#eiichiro Takeba
crimescrimson · 4 months
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Revelations on The Island in Persona 3 Reload (2024)
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alexandrite-dragoness · 2 months
I made a short story for Ikutsuki and Eiichiro Takeba (Yukari's dad) back when they were scientists before the incident. Since neither of them have a lot of character in the games and I'm making an AU where Ikutsuki isn't a nihilistic psychopath lmao, I thought this would be a good opportunity to do so :)
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2stregafangirl · 2 months
I made the competent p3 adults pesterchum chathandles because why not
Kouta Arisato: viscousAggravator
Yomi Arisato: saccharineMediator
Takeharu Kirijo: calculatingKingpin
Eiichiro Takeba: jitteringCatastrophe
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forgenous · 2 years
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luuxxart · 1 month
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because i felt like inflicting damage
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houndfaker · 3 months
weird swap au infodump incoming !!!
i was slightly anxious while thinking on other characters in the swap au but given i already made the decision to be a litte Weird with it i guess it’s not too much of an issue. everythings not really a 1:1 swap
not every single character has a swap because i want to center in on the primary cast. maybe that’ll change later and we’ll get ideas for less relevant characters and how we could change them around but for now try not to expect things like idk “ikutsuki and elizabeth swap” or some scary shit like that
i am admittedly struggling with what to do w the twins (the protags are twins in this au like with every other thing i make) outside of them still having the connecting line of losing their parents to an accident on moonlight bridge. they just didn’t get death sealed in them this time. but uh hey you don’t need that to happen to you for the events to result in Deep Issues. i think there IS something interesting there in that they wind up coming back to iwatodai all those years later, and they get roped into sees because of course they do. i think it’d be interesting to explore them through the lens of being normal party members at least. the only thing is that you don’t really get a solid ‘swap’ situation with them since mitsuru maintains some of their canon qualities while still not exactly moving from her typical role as heir to the kirijo group. more on that as me and the bestie talk details over
we actually are planning some pretty fun stuff with ryoji?? the wonderful thing is that ryoji is by all intents and purposes just a normal fucking guy in this au given all the appriser stuff goes to yukari. but as a general rundown here’s what he has going on
childhood friend to the twins, loves them dearly. was very sad when they moved after the accident, and overjoyed after they transferred back.
has a younger brother named pharos:)
the mochizuki family was close with the takebas, particularly eiichiro was close with them. you can imagine where im going with this. his death was a tragedy to them, but more than anything it spurs something on in ryoji as he grows older. the alignment of the accident resulting in eiichiro's death and the death of the twins' parents occurring in such a close span of time bothers ryoji. for something that had such a massive negative impact on the lives of two people that are insanely important to him to potentially have more behind it than meets the eye, it becomes a vague obsession. which of course, eventually leads him to sees.
his role replacing yukari in this au gives him a fraught relationship w mitsuru. his distrust is very…intimidating, because it’s not nearly as outright as canon yukari’s. when he’s pointing out inconsistencies in what info mitsuru lets them have, he’s calm, sporting a smile, but emitting coldness. mitsuru herself of course isn’t Unaware of the effect the kirijo group’s work has had on him, but i think being incapable of getting a proper read on ryoji a lot of the time definitely does her no favors.
next lets talk about aigis! i had a little too much fun adapting her.
taking after canon kikuno's role, aigis was a human child sold to the kirijo group. she has a naturally-awoken persona (something something ergo research offers a higher payout to her parents because of this)
after the failure of the persona experiments resulting in strega, aigis is adopted by a handful of scientists from ergo research (this is essentially a timeline where the events of aigis the first mission dont happen, at least not the same way. i figured itd be fun to give the characters introduced in that game an active role in this au). she lives in yakushima with them.
her upbringing has left her socially awkward and distant, and trust is hard for her to fully feel. the intention on behalf of her guardians was to make sure she wouldnt have to give herself to the group as a weapon if she didnt want to, while having a family that cares for her and is able to meet her needs as someone with a very unique situation. she accompanies them if they need to do something during the dark hour because shes capable of protecting them with her persona.
aigis is still recruited to sees during the yakushima trip. a la the movie, she protects mitsuru and ryoji from a hoard of shadows after they leave the kirijo estate at night without their evokers. knowing of sees due to how long shes been in proximity to the group, she asks to be transferred into their unit so that she can help directly combat the dark hour so it wont be a danger to her family anymore. she would still very much view herself as a weapon raised by the kirijo group despite her adoptive family trying so hard to help her unlearn it. she experiences some pushback about it of course because its inadvertently feeding into something she is meant to be unlearning, but she wants strongly for it so its not like they can fully deny her.
thats everything we've got cemented so far...we still have to figure out the other members of sees that need swapping but for now you can have these doodles. a kiku + some concepts for human aigis and non-protag femc
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elle-p · 5 months
Yukari's dad, Eiichiro Takeba, in Persona 3 Reload.
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bluevelvet-room · 13 days
not to belabor a point i already made when i was initially playing persona 3 reload but i can NOT get over yukari's dad's letter to her because who dropped the ball on fact checking there
if you dont know what i'm talking about i put it under a readmore just to avoid. longpost
eiichiro takeba writes a letter to yukari + her mom during the opening of the moonlight bridge to be put in a time capsule to be opened 10 years later and sent to them. the letter is dated march 6th, 2000. according to the answer, she receives it towards the end of her first year. in march, assumedly. you might be thinking "hey, that's a bit weird - 10 years later from march 6th 2000 is definitively NOT right before the game starts in 2009. that's so interesting"
yeah that's because when introducing all this new lore they also forgot how to do math on the lore that was already in the game
you go "oh okay i guess they opened the time capsule early?"
except for the part where eiichiro takeba was FUCKING DEAD in the year of our lord 2000 because the protag's parents die 10 years before the game in 1999 - WHICH BY THE WAY. IN THE ORIGINAL GAME IT IS EXPLICITLY STATED THEY DIED IN 1999, NOT JUST A VAGUE 10 YEARS AGO - and they had to have died AFTER him because they died as an almost DIRECT result of the explosion that KILLED HIM
and this error ISNT in portable at least, because the letter isnt dated there!! this is a fun new mistake they just made for reload!! (though in the answer everyone refers to the events in 1999 as being ten years ago despite it now being 2010, so it's 11 years ago. i wonder if that's where the error originates)
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crowlore · 4 months
sorry to be sappy about p3 again but i'm so charmed by how many of the original main cast returned to voice minor/side characters in reload. i could pick them out by ear of course but from what i've heard: yuri lowenthal is eiichiro takeba, michelle ruff is the antiques shop owner, liam o'brien is officer kurosawa, and grant george is takeharu kirijo
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monado-mandala · 4 months
eiichiro takeba: no, kirijo-san. i have nothing more to report about the shadow experiment. however, i have a fascinating hypothesis: 10 years from now, our daughters are going to be so gay for each other
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crimescrimson · 4 months
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The Takeba Revelation in Persona 3 Reload (2024)
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 year
Magic Affinities
Every witch and user of magic in general have a natural affinity for one magic in particular. This serves as their base, and the form that their magic takes naturally when no spell is their to change it or reshape it. In very rare cases, it can change and the cause of this is unknown. It’s difficult to study with the small amount of instances their are.
This is the list of what those defaults are for the Monsters and Magic AU. It includes not only witches but general magic users such as Fae as well. This list also includes those who are living and deceased. Please note that as not every character uses magic, not every Persona character is listed.
Light energy made manifest and without restriction. The opposite of Curse and difficult to master.
Goro Akechi (False)
Chisato Dojima
Nanako Dojima
Ryoji Mochizuki
Kasumi & Sumire Yoshizawa - Sumire’s and Kasumi’s magic almost can manifest as plant life due to their species of fae.
Dark Energy made manifest and without restriction. The opposite of Bless and difficult to master.
Goro Akechi
Ren Amamiya
Tsubaki Amamiya
Daichi Arisato
Ryotaro Dojima
Shuji Ikutsuki
Tomiko Narukami
Yu Narukami
Akihiko Sanada - Due to Dullahans being catergorized as fae, Akihiko is able tointo his punches.mental energy that he packs into his punches.
Pure, raw magical energy that takes no default form. Similar to the Nuclear element in the Persona series.
Miyako Mochizuki
Makoto Niijima
Takaya Sakaki
Jin Shirato
Fuuka Yamagishi
Minato Arisato
Yuriko Arisato
Kotone Shiomi
Katsuya Suou
Tatsuya Suou
Ann Takamaki
Naoya Toudou (Post/Latter Parts of Persona 1)
Chidori Yoshino - Despite not being born with magic, Chidori was able to keep her magical ability upon her resurrection.
Maya Amano
Yusuke Kitagawa
Ayame Shiomi
Shin Narukami
Shiro Shiomi
Eiichiro Takeba
Yukari Takeba - Despite being a harpy, Yukari possesses minor wind abilities due to her father being a witch.
Naoya Toudou (Former Parts of and Pre- Persona 1)
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2stregafangirl · 10 months
I don’t have anything down for persona 3 adult confidants AU aside from de-old mannified Takeharu x Eiichiro content, but maybe Takeharu’s Persona is Minos and Eiichiro’s is Paris ( the one who made Aphrodite angry after he didn’t choose her)
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xaracosmia · 5 months
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name / alias: xing age: 23 pronouns: he/him ooc contact: shineonthesea @ twt  other characters in xc: akito shinonome, dan heng, cain knightley, yu narukami
name: Yukari Takeba age: 18 pronouns: she/her series: Persona 3 canon point: post persona 3, pre persona 4 arena
app triggers: suicidal themes, themes of death, parental death, unhealthy relationship with parents, grief
personality: Yukari is outwardly a bubbly and optimistic person. Although, she’s quick to lose her temper and makes a big deal over something that seems like it won’t matter in the long run. She’s always teasing her classmate and teammate Junpei, expressing it in snarky quips. She’s quite sociable and likes interacting with others, but…
She doesn’t want people to get too close to her. She’s a bit of an actor, putting up a sunny facade to avoid showing how she really is— a lonely girl since her father’s past. Yukari keeps people at arm’s length, unwilling to let them engage with her traumatic past. She herself doesn’t want to tackle her trauma or want anything to do with dealing with it.
She tries to repress her emotions, but they sometimes manifest in negative ones like her jealousy toward Minato and Mitsuru in their abilities and seeming perfection and talent.
It eats her up, manifesting in when in the face of death, her Persona goes out of control and tries to attack her.
She’s also anxious to be better, not settling for hopes and dreams. She thinks more pragmatically and based on reality— while she’s an optimist, she’s also someone who’s practical.
She’s someone who wants to live her life to the fullest, but also prefers to face reality head on. Her bravery shines in the times it matters most, but…
She is scared of ghosts and death.
something your muse struggles with: fear of death, loneliness and trauma, jealousy
your muse’s greatest strength: bravery and strength of will
history / background: Yukari’s father, Eiichiro Takeba was a researcher for the Kirijo Group, conducting research on the Shadows and how they could utilize their powers. The other researchers stumbled across a prophecy known as The Fall in which the world’s end is imminent, brought by Death itself. The Kirijo Group researchers embraced this (lead by Mitsuru Kirijo’s grandfather), starting the process of gathering shadows to resurrect Death to bring about the fall. However, Yukari’s father was against bringing about the end of the world and worked to split Death into twelve shadows. Due to his resistance, he was killed off by the shadows going berserk and haywire, destroying the lab.
In his last moments, he leaves behind a message for Yukari telling him that he loves her dearly. This video message gets altered, truncating the part and further muddling Eiichiro’s involvement in the incident.
After his death, his wife and Yukari’s mother copes by getting with other men and start a number of noncommittal and shallow relationships, overall abandoning Yukari to fend for herself. This failure causes Yukari to resent her mother and to mature all on her own— she never made any lasting relationships, having to move around to different locations to avoid the vitriol of those who blamed her father for everything.
Once she enrolls into Gekkoukan High, Yukari receives a letter from her father from 10 years ago. Determined to honor his love for her and his wishes, she joins SEES, a student organization dedicated to exterminating the Dark Hour. Wanting to discover the events behind her father’s death, she joins right before Minato, growing to settle in her role and making lasting bonds that she will treasure for the rest of her life.
powers / abilities: 
Persona - Yukari is a Persona user, allowing her to summon the manifestation of the inner self. For the members of SEES, the persona does not necessarily work in conjunction with its user and is liable to turning against their user in the case of great mental distress and rejection of the self. Yukari’s initial persona is Io, but awakens into Isis at the later part of the game. Isis is Yukari’s current Persona, specializing in wind abilities, support, and healing. 
An exhaustive list of Isis’ abilities can be found here.
Yukari is meant to play as more of a support, but she can deal some sick damage in the right build.
inherent abilities: 
Archery - One of the most proficient out of the archery club members back at home. 
Style - Yukari has a #passion for fashion and it shows. She accumulates cosmetics and clothing alike.
Acting - She’s destined to be a tokusatsu star in the future, so… she’s a bit of a theater kid.
items / weapons: 
Evoker - A gun-resembling item manufactured by the Kirijo group for use by SEES. This is used for SEES members to “invoke and control” their Personas. Its nozzle is pressed against one’s head to imitate the act of committing suicide in order to put the user in a stressful enough situation to evoke their Persona. Yukari at first has trouble with using the evoker due to her fear of death, even figurative. 
Bow & Arrow - Yukari specializes in archery, using this as her combat weapon in Tartarus. 
starting ability: persona starting item: evoker
Yukarisweep for REAL I MEAN IT
discord id: affinityarrow
passcode: YAYY
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Then bunny look at shock at scream it was yukari father wait don’t tell me
Takeharu: His name was Eiichiro Takeba. He was the head researcher at the time, and a very talented man. But we pushed him to continue the research. The Kirijo Group is to blame for his death.
Yukari: So that means... My dad caused it all? The Dark Hour, Tartarus, the people who died in the accident, it was all his fault...?
UB: Yukari...
Yukari: So that's why you were hiding this? Because you felt sorry for me? Is that it?!
Mitsuru: No, Takeba, I...
Yukari: I don't want your pity!
*She then rushes out of the room.*
Fuuka: Um... Shouldn't someone go after her?
UB: Me, UC and Bunny can do that. She is our sister, after all.
Mitsuru: ...Thank you.
*The three of you leave the reception room and go to find Yukari.*
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