saturatedsinset · 10 months
Oh please tell me more I'm obsessed with them rn
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oh absolutely. cracks knuckles
so in terms of male attractiveness in wrestling obviously at the top of the hierarchy we have roman, who I often describe as the platonic ideal of male beauty
however. Lucy and I agree that claudio is like. the ideal Man. he is what a man should look like. which skews closer to the actual definition of the term "platonic ideal" sorry I can't help it I know I'm pretentious
anyway that makes roman the god (obviously, because he's still on the top) but eddie and claudio are both Beautiful so it's like roman is a god and claudio and eddie are two of his creations, not really human but more like a model for what humans could be. should be. but they're so different and they hate each other so much that they are trapped in this eternal cycle of one trying to win over the other and they can't and so it just has to keep going
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josiewrites · 2 years
🙈- Something they're shy about
Whoops, this took on a life of its own. But damn, was it fun.
Tag List babes: @writtingrose, @abadamn, @rubyred1980 , @letmebeawesome, @unlikelywrestlingfan , @rollynchwhore , @cuzimacomedian , @demonqueen29 , @auburnwrites , @thebestintheworld , @elitehoe , @wwenhlimagines , @omg-im-such-a-masochist , @seeingstarks
"Oh god, please," he whimpered softly.
She stilled her hips, causing a small whine to escape his throat. "Now now," she chided, pressing her lips to his neck. "What did I say, baby?"
She felt his skin grow hot as he flushed with slight embarrassment. "You wanted to hear me."
She sat up, looking him in his dark eyes. "I wanted everyone to hear you, baby." She rolled her hips, drawing a moan from him. "You want this hotel to know you you belong to, right?"
"Yes, Mommy," he said shakily, his voice a little louder than before. "I still do."
She smiled, planting a quick kiss on his lips before rolling her hips again. "Tell me if that changes, right?"
"Oh, fuck yes Mommy," he moaned, the sound echoing through the hotel room. She smiled with pride, increasing the speed of her movements. Good boys deserve rewards, after all.
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dunkzillla · 2 years
Touching 12 (tucking away a strand of hair) Bryan/anyone
emotionally revisiting anarchy in the arena and I am in pain
bryan/regal, though bcc polycule is implied
He smells of gasoline, he’s sticky with blood, and his neck and head send pain shooting down his body every time he so much as moves them. God damn Jericho Appreciation Society, God damn Eddie Kingston. Bryan’s having the worst night.
To add insult to injury, Yuta isn’t even here to run his soft little fingers up and down his spine the way he likes.
He’s sat on a straight up on a chair in the locker room, trying to will the pain in his neck away, so that he can pretend like it’s not pulled or injured, or that he doesn’t have concussion, and he doesn’t have to take a trip to the doctors office.
“Penny for your thoughts, petal?”
Regal’s voice makes him jump, and pain, white hot, spreads right to his toes. He hadn’t heard him come in.
Bryan brings a hand up to the back of his neck, like clutching at sticky skin and bone will lesson the way his muscles are clenching up inside of him.
“You should be with the doctor.”
“It’s nothing.”
Regal comes to stand in front of him, tall and imposing, his well pressed suit jacket and trousers slightly rumpled from where he’s been sitting at the monitor.
“Nothing my arse, lad,” he says, voice rough and thick as his hand reaches out to tuck a piece of Bryan’s wild hair behind his ear. He’d lost his hair elastic at some point, making his hair wild and flying around for the most part of the match. It’s caked in blood, sweat and gasoline. “You need to get it checked.”
Bryan’s voice comes out as a whisper. “I know.”
“You’re scared.” It’s not a question, and Bryan knows it, with the way Regal’s thumb slides over his cheek bone, gives him a sad smile.
“We’re just getting started. I don’t want-“ Bryan can’t finish his sentence. I can’t be out again.
The hair Regal put behind his ear threatens to fall again, but Regal just tucks it back again, calloused thumbs stroking his ear and across his jaw. Soothing, relaxing.
“Better to be out a few weeks than make it worse and be out forever.” He says softly. And Bryan knows this. He knows he has to take care of his neck, of his head, but it doesn’t make it sting any less. He hasn’t felt this good in years. Hasn’t had this much fun, and now, now it’s getting ripped away from him.
“Come on, love. Let’s get you looked at. The sooner we find out, the sooner we can take that sad little look you’ve got on.” Regal’s voice is soft, much different to the way he spoke to them all before the match, with grit and fire and adrenalin. Bryan loves both versions equally. He runs his hand gently over the crown of Bryan’s head, fingers running over the mess of his hair. The strands are stuck together with dry blood, and it dislodges the hair behind his ear again. Regal just puts it back, like he’ll never stop for as long as it takes. Like he’ll always make sure Bryan’s put together. Regal helps him stand, a strong arm around his shoulders for support.
“And the sooner we can get you in the shower. You smell like a gas station.”
Bryan huffs but doesn’t say anything, focusing too much on what the doctors going to say when he gets there. He can smell himself, though it’s the least of his worries unless Eddie comes charging through the halls with a lighter to finally finish him off.
Somehow, though, Bryan doesn’t think that with Regal here, steady and sure against his side, that Eddie would get anywhere near him.
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banannabethchase · 7 months
Top 5 beverages
This will be a lot of cheating as it will be a lot of flavors of similar things. But. Still.
Lady Grey tea
Bubble tea, preferably coconut cream, taro, or hazelnut
Coffee. I wish I didn't love coffee as much as I do, but alas.
Lychee Calpico!!!
Lychee Ramune
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marlboromoxley · 2 years
The vibe is like a little gremlin peeking out of the shadows
Yes. This is correct. Thank you for noticing!!! I love that you can take a look at what I reblog and just Know
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kitchenisking · 1 year
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It's raining here🌧️ so enjoy a hot cup of your preferred beverage and enjoy the lights!❤️
We Fall Into One Another by jettiebettie - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2459, sterek)
Life affirmation is a funny thing, to be perfectly honest.
It’s like one minute you’re running harder than you ever thought you could in order to outrun bullets, and the next you have boner at the realization that you did it. That you’re alive and unshot and free to fight (flight) for survival another day.
And then you have your hand down another guy’s pants. It happens.
It happens to them.
Finger Bangin' by Hatteress (goddammitstacey) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3464, sterek)
Stiles starts bringing drumsticks to Pack gatherings, sitting himself on the edge of the group to tap out maddening rhythms on his knees as the werewolves train. The first time he’d pulled them out, spinning one stick in a showy twirl between his fingers, Derek had actually staggered a little, missed a basic move, and ended up on his back blinking up at fucking Jackson, of all people.
The Mechanic and the Pea by FluffysRkive - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7712, sterek)
Prompted off of this picture: Derek is a mechanic with naughty thoughts and Stiles is a teenager who is trying to not explode from sexual frustration before graduation.
Your Body Language is Broken English by merpiplier - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1522, sterek)
Stiles hates the noises Derek wrings out of him when they're in bed. Derek loves them and can't get enough to making Stiles make more.
Scent by moodwriter - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1629, sterek)
Derek and Stiles get down and dirty in a library.
You Sure Are Looking Good by miriad - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3070, sterek)
Stiles also doesn’t like it when assholes treat other people around him poorly, which is how he ends up meeting Derek.
Fix Me by iamee  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3110, sterek)
Derek has a car. Stiles is (sort of) happy to fix it. Derek is (sort of) in heat. Stiles is just there.
Six Stages of Stiles by rufflefeather - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3406, sterek)
“I’m not surprised,” Derek huffs. It’s not even with exertion, it’s just out of annoyance which is his default setting since the anger one passed. Stiles calls it his Six Stages of Stiles: Anger, Annoyance, Bargaining (for him to go away), Acceptance (because he never does), Like and Love. He’s not found anyone who has reached the final stage yet, not counting his dad because he’s got no choice, apart from maybe Scott. But Stiles is an optimistic guy, he fears for his life on a weekly basis and still wants to get up in the morning, so yeah. One day there will be love. And sex marathons. Hopefully.
Driving me Insane by Viet_joker - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2604, sterek)
Stiles is seriously driving Derek insane. He always had control, up until the worker at the drive-thru window had an interest in Stiles, and Stiles seemed somewhat surprised and probably interested. Derek was going to show that Stiles belonged to him and only him.
They Can Smell It On You by philosophyofhedonism - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1854, sterek)
Taken from a prompt on the Teen Wolf Kink Meme that I have since lost, so imma post it here. Derek rides Stiles hard and puts him away wet. To keep him that way, he makes Stiles wear a plug when they're not having sex.
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faggotmox · 2 years
I'm cheating at the enemies to lovers prompts: i want mox bridging the gap between Eddie and Bryan (or Claudio) where both Eddie and Bryan are pissed but Moxy just wants his boys all together: of course you do
meme i lost || @philosophyofhedonism
this is the closest thing to a madmox break up i will ever write. feel like this is set up a bit to make eddie the bad guy but i wanna be clear that’s def not what im trying to imply. this would be after many conversations, & shit. like this is the result of eddie continuing to hurt mox by being a bitch about bryan & claudio even though he pretty much knows he’s doing it. but eddie’s insecure & needed it pointed out. this ones got a little lost in the sauce & im not happy with the ending. here ya go lmao. this leads to the bridge being built.
#. Of course you do. [Mox/Eddie, Mox/Bryan/Claudio]
warnings: angst, so much angst, kind of a breakup fic, cursing, two people struggling lol
"I gotta problem with them! You know that!" Eddie growled, loud and over infused with anger. As always with this fight.
"Of course you do!" Mox was ready to rip his hair out, his hand anxiously running through his hair. "Of fucking course you do!"
"You know damn well anyone else wouldn'--"
"Shut the fuck up, Eddie!" Mox snapped. Finally fucking snapped. "Of fucking course you gotta problem with Bryan. He's a dick. He judges people. So do fuckin' you. You're a huge asshole, you judge everyone you see. And what happened with you and Claudio is so fuckin' old I don't even know if I was an adult when y'all had your falling out! He's changed. He's grown the fuck up and he regrets leaving you like that, man, but he can't fucking do shit about it because you're a fucking asshole. Of course you have a problem. Of course you do. You're made of god damn problems, Eddie! I love you. I love you more than I love anything else, Eddie, I swear to god. I swear on my mother, Eddie. But this bullshit...I can't keep doing it."
Eddie watched Mox pop off. Normally he would interject, stop Mox when he called him a dick or something. But there was a look on Mox's face that said if Eddie interrupted then it could be a heavier straw than either thought. Instead Eddie watched Mox frantically get the words out, like he couldn't breathe with them still in his chest. Like this was a long time coming and Eddie should have known, should have seen that he was suffocating Mox.
"You said--" Mox threw his hands up. "You said, Eddie. You agreed to this. When we got back together you were cool with me dating other people, having more relationships. But the second I'm with someone you have a distaste for I'm left-- I'm left--" Mox shakes his head, trying to get himself on track. "I love Bryan, man. I love the way he wrestles, the way he cooks dinner like he's building a fucking bomb, the way he holds me from behind and sticks his head under my arm. He fucking figured out some soap that doesn't give me dry skin. He listens to me when I can't put things into words. Eddie, I love him like I love you and that's why you fucking hate him." Mox finally stopped moving and was looking at Eddie with hard eyes. It wasn't normal for them to call each other on the deep bullshit. They had their walls and guards up for reasons. Mox understood that but he couldn't keep it up anymore. His walls came down and he had to break some of Eddie's too. "And you know how easy it is to fall for Claudio, huh? Don’t ya? So you're mad that I'm gonna love him too."
"Mox, look, I'm sorry I--" Eddie started to step forward but Mox stepped back quicker.
"Nah, man. You're scared, and you're being a bitch about it. You could just tell me, talk to me! You're insecure and you think I'm gonna leave you because Bryan and Claudio are something you're not." Mox growled. "I can't do it. If you don't want me dating them then we have to have to a serious fucking conversation about our boundaries, and I fucking hate you for making me have to talk like some fucking asshole. Boundaries." Mox scoffed at himself. "We've always been straight up with each other, man. That's what I expect from you. You just hide behind your fucking quips, and make snide remarks about a dude I love. That ain't fair to me, Eddie. You lied when you told me you were cool with this."
"...You're right."  Eddie nodded, his eyes on his boots as he stood with the weight of it on his shoulders. He fucked up. "You're fuckin' right."
"Hey." Mox was suddenly very close, his hand on Eddie's shoulder then sliding to rest on the back of Eddie's neck. "Need you to look at me, Bear." Mox whispered, his private nickname for Eddie never sounded so sad.
"Don't call me that right now, Moxie." Eddie looked up, meeting eyes with his partner to the harsh reality he knew was coming his way. "Not right now. Fuck."
"You know I love you right, Bear? I need to know that you know." Mox had water obscuring his blue eyes, threatening to become tears. "I love you."
"You love me, Jon. Of course you do." Eddie nodded. Their foreheads met and Eddie just knew the next words out of Mox's mouth would destroy his entire world and he would just have to accept it.
"I need a break from this, Bear." Mox finally said it and Eddie felt like he'd shatter. No one had that power over him but Mox. "I need a break from you."
"Of course you do..." Eddie nodded, and slowly started to untangle himself from Mox.
Mox tried to hold on but Eddie pushed until they parted. It stung more knowing Mox didn't want to let go. They both learned a long time ago about take care of themselves first, setting boundaries and walking away from the people that fucked them up the most. Eddie could still remember watching Mox chase after Rollins, the unhealthy obsession that Mox couldn't stop. Rollins was when Mox learned to step away, to pull himself back and make himself off limits to another person. Eddie had learned the same lesson from Claudio, but under different circumstances.
It all hit home when Mox's phone went off and Eddie could see the text from Bryan asking if Mox was okay. Why did Eddie hate Bryan so much? Why did he still hate Claudio? That was something he had to figure out because Mox couldn't take being the center of a war that wasn't even about him.  Eddie couldn't be an island anymore. It wasn't fair to Mox, and slowly as he gathered his bags he realized it wasn't fair to himself either. This had him twisted up, torturing himself like this wasn't it.
"We ain't breaking up." Mox's voice didn't sound as steady as he wanted it to sound. "I'd sooner lose everything else then lose you again, Bear."
"I know, sweetheart. We ain't breaking up." Eddie wanted to reassure Mox. "I'm not that easy to get rid of." Eddie winked and pretended he didn't feel a tear slip out.
"Of course you're not." Mox laughed harshly, shaking his head a little as Eddie was heading towards the door. There was something on Mox’s face, a fleeting look on his face that made Eddie smile a little.
“What?” Eddie stopped to watch Mox come a little closer. 
“Want a kiss before you go, Bear.” Mox admitted as they stepped a little closer to each other.
“Of course you do.” Eddie laughed a little as they got close enough.
They shared a soft kiss before Eddie had to peel himself away again. This time he got himself out before he could look at Mox again. It wasn’t their end, it couldn’t be, but Eddie was sore. He was hurt for the first time in a way that didn’t let him scorch the earth, even if it was his fault or not. Not only was this his own making but he had every tool to fix it. No drinking it away, no sleeping with whoever to get over Mox, no bullshit. Eddie had to figure his own shit out.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Group Ask 63
What is a group ask?
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AO3 Search Tutorial
Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Okay this is v specific but I've searched this blog and ao3 and cannot find it. The only detail I have to go off is that it's post winter soldier and Bucky is trying to get to Europe and sneaks onto one of those huge cargo ships to get across the Atlantic? Thanks if you or anyone else can find it!!!
Anon sent in No Hope for the Weary by girlbookwrm (complete | 44,947 | T)
orchidsrule sent in Rubik's Cube by stripyjamjar (complete | 118,992 | M)
Anon 2 said:
hii do you know the name of the fic where steve is like riding bucky on the couch and hes doing it slow and bucky ended up coming like twice already hzjzdkkskd i cant find it anywhere im pretty sure it was a long fic though
belovedmuerto, whitewolfbucky, dolphinqueen10, thetwolattes, time-lord-no-more, and Anon sent in Dishonor On Your Cow by mandarou (complete | 111,695 | E )
Anon 3 said:
Ahh so sorry to bother you guys I know you have a ton of asks. I’m looking for this fic with a title along the lines of “Scars where my sins bleed from”or something. It’s a longer fic with bottom!bucky and I’ve searched all over and I can’t find it. Thanks so much <3
kittybrownjs, orchidsrule and Anon sent in Scars where all my sins bled by Little_Lottie (tfwatson), tfwatson (complete | 97,171 | E)
Anon 4 said:
Hi! (thanks for being patient with me) I'm looking for a fic I read early when I got into reading MCU fic. I don't remember a lot of detail but, Bucky ends up working for Tony creating new and improved prosthetic limbs.
orchidsrule sent in the world no longer drowned by magdaliny (complete | 44,947 | T)
Anon 5 said:
Heyyy there was this fic and it’s driving me crazy. It was post winter soldier I think, and there was a line similar to ‘America’s golden boy gets off sucking commie dick” but I honest to god cannot find it ANYWHERE. It was Dom bucky, fairly short, and pwp. Thank you!
huxthebrave sent in Captain Cockslut by philosophyofhedonism (oneshot | 3,192 | E)
selenacrystaleen said:
Hello! Thank you for all the hard work you guys put into this. I lost a fic where one if the commandos had a serious unrequited crush on Bucky? And Steve was a bit skeptical about him at first but got over it. Thank you for your help in advance! ❤❤❤
fuckyfarnes said:
So I just remembered this fic that I read a while back and I really want to find it again. I don't have much detail other than Bucky spends time on Steve's balcony and once Steve doesn't come home until late, he finds Bucky covered in snow on the balcony waiting for him. I hope you can find it, thanks in advance
thetwolattes and Anons sent in The Blind Leading by SkyisGray (oneshot | 43,034 | E) - steve/omc
musicalprostitute said:
shit im looking for this one fic where bucky burns off his own arm and kills a hydra dude in steves bathroom and then he ends up in england or something??? it has like 9 chapters but its really fucken long and i forgot the title
kittybrownjs sent in there must have been a moment where we could have said no by magdaliny (complete | 154,616 | M) - bucky/omc
halosandhunters said:
HELP!! I’ve looked on ao3/your tags and I can’t find this fic where bucky is a stunt man and steve is an actor and the guy who Bucky doubles for sabotages him, Bucky gets hurt in a fall and then bucky gets his part and becomes the main actor. I think the movie is about spies or something. PLEASE HELP AND BLESS YOU!!
sedatedkoala said:
I read a story a while back that was absolutely amazing, and I swear that I bookmarked it, but apparently I didn't and can't remember the name. It was about Steve and Bucky going to a farm for Bucky to recover after everything that happened. Bucky did work online for SHIELD because he knew so much about HYDRA. It was a very literary type story, very well written. I remember the writer had several other amazing stories, and I hope that it isn't one of the no longer available stories. HELP!
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ao3feed-silverflint · 6 years
legs for days
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sbUOOr
by philosophyofhedonism
Silver/Flint thigh worship.
Words: 840, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Captain Flint (Black Sails), John Silver
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver
Additional Tags: thigh worship, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Frottage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2sbUOOr
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josiewrites · 2 years
What's your favorite way to procrastinate writing? (Which is what I'm doing rn)
(That's also what I'm doing right now lol)
Typically watching Youtube or playing Dead By Daylight. Or playing dress up games online. I love those.
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dunkzillla · 2 years
Angry 15 "go be a fucking ornament" moxbry plsssss 🥺
more upset and angry mox because bryan didn’t tell him he wasn’t cleared for forbidden door and blood and guts. follows on from the last one here. these prompts just fit too nicely not too!!
mox/bryan with implied bcc poly
Mox is still mad when when they make it back to the hotel that night, he sits in the back of the car with his hood pulled over his eyes the whole way back, not letting even Yuta touch him, and then he throws himself on the bed when they get into the room and ignores them all.
“Young Wheeler and I will go and do some exploring, find some food.” Regal says, sensing the tension in the room and knowing that this is between Bryan and Mox to figure out.
Bryan watches them go, hears the door click closed, and goes to sit on the bed to be closer to Mox.
“Go be a fucking ornament over there, I don’t wanna’ talk to you.” Mox says from underneath his hood. He’s curled into a ball away from him, and Bryan feels like shit. He’s really hurt Mox, he knew it would but he didn’t think it would hurt this much.
“Mox,” Bryan sighs, ignoring what Mox says to him about leaving him alone and crawls over to him on the bed, laying out beside him and hooking his chin over his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I wasn’t cleared. I just. Didn’t want to ruin how much fun we’ve been having. Knew you’d be upset that I couldn’t do Blood and Guts with you.”
Mox huffs. “Like I said, I don’t fucking care. I care if you’re okay. And you’re not, and you didn’t trust me with that. Fuck you.”
Bryan tries to find his hand but Mox tucks them under the pillow away from him. And God, that hurts. This whole time Mox has never pulled away from him, even when they butt heads and scrap around and bleed.
“I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Well you fucking did. Get off. Wanna sleep.” Mox shrugs him off, curling into a tighter ball and shutting himself away from Bryan completely, his face hidden by his hood, his hands under the pillow and his knees to his chest. Bryan sighs, knows that he has to listen to Mox or they’re going to really fight, and he doesn’t want to do that right now. Not over this.
Bryan slides off the bed and walks towards the bathroom, may as well take a shower and wait for Yuta and Regal to get back. Maybe Mox will be better than, when he eats some food, maybe Yuta can coax a smile out of him by goofing off like he normally does and showing Mox the funny cat and dog videos he finds on that app that all the kids are obsessed with these days.
Somehow, somehow he’s got to make it up to Mox. He doesn’t know how, and he doesn’t know how long it’s going to take, but he’s got to. He can’t lose him over this. He can’t.
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zephrbabe · 7 years
A smut fic rec list for @anais-ninja-blog to weather the storm. All AO3 links, and Rated E unless otherwise stated.
Captivated by Leftennant - If you like TaserTricks, you’ve probably already read this, but hey, it’s long and it’s smutty, and it’s really, really good.
Shine Without Fear by Yavannie - yes, go read. I should reread this.
Cherry Bomb by AnnieMar - TaserTricks meets Guardians of the Galaxy.
If I Didn’t Know Better (But Damn It I Do) by rufeepeach - long one-shot wherein Darcy can see through Loki’s illusions.
Until the End of Eternity by @meleedamage - (bookmarked this over a year ago, so you know it’s not just fangirl nepotism) Melee’s trademark smutty shenanigans
All Reason Aside, I Just Can’t Deny by Tristesses - A/B/O w/omegaverse-style soulmates. This fic kidnapped me from the Labyrinth fandom, and now look at me.
Utter Darkness by ElegantMess - This one is so beautiful! But there’s also smut, promise.
Of_raven_wings’ Darcy Lewis Smut Week Challenge series - a bit angsty, a lot smutty, still has a happy ending
it’s not an epic romance (it’s a love affair) by @erisdea - WSS - Literally my favorite fic. An excellent turn-around of the WSS triad soulmates trope. Angst (so much angst), budding romance, palpable character development, masterful perspective changes, and all the smut you could want or handle. *cue “I’ll be in my bunk” gif* *nosebleed gif* *pupils dilating gif* Incomplete, but who even gives a fuck it’s so good.
Sleeper by Queenspuppet (aka @ragwitch) - WSS - smut, romance, %*!@$ Hydra, Darcy being badass.
Katiedid’s Archive - SS, WS, WSS (also TaserTorch in there) - I came to this fandom less than a year after she left it, and while I’m sad I missed her, I am really, really glad her work is still posted, because it’s amazing. I’m rereading these right now. They’re not all smutty, though, but some are. 
Sexual Healing by @phoenix-173 and Katiedid - WSS - ever-so-much smut, and what I consider the quintessential example of caveman!Steve & worshipful!Bucky as lovers (to Darcy and each other) that I understand people have complained about being OOC on other fics. Also, this is the fic that contains Helen Cho/Johnny Storm and I need more of that pairing in my life.
Scared Stiff by @meleedamage - WSS - pure Halloween smut
Our Girl by philosophyofhedonism - WSS - *fans self* just look at the author’s handle... you know it’s gonna be good.
Pull Me Down by blue_sweater - SS - fluffy smut in which Darcy is a succubus and Steve cums buckets.
Not Exactly Oscar Material by @sachertortes - WS - hollywood AU, and not smutty until the last two chapters, but soooo worth reading.
Choose Your Own by BionicallyIronic - WS - sex pollen FTW. I’m amazed I don’t have more sex pollen fics in my bookmarks.
Pulling Me Under by @anogete - WS - all smut and then feels and smut, and Darcy feels true to Dennings’ portrayal while still being a complete BAMF. And really, literally all four of her Darcy fics are must-reads.
Five Things Darcy Loves About Working for SHIELD by teand - SS - Rated M - Shield Agent!Darcy is a thing that I love, and this is a good one.
The Intern duology by necowaffer - WS - Rated M - aka Where Darcy fucks the Winter Soldier cuz reasons.
Across the Universe by polexia_aphrodite - mixed - Rated M - you like historical stuff, right? You like good writing, right? This is a series of one-shots (oh god, why are they merely one-shots?) that are fucking stunningly well-written. It’s not all Darcy ships, but even though I’m mostly a Darcy shipper, I don’t even care. 
De’oum Luminai by boombangbing - SS - ��Rated M but not real smutty - Fifth Element mashup where Steve is LeeLoo and Darcy is Korben Dallas; need I say more?
Writers too prolific to link one fic: 
PinkPandoraFrog’s (aka @frogsandcoffee) entire catalog of Darcy fics, not all of which are smut, but, like 90% smut? Check tags for dubcon if that’s not your thing, but I frankly recommend the TaserBones stuff if it is.
GhostCrumpet’s (aka @hushinghorizon) entire catalog. I skim the titles, and have repeatedly gone, “omg she wrote that one? I loved that one!” cuz I spent the first half of the year binging on WSS/SS/WS fic without connecting anyone’s body of work to actual people.
Bjorkshirepudding’s E-rated and M-rated Darcy fics. Sad that Val’s retired from Tumblr, but her work speaks for itself. (In this case, with dick.)
Becisvolatile’s smut catalog, which is extensive. (”We’ll Never Get Started” is probably my fav, but they’re all quality smut.)
phew! That’s a long list! Hope you get lots of steamy reading done while waiting out the inclement weather! (Also, I’m definitely missing some fic recs for this list because I’ve neglected to bookmark something.)
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themculibrary · 1 year
Begging Masterlist
ain't too proud (ao3) - mwestbelle steve/bucky E, 1k
Summary: "C'mon, Stevie." Bucky spreads his arms. "What do I gotta do, beg?" Steve snorts, but Bucky drops to his knees, arms still flung wide in a parody of supplication. "Please, oh please come down from your tower, Princess Goldilocks. Do it for your old pal Bucky." (Bucky begs, Steve likes it.)
A Marked Difference (ao3) - chezamanda clint/natasha E, 2k
Summary: Clint catches a glimpse of something on Natasha's body that he never expected to see.
A Moment (ao3) - kaguya_yoru clint/phil E, 3k
Summary: “You were so gorgeous last night, Clint,” Phil said, each word making liquid heat pool low in Clint’s belly. “Do you remember you said?”
“What did I say, sir?” Clint asked softly. Last night had melted into a haze of pleasure in his memory, punctuated by the ‘I love you’s’ they'd exchanged.
“You begged me,” Phil said, his eyes dark. “I want you to beg me again, Clint.”
And If You're Watching, I'll Make it Good for You (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain bucky/steve/tony E, 5k
Tony’s almost at the door of his lab when he hears it. It’s low, throaty; just a split second of a thing.
But it’s undoubtedly the sound of Barnes moaning.
Baby I was born just to kiss your mouth (ao3) - Crimsoncat maria/natasha E, 5k
Summary: “Not a fan of begging?” Maria asks, her tone a little too casual, and Natasha can practically see the trap she’s stepping into.
Basic Etiquette (ao3) - thedeadparrot tony/rhodey E, 1k
Summary: Tony doesn't ever stop talking.
Captain America is a Cockslut (ao3) - philosophyofhedonism steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: Yeeeeah, so this is a PWP. There is the tiniest inkling of plot at the very beginning, but it disappears about 100 words in. You've been warned.
Bucky loves Steve, and Steve loves Bucky, but sometimes Bucky just wants to fuck Steve so raw he cries. So he does.
Captain Cockslut (ao3) - philosophyofhedonism steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: “Aww.” Bucky dropped to one knee. “Are you embarrassed, Captain?”
Steve bit his lip and nodded. His whole body trembled with the effort of maintaining eye contact with Bucky.
“No, that won’t do. You have to say it,” Bucky commanded, knowing exactly what that did to Steve. He felt so fucking filthy, but he would do anything Bucky asked and everything Bucky commanded.
“I’m embarrassed,” Steve croaked. He could feel tears pricking at the back of his eyes.
“Good,” Bucky growled.
Domestic Fluff (ao3) - Spitshine jack/brock E, 908
Summary: Jack shrugged and took a single long step back towards the couch, towards his book, like it didn't matter to him one way or another if he got his dick sucked, like he was doing Brock a favor.
He was doing Brock a favor.
Exposure (ao3) - asgardianstarfish (vyxythepixie) loki/tony E, 2k
Summary: “I swear to you, Stark, if any of this ends up on the Internet, I will personally dismantle every scrap of tech you own.”
“Relax, babe, no one’s gonna see the god of mischief’s magic wand. This is just for you and me, 110% secure. Now come on, let out your diva, show me what you’ve got. You’re pure movie magic.”
(Hook, Line) and Sinker (ao3) - raiining clint/phil E, 9k
Summary: Phil goes home after dropping Clint off at S.H.I.E.L.D. and lies awake in bed.
Our Girl (ao3) - philosophyofhedonism bucky/darcy/steve E, 4k
Summary: Bucky grinned. “D’you wanna sit on my lap, darlin’?”
Darcy laughed, a touch higher and more nervous than usual as she looked from Bucky to Steve then back to Bucky. Bucky was smirking at her. Never one to back down from a challenge, Darcy set her jaw.
“Maybe I will,” she challenged, crossing her arms.
Please Hold (ao3) - Laura Kaye (laurakaye) clint/phil/natasha E, 16k
Summary: Phil hasn’t seen Clint or Natasha in person for three weeks, and he’s got plans for how he and his lovers will be spending their mandatory 72-hour post-mission downtime. Unfortunately, SHIELD has other ideas.
Please, Please Me (ao3) - alexcat steve/tony E, 1k
Summary: Steve wants to hear Tony beg.
Slowly (ao3) - Dazzledfirestar clint/pietro E, 1k
Summary: Clint's birthday was a disappointment, but things start to look up when he decides to tuck himself in for the night.
Succulent Strawberries, Dangling from the Branches (ao3) - Metalbvcky bucky/loki/steve E, 1k
Summary: The setting sun gleams through the windows, bathing the front of the store in its bright orange rays. Bucky grumbles under his breath as he totes a folding display sign inside and leans it against the wall. He slips his key out of his pocket, glad to finally make his way home after a long afternoon of work.
He’s merely two steps out the door when a tall, slim figure comes into his peripheral vision.
“I’m sorry, we’re clos—”
The words evaporate from Bucky’s mouth at the sight of dark, curly hair, and broad shoulders outlining navy fabric.
“Hello, darling.”
“Hi, sweetheart.”
Bucky blinks, darting his gaze between his husband and partner. “W-What are you two doing here?”
“To pick you up, of course,” Steve says, his tone dripping lower when he leans in to whisper into the shell of Bucky’s ear, “but also to have a little fun.”
sweet like honey (ao3) - mcwho steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: “Yeah,” Steve murmurs, soft, like he smells blood. “Yeah, sweetheart. This what you needed, hm? Gotta be sweet-talked all nice? That all it takes?” he teases. “You let any fella who talks to you nice touch you like this?”
“I- no,” Bucky says, low. “‘S just you.”
“Just me,” Steve repeats, “How sweet.”
you're the fireworks flyin' on the fourth of july (ao3) - IamShadow21 steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: Steve's got ninety-five years' worth of Bucky's birthdays to catch up on.
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puppiedogs · 2 years
(i can't get over his flicky ears)
his EARS i love his little flicky ears!!!! who wouldn't kiss em!!! you gotta!!!
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blacksailskinkmeme · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Black Sails Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver Characters: Captain Flint (Black Sails), John Silver Additional Tags: thigh worship, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Frottage Summary:
Silver/Flint thigh worship. submitted by @hellasara  
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ao3feed-silverflint · 7 years
Silver Tongue
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2qsuvjE
by philosophyofhedonism
Billy tries to control his boys, but ends up controlled by them in a power game. Pretty much just porn.
Words: 2176, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Black Sails
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Captain Flint (Black Sails), Billy Bones, John Silver
Relationships: Captain Flint/John Silver, Billy Bones/Captain Flint, Billy Bones/John Silver, Billy Bones/Captain Flint/John Silver
Additional Tags: Threesome - M/M/M, Light Bondage, Top!Flint, bottom everyone else, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Ass to Mouth, but just a little bit please don't let that discourage you, don't worry silver's into it, Light Dom/sub, Dirty Talk
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2qsuvjE
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