#peer-reviewed by tay
daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
on the rocks sneak peak ii: wip weds edition
on the rocks | kinn/porsche/tay | wip, snippet ~950 words
Tay’s trying to drow his sorrows when he meets an attractive apparently-straight bartender who fills him with want -- and then things get complicated.
Chay enters the kitchen a few minutes after Porsche has started cooking, eyes wide and curious as he watches Tay. Tay smiles at him.
Chay doesn’t smile back. He keeps watching Tay, quietly taking the seat furthest from him. It places him between Tay and his brother, his back to Porsche.
Porsche glances over his shoulder from where he’s stirring a pot on the stove. “Did you get your assignment printed?” he asks.
Chay’s eyes flick off Tay momentarily. “It’s in my bag.”
“Are you okay to walk to school today? I have to drop Tay at Yok’s.”
“My guest.”
“Oh. Okay. Yeah, I can walk.”
“Text me when you get there safely.”
“I’m not trying to be a nag, Chay, it’s just with Uncle Thee out—”
“I said okay, hia.”
This is—this is the worst thing to happen to Tay in a long time. It’s—domestic, and sweet, and comfortable, and doing absolutely nothing to help Tay move past his building attraction to Porsche.
Because, what—Porsche worked a shift at a bar until closing time, wrestled a drunk man onto his couch, caught a few hours sleep, and then hauled his body out of bed to help his little brother print his homework and make him breakfast before school?
Tay never thought the barefoot-in-the-kitchen thing would do it for him until this very moment, when he’s realising it’s doing everything for him.
Something is placed on the table in front of him, jolting Tay out of his thoughts. It’s a steaming bowl of congee, with two poached eggs and a heaping of scallions sprinkled over the top. It smells delicious.
Tay looks up at Porsche, who’s already dropping into the chair next to his brother, bowls of congee in front of them.
Tay dips his spoon in, and mechanically raises it to his mouth. It scalds his tongue, but he swallows it nonetheless.
Tay makes himself smile. “Good.”
He’s not doing this. He can’t. He is not getting his feelings bent out of shape by a straight boy. It doesn’t matter if he’s a good brother. It doesn’t matter if he cooks. Tay is not going to pine after the bartender he spilled his most humiliating secrets to. He is not doing this when he knows damn well he’s going to have to turn around and go right back to Time.
It’s—already far too messy, to be sat here with Porsche, eating breakfast. Porsche was meant to be a contained fantasy – a momentary wondering, geographically confined to a bar Tay was never going to go back to. Something he could attribute to his own drunken stupidity.
Tay doesn’t want to have to live with Porsche in his head, a potentiality lost, and spend the next decade of his life trying to make Time come out on top.
It makes the congee turn to sludge in his mouth. Tay lowers his spoon, and tries not to let his feelings show on his face.
“—to my parent-teacher evening?” Chay’s asking. Tay’s missed the beginning of the conversation.
Porsche frowns. “I thought we agreed Uncle Thee would go to that.”
“Teacher Ot isn’t going to be there, this time. His wife just had a baby.”
“I don’t want to cause trouble for you at school,” Porsche says. “Your teachers prefer to deal with Uncle. A lot of them still remember teaching me. They get weird about it.”
Chay looks down at his bowl, spoon hovering above it. “It’s—it’s okay if you can’t come,” he says. “Or if you don’t want to. It’s just—do we even know if Uncle Thee’s going to show up?”
“I’ll talk to him. He’s just—busy, with work, and things.”
Chay looks up from his bowl, and meets eyes with Tay. He looks away. “Sorry,” he says. “Let’s talk about this later.”
Porsche’s eyes flick over to Tay as well. “Okay,” he agrees easily. “Later.”
Conversation stalls.
Tay looks down at his congee and forces himself to concentrate on eating.
Eventually, Chay pushes his chair back. “I’m going to go brush my teeth.”
Tay watches him leave. “I’m sorry,” he says to Porsche, once Chay is gone. “I didn’t want to disrupt your morning.”
Porsche starts gathering up the crockery from breakfast. “It’s fine,” he says. “Chay’s just a bit shy. I don’t usually bring people home he doesn’t know.” He carries the saucepan, and their bowls to the sink. “He was meant to be sleeping over at a friend’s last night, but he came back early to work on an essay. No offence, but I probably wouldn’t have brought you home if I’d known he was here.”
“None taken.”
“Once he’s left, we can head off to Yok’s,” Porsche says. “You’re fine if we take my motorcycle, right?”
Tay very carefully does not think about Porsche on a motorcycle, and even more carefully does not consider himself behind him, curled around him. “Sure.”
Porsche pauses, hesitating. “Tay,” he says. “About last night—”
But the ending of that sentence is cut off by a loud buzzing sound.
Tay frowns. “Is that—”
“Doorbell,” Porsche says. He shifts around Tay’s frame to peer out the kitchen window. Whatever he sees on the driveway outside the house makes him frown. “Shit.”
Tay turns to look, but Porsche catches his wrist.
“Do me a favour?” Porsche asks, with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Could you go upstairs to Chay’s room, and tell him Uncle Thee’s friends have come by for a visit? He’ll know what to do.”
Something’s wrong. Tay goes to turn once more, but Porsche tugs him back.
“Please?” Porsche presses.
Tay takes one look at his face and then crumbles. He goes.
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taichouu · 14 days
Ohughhhh I am a little overwhelmed today 🧍🏻‍♂️I should go feed the geese some seeds or something ..
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aamirmitchell · 2 years
tay is actually my crash test dummy for all my edits… real queen because it’s essentially for nothing
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shallanspren · 26 days
today in academia drama: med researchers are not taught basic calculus (neither am i lmao). one of them re-invented the method of calculating an integral by summing the area of trapezoids under a curve. this is something you learn as a basic stepping stone to integration.
the existing method is called the trapezoidal rule and has existed for thousands of years. mathematicians wrote to the editor all pissed pointing this out. the response from the author (Tai)? "no, it's not a trapezoid, it's a rectangle and a triangle." which the editor then had to define what a trapezoid was.
this article passed peer review and has been cited over 600 times.
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n-u-o-c · 15 days
Tối nay ăn cơm xong thấy tâm trạng có một chút thả lỏng và thoải mái. Có lẽ cho dù ngày mai có xin nghỉ được hay không thì mình vẫn kệ mọi thứ. Hi vọng là chị bác sĩ không đến nỗi không cho mình nghỉ, thực lòng hi vọng vậy.
Đặt lap lên đùi ngồi gõ tạch tạch trên zalo lại thấy khá thư thái. Hình như cũng lâu thật rồi mình được ngồi gõ thoải mái mà không có deadline, không có mệt mỏi, không có những dòng suy nghĩ cứ quắn quéo chẳng giải quyết được gì. Những ngày này, mệt thật. Nhưng có vẻ như cũng đã qua bớt rồi, mình đang có thời gian hồi phục cho bản thân trước khi những khó khăn cao hơn (đã được review trước) đến.
Mình cũng biết là mình dễ mệt mỏi, hay suy nghĩ. Thậm chí hôm trước có người nói mình ảo tưởng hay mơ mộng cũng làm mình hơi choáng váng một chút vì nghĩ mình không như vậy. Nhưng mình cũng nhận ra rằng thực ra mình không quá yêu thương bản thân, cũng không quá rõ ràng về chính mình và cách mình đối mặt với stress trong đời. Mình cũng đã nhiều lần vì stress mà ăn uống kém, sút cân, làm việc học tập không hiệu quả. Nhưng mình rất cần rất cần những giây phút ngồi gõ trong cảm giác thoải mái thả lỏng như thế này để được cảm thấy là bản thân thư giãn. Mình cảm thấy việc ngồi gõ tạch tạch thực sự hữu ích với mình dù đôi khi nội dung mình gõ ra thật chẳng có hiệu quả gì.
Cũng phải cảm ơn cái lap của mình. Thực sự thì thời điểm chọn em ấy có một chút cưỡng ép vì đó không phải màu mình thích, cũng không phải phiên bản có con chip mình thích nhất nhưng sau cùng với khả năng tài chính phù hợp và với thời điểm giá tốt thì mình đã chọn em nó. Và việc gõ lạch tạch trên em nó thực sự rất thích so với một cái lap khiến cho mình cảm thấy có thể làm việc trên laptop lâu hơn và hiệu quả hơn, nhất là những công việc cần mình phải viết lách nhiều.
Dạo này những dòng suy nghĩ trong đầu mình có vẻ cũng không chất lượng kéo theo việc viết lách cũng giảm chất lượng rất nhiều. Mình cũng không viết được những đoạn văn những ý tưởng tử tế mà gần như chỉ liệt kê những dòng suy nghĩ lộn xộn, xuống dòng lộn xộn và tất nhiên là nội dung lung tung cả.
Chuyện học hành, chuyện đi trực, chuyện tiền nong, chuyện cưới xin, chuyện ăn ở. Có lẽ đây chính là cuộc sống của người trưởng thành nhưng vì mình chưa có đủ lớn nên không thể load được. Mỗi ngày mở mắt ra đi học lại thấy stress chồng lên nhau rồi ngày nào cũng làm việc bở hơi tai và cơ thể đã đáp lại mình bằng những cơn đói liên tiếp trong trạng thái thiếu năng lượng. Vì vậy mà mình không thể tăng cân dù ăn rất nhiều...
Mình vẫn dặn bản thân là phải cố gắng nhưng sự cố gắng của mình có vẻ chưa bao giờ đạt ngưỡng tạo ra thành quả hoặc đơn giản là mình chưa từng cố gắng. Mình chỉ có thể cố bình tâm trước peer pressure, trước những điều đã được dự báo trước về tiền, về cuộc đời, về hôn nhân, về công việc...
Cố gắng không làm mình thua thiệt nhưng mình đã cố gắng chưa thì chính bản thân mình cũng chưa trả lời nổi.
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in honor of tays new achievement occupying the top 10 songs (top 14 technically hehehe) on the billboard chart for the second time in her career and being the only artist to ever do so.... i wanted to talk torchiepo!! since i never did even though i said i was. (im busy im soz)
this is just going to be my really messy really scattered and disorganized thoughts on ttpd, bc i wanted to, so here they are. i think its tays most misunderstood album. i think that the media is heavily biased against her and her fans just so happen to speak louder than the critics and thats why you hear more positive than negative (thankfully). i think that her peers are extremely envious of her. taylor is unlike anything, any person, any artist. she is consistently peaking, she is consistently breaking her own records, therefore this is not someone that is going to be scrutinized or critiqued very fairly. people have these preconceived notions of her and their own thoughts on her as a person and how deserving she is of her fame and success. all of this is fine its just unfair when considering her art. CNN literally admitted to judging ttpd too harshly when it first came out. they were not judging the album. it is virtually impossible to consume and understand an artist's work just hours within it being released to the public, let alone a 2 HOUR, 31 TRACK ALBUM. they were judging HER. so they literally amended their review and yeah of course youre gonna like the album more after spending more time digesting it. stupid.
anyway. this album is really textured and layered and youre gonna naturally appreciate it more if you understand taylors lore. lol that sounds so funny to say but its really true. her songs naturally evolve in pop culture and become sound tracks to not just her life but her fans lives and they can be applied and understood in different ways. her older songs are true testaments of this, how theyre more generic love songs with winks and nods that allow her fans to understand who theyre *really* about/ what they mean to her. but ttpd is deeper than that, its really personal and unique to her life. no youre not going to relate to clara bow this is unique to her experience in the industry. no youre not gonna relate to thanK you aIMee because youve never beefed with kim kardashian and forcibly exiled from america. no youre not going to relate to the manuscript this is distinctly about her relationship when she was barely an adult dating a 30 year old movie star and her harrowing revisit to that trauma as she wrote the script for atw10 short film. right. yes we all wish we couldve dated jake gyllenhaal but we didnt, you didnt, she did. she saved us. shes literally christ. hahaha. anyway.
ok also a lot of people kind of fail to recognize the funniness and satire of this album. it is SO funny, and shes trying to make it funny, she literally explains this past stage of her life as a manic little phase that naturally would occur when dating one matty healy (ok she didnt say that explicitly i did but shebasically said that. in not so many words). okay if you dont get the jokes in the album do you know matty? i thank my lucky stars that i was an avid 2014 tumblrina and fan of the 1975 and i literally saw them last year, was very fun, matty is also a self-satirizing performer but this post isnt for him so i wont get into all of that either. but yeah people trying to talk down on her and say 'awww sweetie no....taylor youre not a poet....be so serious' oh my god!!! i want to scratch ur eyeballs out. SHE IS NOT SAYING SHES A POET!!! "I laughed in your face and said 'You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith This ain't the Chelsea Hotel, we'rе modern idiots' " IS HER TELLING MATTY YOU ARE NOT A POET AND NEITHER AM I! so she literally agrees with you on that front.
i want to go through all the songs and all the lines and just gush about the masterful lyricism she possesses but i still feel like i havent had enough time with this album after a week. its such perfection. all the callbacks to her old songs, the influence of her co-producers jack and aaron and past albums culminating into this perfect blend of red-folk-nights?! ugh!!!! i love her so much. i love this album. TO PIECES
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poligrafoserio · 2 months
Estudo liga jabs de mRNA ao excesso de mortes por cancro no Japão
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Durante vários anos, oncologistas como  o professor Angus Dalgleish  têm associado as vacinas mRNA Covid ao aparecimento e recaída do cancro. É claro que o lado pró-mRNA tem consistentemente descartado tais preocupações como nada mais do que anedotas e coincidências. No entanto, dados de nível populacional que apoiam esta ligação apareceram em um novo estudo revisado por pares intitulado “ Aumento da mortalidade por cancro ajustada à idade após a terceira dose de vacina de nanopartículas lipídicas de mRNA durante a pandemia de COVID-19 no Japão ”.
Os autores começam por salientar que as taxas de mortalidade ajustadas à idade (TMA) para todos os cancros continuaram a sua tendência decrescente durante o primeiro ano da Pandemia de Covid até à implementação das vacinas de Covid. Uma coincidência bastante infeliz, tenho certeza que você concordará.
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Figura 1: Taxas de mortalidade ajustadas por idade (TMA) ao longo do tempo e excesso de mortalidade em cada mês: todos os cancros.
Os grupos etários que registaram um excesso de mortes por cancro estatisticamente significativo foram os dos 75-79 anos em 2020, 2021 e 2022 e os dos 80-84 anos em 2022, com ambos os grupos a apresentarem aumentos anuais. Aliás, ambos os grupos também tiveram taxas de reforço superiores a 90%.
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Figura 2: Excesso de mortalidade durante a pandemia em 2020, 2021 e 2022 (superior) e mortes brutas por cancro em 2022 (inferior) em cada grupo etário.
Até agora, tudo coincidente. É importante sublinhar aqui que apenas cinco em cada 20 cancros apresentaram qualquer excesso de mortes em 2020-2022. Mas os três que apresentaram um excesso significativo de mortes em 2021 (cancro de pâncreas, próstata e ovário) coincidentemente também mostraram um excesso significativo de mortes em 2022. Acho que são pelo menos mais três coincidências infelizes. Cancros de lábio/oral/faringe e leucemia também apresentaram um excesso significativo de mortes em 2022.
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Figura 3: Excesso de mortalidade por cada tipo de cancro durante a pandemia em 2020, 2021 e 2022.
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Figura 5: Taxas de mortalidade ajustadas por idade (TMA) ao longo do tempo e excesso de mortalidade em cada mês para cancros com excesso de mortalidade em 2021 e 2022.
Discutindo possíveis mecanismos para explicar esses resultados, os autores mencionam uma longa lista de problemas com as injeções de mRNA: nanopartículas lipídicas que se espalham por vários órgãos, proteínas spike de longa duração no sangue, trombose, supressão das respostas de interferon tipo I “que desempenham um papel essencial papel na imunovigilância do cancro”, aumento de anticorpos IgG4, reativação de vírus latentes e transcrição reversa de mRNA em ADN e integração no genoma humano. No último ponto, os autores citam nossos velhos amigos da FDA (ênfase minha).
A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dos EUA afirma nas suas orientações para a produção de vacinas virais para doenças infecciosas: “Existem vários mecanismos potenciais pelos quais o ADN residual pode ser oncogénico , incluindo a integração e expressão de oncogenes codificados ou mutagénese de inserção após ADN integração” [98]. As diretrizes da FDA são essenciais para o Japão porque  a autorização especial de uso emergencial do Japão dependia da aprovação da FDA  durante a pandemia de COVID-19
Se o FDA é o Dr. Evil, o Ministério da Saúde do Japão é o Mini-me. Mas não tão engraçado.
Artigo original:
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sigmonfischer66 · 2 months
Have A Remarkable Vacation With Vietnam Tours
Most of the terrain is hilly rather steep mountainside. There is along with a hydrofoil ferry between the island and a comparatively remote location near Ha Tien. Frequent bond will be the use of rice or noodles. Traffic flowed both ways in caffeinated beverages contain lane, increased traffic merged through the side streets, and people pushed their motos over the curbs into the flow at odd ways. At any given moment traffic bore down on me from as many as 6-8 directions, front, back, sides and all angles -- everywhere, it seemed, except from exceeding. To me it was a scene of incredible chaos absolutely no order. View More: topbentreaz.com - Top Ben Tre AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ben Tre AZ: TRẦN THỊ TRÚC QUỲNH - Tran Thi Truc Quynh My Son was built by the Cham Empire between the 4th and 14th Yrs. It is Vietnam's most important Cham Wrecks. The Ruins are fairly documented so with provide visitors with a fun history within the area. A percentage of organized tours also arrange a get back to HoiAn by river boat, visiting various craft villages on the way. Travel a few days is affected with a week ahead virtually any premier pageant. This way, may be placement get a fully free immersion in their own local routines. Several festivals you can miss are Lantern Celebration in Seoul, Chinese New year in Shanghai or Hong Kong, Deepavali in Singapore and Pahiyas Festival a Philippines.
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View More: topbentreaz.com - Top Ben Tre AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ben Tre AZ: TRẦN THỊ TRÚC QUỲNH - Tran Thi Truc Quynh The Osprey Atmos 65 is particularly well-designed and crafted stroll. It is an internal frame pack that is 30 inches high, 14 inches wide and 12 inches deep. It is very light in weight and comes along with a number of pockets on right places. Every serious trekker would immediately recognize the level of thought which gone in the design and crafting within this model. They would therefore find the various associated with the backpack extremely useful. Tao Dan Park a deep and youthful life force, and enable it to be a fresh and peaceful space typically the heart with the city. Open markets include Ben Thanh Market, one of the most famous in HCM State. Others are Binh Tay Market and An Dong Market but be sure to haggle when making a purchase. In the own office I have 17 employees, each driving different directions but all basically headed for specifically the same destination. I can't interfere using Ben Tre City travels but must move gracefully through them. During my business, students, vendors, other businesses, obstacles and competitors often be found in the road in front of me and my peers. I have many choices: collide with them head on, turn down a side street, have a detour, avoid them altogether or simply flow these people. How well I adjust my dance to this chaos controls my future success. Trekking is popular with the younger and hardier tourist crowd. Top Ben Tre AZ The northern third of kauai is quite mountainous, uninhabited and very beautiful. Over 77,000 acres (31,422 ha) have been preserved as Phu Quoc National Leave. Tin Top Ben Tre AZ 24h The highest point, Mount Chua, is 1980 feet high (603 m). But the majority of of the terrain is hilly rather steep mountainside. The park has an excellent ecosystem because it is home to Malaysian, Burmese and Himalayan species. Hiking and camping are encouraged in the Park. Top Bến Tre AZ 247 Take a walk along the riverfront, shop in location market or have a silk dress or suit custom tailored, and explore the many restaurants, old houses, craft shops and art galleries, where local artisans sell their works. Relax on Cua Dai Beach with regard to few hours - your can arrive there by taxi or rent a bicycle from your hotel. Tin Top Ben Tre AZ 247 Day 2: Friday, March 13: Visited an orphanage - necessary for every person visiting Cambodia. We brought the kids toys and purchased a 50 kg (110 lb) sack of rice to feed them for one month. The following day we visited S-21, the Khmer Rouge prison where the Communists tortured and destroyed the educated class of citizenry. Built was spent designing and writing a principal response website. One gruesome usually. In the evening we along to dinner at in a colonial mansion where street teens were reeducated into learning cooking and waitering skills. The meal was delicious, including Bob's appetizer - fried trantulas. Bob ate all four and said they were crispy but delicious! For scenic spots, the Hoan Kiem Lake in Hanoi is the place where to attend. The place is known in legend end up being the lake where King Le Loi returned the magical sword to the gods. Today, the area is one of the many favorite leisure spots both for locals and tourists. These are 5 with the best locations that you have to have to consider if you want to away the beautiful country of Vietnam. The united states is one of the several best countries in Asia that provided great attractions which is the reason this country is an awesome place to proceed for a holiday getaway. Check out these beautiful cities and can actually certainly have fun and enjoy your vacation in this great country. Tin Top Ben Tre AZ News
Hanoi is a lovely city divided into two main areas. Aged Quarter which can based around Lake Hoan Kiem, along with the French Quarter where government departments, embassies, and people work in the tend to survive. The lively, bustling tourist area in outdated Quarter has plenty of hotels at very reasonable prices, tucked in between shops, restaurants, markets and motorcycles, which tend to line the tree lined footpaths, making walking something of a mission. That is the good base for a stay in Hanoi, because the city will be within walking distance. Granted, several conflicts in between your Vietnamese government and some religious leaders who have a go at politics. I'm not sure the specifics of these conflicts but I'd venture thought they involve only a very small minority of religious citizens. In the past, certainly you can find severe religious persecution in Vietnam, but things have changed a good. The official government line is that religion is free and accessible to all, so haven't seen anything exclusive. Perhaps typically the most popular attraction, the war Remnants Museum features artifacts of Ben Tre City the content left behind during the Vietnam War in the 60s. There is a good bunch of American planes, tanks, and artillery, together with a large great associated with pictures of the nation during and after weight problems years. My heart pounded as we walked slowly across the trail. Instead of greeting us with blaring horns, irate shouts and screeching brakes, the drivers saw us and adjusted to the two of us. As long as we made no sudden movements (like diving for the curb or running screaming from the street), we were fine. I felt like we were swimming any school of fish. The tempest flowed smoothly around us, factors why you should I knew it we across. Undoubtedly, least expensive and most expedient method to see the centre of town enjoy to be by incidents. There are some companies in the city that offer an array of packages for tourists, including several day tours, all of the way in order to several hour tours. For all those who simply want to explore the inner circles of Hue, to acquire one . several-hour trip is every thing is mandatory. If visitors can't ride a bike, then hiring a driving can be a idea.
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In the wedding that you choose to travel with Singapore Airlines, also it get to terminate up through having an absolutely free city tour and also enable for you to definitely pay a try to great landmarks posted around Singapore your market airlines' bright colored tour bus. That could be, in the event you retain your boarding pass for enough time when you arrive inside of airport. In the next article, I am going to take a top-down approach - beginning with physical fitness and using as a framework for digging deeper into have and emotional fitness. Help you in making look to answer questions like what ought to and should not feed ourselves, how could we exercise for the best results exactly what are some critical care habits that will help us prevent sickess, recover quickly while going tough. Day 5: Monday, March 16: Flight to Saigon (now named Ho Chi Minh City), delayed.opened up my computer and reviewed client statistics for the month. Found yourself in the hotel, checked email and wrote and uploaded client blogs and internet pages. Saigon's city streets are awash in motorcyclists (thousands), honking, surging and buzzing around like disturbed hornets. The city itself lacks charm can also be quite dirtied. Even the motorcyclists wear doctor's goggles. Other attractions include area Museum using its secret tunnel under Gia Long Development. A boat trip on the Megong Delta is surely a must before experiencing the wonderful restaurants, bars, fast food restaurants and clubs particularly centered around District . View More: topbentreaz.com - Top Ben Tre AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ben Tre AZ: TRẦN THỊ TRÚC QUỲNH - Tran Thi Truc Quynh Written By Author in topbentreaz.com: PHẠM KHÁNH DUY - Pham Khanh Duy Written By Author in topbentreaz.com.com: NGUYỄN TRUNG NHÂN - Nguyen Trung Nhan
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donald80bryon · 6 months
Healthy Aging: The Role Of Health Programs In Retired Life Communities
Web Content Composed By-Therkelsen Meyer Today's retirement communities are changing the way they consider elderly health. They're welcoming a lot more thorough wellness and wellbeing programs that support an active way of living. Structured everyday regimens are a crucial component of these programs. As elders feel much healthier, their readiness to participate in community tasks increases. A range of workout classes are also encouraged to aid residents stay up to date with health and fitness objectives.
Health and wellness Screenings
CCRC and elderly living areas offer health cares that address the demands of every age and stage. They have their eye on existing modern technology and upcoming developments in research study that can enhance the quality of life and durability for seniors. Wellness and health cares have a significant impact on residents' contentment with their area. Actually, the ICAA/ProMatura research found that wellness way of living programs are among the top factors seniors pick their communities. Whether it's an on-site gym using daily workout classes, yoga exercise or tai chi, or team journeys to nearby galleries and picturesque routes, these programs help elders remain healthy and balanced and active. They additionally permit them to connect with their peers, strengthening emotional wellness and battling sensations of isolation. Citizens who take part in these tasks are happier, healthier and extra pleased with their community.
Workout boosts cognitive health and wellness, minimizes the threat of illness and supports balance and toughness. It additionally lowers stress and anxiety and gives a method for senior citizens to mingle, which battles loneliness. As opposed to restricting physical fitness to the boring workout space, retirement communities give a range of fun, active choices that make developing a sweat really enjoyable. These programs prevent citizens from adopting less active way of lives and maintain them engaged, which causes them living up to 2 years longer than non-participants. Likewise, senior wellness shows provides chances to interact on a regular basis with various other neighborhood participants. Team courses like art, cooking or a book club or offering for a neighborhood cause can assist elders develop ties to their area and really feel a feeling of belonging. These tasks also permit them to share customized understanding and skills with others, which has been shown to alleviate stress.
Healthy aging entails keeping your physical health and wellness with exercise, eating nourishing food and taking medications as directed. https://blogfreely.net/chi12oneida/the-ultimate-overview-to-selecting-the-right-retirement-community-for-your includes social health and wellness, psychological wellness and cognitive functioning. Neighborhoods that concentrate on whole-person wellness have found that their residents are more pleased with their way of lives. For instance, a current research study from ICAA and ProMatura Group revealed that CCRCs with active wellness programs have higher degrees of consumer contentment than those without them. Along with using physical fitness classes and modern gyms, these programs have actually also integrated new patterns like reflection and mindfulness. Study shows that these techniques can decrease stress and enhance sleep, which are both important for total health. Many elderly living neighborhoods currently offer these methods and give advice on just how to incorporate them right into everyday routines.
Socialization is an essential element of psychological wellness and aids individuals manage radical life adjustments and experiences. Seniors who have supportive networks tend to be healthier, experience much less anxiety and have better resiliency. Offering read review of chances for elders to take part in social tasks is a wonderful way to advertise healthy and balanced aging. Numerous CCRCs feature intergenerational programs where senior citizens share their skills and experience with youngsters, while more youthful citizens obtain self-reliance and really feel valued in the community. Neighborhoods that supply a diverse range of exercise and wellness courses find improved area involvement, which results in better wellness for their homeowners. They additionally see a rise in referrals, which inevitably contributes to the success of their health cares. Buying this type of programming yields both prompt and lasting advantages for the homeowners of an elderly living community.
Mental Health and wellness
The physical and social aspects of wellness are important, yet psychological health and wellness additionally contributes. Senior living communities that use on-site counseling, quiet areas for reflection, and possibilities to explore one's spirituality can aid locals remain healthy and balanced in mind and spirit.
When senior citizens feel great, they often find themselves more pleased with their overall neighborhood. This is why numerous retirement home carry out comprehensive wellness way of living programs. For instance, effective programs make exercise not just desirable yet expected. A well-trained personnel and organized regimens that urge energetic day-to-day living can aid stop seniors from taking on less active practices and boost their determination to join various other activities. This, subsequently, can aid boost service outcomes and bring in brand-new citizens. To learn more on finding a CCRC that has these kinds of robust wellness programs, call us.
0 notes
iamnikoli · 1 year
AY22/23 Sem 2 Module Reviews
The overloading sem. I initially took 32MCs but I dropped to 24MC by week 5 because I couldn’t cope with the workload. It was difficult to simply adopt an S/U mindset and I found myself with very little free time. I also felt like I couldn’t enjoy the extra mods I took out of interest, so the overloading didn’t feel worth it. As a DSA major, I took HSH1000, HSI10000, DTK1234, MA2001 (which were pre-allocated to me because I was even-digit). I also bid for ST2131 (because a lot of DSA major mods have it as a prerequisite) and SP1541 (to S/U).
Module Coordinator: A/P Hans Tan
Tutor: Angela Tay
Lecture Topics:
Week 1-2: Intro Segment - Design Doing, not Thinking (Norman Door) Week 3-4: Segment 1 - Systematic Creativity (come up with problem statements, solution statements) Week 5-6: Segment 2 - Empathize (Empathize with user) Week 7-8: Segment 3 - Do, Undo, Redo (Prototyping) Week 9-10: Segment 4 - Evaluate with People (Evaluate prototype with user) Week 11-12: Wrap Up Segment - Thinking about Design Thinking
Intro Segment + Segment 1-4 Individual Learning Activity (ILA) - 6% x5 Intro Segment + Segment 1-4 Team-Based Workshop (TBW) - 6% x5 Interim Design Thinking Journal (DTJ) - 15% Final Design Thinking Journal (DTJ) - 25%
Other Comments:
Most people dread this module, and for good reason. This mod is just a lot of fluff and you’ll need good smoking and bullshitting skills to do well, no cap. The ILAs are generally quite doable and you don’t need much time except Segment 1 ILA. The TBWs are either worksheets and class participation through activities and discussions during the fortnightly tutorials. You might find some other reviews saying that how well you do depends on how much your T/A likes you. While I don’t advocate sucking up to your T/A, I think it doesn’t hurt to talk and connect with your T/A, and just participate actively in tutorials :)) As for the module content itself, it really is a lot of fluff and talks about the different phases and steps in design thinking. Just use common sense to figure out how to smoke and “relate” the design thinking concepts to your user and your solutions/problem statements. The DTJ is an extension of this, so you’re expected to reflect and consolidate whatever you learnt or did. Just to be clear, the interim and final DTJ are the same document, just that you do like the first half of the DTJ in the interim, and you do the second half + revise the earlier parts from interim based on your T/As feedback. There’s also a 100 sec video that you have to submit in the final DTJ. 
Note that in my semester, unlike the previous semester we weren’t given any of our scores, I only got my overall banding (BE, ME, EE) for the first half ot the semester which included ILA x3, TBW x2 and Interim DTJ, along with some comments.
I actually have very little to say about DTK lol, just don’t do your ILAs last minute, participate actively in the tutorials and smoke smoke smoke and you should be fine HAHA
Module content is fluff, just smoke through your assignments Try to consolidate and flesh out the design thinking concepts in your DTJs (and maybe ILAs) Make your T/A like you
Expected grade: B+ Actual grade: A
Module Coordinator: Prof Loy Hui Chieh
T/A: Nicholas Loo
Week 1-2: The Ones Who Walked Away From Omelas Week 3-4: The Epic of Gilgamesh Week 5-6: Hind Swaraj (Gandhi) Week 7-8: Xunzi Week 9-10: No Exit Week 11: A Number Week 12: Sexual Politics of Meat
Fortnightly quizzes (best 6 out of 7): 35% Peer Reviews and Surveys: 5% (note: these are just surveys about the mod and your peers, the peer review scores given by your peers don’t affect your 5%, as long as you complete your peer review of your peers you will get the full credit) Tutorial Preparation Tasks: 5% Tutorial Participation: 15% Meme Competition: 5% Group Discussions Summary x4: 20% (5% each) Final Project: 15%
Other Comments:
I’m honestly quite meh about this module. I think the texts covered are interesting but way too long (80-100 ish pages especially for Gandhi and Xunzi). Most people complain a lot about the quizzes whenever HSH is mentioned, and rightfully so. The quizzes are incredibly painful to do, if you actually try to do them well. You have to understand and analyse/scrutinise the texts and lecture recordings. Here’s a snippet of my work process for the quizzes:
Attempt the quiz myself, with justifications for each choice (whether a statement is right or wrong) written down
Discuss the quiz with my group, and note down the group’s consensus+justifications - this generates Attempt 1 of the quiz (note: you get 3 attempts for each quiz (best score of 3 taken), if Prof Loy is nice he might give an extra attempt)
Analyse Prof Loy’s written replies in the forum to all the hardworking students that asked questions about the quiz. Gather the quiz answers from two of my friends who’ve discussed with their own groups.
Psycho-analyse everything with one of the two friends while taking everything into consideration - justifications for a selection, what Prof Loy says, tele poll (take with a pinch of salt though), the answers generated between the 3 groups. This generates Attempt 2 and 3 (we used the two attempts for different permutations of the answers we weren’t confident about)
I initially put the tele poll answers for one of my attempts, but they were consistently lower than my Attempt 1 and 2. You can probably get a median score if you follow the tele poll, but to really do well I feel that you really need a good group of friends to discuss with. More importantly, you and your group should ideally justify/discuss the quiz answers factually or based on some grounded reasoning (eg. this was said during the lecture/shown on the lecture slides, or this appeared/did not appear in the text and in the context of the chapter/paragraphs, this deduction makes sense). Btw you don’t have to read the whole text before trying the quiz, just watch the lecture recording for a general understanding first, and ctrl-f and read the paragraphs around the paragraph discussed in the quiz sections. As for the rest of the mod, it’s pretty easy. There are tutorials every fortnight, and you have to submit 3 annotations on Perusall before every tutorial (this counts for your tutorial preparation marks). Tutorial participation was very chill, because we would all get full marks as long as we turned up and we all contributed during the group discussions. Tutorials with Nick Loo were quite fun and you can tell that he’s passionate about the mod. He would usually go through some interesting questions and responses by us from Perusall, and then go through some content and skills before making us discuss questions in our groups. Overall, tutorials in HSH are a lot more chill than HSA or HSS where tutorial participation is more harshly graded.
Group Discussion Summaries (GDS) were 400 word responses to one of the three or four questions given. It’s quite OTOT, your group just has to submit it by the week after the tutorial. Your experience with this portion will vary depending on your groupmates. I had very hardworking and smart groupmates so this was easy, while one of my friends had to tank the GDS because his group was lazy and uncooperative. GDS was usually a 2 hour affair every even-week weekend night. Most people should get full marks or close to full marks for GDS anyway. Chop chop finish to focus on your other stuff~
The final project has two versions, a generic one provided by Prof Loy, and a T/A specific one. Choose the T/A one (duh bc your T/A is gonna be the one marking). Mine was on exhibit curation, so I had to do a 700-word write up on two exhibit artefacts chosen for a theme related to what was discussed in any of the texts (you can choose your theme). I did mine on passive resistance which was discussed in Gandhi, then in the writeups I expounded on how each artefact showcased passive resistance in their own way, and linked it back to its relevance to society/me, ala HSA1000 style.
Quizzes and the final project make or break your grade Workload depends on how much effort you put on the quizzes. The tele poll answers usually suck lol Discuss quiz with friends (side note: i noticed those who didn’t tend to do a lot worse for the quizzes)
Expected grade: A- Actual grade: A+
Lecturers: A/P Ryan Bettens, A/P Adrian Lee, Mr Siva N.
T/A: Sankar (for workshops), Dr Angeline Shu (Exploratorium 1), Dr Ng Yee Hong (Exploratorium 2)
Lecture Topics:
Week 1 – L1: The Founding of Modern Science Week 2 – L2: The Baloney Toolkit Applied to a Simple Investigation Week 3 – L3: Scientific Explanations and Models Week 4 – L4: Experimentation and Uncertainty Week 5 – L5: The Science of Climate Change Week 6 – L6: Modelling Climate Change Week 7 – L7: On the Mongering of Doubt Week 8 – L8: The Reliability of Climate Change Predictions Week 9 – L9: Our forests, fragmentation and connectivity Week 10 – L10: Restoring Green Spaces & Human-Wildlife Coexistence Week 11 – L11: Climate Change, the Hinterland and the Sustainable City Dweller Week 12 - L12: Fallacies in the Name of Science & Module Wrap Up
Weekly Quizzes - 1% x10 Exploratoriums (Labs) - 5% x2 Workshops - 10% x3 Midterms - 15% Finals - 35%
Other Comments:
Prof Bettens did Block 1: The Scientific Method (L1-L4), Prof Adrian Block 2: Climate Change and Misinformation (L5-L8), Mr Siva Block 3: Climate Change and Biodiversity (L9-L11).
I think this module started out really promising, with very useful skills like the Baloney Toolkit, but it progressively got more boring and fluff. The workshops and labs were super annoying because they were in 3 hour blocks, so timetabling was difficult.
The weekly quizzes are very doable, just watch the lectures/read the notes and attempt. You get 10 attempts per quiz anyway, and you can see your results on Examsoft right after your submission, so you can tell if you’ve hit full marks or not. I used about 3-4 attempts every quiz. You should aim to get full marks for the quizzes because most people would be getting full marks anyway.
The labs and workshops are also quite chill. The labs are slightly easier because you just go there and play do the experiments, and fill up a vanguard sheet with explanations, drawing and other details about your thought process in the experiments. The workshops are also okay, you just need to participate actively and do whatever’s required. Workshop 3 had a field work component, so during recess week, my friend and I went to Labrador Nature Park and Labrador Nature Reserve to gather data and photos (they will have instructions on what to do). The field trip and report was (in my opinion) the most sian part of the module, because I was already so busy but I still have to go all the way to Labrador to measure tree heights??? Well anyway for the workshops, most people seemed to get about 7-8/10. And I have to say that my workshop T/A, Sankar, is a very chill guy who loves animals, he’s super funny too so the workshops are always fun.
Midterms and finals are the differentiating components. They are open-book, closed-internet exams, and you do it on Examplify (the same as the weekly quizzes). You only have 2 minutes per question for both exams, so ctrl-ing F everything isn’t going to work. You have to roughly know the course content, and know which lecture notes to ctrl-F from. Also, from Lecture 7 onwards, the lecture notes weren’t that helpful, and for Block 3 no lecture slides were given. For Block 3 especially, you have to watch the lectures and take down notes, and also save the information about certain policies (like SGP2030) from online because these are tested but only mentioned in passing in the lectures. I recommend collaborating with friends to split the workload in making the lecture notes. Try to get notes from seniors as well, because these can be useful. Overall, the tests weren’t super difficult for my semester.
Weekly quiz must get full marks Labs and workshops are chill, just participate actively in the latter Make your own lecture notes (recommended to split workload amongst your friends) for the second half of the lectures No time to Ctrl-F every question in exam, you need to know the course content roughly and which lecture notes to Ctrl-F
Expected grade: A- Actual grade: A+
Module Coordinator: (The one and only) Prof Wang Fei
T/A: Peng Fei (but I mainly attended the tutorials run by Zekun)
Lecture Topics:
Linear Systems and Gaussian Eliminations (Linear systems, elementary row operations, row-echelon forms, Gaussian elimination)
Matrices (Matrix operations, inverses of square matrices, elementary matrices, determinants)
Vector Spaces (Euclidean n-spaces, linear combinations and linear spans, subspaces, linear independence, bases, dimensions, transition matrices)
Vector Spaces Associated with Matrices (Row spaces, column spaces, nullspaces, ranks and nullities)
Orthogonality (The dot product, orthogonal bases, least squares solutions, orthogonal matrices)
Diagonalization (Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization, orthogonal diagonalization)
Linear Transformation (Linear transformations from Rn to Rm, ranges and kernels)
Homework - 6.25% x4 Midterms - 25% Finals - 50%
Other Comments:
I have a confession to make. Despite my grade for this mod, I still feel like I suck at linear algebra. I found vector spaces (chapter 3 and 4) to be the toughest because it was difficult to understand the rationale behind the various matrix operations as well as the mathematical terminologies. I feel that if you can understand vector spaces, the rest of the topics are quite manageable.
The workload is generally okay, you have two 2 hour lectures every week, as well as a 1 hour tutorial every week. You’re allowed to tutorial-hop and you can attend any tutorial slot you like, even if it’s not the one you registered for on ModReg. I took full advantage of this, and by a stroke of luck, the first tutorial I went to was Zekun’s. I found his teaching to be very effective, and he even offers consults to students. Guys please take full advantage of your T/As hahah make them work for their $40/hr pay but Zekun was very helpful and I feel that I learnt a lot from his tutorials. Of course, make sure you attempt the tutorial questions before tutorials (which are selected textbook questions) to maximise your learning.
The 4 homework assignments given often have a few difficult questions, and I highly recommend checking your answers with friends to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes. As with most math mods, the median for the homework is usually quite high, either full marks or a few marks from few marks so it is paramount that you try and secure close to full marks if possible.
Midterms and finals were generally quite tough. I didn’t do very well for midterms, I got 32/50 when the average was 29, upper quartile was 35. I think it was due to a lack of understanding of vector spaces, plus computational errors can really cause you to get penalised. I focused a lot on proving questions by practising the textbook questions, but the paper was mainly computational questions (like 34 marks out of 50), while only 6 marks were proving and 10 marks true-false questions. For finals, there were 70% computational, 20% proving and 10% true-false questions, so I changed my strategy and tried all the past-year papers and selected textbook questions to really make sure I get the computational questions right. These are quite standard so you just have to learn the different ways they ask the questions and you should be fine. Don’t worry too much about the proving questions, most people can’t do them anyway, but to really do well, you shouldn’t leave these questions blank. For the true-false questions, if you don’t know just guess and pray that luck is on your side lol.
I can only say that making full use of my T/A, working together with friends and a strategy of focusing on computational questions plus whacking and brute-forcing my way through the tough parts of the paper is probably how I could get the grade that I got.
Focus on computational questions, but try not to leave the proving questions blank in exams Work with friends on the homework assignments Attend tutorials and ask your T/A for help because clearing your doubts early on (especially the topic of vector spaces) is essential Brute-force and just whack if you don’t know the answer
Expected grade: B+ Actual grade: A
Module Coordinator: Ms Brenda Yuen
Tutor: Ms Isabel Poh
Book Chapter Reflection - 5% Science News Article - 20% Revised Science News Article - 30% Oral Presentation - 25% Reflective Commentary - 10% Interaction and Engagement - 10%
Other Comments:
This module basically teaches you how to turn research articles (which are meant for specialist readers) into popular science news articles for common people like you and me. They introduce you to various science communication strategies like explanatory strategies and evaluative language.
I didn’t like this module and it had quite a heavy workload. Two 2 hour sectionals every week and you’re expected to do readings and prepare some answers for the discussion questions. This module is just very dry and not enjoyable :( As for my tutor, I don’t really have much comments, she was helpful and answered all of our questions. But yes this module is really boring and I don’t think her style of teaching helped.
I honestly put very little effort into the assignments because I was planning to SU, and especially after I got 66.3/100 for my first science news article submission. They do take some time to do, especially if you’re planning not to SU as you might have to go through a few drafts. You may consider consulting the NUS Libraries Writers’ Centre. I didn’t bother because I wanted to focus on my other modules. For my second science news article which I really didn’t change much and just added some stuff that was required, I got an even more tragic 65.6/100 lol. Ironically, my book chapter reflection and reflective commentary got really high marks at 94/100 and 90/100 respectively (not me spending only 30 minutes on the 300-word reflective commentary :’)
The 8-10 minute oral presentation (I got 71.3/100) which is based on your chosen science news article isn’t terribly hard, just do your best and try to be natural, don’t use any scripts. How natural you are depends on your knowledge about your chosen research article topic, so choose well.
Prepare an S/U for this mod
Expected grade: B Actual grade: B+ (S)
Module Coordinator: Prof Chan Yiu Man
T/A: (Unnamed for...reasons...)
Lecture Topics:
1. Combinatorial Analysis (Permutations and Combinations) 2. Axioms of Probability 3. Conditional Probability and Independence 4. Discrete Random Variables 5. Continuous Random Variables 6. Jointly Distributed Random Variables 7. Properties of Expectation 8. Limit Theorems
Timed 30 minute online quizzes - 5% x4 Midterms - 20% Finals - 60%
Other Comments:
This mod is really just self-study lol. Prof was quite good at explaining stuff and he would elaborate on stuff with detail so you won’t get lost. However, be warned that the Prof is essentially a boomer the Prof speaks quite slowly and you’ll probably be better off watching his recorded lectures at x2 speed.
I have,,,no words for the tutorials. My T/A was so bad that I don’t know and don’t want to know her name. She was basically talking to her computer the whole tutorial and didn’t explain stuff clearly. I tried giving her a second chance and went up to ask her questions about some of the working after the lesson, but her explanations are very confusing and I left the tutorial room even more confused than when I entered the room .__. I ended up tutorial-hopping and going to the Prof’s tutorial slot instead, which was much better, though there was another T/A who I felt I liked best but unfortunately I was not always free for his timeslots. Anyway the tutorial questions are taken from the textbook and the tutorial answers are uploaded on Canvas so a lot of my friends ended up skipping the tutorials and self-studying.
Quizzes were generally okay except for the last quiz. I got 2/5 for the last quiz (oof) and it seemed like most people got around 2-3/5 also. It was tough because it covered chapter 6 and 7 which were difficult topics, and we probably didn’t have enough practice. Also another comment on the quizzes is that they are mainly in the second half of the semester (the quizzes were held online over the weekend of week 5, 8, 10, 12) which added a lot of unnecessary stress because the second half of the semester tends to have more assignments for other modules. It also didn’t make sense to leave the chapter 1 quiz to week 5, chapter 2 to week 8, chapter 3-4 to week 10. I would have liked a more even distribution of the quizzes over the semester. We were warned not to discuss quiz questions but tbh the quiz questions are mostly the same, usually with different values in the questions, so :)
The midterms were quite easy, and most people scored well for it. Contrary to some other sources, the median was about 22-24 according to the Prof (I heard it from the horse’s mouth). I got 27/30 which was decent but not amazing.
Finals is, as usual, the make or break. I did both the textbook questions (with solutions found online) and the past-year papers, but I think the past-year papers had very different topics and different focus areas and I couldn’t do most of the past-year papers. (Do note that this mod is run by the math department in the first semester, so avoid all sem 1 papers if you’re taking it in sem 2.) I went for a group zoom consult with the prof, armed with a few past-year papers I was unsure of and even he didn’t know the approach to answer the questions. That was the moment I realised that doing the past-year papers were probably not helpful and I should focus on the tutorial questions along with the textbook practice questions. In the finals, the first 3 questions were quite easy and standard, but the last 3 questions were apparently difficult for most people. As it turned out, 2 of the 3 questions appeared in the textbook practice questions in a similar fashion, and I was able to answer them pretty well I think. I only didn’t know how to do the last question which was a proving question. I essentially left it blank :/ But I thought most people would have found the paper easy because the ‘difficult’ questions weren’t really unseen, guess not hahah
Be prepared to self-study. If you get a bad tutor, don’t be paiseh to tutorial hop Make sure you score for the earlier quizzes Keep up with the content, and dedicate more time and effort for Chapter 6 and 7 Do the textbook practice questions to prepare for exams
Expected grade: B Actual grade: A
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snoopysea62 · 1 year
Entry 4:: Critical analysis of your internship applications relative to best practice using peer feedback
In order to prepare a better version of my internship applications it is significant to seek feedback from close friends or family members. Using feedback from others can identify the certain point that I could miss while working on the application in order to adjust the quality of the final result. According to the study (Rimer, 2007 as cited in Alziad, 2017, p.159),‘’ Peer assessment is used to enhance learning as an effective way to increase motivation for students by engaging them in the evaluation process which has received attention in recent years from a number of international universities’’. Meanwhile, peer feedback support student growing ownership of judgment and critical thinking (Tai, et al., 2018 as cited in., To & Panadero, 2019).
In this study of reviewing my internship application, I will have my younger brother Peter provide me with feedback. Looking at my application most of the elements that I included are my experience from the outside classroom participating in soccer team training, coaching, and oversea experience from Hong Kong, Serbia, and Germany. Inside my application, I have written down my 3 years coaching experience in different sporting organisation, primary schools, and soccer academy which Peter think can be useful when I apply for the soccer-related organisation. However,  Peter thinks that my application is one side towards soccer and it would be better if I could add different types of experience or skills. I certainly understand the point from my brother that my experience and personal achievement are all around soccer but I really don’t have other skills sets I can put on my application since I am not good with computer skills such as photoshop or video editing.
Increasing personal skills will be my main focus after hearing honest feedback from Peter, it is critical to have multiple skills to increase the value of the application. The area that could be useful in different places will be the digital platform skill set since the demand of advance digitalizing and computer knowledge is important when it comes to the professional working environment. Spend significant time practicing and gaining experience along the way can increase my personal skill set currently there is a platform YouTube has multiple content creators posting tutorials on different types of digital platform learning.
According to the study from (Feld & Zölitz, 2017, p.159) ‘’ The promise of the peer effects literature is to provide policy makers with advice that can be used to increase overall performance by simply reorganizing peer groups’’.  Providing and receiving feedback from a different point of view can leads to great improvement.
Alzaid, J. M. (2017). The Effect of Peer Assessment on the Evaluation Process of Students. International Education Studies, 10(6), 159-173. Alzaid, J. M. (2017). The Effect of Peer Assessment on the Evaluation Process of Students. International Education Studies, 10(6), 159-173.
Feld, J., & Zölitz, U. (2017). Understanding peer effects: On the nature, estimation, and channels of peer effects. Journal of Labor Economics, 35(2), 387-428.
To, J., & Panadero, E. (2019). Peer assessment effects on the self-assessment process of first-year undergraduates. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(6), 920-932.
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amazepixels-blog · 2 years
PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Tan Z, Chan SXJM, Da Zhuang K, Urlings T, Leong S, Chua JME, Patel A, Irani FG, Chandramohan S, Tay KH, Damodharan K,et al. Recurrent Stenoses in Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) for Dialysis Access: cuttIng ballooN angioplaSTy combined wITh paclitaxel drUg-coaTed balloon angioplasty, an observatIONal study (INSTITUTION Study). Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2022 Jan
0 notes
wintermelonbear · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Damian Al-Ghul Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Trope/s: Childhood Friends, No Powers AU
Summary: A story in which two seemingly dissimilar eight-year-olds build bonds through their love for martial arts. Written for the MGI Trope Tussle 2021.
Words: 4808
Damian and Marinette first met when they were 8 at his mother’s Wushu studio. At first glance they were an unlikely duo, before meeting in martial arts class their social circles ran entirely parallel with one another with Damian attending a private school that was a feeder for Gotham academy and Marinette attending a public elementary local to her, but they truly brought out the best in each other.
Damian had grown up inside his mother’s studio, working day in and day out from the tender age of 3 to improve his weaponry and martial arts skill. His mother and father, divorced but trying their best to co-parent for his sake, each preached to him about the importance of self-discipline and concentration. When his mother and her father, Ras himself a master martial artist, had competed in Wushu they were national champions. As a third-generation practitioner of Wushu, Damian had a lot riding on his shoulders.
Marinette’s mother had practiced Wushu as a child in China. When she first arrived in France she found herself disappointed that there were no local Chinese martial arts centers, let alone Wushu training centers. Sabine always thought it would be a passion she could pass down to her future child, but there was only so much she could teach on her own. However, as fate would have it, after a falling out with Tom’s father Roland the Dupain-Chengs found themselves in a city not too far from Gotham, New Jersey. Sabine was pleasantly surprised to find that the martial arts scene was much more alive there than it had been in Paris. However, between the bakery and her young daughter Sabine had little time to spend practicing martial arts. It wasn’t until Marinette’s kindergarten teacher suggested that Marinette be enrolled in a sport to better her hand-eye coordination that Sabine finally put her daughter into formal martial arts courses.
At first, everything was fine until it became apparent that Marinette was progressing much faster than her peers, despite her typical clumsiness she was surprisingly adept at martial arts. Sabine wasn’t entirely surprised as while Wushu was difficult to teach within the confined space they had at home, she still took the time to practice Tai Chi with her daughter on the weekends, providing Marinette with martial arts fundamentals and self-discipline. With Marinette’s slight inclination for martial arts paired with her hard work she was outperforming her classmates and even some of the older kids at the studio she went to. Eventually, Marinette found herself ostracized by her peers, but her teachers at the studio refused to advance her because they had an in-house rule where children could not be advanced more than two years past their age group. Tom and Sabine knew that pulling Marinette out of the sport entirely was off the table, the pure joy that spread across her face every time she mastered a new trick was proof enough that she was in love with the sport. So they set off to find a new studio to train at, where Marinette’s needs as a budding martial artist would be met. After looking around for a while, they decided to give Talia’s Wushu academy a try despite it being a little over a 30-minute drive from their house.
In regards to the first year of their friendship, Marinette would describe it as very professional, and almost nothing more. It took a while for Damian to become more cordial with her. When asked, Marinette would say “Damian didn’t like me, but he tolerated me enough as a partner because there was only so much practice he could have done alone.”
At first, Damian did not like Marinette at all, in fact, maybe he even hated her. When he first met her, Damian thought she was like every other “talented” kid that came into his mother’s studio, only to realize talent alone would get you nowhere in the sport of Wushu. On her first day, she immediately took up the spot next to him at the front and center of the class and offered him a warm smile, “Hello my name is Marinette, I’m new here.” Damian returned her greeting with a harsh tut of his tongue and the turn of his head, he was there to train, not to make friends. Marinette’s expression was aghast, but she quickly recovered and mumbled a soft “okay not talkative then…this is going great….” Damian suppressed an eye roll, simply because he knew his mother would not tolerate that in her classroom.
Against every one of Damian’s expectations, Marinette proved herself to be a hard-working individual. Eventually, after seeing her work on her technique and tricks after class during open gym hours, seeing that she wasn’t relying purely on natural ability and truly was putting in the effort to become a better martial artist, he began to tolerate her. The first time he returned her daily “Hello” with the nod of his head Marinette’s facial expression went from neutral to shocked to absolutely beaming. Damian simply raised his eyebrow and continued with his pre-class warmup.
Over time Marinette had grown a deep respect for Damian; she wished he was a bit friendlier, but despite their rough start Marinette realized early on that, while gruff and unfriendly, Damian was kind in his own way. He always pointed out when someone’s technique was wrong so that they wouldn’t hurt themselves, he always helped bandage someone up when they were hurt, and he always stayed after class to help his mom clean up. Most people would think he did it out of obligation or his mother’s demands, but Marinette loves people watching, and even after just a few months Marinette has observed that Talia would rather Damian use the time to better himself and will insist that she, or one of their workers, handle the menial tasks.
It was not until Damian saw Marinette work through her struggles that he gained respect for her. While Wushu is a largely performative sport where everyone’s moves are choreographed, Talia wanted to ensure everyone was also learning basic self-defense resulting in regularly held sparring sessions at the end of class. Marinette was a great performer, she was highly expressive and could easily recall choreography, but she had minimal exposure to actual sparring and her reflexes were not as sharp and trained like the others. She managed to win against her opponents in the first few classes by utilizing her creativity, but eventually, her lack of experience caught up with her and in her third month at the studio, she began her losing streak. Looking at her lose to her opponents time and time again he couldn’t help but wonder to himself, “will you still be here tomorrow?” Growing up in the studio, Damian knew that most of the people who were considered to be “gifted” had a tendency to drop out the moment things no longer came naturally to them, they grew frustrated with themselves and then with the sport. At this point, he figured he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Instead, the stage was set for her to become the most prevalent figure in his life.
Despite being in the same classes for over 3 months Damian and Marinette had never sparred. It was actually quite odd that they hadn’t yet sparred, the pairings for the most part were random. Talia reasoned that with the right circumstances even someone who seems weak could win; it was important to never underestimate an opponent and lower your guard. After bowing to one another their eyes met. If you asked them as adults they would unabashedly say that they love the other’s eyes, it was like staring at the calm before a storm. Their eyes were clear, fierce, and piercing. Despite being clearly disadvantaged Marinette showed no fear. She met his first few strikes blow for blow and even managed to evade a few of his strikes with a few unique tumbling passes – something Damian noted that she excelled in. He could tell she has been studying him, observing his strike patterns from his previous matches. Rather than reacting to his strikes, she was anticipating them – a smart move considering her reflexes were lacking. Unfortunately for Marinette, this meant that one unanticipated fake was all it took to defeat her.
That night during open gym hours Marinette approached Damian on her own for the first time. “There is only so much I can practice on my own, please train with me.”
“Why would I do that?” Damian held his face firm, his mouth in a thin line and his eyebrow slightly quirked.
Marinette’s eyes steeled over with conviction. “Did you know that every time you get up from xie bu you duck your chin down in your struggle to regain balance? It’s obvious you’re trying to shift your center of gravity. Instead, try leaning on your front leg from the beginning. The first few times you try this method, you should put a ball between your chin and neck to keep your head held up until you get used to it.”
“How did you–?”
“Notice? I love observing others, I can help you. There’s only so much we can practice on our own. I need help with my reflexes and you need someone who can review your performances. We can’t do this alone. You don’t have to like me, you just have to work with me. What do you say? Deal?”
“Tch. Deal.”
At first, their conversations mainly consisted of Marinette’s one-sided chatter during their warm-up, breaks, and cool-down stretches. It took a while for Marinette to get Damian to open up, but once she found the right topics she found that he was strongly opinionated about almost everything and shared quite a few hobbies with her. While Wushu was the common interest that brought them together, they were much more alike than they thought. They both enjoyed art, video games, and superhero shows to name a few common interests. Damian would say he would want to be a hero without any powers, someone who relies on their own skill to punish evil-doers. Marinette on the other hand would love to be a magical girl who could save others without causing too much damage. After hotly debating the topic of normal heroes and powered heroes, Damian and Marinette came to an agreement that both sides had their own set of struggles and perks.
Damian and Marinette found themselves spending more time with each other both inside and outside of the studio. After arguing over which type of paint was superior, Marinette was team watercolor because of its varied use, relative cheapness to oil paints, and blendability where Damian was a more traditional artist who believed that the blending capabilities of oil paint were just as good, if not better, and their longevity was worth the cost, the two decided to settle it with a paint off. Art sessions quickly became a biweekly tradition between the two, whenever the Gotham botanical garden would have a new exhibit Marinette would insist they go to sketch the flora. Damian quickly found that Marinette was almost as passionate about plants as he was about animals, with the way she flitted about the garden he couldn’t help but wonder if she had been something like a ladybug in her past life. There were also plenty of weekends spent sketching Damian’s pets, though Marinette would note that no drawings could capture what good boys Titus, Alfred the Cat, Jerry the Turkey, and Bat Cow were.
Together they found new ways to integrate Wushu into their hobbies, Marinette had plenty of friends at school who loved art and plenty of friends who did Wushu at the same center, but Damian was the only one she shared nearly all her passions with.
With their art, they began making flyers and posters for the studio, and banners to cheer on their classmates at competitions – Damian would argue he only did this because it would increase morale, which in turn would produce better results for the studio. Marinette struggled with the posters at first as a lot of proposed designs incorporated traditional Chinese characters, she couldn’t even write in Pinyin! Tom and Sabine had prioritized teaching Marinette about her French roots, in the event that one day they decided to move back to France, and neglected teaching her much about Chinese heritage. Marinette still learned basic conversational phrases: yes, no, please, thank you, and familial titles, but she was nowhere near conversational or fluent. After realizing Marinette did not know how to speak Mandarin Damian made it his personal goal to make her at least conversational before they would begin to travel internationally for competitions. Many of the major Wushu competitions took place in China and if Marinette was going to be his partner in the couples division he was going to make sure she was able to converse with any interviewers they may meet, and that if she were to end up lost – he swears Marinette was born without a sense of direction – that she could find her way back to him or their hotel. He hoped that while working on the banners he could work in a few lessons on traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters so that Marinette could at least read signs. Apart from art, reenacting scenes from video game cutscenes and superhero movies became one of their favorite activities, it became a way to train while still having plenty of fun. Sometimes after mastering a new move-in Ultimate Mecha Strike, they would break out the crash mats to test if the moves in the game were actually physically possible.
Even the hobbies Damian didn’t share with Marinette he was willing to partake in, and the fact that he was trying meant the world to Marinette. Damian was rarely physically affectionate in the first few years of their friendship, and it was even rarer for him to vocalize his emotions, and so Marinette quickly learned that Damian had a tendency to express himself through his actions. A lot of people failed to see how warm and loving Damian truly was, but Marinette saw it in how he interacted with everyone. For example, when Damian’s eldest brother opened up an acrobatics and gymnastics center Damian immediately volunteered to design and paint a mural on the outside that would more easily catch attention, Marinette watched him alter the design day and night and sort through hundreds of color palettes to ensure the pairing was just right. She saw his kindness through his interactions with his family and hers, the painting of her mom and dad baking, a gift from Damian for their 20th anniversary, hung up in the living room was more physical proof of it. When Marinette began sewing he proudly wore her designs and when she began to take commissions, he always kept her business card on his body in the event someone asked about his apparel.
One of Marinette’s fondest memories with Damian was when they decided to host a bake sale to offset the cost of international travel for the competition team. It was near the Mid-Autumn festival so Marinette and her parents decided to make mooncakes. Damian had some experience in the kitchen helping his mother make baozi and baklava, but he definitely wasn’t as experienced as Marinette who grew up in a bakery, yet he still came over to help them with the first few test batches and to help design packaging. Watching him carefully weigh out the ingredients her parents listed and chat about his favorite flavors with her parents in French filled her with so much warmth. The kitchen was filled with banter as a discourse between traditional baked mooncakes and skin mooncakes arose. Marinette and Sabine preferred snow skin mooncakes, the chewiness pairs well with pastes like red bean and taro, where Damian and Tom were strongly on the side of the more traditionally baked mooncake, arguing that the crumble of the pastry paired with fillings like salted egg and lotus paste was clearly superior. Marinette was unsurprised that Damian was strongly advocating for traditional flavors, but her father? The same man who made mustard macarons? It wasn’t until Marinette suggested thousand-layer mooncakes were simply croissants with a pasty filling that everyone else was willing to set aside their different preferences to unite against her. While the thousand layer mooncakes and traditional mooncakes baked, and the snow skin mooncakes steamed Marinette and Damian got to work on the packaging. In order to reduce cost, they had ordered plain packaging and planned to carve potato stamps with Mid-Autumn festival motifs: the moon, rabbits, flowers, fans, and lanterns. Despite having seen how proficient Damian was with a blade in training, Marinette was pleasantly surprised, if not downright awed, by Damian’s precision with a knife. By the time Marinette had finished carving out one flower Damian had finished three lantern carvings. After finishing stamping the final package Marinette daringly pressed the still paint-laden potato stamp onto Damian’s cheek which quickly devolved into a paint fight. The picture of Damian and Marinette covered head to two in paint was proudly pinned at the top of her corkboard, Marinette would never forget the sound of the kitchen filled with laughter that day.
Damian’s parents were extremely supportive of this arrangement. Talia thought it was a great opportunity, open gym hours were busy and she couldn’t give all her attention to Damian, having a training partner could really help him grow. If they got along well they could even enter paired events together! Bruce was enthralled that his son found someone to spend time with other than his friend Clark’s son, Jon. Jon and Damian were great friends, but Jon lived in Metropolis and so the boys rarely saw each other outside of business galas and Skype calls. It was nice knowing his son had someone he could spend time with in person, Bruce was concerned that Damian’s interpersonal growth would be stunted by his lack of interaction with his classmates at school. To see his son being a kid, laughing freely, filled him with great joy, he knew that being the son of a billionaire and a top-notch martial artist had put a lot of pressure on Damian’s shoulders, but he never knew what he could do to help his son. Seeing the walls in Damian’s room at the manor fill up with pictures of him and Marinette smiling, Damian smiling, made Bruce figure that everything was going to be okay.
Sabine and Tom grew to love Damian like their own son with the more time he spent at each other’s houses. At first, they were a bit skeptical, they didn’t quite understand what their daughter saw in the boy, but they trusted her judgment and boy are they glad they did. Damian was like a missing piece of their family, despite his hard exterior, the boy was extremely loyal and caring, they could always count on him to have Marinette’s back. Sabine especially had a soft spot for him after watching him correct Marinette’s brush strokes on the banners, teaching her the differences between what she wrote and what he was writing. The two watched their daughter give herself wholly to this boy, and in return, he gave himself back to her and that was all they could’ve ever wanted for Marinette, to love and be loved.
As they grew older they shared more than just common interests: their dreams, their fears, and the pressure they faced from their families. Marinette knew what she wanted for herself – something Damian was envious of. When they were 11 to offset the competition costs, Marinette’s mother began designing and sewing their competition outfits. Once Marinette saw what her mother was doing she wanted to help, and she ended up falling in love with fashion design. From the age of 13 and onward Marinette designed all of her own stage wear, as well as Damian’s. Sabine would joke that with such a talented daughter it’s a shame they didn’t stay in Paris. Damian wouldn’t admit it – Marinette would – but the thought of possibly never meeting Marinette made him feel uncomfortably empty; he wonders how he bore with that feeling before becoming close with Marinette. Damian wasn’t sure what he wanted for himself, he would love to take over his mother’s Wushu studio, maybe even expand it, but he was always raised with the expectation that one day he would inherit his father’s corporation. Despite loving both options, loving both his parents, there was also a part of him that wanted something that was completely Damian, he had already spent so much of his life living in the shadow of his parents. It wasn’t until high school that Damian opened up to Marinette about this, as the time to make decisions grew closer Damian naturally grew more anxious about his future. Marinette rarely gets the chance to comfort Damian, oftentimes he bottles his emotions up until they’re ready to burst, and even then Marinette has to slowly coax him into talking about them, even if it is with his brothers and not her, she just wants him to feel safe with his own emotions. The first time Damian opened up to her about the pressure he felt as his parent’s only biological son she immediately swept him into her arms, stroking his hair she began to tell him about how loved he was. She told him “Damian I love you, your family loves you, my family loves you. I just want you to know how loved you are. I speak not only for myself, but for everyone who loves you when I say this, do what makes you happy. Your parents will be happy as long as you are, they trust that they raised you to make good decisions for yourself. Even if you don’t know what it is that makes you happy yet, don’t be afraid to explore your options; I’ll be right here by your side and I’m going to support you no matter what. You’ve told me before that even if you inherit the studio Maya would co-own it with you, or even if you inherit your father’s business you would be working alongside your brothers. You are not alone, the world is not riding on solely your shoulders.” Damian was completely silent, if not for the wetness on her shoulder and his grip tightening around her, Marinette would figure he was unphased. Marinette has known that she loves this boy, far past the platonic love she just expressed, but for Damian, it was at this moment that he realized that not only was he loved, but he was in love with Marinette.
Damian and Marinette were standing in a hall away from the main room where other contestants were preparing themselves both appearance-wise and physically. Marinette herself was fixing the crown braid in her hair. The women’s event would take place in the morning to late afternoon, where the men’s event in the evening giving Damian ample time before he needs to warm up to support Marinette. He gave Marinette’s ensemble a once over and with his cheeks tinged red he muttered “I like your costume, you look really cute”, quickly averting his gaze.
Marinette immediately flushed, almost as red as the silken top that adorned her torso, and brought the hands that were adjusting her braids down to her hips and leaned forward, exclaiming in a hushed shout as to not disturb the other competitors warming up, “Damian Al-Ghul Wayne, are you making fun of me? I just want to make sure that any pictures taken do not make me look like a hot mess. Could you imagine what could happen if Audrey Bourgeois sees pictures of me completely frumpled looking and cancels my apprenticeship?? Oh my God and then Parson’s will find out and rescind me and then I won’t be able to visit you at NYU!” Marinette’s hands now rested on her cheeks smearing away her perfectly placed blush. How Marinette managed to go from disgruntled to spiraling in less than a minute is still a mystery that still eludes Damian after years of friendship, but it was his duty to calm her down. He understands her nerves, they had spent the last few years dominating the juniors division and as they entered the senior division there was a lot of pressure for them to win there too. Unfortunately, for every person who wanted them to win, another five were praying for them to slip up, but now is not the time to be overcome by nerves, her turn would come soon and she cannot afford to be overwhelmed by nerves.
Damian fully grasped her wrists pulling her hands away from her face, “Marinette, genuinely you look stunning”. After that comment, Damian noted to himself that it seems like there was no more need for the blush she applied anyways. With the soft tut of his tongue, he smoothed out the harsh lines of her smeared blush using the pad of his thumb. He whispered, just loud enough for her to hear, “Don’t worry too much about your hair and makeup, the most important thing is your form”. Marinette leaned into his touch and gave a small nod, calming down from her spiraling thoughts, he always knew how to ground her.
“Contestant number 54 you’re up next!”
“That’s you; you might want to fix up your makeup real quick, but everything is going to be fine.” He handed her a bag with her cosmetics and a wipe and quickly clapped his hands around her shoulders to guide her to the main stage so she could focus on herself.
Fixing her makeup Marinette shot him a cheeky grin, “wish me luck?”
“You don’t need luck. Marinette you have the skill, you know that.”
“Next up is Marinette Dupain-Cheng from New Jersey, USA! She is definitely a fan favorite to win today on the Women’s Taolu floor. She is internationally known for competing not only in the women’s division but also in the couples’ scene. She’s been training for the individual event from the age of six and for the partner event from the age of nine with her studio mate Damian Al-Ghul Wayne, who is predicted to win the Men’s Taolu event. While we do not have a couples’ Wushu competition here, since turning 18 they have been dominating the senior international couples’ Wushu scene and have gone undefeated.”
Taking off her team jacket, with a quick nod to her parents, Talia, and of course, Damian Marinette strode to the center stage. Damian would never grow sick of watching her transform on stage, it was strikingly similar to the magical girl shows she had been obsessed with as a child. The moment Marinette stepped onto the mat her whole demeanor changed. Her back straightened up, her head would be held high, and most of all, the look in her eyes was filled with inextinguishable fire.
By the end of the event after getting changed Marinette and Damian were making their way to his car. Once Damian turned 16 and got his license, it became a tradition for them to go out for a celebratory meal together without their parents. “Marinette!” Damian heard a voice call out, Agreste he noted in his head. Marinette had met Agreste and Tsurugi while vacationing in Paris. While they weren’t the worst, in fact, Tsurugi was typically pleasant company, Damian was in no mood to socialize after the several rounds of interviews he had to endure after winning first place in Men’s Taolu. Many of the interviewers failed to understand that while yes, he had more opportunities to train as he is a third-generation Wushu champion, it was his hard work that got him to where he was, not his genetics.
Seeing Damian continue on to his car, not wanting to keep him waiting, Marinette quickly bid them farewell with a promise to see them tomorrow. “Hey wait for me!” Marinette called out, running after Damian. Despite his pride usually preventing him from heeding to his peers’ commands, Damian stopped in his tracks, his breath shallow and wondering why Marinette’s voice still makes his heartthrob despite having heard it call out to him for over 10 years. Feeling her hands latch around his arm gave him a sense of comfort. Her grip was strong and steady, yet still gentle. He couldn’t help but envision his hand in hers instead of his arm. The bouquet and hand-painted card in his car were waiting to see if she felt the same.
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Watch what you drink! While a glass of sparkling water with a twist of lime has few calories, just 8 ounces of a fruit juice and alcohol based drink such as a Mai Tai can weigh in at more than 600 calories! The other problem when drinking alcohol is that your judgment may be affected, making it easier to forget all your good intentions and over-indulge.
Eating chunky soups can help you achieve weight loss. It's not a good idea to drink all of your calories. Soups that have the larger chunks of vegetables help your body to feel full more quickly, as opposed to the creamier soups.
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Substituting low fat processed foods for high fat ones when trying to lose weight is a very popular idea; however, it does not always work. For example, replacing regular store bought muffins with low fat store bought muffins may make you want to eat two of the low fat muffins instead of one! The low fat ones are usually missing some of the taste of the regular muffins. Instead, try making your own muffins and other food! You will know what is going into what you are mkaing and can cut back on certain things without sacrificing taste.
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Carbs give the needed energy required when competing in sports, so make sure you aren't cutting down on them when you are going to be physically active.
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laserdog10 · 4 years
Warning Siren
Tai: Papa Dragon to Magic Man, do you copy, over? *imitates radio static*
Oz: I thought we agreed no weird codenames...over.
Tai: Force of habit from old training, sorry. You said the reports came from the Moonlight Ridge Trail, right?
Oz: Positive, a report came in about a missing hiker two days ago. They had checked in to the campsite across the river in that time and never came back, quite strange.
Tai: Who better than to call a member of Team STRQ! I’ll have this kid found in no time.
Oz: Don’t go bragging just yet Tai, we’re not sure what this Grimm is.
Tai: Probably just an Ursa too big for its pants, call you back in a jiff! *hangs up* Alright, let’s get this hunt started.
The evening sun shone in the sky, close to setting among the tree riddled horizon. A gentle breeze flowing through the trees paired with the chirping of birds, it all made the retire Huntsman feel good, a simple search and rescue on a beautiful remaining day, “Should bring the family out here for a picnic one day,” he thought to himself. His inner chat halted when the peaceful sounds were crudely interrupted by the piercing wail of a siren miles away from the trail, causing birds to flee to the sky, it lasted for several seconds before dying down. Perplexed, he called again.
Tai: Hey uh, Oz, when did a tornado siren get installed in this place?
Oz: Er-...the park didn’t get one.....Tai is everything okay down there?
Tai: Yeah just, are you sure no new tech was put here...?
Oz: ...be careful out there. *ends call*
Raising an eyebrow, Taiyang continued forward. A few feet away he saw backpack presumably belonging to the missing hiker, jogging up he searched the contents. Yep, usual camping gear and essentials, food, flashlight, water, spare socks, nothing out of the ordinary, however he did take a picture on his Scroll for evidence. To the left of the dragon brawler’s eyes widened...in a bush he could see etches of clothing hanging from the small branches, right next to gargantuan claw marks on the ground. Rushing over he studied them, too big to be an Ursa’s yet way bigger than a Nevermore’s, he didn’t know what to make of it. He took another picture, shaking the chill from his back.
Tai: Okay, just breathe big man, you can fight this thing...whatever it is.
Walking up the trail some more he came across the same marks, though much deeper than the last. Getting closer he could tell that whatever this Grimm was, it was big and hungry, or angry. “Probably both,” he said to himself, taking yet another photo. Pressing on he took a few turns down the dirt laden path, a sense of dread lingering in the air, the feeling of him being watched...observed even, a predator studying its prey before the inevitable pounce and strike for the jugular, Tai couldn’t shake it. Something was very wrong here...
Tai: *sniff* UUUGH, what the hell...?!
Plugging his nose, a raw strong smell of iron and rotting meat filled his nostrils, getting stronger the direction he was heading. Coming to a small clearing of four trees, the biggest tree in front of him had something hard to make out in front of it, whatever it was, it was probably dead for flies had begun swarming it, a meal and breeding ground for their young. Unable to see he took his Scroll and used its flashlight mode.
Tai: ................
One thing’s for sure, he found the hiker...what remained of them that is. At the base of the big tree was a desecrated pile of meat and bones, ribs pointing to the sky, entrails littered around it in a puddle of blood, covering the bark in red ichor, in a branch he could see more tattered clothing, a stained bloody claw mark dragged long across the dirt away from the large tower of wood. Tai gingerly stepped forward, despite every molecule in his body screaming for him to run, away from the pulverized flesh and to his car, anywhere that wasn’t this forest. He nearly jumped out of his skin when his former headmaster called in.
Oz: Tai! You ne-*static*...to lea-*static*...you are in grave dange-!*static plus sharp ringing*
Tai: Guh!!! Oz, Ozpin are you there?!
Belaying the grating noise, he took one last picture before ending the call. But the noise persisted after his call ended, all around him he could hear the ringing white noise stab his eardrums relentlessly. Focusing more clearly, it originated behind him, naturally he turned to face it...god above did he regret doing so. What stood before him could hardly be called a Grimm, even though it was, the creature utterly towered over Tai, at least forty feet, it’s gangly bony arms nearly dragged along the ground, the same length as the legs. Each digit ended in sharp pointed nails, the fingers caked in fresh blood. Its body was vaguely humanoid and incredibly emaciated, a rib-cage and pelvis visible under the taught, pale skin littered with black patches of varying lengths. Its face...a short skinny neck held three mouths, two thin ones on the side, one wide in the center, all filled with yellow cavity-rotted teeth too big for each. The left most mouth ground its teeth together to make the ringing, the right most clacked non-stop to produce the static, the center mouth did nothing aside emit a raspy breath after a snarling wet inhale.
What made Tai run faster than his lungs could keep up, he would never know, he simply did without thinking. Behind him the freakish Grimm pursued with fevered vigor, crawling on all fours in the fashion of a demonic puppet. He vaulted over the trail’s gate, hopped into his car, revved the engine then sped off, literally hell on wheels, speed laws be damned. Once Tai got to the open road his Scroll vibrated to life.
Oz: Tai, Tai are you alright?!
Tai: *pant pant* Yep... *gulp* Found the hiker.
Oz: They’re not-?
Tai: Nope......nothing left of them. That th-thing...the Grimm...*deep breath*
Oz: I know, the park ranger showed me photos of it.
Tai: Well, yer’ gonna get more soon...
Peering into his rear view mirror, he swore he could the monster among the trees, almost blending in with its thin frame.
“You didn’t get him in time? Hmm, I underestimated his stamina, fret not my gnarled pet, your efforts were valiant enough,” the white-hooded young man exclaimed to the beast.
The Grimm hummed in content, chewing the remains of its kill, its master chuckling in response.
“Honestly brother, you coddle your creations too much, he failed in catching the Xiao Long, why not dispose of him,” the younger girl asked her brother curiously.
“We got what we needed, add this to our database and we’re one Hunter closer to combating Ruby Rose’s group and disposing of them once and for all.” He said devilishly grinning, taking his Scroll out of his pocket to review Tai punching the Grimm’s hand away in a blast of golden fire, then bolting under its legs.
“One step closer, Bete, and our plan will be complete...”
“One step closer, more of them dead at our feet, Michael.”
“One step closer to avenging the death of our mother.”
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sukunas-play-thing · 4 years
Could i request... fatgum with a quirkless s/o?
((Absolutely Anon bean! I'm hella freakin sorry for the loooooooooong ass wait I had a very very bad case of writers block but this new years I will upload any and all other Requests I received tonight to make up for this. Pls enjoy! I made it a scenario the song "Let Me Be Your Superhero" by Smash Into Pieces was the inspiration for this fic. is female since the gender wasn't specified. ))
//Fatgum: Taishiro Toyomitsu with a quirkless and shy reader//
Word count: 8022
Warnings: swearing, slight nsfw, blood, near death experience.
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Taishiro was many things. A kind, sweet, understanding and down to earth individual. Never miss a beat for anniversaries, never shouted at you. Always had a calm demeanor around you.
Hell if he could give you the sun if you asked for it. He would. Your banter would leave people on the sidelines second guessing their own existence, but one thing was for certain. They knew the BMI hero had fallen utterly in love with you.
He'd laugh everytime he'd make even the slightest innuendo. Watch as your face contorted to that of a scowl (not an angry one!) And hide your blush that crept along your skin.
Waiting for him to come home usually was the hard part for you. Worrying every second of everyday for him to walk through that door with food or gifts that he'd unabashedly give you. Sometimes it consisted of you're favorite foods, movies, drinks, some sexy lingerie that complimented every curve, and dip of your thighs. Accentuating your hips and ass. The man lavished you as if you were royalty.
You never would miss a chance to surprise him with gifts. On his days off you both would compromise date ideas, some days you'd go out on the town dressed up, dance and eat. Other times you both would stay home and cook delicious food, occasionally throwing food at one another or feeding food to each other. There were times of heartache, his recent fight with a villain left him in his thin form. When you had visited him in the hospital you brought him takoyaki.
His face went from solemn to the widest grin you'd ever see. "I was. So worried about you."
You hadn't meant to say this out loud
But seeing him so worn and beat broke your heart, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear he reached out to you. Taking your small hand into his rather large calloused ones. Stroking the back as if he were holding porcelain.
Without uttering a word he'd brought you to his hospital bed and sitting you on his lap. Taking one arm to wrap around your frame, the other tucking itself under your legs so you'd be sitting sideways on his lap. This moment was met with no words just you and Taishiro and your quiet sobs. Holding your head in the crook if his neck while he shushed you. Cradling you, playing with your hair.
"I- I am not sure how much I can take Tai." You wailed. "What if one day you don't come home? What if-." You hiccuped. Clutching his hospital shirt for dear life and shaking violently.
"What if.. What if one day I have to cone here.. And identity your body!?"
Tai shuddered at the thought, shaking his head he wanted to speak out against such horrible words, to comfort and tell you everything will be okay. That he's okay. But he knows better than that.
He opted to just sitting there, let it you cry it all out. Because right now, he's alive and your alive to him that's all that mattered.
((Please listen to Let me be your hero by Smash into pieces))
The only time you'd see him angry. Well, the rest is history.
It was a hot Saturday evening, sun was setting, the sounds of the bustling city echoing off buildings. People minding their own business, traffic tight as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary.
You sighed checking the clock on your phone. *"We'll it seems I'll be really late coming home to cook dinner."*
Few more minutes had passed and you were finally on the highway to head home, you heard sirens in the distance, looking at your review mirror to figure out where it was coming from you heard a horn from a large vehicle, right as you looked back towards the sound. You were struck hard by another vehicle that was coming from your left down a wrong way. Reflexively you moved your arm to shield your face from oncoming glass debris. You felt your car violently roll toward your right. Everything was Slow motion. Trying to get your bearings together. Even though your car was practically rolling down the road you had just driven on. Your car finally came to a stop, but it had been rolled upside down. Your body had been pinned between your seat and the dash that connected your wheel. It felt as if you'd lost consciousness, your vision blurred back and you were trying to get your surroundings together. You looked out your windshield that was mostly broken, feeling the wind coming through. You seen the vehicle that had hit you, it was just sitting there sirens still in the background you silently prayed it was all an accident and the person responsible would peer out.
But they never did. Soon the car engine had started back up and you could see a silhouette looking right back At you.
You getting hit was an accident, but the person behind the wheel was a villain trying to run from the police. And currently, your upturned vehicle was in their way.
You began to panic. Your hands rushing to pop the seatbelt and get out of this Pile of metal. But the seatbelt had jammed, you tried moving the steering wheel but no avail. Your eyes clouded and you felt hot tears spill as your heart rate increased upon hearing the vehicle rev multiple times.
"HELP. SOMEBODY HELP ME. PLEASE. " the vehicle began to move, tires burning as it picked up speed, hearing the gears be corrected. The vehicle was coming at you with full speed. Wiggling, banging your hands you tried desperately to get out of the way. Blood spilling from your head when you'd hit it upon impact. A Quirk would have been very helpful right about now
The first thought that came to mind was Tai. How his smile lit up the room everywhere he went. Laughing with him. Kissing him. Seeing him in the hospital.
You cried, and screamed thinking this was the end. Remembering your conversation before hand. Guess you were the one to not come home.
You seen a flash of yellow and black.
Heard a man scream ferociously. Before a loud boom had been heard. Shaking your car. Your eyes softened. It was Tai.
He jumped in the way and let out his spear he had held onto prior before the villain had ran. You saw him standing there victorious, smoke and debris flying around him as if time had slowed down. And for the first time, you thought you'd seen a real Angel. A bright glow emanated around his figure.
You begun to cry, but not from despair or fear. But happiness .
Your superhero had come to save you. Just like in the movies.
You were pulled from your destroyed car, paramedics telling you to take it as slow as you could, cradling your head in case of severe head trauma before laying you down on a stretcher. You looked to the side seeing Tai violently yanking the villain out the vehicle before slamming the man against the destroyed vehicles hood. Well. What was left of it. "Ya got your head in that ass ov'yours!? That women over there! You nearly killed her ya damn bastard." Taishiro was visibly shaking from anger. Coos coming to his aid to pull him away just before he went too berserk. He ran his hands through his hair.
"Tai." You called his head shot up and Ran to your aid. Holding your hand while your stretcher was hauled to the ambulance. Tears in his eyes. "M' sorry baby. Are- Are you okay?." He ran his hand down your cheek wiping away tears and blood. You nodded weakly. Eyes closing letting out a breath you thought you held for a long time
"I love you Tai. Thank you. My hero." You had lost consciousness again a smile still evident on your features. He got in the ambulance before the doors closed and headed to the hospital. You were okay. You were safe. And that's all that mattered.
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