laurynhayward · 5 days
At the mention of Scooby, Lauryn couldn't help reaching down and giving the Great Dane a thorough petting. "I'd joke that he's cuter than you, but honestly? I think you'd just agree with me," she teased, shooting Carter another smile. "I don't, actually, so I guess it'll be a surprise for both of us," she answered, shrugging her shoulders. Lauryn gave a small laugh back at him, threading her fingers through his and tugging him along the right way with a playful smile. "It's fine, it's fine. I guess I can be your primary caretaker and your sense of direction, too."
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Carter gave a chuckle as the second time the word hot dog was said, his great dane's ears perked up. "Yes, Scooby, we'll get you a hot dog, too," he said with a chuckle before turning back to his girlfriend. An eyebrow raised at the mention of a new food truck and he gave her shoulders a bit a of a squeeze. "See, I knew I liked you," he teased, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "So do you know what he finally decided on for the type of food to sell? I know I chatted with him a bit, I suggested sandwiches and appetizers, basically." He licked his lips, just thinking about all the delicious goodies they were going to get to eat. "Alright, do we know about where he's located? I know they usually keep a lot of the food trucks in the same general area, but it feels like when everything is all crowded to one street, I manage to lose my sense of direction. Shocking, I know," he added with a chuckle.
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laurynhayward · 11 days
Lauryn was more than happy to have the day's festivities to finally relax and recuperate a little bit after how busy she'd been throughout the week. Of course, that was all more a plus to her being excited to have a day to spend with her boyfriend. They had already agreed to separate at certain points and explore on their own, of course, but Lauryn still intended to spend most of her day with Carter all the same. She gave a small laugh at his words as she leaned into his side, a hand coming up to playfully rub his back. "You do love your hot dogs, that's true," she replied teasingly. "Don't worry, we'll still get you your hot dogs before everything's said and done." Taking a moment to actually think, though, she finally spoke up a moment later, directing a smile over at him. "I did hear whisperings that River is debuting his new food truck business today and, as someone that offered him a tidbit of advice or two about it, I feel like I should probably go support him and try it out. What do you think?"
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Carter couldn't have been more excited to have a day with his girlfriend all to himself. Well, for most of the day at least. He was determined to make sure she'd hang out with her friends, too, never wanting to be too clingy or one of those boyfriends. He'd offered to pick her up, so they'd only have to deal with parking one car and so far they'd stopped at a few booths and shopped around. He'd seen a few jewelry tents that he'd made a mental note of to double back, once Lauryn was off doing her own thing. It never hurt to do a little early birthday or Christmas shopping. Though as they walked, he felt his stomach starting to grumble, arm wrapping up around her shoulders he leaned in to her, "Hey babe, where do you want to eat? We've got plenty of food trucks at our disposal and because we both know I'd just choose hot dogs, it's your pick."
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laurynhayward · 19 days
No need to worry about it. Like I said, a lot of that was just me needing a space to vent a little bit. I'm definitely the type to bottle things up and then eventually explode most the time, so I'm just hoping I'm preventing that last part by putting this out there now. Regardless, though, the virtual hugs and love are much appreciated, thank you.
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I... I don't know how to respond to this. I'm honestly lost for words. People are cruel at times. All I can say is that I agree with you that a little kindness goes a long way, and I sent you a bunch of (virtual) hugs, love, and hope that on your next shift, there will only be patients who are kind to you.
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laurynhayward · 19 days
No kidding, girl. You definitely have to develop a tough skin to be a nurse, that's for damn sure. But, hey, even the rudest patients aren't gonna break me at this point. I'm a strong enough woman to not let something like that ruin me doing a job I love. Oh! That actually sounds very helpful! God knows I could use some crystals to help me bring some calmness to my life among my more usual frantic energy. And in the form of a stylish bracelet? How's a girl to pass up on that?
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Oh my god, Lauryn, I honestly don't even know how you handle your job. You're like a saint, I swear. The way I would be in tears, I mean that job in general cannot be for the faint of heart, right? So many emotions involved, there's no way that'd ever be something I could do. If you need anything at all, just let me know. Oh! Actually, feel free to come into the shop, I have some bracelets with wrapped crystals that help promote calmness!
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laurynhayward · 26 days
I'm not sure I even really need to be making this post as I'm sure most of you reading this have the decency to be, well... decent to the people caring for you when you're in a hospital, so honestly, this is more just me venting after having a particularly unruly patient today. One that happened to take his tray of food I brought him and promptly toss it on the floor and then follow that up with throwing his cup of water at me. Suffice to say, I just want to say as a general rule, please be kind to the nurses caring for you if you should ever find yourself in the hospital. No one likes being in a hospital, we understand that, but we're also just trying our best to make your stay as comfortable as humanly possible. Not all nurses are sterling examples of good people, I know that too. Though it really shouldn't happen at all, some definitely do not treat patients the way the job they signed up for requires, but I promise you the large majority of us are good. At least for me, just a little kindness goes such a long way, too. I know it makes my day. Alright, that's it, I just needed to get that off my chest. I feel better now.
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laurynhayward · 1 month
You're absolutely correct. It's not even so much the money for me as it is just the fact that I put myself too deep into work at times. Or most times, really. I'm definitely trying to work on that, though. Ooh, good question, I think my answer might change on that pretty often. Right now, though, I'm loving Abbott Elementary.
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Giving yourself time is very important, I find that society is too focused on work and making money, we tend to put ourselves on the back burner. What's your go to show to watch when you want to relax and get a snack in on the sofa?
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laurynhayward · 1 month
top 3 favorite things to do on a day off?
Taking a nice, relaxing bath is definitely up there. But I also like to crack open a book to read or maybe even find a new show to get into on one of the many streaming services that I definitely don't watch enough, but still pay for every month.
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laurynhayward · 1 month
I'm actually having a very similar day, I must say. And, honestly, it's usually harder to get me to relax and not be productive even on my off days like today, but I've been trying to work on giving myself more me time this year and so far, so good! It's always nice to just park yourself on your sofa or in bed, get a snack, and just watch TV, so I can hardly blame you.
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I told myself i was going to be productive today, but I've barely moved from my spot on the sofa. Does it help that I've had Downton Abbey on all day? No, but I figure that's besides the point.
What else is everyone up to today?
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laurynhayward · 1 month
WYR: find gum stuck in your hair or a huge spider?
Is this even a real question? I understand that for some people spiders are a very real phobia, but... let's be honest, one good swat is all it would take to remove one from your hair. Gum, on the other hand, is prone to take out some of your hair with it if you don't take care to remove it the exact right way. I think it's clear which is the more preferable situation.
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laurynhayward · 2 months
have you ever experienced anything creepy or unnatural while working in the hospital?
Every now and then, sure, of course. I will say that, although the hospital is never empty at any point, there are times in those late late hours where how quiet the hospital is can be pretty creepy. That being said, though, I'm a person that is ruled by logic. I don't want to completely discount the supernatural given there are genuine things that happen that can't be explained. But in the case of anything creepy or weird happening, I will always sooner believe there's a rational explanation for it than anything supernatural.
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laurynhayward · 2 months
Lauryn: oh my god, no. absolutely not. you can rest easy that i would never, in a million years allow you to teach woodshop. i can't even imagine how much of a disaster that would be and i refuse to. Lauryn: in that case, i do think you'll be okay then and you're welcome. i do have to say, i think you lucked out getting a nurse for a girlfriend, you know. you don't even have to come into the hospital to get my care. Lauryn: as adorable as it is that you make your own glitter glue, maybe i'd suggest just buying some that's already made to avoid inhaling anymore glitter, hm?
Carter: hey it could be worse. I could be a wood shop teacher and handling saws and stuff. Carter: so far just sneezing, no bloody nose but I don't think I inhaled it that deeply at least. thanks babe. Carter: well it actually started with a sneeze and I just had opened a new container of glitter to make my own glitter glue anddd well yeah the inhale of the sneeze and then the sneeze blew more of it out of the container and then a second sneeze inhaled more glitter and then yeah...
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laurynhayward · 2 months
Lauryn: that's an excellent question, actually. honestly? i can't decide. there are so many places i'd love to eventually travel to in my life at some point. soooo allow me to throw that back at you! where would you be?
text 📲 river & lauryn
River: Random thought: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
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laurynhayward · 2 months
Lauryn: oh my god... you're lucky that you're so handsome or the sigh i just let out would have been much deeper. Lauryn: it just depends really. just wait and see if it persists or gets worse. if it does, let me know and we'll get you to a doctor. otherwise, if sneezing it out is the worst of it, i'd hazard a guess that you'll be okay. Lauryn: i do have to ask, though, what accident resulted in this happening exactly?
text 📲 carter & lauryn
Carter: how much damage can inhaling glitter do? Carter: and before you ask it was an accident! but I can't stop sneezing sparkles. am I gonna be ok?!
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laurynhayward · 2 months
I'm curious, have you seen the new movie? I can't say I have myself. I'm almost a little cautious since, from what I've heard, it seems like people either loved it or hated it with no real in between. I guess that was pretty much always going to be the case, though. The original Mean Girls is such a classic that remaking it was bound to be polarizing no matter what. Definitely let me know, though! I think I'll actually come see it since I am so curious about how it was adapted into the its original musical form, which I've also not seen. And to support the kids, of course.
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You know, I think Mean Girls as a musical being made into a movie really got these kids pumped about the school putting on the show for the spring musical this year. I know it's my first year as the drama club advisor, but it actually shocked me how many turned out for the first night of auditions and I'm likely going to have to do some callbacks. Is this how Ms. Darbus felt when she was surprised by Troy and Gabriella showing up to audition for the leads, after being so used to Sharpay and Ryan just always being the only ones and always getting the parts? Either way, I'm glad to see so many young people interested in the arts. And you know I'll keep y'all posted as to when the show nights are of course.
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laurynhayward · 3 months
It was almost strange how happy Lauryn felt right now. Not that she shouldn't have been, but something like romance had never been a priority for Lauryn. She was very independent and she liked things that way - she was proud of it even. But this was also Carter Hudson, her best friend that never failed to brighten her day and bring a big smile to her face in a way that nobody else could. And, in spite of how strong she was, Carter had always been someone she knew she could rely on if she ever needed to. The fact they were now in a relationship hadn't changed that - if anything, it made it better. Not being able to help a small laugh at Carter as they parted, her fingers moving to gently play with the hair at the nape of his neck, she nodded her head, beaming. "Yes," she answered simply, leaning in to press another kiss to his lips. "Yes, this makes us official. Finally, in my case, even though I know you just had your big revelation tonight," she added, teasingly.
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Carter hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath up until Lauryn spoke and as she moved closer to him, he felt the air almost catch in his throat. Letting out a sigh of relief though as she admitted to feelings being mutual, a grin forming on his face. His eyes scanned over her face as she continued, suddenly hyper-aware of all the movements she was making, his heart racing as she played with his shirt. He let his hands wander to either side of her hips, as his grin turned to a smirk. And just as he was about to respond with a rhetorical 'what's that?' is when she made the first move. One hand moving from her waist to the underside of her cheek and returning the kiss. Thought it was only a moment, it felt like it lasted much longer and Carter could feel his stomach doing somersaults. As they broke apart, he reached his hand back to scratch his head, a goofy smile on his face. "So, um, that's an unofficial first date, definitely a first kiss. Between us, I mean," he chuckled nervously. "So...does this make us official?"
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laurynhayward · 3 months
Admittedly, Carter's confession itself hadn't come as much of a surprise to her given the energy shift between them had been something she'd been all too aware of. All the same, though, it brought a wide smile to her lips as she listened to him speak. "Well," she started, a small laugh falling from her lips as she took a few deliberate steps closer to him. "I like you, too. A lot," she echoed his sentiment almost playfully, a large grin on her lips. She let out a hum as a hand reached out to grasp his shirt, her fingers toying with the fabric. "If you're leaving it up to me, though, I definitely think I'd like to consider this an unofficial first date," she decided. Her fingers moved from his shirt to his chin, directing his face so that she could make sure his eyes met her own. "That way I can do what I've been dying to tonight." With one final movement, her hand moved to gently cup his cheek and with one final step forward, she leaned in and closed the distance, kissing him softly.
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Carter grinned as Lauryn gave his hand a squeeze and he was thankful once again for low lighting in the car, as he was certain that his cheeks may have flushed red again. That was if they had even been given the chance to return to normal color, he'd felt as if his face was quite warm ever since they sat down in the movie theater earlier. Quickly getting out of the car, he'd moved to be able to open the door of the cafe for her, even pulling her chair out at the small table they decided to sit at. And while he'd had every intention of asking her a question, or just simply stating his feelings while they were there enjoying their sweets, his nerves just kept catching the better of him.
Soon enough they were back in his car, not as quiet of a car ride this time, but definitely not as talkative. His defense mechanism for his nerves manifested itself into singing along to the songs, but in funny character impression form. Naturally as they got to her apartment, he walked her to her door, resisting the urge to reach out and hold her hand the entire time. He was almost sure she'd felt his own heartbeat as they hugged so tightly. Smiling ear to ear, he nodded at her first sentence. "Definitely, I had a really great time." His hands stuffed in his pockets now as she'd pulled away, his mind still running over the various ways to make some comment about hanging out again, but maybe as something more than friends. And then her question came out and it took him a moment to really find his words, stuttering a bit as he started to respond. "Um, well you know, I mean..." he trailed off, taking a moment to clear his throat and get his thoughts in order. "I'll be honest, it didn't necessarily start out that way. Though... you know Lauryn, we've been friends for so long and tonight, well... I think I did start to realize some things, some feelings. Actually," he chuckled nervously, "I was trying to figure out a way to ask you about it all at the cafe and I just couldn't get it out how I wanted to. But, I would like to maybe consider the next time we hang out a date? Or we could even consider this as an unofficial first date maybe if you'd want to? I just, I really like you, a lot." He broke his gaze, the nerves taking hold again as he stared at the ground a bit, chewing his bottom lip before looking back at her.
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laurynhayward · 3 months
Well, I suppose you can at least keep a positive attitude about it? Me, though? I just need consistency, please. Going from a cardigan and jeans one day to a blouse and skirt the next is decidedly not okay with me. I'd rather experience the four seasons as, you know... four seasons, not all in one day, thank you.
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I've gotta say, it's been pretty nice getting to be out on the green get some golfing in this early in the year. Sucks that it was a pretty short winter for the slopes, but we could still get some late blizzards in March or even April, right? Assuming that the early spring prediction was more of an early false spring prediction, which when it comes to good ol' PA? Definitely is likely. Where else can you experience all four seasons in one day, am I right?
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