#pause for murmurs of astonishment through the crowd
fictionadventurer · 1 year
History Channel guys: So glad to have you onboard for our docudrama. Here's the script telling you everything you need to know to play Ulysses S. Grant.
Actor: This just says, "Stare off into the distance and take a long drag on a cigar."
History Channel guys: Yeah, we're pretty sure he ended 75% of his conversations that way, so this show is going to reflect that.
Actor: Okay, then. Throat cancer, here I come!
#history is awesome#presidential talk#there is more to the role but it's funny how many scenes end like that#they even mention that he was a pipe smoker before shiloh#it doesn't stop them from showing him with cigars through his whole life#i also find myself analyzing this the way i would a book adaptation#i couldn't watch it with anyone cuz i'd want to fill in all the cool stories they skip over#like his trip across panama or the washington potato fiasco#there's not nearly enough julia#and through the whole vicksburg sequence i'm just like 'where's fred???'#the man brought his twelve-year-old son to one of the most brutal theaters of the civil war!#i think this is worth portraying!#i was impressed that they dramatized the mexican war incident where grant brought ammunition through the active war zone#by clinging to the side of his galloping horse#but i was bummed they didn't show him setting the west point equestrian high jump record#that story is so cinematic in my head#it would be ideal for tv#show a couple other students doing their high jumps#suddenly the instructor raises the bar an entire foot and calls out 'cadet grant'#pause for murmurs of astonishment through the crowd#and then steely eyed and perfectly composed this kid takes the horse toward the jump and clears it#wild cheers and a small moment of satisfaction after earlier moments of instructors lamenting his poor schoolwork#it would be so cool!#as long as i'm talking about west point i should mention my shock that the show got his name wrong#they portray the 'u.s. grant was a clerical error' story#but grant objects 'my name is ulysses h grant'#even though his name was hiram ulysses grant#his initial were 'hug'!#it was a whole thing!#kids teased him for it which would have fit in perfectly with the rest of their 'people didn't appreciate him' thread
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marsnovaa · 8 months
Rainy day ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა
Satoru Gojo x reader
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ . Notes: Short fluff
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As you left work and made your way home, the weather suddenly turned from sunny and warm to gloomy and stormy. It began to pour, catching you off guard and leaving you regretting not checking the forecast. Determined to shield yourself from the rain, you used your bag as a makeshift umbrella while hastily navigating the crowded sidewalks and skillfully bypassing puddles. The downpour intensified, making your clothes cling uncomfortably to your skin, urging you to hasten your steps. Rain, once a pleasant spectacle to enjoy from the cozy comfort of your apartment, had now become something you despised. Soaked to the bone, you raced up the stairs to your residence, utterly drenched and cursing the existence of rainy days.
Pausing at your front door, you lightly brushed your hand over your face, ridding yourself of the raindrops and pushing aside your wet hair. Inserting your keys into the lock, you eagerly opened the door and swiftly stepped inside, closing it behind you and finding support for your back against it. The welcoming warmth of your apartment enveloped you, providing a stark contrast to the chilly, damp world just beyond the door. The intoxicating scent of freshly baked brownies mingled with a familiar aroma filled the air, enticing you to quickly kick off your shoes and make your way to the kitchen.
You couldn't help but admire your shirtless and disheveled boyfriend as he confidently retrieved a tray from the oven. His back muscles rippled as he stood tall, gracefully placing the delicious brownies on the counter. As he removed his oven mitts and turned to you, a mischievous giggle escaped his lips as he noticed your drenched appearance.
"Caught in the rain, huh?" He grins, wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulls you closer to him, planting a tender kiss on your forehead.
"Yeah, I didn't check the weather... I thought it would be nice," you mumbled, your voice barely audible against his bare chest. The sensation of butterflies fluttering in your stomach persists, even after spending nearly a year with him. It feels almost surreal to be the recipient of affection from Satoru Gojo. His distinctive white hair, striking features, and captivating personality have a magnetic pull on girls. You never thought you would have a shot with someone as stunning as him, yet to your astonishment, he disregarded all the attention from other admirers and chose you to be his girlfriend. And ever since, he has proven to be the most devoted and nurturing partner.
"Let's remove these clothes so you don't catch a cold," he gently massaged your lower back, then stepped back and walked ahead of you down the hallway towards your room.
After tossing your bag near the couch, you eagerly trailed behind him. As he rifled through your drawers, he carefully handpicked cozy sweatpants, one of his own shirts, and fresh undergarments. Arranging them neatly on the bed, he then exited your room, affectionately tousling your damp hair on his way out.
With a smile, you effortlessly discarded your wet clothes, feeling a slight shiver as the air caressed your damp skin. Quickly, you changed into fresh garments, grabbing a small towel from the laundry basket to attend to your hair. As you walked down the hallway, you watched Satoru carefully slice two mouth watering brownies and elegantly place them on delicate plates. Approaching your loved one, you casually hung your towel on the back of a nearby chair, then wrapped your arms around him, gently resting your head on his strong back.
"I'm exhausted," you murmured, gently planting a kiss on his soft skin.
“Yeah? Want to watch a movie?”
As he turned, one of his hands settled on your hip, while the other tenderly swept a few strands of hair away from your face. "Why don't you go and relax on the couch, my sunshine, and choose one?"
As you heard the affectionate nickname, a blush immediately warmed your cheeks. With a playful smack on his chest, you turned on your heel and made your way to the living room. Sinking into the couch, you felt the cushions yield under your weight. Reaching for the TV remote, you contemplated whether to choose a familiar film or something new. After careful consideration, you finally decided to indulge in one of your beloved comfort movies.
You heard the gentle sound of footsteps approaching from your left, and as Satoru sat down on the couch beside you, you could feel it slightly dip under his weight. With a warm smile, he offered you a plate adorned with a delicious-looking brownie, which you eagerly accepted. As you pressed play on the movie, you nestled up next to your boyfriend. He gently extended his arm and enveloped you within his embrace, drawing you nearer.
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stargirlaveblog · 4 months
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Chapter 4
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• Previous Chapter: Chapter Three Next Chapter: Chapter Five •Content: Levi Ackerman x OC female. Canon verse!
• Word Count: 1.3k • Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with * at each chapter.
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Weeks trailed in the aftermath of Wall Maria's collapse. Our existence is now huddled within two walls, vulnerable to the looming threat that could shatter our refuge at any moment.
The Scouts remained on constant alert since that fateful breach. Sleep eluded me, stolen by the haunting memories of that day.
The memories replayed like a relentless nightmare – the desperate screams, boulders hurtling through the air, and the crimson stain that marred my once-white dress.
"Pay attention. The commander is about to speak," Alexander's elbow jabbed into my side, urging me to focus.
"As everyone knows, the fall of Wall Maria has our citizens living in constant fear. They are all asking themselves, will Wall Rose be next?" Commander Erwin addressed the assembled Scouts in the mess hall.
"Today is the day you all need to ask yourselves, can I give my all for humanity? If it were to come down to it, will you sacrifice yourself to save another?"
Erwin's words hung in the air, a challenge that demanded introspection. The mess hall buzzed with whispered reflections and shared glances of uncertainty.
At that moment, my thoughts wandered to Levi, and how he reacted the day the Wall fell. Wall Maria's fall had tested our strength, but Levi guided us all like it was nothing to him.
The crowd fell into a hushed stillness as Erwin took a deliberate pause, his penetrating gaze scanning each face.
"Today we have big changes coming to our regiment. I've thought long and hard. It wasn't easy making this decision, but seeing how our soldiers acted during the fall of Wall Maria only solidified my choice," Erwin declared, adjusting the papers in his hands.
"I'd also like to mention our new captain," Erwin continued, sparking murmurs throughout the mess hall.
"New captain?" Alexander muttered beside me. "Who's he talking about?"
"I can't think of anyone," Oluo replied.
"Captain Levi will lead our new special operation squad. Levi showed strong leadership skills during the fall of Wall Maria." Erwin declared, emphasizing Levi's pivotal role in the face of chaos. "Levi will hand pick each member on his squad. Only the best of the Scout Regiment will be chosen. I hope you all take this into consideration while training for the next couple of weeks. You all are dismissed."
The mess hall erupted into a mixture of astonishment and admiration. Levi's new role as captain resonated with an air of authority, and the prospect of the Levi squad brought a renewed sense of purpose to the Scouts. I knew Levi would be a captain sooner or later. They would be fools not to pursue his strength.
As the soldiers dispersed, the realization of Levi's elevated position settled in. I glanced at him, his stern countenance giving away little, yet his eyes held a weight that spoke volumes. He was unbothered at the fact he was now a captain.
"Special operation squad?" I exclaimed, breaking the tense silence. "That's pretty cool! Who do you think is going to be on it?"
"No one if they know what's good for themselves," Alexander grumbled, his irritation evident.
"Oh, lighten up," Hange chimed in. "At least he's doing his job."
"Yeah, I mean, at least Levi is making change," I added, trying to diffuse the tension.
"He's the last person anyone should look up to," Alexander barked before storming off in anger.
"He's such a child," I groaned to Hange. "I should go find him." Without waiting for a response, I walked off in the direction Alexander had taken.
"Alex!" I yelled after him as he briskly walked through the halls. He didn't stop or look back at me. "Alex!" I yelled again, running beside him to prevent him from ignoring me.
"What?" He snapped at me, his frustration evident.
"Whoa, calm down," I said, throwing my hands up in defense. "There's no reason to be upset at me."
"Commander Erwin wants to see both of you in his office," Levi's voice suddenly broke through our conversation, making me jump a bit. Alexander redirected his glare at Levi but Levi just walked away.
Levi's abrupt halt caught me off guard.
"Are you coming or not?" he questioned, his eyes piercing ours. In silence, we trailed him to the commander's office.
Levi, surprising me, opened the door without knocking, a departure from common courtesy.
"Learn some manners," Alexander barked at him, to which Levi responded with a disgusted gaze.
Erwin's presence became evident with a subtle cough, and he greeted us, gesturing to the chairs before him. Levi, still displeased, stood at the back, arms crossed.
"Thank you, commander," Alexander smoothly chimed in as he took a seat. He was a kiss-ass when needed, even if Erwin's position irked him. Sucking up was a skill he had mastered.
Erwin's unexpected declaration pierced the air, leaving me in shock.
"Iris is being removed from your squad, Alexander," he stated.
"Am I in trouble?" I blurted out.
"No, the opposite. You're getting a promotion," Erwin revealed, dropping a bombshell.
"You'll be Levi's second in command on his new squad."
"I'm sorry, commander," Alexander laughed lightly, displaying doubt. "But isn't there someone more qualified for the position?"
The tension in the room escalated as uncertainty hung in the air. Did he just say that? I felt the heat travel to my head as it spread across my face. My head turned to Alexander, his focus locked on Erwin.
"Iris is more than qualified," Erwin asserted.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I'd have to disagree," Alexander rebutted once again.
"And why's that?" I spoke up for myself.
"I think I'm more than qualified. I've been in the Scouts for the last six years."
"How many times have I bailed you out of Titan's grasp?" he retorted without hesitation. "Without me by your side, you're as good as dead."
His words left me speechless. Does he truly think so little of me? He's been my trainer, and my partner through every training exercise, and every formation rehearsal.
"Are you telling me that you did not train your second in command properly?" Erwin questioned. "Or is your personal relationship interfering?"
Alexander stumbled on his words.
"Yes-No, sir."
The tension in the room thickened, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this promotion might bring more challenges than opportunities.
"Well, which one is it?" Erwin's irritation was evident as he probed Alexander's response.
Alexander stumbled, unable to provide a proper answer. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him, my anger intensifying.
"Where were you the day Wall Maria fell, Alexander?" Levi finally broke his silence.
"None of your damn business," Alexander barked defiantly.
Levi hummed in satisfaction, seemingly anticipating Alexander's response.
"Well," Levi began, "while you were in Wall Sina sitting on your ass, Iris was handling evacuations without you." Levi paused, letting the words hang in the air. "Iris is more than capable of doing her job. If anything, she would excel under another's command. You're doing nothing but holding her back and setting her up to be killed."
"And you think you could do any better?" Alexander scoffed. "You're nothing but an underground rat with barely any military training."
"Alexander, that's enough," Erwin intervened. "Congratulations on the new promotion, Aldridge. You are dismissed. Wright stay."
As I left the room, a mix of emotions swirled within me—victory, uncertainty, and anger. Why was Alexander so bitter? Why can't he be proud of me for moving up? Did he think I was that weak? On every expedition, I was with him, by his side.
Was he the reason I survived this long?
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wistfulwanderingone · 10 months
Court of Darkness: Crimson Waltz
Characters: Guy X MC (MC named Cassandra)
Word Count: ~ 800
Description: Fluffy romance
From Anonymous: Dialogue Story Request “Cause a scene?! I am NOT causing a scene! If you want a scene so badly, though, I can show you a scene!” (with a little artistic license on my part)
@aide-falls I thought you especially might enjoy this :-)
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Crimson Waltz
In the grandeur of the Avarian palace ballroom, I guide Cassandra with practiced elegance, my arm a steady anchor for her presence by my side. Each step she takes is cautious, a reflection of our earlier conversation wherein I reminded her of the importance of upholding a dignified demeanor at all times. 
All must go well. Cassandra must prove herself worthy in front of my father and the nobles and politicians.
Together, we navigate through the sea of esteemed nobles, each interaction calculated and poised, a carefully choreographed dance of social engagement. Finally, the orchestra's lilting melody signals the commencement and respite of a waltz, and I lead Cassandra onto the polished dance floor. Our steps synchronize effortlessly, the observers' eyes keenly fixed upon us. Her gaze remains steadily at my throat, as if scrutinizing the cravat at my throat, her lips pressed together in concentration. Her heart beats nervously against my hand where it rests firmly against her back. A peculiar sensation flits in my chest, my concern for the intensity of the situation – a vague echo of my own childhood encounters with such emotions. But if she is to be mine, she must learn to adapt to its demands.
As the waltz unfolds with grace, an unforeseen hiccup interrupts our flawless rhythm – her shoe entangles momentarily with her gown, causing an almost imperceptible stumble. Swiftly, before her balance can falter completely, my instincts take over. With a firm yet gentle grip, I ensure her equilibrium is swiftly restored.
The scrutinizing gazes of the nobles in attendance demand a flawless performance, and I'm determined to uphold our appearance. "Watch your step. We're not here to make a spectacle," I mutter under my breath, my words a stark reminder to avoid any potential disruption to the carefully orchestrated ambiance of the evening.
Her grip on my hand tightens, she clenches her teeth and finally meets my gaze, her crimson eyes narrowing defiantly as her cheeks blaze brightly. “Make a spectacle?! I am NOT making a spectacle!” Her voice, a restrained assertion, hangs in the air, and the room seems to hold its breath, all eyes upon us, including the penetrating gaze of my father. “If you want a spectacle so badly,” she huffs boldly, “I can certainly provide one!”
Undeterred by the ripples of astonishment that sweep through the crowd, she decisively halts our dance. In a bold, swift move that defies convention, she pulls me into an intimate embrace, her lips meeting mine in a passionate, spontaneous kiss. Gasps and murmurs sweep through the ballroom.
Time bends around us,  a blissful escape from the rigid expectations that encase us, and the world is reduced to the sensation of her lips against mine as I deepen the kiss. I relish the soft sound she makes in the back of her throat, as her mouth opens beneath my kiss.
When we finally draw apart, panting slightly, the room remains in hushed anticipation, a collective pause as they await the ensuing tableau. Her face is flushed as her breath comes quickly, and for a moment, she avoids eye contact as the reality of her action hits her. But at last, her gaze seeks mine, a mixture of trepidation and curiosity in her eyes. 
Her audacity, her willingness to challenge the boundaries of our roles, is a revelation that both surprises and intrigues me. Her eyes widen as I lick my lips before offering her the hint of a smirk, conveying a silent understanding that I don't disapprove.
"Well, that was certainly unexpected," I remark with a quirked eyebrow, my voice carrying a playful undertone that I suddenly find myself uncaring if it reaches our audience. As I brush a strand of hair out of her face, she bites her lip, a sweet smile gracing them as she gazes up at me through her thick lashes. 
With a flourish of my hand, I signal the stunned orchestra to continue the waltz. Amidst the murmuring crowd, I lean in once more, capturing her lips in a tender and lingering kiss.
The once-silent ballroom transforms into a chorus of murmurs and whispers, the air alive with intrigue, but strangely, I find myself hardly caring. Cassandra and I share a realm of our own, momentarily detached from the watchful gaze of the onlookers. In that stolen moment, I convey my silent approval, an unspoken acknowledgment of the spark of defiance she's ignited and a reminder of all the reasons that make her so dear to me.
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