#pidge is the cutest
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toasthoneyandstardust · 3 months
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The power couple returns at last, now in redraw form!
This is what I meant if you read my tags on the bennie post by other ship, they really are the same flavor in a different universe <3
Tried to keep more of a vf style with this, and I did a lot better with that on Pidge than Anya, but I don't mind because I love how it turned out
Ps my edit commissions are back open again! If you're interested please take a look at my pinned post for my kofi
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Giggles <3
When Keith laughs at something, and I mean when he genuinely laughs at something, it comes out as a giggle. Not a chuckle-ish giggle. A full on schoolgirl giggle.
He was made fun of at the Garrison for it (cough cough imma kill Griffin I hate that jerk SO MUCH cough cough) and learned to hide it under scowls and harsh remarks. When he joined Voltron, he found it harder and harder to act serious. Late at night in his room, he would practice his laugh until it turned into a much deeper burst of laughter.
He ultimately failed in covering it up when he pissed off Shiro one day during training. The older man tackled him to the ground and tickled him mercilessly, forcing Keith to laugh normally.
He found it absolutely mortifying, and stayed holed up in his room for a full 15 hours before he realized that he liked Hunk's cooking too much to hide forever.
(Lance thought it was cute though. He was blushing like the idiot he is.)
Hunk would NOT stop looking at him like Keith suddenly grew kitten ears. Pidge... well she had recorded the whole thing for the purpose of blackmail (obviously) but Keith didn't need to know that.
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bagerfluff · 6 months
Keith's A What?
Keith Kogane x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - "Your hair is so soft"
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“Keith got turned into a what?” You asked Shiro. Tilting your head has if that would help you hear better. The team left for a mission a few hours ago and just got back.
You were excited to see your boyfriend, but when he didn’t come up out of his hanger, you were worried. But the Shiro told you something that made you realize that space is weirder than you thought.
Shiro had explained to you that the Galra had some new magic and used that magic to turn Keith into a cat? At first, you didn’t believe, but when Pidge walked out of the red lion’s hanger with a black cat with extra hair on their head, you thought you had seen it all.
“A cat” Shiro answered your question as you walked closer to Pidge. The cat in their arms looked up at you. The cat was fluffy and somehow had Keith’s same signature glare. 
They had the same purple eyes that Keith did. “I think with the help of Allura, I should be able to turn him back” Pidge said with a tilt of their glasses as they placed Keith on the ground.
“But I don’t know how long that will take,” Pigde noted “I’m not even sure if Keith is Keith”. “What?” Hunk said as he looked over at Pidge. “Well I’m not sure if Keith got turned into a cat with the mind of a cat or with the mind of Keith” 
Pidge said as they looked over at Hunk and then back at Keith. “Well someone needs to take care of him,” Shiro said as he looked around. “Well I’m not. I have stuff to do”
Lance said before walking off to his room. “Maybe Y/n should do it,” Hunk pointed down to your legs “I mean, look at Keith”. Everyone looked down as did you to see that Keith was rubbing against your legs.
Like a real cat. “Maybe he does have the mind of Keith” Pidge noted with furrowed brows as they moved their glasses. “That’s fine with me if it’s okay with Y/n”. You looked down at Keith before looking up at everyone else with a smile.
“Yeah I’d love to” You reached down and picked Keith up, Keith immediately resting in your arms. You then walked back to your room. This week might be weirder than you thought.
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It had been a couple of days since Keith got turned into a cat, and it was differently weird. Pidge had decided that Keith still had the mind of Keith but just a cat body. Though, Lance did not appreciate that since when he tried to pick Keith up, he scratched him.
Pidge said that it should only take a couple more days, but you like cat Keith. He was still Keith, but cuter. You didn’t think Keith could look cuter.
Though he was a cat, he was still Keith. Moody, hot-headed, and only really tolerated you.
Since Keith couldn’t go on missions or train and you didn’t do any of that to begin with, Keith hung out with you. You spent most of your time fixing stuff around the castle. You were an engineer, like Hunk.
But you liked Keith’s company. He just slept and watched you work, but you liked it. You normally did all of this alone, so you liked it. Sometimes, Keith also did the cutest things, in your opinion.
Like he would cuddle up with you. When you were working, sleeping, or just resting. But you kinda wanted your boyfriend back. You wanted to cuddle him.
You wanted to talk to him. You slumped in your chair at your desk as you thought about this. You wanted your boyfriend back. You let out a sigh as he leaned forward on your desk with your arm.
Keith walked over from your bed and jumped on the table when he heard you sigh. “Hey love” you said and reached up to pet Keith’s hair.
Keith mewled as he walked into your hand and sat in front of you. You continued to run your hand through Keith’s fur. That was something you and Keith liked.
You because it gave you something to do with your hands. As an engineer, you were kinda handsy, needing to do something, or maybe you had ADHD. Keith liked it because he liked the comfort he felt when someone did it. 
Keith’s hair was also soft and fluffy. You loved it. “Your hair is so soft” you said with a small smile. “Or should I say fur” you said with a laugh, and your smile grew. Somehow, Keith looked annoyed as a cat.
You laughed at that as Keith looked away from you. “Come on” you laughed as he moved closer to Keith. “You know you love me” Keith looked back at you and placed his nose on yours.
Your nose wrinkled at the feeling but you loved it.
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You held Keith in your arms as you walked into the bridge. Pidge had finally finished the cure with the help of Allura. And it was time to give it to Keith. It was in a needle, and you were also tasked with holding Keith still.
“Ready Y/n. Ready Keith” Pidge said as they walked closer. “Ready” you said, and Keith meowed. Pidge looked around, and everyone else nodded as Pidge walked closer and shot Keith with that needle. 
For a while nothing happened and everyone thought it wouldn’t work. “It didn’t work Pidge” Lance said but was quickly proven wrong as Keith started to shake.
Everyone looked at Keith, who is still in your arms. A couple ticks later a human Keith laid in your arms. He quickly wrapped his arms around your neck. You laughed as you placed a kiss on Keith’s forehead.
“You looked cute as a cat,” you said as Keith blushed from your statement. 
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“Oh, I love spring.” Lance’s voice is soft, breathy, sighing. He veers off the path, heading towards one of the campus’ many gardens. “Everything’s just so hopeful, y’know? And the hills — they get coated in little springs of gold. It’s beautiful.”
“It snowed yesterday,” Keith deadpans, but joins Lance in looking at the blooming flowers anyway.
Lance rolls his dark eyes at him fondly. “For, like, twenty seconds!”
“Snow, Lance. In April. Disgusting.”
“Yeah, yeah, party pooper.” He leans in close to a yellow pansy, inhaling deeply. The slightest of smiles pulls at his lips, long eyelashes fluttering as his eyes close in serenity. Freckles sprinkle over his nose and cheekbones, darker now that the sun is starting to shine brighter.
Keith has to shake himself out of staring like a fool. Even then it’s no easy feat — Lance is ethereal, in the spring sunshine, surrounded by budding flowers and melting snow.
Keith clears his throat, ears a little red. “I thought you were more of a summer person,” he says, a little loudly, a little telling.
“I do love the summer, Lance agrees, inhaling one more time before straightening up. He turns the full power of his smile towards Keith — Lord help him — and takes a step away from the garden. “But there’s just something about the flowers, I guess. Something about so many colours finally blooming after the endless grey of winter, y’know?”
Keith snorts. “Right, Shakespeare.”
“I’m going to take that as the compliment it is, you butthead. Ready to head out?”
“Yeah.” Keith pauses, glancing back at the flowers. He thinks of Lance’s soft look as he smelled them. He thinks of how badly he wants to see Lance look like that again. “Why don’t you bring a couple flowers back to your dorm?”
Lance glances back at the flowers. For a minute Keith thinks he’s going to pick a couple, but then he’s shaking his head. “Nah.” He chuckles a little, scratching the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “It’s stupid, but I get genuinely upset when flowers die? I used to pick them all the time as a kid and then cry when they started to droop. I never really grew out of it, I guess. Embarrassing, huh?”
Oh my God, that is the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard, Keith thinks, screaming internally.
“A little,” Keith teases instead. Lance gasps exaggeratedly, clasping his hand to his heart in mock offense.
“Why, I never!”
The two of them joke and tease their way to the dining hall, only getting worse as they meet up with the rest of their friends. They devolve into ridiculous chaos almost immediately, as they usually do — Pidge barely catches sight of Lance before she starts some ridiculous argument over the dorky video game they’re both obsessed with, and then the rest of them choose sides just for the drama of it all — but honestly? Keith’s heart’s not in it. All he can think of is Lance’s slight smile as he smelled the flower, and the barest hint of sadness Keith saw flash through his dark brown eyes when he stepped away from them.
Keith is going to get Lance his flowers, and flowers that won’t die on him. He will.
Anything to get that smile on his face again.
“Keith, it’s four in the goddamn morning.”
“Allura if you help me I’ll get you those caf cookies you like every day for a month.”
That gives her pause. “The coffee caramel one? That’s always gone before I get up?”
“Yep,” Keith says, grinning despite his frustration. Got her. Allura would do anything short of human sacrifice to get those cookies.
“…Make it two months.”
“What?” Keith protests immediately. “That’s sixty whole days!”
“I’m getting more and more tired by the second, Gyeong.”
“Alright, alright, Jesus. You’ll get your cookie, you tyrant.”
She hums. There’s a creaking noise in the background, like she’s shuffling around, then the unmistakable sound of a thump and muffled cursing.
Keith shoves his knuckles into his mouth to keep from cackling. “Did you fall, you dumbass?”
“Fuck off. Mention it again and the deal is off.”
“Alright, alright,” Keith says,holding up his hands in surrender even though she can’t see it. (One can never be too sure with Allura. Sometimes it’s like she’s a fuckin’ witch, or something. She knows all.)
“Anyways, dorkus. Why’d you call me in the dead of the fucking night?”
Keith sobers quickly, frustration building back up when he catches a glance at his supplies. He takes a deep breath. “So, you know how you’re an art major?”
There’s a beat of incredulous silence. Keith can feel her judgey look through the phone.
“No, that’s news to me, actually. Must have missed that memo on my way to class this morning.”
“Oh, piss off. You know what I meant.”
She snorts, but answers anyway. “Yes, Keith. I am aware that I’m an art major. I take it to mean you need some artistic advice?”
“Yeah,” Keith confirms. He holds up one of the canvases he’s been working on, frowning deeply. “So, I have this…project. I need to paint a really, really good — almost perfect, honestly — picture of a flower. No, a bouquet of flowers. Yeah. And —”
“You,” Allura interrupts slowly, “a physics major.”
There’s a long moment of silence — incredulous on Allura’s end, panicked on Keith’s.
“You need to paint a flower? For a grade?”
“I’m…applying the physical sciences of viscous fluids acting upon a dry powdered surface such as canvas,” Keith lies hastily. “Yeah. Lots of science in painting, you know.”
That’s a pretty decent excuse, if Keith says so himself. And he does! He’s found that if he just throws out enough science words into one sentence, and uses the words ‘acting upon’ at least once, then people usually just go along with it. It has yet to fail on him before, at least.
“This is about Lance, isn’t it.”
Of fucking course Allura’s annoyingly smart ass can see right through him.
Keith scoffs. And then he scoffs again, and again, and every time it sounds just a touch more hysterical. “Ha! I don’t — ha! How ridiculous! Me, painting a picture of a flower for Lance, because he gets sad when cut flowers die! I would never — preposterous! Outlandish! Unbelievable, even! I —”
“You just let me know when you’re done,” Allura drawls.
Keith sputters. “I — you! What!”
“Look,” she says, faux-gently. “Please take full offense to this.”
“I probably will,” Keith grumbles. Allura has no problem plowing right on.
“There is not a soul on this campus who isn’t well aware that you are atrociously down bad for Lance.”
“I — yes there is! That’s fuckin’ — private information! How do you know that?!”
“You look at him like he’s the sun, dude. It’s as sweet as it is sickening, truly.”
Keith wants to fight that. He does. He’s kept his feelings for Lance under lock and key, thanks. Allura is talking out of her ass.
But then he looks down at his canvas and half-finished painting, and —
“…Okay,” Keith admits, cheeks flaming. “So I get a little moon-eyed occasionally. Can you blame me?”
Allura chuckles. “No. Lance is cute as hell. You’re lucky I’m a lesbian or you would have some serious competition with that boy, let me tell you.”
“Thank Thor for that, then.”
“Damn right. Anyway. Details, Horatio. You’re painting him a flower?”
Keith sighs. He knows it’s incriminating as hell, but he truly can’t help himself. “Yeah. We were looking at flowers a couple days ago, and he was just so happy to see them, y’know? I suggested he should bring a couple back to his dorm but he said he got sad when they died, so. I’m painting him some that won’t die.”
“That is the gayest damn thing I’ve ever heard.”
Keith flushes. “Yeah, yeah. Shut up. Can you help me or not?”
“Well, I won’t be painting it for you.”
“I know that! I just — I don’t know what I’m doing, ‘Llura. How the hell do I shape it right? What’s the deal with shading? How come half the colours look smudgy and brush hairs keep getting stuck in the paint? What —”
“Alright, deep breath,” Allura interjects. Keith listens. “Good.” Her voice softens. “He’s gonna love it, y’know? He loves you just as much as you love him — and don’t give me that ‘what if he doesn’t like me back’ shit,” she scolds, before he can protest. “Okay? He’s one of your closest friends. He’s going to appreciate the gesture regardless.”
“I know,” Keith says, exhaling deeply. “I know. But still. Help me?”
“Yeah, yeah. I got you.”
Keith takes a deep breath, glancing down at the gift bag he’s holding. It’s not too late, really. He can ding dong ditch. That way Lance can get the painting — and the stupid sappy letter Keith wrote him — and Keith can avoid the whole mortifying ordeal of being known or whatever.
Yeah. Yeah, that’s what he’ll do. He can confess his undying love another time, right? Lance doesn’t need to know now. Keith can suffer in silence. He’s gone this far —
“Keith! Hi! I tried to wait for you to know but you took too long. Come in!”
Lance beams at him, dorm room door opened wide, stepping to the side to usher Keith in.
Curse him and his stupid bat ears. Of course he heard Keith’s heartbeat through the door, or something.
“Hey, Lance.” He accepts Lance hug, squeezing tightly and inhaling smell of sunscreen and lavender.
The smell makes him brave, makes him bold.
“I, uh, I brought you something.”
Lance’s grin only gets wider. “I was hoping that was for me.” He makes grabby hands towards the bag. “Gimme!”
It will be fine, it will be fine, it will be fine, Keith chants to himself as Lance tosses the decorative paper — ‘decorative paper’ being old homework because Keith has no idea where the hell he’s supposed to buy fancy gift paper — behind him, digging into the bag. He stills as he pulls out the canvas. He’s absolutely silent as he looks at it, face completely blank.
Keith cracks.
“I know it’s kind of ugly. I mean, I tried, and Allura tried to help, but I’m kind of a hopeless painter —”
Lance still makes no face, long fingers just tracing the bulky painting.
“— I tried to use your favourite colours! The blue and the red and the purple —”
Lance makes a choked noise. Keith can’t tell if it’s good or not; and it makes him a great deal more frantic.
“—peonies are your favourite, right? And you like dandelions too so I thought —”
“Keith,” Lance finally says, hoarse and quiet. “I —”
“There’s a letter, too, and — oh.” The letter is clasped tightly in Lance’s hand. “You’ve already read it. Cool. Awesome. It’s —”
“Keith —”
“It doesn’t have to be a big deal, right? I mean —”
“Keith —”
Keith forces himself to breathe properly. He is not successful. He’s not quite hyperventilating, but by God he is on his way.
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ll just dip and you text me whenever —”
“Keith!” Lance shouts. “I’m going to kiss you now. On the mouth.”
By the time that sentence registers in Keith’s brain, sunshine and lavender overwhelms his senses, soft, smooth lips pressed insistently to his. Lance’s cool fingers press the sides of his neck, a gentle but insistent pressure.
“Oh,” Keith breathes.
“I love you too, dumbass,” Lance whispers against his lips. “God I love you.“
“That’s — okay.”
He feels Lance’s smile.
Because it is pressed. Against his lips.
Holy shit.
“That’s okay?“ “Yeah. Yeah. I — love you too. Lots.”
Lance laughs. “Enough to hand paint me flowers that will never die.” He presses another kiss to Keith’s lips.
It feels like springtime.
based on this post
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callmelyc · 11 months
Written for Twitter julance:
Week 1: Sharpshooter, Part 1- The Birth of a Name
If anyone on this planet had looked up they'd think lance was a shooting star. Blue lighting up the night as she hurled down to the planets surface to crash-land like a meteor in the night
And now here lance was hiding in the desert rock formations watching galra swarm the wreckage. It's just his luck to not only be separated from the others but to also have fallen smack dab into the center of a galra invaded planet.
"Shit-" lance curses watching them poke and prod at his baby blue from a safe distance but he knew he wasn't in any shape to fight right now and he sure as hell didn't want to be a prisoner. He'd barely spotted them to begin with with his head injury and all making his vision spin.
Just when he thinks the soldiers might turn to come his direction lance feels a small hand touch his own. It takes everything in him to not full body flinch and risk blowing his cover so he holds his breath.
He glances down slowly.
And is surprised to come face to face with a small....gecko?...looking closer lance thinks they remind him a lot of the Geico mascot but large enough to be a small child. They're about three feet tall, pastel yet colored like an oil spil when the sunlight bounces off their scales. It's honestly pretty mesmerizing to look at he could admit, if only his head wasn't swimming and everything hurt-
Stop it lance ur getting off track!
"Uh...hello?" Lance whispers warily only earning a smile from the little creature.
"Hello! I am selkie!" They say brightly "please follow me"
"W-wait I don't even kno-" but his protest fall quiet as his hand is taken in a surprisingly strong grip and he's pulled through tunnels that exist through the cliff sides. Selkie stays quiet throughout their trek and though lance had the second thought to fight the alien off he felt it was safer to trust this geico mascot over the galra anyday.
So here he is in a tightly fitted cave following behind someone smaller than pidge noting that every change in lighting causes selkies skin to shift both in pattern and color. It's....very distracting and it's not until they come to a stop that lance realized he didn't watch their path here.
"You are safe here!" Selkie says proudly looking up at lance with the cutest smile drawing him out of his own head and back to attention.
He glances up to take survey of the location only to find them still inside the cave system it's just a dead end "where are we?"
"The caverns" a new voice announces causing lance to finally be more on edge yet turns to see another small gecko alien of the same height as selkie "it is the only place the galra cannot navigate. Their large stature causes them to get stuck in the tunnel systems."
Oh. Well that makes sense lance thinks "and you are...?"
"I am Lorix, I am the leader of the Gekkota people." Lorix squints at lance taking in his stature "are you of the crashed vessel?"
"Oh you mean Blue? Yeah a mission gone wrong I was separated from my team and crashed here" lance watches how Lorix reacts to this for a moment deeming him a little trustworthy "My name is Lance, I'm the Blue Paladin of Voltron"
Lorixs eyes widen just a fraction "Voltron is real?"
"Yep! And it's our job to help where we can so-" lance kneels down to be eye level with the two "why don't ya tell me a bit about your galra problem."
As it turns out the skin shift wasn't just for show nor their small stature. The Gekkota people are known to be able blend into their surroundings through color reflection off their scales. That paired with their ability to fit into small tight spaces meant they could be practically invisible intruders and the galra wanted them for forced spy work.
"When they overtook the planet most fled into these caverns to hide-" selkie added before turning somber "they have started to flush us out through poisons, we fear they may result to other means soon"
As he watched these two share their story lance had already known hed help them but looking at them now only solidified his resolve.
"Hey-" he says into the silence gaining both their attention "how far up do these tunnels go?"
Lance finds himself learning the cave tunnels over the next day and a half because if his plan was gonna work he needed all the pieces in place perfectly. As it turns out the tunnel systems go all the way to the top and deep into the ground below the base surface level. It reminded him a lot of how ant farms or burrow systems might look: tight passageways, circular dead ends, and hundreds of interconnected pathways.
The point is it's easy to get lost and he doesn't wanna die down here especially if he's aiming to help these people by fending off the galra as they come.
So he's memorized the paths he needs, he knows the positions he'll switch between like the back of his hand. The galra won't ever spot him and they'll be falling before they get the chance. It's more ruthless than he's used to being, but lance was alone here and he had an entire planet of innocent people to help. you can bet your ass he was gonna do it by any means necessary.
Lance sit here now waiting for his moment to act. There's specific times the galra will send out people to do the rounds in an attempt to capture more of the people here and with blue close by they might even be looking for him. Little do they know lance won't let them get that far.
He's crouching in his first position atop the left cliffside just out of sight, Bayard drawn and formed into a sniper rifle. When the first galra patrol comes into view he lets them get a little too close just to make sure they don't catch on too quickly.
A deep breath
In and out
Three shots fired in quick succession followed by three bodies hitting the ground. The bombs they'd had in their hands go off but this time no one in the caverns is fighting the poison.
Score 1 for Lance and 0 for the Galra.
This continues over the course of the next three days, galra appear each group growing larger than the previous and lance strikes them down one by one from altering positions so they never spot him.
He rotates the choices, ya know to spice things up a bit, really lay on the confusion and he knows he's winning because they've grown increasingly more frustrated.
The galra attacks grow more violent too, they've gone from smoke bowms filled with poison to flat out trying to crumble the caves themselves. Eventually they switch it up from simple small patrol groups to full on fleets of galra and sentry combined, both more heavily equipped.
So he switches his tactics too, lance doesn't let any get close if he can help it. He's shooting from further away now, further than he thought himself capable of hitting his mark, but with every shot fired he never fails to hit it like a bullseye. The moment he sees them in the distance, the moment he can tell it's an enemy and not an innocent bystander he lines his rifle and takes his shot.
His cover provided Selkie and Lorix with the time and safety to gather more of their people into the same tunnels as well as gather more needed provisions. It also allowed for Intel gathering.
"They have grown weary of you Paladin Lance" Lorix says one day during a down period "you have taken so much of their forces here they had to request for backup"
Lances alien sandwich falls from his hand "backup?"
"Yes! They seem to have contacted a secondary fleet in a neighboring galaxy-" he says between chews "we are a dead zone, the only life in this galaxy exist here so they did not think to send more aid until you arrived."
"Yes yes!" Selkie adds "there is much radio chatter about the missing blue paladin. They do not have the equipment to move your crashed vessel but with the backup they seem hopeful in gathering it"
Lance let's that information sinks in while continuing to eat his previously dropped sandwich-dont judge him!- before his mind zeros in on one part "did you say there was radio chatter about me?"
"That is correct, from various sources it seems" Lorix confirms with a nod "some galra some otherwise-"
Lance grips lorixs tiny shoulders "otherwise?? Did you happen to catch any names or descriptions? Do you know what they were saying?"
"Ah- well," he says seeming to think it over "there was a mention of a coalition? And a princess Allura looking for a blue paladin"
"Oh thank god-" he sighs "that's my team, if they can get a signal they can give us backup."
Selkie and Lorix exchange glances before frowning "how will we do that?"
Lance looks back at them pausing to think it over for a minute and smirks "actually....I have an idea"
It's nightfall when they choose to act, lance knows for a fact they've stationed a heavily armed set of guards around Blue and he also knows she has her particle varried up and loaded. So all he needs to do is get in just close enough to phase through it, run in, set off her emergency signal for his team and hightail it out of there.
First things first though, the guards.....
There's surprisingly only three sentries but for some reason this really sets lance on edge. Something doesn't feel right about this but he can't back out now. He takes his stance, sends a small hang signal to Lorix and Selkie who are on standby and runs out into the open guns ablaze.
It's the first sentry getting shot down that tells lance what's wrong. They were decoys, once shot they send off a visual signal while simultaneously blowing up, which lance found out the fun way.
Aka getting thrown back a few hundred feet and gaining yet another head injury.
Fighting to get back up he knows he has to work fast, that signal couldn't have been anything good, so lance runs. He runs as fast as he can dodging the best he can when the remaining sentries charge towards him because if he can just get to blue she'll let him in.
He feels her weak energy reach out to him and smiles.
He can do this.
Throwing himself into a clean slide he slips right under the final sentry and luckily right through blues partial barrier that flies back up the moment lance is safely inside.
"that's my girl!" Lance cheers climbing back into the safety of her hull.
"I know your hurt baby girl but don't worry-" he pats her side gently while sifting through things to get to the emergency panel "I'll get the team right on it"
Lance works the fastest he can through the dizziness, sets off the SOS signal and does a repeat of his initial fight only this time to leave. It's a narrow escape made possible only by the help of Selkie who manages to trip a sentry into another just long enough for them to get back into the underground.
They move quickly for a bit only deeming themselves safe once back to the center "what do we do now paladin?" Lorix ask worried "the beacon the sentry sent us worrisome-"
"I know" lance sighs "the only thing we can do now is wait. I'll take watch, hold em off as long as I can and hope my team catches the distress signal fast enough..."
Selkie puts a reassuring hand on his arm "you are not alone in this fight paladin lance, we can do what we are best at-" she smiles at him and it clicks "if you are a ghost to them, then so shall we be"
The battle that ensues is a tough one, lance positioned at the highest possible point sniping down enemy after enemy while the Gekkoas work from the ground camouflaging themselves so quickly it confuses the galra enough to be taken down by them. Together they make a deadly team, moving in silence and to the galra invisible the waves that hit them go down like rain.
By the time daylight has arrived on the final day, Voltron arrives and gives a helping hand. They're quick to pickup on lances strategy and in less than an hour they've finally freed the planet Euble and all it's people.
And with their victory lance can finally rest.
"Sir, we have a report" a large galran says to his commander.
The commander turns, his frown a permanent fixture yet he doesn't glance up from his small device "What is it Vox?"
"It's about Euble, the ghost won sir. They have been freed with the aid of Voltron."
The device in the commanders hand snaps in his crushing grip, the frown turning into a snarl "What?!"
Silence hangs heavy before the commander turns to hit his fist angrily on the nearest wall "we have to report this to the main fleet-"
A com system appears, a video transmission going through before a higher ranking officer picks up the call "what is it Commander Krox?"
"Euble has fallen, The Ghost Rite won"
An angry tsk can be heard through the screen "and who is this Ghost Rite that took down all your men?"
"The sniper of Voltron..... The Blue paladin"
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kidge-planet · 10 months
For the ship meme headcanons with Kidge!
#1. Who is the most jealous? 👀
HI @alphaofdarkness !
Im again going to go to the point here: Keith!
He hates it when she talks to another man and seem to have a nice time with them (generally only when he doesn'tknow the man) .
He would get overprotective for nothing.
Once, they were in another planet with their friends for a party that had been made for the paladins. She would be standing with some people and Keith noticed that the guys seemed to pay her a little too much attention. That really made him angry and, he couldn't help but get closer and get a lil more contact with her to show that she was taken.
He some time, When she is texting someone, would ask with whom she talks and that would often get them to argue... He trusts her! He really does! but he can't help but asking...
That jealous aspect especially comes from his galra instincts... Galrans doesn't keep a same mate for long but they are very possessive towards them... Keith is half human, so, he keeps a same partner BUT, he has that galra part of him telling him that he has to protect her from other mans... It even happened to a women that was getting too comfortable with pidge, Keith scared the shit out of her and she never came back. That also got Pidge mad, she thinks he is too hard with people.
coming back to his galran part, I let you imagine what it is when it's galran's mating season... She barely goes outside. ( which is fine to her, she is an indoor person... That gives her an excuse)
As for Pidge, she is more chill about this... She trusts him with her lide and knows that he loves her and that he would never cheat, he is to "possessive" for that and WAY too scared to lose her... ( She gets that Keith is protective in his own way, that he has trust issues towards people and that he has a galra instinct. She always try to be understanding... It stays hard some times, when she had a long day, for example.)
She also gets jealous, tho. Keith is handsome and, she feels like next to him she is... Well, ugly which is untrue, She is the prettiest and the cutest... She never really said it out loud, but she thinks it.
So, when a "gorgeous" woman gets too close to Keith and that he would politely smiling at her, She feels like they would fit better together than she would ever with him. She ends up crying and reminding herself each of her imperfections in the bathroom. She would stay quiet about it, she will never interfere because she feels ridiculous next to these tall and pretty womans. But eventually, Keith noticed. He reassured her without even really talking to her directly. He literally was introcing her to every womans that he was meeting has the most gorgeous and smart woman he knows and that he is a lucky man. They did had a talk about all this and it helped her to feel better. Anyways, these insecurities came back when she noticed that she had took weight after their last kid.
Hope you enjoyed these headcanons!!
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 35: Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics Season 1, Episode 36: Lotor's Clone
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Episode 35 Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics I realized the text was hard to read in the long post so here's some color so you can tell which episode is being watched
wild that whoever made the choices for the space Olympics really thought hard and said "yes we're absolutely having it on Arus, where it's currently at war and has a weekly occurrence of giant fucked up robots fighting each other"
Is soccer actually an Olympic sport or is the world cup the biggest even for them?
Oh so doom IS actively boycotting the space olympics, I know It's for evil reasons but i have to agree just based on the fact THAT ITS ON A PLANET IN ACTIVE WAR AND ROUTINELY HAS GIANT MECHA FIGHTS
why are the boys in an army barrack 😭 the castle is right there is it not
Allura this is why you KNOCK walking in on the team showering in only towels is your fault entirely LMAO the boys are ragging on nanny for trying to make it their fault svsiodv woman just sit down and leave the food at this point
"I'm sorry I meant to surprise you!" "You did!" Keith that was adorable omg, I know you guys can't hear it, but his tone was the cutest
I love this show because in every other one it's hunk looking after Pidge, but originally it was Lance instead T-T He's currently very concerned about Pidge eating two kabobs at once, at least he isn't talking with food in his mouth
I'm sorry when did haggar get blueprints to voltrons wiring??
are they about to make a decepticon out of the beefed up bulldozer the team has outside to build the stadium?? Oh my god they are
man the only reason the team finds out about lotors plan is because one of the kids that was tagging along with hunk this entire time needed to take a leak outside 💀
haggar described her weird virus for that bulldozer as like a chip,,, it is not a chip it's a tiny robeast that takes over the entire machine just by standing onto the hardware i know they were making it easier to understand for kids but c'mon that had to be confusing for them, kids are real smart anyway
The boys: kid you were dreaming, nothing attached itself to the bulldozer (bulldozer proceeds to turn on and wreck their barrack) the boys: O-O guys please listen to the children, they're so upfront with everything they see its wild
PIDGE WHY ARE YOU JUMPING STRAIGHT ONTO THE BULLDOZER well at least he found out nobody was driving it UNTIL IT THREW HIM OFF, he's a gymnast (ninja) though so of course he lands on his feet anyway like a goddamn CAT
why do they always make hunk grunt like that? wild somehow they figured out it was lotor, i mean i feel like itd be obvious once they knew nobody was in it but still
WHY IS HE SO LONG IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, IT LOOKS LIKE THE PASTED HIS HEAD OVER LANCES BODY he didnt even stop the thing i think lotor just told it to stop to lull them into a false sense of security
that same kid was yelling about not being listened and immediately punched the control panel with started up the bulldozer again 💀 I think you're old enough to know how to regulate your emotions my dude oh also he and two others are trapped inside now, dire stakes indeed
hunk and pidge got thrown off the bulldozer, how high up were they?? ft older brother lance again because he was making sure pidge was okay in the background
at last a lion comes out to actually do something NOT BEFORE THE BOY GOT BURIED ALIVE THOUGH WHAT THE FUCK THEY SHOULD BE DEAD
I don't think this is the first time lotor has told allura his plans for her, but it's good that he actually tells her so she doesn't get a worse idea
the team is free after allura creates a goddamn tsunami in the stadium ft MORE OLDER BROTHER LANCE BECAUSE HES HOLDING PIDGE NEXT TO HIM IN THE WATER
immediately after being freed the kids just sit there and do nothing UNTIL THEY GET TRAPPED IN IT AGAIN god this show makes so many characters stupid
all-scan?? Are you telling me you fuckers could've done that before, and you just haven't?? I'm gonna say you just recently learned it for my own mental health
the kids are out after Hunk bashed his way inside without a lion i love seeing scenes like these because the pilots are actually skilled outside of being inside the lions!
Ooh so I was right, it was a mini robeast who could interact with machines, and then it just combines with it to make it an actual robeast well they could've just said that earlier >:/
voltron is formed and definitely is spewing propaganda for the olympics but at least hes able to damage the robeast LMAO
holy shit easiest fight ever, they barely even did anything to the guy before pulling out blazing sword and skewering it
time to rebuild the stadium and gym using the lions my question is why they only gave one of those beefed up bulldozers to the team
/episode end
Episode 36 Lotor's Clone
Episode opens with Zarkon yelling at Lotor, this oughta be good lol
"quit sending robots to arus and destroy voltron yourself!" my guy how the FUCK is one dude gonna do that, you kind of need another big guy to help weaken him first
"you mean really lead? Like from up front?" "Where else you idiot!" LMAOO
I know they make the doomites robots so the show can skirt past ratings but do not give robots that much sentience and still say they're not people these fuckers were talking about defecting and living on Arus!
oh so this episode's robeast is just another lotor because he doesn't actually want to do the work HAHAHA
"but beware, whatever you know he will know" foreshadowing?
onto planet arus, the team is doing some lion training
Pidge: it feels like my head is on backwards! Keith: I always knew that! THE KID JUST FELL OUT OF THE SKY KEITH BE NICE LMAO
Pidge: did you know your nose wiggles when you're upset Keith: my fist wiggles too! KEITH PLEASE-
mystery power surge huh, at least we can tell that the castle actually has employees since they're running around trying to fix stuff
oh never mind the drules have an actual robeast that's fucking with the castle, the lotor clone is just so lotor doesn't have to do any of the work expected of him LOL
Keith has a plan but i can't remember the sleds/boats he mentions having used before with the team maybe they're just making it up to show that the pilots actually hang out on their off time fnvsdoi
"some of these parts are older than nanny!" GET HER ASS LANCE
it's good to know that the pilots are all slightly mechanically inclined, definitely a skill they gotta have to actually stay alive on Arus
Not lotor complaining that his clone isn't working hard enough for his hero image 💀 no wonder this man always gets his ass kicked
secrets out, keiths been fighting the clone this whole time and because of lotor having a telepathic argument with it, he knows it's not the real him anymore
Damn he was so offended by the clone calling him Lotor used the robeast to blow his ass up 😭 Keith's right, this was his only chance at winning
did they just fix up that sled thing to not actually use it?? What a waste of time oh never mind lance is using it while the others use the lions
"if you're gonna lie around the beach all day I'll come back later" i don't think any other show can replicate the absolute sass dotu lance brings
I like that hunk is the defacto leader when its him pidge and allura, I know allura has no experience so she wouldn't be but i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pull something like this with pidge lol
voltron is formed, haven't seen lion head attack in a while so it's nice to see it back man that robeast just stoof there and took the beating, are they just giving up at this point soidns
ooh scene reuse, this is definitely from the bridge episode that i cant remember the name of, everyone is joking about how another clone of them would be good for the universe lol
/episode end
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
YES PIDGE WLD DEF INVITE LOTORS CHILD OVER AFTER A WHILE!!!!! she'd teach them abt earth dishes and them being so skeptical abt it like "...... are you trying to poison me? hmph, i thought we had something akin to a 'friendship'," JAJSJAJJAJAJ on another note while at pidges house, lotors kid wld probably be reminded of the sort of family they once had w their father and his former generals 🥺
AHWHSHSHSG STOPPP BECAUSE IT WOULD LITERALLY BE THE CUTEST THING pidge teaching them about earth dishes omg....... "trying to kill me, are you? and here i had assumed we were past this phase of our relationship 🤨" THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS THE CUTESTTTT
AWHHHHHH THE REMINDERS OF THE FAMILY THEY ONCE HADD 🥺🥺🥺 pulling little pranks on people with her and her brother would remind them of getting roped into ezor's and zethrid's schemes of harrassing lesser galra soldiers. AND LIKE. just sitting there with her father and allowing him to teach them something new about earth that they hadn't known before reminding them of their father and the many things he taught them about the universe AUGHGHH *dies* /lh
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ao3isthehomogod · 11 months
Afire Love
Author: sparkle_bitch
Words: 6,830
Chapters: 1
Author Summary:
Hey! So I was wondering if you could write a promt with a klance au, ( firefighter Keith x paramedic lance) that’s likes super angsty but with a happy ending. Like Keith gets trapped in a house and gets burned badly and lance is the one in the ambulance and sees his bf super injured and is super scared. And then everything is fine in the end. But maybe Keith like almost dies? Or his injuries get infected? It’s totally fine if not! Keep being awesome! 😊😊💙❤️❤️
My Summary:
This is another one of the first fics I read in this fandom and I think it’s one of the cutest, heart-throbbing, and beautiful pieces in the fandom. I know I say that for a lot of fics but I seriously my love this fic with all my heart. Paramedic Lance holds a special place in my heart so that mixed with firefighter Keith (which was a combo I didn’t know I needed) is just *chefs kiss* I honestly can’t put into words how much love and angst went into the writing. Just trust me- you’ll love this fic.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Klance
Characters: Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge, Allura, Shiro
Enjoy :3
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jalapenobee · 1 year
So remember that pizza boy au I reblogged? Yeah I couldn’t find it but I wrote it
Special instructions
“Okay, so we’re watching the Rush Hour trilogy. Lance, you good with that?”
Side note-I absolutely love the Rush Hour movies. Especially the third one.
Lance looked up from his phone to Pidge, who was standing in front of the TV with three DVD’s in her hand. “Uh, yeah sure.”
Pidge shrugged and popped the first one in. Hunk entered the dim room with a bowl full of popcorn in one arm. “Alright, ready for the movie.”
Lance’s attention was now fully back in his phone, staring at the special instructions section of Domino’s online pizza order. For Pidge, he put “as little sauce as possible.” For himself, he had put it to “send your cutest delivery boy.” Whether or not they would actually do it was a question. He clicked the order button, and it was too late to change it now. Joining his roommates on the couch, Lance didn’t think anything of it for a while.
Shiro smirked down at the newest pizza order. “Send your cutest delivery boy,” it said. Well, Keith was the only one around, so he guessed he’d send him and hope for the best. Shiro called him over.
“Would you describe yourself as ‘cute,’ Keith?”
Keith scoffed and flicked Shiro’s head. “Cuter than you for sure.”
Shiro missed Keith’s hair with a “tsk tsk” noise. “Don’t insult me like that Keith, I could fire you anytime I want.”
“We both know you don’t wanna do that. Even if you did, you’d hire me back within two days.”
“True. But you’ve got a pizza to deliver.”
Knock, knock.
“Uh, someone ordered a pizza?”
Lance assured his friends that he’d get the door and got up from the couch to walk over. He opened the door and was surprised that the people over at Domino’s actually listened to his instructions. They did send a cute guy.
“Large cheese, half sausage and as little sauce as possible? Um, are you okay?”
Lance was okay. Just distracted. “Wow, I didn’t think they’d do it.”
The delivery boy, Keith according to his name tag, raised an eyebrow. Do what?”
“Send their actual cutest delivery boy.”
Keith’s eyes widened at the… compliment? I guess you could call it that, even if it was delivered strangely. This must’ve been why Shiro asked him if he thought he was cute. He noticed Lance staring at his hair, still lopsided from when Shiro messed with it. He put on an easy grin.
“Yeah, I had to fight all the other delivery boys for the honor of delivering your pizza.”
Lance smirked and leaned against the door frame. “My hero.”
Their little conversation was interrupted by Pidge’s annoyed voice. “Lance, quit trying to seduce the pizza boy! Get the food and get your ass over here, the movie’s starting.”
Rolling his eyes, Lance took the pizza, paid, and bid a goodbye to Keith as he closed the door.
Both of them were up thinking of someone that night.
Seventh time ordering pizza from Domino’s this month. Every time since the movie night, Lance had requested Keith. And every time, Keith was very enthusiastic about actually fighting the other delivery boys to deliver Lance’s pizza. He might’ve pounded on James a bit the third time he was requested.
Pidge and Hunk weren’t very approving of this pizza phase, but they went along with it. Hunk said that Lance should “be careful, maybe order something other than pizza.” Pidge said as long as he “balances the shit,” he’ll be fine.
Anyway, it was time for a test. Special instructions this time? “Tell me I’m pretty.”
Added challenge? Lance was gonna wear sweats and a face mask to see how Keith would react. Either really well, or very badly. From their seven encounters, Lance had gathered that Keith was never in the middle. It was always one or the other.
After changing and applying the mask, Lance flopped down on the couch to wait for his pizza. And the salad. Per Hunk’s request.
“Wow, you again Keith? I never would’ve expected you!”
The familiar delivery boy tilted his head and smirked. “You say that as if you didn’t specifically request me.”
“I would never.”
“Sure, Lance.”
“Damn right, sure.” Lance let his hip weight fall to the side and held his arms out, displaying him in all his old hoodie, face masked glory. “By the way, how do I look?”
Honestly, Keith wanted to say a million things. How the light practically made him glow. How the pose he struck was equal parts inviting and playful, it was enticing. He looked beautiful. Perfect. But the instructions said “pretty,” so Keith guessed that’s what he’d say. Lance took notice of his surprised blush and smirked. “Well?”
“You look very pretty tonight, Mr. McClain.”
“Good job, Kogane.”
Keith would be going home with a $20 tip that night. After closing the door, Lance set the pizza on the counter, grabbing a soda from the fridge to drink way too fast a while later. Opening the lid of the box, he noticed something taped to the inside of the lid.
I know it may sound cheesy,
But a guy like you makes romance easy.
xxx-xxx-xxxx Keith
Lance ripped the note off and inspected it closer. A poem, his phone number… Maybe he should try it.
He entered the number into his phone and dialed, waiting for Keith while picking up a slice of pizza.
“Uh, hello?”
“Hi! Is this Keith?”
“Who are you? How did you get my number?”
“It’s Lance. You gave it to me, remember?”
“Oh. Hey Lance.”
“You know, I never put ‘write me a poem and give me your number’ in the instructions.”
Lance could hear Keith chuckle on the other side of the line. “I know. I did that myself.”
An hour, two and a half slices of pizza, and four interruptions later, both boys hung up the phone. Lance flopped on his bed, both him and the pizza box, somehow, in his room. He stared at the ceiling, dazed and smiling like a dork at the thought of seeing Keith again.
Lance hummed into his hands. “I think I’m in love. Oh god, I think I’m in love with Keith.”
Four days later, Lance ordered another pizza. Special instructions?
Ask me out on a date already, Keith.
The delivery boy smiled down at Shiro’s phone.
He’s more than happy to comply.
1,078 words
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kidgetrash · 1 year
Heyy !:) for the ship meme , who between Keith and pidge is the most affectionate?? also , big spoon/little spoon ??
Hey! Hi! Let's doooo this!!!!
Most Affectionate?
Pidge. It is absolutely Pidge. During downtime, Pidge is all over Keith like a cheap suit! They may as well just have one chair between them because she is on his lap more often than in her own seat. Unless they're eating at a dinner table, when she scooches her chair up to his just close enough that their elbows don't bang together. Other than that, his lap is fair game. Reading? Don't care, you can see your datapad over my shoulder. Just finished working out and sitting cross-legged? Now you have your girlfriend sitting wrapped around you koala style while she works on her datapad behind your back. Arguing with someone (probably Lance, maybe Shiro) while standing with your back to the door? Now your tiny limpet girlfriend is attached to your waist from behind because she ran out of peanut butter cookies. This does eventually start to rub off on Keith though, once he realises just how much he likes it (that didn't take him long) and that he can reciprocate (that took a bit longer). Tiny girlfriend sitting cross-legged somewhere working on her laptop? now she has a full sized boyfriend pillow behind her with his arms around her waist and a neck right there for kissing, unless it's something important. Having a bad day? Now you're in a cocoon of blankets with your super tall bf curled around you like the best coat in the world.
And this doesn't just go for casual either. In garrison meetings, Pidge's chair is surreptitiously always closer to Keith's than when the room was set up. And she convinces him that as long as no one sees then it's entirely professional to hold hands under the table! Then she manages to convince him that she can write on his palm with her finger and send him messages which he spells out in his datapad as though he's taking notes. Sometimes she tries to make him blush or laugh. Other than that, they are just always together. Pidge likes to lean on him, no matter the situation. If they're walking, they're either holding hands or just linking little fingers if they're still on duty, and Allura thinks it's the cutest thing she's ever seen.
Then there's the non-physical affection. Both of them are guilty of buying the other the stupidest little knickknacks whenever they see them. It's the whole "saw this and thought of you". And it is so ridiculous. No one else gets it, but between the two of them they have a huge collection of useless clutter. From snowglobes to dancing hula girls, clam shells with googly eyes to raunchy pens, as long as it makes the other laugh, and it always does, it's fair game!
Big Spoon or Little Spoon?
It depends on the situation. Generally, Keith likes to hold on to his Pidge. It means she's safe and right there with him. Pidge normally starts out the night with her head rested on his chest, but she tends to move around a lot, certainly more than Keith thought was possible. Within minutes of her moving away from his, he can feel the difference and wakes just enough to roll over and pull her in against chest again, her heart beating through her back into him like the most comforting thing in the world.
However, if Keith comes to bed late and doesn't want to disturb her he will try and go to sleep without touching. It never lasts long. One or the other of them seeks the other out. As for Pidge as the big spoon, sometimes Keith still has nightmares. Losing his family, losing his found family, losing her...when this happens when he's curled up on himself trying to even his breathing with his back to her, this is when she shines as the big spoon. Wordlessly, she shimmies her way to him, wrapping her arm around him and stroking his chest rhythmically, easing his mind and body with presence. They never talk about it, unless he instigates it, but he's okay with that and so is she. He knows she's ready to listen to him any time of day or night, but most of all she's ready to hold him until he feels brave enough to tell her he's okay.
I think that'll do it! Hope you enjoy!
Send me a ship meme from here!
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KEITH HAS GLASSES. That's it. That's the post.
...Nevermind I'm gonna elaborate.
Keith has the cutest black thick-framed glasses that bring out his eyes and match his hair.
He stopped wearing them when the war with the Galra started/ when he joined the blade because glasses are kinda hard to wear with the various suits he wore throughout the war (he admired Pidge for consistently wear her/their own glasses). Also he may have forgotten them on Earth, but it was a busy day, okay?
Anyway he learned to rely more on scent and hearing for getting around and recognizing the other paladins. He later learned that this was partially due to his Galra heritage.
After the war was over, the paladins met up regularly. Lance and Pidge found out about his apparent blindness and made it their mission to find him the perfect pair of glasses.
After many arguments, shopping sprees, and trips to Shiro's place to find out more about Keith's vision, they finally found the perfect pair. (wow that was a long sentence)
The new glasses were gold with black tops. They decorated the case generously with hippo stickers and little planets. Lance even took the liberty to have all of their friends sign it. (Lance is extra and we love him for it.)
When Keith saw them, he cried. At first, it looked like he was laughing because of the way his shoulders shook, but then his lip quivered and tears started pouring freely out of his eyes.
Keith was absolutely honored that his Voltron family cared enough to buy him glasses. Many group hugs and tissues later, he tried them on.
They fit him perfectly and made him look like the cutest nerd to ever walk the earth.
Lance had a bisexual breakdown. (Same my dude T - T)
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(mic drop.)
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chibi-pix · 2 years
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Took me a while to decide to finish this one.  DotU to VLD edit, but with Galran Pidge! Because Galran Pidge as a tiny Blade in DotU is the cutest thing ever. So! Here she is. Probably caught and afraid? Or maybe using her fluffy cuteness to avoid trouble. That sounds right. Also! Here’s the original screenshot.
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Pidgeons, the both of them.
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one. Until next time!
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Pizza and Coffee
Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Pidge/Lance
Tags: Fluff, Pizza Delivery AU, Coffee Shop AU, short fic, Lance is smitten, Bisexual Lance, don't judge me for the crap quality- I wrote this like 4 years ago
Wordcount: 1.1k
"Send your cutest delivery driver."
And it wasn't even Lance that asked.
Hunk did it for him.
Cross-posted from my Ao3 account.
On a busy street in Chicago, Lance entered the second most popular Starbucks in the city. Throwing his apron on and washing his hands, he spotted his coworker Hunk.
“Morning,” Lance smiled.
“Morning, Lance,” Hunk replied, “Ready for work?”
“Always,” Lance laughed and dried his hands. “Just let me punch in.”
“You mean you don’t want to work for free?” Hunk joked.
Lance punched in his code and set to work. He spun around and grabbed the cup, glancing down at the name.
“Flat white for Jared,” he called and put the cup on the pickup counter.
A guy snagged it within seconds and was out the door. It was a busy Monday Lance spun back and forth, grabbing drinks and ringing people up. He enjoyed his job here at Starbucks.
“Vanilla bean Crème with strawberry puree for… Pidge?” he called, pausing to be sure he got the name right.
It seemed to be right, because a honey-haired boy approached the counter and gingerly picked it up.
“Thanks,” he said and offered a small smile.
How cute, Lance thought.
“Enjoy!” Lance called. That drink looks good. I’ll have to get it sometime.
“Thanks,” he waved on his way out.
Hunk gave him a pointed look.
“He was cute,” he poked Lance.
“Yeah, I know,” Lance waved him away and grabbed an empty cup to start on its order.
“And he probably won’t be back. You can’t just try to hook me up with every cute customer that comes in.”
“I can try,” Hunk shrugged, “You’re due for a boyfriend at some point. Or girlfriend.”
“After my last girlfriend, I think I’ll pass,” Lance shrugged.
“Yeah, Nyma was pretty rough,” Hunk nodded. “That’s what you get when you date a model though.”
Lance thought back to his last relationship. Nyma had been controlling and harsh. He would have left her except that he thought she actually cared about him. Now he saw that she was just using him for cash. He’d been a very giving boyfriend; always buying her whatever she wanted.
“Ooh, hey Lance!” Hunk elbowed his friend. “Check out that guy!”
Lance glanced up to see a tall, thick-haired man. He ordered a black coffee.
“Ew, no,” Lance whispered, “He drinks his coffee black.”
“You can’t judge people based on their drinks,” Hunk said, exasperated.
“I can and I will,” Lance said filling the cup with plain coffee.
“Your loss,” Hunk shrugged.
Lance’s eight-hour shift came to an end at four.
“You still planning on coming over tonight?” Lance asked Hunk.
“Yeah, Shiro and the others are coming still, right?”
“Yep,” Lance confirmed, “The gang will be there. We’re ordering pizza.”
“I can bring soda if you want,” Hunk offered.
“That would be great,” Lance said. “I’ll see you at six then.”
“See you then!”
Two hours later Lance was welcoming his friend into his apartment.
“The others just got here, so we can order the pizza now,” he said.
“Great. I vote pineapple,” Hunk said.
“That’s my man!” Lance slapped his back and grinned. “What do you guys want?”
Allura, Shiro, and Keith sat in the living room.
“I want pepperoni," Keith said.
“Any other preferences?” Lance asked.
“I’m good with pepperoni,” Shiro nodded.
“If you don’t mind I’d like sausage,” Allura piped up.
“So a large half sausage, half pineapple and ham, and a large pepperoni. Gotcha,” Lance whipped out his phone, “Be quiet while I order.”
“Really?” Keith frowned, “You’re the loud one.”
“Listen here mullet,” Lance pulled the phone away from his ear, “The only reason you’re here is because of Shiro.”
“Hey guys, c’mon, don’t fight,” Shiro held his hands up, “This is supposed to be a fun game night.”
“It would be fun if it wasn’t for Lance being so annoying,” Keith muttered.
Lance stuck his tongue out, and brushed it off.
Everyone was quiet while he ordered the food.
“Is that all for tonight?” the voice asked.
Hunk grabbed the phone out of Lance’s hands.
“And send your cutest delivery driver,” he instructed.
Lance reached out to snatch the phone back, but Hunk finished the call.
“Really Hunk?” Lance crossed his arms and sighed.
“I think its funny,” Keith shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips.
Lance huffed as everyone began to talk. Shiro and Allura discussed business (they ran a company which produced whole foods), and Hunk and Lance swapped work stories and Keith commentated. A little over an hour later the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it,” Lance stood and reached in his pocket for the wad of cash he had.
Keith and Hunk snickered as Lance opened the front door.
Standing out front, a whole head shorter than Lance, was the boy from earlier. He just stood and stared as the boy pulled pizzas out of the warming bag. He was clothed in a baggy sweatshirt, but Lance could tell he was slender. His skin was several shades lighter than Lance’s, and his eyes were a caramel to match his hair. Lance wanted to touch it and see how soft it was.
“I’ve got a half sausage, half ham and pineapple, and a pepperoni for a Lance?”
He looked up, balancing both pizzas on one arm and held them out. Lance snapped out of his daze.
“Y-yeah,” he fumbled with the cash.
Hunk came up behind him and peered over his shoulder.
“Wait, isn’t that the guy from earlier?” he said loud enough for the boy to hear.
Lance shoved his elbow into Hunk’s ribcage as he took the pizzas and handed them back.
“Were you at Starbucks earlier today?” Hunk continued, not letting up.
“Um… yeah.”
“Grande vanilla bean crème with strawberry puree,” Lance said without thinking, and then flushed. “Sorry, it’s a habit.”
“That… that’s okay,” he replied. “Um, your total is twenty-eight fifty-seven.”
Lance handed the whole wad of cash to the boy. He glanced at it a moment.
“Do you need change?”
“N-no, you can have it all as a tip,” Lance stammered.
“After all, they did send their cutest delivery boy,” Hunk laughed and nudged Lance.
Lance flushed. The boy looked confused.
“Wait,” he looked down at the receipt. “Those assholes… that’s why they wanted me to take this one.”
“You mean you didn’t know?” Hunk asked, surprised.
“No,” he shifted uncomfortably.
“Well, you’re definitely cute, isn’t he, Lance?” Hunk looked pointedly at his friend.
“Y-yeah, definitely super h-I mean cute,” Lance rubbed the back of his neck.
“Th-thanks,” he shoved the cash into his pocket and held the delivery bag in front of him.
“Pidge, right?” Lance asked, hoping to continue the conversation.
“Um… can I…” Lance fiddled with the receipt he’d been given. He grabbed a pen from the table next to the door and scribbled something on it. “I hope you don’t mind…”
The boy took the piece of paper and looked at it.
“Uh, I’m flattered, but~”
Lance deflated.
“I’m a girl.”
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**Cultivating Love**16**
Lance spent days in fevered agony. His chest burning as deeply as his fever did. At one stage he wondered if he was dying when the Queen of the mermaids visited him personally. Even his memories of that were vague. Each time he’d opened his eyes the world had swung back and forth, compounding the utter misery he felt. They’d whispered around him, wanting to delay the ceremony to seperate his soul from Allura’s, but it was a race against time as they feared he’d die before they could. They’d gone ahead. The ceremony agony as his soul, and Allura’s, left his body. He’d seen it leave. A dark and pretty light bathed in shimmering golden lights that sparkled. It’d looked like a shimmering lotus flower. Something so incredibly precious and beautiful arising from the muddy swamp of his body.
The ceremony had taken days. He’d hung there, not dead and not alive. He now sat on the windowsill of his room, holding a black pearl that contained Allura’s soul fragment. The pearl felt light. Far too light for the weight of the soul. Much like Allura, the pearl was beautiful, and much like his last extended time with Allura, it could very well kill him. Anything could. Without a stable soul, his body was highly unstable. The slightest knock or blow could cause his body to disintegrate.
A small knock came on his door, Lance pushing a smile to his lips as Plaxum came to the edge of the bubble which encompassed his room. Smiling at him, she’d been a good friend to him so far, helping him by not explaining anything to his friends. They’d told him as they’d started the ceremony that he was basically condemning himself to a half life where death would always be looming over his shoulders
“Lance. How are you today?”
“Hello, Plaxum. I’m the same as yesterday, and you’re just as beautiful. Does Queen Luxia want to speak to me?”
“She does. She wishes to speak to you tonight in the Bakku gardens. I bring news of your friends”
He missed them. Being separated felt cruel after they’d come so far together
“How are they? I miss them immensely”
“About that, our Queen has granted permission for you to meet them above ground. She has tasked me to take you to see them, should you feel up to it?”
Lance didn’t particularly feel up to it. Moving felt as if he were being torn apart at each joint and muscle. Walking felt as if someone had tied huge rocks to his feet, leaving him slow and clumsy
“That would nice, thank you. It’d be nice to show them I still live, in person that is”
“I thought you’d be pleased. Please get yourself ready and come out when you are”
Knowing he’d be in the care of the mermaid for some time to come, Lance brought Blue along with him. All the mermaids had the cutest sea life companions. A jelly fish sitting on Plaxum’s shoulder with its tentacles across her neck. They were a gift from the Bakku Gardens, a somewhat sacred ground to the mermaid folks. Keeping pace with him, he and Plaxum chatted lightly about his condition as Lance moved to mentally reassuring himself that things wouldn’t be as awkward as he thought they were going to be. Pidge would be mad, but he had something far more important that he needed to tell her.
Lead to the upper palace, his friends were waiting on a coral balcony. Lance wished he could scent them, but the ocean washed away the scents of the palace leaving his nose twitching. As Lance walked out, Pidge’s eyes lit up. Lance stepping back as he foresaw her leaping on him
“Wait! My body isn’t stable. Jumping on me could kill me”
Pidge stopped mid rush. Lance feeling guilty for being so blunt
“I’m sorry, Pidge. I didn’t mean to scare you. Come here, I need a Pidge cuddle. And don’t think I don’t see you, Hunk. Get over here, big guy”
After two weeks, Lance sank into the hold of his friends. Letting himself have a long moment, Lance didn’t know how to say what he wanted to. Hunk, not facing the same issue as him, didn’t think twice as he asked
“How are you? How do you feel? Are you okay, man?”
“I’m healing, my friend. I’m healing. I need to give you guys something”
Lance let go of Pidge and Hunk. His fingers numb and clumsy as he took the pearl from inside his robe
“They managed to do it. This is Allura’s would fragment. I need you guys to keep this safe for me”
Hunk went to reach for it, Pidge getting in first and snatching it from his hand. Holding it up, she examined the pearl as she held it up to the light
“They did it?”
“They did. It needs to go back to Allura as soon as we’ve left here. I’m trusting you to keep it safe”
Pidge nodded, then slipped it inside her robe
“I’m only letting her have it because she saved you. How’s the palace treating you?”
Right. This was the trickier bit. Lance was sure he wasn’t supposed to notice the feel of the Bakku Gardens, yet he had. Maybe it was his own corruption, but he could feel it in the palace and in particular he felt something deeply dark and wrong from the garden’s direction. There’d been no time to stop to ask questions, in the time he’d spent waking after Allura’s soul had been removed, he’d started noticing things weren’t the way they seemed. At what should be the night hours of the day, long shadows would creep across his room, almost as if he’d fallen back into fevered delirium and demon beasts danced around his body. The feeling that he was being watched constantly lingered, and a great fear lived inside him.
Holding his arms open, they barely stayed up. Pidge and Hunk moving into another hug, where Lance used the proximity
“Something’s wrong here. I do not know what. Do not let them know I’ve noticed. I think the Queen is hiding something and I need you two be careful until I know more. The magic they used should have came at a great cost and I have not been told that cost. Whatever you do, don’t let that pearl leave your sight. It must get back to Allura”
Patting them on the sides, Lance then drew back
“I’m sorry guys, I’m still exhausted. I’m not meant to be running around the palace yet. Plaxum…”
Noticing a jelly fish on Pidge’s shoulder, Lance realised he’d been set up. Reaching out, he tore the jelly fish from his best friend’s shoulder, Pidge crying out in pain as the small creature burnt Lance’s hand. Throwing it down, he stepped on it, rubbing it into the floor as he reached for the one on Hunk’s neck. Pidge didn’t know what was happening, and with his eyes on Hunk, Lance didn’t see Plaxum moving.
Grabbed from behind, Lance cried out in pain. Plaxum trying to pull him, meaning he was pulling on the jelly fish, Hunk starting to fight against him
“Pidge, get it off him!”
Dazed, Pidge blinked, Lance gasping sharply as something was driven into his lower back. The next part happening all too fast for him.
One moment he was up, the next he was down. His body had fallen wrong, a bloodied cough exploding from him as he tried to roll away from his own pain. Then Pidge was scream his name, and for some reason, Hunk was screaming Keith’s. Lance didn’t know why Hunk would…
Flopping to his side, Lance wheezed. More blood coming from his lips as he tried to breathe. Hands came to his face and he couldn’t open his eyes to see who’s. He should have been more suspicious over the sudden allowance to see his friends. They’d said no. They’d said no so then suddenly saying yes led him to believe he was better than he was. He didn’t know what was happening, but he was scared.
Keith was not having a fun time. The palace was too big. He couldn’t find Lance. He couldn’t find Pidge. He couldn’t find Hunk. Some great big slimy eel that didn’t know its only purpose in life was to die and be grilled to perfection, had tried to murder him in his sleep. Waking to the pressure on his chest and red beady eyes staring down at him, the thing had fled once it saw he was awake, leaving black slime on his robe before it darted off into the water and out of his room.
Gathering his things, Keith had gone searching for Pidge and Hunk. Something was seriously wrong in the mermaid palace. He’d asked over and over to see Lance, only to be denied for over a week now. When he’d tried following the pendant to Lance, he’d been restrained and removed back to top part of the palace, where Hunk and Pidge had both told him off for risking the mermaid’s hospitality. There was hospitality and there was hostility. Keith feeling a whole lot hostility and next to no hospitality. When he’d gone to find his friends, both their rooms had been empty. His damn nose was no use either, the salt in the air drove away all the other senses. Generally he’d describe his current feelings on par with those he’d had about Lance leaving. Something in his gut screamed at him to get Lance, then Pidge and Hunk, and get away from the palace as fast possible.
Feeling the pendant around his neck suddenly grow hot, Keith’s steps faltered. It’d been a warm reminder to him that he was still close enough to Lance that he still had a chance to apologise, and that more importantly, the warmth meant Lance was still alive and breathing. Now the pendant was hotter than he’d ever felt it before. Lance was close. They’d finally let him out of the lower depths. Once he found Lance he’d drag him from the palace. He’d get him out first. Lance couldn’t be caught up in anything there, not if he was ill. Keith wouldn’t make the same mistake of allowing Lance to be harmed. No, he’d rather give his own life than let that happen.
Creeping his way along the palace passages, Keith nearly bumped into Lance. Opening his mouth to call out Lance’s name, Keith covered his mouth at the last second and forced himself to stay back. Right there as his wayward boyfriend, smiling softly as he followed a mermaid along the passage. Keith didn’t like to think he was a paranoid person, yet seeing Lance smiling like that, he wondered if the others had been allowed to see Lance without him and if somehow his scent had gotten on them, disrupting his senses because his mind was so focused on Lance that some part of it was upset by him not meeting with him and he was acting out.
Then again, something had tried to climb into bed with him. So perhaps he was overthinking his overthinking and should simply trust his gut. Giving Lance a good head start, Keith then moved from the hallway, following towards where Lance had been headed. Lance had always said he was rash and impulsive, bursting in on whatever was happening would be the very definition of that. As he watched the mermaid open the door Lance, the pair disappeared into the room. Keith changing his tactics at the last minute. Thankfully the hallway had doors, trying three they’d been locked, finding luck with the forth.
Heading straight through the room to the window, sticking his head out and noting the whole row joined to the same balcony made of coral. He could also hear the sound of Lance’s voice, making his heart give a particularly strong beat. Lance was right there next to him… but then he heard Pidge… and Hunk, as he climbed out onto the balcony. Lance sounded as happy as his friends did to be reunited, Keith feeling suddenly there was no space for him. Lance didn’t need anyone, not particularly. He was well adapt at taking care of himself… No. No. He was being foolish again. He had a few things to say to Pidge and Hunk. Namely, how long they’d been meeting with Lance behind his back.
Creeping along the balcony, Keith watched as Lance hugged Pidge and Hunk. His ears flicking, trying to hear what Lance said… Horrified, things suddenly changed. Lance was attacking their friends. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Watching Lance stomp on the beast he’d torn from Pidge’s neck, Lance was yelling at her to move. Behind him, the mermaid turned vicious. Almost as if a switch had been thrown. Her eyes reddening as a large jellyfish floated up from under her hair. Whatever that thing was, it wasn’t good. Keith drawing Black as his eyes met the mermaids by accident, a sick grin spreading across her lips as Keith charged forward.
In a matter of what felt like a second, things had changed. Keith screaming Lance’s name as he snapped. The mermaid grabbed Lance. He’d been too late. Again. Again Lance had been hurt. Before he could reach him Lance’s knees gave out. Keith letting out a feral snarl, incinerating the creature floating near the mermaid, and sending the mermaid flying backwards where she didn’t get up again. Rushing to Lance, Keith threw himself down. Lance’s eyes were already closing and his chi fading. Blood all over his lips and running down his chin and across the floor beneath him.
“Lance! No, no, no. Come on. Don’t you die on me. Open your eyes. Open your eyes for me”
He needed Hunk to heal Lance. Turning his head, he found Pidge trying to get close to the creature on Hunk. His gaze whipped back to Lance
“Keep your eyes open for me”
Lance gave a weak smile
“You have to… you have to…”
“I have to what? Lance, what do I have to do?”
“Pearl… get the pearl to Allura… get the pearl… to her… to her…”
Lance was fading too fast… it had to be because his soul wasn’t complete and he couldn’t regulate his own chi. Lowering him, Keith quickly took the pouch off. He had no idea how to reunite Lance with his soul. He didn’t know how to do this. No one had told him how and now he cursed Shiro all over again for not being there to help Lance when Lance needed them. Pressing the pouch to Lance’s chest, Keith suddenly found himself thrown back. A powerful mermaid standing in the doorway to the room. Pushing himself up, he lunged forward, only to be too late as Lance vanished from right in front of his eyes in a haze of dark red magic from the mermaid.
Keith didn’t care who this mermaid was. Evil intent oozed from her, Pidge and Hunk clutching at each other as the other mermaid cowered back with hands over her mouth. Lance couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t. He hadn’t died… and his body wasn’t lying on the floor. Baring his teeth, he stood against the mermaid, Black in his hand as he snarled
“What did you with him?!”
“He served his purpose. Come, Bakku”
Holding out her arm, the same eel that attacked him darted up the side of the balcony, weaving its was towards the mermaid. Keith going to lunge, as Hunk let slip
“She’s the Queen of the Mermaids… She’s killed Lance”
Keith wasn’t so sure she had. He’d felt the pitch black negativity of the magic that’d taken Lance away, but it made no sense she’d kill him and not do whatever it was she’d done to the other mermaids in the palace. Rushing the Queen, the other mermaid screamed out
“Don’t kill her!”
With her free hand, the Queen shot a spell towards him, Keith annoyed as he was thrown back again. The moment’s hesitation at the other mermaid’s yelling was all that she’d needed to get the upper hand. Behind the Queen other mermaids had started gathering. All of them with those weird things on their necks, their eyes glassy as if not seeing what was right in front of them. Stopping his charge forward, Keith leapt back, placing himself in front of Pidge and Hunk. He could see red residual lines on them but none of those creatures
“Do you have your weapons?”
Hunk groaned as Pidge shook her head, answering quickly
“I don’t know where they are”
“Try summon them to you. She’s got a whole army under her control. That eel has something to do with it. We need to kill it first if we’re going to find out what happened to Lance”
Hunk reached out his hand, squeezing gently on Keith’s arm. He sounded utterly devastated
“She killed him… he… he’s gone…”
No. This was Lance. If he left himself believe that he’d just lost the chance to ever apologise then Keith knew he’d fall straight into corruption. Lance was tenacious. He’d survived an assassination attempt. He was smart and quick witted… She had to have sent him somewhere else in the palace to deal with him once she’d dealt with him
“Focus. I can’t take them alone…”
“But, Lance…”
“He’s not dead. He’s not. I can feel it”
“For heaven’s sake, Hunk. Pull yourself together. They’re coming”
Keith didn’t have time to hold Hunk’s hand, the first of the mermaid army slipping past their Queen. Even on land they were agile, keeping balance as they slithered across the floor towards the three of them. As he raised Black to strike, the mermaid servant on the floor shrieked
“Don’t kill them! They don’t know what they’re doing!”
It was a mistake on her part, turning herself into a target. She might be the enemy, but at that moment she’d turned herself into the enemy of his enemy… plus, if they couldn’t kill the Queen, she might be the only one able to help them find Lance. Flipping Black, Keith placed the dull edge out, it’d hurt yet they’d live. Unless Lance truly was dead, then he’d burn the place to ground, ancient magic be damned.
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