flamingpen18 · 1 year
Stupid Flamers
My daughter, the great and talented Watermelonsmellinfellon, posted an update to one of her fics this weekend. She received a comment, flame, from someone. My lovely offspring responded. Frankly, I was impressed that my daughter refrained from tearing the bint to shreds. She showed a great deal of restraint in her response to the flamer. I also commented and was blunt.
Like all flamers, she commented again and lied through her face. To make a long story short, she was called out for her crappy attitude, stupidity, and lies. Then my daughter blocked her.
Today, she made a "gift" on AO3 and tagged both me and my daughter. It was more harassment.
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madenni-blog-blog · 11 months
.. Esta la cosa como para salirse de los cauces SEMI NORMALES ni el tallaje mandaron CORRECTO😂😂😂😂😂😂
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jiiniix · 7 months
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love this panel
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evimuzak · 2 months
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sevval piknigi
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oliviawebsite · 3 months
the fact that israel has to play in european competitions (uefa, eurovision etc) is a) very telling and b) a result of a concentrated effort by Arab national teams refusing to play against israel (since it would legitimize their claim to statehood) dating back to the 70s. proof they can be kicked out if you really want them to be
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alecz-obssesionz · 10 months
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◇ ~ The song referenced is; Rosas — La oreja de Van Gogh. [Transl: That's why I waited with my tear-soaked face. For you to come with roses, a thousand roses for me]
◇ I hope this is my last instance for now to post more previous, almost cryptic, art of mine😭😭😭 I need to draw digital so baaad
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fauvester · 2 years
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The Wire did not disappoint. finding out your future father in law KGB commandant enjoys textured cardigans
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sydalelys01 · 6 months
The lesbian show
Hahaha, with the release of the trailer for the shitty show, fans of that garbage are everywhere. I vaguely remember getting somewhat annoyed when they claimed that what happened in that trash is the true version of the canon.
All of this was before the series book was released. Hahaha, I've never laughed so much in my life. From the fact that they portrayed Rhaenyra and Alicent as lovers (which I already knew; their scenes are too obvious), and I remember when they first released the ads, they explicitly stated that they would be tragic lovers (I added the tragic part myself). But the comedy was Daemon being in love with Viserys.
Hahaha... Now, there are statements from Condal saying that despite the death of the second bastard, the relationship between the current lesbians has hope. So, I want to see how the fans of 'Daemyra' react when they see Renada cheating on Damian with Alisaint. Let's see if they still claim that the 'Daemyra' from the show is better than the one in the book.
By the way, this would be Rhaenyra's reaction if she knew they made her a repressed lesbian in love with Alicent. and a tomboy.
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ratguy-nico · 4 months
Mr Fischoeder for the ask game :)
fang did you ask this cause you know how horny I'm for this man? Calvin Fischoeder:
First impression: Gay, yeah Im not kidding, why did this man appear from the fog in an all white suit in the middle of the night, with an eye patch (anyone else feels the eye patch is like super gay?) to exclusively talk to Bob in a very mysterious and private way... what was that? let me told yah, gay behaviour
Impression now: he is still pretty much gay, also hot, but overall a simp. I love this man, I love his daddy issues with Bob, I love his relationship with Felix, who I dont know if you know but is actually his brother, I know shocking
Favorite moment: Hum, every single one. But I have April's Fools too frsh in my mind, "My dear Bob" sir, his whole family is there, keep it in your pants. And some of his first "JIMMYYY, please" I can not forget how he scream that XD Oh and in a more serious and ominous one Calvin rescuing his Bob from a trap he himself put him. But it was sweet of him to save his man. And being totally high too.
Idea for a story: Uh, we can always use more Fischoeder and Bob episodes, but Im craving to see how he lost his eyes, I want a whole Mufasa/ Scar thing, (tw: a lil gore) I want pure terror on Felix's face, his entire body convulsing, clinging to the bloody knife as if it were the only real thing in a world that is slowly becoming blurrier before his eyes, the blood on his brother's face dissolving into shapeless spots in his tear-filled eyes, the sound of Calvin's desperate screams becoming a mere buzz. Calvin holding the hole where his eye used to be not being able to see shit, not being able to recognize his own brother, not understanding what had happened, not understanding how they came to this, and fainting from the pain in his own pool of blood. Uh sorry, I dont know where that came from...should put a trigger warning for blood?
Unpopular opinion: I don't like his relationship that one time with that woman. You can tell me he is bi, but no, no, this man is gay, pretty pretty gay. But more than that I think we all agree, es un papucho, su cara parece tallada por los mismisimos angeles.
Favorite relationship: Oh i dont know-is Bob, is his non platonic totally pathetic uniteral crush on Bob. But also his relationship with Felix is so interesting to me, is the kind of crazy shit that shouldn't be real but if been honest the fact that they're rich make it totally believable. Also his whole relationship with Bob's family specially with Louise, they will bring Hell to Seymour's Bay if they want to.
Favorite headcanon: Felix totally rip of his eye. I used to think the eye patch was just for looks but now Im pretty sure Feliz took his eye and the best part is that Calvin doesn't to care. That's my headcanon, Calvin knows Felix is actually dangerous for him and everybody, but Calvin either cause he made something horrible to Felix or just cause is his brother and he loves him, he pretends, pretends Felix is alright and take care of him. Not letting anyone take him away from him. That and that Fischoeder has a crush on Bob, but Im pretty sure that's already canon.
thankiu fang, for real 🤗
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pinkvaquita · 4 months
The sad moon
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♡ Pairing: Sea Fairy x Moonlight
♡ Flavor: Angst
♡ Warning: None <3
♡ Author’s note: Let's FUCKINGGO LESBIANS
♡ Aqui tienes la version en español
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Do you want to hear a story?
They say that the ice tower in the middle of the sea, no matter how hard the waves hit it, has never melted even a little. She has always stood tall. Although I think you already knew that, right?
The people who spend their days and nights at this site have heard at least once in their lives a version of the story behind the mysterious tower in the middle of the sea. I have sometimes heard sailors tell it on nights when the tide is calm, nights where between boredom and the lullaby of the tide, that story as old as they are returns to their minds.
But I think almost no one has ever heard what the story was like for her.
No, I'm not talking about the woman at the top of the tower. I mean who she wanted to reach.
I don't blame them, the moon is almost always too far away to be able to tell how she felt the night this tragedy occurred. It's brutally ironic. That same remoteness was what led the events to happen as they did.
Even when you see the tower from afar, some swear they can feel it. Feel the agonizing loneliness. The unbearable need to achieve something that was impossible even for someone outside of mortals. Those who see her at high points even swear they can feel what she felt when that cruel twist of fate occurred. Oh she was so close to touching the stars, and just when she had the sky at her fingertips, the cold invaded her without letting her escape.
Can people when they travel through the sky feel in their hearts what the moon suffered while it passed before them?
The confusion of seeing a tiny dot in the sea stir, becoming more defined at an unimaginable speed. Understanding that she was that woman of the sea who looked at her from a distance every night with melancholic longing. Her surprise at seeing so much conviction in one person.
And the sadness, the horror of seeing her petrify. Without being able to do anything but be stuck in heaven as a witness of what someone was capable of doing when they went crazy with love.
How could something as beautiful as love cause so much pain? It was no longer just the pain in his heart from the day she lost her in life. It was that those glances into the distance ended up turning the almighty sea into someone who only lived and existed for the bright moon above her. Nothing else existed for her.
It is also not known how sad the moon was when it saw the havoc that remained from a romance that never was. Seeing how the inhabitants of what was once the almighty sea fell one after another, how entire cities crumbled before their eyes. Knowing that there was only one culprit behind that, and that that culprit was made into a statue for who knows how much longer.
Neither mermaids, nor fish, nor sailors or any other being that should be under her protection. Nothing was more important. She let all of that fall by the wayside because of being madly in love with someone who could barely even look back at her.
And for what? What good did that do for her? Now she is trapped and her people who knows how many years ago perished thanks to it.
No one ever heard the guilt of the moon. The guilt that she carries and carries on her every night, and will continue to carry until she feels like she has paid for the crime that was falling in love.
That is why she is the loyal trust of ships lost at sea. That is why its light pierces the crystalline waters and illuminates everything it can beneath them.
And that's why the tower in the middle of the sea has that special glow every night for as long as we can remember. She watches over her from the clouds, waiting with her same patience and characteristic wisdom for the day when someone will free her beloved from the prison that they themselves unintentionally caused.
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layraket · 6 months
why it is so hard to find where i can buy a binder in this country uhhgh
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tennessoui · 1 year
y’all were so good to me last time i asked (and i loved them and wrote like. so many of them down on index cards to keep!!!) so: who has good soup recipes? 
(this next month is going to be the month of the teeth hurty because i have like 3 dental operations scheduled before june, and it hurts to bite into things with just the one tooth out of commission rn)
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infamous-raven-x · 8 months
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barnbridges · 9 months
no but marion saying to the fbi that francis should Totally be Talked To about bunny's disappearance is the funniest unhinged shit to me like. imagine being that level of petty.
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musicmakesyousmart · 9 months
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Jute Gyte - Unus Mundus Patet
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