#pagoda structure
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The architecture of Buddhist temples is amazing.The Japanese carpentry and masonry skill are of worldwide renown.Some of these pagodas have withstood the test of time , specially in these islands ridden with tectonic faults. The only element that has destroyed many in the past has been fire caused by wars among the clans. Some of these temples are located deep in the forests and mountains which gives you an idea of the difficulty of building these abodes of the gods and goddesses.
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ishwarpurigoswami · 2 years
Outdoor Structure for Your Garden
Outdoor Structure for Your Garden
 During the Summer months getting gardens and outdoor spaces ready for garden parties, BBQ’s and relaxing weekends in the sun is a major trend. Summer is the perfect time to make the most of outdoor living and update gardens. But we all know that the Summer always comes with its fair share of rain showers to bring us all back indoors. So how can you ensure gardens can be used throughout our…
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reddpenn · 3 months
Do you have any neat calcites?
Do I ever!! Here are just a few of my favorites.
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Here’s a specimen of huge brown barite crystals on a druzy of yellow calcite, from Elk Creek South Dakota.
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Under a long wave UV light (365nm), the calcite fluoresces yellow, and the barite fluoresces pale blue.
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The barite also has very strong yellow-green phosphorescence, meaning it glows in the dark for a while after the UV light is removed!
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This is mangano calcite, a form of calcite that gets its faint pink color from manganese.
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This specimen features lenticular crystals and a cool “pagoda” formation!
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And of course, here it is showing off what mangano calcite is most famous for: its gorgeous orange-pink fluorescence.
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Here is some classic optical calcite! Although it’s often called "Iceland Spar", this particular specimen is from Mexico.
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Optical calcite is known for its birefringence, an optical effect in which it doubles the image behind it! This is because calcite’s crystal structure polarizes the light passing through it, splitting it into horizontal and vertical wavelengths. All calcite technically does this; we can just see it happening in optical calcite because it is very clear and easy to see through.
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This beautiful, water-clear specimen of dogstooth calcite crystals is from Linwood Mine in Iowa. It features very distinct phantoms!
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Phantoms form when a thin layer of some other mineral begins growing on the surface of the crystal. As the calcite continues to grow, that layer becomes trapped inside of the crystal, becoming a faint record of the crystal’s size and shape when it was much younger! Calcite phantoms are especially interesting because their image is distorted by birefringence.
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This piece is a columnar calcite from Fujian Provence, China! Note the uncommon column shapes of the crystals.
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It fluoresces a lovely orange red!
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And of course my favorite calcite of all! This specimen is cobaltocalcite from Morocco. While that hot pink color looks totally dyed and fake, it’s actually completely natural! Cobaltocalcite gets its distinctive color from atoms of cobalt in its molecular structure.
There's more calcite in my collection, but these are the best, I think!
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yamayuandadu · 9 months
Horned hermits and immoral immortals: an inquiry into Zanmu's background
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As you might remember from my previous post covering Zanmu, I was initially unable to tell how her historical background led to ZUN choosing to make her an oni. The historical, or at least legendary, Zanmu seemed to be, for all intent and purposes, a human. That has since changed, and the matter now seems considerably more clear to me. Read on to learn more about the real monk Zanmu is based on, and to find out what she has in common with the most famous Zen master in history, Taoist immortals, and Tsuno Daishi. Even if you are not particularly interested in Zanmu, this article might still worth be checking out, seeing as the discussed primary sources are also relevant to a number of other Touhou characters, including Byakuren, Yoshika and Kasen.
As in the case of the previous Touhou article, special thanks go to @just9art, who helped me with tracking down sources advised me while I was working on this.
The historical Zanmu
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Statue of Zanmu from the Sazaedo pagoda (Fukushima Travel; reproduced for educational purposes only) As already pointed out by 9 here even before my previous post about Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost, Zanmu is based on a real monk also named Zanmu. His full name was Nichihaku Zanmu (日白残夢), and he also went by Akikaze Dōjin, but even Japanese wikipedia simply refers to him as Zanmu. ZUN basically just swapped one kanji in the name, with 日白残夢 becoming 日白残無. The character 無, which replaces original 夢 (“dream”), means “nothingness” - more on that later.The search for sources pertaining to the historical Zanmu has tragically not been very successful. In contrast with some of the stars of the previous installments, like Prince Shotoku or Matarajin, he clearly isn’t the central topic of any monographs or even just journal articles. Ultimately the main sources to fall back on are chiefly offhand mentions, blog articles and some tweets of variable trustworthiness. The only academic publication in English I was able to locate which mentions Zanmu at all is the Japanese Biographical Index from 2004, published by De Gruyter. The price of this book is frankly outrageous for what it is, so here’s the sole mention of him screencapped for your convenience:
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The book referenced here is the five volume biographical dictionary Dai Nihon Jinmei Jisho from 1937. I am unable to access it, but I was nonetheless able to cobble together some information about Zanmu from other sources. Not much can be said about Zanmu’s personal life. He was a Buddhist monk (though note a legend apparently refers to him as “neither a monk nor a layperson”, a formula typically designating legendary ascetics and the like) and a notable eccentric. Both of these elements are present in the bio of his Touhou counterpart.
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The Sazaedo pagoda (Fukushima Travel; reproduced for educational purposes only)
Zanmu’s tangible accomplishments seem to be tied to the temple Shoso-ji, which he apparently founded. He is enshrined in the Sazaedo pagoda near it, though this building postdates him by over 200 years. It’s located in Aizuwakamatsu in Fukushima. You can see some additional photos of his statue displayed there in this tweet. It’s a pretty famous location due to its unique double helix structure, and it has a pretty extensive article on the Japanese wikipedia. It’s also covered on multiple tourist-oriented sites in English, where more photos are available (for example here or here). There’s even a model kit representing it out there. Sazeado’s fame does not really seem to have anything to do with Zanmu, though. While many Buddhist figures ZUN used as the basis for Touhou characters in the past belonged to the “esoteric” schools (Tendai and Shingon), Zanmu was a practitioner of the much better known Zen, specifically of the Rinzai school.
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The kanji mu (無 ) caligraphed by Shikō Munakata (Saint Louis Art Museum; reproduced for educational purposes only) Since the concept of “nothingness” or “emptiness” represented by the kanji 無 (mu) plays a vital role in Zen (see here or here for a more detailed treatment of this topic; it’s covered on virtually every Zen-related website possible though), and there’s even a so-called mu kōan, it strikes me as possible this is the reason behind the slightly different writing of the names of ZUN’s Zanmu, as well as the source of her ability. Granted, the dialogue in the games makes it sound like Zanmu (and by extension Hisami) just talks about nothingness as a memento mori of sorts, which is not quite what it entails in Zen. Of course, ZUN does not adapt Buddhist doctrine 1:1 (lest we forget Kasen seemingly being unaware of the basics of Mahayana in WaHH) so this point might be irrelevant.
The legendary Zanmu
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The eccentric monk Ikkyū (center), as imagined by Kawanabe Kyōsai (Egenolf Gallery; reproduced for educational purposes only)
A number of legends developed around the historical Zanmu. If this blog post is to be trusted, there is a tradition according to which he was a student of arguably the most famous member of the Rinzai school, and probably one of the most famous Buddhist monks in the history of Japan in general, Ikkyū. He is remembered as the archetypal eccentric monk, and spent much of his life traveling as a vagabond due to his disagreements with Buddhist establishment and unusual personal views on matters such as celibacy. As I already said in my previous article pertaining to Zanmu, long time readers of my blog might know Ikkyū from the tale of Jigoku Dayū and art inspired by it, though since this motif only arose in the Edo period it naturally does not represent an actual episode from his very much real career. 
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A page from Ikkyū Gaikotsu (wikimedia commons)
In art a distinct tradition of depicting Ikkyū with skeletons developed, as seen both in the case of works showing him with his legendary student Jigoku Dayū and in the so-called Ikkyū Gaikotsu. Skeletons also played a role in Zen-inspired art in general (for more information see here). Whether this inspired ZUN to decorate Zanmu’s rock with bones is hard to determine, but it does not seem implausible. It would hardly be the deepest art history cut in the series, less arcane of a reference than the very existence of Mai and Satono or Kutaka’s pose. Obviously, it does not seem very plausible that Ikkyū ever actually met the historical Zanmu. Ikkyū passed away in 1481, and Zanmu in 1576, with his birth date currently unknown. Even if we assume he was a particularly long-lived individual and by some miracle was born while Ikkyu was still alive, it is somewhat doubtful that an elderly sick monk would be preaching Zen doctrine to an infant. However, apparently legends do provide a convenient explanation for this tradition. Purportedly Zanmu lived for an unusually long time. The figure of 139 years pops up online quite frequently, and does seem to depend on a genuine tradition, but even more fabulous claims are out there.
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Kaison Hitachibō, as imagined by an unknown artist (wikimedia commons)
According to another legend, Zanmu was even older, and in fact remembered the Genpei war, which took place in the Heian period - nearly 400 years before his time. Supposedly he told many vivid tales about its famous participants, Yoshitsune and Benkei. A tradition according to which he was himself originally a legendary retainer of Yoshitsune, the warrior monk Kaison Hitachibō (常陸坊海尊) developed at some point. This has already been pointed out by others before me in relation to the Touhou version of Zanmu. From what I’ve seen, some Japanese fans in fact seem excited primarily about the prospect of Zanmu offering an opportunity to connect Touhou and works focused on the Genpei war. The tradition making Zanmu a centuries-old survivor from the Heian period must be relatively old, as his supposed immortality is already mentioned in Honchō Jinja Kō (本朝神社考; “Study of shrines”) by Razan Hayashi, who was active in the first half of the seventeenth century, mere decades after Zanmu’s death. While I found no explicit confirmation, it seems sensible to assume this legend was already in circulation while Zanmu was still alive, or at least that it developed very shortly after he passed away. Perhaps he really was invested in accounts of that period to the point he sounded as if he actually lived through it.
The choice of Kaison as Zanmu’s original name in the legend does not seem random, as there was a preexisting tradition according to which this legendary Heian figure was cursed with eternal life for betraying Yoshitsune by fleeing from the battlefield instead of remaining with his lord to die. You can read more about this here. Apparently there is a version where he instead becomes immortal to make it possible to pass down the story of the Genpei war to future generations (this is the only source I have to offer though), and there's even a well-received stage play based on it, Hitachibō Kaison (translated as "Kaison, priest of Hitachi") by Matsuyo Akimoto. Another thing worth pointing out is that Kaison was seemingly a Tendai monk from Mount Hiei, which means that even though Okina isn’t in a new game, you can still claim she’s metaphorically casting her shadow over it in some way if you squint (and that’s without going into the fact sarugami are associated with Mount Hiei). I've seen two separate sources which mention that according to a legend he trained Benkei there, and that the two did not get along because Kaison was a corrupt monk (lustful, keen on substance abuse, greedy, the usual routine). You can access them here and here,but bear in mind they're old. Zanmu’s Genpei war connection does not really seem to matter in Touhou, though, as ZUN pretty explicitly situated his version in the Sengoku period, with no mention of earlier events. Granted, if you like it, this should not prevent you from embracing the view that Zanmu is an alter ego of Kaison as your headcanon - as I said people are already doing that. It seems equally fair game as “Okina is Hata no Kawakatsu”, easily one of the most popular “historical” headcanons in the history of the franchise. According to this twitter thread, the legends about Zanmu’s longevity (or immortality) have a pretty long lifespan themseles, as they were referenced by relatively high profile modern writers, like Orikuchi Shinbou and Tatsuhiko Shibusawa. 
Buddhist immortals
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A word carving of a sennin, "immortal" or "hermit" (wikimedia commons)
Legends about long-lived (or outright immortal) monks, such as Zanmu or Kaison, are hardly uncommon. A work which seems to be the key to understanding their early development, and by extension possibly also the portrayal of Zanmu in Touhou, might be Honchō Shinsenden, “Records of Japanese Immortals”. This title refers to a collection of setsuwa, short stories typically meant to convey religious knowledge or morals. Its title pretty much tells you what to expect. Honchō Shinsenden is an interesting work in that while it in theory deals with Buddhism, and largely describes the individual immortals as, well, Buddhists, it ultimately reflects a Taoist tradition. There is a strong case to be made that it was an inspiration for another Touhou installment, specifically Ten Desires, already, seeing as it mentions prince Shotoku and Miyako no Yoshika and its Taoist-adjacent context has a long paper trail in scholarship, but I will not go too deep into that topic here - expect it to be covered in a separate article later on. Stories of immortals are pretty schematic, and their protagonists can be categorized as belonging to a number of archetypes. I think it’s safe to say this has a lot to do with the self-referential character of this sort of literature - compilers of new works were obviously familiar with their forerunners, and imitated them for the sake of authenticity. In China, literary accounts of the lives of immortals circulated as early as in the first century BCE, with the concept of immortals (xian, 仙, read as sen in Japanese; this term and its derivatives have various other translations too, with Touhou media generally favoring “hermit”) itself already appearing slightly earlier. It seems Shenxian Zhuan (Biographies of Spirit Immortals) by a certain Ge Xuan, certified immortals enthusiast and cinnabar-based immortality elixir connoisseur (discussing and developing immortality elixirs was a popular pastime for literati in ancient and medieval China), can in particular be considered the inspiration for the later Japanese compilation. While the concept of immortals was largely developed by Taoists, tales focused on them were already not strictly the domain of Taoism by the time they reached Japan. They were embraced in Chinese culture in general, both in strictly religious context and more broadly in art. In Japan, they came to be incorporated into Buddhist worldview, and in fact Honchō Shinsenden states that their protagonists can be understood as “living Buddhas” (ikibotoke), a designation used to refer to particularly saintly Buddhists. Their devotion to both Buddhas and other related figures, and to local kami, is stressed multiple times too.
Presumably this was the result of the influence of the Japanese Buddhist concept of hijiri (聖), a type of particularly rigorous solitary ascetic in popular imagination regarded as almost divine. Needless to say, most of you are actually familiar with the hijiri even if you never read about them, as this is the source of Byakuren’s surname and a clear influence on her character too. In Honchō Shinsenden, it is outright said that the sign 仙, normally read as sen, should be read as hijiri in this case.
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A portrait of Huisi (wikimedia commons)
The notion of extending one’s lifespan was not incompatible with Buddhism, as evidenced by tales of adepts who lived for a supernaturally long period of time to show their compassion to more beings or to get closer to the coming of Maitreya. Even the founder of the Tiantai school of Buddhism (the forerunner of Japanese Tendai), Huisi, was said to meditate in hopes of extending his life to witness Maitreya. At the same time, Chinese compilations of stories about immortals do not list Buddhists among them, in contrast with Japanese ones. This might be due to the rivalry between these religions which was at times rather pronounced in Tang China, culminating in events such as emperor Wuzong's persecution of Buddhism. Let’s return to Honchō Shinsenden, though. Its original author was most likely Ōe no Masafusa, active in the second half of the eleventh century. No full copy survives, but the original contents can nonetheless be restored based on various fragmentary manuscripts. Some of the sections are preserved as quotations in other texts or in larger compilations of stories, too. I have seen claims online that the historical Zanmu is covered in some editions of the Honchō Shinsenden or works dependent on it. So far I was only able to determine with certainty that Zanmu is covered alongside the immortals from Honchō Shinsenden in at least one modern monograph (Nishi-Nihon-hen by Kōsai Chigiri; if anyone of you have access to it I’d be interested to learn what exactly it says about Zanmu) and a number of posts and articles online. However, he lived around 400 years after this work was completed, so he quite obviously does not appear in its original version, contrary to what the Touhou wiki says right now. Masafusa does not necessarily portray the immortals as pinnacles of morality, and indeed moral virtues do not seem to be a prerequisite for attaining this status in his work. It is therefore possible that despite being setsuwa, his tales of immortals were an entirely literary endeavor and were not meant to evoke piety, let alone promote the worship of described figures.
A recurring pattern which unifies all of these tales is describing immortals as eccentric. As I already noted, this is a distinct characteristic of the historical Zanmu too, and it comes up in the bio of his Touhou counterpart as well. She has “reached the absolute pinnacle of eccentricity”. It seems safe to say ZUN is aware of that pattern, then, and consciously chose to highlight this. He also stresses that Zanmu has lived through an era of marital strife, specifically through the Sengoku period. The inclusion of such episodes is another innovation typical for Japanese immortal tales, and does appear to be a feature of the tradition pertaining to Zanmu’s counterpart too, as discussed above. Horned hermits?
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A modern devotional statuette of Laozi with horns, found on ebay of all places; reproduced here for educational purposes only.
There is a further possible feature of Zanmu that might be tied to Honchō Shinsenden. While there are numerous physical traits attributed to immortals in Chinese sources, Masafusa decided to only ever highlight two. One of them are unusual bones, the other - horns on the forehead. Tragically one of my favorites, square pupils (mentioned in Liexian Zhuan), is missing. Masafusa relays that an anonymous hijiri, the “Rod-Striking Immortal”, grew stumpy horns as a sign of attaining his supernatural status.This might be a stretch, but perhaps Zanmu, due to being the Touhou version of a legendary immortal, also already had horns before becoming an oni. You have to admit it would be funny.
The two horns - or rather small bumps, based on available descriptions -  characteristic for some immortals were known as rijiao (日角; “sun-horn”) and yuenxuan (月懸; “moon crescent”). Such unusual physical features were already attributed to various legendary and historical rulers and sages in China in the first century CE, so this is not really a Taoist invention, but rather an adoption of beliefs widespread in China in the formative years of this religion. They also intersected with the early Buddhist tradition about the so-called “32 marks of the Buddha”, documented for example in Mahāvastu and later in Chinese Mahayana tradition which Taoist authors were familiar with. Yu the Great, the flood hero, was among the legendary figures said to possess horns in Chinese tradition. It is even sometimes believed Laozi had them when he was born, which according to Livia Kohn was meant to symbolically elevate him to the rank of such mythical figures as Fuxi.
While this is ultimately a post focused on Zanmu, I think it’s worth pointing out this belief in horned ascetics has very funny implications for Kasen. Being a “horned hermit” is not really an issue, it would appear. If anything, it adds a sense of authenticity. Clearly Kasen needs to study the classics more.
Immortals (and mortals) in hell
One last connection between Zanmu and legends about immortals is her role as an official in hell. However, this is much less directl. Early Chinese sources mention “Agents Beneath the Earth” (dixia zhu zhe 地下主者), a rank available to low class immortals choosing to serve in the land of the dead. They could be contrasted with the immortals inhabiting heaven, regarded as higher ranked than them. However, note that there are also many narratives focused on mortals becoming officials in hell - in Japan arguably the most famous case is the tale of Ono no Takamura, a historical poet from the early Heian period. In Chinese culture there are multiple examples but I think none come close to the popularity of judge Bao. It does not seem any immortals playing a similar role retain equal prominence in culture. Ultimately this paragraph is only a curiosity, and a much closer parallel to Zanmu's role in hell exists - and it’s connected to materials ZUN already referenced to booth.
Corrupt monks, oni and tengu
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Ryōgen, the most famous monk turned demon, and his alter ego Tsuno Daishi (wikimedia commons)
In addition to characterizing Zanmu as eccentric, ZUN also wrote in her bio that she is a corrupt monk. As we learn, she developed a belief that the best way to reconcile the Sengoku period ethos which demanded boasting about the number of enemies killed with Buddhist precepts was to focus on spirits rather than the living, since she will basically deliver salvation to them. She ultimately “absorbed some beast-youkai spirits, thus discarding her life as a human”. This to my best knowledge does not really match any genuine tradition about the historical Zanmu, related figures or anyone else. As far as I can tell, it’s hard to find a direct parallel either in irl material or elsewhere in Touhou... at least if we stick to the details. More vaguely similar examples are not only attested, discussing them was for a time arguably the backbone of Buddhist discourse in Japan, and neatly explains why Zanmu became an oni. The idea that monks who broke Buddhist precepts in some way turned into monsters is not ZUN’s invention. It first appears in sources from the Heian period, and gained greater relevance in the Kamakura period. Particularly commonly it was asserted that members of Buddhist clergy who fail to attain nirvana turn into tengu. However, oni were an option too. Bernard Faure points out that Ryōgen, the archetypal example of a fallen monk (see here for a detailed discussion of this topic, and of his return to grace as a demon keeping other demons at bay), could be described as reborn as an oni, for example. The Shingon monk Shinzei is variously described as turning into an oni, a tengu or an onryō (vengeful spirit). Oni are also referenced in a similar context in Heike Monogatari alongside tenma, a term referring to demons obstructing enlightenment in general.
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Corrupt monks turned into tengu in the Tengu Zoshi Emaki (wikimedia commons)
Typically it was believed that monks who turned into demons went to a realm variously known as makai, tengudō or madō. As you may know, normally there are three realms one should avoid reincarnating in - beasts, hungry ghosts and hell - but this was basically a bonus fourth one. Granted, this view was not recognized universally, and the alternative interpretation was that it was just a specific hell with a distinct name. At the absolute peak of this concept’s relevance, the foremost Buddhist thinkers of these times, including Nichiren, were accusing each other of being demons. Additionally, some of the past emperors, especially Sutoku and Goshirakawa, could be presented as tengu, for example in Hōgen monogatari. There was also an interest in finding gods who could keep the forces of disorder at bay. You can see echoes of these beliefs in rituals pertaining to Matarajin, which ZUN rather explicitly referenced in Aya's route in Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Typically the reason behind transformation into an oni, tengu or another vaguely similar being were earthly attachments. Alternatively, it could be pursuing gejutsu, “outside arts”, essentially teachings which fell outside of what was permitted by Buddhism. Note this does not necessarily mean anything originating in religions other than Buddhism, though, the term is more nuanced. So, for instance worship of kami or following Confucian values are perfectly fair game. A synonymous term was gedō, “heretical” way (on the use of the term “heresy” in the context of study of Buddhism see here). We can make a case for Zanmu’s bio alluding to that - she wanted to adhere to the social norms of the Sengoku period by symbolically taking in a headcount by absorbing spirits, I suppose. That’s not really a thing in any Buddhist literature, though, and I assume ZUN came up with this himself. Conclusion While this article is slightly less rigorous than my recent research ventures pertaining to Matarajin, let alone the Mesopotamian wiki operations, I hope it nonetheless sheds some additional light on Zanmu. I will admit I already liked her even before I started digging into the possible inspiration behind her, and finding out more only strengthened my enthusiasm. While there are clear parallels between Zanmu, her namesake and a variety of other characters from Japanese and Chinese literature and religions, as usual for a character made by ZUN her strength lies both in creative repurposing of these elements and in adding something new.
Postscriptum: Zanmu and Tang Sanzang?
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Xuanzang, as depicted by an unknown Qing artist (wikimedia commons) While much about Zanmu’s character - her backstory as an eccentric fallen monk who became a demon, her apparent zen theme, and so on  - all form a coherent whole, there is a tiny detail which does not really match anything else discussed in this article. It does not come from her dialogue or bio, but rather from Enoko’s. As we learn, she became immortal herself after eating a piece of Zanmu’s body back when the latter was still a human. Or rather, the combination of that and subsequently consuming a magical gemstone as recommended by Zanmu did it - I’m pretty sure I misread this before. As 9 pointed out to me, probably the implications are just that Enoko’s backstory is a partial reference to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, which does state that consuming the flesh of a monk would be a particularly suitable way for an ordinary animal to turn into a youkai. Still, comparisons between this tidbit and Journey to the West have been made by others before already, so I figured it would be suitable to address them here even if they lie beyond my own argument about the inspiration behind Zanmu. In this novel, many demons want to devour its protagonist Tang Sanzang because his flesh is said to make anyone who consumes immortal. This is because he is a reincarnation of Master Golden Cicada (Jinchan zi, 金蟬子), a disciple of the Buddha invented for the sake of the story. Interestingly, Sanzang is portrayed as an adherent of Chan Buddhism, the school from which Japanese Zen is derived (note that his historical forerunner Xuanzang belonged to the Yogācāra tradition instead). Despite the vague similarities, I ultimately do not think there are particularly close parallels between Zanmu and Sanzang. For starters, Zanmu is meant to be a corrupt monk, while Sanzang is the opposite of that. Their respective characters couldn’t differ more either. Throughout the entire novel, Sanzang is a pretty poor planner, shows doubt in his own abilities, and regularly misjudges the situation. Needless to say this does not exactly offer a good parallel to Zanmu. Sure, she creates a bootleg Wukong, but Sanzang did not create Wukong, the famous primate was just assigned to him as a bodyguard. Therefore, until evidence on the contrary appears (for example in an interview) I would personally remain cautiously pessimistic regarding a possible connection here.  Recommended reading
Bernard Faure, Rage and Ravage (Gods of Medieval Japan vol. 3)
Noga Ganany, Baogong as King Yama in the Literature and Religious Worship of Late-Imperial China
Zornica Kirkova, Roaming into the Beyond: Representations of Xian Immortality in Early Medieval Chinese Verse
Christoph Kleine & Livia Kohn, Daoist Immortality and Buddhist Holiness: A Study and Translation of the Honchō shinsen-den 
Livia Kohn, The Looks of Laozi
James Robson, The Institution of Daoism in the Central Region (Xiangzhong) of Hunan
Haruko Wakabayashi, From Conqueror of Evil to Devil King: Ryogen and Notions of Ma in Medieval Japanese Buddhism
Idem, The Seven Tengu Scrolls. Evil and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy in Medieval Japanese Buddhism
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makapatag · 9 months
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Art by the refulgent @lntpblk!
Anitu is the word for ritual worship across the Sword Isles. Sometimes, it also refers to the gods, souls, and ancestors worshipped to: Anito, Hanitu, hantu. They all arrive from a shared culture in the distant past when even gods were not born.
GUBAT BANWA is a martial arts fantasy tactics RPG set in the refulgent lands of THE SWORD ISLES, inspired by Classical Southeast Asian cultures! We're coming to KS on the 27th!
Anitu lore below the cut!
Anitu is less of an organized religion and more of a catch-all term for most faiths in the Isles, where most of them practice ancestor veneration, sacred worship nature, and ardent ritualism. Each banwa might not even call what they do “anitu” and might refer to it as some other word in their language: in North Rusunuga it is called pagsamba, while in the Eastern Jamiyin Kulisa’s Arrows it is referred to as Qiparjeyuhun, which is just “faith” or belief.  For the most part, only those in Gatusan’s mandala of effect recognizes Anitu as a term for a larger belief form.
The most prominent form of Anitu is Kangdayanon Anitu, which is the one practiced in the Gatusan Mahamandala’s center of power, Kangdaya. This version of Anitu has fully syncretized the Saiwa branch of Ashinin Religion, which brought the idea of a fully fledged pantheon and the idea of cosmic forces of gods in this realm. One important syncretism is the adoption of some ancestors turned into Gods, who are performed rituals to. One such god is Apung Makangayaw, the Dragon of Raiding, worshipped as a distant ancestor of Amihan, who became Rani Amiyah, the queen that Shri Bishaya married into to stake his claim into the island of Tauhaw. The gods Jamiyun Kulisa and Indira Suga also arrive from Saiwa Ashinin. 
Another important syncretism is the understanding of a cosmic soul, or a supreme oversoul. This is meant to be Siwa, but that name was quickly indigenized and understood to be Laon, the Ancient One, the name of the tallest mountain that can be seen from Tauhaw, Kanglaon. Laon means old, aged, ancient. It is said that Laon is THE Ancestor, from where all things arise.
Another important aspect brought in by Saiwa is the construction of grand temples meant to emulate the stories of the gods both celestial and chthonic. By creating these they believe they are bringing in Favor and Merit, making their lives more fortunate and enriching them with good omens. An important belief, when in the Sword Isles, as every city is subject to the sacred whims of the souls of the world—hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, thunderstorms. 
The word in Kangdayanon Anitu for temple is MAGDANTANG, and smaller versions of these temples are known as lantangan. Natural sites are worshipped and offered to as if they were magdantang. This is why every lake, mountain, hill, giant tree, river and every important shore and beach have lantangan for offerings. Stone structures are rare and only appear in the larger cities of Gatusan—they carved onto the side of hills and mountains, or from the rocks of said mountains after performing rituals to ask permission from the mountain gods to take stones for creating merit. The largest stone temple is in Kangdaya, which also acts as the Palace of the Ponong Raja. Other important sites are the Pagodas of Put’wan, the Holy Mountain of Kihadi-an, and the grand (yet now lost) temple city of Biringan, crafted by an ancient Samrasat Devaraja in the island of Mairete, now lost in its jungles. 
Kihadi-an is a grand monument complex constructed to mirror the mountain of Semedu, the grandest peak in all of Gubat Banwa. This name in Kangdayanon, Put’wanon, Ba-enense, and Apunon Anitu is attributed to be one of the regnal titles of APU DAYAWA, the grand mountain that juts out from the island of Kalanawan.
Finally, Anitu now recognizes Ashinin-style regnal titles and even the concept of god-kings, as brought by Shri-Bishaya’s retinue and royal court. Ponong Raja Batara Ambas now has a claim to a divine right to rule by way of being an avatar or an embodiment of Laon on the Warring Realms. Titles such as datu are considered a step below the title of Raja, and Maharaja. Ponong Raja means head Raja, and is a coveted title amongst all. According to the Kangdaynon balyan, the gods in the sky speak of the Uniter of the Hundred Hundred Islands, which they call the Langidagandraja, a fusion of the words LANGIT + DAGAT + INDRA + RAJA. Together, this name means HEAVEN-SEA GOD KING, as the conquerer of the entire sky and sea. This name is fabled and no man has a claim to this title. It cannot be gifted by the gods nor can it be achieved through enlightenment. It must be seized from hearts and minds of people.
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kyotodreamtrips · 6 months
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This is the thirteen-story wooden pagoda of Tanzan jinja in Sakurai-shi, Nara-prefecture. It was built in 1532 and is a reconstruction of the structure built by Jo'e in the Asuka Period.
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hopefulkidshark · 3 months
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Yasaka Pagoda as seen from Yasaka-dori, Kyoto, Japan: The Yasaka Pagoda also known as the Tower of Yasaka, is a Buddhist pagoda located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Japan. The 5-story tall pagoda is the last remaining structure of a 6th-century temple complex known as Hōkan Temple. The pagoda is now a tourist attraction. Wikipedia
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tokidokitokyo · 7 months
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Tochigi
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
栃 とち horse chestnut
木 き、こ~、ボク、モク tree, wood
県 ケン prefecture
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Utsunomiya (宇都宮市)
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One of only eight land-locked prefectures in Japan, Tochigi prefecture is famous for gyoza and strawberries. It is also home to Japan's oldest school of higher education, the Ashikaga Gakkō, and is home to the Tōshō-gū shrine, dedicated to the shogun who unified Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu, in the city of Nikkō.
Tochigi lies just north of Tokyo, and is accessible in less than an hour by bullet train. Nasu is the location of one of the imperial family's villas, and hot springs near Nasu and Shiobara mountains are popular resort spots. In the southeast of Tochigi, the town of Mashiko is renowned for its simple but highly prized ceramics.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット World Heritage Site Nikkō Tōshōgū - 世界遺産・日光東照宮
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Nikkō is closely associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, who unified the country after a century of warfare and founded the Tokugawa shogunate. Ieyasu retired and then passed away in present-day Shizuoka Prefecture, and was laid to rest at Kunōzan. In 1617, his remains were moved to Nikkō and he was deified as the protector of the eight Kantō provinces.
Ieyasu’s remains were reinterred at the temple Rinnōji in Nikkō, and his successor Hidetada erected the Tōshōsha in his honor. The third Tokugawa shogun Iemitsu had great respect for Ieyasu and ordered the original shrine renovated, having the country’s most skilled artisans create the richly decorated buildings that stand today. The work was completed in 1636, and nine years later the imperial court bestowed the name Tōshōgū on the shrine.
Nikkō Tōshōgū boasts eight buildings designated as national treasures and thirty-four structures selected as important cultural properties. Some of these impressive cultural properties include the 9.2-meter-tall stone torii marking the entrance and the five-storied pagoda nearby, as well as the Yōmeimon, a richly decorated gate with over 500 carvings depicting fables and saints. This magnificent gate holds an ancient superstition, which said that completing it might lead to the collapse of the Tokugawa regime. To avoid this, the builders installed one of the twelve supporting pillars upside down, thus insuring that it remained incomplete.
For more photos and information check out: nippon.com
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Gyoza Dumpling - 餃子
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A statue of the goddess Venus wrapped in gyoza skin outside Utsunomiya Station (source)
“Utsunomiya Gyoza” is an important part of the culinary culture of Utsunomiya City. The city has over 300 gyoza restaurants, and queuing in front of your favorite restaurant or visiting multiple restaurants is quite common. The restaurants compete to create unique recipes in order to be recognized as the best gyoza in the city. You can even join gyoza-making classes led by top chefs. There is also a gyoza association called the Utsunomiya Gyozakai that holds an annual festival in the beginning of November.
Tochigi Dialect・Tochigi-ben・栃木弁
こわい kowai tired
「とうと登ってたっけ、こわいから座ってもいいけ?」 touto nobottetakke, kowai kara suwatte mo iike?
Standard Japanese: 「ずっと登ってたし、疲れたから座ってもいい?」 (zutto nobottetashi, tsukareta kara suwatte mo ii?)
English: "I've been climbing for a while now, and I'm tired, so can I sit down?"
いかんべ ikanbe it's good
A: 「こんなもんで、いがっぺ?」 (konna mon de, igappe?) B: 「いかんべ。」 (ikanbe)
Standard Japanese: A: 「こんなもんで、いいでしょう?」 (konna mon de, ii deshou?) B: 「いいですよ。」 (ii desu yo)
English: A: "Is it okay if I do it like this?" B: "Yes, that's fine."
いじやける ijiyakeru irritated
「あの店員の態度、すげ~いじやける!」 (ano tenin no taido, suge~ijiyakeru!)
Standard Japanese: 「あの店員の態度、凄くイライラする!」 (ano tenin no taido, sugoku iraira suru!)
English: "That store clerk's attitude, is so irritating!"
だいじだ daiji no problem
A: 「だいじ?」 (daiji?) B: 「だいじだいじ!」 (daiji daiji!)
Standard Japanese: A: 「大丈夫?」 (daijyoubu?) B: 「大丈夫、大丈夫!」 (daijyoubu, daijyoubu!)
English: A: "Is it ok?" B: "No problem, no problem!"
あかなす akanasu tomato (lit. red eggplant)
Standard Japanese: トマト (tomato) English: tomato
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cognitivejustice · 1 month
A 2,000-year-old Sri Lankan hydraulic system uses natural features to help harvest and store rainwater. In a rapidly warming world, it is providing a lifeline for rural communities.
Each April, in the village of Maeliya in northwest Sri Lanka, Pinchal Weldurelage Siriwardene gathers his community under the shade of a large banyan tree. The tree overlooks a human-made body of water called a wewa – meaning reservoir or "tank" in Sinhala. The wewa stretches out besides the village's rice paddies for 175-acres (708,200 sq m) and is filled with the rainwater of preceding months. 
 Tank cascades are receiving new attention as climate change is projected to increase both Sri Lanka's drought and flood risk (Credit: Zinara Rathnayake) 
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Siriwardene, the 76-year-old secretary of the village's agrarian committee, has a tightly-guarded ritual to perform. By boiling coconut milk on an open hearth beside the tank, he will seek blessings for a prosperous harvest from the deities residing in the tree. "It's only after that we open the sluice gate to water the rice fields," he told me when I visited on a scorching mid-April afternoon.
By releasing water into irrigation canals below, the tank supports the rice crop during the dry months before the rains arrive. For nearly two millennia, lake-like water bodies such as this have helped generations of farmers cultivate their fields. An old Sinhala phrase, "wewai dagabai gamai pansalai", even reflects the technology's centrality to village life; meaning "tank, pagoda, village and temple".
But the village's tank does not work alone. It is part of an ancient hydraulic network called an ellangawa, or "tank cascade system". As such, the artificial lake at Maeliya links up with smaller, man-made reservoirs upstream in the watershed. Together with their carefully managed natural surroundings, these interconnecting storage structures allow rainwater to be harvested, shared and re-used across the local area.
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Constructed from the 4th Century BC up to the 1200s, these cascade systems have long helped Sri Lankan communities cope with prolonged periods of dry weather. "As most of the country is made up of crystalline hard rock with poor permeability, it induces runoff, " says Christina Shanthi De Silva, senior professor in agricultural and plantation engineering at The Open University of Sri Lanka. "Our forefathers built tank cascades to capture this surface runoff," she explains, preventing it from being washed away into rivers and, ultimately, the sea.
Such knowledge has since been passed down the generations. In a laminated box file, Siriwardene carefully safeguards a map his father, the village head, drew of Maeliya's cascade. There are nine tanks in this particular cascade, his father writes. A copy of another handwritten booklet documents the tanks' history and the folk poems that villagers sang in gratitude for its continuous water resource.
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Round 1.5 of dyeing for the masquerade outfits: the fabric for Zag’s slip and the organza corset that will provide structure for the gown. This was done using a mix of roughly equal parts ‘pagoda red’ and ‘burgundy’ procion MX dyes from Dharma Trading. The dye bath looks like a deep garnet but the dry fabric will be closer to ruby. I may need to do another round with more of the pagoda red to make things a little more warm-toned.
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Hello there! I saw your Milestone Event and it sounds super cool! Here is my requested prompt:
I had a strange dream, heartwarming, Law, and we end up somewhere surreal like Salvador Dali’s paintings
I cannot wait to see/read what you come up with! Your writing is phenomenal! :)
This is part of my follower milestone event
Hello dear Han,
Thank you for your kind words and weird prompt 🥺
Here is
Law destroys reality (lovingly)
Weird fluff. I couldn't incorporate the heartwarming part properly, but hey, aren't surreal elephants heartwarming in themselves?
Law had been really strange these past days. Stranger than usual.
He looks more exhausted, he is looking around like he's getting stalked and he's been sitting on deck much more than usual, just staring at the water.
He has his moods, but this is getting unsettling.
"Law, what's up?" You ask him sitting down beside him.
You stare at him with your "I am your fucking girlfriend, tell me or I'll cut you" - look.
He sighs.
"I dreamed that my power is getting out of hand and I open a portal to a hell dimension instead of creating a room" he answers, dead serious.
"Ah." You try to process this.
"Now I am afraid of using it again. But I would have to. But what if everyone gets sucked into hell? I can't protect you anymore and...." his eyes get wet.
You stroke his back to comfort him. He looks at the planks, depressed.
"It was just a dream. I know they seem real often enough, but they're not. Your devil power may be weird, but not that weird. It's a well know power, isn't it? Have you ever heard of the ope ope no mi doing that?"
He looks at his hands, turns them around. His long, nimble fingers curl. He nods, reassured.
"You're right, I am being silly" he says with a little smile. "How would that be even possible? I guess mugiwara-ya is getting to me."
He gives you a little kiss and smiles for the first time in days.
"Room!" He says.
A swirl appears in his hand and engulfs the two of you in a blue light. You always feel safe in his room, where he has absolute control.
He does this thing where he moves you closer to him with his power and he gives you a deep, loving kiss. You look into his eyes and notices something strange around you, you break away.
You look around - the blue orb is more solid than normal. You cannot see the deck or the polar tang anymore.
Law looks at you lovingly: "I love you, I knew you could calm me down" he wants to touch your forehead with his, but you push his face away with a finger.
"Law, your room is weird"
He looks surprised, seeing the impenetrable blue wall around you, creasing his brow.
He drops the room.
The both of you are sitting in a desert now. The sky is red and empty, the ground seems like an endless plane of wasteland. A deep scream, but far away, can be heard. You look around and see creatures with impossibly long and thin legs stalking over the plane. The legs, hundreds of meter long sticks, end in the body of massive elephants that seem to carry some kind of construct on their back.
You feel Law grab your hand.
"Fuck, it's like I dreamed! Almost." His eyes are wide with terror.
He looks at you. You look at him. His expression seems to relax.
"At least I am not alone. If I have to get stranded in hell with someone, at least it's you." He kisses your hand.
"I'm sorry for dragging you in here, though" he meekly ads.
The elephants in the distance scream and move on their storck legs over the plane.
"Law, try again"
He looks at his hand like it was the atom bomb.
"I am not sure...in my dream, there were strange chimeras being tortured in a dark hell by impossible creatures. I don't want to go there." He looks around, already searching for a solution.
"We need shelter. Food."
"Well, the thing on the elephant looks like a house...?" You point out, peering at the pagoda-like structure in the creatures back.
"Our first house!" Law says, already heading for the creatures.
"Watch out, those clocks look slippery" you point out.
"Let's just climb that...uhm...ladder?" He guesses, pointing at another impossibly thin construct swaying slowly in front of the blood red sky.
Much later. Or not that much?
Law and you set foot on the polar tang's deck again after what feels like an eternity. You're exhausted and take the trusty laser canon off your back and set it on the ground with a thud. Law is just behind you, wearing his new slick, black bodysuit. He looks so hot in the tight, dark fabric.
Bepo stares at you, already crying.
"EVERYONE THEY'RE BACK! THEY'RE HERE!" he screams and soon, the sunny deck is filled with familiar faces/ masks.
"How long have we been gone?" Law asks, shoving a glowing stick in his mouth, smoking. He's taken up some habits.
"It's been two days!!! And what the heck is that?" Bepo points at the blue box you both came out of. It was made of painted wood and the words "Police phone".
"I'll let him explain. He likes talking. I am going to get something normal to eat." He seems exasperated and trots off to the kitchen, ignoring his adoring crew asking pesky questions.
The doctor emerges from his blue box, takes a deep breath and says "Arr! Me be the doctor!"
"What doctor?" Bepo asks, absolutely perplexed.
"I think you mean doctor who" you say.
So yeah, Law is teleporting to surrealism now, you two have now SEEN things. What absolutely mind boggling adventures did you go on? I don't know. I kind of couldn't get a heartwarming part in there, but imagining law in a skintight suit surely warms something in me.
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famousinuniverse · 5 months
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Religion in Vietnam
Despite Vietnam being on atheist state officially, religion is an integral part of Vietnamese culture and everyday life. While Buddhism, Catholicism and Protestantism find followers in the country, the dominant religion is the Vietnamese folk religion. This religion combines elements of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism along with indigenous practices.
Vietnamese Folk Religion
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Cao Daism, a monotheistic Vietnamese folk religion fusing aspects of Confucianism, Taosim, and Buddhism 
A major component of Vietnamese folk religion is the Than (spirit or deity) which may be nature gods, community deities or ancestral gods of a particular family. Ancestral veneration is especially prevalent, and narratives of heroic acts and cosmic forces abound in local mythology. The temples, known as Mieu are usually located away from the city's bustle in more secluded areas. Mother Goddesses also form an important part of the theological aspect of Vietnamese culture; The Lady of the Realm and the Trung sisters have multiple shrines across the country.
Buddhism in Vietnam
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The Long Son Pagoda in Nha Trang, a Buddhist Temple with a large white marble Buddha statue seen behind it
Buddhism arrived in Vietnam through India and China as early as the second century AD. Vietnamese Buddhism is significantly different from the way it is practised elsewhere, as is evident by the absence of sanghas, hierarchy and other institutional structures that usually exist. Mahayana Buddhism is the dominant school of Buddhism here, coupled with elements of Taoism and Chinese beliefs. Practitioners focus less on spirituality and more on devotional rituals such as chanting sutras and dharanis to obtain the blessing of Bodhisattvas.
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Mass in progress at the Christ Church, Nha Trang
The most widespread church in Vietnam is the Roman Catholic church, which arrived with the Portuguese missionaries and strengthened its foothold with the French colonialists. The national language script of Vietnam used in present times, written in the Latin alphabet with diacritics, also came into use with the help of these missionaries. Protestantism also gained following over the last century, and now has over 50,000 practitioners.
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judgemark45 · 2 months
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The Japanese battleship Fusō with her pagoda mast following her 1930s modernization. Many people are familiar with the pagoda masts themselves, but are less knowledgeable about the purpose of these imposing structures.
The pagoda mast was a lesson in function over form. It was a bid to improve the overall performance of the battleship in combat with the technology available at the time.
Japan began to equip its warships with more spotting devices, rangefinders, directors, search lights, and other equipment. All of this equipment required platforms to carry them and permit their operation. These platforms had to be spaced out to keep the equipment from interfering with each other in operation. This extensive layering of the platforms on the forward tower resembled the distinctive appearance of a pagoda tower, leading to the nickname. The extensive towers were also useful in that they provided extensive shelter to the crew in this part of the ship, allowing them to better perform their duties in inclement weather.
These towers were also quite large. Depending on the battleship, the towers soar over 30m (100') over the waterline. Despite the large size, they did not impact stability as much as one might think. Japanese designs conducted extensive calculations on the top weight of the pagoda towers and balanced them out by increasing the beam of the battleships during modernization through the addition of bulges. The ships remained relatively stable even after the addition of Pagoda towers. For instance, the Ise class saw their metacentric height increase from 1.74m (5.9') just after their completion to 2.81m (9.3') after their 1930s modification. The biggest change was the additional weight and beamier hull made their rolling motion shorter and faster whereas they originally had a longer, slower rolling motion.
The Japanese pagoda masts were contemporaries to the British "Queen Anne's Mansions" superstructure design found on their battleships of the same period. These towers evolved to fulfil a similar function (though the British ships typically were smaller and featured greater enclosed spaces) and, like the Japanese pagoda towers, were used to improve older designs.
It's worth pointing out that the impressive tower structures of the Yamato class battleships were derivatives of the pagoda masts. Like earlier designs, they feature extensive platforms for rangefinders, observation gear, and other equipment. The biggest difference was that the towers of the Yamato class were more streamlined to allow them to better avoid the effects of muzzle blast from the battleship's massive 46cm (18.1") guns.
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lierrelearns · 11 months
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国宝興福寺五重塔 室町時代 高さ五◯、一m
天平二年(七三◯)に光明皇后が創建。���在の塔は応永三十三年(一四二六)に再建。 初層の須弥壇に 薬師三尊像(東) 釈迦三尊像(南) 阿弥陀三尊像(西) 弥勒三尊像(北) を安置(いずれも室町時代作)。
文化財を大切にしましょう。 木柵の中には入らないでください。
The Five Storied Pagoda (National Treasures) This pagoda was constructed by the Empress Komyo in 730. The current building is a restoration completed in 1426, and is the second highest pagoda in Japan, rising 50.1 meters. Inside the structure on the first level, enshrined around the central pillar are a Yakushi triad (to the east), a Shaka triad (to the south), an Amida triad (to the west), and a Miroku triad (to the north).
Vocab 室町時代 (むろまちじだい) Muromachi period (1336-1573) 天平 (てんぴょう) Tenpyo era (8.5.729-4.14.749) 光明皇后 (こうみょうこうごう) Empress Komyo 創建 (そうけん) establishment, foundation 応永 (おうえい) Oei era (7.5.1394-4.27-1428) 須弥壇 (しゅみだん) dais for a Buddhist image 薬師 (やくし) Bhaisajagyuru, Yakushi, the Healing Buddha 三尊 (さんぞん) a Buddhist triad; a Buddha attended by two boddhisatvas 尊像 (そんぞう) statue of a noble character 釈迦(しゃか) Shakyamuni, Gautama Buddha 阿弥陀 (あみだ) Amitabha, Amida 弥勒 (みろく) Maitreya (boddhisatva), Miroku 安置 (あんち) enshrinement, installation (of an image) いずれも all, every 木柵 (もくさく) wooden fence
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singular-yike · 6 months
Getting into Len'en Lore: Part 2
Let's get straight back into it!
Game 4: Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle
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And here's the 4th entry, the game of all time, Len'en Ten'eisenki ~ Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle (abbr. BPoHC).
This game retains the team system, but also adds a route system, and brings back every character introduced so far. So there's a lot of dialogue to go through.
Story Reading Order
Demo Version Dialogue
Shrine Team's Story (Haze and Brilliant can be swapped) 4.1. Haze Story → Haze Ending 4.2. Brilliant Story → Brilliant Ending 4.3. Neutral Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending 4.4. Extra Story
New Emperor Team's Story (Haze and Brilliant can be swapped) 5.1. Haze Story → Haze Ending 5.2. Brilliant Story → Brilliant Ending 5.3. Neutral Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending 5.4. Extra Story
Official Profiles
Preschool Team's Story (Haze and Brilliant can be swapped) 7.1. Haze Story → Haze Ending 7.2. Brilliant Story → Brilliant Ending 7.3. Neutral Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending 7.4. Extra Story
Scoundrel Team's Story (Haze and Brilliant can be swapped) 7.1. Haze Story → Haze Ending 7.2. Brilliant Story → Brilliant Ending 7.3. Neutral Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending 7.4. Extra Story
??? Team's Story (Haze and Brilliant can be swapped) 7.1. Haze Story → Haze Ending 7.2. Brilliant Story → Brilliant Ending 7.3. Neutral Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending 7.4. Extra Story
Note: On the BPoHC Reading Order You might notices that the official profiles are in between the main story routes this time. Let me briefly explain my thought process: The Shrine and New Emperor team's stories are what I personally think are the "main stories" of the game, while the Preschool and Scoundrel teams act moreso as supplementary material. Therefore it'd be useful to have read the official profiles first beforehand to see easier understand what the "sub-stories" are talking about. As for the ??? team, also known as the Secret team, they're unlocked after beating the Ex+α stage with all the other teams, so they're clearly meant to be experienced last. To be honest, this game really is a lot. So I can't guarantee that this is the best order. If you don't mind, gimmie some feedback so that I can refine it!
Additional Reading
Music Room Comments
Spell Cards
Games 1-3: EE to RMI Update
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Above: Title screen of the updated EE, note the change in the first kanji, now it's 連.
After BPoHC, JynX went back and updated the first three games, rebalancing the games, changing the title to use the new kanji for Len'en, and most importantly, adding a ??? team character as a new playable in all three games.
It doesn't really matter which order you experience these in, just know that chronologically, the RMI scenario takes place at the same time as everyone elses, while the EE and EMS scenarios take place after BPoHC.
Story Reading
??? EE Story — Main Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending → Extra
??? EMS Story — Main Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending A & B → Extra
??? RMI Story — Main Story → Bad Ending → Good Ending A & B → Extra
Note: Story Structure Everything I've said about the story structures about the first three games still apply here, so bad endings still don't actually happen, the two good endings in EMS are almost identical while the ones in RMI have more differences.
Album 1: A World That Isn't Fantasy [Frontside] and [Backside]
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Next comes the series' first album collection, A World That Isn't Fantasy ~Len'en Mugenri~ (abbr. AWTIF), it's separated into 2 albums: [Frontside] and [Backside].
You can listen to and purchase the albums on bandcamp:
World That Isn't Fantasy [Frontside] ~Len'en Mugenri~
World That Isn't Fantasy [Backside] ~Len'en Mugenri~
This is the only way to obtain the digital booklets that come with the albums, though the text within is publicly available for translation, and thus translated on the wiki, images are off-limit.
Despite being an album, even this has quite a bit of reading material, so here we go:
Story Reading Order
Backstory to albums' in-universe creation — Summarized on the wiki, but information comes from:  ・"Mugenri Revitalization Committee" Twitter list  ・Len'en Project 5th Anniversary Video! album announcement
Booklet Content — Short Story — False Spirit Account
Additional Reading
Unlike the games, the album doesn't come with music comments. Instead, JynX released comments on the new tracks on pixiv FANBOX, which can be read here:
An Endless Beginning & Virtual Parallel Universe
Ivory Cup ~ Cup of Eibon & ■|ack◆0x・uG
Today is the Day We Duel for Real! & A World Lacking of You
Alice Leaping Atop Lily Pad Ice & To Mugenri
End of Part 2
There is... so much, to this series that only has 4 games and some change in it. This is honestly already enough for you to start, the next and final part will just be on the spinoff game and to wrap up some obscure stuff.
So if you don't care about that, or just don't want to get overwhelmed by what else there is right now, you can start your journey already.
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phonkscribes · 2 years
Can I request some Headcanons of Hanzo staying/being helped rehabilitated with the healer idea you got awhile back, the reader trying to help him recover but things just feel off about them
Tainted Waters
He recalls passing through a clearing, away from the pagodas and structures where his enemies sought his head. The archer's vision was blurred, murky by exhaustion as he did his best to get away. The shouting of the men echoed from the trees as he tried to urge himself forward, just as he's always done. Human limbs ache as he drags himself weakly, unaware of the other who was watching him begin to succumb to his own misery business. In the moments that he stands, a shadow drapes itself over his own, causing him to jerk around with his bow in hand with an arrow slotted through the string.
An assassin?
Before he can let that arrow fly, they're already in his face. A hand as swift as his own finds his neck, and after that... everything fades. This is not the end, even as he thinks it to be; which is why he's thoroughly confused as to why he finds himself in a bed of another and being taken care of.
When he wakes up, one of your little helper's startles, and runs to get you. Which just confuses Hanzo further.
Really just what the hell was going on here? He didn't have time to rest or sit around in bed all day when there was still so much for him to do.
As the door closes, he's quick to rise and pull himself out of bed. Luckily, you're quick to appear, slipping in through the door without so much as a sound.
"Ah... good, you're awake"
Your voice is silk against his ears, but does well to keep him paranoid. He jumps, and turns to face you too quickly, looking for his weapon of choice and his quiver of arrows.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?", he fires at you straight away, understandably. He's been essentially kidnapped here, not knowing he'd been saved from an early fate.
You're patient even as he gestures at you accusingly, like you'd done something wrong.
You could liken him to a feral cat, hissing at the person who took it in. How cute.
After explaining his situation to him, he doesn't quite settle down but tries to say that he's quite fine and ready to leave... the pain in his side says otherwise.
Whether he likes it or not, he's going to have to stay, if not for a short while until he's able to get back on his feet again.
It's a liability to him, one of the very few times where he's ever felt so vulnerable. It'll be hard to trust you even if you've just saved his life.
Strangely, in spite of staying at your estate, you're never to be seen or found. Even when asked about by your servants, they only ever say nice things and say that this is a common occurrence.
It only builds to your mysterious nature as he walks around to investigate his surroundings better. A part of him feels shame, because it is as they say. You've only ever tried to help him recover and here he was trying to find out more about you.
When you finally do happen upon Hanzo, you accidentally scare him, not that you meant to but he just happened to be deep in thought about something.
He's never been an anxious man, one that's certain about things and sure of what he has to do unlike his brother, but in your presence he can't help but to sense that there's something more to you. Something that isn't quite right.
You run your examinations on him, to which tells you everything you need to know about the man.
Has he ever heard of self-care because, goodness... he's in a worse state than what the surface tells you.
A longer stay is required, much to his dismay.
You want to be sure that he won't fall back into his bad habits.
It isn't easy to just give up on them either, and you'd know this best.
That's why he needs someone to be there for him, if he's not going to be there for himself.
To celebrate his journey to getting well again, you've prepared a grand feast yourself, with plenty of vegetables for his immune system and vitamins to help him get back onto his feet.
The scents are mouth watering, and watching you beckon him over to your side to eat tugged at his heart strings.
It's all so familiar, so nostalgic that he can't help but to awkwardly sit down and take up a plate of his own to eat.
It'd been too long since he's had something like this, sharing it with someone without the fear of what hangs over his head.
"It's... delicious", he says, but you can feel how he says it.
Your hand, rough and warm places itself on his shoulder
"Eat as much as you'd like then, get stronger Hanzo"
He can't shake off the gentle feelings stirring in his chest, but he cannot shake off the way that your palm scratches his skin either.
There's so much he doesn't know yet, so much more that he wants to know, but he isn't sure how to go about it.
As the night ends, he lingers, waiting to catch you when you're alone to talk
Right as he goes to seek you out, you happen to find him again, only he doesn't spook as bad as he had the first time.
"You seem to keep looking for me, Hanzo. Is there anything you need?"
"H- what gives that away?"
To which you smile, pointing to the dragon tattoo on his shoulder.
"I have my... sources", you answer much to his surprise.
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