#phone and upgrade but like UGH
raccoonspooky · 1 year
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Rlly feelin like laura rn. I have a FEVER. Im bleeding from my slut HOLE. My phone got trapped in the couch and trying to locate it somehow BENT my phone and now its broken and im using an ancient iphone of which the ios is incompatible with most apps. Pain and suffering!!! Pain and suffering!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
This is ultra specific but: I feel salty now bcs I just read a bunch of phone reviews and they're like "thank god Samsung is moving away from curved screens" NO! CURVED SCREENS ARE BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY 😭😭😭😭
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sb25p · 1 year
I caved and upgraded my IPhone 11 Pro. It’s been my favourite IPhone so far 😭 I’m not happy that they didn’t do the IPhone 14 in green. The space black is cool though. Let’s see how I feel when it gets here. Did anyone jump from an IPhone 11 to an IPhone 14? If so, was it a good improvement? I use my phone for work and everything so thought I might as well get something new.
I’m not normally this attached to my phone honestly. Normally, I couldn’t care less, barely ever upgrade and when I do, I couldn’t be happier to retire my old phone. Genuinely a bit worried I’m not going to like this new phone as much as my 11 Pro. Also, I got a Pro Max for the first time. Thought it better for my shitty eyesight. Let’s see.
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maeby-cursed · 2 months
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Toji never calls.
It’s one of his most peculiar habits, that although he does carry his phone (a cheap flip-phone he hasn’t ever bothered upgrading) everywhere he goes, he never calls, never texts, never cares to take it out of his back pocket. And most importantly, he never picks it up.
Taking this into account, it’s no wonder that when his phone begins to ring at 4.30am on one of his off days, his first thought is to end it all. He spends so little time with it, he hasn’t quite yet figured how to turn off the sound... and now he’s annoyed. 
He grabs the item and stares at it, trying to make sense of the number that flashes on the screen, the green light blinding him momentarily.
“Fucking thing,” Toji mutters, trying to press any button that could make the ringing stop. Eventually he gives up and shoves it under his pillow.
It keeps on ringing.
“You’ve gotta be… fucking…” The phone flips open. “What?” 
He freezes, his hand suddenly tightening around the metal as if to try and cage the sound.
It’s you. Your voice whispers his name once again and he’s never woken up this abruptly since Megumi was an infant.
“Uhm hello,” he stutters. Like an idiot. 
“Oh God it’s really you! Fuck, I’m sorry, I meant to call my friend and your surnames are so similar I must’ve pressed the wrong number… Fuck, it’s four in the morning! Christ, I’m really really sorry–” 
As you ramble he starts to shake his head, mouth agape, until he realizes you can’t see him. You have his number saved. You are on the other side of the line and he can listen to your breathing.
He starts to feel dizzy.
Did you just ask him a question?
“Uhm, it’s okay, uh… I was about to wake up anyway.” Sure. At 5am on a Sunday.
“Were you? Ugh, I feel terrible… Listen, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I have to hang up and call my friend or she’ll freak out but I will make it up to you, seriously. Please go back to whatever you were doing! I’m sorry. Again.”
And then you’re gone. 
The line goes dead and his hand drops to his lap with the phone still hugged inside the palm. He’s going to engrave the thing into his flesh at this point but he can’t mind.
Toji Fushiguro has known you for two years and yet he was unaware that you had his phone number. Did he give it to you? Did you write it down from the records? You called, you called, you called.
It’s been unbearable these past few weeks; he’s been off taking care of a less than legitimate job, which meant being away from his actually legal office job, which meant less time to stare at you as you pick up calls and take notes and greet clients and smile that pretty smile of yours. 
Now, your voice reverberates through his spine and he can’t help but imagine your eyes in the back of his mind. 
He’s never been a corny person, he’s not a great romancer and contrary to popular belief, he’s not much of a Casanova, but he knows when he’s in love. Toji’s but a man with a shielded heart whose barriers you’ve taken down with a hammer and a laugh.
So he yields. For the first time since he bought it, Toji opens his phone and saves a number under his son’s. 
For the first time in twenty years he chooses to pick up a call, to think of what you’ll come up with to make it up to him, to dream of you searching for him with your eyes… just this once. 
And, for the first time in a long long time, he falls asleep just fine, with a smirk toying with the corners of his lips and some hope with the strings of his heart.
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© 2024, MAEBY-CURSED — do not copy/repost/edit.
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finalgilmoregirl · 7 months
everyone online is bringing back the fact that josh hutcherson learned spanish for his girlfriend so now i’m projecting that onto mike sorry it’s the law + i’m where are my fellow latina josh fans at…this one is for you
☆ mike schmidt x bilingual!reader (latina eng/esp) includes :
- mike knows the most basic of conversational spanish from his high school secondary language courses
- and after meeting you and learning about your roots, he is on a mission to connect to that part of you
- he soon looks for any and every way to learn more of the language
- he goes to the video store and looks for some his favorite movies in spanish (he thinks : if he knows them by heart already, then he can def pick up on a few dozen words)
- he buys an english to spanish dictionary, workbooks, even thinks about renting a rosetta stone cd program to listen to on his way to and from work
- maybe a month into this process he starts to show off his new knowledge, starting by pointing at things here and there and naming them in spanish
- like when he you guys go out for coffee one cold morning and after offering him a piece of your croissant, he rips off a small portion and eats it before pointing to the pastry and saying “hmm, almendras”, referring to the slices of almonds that were sprinkled on the top
- and when you look up at his face with a confused look that turns into slight surprise, he just has the smallest smirk on his face, just hoping to god in his head that you’re impressed
- or when you try to think of a word and even though it’s so simple, for some reason only the spanish version appears in your head
- “do you mind getting the um…” you attempt to ask mike one morning after you invited him over for breakfast after he had taken abby to school
-“the…?” mike looks up from the kitchen table at where you stand, pointing to the surface of the table, waving a hand over it as you try to think of the word
- “the…ugh damn. sorry, the manteles? the things-“
- “oh! the tablecloths, got it” he says as he stands to grab them from where you kept them next to the sink
- you look at him astonished, and as you watch him set the table you start to wonder where all this seemingly sudden knowledge came from
- as you both eat you point out his recent upgrade in vocabulary
- “i thought you said you only really knew how to ask where the bathroom was in spanish.”
- mike just shrugs, trying to hide his smile as he says, “yeah, i’ve just been trying to pick up a few new things here and there.”
- from then on he’s way more shameless about it, constantly asking how to say certain things that his research hasn’t taught him yet and asking you to say things in spanish to test him
- you find it silly at first, but only because it’s something that you were raised to know and you just can’t fathom someone learning it solely because of you
- but you soon realize how incredible it is for you to witness the effort he’s putting in since now you know… he obviously takes your relationship pretty seriously
- and it’s just so sweet to see.
some more of mike’s antics might include :
- being on the phone with your family and mike following you around, trying to understand what you’re gasping and ranting about
- him complimenting you in spanish
- “ay que linda” he’ll softly say after greeting you with a soft kiss before a night out
- impressing your family by introducing himself in spanish, which immediately seems to win them over
- speaking spanish in front of abby when you don’t want her to understand what the two of you are saying
- i need him in my life.
i hope you enjoyed ☆
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Ugh it's taken me like a week to post this because reformatting PF posts on my phone is a bitch so I'm gonna throw this out here so that i don't put it off any longer; my Dune Part 2 review.
Basically, I feel like I'm living through a Category 5 LOTR event in real time. I was worried going into the second film that I was overhyped and that I should temper my expectations; speculative fiction adaptations 9 times out of 10 are usually dead on arrival and Dune Part 1 already defied the odds for being as good as it was for an almost 1-to-1 recreation.
I feel like after this I could confidently trust Denis Villeneuve with my life. The man's not really making a product. He clearly LOVES sci fi. Respect for the source material oozes out of every scene of Dune, and his little tweaks and changes are done with care and with a sense of critically engaging with the story that shows real thought.
Praying to the gods that once Denis finishes the trilogy he brings out a boxset DVDs with at least three behind the scenes DVDs MINIMUM. I need to see every single aspect of production on this leviathan of a project and then ritualistically watch all three movies back to back as I would with LOTR.
Spoilers under the cut
In terms of what I liked:
I've only read the first two books in full - Children and God Emperor are next on my list to finish this year - so I can't speak as an uber knowledgeable Dune nerd who knows the books back to front, but I'm very confident when I say that Denis's changes to the source material didn't take away from the experience of the story at all.
- Chani's probably the biggest change of all in the sequel and oh my god does it revitalise her character. I was quite shocked scrolling through tags to see book readers complain about how much the movie changed her and her arc. What are they mad about? That they gave Chani something to do other than sucking Paul's dick? In the book, literally everyone is 100% behind Paul uncritically accepting every single thing he does and Chani is just one of a swarm of characters that do that. I say this with much love because I like her book counterpart but I struggle to understand the people who claim to be so invested in book Paul and Chani's dynamic as opposed to the film's when book Chani's whole character is "Wife", until Dune Messiah when she gets the "Nagging Wife" upgrade. Denis's version effectively makes her co-protagonist with Paul and it was so exciting to see that play out on screen. She became the moral litmus test and the last vestige of uncorrupted ideals in the movie; Paul's descent into fascism and betrayal of the Fremen would not have hit nearly as hard if everyone went along with it like in the book.. I really felt for Chani having to watch everyone she knows get swept up in this insane fervour. She's too dedicated to the concept of freedom to fall for the bullshit and that was such a relief ti witness. Film Chani is her own character, not just another limb of Paul's, so her story is going in a slightly different direction and I'm really excited to see that. Would not have been nearly as hyped if her whole arc was just going to be "be pregnant. die" again.
- Jessica being an absolute FREAK. She was probably my favourite character from the book and I was so pissed she wasn't in Dune Messiah. I needed to get inside her head and wiggle around in there while I was reading, and Denis fed me. In the book, I got the impression she was quite a passive participant in the prophecy, so getting to see her go full wicked witch in the film was a massive highlight. Speaking to Alia in the womb, her sinister use of The Voice (such a horrific departure from her only using it for self defence in Part 1), her FASHION. Denis needs to adapt her into Dune Messiah I refuse to watch a version of Messiah without Jessica in it.
- Stilgar came out of nowhere with the steel chair for me. The first book is filled back to back with noble fatherly leader figures so he got very lost in the shuffle and I didn't really pay attention to him that much beyond being one of Paul's many mentors. I read a tiny bit of Children before watching Part 2 and Stilgar seriously considering murdering Paul's children made me do a double take. Then seeing him in this movie blew me away. Guys I think I've slept on Stilgar all this time xD. Not gonna lie though, the film beefs up his character quite a lot from the books. I think it was a good decision to make him comedic relief, because it offsets that "religious fundamentalist" element that could put people off. It makes him much softer and more likeable. He's just a guy with big hopes and big dreams and a big heart who's a bit silly sometimes, and that makes him the ultimate prey for Paul and Jessica. It's absolutely sickening to see them exploit his sincere faith and beliefs and I'm getting upset now just thinking about all the horrific things he'll be lead to do. Denis did a fantastic job of making him a more sympathetic and softer character for people to compare with his post-timeskip Space Hitler's Right Hand Man role.
- Introducing Princess Irulan early hell yeah!! Huge improvement on the book imo; she was very much a dark horse character for this film and Florence Pugh nailed it. I loved her being the narrator much like in the book, and it was interesting to see her contribute to putting the pieces in place for the endgame, rather than just turn up at the end. More of her please, Denis!
- One of my complaints about the first film was that there wasn't enough Harkonnen action, specifically the Harkonnen-Atreides rivalry, which was talked about a bit but not really shown. Denis made all those Harkonnen scenes specifically for me. I adored the balls to the wall aesthetics and the incredibly villainous acting. This film isn't afraid of moustache twirls and villainous laughter and I LOVE that. It felt fresh. Villains who just love doing bad shit and aren't even trying to justify themselves they just LOVE being horrible creatures in their black stone murder palaces.
- What can I say about the look of the film. You've all seen it. If you haven't then go fix that. It's one of the most visually cohesive and stunning films I've seen in a long time. I don't know how a world can feel so real and yet unreal (/pos) at the same time.
- Hans Zimmer showed the fuck UP for this score. I've been listening to it nonstop all weekend. I kinda miss the Atreides bagpipes but the new horns drive me insane so it's a good tradeoff.
Things I'm on the fence about:
- I think it was a good call to remove the whole thing with Paul uh, inheriting Harah from Jamis. It gave more screentime to Chani and I think would have really put viewers off Paul when really you wanna keep people going in blind rooting for him until the third act. BUT I was surprised she wasn't in the film at all? I was convinced that the lady we see Chani talking with was supposed to be an adapted Harah, but I'm seeing everywhere online that that's not supposed to be her and Harah wasn't in the film? Why not? It just felt a bit weird that she's just some nameless Fremen.
- I'm not gonna lie I forgot Thufir existed on my first watch. I think me not missing him overall is a good sign. I didn't rewatch part 1 so I guess I assumed they'd killed him off in the Arrakeen attack, and didn't realise his part had been cut until I saw an article about it later. That was kind of disappointing. While I think the film is perfectly fine without him, I think the inclusion of his plot as kind-of prisoner kind-of strategist for the Harkonnens would have really solidified the Harkonnen-Atreides rivalry. Again because we almost never see an Atreides and Harkonnen onscreen together, so having him there to exemplify it in practice I think could have just polished things up for me personally. But also I want all films to be 5 hours long so what do I know.
- Jessica and Chani didn't interact nearly as much as I wanted them to tbh. I'm hoping that Dune Messiah beefs up their relationship.
- Timothee Chalamet
Things I didn't like:
- Not Paul btw, just Timothee
- Been saying this since the first movie but him and Zendaya were really only cast cos they're hot ticket items right now, not because they have the look and feel of the characters or the world; they just wanted to cast some hot supermodels in the roles
- Zendaya justifies her casting though by being the better actor though; I was sceptical but I came to buy her as Chani and she did a good job resonating with me
- Timothee's just a guy though, wasn't impressed
- Which is a huge problem because the emotional throughline of the movie is their romance and I just. Did not buy it. Timothee could not have paid me to believe that he was in love with Chani. They were like the definition of everybody's beautiful but nobody's horny. Just saying words with their blank hot faces. At least Zendaya put some effort in.
Anyway 10/10. This is going in my top 5 movies of all time and is one of the best book to screen adaptations I have ever seen.
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rhoorl · 10 months
Working Title - Chapter 5
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x OFC Belle
Rating: Mature, 18+
Word Count: 6.2k
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Chapter 5 on AO3
Chapter Summary: It’s time for the party! We meet a couple more side characters. Plus, more best friend vibes happening with Belle and Indy. Toward the end we go through a more rapid fire of alternating POVs, I hope it translates the way I pictured it in my head!!
Warnings: This chapter has some swearing and allusions to smut. 
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Indy could tell you were starting to get in your head about the party and knew just how to get you to loosen up. 
“Ok, pick a playlist,” she calls over to you as she tosses her phone.
“Jeez, you know I can’t catch for shit,” you say as you barely grasp her phone in your hands, looking through her Spotify to find what to listen to.
“You thinking champagne or a mixed drink?” she asks over her shoulder as she saunters into the kitchen.
“Isn’t it a little early?” you ask and before she can retort you follow it up with, “And don’t say it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, for the love,” you chuckle.
“We aren’t going to pregame hard, B, just a little something to sip on while we get ready!”
It had been a while since you both had gotten ready together to go to a party. When you lived in New York you’d spent many a night crowding into your tiny bathroom fighting for mirror space as you got ready to head to a club or bar. You’d sing and dance to whatever mix CD Indy had burned. Sometimes it still makes you gag to think you both used to rip cheap vodka shots straight without chasers.
Although the location is different, the energy is still the same with you two – giggling, reminiscing about old times, and sipping on the champagne Indy popped open.
She’s been on her phone off and on texting, smiling at herself when she didn’t think you were looking. At one point you both decide to Facetime Rhys.
“Hey! How are you two doing?” he picks up on the second ring, sitting on his couch presumably watching a hockey game or whatever other sport was on TV.
“Hi Rhys!” you wave. “Thank you soooo much for upgrading my flight, that was clutch!”
“Yea and this fucking room?! Rhys, you’ve outdone yourself!” Indy chimed in.
“Ha, well I’m glad you both like it, you deserve it, both of you.”.
“Oh Rhys, you’ll never guess what happened this morning!”
“Shh, stop it he doesn’t want or need to know about that,” you chide her.
“Know about what?” he smirked.
“So I walk outside to the balcony this morning, which is huge by the way,” she says as she puts down the phone against the mirror and keeps putting on her eyeliner. “I was looking for Indy so we could have our coffee together and I walk out there and see her staring at the balcony next to us where freaking Dieter was standing – without a shirt on! Her mouth was practically on the floor drooling over him.”
“Oh my gosh Ind, my mouth wasn’t on the floor,” you roll your eyes. “Rhys, I was behaving myself.”
“Oh, you were behaving yourself when you moaned about how good a fucking cookie tasted?” she laughed.
“Wait, what?” 
“Ugh, never mind Rhys. It was nothing.”
Rhys starts to smile, laughing when he says “So I guess you met your neighbor then, huh?”
“It was so funny Rhys, she was so flustered it was so cute!” 
You kind of paused for a bit at his reaction. He was trying to act surprised, but he was a terrible liar. What is he up to?
By this point, he and Indy had moved on to another topic you barely even heard, still lost in thought. 
“I should be there in about a week or so. I haven’t booked my flight yet, but I’m excited to visit my two favorite girls!”
“We can’t wait to see you!” 
“Yea both owe you a big hug,” Indy added.
“Ok ladies, have fun tonight, but not too much fun,” he winked.
Indy hangs up her phone and you both finish the last touches to your makeup. You offered to do it for Indy, but she refused. She had watched you so much over the years, studying your techniques, and eventually picked up a few basic things. And honestly, with her, it didn’t take much to still look stunning. 
Putting on one last spritz of hairspray, you give yourself a final look before heading to your room to get dressed. You slip out of your t-shirt and shorts and walk over to grab a bra out of the dresser. As you open the drawer to look in, your mind wanders to Dieter. You were nervous to see him. Presumably, tonight was going to be the closest you’ve both been to each other physically. The first time you were separated by a couch and this morning you were separated by the balconies. 
Indy’s voice is coming through loud and clear in your head, if you want to feel confident wear something that makes you feel good. Spurned by that thought and the champagne, you rummage through the drawer and decide on the black bra that makes your boobs look amazing. You also decide to change into a skimpier pair of underwear figuring if you felt sexy, it may help you feel flirty. 
You head over to your shoes and slip on a pair of sandals. Your finishing touches were your watch, a bracelet Indy got you for a birthday, and a pair of diamond earrings. Grabbing your purse, you head out to the living room where Indy is texting and smiling at her phone.
She sees you and starts to whistle, “Ok sexy mama! I see you!”
“Oh my god, Ind,” you laugh.
“Alright, ready to do this?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Oh c’mon, you’re getting good at going to these!”
You’ve been accompanying Indy to these types of parties for more than a decade now. They’ve run the gamut from boring to wild – the stories you both could share! By all accounts, tonight is going to be pretty chill; some of the cast and crew traveled with their families and were bringing them over. The only part that always made you nervous was when inevitably you and Indy would get separated. At least this time around, you will have some friendly faces in the crowd.
Indy shoots another quick text, smirking at her phone. 
“Ok, let’s do this!”
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Dieter had spent the afternoon looking over scripts and chatting with the writers. He was a TV and film nerd and loved the process of making the art. Lizzie always told him he should write or direct something of his own, but he had never followed through despite the countless notes of ideas on his phone.
He’s lost in a daydream, thinking of the morning and what he should have said, or wanted to say when his PA Danny walks in. In his early years, Dieter went through PAs like nothing. Over time he realized they only ever wanted the drugs he could score, or to fuck him. And, frankly, he saw them the same way too for a while. 
Danny had been with him for the past couple of years. He was young and a hard worker, no job or task was too small for him. Dieter liked his work ethic and respected his hustle, so he looked out for Danny. When Dieter wasn’t working, he would make sure to find Danny a gig with a fellow actor friend. They’d grown to have a bit of a brotherly relationship.
Danny sits down across the table from Dieter, unwrapping a package and pulling something out.
I know that packaging.
“Danny, what is that?” he pointed at Danny’s mouth as he was mid-bite.
“It’s…uh…a cookie,” he mumbled out with his mouth full. After he chewed and shallowed he added, “Did you get one in your welcome basket? They’re so fucking good and it’s from a local company too. Want one?” he offered Dieter the other one.
“Uh. Yea. I mean. No, I don’t want one, knock yourself out. Wait, did you say they were a local company?”
“Yea,” he continued to chew. “I’ve been talking with the other PAs, apparently they make them here on the island and there’s like a fuck ton of other flavors. It’s been like Pokemon trading cookies with everyone today,” he laughed.
“Dan - how close is this place?”
“Uh, I don’t know, let me look,” wiping his mouth and grabbing his phone. Once he pulled it up he turned the phone to Dieter, “Looks like it’s 20 minutes away!”
Looking down at his watch, Dieter does some quick math. “Danny, you up for a little adventure?” he asked with a lopsided grin. 
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“Ok, phone, wallet, room key. Check, check, and check! Let’s go do this!” Indy said, slapping you on the ass as she walked by you and opens the door. 
“Hey, ouch!”
As you close the door behind you, you hear her yell “Hold the elevator please!” Your heart skips a beat at who could be waiting for you in the elevator.
You look down the hallway and see an arm pop through the closing elevator doors, stopping them and opening them back up. As the elevator doors open back up, you hear a deep voice call out, “Indy?”
“Hey Sam!” she gushes as she hustles over to the elevator.
You exhale but also have a tinge of disappointment come over you. You hurry so you don’t keep them waiting, glancing over to the door to Dieter’s room as you walk by. I wonder where he is. 
“Oh my gosh, Sam you haven’t met Belle yet!” Indy said as she ushered you into the elevator. You could see why Indy was into Sam. He was tall, fit, with a great smile, and he had the most piercing blue eyes you’d ever seen. 
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you! Indy has been talking about you non-stop,” he laughs and goes in for a hug, which you reciprocate. Wrapping your arms around his back you add another reason to the “why Indy is obsessed with Sam” list – the guy was made of pure muscle. “She said you were beautiful, but you’re even more stunning in person,” he says in his low, Southern drawl.
Okay. I can see why she’s all googly-eyed now. This guy is a charmer. Normally this shit would be a red flag, but he seems sweet.
“It’s nice to meet you too Sam. You’re even more handsome than she described,” you winked at him. For as awkward as you could be, there was something about playing a wing woman to Indy that made you a little bolder.
Looking over at Indy she is beaming. She sidles over to Sam and you look down to your phone to give them a little privacy. You stop on a floor to let a few people in when you hear him whisper in her ear, “You look absolutely stunning, baby.”
They were practically eye fucking each other the whole ride down, which made you wonder how far Indy had gone with him. 
You make it down to the first floor and the elevator empties into the lobby. Ari is getting out of another elevator and you wave to her so she can join headed to the front of the resort. Along the way, Ari tells you that Mitch organized a few shuttles to help get people to and from the party. 
Getting to the entrance, you see a full shuttle leaving as an empty one pulled up. Sam let you and Ari go ahead before letting Indy board ahead of him. Ari takes a window seat and you scoot in next to her, Indy taking the window seat in the row behind you, Sam following closely behind.
Sitting at the front of the shuttle, you are practically the unofficial greeter, saying hi or at least smiling to everyone who boards. You look to the outside of the shuttle where a line was forming, looking for that distinct mop of fluffy hair above the crowd. He said he was going to be there, maybe he already left. Or, he’s not into this kind of stuff and is going as late as possible to still make an appearance. You battle back and forth with yourself and suddenly realize the shuttle closed its doors and is starting to move. 
Behind you, you could hear Indy giggling as Sam whispers to her. Oh, they’re fucking. Making a mental note to ask her long that’s been going on. You smile to yourself, happy that Indy seems to be head over heels for the guy, but a little concerned seeing as filming hasn’t even started yet – what if something happens? That would be awkward.
Ari makes small talk with you on the way to the party and before you know it, the shuttle is coming to a stop.
“Holy shit, this place is nice,” Ari says under her breath.
“Seriously. I’m totally going to get lost,” you chuckle.
You all file out of the shuttle and are greeted by servers with glasses of champagne. Add another glass to my tally. You follow the crowd up the stairs and across the threshold of the house which opens up into an open-air living room overlooking a huge backyard with a fantastic pool.
“Wow, this is nice,” you hear Indy come up next to you. 
“Seriously. So … who is Mitch?” 
Looking around, Indy spots him. “Hey Mitch!” she yells, waving at a man standing by the bar in the backyard. She grabs your hand and ushers you over to him, Ari and Sam trailing behind.
“Indy, great to see you,” the man says going in for a hug.
“Thanks so much for having us, it’s so fun that we get to start off the shoot this way!” Oh, she’s on her schmooze game. “Oh, I need to introduce you to one of the most talented hair and makeup artists I know, and she’s my best friend,” she beamed motioning over to you.
You introduce yourself and shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, thanks for having us!”
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you, glad you’re joining the crew. I hope you all have fun tonight, make yourselves at home. If you want to get in the pool go ahead, we have towels. There’s a bar and food,” he motions over to the bar and the full buffet set up. “Otherwise, just have fun!”
“Thank you!” you all chime in. 
“Indy, Sam, could I steal you both?” he asks as he guides them to another group of people standing around a high-top table. They look a bit more dressed up than everyone else. They must be from the studio.
Poor Indy, these types of events seemed so exhausting. She had to be “on” for most of the party trying to make sure she talked with the right people and said the right things. 
You take a second to scan around the party. Another shuttle of people had been dropped off by this point. Hmm, I don’t see him. You tried to not let your disappointment show. Besides, it’s not like even if he was here he’d talk to you. Look at Indy, she’s going to be busy all night, so he will be too.
You and Ari head over to the bar to grab a drink. A few of the other PAs were hanging out at a nearby table so she heads over there. You manage to find Meredith and some of the other stylists and grab some food and talk. She gets you all to play two truths and a lie as an icebreaker to get to know everyone. You all end up laughing to the point of tears at how ridiculous some of the lies were. After a while, some of the group decides it’s time for a cigarette so they get up to leave. 
With the sun starting to set, you take it as a good opportunity to sneak away and try and take some photos of the spectacular sunset. And also recharge your social battery. You liked being around people, but you didn’t get energy from it like Indy did. 
As walk around, you hope to catch a glimpse of Dieter. While you didn’t see him, you did see Indy. She was in the pool leaning against the side, talking to Sam who was sitting on a nearby lounger. You gave her a wave and as discreet of a thumbs up as you could as you weaved your way through the crowd.
Exploring the backyard, you head down a path and find a little secluded spot with a perfect view of the ocean. You see a little bench right next to a small pond with some beautiful koi fish swimming along. Sitting down, you take out your phone and start snapping photos and taking some videos to post on your Instagram stories. You lost track of time and almost didn’t hear the rustling and footsteps behind you. Turning around, you see that Dieter is coming your way down the path.
He sees you and gives a lopsided grin, one of his dimples peeking through.
“Hey! I was looking for you,” he waves with his left hand, rubbing the back of his neck with his right as he approaches. “Mind if I join you?” he motions towards the bench.
Looking for me? Ok, breathe. Remember to breathe. Shit, he looks good. 
He was wearing light gray chino shorts, a plain, black t-shirt, and sneakers. You couldn’t help but linger over how tight the sleeves of his shirt were over his biceps. His hair was a bit more tamed than it was this morning, but it still had gorgeous curls and waves.
“Oh, h-hi Um, yea be my guest,” you bow towards the seat. Why are you bowing, that’s lame. “How long have you been at the party?”
“I, uh- I just got here, a little while ago. I had to take care of something and then Danny drove us over.”
“Oh, uh, my PA. Good kid,” he smiles. “Um. Y-you look beautiful,” he whispered as he looked down at his hands.
Wait, he’s nervous too, right? Holy fucking shit, just remember to breathe. But also, girl, take advantage of this. 
“You look nice too. You put on a shirt for the occasion,” you winked at him.
He laughed, “Touché, but I can’t tell if you mean that’s a good or a bad thing.”
You bite your lip and look down. Ahhhhhh.
“So, uh,” he clears his throat. “Did you have a good day today?”
“Uh, yea. Yea, it was busy but fun,” you said turning towards him. “Did you?”
He seemed to be taken aback that you asked him such a simple question and seemed to care about the response. “Y-yea. I’d say it started off pretty well,” he winked.
“Ha, yea. Although it did take me a while to actually get a hot cup of coffee,” you laughed.
“Maybe we can make up for it tomorrow morning,” he said a bit lower.
You breathing hitches. 
“I- uh. I mean from each of our balconies. Not from the same one. Unless. Uh- shit, sorry” he starts to ramble shaking his head as he rubs the back of his neck.
You don’t understand how this man could ever be flustered, let alone around you, but you had to admit each time it happened it was really cute.
You laugh and then softly say, almost as a whisper so he doesn’t hear, “I actually would like that.”
His face softens, “You would?” You nod. “Yea, I would too,” he smiles.
“Only one problem though,” you replied.
He furrows his brows together, “and what’s that?”
“We only had that one package of cookies in our basket, and I need something sweet with my first coffee of the day.”
“Oh that is a dilemma then isn’t it,” he laughs. Leaning further into your space he whispers “I think we can figure something out,” with a wink. 
You let out a nervous laugh, biting your lip again. Holy fucking shit.
As if she knew you needed help, you suddenly hear your phone ring and look to see a call coming in from Indy. You usually kept your phone on silent, but in situations like tonight, you both kept your ringers on. It started when you used to go clubbing, that way in case one of you needed to help the other would be able to hear their phone.
“Oh, sorry, I have to get this. She would only call if it were an emergency.”
“Of course!” Dieter looks concerned, clearly hoping everything was ok with Indy.
You give him a small smile and answer, “Hey, Ind, are you ok?” furrowing your brows in concern.
“Y-yea, yea. Um, pineapples.” Over the years, you both developed a series of code words to help get each other out of bad or awkward situations. Luckily, this one was not a serious one, but she still needed your help.
You let out an exhale and smirked, “Ok, where are you?”
Dieter looks a bit confused, looking at your face to see what’s going on. “She’s ok,” you mouth to him and he nods.
“Second-floor bathroom, it’s to the left when you walk up.”
“Ok, be right there.” Hanging up the phone you turn back to him. “Sorry, I have to go find her. We’ve got a wardrobe malfunction,” you laugh.
“Oh shit, yea let’s go so you can take care of that.”
He gets up from the bench and lets you walk in front of him, lightly touching the small of your back as he leads you around the path. You’re thankful that your back is to him because you blush at his touch and also curse yourself for being so affected by something so small – a simple courteous gesture. 
He keeps his hand there until you reach the party again, bringing both hands into his pockets. “Do you know where to go?”
“Yea, she said she’s on the second floor. I, uh, I’ll see you around?”
He smiles, “Definitely.”
You hate to turn away and leave, but you’re also so curious as to what situation Indy has found herself in.
BELLE: Headed upstairs
As you make it to the stairs, you see Sam hurriedly making his way down. He has a sheepish look as he sees you, trying to avoid your gaze.
“Hey Sam, do you know where Indy is?”
“Uh, y-yea, she’s the second door on the left,” he glances away trying to avoid eye contact.
Confused you keep heading up the stairs, You know nothing bad happened because she used pineapples but Sam’s demeanor was a far cry from the confident swagger he had earlier. He seemed embarrassed.
You made it to the door and gave your customary three knocks so Indy knew it was you. She opens the door slightly poking just her eyes out. Confirming it was you, she opens the door the rest of the way and pulls you in. Then you see her and let out a laugh.
“Hooooly shit Ind! What the fuck happened?” pointing to the huge hickey on the left side of her neck with one hand and covering your mouth in shock with the other.
“Can you fix it?” she asks nervously as she looks in the mirror, trying to tame her mussed-up hair.
“Well, I left my special effects make-up at home. Ow!” she punches you in the arm as you laugh. “But I do have a small kit with me so we can make it work. Here sit.” 
She gets up on the counter extending her head back, exposing more of her neck so you can see the full brunt of what you have to work with.
“Sooo…care to share with the class how this happened?”
She rolls her eyes, “I think you know how this happens, B.”
Pulling back and putting your arms up in surprise, “Hey! I’m the one helping you remember. I can walk out and leave you to work the room with that gigantic mark on your neck,” you tease. 
She lowers her chin looking at you with a smirk, “You wouldn’t do that.”
“You’re right, I wouldn’t.” She lifts her chin again as you start to mix some of the concealers. 
Knowing you weren’t going to drop it, she finally caved, “So, Sam and I came in here.”
“No! I’m shocked!” you say sarcastically as she gives you another stern look. “Ok, ok I’m sorry!”
“We were fooling around and next thing I know I glance in the mirror and see this,” motioning to her neck, “and I freaked out. It's too big to cover up with just my hair. So, that’s when I called you. Sam was still here, he felt really bad. He stayed the whole time, but left when you texted.”
“The guy could barely look at me when I came up the stairs,” you chuckled, applying the makeup to the area. It wasn’t going to be a perfect cover-up job, but between Indy's long hair and your rushed handiwork, you both could leave without anyone being the wiser of her romp in the bathroom.
“So, how long have you guys been hooking up?”
“Um, it’s been … a few weeks.”
“A few weeks?! And you didn’t tell me!”
“I was going to, I swear. I just … I don’t know. He's younger, you know. I really, really like him, but I wanted you to meet him first.”
“Well, he's not that much younger," you wink. "And seems lovely and he’s clearly dicked you down well enough that you didn’t even notice him doing this on you. Seriously, Indy this is like the biggest one you’ve ever had!”
You both giggle, Indy noticeably relaxing now that she’s clued you into how involved she’s become with Sam.
As you were finishing up, she asked how you had been enjoying the party. You tell her about some of the two truths and a lie the other stylists shared.
“Oh, did Dieter ever find you?”
“He was looking for you. When he got here I could see him looking around and when he saw me, he made a beeline over. He was trying to play it cool, asked where my ‘sidekick’ was,” she gave air quotes. “I saw you walk down toward the path, so I sent him that way. Did he find you? Wait, were you with him when I called?”
You nodded.
“Shiiit, I’m sorry!” she smacks her the palm of her hand to her forehead. “I feel like a jackass. You were getting some alone time and here I am messing it up!”
“It’s really fine, Ind. You actually called at a perfect time because I wasn’t sure where the conversation was going.”
“Oooo go on ….” she waggles her eyebrows. 
“We were kind of starting to talk about repeating our coffee and cookie thing tomorrow morning…I think.”
Indy hops down from the counter and grabs your shoulders.
“Holy shit! So, are we talking like from his place? Or ours? If it’s ours please let me know so I can put in earplugs.”
“Indy!! Not like that,” you shake your head and look down. “Me on my balcony and he would be on his.”
Arching her eyebrow and tilting her chin down she gives you a lopsided grin. “Ok, Belle, ok. But I’m sure he was thinking it.”
“Oh stop it,” you laugh and then start to yawn. The jet lag and excitement all starting to catch up with you.
“Oh shit, you’re probably tired, huh? I keep forgetting you came from the East Coast. Wanna head back? It’s getting late anyway and we want to make sure you are well-rested for your coffee date!”
“It’s not a date, he probably won’t even show up.”
She rolls her eyes and grabs your hand as you both head out of the bathroom. You make it downstairs and see a group starting to make their way to the shuttle so you shuffle in step with them and head back. 
The shuttle ride was uneventful and you made it up to your room. Indy unlocks the door and you both file in. You start to head over to your bedroom, but stop when you see a giant box sitting on the kitchen island. You both look at each other confused as to who left something in your room. You figured it was either Rhys sending you both a surprise or maybe even Sam as an apology. 
Indy skips over to the box, snatching the note to read it. She stops and looks up at you with a smile and doesn’t say anything, she just extends the note to you to read.
Turns out they have a bunch of flavors. Pick a few for tomorrow! - D
“Holy fucking shit, Belle, this is the cutest thing ever!”
Getting a gift from a man was a pretty foreign concept to you. The only gifts you had received in recent years either came from your dad, Rhys, or Indy's brother. Ryan had forgotten your last several birthdays and anniversaries. 
You step around Indy to see exactly what was in the box. The company that made the cookies from this morning apparently makes several other flavors. It looks like there are about 12 different varieties in this box, but you notice a few boxes of the macadamia nut flavor, which makes you blush.
“He had to have done that earlier today! I saw him talking with Danny, his PA, and then they grabbed some car keys and left.”
You started pulling out the boxes, unsure what to even say or think.
“Umm. Earth to Belle? Dieter surprised you with a cute gift. He wants to see you tomorrow morning. Honestly, babe, if I were you I would just knock on his door and invite yourself in right now.”
“You know I’m not doing that. Besides, we don’t even know if he’s back yet.”
“I know, but could you imagine? He would absolutely flip.”
You wanted to smile, but something stopped you. You felt like there had to be a catch. There’s no way this was happening to you. 
“I can’t meet him tomorrow,” shaking your head at the sheer ridiculousness of this situation. 
“What?! Why?” Indy mumbled as she stuffed a cookie in her face.
“Because this is probably some big elaborate joke or something.”
“You and I both know that’s a load of bullshit you’re telling yourself. Don’t build that wall up. Stop it.”
She knew you better than anyone and knew exactly how your head was spiraling. You felt like you didn’t deserve to have someone, especially a man, do nice, sweet things for you. And if someone did, it was with a catch or out of obligation. 
“I am setting my alarm and dragging your ass out of bed myself.”
“Please don’t do that. Besides we both know you will sleep through that alarm,” you smirk.
“Fine. But please promise me you’ll go outside and have coffee with him. This,” she gestures to the sampler box of cookies, “is too fucking cute. Rhys said he hasn’t heard of Dieter dating or even being interested in someone in years, so he’s probably just as nervous as you are.”
Is that true? I mean, now that I think of it I haven't read about him being linked to someone in years. Also, why are Rhys and Indy talking about Dieter's dating life?
Taking a deep breath you straighten up and look over at Indy who has opened up another box to try. “Ok, I’ll try.”
“Ooo you should text him thank you!” You give her a look. “Before you say ‘I can’t do that I don’t have his number’ yes you do!” She grabs her phone from her purse and starts to go through the contacts. “Here, I’m texting you his number.”
Her text comes through and you stare at your phone. I mean, he did get you a gift, the proper thing to do would be to acknowledge it.
Indy comes around next to you as you both lean over the kitchen island, looking at your phone. It brought you back to when you both used to sit in front of the computer, trying to compose the perfect AIM message to your crushes. You keep staring and Indy grabs the phone, “Ok I’ll just do it. ‘Dear Dieter, let’s skip the coffee and I’ll give you my cookie instead’ winky face.”
You snatch the phone from her, realizing she didn’t actually type any of that and she was fucking with you. “Oh my gosh, Indy! First of all, no. Second, the cookie pun, really? I am just going to say ‘Hey it’s Belle, thanks for the cookies, that’s sweet’. Simple and I still get a pun in,” you chuckle.
“Come onnnn. The guy got something for you, you made plans to see him tomorrow morning. Be a little flirty! Let’s speed this shit up!”
Rolling your eyes you look back at your phone and start to type with a smirk. When you were done you hand her back the phone, “This ok?”
“Do it!”
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Dieter wasn’t one for parties anymore, although this one sounded like it would be pretty tame and safe. He knew he would have to make an appearance, but it definitely made it more appealing to see you and hopefully get a chance to talk.
He was relieved when he finally saw you, his breath catching. Wow, she’s beautiful. He thought that this morning when he saw you with no makeup, a messy bun, and glasses. Now, your hair was down and he could see your eyes better. He was nervous to talk to you, but excited, trying to turn on some charm to see how you’d react. Every time you bit your lip, he could feel his shorts get a little tighter. All he wanted to do was reach over and kiss you. 
When Indy called he was concerned, but then a bit frustrated. He felt you were maybe starting to reciprocate some of his advances. 
Knowing that you would be occupied with Indy, he decided to head out and drive himself back to the resort. On his way, he called the front desk agent to let them know to proceed with the plan. After he hung up a wave of nerves washed over him.
That was probably too much, right? Like who the fuck buys someone cookies? But, it gives me an excuse to see her again. You’re going to see her on set every day though. I wonder if she’s back yet. No, she and Indy are probably still having fun. Am I coming on too strong? I always come on too strong.
He makes it back upstairs and starts pacing around his room, his insecurity and anxiety starting to spike. He sits on the couch and does some breathing exercises. In … two … three … out … two … three .. four … five. 
After doing this for several minutes, he feels himself calming down, deciding to go lay down on his bed. Shrugging off his shorts and grabbing a pair of basketball shorts, he pulls off his shirt and slides under the covers, and grabs the remote. He’s honestly not sure what’s on the TV, he finds the noise comforting as he zones out.
Then, he hears his phone ding.
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“Ok, sent. Shit!” you bury your face in your hands.
“It’s a pretty innocent text.”
You both stare at the phone screen waiting. After a couple of minutes, you see that the message has been read. Shit. He’s not typing. Wait, yes he is. Ugh, then he stopped. 
“Aww, it seems like he’s nervous too,” Indy teases bumping your shoulder with hers.
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Dieter sees a text come in from a random number. Normally, he would just ignore it, but the timing was coincidental so he unlocked his phone.
I’ll bring the cookies, you bring the coffee?
He exhales and smiles. Although the text is from a random number he knows who it’s from and goes to immediately save the number. 
His stomach does a flip as he decides how he wanted to play this. Ok, breathe. 
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Indy shrieks when the phone dings again.
DIETER: Oh, I think that can be arranged sweetheart.
DIETER: What time? I want to make sure the coffee is hot for you…
“Ohhh shit!” Indy grabs you by the shoulders and shakes. “See, I fucking told you!”
“Shit, what do I say?”
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Ugh. Was that too much? That second bit was too much, right? 
Ding. Dieter unlocks his phone.
🍪 ☕ BELLE: Hmm. Like 6? Is that too early?
🍪 ☕ BELLE: Also, any requests?
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“Oh, this is so fun!” Indy giggles.
DIETER: 6 is perfect.
DIETER: Macadamia nut please. 😉
Indy gets up and starts running around the kitchen island giggling. You couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly you weren’t tired anymore, this interaction giving you a little burst of adrenaline. 
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🍪 ☕ BELLE: I think that can be arranged.
🍪 ☕ BELLE: Good night. And thank you, by the way. 🙂
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“Was the smiley too much?”
“He sent you a goddamn winky face, so no I don’t think a smiley is too much.”
DIETER: Sweet dreams, Belle.
“Fuck, I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight.”
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: Eeek! I hope you liked the last bit alternating between them receiving texts from each other. Our poor, flustered babies! They’ll get it together, I promise. I'm honestly a little intimidated of writing the smut, but these two need it dammit, so I'll get over myself :)
If you’re still here, thank you so much for reading. For those who have commented, reblogged, or liked any or all of the chapters so far THANK YOU. It really makes my day whenever I hear your thoughts or encouragement. 
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list or if I inadvertently left you off or added you by mistake. :)
Tag list: @musings-of-a-rose / @legendary-pink-dot / @bitchwitch1981 / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @gracie7209 / @amneris21 / @pastelnap
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eisforeidolon · 10 months
Jared: [following on from Jensen's story of injuring his hand in a door] That's why - doors can be dangerous. That's why I always leave mine open slightly, so it's no longer a door, it's ajar.
Jensen: [pointedly turns to question line] Hi! How are ya?
Norton: [rimshot]
Jared: [jumps up in excitement, punches air, kicks, generally flails]
Jensen: Let me ask you a question. Ladies and gentlemen, [points offstage] Monsieur Keegan.
Jared: Monsieur Keegan Allen.
Jensen: Do you put up with those jokes on the set of a show you work on with Jared?
Keegan: Yes. Um, but they're so great. He's also my boss.
Jensen: Right, right, yes. He's so funny, isn't he?
Keegan: He's the most amazing guy ever.
Jared: I'm like, you're getting a raise.
Jensen: [mockingly monotone] He's the most amazing guy I have ever met in my life.
Keegan. I did - I did really laugh at that, that was great.
Jensen: What's up dude, what're you doin?
Keegan: Hey, dude, what's up man? Hey guys, what's up? Keegan Allen here, I'm from California.
Jared: Alright. Hi Keegan. From California.
Keegan: Man, this is really nerve-wracking, being down here.
Jensen: Just take a deep breath, we're all here for ya.
Jared: Yeah.
Keegan: I wanted to ask you guys [clears throat, speaks in a deeper voice] I wanted to ask you guys - hold on -
Jensen: [whispers into mic] Get it together, man.
Keegan: I wanted to ask you guys, in the last year, what have you done in your lives that you feel like has made it 10% better?
Jared: That's a great question, Ian. Ian, right?
Keegan: Keegan from California.
Jensen: Well, Keegan from California, 10%, huh?
Keegan: Well, 'cause you don't want - just, like a subtle upgrade in your life.
Jensen: Right.
Keegan: Because, like, y'know, something that's too drastic is too noticeable? But 10%.
Jared: Yeah, reasonable.
Jensen: I got one, I got one for ya. Make the bed first thing in the morning. I didn't used to do that. I would maybe get around to it. Y'know, like I'd get out of bed and later when I'd come back, and I'd, you know, sometimes I wouldn't go back to the bedroom until the afternoon, and I'm like ugh, bed's still unmade. Now I get up and I make the bed.
Jared: Yeah, that's a great -
Jensen: I have to kick my wife out of the bed first. [mimes kicking] But I make the bed every morning. And I dunno, it just feels good when I walk back in later in the day and I see the bed has been made. I dunno why. Yeah.
Jared: That's great. I think for me, Keegan from California, I think for me, I've tried to get rid of some of my perfectionist inklings, and so one of the things I like to do is not worry about, like, whether or not my bed is made. [audience laughs] So I come back in at night and the pillows are -
Jensen: See, [pointing at Keegan again] he has to laugh at that joke. [Jared cracks up] I don't.
Jared: But no, speaking of beds, I will not get on my phone when I'm in my bed. Even if I want to return a text message. Or I'm like, oh, shoot, I wanna play Wordle, or I wanna do something. I won't do it in the bed, I will force myself to get out of the bed [stands up] and either just stand next to it, or - Not a word of a lie, it works, it works. [Jensen cracks up] It's literally as simple as, because there's so much - because here's what I would do! I would be like -
Jensen: I just imagine like him getting a text in the middle of the night, and he's like [mimes grumpily throwing off covers, picking up imaginary phone, pushing hair back, typing on phone, pulling off imaginary glasses to set back on pretend nightstand with phone][Jared cracks up]
Keegan: I'll have to text him now, after he goes to bed.
Jared: Well, well, that's basically what happens. [Jensen laughs] But truth be told, I had the problem of, if it was middle of the night or whatever? And I'd wake up like, ugh, what time is it and I'd go and I'd look at my walk-clock or whatever on my phone and it's 1:30. I'd think oh, let me see if there's anything on the news. Let me see ESPN. Let me see who won the game. It's like, yeah ehh, I'm kind of awake, let's see what's on YouTube. And fast forward an hour and I haven't slept. So I'm like, if it's not important enough for me to get out of bed, to do it? Then I just leave my phone on my nightstand. So, yeah. And a totally unkempt bed, by the way.
Keegan: Thank you guys, that was great.
Jared: Thank you Keegan Allen, from California!
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Tag Game Tuesday (on Wednesday)
Tagged by @guinguin1984 @scurvgirl @such-a-barbarian @auds-and-evens @juliakayyy @lingy910y @lupeloto @golden28s @michellemisfit and @energievie
you can call me: Lem
pronouns: she/they
sun sign + favorite flower: Libra and my knee jerk reaction is always to say daffodils, but I don't think I really have a favorite.
what time did you wake up today?: ugh first at 12:58am because nala had to pee, then 4:45am for work
what kind of phone do you have?: Galaxy s8+ horribly needs an upgrade, but she still functions.
pick one: beach, mountain, desert, or forest? Beach or forests
favorite vegetable: potato
last person you talked to on the phone: this lady I had a job interview with today, called her to reschedule.
last person you texted: my dad
you’re at the smoothie shop, what are you getting?: water, for some reason smoothie texture puts me off. Not sure why, I like shakes. Could be the fear of pulp?
you’re at the zoo, which exhibit are you seeing first?: lions, tigers, and apes oh my
last movie you saw in theaters: The Barbie Movie
last movie you watched at home: Bring it On.
something that sparks joy: my oldies saying funny off the wall things I wouldn't expect.
and finally, what’s your current obsession: planning a cottage core/garden party baby shower for a coworker, planning my outfit for the renn faire next month, and then who to cosplay for the local con.
Last time I went I dressed as a femme Aziraphale, I might go as a femme Crowley this year since I basically already have all the clothes. BUT i don't know for sure. I would want to get prescription colored contacts but have never worn them before.
I'll tag
@ian-galagher @witchboywitchboywitchboy @flamingbluepanda and @gallawitchxx
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igotsnothing · 1 year
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Chapter 2: The Gift (Part 2)
One late afternoon, Finn looked up from the book he'd been reading to see Jacob Volkov strolling down the dirt path toward his tent. He stood up to greet his friend.
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"Hey stranger! Long time no see!" Jacob called out.
"What's up?" Finn felt a bit sheepish; he hadn't reached out to any of his friends. He'd just quit school and disappeared.
"You're a hard man to find these days! I stopped by your house earlier in the week and neither Earl nor your mom seemed to know where you were."
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"Ugh! I'm not surprised."
Jacob glanced toward the modest camp.
"You OK?"
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"I'm trying--I will be!" Finn exhaled loudly, suddenly feeling very drained. "You want to hang out for a bit?"
"Sure--I can stay until it gets dark."
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They talked for a long time--Finn told Jacob how he'd left, what his plans were. He hadn't known Jacob for that long, given all his moving around, but the two had clicked right away.
"Listen, I have to run. I told my dad I'd be home before 8."
"No problem! Stop by some other time."
"I will, now that I know where to find you! You've become something of a legend back at school. There are so many rumors going around about how you just up and left."
"Really? Eeh-let people believe whatever they want."
Jacob chuckled.
"I might add some fire to some of those rumors. Anyway- pick up your damn phone from now on, ok?"
"Umm-Smoke signals might be easier these days. I don't have a phone. Might be a while until I save up enough for one."
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"Dude- you're out here all alone without any way of contacting anyone?"
Finn shrugged.
"It's temporary."
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When Finn returned from work the next day, he found the clothesline he'd built vandalized. He suspected it had been Earl's handiwork, but he had no way of proving it. Someone had also gone through his tent, unpacking his duffel and going through his stuff. Luckily, other than leaving a mess, nothing had been taken. The only item he owned that had any real monetary value anyway was his bike, and that he'd ridden to work on. Finn hoped that had been his stepfather's final tantrum, but he couldn't help feeling uneasy out there without a phone.
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Later that afternoon, Jacob stopped by again.
"Hey! You look like you're ready for bed!"
"That's because I am! Some of us have to get up at 4AM to get to work."
Jacob chuckled.
"Mind if I hang out for a bit? Maybe read you a bedtime story?" Jacob teased.
"Pff! Come on over. I just grilled some frogs."
"You what?" Jacob balked.
"Just kidding. You should see your face! I grilled some veggies- there's too much and it won't keep well in the cooler. " Finn grinned.
They sat and ate together, with Jacob filling him in on news about school and their circle of friends.
"Ok- I'm going to head home and let you get your beauty rest." Jacob stood up. "I know you need lots of it..."
"Ha ha." Finn grimaced at him.
As he stood, Jacob reached into his pocket.
"Before I go, I have something for you..."
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He handed him a phone.
"What's this?"
"It's the remote to our garage," he deadpanned. "No, dingus, it's a phone! For you!"
"I can't take this!" Finn tried to give it back, feeling very embarrassed all of a sudden.
"Nope- it's yours. Don't worry: Lily just upgraded her phone and said you could have her old one."
Finn stared at the phone in disbelief.
"Are you serious? That's much newer and nicer than my old phone!"
"It's yours."
"I can pay you back, once I-"
"Don't worry about it. And my dad put you on our plan. He said you can stay on it until you are back on your feet. You need a phone out here and this is the least we can do to help, since you refuse to stay with us."
Finn was speechless.
He was not used to getting gifts. Most importantly, he was certainly not used to kindness.
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"Thank you," he managed to say, giving Jacob a hug and fighting back a surge of emotion.
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Later that evening, he browsed the news, watched a show on SimTube, and texted a couple of friends.
Suddenly, Finn didn't feel so alone.
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(Ok- I can't with his WTF expression when he sees the clothesline. I might need to change my avatar.)
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willandmichael · 1 year
does anyone else have an obsession tvtropes.com and spends hours clicking around? i had nothing better to do so i gathered a few tropes that either go well with byler (and the love triangle) narrative, are similar to what they have going on in the show or would make sense for their storyline in the future :)<3
Just Friends
The force with which the two deny any feelings is always inversely proportional to the truth. Just Friends is in essence, a relationship, a potential relationship or teased relationship between people who are simply Just Friends, in a normal, and regular manner. When a character uses the line "We're Just Friends" but no one seems to believe them, this is likely to be the trope involved.
Will They or Won't They? (they even have a murray quote about j/opper in there!)
Two characters, often combative but with obvious Unresolved Sexual Tension, resist going into a full blown relationship for a rather long time. Usually the two characters will be presented so that "they will" is the conclusion to root for; only rarely is the question of whether the writers think they should in any real doubt.
They Do
Will They or Won't They? They will, and They Do.
The conclusion of a Romance Arc with a Happy Ending. The point where we are finally done with breakups, misunderstandings, and second thoughts. If the story is done with them, they live Happily Ever After. If it isn't, when the rest of it happens to them, they'll have each other. Give them enough time, and they'll likely be Happily Married by then.
Love Epiphany
When a character realizes they are in love with another character. This is not when the character confesses this love to that other character or anyone else, but when the character realizes it themselves. Often this can be when a character had feelings already and realized this has blossomed into love, or when a character has been in denial about these feelings until this moment.
Love Revelation Epiphany (will's paiting revelation, anyone?)
Two characters have had some sort of Ship Tease, but there's no sign of it progressing to a Relationship Upgrade. Likely, one character will have feelings for the other but are resigned to All Love Is Unrequited — until the other character somehow hears (from another person directly or indirectly or from a Love Confession) they have feelings for them. They're shocked. All of a sudden, they begin to look at the other character differently, resulting in them beginning to have feelings, too! We all want to be loved after all, and someone loving you is a very attractive trait.
Mutually Unequal Relation aka: Mutually Unequal Relationship (mlvn)
Two (or more) characters have entirely different ideas on how they are perceived by each other. Can lead to Cringe Comedy when the truth gets out or could alternatively be Played for Drama.
Moment Killer (aka jonathan)
It's really going to happen this time. They are about to share their feelings with each other after years of keeping them hidden. They come closer together and look into each other's eyes; there has never been a moment so perfect. The stars are aligned, the moon is full and one of them says, "I've never had the courage to tell you this before..." Then her brother walks into the room, asking if she wants pepperoni or ham on her pizza. Or his/her best friend walks through the door, wanting to talk to them, which sometimes may be an emergency. Or the house phone rings or one of their cellphones rings, ruining the moment. "Ugh!" is their reply, echoed by all of the fans. Whatever was there has been shot down dead. They lost the spirit of the moment and it will likely be a long time before they can get it back. After witnessing their frustrated anger, the brother then asks, "Is this a bad time?"
Hopeless Suitor
This is Triang Relations #4: a character who has a crush on someone who's already engaged in (at least potential) Shipping with someone else.
Childhood Friend Romance aka: Victorious Childhood Friend
Childhood Friend Romance is a part of romantic plots, when characters develop romantic feelings for someone who they spent their childhood years with.
Often the pair will see each other as Just Friends (and may even deny accusations that they might have a different type of relationship); then, when puberty hits or when they meet again after being apart for some time, they will realize that the other is all grown up. 
I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
A bittersweet trope where Alice loves Bob but realizes that a relationship between them cannot happen, so she decides to put Bob's happiness above her own. Accordingly, she abandons her claim to Bob and encourages him to move on and live his own life, even if that means watching (or even supporting) a relationship between Bob and someone else. 
Act of True Love
The Act of True Love proves beyond doubt that you are ready to put your loved one's interests before your own, that you are truly loyal and devoted to them. Usually this involves a sacrifice on your part, at the very least a considerable effort and/or a great risk. The action must be motivated, not by morals or principle or expectation of future reward, but by sheer personal affection. When your beloved is in dire need of your help, or in great danger, and you do something, at great expense to yourself, for the sake of their safety, their welfare, or their happiness, thus proving beyond any doubt that you put their interest ahead of yours.
Love Makes You Crazy
Being in love can cause a person to behave strangely and irrationally, a tendency which is often exaggerated in television and film. Usually played for laughs in Sitcoms and anime, it can be used as a motivation for villainous (or at least uncharacteristic) behavior in more serious stories. However, it can also result in behaviors that are presented as being noble, though unusual.
Went Crazy When They Left
This is when a character leaves/abandons someone that they were close to, maybe out of an obligation, personal reasons, or not by their own choice.note  Maybe a character is a Living Emotional Crutch or a Morality Chain to them. Maybe they have implied romantic feelings for them. Maybe they were a pair of True Companions, or family. In some cases, the person left behind may not even have realized their feelings until the other left.
Belated Love Epiphany
You never know what you've got until it's gone. There are some people that we hate, feel indifferent to, or just don't feel like being around. But we're stuck with them, so we muddle through and put up with them because there's nothing we can do about it. Then, that person is suddenly out of our lives. Great, right? Wrong. For some reason, you take their absence a lot harder than you expected to. It's not until they're gone that you start to like them. Maybe you've become so used to their little quirks you can't imagine your life without them. Or maybe you realize that they're the best thing to ever happen to you. Whatever the case, you realize too late that you actually love them.
I Will Find You
A quite common variant of The Quest, this plot has two people who have become separated by fate or circumstance, and thus cannot be together. One or both will try to search for the other, promising that they will never stop until they have reunited with their loved one.
Unreliable Narrator
In most narratives, there's an element of trust that the person telling you the story is telling the truth, at least as far as they know it. This trope occurs when that convention is discarded. The narrator's facts contradict each other. If you ask them to go back a bit and retell it, the events come out a little differently. It can be like dealing with a used-car salesman — there's a real story in there somewhere, but you're left to piece it together through all the lies, half-truths, and mistruths.
Color Motif
For many years, artists and interior designers have understood that certain colors can provoke specific emotional and sometimes physiological reactions. Within a certain culture, you can be fairly certain that most of the audience will react predictably to certain colors. A motif is a recurring element within a work, so a color motif is obviously a recurring color within the work. The color may be associated with a character, place, feeling, timeframe, or even the work overall.
One True Love
The most indomitable of romantic ideals is the idea of one utter perfect specimen who is your ultimate match. Perhaps they will have everything in common with you and share your dreams. Perhaps they will be your Foil because True Love is Exceptional. A third possibility is Mindlink Mates leading the two of them to understand each other better than anyone else. [...] The main difference between a standard Official Couple and a One True Love is in how each partner views the other. While an Official Couple simply needs to be a canon pairing between two characters, a One True Love also requires a canon couple to view each other as their be-all, end-all soulmate with no romantic interest in anyone else once the pair gets together.
Electric Love
This trope appears in romantic works, and is featured prominently in Young Adult Literature fiction novels. The touch of a love interest will either literally or metaphorically feel like a shock of electricity.
Gray Rain of Depression
A type of Empathic Environment, commonly used to indicate that a character is depressed, disappointed, or just plain sad. The rain is often called on to exaggerate their mood depending on how sad they are, or if their character is always like that, then this means that they're expressing true sadness for the first time.
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luxshine · 1 year
Time for Stranger Things 3 episode 7 and we are in the final two.
I really like that the series is starting to find its foot between "homage", "reference" and "nostalgia" rather than just cribbing actual 80's movies. I joked at the beginning that they were cribbing Resident Evil 2's homework with the rats scenes, but the truth is that they have managed to do their own thing.
The fair scene is a good example for this. I can think of a LOT of 80's movies where the horror began both on the fourth of july and in a town fair, but none with the exact type of scene that we have here. Same with Major Westley (Sorry, it's Cary Elwes, he will always be Westley to me), who reminds me of the Jaws major but more evil as at least the Jaws major wasn't colluding with the shark. He is ALL of slimy evil majors in the 80's and it works. I also hope he gets eaten by the not-the-blob.
(I really love the 80's Blob remake. I might have to do a video on it later)
The Anti-Mind-Flayer team is not that good without Steve and Hooper around I see. Also, I like that WILL is the Mind Flayer's tracking device, and not Eleven.
Dustin is good driving for his first time. And the Teenagers are so, so high this is so funny.
Dustin is so good as a nurse. Even if his patients are definitely not cooperating.
OOOH! Nancy got a gun! See, I like Nancy when she's being proactive and violent. Not when she's being a girlfriend. So get her more guns, less boys please.
Oooh, evil tentacles in a cabin in the woods! Classic. Now say Groovy Nancy!
Darn. She ran out of bullets. Bummer. SO it comes back to Eleven.
Eleven is running out of hands.
Jonathan and his axe are absolutely useless. But Lucas? Lucas got the axe! Go Lucas!
I think they're the Fighter and the Barbarian in the DnD Party. And by that I mean Lucas is the Fighter and Nancy the Barbarian.
El REALLY needs to read X-men.
Oh, hey, Back to the Future! That's a great think.
Aw, Dustin! You now know how Steve feels with your friends.
Meanwhile, team Smirnoff is... not a good start. Hooper needs to understand that Joyce is much better leader than he is. But I am with Murray. Not about the sexual feelings, but about the fact that the sparring is getting stale.
Murray, btw, is way too good at this lamp shading. I am starting to like him and I hated him last season.
Aww, Murray and Alexei are bonding over the fact that they ship Hooper and Joyce. If they keep it up I will ship them and then they both will die.
Lucas found firepower!
I think I may have to upgrade Lucas to Artificer.
Oh, dear, Mike is being honest. Thank good he is going to be interrupted by Dustin.
Apparently watching Back to the Future high is too much for Steve.
And so is the Mall.
No, seriously, High Steve is so fun.
OMG, Major Westley has a car phone! I had forgotten Car phones!
Mike is an idiot but in this case, he's right. New Coke is horrible.
Oh, shit. That thing is also in El's blood. UGH.
Truth or dare while high on truth serum is a bad idea, Robin.
But she's right about Nancy. She's a priss. And hey, Steve is no longer in love with Nancy... but I really hope that he's not in love with Robin because it's not going to work.
Writers... you either cut this shit out, or I'm going to yell at you.
Robin... omg, is she saying what she is saying?
SHE IS! OMG, Robin is in love with a girl!
Oh, the penny dropped.
I knew they were not good for each other. But... come on, supernanny, don't let me down. AND HE DIDN'T LET ME DOWN! He's now bonding with his gay best girl who is a friend! Steve, I love you so much. Now get that shit out of your system, find a girl or a boy (Because his thinking? Made me think it's the first time he realized that he has OPTIONS) and you can go on double dates with Robin, Tammy the deaf tone girl, and your partner.
I will not ship Murray/Alexei, I will not ship Murray/Alexei...
Damn. I am shipping Murray/Alexei. They are SO Dead.
Ted Wheeler needs to be in a different series, poor him.
Ah, the drugs are off. And yet they don't think that elevators without electricity are JUST stairs.
And oh, poor Alexei. He's dead now.
See, if I ship, they die. Sorry.
Ooh! Classic chase in Fun house maze!
Ow, poor Alexei. Poor Murray. He had found love and now he lost it.
Well, maybe he will survive to season 4. Alexei was dead even before.I started shipping because well, some one was going to kill him.
Now I wonder if Hooper will get the terminator, or the Mind Flayer will
OH! Major Westley's name is Larry! And he totally deserved that. He was the one who got Alexei killed.
GREAT! Now Team Smirnoff thinks the children are at the mall. Which they are, just not the children they are looking for. Fortunately, THEIR children are also going to the mall. And so is the giant Mind Flayer which I really hope gets to eat some Russians before he gets killed.
EL to the rescue!
She's getting the hang of great entrances.
So ok, ALL the children are now in the Mall. Good.
Oh, getting everyone up to date, is hard. And I knew that thing was in El. Now how do we get it out? Do we need a russian doctor?
Oh. CLiffhanger. Of course. Well, I will have to wait a bit for the next chapter.
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rise-alchemy · 2 years
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts as I watch Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Episodes 3-4
I’m already getting Five Night’s at Freddy’s vibes from this episode.
That kid trapped in the claw machine is surprisingly supportive.
How is it April’s fault that Alberto broke down after a kid threw an entire pint of root beer into his mouth?
Where is the manager? This kind of thing should be his job!
How many times have the boys masqueraded as birthday robots to get free pizza from this place?
“I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of my upgrade.”
Honestly Donnie’s upgrades to the band are super cool - just look at that fluidity!
Ah. Yes. There’s the chaos.
Poor Alberto…
WHERE is the kitchen staff? Freddy’s is better staffed than this!
“You know what? Turns out I cannot fix this.”
“Who wants to play a little game of ‘Running to Safety’?”
Seriously, WHERE is this manager? This kind of detachment from the business day is SUPER unprofessional.
You know what, better question: WHERE ARE TIMMY’S PARENTS?!
Has that poor child been trapped in the claw machine this whole time??
That wasn’t even the highest scoring slot in Skeeball! I should know - that game used to be my jam.
The manager absolutely bought himself that trophy.
“I’m gonna crack you open like a birthday piñata!”
“You can’t be the king of birthday parties without having one of your own!”
APRIL NO! Donnie actually got through to him with that cake and song.
Ugh. With the way that cake crumbled, I think the birthday kids dodged a bullet by not eating it.
The manager sure isn’t happy and April lost her job, but at least Timmy had the best birthday of his life.
Do we ever circle back to Alberto not being 100% dead? That’d be pretty cool.
Aah! This is where the worm guy comes from!
EW GROSS DON’T KISS THAT MIRROR! Do you see those stains?!
How is this man able to pay the rent for that apartment as a giant worm.
Raph is really attached to that hippo suit.
WHY does Donnie have a bottle of female hippo scent?
WHERE did Warren get a piece of flypaper that big?
D’aww! Mikey in the background just vibing out on the spring ride.
“He was ON my HEAD. I PANICKED.”
Pfft! The boys just leave Warren in the park to regenerate with his insides on the outsides.
WHERE did Warren get those fully functional non-integrated prosthetic legs?
Yo Warren don’t throw Clem’s phone at him! He was nice enough to let you borrow it in the first place!
“You ruined that woman’s 95th birthday.”
Raph: “Be careful.” *shoves Mikey through a hole in the roof to a 20ft drop*
“He’s Current Occupant!”
“I am Current Occupant!”
“Finally! The thing we actually care about!”
“This has been the WORST mating season!” Hypno have-…have you been through more than one…?
I am absolutely stealing Hypno’s hypno scream for later use.
Gotta say, I’m a sucker for villains fighting to protect heroes because “I’M the only one allowed to kill them!”.
WARREN! Put those worm nips away!!!
Leo absolutely knows who Warren is. He’s just messing with him at this point.
How fast were these Jupiter Jim movies being churned out if there were sixty of them made in, like, just a few decades?
“OH NO! A MUTANT! …oh, wait. We’re mutants, too.”
These boys don’t understand how money works, and that’s a Vibe.
I want to know how Repo Mantis holds things with those claws.
Aaaaa! A Tototo reference!!!
So…are all of these mutants the result of the Oozesquitos? Or were there mutants/Yokai living in and around New York before then?
“That honestly tastes exactly like sunshine.”
Donnie: “We’ve got to be tough with him. Hard as nails!”
Mikey: *finishes his lemonade* “Hard as nails!”
Todd hasn’t made a payment in two years?? My GUY, how do you still have functioning utilities?!
“I’m in something squishy. I AM IN SOMETHING SQUISHY.”
Even that umbrella is threadbare…
I love that it was Donnie’s idea to build a brand new puppy sanctuary to trade for the RV.
WHERE did all of this raw material come from??
ngl the end result is pretty darn beautiful.
Was that moon buggy always fully functional and fully fueled? Or did Repo Mantis fix it up himself?
Those pedestrians are having a terrible day, but honestly? They’ve probably had worse.
So uh…how is Donnie planning to get that moon buggy down into the sewers?
Do the boys have an entire arcade room all to themselves in the Lair? That’s so cool!!
Splinter has the cutest darn sneeze I’ve ever heard and that’s not fair.
Splinter: “I feel terrible. Do I look terrible? Be honest.”
The boys: *all screaming*
Raph, lying through his teeth: “You look great!”
I absolutely do not trust Donnie with uranium.
I’m with Leo - matching unicorn onesies would be adorable.
“Buckle up, boys. It’s about to get weird.”
How fast does Splinter’s fur grow back if, every year, when he inevitably gets sick and feels too hot from the fever, he shaves himself bald?
“He loves pizza in confined spaces you can barely breathe in!”
These stage names are killing me but in the best way.
How badly did these bouts of sickness go for them before they figured out these elaborate plans and procedures to deal with them? Did one of the boys miraculously miss out on the bug one year and saw the chaos from the outside?
Stage 6: Fan Fiction.
Listen. Listen. I know a couple spoilers about this show. How could I not? That said: IS SPLINTER WRITING FAN FICTION ABOUT HIMSELF???
Leo just becomes a big ol’ cuddle bug when he’s sick.
I don’t believe stage seven lasted nearly as long as the boys think it did. I think Splinter was messing with them.
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franciskirkland · 1 year
13, 41, 33, 37, 19? ^^
thank you so much!! 💘💘💘
13. ugh... dude i have so many playlists, this is a hard one. it really depends on the character/relationship, or whether the song is romantic or more crack-y. so putting aside my franny feels, for general, canonverse hetalia i would say; you belong to me, by patsy cline. it sounds like the perspective of someone who's partner is away at war. for a funny one, around the world by rhcp.
41. so getting into writing has really given me a much needed hobby, and it's seeing me through a rough time personally. i write a lotttt, like all day every day between trying to keep this house clean. realtalk i'm a severe agoraphobe and it gets lonely so that's what i do to keep me occupied.
33. depends on the party!! there are so many possible answers to this. BTT throws ragers, france and either of the italy bros would give phenomenal dinner parties, as would japan, in a more lowkey ceremonial way. germany could host a rave. china and his festivals. i could go on.
37. so i'm partial to a bit of cheeky gerita amongst other ships but anyway i feel like they'd have a house full of dogs and cats. romano and england are also cat dads absolutely. prussia is like the pigeon lady from home alone.
19. hmmm... although france canonically struggles with tech, i feel like he'd eventually catch on to use a smartphone. i can see england having a flip phone or an ancient blackberry and still getting frustrated with it. canada has an oldddd model smartphone that he refuses to upgrade, bc it still works.
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surveysonfleek · 1 year
When was the last time you did clay work/pottery? literally 2020, i ordered a clay kit during lockdown and made this weird pen holder lol
Do you like art, hate it or just not mind it? i thoroughly enjoy it. im a sucker for an art gallery. i dont understand ‘all’ art but its still fun to check out
If you had to choose would you prefer dull pain for 12hours or sharp for 2? dull pain
Koala or Kangaroo? koalas are way cuter
Do you know the words to the national anthem of your country? yes
Is your country ruled by a president, prime minister, queen or other? pm
Does blue occur in your national flag? yes
Talking of flags. Do you like football/soccer? If yes, do you play and what position? no... hot take but i think soccer is so boring to watch
Would you rather be a Model, Famous Scientist, Singer or Chef? singer
Would you rather be a pilot, crime scene investigator or estate agent? pilot i think!
Does making others happy really make you feel happy? yes! it certainly makes me feel good, thats for sure
What colour literally doesn’t appear in your wardrobe at all? i think i should at least own one of each colour in my closet bit i guess i rarely wear yellow
Do you actually read the answers others give to your surveys? i dont make surveys
Did you ever swear at a teacher in school? Why? nah
Have you ever pricked your finger on Holly or another ‘sharp’ plant? yea, probably 
Speaking of Holly, do you adore Christmas or does it bug you? i enjoy xmas but i really hate consumerism and the tradition my family and my partner’s family has with giving semi expensive gifts. i feel pressure to have to give them something back just as expensive ugh
Have you ever wrote your own short story? What about a novel? Or perhaps you started and couldn’t finish? only for school
Do you prefer SciFi/Fantasy/Action/Horror or Rom/Com/RealLife? i have a really short attention span so its been awhile since ive sat down and watched a ‘serious’ movie. the most recent movie i watched was a romcom
What do you have a lot of faith in [note: can be anything]? idk sadly
Think of a material thing you want. Name it here (material, made or bought). Would $100/60 be enough for this item? How about $1000/600? i want a new iphone. i think they go for like $1500ish
Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids or a high flying job? high flying job as long as im happy with it
Have you ever been to a creepy/haunted/abandoned place? What did it look like and what were the circumstances? no, im too much for a scaredy cat to do that What’s your favourite dip? french onion
Chocolate Cookies or Fudge Brownies? brownies
I give you a little baby puppy. What do you name him? oh man, idk. id be spending a lot of time thinking of a name
Is crime a big problem in your area? not really tbh
What’s your town/city most well known for? white people lmao Do you know a Jack? What’s he like? How about a Lisa? What’s she like? i dont know any jacks personally. or lisas haha.
Are most your friends older, younger or the same age as you? theyre all around the same age
Do you subconsciously hang out with those with the same star sign as you or as each other, perhaps due to certain personality traits? haha no
Name 5 objects that you don’t have but would like right now? a new phone, new clothes, a handbag, a new car and more candles. i basically just need an upgrade of everything i currently have
When you have children, would you like twins? my partner wants twins sooooo badly. id be happy to have them but defs fine with one baby too hah Do you know any twins? If so, what are they called? i work with a twin, idk her brother’s name
If you were given the choice to choose your child’s gender, would you? id choose a girl first
What instrument would you love to learn how to play? piano properly
Does the sound of knocking/tapping startle you? yes
What’s the scariest story/urban legend/creepypasta etc you heard? haha i really cant think of any from the top of my head
Do you miss someone currently? yasss
When was the last time you were in hospital? What for? i forgot! which is a good thing
When was the last time you went to the dentist? last year
Do you get along well with your family doctor/your doctor? pretty well. which reminds me, i need to grab a script soon
What personality trait does nearly everyone in your family seem to have? i think were all pretty good listeners
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You know what’s crazy is I would have never started posting on here if I hadn’t gotten an iPhone lmao cuz I was one here for forever but then when I got this phone typing on it was so comfortable and it really helped me open up creatively like you literally never know what will fix things for you. Like I posted a few stories but it was very ehhh but changing phones and switching to typing on here versus on my laptop was a game changer.
Annnnd this was the last one there and like two people came into the store like ugh guess I will just buy it as I was purchasing it. But I was just happy to take it cuz my old phone was getting on my nerves and I needed an upgrade asap.
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