capt-riverdry · 11 months
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A very beautifull prototype. there is a T55 in the background
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thornsword · 2 months
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look at me and tell me what you see
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blockgamepirate · 9 months
I'm like unreasonably upset about Chayanne forgetting Spanish orz
His Mexican dad was gone for too long noooooooo
And the fact that I think last time he saw Missa he actually joked about how he was forgetting how to speak Spanish because Missa never logged on, BUT IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN FOR REAL orz
(QNPC01 (who is also Mexican) is busy with school and can't play anymore so QNPC06 took over for Chayanne, but QNPC06 doesn't know Spanish very well ;-;)
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3lsmp · 8 months
trafficblr I wanna hear ur opinions, what do u think was the CLOSEST alliance. I'm talking ride or die, dedication to eachother.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
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pairing: jay x gn!reader genre: fluff word count: 450
your phone vibrates with a new notification. 'i'm outside.' quickly, you grab a jacket and rush out your front door, meeting jay where he sits in his car. he smiles, unlocking the door for you.
"where are we going?" 
"thought i'd take you out for a drive. you love them."
"you know me too well, park."
the drive is relatively quiet after that, only the sound of a nostalgic pop song playing through the speakers. you crack the window, letting the wind blow through your hair and nodding along to the rhythm. when you look over, jay is smiling at you.
he shakes his head, smiling. "nothing. it's just…" he glances at the light before looking back at you. "you look like you're in a movie scene. it's… handsome."
you raise an eyebrow. "you think i'm handsome?"
jay nods. "i think you're irresistible." not expecting his response, you look return to looking outside the window and hope jay doesn't notice how flustered you are.
"there's somewhere i wanna show you." jay murmurs, pulling off onto a side road. he drives to a beach before stopping the car. "come on," he says. you follow him out of the car, walking alongside the shore together. your hands gently brush every not and then, making your heart rate speed up. 
you walk for a few minutes until you reach a rocky area to sit at, overlooking the water. "it's beautiful out here." you whisper. 
"i go out here to think," jay murmurs. "the water calms me down. it reminds me of you." the words make your breath hitch, though they don't explicitly carry a romantic meaning. you turn to face him and he does the same, hand ghosting against your cheek. "y/n " he whispers.
"jay," your eyes flick from his to his lips. he leans closer until your noses touch. 
"can i kiss you?" it feels like your world has stopped when the words leave his mouth. eagerly, you nod, pressing your lips together in a sweet kiss. "i love you y/n. i've been in love with you since i was five years old and fell off my bike and you rushed over to help me up. and when i had an allergic reaction when i held your cat for the first time and you kissed my cheek because you felt bad. and-" you cut him off with another kiss, smiling when you pull away. 
"i love you, park jongseong. so much."
"i love you too, l/n y/n. be mine?"
you bite back a smile, eagerly nodding. "of course. you're mine~"
jay wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his chest. "i'm yours." he whispers.
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bphantom01 · 1 year
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Yugo realizes it too late
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divinitics · 3 months
SENTENCE STARTER — feat. lady helaena moraqos ( @steelfyre ) " best steer clear of that one, they’re known only to bring scandal "
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dark eyes followed her sister's gaze discreetly, finally landing upon the handsome, tall figure of lord daemon celtigar — a recent acquaintance that had immediately caused her cheeks to burn. " oh? " curiosity nipped at her brain, as she flashed the elder nereid a teasing, dimpled smile. " how would you know that, sister? we have not been here long enough to hear everything. " or perhaps, carina had foolishly neglected to pay attention to things she should. the young nereid switched smoothly into low valyrian. " although, i think our mere existence is scandal enough, for the westerosi. even the way we drink and eat would shock them ! "
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happyxceleste1 · 1 month
Why do i think Robot-01 would have a diary and write like this⁉️
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
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fallenbhaalspawn · 1 month
the fact that all our companions except one are humans or elves is so so sad. gale should have been a halfling.
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israsakarya · 2 months
LOCATION: Decker Law & Associates
WITH: @sawyerdecker
When Isra had made an appointment with Sawyer, she hadn't claimed it was over anything specific, just that she insisted she met with Sawyer Decker, and no one else. The woman was a well sought out criminal defence attorney in the town, so Isra doubted it would look questionable to specify a meeting with the woman herself. She admired a woman who worked hard, although her chosen career path remained questionable at best.
The agent busied herself by perusing around the waiting room, admiring the adorations of the business upon the walls. Isra turned on her heel, a gentle smile upon her lips as her gaze met Sawyer's. "You must get a lot of work in this town, huh?" it was a pointed question, considering how much crime ran through its very streets.
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capt-riverdry · 11 months
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Polish Light tank concept in 2013 by OBRUM with support from BAE Systems, based on the Swedish CV90120-T light tank
Features a 105 mm or 120 mm caliber gun with an autoloader, 16 ready rounds in the unmanned turret and other 29 in the hull. All crew members reside in the hull. Commander, Gunner and Driver.
The project was scrapped in 2015
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safiadecastilla · 2 months
LOCATION: Outside Tric
WITH: @ezekielmercer
Safia hadn't spoken to him in years, but she thought about him almost every day. She thought about all the things she wished she had said, and all the things she wished she hadn't said. It was a constant internal battle within herself to cut him out of her life entirely, but there were some nights he still poisoned her thoughts in the most toxic way. Zeke had infiltrated her very being, and she had never been the same ever since. He was her nightmare, and happy ending, all at the same time.
She had been visiting a friend in Wrightsville Beach, and one bottle had turned into two. So Safia had left and headed in the direction of Tric, hoping that maybe tonight she would find his car parked outside.
There was no knowing how long he would be inside, but Safia needed just one moment to be near him, at least. And so she gently slumped against Zeke's car, her hands chaotically digging around her bag for her cigarettes. It wasn't the sound of his footsteps, but the thick scent of his cologne that startled her the most.
"Do you hate me?" Safia asked simply, the cigarette hanging loosely from her lips as she flicked the lighter. The thick cloud of smoke as she exhaled was enough to blur her peripheral vision, long enough to avoid his gaze.
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deadmcnwalks · 2 months
A beep by a car had him standing in the middle of the street frozen in shock.
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The onlookers held their phones to video tape the shenanigans, and the driver yelling at him to move. Blake was not used to this... surroundings. He was causing the traffic, as line of cars kept honking and beeping. He was man from early 19 century. Car was rare back then and it definitely didn't looked as if it could kill. Hes mostly dazed now, wondering what he should do next.
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3lsmp · 8 months
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
So…when were y’all going to tell me how hard XG slaps???? Literal QUEENS here to uplift and empower other women???? Sign me TF up YEAH
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