userfoundsstuff · 1 year
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sportsgr8 · 5 months
Man. City Whitewash Fluminense To Claim FIFA Club World Cup Title
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FIFA Club World Cup: European champions Manchester City claimed their first FIFA Club World Cup title in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Friday after whitewashing South American champions Fluminense 4-0 in the final.Only one minute into the duel, a long-range shot from City's defender Ake hit the post. Striker Alvarez was quick to react, scoring with a chested shot to gift City an early lead, reports Xinhua. This also became the fastest goal in the history of the Club World Cup. In the 27th minute, City's Phil Foden broke through to the left side of Fluminense's box and sent in a cross. Fluminense defender Nino, unfortunately, deflected the ball into his own net, doubling City's lead. On 72 minutes, Alvarez's cross from the left found Foden who scored with a timely sliding shot. Alvarez sealed the win in the 88th minute when he skillfully received a pass in the box, outmaneuvered the defense, and coolly finished with a right-footed shot. Alvarez was named the Man of the Match. Read the full article
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xoilacmedia · 1 year
Phil Foden ngoi sao moi cua thanh Manchester
Chàng tiền vệ Phil Foden đang được đánh giá là một trong những ngôi sao mới của thành Manchester City. Cùng đi tìm hiểu vì sao lại có những đánh giá cao như vậy đối với cầu thủ này qua bài viết dưới đây nhé.
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Phil Foden, tiểu sử cuộc đời và thời thơ ấu
Tóm tắt nhanh về Phil Foden
Phil Foden, tên đầy đủ là Philip Walter Foden, anh sinh ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2000, hiện anh đang là một cầu thủ bóng đá chuyên nghiệp quốc tịch Anh. Phil Foden chơi bóng ở vị trí tiền vệ tấn công cho câu lạc bộ Manchester City tại EPL và Đội tuyển bóng đá nam quốc gia Anh. Cậu được coi là một trong những cầu thủ trẻ xuất sắc bậc nhất thế giới bóng đá đương đại.
Bước đột phá của Phil Foden trong sự nghiệp bóng đá chuyên nghiệp là vào năm 2017, khi anh giành được danh hiệu Quả bóng vàng FIFA U-17 World Cup sau hành trình FIFA World Cup U17 thành công của đội U17 Anh. Foden ra mắt Manchester City trong cùng năm đó. Đến tháng 12, anh được vinh danh là nhân vật thể thao trẻ của đài BBC.
Kể từ đó Phil Foden đã có hơn 100 lần ra sân cho đội bóng này và giành được 9 danh hiệu lớn, anh cũng là cầu thủ trẻ nhất nhận được huy chương vàng Premier League. Năm 2019, Foden đã giành được chức vô địch Premier League và trở thành cầu thủ trẻ nhất ghi bàn cho một đội bóng ở UEFA Champions League, đồng thời anh cũng là cầu thủ người Anh trẻ nhất vừa đá chính vừa ghi bàn ở một trận vòng loại trực tiếp trong lịch sử giải đấu này. 
Ngôi sao 22 tuổi, người cuối mùa qua có năm thứ 2 liên tiếp được vinh danh ở hạng mục Cầu thủ trẻ xuất sắc nhất, đã sẵn sàng cam kết tương lai lâu dài với sân Etihad. Thực ra, Man.City đã muốn trao cho Foden bản hợp đồng mới hồi năm ngoái, nhưng bị đình hoãn khi cố vấn pháp lý đáng tin cậy của anh là Richard Green qua đời. Được biết, Foden sẽ ký hợp đồng mới đến năm 2027, hưởng lương 200.000 bảng/tuần - cao hơn con số 150.000 bảng so với đề nghị vào năm ngoái, và hơn gấp 3 so với mức 65.000 bảng/tuần trong hợp đồng hiện tại.
Foden là sản phẩm ưu tú trưởng thành từ Học viện đào tạo trẻ của Man.City ở nhiều vị trí khác nhau. Dưới sự nhào nặn của HLV Pep Guardiola, tài năng người Anh đều chơi tốt khi chơi ở các vị trí tấn công biên, hay số 9 “ảo” cũng như chơi khá hay ở trung tâm hàng tiền vệ. Trong 2 mùa giải gần nhất, anh trở thành nhân tố chính giúp Man.City thắng 2 chức vô địch Premier League gần nhất, cũng như ít nhất đều vào được bán kết Chamions League. Sự thừa nhận cũng rất rõ ràng qua việc được Premier League và Hiệp hội cầu thủ chuyên nghiệp (FPA) vinh danh Cầu thủ trẻ xuất sắc nhất trong 2 mùa liên tiếp. Foden cũng trở thành một cầu thủ thường xuyên trong đội hình tuyển Anh
Chi tiết xem tại: https://xoilac.media/phil-foden/
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ufficiosinistri · 1 year
      Take that look from off your face
Da sei anni, ormai, faccio la vita del pendolare. Vado al lavoro in macchina. Potrei guidare lungo la strada ormai ad occhi chiusi, in qualsiasi condizione atmosferica e ad ogni ora. Ho iniziato dopo pochi giorni dalla firma del contratto a percorrere una scorciatoia poco frequentata, che attraversa diversi paesini prima di sbucare sulla circonvallazione principale della città dove mi eco ogni mattina. La strada è molto stretta, in alcuni tratti, ma mi sento comunque a casa, non ho mai avvertito disagio: il tempo che passo a guidare è diventato un prolungamento del dormiveglia o delle carezze che si fa dare il mio gatto ogni volta che faccio colazione, rischiando di farmi rovesciare tutto il caffè. Quando incrocio un’altra macchina, se ho spazio a destra, accosto e la faccio passare oltre, e il suo conducente di solito mi saluta o fa i lampeggianti per ringraziarmi. Io, correttamente, faccio lo stesso quando sono gli altri, a cedermi il passaggio. È una regola non scritta di noi pendolari, come ce ne sono in tutto il mondo, valida per tutti i lavoratori del mondo. Incontro da anni le stesse macchine, con gli stessi guidatori, negli stessi orari. Se uno di loro dovesse, per puro caso, cambiare automobile, sono sicuro che mi troverei spaesato. Due Cinquecento bianche, una Golf grigia, il furgoncino delle macchinette del caffè, una Sandero scura. Il fossato sulla mia destra, qualche albero abbattuto, le risaie perdita d’occhio, gli Ibis che ormai hanno preso il posto degli aironi, i gheppi aggrappati ai sottili fili neri tra i pali del telefono.
Mi fermo spesso, sulla via del ritorno, in un mini market sulla strada, in uno dei paesi che incontro. Può capitare, alle volte, che non abbia fretta di tornare a casa. Di sera, per forza di cose, questo negozietto diventa il fulcro della vita sociale del luogo, attirando su di sé le attenzioni di coloro che, dopo una giornata passata in casa o nei campi, si avventurano per le strade del centro abitato.  È l’unico segno di vita nel raggio di chilometri. Ci compro le cose dell’ultimo momento, cercando di restare nel budget settimanale che mi prepongo ogni lunedì. Se finisce il dentifricio, se a casa non ho più carta da cucina, se manca la sabbia del gatto, se ho voglia di una birra dopo cena, se è finito l’idraulico liquido, se mi dimentico il latte. Le cose vanno in questo modo da sei anni ormai, senza mai cambiare, come in un iniziale rapporto tra uomo e animale selvatico, quando due mammiferi iniziano a conoscersi ed abituarsi l’uno alla stabile idea dell’altro. La commessa del banco gastronomia e la titolare del negozio non sanno il mio nome, a meno che non l’abbiano scoperto leggendolo sulla mia carta di credito, mentre io conosco quello della titolare avendolo appreso dagli scontrini. Il rumore del frigorifero all’ingresso, l’odore di formaggio che serpeggia tra gli scaffali, il profumo dei detersivi ammassati sugli scaffali, la cassa seminascosta alla fine delle corsie dei dolciumi.
Durante le giornate di nebbia, i clienti si assiepano fuori dal mini market, davanti alla sua vetrina, a guardare le macchine che arrivano dal nulla della campagna. Ci sono sette chilometri tra quel paese e il centro abitato più vicino. Si vedono arrivare come gli alpinisti di una cordata a pochi passi dal campo base, in fila indiana,  arrancando emozionati. Sbucano dall’oscurità avanzando piano, come a voler scongiurare una tragedia. Gli abitanti del posto percepiscono questi gruppetti come un segno tangibile dell’esistenza dell’umanità, delle città, degli uffici, del presente. Sono piccole e momentanee iniezioni di fiducia. “Sino a qui, tutto bene”, sembrano pensare. Le macchine sfilano piano davanti a loro e al negozietto, i presenti all’evento si scrutano l’un l’altro.
Mi fermai lì persino una Vigilia di Natale, la strada era ghiacciata e avevo i vetri lerci di sale e fango. La nebbia che saliva dal ghiaccio dei campi non si scrostava dall’auto. Scesi e c’era già il gruppetto di persone, indefesso, a guardarmi durante la manovra. Il cappuccio alzato, il passo indeciso una volta giù dall’auto, li salutai alzando il guanto destro col quale mi ero difeso, sino a quel momento, dal volante gelato. Loro, stupiti, mi risposero, forse spinti da un qualsivoglia spirito Natalizio. Entrai nel mini market e comprai del deodorante. Pagai, uscii e loro erano ancora lì, a controllare i miei movimenti prima di risalire in macchina e rimettermi in cammino verso casa.
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Da sei anni, la storia si ripete perpetuamente durante ogni stagione, ma diventa più corroborante in inverno, nei giorni di nebbia, quando cioè sentiamo più necessaria la vicinanza coi nostri simili.
Sei anni fa, nello stesso periodo, un ragazzo nato a Stockport iniziò ufficialmente la sua carriera al Manchester City. L’allenatore della prima squadra, un certo Josep Guardiola, lo notò tra le fila delle selezioni giovanili e lo convocò, senza pensarci due volte, a sedici anni, per una partita di Champions League. Contro il Celtic Glasgow, per giunta. La seconda apparizione degna di nota di questo neonato trequartista sarà per strada, assieme a degli amici, ovviamente durante una partita tutti-contro-di-lui, raccontata da un video uscito però solamente poco tempo fa. Lui a torso nudo, dinoccolato e infantile, sfida in dribbling e giravolte un branco di coetanei incappucciati e vestiti di scuro, tra le case della città in cui sono nati, nella cosiddetta Greater Manchester, che mi immagino un po’ come una Cinisello Balsamo nelle Midlands. Non si riesce a capire in che stagione siamo. Lui è nudo, gli altri coperti sino alla fronte. Nemici, ma anche amici di sempre. Sembra un videogame. Phil Foden e la sua truppa, come il gruppetto di automobili che si vedono arrivare dopo aver superato quella terra di nessuno, sono gli stessi, tangibili, segnali di vita in una landa arida. La pianura da una parte, una qualunque carriera calcistica dall’altra. Il terreno brullo e congelato che lascia man mano, lentamente, spazio ai primi caseggiati, nei bruciano di vita corpi con una storia, un fatalismo a cui credere, bugie da raccontare anche in età adulta. La voglia, arrogante, di giocare a pallone, contrapposta ad un rituale moderno fatto di contratti, allenamenti e diete. Foden e la sua volontà rivoluzionaria di affrontare il mondo del calcio lo escludono di diritto dalla tristezza europea fondata sull’incomunicabilità. Le sue gesta, importanti o di poco conto che siano, sono coltellate ad ogni suo movimento. Non diventerà mai un campione, non vincerà mai un Mondiale, nemmeno tingendosi i capelli alla Gascoigne. Ce lo ritroveremo in panchina nei prossimi anni, magari in Serie A o in qualche campionato esotico, a guadagnare uno stipendio immeritato, al limite del parossismo, e a far parlare più i tabloid che le statistiche. Potrà venire insultato per la sua spiccata eccentricità oppure preso in giro per il suo puerile egocentrismo, ma non sarà mai un giocatore normale, uno yesman come tanti che si allena, gioca e, qualche volta, vince. Questo, probabilmente, è e sarà sempre il tratto più rivoluzionario di Phil Foden. In una famiglia di tifosi reds, lui rimane da subito allucinato dai citizens, così tanto voler ardentemente rivivere la storia di Jimmy Grimble, un ragazzino come lui nato nella Greater Manchester che sogna di diventare un calciatore del Manchester City.
Vi sono persone che, una volta finito di guardare un film, che sia al cinema o sul divano, rimangono fisse con gli occhi sullo schermo sino al termine dei titoli di coda, attendendo la fine della solita canzone finale. Altri, invece, come a voler dimenticare al più presto ciò a cui hanno appena assistito, si alzano nervosamente, aggirandosi per la stanza o cercando il cappotto per uscire dalla sala, senza guardare in faccia più nessuno e senza parlare.
Ci troveremo, si spera tra molti anni, a riguardare il film sulla carriera da calciatore di Phil Foden, e saremo tra i secondi, perché ci comportiamo inconsciamente come lui, in fondo: cerchiamo qualcos’altro, senza esser stati capaci di godere sino in fondo del presente. È lecito pensare che anche Phil abbia sempre guardato sino alla fine dei titoli di coda la pellicola cinematografica dedicata a Jimmy Grimble, ma noi siamo dei rivoluzionari e la pensiamo diversamente. O per lo meno, la sogniamo diversamente.
Due mammiferi, dopo la prima annusata, iniziano a rispettarsi, alla faccia delle storie sull’amore incondizionato e sulla mancanza di secondi fini. Fermarsi a fare acquisti dell’ultim’ora in un negozio di paese è un’azione utilitaristica, che non ammette sorrisi.
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endardo · 1 year
So Long England, Sorry To See You Go
So Long England, Sorry To See You Go
It’s mad that it should seem like some kind of heresy for an Irishman to admit he hates to see England go out of a major tournament. But I do. Every time. Please don’t stone me or burn me when I say it’s like a light goes out on the whole competition. A light. There are others still on. Sure, I love the iconic Brazil lemon and blue and green, and the football, the samba stuff in the crowd…
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tvxoilac · 2 years
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🔥LIVE STREAM HD - NGOẠI HẠNG ANH 🔥 https://www.tvxoilac.com/eng_premier_league ⚽️ ⚽️ #keobongda #soikeo #bongda24h #xoilactv #cakhiatv2 #ngoaihanganh #mancity #philfoden https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPpKJkr3BH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mc-cards · 2 years
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⚽️ #matchday ⭐️ 2020 Panini Prizm Premier League N°96 Phil Foden @mancity . . . . . . . . . . . #sportscards #tradingcards #soccercard #soccercards #footballcards #footballassociation #fifa #manchestercity #city #manchester #philfoden #manchestercityfc #throwback #footballers #foil #soccer #football #foden #mancity #rfc #imccards #clfinal #tradingcards #eufa #championsleague #shinythings #ballondor #epl #panini @paniniamerica @championsleague @fifaworldcup @premierleague @espn @plinusa (at Manchester City FC) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNAh3auIG5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taasgirl · 1 month
popstar - jude bellingham
summary: y/n is in her popstar era and has a fan in the form of madrid's starboy
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liked by pedri, oliviarodrigo, beabadoobee, and 32, 726 others ynusername working hard or hardly working?
badbunny YAYAYA my baby come home soon
leahwilliamson Gorgeous girl x
user60132 I already know the amy winehouse influence will be insane
ynusername oh you know it
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liked by blonded, lukehemmings, sabrinacarpenter, and 41, 736 others ynusername oh italy
user60383 WHAT A SHOW
littlesimz we have to link up someday
blonded Girls will go to Italy once and come back alt
ynusername go record some music christopher
judebellingham very european
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liked by user56230, phoebebridgers, calumhood, and 44, 492 others ynusername sorry for the spam but EUROPE!?!?!?!
kevinabstract ur so cool i wish i was u
sabrinacarpenter AAAAAAAAHHHH
judebellingham Sparkly
ynusername still need tix ? user02931 I CANT I CANT I CANT I CANT
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liked by pablogavi. ynusername, vinijr, and 672, 729 others pedri 🌴🏆😝
ansufati ❤️
ynusername pepiiiii
ynusername too many 😒
user49320 y/n really catching all the footballers like their stones
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liked by judebellingham, lukehemmings, oliviarodrigo, and 56, 832 others ynusername madrid may have the best fans shhhh
judebellingham What a show ⭐ liked by ynusername
pedri Come to Barca and we'll show you the best fans
ynusername nah i'm good
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liked by ynusername, vinijr, philfoden, and 5, 873, 923 others judebellingham Recent ☀️
vinijr 🔥🔥
user09273 that looks a whole lot like a y/n concert...
user63882 Tell me why I have the exact same photo but at a dif angle... jude we see u
jobebellingham Much better weather than birmingham tbf
ynusername what a pretty concert!
judebellingham What a pretty girl!
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liked by oliviarodrigo, judebellingham, pedri, and 109, 726 others ynusername spain + digi camera = heaven
user25309 GAGGED
user78201 this is literally the hottest couple of all time
sabrinacarpenter digi never disappoints
user90123 I NEED the timeline of their relationship omfg
judebellingham this is cute
user05316 Bro is down so bad that he turned off caps-lock
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liked by casemiro, ynusername, edermilitao, and 7, 983, 022 others judebellingham When your girl is so pretty, all you can do is stare. Happy one year anniversary baby, I love you too much to keep it a secret.
ynusername aww thank you judey 💘
judebellingham Hi baby
user89302 how the actual fuck did no one know about this???
user92634 'i love you too much to keep it a secret' OKAYYY
leahwilliamson thank god, I don't have to keep this a secret anymore
user66539 CONFIRMED! hottest couple of all time
hehe let me know if you guys liked this! SAY SOMETHING IS COMING SOON I PROMISE!!
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dannyricsmirrorball · 6 months
everything is papaya? • ln4 part 1 ੈ✩‧₊˚
ੈ✩‧₊˚ pairings || lando norris x m.mount gf!reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre || social media au
ੈ✩‧₊˚ summary || y/n and mason have been together for three years, they’re the picture perfect couple. what happens when they get swept away by the world of formula 1 and a certain papaya driver?
alt. y/n is in love with her boyfriend, chelsea golden boy mason mount, but what happens when she meets another certain golden boy?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ warning || cheating, reader is not the best person ever
ੈ✩‧₊˚ a/n || title is inspired by colours by halsey if you couldn’t tell LOL i thought it was kinda funny like everything is blue (chelsea) but then papaya (mclaren) idk if it is tho hahah. also i know everyone wants p4 of tying the knot and i promise it is coming.
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liked by masonmount, chelsea fc, and 198,093 others
yourusername you did it baby! world champs 💙
tagged masonmount, chelseafc, lew.mount, jazbenham
username82 obsessed w them
chelseafc LFGGGGG 💙
masonmount we did it baby ❤️💙
masonmount my luckiest charm 😍
⤷ yourusername 🤭
username63 BEST WAG
benchilwell YEAHHHH LETS GO
jazbenham 😘😍💙
username18 literally the cutest couple ever
username63 my parents fr
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liked by declanrice, benchilwell, and 103,038 others
yourusername bleed blue forever
tagged masonmount
username13 i actually cant
username45 mase w kids 😭
cartiamallan 😍
username18 chelsea princess
username2 she’s the biggest chelsea and mason supporter 💙🥰
masonmount my favourite things all in one 🤩
⤷ yourusername 🥹
username17 this is a mason mount fanpage and i love it
chelsea our girl in blue 💙
username64 the only wag to ever exist
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liked by sophiaaemilia, declanrice, and 98,092 others
yourusername little dump 🌷💐🌸
tagged masonmount, benchilwell, declanrice
username18 I HAVE JUST DIED
username63 dec and mase bts 🥹
username3 MUM AND DAD
username85 love her friendship w chilly and dec
benchilwell did me dirty mate
⤷ yourusername your best pic me thinks
username16 her photo dumps are always so iconic
masonmount in love with you
⤷ yourusername in love with YOU
⤷ declanrice gag
declanrice thanku for getting this photo of me and the loml… what’s ur name again???
⤷ yourusername permanent thirdwheel 😭
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 309,727 others
masonmount f1 debut 🏎️
tagged redbullracing, philfoden, bennyharris, woody_, adamdavidharris, googlepixel
username18 omg my worlds colliding
redbullracing great to have you mase 🙌
username83 need to know if he met any of the drivers
⤷ username14 he was w rbr so i think he met checo and max
declanrice 😍
landonorris great to meet ya mate 🤝
⤷ masonmount mega drive pal 👏
username27 OMG LANDO AND MASON??!
philfoden mega weekend
yourusername cutie
⤷ masonmount love u baby ❤️
mclaren our garage next time 🗣️
username19 aww that selfie is so cute
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liked by landonorris, jackgrealish, and 180,007 others
yourusername watched cars go vroom with my best friend ❤️🏎️
tagged masonmount
philfoden aw thanks mate ur my best friend too 😍
⤷ yourusername love ya ronnie 😅
username87 omg they’re so stunning together
username4 she would make a perfect f1 wag
⤷ username73 too bad her and mase are never splitting 🤷‍♀️
masonmount the best time with you love
username17 omg lando liked??
⤷ username4 aw i hope he and mason+y/n actually hang out
username27 my queen at the monaco gp 😍
username74 immediately need y/n at every gp purely for the fitssss
declanrice he should wear a helmet every time he drives
⤷ yourusername agreed 😀
⤷ masonmount oh 😕
username16 the way he’s looking at her in the last slide 🥹
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liked by riabish, yourusername, and 41,082 others
maxfewtrell monaco 2022 🇲🇨
tagged riabish, landonorris
username17 who’s the girl on lando’s right
⤷ username15 probs their friend lol?
username93 y/n liking?
⤷ username11 we are witnessing the merge of the mason mount circle and ln4 circle and i’m living for it
riabish fun times 💕
quadrant fresh 💚
username62 to be in monaco playing volleyball w landonorris and his mates
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liked by username81, username4, and 1,098 others
ln4_updates lando is back in the uk after the monaco gp 🏎️
sources: landonorris ig story, maxfewtrell ig story
username17 yay finally back home
username73 awww quadrant reunion 🩷
username92 missed seeing lando w the team
username63 not for long LMFAO
username4 home for five seconds apparently 😭
username71 guess he was home for a layover 💀
username13 mans was back for all of 12 hours 😀
username02 i’m so confused what everyone means by not for long
⤷ username4 check the latest post
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liked by username18, username83, and 12,982 others
lm4_updates lando seen with new mystery girl in croatia. many believe her to be the same girl from the photo previously posted by maxfewtrell. has our favourite papaya boy finally found love 🧡
username17 lando finally got a girl
username6 tough day for the ln4 girlies
username83 awww they look so cute
username01 he looks smitten!!!
username3 i refuse to believe that he has a girlfriend
username16 there goes my paradoxical relationship
username24 another gold digger
⤷ username7 stay mad he’s not gonna fuck u
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liked by yourusername, declanrice, and 230,968 others
masonmount my baby 🩷
tagged yourusername
username17 god i have seen what u have done for others
username83 somebody sedate me they’re so cute
declanrice whipped
yourusername mine 💖💘🤍💕💞💗
⤷ masonmount miss u sm baby come back 😕
⤷ yourusername 🥹 counting down the days masey 🩷
username62 THEYRE SO CUTE
username17 never met any couple as whipped for eachother as y/n and mason
⤷ benchilwell neither
username61 the it couple
username19 them being so cute in the comments i literally cant
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liked by username7, username44, and 13,092 others
wagsworld BREAKING: y/n y/l/n photographed today with mystery guy in the balkans, all we know is that this is not y/l/n’s long term boyfriend and chelsea starboy mason mount… have the pair broken up? or is this a matter of infidelity?
username18 NO FUCKING WAY
username55 love is dead
username64 i can not see 👩‍🦯
username71 cheap slut. always knew she wasn’t good enough for him.
username16 I DONT BELIEVE IT
username1 NO FUCKING WAY
username92 no no no NOOOOO
username17 this is crazy but u know what’s even crazier… the fucking comments she left on his post?!?
⤷ username78 RIGHT? what level of psycho do u have to be to tell ur boyfriend u love and miss him so much and quote on quote ‘counting down the days’ whilst CHEATING ON HIM
username62 yk who else was spotted in the balkans with a mystery girl just yesterday…
⤷ username7 dead could u imagine lmao
⤷ username49 there’s no way tho
⤷ username72 is kinda random that they’re in croatia at the same time…
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liked by username18, username91, and 12,082 others
wagsworld following cheating and break up rumours, it seems chelsea golden boy mason mount and model girlfriend y/n y/l/n have repaired their relationship.
according to sources close to the couple, the couple were not broken up and were in a good place. mount asked his girlfriend of 3 years if he knew the guy (see photos on our page), and if not, he didn’t want or need to know who it was. y/n says it was not someone either he or her knows, calling it the worst decision of her life.
username21 i knew mum and dad wouldn’t give up this easily!
username16 i’m sure there’s an explanation but the important thing is they are getting through it together 👏
username14 i’m gonna be real… y/n does not look like she could care less
⤷ username5 literally she’s like ‘ok yep soz cool’
username2 why does it look like mason is apologising when y/n is the one that cheated lol
username16 nah no way he’s taking her back
⤷ username26 don’t think they actually ever broke up
username7 bro is spineless
username18 i too would forgive my stunning supermodel gf even if she cheated on me
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liked by masonmount, jackgrealish, and 231,028 others
yourusername my forever ❤️
tagged masonmount
masonmount always ❤️
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liked by sophiaaemelia, judebellingham, and 140,082 others
yourusername 🎞️🎞️
tagged masonmount, jackgrealish, declanrice, benchilwill, cartiamallan, judebellingham, kaihavertz29, sophiaaemelia
username18 this is so so cute
username52 crazy how she cheated and everyone just pretends it never happened
⤷ username28 it’s been 4 months get over it she obv regrets it and they’ve worked out everything
cartiamallan awww this is so sweet babe
judebellingham i made it into the dump! 😎
username16 the ones of mase are so 🥹
jackgrealish 🤘
england the gang is who we trust 🩵
sophiaaemelia ahhhh ily
masonmount film DUMP
masonmount love u baby
⤷ declanrice mwah 💋
⤷ yourusername oh…?
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liked by ameliadimz, declanrice, and 89,082 others
yourusername football, friends, and fun
tagged masonmount, sophiaaemelia, chunkz, ameliadimz, declanrice
usernams44 fave chelsea girl
ameliadimz friends!!!! 💕💕
⤷ yourusername get mase on csd so i can crash!
⤷ ameliadimz let’s just have our own date 😘
sophiaaemelia star girlllll
masonmount my girl 💙
username16 poor y/n always thirdwheeling mason and dec
⤷ benchilwill a struggle most of us face
⤷ yourusername it’s even worse when ur there mate 🤨🙄
username17 her game pics and fits are unbeatable
username62 once again may i say 🗣️ chelsea princess 🗣️
⤷ chelseafc louder for the people in the backkkk
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liked by england, cartiamallan, and 180,726 others
yourusername bring it home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍻
tagged england, masonmount
username17 mason’s biggest supporter 🤩
england 🗣️🗣️
masonmount yeah babyyyy
masonmount can u wear that everyday?
⤷ yourusername we’ll see how u go and if it brings u good luck then maybeeee
username47 her little england set WHAT 😭
username73 girl drop the link i NEED
jazbenham cutest 🌸
riabish 😍
⤷ username18 random?
username62 the most stunning wag
username5 RAHHHH 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍻
declanrice lfg mate but was the second pic necessary
⤷ yourusername just jealous aren’t ya dec?
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liked by mclaren, yourusername, and 308,937 others
masonmount proper thanks to mclaren for this amazing opportunity. so so very cool to finally meet landonorris (properly), doing big things mate 🧡
tagged mclaren, landonorris, yourusername
masonmount also look how cute my baby looks 😍
⤷ yourusername you’re so cute baby 💖
username4 my worlds colliding omfg
username91 big day for annoying people (me)
username67 mans cant go anywhere without his emotional support girlfriend
username62 y/n and mase are literally attached at the hip
mclaren so great to have u champ 🧡
declanrice formula 1 lad
landonorris cheers mate, mega time 🧡
⤷ username62 NOT OKAY
⤷ username72 scremainf xrying theiwing up
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liked by yourusername, masonmount, and 409,837 others
landonorris mega day at the factory with this champ in the house 🧡 we’re rooting for ya 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
tagged mclaren, masonmount, mclarenshadow
username17 i will never shut up abt this
username63 big win for the lando mason girlies
masonmount great day brother 💙
username72 obsessedddd
username16 f1 and football’s certified pretty boys
username8 need the vids from today
mclaren 🧡🧡
chelseafc love to see it 🤩
username37 need them to become best friends IMMEDIATELY
maxfewtrell 😶
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liked by landonorris, masonmount, and 90,082 others
yourusername on the green ⛳️
declanrice acting like you didn’t get absolutely trashed
⤷ yourusername omg fight back?!? masonmount
⤷ masonmount he’s not wrong love
 ⤷ yourusername third wheel in my own relationship smh
username17 awww they went golfing how cute
username64 i love that y/n always goes golfing w mase even tho she finds it so boring bc she said that being w him makes it fun
masonmount my fave caddie ❤️
⤷ yourusername foreverrrr
landonorris what’s ur handicap? 😳
⤷ yourusername 😶😬🫨
⤷ username55 lando y/n bestie agendaaaaa
⤷ username13 this also reaffirms my mason lando bff agenda
lilymhe we should play!
⤷ yourusername OMG YES 💖 but for both our sakes maybe we should just hit the town instead 😬
⤷ username18 ummmm WHAT??
⤷ username6 lily and y/n are friends…? since when?!?
⤷ username83 the lore is going crazy
⤷ alex_albon yeah if she’s as bad as last time i think that’s a good idea too
⤷ yourusername wounded
⤷ masonmount when did u guys play? 🤣😅
⤷ username36 😶🫨
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liked by england, masonmount, and 234,860 others
yourusername couldn’t be prouder 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🩵💙🤍
tagged england
username15 so so proud of the boys 🫶
username54 this post is so sweet
declanrice family 🩵
username16 the second pic 🤣
username46 i love her relationship w the boys so much like mase isn’t even in the third pic but she’s just that close w everyone
jazbenham 💖💖
england big moves 💙🤍
username26 tough loss but mega plays throughout the cup
masonmount i love you i love you i love you x100000
⤷ yourusername so proud of you love 💗 a million kisses for u 💋
username35 fave wag fave team
judebellingham love ya y/n/n 💙
benchilwell just the start
⤷ yourusername so proud chilly 🤍
username72 mason mount w kids p273636 makes me explode every time
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liked by landonorris, masonmount, and 340,521 others
yourusername monaco you beaut 🥂
tagged masonmount, landonorris
username16 all hail y/n y/m/n y/l/n
username72 slowly becoming queen of the paddock as well
username19 i am FLOORED
username82 holy ferrari red
username18 omg above lando’s garage? so cute
⤷ username47 fueling my lando mason besties truthhh
username79 is mason going to man united??
masonmount the most beautiful girl in the world ❤️
username71 people died
riabish pretty gal 💕
landonorris big ln4 fan?
⤷ yourusername huge
cartiamallan we are going to monte-carlooooo
⤷ yourusername but what abt our crap tour?! 😉
username12 were her and mase not w redbull tho? why is she at the mclaren garage lol
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liked by joaofelix79, maxverstappen1, and 6,098,827 others
masonmount thank you redbullracing for this amazing opportunity! had the best time with the best people.
congrats on the win maxverstappen1, and big shout out to landonorris - mega proud 🧡
tagged joaoxfelix79, benchilwill, yourusername, landonorris, maxverstappen1, redbullracing
username17 the pic of y/n he’s fr her biggest fan 🥹
username47 i just keep winningggg
username88 and the lando mason universe expands
yourusername 🩷
benchilwill great time mate
declanrice yes max family good??
username71 are u going to man u?
redbullracing 💙
landonorris great to see ya mate 💚🧡
username16 TRAITOR
username72 the last photo I HAVE DIED
username14 “chelsea is my blood” rumours better not be true mate or u have another thing coming
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liked by username3, username18, and 12,082 others
ln4_updates new couple alert? model y/n y/l/n, notably football star mason mount’s longtime girlfriend, has been spotted with lando a handful of times in the past couple of days following the monaco grand prix (which both mount and y/l/n attended together). y/n and mason’s recent posts don’t allude to any break up or fallout but rather affirm their ‘strong’ relationship. is this a mere friendship or is there something else going on here…?
username4 welp wouldn’t be the first time…
username71 no fucking way
username8 lando and mason are literally friends. he was probs with them or going to meet up with them in all of these.
username62 not again 🤦‍♀️
username37 yk what they say. once a cheater…
username18 or maybe just MAYBE they’re fucking friends?
username27 this makes a lot of sense tho
username62 not her literally hanging out w lando and his friends while on holiday w her BOYFRIEND
username26 no way she’s doing this to him while he’s going through all the chelsea man u shit
username2 my man has ENOUGH going wrong for him already
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liked by masonmount, benchilwill, and 189,082 others
yourusername you’ll always be my babyyyyy
tagged masonmount
username18 parents fr
username73 they’re beating the cheating and broken up allegations!!!
username1 girl-
masonmount my girl ❤️
⤷ yourusername forever 🥰
username72 not y/n trying to save her ass from the cheating allegations 😭
⤷ username13 well she obv didn’t bc her and mase are still together
declanrice sickening but cute
lilymhe cuteeee
⤷ yourusername 😘
⤷ username17 THEYRE FRIENDS??
username62 icl they’re so cute even if she did cheat
username17 the orange flowers tho HAHAHA
ig stories - yourusername, landonorris
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swipe up
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liked by yourusername, declanrice, and 592,082 others
masonmount forever yours. forever mine.
tagged yourusername
username7 when we go crashing down we come back everytime!
username62 beating the cheating allegations!!
username73 best couple
username12 she’s chelsea princess FRRRR
⤷ username3 repping the blue even at tennis matches 😭
⤷ username8 wonder how she’s gonna take his move
⤷ username92 he ain’t moving!
yourusername my love ❤️
username4 i cant believe we thought hey were over
username91 the legendary miss y/n y/l/n and the unstoppable mason mount
username82 modern day posh and becks fr
username53 they’re forever 🩷
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liked by pierregasly, username16, and 70,083 others
f1.wags BREAKING: y/n y/l/n and lando norris spotted getting close in spain just days after denying cheating rumours. wonder what y/n’s boyriend, chelsea wonder boy mason mount, thinks about this…
part 2 coming x
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f1byjessie · 3 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part seven.
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liked by mancity, oscarpiastri, and 431,912 others
tagged: mancity
yourusername february has come too soon… thank you to these wonderful lads for all they’ve done for me in the short time i’ve gotten to work with them. i’ve been a manchester city girlie my whole life, and getting to see the time and effort all of these men have devoted to this team and this sport ensures i’ll stay a manchester city girlie for the rest of it. but it’s lights out and away we go, and it’s time i get myself back into some papaya 🧡
view all 1,971 comments
mancity Training won’t be the same without you!
↳ yourusername can’t say i’ll miss all the times i was nearly clocked in the head by a ball, but i’ll definitely miss all the happy smiles 🩵
↳ mancity And we’ll miss yours! 🩵
jackgrealish you better not forget about us
↳ yourusername as if i ever could!! i’ll even wear sky blue in the paddock on match days if i have to 🫢
↳ mclaren 😨
↳ jackgrealish real talk though, it was wonderful working with you. you’re an incredibly skilled photographer and having you around was loads of fun. we’ll miss you lots, but we’ll be cheering you on with the mclaren lads
↳ yourusername you’re gonna make me cry grealo 😭
erling.haaland we will miss you! 
mclaren Can’t wait to have you back in the garage with us Y/N! We’ve been missing you around here 🧡
↳ yourusername can’t wait to be back! i’ve missed you dearly mclaren admin
↳ mclaren Our love has grown stronger with the distance 😌
↳ yourusername that it has 😉
kevindebruyne great time working with you! best of luck with your future endeavors 😁👍
oscarpiastri you look better in orange anyways
↳ yourusername since when were you a fashion expert??
↳ oscarpiastri it’s better if i don’t say… 😔
philfoden you gotta come have one last celebration with us before you go!
↳ yourusername if i did that, i’m pretty sure i’d be too hungover to make it to my other job
↳ philfoden maybe that’s the plan 👀👀 if you can’t get there then you’re stuck with us
chloekelly come work with the girlies next time babes! we’re jealous the boys hogged you all for themselves 😜
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 217,172 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourusername
mclaren the muses and the artist
view all 1,609 comments
yourusername i had no idea this was being taken…
↳ mclaren We felt the need to share your beauty with the world! 😁
↳ yourusername you just wanted to show me off and prove i’m back with mclaren
↳ mclaren And if we did? 😁
oscarpiastri when the photographer becomes the photographed
user y/n is my favourite part of f1 actually sorry mclaren 🫣🫣🫣
↳ user i think the admin understands with the way they flirt in the comments lmao
user i’ve been following y/n’s stint over with the football club and i’ve been so jealous waiting for her to come back to mclaren!! her photos are on a whole different level of skill and i can’t wait to see oscar and lando’s smiling faces in her style again!!
user awww i’m kinda sad she left man city, i really liked her work and it was like a crossover of my two favourite sports teams ☹️
↳ user me too, but if she worked during the off season with them then she might do it again next year or during the summer
↳ user i think the 24/25 premier league season starts up again in mid august, but the f1 summer off season is supposed to end in late august so i don’t think that would really give her enough time to start a gig
↳ user that’s a shame
↳ user not necessarily! footballers do get a bit of a break to take vacations and recover mentally and physically during the summer, but a lot of them are back at their clubs a good chunk of time before the new season starts. assuming man city makes it to the finals in the champions league, their last confirmed scheduled match will be on june 1st, and the 24/25 premier league season starts on august 17th, which means they’ll probably be back at etihad in late july/early august if not sooner
↳ user at the very least, i hope her time with man city has gotten more people interested in f1 🙌
↳ user i’m not too sure… when she started dating ward apparently there was lots of backlash from city fans so who knows what the overall perception of her is over there
↳ user still shocked about that, i had kinda thought her and lando were together since they seem so close 🤔🤔
user mclaren admin please post more y/n behind the scenes bc she doesn’t post herself enough and we always love to see her 🙏🙏🙏
↳ user REAL
landonorris looking good! 😁🧡
↳ user what a bland comment…
↳ user bro gives us radio silence for weeks and THIS is what he comes back with..?
↳ user trouble in paradise methinks 🧐
user haven’t seen any of the garrett ward stans causing a stir in these comments which either means war is over or the mclaren admin isn’t taking any shit and is deleting them, in which case good on you mclaren admin for defending your wonderful official unofficial gf 😩😩
↳ user mclaren admin is better at protecting their official unofficial gf than garrett ward is at protecting is actual official gf 🤨
There’s a certain sense of rightness that comes from being back amidst the McLaren staff dressed in the bright papaya orange. Manchester City had been a fun adventure, and you hadn’t been lying when you told the team you’d miss working with them, but Formula One is where you belong and that had become more and more apparent as the last days of January came to an end.
The last couple of weeks had been nice. The boys had thrown you a small party on your last day, with a cake that they all spent a good hour running off afterwards. Jack had made you promise to keep in touch, and you planned on holding true to that and keeping him updated with selfies from each of the Grand Prix locations at the very least.
The dates with Garrett had worked as planned, his agent was already claiming that just you two being spotted together more than once was doing wonders for his reputation, and Garrett had been treating you civilly since then. You still resented him for how exactly he’d forced you into this situation, but you’ve managed to find a middle ground of at least appreciating what the arrangement can also do for you.
As for Lando, you hadn’t yet gotten any confirmation about how things were going with your plan. Apart from refusing to meet your eye all day and resolutely staring either into the camera or anywhere that wasn’t you, he’d been professional.
Things felt like they did back in 2019━ back when you were convinced he was just an arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous prick with a complex. You’re torn between hating every moment of it and feeling wickedly vindicated by forcing him to acknowledge the consequences of his own actions.
At the very least, however, you have Oscar.
You’d gotten to know him relatively well in 2023, not to the same extent that you knew Lando of course, but Oscar had filled a brother-shaped hole in your heart that you hadn’t even known was there. His teasing was shy at first, like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to act that way with you, but the ribbing you’d given back had been assurance enough and he’d been a steady presence at your side ever since, cracking jokes at your expense.
There’s an unspoken agreement between the two of you that you both act as an escape. It was never acknowledged, it kind of just came to be as you both got to know one another, but you’re to Oscar what Oscar is to you━ the person you can go to when you need to pretend your more serious problems don’t exist and when you don’t really want anyone asking questions.
That’s why it surprises you when Oscar asks, “What’s going on between you and Lando?”
There’s nobody else in the car park, the sky is dark and most of the staff have already gone home or━ in the case of a few engineers━ won’t be leaving until the sun is rising tomorrow morning. The silence makes Oscar’s voice sound a bit louder, a bit harsher, a bit more like being doused in cold water.
It’s easy enough to ignore the reality of the problems between you and Lando when you hide behind your frustration. It’s even easier when Lando is so frustratingly good at pissing you off and keeping you in a haze of annoyance that perpetuates your justification of letting the tension linger. It’s hard to miss the closeness when you’re too busy being angry at him.
But the quiet emptiness of the world around you now gives you nothing to hide behind and nowhere to run━ not from Oscar’s scary perception, which has never before been locked on to you.
“Not really sure what you mean,” you answer after a moment. “Me and Lando are fine.”
It sounds as fake as it is.
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “Because whatever that tension was today was totally ‘fine.’”
The only real downside to having Oscar fill the brotherly role in your life is that he can be just as annoying as one.
You heave a sigh and shrug, “I don’t really know what you want me to say.”
“Try starting from the beginning.”
You’re at your car now, with your keys in your hand. It would be easy to get in, drive away, and ignore it all. That’s what you and Oscar use each other for anyway━ it’s your dynamic. If you really told him to drop it, you know he would. A single word would make it all go away and you could show up tomorrow morning still pretending like nothing’s different.
But the only other person who knows about everything with Garrett is Jack, and you don’t have him anymore.
So you do. You start from the beginning.
“I’m not actually dating Garrett Ward,” you say. If Oscar’s shocked at the revelation, he doesn’t show it. His face is calm and blank, and it reassures you to continue. “He needed someone to be his pretend girlfriend so he could fix his reputation, and he blackmailed me into agreeing by threatening to make up rumors that would ruin my career.”
You lean against the side of your car, fiddling with your keys. “Right after it happened, I kept trying to reach Lando. Nobody else knew and I was alone and afraid━ I didn’t know what to do but I thought that he, as my best friend, would at least be able to help me calm down and rationalize. But he never answered me.”
Oscar hums.
“When he did finally call━” you bite down on your lip when you feel tears burn at the back of your eyes, “━he berated me the entire time and asked how dumb I had to be to date Garrett of all people. Then, he proceeded to tell me exactly what people online had to say about me and my choices. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain what was going on.”
You heave out a sigh and tip your head back until you’re staring up at the never-ending expanse of the night sky. The clouds from earlier are still there, blocking out the stars and leaving it all an abyss of black.
“He still hasn’t apologized,” you mutter, sniffling. “He hasn’t said a word to me since then.”
Oscar’s quiet for another moment. He’s got his hands shoved into his pockets, and his eyes are focused on where he’s kicking the toe of his shoe down against the pavement. The tap, tap, tap is all there is for a moment, and then he hums again.
“Lando can be a real twat sometimes.”
You burst into laughter, startled. You give Oscar an incredulous look, and he shrugs.
“I mean,” he starts again, “he’s a good dude, but sometimes he can just be stupid. He does something dumb and even though he knows he’s wrong, he doesn’t know what to do about it or how to make it better, so he doesn’t do anything and just hopes that it’ll fix itself on its own.”
You nod. “That sounds pretty accurate.”
Oscar lets himself rest beside you, pulling his hands from his pockets so he can cross his arms. “I’m not saying you need to let this go, but talk to him, yeah? He was able to dodge your calls and texts, but you’re here now and he can’t dodge a face to face conversation for forever.”
“I was gonna try and really sell things with Garrett to rub it in his face,” you admit.
It makes Oscar laugh, and then you’re both laughing and it feels good to have this again.
“You know,” you breathe out when you eventually fade back into silence. “I think I’m in love with him.”
“No. Lando.”
Oscar hums.
“I think one of the reasons his whole spiel pissed me off so much is that I’ve been pining after him for years now, pushing it down so that I don’t ruin things or make it awkward━ trying to get over him,” you rub at your eyes, pressing as if it’ll erase the memory of what Lando’s grin looks like and how warm it makes you feel when you’re the one who puts it there. "But then he goes and does things like this and it frustrates me but it also gives me hope that maybe he feels the same way, because why would he get so upset about this if he didn’t?”
“I think you should really talk with him,” is all Oscar says, before pushing off from your car and walking away.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght @bellezaycafe @whentheautumnleavesfall @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ssprayberrythings @landosgirlxoxo @lifelessfan @81ja @wcnorris @a-disturbing-self-reflection (CLOSED).
━━ a/n: i have mixed opinions on how this part came out. it's a bit filler-y, but trying to include anything more would make this singular part longer than i want it to be. but it's also very late (early?) at the moment and i've been staring at this for hours trying to get it done up as fast as i can, so perhaps that's why. anyway, i hope you enjoy!
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judesgfirl · 11 months
summary ; you and your friends go on a vacation to greece, and you might just have met the love of your life.
face claim — sophia birlem
A/N ; this is my first post so pls excuse me if it’s bad i just wanted to try 🥲🥲
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liked by yourbff, sophiaaemelia, and 5.456 others
yourusername greece we are so excited for you 🥳🥳
tagged yourbff & sophiaaemelia
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yourbff can’t wait for the margaritas!!!
user ur so pretty omg
sophiaaemelia best week with best girls!!!
kaihavertz29 thanks for stealing my girlfriend
yourusername don’t be dramatic 😘
user how does she know kai and sophia?
user pretty sure they met when kai first signed for chelsea!
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liked by masonmount , kaihavertz29 and 123.678 others
judebellingham week off in greece 🫡
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masonmount have fun bro!
kaihavertz @yourusername 😏
yourusername ?? kai ur weird
gioreyna miss you bro, have the best week!
user we’ve been dating in my head for 4 years
philfoden ☀️☀️
user hey lol 😂😂😂😂😂
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liked by judebellingham, kaihavertz29 and 25. 345 others
yourusername kai texted soph and now i have a pet following me around 😒
tagged judebellingham
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yourbff #y/nude
kaihavertz29 where’s the “thank you kai!!” ?
yourusername i hope you choke
judebellingham ur so obsessed with me 😍
yourusername ?? boy i’ll throw u into water
sophiaaemelia my girl!!! and jude….
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liked by yourusername, jobebellingham and 255.789 others
judebellingham happy wife happy life
tagged yourusername
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yourusername this was not what i meant by a soft launch
judebellingham i can’t help myself when u look like that 😭😭
user stay in bvb or else. 🔫
jobebellingham 🥸🥸
kaihavertz29 everyone say thank you kai
user they look so happy 🥲🥲
yourbff better take care of her.
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note: this may suck but i just wanted to try 😭 lmk if u liked it and if i should continue with this 🫶🏼
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609 notes · View notes
lovingyoulovinme · 1 year
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Liked by masonmount and 68,468 others
yourinstagram MY CHAMPION!!!!!!!! LOVE OF MY LIFE 🏆🏆🏆🥇🥇🥇🥇🥹🥹🥹🥰🥰🥰🥰 so proud of you every single day no matter if you are on the pitch or not i am cheering for you all the time and will be for the rest of my lifeeeeee 💙💙💙💙
View all 1,478 comments
masonmount You mean so much more than any trophy I could ever win
— View 175 more replies
yourinstagram i love you 🤮🤮
benchilwell Was wondering why he was smiling at his phone so hard 🤣
yourfriend you love pretending you're not down bad for this man then post stuff like this
user2 god will i ever have someone that loves me like this
May 29, 2021
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Liked by cmpulisic and 643,684 others
masonmount The luckiest man is the one that gets to be by her side. Lucky for me, I am that man. ❤️
View all 3,389 comments
yourinstagram cant believe you've put up with me for 4 years now..let's make it 40
yourinstagram cried like a lil baby at this caption btw
— View 53 more replies
user3 girl we all did
masonmount Coming to wipe away every tear
cmpulisic When will you talk about me like this 💔
jazbenham Angels 💙💙
user4 the last picture is the cutest thing ever i love seeing her from his point of view
lew.mount 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️❓
— View 21 more replies
masonmount 🤭
user5 excuse me??????
October 8, 2021
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ynupdates Y/N today in Monaco!
View all 435 comments
user5 twitter was just reminiscing about her and mason and the whole time she had a new man 😭😭😭
ynandmase i literally just fell to my knees
user6 :(((((((((((((
ynstanaccount she's everything...he's just ken
September 20, 2022
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Liked by declanrice and 724,378 others
masonmount Monacoooo 😎
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user7 ?????????? are y/n and mason in monaco at the same time ??????
philfoden 😮‍💨
user8 god. them in the same place right now and not together my heart hurts so bad
— View 8 more replies
user9 yall are so weird for harassing them like this they've moved on and yall should too!!!!
benchilwell My guyyyy
jazbenham Where was our invite 🤔
September 23, 2022
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deuxmoi instagram story (1/10/2023)
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Liked by jazbenham and 232,468 others
yourinstagram brighter days
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jazbenham Beautiful 💓💓
user10 her and jasmine still being friends i am crying
yourfriend hot girls buy themselves flowers
— View 4 more replies
yourinstagram welllllllllllll
yourfriend text me rn 🫥
ynandmase here's how her and mason can still get back together, in this essay i will-
— View 20 more replies
user5 bae please be serious
ynandmase let me dream 😭😭
user11 he didn't deserve you queen!!!!! but u know who does 👀
April 5, 2023
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Liked by yourinstagram and 984,479 others
masonmount 😎 @bengaged
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ynandmase LIKED BY WHO?????????
— View 6 more replies
user5 i cant believe ur delusional ass won
ynandmase i knew theyd come home to me 😭🫶🏽
bengaged 😍
user12 ma'am what are you doing here....@yourinstagram
jackgrealish Best I've seen you
declanrice He thinks he's so cool 😫
user13 so sexy i-
May 22, 2023
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714 notes · View notes
💥 Player In Great Stage at Manchester City Can be Reserve in the England National Team. 
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 🤳 SOURCE :  https://www.footballinsider247.com/phil-foden-could-be-axed-after-man-city-latest-expert/ 
 #philfoden #jackgrealish #raheemsterling #manchestercity #englandnationalteam
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libraryofloveletters · 11 months
The Boy Next Door
pairing: ruben dias x reader
summary: you supported him through it all, it only made sense you were the one there in the end. 
author’s note: dedicated to my bestie cause she’s in love with mr ruben dias @themandaloriansdiaries
all photos are from instagram and/or pinterest :) 
written in the photos series masterlist
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liked by youruser, jackgrealish, erling.haaland and 183,485
rubendias: Make it 3 in a row. 🏆🏆🏆
view 904 comments 
user3: 😍😍😍
youruser: so so soooo proud 🥹
comment liked by rubendias
rd3: Ruben >>> 
johnstonesofficial: 💙
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liked by rubendias, jackgrealish, johnstonesoffical and 19,443 others 
youruser: your treble winner everybody!! seeing you achieve your dreams makes me so proud and so happy. (I’m not crying, I swear) these last few weeks have been nothing but a dream. love you always rubes, forever by your side 🥹💙
tagged: rubendias
view 332 comments 
user5: stoppppp they’re so cute 😭
rubendias: love you 💙
comment liked by youruser
cityfan: are they dating? It’s always giving dating
user8: her calling him rubes 😭😭 so fricking cute
jackgrealish: making me tear up here 
↪️youruser: is that cause im sweet or because you’re drunk jack??? 
↪️jackgrealish: this was uncalled for 
youruser added an instagram story.
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liked by philfoden, rubendias, nathanake and 23,344 others 
youruser: little get away with my love 🫶🏽
comments have been disabled on this post.  
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liked by erling.haaland, philfoden, youruser and 198,340 others 
rubendias: luckiest man in the world. 
tagged: youruser
view 1,204 comments 
youruser: love you ❤️
user3: crying, screaming, sliding down a wall, when will it be my turnnnnnn
jackgrealish: yeah im crying now 
↪️rubendias: are you still drunk? 
↪️jackgrealish: at least I didn’t puke in my mum’s bag??? 
erling.haaland: ❤️❤️
rd3: not jack calling him out 😭
474 notes · View notes
trentlife · 5 months
part 2
part1 here!
instagram au ~ jude bellingham
authors note: sorry this is so delayed, ive been so busy with exams, but hope you enjoy.
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liked by arianagrande, meganpickford_ and 697,383 others
yourusername baby boy 🩵🦋🚙🐬
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user235 judeeeeee
user938 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
kyliejenner so cute 🩵🩵🩵
user283 im so excited to see this baby wow
yourbsf my nephew 🥹
user183 ahhh🥺😍
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liked by yourusername, trentarnold66 and 4,283,696 others
judebellingham my son's mom and uncles 🫶🏽
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yourusername ❤️❤️❤️
toni.kr8s 😍
user596 imagine being that baby wow
↳ user146 literally
jordanhenderson 🥰
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liked by bellahadid, madders and 2,859,123 others
yourusername baby prep & made my own coffee table ☕️🤰🏼
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maria.guardiola so adorable 🥺
user285 omg the bump is bumping
sophiaaemelia cannot wait to meet baby 🤍
user173 the bump ahhh🥰
loredana ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
user293 mini jude incoming
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judebellingham Beautiful night at the Ballond'or for the first time. Very honoured to be awarded with the Kopa Trophy. Thank you to all teammates, members of staff and coaches who have helped and shown me support up until this point of my journey and especially in the past year. Finally, couldn't be possible without the love from the fans. Now to continue to work for the most important thing in football, success and trophies with the team! 🫶🏽
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england 👏❤️
lukamodric10 👏🔥🙌
yourusername my starboy, forever proud of you ♥️
user385 he's him
declanrice fully deserved brother 👏
paris, france
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liked by karim_adeyemi, yourbsf and 2,138,967 others
yourusername proud of my love ❤️
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judebellingham always by my side ❤️
daphnecanizares 🥺
user138 i love how they support each other
↳ user697 soulmates fr
madisonbeer precious 💘
sasha__rebecca 🥹🥹🤍
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liked by user385, user273 and 2,128,496 others
realmadrid our line up for today, VAMOS 🤍🤍🤍
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user496 bellingham????
user628 we're is jude?
↳ user183 injured
↳ user134 who said he is injured 🤔
user024 no jude no fun :(
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liked by user283, user697 and 1,234,058 others
fabriziorom 🚨BREAKING: jude bellingham to miss real madrids tie against valencia today due to family reasons, should return back to training in the up coming days.
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realmadridpage1 hala madrid!
↳ user963 omg yesssss
realmadridpage2 let's go madrid 🤍
user648 omg baby jude might be coming
↳ user128 LITERALLY!!!!
user172 @judebellingham @yourusername is baby jude here? 🥺
yourusername and judebellingham
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liked by jordanhenderson, toniruediger and 5,697,597 others
yourusername 11.11.23 👼🏼☁️
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trentarnold66 congratulations to you both bro, can't wait to meet him 🙌
vinijr baby jude🥺congrats both broooo!
denbello my baby grandson, welcome to the world 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
philfoden ❤️
yourmum baby boy 🥰❤️🥰
arianagrande congratulations my sweet 🥺
↳ yourusername 😭🥹
jobebellingham my new lil bro ❤️
perrieedwards oh my gosh, you will be a perfect mummy, congratulations lovely ❣️
↳ user576 🥹🥹🥹
noahohio ❤️❤️❤️
kendaljenner perfect boy 🩵
like & repost to show support!
hope you enjoyed part 2 of this series, stay tuned for part 3!
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