felixlefebvre · 3 months
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LOUIS HOFMANN as whump WERNER PFENNING in All the light we cannot see S01E02.
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dedibelyegei · 10 months
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No hát egy egészen nagyszabású sorozat egy részét vesszük górcső alá, mely évtizedeken, államalakulatokon és pénznemeken is átívelt. Németországról van szó, annak is - egy darabig - a nyugati feléről. 1986-ban indították el az NSZK-ban a 'Híres német nők', vagy 'Német nők a történelemben' sorozatot (mindkét néven hivatkoznak rá), melyet egészen 2003-ig adtak ki, mindig új és új hölgyekkel, de változó intenzitással és darabokkal. Volt amikor kimaradt egy év, például '90-ben, volt hogy három is a '90-es évek második felében. Jellemzően 2-6 bélyeg jelent meg egy évben. Ezek amik nekem vannak is mind különböző évjáratból származnak. Érdekesség még, hogy ugye a Német Egység mellett, történt más is: átállt az ország a vége felé az euróra. Így tehát '86-tól 2000-ig a németeknél megszokott pfenningben feltüntetett értékek szerepelnek a bélyegeken a pénznem jelzés nélkül, 2000 és 2001-ben már kettős értékek voltak, pfenningben és euróban is feltüntették, míg 2002-től jöttek az eurós bélyegek. Ez a sorozat hatalmas példányszámban készült, szóval jórészt nem nagyon értékesek a példányok, bár vannak azért különbségek, illetve azért egyben a teljes gyűjtemény már értékest képvisel. Kicsit nézzük az enyémeimet részletesebben:
Dorothea Erxleben (60 pf) - 1987
Ő nem más, mint az első német orvosnő, édesapja is orvos volt és hamar észrevette lánya érzékét és érdeklődését a természettudományok iránt, így együtt tanította fivérével aki orvosnak készült. Ekkoriban nők még nem járhattak hivatalosan egyetemre. A fivér, Christian 1731-ben el is ment a hallei egyetemre, Dorothea pedig apja mellett maradt, és a gyakorlatban már kezelte az egyszerűbb eseteket. 1742-ben aztán kiadott egy értekezést, mely amelett érvelt, hogy a nők is járhassanak felsőoktatásba. Végül II. Nagy Frigyes porosz királytól kapott kivételt, és 1754-ben első nőként elvégezte a hallei egyetem orvosi szakát. 1761-es haláláig kiterjedt praxist folytatott szülővárosában, Quedlinburgban.
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Bélyegügyben együtt 'jelent meg' egy 40 pfenninges darabbal melyen Maria Sibylla Merian illusztrátor látható.
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Luise Henriette von Oranien (100pf) - 1994
Azaz magyarul Lujza Henrietta orániai hercegnő. Holland származású, Hágában született 1627-ben, az Orániai-Nassaui királyi ház leszármazottja. 19 évesen hozzáadják Frigyes Vilmos brandenburgi választófejedelemhez, annak ellenére hogy másba szerelmes :( Házasságuk első évei után költöznek Brandenburgba a fejedelem székhelyére. Henrietta minden utazására és hadjáratára követte a férjét, férje politikai tanácsadójává vált az évek során, például ő maga érte el a lengyel királynővel való levelezés útján, hogy Lengyelország ismerje el Poroszországot, cserébe ők is elismerik a Lengyel Szövetséget. Származása miatt szövetségi szempontból is értékes volt a házasság, pl. a holland támogatás Pomeránia elfoglalásához, vagy a francia-holland háborúban történő közös fellépés okán. Kortárs iratokban így hivatkoznak rá: 'Kevés fejedelemasszonynak volt ekkora befolyása.' A munka mellett szerencsére jutott idő másra is, habár nem szerelemnek indult, végülis a leírások szerint példás házasságban élt a pár, és hat gyermekük is született, köztük I. Frigyes porosz király is. Sajnos a többiek még kisgyermekként/babaként, vagy kora 20-as éveikben meghaltak. Etéren Henrietta sem volt nagyon szerencsés, mindössze 39 éves volt mikor elhunyt, a Berlini Dómban temették el, és a mai napig ott nyugszik. Agaras képet hoztam viszont:
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Őt is párban adták ki egy 80 pfenninges Rahel Varnhagen von Ense írónővel együtt.
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Therese Giehse (100 pf) - 1988
Müncheni zsidó-német családból származó színésznő, eredetileg Therese Gift néven született 1898-ban. 1920-ban lépett először színpadra, hamar Németország szerte (el)ismert sztárrá vált, a '20-as évek végétől egészen 1933-ig mind színpadon, filmen mitöbb a politikai kabaré műfajában is. A nácik hatalomra kerülése után rögtön Zürichbe távozik, és itt folytatja karrierjét elsősorban. '36-ban hozzámegy John Hampson homoszexuális angol íróhoz, így hozzájutván a brit útlevélhez, mely miatt a nácik nem tudják elhurcolni. 1941-ben a zürichi színházban ő játssza először Kurázsi mamát Bertolt Brecht híres darabjában. '45-ben a háború után aztán visszatér Németországba, és a vasfüggöny mindkét oldalán játszik, de legtöbbet szülőföldjén, Bajorországban. A számtalan színházi fellépés mellett több mint 20 filmben, és tv műsorokban is játszott. Otthonában, Münchenben éri a halál három nappal 77-edik születésnapja előtt.
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'88-ban három ütemben is adtak ki Híres német nős sorozatokat, Giehse egy négyesbe került, együtt Hannah Arendt filozófussal, Mathilde Franziska Anneke valamint Hedwig Dransfeld írónővel.
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A beautiful end to Werner's character arc I noticed
Warning: below is spoilers for the book All The Light We Cannot See
In the beginning of Werner's story, we see him and his sister Jutta listening to Etienne's brother's broadcast which would then play Debussy's 'Clair de Lune' straight after. Clair de Lune literally translates to light of (the) moon, or moonlight.
Just before Werner's death, when he leaves the infirmary tent, he notices the moonlight. He remembers fragmented moments of his childhood in Zollverein with his sister, the happy, beautiful moments, while also observing how the wind changes the leaves and the grass and clouds, but the moonlight stays the same.
"Why does the wind change Everything except for the light?"
The wind, in this instance, represents life: how everything is constantly changing and tumbling around, like how Jutta and Werner fell apart. It could also represent Nazism and Hitler's influence and how it pulled Werner along into its whirlwind and obscured everything else.
The moonlight represents Clair de Lune. Those moments when Werner and Jutta would sit in the night, listening to the French broadcast. The boats in the canal, the rippling papers in the nursery. It represents Jutta, and her constant, unchanging nature that was there to guide him in the darkness all along.
The moment he realises that, that Jutta was right and that everything the Nazis stood for was wrong, his life was ended.
Because that is Werner's arc. His entire arc and story was for him to learn to see, to stop being "blind" to reality.
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
I am officially not okay now.
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movienized-com · 2 months
Planners (Serie 2023) #CelesteCid #LeticiaSiciliani #GonzaloValenzuela #GuillermoPfenning #MarcosMontes #CamilaPeralta Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- (Mai) Genre: Comedy / Drama Hauptrollen: Celeste Cid, Leticia Siciliani, Gonzalo Valenzuela, Guillermo Pfenning, Marcos Montes, Camila Peralta, Matías Recalt, Claudio Da Passano, Luz Palazón, Marabina Jaimes, Lisandro Galceran, María Laura Topa, Micaela Vilanova, Ivan Rosemblat, Mercedes Barranus … Serienbeschreibung: Die 37-jährige Malena (Celeste Cid) hat mit ihrem Ex-Mann…
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15000bugs · 1 year
the professor im emailing about the vocal program at my prospective university has a pf last name omg… its fate its meant to be 😌
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arabellas · 6 months
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muzaktomyears · 8 months
We all fell in love with Astrid’s black leather outfits. Influenced by her, Stu was the first to appear in a black leather jacket. George soon followed suit in a jacket bought off a waiter for £5. Then the rest of us got into line; buying cheap bomber-style models which we wore with the tightest of jeans and cowboy boots. George also discovered the cowboy boots shop on the Reeperbahn, creating some envy when he first turned up in a black and white pair. John and I hared off at the earliest opportunity to follow suit; Lennon chose a pair of gold and black, mine were red and black. Paul, who had a reputation amongst the group of watching his pfennings, stood out for some time but eventually conformed with a black and blue pair. To top off the whole ensemble we bought pink flat caps! These seemed necessities at the time and were primarily intended to be stage outfits, although they became our everyday wear too. No wonder we were becoming poorer by the minute.
Beatle! The Pete Best Story, Pete Best and Patrick Doncaster (1985)
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survivingcapitalism · 7 months
“From 2003-2016, bread prices rose steadily, far outpacing the minor increases in farmgate wheat prices,” NFU’s submission from last week explained. Farmgate prices are the prices of goods bought directly from farmers without markup added by retailers. The union says the costs borne by consumers have been completely detached from the prices paid to farmers since the 2000s.  “Farmgate prices for wheat did increase in 2021 and 2022, potentially driven by the war in Ukraine and other factors. However, they did not come close to narrowing the gap that has steadily widened since the beginning of this data series.”
Five retailers—Loblaw, Sobeys, Metro, Costco and Walmart—control 75 per cent of Canada’s food retail market. In processing, the Canadian market is even more consolidated in some cases. Just two corporations—one of which was owned by Loblaw parent company George Weston Ltd. until recently—control 80 per cent of the bread-making market, for example. 
The result is that farmers are facing dire financial circumstances, Pfenning said. They’re struggling with increased costs for virtually everything they need to grow food: land, equipment, soil amendments and more. Yet the prices they’re paid are virtually stagnant.
“Farmers and consumers are clearly in the same boat,” NFU vice president Stewart Wells said in a press release about the new data, “dealing with a highly consolidated processing and retail sector that can set prices to suit themselves and award enormous salaries to corporate CEOs.”
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iceman-kazansky · 5 months
Thank you for the tag @land-sh , @merriell-allesandro-shelton , @jump-wings , and @footprintsinthesxnd for tagging me <33
10 characters 10 fandoms
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Daniel Jackson, Saving Private Ryan
Arthur Morgan, Red Dead Redemption 2
Animal Mother, Full Metal Jacket
RK800 Connor, Detroit: Become Human
Lewis Nixon, Band of Brothers
Paul Bäulmer, All Quiet on the Western Front
William Schofield, 1917
Desmond Doss, Hacksaw Ridge
Werner Pfenning, All the Light we Cannot See
No Pressure Tagging: @mentaljasp || @softly-writes || @blvestxr || @liptonsbabe || @honeydjarin || and anyone else who wants to join in!
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 37
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
People coming back to me? I'll give them a show.
It takes a couple hours to set up, but that's fine, it takes a couple hours for one of the Starjumpers to detach from the Shipyard and come down and dock on the Reach. I wonder how complete it is. If it was still in the Shipyard when they stole it, it's probably missing a lot of components and isn't a comfortable ride.
Earlier today I declared that today and tomorrow are holidays and everyone can take the time off work. Any one who wants to keep working - food or craft sellers for example - can. Honestly, anyone who wants to keep working can, I'm not going to make them come to my little show off thing, but I do appreciate that everyone likes me enough to come out when I ask.
I have them bring out the platform we used when the Venusians came last, but this time me and my Builders are on top. We set it up a little way out from the umbilical so that as they come out, we can see them and they can see the crowds that have gathered. We finish as people start streaming in. It's a real festival atmosphere. I see food sellers walking the crowds, people offering little trinkets and toys for the children, and musicians are playing. People seem to really be having a good time. I'm glad.
As we sit waiting, the Starjumper connects.
The umbilical lights glow purple, showing a positive connection, and I raise my hands for silence.
The crowd stills.
Earlier, Omar explained to everyone as we were setting up that we were welcoming home people who went across the galaxy and delivered a shipyard and starships to us in my name. After more than seventy years of no Builders and then centuries of an Empire in decline, most everyone has been excited at the turn of events lately. Everyone likes being on the winning team, and it really feels like we're at the beginning. People for decades could talk to their friends and family about today. "I was there..." they'd tell children and grandchildren as they rolled their eyes and go off to play.
But they'd hear about it.
Even before the Heinlein and the Starjumpers showed up, Um'reli has been quietly asking around with local leaders. Most of them have said that there should be no shortage of volunteers to crew ships of conquest. - should a call go out.
With a hiss and a pop, the door irises open, and a Venusian walks out. Lightly armed, he looks up in complete surprise to the silent crowd in front of him. When he's visible, the crowd roars. I see how surprised he is by the wall of sound. I stand and wave to try and calm him. He cautiously waves back and rushes back inside.
After a moment, more than fifty people are led out by armed Venusians, blindfolded, and with their hands tied.
They are lined up before me at the front of the platform, 4 rows deep. Their blindfolds the purple of Venus and their hands tied with plastic straps. Behind them come two dozen heavily armed Venusians and yes... it does looks like it's almost everyone from the Lavinia. I recognize faces from the interviews.
A Venusian approaches. He's wearing the purple and grey uniform of Venus, but there are no emblems or patches on it. He approaches the platform and salutes. His voice clear he states loudly "Captain William Pfenning reporting, Empress. As you have commanded, we have returned to you, bearing gifts. Three almost complete Starjumpers and the entirety of the Heinlein Shipyards, including the staff." He bows low.
At the mention of the starships, the crowd gasps. They knew that they were coming with ships, but the fact that it was a shipyard and three of the largest ships from that side of the galaxy was a surprise.
At his bow, the rest of the Venusians bow low as well. I glance back to Raaden and she is grinning from ear to ear. Ginny recognizes people and is trying to surreptitiously wave to them. "Er, thank you for your generous gift Captain Pfenning. Please... remind me how I ordered you?
He looks up, incredulous. "When you declared that we belonged to you, we took the order to heart. When you sent us back to Venus in a stripped ship, we knew it was to send Venus a message, and also to embolden us to find our way back to you."
Ahh. This is what I get for trying to be theatrical. Good work, Melody. I'm committed now, no turning back. I should learn to keep my big mouth shut. Far too late for that I suppose.
I incline my head slightly. Here we go. "Thank you for your effort. These... gifts you have brought us are truly special. You and your crew are invited to dinner with us tonight. I would love to hear more about how you managed to do this amazing thing."
Will bowed again. "We would be honored to come to dinner Empress. But first..." He snaps his fingers.
The assembled Venusians remove the blindfolds of the captured Shipyard workers. They look around wide eyed and scared. Captain Pfenning looks at me expectantly.
Oh gosh, now what? Oh he's going to want me to order them to obey. I wasn't expecting to deal with captives already. I don't really want to compel people to work for me, but we also need help to build Starships. I'm going to have to do something. ugh. I feel so bad about this, it it'll be worse if I leave them. We really do need help too.
I stand up and face the captives.
H̷͉͆ȃ̷̖v̴͖̈e̵̺̽ ̴̬͆n̵̲̓ơ̵̻ ̷̨̓f̸̧͒e̵̖̕a̵̞̍ȑ̴̳.̵͇̏ ̶̻͠W̴̠̿e̶̟̅ ̷̜̊w̶͍̕ĩ̶̗l̴͍̎l̴͈̆ ̵̘͠n̵̝̑ò̸̡t̶̪͠ ̷̮̅h̴͍̓ā̶̻ŕ̸̩m̵̂͜ ̵͇͋ÿ̵̞́ő̵̥ụ̸͊.̴͖̊
They relax immediately. That's good at least.
Y̶̥͑o̸̱͛ū̴͇ ̴̗͊w̴̬̔o̶͖͠r̶͎͝k̴͖͑ ̵̡͌f̴͔̅ǫ̸̈́ṟ̷͋ ̵̱̓m̶̙̎e̴͍̓ ̶̳͗n̸̡͆ò̸̯w̴̑͜.̴̛ͅ
"You shall be paid for your work, and housing provided. Once our important work has finished, you shall freed and given the option to stay or return as you see fit. Tonight though, you shall dine with us as our honored guests."
B̴̻̭̫̮͇̿͛͠o̸̻͈̼͓̦͚̽́̒̋w̶̧̼͓̿́̈́̈́̌̚͘͝, and rise as subjects of the Holy Imperial Systems!"
It was awkward when their hands bowed, but everyone managed to bow.
While they were down, one man stood early. He raised his hands, and the restraints fell from his wrists. "Tyrant!" he snarled. "You will never be able to stop all of us!" His right hand folded out of the way and in it's place was...
a gun.
He was taking aim at me.
I felt my perception of time change. As the Nanites boosted my perception, I watched in slow motion as he raised his gun-arm, the black muzzle of the barrel in his arms a dark circle pointed at me. My first assassin, and he didn't seem to be affected by my Voice. Oh! I bet he's an AI. Well, here goes nothing...
He faltered. His face started to contort into a snarl of rage. Oh no, it works, but not enough. He can fight it. I try again. I really put a lot of myself into it.
C̸̢͌̉ȇ̷̟̣ä̷̩͝s̵͉͚͘e̶̝̾̈ ̶̡̮̽͝t̷̰̚h̵̤̆i̴̮̐̄s̴̲̩̉ ̷̫̀͐a̷̝͝t̷̙̖̚ ̷̲̽̂ǫ̴̹̓n̴̘̔̽c̶̳̈́e̴̟͆͝ͅ!̵̢͕̈
He shakes his head, confused. It works, but not enough. I'm going to need help on this one. My hand swings up to point at him, so slowly. I flip my perception back to normal and shout
Ī̴̟t̷͖̃'̷͙̕s̶͓̐ ̴̭̐a̶̤̚n̶̯̑ ̶̘͠a̸͑ͅs̷̼̄š̷̖å̴̖s̵̫̈́ṣ̵͌i̶͚͌n̵͕̽!̴̫̈ ̵͖͛S̶̖̆t̷̤͑ò̵̭p̶̲͌ ̷̜͗h̴̪̃i̸̟̒m̵̫̓!̷̟̀
In my panic, I don't direct the command at anyone, so it goes to everyone.
It's a bloodbath. Everyone within the sound of my voice, so... the Venusians, the prisoners, my Builders and much of the audience hears the command and descends on the would be assassin.
Fortunately, the sounds of shouting and yelling drown out the... other sounds.
After only a moment, the AI assassin is... gone. A stain of pale blue milky fluid is all that remains of him. Huh. I had no idea their circulation fluid wasn't red like blood. Well. That solves one problem, my immediate demise, but causes a whole new pile of problems because I didn't get a chance to question him. Also, it's worrying that my new Voice worked, but not well enough. I'll have to study AI brains more I think.
I raise my hands and call for calm, and resume the welcome. I take a breath to steady my voice.
"Now that has been taken care of, Please come and join us at the Palace for a meal, and we shall celebrate." I gesture to the crowd. "Residents of the Reach! Please welcome your heroes!
Quickly, I get down from the platform and gesture to Ava and Raaden and the others. Raaden is still grinning. "Good work disposing of that assassin Melody, you not only eliminated a threat, but you showed the people from the shipyards what you can do. I swear, it was more of them than the Venusians tearing him apart."
"You couldn't stop him though?" Ava looks worried. "We could have used him to get more intel on what the AIs know about us."
"That's just it, I tried." I look at my hands and then back at Ava. "It didn't work. He faltered at my new command, but it didn't stop him. I don't know if I need to learn more about AI brains, or if it will always be limited when trying to command them."
"Well it's not like he'll be reporting back." Um'reli shook her head. She had a better view of what happened than I did. Her expression is clear. She did not like what she saw. "We can only hope he was there to spy on the shipyard and took the imitative when he realized what was happening."
Raaden nods. "That was probably it. Even if FarReach reported to... whoever is in charge of the AIs - if they even have something like that - it would be years before they act. They like to take things slow and wait out trouble. They're so long lived that they would rather just leave a system and wait out someone they don't like rather than try and eliminate them."
Starlight's feathers ripple worriedly. "That was an AI? They look just like people. I thought you said they pilot your starships?"
Omar shakes his head and gestures as he talks. "They do both. Some AIs are ships, some have bodies like people, and others swap between the two. Since AIs bodies are so divorced from their 'selves' they are effectively immortal. If their body or their ship gets old and run down they change it. There are rumors that there are AIs that are still around from when the first AIs were crated."
Raaden frowns. "I don't buy it. I think it's just propaganda they use to try and bolster their numbers. If there are one hundred thousand AIs total I'd be surprised. I think they're much more rare than they let on. They love to let people think they're everywhere."
I don't know. I've met plenty of AIs. In bodies and in ships. I think there are more of them than Raaden thinks. Oh well. There aren't any here, that's a problem for Future Melody.
We get to the Palace and enter. It's different than the last time the Venusians were here. This time, it's more more of a party atmosphere. I had set up another banquet table for the Shipyard workers, and after I told them not to worry and that they'd be working for me they mostly rolled with it. Good food, no danger and the promise of pay took a lot of the sting out of "now you're stuck over here" and "by the way you're the subjects of an Empress"
We offered Captain Pfenning the opportunity to sit up at the head table with us, mostly because Raaden is dying to grill him on what happened.
"Okay. Don't leave anything out. What happened after Melody tossed the Lavinia into the Gate?"
Will swallows his tea. "We were able to Gate back to K'lax, but without a wormhole generator, we couldn't go any further. Luckily, the K'laxi linked a beacon back to Venus and the Frigate Liddy linked to K'lax with a spare wormhole generator. We spent a couple days installing it as best as we can and were able to link back to Venus."
Raaden grins. "I bet the Emperor was... displeased."
"Oh boy was he. Incandescent would be to kind. When we told him that you and Emery were captured, he declared you both killed in action and memorialized."
Raaden stopped, her fork midway to her mouth. "He declared us killed in action? He wouldn't even try and negotiate?"
"No. Said you weren't worth the effort. He had 'too much to do' back home. He was getting on one of his kicks to attack Heinlein again."
"I... see." Helen put her fork down and looked ahead at the crowd for a moment. I think she was sad to find out that she was cast aside so readily. She gently shook her head. "What of Emery?"
"Same thing. Declared killed, official three days of mourning, painting put up in the Hall of Heroes, the works. Officially the successor will be decided 'at a later date.'"
"Cast aside so easily... It just reinforces that I made the right decision throwing my lot in with Melody. You'll do well here Will. We have a need of strong captains soon."
I look over at Will. "He ordered you to attack Heinlein? That's how you got there?"
Will grinned. "He said it would 'help you and your crew redeem yourselves in my eyes and the eyes of Venus.' I think he was trying to give us a suicide mission to get us out of the way."
Omar looked up at the conversation. "Hasn't Venus been trying to attack Heinlein Shipyards for years?"
"Yup. Always failed before. Usually because they go in guns blazing and try and take it by force. We went in with the remains of the Lavinia and asked about repairs."
"They were going to refit Lavinia?" Um'reli was incredulous.
"If they knew what ship it was, no. We scrubbed the beacons and all identifying information. I said we found a scrap frame and were looking to refit it. As a crew came over to verify the frame's identity and work out the details of the refit, we overpowered them, abandoned the Lavinia and took the shuttle back to the Heinlein. They weren't expecting a guerilla mission at all and were completely taken by surprise." Will took another bite of food. "Then, once we had the station under control we loaded everyone into the most complete Starjumper, linked the wormhole generators together, overloaded the reactors - it was handy that Heinlein has such a large reactor, crossed our fingers and pulled the lever!"
At this point everyone at our table was listening intently to Will's story. "How did you get our address for the wormhole generator?" Ava with the smart questions.
Will shrugged with only one shoulder. "We got it from the navigation records of the Lavinia. We always take addressing measurements when we go somewhere new to update the records and make sure we are were we expect to be."
Raaden looks so proud of Will. I wonder if he is her protegé. "Excellent work Captain Pfenning. I'm so glad you made it back here. If everyone from the Lavinia who is here is willing to sign on wholeheartedly with Empress Melody, we could use the help. We're in the beginning states of planning to conqueror things back home and we'll need all the help we can get."
Will blinks. "You're going to conqueror? The whole place?"
I shrug. What else can I do? "Eventually yes. We'll start with Venus and the Sol system and work our way out from there. Since I have the ability to command anyone who is in the same room as me, my Builders point out that the governments back home probably won't tolerate my existence. The only solution is to take over or kill myself. I very much like being alive, so-" I show my hands "-I'm going to take over."
Raaden is animated as she explains it. "Don't worry Will, Melody is good people and a good Empress. She'll do well in charge. We'll get a chance to see some real change, help lots and lots of people and finally see a unified Sol and more!"
Will takes a sip of tea. "You already got our loyalty, so don't worry about that. If Raaden is this excited to work with you, then I'm excited to be a part of things. I trust her implicitly, and if she says you're good, then I know you are. The rest of the crew feels the same way."
Raaden laughs. "This is wonderful Melody. We're growing by leaps and bounds. Let's finish the three Starjumpers and convert them to Builder operation and start on the first Calamity Class super Dreadnought. Omar can bring the wilds over and turn that into a shipyard too. With two of them, we can build a fleet that much faster."
Will raises an eyebrow. "Calamity Class?"
"You should see it Will! It's amazing. We took the designs from the Lavinia's database plus the designs the Builders had here and made a super dreadnought. It can even go in atmosphere! Those colony worlds won't know what hit them. We'll be able to go in hot and fast and the battles will be short with a minimum of deaths. I bet we can conquer Sol in a month and the entirety of Human space in 2 years or less."
Dinner continued on into the evening with Helen excitedly telling Will and the others from the Lavinia our plans, with a little more emphasis on attacking than I liked. Still, I had never seen her this happy or animated unless she was talking about trains, so I let her go. If she gets people to sign on with us without me having to keep on ordering people, all the better. By the end of the meal, I noticed that a few of the employees from the Shipyard were listening intently as well. Interesting.
That night, I drew a hot bath and climbed in. I needed some time to decompress.
As I lay floating, Ava came in. "Want company?"
"It's really hot, but if you can stand it, sure."
She smiled and stripped down. Only wincing a little, she climbed in.
She snuggled up to my side and put her head next to mine. We floated in the silence and dark for a little while, just being Ava and Melody.
"Oh Ava, what am I going to do?"
"About what, hon?"
"First Janais, now the Venusians and the shipyard. I feel like I'm being pushed into taking over and ruling a Galaxy."
"Well you are Empress."
"What if I don't want to be? What if I just want to be Melody, with her partner Ava?"
Ava sighed. "I'd like that too Melody. But, that's not our direction now. What's the old saying? 'Buy the ticket, take the ride.' You bought the ticket when you touched the directory stone and became Empress. Now, we're on this ride to the end. Unless you want to to get off early-" I stiffened. No, I emphatically don't want that. "-then we've got to see it through."
I thought about the AI assassin from earlier today. Just a stain on the floor, just like that Aviens back when we first arrived. "So many people are going to die Ava."
I could feel her nod. "Yes, they probably will. We will have to do our utmost to be as overwhelming as possible. If we can intimidate, we don't have to kill. If we can cow people, we won't have to destroy them."
"I suppose you're right Ava. I don't want to be killed. I don't want to kill people either. I wish this hadn't happened."
Ava sits up and looks at me. I can see her wet face and hair reflected in the lights from the windows. "But it did happen Melody. Wishing won't change it. The only thing we can do is our best. We're given an opportunity here. Instead of lamenting the deaths that haven't happened yet, try and think about the good we can do here and elsewhere. Try and think how we can win with the least deaths and then you can be a just, fair, and most importantly, long lived ruler." She leaned back down against me. "Look at it this way. The only other Emperor is currently in charge of Venus, and he's loved by nobody. You'll be better than him without even trying. If you try, you could be beloved by everyone."
"Everyone? What about the AIs, Ava? I'm not about to do a genocide, I'll be no better than Venus then."
"Well... your voice works a bit. Maybe with practice and research it'll work more. More importantly, if we can convince them that you aren't a threat and aren't trying to eliminate them, maybe they'll leave you be."
"Yeah, maybe you're right. We have to convince them that we're not going to try and eliminate them." The water sloshed as I rolled and faced her. "But how?"
She put her finger against my lips. "Shh, we have time. We can figure that out later." Her hand slid down my body. "For now, we have other things to concern ourselves with."
The night was long and full of enjoyment.
Part 38
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Without doubt Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer (1907-90) was one of postwar Germany's most successful architects: his office Kraemer, Sieverts & Pfenning (later Kraemer, Sieverts & Partner) for almost four decades decidedly influenced the architecture of the Federal Republic with high-profile buildings like the Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt/Main, numerous bank and insurance buildings as well as other industrial and cultural buildings. Influenced by prewar International Style and the example of Mies van der Rohe Kraemer gave the young German democracy an international  Concurrently Kraemer as professor at Technical University Braunschweig together with fellow with fellow professors Walter Henn and Dieter Oesterlen established what came to be coined “Braunschweiger Schule”. 
Over time Kraemer idiom changed quite significantly and in later years became much more sculptural and brutalist, an indication of his moving with the times. In 2007 the publication "Gesetz und Freiheit - Der Architekt Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer" was published by Jovis Verlag alongside the eponymous exhibition at Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum and documents Kraemer's built and theoretical work as well as his teaching. Beyond topics like Kraemer’s early postwar educational journey to Chicago with students of TU Braunschweig the authors also don’t omit Kraemer’s high ranking position during the Nazi era: Kraemer served as architect of trust for the “Deutsche Arbeitsfront”, the German Labour Front, the regime’s single most largest organization, and in this capacity built for industrial enterprises and arms factories. Among these buildings also were forced labour camps. 
Through its broad approach the book provides interesting insights into the life and work of a very busy postwar architect: his design process, his influence as professor and his long-term relationship with architectural photographer Heinrich Heidersberger are equally addressed and draw a comprehensive picture of Kraemer the architect and human being.
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All the Light We Cannot See (2023)
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Basic Story: Two teenagers on opposite sides of the war are drawn together through radio broadcasts from their childhood.
Fan Thoughts: Based on the Pulitzer prize winning novel of the same name, All the Light We Cannot See follows the slowly intertwining lives of Marie-Laure LeBlanc and Werner Pfenning.  Marie and her father Daniel LeBlanc are living in Paris when the Nazis invade; Marie is totally blind, and in an attempt to protect her Daniel takes them to Saint-Malo, bringing with them a supposedly cursed diamond from his job at the Museum of Natural History to keep it from Nazi hands.  Daniel leaves to lay a false trail for the Nazi Reinhold von Rumpel who is after the diamond, and Marie broadcasts on a radio nightly to talk to him, hoping for his safety when he doesn’t return on time.  Unbeknownst to Marie, her broadcasts are being listened to by Werner, a radio operator who was recruited by the Nazis after making radios from scratch in the orphanage where he grew up.  Werner and Marie’s paths slowly converge as the Reinhold tries to find Marie, convinced she knows where the diamond is, and Werner tries to protect her from being caught for illegal radio transmissions.  Even without having read the book, the story seemed simplified and several of the characters lacked depth that I knew must have been present in the novel.  While it certainly is not the first time I’ve seen a World War II film entirely in English despite it being set in a non-english speaking country, it was a bit odd for Netflix to do so given they have plenty of foreign language productions they’ve produced before.  The romance between Werner and Marie felt very rushed, given they actually knew each other for a very short amount of time; in research for this review I found that the author felt this was a compensation to the readers of the novel who were disappointed in the lack of romance.  The actors do their best in a script with weak dialogue and having visually impaired actress Aria Mia Loberti in the lead role added depth to her performance.  While weak in some areas, and unsurprisingly lacking the depth of the novel, it’s an easy watch and will keep the audience’s attention, if not necessarily a standout miniseries. 
Warnings: characters shot on screen (non-graphic)
Available On: Netflix
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dedibelyegei · 9 months
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No elég sokat kalandoztunk már a németeknél, viszont NDK-s bélyegek még nem szerepeltek a blogon. EDDIG! Ráadásul ez szintén egy egész nagyszabású éveken átívelő sorozat, melyet több kisebb szakaszban/csoportban adtak ki, nagyrészt 1973-ban és '74-ben, majd némi szünet után '80-ban is, de ebben már ismétlés is volt, más formátumban. Összességében is több azonos bélyeg megjelent eltérő méretekben, vagy nyomásban, léteztek matt és fényes verziók is, szóval volt nagy fennforgás. A sorozatok egyébként Épületek, Berlini épületek, illetve Emlékművek néven futottak. A nagysorozathoz tartozó összes bélyeg, itt látható, összesen 15-féle különböző minta/érték jelent meg - ebben nincsenek benne a különböző nyomási változatok:
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Az én bélyegeim két külön évből, és kollekcióból valók, az első 1980-ból, tehát egy kései és a Köztársasági Palotát ábrázolja 10 pfenningért. Ez a bélyeg nem is jöhetett volna létre előbb, mivel az épületet '73-ban kezdték el építeni és 1976-ban adták át. A stabilizálódó kelet-német állam parlamentjének, új reprezentatív épületre volt szüksége, minthogy a korábbi Berliner Stadtschlosst, még a porosz időkből lebontották a háborúban keletkezett károk, illetve az ideológialiag nem megfelelő múlt reprezentálása végett. Ennek helyére, a mai Múzeumszigetre épült Palast der Republik. Parlamenti funkciója mellett, itt rendezték a Német Szocialista Egységpárt kongresszusait is, illetve különböző nagyszabású kultúrális és szabadidős eseményeket is. 1989-ben aztán az épület pillanatok alatt elvesztette jelentőségét, mivel megszűnt az NDK Népi Kamarájának működése, majd az egyesüléskor életben léptek a jóval szigorúbb nyugat-német előírások. Az épület acélszerkezetét az építéskor 5.000 tonna szórt azbeszttel borították be tűzvédelmi okokból, így 1990 szeptemberében egészségre veszélyes mivolta miatt teljesen lezárták. Évekig érintetlenül állt, majd '98-ban megkezdték azbesztmentesítését, úgy volt hogy valamilyen módon rekonstruálják és új funkciót adnak neki, de 2002-ben a Bundestag meghozta a döntést, hogy el kell bontani. Sokan próbáltak tiltakozni és megmenteni, 2004-ben még volt egy utolsó próbálkozás amikor kiállításokat, koncerteket rendeztek benne, de 2006-ban megkezdődött a bontás, mely egészen 2008 végéig elhúzódott. Az épület acélszerkezetét részben a Burj Kalifa építéséhez használták fel, részben pedig Volkswagen motorblokkokat építettek belőle! Jelenleg helyén a Humboldt Forum, és a korábban elbontott Stadtscloss rekonstrukciója található.
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A másik 25 pfenninges bélyeg, a mindenki által jólismert Alexanderplatzot ábrázolja, és 1973-ban nyomták. A területet még 1805-ben nevezték el így, I. Sándor orosz cár látogatásának tiszteletére. Közlekedési csomópont jellegének kialakulása már 1847-ben megkeződődik, mikor elindul a lóvontatású omnibusz az Alex és a Potzdamer Platz között. Az 1870-es években indul be az igazi fejlődés, amikor megkezdik az S-Bahn építését, ami 1882-ben el is készül és megindul a forgalom. Ekkor már ötemelet épületek állnak a téren, illetve körülötte. A XX.század elején megkezdődnek az U-Bahn építések is, de metróhálózatot végül az I. világháború miatt csak 1930-ban adják át. A II. vh. során hatalmas légvédelmi bunkert építettek alá, majd 1945-ben a szövetségesek bombázásaiban lényegében megsemmisül a tér. A Potsdami Konferencián a területet a keleti blokkhoz sorolják, így itt kezdik el kiépíteni az NDK fővárosonák új központját. Az 1960-as években kerülnek a helyére mai ikonikus szocmodern épületei, a Fernsehturm (Tv-torony, becenevén Fogpiszkáló) vagy a 120 méter magas Interhotel Stadt Berlin, a mai Park Inn. Számos metró, S-Bahn, regionális és távolsági vonat áll meg itt, és ez napjainkig csak bővült. Az egyesítés után nagy változás nem történik, mindössze annyi, hogy 1999-ben visszahozzák a villamoshálózatot is a térre, amit korábban felszámoltak.
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Ezeket a bélyegeket nagyon magas példányszámban nyomták éveken keresztül, így olcsón hozzá lehet jutni, a fent látott 15 darabos teljes sorozat körülbelül két euróért beszerezhető.
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starrygazeq5085 · 17 days
Bluzka z długim rękawem i guzikami
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fabiansteinhauer · 8 months
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Seltsamer Humanismus
Gerechtigkeit als Zufall. Das ist eine Wurftechnik, aufgezeichnet mit ihren Hemmungen und ihren Schüben, wie auf einem Doppelstrang. Kiessling protokolliert, wie ein Würfel zählt. Es gibt einige Arbeiten von ihm zur Fortuna, zuletzt habe ich eine Treppenszene zu diesem Thema von ihm gesehen: da springt ein Pfenning, ein Cent, eine Kupfermünze an einer Rolltreppe unbeständig vor einem her und bleibt doch auf der Stelle. Dann gibt es andere Arbeiten zu einer Art Kybernetik des Blickes und des Bildes (die Closed-Circuit-Installationen).
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mastomysowner · 1 year
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Vintage postcards, old banknotes (pfennings) and a modern stamp dedicated to the German city of Hameln.
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