#phi little racing
happypotato48 · 8 days
Wandee Goodday EP 4 Unhinged Tangant Thoughts
Get in losers we're going to go get emotionally destroy by men with big Tiddies.
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.....Fuck you but also thank you??? open with this scene seems mean of them.
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Eyebrows x Ai Phi Ter, a ghostship maybe??? (i'm joking plz don't kill me, or am i mua55555555.)
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It this what the heteros are calling IT these days, those sick fucks.
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I can fix him, and by "fix" i mean i can disassemble him like an ikea furniture then reassemble him without his ego.
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Yes please! Yak's Knife is big and deadly i hope i could get stabs with it too.
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Ouuuh! Pretty, this shot is perfect.
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This is how a porno starts! these bitches can't even keeps it in their pants for 5 fucking seconds.
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*me having a nosebleed with one hand holding my nose and the other one doing the thumbs up gesture*
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*in universe representations of Wandee Goodday viewers*
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"You wish you could be them" Yes Duh!! Thank you for stating the obvious brain, now go back to focusing on the show or else i'm going to sleep deprived the fuck out of you.
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Yes Pakao strangle that messy little Homo, do it do it do it. God bless ace sexuality if is not for its the human race would has gone extinct cause of dumb bitches whose think with their genitals.
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Kill him! or fuck him or both, yes both.
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อุ้ยตาย, These nerds why you two like this ahhhhhh. this is too fucking adrob, also where is my kinky bathroom sex scene! (there was one in the book when they had sleepover at the gym.)
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Run away! Girl run as fast as you can. this man flag is a wholeass jolly roger stained red by bloods of gullible homosexuals. also this make me think cause those gossipy gays that were on his side in the last ep seems a bit much. maybe this asshole also manipulated them too in someways. maybe i'm digging in too much but this kind of asshole do like to have a pattern.
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Read them! read them for the filthy loves they has for each others.
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i want to let you all know that i have a hardcover that also a poster of book Dee in a kinky maid outfit riding Yak that i hide in my room, not because it's gay but because it's cringe.
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i would not be surpise if this is actually sponsored by the thai health ministry.
this show continued to be great and what not. now let me rant cause of gmmtv. soooooooooooo they're doing the cooking crush thing agian for the live tv version at least idk about youtube. the tv version was missing a lot of scenes that in the Viu version. the tv version felt so off and i was huhh??? god damn, i guess i'll stop watching it live then. well i hope this is just a problem for domestic audiences and y'all don't have to deal with this shit.
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bunny-lou · 5 months
LITA AU - mechanic Phayu flirting with pit bunny Rain
Love in the Air AU: Phayu is used to pit bunnies being pretty, flirty, sweet. He's never met one so bratty.
(I'm super into Rain's bratness, but even more into Phayu's brat-tamerness and I also 0 knowledge of street races, illegal or otherwise, and this rambling depicts pit bunnies as people who have been hired to help host/entertain racers. Imagine them like Hooters waitresses.)
Phayu has been around pit bunnies as long as he's been a mechanic. Some pit bunnies belong to specific racers, but more of them are hired by Pakin's men to host. The pit bunnies play nice with the big shots, the best spenders. They fetch drinks and flirt and bat their eyes because rich, cocky men place much bigger bets when they want to impress the pretty young thing at their side. Phayu thinks he's on good or at least neutral terms with all of them. He doesn't have much reason to interact with them, but none have ever been rude to him.
Until a new pit bunny comes along.
Phayu catches sight of him sometimes; he's one of the only boy pit bunnies at these races and he wears shorts so tight that it's hard to not notice him. Phayu tries to be as distant as possible, know as little as possible, so he never goes out of his way to say hi, despite appreciating the boy's smooth legs and the brief ideas of those legs wrapped around his waist.
The pit bunny is pretty, but that's nothing special. Phayu has sweet, pretty boys already at his beck and call.
But mouthy, pretty boys are a little more fun.
Phayu has to visit one of the few stands that sells food. He gets free drinks as someone who technically works the races and it's an especially warm night. He gets a water and a sports drink and turns to head back to his tent, when someone collides with his side.
"Oh son of a bitch!"
And Phayu is hot and tired and covered in sweat and now some sticky alcoholic drink, and this guy should be apologizing, so he snaps back "manners."
"Oh son of a bitch, please and thank you."
Phayu snap his eyes to this little brat to see a pout so endearing, it almost makes him smile. But he's not going to smile because-
"You ran into me," Phayu tells him in a stern tone, "because you weren't paying attention. You owe me an apology."
The pit bunny flushes and crosses his arms over his crop top. His exposed stomach is smooth and taut and pierced. "Well you were in my way."
Phayu's teeth ache with the desire to bite the attitude out of this boy. "What's your name?"
"Rain. What's yours?"
The lack of honorific is not lost on either of them. "Phayu, I'm the senior mechanic covered in your drinks."
"Then maybe you should replace them?"
Phayu folds his arms and something in him preens as Rain eyes his biceps. They're both standing with their arms folded, but it's so different. Phayu is tall and straight, unimpressed expression with a single raised brow, while Rain has hip cocked down and head tilted in faux innocence. Still with that pretty pout on his lips.
"How about I teach you manners?"
Rain opens his mouth in what is sure to be a hissy snap, but he's jostled forward by someone walking too close behind him. More of his drinks slosh over the rims and Phayu remembers they're still in the busiest part of the race, swimming with people moving all around them.
It breaks the little spell around them. Rain shakes his head and when he looks at Phayu again, he is more bashful. "I'm sorry, phi." He says even though it's clear he doesn't want to. "I would help you clean up, but Stop and his friend are going to be pretty pissed if I take any longer with their drinks." Rain gestures to his two semi empty drinks. "But maybe you can teach me better manners next time?" He bats his eyes and bites his lip and Phayu is hit by how effective pit bunnies can be because that look makes Phayu want to do very reckless things.
And then Rain is gone, off to fetch drinks for whatever racer or big shot he's been tagging.
Phayu thinks about that for days, the pout and the snark and the long lashes that would look so much prettier with tears clinging to them.
He doesn't seek Rain out again though, Phayu still has to be responsible and professional.
Rain does not.
Within a week, Rain finds Phayu's tent and makes a reason to be there, saying he has a message from a racer that the mechanics need to use a specific oil for his bike.
And Phayu's about to roll his eyes and say he knows how to be a damn mechanic, but Rain is leaning over one of the bikes like he belongs there, confident and uncaring of where he sprawls.
Brattiest brat Phayu has come across in a while. "Get off of my bikes."
"You don't have permission," Phayu stalks closer, but Rain doesn't straighten, still bent over and looking up at him through those damn lashes, "to touch them."
"What if I ask really nicely?" Rain doesn't drop his eyes. "What if I said pretty please?"
"You can do better than that."
But then a new bike is getting brought in and Phayu is getting called over and he really shouldn't be this wound up at work, so he tries to ignore it.
Rain keeps seeking him out, with a smart mouth and rolling eyes and a voice that really should be gagged. It's Rain finding him, starting shit where Phayu should be more composed, where Phayu really can't do anything. He could probably tell someone in charge and use his favoritism to keep Rain away from him, but Phayu doesn't want Rain to stay away. He wants Rain somewhere other than his job where he can finally spank the boy.
Until it builds and one day Rain is in his tent, perched on a table and skewing all of his organized tools and when Phayu scolds him, Rain blinks and says "what are you going to do about it?"
And Phayu has had it and he marches over and grabs Rain's chin and snarls, "I'm going to take you home tonight and spank your ass until it bruises."
And Rain all but melts. "About damn time."
I dunno man, just feral brat pit bunny Rain who wants to see how much he can push professional, stoic Phayu until he snaps at a race.
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snobgoblin · 7 months
so here's what I thought Russel's friends might look like I'm gonna put the explanation under the readmore bc im gonna go on for a bit.... also before u say anything I KNOW Russel's eyes are white but they actually didn't turn white until after he got posessed by his friends
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ok so what inspired this is MOSTLY these specific verses in the Phi Life Cipher version of Clint Eastwood- sang from Del's pov
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so we can assume, from this, two things about the appearence of the rest of Russels friends. 1) at least one of them has braces. and 2) they're all different races
so OK next point. that's all we know about them.... and that's not really a lot to go off of, from a design perspective. so! I know Del likes baseball, and assumed the rest might be sporty as well, so I assigned them with different sports so I'd have a way to pose them....... the last girl doesn't have a sport she's just kinda The Cool Girl (doesn't know many sports and couldn't think of one) also I tried to make them all have a bit of sporty/grungy fashion bc that's always nice
ANYWAY the reason I chose those specific appearances- we know Russel picks up skills from his friend ghosts- at least he does with Del. we know his drum skills were amplified by Del's inclusion in his body- and we also know Del can understand Japanese in Jump The Gut, and guess what, Russel can sometimes understand Noodle in early phases despite her needing an interpreter with most people. I believe him knowing how to understand Japanese comes from Del... so it's reasonable to say, some of his other traits could come from his friends, also. now, I've heard people say Russel is Muslim so I just included someone who is Muslim, and according to my partner some of the ways Russel cooks are actually common with Mexican people, so I had a Mexican guy, and I really couldn't think of anything else I could pull from Russel so I added an Indigenous American bc there never seem to be that many characters that are
anyway also the reason there are five is because I asked my friends how many there should he and @/euos-the-cat said there should be five total including Del so they can all easily fit in a car together and I thought that was cute (he also suggested color coding them like a little rainbow!)
I think that's everything I wanted 2 say... also I'm stupid as fuck u guys so if I did something that's like Against The Rules and I'm not aware (like I used reference pictures for the Muslim girl but I'm still not sure what pieces of clothing she's really allowed to wear you know) so if you notice something that's just Wrong let me know... also yeah I know Muslim isn't a race don't worry
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chamomileharry · 1 year
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hi friends! please please please read the tags for the following fics! there’s some disturbing content in many of these so proceed with caution please! 
☹ Getting Broody (1.3k) // Anonymous
“You said you wanted to make a baby,” Louis reminds him. “I’m just giving you what you asked for.”
☹ In My Reflection, I see you (1.4k) // Anonymous
Louis buys the mirror he wanted. Harry watches himself get fucked.
☹ Mystery Man (1.5k) // Anonymous
Harry desperately wants to be taken by surprise. Louis gifts him his wish for his birthday.
☹ More Than Anything (1.5k) // Anonymous
Louis doesn’t think Harry is appreciating his cock enough, and decides to stuff his little hole full of random objects as a lesson.
☹ Summer and Sundresses (1.7k) // Anonymous
Harry wears a sundress and Louis makes him warm his cock under the beer garden table with their friends watching unknowingly.
☹ You up, darling? (1.8k) // Anonymous
Louis attempts to wake Harry up for some morning sex. He's not sure whether Harry's actually asleep or just pretending to be in the hopes Louis will take the hint and leave him be.
Louis doesn't much care either way.
☹ training knot (2.0k) // Anonymous
Harry doesn't think she would like oral sex. Louis shows her how she knows she's wrong.
☹ It’s in the Contract (2.3k) // Anonymous
“I can’t make rent this month,” Harry says.
“Awesome,” says Mitch. Mitch is the house leader. He’s the one leading the house meeting. “Free your schedule on Friday, Phi Sigma Kappa are coming over for game night anyway.
Harry swallows, nodding. “Alright,” he says.
Harris puts a hand on his thigh. “Hey,” he whispers into Harry’s ear. “I’d pay at least thirty for you.”
Harry snorts. “Thanks,” he says. “Good to know I’m an expensive bitch.”
☹ the present (2.4k) // Anonymous
Harry is a hybrid that has been on the run since he was a kitten turned loose from a breeding facility. The catchers finally catch up to him and there is nothing he can do about it. Now he's been declawed and sold to be some rich kid's fuck toy.
☹ interactive hybrid farm (2.4k) // Anonymous
Harry is the farm's only cow hybrid. He's been bred, calved, and now he's put on display to be milked. Any visitor has the chance to milk him or taste it right from the source. When it comes time to be bred again, Harry expected another big dominant bull pushing him around. This time it is very different.
☹ Good Boy (2.5k) // Anonymous
Harry decides to have a little fun with pet play. He’s Louis’ bitch and gets fucked like it.
☹ While Mother’s Away… (2.7k) // Anonymous
Harry witnesses his hybrid gettin' it on with their neighbor's hybrid. Harry wants to try.
☹ Successful breeding (2.8k) // Anonymous
Harry decides he doesn’t want kids yet. Louis is impatient, so he takes matters into his own hands — however it may be.
☹ Never Wander in the Forest *need an ao3 account to read* (2.8k) // Anonymous
Like a voice on repeat inside his head, Harry recalled all the lectures from the elders. Never wander in the forest. Never go out alone. Never let your guard down. Nymphs had so many rules to follow. He rolled his eyes. The forest was perfectly safe for young dryades like him. Plus, there hadn’t even been any satyr sightings in years. He was half-convinced the tales of sinister satyrs prowling the forests were made up by elders to keep young nymphs like him in line.
Harry should have followed the rules.
☹ niall and liam own cats (2.8k) // Anonymous
Niall and Liam own hybrid cats. They decide to breed them.
☹ Deep Under *need an ao3 account* (2.9k) // Anonymous
Harry is a slave to a race of part-men part-snakes. Until the day he's purchased by one man in particular.
☹ thrilled by the still of your hand (3k) // Anonymous
Harry lives alone, but one night as he's watching TV he's visited by some sort of spirit. It doesn't leave.
☹ Taking Home the Stray (3.4k) // Anonymous
All of a sudden, there’s a clamping feeling at the back of his neck, and Harry freezes in place.
He’s paralysed.
Someone has— someone’s scruffed him.
☹ Did You Ever Feel Like A Fire Hydrant (And all your friends were dogs) (3.8k) // Anonymous
Harry is roped into a wet night to remember.
☹ family farm (5k) // Anonymous
it's time for louis to learn the family business, the farm that louis had always had questions about. he is a little shocked at what he finds, but soon he falls into step. after all, harry is the perfect omega specimen for him to look after.
☹ omega resort (5.6k) // Anonymous
It was something that every young omega in respectable society was expected to do. Around the age of presentation, part of summer break was spent at one of the many omega resorts around the world. As a type of finishing school camp, these retreats teach young omegas about their bodies and how to modify their behaviour to be an acceptable part of high society. Being a trophy omega was rarely a walk in the park and learning how to behave in social and professional settings for their high profile alphas were important life skills for privileged omegas.
Harry finds himself as the only male omega at the resort and he is separated from the female omegas for one on one lessons with one of the resort's mentors. He'd never heard anything about hands on training before but Mr. Tomlinson seems to know what he's doing.
☹ Captivity (5.9k) // Anonymous
Mermaid Harry was captured and placed on display in an aquarium where he swims alone until a merman is added to his exhibit for the breeding program. Harry is helpless to stop it.
☹ Boom, boom, don’t you wanna go (6.1k) // Anonymous
It doesn't take much to convince Harry to participate in Lambda Sig's annual ceremony for graduating seniors. She's hooked up with a few of the brothers already anyway, as lackluster as they were. She has to have her legs and bare bottom half on display for the rest of the brothers in the senior class to see, but she's always kind of liked being played with and definitely likes being on display. She's graduating in a few weeks anyway. What's the worst that can happen?
She doesn't expect contestant number fifteen to blow her mind in the first round. He doesn't let up.
☹ there’s always another option (6.3k) // Anonymous  
Harry gets all dressed up to go see his boyfriend with one goal: get railed. He doesn't expect his boyfriend's cousin to be staying in his flat, and he definitely doesn't expect his boyfriend to dip out to go cheat on him. Oh well, just because his boyfriend isn't there doesn't mean he can't still get what he wants.
☹ Prove Your Worth *need an ao3 account* (8.2k) // Anonymous
Harry had always been fascinated by dragons. When he secured a job as a stable hand for Lord Tomlinson, he finally had a chance to work up close with his favorite creatures. But one late night the mysterious lord showed him just how close he could get.
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as always, please read the tags and remember to leave kudos and a nice comment for the author!  if you have any requests, feel free to ask please, I'd love to help in any way! any recommendations you may have are also welcomed! <3 
i'm also on winter break now so if you have any requests or just want to chat, please do leave me a message (: 
❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃
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sunshinechay · 6 months
I finished the second chapter of Pit Babe. Honestly not too much happens in this one. Mostly just more pretty well written smut but we do get a bit more of a sense of who Babe and Charlie are, even if we don’t see really any of the supporting cast at all this chapter
Other chapters: Chap1
Thoughts under the cut
Pit Babe Chapter 2
-right away Charlie is called Babe’s alpha
-Charlie does have some qualms about the arrangement but overall is really enjoying himself. Mostly he doesn’t like how much he is dependent on Babe’s whims
-chapter immediately opens with another sex scene
-Charlie has started Babe Phi again. Either Babe doesn’t care anymore or he hasn’t noticed…or it’s just the translation. One of the three
-Charlie apparently has a big dick. When Babe mentions this, Charlie asks if he hates it. Babe just tells him to shut up
-Babe tells Charlie he’s cute when he obeys him, then when Charlie says he always obeys him, Babe points out he doesn’t when he gets “excited” to which Charlie points out that Babe likes it that way haha
-it’s literally the second chapter, the second sex scene and Babe has already broken his own no kissing rule
-apparently there is a time skip and they have been having sex for a while now
-Babe tells Charlie to come earlier than usual that night, finally offers to take Charlie to a competition, though he does he won’t let him compete
-they’re going to something called the midnight race
-everyone is shocked that Babe brings Charlie because usually he doesn’t bring anyone
-Babe decides that making out with Charlie in his car is more important than socializing to the point that when Charlie points out that he should go meet up with people, specifically with his friends Babe refuses, wanting to keep making out with Charlie
-Babe has found one (1) alpha that doesn’t smell and immediately becomes addicted to his dick
-Babe actually seems very concerned about people acting badly towards Charlie because Charlie is his sex friend. Charlie may also have trouble during the X-Hunter tryouts if they know he is with Babe, because people will think that is the reason rather than his ability
-someone comes to ask Babe if he wants to bet on the races and he actually calls her a demon when she tries to spy Charlie (who is hiding underneath a hat) and refuses to leave for a minute. That’s a little extreme Babe. She only doing a little cockblocking. It happens
-Charlie is worried about Babe racing in the Midnight Races because they are illegal races. Don’t worry Charlie, Babe has plot armour and this isn’t that kind of book haha
-Charlie sits in the car with Babe during his race. Is this supposed to be like when he races the Red team guy? At least Charlie isn’t the bet this time
-When the race is about to start, someone comes to talk to Babe, claiming to Babe’s ex. Babe is rather flippant with him while Charlie wonders if he is allowed to ask about it. Charlie is getting jealous already
-Babe’s ex says he misses him and Babe says he misses him as well…then follows up with his wishing in the new year that all of the bad people would disappear from his life. Babe continues to be savage
-“…Queen Race lifted a bright red cloth and waved it very sexily”…is she also breasting boobily? (This is not shade to the author/translator, this line is *chef’s kiss*)
-Babe speaks Spanish apparently? Very nice
-Charlie seems extremely scared to be in the car while Babe races
-The car is hit by the other cars a lot and Charlie is absolutely terrified. I thought you wanted to be a racer Charlie? (I mean to be fair, probably not on an illegal track such as this)
-Charlie praised Babe’s driving, thinking he would have died if anyone else was driving
-Babe wins the race and gives Charlie the bet money (over 100,000 Baht)
-Babe makes a joke that he is tired and Charlie has to take care of him. Charlie is adorably clueless as to what he means by that
-Cut to them having sex in Babe’s car in the middle of a field
-Charlie asks about the guy driving the green car mid sex. Not sure that’s really the appropriate time to be asking about your sex friend’s ex my bud
-Yet another reference to the fact that Babe has a sweet smell. This time it’s that even some omegas would give up when they smell him. This is some heavy handed foreshadowing without ever actually telling us the point of it. Is Babe some kind of hybrid between Alpha and Omega?
-Charlie wonders if he might fuck up one day and accidentally bite Babe
-Is now really a good time to be grilling Babe about his sexual history Charlie? You are literally fucking him against his car!!
-Charlie refers to Babe as his sugar daddy (not out loud but you know haha)
-Charlie says he has work to do the next day and asks if Babe will take him home. Only for Babe to snap at him about it and Charlie immediately agrees and wonders how he’s going to get home if he’s in the middle of nowhere
-Is Babe actually offering Charlie money to sleep (like actually sleep) at Babe’s condo with him? Yes I think he is
-Charlie does not know how to respond or if he should believe him
-Nope nevermind. Babe wants to have sex again when they get to his place
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ieroween1031 · 2 years
My Thoughts in Real Time as I Watched Episode 10 of Love in the Air That Absolutely Nobody Asked For (Spoiler Alert!):
Oh my god, Pai just called Sky his boyfriend, I’m gonna snap my computer in half.
Pai’s face when Sky is crying and begging for him not to let go, I’m already emotionally weak
What does Prapai even do for work? Like, what kind of business does his family run?
“Do you know how hard it was to hold back?” You mean how hard it was to not assault a half-conscious person when they’re sick? I love you, but come on, Pai.
Peat’s an amazing actor. Sky, not so much.
I’m not proud of the noise I made at the close-up shot of them holding hands in bed. I literally squealed.
I literally will never get over how fucking gorgeous Fort is. Like he’s seriously so pretty, it makes me sick.
Sky’s clothes are changing but Pai’s aren’t, and I feel like that’s kinda gross. How long have you been wearing those clothes, my guy?
I don’t know why, but I’m obsessed with the difference in their skin tones.
You tell him, Pai. Let’s get some decent communication going, please!
Fort in these racing jackets should be one of the modern wonders of the world
Tag yourself: I’m one of the three people all chastising Sky at the same time
I am completely here for everyone telling Sky how important he is as how much they appreciate his hard work. My baby deserves all the love he can get.
More communication, we stan.
Okay, I’m not mad about seeing that shitbird Gun anymore, because I’ve been waiting for this scene with Prapai and Payu helping with the freshmen
I’m older than both of them, but I would still call Boss and Fort ‘Daddy’ and not feel the least bit guilty about it.
Joy, you fucking gossip.
That x-acto knife, I’m fucking cackling. 😂😂😂
“Did I sleep with a psycho?” Yeah, well, it wouldn’t be the first time, sweetheart.
Was that too soon? I feel like that was too soon.
This is all entirely too happy. How are they planning to rip my heart out in the last ten minutes? Because I have a feeling something is coming that’s gonna make me want to cry.
Yes, please introduce Sky to your family. They’ll absolutely love him and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; my sweet baby just deserves all the love he can get.
I’d like to apologize for my outburst earlier; this is the the best episode so far. We got the Phis helping the Nongs with the freshman, the writing on the hands, and now I get the scene with Prapai on the floor and sweet, precious little Sky just a-grinning away on the bed. My heart hurts.
Prapai googling how to take care of a sick person is a mood
He called his mom? My sweet child is a clueless idiot and I would kill or die for him.
Is he keeping a log of all the things he’s learning about Pai? I can’t breathe, that’s too fucking adorable.
Huh. I was wrong about something devastating happening in the last ten minutes. I’ve never been so happy to be wrong before.
The preview for the next episode has me flailing. I can’t tell you how excited I am for Sky for finally admit that he’s completely gone for Pai, because fucking same, bro.
Are we getting another NC scene next episode? Probably not, because Me Mind Y are teases, but I don’t care. just that was enough to drive me insane.
My heart literally hurts knowing that this is all gonna come crumbling down around us sometime in the next three episodes.
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cloudburst-ink · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you.
It took me a bit but I finally got around to it! I was tagged by @justanothervariant in this post here--highly recommend you go check out his snippets, they're lovely. 🖤
The words he gave me are:
shiver, sleep, dark, light and sigh.
I am going to tag @staykimchay and @bisexualbard .
Your words, should you choose to accept them, are:
glow, hope, fragile, kiss, and monster.
🌃 shiver 🌠
Simple Little Secrets
Slowly, Kim brushes Chay’s stray bangs aside with the dull edge of the blade. Chay shivers when the cold tip of steel trails down his neck toward his collarbone.
So close to where he remembers.
Kim leans in close, resting the knife against Chay’s throat.
He looks just like the Kim from Chay’s visions—dangerous and deadly, a far cry from soft, gentle Wik.
“Talk,” Kim whispers, and Chay shivers again.
“O—okay,” he stammers. His heart is racing. “Okay. You win, phi. I didn’t want it to come to this. I mean I figured it would, eventually. But I thought maybe I’d have the chance to ease you into it a little more. This is all very sudden for both of us, you know.”
Chay searches for the right way to drop the news.
Kim stares down at his knife, impassive. He runs a fingertip along the back of the blade, applying the slightest of pressure to Chay’s neck.
By the cold sting, Chay thinks it might break skin.
It really shouldn’t be as hot as it is.
Chay thinks he might need psychiatric help.
Who the hell is this guy, anyway? Every vision has only ever left Chay with more questions.
Kim arches an eyebrow at Chay’s sudden silence.
“You have thirty seconds left to say something that actually means anything, or I start pulling out your fingernails,” he threatens casually.
Chay squeaks.
He definitely still had all his fingernails in his visions.
He’s not sure he ever thought to check. He was too busy focusing on Kim. He feels like he would have noticed something like that when he started checking for their matching silver rings every time, since those helped a lot with trying to figure out the timing and order of the vision. But his visions of Kim have all been very intense, so he’s not completely sure if he would have noticed his fingernails.
He scrambles to spill the truth before he risks finding out.
“Um, okay. So. This is going to be a bit weird to explain, but bear with me—”
“Ten seconds.”
Chay squeaks again.
“Okay okay okay!” he babbles. “So, whenever someone touches me—like actual skin to skin touching, not through clothes—I have a vision of their future. So I saw those things. When you touched me. Your hand brushed against me the first time we met, and I saw a vision of—um—someone—calling you Kim? And sometimes I repeat things people say while I’m having visions without meaning to, and—”
Kim interrupts Chay’s blathering with a scornful, incredulous laugh. He lowers his knife and steps away.
“Enough,” he waves a bored hand in the air. “I’m getting insulted now. Try again. You have one more chance before I start getting annoyed.”
“See?” Chay huffs, “This is exactly why I never tried before.”
🌃 sleep 🌠
The Blackest Hours of the Morning
“I’m going to clean the cut on your cheek now,” he tells Kim. For some reason he feels the need to warn him, like he did before he removed Kim’s shirt.
Kim closes his eyes. Chay leans forward and carefully begins to clean around his cheekbone, dabbing the cut in saline solution.
He knows Kim isn’t asleep, but Kim’s eyes remain closed.
“I’m moving to your mouth,” Chay says quietly.
Chay reaches up and delicately brushes a cleaning wipe over Kim’s lips. After a few long, silent moments dabbing up dried blood, he looks up to see Kim’s eyes open again.
They stare at each other like that for some time. Something twists and churns in Chay’s chest and stomach. He procures a fresh cleaning wipe and carefully returns to dabbing it along Kim’s lips, needing something to distract him from Kim’s eyes.
Slowly, Kim tilts his head and leans in to Chay’s hand. A long, dark strand of hair falls over his face.
Chay can’t breathe. He remains as still as possible, afraid if he moves a single muscle that Kim might spook like some wild creature. He wants to trace his thumb over Kim’s cheekbone, but it would only aggravate the wound there.
Instead, he reaches forward with his free hand and softly brushes Kim’s stray hair behind his ear.
“We’re almost done,” Chay reassures him. “You’ve done great, P’Kim.”
There is one particular expression Kim makes sometimes that Chay can hardly bear. It’s the one that first gave him those nervous little butterflies when he saw Wik perform, and the one that kept him safely enthralled in Kim's presence until he had no other word for it but love.
Kim stares at people in a way that strips them down to their core and exposes them. He can look out over a crowd ten thousand strong and every single person present will feel he is speaking directly to them, soul to soul.
Chay feels the full brunt of that stare now—except this look truly is just for him, soul to soul, one to one, in the blackest hours of the morning, in his bed.
He feels completely naked. He focuses on Kim’s injuries, because he doesn’t trust himself to do anything else.
Chay carefully clears the last smudge from Kim’s face, and then he pulls his hands away.
“I’m going to leave you some clean clothes. You should get some sleep.”
🌃 dark 🌠
Desperate Measures
Even from behind, Kim doesn’t look quite like Kim. Not the Kim that Chay has come to know, at least—however much that’s worth.
Kim is splayed sideways across the stone bench by the door, one foot propped up on the seat and the other anchoring him in the grass. His back is to Chay, his body facing out toward the street.
He flicks the flint wheel on his lighter again. It flares to life and snuffs out immediately, clearly out of fluid.
Kim flips the lighter cap closed and then open with a satisfying metallic click. He flicks the flint wheel again. It flares to life once more, and chokes itself out.
He’s holding an unlit cigarette in his other hand, raised to the side like he’s long forgotten about it, and has fallen instead into some kind of uncanny, robotic loop.
Flick. Click click. Flick. Click click.
Uneasiness tightens Chay’s stomach. Maybe he should have listened to Big.
He doesn’t really know Kim that well, does he?
Slowly, making no sudden movements, Chay pulls his own lighter from his pocket. He walks around Kim so that Kim can see his approach, stopping near Kim’s foot toward the far end of the bench. Chay flicks his lighter on and holds it out.
The clicking of Kim's lighter cap cuts off.
Kim raises his gaze and regards Chay with sharp, glittering eyes. 
Silence settles around them. Despite the muted din of the city, Chay can hear his own heartbeat in his ears.
Kim is wearing the same white shirt from that morning. There are dark stains splattered across the front, black in the eerie glow of distant neons.
human has been blotted out by blood.
🌃 light 🌠
Sulfer & Smoke
“You did well,” Father says evenly. It’s the only praise Kim will get. “Next time, just use a gun. Go clean yourself up.”
Kim’s shirt is stained dark, heavy and wet. It smears black stains over his already sweaty, sticky skin.
He doesn’t mind guns. They’re easy, absolute. Decisive. But sometimes, he finds that a hands-on approach instills a stronger message. In the right context, broken spines speak far louder than bullet holes.
Kim knows better than to disagree with his father. He’s never been yelled at or outwardly disciplined—not even once in his entire life. But there are worse things out there than raised voices and childish scoldings.
He bows his head obediently.
Behind Kim, the club doors open. Bodyguards stream inside, ready to clear the remainder of the club. Kim knows they won’t find anyone—he already handled them all. Eleven bodies are scattered across the floor in varying states of manglement. Kim observes them with vague, detached curiosity, replaying the encounter in his head and making a mental checklist of all the kills that could have been cleaner.
It’s hot out. He shut down the AC when he cut the building’s power. The stink of copper and sweat sits heavy in the air. He brushes his hair out of his face, but it falls back down and sticks to his forehead.
Then, Kim hears one very particular gait traverse the threshold behind him, softer and more hesitant than the others. His eyes widen. He spins around to face his father.
“You promised—”
Kim cuts off.
Father’s eyebrows are raised, daring him to continue. Kim does not test him. A sooty, smokey seed of resentment catches light in Kim’s chest beneath the weight of the silence.
“Kinn,” Father greets, not bothering to spare a sideways glance to his recently-named heir. “You’re late. I’m afraid your brother has already claimed the spotlight tonight.”
Dread pools in Kim’s gut.
Slowly, he turns around to meet his brother’s eyes.
Kinn is pale, his gaze locked on the corpses strewn about the room.
Eventually, his eyes flick upward to Kim. Kim, blood-soaked and empty-handed, alone in the midst of the carnage.
Kim schools his expression and stares blankly ahead, thinking of cold marble, and Father’s impassive regard.
He is not himself. He is his father’s cold-blooded monster. He simply did what had to be done.
“Kim?” Kinn asks softly. “Kim, what have you done?”
🌃 sigh 🌠
Jealousy Becomes You
“What do you want?” Chay asks, and hates the way his voice cracks.
“I want to take you home so you can sleep this off,” Kim answers.
Chay hates that response. It tells him nothing. Kim doesn’t have any right to tell him what to do.
He also really does want to go home.
All of the anger and defiance drains out of Chay at once. He leans forward into Kim’s arms. Kim tenses at first. Then, with a sigh, he wraps his arms tightly around Chay’s body.
For a moment they stand there like that, embracing in a dark hallway, muffled music shaking the walls from the club beyond.
Kim smells like wild roses.
Chay buries his head deeper into Kim’s shoulder on instinct, gripping the front of his leather jacket. He’s acutely aware of Kim’s hand where it rests softly against the small of his back.
He never thought he would get to feel this again.
He remembers the soft, quiet night when he fell asleep in Kim’s arms Ion the sofa, and wishes he could do it again.
The hallway spins around them.
“Okay,” he mumbles into Kim’s shirt.
“Okay?” Kim asks. The question rumbles against Chay’s ear.
Chay nods, not bothering to check whether Kim sees it. He doesn’t want to let go. He’s exhausted. He just wants to hold onto Kim now, as long as he can.
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fleet-off · 2 years
Menagerie [part 2]
(previous parts: 0 | 1)
So things are going well. They’ve made it to the part of the conversation about rats having short lifespans, which sounds like confirmation the rat gets to stay even if Pete’s being a downer about what that means and Vegas’s face has gone stony.
And okay, it’s not like Macau doesn’t understand the lifespan thing--he’s seventeen, he knows how the lecture goes. He knows you’re not supposed to get attached to small animals or cute boys or the friends you have to be ready to pull in front of you if you hear a gun go off. He knows you do it secretly anyway. Grief is stored in the fists or buried deep under the earth where it can’t make sound.
“Loving something when you know how little time it has can be hard,” Pete says. “There’ll be a point where food and medicine stop working. Sometimes love is all you can give, then. Are you okay with that?”
As if you could stop me, Macau wants to reply, except he’s trying to look mature here. “C’mon, phi, I can handle it.”
“Not like love will keep it from leaving,” Vegas says softly. He rubs at his jaw.
Pete’s eyebrows draw together. “Maybe not, if its other needs can’t be met. We can’t escape endings. That doesn’t make what comes before any less important.”
“If the ending’s so inevitable, why do you fucking bother, Pete?”
…Right. They’re not talking about petcare anymore.
Macau belatedly realizes that his timing may be less than optimal. Last night was a headphones-on night, not the gross sex kind for once, and they’d seemed fine at breakfast but maybe there’s a reason Pete was alone on the couch when Macau got home? The vein in Vegas’s forehead has started pulsing.
There’s an uncomfortable prickle in the back of Macau’s throat. His fingers want to fidget or clench tight--but he laughs and sets a hand on each of their shoulders instead. Makes a terrible English joke about not letting the rat race get you down, which does nothing for Pete but coaxes a snort out of Vegas. Pete smiles one of his dumber smiles to dispel the remaining tension.
It feels like a second shared joke, kind of, like he and Macau have something in common. He breathes easier for it.
Then Pete suggests that they take the rat to the vet for a check-up and some rat-keeping advice, and Vegas’s knee-jerk “Seek help? You think Macau’s incapable of managing by himself?” reaction sounds so much like Gun that both brothers flinch in their seats.
Macau goes carefully, carefully still. Vegas’s face turns ashen.
Pete very calmly asks Macau if he could go order the family some takeout for dinner, please. His choice of restaurant.
Muscle memory takes over. Vegas used to find excuses for Macau to leave the room, too, when he could. Macau ducks his head and hurries out.
He takes the rat with him. Not that anyone would try to--well. Just in case. Shouting can’t be relaxing for rats, anyway, and Macau could use the company.
There isn’t any shouting. When Macau slinks back in, Vegas and Pete have relocated back to the sofa. They’re holding wrists instead of hands, the weirdos. Their conversation is a low murmur that draws to a close as Macau approaches.
No marks on either of their faces. There haven’t been, but checking is still a guilty impulse. Vegas looks suitably chastened, and he and Macau both pretend his eyes aren’t rimmed with red when Macau curls up beside them and leans his head on his brother’s shoulder. Vegas pulls him close, Pete reaches over and ruffles his hair, and the thing that’s been squirming in Macau’s gut for the last ten minutes finally settles.
It hasn’t ended yet.
“I promise I’ll do a good job, hia,” he mumbles. “I’ll work hard. I’ll be responsible.”
“’Course you will,” Vegas says roughly. “The rat’s not a test of your responsibility. I’ll call the vet in the morning.”
(continued here)
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sins-of-the-sea · 6 months
The Cruel Choice
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Everything is dead....
Though not the Seven. Just as the skies and seas are cleared of all life, from even the plankton and flies to sea jellies and little fries.... those bound to the Master were able to defy death and rise again, whole and alive.
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Ruixiong feels along his neck, no longer feeling it torn by a bullet. He can breathe easy as though his throat was never shot at all. "Phi....?"
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".........I am satisfied."
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"........ You mean...."
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"You may have Phoebus back. Do not disappoint me again. Or you know what will happen to you."
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"!!" Guy races over to his brother to hold him close, crying out to the Master, "Thank you!! Thank you, Master! Thank for giving him back to us! Thank you for-"
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Still no response from Phoebus.
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"...Phoebus?? A-... Are you not going to lift his dulled state, Master?"
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The Master tilts his head a little. "...What do you mean?"
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"You put him in this dulled state to punish us, isn't it, Master? To punish me? For immolating him so thoroughly that he would have had no body to return to?"
The Master pauses... then laughs.
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"Oh, my sweet little Guy. You had no idea how deep your fires touched Phoebus' soul, do you? My beloved Quarry of the Rhône...
"Phoebus was the one who requested he enter this state. I was just fine keeping him whole."
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"You mean-"
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"Phoebus ASKED to be like this?!"
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"No!! He wouldn't! No one ever asks to enter a state like this! No one! He can't be that Slothfu-"
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"Do you want me to lift him out of this state and return to you whole, Guy?"
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"As you wish." The Master simple waves a hand in the air...
And Phoebus crumbles onto the ground. Screaming. Flailing. As though he was still on fire. As much as they are all in an open space in a burnt down pier, Phoebus' cries echo beyond the skies and the sea.
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"Phoebus!! It's all right! You're not burning anymore! You're safe! You're safe!!"
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"Ruixiong, keep him from hurting himself! Calm him down, Abena! Please!"
Abena gets to work right away as Ruixiong presses Phoebus against the floor to immobilize him as much as he can. She uncorks a flask from her hip and pours as much of her hypnosis potion all over the flailing medic, dousing him as much as she can.
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"-=Calm!! Calm down!!=-"
Phoebus keeps on screaming, fighting against Ruixiong to keep on flailing--to the point the Crew can hear his bones breaking in resistance.
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"-=Calm!! Please!! Calm!!=-"
They can hear snapping of Phoebus' joints as his throat is ripping itself inside out from the nonstop screaming.
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"-=Calm!=- I am begging you, -=Calm!!=-"
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At last, Phoebus falls limp as Abena collapses in her husbands arms. The ship medic is calmed... to the point of full sedation once again.
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minniemariex · 2 years
stream of thoughts (like literally wrote it on the first watch through on yt i’m off now to watch it grey with all of the nc scenes 😏)
okay we’re like 3 mins in (off which good 2,5 was previously on LITA) and rain is already adorable. him hiding behind Phi when he registered an unknown man as threat was a smart and adorable move. shows how much he trusts Phi to keep him safe and to take care of him. and Phi immediately knowing and introducing him to kind of show he is someone he knows. rain still kind of cowed hides behind Phis still.
also the guy gives me a bad vibe. also are all mafia lords gay? cause he clearly said that Big Bosses ‘boy’ got sick. like? hmmm okay
rain holding Phi’s arm in both hands is precious. he gives himself sth to hold onto. quite literally
Phi asking if he now gets why he was so upset when rain snuck into the race last time. and rain actually getting it. it was super careless and irresponsible and down right stupid of him. but now rain is gonna be a Good Boy and stick to Phi like a glue
oh no. the guys from the bathroom. i mean i knew they would cause trouble this ep. but still.
im also wondering about how close Phi and Big Boss are. like are they kinda friends? and that’s why he trusts Phi to fix his bikes? how did they meet? i’m guessing it was a few years back. since it’s pretty obvious that both twins know him pretty well.
another side not does anyone know how old is Phi? he finished his degree so i’m guessing 25/26? and rain is what? like 20?? idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
omg. okay. Prapai talking to rain. and probably wanting some sky info. but getting interrupted by twin nr. 2. and getting roped into beating newcomers into submission. i so do love saifah (lowkey forgot his name for a sec xD)
okay but the fact that no one wants to race P’Pai should be enough of an indication that he’s one of the best and taht you definitely should not race him. especially on your first race. like. UGH 😩 where’s your common sense and self preservation dude???
sorry to interrupt but there’s a hot blond human being in the background. i’m a white shirt (at around 8,28 on yt). and i jsut would like to have an in focus shot of him. for research purposes of course.
not gonna lie i’m living the race scenes. the only thing that bugs me is taht the other guy is racking in fucking jeans and converse. like. dude. you don’t do that. other than that loving it. P’Pai winning by a margin was not a surprise. like at all. the sore lose was also not a surprise. like at all.
i really don’t understand how some people can be dumb enough to not do research when they pretend to be close to someone. like boi. you telling the right hand man you gonna get him fired when he never saw your face? is a dumb move. but what can you do. your head is probably very very empty.
‘are you okay’ Phi ‘that should be my question’ rain. then rain puts his hand on Phi’s face and asks if he’s angry. cuuuuute
i see you rain. i see you. Phi says he’s mad and your eyes just take in his face and you think it’s hot. me too bb. me too. Phi is hot when he’s mad.
being cute and praising how good of a job Phi did by not punching anyone is a great way to elevate Phi’s mood. well chosen tactic rain. and then finish it with ‘smile, you’re scarring me and don’t frown or i’ll cry’ in an obviously not scared voice and we get one Phi in a better mood already.
the hug was everything. as was rain casually calling himself ‘darling’ the whole time (i think at least). and Phi definitely kissed rains ear. and i love that.
the little grab of Phi’s shirt and pulling him into a kiss after saying ‘Phi likes to take things slowly sometimes’ was soooo goood (i’m mad i’m watching this on yt and can’t see the kisses in full - i’m guessing they cut them after last ep)
and can i just say i love the lighting in this scene. rain looks so soft. as does Phi. it brings up the gold in their skin tone so well. and just loooks amazing.
can we talks a little about how Phi is obviously very good at his job? competency is hot. and also liked by his coworkers? and clearly dedicated to doing his best? he has a life outside of his relationship with rain. and taht sth that i feel like we often don’t get in series. idk if it’s cause a lot of them are just romance and everything not relevant is unimportant. and honestly in LITA it’s kind of the same. but here Phi being good at his job is definitely relevant as rain is in university essentially to have the same career. but i still like and appreciate showing us his work space and his colleagues and his job. and the fact he’s good at it is a great motivator for rain but also for the viewers.
Phi rushing to the garage cause he knows rain is there. i love their relationship. i want one for myself.
and rain just being at the garage to study. and do his work. as he promised Phi he would. TIME MÉNAGEMENT YAY
‘Phi there are people around’ looks around at the empty room. lol just let him kiss you rain. get your reward for studying xD
the kiss in the nose was adorable. as was the challenge to kiss rain on the mouth. which Phi did with pleasure.
COMMUNICATION we asked for it. and we got it. and actual conversation in a series where both parties expressed their opinion on a matter, which would normally cause a problem of some kind in a couple. here we got clear intentions and explanation and promise to not get hurt. Phi knows he ha smithing to gain from the race. but he shoma do it anyway. and rain while doesn’t really get it comes to an understanding taht it’s important to his Phi. so he has him promise not to get hurt. to which Phi responds that he’s going to have a bike race not a war. and i love it. thye we’re both level headed at the time of the conversation. clearly some time has passed since saifah came and gave them the news. they both thought about it. and discussed it as couple. got to an understanding. and case closed.
also i want to talk a little about how much Phi and rain hug. like since they got together they’ve been all over each other. hugging and holding hands and kissing. which honestly i don’t see that much in the series. like hugging doesn’t seem to be a huge part of most bl relationships. sure quick hugs or when one is distressed. but just pulling the other flush against and holding him there. that does not happen often. but would love to see it more often. i understand that not all characters have a personality fit for this type of actions. but i simply adore that LITA gives me all of that. cause i would definitely be like rain cling onto my SO hands and arms and just content with being held. and it’s nice to see that on the screen. it’s sth that’s missing (for me) in a lot of series. especially friends to lovers trope a so would imagine they would be quite touchy with each other.
rain is worried. but then he sees Phi in a racing suit and is like ‘Phi never loses’. the guys know that Phi did in fact lose one time. to rain of course xDD but rain doesn’t have to know just how much power he has over his Phi
Phi loves touching rains face. he constantly squished him. and it’s adorable. as is him touching rains hair or head.
omg Phi is so smooth. ‘the suit looks so cool Phi’ ‘it looked cool when i put it on. wanna see me take it off?’ Phi you’re gonna kill rain at some point with your flirting.
‘put them on for me’ gives rain his gloves. i’m in love with this man.
and of course then the duchebag shows up.
rain being protective of his Phi something i would love to see more of. also rain swearing in Phis presence is so hot. since he never does it anymore as Phi doesn’t like ba mannered boys. but when someone touches his Phi? all of that goes out of the window. and Phi is obviously proud of the way rain is supporting him and protecting him (kind of not really but you get what i mean)
also why did the duchebags friend had to have such beautiful and low voice?? he said like two lines but i’m ready to get him out of that friendship.
the race. well obviously Phi will win. i wonder if it’s really the actors. i mean i knwo that some parts at least are them. but i wonder if they had some more capable people race and do it like super fast and then stitch it together. and like i said. Phi won. fair and square.
and apparently that was hot for rain. cause those kisses are saying a lot. yes boy go and take that suit off like Phi wanted you before. UGH YOUTUBE WHY DO YOU KEEP STOPPING BEFORE THE BEST PART?!?!?!?!? imma watch it later on grey xD
rain is discovering a whole new world with Phi. works of wonderful sex and wonderful kinks to try out xD
rain wants to see Phi in a race suit but not race again. and i kinda get it.
Phi’s backstory of why he chose architecture is hilarious. but so true lol. you make some weird choices on some random decisions you made as a kid.
i’m in love with this scene. just them quietly talking about themselves. getting to know each other. and confessing it’s ‘more than like’ and that ‘it been more than like for a while now’ is so wholesome. i want that with my SO some day.
my biggest pet peeve is when you are in bed and under the covers but your feet stand out. CANT STAND IT 😫
rain made breakfast. in underwear. and Phi came in. and smacked his ass. and let me tell you something. thai kind of simple domesticity is great and i love every second of it given to me. rain not even being bothered but the smack has just added few points for the scene.
Phi being a gentleman and kissing rains hand is such a great contrast to him smacking rains ass and i love it.
aww rain is a stay at home boyfriend now. so cute.
that’s suspicious. rain do not go to carry the package. like boi be smart. your Phi jsut had a conflict with a guy who clearly saw you kiss him, thus he knows you’re important to him. this little clue les bean.
okay i’m sorry but like. they didn’t even tie him up. wtf ??
okay i’m sorry? that’s an unbearably messy room?? you’ve clearly never saw mine lol omg is he gonna realize it’s Phi’s triangle (i honestly have no idea what’s it called in english lol)
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lowpolylobotomy · 1 year
oh my god i love useless factoids. tell me more useless drag race factoids
all my factoids are about english speaking seasons for the most part. idk much abt the other ones
ooh here’s a REALLY useless one. gottmik, jada shada hudson, etcetera etcetera, krystal versace, jaida essence hall, and daya betty (and probably more i’m missing) all have rumix verses where they mention a snatched/cinched/tiny waist.
“face is stamped so right, clown paint and waist so tight” (gottmik, lucky)
“drag race, beat face, small waist, wigs laced” (jada shada hudson, true north strong and fierce)
“snatched face, tiny waist, bet you thought you’d never see this bitch on drag race” (etcetera etcetera, queens down under)
“she’s the face and the grace, big uh tiny waist” (krystal versace, bde)
“sickening little bitch with an itty bitty waist, chile i’m never afraid to put a bitch in her place” (jaida essence hall, legends)
“yeah my mug is stamped and my waist is thinner so you’d betty be ready ‘cause i’ve always been a winner” (daya betty, catwalk)
if i went through and counted all the verses that mentioned the “crown” or “making [parental figure] proud” i think i would die . maybe i’ll do that
pandora boxx was the first queen to ever have an entrance line in season 2 (hey, fake ladies !) and i BELIEVE jiggly caliente was the first to ever have an exit line in season 4 (deuces !) . funny how both were on all stars 6
speaking of jiggly, she and mariah balenciaga are two queens that have censored mirror messages ! jiggly, as a trans woman, wrote a mirror message about paying for trans surgery in season 4, which was censored in the edit. and then of course you have mariah’s iconic “congratulations raja” mirror message - many, many episodes before raja would actually be crowned the winner of season 3.
the first queen to ever write a mirror message was shangela.
shea couleé is the only queen to my knowledge to enter the werkroom first, twice. (on as5 and as7.) the vivienne and bebe zahara benet have both entered last twice. unless. unless you count raven as entering last on as7 but who would count raven in anyrhing ever
i forget if bianca del rio, envy peru or la diamond has the best track record out of all the winners, but it’s one of ‘em. think it depends on who you ask. i think it’s agreed that priyanka has the worst though 🥲
in the infinite list of rugirls, acid betty is first alphabetically, and yvie oddly is last.
bebe, tyra, raja, aquaria, chad, and the vivienne all won after entering the workroom last. trixie, shea, lawrence chaney, danny beard, and priyanka all won after entering first (bianca entered first in her premiere group, so she kind of counts ?)
elecktra bionic is the only winner to have no challenge wims. priyanka has 2 and STILL has the worst track record 😔can’t believe theyd do my favourite winner like this💔
dax exclamationpoint is violet chachki’s drag mother (in the words of laganja: dax ? the nerd ???) chad is morgan mcmichaels’ mother, asia is phi phi/jaremi’s, honey davenport is monét’s, and theres way more that i’m forgetting 😵‍💫
max is the lowest placing queen to win more than one challenge, placing 9th post trixie comeback.
thats all for now. i wrote wayyy too much and i have so many more if anyone wqnts to enable my autism
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felteverywhere · 2 years
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was it embarrassing, how fast grayson had raced out of his dorm after hanging up the phone with cassie? he supposed he could argue otherwise, about how common it was for absolutely horrid shit to happen to girls at frat parties and that he was just a good friend and a concerned member of their community. he could argue until he went blue in the face, but it wouldn’t change the fact that for her, he would throw a hoodie over his dorky mr. grumpy pyjama shirt that his little sister leia had picked out for him five years earlier and head out to his least favourite place on earth. his car sat parked on the street a little ways away as he walked up to the neon lit circular columns of alpha epsilon phi. reluctantly, he walked up the first couple of steps, fishing his phone out of his pocket so he could call cassie again. he didn’t speak until she answered, one of his fingers blocking his ear as he continued to look for her. “you don’t need me to grab you from inside, do you? ‘cause i can do it, but i won’t be happy about it.” he spoke into the phone, squinting as he thought he saw her in the distance. “are you wearing bracelets all up your arm, if you are i think i see you? what in the fuck is this party?” 
for @ofblcssxms
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 1.6
Apple Tree Day
Armed Forces Day (Iraq)
Blessing of the Waters (Greece, Turkey)
Carnaval Blancos Negros, Day 3: The Day of the Whites (Colombia)
Carnival season begins (until Shrove Tuesday)
Children’s Day (Uruguay)
Cuddle Up Day
Daruma Ichi (Takasaki City, Japan)
Dezome-shiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Flying V Day
Four Freedoms Day
Greek Cross Day
Haxey Hood (Traditional Old English race, pushing a leather tub to a local pub)
Hornschlittenrennen (Horn Runners Race; Germany)
I Am A Mentor Day
International Day of Astrology
International Jewish and Proud Day
Insurrection USA Day
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Missionary Childhood Day
National Davis Day
National Samantha Day
National Share a DAG Day
National Smith Day
National Standard Poodle Day
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day
National Technology Day
Nurse Day (Mexico)
Parents and Parents-in-Law Day (India)
Pathet Lao Day (Laos)
Phi Day
Schoolhouse Rock Day
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Day (Abeldane Empire)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 5.22]
Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi (Shorinzan, Japan)
Surb Tsnund (Armenian Christmas)
Swap Day
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees (UK)
Wheel of Fortune Day
World Day of War Orphans
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bean Day (New Orleans)
Dry Bean Day
King Cake Day
King of the Bean (a.k.a. National Bean Day)
National Shortbread Day
Walker’s Shortbread Day
1st Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [1st Saturday]
National Bacon Day [1st Saturday]
National Rib Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Straw Bear Day [Saturday before Plough Monday]
Independence & Related Days
New Mexico Statehood Day (#47; 1912)
Feast Days
Aleksandra Ekster (Artology)
André Bessette (Roman Catholic Church)
Baldassare Verazzi (Artology)
British Comedy Quotes Day (Pastafarian)
Charles E. Pont (Artology)
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Christmas (Original Date) (a.k.a. ...
Christmas (Armenian Apostolic Church, Amish)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Día De Reyes (Kings Day; Mexico)
Heilige Drei Könige (Liechtenstein)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Little Christmas (Ireland)
Old Christmas
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Sure Tsnund (Armenia)
Sveta Tri Kralja (Croatia)
Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Day of Kore Underground (Pagan)
Epiphany (a.k.a. ...
Befana Day (Italy)
Nollaig na mBan (Ireland)
Þrettándinn (Iceland)
Race of the Three Kings (San Pablo, Peru)
Theophany (Eastern Christian Church)
Three King's Day (Florida, US Virgin Islands)
Three Wise Men Day
Trettondagen (Sweden)
Epiphic (The Season of Bad Noise, Devoted to the Indefinable; Church of the SubGenius)
Extra Cuddles Day (Pastafarian)
Gustave Doré (Artology)
Haley Hood (England)
José Campeche (Artology)
Nalujuk Night (Inuit)
Pinky (Muppetism)
Romulus (Positivist; Saint)
Taos Pueblo Deer or Buffalo Dance (Native American)
Tursi (Slavic pagan fertility rite of Jar-tur, the bull) 
Twelfth Day (a.k.a. Twelfthtide)
Twelve Holy Days #12 (Pisces, the feet; Esoteric Christianity)
William McGonagall Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Day (because Christmas decorations come down this day. It's a sad day for all.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [5 of 30]
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Agent Carter (TV Series; 2015)
The Body Machine (Science Rock Cartoon; 1979)
Casanova Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Come Fly with Me, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
The Danny Kaye Show (Radio Series; 1945)
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Novel; 1605)
Frampton Comes Alive!, by Peter Frampton (Live Album; 1976)
Hare We Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Hell’s Fire (MGM Cartoon; 1934)
High School DXD (Anime TV Series; 2012)
Inspector Morse (UK TV Series; 1987)
County Fair (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Land of the Lost Jewels Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Luvcast U.S.A. (Animated TV Film; 1973)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock! Cartoon; 1973)
Pill Peddlers (Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1953)
Pluto’s Heart Throb (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Polly Wants a Doctor (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
The Revenant (Film; 2015)
Schoolhouse Rock (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Shape of You, by Ed Sheehan (Song; 2017)
SWAT Kats: A Special Report (Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon Special; 1995)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film; 2012)
Wheel of Fortune (TV Game Show; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Erminold (Austria)
Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Iordan, Iordanka, Teodosii, Yordan, Yordanka (Bulgaria)
Baltazar, Gašpar, Melkior (Croatia)
Tri králové (Czech Republic)
Aabel, Aabi, Aabo, Aap, Aapo (Estonia)
Harri (Finland)
Balthazar, Gaspard, Mélaine, Melchior, Tiffany (France)
Raimund (Germany)
Fani, Fotika, Fotine, Fotini, Fotis, Jordan, Ourania, Peristera, Photini, Photis, Theofania, Theofanis, Theopoula (Greece)
Boldizsár (Hungary)
Baldassarre Gaspare, Melchiorre Raffaello, Rafaelo (Italy)
Arnita, Spulga (Latvia)
Arūnas, Arūnė, Baltazaras, Kasparas, Merkelis (Lithuania)
Åslaug, Aslaug (Norway)
Andrzej, Balcer, Baltazar, Bolemir, Epifania, Kacper, Kasper, Melchior (Poland)
Evgenia, Klavdia (Russia)
Antónia (Slovakia)
Baltasar, Epifanía, Gaspar, Melchor (Spain)
Baltsar, Kasper, Melker (Sweden)
Cheyanne, Cheyenne, Howell, Hoyle, Kahlil, Khalil, Melchior, Rowan, Talullah, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 6 of 2024; 360 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 1 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 25 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 24 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 6 White; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 December 2023
Moon: 26%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Moses (1st Month) [Romulus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 17 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 16 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 1.6
Apple Tree Day
Armed Forces Day (Iraq)
Blessing of the Waters (Greece, Turkey)
Carnaval Blancos Negros, Day 3: The Day of the Whites (Colombia)
Carnival season begins (until Shrove Tuesday)
Children’s Day (Uruguay)
Cuddle Up Day
Daruma Ichi (Takasaki City, Japan)
Dezome-shiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Flying V Day
Four Freedoms Day
Greek Cross Day
Haxey Hood (Traditional Old English race, pushing a leather tub to a local pub)
Hornschlittenrennen (Horn Runners Race; Germany)
I Am A Mentor Day
International Day of Astrology
International Jewish and Proud Day
Insurrection USA Day
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Missionary Childhood Day
National Davis Day
National Samantha Day
National Share a DAG Day
National Smith Day
National Standard Poodle Day
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day
National Technology Day
Nurse Day (Mexico)
Parents and Parents-in-Law Day (India)
Pathet Lao Day (Laos)
Phi Day
Schoolhouse Rock Day
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Day (Abeldane Empire)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 5.22]
Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi (Shorinzan, Japan)
Surb Tsnund (Armenian Christmas)
Swap Day
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees (UK)
Wheel of Fortune Day
World Day of War Orphans
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bean Day (New Orleans)
Dry Bean Day
King Cake Day
King of the Bean (a.k.a. National Bean Day)
National Shortbread Day
Walker’s Shortbread Day
1st Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [1st Saturday]
National Bacon Day [1st Saturday]
National Rib Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Straw Bear Day [Saturday before Plough Monday]
Independence & Related Days
New Mexico Statehood Day (#47; 1912)
Feast Days
Aleksandra Ekster (Artology)
André Bessette (Roman Catholic Church)
Baldassare Verazzi (Artology)
British Comedy Quotes Day (Pastafarian)
Charles E. Pont (Artology)
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Christmas (Original Date) (a.k.a. ...
Christmas (Armenian Apostolic Church, Amish)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Día De Reyes (Kings Day; Mexico)
Heilige Drei Könige (Liechtenstein)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Little Christmas (Ireland)
Old Christmas
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Sure Tsnund (Armenia)
Sveta Tri Kralja (Croatia)
Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Day of Kore Underground (Pagan)
Epiphany (a.k.a. ...
Befana Day (Italy)
Nollaig na mBan (Ireland)
Þrettándinn (Iceland)
Race of the Three Kings (San Pablo, Peru)
Theophany (Eastern Christian Church)
Three King's Day (Florida, US Virgin Islands)
Three Wise Men Day
Trettondagen (Sweden)
Epiphic (The Season of Bad Noise, Devoted to the Indefinable; Church of the SubGenius)
Extra Cuddles Day (Pastafarian)
Gustave Doré (Artology)
Haley Hood (England)
José Campeche (Artology)
Nalujuk Night (Inuit)
Pinky (Muppetism)
Romulus (Positivist; Saint)
Taos Pueblo Deer or Buffalo Dance (Native American)
Tursi (Slavic pagan fertility rite of Jar-tur, the bull) 
Twelfth Day (a.k.a. Twelfthtide)
Twelve Holy Days #12 (Pisces, the feet; Esoteric Christianity)
William McGonagall Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Day (because Christmas decorations come down this day. It's a sad day for all.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [5 of 30]
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Agent Carter (TV Series; 2015)
The Body Machine (Science Rock Cartoon; 1979)
Casanova Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Come Fly with Me, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
The Danny Kaye Show (Radio Series; 1945)
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Novel; 1605)
Frampton Comes Alive!, by Peter Frampton (Live Album; 1976)
Hare We Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Hell’s Fire (MGM Cartoon; 1934)
High School DXD (Anime TV Series; 2012)
Inspector Morse (UK TV Series; 1987)
County Fair (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Land of the Lost Jewels Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Luvcast U.S.A. (Animated TV Film; 1973)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock! Cartoon; 1973)
Pill Peddlers (Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1953)
Pluto’s Heart Throb (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Polly Wants a Doctor (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
The Revenant (Film; 2015)
Schoolhouse Rock (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Shape of You, by Ed Sheehan (Song; 2017)
SWAT Kats: A Special Report (Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon Special; 1995)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film; 2012)
Wheel of Fortune (TV Game Show; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Erminold (Austria)
Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Iordan, Iordanka, Teodosii, Yordan, Yordanka (Bulgaria)
Baltazar, Gašpar, Melkior (Croatia)
Tri králové (Czech Republic)
Aabel, Aabi, Aabo, Aap, Aapo (Estonia)
Harri (Finland)
Balthazar, Gaspard, Mélaine, Melchior, Tiffany (France)
Raimund (Germany)
Fani, Fotika, Fotine, Fotini, Fotis, Jordan, Ourania, Peristera, Photini, Photis, Theofania, Theofanis, Theopoula (Greece)
Boldizsár (Hungary)
Baldassarre Gaspare, Melchiorre Raffaello, Rafaelo (Italy)
Arnita, Spulga (Latvia)
Arūnas, Arūnė, Baltazaras, Kasparas, Merkelis (Lithuania)
Åslaug, Aslaug (Norway)
Andrzej, Balcer, Baltazar, Bolemir, Epifania, Kacper, Kasper, Melchior (Poland)
Evgenia, Klavdia (Russia)
Antónia (Slovakia)
Baltasar, Epifanía, Gaspar, Melchor (Spain)
Baltsar, Kasper, Melker (Sweden)
Cheyanne, Cheyenne, Howell, Hoyle, Kahlil, Khalil, Melchior, Rowan, Talullah, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 6 of 2024; 360 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 1 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 25 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 24 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 6 White; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 December 2023
Moon: 26%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Moses (1st Month) [Romulus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 17 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 16 of 31)
0 notes
lovestormgames · 7 months
Phayu's Phone Call
Phayu knew he didn't have much time left and between Pakin and Sky, one of them was a little more helpful in finding Rain. If only he knew was the price was going to be before asking for help. But right now, he didn't have a choice. With his phone up to his ear, he heard the husky tones of his boss.
"Phayu? Why are you calling me this early in the morning? You know I don't function without my fourth cup of coffee."
Phayu sighed, "It's Rain. He's been kidnapped again and there's no sign of ransom note or anything."
"So you want me help? Chai is a little busy today but I'm sure he could spare a couple of hours. In exchange, all I need you to do is build me two motorcycles from scratch Phayu. I have some important clients coming in from Japan that could make me a lot of money."
Phayu grit his teeth. Building two bikes from scratch would cost Phayu several all nighters if he was going to get them done before the next race next month. But if that's what it took for P'Chai to look into Rain's disappearance, he would do it.
"Deal. Rain's car is here on campus grounds."
"Chai will be there shortly. I do hope we find your boy Phayu, I do like his spirit."
"I do too. Thank you Phi."
The phone went dead and Phayu scrubbed his face with his hands. Now all he could do was wait until P'Chai came. He glanced back down at his phone, the tracker app connected to Rain's phone still blinking red to him. Rain's phone was still turned off but the moment his app turned green, he would be there.
0 notes
lboogie1906 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Rayford Whittingham Logan (January 7, 1897 – November 4, 1982) was an African-American historian and Pan-African activist. He was known for his study of post-Reconstruction America, a period he termed "the nadir of American race relations". In the late 1940s, he was the chief advisor to the NAACP on international affairs. He was a professor emeritus of history at Howard University. He was born and raised in DC. He won a scholarship to Williams College, graduating in 1917. During First WWI he joined the Army and served as a first lieutenant in the all-black 93rd Infantry Division, which undertook operations with French troops. Once the war ended, he remained in France. He helped to coordinate the 2nd Pan-African Congress in Paris. He returned to the US in the early 1920s and began teaching at Virginia Union University. During the US occupation of Haiti, he made a fact-finding mission to Haiti to investigate educational efforts and published his findings in The Journal of Negro History. The main findings indicated there was little improvement in education due to the choice of Southern white Marines as country administrators – men who had been raised with Jim Crow laws in the South and had brought their prejudice with them to their new assignment in Haiti, a majority-black republic. The main improvement effort resulted in establishing agricultural schools, which were highly expensive and staffed by non-French speakers, so classes had to be translated. The funding provided to these schools dwarfed the amount given to the majority of academic schools. He started graduate studies at Harvard University, earning an MA and a Ph.D. President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed him to his Black Cabinet. He drafted Roosevelt's executive order prohibiting the exclusion of African American from the military in WWII. He became Director of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. He was the 15th General President of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHdHhiLHM3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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