#para: carrie
thelizaxlevin · 10 months
who - @carriejayme
where - on a sidewalk literally anywhere, choose your own adventure
With the day off from work, Liza had decided to start buying some things for the baby, especially since she was now five months pregnant and getting closer and closer to being a mom. Today's shopping excursion resulted in some toys and books being bought, making her even more excited to start planning on her nursery with Wes. She'd even taken one of the cute little shoes out of her shopping bag to snap a picture of it to send to Wes.
The thing was, she'd literally stopped on a sidewalk corner to do it, and just as she'd held up the shoes to take said picture, someone had turned the corner and bumped into her, making her drop one of the shoes in the process. "Shoot-I'm so sorry!--" she trailed off, her eyes still wide but her expression going from apologetic to surprised as she realized just who'd bumped into her. "Carrie...?" She hadn't seen the other woman since Carrie had walked into the bakery, since, well, admittedly Liza was still hurt by it all. And yet here she was now... "H-Hi."
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orionhong · 11 months
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— the love was there. (it didn't change everything, but it changed me)
x. // erin slaughter // state of grace - taylor swift // x. // architecture - maisie peters // white ferrari - frank ocean // begin again - emma lord // x. // lunar years - maisie peters // king lear // hope ur ok - olivia rodrigo // cheryl strayed // 19 - xana // begin again - emma lord // the only exception - paramore // anne sexton // there it goes - maisie peters // road to hell (reprise) - hadestown // the things they carried - tim o'brien // in case you don't live forever - ben platt // molly templeton // for good - wicked // jeanette winterson
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finch-farran · 19 days
And Then, There Was One | Self-Para
There was a house on a hill in Twelve. There were holes in the walls where the light and rain got in-- bugs in the summer and bitter cold all through the winter. The house was mostly empty, except for threadbare blankets that offered some warmth, a bit of collected furniture that always smelled damp even in a stretch of drought, and one chipped tea cup in the cabinet that had been passed around an uncountable number of times to greet parched lips. The house was loud once, with a family of seven to creak its floorboards and sing to the birds that nested in its ceilings.
Kazoo had been the first to go. He wheezed terribly all through the spring when the pollen was thick in the air. The air only got hotter and drier as spring rolled into summer, and Kazoo's lungs couldn't take the heat. The house was quiet for a long time, with a family of six who weren't quite sure how to shake its beams with laughter like Kazoo used to do.
Ace was the next to leave. He'd always been the best of them-- the oldest, and the smartest by miles. He knew what it meant to be honorable. He knew that peacekeepers never were, and it's why he never felt bad about swindling them for shit. It's also why he knew what the honorable thing to do was when he found out he had a kid on the way. The house was a little bit emptier, with a family of five who were okay with getting by on a little less if it meant Ace's missus and their son had a little bit more.
Mouse came next. He was the quietest of everyone-- seen and never heard. He had little, deep set eyes that had a way of observing the world and really seeing it. He was a kind soul, would never hurt a fly no matter how shitty things got. He did right by people. He died under rubble, and the house was full of anger. There was so much rage and only a family of four to split it up between them.
Teacup and Cricket went at the same time. They were an inseparable duo who'd shown up together, so it only made sense that they'd leave together too. Cricket had talked and talked about it. It was what Cricket did-- he always talked and talked. And teacup, a little boy ready to tackle the whole world, always listened. So, they hitched a ride. They fled to Eleven, and they fought in the name of their friend Mouse. They fought for Twelve. They fought for the little house with a family of two.
Finch Farran was the last to leave, called up on a stage and dragged away from Twelve. She'd put up a good fight, but she died in an Arena. Twelve never had a shot in hell, and they all knew it. Finch had put up a good fight anyway. It was the only way she knew, because she'd been doing it all her life.
And the day that Finch Farran died, Ace stood in a shoe-box nursery holding his son close and telling a story of the girl who didn't flinch. Cricket and Teacup stood in a field somewhere in Eleven where a grove of pear trees used to be. That fact was almost unrecognizable now, because the trees were burnt down and the dirt was marred by sandbags and coils of barbed wired. It was there that they received the news. It was there that they mourned another loss.
The day that Finch Farran died, the house in Twelve sat quietly on its ragged hill. The house was silent, except for the sound from a little tube TV that only worked two weeks out of the year. Sawmill sat on a broken old lawn chair in front of the TV, and he watched, wondering if a family of one could still be called a family at all. They were a family of seven, and now he was just one. A bitter cold seeped in through the holes in the walls, and there weren't enough feet to creak the floorboards or enough voices to sing to the birds nested in the ceilings. And the house on the hill in Twelve sat alone with just one to fill it.
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musette22 · 1 year
Evanstan AU: firefighter Chris & EMT Sebastian who 1000% has to scold this very, very handsome guy for running back into the fire to get a kids beloved toy (or smth else idk) when his compressed air was already low. BC of that he's inhaled some smoke &, yes, he's absolutely going to hold this oxygen mask to his face so he can get a better look at those eyes whiling trying to come up with a non-inappropriate pick-up line. Love you 😘
Oooooooooohhhhh OKAY OKAY, I am SO here for this 😍 This would work extremely well for both Evanstan and Stucky, ooofff.
Big, rugged fireman Chris/Steve who cares more about helping others than about his own safety, and fearless, caring EMT Sebastian/Bucky who's immediately got Chris's number (figuratively at first, and later that night also literally) and tells him to sit the fuck down so he can check him out. Over. Whatever.
Chris only complies because he's a little woozy from the lack of oxygen and a lot stunned by this gorgeous EMT with the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen. He might even say that bit out loud, whoops. But he can't be held accountable for what he says while he's high on adrenaline and oxygen, okay? And Sebastian can't be blamed for going all red and flustered: he is on the site of a fire, after all (not to mention tending to the hottest guy in all of New York - the state, not the city)
UGH, I neeeed this, thank you!!! ❤️‍🔥
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paradoxolotl · 7 months
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The nightly workout routine
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laurynhayward · 3 months
Was it selfish of Lauryn that she wanted to essentially monopolize so much of Carter's time? Scratch that, she knew it was. He had way more friends than just her and, to be fair, she did too, but she couldn't help the way she felt drawn towards just spending more and more time with him. Even as intellectual and smart as she knew herself to be, she still couldn't quite come up with a good explanation for how light and happy she felt when she was with him. Not that her other friendships didn't accomplish that too, but there was just something about his infectious smile and contagious laugh that helped her come back down to Earth a little bit and not be so in her head as she tended to be.
"Thank you for at least letting me buy the popcorn," she giggled as the two wiggled into their seats in the theater. "It's the least I could do since you paid for the movie," she shot him a smile as she tossed some into her mouth before offering him the bucket. "I think I'm ready to be absorbed into a different world for a few hours."
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chubbky · 1 year
“Tus ojos Carmesi”
“Nunca crei que el ser que más ame me pudiera haber traicionado de vil manera”
Ese pensamiento fue el que inundo mi cabeza durante tanto tiempo. Mi nombre es Carry, diría que soy un joven pero en realidad perdí la cuenta de mi edad hace décadas atrás, me siento un estupido al recordar la forma en la que fue asesinado y el como no pude hacer nada para siquiera evitarlo porque aquel ser que acabo con mi vida fue la persona más amada para mi en aquella época.
Merid, 23 años, era una joven la cual conocí gracias a amistades de mi pasado la cual cai profundamente enamorado por su apariencia al primer momento de conocerla. Su cabello rubio rizado, su sonrisa risueña, aquellos ojos carmesí…simplemente quede embobado al conocerla y más con su actitud tan sarcástica la cual me hacia reir con cada palabra que salia de su boca aunque no tuviera el más minimo sentido. Era un joven enamorado, ella se aprovecho de mi y mi ingenuidad, se aprovecho de mi nula experiencia en el amor y se aprovecho de mi alto estatus social en el pueblo en el cual vivíamos. Siempre se rumoreo que Merid solamente tenia relaciones con otros chicos por conveniencia, nunca crei en aquello debido a mi idealización por ella y lo más cruel de todo esto es que ella tenia bastante en claro el como yo la adoraba.
El caso es que pasaron meses y luego de un par de citas junto a regalos mayormente por mi parte empezamos a salir y fue una de las experiencias más lindas que tuve la cual no duró ni siquiera un mes. Merid en realidad empezo a ser caprichosa al punto de dañarme fisicamente cuando ella no conseguía lo que quería de mi, me hacia sentir tan inseguro al no poder cumplir con sus tan altas expectativas hacia mi persona que no podía hacer más que solo hacerle caso. Nunca dialogamos sobre esto, siempre pensé que era culpa mia su actitud tan repulsiva hacia mi y no quería darle más vueltas al asunto… ─¿Para que hacerlo? ¿Para que ella se enoje mas? Creo que debería cambiar, no quiero que ella me abandone por como e estado actuando─ fue lo que le comentaba a las paredes de mi habitación cuando ella se encontraba fuera de casa.
Asi estuvimos un par de meses más, dos para ser exactos. La actitud de Merid hacia mi incremento negativamente, se fue volviendo cada vez más y más agresiva conmigo lo cual me hacia a mi más sumiso ante sus caprichos. Pero…algo no encajaba, la notaba más sonriente que antes y no era cuando estaba teniendo una charla conmigo. Veía como observaba su celular con ojos brillantes y sonrisa picara, no quería cuestionar me esto y quería encerrarme en mi burbuja del amor la cual no pensaba salir por nada del mundo.
Y asi, mi burbuja reventó de un momento a otro.
Creo que fue un sábado o domingo, paseaba por el parque como solia hacerlo en dias lluviosos para asi aclarar mis pensamientos con el sonido de la lluvia. Fue entonces que los vi, con la vista borrosa por la lluvia que caia por mi cara, fue que vi a Merid tomados de la mano y besando a otro chico el cual nunca habria conocido antes. Mi corazon, mi frágil corazon, se rompió en pedazos al ver tal escena pasar a escasos metros de mi y no pude hacer más que quedarme viendo en shock, sin saber que hacer o como reaccionar ante aquella infidelidad sintiendo como mi mundo se desgarraba y me arrebataban algo de mi pecho sin piedad alguna. Corri hacia mi casa y me encerré en está, entre lagrimas y sollozos recordaba el como la chica que tanto ame a pesar de su comportamiento me hacia esto cuando yo le di todo lo que estaba al alcance de mi ser. Sentí tanta culpa que no pude evitar golpear la pared con rabia a mi mismo, el como no fui lo suficiente para aquella chica por quien di todo.
Pase la tarde en mi recamara viendo el techo de está misma, soñaba con la idea de haber imaginado todo lo que vi y que de un momento a otro todo se solucionara por obra de lo divino. Ni siquiera sabria que hacer cuando Merid llegara, ¿Que le diría? aquellos pensamientos nublaron mi mente hasta que escuche la puerta principal abrirse, ella había llegado.
Merid actuaba normal, a normal me refiero a su típica actitud prepotente y ceño fruncido mayor parte de su estancia en mi casa, pensaba en que decirle o si siquiera mencionarle lo que vi en aquel parque hasta que me decidí a confrontarla con la leve esperanza de que ella no fuera la chica que vi. ─Merid, mi estrella, mi luz, porfavor seme sincera con lo que voy a comentarte─ fue lo que le dije con un tono de voz tembloroso a lo que ella respondió con desinterés ─solo ve al punto Carry, ¿que pasa? Estoy cansada─ ─tu…¿estas con otro chico que no sea yo? Hoy sali al parque a dar una caminata, entre la lluvia pude divisar tu figura junto a la de otro joven, vi como ustedes dos…─ vi la mirada de Merid, fulminante y amenazadora lo cual me dejo helado al nunca haberla visto asi. ─Tu me viste, viste como te engañaba frente a tus ojos ¿no es asi?─ se acercaba a paso lento hacia mi persona. Mi respiración se agitaba conforme ella me terminaba casi acorralando en una pared, solo murmuraba sin poder formular una palabra por el pánico e incluso miedo que llegaba a sentir hacia ella. ─Carry…oh Carry, aquel chico lo conozco desde que empezamos a salir y con el fue quien yo sentí el verdadero amor…¡la verdadera pasión! Tu en cambio, eras tan emocional que solo quise estar junto a ti ya que le agradabas a todos aqui. Me descubriste, tal como demas personas lo hicieron y ahora tú tendrás que pagar…entiendeme, ¡tengo una imagen que cuidar! ¿Sabes? Pff…que sabes tu, chico me interesaste desde el primer momento y sabia como cautivarte─ aquellas…aquellas frías palabras.
Merid se abalanzó contra mi, no pude reaccionar hasta que sentí como ella arranco mis ojos con lo que logre divisar una daga, un grito de dolor y desespero salio de mi garganta mientras trataba de luchar por mi vida la cual malgaste por culpa de una chica.
Ire al grano, mori a los minutos desangrándose por mis cuencas lo cual no puedo explicar el como es el mundo luego de morir, fue un abrir y cerrar de ojos cuando yo me encontraba en mi propio closet sintiendo mi cuerpo hormigueando y sin lograr entender que es lo que había pasado. Fue…fue obra de lo divino, ¡había resucitado! mi emocion por volver a la vida se desvaneció al escuchar a Merid junto a un chico, reían y lograba ver como se toquetear unos a los otros como si mi muerte hubiera sido solo una anécdota que contar. La voz de Merid fue lo que me hizo reaccionar, vi como en el suelo estaba la misma daga con la que ella me habria atacado. La agarre, medite unos segundos y simplemente salte del closet tirándome contra ella en un arrebato de rabia. Clave la daga una y otra vez en su pecho, cuello e incluso craneo lo cual la hirio de muerte. No podía detenerme, sabia que el porque de mi resurrección era la venganza por mi y aquellas víctimas de aquella mujer psicópata.
Tome un respiro luego de cometer tal azaña, estaba casi satisfecho con mi trabajo hasta que vi al chico horrorizado por lo que acababa de presenciar. Empezo a preguntarme quien era, que le habia hecho a su amada y fue cuando entendí que el no tenia idea que el era el cuerno en aquella relación. Me acerque a el y le explique lo que acababa de vivir, estaba confundido y aun enojado pero sentía un gran cansancio por lo que luego de hablar con aquel chico me apresure por levantar el cuerpo de la joven infiel la cual me llenaba de satisfacción ver que ya no saldria un respiro más de aquella boca llena de sucias mentiras.
Solo tire el cuerpo a un rio cercano, al hacerlo sentí un gran vacío dentro de mi al igual que el enojo de haber muerto de tan estupida forma. Me encamine a la parada de bus más cercana, era obvio que me iban a buscar en aquel pueblo por lo que regresar y encontrarme a policías no era la mejor opción. Sentía frio, más no sentía hambre o otro sintoma de mal estar, de mis ojos brotaba sangre lo cual me extrañaba ya que no sentía dolor alguno e incluso podía ver a la perfección, espere por varias horas hasta que un chico se me acerco. ─Los buses aqui se suelen tardar, e esperado horas para luego perderlo por distraerme─ el que este chico me hablara me hizo sentir confundido pero de alguna manera acompañado por lo que decidí responderle ─nunca e tomado un bus de aqui, es primera vez que veo está parada de hecho─ era cierto, no solia salir del pueblo por lo que no sabia bien como funcionaban las paradas. ─Bueno, siempre hay una primera vez…me llamo Smily, ¿cual es tu nombre a todo esto?─ me sorprendió que el chico no preguntara por mi apariencia, el igualmente se veia algo fuera de lo comun…─Mi nombre es Carry, ¿a donde lleva este bus?─ ─A la ciudad, debo ir ahí ya que aceptaron mi propuesta de trabajo en una empresa─ nunca antes había ido a la ciudad, pero me servia ya que era bastante lejos de donde yo vivía. ─La ciudad…no tengo donde ir ya, ¿puedo ir contigo?─ ─¡Seguro! Me hara bien compañia, y puedes trabajar conmigo si quieres─ Le sonreí, me sentí vivo de alguna manera.
El bus llego y ambos subimos ya sabiendo el destino de ambos, supongo que asi fue como empezo mi nueva vida.
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Just applied for a summer childcare position (like for a camp type thing) that pays 20–28 dollars an hour based on qualifications (I should be towards the end of that scale because I work in a school; and the only requirement the job lists is to be 16 and have experience with children). So hopefully they’ll consider me. That would be wonderful.
#I hate applying for jobs so much. Everyone uses a different website that makes you sign up for newsletters that clog your email#that you have to manually unsubscribe to#But yeah that’s way more than I get paid as a para lol#which is kind of sad because being a para or teacher is a lot more strenuous and complex than supervising kids during structured play#Because usually the kids enjoy stuff like rock climbing and swimming#so you don’t have to guide them through ten different layers of mental gymnastics to complete their work#or sometimes physically keep them from leaving the learning area after every problem they complete#(of course I do the last thing very gently; and I don’t like having to carry kids from under tables back to their seats#but they’re not going to learn anything if they stay underneath tables all day long… that kind of defeats the purpose of being in school.#I give a lot of verbal warnings before too. Some kids just refuse to learn all the time regardless of their mood because it’s funny to them#Anyway: Kids should not be playing video games past bedtime on a fucking Oculus Rift#Like seriously the tech withdrawal in some of these babies is palpable#Horrifying#Anyway this summer job will be a breeze if I get it#Hopefully no one will be begging me for chromebooks during rock climbing#(I know it sounds like I’m irritated with the kids; and I am. But it’s more irritation with their parents letting them become addicted#to iPads for the sake of convenience; and also frustration directed at capitalism that makes the parents so tired#that they let the iPad babysit their kids so they can rest. It’s the whole system man. It’s fucked.)
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So imagine the Duke befriending a child and their parents then the child is very sick and he gets the little family out and away to get the child better medicine and it works and the parents keep away from the village only realising how bad it was when they were away
things happen and the child returns battered and bruised and wanting to make a difference somewhere but they can't and they die and then wake up in a strange world and they walk and find a child who has been there for a lot longer and is so weary for one so young and so old at the same time and they gather the child up and take care of her and they go on many years later (and many more children later who grow as people as much as they are able) they find another battered and bruised child who is not sad (yet) but angry at the world and everything in it and the child doesn't want them yet
and then something different happens something changes a rumble across the world and the first child realises her mother is dead and she feels relief utter relief and the weight on their shoulders on all their shoulders lessens and Eva this time leads them to what remains of a battle field and the two figures embracing one glowing and as they watch the one glowing disappears and they watch as the man gets up and smiles and also disappears
they leave and find the angry child but her edges aren't as sharp as they once and now she is just heartsick or heart broken perhaps where this time they don't say anything to her directly they just sit down and Eva for the first time talks about her mother, they were all aware of her mothers efforts to bring her back and as she spoke she used the mold to make a bowl and taking the cue the others did the same trying something that had been brewing since Miranda died the first time and from the bowl a flower grows
Eva is done talking now and another child takes her place all the while Evie watches despite her self and creeps forward curious and asks how to do that pointing at the 7 flowers and they shrug and just go try it its best if you're not really thinking per say just let your hands do what they want- Evie doesn't she grabs a handful and scoots back again (nervous that they would make her talk as well) and she begins to try and fails and tries again and fails getting frustrated and storming off this time Eva follows and finds Evie and just sits with her and goes you don't have to speak but listen to me and Evie is curious so she stays and listens for hours at the end Evie leaves again this time with a handful of mold and they Eva resumes her story as Evie try and manipulate the mold again going through the same cycle but this time Eva intervenes advising her to count and keep trying and on attempt something Evie is somewhat successful in making a vaguely recognisable shape of a dandelion
and Evies ability to see what happens in the world is still there and she doesn't use it as often but she does visit and observe Zoe who as luck would have it was talking about her and she watches it unfold and hears what Zoe has to say about her and Jack (and what Jack said in the mold to Ethan all those years ago) she goes back to mold and the group who now has a garden
Evie speaks now just the begining (before the Baker house) about the song one of the researchers sang near constantly (Go Tell Aunt Rhody)*1 and the many tests and the lives that were changed and her desire for a family only to be rejected by Miranda and later Mia*2
as she talked with Zoe's words in her head she realised that Mia rejecting her fucking hurt and she is still angry*3 and they understood through their own experiences at mother mirandas hands and things
it takes a lot longer for her to feel brave enough to talk about the Baker House and the Winters and Rosemary. Evie is afraid to be rejected again and condemned for her pain and her hate and her anger (they condem Mia yes but understand her to a extent what they heard about Lucas however? well they got pissed more so then ever before)
Evie grows and she wants to see the Winters again and visits one by one starting with Rose and Mia (she does not know how to talk to them yet just wants to see them), then with her family in tow finds Ethan and they talk (and Evie creates flowers) and listen and go their seperate ways and then Evie puts more thought into finding the Bakers and talking through it with them (it was both harder and easier then it was with Ethan... Marge does hold her hand for a short time)
all the while the mold itself changes grows calmer and more peaceful as a whole they find the masked Duke and heal him they heal the monstorous Rose clones (didn't heal more of changed they look like trees now unless you tilt your head in a certain way and you can see faces once contorted in pain and now looking like they sleep)
the inhabitants don't forget their pain and sorrow and some don't forget nor fully forgive but they do attain some semblence of peace
Developer interview
Mia did reject Evie and I will talk more on it when I finish replaying re7 it will be interesting to write to say the least (well it will be more Evie and Mia and Alan then Evie with the Bakers as a whole)
rejection in children link from pysch central
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minnow-doodle-doo · 2 years
Personal rant in the tags :/
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witchysethharper · 1 year
Seth planned for heat week like a snow storm – he’d stocked up with groceries and supplies over the weekend to ensure that he could avoid leaving his suite at any time for the next several days. All of his work documents were scattered over the long dining room table with his work laptop coupled with cables and wires hanging in mid-air between the wall outlets and the devices set on the table. Absolutely no way would he stepping a single foot outside his living space while heat was in effect and he’d ensured no one would be bothering him by locking and warding his doors. 
Course by the second or third day he’d started getting lonely. And then he started feeling bad knowing about the human slave down in the Undercroft. Straight men were a hot commodity in Krovs and every time one came around, the masters and staff of the castle liked to take bets on who could pop that cherry and get him to turn first. Seth personally found it super gross and he tapped his finger on the image of the slave, Duncan Strong, displayed in high resolution on his iPad as he debated performing a good deed or staying out of it. 
What would be the harm? He had the money to rent a human no problem for the maximum amount of time and it wasn’t like Seth would hold him to expectations. And bonus, at least one guard was on duty and not in heat; he at least trusted Hwan enough to not let heat affect the duties of a slave or any rentals. Manny...god, he hoped the shifter wasn’t working. He finally sent in the request for Duncan and then received his confirmation a minute later that the slave was on his way up. He had to give the castle props for efficiency and staying up to date on modern technology like this. A few minutes later there was a knock on his door and he ran to answer it, promptly thanking the guard who dropped off the slave and tugged Duncan inside before anyone in heat rolled past. 
“Sorry, uh, I realize this is probably weird for you or...something, I don’t know,” the witch rambled like he always did when nervous. “I’m Seth. Thought you might like to get out of the Undercroft for a bit with heat happening. I, uh, know how much it sucks to be surrounded by that. You want something to drink or, like, eat maybe? I’ve got water, tea, coffee, beer, vodka, and some eggs ‘n’ shit to eat. Probably better off seeing if anyone in the kitchens can do room service.” He could cook, but he was certainly no Shade in the kitchen. 
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emersonxcassidy · 1 year
for - @slithcrs​
Emerson had only been back in town for all of two weeks and while it was still all kind of overwhelming, it was still...comforting, in a way. She walked familiar streets and went by familiar storefronts with muscle memory. And also like muscle memory, was the path that she’d found herself walking that afternoon. It was almost intrinsic, unconscious as she turned down sidewalks and made her way through the town, walking from the apartment building to the center of town where the shops were- heading to one in particular.
While she spent many (many) hours studying in her room or reading in the bookstore, Emerson wound up in the coffee shop at least three times a week, always managing to grab a little table in the corner by the windows. And every time she was greeted by a warm smile and a drink already made for her before she even had time to order it. Jace was....odd. But not in a bad way- not at all. He’d been friends with Jameson’s group, but he was also pretty kind to everyone. He was nice and funny and sweet--and he never treated Emerson different even though she was a few years younger. So when Jason left for college just before she turned 16, Em was admittedly a bit sad about it. And she missed him. But as fate would have it, they met again in New York, spent a weekend together even, and although nothing ever happened, Emerson couldn’t deny that she felt....something between them. Something between the laughter and the lingering gazes and the dinner and flowers he got her...
So now that she was back in Aurora Bay...and she’d found out that Jace was here too, she kind of dropped everything and walked the familiar path to the coffee shop, the smell of it wrapping around her senses and comforting her- making her smile almost as much as the sight of him behind the counter, his head ducked down, not having seen her yet. Emerson tried not to think of the butterflies that were rushing through her as she walked as she walked to the counter and gently cleared her throat. “Can I get a pumpkin spiced latte? Or are you still against making those.”
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Exposition Post 0.5: From the Past, To the Present
Tagging @fangaminghell, @alltheoutsinfreeeee, @lurker-extraordinaire-657645and @lemonade-juley for their AU exposition update alerts :p
For those of you who want a refresher, here’s a shortcut to the previous post.
Again, this is a lengthy lore exposition post connecting where we last left off in the history of the Aura Wielders to pre-Calamity Aevium. So sit down, get comfy, maybe brew yourself a hot beverage and/or grab some snacks and enjoy the post :D
3000 years have passed since Vitus and Nymiera had vanished from the mortal realm. From the ashes left in the wake of the War, seven kingdoms have risen with the combined efforts of man and Pokemon. Among these kingdoms were the Kingdom of Ghovora (present-day Goldenwood), the Kingdom of Kasura (present-day Kingdom of Goomidra) and the Kingdom of Zygara (present-day Sashila Village and Zorrialyn Desert). The rest have unfortunately fallen into obscurity.
For centuries, the Aura Wielders have maintained the peace between kingdoms by traveling the realm as nomads, beholden to no kingdom and yet free to enter or exit their borders. They listened to the woes of the people they met on their journeys, lent them their aid, and - should the need arise - stepped forth and protect the people from dangerous threats.
It is, for this reason, that Aura Wielders are highly regarded by the Seven Kingdoms as protectors and heroes. Even the royal families hold them with great respect.
For millennia, all was well... until it wasn’t.
One day, a large number of refugees arrived at the shores of the Seven Kingdoms, seeking asylum. They called themselves the Garufans, who had allegedly fled their ancestral lands to avoid persecution at the hands of their rival tribes.
Taking pity upon their plight, the Aura Wielders welcomed them with open arms and helped them establish a settlement at the outskirts of Zygara. At first, everything seemed alright despite the unease that rippled through kingdoms. After all, wasn’t it normal for people to fear what they do not understand? And what they did not understand were the bizarrely advanced - to the point it could be called futuristic - technology that the Garufans brought with them.
Even so, the Garufans were peaceful; they mainly kept to themselves and took great lengths to avoid any strife between their neighbours. In all respect, they appear to be sincere in their desire to avoid further conflict... so the Aura Wielders gave them the benefit of the doubt.
However, the other kingdoms did not share this sentiment. Queen Griselda of Ghovora, in particular, was the most mistrustful out of her fellow rulers and saw them as threats to the peace she envisioned. Her paranoia was so great, in fact, that she conspired with a reluctant King Ieisel to conquer the other kingdoms to acquire their resources and manpower. All for the sake of eliminating what she viewed as a threat.
By the time the Aura Wielders had realised what Queen Griselda had been plotting, it was too late to stop her. She had already launched multiple war campaigns against her neighbours and annexed their lands, despite the frantic pleas of her family and her scared, exhausted people.
Realising with horror and resignation that Griselda was beyond redemption and reason, her sisters and eldest daughter took matters into their own hands... only for it to unleash a different monstrosity altogether. From the broken remains of the dead queen, her embittered soul was reborn into a new eldritch form hellbent on wreaking its vengeance upon her murderers. Her daughter was the first to fall victim to her rampage, and was reincarnated into the form of a ghost Pokemon through her powers. 
Fortunately, her sisters were able to escape Griselda’s wrath and enlisted the help of the Aura Wielders to seal her away together with the ruins of her kingdom. Where she could no longer harm anyone in a fit of blind rage.
The immediate threat had been neutralised, but the damage had been done. Irreversibly so.
The Garufans, realising that nowhere is safe for them, turned belligerent towards outsiders and sought to subjugate every single one of them to protect themselves. Taking advantage of the chaos brought about by Griselda’s war campaigns, they infilitrated the ruins of the Kingdom of Kasura - where the Archetype was being held - and seized it, intending on weaponising it for their own purposes. 
In order to cover their own ulterior motives for using the Archetype, the Garufans secretly leaked its existence to the outside world, ultimately fanning the flames of conflict. It wasn’t long before the regions beyond the borders of the Seven Kingdoms took up arms, each of them wanting to claim the Archetype’s mystical powers for themselves, leading to the start of the Kalos War (also known as the Great War since it was, more accurately, a war on a global scale).
Meanwhile, tensions were at an all-time high in the Seven Kingdoms. The Aura Wielders had their hands full in assisting the survivors of Griselda’s conquests, and keeping an eye out for potential invaders threatening to shatter the fragile peace. The people were uneasy, and with their only link to the outside world being the Garufans, what little news they received had only sent them even more on edge.
Eventually, one young Aura Wielder had enough and foolishly took matters into his own hands. He snuck into his clan’s sacred grounds of Amethyst Grotto, took the Paradigm Crest and revealed the secrets of the Aura Wielders to the Garufans in the hopes that they would use this knowledge to restore the peace.
That did not happen. The boy was imprisoned within their laboratories for his misguided kindness and the Paradigm Crest taken. Soon after, armed with their newly acquired knowledge, the Garufans began to forcibly conscript Aura Wielders to use as their soldiers. However, all of them adamantly refused, so they decided to take their powers for themselves.
Some perished from the inhumane experiments. Many lost their minds as a result of their powers abused to its limit, transforming them into feral Pokemon who attacked everything on sight - including themselves.
It was through these experiments that the Garufans were able to devise a way to allow even the common man to mimic the Aura Wielders’ signature abilities: by sealing their souls (though a Pokemon’s soul is a viable substitute) within a special tome, the holder would be able to wield their powers as if it were their own. This technique would later be dubbed as Garufan magicks.
As for the Paradigm Crest, countless have volunteered to become its host. Only one proved themself up to the challenge, and even then... it came at a great cost. By taking the Crest into themself, their consciousness inevitably merged with Adrest’s, with the latter as the dominant identity, and their memories of their past self permanently lost.
Despite the somewhat disappointing results, the Garufans wrote it off as a success and placed Adrest under the care of one of their subordinates - Variya. Originally, she was to meticulously observe/record their progress and ensure they were ready for their purpose as a weapon when the time comes, but over time she grew to care for Adrest like they were her child and decided to rebel against her superior for their sake.
Meanwhile, the Aura Wielders stormed into the Garufan HQ to retrieve the lost Paradigm Crest and to rescue any surviving captives. While they did not find any survivors, they were able to retrieve the Archetype (which was entrusted to the protection of a human clan) and convince Adrest to come with them, with some persuasion from Variya.
Unfortunately, the Garufans soon learned of the attack and immediately went to reclaim them. The Aura Wielders, fully expecting this, enacted an emergency escape plan.
Prior to their attack on Garufa HQ, the Aura Wielders constructed an illusory realm as a bridge connecting this world to another - an alternate reality where Pokemon never existed - using the energies harvested from sacrificial souls. They called this realm “Phantasmal Arboret”, because of its elusive nature and how its appearance strongly resembled a misty forest. Normally, this would be an impossible feat, but the Great War had caused the barriers between realities to weaken, allowing them to pierce through its weak spots to construct their bridge.
And, to prevent anyone from trespassing, the realm was woven in a way so that the only way to gain entry is via a spiritual key - the Mirage Wing. The Mirage Wing was made from the ceremonial hairpiece worn by the leader of the Aura Wielders, and a few psychic-imbued feathers shed by her beloved partner Pokemon. In order for the Mirage Wing to activate, two conditions must be fulfilled: the holder must be an Aura Wielder, and they must have a powerful desire to reach the realm. Furthermore, the holder of the Mirage Wing has the authority to select who could enter and leave the place, and who to bar entry from, permitting them to grant entrance to their allies if necessary. 
Using this, the Aura Wielders plus Adrest fled into the alternate world. And, to ensure that the Garufans would cease their pursuit, the few who stayed behind made a show of destroying their settlements and performing mass ‘suicides’ to solidify the illusion of their demise. Initially, the Garufans were unconvinced of this and continued their hunt, only ceasing when they realised that they could find neither hair nor hide of the Aura Wielders. It was as if they had vanished into thin air, like they never existed to begin with... 
In reality, the remaining ones had willingly forced a transformation upon themselves to throw the Garufans off their tails, hiding away from the world until the end of the Kalos War and subsequently the Garufan Civilisation’s collapse. Once the danger has passed, they came out of hiding and continued to keep watch over the region as its protectors... though a few chose to leave and carve out a new path for themselves.
Meanwhile, things had went from bad to worse for the ones taking part in the exodus. As it turned out, the atmosphere of the alternate world was extremely incompatible with their heritage, causing them to gradually lose their abilities and/or die a slow, painful death. For reasons unknown, Adrest was immune to its effects.
It was soon discovered that the Paradigm Crest was able to counteract the atmosphere’s erosion of their bodies, allowing them to live without compromising on their inherent powers. So, with great reluctance, they proposed a grim solution - one that would be considered sacrilegious had it been spoken under normal circumstances.
The solution was to select one of their numbers to become the next host for the Paradigm Crest, pass on their position to their ‘heir’ and the cycle repeats, thus allowing the bloodline to survive long enough for their eventual return.
After Adrest, the next host was Altair - then leader of the Aura Wielders. When the time came, she passed on the role to her daughter, which was handed down to her own daughter and so on. And to mark the bearer of this position, each of them inherited the key to the illusory realm and they were expected to pass it down to their successor. This went on for 200 years, with a girl named Freja becoming the next-in-line for the position; she succeeded her mother at the age of 16.
However, she bore immense bitterness towards this tradition, blaming it as the cause of her mother’s misery and eventual death, and swore never to continue this seemingly bloodstained custom for the sake of her own children. Ironically, she would end up participating in this very tradition that she swore never to take part in... for the sake of reviving her dying newborn. And unbeknownst to Freja, in what looked to be an act of motherly sacrifice, she had unwittingly burdened her daughter with the weight of the world and more... 
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destinedgray · 1 year
Weeks of remembering and seeing what he didn’t want to see again felt like endless years. Lives, loves, losses, the weight of which was nearly too much to bare. The pain of losing a soulmate, lovers, children, siblings, friends, and innocent people all under Aren’s protection could not be washed away from the victories, the laughter and those loving moments that he’d experienced. But, in the same thread, neither did the pain wash away all the joy. In the scale of love and loss, the side of loss was far heavier but the side of love held with it a flutter of hope. And like the legend of an opened Pandora’s Box, that was just enough to continue living.
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He’d woken in darkness and on bare rock, the snarling of wolves coming from where he opened his squinting eyes to the brightness at the cave’s exit. He saw their furred, hunched forms hesitating in the sunlight. The Archdruid had felt it - that wave of magic that tore him from where he’d lay and shaken him out of the chaos of his mind. There was a bone deep heaviness in him as he put a trembling hand to the cold rock beside him. He couldn’t find it in himself to know who he was; of so many names he’d been given none stuck, none defined him while billions of memories screamed inside his head, fighting for attention. He could not choose between all the lives and he did not know who he was. So the Archdruid was no one as he stood up on unsteady legs and leaned up against the nearby boulder. His midsection was sore, as was his shoulder. His breathing was far too quick, quick enough that he felt lightheaded. It was then that one of the braver wolves stalked closer then and snapped at the air, snarling.
It finally got the first druid’s attention as he turned his weary eyes to the animal. “It’s okay,” he whispered. The wolf, and all those behind her, seemed to calm almost immediately. With tails and ears that drew up, the creatures ventured further into the cave with the Archdruid and panted calmly as they ambled up to his side. A couple more ran back outside into the sunlight, following the yipping of their pups. The Archdruid’s gaze followed after them, one of his hands immediately coming up to squinting eyes as the sunlight hit his face directly. There was a soreness in his midsection from weeks of healing and bedrest. He did not notice the colored robe on his body, not even when put his other hand there as though to ward off the increasing pain. The Archdruid followed the wolves and staggered up into the light. 
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I missed you for too long, in too many ways, that it became just another part of me; engraved deeper into my heart with the passing of time. I would wake up, stretch, breathe and miss you.
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨, 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐚𝐲:
You cannot simply will your heart to stop beating, that no matter how long you hold your breath for, you cannot hold it forever, and I could only stop missing you, if I stopped being myself entirely. I don't know where to go from here, but the only thing I know for certain is wherever that is I want you by my side. I wanna call you mine so badly, I am so consumed by every little thing you do. You stole my heart a long time ago, if only you knew how I had been feeling about you up to this moment. I would replay our conversations in my head, I would reread our messages to only laugh harder or smile bigger the second time, I would recreate the memories we had already made in my head daily. I wanna experience you in every facet, I wanna be with you intimately but also laughing at stupid tv shows. I wanna stay up all night long listening to you. I wanna know where every scar comes from both physically and mentally. There is a lot of unsure in this world, but one thing I know for certain is I love you. I love you without knowing how or when or even from where. I will always remember the first time you held my hand, or kissed my cheek, but I will never forget our first kiss.
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howl-wind-sing · 1 year
I really hate that sometimes the message of the universo/powers that be, be like
Yes, It hurts, It Will hurt
You Will live through It
You Will survive
You must Carry on
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