblr.com/
·  https://yeolithm.com/portfolio
·  https://xuethms.tumblr.com/tagged/codes-by-xue
·  https://warugaki-themes.tumblr.com/tagged/warutemas
·  https://www.floralcodes.com/page/2
If you find that you don’t like any of the themes I’ve listed here, you could always search on tumblr, “tumblr themes” and a whole list of pages come up.
Once you’ve found your theme, let’s head on over to “Edit Theme.”
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Once you’ve located “Edit Theme” in your settings, click on it and it’d open up to a new tab where you’d be implementing your new theme.
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Today I’ll be using a theme from @maziekeen​ !
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Once you have opened your “Edit Theme” page, you’d see that theres a bunch of functions to your right. This is where we will be implementing our new theme, specifically this bar:
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Now, you’re going to click, “Edit HTML,” this will open a window that will look like this:
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It will open up a window with a bunch of coding, here we will be deleting that code to replace it with a new code that is our new theme. To quickly delete this old code you’d press down on keys:
This will select all the code:
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Now as you can see, all of that code is highlighted. You’re going to go ahead and delete it by clicking:
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Once all of it is empty we’re going to head on over to our new code theme.
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On your creators theme page(or the theme post, whichever is fine) Many creators have different verbiage for getting codes. Sometimes it’d say, “CODE”, “GET CODE”, “Download,” etc. Either way,(and in my case) you’d click “Get Code,” which will redirect you to a website to download the code.
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Many creators use Pastebin as a way to paste these VERY long codes. If there’s an option, you’re going to find and click “download.” If you can’t find a download option, it’s likely that you have to click “RAW” to download the code. In my case, the download option is available for me so it’d just click download and it’d open in a separate document. I find that if you download on raw, it will open to a new tab with a long list of code. Either one is fine.
I also want to mention that—some themes you might come across are priced. VERY affordable and if you have some money to spare, def buy a theme and support the creator!
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Once you’ve downloaded your theme’s code it will open in a separate doc(or open in a separate tab) with a long list of code. Here you will select all the code:
This will select all the code, copy the code:
Go back to your Edit Theme page. You’re going to go ahead and paste your new code onto the empty HTML space:
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Now with your new code, you will click on “Update Preview” Once it loads, your entire page will change to that new theme’s layout:
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Now click save!
Alright! Now, let’s say you don’t really like the colors, or you want your profile icon to appear on said theme layout(sometimes your avatar icon won’t appear at all or you won’t have that option. If you want that option it’s likely you’re going to have to search for another theme where it’s obvious you can put your profile picture in one of the icons.) You’re going to go to the sidebar, scroll until you see all of these functions:
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Here on the sidebar you can change the colors to your theme! You can also change the theme’s background, and in this case(photo icon) in the sidebar feature. You can also scroll down a bit where it says “links” and add names and links to things people can click on.
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That’s all for adding your theme!!
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Now, here is where de-cluttering your blog comes in handy. Here, we’re going to locate our chapters, story post, masterlist etc(if you publish all your written posts on your tumblr) or if you’ve already published all of your story posts/chapters onto your masterlist here on Tumblr then we need to locate the original master post.
The reason we need to locate the original master post is so that when people/readers click your masterlist—it won’t be a reblogged version of it with a bunch of writing you have previously posted on that reblog. The original, 9 times out of 10 looks a lot more organized etc.
Once you have located your masterlist—go on ahead and follow these steps:
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*Hover your mouse on the very top, right hand corner of your masterlist.
*A flap animation is going to appear(like the above photo)
*Once it appears, right click it
*A little window will appear, it’d look like this:
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Here you’re going to click, “Copy Link Address.”
Once you have copied the link address you can place this link on your Edit Theme bio so people can click your link to your Masterlist. You can also use this to copy link addresses for all your chapters/story posts when you’re trying to link your chapters within your masterlist. I’ll explain how to do that later in this guide. 
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Okay! Moving on to creating/revamping your masterlist!
If you already have a masterlist then completely ignore this step and go on over to how to put your masterlist on your bio/any errors you might have come across when trying to put your masterlist on your bio.
You’re going to go to your homepage and create a new post:
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Here you’re going to title your masterlist, add images etc. Here are some features I find that a lot of people don’t know about/where to locate these features:
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The, “Keep Reading” feature is a feature I find more than often a lot of people don’t know how to locate/add to their posts. The read more option is especially great if you have a really long chapter or a long post(such as this one) It’s especially helpful if you have a very long masterlist. I’m going to use my masterlist as a example to add the read more feature:
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On your masterlist post, you can add the “Keep reading” feature by simply clicking the little three dots icon:
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By clicking it—it immediately creates a page break saying, “Keep reading”
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Another feature I find people not knowing how to do is linking their stories(story posts) on their masterlist. Here’s how to do it:
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Here’s my fic, “Here’s to Forgetting 1974″ and I’m trying to add it to my masterlist. We’re going to copy the address link on this post(make sure if you’re going to add a story to your masterlist that it is the original post) once we have the link let’s go back to our Masterlist:
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First we need to set up a title or some sort of text for this feature to work. I simply just titled, “Here’s to Forgetting 1974″ as my text. You’re going to highlight your title—immediately, a set of features will appear:
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Here we’re going to click on this icon:
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This will open to a smaller window to paste a link in:
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Here we will paste our copy link address from our story post onto this small window link. Once you’ve done that, click “Done.”
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Immediately your title is underlined and if you hover your mouse over it and/or click it, it’d redirect you to your story from your masterlist post.
This process is similar if you want to link your chapters onto your story posts.
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Here’s my story, “The Case of 1979″ and lets say I published a new chapter for this fic and I want to put the chapter link onto my story post. 
*Go copy the copy address link of your new chapter
*Locate your story post:
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Let’s say I’m adding a surprise chapter 12(lol) 
Type your text, “Chapter 1.” “1, 2, 3″ any type of text. Here I’m just going to title my text, “Chapter 12,”:
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And follow the same steps as before:
*Highlight the text
*Click on the link icon
*Paste the copy link address of your published chapter onto the https:// window
*Click done
Once you do that, hover your mouse above the chapter text/click it and it’d  redirect you to the chapter from your story post.
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Now that your masterlist is set up, here is the very long, and complicated process of adding your masterlist(or any link in general) to your bio. 
Head on over to the “Edit Theme,” page.
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Here, we will be paying extra attention to the “Description” bar. 
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Now, there is a bit of coding you’d have to do here and how you write the code MATTERS:
The coding is:
<a href=“
that is:
Now. You cannot—CANNOT copy and paste this code in/copy and paste your links on your bio(in case you want to go ahead and copy everything in your bio and save it on a separate doc to save for later) I love copy and paste—less time consuming etc—but unfortunately, the description bar DOES NOT like it so we gotta deal with it lol.
Now you’re going to go ahead and locate your original masterlist post, copy the address link and start setting up the format:
Tumblr media
After you have pasted your link and ended it with a quotation mark( “ ) at the end. We need to set up some kind of text so that the entire link doesn’t show up on your bio. I’ll title my text: “ | M.List. | ” You can write any title, as long as its within this coding:
</a> (Beginning)
</a> (End)
</a> TEXT </a> 
(of course, all together, no spaces. For the sake of this example I just want to separate the text from the code so you can clearly see what you’d have to do.)
You’re going to put your text in between this coding:
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Your link should look like this and it’d appear like this on your theme layout:
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You should be able to click these links even in the theme layout. 
And that’s how you set up your links in your bio!
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Here is a common problem that happens when you add links to your bio. Let’s say you go ahead, go to settings and decide to change your “Edit Appearance,” to your blog:
Tumblr media
Alright, you change your page’s coloring, the background, your profile picture—cool! Not so cool for your links! 
Almost immediately, you’d find that your links will cease to work if you change your profile’s appearance. Why? because when you change it, your links are in that bio where the coloring is—those links are also being changed since they’re there.
You’d need to go back to, “Edit Theme” go to the description bar and TYPE out your entire code/text again. You can just copy and paste your copy address link of your masterlist but you’d have to type out the coding and text all over again.
And you’d have to do this every time you decide to change your Tumblr blog’s appearance. 
Alright! That is all for this guide! I hope you’ve found this useful! I’ll be uploading an ao3 guide under my “guides” link on my bio where I’ll share how to navigate ao3 and all it’s weird functions. I’ll also teach you guys how to customize your writing(indenting, images, fonts(bold, underlined etc) on the HTML format in the case you don’t like the the other writing format that ao3 has to offer(it’s real ugly lowkey lol) also I’ll be providing some tips and tricks to make posting your ao3 chapters on HTML more simpler. 
If you’re interested in me or my stories, I write both BTS content and Anime content( Currently it’s Voltron but I do plan on writing a fic for Death Note and Inyuasha(cuz there isn’t enough Sango and Miroku content and that’s a CRIME) follow me and give my stories a read!
Until my next guide!
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autodiscothings · 3 years
Art + Writing Update:
It’s been a busy couple of months for me, which has been nice. WRITING:
Act of Repetition got a chapter update!
Gala of Honey got the most work done, with seven chapters uploaded this year (and four of them in the past month!)
I will now have a little break from updating, and writing so much. Time to absorb new books, pick up neglected garden/DIY projects, play games (I wonder what...) and enjoy my birthday this month.
After that, I pick up my tools and head back to the salt mines, and finish Acts of Repetition.
There’s only a few chapters left to write! 
...I say, optimistically. It might spawn more.
One day I will write an entire draft in one go and not in piecemeal like I do now. Really sorry about that, I get distracted. To be fair, Ori is a nice distraction.
Even though I worry about the story more than the others? Weird. Is it too much talking? Is it too smutty, am I losing readers for that? Is it paced badly? Will people like her and the new characters? etc.
I am considering taking down Sirens and Disconnect and rewriting them slightly. I will let people know if I do this; I could just edit and keep the old story up, the premise and plot won’t change, just i’ll neaten it up. 
Sirens especially offends me. Disconnect is far more solid and needs less work, which is odd as it’s the older story.
Neither will be touched anyway until AOR is done. I will edit ON HIATUS in the summary of both anyway.
This is a really weird hobby that consumes a lot of time and thought. 
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I completed all of April’s commissions within a month! Go me. My art mojo has been slack for most of May though, which is why commissions have been closed for it so far.
....apart from my chapter covers, which aren’t hard, as it’s my easymode- mostly painting Ori.
I’ve not completed any of the planned projects or goals or even attempted the ideas I started the new year’s with. The thought of doing another Birdtober (or similar animal) is exhausting, in practise I worry it will cause burnout.
Running a printing business is hard when you have anxiety about leaving the apartment and dealing with the post office. It’s on hold until I can work out a better way of managing my stress. (I am not vaccinated, nor will I be for a few months.)
Commissions are fine though, that’s digital. 
Commissions wiil open up next week, once I’ve done the comm sheets.
Thank you for all the support! Not just the commissions or buying prints, or even the reblogs and the comments and lovely tag notes that are delicious to read. That you follow me at all is frankly amazing, especially those of you confused  
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 years
Author Interview Tag!
Tagged by @maipreciation, thanks for thinking of me! This looks really fun :D
(Note: I’m keeping this as a running list, so if you’re ever wondering what fics im working on/brainstorming, make sure to check here! Last update was on 12/12/2020)
Name: Lavi! As of 12/5, I’m no longer going by my real name (see this post)
Fandoms: so many 😂 check my bio, I think I have them all listed. I’ve posted fic for Hamilton and ATLA, and then there was a huge Inktober compilation I posted last year with a whole host of fandoms. Currently, my major fandom is ATLA, and probably Kipo as I’m starting to move through S1
Where you post: I have an AO3 (lavi0123)! I used to have an FFN and a Wattpad, but I don’t use either of those anymore :/ tbh, I’m embarrassed of anything I still have up there 😂
Most popular one-shot: Most definitely we’ll give the world to you (and you’ll blow us all away), one of my contributions to Maiko Week! I’m not surprised it’s an ATLA fic, but I find it interesting that a fic with Izumi in it blew up so quickly. But hey, if y’all want more Izumi content, you won’t be disappointed 😉
Most popular multi-chapter fic: ...I’m really embarrassed to say because I don’t think I’ll ever finish it...but En Hamilton Heights is the only multichap fic I’ve published so it’s gotta be that one 😂 hopefully soon I’ll have another fic to add to that, since I’m working on one (sorry EHH fans but it’s been too long and tbh I don’t remember where I was going with it :/ I’m thinking I might orphan it)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong) for sure! It’s super niche but it’s something I wrote out of love for a movie I discovered this Halloween and absolutely love. Though all you’ve got to do is want something (and then let yourself have it) is a close second. Basically, anything I write that sounds absolutely bonkers as a concept is one that I love 😂 (and it’s no coincidence that both fics are Mai-centric! I love all my Mai-centric fics nearly equally)
Fic you were nervous to post: Is there an “all of the above” option? 😂 I’m always nervous to post. But in particular, I was nervous for if you ran away (come back home), because it was Mai-centric and longer than any one-shot I’d written thus far, and also you think this world is a dream come true (but you’re wrong), because it’s Mai-centric and a Coraline AU, which makes it BONKERS as an idea
Why was I nervous to post Mai-centric fics, you ask? Two reasons: 1) Mai is very different from who I am as a person (I vibe a lot more with Aang and Ty Lee, sometimes Katara and Sokka), so I didn’t want to upset the Mai stans by writing her incorrectly. 2) Mai is generally not well-liked in the fandom at large, so I especially didn’t want to attract antis who would accuse me of writing Mai as too emotional and loving (which is why I tried to justify that in my tags). Luckily, my comments have all been lovely, and I’m far less afraid to post fics about her now that I’ve written three fics with her as the focus! And the shoutout from @nonbinary-crafter-aang praising my portrayal of her?? I was touched 🥺 still am
How you choose your titles: Song lyrics or movie/book lines that speak to me, occasionally a pun. Remember that post I rb’d about how authors title their works? My tags pretty much say it all 😂
Do you outline: Ehh...define outlining 😂 for my one-shots, nope. But for my upcoming multichap works (see below) and Nanowrimo work (original fiction, so I won’t talk about it on here, but send an ask if you’re curious), YES ABSOLUTELY!
For my Nanowrimo work and one of my upcoming AUs (a Soulmate AU), the worldbuilding is so complex that it’s an absolute necessity. For the other upcoming AU (a time travel AU), there are just too many things that need to happen at certain times so as not to interfere with canon events, and things I want to change from canon and things I want to keep...I think you get the idea 😂
Complete: Basically my entire maiko halloweek series! Check it out if you want some fics about the most underrated canon ATLA couple :)
In-progress: ...En Hamilton Heights again...but not for long, sadly. Still trying to decide between a quick conclusion and just flat-out orphaning it. Still haven’t made up my mind, but either way, it won’t be what I originally planned, unfortunately.
I’m also counting my ATLA Soulmate AU on the basis of forever in my mind (only you), which has the worldbuilding and fits into the AU without much problem (the AU is going to be a series of one-shots, not a multichap fic, because there won’t be enough deviations from canon imo to justify multiple chapters. And one-shots are just less pressure for me 😂)
[EDIT 12/12/2020: added another fic because I’m an idiot and forgot about this too 🤦‍♀️😂 it’s a year-old idea that I started writing but I’m picking it back up thanks to the Heist banter in MatPat’s St Jude stream!]
-A fic series combining Escape the Night and Who Killed Markiplier (Heist and Date are part of it too, but only tangentially at the moment. Depends on how involved I want DA Y/N to be). Tentatively titled A Heavy Cost, and definitely won’t happen in any of Mark’s projects, but in a way that’s actually for the best 😂 the canonicity for me stops at ETN S3 (with some S4), then it’s canon divergence
Coming soon/not yet started: OOOH YESSS HERE WE GO
Okay okay sooo we’ve got two main things:
–An ATLA Soulmate AU, featuring platonic and romantic soulmates! I know I called it in-progress, and I stand by that even though I haven’t actually set up the series on AO3 yet, but this AU is about to be SO MUCH MORE than just a few Maiko moments. Because...drum roll...it’s gonna be entirely Aang-centric (with maybe one or two exceptions)! Like Mai, Aang is a character that doesn’t get as many -centric fics as he should (and being an Aang stan also isn’t unanimous for some reason??), so I’m gonna fix that. Plus I want to dive further into his mind, and I think I’m more equipped to do that than I was with Mai, since Aang and I are very similar in attitude.
–Bumizumi time travel AU, which can be read as platonic until the last couple chapters (it’ll be multichap) but definitely has a romantic agenda throughout. So just. Be warned if you don’t ship them. It’s gonna be chock full of comedy and antics! Also A LOT of platonic affection between Izumi and teen Zuko (and just between Izumi, Bumi, and the Gaang in general), because platonic affection is underrated and also I can :D I’m also probably gonna make fun of how some elements of affection have become solely romantic territory, because...um, no, hugging and holding hands and cuddling can be done between friends, thanks! (Maybe it’s the ace in me talking. But regardless)
There are also vague concepts I’m spitballing, like:
-Zukaang telepathy AU (Platonic Zukaang, the only romance I’ll ever write in ATLA is for the canon ships, prompted by a dream because apparently ATLA lives in my head rent-free forever now 😂)
-Evil Zuko AU (Azula doesn’t exist, mostly prompted after watching Aang make fun of Zhao and realizing that if Zuko had been in any position of power during the War...the Gaang would have stood no chance at all)
-Bumizumi Arranged Marriage AU (Bumi and Izumi both think the other is hotheaded/reckless (Izumi @ Bumi) or uptight (Bumi @ Izumi). So Kataang and Maiko (along with Sukka, Ty Lee, and Toph because...duh) set them up in an arranged marriage, with the presented reasoning being that they already know each other’s families, it’ll be a great symbol of unity, and this way Izumi doesn’t have to worry about suitors. They both agree to it (it’s arranged, not forced), and over time, they warm up to each other...and maybe even...fall in love?? Prompted because we need more arranged marriage fics! On that note, I’m gonna plug shadows and steel by @dearestpartnerofgreatness because arranged marriage needs more rep and this fic does it and with Maiko to boot!)
-Zukaang as Brothers AU (I saw a fic about this, but it wasn’t complete. If it’s not done by the time I get to this concept, I’m gonna write it, because just...imagine the possibilities! Zuko and Aang are already basically brothers in canon anyway, this is just making them brothers in blood as well as in their hearts. This is especially vague because I have no concept of how this is gonna work 🤷‍♀️ I’ll get to it eventually)
(Can you tell I’m obsessed with Zuko and Aang’s friendship? Because I am!)
[EDIT 11/25/2020: I’m adding two more because I forgot these have been swirling around in my head too 😂]
-A fix-it fic based on May You Always Be Satisfied, a backstory fic for Who Killed Markiplier by @blackaquokat! I recently reread it and remembered that I was gonna write a fix-it for that fic. Not because the fic sucks, it’s actually amazing! I’m just a sucker for the main (requited unrequited) pairing, and there’s at least five ways to make that pairing canon and avoid the mess of Who Killed Markiplier. And THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE HAPPY OKAY
-A Finnrey fix-it for the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (this one is especially vague, and I probably won’t write it since a bunch of these already exist, but it’s fun to think about. Maybe if I ever run out of WIPs 🤷‍♀️)
Upcoming story that you’re most excited to write: I’m equally excited for the Soulmate AU and the Bumizumi Time Travel AU! I’m also excited for my Nanowrimo work to be finished, but that’s more so in-progress than upcoming
@nonbinary-crafter-aang @dearestpartnerofgreatness @ohsalamanders @blackaquokat (no pressure ofc, only if you want to! But please tag me if you do, I’d love to see it!)
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livinginsunnyhell · 4 years
Ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝
1. What fandoms do you write for?
2. What pairings do you write for?
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
4. Do you write original stories as well?
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
7. What is a ship you will never write for?
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
13. What is your planning process?
14. What have others criticized about your fanfic?
15. OCs or no OCs?
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
19. Dead or overused tropes?
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
26. First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
27. Do you take requests?
28. I will name you three things (drunk Ian — shared bachelor party — Gallavich): write a paragraph or two!
29. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
30. What writing software do you use?
31. Do you use beta/sensitivity readers?
32. Past or present tense?
33. Do friends and family know that you write fanfics?
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
35. What is your favorite review?
36. Did you ever delete a work of yours?
37. Did your work ever get plagiarized?
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
39. Collaborations or working solo?
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?
42. Rudest review?
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
46. Few long essay reviews or many short reviews?
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
48. What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic?
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
(Don't feel obligated to answer. Thought if you're into these kinda things, that'd be a nice ask. ;))
Oh this is so nice!! Thanks for sending this @annansmith
I chose a few of them to do. 
1. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I’m writing for Shameless (Gallavich) but I’ve written for:
Veronica Mars (LoVe), Veep (Amy/Dan), Arrow (Oliver/Felicity), Once Upon A Time (Hook/Emma), The Old Guard (Joe/Nicky), That 70′s show (Hyde/Jackie), Sons of Anarchy (Tara/Jax), Vampire Diaries (Klaroline), Hart of Dixie (Zoe/Wade), Gilmore Girls (Rory/Jess), X-men (Rogue/Pyro), One Tree Hill (Haley/Nathan), and a few others.
2. What pairings do you write for?
Now I write Gallavich. 
But I’d say my top ones I love writing for now (my fanfiction writing has spanned about 14 years) are Dan/Amy, Veronica/Logan, Klaus/Caroline, Mickey/Ian.
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
My most popular fic on Ao3 is The Course of True Love (Arrow) and on FF Of Bloodshed, Babies, and Epic LoVe (Veronica Mars)
4. Do you write original stories as well?
Yes, I do. I’m working on a book, well, two books. But it’s going very slowly. The first is a memoir of my travels from around the world and the second is a vampire urban fantasy one. We’ll see how it goes, but I’d like to finish them by next year and see if I can get them published, but it’s hard so who knows. 
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Well, recently I’ve really been trying to finish everything I write. I have a lot of WIPs from years and years ago and even within the the last year, so this answer is pretty new. Basically, I focus on one fic at a time and write a little every day to stay motivated. Now, I try to update once a week on a certain day. I think comments/reviews and kudos and people being genuinely encouraging helps though. It’s also what’s gotten me considering finishing my older fics.
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
Of Bloodshed, Babies, and Epic Love (over 165k)
13. What is your planning process?
Now, it’s different. I have a doc of ideas and I wait to see which one I can’t seem to shake. Then I plan out each chapter with a few sentences and I have a list of things I want to focus on in the story. Usually, each story now has a kind of theme to it and a main focus. I sometimes will just want to write a certain situation/scene/focus and the story is born from there. But what really helps is writing down chapter 1, 2, etc. and having a sentence or two for what I want to happen. It doesn’t always go according to plan, but I never get writers block or forget what happened in previous chapters now.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Probably a mixture of fandom (or my personal) headcanons. I don’t start with prompts unless it’s a challenge or sentence starters. Usually, I have a scene I already want to write in my head and then I sit down and write it.
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
Yes, I’ve read several books on writing. My undergrad was creative writing too, so I learned a lot there. I also follow writing instagram accounts which are helpful. I take everything I learn with a grain of salt and I see what is best for me. The best advice I heard recently was short sentences and so now I’m experimenting with that.
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
There’s a lot from many different fandoms. I used to be on FF.net as Psyc0gurl0 and now I’m ProstheticLoVe on a03. I like writing on ao3 better cause it’s easier and I love the tagging process. Plus the gallavich fandom on there is unreal. So to think about going back to ff.net to finish my WIPs seems like such a process now. 
Currently though, I’m writing an Ian’s POV 5 chapter fic called Chocolate. It’s not out yet, but it’ll focus on Ian from 1x06 to 1x09 or so and how his feelings for Mickey change and evolve. It’s the second part to a series called Chocolate and Cigarettes. Mickey’s POV was Cigarettes.
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
Yes, I listen while writing but I need silence while editing. I have a Love (lol) playlist. It’s basically all the love songs that remind me of couples I ship. So for example, The Acid is in there a lot because their music is great, but also Basic Instinct is so haunting. Overall, I like all music except country, so sometimes I’ll listen to my larger playlists while writing. 
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
So this has changed over the years. Initially, I wrote short chapters, then when I got back into fanfiction while writing klaroline they got a lot longer and now it’s just basically where the chapter has a natural ending. So the chapters are between 4 - 10k words depending. I try to get over 4k though. Right now, once I’m done with my current fic, I really want to write something over 100k.
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
A lot...none in Shameless though. Well, I guess my current one, but I haven’t posted that yet. I’d say I probs have about 10 WIPs spanning different fandoms. I know. But my goal for 2021 is to pick two and finish them. 
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
Not all of them. Some of them are from years and years ago. But I’d like to finish the ones that I still get reviews on. So there’s a SOAs fic I want to finish cause that fandom is so lovely. I also want to finish a klaroline one cause that was fun to write. And my Amy/Dan ones I’d like to finish. I would like to finish my Veronica Mars ones (I have two) but they need a lot more attention, so when people message me about them I tell them the planned ending.
28. I will name you three things (drunk Ian — shared bachelor party — Gallavich): write a paragraph or two!
“Fuck, Mickey, I probably shouldn’t have had the third Hot Toddy,” Ian grimaced as the world around him spun. 
Mickey laughed at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Ian wanted to think his future husband just wanted to pull him closer, but he had a feeling it was to steady him.
“Probably should’ve cut you off earlier,” Mickey said tugging Ian closer. 
Ian wobbled and plopped down on the back steps of the porch. Mickey followed suit a moment letter and they both looked out toward the backyard where the Gallaghers, Balls, and a few of the Milkovich cousins were alternatively huddling around a fire, drinking, and dancing.
“I blame Lip for making us have this stupid shared bachelor party in the first place,” Ian grumbled.
Mickey kissed him on the forehead as Ian lay his head on his shoulder. “It’s Sandy’s fault too.”
Ian hmmed in response and Mickey knew he was going to fall asleep any moment. He ran his hand up and down Ian’s arm and watched as Debbie bounced over to them.
“Jesus, you aren’t even married yet and you two are like an old married couple. Are you going to come dance or what?” she whined.
Mickey looked down at Ian, whose eyes were already closed, and then back up to Debbie. She was watching them with knowing eyes.
“We’ll dance at the wedding. Go grab Lip, I need his help to get Sleeping Beauty upstairs.”
Debbie turned to go get her eldest brother and Mickey looked back down at Ian. In his sleep, he nuzzled Mickey’s shoulder, breathed deeply, and a gentle smile appeared there. 
3 more days and they’d officially be husbands. 
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
I was about 10 and my cousin used to write a buffy the vampire slayer zine. There was a link to a site called buffyworld.com or something like that. And I found fanfic that way. There was a link on the site to ff.net and that’s how I stumbled across that. I stayed there for many many years until my second time in the veronica mars fandom around 2014 when I was lead to a03 and then I’ve been there ever since. On and off, my writing has fluctuated through the years based on my personal life.
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
Everywhere! omg. It’s insane. Gallavich I love writing for. There’s so many different facets to them, but truly everywhere I find inspiration. I have a whole doc of gallavich ideas that have stemmed from other fanfics, headcanons from me and other people, rewatching episodes, what’s going to happen in s11, cute moments i’d like to see happen, holidays, and just general life. I saw a pic of WW2 vets who were in a long term relationship and i was like mickey and ian! another idea is born.  
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HWU106: Moving Forward
Masterlists: [Hollywood U] || [Red Carpet Diaries]  || [Baby Hunt]  || [Love & Scotch HWU/OH]  ||  [#HollywoodHacks HWU/LH]
– – – Characters: Alex, Thomas Hunt, Ben Park, Addison Sinclair Mentioned: Holly Chang, Chris Winters, Didi Lekota (HWU AList character/stylist), Dean Ericson (HWU character/Special Effects/Editing)
Setting: The cast and crew of Centaurus Lost are getting ready to restart production after the need for a script rewrite.  (Two new characters from HWU game mentioned, see characters above)
Catch up here
Synopsis: So much has changed since the start of Centaurus Lost, Alex addresses the cast and crew of her film to update them on the changes. Bianca's texts continue to worry Alex.
☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Alex stared at her phone, that last set of texts from Bianca haunting her. She refused to let Bianca ruin their celebration the previous night, but today was a new day, and ignoring it would only make it worse. She placed her phone in her back pocket, out of sight.
“Thank you all for joining me,” Alex convened the core group of cast and crew members of Centaurus Lost. “I want to start by thanking you from the absolute bottom of my heart for sticking with me on this film. I know our journey has almost been as rocky as Karina’s from Junpa to Nabroxia.”
A burst of low laughter erupted, her own smile growing. She had missed this, missed all of them.
“As you may have heard, when Mike was let go, we were incredibly lucky to find a new co-writer in Hollywood U’s newest student, Ben Park.” Alex clapped, leading a round of applause, as Ben waved to the many new faces. “Ben and Holly have worked tirelessly over the past couple of weeks revamping the script. I am so pleased to announce that not only do we have a final script ready for you today, it even has our distinguished director’s approval.”
Whoops and hollers began to fill the room as a cacophony of noise began to build, shifting from sounds of celebration to people talking over one another. 
“Damn! If Hunt approves, this new version must be good.”  “I thought Hunt was leaving?” “When can we start production back up?” “I heard parts were cut.” “Who are we missing?”
And the questions kept coming…
“I know you have questions, I’m going to do my best to answer them now,” Alex called out, regaining control of the room. “Everyone that is in this room will still be involved in the production. While most roles and positions were salvaged, the biggest change was to Chris’s part. We’ve talked to him already. He will be dropped from the first billing to third, as his original part was cut in lieu of adding another female lead. Chris will still be the leading male star, but in a new role. We still need to cast the role of Zaria, who is the new female co-lead of the film.”
A hushed murmur spread across the room, but Alex continued. “You will get your scripts today and a new filming schedule will be posted in a few days. We will have a table read at the end of the week.”
“Unfortunately, I do have some bad news. As you may have noticed, we are missing two of our own. I was informed last night that Leon and Rachel have both chosen to depart the production,” Alex breathed evenly trying to remain calm, despite Bianca’s taunting text flirting in her mind. “We will need to find a new stylist and set designer as soon as possible. If you have any ideas or recommendations, please let me know.” 
“What about Didi?” Addison questioned, slipping her hand up as she spoke. Alex nodded for her to continue. “I know her styling tends to focus on beach and summer trends, but I’d be happy to help guide her. I have all of the costumes finished except for the two new characters, so I have some time. We have photos and sketches for inspiration of all the original characters. If the actors don’t mind coming in for a day to let Didi get familiar with the style, I think she could pull it off with a little guidance.”
“I like it! I’ll call her when we’re done here,” Alex agreed. “Now, we just need a set designer. Luckily, most of the sets are finalized, save for a few tweaks.  The one that needs the most attention is the dystopian city on Nabroxia. For now, we will put off filming scenes there until we can fill the position.”
“The last thing we need to cover before we can get back into filming is going through the footage we already shot and picking out what is usable and what needs to be discarded. Holly, Ben, and Thom–Professor Hunt will work with Dean on this. Once they finish, we will have a better idea of what the schedule will look like.” 
“I know you have a lot of questions,” Alex repeated. “For now, know that we are doing our best. Pick up your new scripts on the back table and spend the rest of the day going through them, noting changes, and getting comfortable with the screenplay. Unlike last time, we do not anticipate any mid-scene edits and changes. I will be meeting with each group tomorrow at the time I texted you to go over a few more things.”
As the teams began to spread out, Ben found Alex staring at her phone. “Alex?”
“Oh, hey, Ben,” she smiled. “What can I do for you?”
“What needs to be done on the set?” He questioned.
“Details,” she responded, trying to remember what exactly Leon had planned. “I honestly am not sure of the exact artistic direction, but the city set is pretty plain right now. It looks more of a rundown, ghost town than a dystopian future underground.”
“Have you thought about graffiti art to cover the walls?” Ben suggested, pushing his glasses up. “Modern graffiti has been around for more than half a century. But before that, early people conveyed information through cave paintings, reliefs, and etched out art and symbols on walls. There is an almost innate human need for visual representation. It would make sense for it to continue in the future.” 
“I would need to see concept art of what it could look like.….” She tilted her head side to side as she contemplated the idea. “But, I’m intrigued. How does this help us find a new set designer though?”
Ben offered a shy smile and a slight shrug. “I may dabble in graffiti art.”
“Wow!” Alex gasped. “I didn’t expect that.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t vandalize anything, but I have been commissioned to paint murals on buildings in and around my hometown,” he clarified, his smile widening. “I have some ideas. I’d be happy to sketch them out and get them to you.” 
“I hate to rush you…”
“But you need them yesterday?” He interrupted. “Not a problem. I’m sure Holly and Professor Hunt can handle the edits. I’ll head to the lot and familiarize myself with the space and get you sketches ASAP.”
“What would we do without you? Thank you, Ben!”
“Don’t mention it.”
As he left, Alex took out her phone and began to reply. “You can't keep a good woman down, B. Get a life and leave mine alone.” She sighed as she read it back, looking around the room at her cast and crew revitalized and collaborating around her, as they got readied for the upcoming restart of production. Alex deleted her reply and Bianca’s texts; she wasn’t even worth her time. 
“Everything okay?” Hunt brushed his fingers along her arm. 
“Yeah,” she admitted. Scanning the room to make sure no one was looking, she quickly pressed a kiss on his lips. “I think everything is going to be just fine.”
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms ; @raleighcarrera ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby​ ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex ; @caseyvalentineramsey; @trappedinfandoms; @anotherbeingsworld ;  @obsessed-with-humans
Thomas Tags: @alleksa16  ;    @flyawayboo    ;  @alj4890  ;  @twin-skltns   ;    @ab1901 ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom  ; @hopelessromantic1352  ;   @thearianam  ; @zodiacsign1 ; @curiouslittlefreak ; @sharrybh20 ; @princess-geek ; @awkwardambition ; @jodibo ; 
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authorized-trash · 4 years
To Tie a Knot: Chapter Three: Virgil’s Verdict
Chapter One , Chapter Two
Trigger Warnings:
Sympathetic Deceit, self hate, mild language, hospital mention, panic
Chapter Summary:
Fate works in mysterious ways (in the dead of night, apparently.)
Word Count:
This is where things get tricky, as the story on Ao3 has Deceit’s name down as Ethel, while here it is Damian. And since im copying and pasting from where i posted it to ao3, i gotta change his name over to here haha. If you see a mistake where i called him the wrong thing, yell at me
Anyways, we’re just going to ignore the fact that im pretty sure its nearly been a year since last time i updated, shhh
reblogs and comments are so greatly appreciated!
Damian was getting real sick of this stupid hospital room.
The walls were a obnoxiously bright gray, and the curtains did little to block out the pale sun of winter. There was this stupid little picture across from his bed, with a cute silhouette couple holding hands, a small loopy string dangling from their fingers.
Damian rolled over onto his side, picking at the slightly peeling paint. He’d been in here for days, and still had an hours wait before he was discharged.
His spine hurt from being in this position for so long, but he’d already explored the hospital five times now.
He didn’t understand what was so important about him being here so long. They already told him the bad news. He’d already passed the mark for another soulmate. He had already come to terms wi-
A lump raised into Damian’s throat, but he swallowed it down. He hadn’t cried yet. He wouldn’t now.
Perhaps the hardest part about this whole ordeal was the pitying looks. The nurses telling him it was alright to cry. The therapist that had stopped by to tell him it wasn’t healthy to act like everything was fine.
Everything was fine though, right? It wasn’t like Damian lost something important. He didn’t lose his job, didn’t lose his house. No, he lost someone he hadn’t even met yet. Surely it wasn’t that important.
Yeah, he’d be a bit lonely, but was that really important? No. It wasn’t, not really.
His stomach twisted into knots. It didn’t bother him, it didn’t. The feeling of nothing he found didn’t mean anything. The complete lack of movement from his fatestring meant nothing.
He ran a hand through his hair, and even after all this time, was a bit disappointed when he didn’t feel the string pull against his finger.
With a sigh, he sat up, reaching for his phone. He had gotten a notification from Remy, five minutes ago. He opened it. They’d be here soon.
His phone buzzed in his hand as he got a message from Emile. Sometime this week they’d swapped numbers, the therapy student wanting to be nice and keep him some kind of company.
-Hey were heading there now, you ready to leave
Damian rolled his eyes.
-no, i really do enjoy it here
-Thought so see you soon
Damian put his phone into his pocket as he stood. Stretching. He stretched out the soreness in his arms and headed out of his room. HE was given some paperwork, which he finished quick enough.
The hospital was on campus of the town university he attended. He would’ve normally just walked to his dorm, but Remy had insisted he drive Damian.
He spotted Remy’s car, recognizing the sunglasses clad male as he opened the side door.
“What, no Emile today?” Damian asked as he buckled in.
“He had work. Where do you wanna go babes? We can go out to eat or-“
“I think I’d just like to go home. Today is just such a lovely day.”
Remy looked out the window to see the thunder clouds rolling up over the hills in the distance. He rolled his eyes as he turned out of the parking lot.
“Yeah well, I’m not leaving you alone all evening, get that into that pretty little head of your’s Dee. We’re goin’ to your apartment if you are, hon.”
“Figured as much,” Damian said as he pulled his hat over his eyes and laid his head back against the head rest. That feeling of emptiness was present again. ‘We’ Remy had said. He was most likely bringing Emile along. It just reminded Damian about how he wasn’t going to get another soulmate. Another fatestring. Another chance. He didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this, did he? Sure he took that pack of gum from the store without paying, but that was years ago. And yeah maybe he was a bit sarcastic and stand offish, but surely-
“Hon I can hear those gears turning in your head.”
Damian flushed. He looked at the frayed end of his fatestring again, messing with it with his other hand. Remy’s eyes caught the movement as they pulled up to a stop light.
“You’re looking at it again, aren’t you.”
“No.” Remy sighed, “Damian, sweetheart, platonic love of my life,” Damian grumbled at that one, “It will be fine. The reassigning is just a little late is all. Perhaps its finding the perfect match to tag you onto right now. It’s rare not to get reassigned babe, there’s no way you won’t be.”
Damian shrugged.
“Okay. That’s it babes. We’re getting some coffee. I ain’t goin’ into some sappy ass monologue just for you to shrug me off. I’m going to cheer you up with chocolate and sparkles. Buckle up.”
“I am.”
“Shuthu’ fuck up.”
Damian hid a smirk as he lifted his hat from his eyes and looked up to see Remy’s irritated driving. They pulled into the starbucks, and Damian attempted to forget the whole soulmate thing for the time being.
Easier said than done.
Two Months Later
“You are being ridiculous.”
“Oh, am I? I’m being ridiculous? You, sir, are ridiculous. I am simply trying to get my work done, now if you’d simply leave me alone,” Roman huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in indignation.
“Ro, honey, you were shouting lyrics to beauty and the beast at nine in the afternoon, people are sleepy.”
Roman gave an outraged cry, he was being ganged up on by the glasses gays! He would not stand for this! “It was not shouting, I was belting! I was singing as loud as my heart desires, I simply wish to follow my heart!”
“More like belching them out,” Virgil snickered into his hoodie sleeve from his seat on the counter. Roman gave a few offended noises that sounded suspiciously like squawking.
“How dare! I am simply trying to memorize my lyrics-“
“And why don’t you,” Logan came up behind him, placing his hands on his shoulders lightly, “Memorize them in your room, and not off the balcony.”
“But there’s no romanticism in that.”
“Baby, I’m sure that nice imagination of yours can think of a nice audience to listen to you,” Patton said, kissing Roman on the forehead as the redhead fell to the couch.
“A more willing audience then our neighbors,” Virgil grumbled, “I don’t want another sound complaint.”
“Better yet,” Patton said, pulling Roman right back to his feet, why don’t we go to your room, and I’ll listen to you..”
Roman perked up like a puppy, nodding and already pulling Patton into his room. Logan and Virgil watched them leave, both with love stricken looks.
“This happens every night,” Logan said, walking to the coffee pot to poor him another cup.
“Yeah well, it’s a routine at this point,” Virgil said, eyeing the new cup in Logan’s hands, “You’re not planning on staying up all night with that, are you?”
Logan sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I do need to stay up late, yes. I have an essay that needs edited.”
“Logan you are going to work yourself to death one of these days.”
“And you plan on sleeping soon?”
Virgil grumbled some excuses, just as Logan thought he would. The bespectacled male smiled into his mug as he brought it to his lips to drink.
“Whatever idiot, I’m going to bed. And yes, whatever, by bed I mean I’m going to be on my phone for another hour or two. Sushi. I- I mean- damnit, sue me.”
Logan laughed, setting his drink down and pulling Virgil into his arms and off the table. The emo grumbled but returned the embrace anyways. Logan gave him a peck to his lips, brushing the hair from his eyes.
“Goodnight Virgil, please attempt to get some sleep.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Virgil said, pushing away from Logan. He was sure his face was a deep red, but he didn’t expect Logan to notice as he rushed away down the hall.
Logan smiled again. He wasn’t normally the one to be all lovey-dovey, but it was late and he was in a good mood. A great mood actually. Life was good, stable, had a rhythm to it. Logan liked to keep things organized, liked to have a schedule, a routine.
There had been no outside factors messing up this schedule for a few years now, and he planned on keeping it that way.
He finished is coffee and work sometime in the early hours. He couldn’t tell when, as he had immediately curled into the bed next to his soulmates minutes after. Sleep made his eyelids heavy as he drifted off to sleep, completely unaware of the faint numbing feeling in his fingers.
Morning came with a buzz of an alarm clock. It was annoying, and loud, but it did its job well.
Logan woke up the same way every day. He’d carefully untangle himself from his fiances, wincing as his bare feet hit the cold ground. He’d yawn as he exited their shared room and entered the bathroom. He’d brush his teeth, shower, and leave. He’d start the coffee and solve a word-cross puzzle. He’d make himself a Crofter’s covered piece of toast, leave a small note for his partners, and depart for work.
This morning shouldn’t have been any different. He woke up, untangled himself, stretched and yawned. He left the room and entered the one across the hall. He was too tired to notice when he reached for his toothbrush. Didn’t notice as he rinsed his mouth out. He noticed as he patted his mouth dry with a hand towel.
He dropped the cloth into the sink and shouted, stumbling back until he hit the wall. He shoved his hand into his pajama pockets, trembling all over. A feeling of dread filled him, the feeling he got when something major messed with his schedule. An unknown constant added to his perfectly mapped out life.
Logan heard his fiances start to stir and get up. He took his hands out of his pockets. They trembled violently, bringing them in front of him, praying that he was wrong, he hadn’t seen what he thought he did.
With a shaky intake of breath, he confirmed the impossible.
There was a thin yellow string attached to his pinky finger where there hadn’t been last night.
“Logan?! Logan are you alright?” Patton was the first to round the corner. He had shot up when he heard the scream and thump. His breath caught in his throat. Roman and Virgil were next, damn near getting wedged in the door with how fast they both rammed into it. Logan was shaking his head in disbelief, staring at his hands, at the four strings that were connected to each finger. The others looked down as well, at the string that had connected itself to their pinky fingers.
“How is that possible?” Roman asked in disbelief, messing with the string. Logan just shrugged, exhaling shakily.
“It shouldn’t be- you are born with strings, you shouldn’t be able to gain them.”
“Who are they?” Patton asked as they all looked up at each other. They had five soulmates. Five. That was a ridiculous number, absolutely unheard of.
“I guess,” Virgil swallowed, “I guess we’ll find out when we find them.”
Damian woke up with the feeling that he’d been hit by a truck. Everything was sore, and his hand hurt to move. Maybe he slept on it weird.
He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, wincing as his fingers tugged weirdly. They felt like the circulation had been cut off, they were all sleepy and heavy.
He got up, shivering as his toes touched the freezing floor of his apartment. He could see his breath in front of him.
He really needed to fix that heater.
Walking into his kitchen, he made himself a cup of coffee, his eyes barely open. His fingers gave another uncomfortable tug. Weird.
Slugging into the bathroom, he took a shower, running his hands of his face. Perhaps it was a good thing he was never reassigned a soulmate. The ugly scar on half his face would scare them off.
He dried off afterwards, brushing his teeth. He looked at himself long and hard in the mirror, scrutinizing every inch. He had school and practice today, enough people would see him to need makeup, and he applied the simple face he wore with practiced ease.
It didn’t do much to cover up the scars, but it was something.
He left the house with his coffee in hand and backpack slung over his shoulder, wearing a black long coat and a scarf. It was beginning to feel a lot like winter, and Damian wasn’t one to like the cold.
The walk to campus wasn’t horribly long. Just a walk through the park and up the block. He was pretty fit and in shape, both from the walk and practice, so it no longer bothered him any.
Damian ignored the few looks he got from passerby. There seemed to be a lot of them today. Odd. He had lived here for a while now, surely most these people who were routinely out at this time had gotten over their staring phase.
He spotted Remy waiting at the fence as always, speeding up slightly to catch up with him. The glasses clad male waved without looking up from his phone.
“Hey hot stuff, how’s your morning been?” Remy asked, still texting. Probably Damian if one was going off the fond look on his face.
“Dreadful,” Damian grumbled, leaning against the fence, “I must have pulled a muscle in my arm or something, it hurts something awful.”
“Uh huh. Well, I wish the best for you babes. Maybe take some meds or somethin’ before class?” Remy looked up at him over his glasses. Damian nodded, running a hand through his hair, missing how Remy followed them movement.
“Yes well that’s a giv-“
“Holy shit babe,” Remy exclaimed suddenly, grabbing a hold of Damianl’s wrist.
He moved out of the way of the street light, holding Damial’s wrist out, staring at the shadows on the ground in absolute disbelief.
“You have four and you didn’t tell me?!” He have shrieked in excitement, looking up at Damian in surprised. The other man raised a concerned eyebrow.
“Four wh-“ His throat closed in on itself, and the world around him seemed to melt away as he stared at his hand. Four- four strings. There were four fatestrings connected to his fingers. Four-
Four soulmates?
To be added later
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hydrus · 3 years
Version 428
I had a good couple weeks working on the taglist code and some other jobs.
If you are on Windows and use the 'extract' release, you may want to do a 'clean' install this week. Extra notes below.
So, I took some time to make taglists work a lot cleaner behind the scenes and support more types of data. A heap of code is cleaner, and various small logical problems related to menus are fixed. The tag right-click menu is also more compact, quicker to see and do what you want.
The main benefits though are in the manage tags dialog. Now, the '(will display as xxx)' sibling suffix colours in the correct namespace for the sibling, and parents 'hang' underneath all tags in all the lists. It is now much easier to see why a parent or sibling is appearing for a file.
This is a first attempt. I really like how these basically work, but it can get a bit busy with many tags. With the cleaner code, it will be much easier to expand in future. I expect to add 'expand/collapse parents' settings and more sorts, and maybe shade parents a bit transparent, in the coming weeks. Please let me know how it works for you IRL and I'll keep working.
the rest
The main nitter site seems to be overloaded. They have a bunch of mirrors listed here: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances
I picked two roughly at random and added new downloaders for them. If you have Nitter subs, please move their 'sources' over, and they should start working again (they might need to do a bit of 'resync' and will complain about file limits being hit since the URLs are different, but give them time). If you would rather use another mirror, feel free to duplicate your own downloaders as well. Thanks to a user who helped here with some fixed-up parsers.
I gave the recently borked grouped 'status' sort in thread watchers and downloader pages another go, and I improved the reporting there overall. The 'working' status shouldn't flicker on and off as much, there is a new 'pending' status for downloaders waiting for a work slot, and the 'file status' icon column now shows the 'stop' symbol when files are all done.
The menu entry to 'open similar-looking files' is now further up on thumbnails' 'open' submenus.
The duplicate filter has its navigation buttons on the right-hand hover window rearranged a bit. It is silly to have both 'previous' and 'next' when there are only two files, so I merged them. You can also set 'view next' as a separate shortcut for the duplicate filter, if you want to map 'flip file' to something else just for the filter.
windows clean install
If you use the Windows installer, do not worry, these issues are fixed automatically for you from now on.
I updated to a new dev machine this week. Some libraries were updated, and there is now a dll conflict, where a dll from an older version is interfering with a new one. As it happens, the library that fails to load is one I made optional this week, so it doesn't ''seem'' to actually stop you from booting the client, but it will stop you from running the Client API in https if you never did it before (the library does ssl certificate generation).
It is good to be clean, so if you extract the Windows release, you may want to follow this guide this week: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/getting_started_installing.html#clean_installs
full list
interesting taglist changes:
taglists work way better behind the scenes
when siblings display with the '(will display as xxx)' suffix, this text is now coloured by the correct namespace!
parents now show in 'manage tags dialog' taglists! they show up just like in a write/edit tag autocomplete results list
the tag right-click menu has had a pass. 'copy' is now at the top, the 'siblings and parents' menu is split into 'siblings' and 'parents' with counts on the top menu label and the submenus for each merged, and the 'open in new page' commands are tucked into an 'open' submenu. the menu is typically much tighter than before
when you hit 'select files with these tags' from a taglist, the thumbgrid now takes keyboard focus if you want to hit F7 or whatever
custom tag presentation (_options->tag presentation_, when you set to always hide namespaces or use custom namespace separator in read/search views) is more reliable across the program. it isn't perfect yet, but I'll keep working
a heap of taglist code has been cleaned up. some weird logical issues should be better
now the code is nicer to work with, I am interested in feedback on how to further improve display and workflows here
the rest:
added two mirrors for nitter, whose main site is failing due to load. I added them randomly from the page here: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances . if you have nitter subs, please move their download source to one of the mirrors or set up your own url classes to other mirror addresses. thanks to a user for providing other parser fixes here
gallery download pages now show the 'stop' character in the small file column when the files are done
gallery download pages now report their 'working' status without flicker, and they report 'pending' when waiting for a download slot (this situation is a legacy hardcoded bottleneck that has been confusing)
thread watchers also now have the concept of 'pending', and also report when they are next checking
improved the new grouped status sort on gallery downloader and watcher pages. the ascending order is now DONE, working, pending, checking later (for watchers), paused
the network request delay after a system resume is now editable under the new options->system panel. default is 15 seconds
the 'wait on files too' option is moved from 'files and trash' to this panel
when the 'just woke' status is active, you now get a little popup with a cancel button to override it
'open similar-looking files' thumbnail menu entry is moved up from file relationships to the 'open' menu
the duplicate filter right-hand hover window no longer has both 'previous' and 'next' buttons, since they both act as 'flip', and the merged button is moved down, made bigger, and has a new icon
added 'view next' to the duplicate filter shortcut set, so you can set a custom 'flip between pair' mapping just for that filter
thanks to a user helping me out, I was able to figure out a set of lookups in the sibling/parent system that were performing unacceptably slow for some users. this was due to common older versions of sqlite that could not optimise a join with a multi-index OR expression. these queries are now simpler and should perform well for all clients. if your autocomplete results from a search page with thumbs were achingly slow, let me know how they work now!
the hydrus url normalisation code now treats '+' more carefully. search queries like 6+girls should now work correctly on their own on sites where '+' is used as a tag separator. they no longer have to be mixed with other tags to work
small/specific stuff:
the similar files maintenance search on shutdown now reports file progress every 10 files and initialises on 0. it also has faster startup time in all cases
when a service is deleted, all currently open file pages will check their current file and tag domains and update to nicer defaults if they were pointed at the now-missing services
improved missing service error handling for file searches in general--this can still hit an export folder pointed at a missing service
improved missing service error handling for tag autocomplete searches, just in case there are still some holes here
fixed a couple small things in the running from source help and added a bit about Visual Studio Build Tools on Windows
PyOpenSSL is now optional. it is only needed to generate the crt/key files for https hosting. if you try to boot the server or run the client api in https without the files and without the module available to generate new ones, you now get a nice error. the availability of this library is now in the client's about window
the mpv player will no longer throw ugly errors when you try to seek on a file that its API interface cannot support
loading a file in the media viewer no longer waits on the file system lock on the main thread (it was, very briefly), so the UI won't hang if you click a thumb just after waking up or while a big file job is going on
the 'just woke' code is a little cleaner all around
the user-made downloader repository link is now more obvious on Lain's import dialog
an old hardcoded url class sorting preference that meant gallery urls would be matched against urls before post, and post before file, is now eliminated. url classes are now just preferenced by number of path components, then how many parameters, then by example url length, with higher numbers matching first (the aim is that the more 'specific' and complicated a url class, the earlier it should attempt to match)
updated some of the labelling in manage tag siblings and parents
when you search autocomplete tags with short inputs, they do not currently give all 'collapsed' matching results, so an input of 'a' or '/a/' does not give the '/a/' tag. this is an artifact of the new search cache. after looking at the new code, there is no way I can currently provide these results efficiently. I tested the best I could figure out, but it would have added 20-200ms lag on all PTR searches, so instead I have made a plan to resurrect an old cache in a more efficient way. please bear with me on this problem
tag searches that only include unusual characters like ? or & are now supported without having to lead the query with an asterisk. they will be slower than normal text search
fixed a bug in the 'add tags before import' dialog for local imports where deleting a 'quick namespace' was not updating the tag list above
windows clean install:
I moved to a new windows dev machine this week and a bunch of libraries were updated. I do not believe the update on Windows _needs_ a clean install this week, as a new dll conflict actually hits the coincidentally now-optional PyOpenSSL, but it is worth doing if you want to start using the Client API soon, and it has been a while, so let's be nice and clean. if you extract the release on Windows, please check out this guide: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/help/getting_started_installing.html#clean_installs
the Windows installer has been updated to remove many old files. it should now do clever clean installs every week, you have nothing to worry about!™
boring db breakup:
the local tags cache, which caches tags for your commonly-accessed hard drive files, is now spun off to its own module
on invalid tag repair, the new master tags module and local tags cache are now better about forgetting broken tags
the main service store is spun off to its own module. several instances of service creation, deletion, update and basic fetching are merged and cleaned here. should improve a couple of logical edge cases with update and reset
boring taglist changes:
taglists no longer manage text and predicates, but a generalised item class that now handles all text/tag/predicate generation
taglist items can occupy more than one row. all position index calculations are now separate from logical index calculations in selection, sizing, sorting, display, and navigation
all taglist items can present multiple colours per row, like OR predicates
items are responsible for sibling and parent presentation, decoupling a heap of list responsibility mess
tag filter and tag colour lists are now a separate type handled by their own item types
subordinate parent predicates (as previously shown just in write/edit autocomplete result lists) are now part of multi-row items. previously they were 'quiet' rows with special rules that hung beneath the real result. some related selection/publish logic is a bit cleaner now
string tag items are now aware of their parents and so can present them just like autocomplete results in write/edit contexts
the main taglist content update routines have significantly reduced overhead. the various expansions this week add some, so we'll see how this all shakes out
the asynchronous sibling/parent update routine that populates sibling and parent data for certain lists is smarter and saves more work when data is cached
old borked out selection/hitting-skipping code that jumped over labels and parents is now removed
'show siblings and parents' behaviour is more unified now. basically they don't show in read/search, but do in write/edit
a heap of bad old taglist code has been deleted or cleaned up
next week
This was a big couple of weeks. Setting up the new dev machine--I replaced my six year old HP office computer with a nice mini-pc with an SSD--worked out great, but there were some headaches as always. The taglist work was a lot too. I'll take next week a little easier, just working misc small jobs.
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