anissapierce · 9 days
This is ur sign to wear a birthday tiara or button when its ur bday
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babyetears · 2 years
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kimaixun · 5 months
[Curse of Bad Lucks] - [SKZ!Felix X M!Reader]
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"You were a wonderful experience."
"You were everything."
M/N could only smile bitterly as he turn on his heel, walking away from none other than, Lee YongBok, Felix, who is now, officially, his once upon a time the love of his life. It was finally done. He had finally ended it. It hurts. He could literally feel everything shattering apart. M/N sucked in a deep breath, painfully, as he sat on the bench, looking towards the well lit panaromic view of Jeju.
Felix was just a wonderful experience.
Meanwhile, Felix fell on his knees as he watches M/N walk away from him. M/N had ended things with him and he knew he was in disbelieve. 18 years, 18 fucking years that they had been together, gone, just like that. They were married for god sake and they have a child. A 4 years old little boy that they raised together. How could M/N do this to him? Where had it gone wrong?
M/N was everything.
18 years ago.....
"See that barista? He is hot." Lee YongBok whispered to his close friend, Hwang Hyunjin.
Hwang Hyunjin peeks over his shoulder seeing the (H/C) tall lad. He looked young and Felix was right, he is hot, "he is good looking."
"I'm going to hit on him." Felix made his way to the counter, stopping in front of the (H/C). "Hi!"
"Hi," Felix could feel his breath hitched when M/N looked up and his (E/C) looked into his. M/N is gorgeous, "i...let...let me get my colleague. My korean is still not good."
"Oh no, it's fine. I'm australian so, you can speak english to me."
M/N flashes him a gentle smile, "thank you. How can i help you for the day?"
Felix fished out his phone, "i want to bring you out on a date so, if i could, can i get your number?" He giggles when M/N's eyes widened, evidently taken aback by the sudden confession. "You are really cute and i could get myself a boyfriend anytime soon. Life doesn't seem to get any younger, you know."
"I...Wait...you..." M/N jumbled on his words, "why?"
"Why me?" M/N abruptly stopped in the midst of cleaning the counter and walked in front of Felix. It was Felix turn to be taken aback at how different their height difference was. M/N was two feet taller than him. "Why me? I...I'm just a barista. I have sugar in my pockets and coffee stains on my socks. I am cursed with bad lucks. I am poor. I am stupid and worthless and i am very sure that i'll ruin your life. Like i said i'm cursed with bad lucks. I'm cursed so, if you are an angel in disguise, please, run for your life."
"You are so dark and twisty." Felix said, "What if i'm a devil in disguise? Do i still need to run for my life too?"
M/N chuckled, "usually, the conversation stops there and i have no replies for what you've just asked."
"Well since you dont know what would a devil in disguise do, why not give it a try first?" Felix convinced. "I'll bring you out on dates, we can get to know each other. It doesnt have to be expensive or anything. I'm not so high maintenance and it's very easy to make me happy. I appreciate the small little things. You can get me a cup of coffee and i will grin for the entire day, i will....."
"Okay." M/N cut him off, giving him a gentle smile, "My name is F/N M/N and can i make you a cup of coffee? It's on me."
"Okay M/N," Felix said, "My name is Lee YongBok, Felix and i would like to accept your coffee offer."
15 years ago.....
"So, want to tell me how you ended up all soaked and smelly?" Felix grimaced as he turns the water on to fill the tub.
"There was a cat." M/N simply replied as he stripped off his clothes, entering the tub and submerged himself into the water, "a black cat and i should have known better that black cats are almost like a combo to my cursed life."
Felix giggled as he massages M/N's hair with the lavender scented shampoo, "let me guess. You probably saved the cat from a drain and you slipped and fall into it."
"Has this hapened before?"
"Twice." Felix replied. "but, hey. On the bright side, you aren't hurt this time. You came home the last two times with broken arms and legs. This time, you're just, smelly."
M/N couldnt help but, grin so widely that his cheeks start to hurt, "i guess my dark and twisty life is coming to a turn with my very own sunshine by my side. I love you."
"I love you so much more." Felix smiles and pecks M/N on the lips.
10 years ago.....
"I DID IT! WE DID IT!" M/N couldn't contain his excitement as he barged into the house. Felix who was folding their clothes on the couch was taken aback when M/N lounge himself onto him, knocking them off the couch and down to the floor. "I can finally open my own cafe with my very own saving and it's just a block away from here!"
"OMG! LOVE! I am so proud of you!" Felix exclaimed. They were both on the floor, Felix on top of the younger who hugged him tightly as they laid on the ground. "I'm so fucking proud of you!"
Prior to where they were, 7 years ago, M/N had told his boyfriend his life plans and Felix supported him unconditionally. It had been rough for both of them. M/N was almost working 18 hours a day to earn the money he needed and Felix had to focus on the upcoming of Stray Kids. The amount they spent together could be easily counted by fingers. Within a month, they could only meet for a day where M/N finally took the day off and so did Felix. Despite that, they made it through each day for the entire 7 years, promising themselves that once they reached their goal, they will live a life that they desired.
"I'm so happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lee YongBok." M/N buried his face into Felix's neck.
Felix smiles and embrace the other tightly, "We did it love. I got something to tell you too. I will be leaving the music industry."
"Wait, what?! You love music, you love your fans, you love STRAY KIDS. Please, you don't have to do it for me." M/N jolted up.
"I do. I do love all of them but, i love you the most. I'm not doing this for you. I am doing this for me. It's time for me to slow down. I'm not getting any younger now and, i want to retire. I want to be the boyfriend who will sit in the cafe and stare at his boyfriend all day long and make sure no one is flirting with him," Felix chuckled, "I will be like those typical managers who pretend to be busy on their phones but in reality I'm just watching as the world goes by."
"Marry me, Lee Yongbok." M/N confessed. "I...I dont have a ring right now but, will you marry me? I will make you the happiest man alive. I will bring breakfast to our bed every morning. I will bring you out on dates. I will be the richest some day soon that we can stay home all day with each other in our cozy apartment. I will give you the..."
M/N was cut off when Felix slammed their lips together and as if the time froze, they kissed passionately not caring the world existed.
"Yes, Yes. I will marry you."
5 years ago.....
"Hi love."
"Sunshine, you're here!" M/N grinned as he puts down the cloth he used to wipe the counter, heading towards Felix with an open arm. Felix jumped into his husband's arms and greeted him with a kiss. "How did your day go?"
"Wonderful." Felix pecks his cheeks and they settled down at the corner of the cafe, reserved specially just for them, "I met Lee Know Hyung and Jisung Hyung. Their baby have grown so big. He's a big boy now. He can put his own pants and put his plate in the sink."
"Awww, that's great." M/N cooed. "So, while we are at the topic, i was wondering if you would want to have a baby with me."
Felix giggled, "oh love. I wish i could bear your children but, we aren't exactly living in a ABO universe."
"I mean with the amount of me breeding into you, we could've get 10 kids now." M/N winked.
"EWWWWW BOSS! The cafe isn't exactly empty!" yelled an employee of his.
"You're suppose to be working, not eavedropping." M/N laughed when he sees Felix red face. "Sunshine, i really mean what i said. We could get a surrogate or we coul--"
"Yes!" Felix answered, "Let's have a kid together."
"I love you." M/N kissed his husband.
"I love you so much more."
4 years ago.....
"Sunshine?" M/N whispered as he pokes his head into their bedroom.
"Hi love. Come in." Felix beckoned, "I just got him down."
M/N tiptoes across the room and slide under the covers beside Felix, "I am so sorry i had to ditch you halfway."
"Hey, don't be sorry love." Felix shifted as little as possible to face his husband, "we weren't expecting the cafe to catch on fire. How's the employees?"
"No one was injured, thankfully and they are doing an investigation on the cause of fire." M/N explained as he tugs his head onto his husband's chest, cuddling closely to inhale the oh-so-familiar calming scent of his husband.
"Thank goodness. How about you, love? Are you okay?"
M/N sighed inaudibly, "I....I'm scared. Sunshine, i'm terrified."
"Hey, you're okay. You're okay." Felix assures planting kisses to the crown of M/N's head as he caresses his hair tenderly. "You're okay love."
"It's just," M/N took a deep breath, "it's as if the curse of bad lucks are latching on me again and i'm so terrified that it'll hurt you and Woojin. I'll never forgive myself if any of you are hurt."
"Hey, don't be so dark and twisty." Felix chuckled, "i know love. I get where you are coming from but, let's not jump into conclusion okay? Maybe it was just a coincidence."
"I...I don't know." Felix could feel tears drenching his shirt.
"You're okay baby. You're okay." Felix shushes as he embrace his husband tighter. "We're here for you. Woojin and i will always be by your side no matter what curse you have, okay?"
"I love you." M/N sniffed.
"I love you so much more."
2 years ago.....
"F/N M/N. Which bed is he in?" Felix could feel the anxiety crept into him as he barge through the doors of the emergency department. Woojin who was cradled in his arms could sense his parent anxiousness and he squirms uncomfortably.
"I'm sorry and you are?" The nurse asked.
"F/N YongBok. I'm his husband. Please, tell me where he is." Felix pleaded.
"Oh, he's in bed 10 sir. Right this way." The nurse showed the way.
Felix couldn't help the tears streaming down his cheek as he rushed over to the said bed.
"Mama cry no." Little Woojin frowned, his lips jutting out. "Mama no cry."
"I'm sorry baby." Felix kissed his forehead. He knew he shouldn't be crying but, he couldn't help it. He needed to make sure M/N is fine first.
It wasn't a lie when people said that legs can turn into jelly. If it wasn't the doctor who attended to M/N that catch him, he would've landed on the floor, probably hitting his head at the corner of the hospital bed.
"I'm okay sunshine. I'm okay. I promise." M/N repeated as he took Felix and Woojin into his arms. "I'm okay sunshine. I'm okay baby."
"Papa ouchie."
M/N chuckled as he took Woojin in his arms, "yes, papa ouchie. Small ouchie."
"Papa. Mama cry papa ouchie." Little Woojin pouted.
"I'm sorry. Papa no ouchie, mama no cry okay?" M/N assured as he slides his hand around Felix's waist. "Sunshine? I promise you, i'm okay."
"Seventh time. It's the seventh time you had to come to the ER this year. You end up with so many injuries all the time. You said you were just going to get cereal and i end up getting a call from the ER that you were hit with a baseball bat? I swear, i am going to lock you in our house and we will never leave the house ever again." Felix cried as he leaned onto his husband's shoulder, "i'm locking you up in the house."
"Okay sunshine. I'll be happily locked with you and Woojin."
"I love you."
"I love you so much more."
9 hour ago.....
"Have fun Mama! Papa!" Woojin waved at his parents before running back into his Uncle Lee Know and Uncle Jisung's hotel room to play with their son.
"Thank you for watching him." Felix said to the couple in front of them.
The two family were on their vacation in Jeju Island and since M/N and Felix had watched over MinSung yesterday whilst the parents were on their date, it was M/N and Felix's turn today.
"Oh, don't sweat about it. You guys have fun! Now, go. The night is still young." Jisung kicked them out.
M/N and Felix spent the rest of the day living their life like they were teenagers all over again. They went to the theme park followed by an ice cream stall and then a dinner reservation. They were just living their dream life fully.
"Sunshine?" M/N softly calls out as they walk through the quiet street of Jeju, hands intertwined, on their way back to their hotel.
"Yes, love?"
"If one day i am not around, can you promise me some things?"
Felix stopped on his track, "is that a way of you telling me that you are getting old?"
M/N chuckled, "maybe. I am being serious though. Can you please promise me some things?" Felix was not going to lie but, an uncomfortable churn in his stomach begin to arise.
"Yes love. Anything."
M/N took both of his hands in his reminding Felix of the time when they took their vow the exact same way right now or the night when M/N had proposed to him. M/N always held his hands when he needed to talk about important things taht could mean life or death.
"Sunshine, when i am gone, i want you to promise me that you will get over me within 7 days. I want you to promise me that you will forget about me thoroughly. I want you to move on with your life. I want you to inherit all my inheritance. I want you to raise Woojin with the strength of your sunshine heart. I want you to stay strong. I want you to make sure you and Woojin eat proper meals, always celebrate birthdays and occasions no matter how busy you are. I want Woojin to inherit my business. Woojin will grow up wonderfully. I want you to promise me to love yourself unconditionally. Please, promise me that." M/N took Felix's hand to his lips and tenderly kissed it. "I love you so much. I love you so fucking much."
"You.....you are scaring me. Is everything okay?"
"Sunshine, please. Promise me that." M/N pleaded.
"No, i can't suddenly promise you as if you will be gone in another 5 minutes. I can't just lie to myself to make a promise that i will get over you in 7 days. I spend half my life loving you and never regretted it ever in my life. You can't expect me to just forget you just like that! We are married and we have a kid!" Felix took a deep breath, calming himself down, "love, tell me, what's wrong?"
"I am divorcing you. I am done with you. The lawyers will send in the papers in a week and tonight will be last time you see me."
"But, why?"
Felix heartbreak is grief that comes in waves, gruelling. It is a shard in his guts that stabbed him over and over again. It feels like death just the same as bereavement and in that quiet second, it chokes the breath from his body and short circuitshis mind. What was once whole is shattered; where once was peace is emptiness, echoes of a love he put his everything into.
"You were a wonderful experience."
"You were everything."
"I did everything you told me to." M/N spat into the answered phone.
"You did great honey."
"and as you promised, don't even lay a finger on them. if you hurt my sunshine and my child, I WILL KILL YOU, Hwang Hyunjin." M/N growled.
He could hear Hyunjin's sinister laugh in echoing through the phone, "i promised honey. I'm sending someone over to get you now. I'll see you in a couple of hours."
The call ended and M/N slams his phone to the ground, breaking it into pieces. AFterall, his life was still a curse of bad lucks. M/N couldn't help but cried his heart out, screaming in despair.
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abookworm · 2 months
a flower that blooms only when it thunders
A flower that blooms only when it thunders
Holding onto its dearest life.
Blooming alone in the panaromic field,
When will it all end ?
The green leaves start to loose their colour,
The charming petals are dried now,
The roots lost their strenght.
Whilst fighting for the existence, it forgets to bloom
Whose fault is it exactly?
Butterflies and bees find another home to go back to.
But what about the flower that awaits the thunder,
Just to bloom and shine its brightest.
In all the light, all the happiness,
It wilts.
Leaving behind a mist of sorrow.
Disappearing like the white snow under the sun.
Will ever she be free ?
Will she ever find her home ?
Will she ever bloom again?
Back when it thundered and rained,
She got up to her fullest.
Now the field is all green and fresh,
But the flower still awaits the thunder.
Wilting slowly,
absorbed by misery.
The flower that was never happy,
The flower that never learned to bloom in the day's light,
The flower that was left alone.
Neither does it thunder,
nor does she bloom.
She fails.
She keeps wilting.
She keeps falling.
No one picks her up.
Yet she awaits the thunder
Whose fault is it exactly?
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I put the pan in panaromal investigation
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insidefpvdrones · 39 minutes
Find Your Perfect Drone: The Ultimate Drone Selection Guide
With both recreational and business use cases continuing to grow, the drone market has flourished in recent years. There is a growing range of alternatives available to consumers as drone capabilities advance and prices fall down. InsideFPV and DJI are two of the leading companies in the drone sector. InsideFPV focuses on offering an incredibly capable drone at a more affordable price range while promoting ‘Make in India’ drones, whereas DJI has dominated the top end with its Mavic series.
This blog goes into more detail about the various drones available at a competitive price segment and how you can find the one that best fit for your needs or goals as a professional, photographer, creator, traveler or just for leisure.
Camera Capabilities
All three drones in question offer 4K video recording, but insideFPV manages to match the high megapixel counts of the more expensive DJI model. The Elevate drone’s camera sensor by sony captures remarkably detailed still images at 20 megapixels. A 3-axis gimbal is also included in their drone for mechanical stabilization, resulting in smooth video comparable to that of more expensive drones. In terms of camera specifications, only the Mavic 3 surpasses it; yet, considering its three times higher cost, one would anticipate some advantage which insideFPV clearly provides to its customers. Even after being new in the game, Elevate offers 1080p camera quality just like its competitors. The Elevate drone is clearly appearing to triumph in the category with its offerings at the given price.
Control & Transmission
The live video transmission range on all three drones reaches around 6 km, providing long range monitoring. DJI leverages GPS plus Galileo and BeiDou satellite positioning for excellent stability and precision. Elevate manages to match this navigation capability through its GPS
plus an ultrasonic positioning system. Although Mavic 3 is better at it meets the needs of most recreational users. DJI Mavic 3 takes the lead in the control and transmission category with its features and maneuverability.
Safety Features
All three drones are well equipped when it comes to safety. All three of them share many features like auto-return-to-home when connection is lost. DJI’s obstacle avoidance system on the Mavic 3 is understandably more advanced given its premium price. However, the Elevate drone still incorporates sensors for 540 degrees of obstacle detection, which meets or exceeds most casual users’ needs. Combined with Elevate’s IP53 water resistance and durability to withstand 1 drone crash, it is a very capable mid-range contender.
Flight Modes & Intelligence
The DJI drones boast an array of intelligent flight modes from tracking people to automatically generating complex shots. The insideFPV’s Elevate drone also compete with advanced capabilities such as gesture photography, 540 degree obstacle avoidance and orbital mastery. One just has to connect their phone with the controller and they can use the drones and its features which are way more than the DJI drones including features like dronie, boomerang, helix, panaromic, etc , although it does not match the Mavic 3’s mastery level when it comes to automated flying such as vision assistance, waypoint control, cruise control, advanced RTH, etc features that provide an immersive flying experience to the drone pilots. Elevate has two flying modes, i.e. Normal mode along with Sports mode, which the pilot can use as required. That said, InsideFPV packs many user-friendly flight modes like cruise control into an easy-to-operate package. And it caters well to hobbyists seeking a drone focused primarily on manual flight at an affordable price. If a person is looking to enhance creativity in the cinematographic shots then they should go for Elevate, and if they are looking for quick data transfers then they should choose Mini-Pro and if going for panoramic and hyperlapses, then they should go for Mavic 3 drone.
Battery and Flight time
To know about a low battery while you’re having too much fun is the fastest way to spoil a flying session. While all three drones promise similar flight times (25–35 minutes), there are certain variations as to the actual performance once you turn on the camera or video, connect to live view, engage in combat winds, or use the power system in any other way. The Elevate leads with an amazing 35+ minutes of airtime, even though it doesn’t have user-replaceable batteries like its competitors at DJI. This gives you greater value for your money and the ability to explore your creative vision for longer than the DJI Mini, which has a 30-minute battery life, and almost equals the price of the Mavic 3. InsideFPV’s intelligent propulsion technology and large battery pack enable it to achieve this class-leading performance, providing an unparalleled flying experience.
Charging Time
With drones, you want to minimize downtime between flights to maximize aerial fun. Here the Mini Pro 4 drone holds a noticeable advantage over the Elevate , needing just 1 hour 40 minutes to charge compared to 4 hours of Elevate. So you’ll spend less time waiting around to get back in the air. The Mavic 3 does maintain a slight edge in charging, but that’s expected for the lower capacity battery pack. Thus, we can say that DJI holds a significant advantage on the charging time aspect of the drones.
Mid-range drones for professionals
InsideFPV has a significant advantage over DJI by significant margins while talking about core competitive costing. The InsideFPV Elevate model costs nearly 3X less than DJI’s current Mavic 3 flagship. Yet it nearly matches video and photo quality, flight time, range and critical features like obstacle avoidance across the board. With savings that can fund multiple replacement drones, InsideFPV delivers truly unbelievable value. Clearly, Elevate is offering the best value for the cost of the drone increasing the value offered to the pilots.
Service and support are often overlooked yet are important considerations in every drone purchase. What happens to your drone if it crashes or has malfunctions? InsideFPV excels in this area compared to the others. InsideFPV is a Make in India brand that offers localized support channels and short return times. Isn’t it the right time to promote a technology that is born and developed in India and supports the Indian economy at all levelsI? It is possible to get new components easily without depending on foreign delivery. While DJI offers high-quality items, its after-sale support is incomparable. Furthermore, Elevate offers a guarantee that even covers one drone crash — a benefit not offered by its rivals but lets its customers explore more freely. A higher serviceability means that Elevate has a very extensive network that expands across India and can cater to delivery and after-sales requirements of the customers which is not yet achieved by its competitors. On top of that, insideFPV also provides free technical support that DJI does not offer yet, making insideFPV a better choice in terms of serviceability.
InsideFPV has launched an incredibly versatile mid-range drone that gives the DJI Mini 4 Pro and even the Mavic 3 flagship a run for their money in several areas while maintaining an affordable price point. Features like 4K video, intelligent flight modes, 35+ minutes of battery life, and safety focused features make this an ideal drone for beginners and hobbyists alike. And InsideFPV stands out from typical budget drone brands through polished design, reliability promised by 1 year warranty coverage, and market-leading post-purchase support. Make in India gives InsideFPV an edge in maintenance and serviceability unmatched by current drone category leaders like DJI. For consumers and professionals seeking premium drone capabilities on a reasonable budget, the Elevate drone should rank highly on their consideration list.
Q1: How does InsideFPV’s camera quality compare to the DJI Mavic 3?
A: InsideFPV manages excellent detail with a high megapixel count while incorporating mechanical stabilization for smooth footage. While the Mavic 3 has a slight edge, InsideFPV delivers professional camera capabilities at a far lower price point.
Q2: What makes InsideFPV’s customer support better than DJI’s?
A: As a Made in India brand, InsideFPV provides localized support channels and parts depots for quicker turnaround instead of relying on international shipping. This allows unmatched post-purchase care.
Q3: Does InsideFPV provide any warranty coverage like DJI Care?
A: InsideFPV provides 1 year warranty coverage plus a 1 drone crash warranty free of charge. This offers protection unlike any competitor drone brand.
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omkarpropmart · 2 months
Elevate Your Lifestyle with Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo.
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Nestled in the heart of Mumbai's bustling Tardeo neighborhood, Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo stands as an epitome of luxury and elegance. Let's embark on a journey to discover the allure of this prestigious residential enclave amidst the properties in Tardeo.
Discover Exquisite 3BHK, 4BHK, and 5BHK Flats in Tardeo
Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo sets a new standard for luxury living with its meticulously crafted 3BHK flats in Tardeo, 4BHK flats in Tardeo, and 5BHK flats in Tardeo. Each residence is a testament to exquisite design and superior craftsmanship, offering a sanctuary of comfort and sophistication.
3 BHK 1300 – 1500 Sq. Ft. sq.ft.
4 BHK 2200 Sq.Ft. sq.ft.
5 BHK 3200 Sq.Ft. sq.ft.
Experience Unparalleled Real Estate Excellence
When it comes to real estate in Tardeo, Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo shines as a beacon of excellence. From its prime location to its world-class amenities, every aspect reflects a commitment to providing residents with a truly exceptional living experience.
Immerse Yourself in the Vibrancy of Tardeo
Beyond the confines of Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo in Mumbai lies the vibrant neighborhood of Tardeo. With its bustling streets, renowned eateries, and cultural landmarks, Properties in Tardeo offers a lifestyle that seamlessly blends modern convenience with timeless charm.
3 Basement+Entrance Lobby+ 9 Level Surface Car Park + 8 Level Lift Car Park.
Statuesque Twin Towers Located In One of India’s Most Upscale Pincodes.
Spacious Array of 3, 4 & 5 BHK Residences in the heart Tardeo, South Mumbai.
Total Habitable Floor in Oceano is 61 Floor and Serano is 58 Floor.
Magnificent Apartments with all modern features required for a soulful living.
It offers 18th Level-Wave House with 33rd -Service Area and 34th-35th-Sunrise House.
Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo is a place that sets a contemporary lifestyle for its residents.
Refuge Area on every 7th Floor for Bareshell Residences Only.
Why Choose Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo?
Prime Location: Situated in the heart of Tardeo, Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo offers unparalleled connectivity to the city's major landmarks, business districts, and entertainment hubs.
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Spacious Residences: With a range of 3BHK, 4BHK, and 5BHK flats, Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo caters to the diverse needs of modern families, offering spacious and well-appointed residences that redefine luxury living.
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Experience the pinnacle of luxury living at Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo in Mumbai. Explore the exquisite 3BHK, 4BHK, and 5BHK flats in Tardeo and embark on a journey of sophistication and refinement. Welcome home to Aaradhya Avaan Tardeo, where every moment is crafted with care and elegance.
For more detail visit our website:  https://www.propmart.co/city/tardeo/
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Top 20 Places to visit in Uttarakhand 2024
As temperatures soar, many turn to Google in search of summer escapes in Uttarakhand. Rest assured, you’re not alone in seeking refuge from the relentless sun. So you can try the Top 20 places to visit in Uttarakhand 2024.
Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas lies our eternal sanctuary from the summer heat. Verdant forests, babbling river streams, and refreshing weather beckon, enticing visitors to consider a permanent retreat. Adding to the allure, the melodious symphony of birdsong offers respite from the chaos of urban life. Often, the more remote the destination, the greater its beauty and tranquility.
Top 20 Places to visit in Uttarakhand 2024:
Your top 20 places to visit in Uttarakhand 2024, quest for summer getaways in Uttarakhand concludes here, as we’ve handpicked a selection of heavenly destinations where you can seek refuge when the plains sizzle with heat.
Nag Tibba
Abbott Mount
Chopta Valley
Hemkund Sahib
Kausani:It’s a beautiful hill station in Uttarakhand. Attracts all the visitors for it’s breathtaking panaromic views of Himalayas, whcich also include Nanda Devi & Trishul peaks. Also known as the “Switzerland of India”, it provides a peaceful environment & a scenic beauty , making itself an excellent get away from the hustle & bustle of the city life. Visitors also witness beautiful sunrise and sunset over the snow-capped mountains, also they can explore nearby sites like Anasakti Ashram, Baijnath Temple, and tea gardens. Kausani’s cool weather, lush greenery, and serene environment make it a perfect destination for nature fanatics and people seeking peace and relaxation.
Remember:The best time to visit Uttarakhand (Kausani) is the summer time. Also the best way to travel to Kausani is by road. It takes 11hours from New Delhi by road, and the nearest railway station is Kathgodam, which is 132 kms from Kausani.
Lansdowne:A captivating hill station in Uttarakhand. Located in the Himalayas, it offers the visitors a pristine herbal beauty, lush greenery, and panoramic perspectives of snow-capped mountain peaks. Visitors can explore its colonial-generation architecture, consisting of St. Mary’s Church and the Garhwali Museum. Adventure enthusiasts can indulge in hiking, bird-watching, and nature walks in the surrounding forests. The scenic environment and moderate climate make Lansdowne an ideal retreat for the ones seeking solitude.
Remember:Lansdowne is 270KMs away from Delhi, and it’s just a overnight drive. So the best way to come is to go by car. Also it is cantonment town so everything here shuts down early. And also there are no direct buses to Lansdowne.
Nag Tibba:The “Serpent’s Peak” or the Nag Tibba, is one of the most handy treks within the Indian Himalayas. Located near Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, it offers a interesting adventure for nature lovers and hiking aficionados. At the summit, trekkers are rewarded with breathtaking vistas of the Himalayan variety. Also the trail meanders via dense forests, alpine meadows, and rustic villages, supplying lovely views of snow-capped peaks and verdant valleys. Nag Tibba is best for a weekend getaway or a quick hiking excursion, promising an unforgettable enjoy in the nature’s beauty.
Remember: Time duration to reach Pantwari Village from Dehradun is 3 hours. It will be best if you go there by car, or you can also take local bus sevice. Also hire a local guide from Pantwari Village so that you don’t get lost.
Abbott Mount:Abbott Mount, a hidden gem tucked away in the Kumaon vicinity of Uttarakhand, gives a tranquil retreat amidst lush pine forests and panoramic Himalayan vistas. Named after British businessman John Harold Abbott, this serene hill station boasts colonial-technology cottages, adding to its vintage-world allure. Visitors can discover the surrounding desert through nature walks, birdwatching, and photography periods. The serene ambiance and funky weather make Abbott Mount an ideal destination for the ones looking for peace and rest faraway from the bustling town lifestyles. With its unspoiled beauty and serene environment, Abbott Mount promises a rejuvenating revel in for all who project here.
Remember:It takes about 11hours from Delhi to come here. So if you want to spend some quality time with your spouse without any disturbance this is the best place. Also instead of a 5-star luxury treatment, it offers you a great countryside experience because Abbott is far away from the commercialisation unlike destinations like Nainital and Mussoorie.
Chopta Valley:Located within the Garhwal ares of Uttarakhand it is a pristine paradise for both the nature and adventure lovers. Also known as the “Mini Switzerland of India”, this place offers breathtaking views of snow-capped Himalayan peaks, lush inexperienced meadows, and dense forests. Based at an altitude of two,680 meters, this place is the base for treks to Tungnath and Chandrashila, renowned for their religious significance. Whether you are tenting under the star-lit sky, or witnessing the sunrise over the mountains, or sincerely immersing within the tranquility of nature, Chopta Valley promises you an unforgettable experience in its scenic and mesmerizing environment.
Remember:This place is well connected motorable roads and even has a bus service from Rishikesh. Here you can also get shared taxis from major destinations like Rishikesh, Rudraprayag, and Uttarkashi. Also Trek to Tungnath can be done even with kids, also if you are having a little bit of extra time you can also go all the way to Chandrashila Top too.
Mukteshwar:Atop of the Kumaon Hills in Uttarakhand, Mukteshwar is a scenic hill station. Named after an historical Shiva temple, Mukteshwar gives a peaceful retreat far-away from the hustle and bustle of metropolis lifestyles. Visitors can also explore its verdant forests, start with nature walks, or actually unwind amidst the non violent atmosphere. Also adventure seekers can indulge in activities like mountain climbing and rappelling. With its fine weather, breathtaking views, and scenic environment, Mukteshwar beckons travelers to experience the splendor and quietness of the Himalayas in all its glory.
Remember:At the scenic falls of the Bhalu Gaad you can go ‘water splashing’ to cool of the heat. Also this place is connected to motor-able roads. And also there are buses available from Delhi.
Hemkund Sahib:A revered Sikh pilgrimage site located at an altitude of 4,329 meters, based in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand is known as Hemkund Sahb. The gurdwara, surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks and alpine meadows, holds monstrous religious importance for Sikhs. Devotees go through a challenging trek to reach this sacred vacation spot, passing through rugged terrain and dense forests. The serene Hemkund Lake, is believed to possess recovery properties, provides to the non secular air of mystery of the location. Open during the summer season, Hemkund Sahib offers a religious revel, and breathtaking natural beauty, attracting pilgrims/ devotees and trekkers from around the sector.
Remember:You can hire porters and mules from the base point because Govindghat is the last motor head. From this point onward, you will have to trek 13 km to reach here. This place is not connected with motorable roads. So you will have to trek for days to reach the spot.
Auli:Within the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, Auli is a scenic hill station for its beauty and journey sports activities. Situated at an altitude of 2500 to a few,050 meters, it offers panoramic views of the Himalayas, including Nanda Devi, India’s 2nd-highest peak. Auli is a paradise for skiing enthusiasts, with its well-groomed mountain slopes attracting skiers from across the globe. During the summer time, it transforms into a lush inexperienced meadow, ideal for hiking and tenting. The Auli Artificial Lake provides to its appeal, reflecting the surrounding mountain peaks. With its natural beauty and exciting sports, Auli promises an unforgettable mountain getaway.
Remember: The weather in Auli is pleasant and cold almost fulltime of the year. From here Badrinath dham is just an hour away. Also Auli is well connected with transportation. So you can take shared cabs from Haridwar/Dehradun to Joshimath. From here, you can find shared cabs to Auli and Badrinath dham.
Almora:Located in the Kumaon area of Uttarakhand, Almora is a beautiful hill station filled with cultural historical past and natural beauty. On the top a horseshoe-fashioned ridge, gives panoramic perspective view of the majestic Himalayas and verdant valleys. It enchants site visitors with its colonial-technology architecture, bustling markets, and ancient temples like Nanda Devi and Kasar Devi. This city is known for its conventional Kumaoni delicacies and handicrafts, including to its allure. On some points of the year it got the best weather, also it is an excellent vacation spot for nature fanatics, records enthusiasts, and those looking for a peaceful retreat amidst the serene Himalayan panorama.
Remember:The weather in hereis always pleasant & charming. Also it is well connected with roads and transportation. Buses to Almora can be taken from ISBT, Anand Vihar. Also in here the 200-year old Lala bazaar you can buy yourself some artifacts of Kumaoni Art. The Nanda Devi Temple is a religious relic, you also might like to visit.
Jeolikote:It is situated in the Nainital district of Uttarakhand. It is a quaint hill station renowned for its scenic beauty and peaceful atmosphere. Located at an altitude of 1219 meters, it gives panoramic views of the encompassing Himalayan peaks and beautiful green valleys. With its pleasant climate and untouched herbal beauty, Jeolikote offers a rejuvenating escape from the hustle and bustle of town life. So this metropolis is surrounded by means of dense forests teeming with numerous plants and fauna, making this a paradise for birdwatchers and flora and fauna fanatics.
Remember:It is just 17 km away from Nainital and easily accessible by road. You can also take a bus to Nainital from New Delhi and take a shared/private cab or taxi from Nainital. Also you may check The Cottage accommodation as because you may not find many hotels in here.
Chakrata:In the Dehradun district of Uttarakhand, Chakrata is a hidden gem for its unspoiled herbal beauty and peaceful ambiance. Located at an altitude of 2,118 meters, it gives panoramic views of the snow-capped Himalayan peaks and lushy green valleys. It is thought for its pristine forests, cascading waterfalls, and various flowers and fauna, making it a paradise for nature fanatics and adventure lovers. Visitors can take part in various type of sports like trekking, tenting, and birdwatching amidst the serene surroundings. With its pleasant climate and untouched allure, Chakrata guarantees a rejuvenating break out from the chaos of metropolis life.
Remember:This place is easily accessible by road. You can take a bus from Delhi ISBT to Dehradun. Taxi/Cabs are also available from Dehradun/Mussoorie to Chakrata. Also remember to visit the roaring Tiger Waterfalls and also explore the hiking routes nearby.
Binsar:Located near the Kumaon place of Uttarakhand, Binsar is a serene hill station renowned for its panoramic views of the Himalayas, and also for it’s natural beauty. Situated at an altitude of 2420 meters, it offers breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks like Nanda Devi, Trishul, and Panchachuli. The Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, domestic to a lot of flora and fauna, is a prime attraction. Also the visitors can discover ancient temples, lushy forests, and scenic trekking trails. With its peaceful environment and beauty, Binsar is an ideal vacation spot for nature fanatics and those looking for solitude amidst the majestic Himalayan panorama.
Remember:The best way to reach the location is by car. Also the nearest airport to Binsar is Pantnagar Airport (143 km) and the nearest railway station is in Kathgodam (110 km). Also having resorts in the location for comfort, but homestays in Binsar is the best way to learn about its culture and lifestyle.
Uttarkashi:Located along the banks of the Bhagirathi River in Uttarakhand, Uttarkashi is a spiritual and picturesque vacation spot. As mostly known because the ‘Kashi of the North,’ it holds massive non secular importance for Hindus. This city is adorned with ancient temples, the well-known Vishwanath Temple. It also serves as a gateway to several trekking and pilgrimage routes, which include Gangotri and Yamunotri. Surrounded by majestic Himalayan peaks, it gives lovely views and opportunities for adventure sports like hiking, camping, and river rafting. With its scenic ambiance, religious aura, and natural splendor, Uttarkashi captivates visitors searching for solace and adventure in the Himalayas.
Remember: Don’t miss to visit Gangotri and Yamunotri Dham. Also the only way to reach this place is by road. So you can also avail shared cab/taxi from Haridwar or Rishikesh.
Ranikhet:Based in the Kumaon vicinity of Uttarakhand, Ranikhet is a captivating hill station renowned for its scenic beauty and jaw-dropping views of the Himalayas. Also known as the “Queen’s Meadow”, it’s far steeped in colonial history and boasts lush green forests, meadows, and orchards. Also visitors can explore the peaceful Jhula Devi Temple, golfing on the Ranikhet Golf Course, or taking leisurely walks in the pine-scented trails. With majestic perspectives of Nanda Devi Peak and surrounding valleys add to its appeal. Also with its exceptional climate and scenic environment, Ranikhet is an excellent vacation spot for nature lovers and those searching for a peaceful retreat in the mountains.
Remember: To visit the Haidakhan Babji Temple which is an old temple, from where you can witness a beautiful and a spectacular sunrise. Reaching this place will not be a problem because Ranikhet is well connected with roads. However, there are no direct buses, but you can still take a bus till Almora and then you can book a taxi/cab to Almora .
Munsiyari:Munsiyari, nestled in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, is a hidden gem offering breathtaking views of the Himalayas. Situated at an altitude of two,2 hundred meters, it serves because the base for treks to Milam and Ralam glaciers, Nanda Devi, and different peaks. Munsiyari is decorated with verdant forests, alpine meadows, and cascading waterfalls, making it a paradise for nature fans and journey lovers. The metropolis additionally boasts ancient temples and conventional Kumaoni culture. With its serene ambiance and untouched beauty, Munsiyari promises an unforgettable mountain getaway for those in search of solitude and journey amidst the majestic Himalayas. (Located in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, Munsiyari is a hidden gem that offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas. Situated at an altitude of 2200 meters, it serves as the base for treks to Milam and Ralam glaciers, Nanda Devi, and different peaks. This place is decorated with verdant forests, alpine meadows, and cascading waterfalls, making it a paradise for nature and journey lovers. With its scenic ambiance and untouched beauty, Munsiyari promises an unforgettable mountain getaway for those who are in a search of solitude and journey in the majestic Himalayas.
Remember: To visit the Birthi Falls which is truly an amazing work of nature. Also this place is well connected with roads. But there are no direct buses available. So you can take a bus till Almora or Nainital and then you can hire a cab or a taxi for Munsiyari.
Harsil:Harsil, cradled in the lap of the Garhwal Himalayas in Uttarakhand, is a serene hamlet renowned for its untouched herbal beauty. Situated along the banks of the Bhagirathi River, it gives beautiful perspectives of snow-capped peaks and plush green valleys. Harsil is a paradise for nature fans, with its dense forests, meandering rivers, and blooming rhododendrons. Visitors can discover close by attractions just like the Dharali village and Mukhwa village, immersing themselves within the neighborhood subculture and traditions. With its tranquil ambiance and pristine environment, Harsil is an appropriate vacation spot for the ones in search of solace and serenity amidst the Himalayan landscape. (In the lap of the Garhwal Himalayas in Uttarakhand, Harsil is a serene hamlet renowned for its untouched herbal beauty. Also located along the banks of the Bhagirathi River, visitors gets the beautiful views of snow-capped peaks and plush green valleys. It is a paradise for nature fans as well, with its dense forests, meandering rivers, and blooming rhododendrons. Also visitors can discover, close by attractions just like the Dharali village and Mukhwa village, and immersing themselves within the neighborhood subculture and traditions. With its peaceful ambiance and environment, Harsil is an appropriate vacation spot for the ones in search of solace and serenity amidst the Himalayan landscape.
Remember: It is only 72 km from Uttarkashi. So you will have to take your car, as because public transports are hard to find. Also Harsil got only a few options of guesthouses. So you will not find anything fancy in here.
Nainital:Located in the Kumaon area of Uttarakhand, Nainital is a captivating hill station famed for its emerald-inexperienced Naini Lake, surrounded by lush hills. Also the metropolis gives you an excellent combination of herbal splendor, colonial appeal, and vibrant way of life. So the visitors can also experience boat rides on the lake, explore scenic viewpoints like Snow View and Tiffin Top, or take pleasure in buying and eating alongside Mall Road. Nainital also boasts historic sites which includes Naina Devi Temple and the Governor’s House. With its fine climate and scenic environment, it keeps to enchant travelers in search of a refreshing break out amidst the serene Himalayas.
Remember:You can take your own car, but also there are buses available from New Delhi. Nainital is a famous tourist place so make sure that all your bookings are done in advance.
Dhanaulti:Located in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, Dhanaulti is a beautiful hill station offering a panoramic view of the Himalayas and the dense forests. Situated at an altitude of 2,286 meters, it also serves as a peaceful retreat far from the crowds. Here the visitors can also explore the Eco Park, providing lush greenery and adventure activities like zip-lining and trekking. Surrounded with the aid of deodar and all righttrees, Dhanaulti is right for nature walks and picnics. The nearby Surkanda Devi Temple and Dashavatar Temple add to its non secular allure. With its best climate and serene environment, Dhanaulti guarantees a rejuvenating break out amidst the beauty of the mountains.
Remember: Make sure that the bookings in overnight camps to enjoy your getaway. Also it can be easily reached by a car.
Mussoorie:Located in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand, Mussoorie is a beautiful hill station which is famend for its lush greenery, majestic mountains, and colonial allure. Also known as the “Queen of Hills” it offers a panoramic view of the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Himalayas. Also visitors can walk alongside the Mall Road, explore ancient landmarks like Gun Hill and Christ Church, or take part in the journey activities like trekking and paragliding. The serene environment, excellent weather, and vibrant lifestyle make Mussoorie a famous vacation spot for tourists looking for a clean break out amidst the serene beauty of the mountains.
Remember: In the sanctuary the Night safari is first of its kind. The best way to reach here, is by road. But it takes 6 hours and 37 minutes (approx.) from Delhi to Mussoorie by road.
Dehradun:The capital metropolis of Uttarakhand, Dehradun is located within the foothills of the Himalayas, presenting a perfect mixture of urban amenities and herbal splendor. Also known for its high-quality weather, lush greenery, and colonial architecture, it is a famous destination for vacation. Here visitors can also explore sights like Robber’s Cave, Sahastradhara, and Mindrolling Monastery, or take leisurely walks in Rajaji National Park. Home to prestigious institutions like Doon School and Forest Research Institute, Dehradun additionally serves as an academic hub too. With its colourful lifestyle, vibrant markets, and beautiful breathtaking landscapes, it promises a memorable experience for travelers looking for both adventure and relaxation.
Remember:Well you can go to Uttarakhand by bus or train which is easily available. Also do not miss watching the sunset from Lacchiwala spot.
Conclusion: Start your adventure of discovery via Uttarakhand’s captivating landscapes and cultural treasures. You can choose your top 20 places to visit in Uttarakhand 2024, from the scenic lakes of Nainital to the majestic peaks of Auli, each corner of this Himalayan kingdom offers a unique and unforgettable revel in. So whether you are searching for religious solace in the sacred cities of Rishikesh and Haridwar or crave journey in the rugged terrain of Chopta and Munsiyari, Uttarakhand has something for every body. Stay in the peaceful of nature, delve into the wealthy records and history, and create recollections with the intention to remaining a lifetime in this charming destination. Uttarakhand awaits, for you to discover its wonders in 2024 and beyond.
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kirtijadhav · 5 months
Rustomjee Plot in Kasara,Mumbai- Your Gateway to Exceptional Living
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Nestled in the picturesque locale of Kasara Thane, the upcoming residential plotted project by the esteemed Rustomjee Group is set to redefine the concept of modern living. As the anticipation builds around this project, let's delve into what makes the Rustomjee Plot in Kasara an extraordinary choice for those seeking not just a home but a lifestyle statement.
Open Space more than 60%
2Structural Interior Desgined Homes
3Offers An Exquisite Lifestyle in the Middle of the City
4Expected Landparcel - 18 Acres
51 Km from The Main road Junction
6Best City Panaromic Views
710 Km. to Powai Mumbai
8Emerging hub with proximity of Mall, Hospitals and schools within 1.5 kms
9Area being developed as central Thane just next to Malls and Schools
10Offering amenities at all levels: ground, podium, clubhouse, and rooftop
The Rustomjee Group Legacy
With a rich legacy of delivering exceptional residential projects, the Rustomjee Group has earned its reputation as a trusted name in the real estate industry. Known for combining innovation with quality, the group brings forth a new chapter in luxury living with the Rustomjee Plot in Kasara.
Unraveling the Rustomjee Plot in Kasara
Prime Location
Strategically Positioned: One of the standout features of  the Rustomjee Plot in Mumbai is its strategic location. Positioned in the heart of Kasara Thane, residents can expect seamless connectivity to major transportation hubs, educational institutions, and recreational centers, making it an ideal choice for families and investors alike.
Residential Plots
Versatile Plot Sizes: The project caters to diverse preferences with a range of plot sizes. Whether you envision a cozy haven or a spacious abode, Rustomjee provides versatile options to accommodate individual needs.
A Blank Canvas for Your Dream Home: The residential plots serve as a blank canvas, allowing homeowners the freedom to design and build their dream homes. This level of personalization is a unique feature that sets the Rustomjee Plot in Kasara apart from conventional developments.
Conclusion: Your Future Awaits
In conclusion, the Rustomjee Plot in Kasara isn't just a residential project; it's an investment in your future. Whether you're looking to build your dream home or secure a piece of thriving real estate, Rustomjee's commitment to excellence ensures that this project is more than just a plot; it's your gateway to exceptional living in Kasara Thane.
For more details visit our website :- https://www.propmart.co/
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wandertales · 8 months
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Edale - Peak District
Upon my friend’s recommendation for a holiday, I did my little research and chose this fantastic place to stay - Edale. The land of sheep and wide, green fields that give you the carpet effect. It is the land of nice and helpful people, happy cows, clean and crisp fresh air, beautiful scenery, high hills, ancient history which dates back to 1200 B.C. that you can still bizarrely see the monuments and forts of that era if you climb high enough.
I only spent 3 nights, and 2 full days in this peaceful village. The first day I arrived in Edale, I saw this lovely small café right next to the train station which I popped in to ask how I could get to the hostel. There was no transport, no taxis, and they didn’t provide a pick-up service, either. All you could do is to walk 40-45 minutes on the road to reach to the stay, which I wasn’t very much keen on considering how tired I already was. Luckily, the guy working in the café, who looked around my age, offered me a ride which was highly kind of him. On the way to the hostel, we got to exchange some simple, brief personal information in a way of getting to know each other. He was born in this village and knew the area like the palm of his hand. He dropped me off right in front of the entrance and there we said goodbye. Overall, it was a very nice gesture.
The hostel is on a hill where you can reach through a farm that is surrounded by all kinds of sheep, which takes you to this road with tall trees on the sides that goes up to the hostel. The view from where I stayed was so picturesque. Right across it you could see these wide, green, mountain-looking hills with all their nakedness with lots of sheep scattered here and there. It was a worthwhile stay. In the evening I met two Scotsmen that I had a very nice conversation with. They both were quite funny and easy-going people.
The second day I made the most extensive walk ever. In total, I walked over 20+ km, including the climbs. Initially planning a round route all the way from the hostel to Mam Tor, then to Castleton, Hope, and back to Edale, I prepared my backpack and hiked to the hill where it would take me to Mam Tor, which is one of the most ancient places I have ever been to. It was pouring and I felt hesitant at the beginning, but toughened up and hit the road.
 As I was climbing up I looked back for a second, and the fear of height kicked in. I felt the wind blowing and just froze, thinking that I wasn’t able to climp up any further than that, so I started going down still being scared even doing so. On the way back, there was a middle-aged man coming up. We just greeted each other and I continued walking. After a minute I just stopped and turned back, thinking that I could go back there and maybe join the man, and in that case I wouldn’t be so afraid. Eventually I did so, and I couldn’t have been more pleased. He was very kind to accompany me and lead the way. We had a nice chat along the way. He also had a daughter around my age, so I felt as if he was ‘taking care of me’ in the way that a father would do which felt comforting and trustworthy.
And we made it! As we were finally on the top of the hill, we were facing this foggy panaromic view of Castleton on one side, and of Edale on the other. It was as misty as it could be, one wouldn’t be able to see their hand in front of their face. Yet somehow that mist added a mysterious and magical effect to that prehistoric fort we were standing on. There were two burial mounds as it’s said, one dated back to the Bronze Age and the other to the Iron Age. It sounds unreal when I think about it, how old and ancient this place actually is... We walked up to the peak through the mist on the grand hill. Once we reached there, I saw the old iron symbols on the burial mound around the fort. It was absolutely thrilling.
We didn’t take our time and started climbing down the proper path this time, which took us to Castleton. When we touched the flat ground, the sun started to shine which was like a warm welcoming. It took us about 20-30 minutes to walk to the centre of the town. You could still see some handful of ruins and untouched nature around you. People were very nice and friendly, too. Once we arrived in the town, we said goodbye to each other. I then walked into this old bakery called Peveril Stores, and got some treats to finally sit, relax, and enjoy. I couldn’t move for about half an hour, I was knackered, but also very happy.
Walking and climbing must have made me utterly hungry that soon after I found myself in the pub called the George, which was recommended by the kind lady in the bakery. I had myself a delicious vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie. Being fully fed, I hit the road again and walked to Hope, which took me about 40 minutes. And once I arrived, it started to pour again. Thankfully, the café that my friend had recommended was just around the corner, the Adventure Café. I got myself a nice cuppa with a slice of ginger cake, and thinking how full I already was, yet still kept eating. I guess all the walking just made me very hungry, and I was about to walk for another hour and a half back to Edale. The roads weren’t that safe, as there wasn’t enough space for you to escape when the cars drove by, but I survived.
Once I was back in the hostel, I was smiling. I was totally and utterly exhausted, but weirdly so happy at the same time.
The next day I didn’t do much. I walked to Edale centre, had a look at what was around. I grabbed some coffee first and wrote in my journal as I had so much to write about the previous day. Later on, I had a nice lunch at the pub that Scotsmen had recommended, the Old Nags Head. It was quite nice and filling. After a 45 minute walk, I was back in the hostel again. I poured myself a nice cup of tea, and enjoyed some reading. The next day, I was back in the old smoke again.
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agelevator · 1 year
Combined Elegance and Efficiency: Discover the Best Vacuum Elevators in UAE
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Enjoy a revolutionary way to enhance your living or working environment with AG Elevator's unmatched vacuum elevator collection. We provide a smooth and reliable vertical transportation experience while integrating both aesthetics and functionality into any architectural design. In addition to being impeccably crafted, these elevators utilize cutting-edge technology to offer an unparalleled user experience. A smooth and effortless vertical transport experience is provided by our elevators with their stunning design and intelligent engineering. Visit our website for more information about vacuum elevators: https://www.agelevatorme.com/en/product/panaromic
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anyawinget · 1 year
North America Dental X-Ray Market Insights Shared In Detailed Report 2020, Forecasts to 2027
“The North America dental x-ray market is projected to reach US$ 2,129.71 million by 2027 from US$ 1,119.31 million in 2019. The market is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of 8.5% from 2020 to 2027.”
A report added on the Business Market Insights, titled “North America Dental X-Ray Market” by Company, Regions, Type and Application, forecast to covers several well-known organizations, key market players who are leading in the market. The report contains a thorough summary of North America Dental X-Ray Market that includes several well-known organizations, key market players who are leading in terms of sales, variable market change, revenue, end-user demands, conformity through trustworthy services, restricted elements, products and other processes. Market advancements, surplus capacity in developing markets, market bifurcation, globalization, regulations and environmental guidelines, are some trends that are explained in the market report.
To a Sample Copy of the Report, Click Here:
North America Dental X-Ray includes market research report Top Companies:
· Danaher, Dentsply Sirona, Carestream Dental, LLC, PLANMECA OY, Air Techniques, Inc., LED Medical Diagnostics Inc., Cefla s.c., Vatech Co. Ltd., The Yoshida Dental Mfg. Co., Ltd., Midmark Corporation,
North America Dental X-Ray Market Split by Product Type and Applications:
This report segments the North America Dental X-Ray Market on the premise of Types is:
· Intraoral X-ray
· Bitewing
· Periapical
· Occlusal
· Extraoral X-ray
· Panaromic
· Others
On the premise of Application, the North America Dental X-Ray Market is segmented into:
· Medical
· Cosmetics
· Forensics
NOTE: Our analysts who monitor the situation around the world explain that the market will create a conservative outlook for producers after the COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide a further explanation of the latest scenario, the economic downturn, and the impact of COVID-19 on the entire industry.
Competitive Landscape:
This report will drive companies present in this market. Outstanding players in the market are studied through a full analysis of the company profile, product portfolio, production and manufacturing capabilities, technology and product development, and revenue estimation. The North America Dental X-Ray Market is highly integrated as there are many companies across this industry. The report then explains the current market conditions, past performance, demand and supply graphs, sales networks, and distribution channels for these companies.
Directly Buy a Copy of this North America Dental X-Ray Market research report at:
Questions answered in North America Dental X-Ray Market research study: • What is the market growth rate of North America Dental X-Ray Market? • What will be the global market size of the market? • Who are the leading global manufacturing companies in the North America Dental X-Ray Market? • What are the major current trends and predicted trends? • What are the challenges faced in the North America Dental X-Ray Market? • How share promote North America Dental X-Ray their worth from different manufacturing brands? • Which will be the niches in which players profiling with thorough plans, financials, and also recent advancements should set a presence? • Which will be the anticipated growth rates for your own North America Dental X-Ray economy altogether and also for every segment inside? • Which will be the North America Dental X-Ray application and types and forecast accompanied closely by producers? • What are the conclusions of the North America Dental X-Ray Market report?
*If you need anything more than these then let us know and we will prepare the report according to your requirement.
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mikes81vw · 1 year
Fujifilm should come out with a new 35mm panaromic camera.
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idpgroup4blog · 1 year
Rohit Gurumith Singh
I was incharge of the post production process and after a very long time of dealing with rendering problems and technical difficulties, we managed to derive the output and get the job done.
Firstly i had to change the panaromic render to the dome format and for that i had to add a fish eye lens and then mess around with the values according to the dome format.
After getting the dome format i had to add in the desert ambience for both the day time and night time and then i had to add the fireworks sound effect along with a little bit of music since i thought that would be a good touch to it.
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Arabian Sigma - The Perfect Girl - Mareux (The Arabic Version/Rendition). [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/JTpfIVWoSwo [Accessed 14 Feb. 2023].
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). [HQ Sound effect] Desert ambience (wind over sand). [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/IlTnjgCfqlk [Accessed 14 Feb. 2023].
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). 30 min of Desert Nights | Tranquil Ambient Sounds. [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/KQ1pqQ52Qt0 [Accessed 14 Feb. 2023].
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suvamsouravswain · 1 year
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Panaromic View... (at Lalitagiri Buddhist Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRVkPlrlN200H1Dp71vXb1jTSMQpTY7W48iJM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mira1308 · 1 year
Beautiful places in India.
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Bangalore is a unique city that really takes extraordinary consideration of the ‘hip and current’ period of youngsters. The city, which is a mix of social orders, has a lot of unbelievable activities that will keep the energetic (and youthful) dazzled for quite a while. You will be stacked with decisions concerning exercises in Bangalore for teenagers, whether it’s an undeniably exhilarating trip, kayaking, zip-lining, and other strong games, visiting, eating, ventures, or celebrating after dusk. Bangalore has all that you could require, from watching the day break at Nandi Inclines to moving at one of the city’s clubs. The City takes extraordinary consideration of its celebrating swarm with an uncommon determination of bars, bars, parlors, and clubs, making it maybe of the most rich metropolitan nearby. Two or three notable bars and clubs for you to participate in the night are Badmaash, Indigo XP, Nolimmits Parlor and Club, Stones, etc.
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Extravagance stay in Chikmagalur
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Nandi Slants:
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