#patty duke syndrome
spoilertv · 3 months
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lunaraindrop · 2 years
Should I flesh out Patty Duke Syndrome into a full fledged fic? Like, post on ao3? Thoughts?
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We have less than a case left of our BUSH DID LIME/11 hot sauce! Only available at www.hobowolfmanrecords.com. Featuring artwork by Brian Walsby, whose work you might recognize from countless punk band shirts or his own comic book, Manchild.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
Blu-ray Review: Amityville: The Cursed Collection
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After the original trilogy, The Amityville Horror's storyline had run its course, as had its theatrical viability. The 1979 original is an iconic adaptation of Jay Anson’s allegedly true book. 1982's Amityville II: The Possession is a successful prequel that shows the murders that led to the house being haunted. 1983's Amityville 3-D rested its laurels on the 3D gimmick for a largely dull entry.
This would spell the end for most franchises (at least until the remake boom), but once the home video industry blossomed, the marketable title was revived for a spate of direct-to-video sequels. While the initial source material had been tapped, four of these later efforts borrowed a concept from John G. Jones' 1988 short story collection, Amityville: The Evil Escapes, in which cursed objects from the original house find their way into unsuspecting peoples' lives.
Vinegar Syndrome has collected the pseudo-quadrilogy of 1989's Amityville: The Evil Escapes, 1992's Amityville: It’s About Time, 1993's Amityville: A New Generation, and 1996's Amityville Dollhouse - the fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth installments in the franchise, respectively - in a Blu-ray box set dubbed Amityville: The Cursed Collection. (The absent fifth entry, 1990's The Amityville Curse, is an unrelated Canadian production that remains out of print due to rights issues.)
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Amityville: The Evil Escapes was made for television but features decent production value, including a strong opening with a rain storm and a fairly convincing facade of the original Amityville house at 112 Ocean Avenue. The Amityville Horror screenwriter Sandor Stern returned to write and direct the followup. While having one of the original creative forces at the helm is a good omen, his effort is light on scares.
The film follows Nancy Evans (Patty Duke, Valley of the Dolls) and her three children. The untimely death of Nancy's husband has put a financial burden on the family, forcing them to move to rural California to live with her mother, Alice (Jane Wyatt, Star Trek), who recently received an antique lamp from the Amityville house. The 300-year-old evil is attached to the lamp and then transmigrates to the most vulnerable person in the house: the grieving youngest child, Jessica (Brandy Gold), who communicates with her late father.
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The familial melodrama is akin to a Lifetime movie, while a series of strange occurrences in the house causes further tension between its inhabitants. Naturally, the cursed lamp lights up whenever something happens. The ridiculous plot lends itself to a few entertaining set pieces, including a possessed chainsaw and a garbage disposal gone wrong. The gore in the latter scene was absent from the TV broadcast but was added for the home video release and remains intact on Blu-ray.
Duke is probably a little too old for her role, but she's good in it. The kids don't fare as well, but what's asked of them is fairly minimal. The cast also includes Fredric Lehne (Supernatural) and Norman Lloyd (Saboteur) as a pair of priests from Amityville, Aron Eisenberg (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) as Nancy's son, and Peggy McCay (Days of Our Lives) as Alice's sister, who sets the story into motion by gifting her the lamp.
Amityville: The Evil Escapes's Blu-ray disc includes new interviews with Stern and cinematographer Tom Richmond (House of 1000 Corpses, Chopping Mall). Stern's conversation is an informative one, but the most interesting fact is that he had no idea more sequels were made after this one. Richmond details how he felt more like the lighting manager than the director of photographer, as Stern was more experienced and knew what he wanted.
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Amityville: It’s About Time is directed by Tony Randel (Hellbound: Hellraiser II) and written by Christopher DeFaria (who went on to executive produce the likes of Mad Max: Fury Road, Gravity, and Ready Player One) and Antonio Toro. Its subtitle is not just a clever clock pun; the movie deals with time in rather interesting, if sometimes nonsensical, ways - including time shifts. The name also works in a metaphorical sense, as the core of the picture is about a character struggling to break the cycle of making the same mistakes.
In the film, the Amityville house has been torn down and replaced with a new development, but architect Jacob Sterling (Stephen Macht, The Monster Squad) helped himself to a antique clock. He brings it home to suburban California, where his ex-girlfriend, Andrea (Shawn Weatherly, Police Academy 3: Back in Training), is watching his two teenage kids, Rusty (Damon Martin, Ghoulies II) and Lisa (Megan Ward, Encino Man). The clock physically roots itself into their home and begins controlling the family members.
Rusty - who's depicted as a "troubled" kid in a very '90s way, complete with black clothing, an earring, and heavy metal music - recognizes that there is an evil presence, but everyone else blames him for the weird happenings in the neighborhood. While he's at the center of it, the plot successfully integrates the entire household, unlike the previous film, and the complicated family dynamic is a welcome shakeup of the formula.
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Playing more like an ensemble than any other Amityville, each cast member is able to pull their own weight. Macht's role is fairly thankless, as a dog attack leaves him in failing health, but he fully commits. Jonathan Penner (Survivor) gives a charismatic performance as Andrea's pretentious psychologist boyfriend, and Nita Talbot (Hogan's Heroes), Terrie Snell (Home Alone), and Dick Miller (Gremlins) are among the neighbors who pop up.
If not for the tenuous connection to the Amityville Horror franchise, I suspect this picture might have more of a cult following. (It's easier for word-of-mouth to spread about a lone gem than the sixth entry in a direct-to-video franchise.) The most entertaining film in the set, It's About Time is a charming, if unspectacular, B-movie with a delightfully silly plot and several fun moments featuring special effects by KNB EFX Group (From Dusk Till Dawn, Scream), the most memorable of which sees a character melting into the floor.
Amityville: It’s About Time's Blu-ray disc includes new interviews with Randel and DeFaria. Randel seems to relish the opportunity to discuss the film, as he says no one ever asks about it, and praises the cast and crew. DeFaria explains that he offered to write the film as a way to get his foot in the door as a producer - which, looking at his post-Amityville resume, seems to have worked out for him.
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Amityville: A New Generation eschews the franchise's traditional, suburban family dynamic in favor of a metaphorical one; a community of artists living in an urban loft co-opt. It focuses on Keyes Terry (Ross Partridge, Stranger Things), a struggling photographer who's struck with inspiration when a homeless man gives him an ornate mirror that has been in his family for generations. The mirror predicts the death of its first victim, which would be an interesting enough concept, but alas it is not consistent. Ultimately, the possessed object tempts Keyes to commit murder.
The film boasts a powerful supporting cast that includes David Naughton (An American Werewolf in London) as the landlord, Terry O'Quinn (Lost) as a detective, Richard Roundtree (Shaft) as one of the artists, Robert Rusler (A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge) as a disgruntled ex-boyfriend, and a particularly charming Lin Shaye (Insidious) as a mental hospital nurse. Although the cast elevates the material, the script - penned by a returning DeFaria and Toro - remains lackluster.
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While the previous entries did an admirable job to overcome their limited resources, A New Generation looks and feels very much like a '90s direct-to-video movie; THE of the same caliber as the endless Children of the Corn, Hellraiser, and The Prophecy sequels that were being churned out around the same time. Despite a direct connection to the Amityville mythology beyond the mirror, it hardly even feels like an Amityville movie.
Directed by John Murlowski (Santa with Muscles) made the inspired choice to hire The Amityville Horror visual effects artist William Cruse to handle the elaborate mirror effects. They're all accomplished in camera; an impressive feat that sounds great in theory but looks campy in practice. The film also features cinematography by future Academy Award winner Wally Pfister (Inception, The Dark Knight).
Amityville: A New Generation's disc includes new interviews with Murlowski and DeFari, plus a commentary by Murlowski. Murlowski's chat includes a breakdown of the analog effects, supplemented by behind-the-scenes footage. His commentary allows him to go more in depth, citing The Shining as an inspiration, pointing out the similarities to Oculus, and addressing shortcomings such as the pacing and the rubber monster. DeFari discusses the challenges of channeling artists' fears on screen and offers advice for aspiring filmmakers.
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Amityville Dollhouse is perhaps the most traditional of the bunch in terms of concept, though its execution goes in a different direction. In it, a newly blended family moves into a house that the contractor father, Bill Martin (Robin Thomas, Summer School), built on the original Amityville lot. Bill finds an old dollhouse - a miniature model of the Amityville abode, naturally - and gives it to his young daughter. While the girl ostensibly releases the evil, the strange occurrences begin before she receives the gift.
The eerie events start small but escalate to the point where the family's younger boy sees his deceased father, urging him to murder his family. The father appears in three stages of decay, a la Jack in An American Werewolf in London. His ultimate form is something like a cross between Tales from the Crypt's Crypt Keeper and Friday the 13th Part VII's Jason Voorhees, but he's too loquacious to be scary, delivering a few Freddy Krueger-esque quips.
While the deceased father feels a bit out of place in an Amityville movie, he is the highlight of the film, thanks to exceptional makeup by SOTA Effects' Roy Knyrim (The Toxic Avenger Part II & III). Also notable is an appearance by a young Lisa Robin Kelly (That '70s Show). The film marks the lone directorial effort of Steve White, who executive produced all four films in the set, along with The Devil’s Advocate and Halloweentown. Joshua Michael Stern (director of Jobs) penned the script.
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Amityville Dollhouse's disc includes new interviews with White, Knyrim, and director of photography Thomas L. Callaway (Feast, Slumber Party Massacre II), along with alternate footage from the TV edit. White, having produced the prior three films, offers an interesting perspective. Knyrim discusses the progression of the dead father's makeup and how existing creature parts were repurposed for demons in the climax. Callaway breaks down a few interesting techniques, like a 360-degree shot with a periscope lens and the challenges of lighting a character covered in latex.
The perfect companion to Scream Factory's The Amityville Horror Trilogy set, Amityville: The Cursed Collection is available exclusively from Vinegar Syndrome. It's not as loaded with extras as some of the company's releases (there's no input from any cast members and only one commentary), but each movie offers at least a couple of new interviews. All four films have been newly restored in 4K from their 35mm original camera negatives, so they look better than they ever have. Each disc is in its own Blu-ray case with reversible artwork, all packaged in a slipcase box designed by Earl Kessler Jr., which is limited to 4,000.
Amityville: The Cursed Collection is available now from Vinegar Syndrome.
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2019 already sucks :’(
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marika-kurohime · 5 years
Tales of Vesperia: “Yuri is The Morning Star “her” self as “she” should be” theory (11/26 complete)
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First of all, sorry for BAD English here.
Previously I’ve tried to post this on youtube, but... here is the full version of it. 
 We all are confused at the moment by Tales of the Rays storyline and Vesperia’s postgame situation especially. 
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It's crazy for NO JOKE. Let's do this. If you're fine to think of Vesperia as something simple with yaoi/yuri ships - for now you can STILL do so, but 
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you have to see optional dungeons of this game: "Labyrinth of Memories" with Kratos Aurion in it and "the Necropolis of Nostalgia" (Patty got the key to start that VERY HARD and annoying dungeon (enter is in Zaude) which explains the whole "Сhildren of the Full Moon" thing and this world's past), open up all the skits and so on... It'll rise A LOT of questions, believe me.
This is where you can read this 
I'm NOT fine with yaoi/yuri ships and there seems to be the one and only RIGHT way to understand all this mess, but it's crazy. 
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I don't want to write the theory before we have at least some facts, So, I'll only warn you for now that: 
1)Yuri is with Raven ALL THE TIME in ALL worlds: Link, Asteria (chapter 4), even Rays where we have Estelle with us... you will read something... strange... (yeah... "strange" is a good word for it) between Yuri and RAVEN all the time. 
2) It seems that Yuri and Rita have some sort of connection to Iria's and Luka's (Tales of Innocence) god-powers. 
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To sum this up: or this game is just plain and stupid or it has a different gender system. Think about this:
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Rita's dresser scene, and also, how Yuri lived his life before and after his attempt to join the knights (some skits hinted this... and we got THIS dirty card of him for New Year)
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I can't say any more right now, we all want some facts regarding, well, his gender, current behavior and his postgame relationship with Raven and Estelle,
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 BUT one thing for sure. HE IS NOTHING close to what you'll expect of him even if you ship him and Flynn together. 
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Maybe, from now on (Tales of The Rays arc 3) this line will be shown for the first time, I don't know... thanks to PXZ2 I'm afraid to know...
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There is more to this.  In his True Knight outfit,
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 he has pointy ears for some reason. 
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And to top it all: so-called fanservice in the Rays' special anime just killed me on the spot.
NO NORMAL explanation for THIS. He is not only nothing even close to a human (half-elves included) and can BE confused with a woman as with Leon (Tales of Destiny) and his sister (Leon is only 16 years old ), ALL NORMAL men see Yuri THIS way at his... well he is 21 at the beginning of the game and 22+ by the end. 
No facts. They've been MESSING with us for two years before DE's worldwide release. And It gets waaaay more serious from now on... 
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JUST LOOK at...him(???) from the God Eater collaboration trailer... 
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No, no, no, I don’t think that I’m seeing things... 
And so, to make a long story short: 360 version was incomplete (or "censored" by Namco themselves is a better way to say it) to the point when you can't get this story at all. 
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Are you sure you want to know more?... for a joke, it went tooooo far somewhere after we left Heracles, 
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but what I'm reading now... makes me split my tea and think of dropping it all for good because of Yuri and Yuri alone. 
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Tales of Asteria made it even worse. In chapter 4 we have 3 lines about returning memories to a person, who the character holds dear: Jude-Milla, Collette-Lloyd, AND Raven-Yuri... 
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guess which one was mature, tragic and romantic the most?
And he wasn't called Yuri in the title of his Chapter. It was something like: "The fate of the Morning Star". Just like in the at least two tracks from OST of the original game. This and that one too. And who the hell is this so-called Morning Star??? 
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So... basically, the main character here is RAVEN. 
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And it's a story how he got himself our dear "hell of a goddess" 
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for a... 
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sorry... for a friggin substitute of his lost love
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 (and Yuri resembles her greatly to make it worse).
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Tales of the Rays arc 2 was HELL of a read for me because of Yuri alone... 
He is living with Raven, нe worried sick for Flynn's wellbeing, 
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he constantly shakes off Estelle on Rita...
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FOR a friggin YEAR! Main Vesperia's story explains NOTHING 
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of what you really need to know.
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 You need to 100% clear this game only to get some dirty hints and a mind blow trying to put all this mess together.
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 If you know Japanese, then Drama CD's help as well.
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Update: And yes, THIS was some anniversary to add the fuel to the fire. And as I feared, it is NOT only Asteria’s problem for sure. 
So, we love Tales of Vesperia only because people do not bother to find out, what “VESPERia” means.
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 “Vesper” means Venus (or Astar/Astarte, Morning (male form - Anunit)/Evening Star) GODDESS OF LOVE and justice,  yeah, yeah...
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... and prostitution,
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homosexual relationships and war and a lot more). Goddess, damn it...  
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Remember this statue at the Baction Shrine?...
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Update: actually all this mess isn’t just about him being who he is, the main problem is THIS map
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which is clearly our Mother Earth and not their Terca Lumieres AT ALL! Add to this what The Morning Star himself tried to say in Project X Zone 2:
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 Sooo... does it mean, that he got his reputation in our Earthly mythos simply living out his life to the fullest on some sort of “vacation trip” and is remembered by two names
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(as Shamash and his twin sister Ishtar)? Daaaamn, 
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as if Judith’s novel wasn’t bad (I mean great) enough...
And now goes our final mythos based theory: Yuri isn't exactly a goddess, he is just a very high-ranked and powerful anunnaki. And he has THIS level of mental disorder separating Shamash
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( light: True Knight in the heart, kindness (love), and justice) 
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“ His friend wasn't a knight, he was part of a guild. His friend didn't believe in "justice" and "virtue" but rather "resolution" and "morality". ” About Yuri from Flynn’s biography in the Tales of the Rays. 
Although often cynical, he has a strong sense of justice and possesses an earnest desire to aid the weak and the powerless. (c) Crosspedia PXZ2 (2015)
and Ishtar... 
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sorry, not this one. Ishtar (Anunit, The Morning Star)
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(dark: a whore to the bone, love (means sex) & war) parts of his personality. That means that both of "them" aren't whole and... 
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well, it’s better to stop here for now and see how bad our Dark Venus with a hero syndrome:
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will be from the point when... 
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when “She” gets (regains?) “Her” full self-awareness...
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*PXZ  Project X Zone (sorry, spelled it wrong, but I’m too furious, you see, to check small details. I hate so much I even had to write all this about MY favorite MALE character I mistook “HER” for... to begin with. Hate the very thought people still didn’t know WHOSE Anniversary it is. If Namco wouldn’t give proper explanations, or they will be worse than what we can assume now... well, I did everything I could for HIM... before all the HELL this body really is for
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breaks out. because It’s impossible to continue like this
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and Yuri himself already understood that even Flynn saw him in a different light for all his life.
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and with a new skill like that (by-the-books Lightbringer to me), it all will be confirmed/over in a few months at best.
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...this is not fun even for me anymore. I'm starting to pity "her" for real. DE isn't even a remake, you know... 
It's PS3's remake but PS3 and 360 are NOT one and the same. What did we do to deserve this ten years after? (5 for me) ...Oh, what a mess. 
It can only be compared with Estelle's new dress. 
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Screaming "dawn"+"bride" 100% Aya (as a silly child in her dreams to make it the worst situation possible for her for Aya has no info about her in the mythos so you can imagine on whom she is based on personality-wise from now on). 
And the whole Namco's Universe is Unus Mundus based. This much is obvious from Anima&Animus + Ix's-zerom connection thing as they have shown it. 
So... Vesperia's story so far (all with "probably" before every statement):
1) Something horrible happened to right-handed "HER" before he is shown left-handed 7 years old boy. (Luke and Schwann are both left-handed, Damuron, Raven, and Asch aren't).
2) Something horrible happened to HIM after the movie resulting in a second kinda split of what should be The MORNING part 
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into what I call Shamash and Anunit "twins". Damn. 
3) Something truly horrible happened to "them" atop of Zaude for he has a blastia and that "survival" of his now....looks really fishy. 
4) And a TOTAL SHIT happened in the end atop of Tarquaron. for "their"'s body is Istar's avatar kinda thing and we got that Brave Vesperia "star" smashed in pieces, so it is a spirit now... and you can imagine what we have in the Rays in addition to “them” (total four of them: Shamash for Estelle, Nergal for Judith, Ishtar for Flynn and Anat for Raven... 
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or even more) and “their” problems... This gonna be a once in a lifetime experience if our dear author is bold enough to drag ISTAR (Sirius star WOLF GOD) here to play the Fenrir's part not just our poor Anunit (Nanaiya) "girl" based on goddess Sakuya.
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 And what in the world was 360th Yuri then who earned 8.5. years of love, respect and admiration of the fans worldwide before Claw bitch in Asteria ruined EVERYTHING “he” сould for him?  Who suffers so much from the mistreating he gets from everyone at their Dorms? 
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Hah... just a half of something really close to Luke's kind of existence 
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...without his own body. 
 This whole Rays "story" is a ONE BIG MESS meant to explain THIS. 
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AND this gonna hit really hard even those of us who are well prepared because Duke’s event and info from the near future were unexpected and crazy enough for me to get shocked despite all this lore digging. Then I did even more lore digging and dropped it all for good after chapter 9 of FR arc. 
I just want to see how people will react if all the shit you just finished reading here about our favorite world and character
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 will be proven as even HALF-right in the near future as the story in the Rays progresses. 
This still looks too simple for me. The real deal SURE is worse. I’m 100% positive only concept-wise mostly because of how he will look in GEREO’S world, 
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because he doesn’t look human at all and the symbols on his outfit are clearly Istar’s. I’m not bold enough to write how I think the real story will turn out...
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, but our CONCEPT-based theory is enough for me to drop it all until it is over... and remember HIM 
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as he was AND by Shamash’s name only.
P.S. translated Rays’ screenshots are from Lol’s Youtube channel
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Ryan Adams Wife Photos Info and life details Rock Singer
Ryan Adams Wife Photos Info and life details Rock Singer
Ryan Adams Wife
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Is he married?
About Ryan Adams :
Society shake artist musician and music maker. His collections Heartbreaker and Gold were both honor winning discharges. In 2017, Adams discharged a collection called Prisoner about his separation from vocalist Mandy Moore.
Prior to Fame
He was in the elective nation band Whiskeytown, just as The Patty Duke Syndrome.
Incidental data
He has…
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Fibrosis drug may offer new treatment path for COVID-19 lung distress
A new drug for lung fibrosis that Yale pulmonologist Dr. Naftali Kaminski began developing a few years ago shows promise for treating certain life-threatening effects of COVID-19, and his research team is rapidly laying the groundwork for clinical trials.
In lung fibrosis, the drug, called sobetirome, mimics the effects of thyroid hormone therapy, which heals scarring and improves cell function in lungs — but sobetirome lacks the toxic effects of thyroid hormone on heart and skeletal muscle.
Kaminski’s team — along with those of Dr. Charles Dela Cruz, director of Yale’s Center for Pulmonary Infection Research and Treatment, and Dr. Patty J. Lee, a former Yale faculty member now at Duke University — recently discovered that sobetirome also showed promise in preventing and treating Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), a life-threatening condition that allows fluid to leak into the lungs. ARDS is common in COVID-19 patients, particularly among older patients, and the condition can lead to respiratory failure and death.
“It was surprising how effective sobetirome was in mouse models,” said Kaminski. “We saw significant improvement.” The drug has not yet been tested for ARDS in humans, but Kaminski added that once they secure needed funding, they can quickly move it to trial and FDA approval.
On any given day, Kaminski said, there are 20-30 patients in Yale New Haven Hospital’s Intensive Care Units with ARDS.
We have gotten good at ventilating [patients], but right now there are no therapies that can treat [ARDS].
Dr. Naftali Kaminski
“We have gotten good at ventilating them,” he said, “but right now there are no therapies that can treat it.”
Typically, Kaminski said, a patient who developed ARDS would be in and out of the ICU in three to five days. “Only a small minority linger,” he added.
But patients with COVID-19 develop ARDS and related complications for weeks, he said, putting a massive strain on ICU beds and ventilators.
Kaminski hopes to capitalize on a specific aspect of COVID-19: its five to seven day incubation period.
COVID-19 has a “lurking period,” Kaminski said, before patients begin experiencing shortness of breath, a drop in oxygen levels, and respiratory failure. Internally, what’s happening in the body is known as a “cytokine storm,” he said, a way that scientists describe a massive overreaction of the body’s immune system, leading to a flooding of immune cells and fluid into lungs — and hastening patient death. Sobetirome interferes in that cytokine storm.
“What if we can take advantage of the lurking period of COVID-19, protect cells, and prevent ARDS?” Kaminski said.
Kaminski and other researchers are seeking funding for clinical trials with high-risk COVID-19 patients, both at Yale New Haven Hospital and in Greece with partner Dr. Argyrios Tzouvelekis, a former postdoctoral fellow at Yale who is now associate professor of medicine at the University of Patras. Sobetirome has already been tested in humans, Kaminski said, and is already known to be safe. That would speed the drug’s approval process for COVID-19, he said. Yale has ample supplies of the drug available for trials. A California biotech company that had been planning to develop sobetirome for a different use — treatment of a rare genetic disease called x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy — had a stockpile Yale has since obtained.
The work is just one part of what Kaminski and other faculty experts in a working group called the Advanced Therapies Group at Yale are doing to advance solutions to the COVID-19 crisis. The group, representing different disciplines at Yale School of Medicine, is pooling resources and expertise in a number of relevant areas, and meets biweekly via Zoom.
“This group is a new mustering ground for much of the expertise and capabilities at Yale,” said Dr. Richard Bucala, Waldemar Von Zedtwitz professor of medicine (rheumatology) and professor of pathology and of epidemiology (microbial diseases), “identifying new targets, therapies, clinical approaches, and diagnostics, and pooling ideas into one resource and clearinghouse.”
Sobetirome is at the top of a list of over 20 Yale compounds and devices in various stages of development that could be useful in treating the devastating impacts of COVID-19 and are being explored both by the Advanced Therapies Group and experts at the Yale Office of Cooperative Research (OCR), which manages and promotes university discoveries for commercial development. All involved are racing against the clock to get new treatments to patients in need.
“This is the first time the Office of Cooperative Research has compiled and organized innovations in a crisis mode, but it’s something we regularly do in the normal course of business — positioning Yale’s assets to solve problems,” said David Lewin, senior associate director of business development at OCR, and part of the team compiling Yale’s potential COVID-19-fighting assets. “Right now, the transactional aspects are secondary to making immediately deployable solutions available.”
source https://scienceblog.com/515237/fibrosis-drug-may-offer-new-treatment-path-for-covid-19-lung-distress/
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topbeautifulwomens · 5 years
#Ryan #Adams #Biography #Photos #Wallpapers #autumn #choirs #curl #fashionpost #hairsalon #hairstyle #kawaii #singer #undiscovered #wedding
Ryan Adams was born on November 5, 1974, in Jacksonville, North Carolina, to Susan and Robert Adams. His father left home when he was nine years old. His mother, an English teacher, encouraged Adams to read, and as a child, he became familiar with the works of authors including Jack Kerouac, Edgar Allan Poe, Sylvia Plath and Henry Miller.
Adams’ grandparents as well played a modest role in his childhood, serving as his babysitter after school while his mother worked. When he was eight years old, Adams began writing short stories and poetry on his grandmother’s typewriter. He is quoted as saying, “I started writing short stories when I was extremely into Edgar Allan Poe. Then later, when I was a teenager, I got really hard into cult fiction: Hubert Selby, Jr., Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac.” At the age of 14 Adams began learning to play the electric guitar that his mom and stepdad had bought him, and quickly afterwards joined a local band named Blank Label. Although Blank Label did not stay together long, a three-track 7″ list exists, dated 1991 and lasting much less than seven minutes in full.
Adams misplaced out of higher school in his initial week of tenth grade, moving into bandmate Jere McIlwean’s rental house just outside Jacksonville. Around this time he performed temporarily with two local bands, Ass and The Lazy Stars. Following this, Adams joined The Patty Duke Syndrome and once played in a bar in Jacksonville. After obtaining his GED, Adams left Jacksonville for Raleigh, shortly followed by McIlwean. The Patty Duke Syndrome split in 1994 after releasing a 7″ single containing two songs (The Patty Duke Syndrome was on one side, while the other side was a band called GlamourPuss).
Name Ryan Adams Height Naionality American Date of Birth November 5, 1974 Place of Birth United States Famous for
The post Ryan Adams Biography Photos Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/ryan-adams-biography-photos-wallpapers/
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grit-and-glamour · 6 years
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A quarterly publication called “No Depression" started showing up in record store magazine bins in the fall of ’95 extolling the virtues of the Americana roots rock scene along with a bit of outlaw country, Austin “new sincerity” cats, folk rock & bluegrass tossed in for good measure. I became a regular reader & they steered some cool outfits my direction over the years. In March of ’97, they assembled a gang of Alt. Country desperados from North, South, East & West & headed out on the trail in the “No Depression Tour.” They booked two nights at Jack’s Sugar Shack & although I had only planned to attend the 1st of ‘em, the show was so damn great, I called everyone I could think of to meet me there on the 24th.
Hazeldine were a harmony vocal driven quartet outta Albuquerque, NM fronted by two guitar slingin' women named Shawn Barton & Tonya Lamm. Anne Tkach played bass & a shaggy haired dude named Jeff banged the drums. They shifted from soft & fuzzy acoustic tunes to blistering desert sun heat with searing electric guitar riffs & Zeppelinesque tribal drumbeats at will, but leaned towards the lighter side that night. Shawn & Tonya traded sinuous lead vocals on songs about hot tarmac, apothecaries & “The Bastard Son of Medora” that would end up on their debut album “How Bees Fly.” The group cut 3 or 4 albums before breaking up in 2002. These days Tonya is in a combo called Tres Chicas with Whiskeytown’s Caitlin Cary & Lynn Blakey from Let’s Active. Ms. Tkach was in a bunch of bands before passing away in 2015.
Christy McWilson got the Picketts started in ’90, but had been bouncing around the Seattle scene for quite a spell before that. She grew up in Downey, CA & I don’t know if she was pals with the Alvin Brothers back then, but they sure were listening to the same records! Christy hooked up with the soon-to-be Young Fresh Fellow Scott McCaughey when they were both in college in San Francisco & went along for the ride when he headed up to Seattle in 1980. He got the Y.F.F. together in ’81 & played a bunch of instruments in Christy’s new wave pop combo the Dynette Set. They cut one album in ’83 & Christy did some harmonizing on a bunch of her friends’ records before forming the Picketts in ‘90. Their debut l.p. came out on Popllama in ’92 & generated enough momentum to get them a deal with Rounder records, who released two more albums in ’94 & ’96 that mixed roots rock, Bakersfield country-tonk, Zydeco, Rockabilly & a dash of punk pop into something very appealing. That’s what Ms. McWilson & her amigos were serving up at the Shack. She let us know that “Action Speaks Louder Than Words” with Jimmy Sangster & John Oluf trading spicy guitar licks while Leroy "Blackie" Sleep kept stoking the coals from his engine room behind the kit. Her combo turned the Clash’s “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?” into a languid West Texas two-step & took Mr. Townshend’s "Baba O’Riley” up into the Appalachians. That’s their setlist on the left.
The Old 97’s still sounded like rockabilly kids from Dallas, but I’m pretty sure Rhett & Murry were living in L.A. by that time. To be fair… they were on the road so much, it must have been hard to call anywhere “home” back then, but those kids threw themselves into every show like it might be their last & crushed it both nights! The energy behind the tour was awesome to behold. A third of the folks in the room were in one or another of the bands & the love & respect they had for each other was unmistakable. Rhett & the boys stuck to newer material from "Fight Songs" the 1st nite, but dug into the back of the closet for some early killers like “Stoned”, “Doreen” & Mr. Haggard’s “Mama Tried” the 2nd go-round. That’s their setlist on the right.
Whiskeytown had jumped to the front of the line in the Alt. Country world on the strength of two outstanding albums that came out on Mood Food Records in the mid-90’s. Despite their front-man Ryan Adams not caring for the sound recording or choice of material on the disc “Rural Free Delivery”, it & “Faithless Street” got glowing reviews & gave desperate record executives hope that another Nirvana could be mined from the roots-rock quarry. Ryan’s 1st band were a hardcore punk gang from Raleigh. N.C. called “The Patty Duke Syndrome”, but he got bit by the folk-rock bug & put Whiskeytown together in ’94 with Caitlin Cary on violin, Phil Wandscher playing lead guitar, Steve Grothman on bass & Eric Gilmore behind the kit. Geffen signed the band to one of their imprint labels & the recording sessions for “Stranger’s Almanac” proved so tumultuous that Steve & Eric walked out the same day & Phil would bail out within a few months of the album’s release. The new record wouldn’t come out until the Summer, so Phil was still in the group at the Shack & the new rhythm section featuring a bass player named Jeff Rice & Steven Terry on drums were already in place by then. Band members came & went really fast in that group. The only person who stuck with Ryan the whole way was Caitlin & even she got fired when he sacked the whole band at a gig in Kansas City (he hired her back the next day & they finished the tour as a duo). Considering all the friction, they sure sounded pretty as heartbroken angels. Ryan can drench a song in so much pathos it’s like he’s carrying the weight of the world & Caitlin’s fiddle taps into ancient Irish melodies that drifted across the ocean centuries ago. She also added delicate harmony vocals to Ryan’s plaintive tone. Phil is an outstanding guitarist who drifted back & forth from acoustic to electric to slide, adding just the right texture to each tune. There were lots of ballads about feeling sad & lonely, but that made sense considering Ryan was dealing with severe depression, substance abuse & dissatisfaction with the direction his band was headed. Songs like "Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart Tonight”, "Dancing with the Women at the Bar” & "Somebody Remembers the Rose” wore their hearts on tear stained sleeves, but they could rock out like Gram Parsons fronting the Replacements on garage rockers like “Yesterday’s News” & the gloriously defeatist “Waiting to Derail.”
Words & Pic via Kevin Shattuck
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newyorktheater · 6 years
Jelani Alladin as Kristoff and Andrew Pirozzi as Sven
Six shows are opening on Broadway this month, including the much anticipated  “Frozen,” and starry revivals of both “Angels in America” and “Three Tall Women,” which marks Glenda Jackson’s return to Broadway after 30 years.
Below is a selective list of Broadway, Off-Broadway, Off-Off Broadway in March, organized chronologically by opening date, with each title linked to a relevant website.
Color key of theaters: Broadway: Red. Off Broadway: Black or Blue.. Off Off Broadway: Green. Theater festival: Orange
To look at the Spring season as a whole, check out my Broadway Spring 2018 Preview Guide and my Off Broadway Spring 2018 Preview Guide
March 1
  Amy and the Orphans (Roundabout)
Written by Lindsey Ferrentino (Ugly Lies The Bone). Directed by Scott Ellis (She Loves Me.) After their father’s death, two unhinged siblings reunite with Amy, their movie-loving sister who has Down syndrome. An unexpected turn reveals the moment that changed their lives…and the fact that Amy may be the only one who knows her own mind.
March 5
Queens (Lincoln Center Theater)
Written by Martyna Majok (Ironbound, Cost of Living.) The lives of two generations of immigrant women collide in a basement apartment. When the choices they’ve made about their security, dignity, and desires come back to haunt them, they must ask:  what cannot – and should not – be left behind?
March 6
A Letter to Harvey Milk (Theatre Row)
When Harry, a retired butcher, fulfills a writing assignment to compose a letter to someone from his past who’s dead, he writes not to his late wife Frannie, but to Harvey Milk, the first openly gay political leader in California. His writing teacher Barbara, a lesbian, is stunned.
March 7
The Low Road  (Public Theater)
Written by Bruce Norris (Clybourne Park), directed by Michael Greif (Dear Evan Hansen.) Set in the 18th century, this wild new work imagines America’s first laissez-faire capitalist, a young man inspired by a chance encounter with Adam Smith to put his faith in the free market. But his path to riches becomes inextricably entangled with that of an educated slave, a man who knows from experience that one person’s profit is another’s loss, in this parable about the true cost of inequality.
Hello, From The Children of Planet Earth (Playwrights Realm at The Duke)
Betsy texts her old high school friend William out of the blue and asks him to be her sperm donor
Locked Up Bitches (The Flea)
When Pipsy, a pedigree cocker spaniel, lands at the Bitchfield Animal Shelter, she becomes the center of a turf war between the dogs and the cats. A musical mashup of West Side Story and Orange is the New Black.
March 8
Good for Otto (The New Group at Signature)
Through the microcosm of a rural Connecticut mental health center, David Rabe conjures a whole American community on the edge.The cast includes Ed Harris, Amy Madigan, Rhea Perlman. F. Murray Abraham
Halcyon Days (Oberon at A.R.T./New York)
The satire by Steven Dietz explores what it to​ok​ to get America behind the 1983 invasion of the western hemisphere’s smallest country​, Grenada.
March 11
The Fall (St Ann’s Warehouse)
Devised collaboratively by a cast of seven actors, the play recounts their experiences as student leaders of the #RhodesMustFall protest movement, which called for the teardown of a colonialist monument on their University of Cape Town campus.
Three Small Irish Masterpieces (Irish Rep)
A simple policeman looks into his heart and turns himself into a wide-eyed folk hero. A hungry trickster makes a hearty meal of a stone and a song. A poignant tale is told of a solitary man washed up by the sea on the faraway coast of Donegal. These are the subjects of:
The Pot of Broth, by William Butler Yeats, in collaboration with Lady Gregory (1903) The Rising of the Moon, by Lady Gregory (1907) Riders to the Sea, by John Millington Synge (1904)
March 12
Admissions (Lincoln Center Theater)
By Joshua Harmon (Significant Other). Directed by Daniel Aukin. The admissions officer and her husband the headmaster of The Hillcrest School are proud of their efforts to diversify the student body. But when their only son sets his sights on an Ivy League university, personal ambition collides with progressive values. Harmon has a second play, Skintight, at Roundabout.
Dogs of Rwanda (Urban Stages)
Twenty years after David as a 16-year-old church missionary got caught up in the Rwandan genocide, he can’t escape it.
  March 15
Escape to Margaritaville (Marquis Theater)
Featuring the songs of Jimmy Buffett. Welcome to Margaritaville, where people come to get away from it all—and stay to find something they never expected.
  March 21
Angels in America  (Neil Simon Theater)
A revival of Tony Kushner’s two-part Pulitzer Prize winning epic play about the age of AIDS, it stars Andrew Garfield, Nathan Lane et al. The production is a transfer from London’s National Theatre.
  March 22
Frozen (St. James)
A musical based on the Disney animated film Caissie Levy (Elsa), Patti Murin (Anna), Jelani Alladin (Kristoff), Greg Hildreth (Olaf),with music (as in the film) by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez
  March 26
Lobby Hero (Helen Hayes)
An apartment lobby serves as a waiting area for four New Yorkers involved in a murder investigation.  “A young security guard with big ambitions clashes with his stern boss, an intense rookie cop and her unpredictable partner in a play from the 2017 Oscar-winning writer of Manchester by the Sea.” This is the first production by Second Stage Theater at its new Broadway venue.
  March 27
Pygmalion (Bedlam at Sheen Center)
George Bernard Shaw’s play was the inspiration for My Fair Lady
Rocktopia (Broadway)
Five vocalists and a choir fuse rock anthems with classical music
  March 29
Three Tall Women (John Golden)
Albee’s Pulitzer-winning play about a woman in life’s final act. Glenda Jackson returns to Broadway after an absence of 30 years, also starring Laurie Metcalf and Alison Pill
March 31
The Lucky Ones (Ars Nova at Connelly)
Indie-music duo The Bengsons spin a memory-tale of teenaged passion, ideals lived to the limits
March 2018 New York Theater Openings Six shows are opening on Broadway this month, including the much anticipated  "Frozen," and starry revivals of both "Angels in America" and "Three Tall Women," which marks Glenda Jackson's return to Broadway after 30 years.
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brokehorrorfan · 5 years
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Amityville: The Cursed Collection will be released on Blu-ray on October 29 via Vinegar Syndrome. It features four The Amityville Horror sequels about cursed objects from the house: Amityville: The Evil Escapes, Amityville: It's About Time, Amityville: A New Generation, and Amityville Dollhouse.
Available exclusively from Vinegar Syndrome for $59.99, the box set includes the four films in individual cases with reversible artwork. They’re packaged in a slipcase box, designed by Earl Kessler Jr., which is limited to 4,000.
Amityville: The Evil Escapes is the fourth installment in the Amityville franchise. The 1989 made-for-television film is directed by Sandor Stern (writer of The Amityville Horror). Patty Duke, Jane Wyatt, Fredric Lehne star.
Amityville: It's About Time is the sixth installment in the Amityville franchise. The 1992 direct-to-video film directed by Tony Randel (Hellbound: Hellraiser II). Stephen Macht, Shawn Weatherly, Megan Ward, and Damon Martin star.
Amityville: A New Generation is the seventh installment in the Amityville franchise. The 1993 direct-to-video film is directed by John Murlowski (Santa with Muscles). Ross Partridge, Julia Nickson-Soul, and Lala Sloatman star.
Amityville Dollhouse is the eighth installment in the Amityville franchise. The 1996 direct-to-video film is directed by Steve White (executive producer of The Devil's Advocate). Robin Thomas, Starr Andreeff, Allen Cutler, Lenore Kasdorf, Lisa Robin Kelly star.
All four films have been newly restored in 4k from their 35mm original camera negatives. Special features are listed below.
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Amityville: The Evil Escapes special features:
Interview with director Sandor Stern
Interview with cinematographer Tom Richmond
The Evans children have just suffered the untimely death of their beloved father. Moving, along with their mother, into their grandmother's gothic seaside mansion they soon become hosts to an uninvited guest, in the form of a mysterious lamp which, unknown to them, is possessed by the demonic forces which once resided in the Amityville house. As unexplained, and increasingly violent, events start occurring in and around the property, Jessica, the youngest member of the household, begins to believe that her father has secretly returned. Unfortunately, it's actually a demon taking on his likeness ready to terrorize and kill anyone and everyone in order to be fully reborn in human form.
Amityville: It's About Time special features:
Interview with director Tony Randel
Interview with producer Chris DeFaria
Jacob Sterling, an architect, has just returned from his latest business trip with a surprise: an ornate clock he got out of a soon-to-be-demolished house in Amityville. With the clock newly placed on Sterling’s mantel, he and his family begin to change, ever so slightly at first, into something evil...and very deadly. And soon a malevolent force starts to make its presence known throughout the quiet, suburban community; winding its gears to bring about a seemingly unstoppable demonic force.
Amityville: A New Generation special features:
Audio commentary with director John Murlowski, moderated by Elijah Drenner
Interview with director John Murlowski
Interview with producer Christopher DeFaria
Keyes is a successful photographer who lives at the border of Skid Row. While walking home one day, he notices a homeless man with a strange old mirror. Immediately struck by it for reasons he cannot explain, Keyes convinces the man to sell it to him. However, the mirror seems to have a strange effect on all those who look at it, and Keys himself becomes more and more erratic, all the while unaware that an evil force lurking behind the glass is taking control of him; leading him into a terrifying and violent new reality.
Amityville Dollhouse special features:
Interview with director Steve White
Interview with cinematographer Tom Callaway
Interview with special effects artist Roy Knyrim
Alternate footage from the TV edit
Bill Martin has just finished construction on a new home for his family. But unknown to him, the previously barren property was the site of the infamous Amityville murder house. After finding a small shed on the grounds, Bill discovers a beautiful and ornate dollhouse, which he gives to his daughter as a present. What he doesn't realize is that this children's plaything contains demonic powers, and it's not long before ghouls and zombies are invading his home, with their murderous sites set on his family.
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a very youthful and spunky Ryan Adams playing 1n 1994 with his pre-Whiskeytown band, The Patty Duke Syndrome.
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letitride · 13 years
Patty Duke Syndrome, "Maybe I" (live, 1994)
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