#persona 3 Yomi
2stregafangirl · 2 months
I made the competent p3 adults pesterchum chathandles because why not
Kouta Arisato: viscousAggravator
Yomi Arisato: saccharineMediator
Takeharu Kirijo: calculatingKingpin
Eiichiro Takeba: jitteringCatastrophe
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adachimoe · 8 months
Packin' heat
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Y'know, part of their police procedures is that you have to be wearing an identifiable police uniform if you're carrying a gun. Since Adachi is a so-called plainclothes detective, he wouldn't actually carry a gun on him. It would stay locked up at HQ and he would have to get permission to bring it with him on cases.
Like, remember how he didn't just whip out his service pistol during Rise's stalker / photographer incident? He wouldn't have one on him to begin with, and he wouldn't try to get permission if he thought he was just going to babysit Dojima's nephew. One would assume he has a gun in December because it's one of his model guns that he rigged to fire, or he just took it from the station without anyone knowing (Dojima had been hospitalized since November after all).
In December, he has a line inside of the TV where he says he became a cop so he could legally carry a gun. For a little context, you can't own a gun there as a civilian. We do know from P4U2 that Adachi does like guns and has various model guns that he does maintenance as a hobby on 'cause he can't take his service pistol home with him.
But, even knowing this, what he says in December feels a little nonsensical. Cause at some point in his career, he decided to become an investigative detective in a country where you don't carry around any sort of weapon as an investigative detective. Idk, I just can't take him seriously when he says that lol. He even says it in the TV world when he's in "B-movie bad guy mode" and trying to make himself out to be the Worst Person Ever.
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In contrast, the uniformed Officer Kurosawa in Persona 3 would have a gun. Actually, I assume the black/gray object on his right hip - that you really have to squint at this screenshot to even notice - is his holster. He's stationed at a satellite police station in the mall and would be expected to respond to incidents that happen in the area, which may or may not involve using a baton or gun on a suspect.
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Soejima's rough drafts reveal something about this topic and Atlus's process.
In Soejima's draft of Dojima, we see that Soejima did draw him with a gun holster on his left. But in Dojima's finalized full body character artwork, this magically vanished. Soejima - or whoever gave him specs for what Dojima's design needed - might have assumed that plainclothes detectives do carry guns but this later got corrected and we see this reflected in Dojima's finalized artwork. Adachi's own art is pretty useless for this cause he's always wearing a jacket, but I found this notable regardless cause Adachi and Dojima do share the same profession.
Edit: If you are wondering why Naoto has a gun, I have no idea lmao. That seems more about Naoto being a party member and needing a weapon for combat than it does any kind of basis in reality. Like at first we only see her with it inside of the TV, so it just seems like "a TV world thing". But I've been told that in Persona Q it's revealed to be an actual real working gun? Welp okay boss if you say so.
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yomi-hellsimp · 2 months
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One of my all time favorite characters in my childhood and one of my favorite characters now. Very similar hair style (Yomi's natural hair is even blue as well). Completely different types of personality though.
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shootingxstardust · 1 month
Okay guys it's later. Imma do more Aigis Stuff and maybe Marion stuff tomorrow.. Actually it is tomorrow. I mean uh later today! Good night!
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alfiely-art · 5 months
The raincode in my head has a similar pace to Ace Attorney or Persona 5, where you spend multiple days in-game on the case/labrinth and it has the teamwork aspect from Danganronpa where all the main characters contribute to more than just their special focus case
You get time to hang out with the main cast like confidants or free time events and the gumshoe gabs are saved for the train detectives.
There's mini cases you can do in between the main ones. There's even a quest that's available after chapter 3 where you can help Makoto pick out his mask- Yomi's unavailable and Makoto's like "I had a feeling you'd have good taste, Yuma •3"
We get to see Makoto's emergency announcement and he + Yuma reconciling (they hug.) And Vivia stays at the NDA to keep it running, keeping Yakou's legacy alive
Kurumi goes out to travel the world and try to return the book of death to Yuma, who. Yk. Actually says goodbye to his friends and leaves them a way to contact him. He doesn't just fuck off into the desert
You get to go to the bar with Yakou and he makes hints about his wife because I think he's sad when he's drunk. Even though he wanted to let loose
Kurumi trains at the NDA after everything and becomes a detective trainee, Vivia's helping to train her (she already knows most of it but formal training is still good)
You get to buy gifts for the main cast and give it to them
Want to gamble with Halara? Bam. Minigame. You can also gamble with Desuhiko as an easy mode (you make less money this way though)
Seth lives
The Peacekeepers have more relevance. Why are their roles so brief. Yomi is the only one with a good amount of screen time.
Speaking of Yomi in the epilogue there's a cutscene of him doing community service all grumbling. Maybe he's working in Dohya District and Martina is overseeing the work there. She feels very pleased. Yomi is not allowed to speak to her
Uhhh and more. That's the raincode in my head
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And here are the results!
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The winners of the mini round have moved onto the official first round!
NOTICE: After the Zagreus situation, we've looked over other submissions to see if they're really twinks. As such this has resulted in Kazuma Kiryu to be unfortunately removed, we have replaced him with Xue Yang.
Side A will be going up as soon as possible!
The Match-ups:
Steven Stone (Pokémon) VS Ron Delite (Ace Attorney)
Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3) VS Ray Pakorn (Only Friends)
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) VS Taako (Adventure Zone)
Buddy (My Sims) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Wallace (Pokémon) VS Seidou Takizawa (Tokyo Ghoul)
Higurashi Kanta (Zom 100) VS Yomi Hellsmile (Master Detectives Archives)
Robert Chase (House MD) VS Shen Qingqiu (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System)
Daan (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina) VS Raihan (Pokémon)
Xue Yang (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) VS Wei Wuxian (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation)
Dr. Starline (IDW Sonic VS Randy Jade (Dialtown)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) VS Wiggig Y'Wrath (Starkid)
Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time) VS G'raha Tia (Final Fantasy XIV)
Toshiro Kasukabe (Persona 5 Tactica) VS Link (Legend of Zelda)
Axel Backer (All Saints Street) VS Dream of the Endless (The Sandman)
Sym (I was a Teenage Excolonist) VS Takemichi Hanagaki (Tokyo Revengers)
Lucius Spriggs (Our Flags Means Death) VS Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4)
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
Writing all of this up to the tune of "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)" because it felt suitable.
Reverie heads over the Junes food court one more time and as destiny would have it, the team wants to have a final meeting.
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How fucking convenient. You know, if the Midnight Channel birthed itself with conception-via-rumor, that would be remarkably fitting given the game's obsession with rumors.
But man, this conversation with the team is great because I HAVE BEEN BITCHING ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS FOR WEEKS NOW.
Who created the Midnight Channel and how did Namatame, Adachi, and Reverie all get the power of Persona to start off?
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Adachi spent his cigarette money on some stationery and stamps apparently. He sent a letter to Reverie and what's striking is the coolness, the resignation, the lack of his previous simmering anger. Reverie told Adachi he could still change and personally I wasn't sure but who knows!
But Adachi writes to be helpful, because he's clued into all the supernatural elements of this case and one thing has been haunting him: he cannot remember where he first heard of the Midnight Channel either. Just a rumor, just a whisper.
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Genuinely: Adachi is a top tier gaming villain. Huge fan.
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lmao Chie, a little known localization of fucking Cassandra I guess.
The game encourages me to try and figure out the first thing that happened to Reverie in this game, what happened upon arriving in Yasoinaba. Which.... the very first thing was meeting Marie, but I'm not allowed to go into the Velvet Room yet for some reason, so I head over to talk to Dojima and Nanako instead.
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hold please.
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Hang on a fucking minute. Are you serious right now.
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After a brief detour to my favorite liminal limo of the mind--
Also, this only occurred to me now.
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You frequently visit the Velvet Room in dreams and it's associated with the hero's unconsciousness. Is Igor's red-veined eyes meant to be a nod to the idea that he is a warden of the sleeping world and as such he never sleeps himself? Or am I reading too much into it.
Actually who knows, this game loves the Jungian collective subconsciousness shit, Persona and the Nonary Games are making out in Philosophy 101 talking about the Morphogenetic Field.
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Anyway. I see the Velvet Room folks and go to the gas station.
And this gas attendant has been hanging out on every rainy day since the start of the game, and all of a sudden,t he weather shifts from bright and sunny to rain.
da fuck
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excuse me i finally figured out that fucking voice, that's Karen Straussman, aka fucking AEGIS FROM PERSONA 3 jfc no wonder hearing it tickled my fucking brain so aggressively, i had JUST finished P3P
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They put the Sagiri into-- wait. Oh my god. Is that why Namatame's whole shadow situation was so fucking weird?
if they put the Sagiri into Adachi and Namatame, then what did they put into Reverie????
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....... oh the.... the weird inexplicable and suspicious lecture on the creation of Japan by Edogawa all the way back in Iwatodai. okay. Izanagi and Izanami. So Reverie has the subconscious imprint of Izanagi in him, the person who locked Izanami in Yomi.
/blows out a breath
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lmao my feelings on this ending are in progress and I wanna see how this all falls into place before having an opinion
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notbluabandoned · 1 year
Bueno aquí lo que le sucedio a yomy y bueno una actualización en su historia muy cambiada.
Como sabemos, Yomy era un niño que amaba dibujar, su sueño era ser un artista y queria que todo el mundo viera su arte
A los 10 añitos envio su solicitud y weas para que vieran su talento a una escuela de arte para todas las edades, ya que el arte de yomy había avanzado bastante.
Yomy esperaba bastante emocionado su carta de aprobación ya que estaba muy contento y lleno de sueños.
La carta-
Al dia de recibir la carta, lamentablemente yomy no fue aceptado con comentarios muy lamentable en la carta departe de la administración.
Yomy botaba su carta en una caja, su carta estaba llena de lágrimas y en otra estaban TODOS sus materiales de dibujos, caro, baratos, de todo a la basura. Yomy estaba debastado pero no se rendiria en encontrar en algo que si fuera muy bueno
(escucho los comentarios asi que decidió no seguir con su pequeña carrera, cosa que hizo que perdiera el color en la vida)
3 añitos después (yomy con 13/14)-
Las cosas no fueron de mejor, si no de mal a peor. Yomy ya no era el mismo de antes, es mas callado, no es el mismo niño alegre que antes estaba en la casa. Sentía que todos sus hermanos tenian algo en especial menos el
-"todos tienen colores menos yo"
Yomy no tenía ya sus hermosos ojos azules, eran negros, ni tenían brillo, solo eran ojos apagados, ademas de que su piel se volvio un poco mas gris de lo que era, asi quedando completamente sin colores.
Vocacional normal-
Yomy lamentablemente no era sociable en la escuela, fue a una vocacional sin talleres ya que yomy no encontro otra cosa que le gustara hacer, no tenía amigos, y aveces solia escuchar como las personas a veces le llamaban "Gray" (Gris) ya que como dije no tenia colores, solo ojos color negro sin vida. Hasta que un dia se atrevió hablar gracias a un trabajo en grupo con un pibe muy alegré, muy talentoso y le encantaba cantar.
Era una amistad rara, como alguien que se ve agotado va a ser amigo de alguien muy feliz?
Fin ^^
Edit 18 de 12 del 2022:
Yomy todo lo que toca que sea objeto, se vuelve gris negro o un color con tono gris o oscuro. Prácticamente colores sin vida.
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Un spoiler de su diseño jsjsn, esto es despues de lo sucedido jsjs
Also yes si está vivo, no death xd
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diaryof1000days · 2 months
Day 2- I’m over halfway in Unicorn Overlord and I love it. It’s so paradoxical how much more invested when I don’t know too much about the game but I’m always going to spoil myself. I don’t have self control to not look a o it always works out best when games are announced only a few months in advanced. I don’t need to know what a studio is working 2 years ahead of times. It looses momentum in my head that way. I miss being a kid and ripping through video games. I have a huge list of games I’ve bought and not played/finished. :(
Games I haven’t played at all
God of War
Assassins Creed
Dishonored (1& 2)
One of the Atelier games
Hack Gu (last recode)
Games I got over half way and didn’t finish
Final Fantasy 12 and 16
Horizon Zero Dawn 2
Undernauts labyrinth of yomi
Ryza 3
Persona 3
FE Three Hopes (and Three houses I didn’t play all of the routes)
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thepaletteswapper · 1 year
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Persona 4 Arena X Senran Kagura (3)
SHO Minazuki -- Homura Sho MINAZUKI -- Crimson Homura Margaret -- Jasmine Tohru Adachi -- Miyabi Marie -- Murakumo Elizabeth -- Kagura Labrys -- Yomi Shadow Labrys -- Hikage
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missingharmonykins · 6 years
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✿ Aesthetic for Minato Arisato who's qpps with Aegis but with a melancholy sort of feel!
I hope this is okay, let me know if it should be changed!
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- Mod Yomi
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2stregafangirl · 2 months
Basically my idea for Kouta Arisato & Yomi Arisato’s digimon partner lines
Kouta’s partner
Rookie: Gazimon champion: black Leomon
Ultimate: MadLeomon mega: Lowemon
Yomi’s partner
Rookie: Mademon champion: Anubismon
Ultimate: LovelyAngemon mega: Ophanimon
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obeysword · 2 years
i know i’ve written something like this before, but i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and feeling like i, once again, need to reiterate it.
while it’s true that yu does see the people around him as expendable, the term is not as weighty as it appears. if any of yu’s friends died, he would be devastated and heartbroken and go into a deep mourning period over them. that being said, he chooses to live a life without regrets as much as he possibly can. he would never let a death be in vain. even to someone he hated, he’d still try to save them. ofc circumstances may vary, but for the most part, he wishes the worst upon you, it doesn’t have to be an easy out like death would be.
yu isn’t as callous as he tries to make people think he is. he’s truly a character who is void of toxic masculinity and extremely comfortable with his masculinity and femininity and who he is despite having his own issues in being himself. his links with kanji and yosuke, two people who have been deeply rooted and suffocated in toxic masculinity from the world around them showcase this. yu doesn’t tell either one to “stand up straight” and to “act like a man” it’s extremely damaging. he tells them to be honest with themselves, let’s them be open with their emotions and feelings, and never tells either one that they’re “too sensitive” or “weird” for their interests. yu is a sadist, but he’s not unfeeling and not telling you it’s wrong to have emotions. he’s been so engrossed by trauma he feels very little to a point where he feels empty inside. while yu was someone who was meant to showcase hope in izanami’s game, it’s very ironic how he could have gone into any of the roles because he shuffles through all 3 throughout the course of that year. a wildcard, in so many different meanings. it fits perfectly.
i really enjoy putting characters into the roles of chess pieces, and persona makes these very easy roles to do. i love amounting it to how yu tackles a fight, always 30 paces above his opponent, he’s already calculated a victory. in chess, you have to make sacrifices. he always tries to avoid serious injury to his friends, and especially death. i hc yu has an acute phobia of dying, he wouldn’t wish that on someone. suffer by being alive instead.
yu is the queen chess piece, he can move all over the board without limitation. yosuke is the king. yosuke died and the game ended because yu lost the will to continue. he doesn’t even realize that his other friend’s have died until after izanami has sucked yosuke down into yomi. losing yosuke was always yu’s greatest risk, he also puts himself in the most danger by being on a battle field unlike nanako who was always safe at home until namatame kidnapped her. multiple times yosuke has nearly died and yu had to reach for more power in order to save him. the time he was finished off for good, with no chance of coming back, yu had given up on the game and let himself die too.
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m0e-ru · 2 years
I want to bring this into your perspective and see if you agree with it. Because I've been thinking and wanted some thoughts and from other people. Everything in Persona is controlled by the Human Mind (like P3-5 because idk P1-P2 ;n;) Didn't everything come into existence because its what humans desired? In this case everything like the gods are personifications of what humans wished for (spending on the game except P3 because thats actually god of death)
spoilers for every 4 and 5 base game and spinoff
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anon darling sweet this has literally been my brainrot for the past year
(I don't know how long this'll get since im tired but hey! I'll stuff things under the cut)
I'm particularly focused on 4 and 5 as seen in above, so my interpretations will be based on that fact as i have yet to play 1 nor 2, while 3 is unfortunately blurry to me (SAYS THE ONE WHO WATCHED A 10 HOUR CUTSCENE COMPILATION ON 4X SPEED. but i understand that nyx herself is. uh. an alien--an actual god. a /gets run over before i continue making more assumptions/)
As the gist of it, yeah! Human collectives desired one thing so much that it gave birth to a godly power, the so-called "Deities" of the Persona series.
"Deities," born of the collective human unconscious, are manifested from the cognition of what said collective unconscious has for the god of the same name.
Izanami was draped in white and was actually a corpse with burnt flesh hanging from bones underneath. Just like the myth where Izanami was a lot more attractive before she died and was rotting away in Yomi.
Kagutsuchi is, well, an entity of fire from the myth's god of fire (who also burned Izanami to death haha), deciding to burn things down to answer the desire for solitude
Mikuratana has the motif of magatamas on its wrists, similar to the myth where it was literally just Izanagi's necklace.
Unfortunately I have not much to say for the 5 deities with their gnostic myth and lovecraftian lore, so I only assume they manifest the same way from my observation.
That being said! No! None of these guys are reincarnations! Make all the "fighting my ex in front of the gas station" jokes all you want, that's not your ex! Izanagi is also a manifestation of the human heart in the form of a Persona inspired by bancho's thoughts of the myth's Izanagi which is why is looks kickass and has a funny coat. They've literally just manifested with the same name (their forms being inspired from however the human unconscious thinks of said mythological figure resulting to their appearance manifested)! The joke gets bland overtime, okay?? I don't even know how you people actually genuinely believe the reincarnation bullshit--but anywho
For this reason and as personal preference, I'd rather refer to them as "deities" as opposed to "gods" in discussion, as I reserve that term for figures they're inspired by. But yeah, more casually you'll see me toss terms around.
Deities out of the way, then there's the "world of the human unconscious." Said to "have always existed," "be born from human hearts," "be affected by human hearts," "exist within humans themselves."
In 4's case, the human unconscious had always been a lush and vibrant forest filled with life. Just like how Teddie remembered it being, before human desire grew out of bounds and turned it into the "hollow forest." In this case, it became devoid of life as fog engulfed it, all for the sake of keeping the Shadows at peace when their desires changed and they wouldn't stay calm unless their vision was obscured from the truth.
(This is mind, I am speaking without Golden's "Hollow Forest" which I would rather refer to as "Marie's Tomb" to make things clearer. And because I honestly saw it as a poor attempt to connect Marie to Izanami when it was just... unnecessary and lore shattering and baababababa you get the point.)
Following this, it also reconstructed itself as a TV station. All for Shadow selves to manifest and broadcast themselves through the Midnight Channel. Human desire at the time being, "Humans ache to expose their suppressed sides, while the prying eyes around them are curious to see them laid bare," after all.
Don't ask me what happened in Arena--in fact, lore was thrown around like a poor marketable plushie where it might've been thrown out the window at this point. Spinoffs have their charms...and their bullshit.
However, while Inaba's world of the human unconscious was clearly shown its "before" and "after" it was corrupted by bloated desire to hide the truth (base) and the wish for self preservation and solitude (arena), Tokyo and the rest of Japan's state of the unconscious was never shown, as no one's been able to return when their access to that world has been restricted.
But recalling the fact it "has always existed in human hearts" may imply it wasn't all organic and...bloody. Just like Inaba's forest never being so foggy--or the fact it turned into something other than a forest at all.
Now! Why do I say "Inaba," and "Tokyo," ("Japan" too, I suppose), and possibly "Metropolis" as that's where 4's Dancing took place (the one Bancho, Rise and Naoto stay in, in context of the IT), separately?
Referencing the Golden Premium Funbook's Persona Team comments, each "collective" has its own world and can give birth to a deity. Which means that the "TV world (the forest)" is Inaba's unconscious, and the "Metaverse" and "Palace" nonsense is Toyko's (ayayayaya I can talk about how I see Strikers' lore in all this but NOT NOW im so sorry). The TV world can only be accessed in Inaba because it exists there.
I can say a lot more about the "human unconscious" like how the Midnight Channel works, or how deities are the ones to bestow access to their respective worlds of their human unconscious but I'll leave it here for now! Like I said, I'm heavily rotted with 4, then 5, but not so much 3 and nothing of 1 or 2, as seen in this interpretation. But thanks for asking for my thoughts! I'm happy to share! (and constantly go on several tangents and forget my main points WHOOPS but yeah!! i have thoughts. my brain is. brimming. with 4 thoughts.)
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utaites-esp · 3 years
Stay Proud - Strawberry Prince [Kan/Rom/Esp]
Stay Proud - Strawberry Prince single?
Vocal: すとぷり
Words: ill.bell
Music: DYES IWASAKI×ill.bell
kyou wa rootkun ni RAP BATTLE wo shikaketai to omoi ma~~su nee rootkun!
nani nani nani
RAP BATTLE shiyo! MIC ippon de, i tai ichi no
maa ii kedo masaka boku ni kateru to omotteru?
ha? nani sore? jyaa honki de ikuyo?
ok docchi ga minna wo DOKItto saseru ka shoubu ne
今日は るぅとくんに ラップバトルを仕掛けたいと思いま〜〜〜す ねえるぅとくん!
ラップバトルしよ! マイク一本で、1対1の
まぁいいけど まさか僕に勝てると思ってる?
OK どっちが皆をドキッとさせるか勝負ね
Hoy me gustaría organizar una batalla de rap con Root-ku~n. ¡Hey, Root-kun!
¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué?
¡Tengamos una batalla de rap! Con un micrófono, vayamos uno a uno.
Mm, bueno pero, ¿acaso crees que puedes vencerme?
¿Huh? ¿De qué hablas? En ese caso, ¿hagámoslo en serio?
Ok, ¿quién de nosotros hará que todos se emocionen?
rooriinu FIGHT!!!
るぅりーぬ FIGHT!!!
¡¡¡RooRiinu, peleen!!!
"kawaii" karatte kuwasenai
kono ore wo daremo mikudasenai
(ichiban te)
sutopuri no tokkou taichou
nerai sadame tara LOCK wo kaijo
douyara BOUYA wa OTONA no riinusama ni
kyoumi aru no kana? kinasai, hora
dakkoshite kawaigattageru
kanji no yomi oshiete ageru
この俺を 誰も見下せない
抱擁 して可愛がったげる
漢字の読み 教えてあげる
No puedo hacer mucho sólo porque soy "lindo",
pero nadie puede menospreciar este yo.
(Primer movimiento)
Si apuntas a la cabeza de StPri,
el ataque especial es desbloqueado,
convirtiendo al pequeño niño en un Riinu-sama adulto.
¿Estás interesado? Entonces ven, mira,
abrázame y ámame por ser lindo.
Te enseñaré a leer kanji. (1)
riinu no yuuwaku ni HAMAru kotonaku
shouri e no "RUTE" no ue ni noru
nan naku yarikaesu
kawaru gawaru kono RULE wo seisu
kouyatte te wo totte (chu)
koko ni KISS suru dake de
makka ni nacchau riinu ni wa sa
OTONA no CHARA wa hayainjyanai?
難なくやり返す 代わるがわる
Sin caer en la tentación de Riinu,
viaja por la "ruta" hacia la victoria, (2)
puedes intentarlo sin dificultad.
Toma el control,
sólo estira tu mano de esta forma, (chu)
y déjame besar el dorso de tu mano. (3)
Para ese Riinu que luce rojo brillante, (4)
¿no es un poco pronto para el personaje adulto?
matte!!! sore wa hansoku jyanai!!!!???
RAP no shoubu wo chanto shinasai
fufu iiyo RAP de kuraberu?
katetara kuchibiru ni mo ageru
待って!!! それは反則じゃない!!!!???
ふふっ いいよ ラップで比べる?
¡¡¡Espera!!! ¿¿¿¡¡¡¡Eso no es una falta!!!!???
Haz tu rap de regreso correctamente.
Fufu, está bien, ¿comparas el rap?
Si gano, entonces se lo daré a tus labios. (5)
rootkun no!!! sou iu koto!!!
dou iu koto? kotoba de douzo?
chou zurui! nande?
iwanai! itte?
mou kirai! boku wa suki dayo?
aa mou!!!
るぅとくんの!!! そういうとこ!!!
超ずるい! なんで?
言わない! 言って?
もう嫌い! 僕は好きだよ?
¡¡¡Root-kun!!! ¡¡¡Ese tipo de cosas...!!!
¿A qué te refieres? ¿Las palabras?
¡Qué astuto! ¿Por qué? (6)
¡No lo diré! ¿Dilo?
¡Ya, te odio! ¿Yo te quiero?
¡¡¡Ah, ya!!!
stay proud
omae no mama de fight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
ikuze gossori tadaku gendonaku
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
行くぜ ごっそりいただく 限度なく
Mantente orgulloso,
lucha tal y como eres.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Tú sólo avanza, no hay límite para lo que puedes hacer.
stay proud
gin no tsubasa de flight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
amakunai STRAWBERRY no pride
Stay Proud 銀の翼でFlight
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
甘くない ストロベリーのPride
Mantente orgulloso, vuela con esas alas plateadas.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Orgullo de fresas que no son dulces.
oi koron! shoubu da
hai hai RAP BATTLE ne, ii yoo
korekara omae no ude wo REAL ni BAKIBAKI no PTERANODON mitai ni shite yaruze...
iya iya iya kowai kowai kowai! chigau desho! RAP no shoubu desho!
wakaru ka? ore no SIX PACK de omae wo tsutsumikonde yaru yo...
nani, mada kinniku CHARA nano!
これからお前の腕を リアルにバキバキのプテラノドンみたいにしてやるぜ…
いやいやいや怖い怖い怖い! 違うでしょ!ラップの勝負でしょ!
分かるか? 俺のシックスパックでお前を包み込んでやるよ…
¡Hey, Colon! Es un duelo.
Sí, sí, ¿la batalla de rap? Está bieen.
Haré que, de ahora en adelante, tu brazo parezca un pteranodon revoloteando... (7)
No, no, no, ¡qué miedo, qué miedo, qué miedo! ¡Te estás confundiendo! ¡Es un duelo de rap, ¿no?!
¿Lo entiendes? Te envolveré y destruiré con mi six pack... (8)
¿Qué? ¡Ahora sigue un personaje musculoso! lol
satokoro FIGHT!!!
さところ FIGHT!!!
¡¡¡SatoColo, peleen!!!
mite mina ore no jouwankin
taisen aite minna boudachi
HAHA kikoeneezo omae no nougaki
dare ga mitemo kiite mo ore no kachinandayo
baisoku de tsumeru kotoba TEMEE ni tsuite koreru ka
no gotoku fuminara shite PERAPERA
BIBIten'noka? osaru no korochan
SEXY スタイリッシュ 超ファンキー
倍速で詰める言葉 テメーについてこれるか
Miren todos mis grandes bíceps.
Sexy, elegante, súper en onda. (9)
Todos esos oponentes que me rodean,
haha, no puedo escuchar lo que dicen.
No importa quién lo vea o lo escuche, yo gano,
puesto que no nadie puede manejar estas palabras que van al doble de la velocidad normal.
Con una de esas, te aplastaré.
¿Estás asustado, tú, mono Colo-chan?
boku wa shitteru satomikun no ii tokoro
ORAORA CHARA demo kihon chou ii hito
mikkarenzoku de gohan sasotte DOTAKYAN shite mo okoranai yasashi sa... iya kotoware yo!!!!
MAJI de ii hito sugite mabushii yo
satomikun no jyakuten wa yasashi sugiru koto
satomikun no tsumi wa KAKKO yo sugiru koto
...a tereteru?
tereta? nee nee!
僕は知ってる さとみくんのいいところ
オラオラキャラでも基本 超いい人
三日連続でご飯誘って ドタキャンしても怒らない優しさ… いや断れよ!!!!
さとみくんの弱点は 優しすぎること
さとみくんの罪は カッコよすぎること
Conozco los puntos buenos de Satomi-kun.
Incluso si es un personaje "oraora", es una súper buena persona.
Es tan amable que no se enfada aunque me invite a comer por tres días seguidos... ¡¡¡y me niegue!!! (10)
Es realmente tan buena persona que resulta muy deslumbrante de ver.
La debilidad de Satomi-kun es que es demasiado amable.
El pecado de Satomi-kun es que es demasiado genial.
...ah, ¿te estás avergonzando?
¿Te avergüenza? ¡Hey, hey! lol
"sutopuri RAP de shinbunyasan nyuu"
MAJI de yabai shinbunyasan ni iu
kuchi GENKA no hazu ga renkei PLAY
dakara jiken na itsumo mitenze
who is the imposter?
PINCHI de waraina
nomihose KLEINER!
3 3
2 2
1 1
「すとぷり ラップで新分野参入」
マジでやばい 新聞屋さんに言う
口ゲンカ のはずが連携プレイ
だからくじけんな いつも見てんぜ
3 3
2 2
1 1
"Ingresa al campo de StPri con un rap",
dice una compañía de periódicos realmente mala.
Se supone que se trata de una pelea,
pero es realmente una partida cooperativa como las de siempre.
¿Quién es el impostor?
Para pellizcarlo y reír.
Es una montaña rusa de sonidos,
¡bebamos Kleiner! (11)
y victorias.
3 3
2 2
1 1
stay proud
omae no mama de fight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
omae no ban da fuan nado nai darou
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
Mantente orgulloso, lucha tal y como eres.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Es tu turno, no tienes que preocuparte.
stay proud
gin no tsubasa de flight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
amakunai STRAWBERRY no pride
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
甘くない ストロベリーのPride
Mantente orgulloso, vuela con esas alas plateadas.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Orgullo de fresas que no son dulces.
mada mada ikeru daro
zenbu ubawaretai
saigo made kama shite ne?
nanaJEL FIGHT!!!
まだ まだ 行ける だろ
全部 奪 われ たい
最後 まで かま してね?
ななじぇる FIGHT!!!
Todavía podemos seguir, ¿no?
Quiero robarme toda la victoria.
¿Puedes resistir hasta el final?
Está bien.
¡¡¡NanaJel, peleen!!!
LEADER nanamori. midnight kara morning
minna tsudotta nara soku kamasou
hannou saseru omae no donkan na soul
(roku pon no MIC nodokara sou)
dokkara dou mitemo kanpeki yabai
osukina you ni kakatte kinasai
katteki mama KANPE iranai
taikan shiyou kono daigasshou
リーダーななもり。 MidnightからMorning
反応させる お前の鈍感なSoul
(6本のマイク 喉枯らそう)
やばい お好きなように掛かってきなさい
勝手気まま カンペ要らない
体感しよう この大合唱
Soy el líder, Nanamori. Si de media noche hasta la mañana
es que quieren juntarse, hagámoslo de inmediato,
para hacer reaccionar a las almas insensibles,
hasta que los seis micrófonos mueran.
No importa por dónde lo mires, soy tan perfecto que asusta.
Ven hacia mí en el momento que quieras,
no necesitamos una competencia,
experimentemos este gran coro.
hora itte mina ore wa?
wakaran'neen naraba wakaraseru dake
kannen shinatte omae dake ga TARGET
fuzakete henwa tsunagete iku
ふざけてへんわ 繋げていく
Vamos, todos digan, ¿yo soy?
¡el mejor!
Si no lo entiendes, sólo es cosa de entenderlo. (12)
Piensa en ello, sólo tú eres el objetivo,
conectémonos juguetonamente.
kono MIC de kono mama yuke de
zenbu FINE PLAY yurasu VIBRATE
samenai yume
"tsugi wa live de!!!"
tsune ni HIGH RATE
CHARA wa baikure
このマイクで このまま行くで
全部ファインプレー 揺らすバイブレート
Con este micrófono, sigue así,
y haz vibrar a este buen juego.
Aquel sueño del que no se despierta,
"¡¡¡el próximo será un live!!!"
Siempre de alta calidad,
y con el doble de garantía.
stay proud
omae no mama de fight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
kimi wo ubatte ikitakute utatte ku
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
Mantente orgulloso, lucha tal y como eres.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Quiero tomarte, llevarte y poder cantar.
stay proud
gin no tsubasa de flight
sing it loud (hey)
and you shout (ho)
amakunai STRAWBERRY no pride
Stay Proud
Sing it loud (Hey)
and you shout (Ho)
甘くない ストロベリーのPride
Mantente orgulloso, vuela con esas alas plateadas.
Cántalo fuerte, (hey)
grítalo si quieres. (ho)
Orgullo de fresas que no son dulces.
(1) No sé por qué habla de enseñar a leer los kanjis, pero hazme el favor, Riinu, aún no entiendo una gran cantidad de kanjis. TT
(2) Hizo un juego de palabras, porque route y root se pronuncian igual en Japonés: ruuto.
(3) *Se sonroja y gime*.
(4) Sonrojado. No porque es color rojo.
(5) No sé si dice "si gano" o "si ganas". Si es la primera, la recompensa en los labios se le ofrece a los que presencia la batalla: si es la segunda, creo que se la dará a Riinu. En cualquiera de los dos casos, no me quejo.
(6) Hazte pendejo, Root.
(7) ¿¿¿¿SATOMI???? Pteranodon.
(8) Primera, suena muy gracioso que lo diga así. Segunda, alguien explíqueme por qué relacionan tanto a Satomi con los músculos, el ejercicio y esas cosas, he visto que cuando participan en el drama de Jel y Tooi-san, siempre habla de proteína pero VKNSKJVFJKFV NO ENTIENDO. TTTT
(9) Ya llévense a dormir al abuelito.
(10) No sé si dice "y me niegue" o "y no me niegue". En cualquiera de los dos casos, alguien normalmente se molestaría: es una falta de respeto negarte a salir a comer cuando te invita tu senpai (Satomi es mayor que Colon por 3 años y 3 meses, y varias veces he escuchado que los miembros lo llaman senpai), así que negarte tres veces sería casi como decirle que no te agrada o algo, mientras que aceptar la invitación salir a comer tres días seguidos... Satomi gastaría en la comida de Colon, aparte de la suya, tres días seguidos (¿o quizá la gente con dinero no se molestaría por ello y yo sólo tengo mentalidad de pobre?).
(11) Es alcohol, he visto que lo consumen algunos utaites (como los miembros de mono palette. o de ChocoRabi).
(12) Gracias, Jel. Eso me dijo mi profesor cuando le dije que no entendí el tema.
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missn11 · 3 years
For all your OC pairings, what's an absent, small gesture the OC does that makes the VTMB character's heart just fill with fondness and love? Alternatively, what was the moment that the VTMB character(s) realized they loved your OC? I'm daydreaming again, haha. Thanks and have a great day! :D
@badass-at-cuddling ohhhh my gosh!!! yes, thank you for this ask, I love talking about my OC/VTMB characters pairings! :D
Nines’ heart almost seems to come alive again whenever Barbara gazes lovingly in his eyes as she strokes his cheek. It never fails to fill him with fondness and love for her. Sadly looking back he now views those little moments with horror...
NInes realised that he fell in love with Barbara when she came back to the Last Round after killing Bishop Vick all bloodied and injured, and he was so worried that she was going to fall in torpor, that he personally took care of her. Nines was so inspired and taken by her supposed willingness to fight for the vulnerable people who were dying because of the plague bears, that he had no chance but to fall in love.
Taika having LaCroix rest his head against her while she pours him a glass of blood, reminds him of how much he loves her. Truly she always manages to make him feel safe.
When she said his last name correctly And Taika making him feel safe is what made LaCroix realised that he loved her and wanted her always by his side and that moment came when she killed some Anarch rebel wannabe that thought he could take on the Prince of LA all by himself. While LaCroix wasn’t in any real danger, the fact that Taika destroyed this idiot with her blood magic without a second thought had touched him in so many ways, all his wall crumbled all at once as the Anarch blew up in bloody chunks! XD
  Tuba/Ming Xiao
Ming Xiao feels an incredible amount of warm fondness and love towards Tuba whenever she brings her delicious sweet treats or a book that she had her eye, especially if it’s a super rare book where there are only less than a hundred copies that have survived. Of course, Tuba got Ming Xiao a copy of the Book of Nod!
Ming Xiao first admitted that she loved Tuba was that she really truly and full-heartedly believed in her and her vision for Los Angeles and would fight all their enemies to her final death and that she would do the exact same for Tuba. That for the first time in centuries she would willingly face Yomi and back for another again! Godamn it, I’m crying now!  
Damsel won’t admit it but she feels all gooey whenever Ayo comes up from behind to hug her and hum gently the latest pop tune in her ear, it takes her to a place where it’s just the two of them.
Damsel first realised that she loved Ayo was the moment that she told Damsel that she didn’t have to shape her whole life around NInes and his cause. It stuck in her more than it had when Nines had told her pretty much the same thing, maybe cause she had brushed it off as him being all noble. (He’s a good boy in this verse, like in all my OC verses except maybe in Taika’s but that’s cause I love the irony of Damsel leaving one cult to unintentionally join another one!) And yet Ayo saying the same thing made her realise that it was because she cared about her and her wellbeing and saw there was more to her than all the passionate anger she often showed to everyone. Oh no, I’m crying again!
Nines always feels so loved whenever Gloria bathes him, her fingers massaging his scalp makes him feel so special and takes him away from all the pressure of being the leader of the Downtown Anarchs. He won’t admit it but he loves it when she takes care of him like this, the feeling his fondness and love towards are heightened even more so after they have a BDSM session together. ;)
Nines realised that he loved Gloria when she told him that he is beautiful and people think he is so brave for submitting to her during their third BDSM sex session together that included an imagined crowd where he was imagining that the crowd were disgusted that he was submitting to a Ventrue’s dominance. (yay for having to deal with self-hatred, guilt for enjoying being submissive to a Ventrue cause BRUJAH are not allowed to ever want to be SUBS especially not for VENTRUES bullshit and his abandon issues all the time for Nines sucks!) The fact she showed so much care about his self-worth and his mental well being, made him realise that this was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his unlife with. :3
Gloria/Velvet Velour
Velvet loves it when Gloria pulls her into her arms and kisses her on her neck or on the top of her shoulder. It’s just such a simple gesture but it never fails to send VV’s heart aflutter.
Velvet realised she was in love with Gloria when the Ventrue was so positive and encouraging about her poems, she never really had that before from anyone aside from Isaac and she had feared that he only liked them cause she was his adoptive childe but to hear from someone who appreciated her for more than the vixen persona she had presented herself to Kindred society had meant so much.   
This is basically the AU verse where LaCroix decides that being Gloria’s 24/7 sub is a better life choice for him than opening the sarcophagus! (okay it’s not quite that simple but you know, I gotta work on that AU first) XD
Whenever Gloria tells LaCroix that he is a good boy or he makes the Ventrue clan proud wherever they are doing their BDSM sessions or just life in general always fills LaCroix with so much fondness and love for her. (Gloria and Jan are the only Ventrue in the world who understand that all Ventrue have a praise kink, yo)
LaCroix realised that he was in love with Gloria was the realisation that she had been willing to risk so much for him to have him by her side. It touched him in so many ways that he felt unworthy of her and wants to improve himself so he could be half as worthy of her as she thinks he is. 
Phew, that was a long one! XD Thanks again to @badass-at-cuddling for the ask, I got some feels at points, I just love these fools so much! :3
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