#page 4345
pesterloglog · 5 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley, Davesprite
Act 6, page 4336-4345
JOHN: oh man, rose and dave have sweet god tier pajamas like us! that's so awesome.
JOHN: haha, dave looks like kind of a doofus with that snug little hood.
JADE: i think he looks cool!!!!!
JADE: the cape is great, hes like a super hero now
JOHN: that's true.
JOHN: i still think i prefer my outfit though.
JOHN: look at all those trolls...
JOHN: there are so many trolls. the idea of meeting them all is kind of overwhelming.
JOHN: i wonder which one is which?
JOHN: i think that must have been karkat there. and that was probably his clown asshole friend he mentioned, too.
JADE: yup
JOHN: and that was definitely terezi, with the fancy glasses.
JOHN: not sure about the others... i wonder if vriska was there?
JADE: ...
JOHN: it's nice to see rose looks better.
JOHN: last time i saw her, she looked really grim.
JOHN: and also, dark.
JOHN: i was trying to talk to her, but she sounded like a babbling monster, so i couldn't understand her.
JOHN: it was really frustrating, and all of my nervous rambling probably made me sound like an idiot.
JOHN: and then when i woke up later, she was dead.
JADE: :(
JOHN: did you know...
JOHN: that i had to kiss her to make her come back to life?
JADE: !!!
JOHN: yes, it's true.
JOHN: it's kind of weird kissing a dead body, but i didn't mind.
JOHN: how did you feel about it when you kissed dave when he died?
JADE: ...........
JADE: how did you know about that!
JOHN: karkat told me.
JADE: oh
JADE: that figures
JOHN: do you think that all of our unbridled corpse smooching means karkat's silly shipping prophecy will come true?
JADE: umm
JOHN: i mean, the guy is really angry, and says fuck like in practically every sentence.
JOHN: but he does weirdly seem to know what he's talking about when it comes to romance.
JADE: yeah
JADE: i dunno
JADE: do you want it to come true?
JOHN: man.
JOHN: i don't know.
JOHN: do you?
JADE: hmmmmmm.....
JOHN: hmm, indeed.
JADE: i think i miss them already
JADE: and weve only been here for a few minutes :(
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: there's a lot i want to tell them about.
JOHN: and a lot i want to ask them.
JADE: well
JADE: you could ask them now if you want
JOHN: really?
JADE: yes
JADE: in fact
JADE: you can hop right through me and join them
JADE: then you can travel with them to the new session if you like
JOHN: whoa!
JOHN: well, heck, why don't we do that then?
JOHN: it would probably be more fun with them than being on this golden battleship by ourselves.
JADE: it probably would!
JADE: but i cant go with you
JADE: i can serve as a gateway
JADE: but i cant travel to the sun myself, remember?
JOHN: oh yeah.
JOHN: dammit!
JADE: but its ok, really!
JADE: if thats what you wanted to do, i wouldnt mind
JADE: but whatever you do, you have to decide quickly
JADE: they will be departing from the sun very soon
JOHN: but i wouldn't want to leave you here all alone for three years.
JOHN: that would suck!
JADE: i wouldnt really be alone though
JADE: i have the population of five planets to keep me company!
JOHN: that's right.
JOHN: that makes it seem not so boring i guess.
JOHN: but still...
JOHN: i would feel really bad leaving you here, even if you do have a million salamanders and chess guys to keep you company.
JOHN: you are my friend and also my sorta-sister, and we just met for the first time ever a few minutes ago...
JOHN: i'm not going to be like, welp! see ya in three years jade!
JADE: awww :D
JADE: ok then
JADE: personally, i think this trip could be a lot of fun!
JADE: theres no pressure to do anything important or run around like lunatics anymore
JADE: we can just relax
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: now that you mention it, i'm pretty beat.
JOHN: also... starving!!!
JADE: woof!
JADE: whoops
JOHN: heheh.
JOHN: i sure hope there are things to eat on those planets.
JOHN: there were a lot of weird glowing mushrooms on lowas. i dunno about those.
JOHN: i seem to remember a bunch of farms on the battlefield...
JADE: there should be lots of good stuff on the planets
JADE: also i would bet this ship is stocked with plenty of military rations
JOHN: yeah, probably.
JOHN: pff, hell, we could just raid all of our fridges and alchemize some tasty grub!
JADE: oh yeah!!!
JADE: durrr, problem solved
JOHN: ok, cool.
JOHN: but it would still be nice to say hi to everybody before they leave.
JOHN: just to let them know how we're doing.
JADE: yes
JOHN: like, one of the last things rose saw before she died was me dying...
JOHN: i wonder if she knows i'm ok?
JADE: im pretty sure she knows a ton of things now
JADE: considering she is a fully realized seer of light
JOHN: yeah, probably.
JOHN: then maybe i'll just hop over real fast, and give karkat a fist bump, and give dave a hard time about his hella tight little hood, and then hop back?
JADE: im sure that would be hilarious
JADE: but
JADE: if you go i dont think i can bring you back
JADE: i cant bring anyone or anything to here from there!
JOHN: aw man, really??
JADE: as far as i know...
JADE: if theres a way i havent figured it out yet
JADE: i am still kind of new to this omnipotence thing after all :\
JOHN: that's stupid.
JOHN: what is with all these rules!
JADE: i dont know!
JADE: im sure the rules exist for a good reason though
JADE: maybe to somewhat limit the power and reach of omnipotent beings?
JADE: if there are no limits at all, it could be especially dangerous in the wrong hands
JADE: like what happened with jack!
JOHN: isn't that a contradiction though?
JOHN: if there are limits to your powers, you can't exactly be OMNIpotent, can you?
JOHN: more like...
JOHN: semipotent.
JADE: then i guess thats what we are!
JADE: semipotent demigods
JOHN: demidogs.
JADE: woof woof woof!
JADE: dammit!!!!!!
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: can you not control the woofs?
JADE: i havent gotten the hang of the woofs yet :(
JOHN: so, the dog ears...
JOHN: is that a permanent thing now, or what?
JADE: i think so
JOHN: i like them.
JADE: i do too!
JOHN: you are like a furry now, but not really the weird kind that people on the internet like to have sex with in their imagination.
JOHN: hey, can i at least send a message through?
JOHN: like a note or something?
JADE: sure!
JADE: better hurry up and write it though
JOHN: oh snap! ok, gotta think, quick...
JOHN: what do i write on?
JOHN: maybe the back of a movie poster or something?
JOHN: i don't think i have one captchalogued though...
JOHN: and now that i think about it, most of them were ruined by imps. :(
JADE: how about this one?
JADE: looks like its still in pretty good condition
JOHN: yes, that's perfect!!!
JOHN: everyone will love it, especially probably dave.
JOHN: i think i need something to fold it up and put it in though.
JOHN: i don't want to just like crumple it up and chuck it in there like some garbage...
JOHN: i could stick it in a book i guess.
JOHN: but i kind of don't want to part with any great reading material, especially since we're going on a long trip.
JADE: john you have to hurry!
JOHN: ok, ok, um...
JADE: here, will this work?
JOHN: oh, yeah. i guess that'll be fine.
JOHN: now, uhhh, what to write...
JADE: whatever you write just make it quick!
JADE: and tell everyone i say hi!
JOHN: ok, will do.
JADE: ok, while you work on that, i think ill bring up some friends
JOHN: huh?
JADE: you know, let some of our travel companions get acquainted with the ship!
JOHN: oh fuck, it's dave sprite!!!
JOHN: i forgot about him.
DAVESPRITE: yeah no shit
JOHN: how've you been, buddy?
JADE: shooooooooosh!!!!!
JADE: write now, catch up later!
JOHN: ok, i think this is a pretty good letter.
DAVESPRITE: let me check it out
DAVESPRITE: maybe ill humorously defile willis and afflecks dumb skyward yearning faces
JOHN: oh HELL no.
DAVESPRITE: come on dude hand it over
JADE: nooooo come on guys theyre about to go just stuff it in the bucket and throw it at me already!!!
DAVESPRITE: too late i already did it with sprite powers while he wasnt looking
JOHN: augh you bastard!
JOHN: wait a minute!
JOHN: i forgot, trolls hate cleaning products for some alien reason! shit, that's going to make everyone so uncomfortable.
JOHN: oh well, there it goes. too late i guess.
DAVESPRITE: ahahahaha you fucked up
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conceptofjoy · 3 months
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immediately following page 4345
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zirhlikuzgun · 3 months
January's crew - Page 36
[4261] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4262] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4263] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4264] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4265] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4266] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4267] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4268] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4269] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4270] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4271] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4272] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4273] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4274] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4275] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4276] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4277] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4278] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4279] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4280] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4281] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4282] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4283] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4284] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4285] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4286] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4287] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4288] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4289] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4290] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4291] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4292] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4293] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4294] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4295] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4296] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4297] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4298] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4299] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4300] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4301] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4302] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4303] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4304] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4305] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4306] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4307] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4308] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4309] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4310] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4311] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4312] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4313] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4314] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4315] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4316] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4317] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4318] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4319] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4320] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4321] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4322] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4323] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4324] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4325] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4326] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4327] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4328] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4329] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4330] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4331] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4332] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4333] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4334] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4335] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4336] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4337] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4338] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4339] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4340] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4341] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4342] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4343] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4344] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4345] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4346] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4347] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4348] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4349] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4350] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4351] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4352] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4353] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4354] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4355] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4356] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4357] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4358] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4359] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4360] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4361] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4362] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4363] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4364] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4365] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4366] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4367] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4368] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4369] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4370] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4371] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4372] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4373] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4374] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4375] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4376] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4377] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4378] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4379] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4380] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4381] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4382] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4383] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4384] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4385] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4386] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4387] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4388] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4389] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4390] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4391] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4392] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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shaykhpod-blog · 8 months
Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - Part 22
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Justice in Business -
A man once brought into Mecca some camels which he sold to the uncle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, Abu Jahl. But Abu Jahl delayed paying for them and when the man requested help from the people of Mecca as he was a stranger in the city the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, aided him. The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, took the man to the home of Abu Jahl, knocked on his door and when he answered he commanded him to pay the man what was owed. With great fear Abu Jahl hurried inside his home and returned with the money and the man left after thanking the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Later on Abu Jahl told people that during the incident his heart was full of terror and when he opened the door he saw a dangerous and angry stallion camel next to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and he feared the creature would eat him so he paid the man what was due. This incident has been recorded in Imam Ibn Kathir’s, the Life of the Prophet, Volume 1, Pages 340-341.
This incident indicates the importance of being honest and just in all business dealings. In a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 2146, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, warned that merchants will be raised as immoral people on Judgment Day except those who fear Allah, the Exalted, act righteously and speak the truth.
This Hadith applies to all those who take part in business transactions. It is extremely important to fear Allah, the Exalted, by fulfilling His commands, refraining from His prohibitions and facing destiny with patience. This includes treating others kindly according to the teachings of Islam. In respect to business dealings a Muslim should be honest in their speech by disclosing all the details of the transaction to all who are involved. A Hadith found in Sahih Bukhari, number 2079, warns that when Muslims hide things in financial transactions, such as defects in their goods, it will lead to a loss in blessings.
Acting righteously includes not striving to con others by making them pay excessively for goods. A Muslim should simply treat others how they desire to be treated meaning, with honesty and full disclosure. The same way, a Muslim would not like to be mistreated in financial matters they should not mistreat others.
Those conducting business should always avoid lying as it leads to immorality and immortality leads to Hell. In fact, a person will keep telling and acting on lies until they are recorded as a great liar by Allah, the Exalted. This has been warned in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1971.
In addition, this incident indicates the importance of aiding those in difficulties by objecting to evil practices. The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, has advised the importance of objecting to evil things in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4340. This Hadith clearly shows that it is a duty on all Muslims to object to all forms of evil according to their strength and means. The lowest level, as mentioned in this Hadith, is rejecting the evil with one's heart.
This shows internally approving evil actions is one of the ugliest of those things which are forbidden. In fact, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, warned in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4345, that the one who is present when an evil is committed and denounces it is like the one who was not present. But the one who was absent and approved the evil deed is like the one who was present when it was committed.
The first two aspects of objecting to evil, mentioned in the main Hadith under discussion, are through one’s physical actions and speech. This is only a duty on a Muslim who has the strength to do so for example, they will not be harmed by their actions or words.
It is important to note, objecting to evil with one's hand does not refer to fighting. It refers to correcting the evil actions of others, such as returning the rights of someone which have been unlawfully violated. The one who is in a position to do so yet, refrains from doing so has been warned of a punishment in a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4338.
The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, has advised Muslims in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2191, that they should not fear the creation in respect to speaking the truth. In fact, the one who allows the fear of the creation to prevent them from objecting to evil things has been described as the one who hates themself and will be criticized by Allah, the Exalted, on Judgment Day. This is confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 4008. It is important to note, this does not refer to the one who remains silent out of fear of being harmed as this is an acceptable excuse but it refers to the person who remains silent because of the status people hold in their eyes.
A Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 4341, advises that a person can give up objecting to evil things through their actions and speech when others obey their greed, follow their incorrect opinions and desires and when they prefer the material world over the hereafter. It does not take a scholar to conclude this time has arrived. Chapter 5 Al Ma’idah, verse 105.
“O you who have believed, upon you is [responsibility for] yourselves. Those who have gone astray will not harm you when you have been guided…”
But it is important to note, a Muslim should continue with this important duty in respect to their dependents as this is a duty on them according to a Hadith found in Sunan Abu Dawud, number 2928, and in respect to those they feel physically and verbally safe from, as this is the superior attitude. 
Objecting to evil things which are apparent is what the main Hadith under discussion refers to. Meaning, it does not grant permission to Muslims to spy on others in order to find evil things to object to. Spying and anything associated with it in this respect are forbidden. Chapter 49 Al Hujurat, verse 12:
“O you who have believed…do not spy…”
It is important to note, that a Muslim must object to evil according to the teachings of Islam and not their on desires. A Muslim may believe they are acting for sake of Allah, the Exalted, when they are not. This is proven when they object to evil in a way which contradicts the teachings of Islam. In fact, what is considered a good deed may well become a sin because of this negative attitude.
A Muslim must object to evil in a gentle and fair way preferably in private in accordance to the teachings of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. The opposite of these characteristics will only push people away from sincerely repenting and may lead to further sins as a result of angering them.
In a Hadith found in Sahih Muslim, number 6853, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised that whoever relieves the distress of a Muslim Allah, the Exalted, will relieve a hardship from them on the Day of Judgment.
This shows that a Muslim is treated by Allah, the Exalted, in the same way they act. There are many examples of this within the teachings of Islam. For example, chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 152:
“So remember Me; I will remember you…”
Another example is mentioned in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 1924. The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised that the one who shows mercy to others will receive mercy from Allah, the Exalted.
A distress is anything which causes someone to fall into anxiety and difficulty. Therefore, the one who eases such a distress for another whether worldly or religious for the sake of Allah, the Exalted, will be protected from a hardship on Judgment Day by Allah, the Exalted. This has been indicated in different ways in many Hadiths. For example, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, advised in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2449, that the one who feeds a hungry Muslim will be fed the fruits of Paradise on the Day of Judgment. And the one who gives a drink to a thirsty Muslim will be given a drink from Paradise by Allah, the Exalted, on the Day of Judgment.
As the difficulties of the hereafter are much greater than those found in the world this reward is held back for a Muslim until they reach the hereafter.
The next thing mentioned in this Hadith is that Allah, the Exalted, will continue helping a Muslim as long as they are helping others. A Muslim must understand that when they strive for something or are aided by another person to complete a particular task the outcome may be successful or end in failure. But when Allah, the Exalted, helps someone with anything a successful outcome is guaranteed. Therefore, Muslims should, for their own sake, strive to help others in all good things so that they receive the help of Allah, the Exalted, in both worldly and religious matters.
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chiefatticcreator · 11 months
In the best case scenaario, it would take NINETY-EIGHT YEARS if we wanted every non-imperium race to get as many Black Library books as the Imperium currently has
A couple months ago, i redid my post from last year about factions repartitions within Black Library output, updated with 2022 numbers and slightly more rigorous methodology.
So, let's remake my other post on the subject, this time updated with 2022 numbers AND counting the new addition of the Leagues of Votann
Let's begin with some numbers:
If we start counting in 1990 (which is the year this lexicanum page places as the first one for Black Library output regarding 40k), the Imperium has recieved 552 books decidated to it The forces of Chaos have recieved 33 books in the same amount of time Craftworld Eldar 12 Dark Eldar 4 T'au 7 Necrons 5 Orks 6 Tyranids 4 Leagues of Votann 0
So, in order for every single race to have 552 books, we would need: (552-33) + (552-12) + (552-4) + (552-7) + (552-5) + (552-6) + (552-4) + 552 books written by Black Library
That is to say, we would need 4345 stories dedicated to non-imperium factions
So, that's all well and good, but to have an idea of how long this would take to write, we need to know Black Library's average output every year If we start counting in 2012, we average Black Library's output of 44.36... stories every year.
Then, we devide 4345 by 44.36 and we arrive at
97.94 years required to reach equal coverage. And that is assuming that Black Library entirely stops producing Imperium content until parity between races is reached
(if you want to remove the Tyranids entirely because "space bugs are boring", congrats, we now "only" need 85.59 years
And if we start measuring Black Library's output in 2002 instead, we average 30.71.. books per year, which bring the amount of time needed for full parity to 141.48 years instad.
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august-anon · 3 years
We Can Try
Oh look it's my favorite trope again lol. So, this takes place when Aizawa and Mic are like, early 20s, so it's technically pre-canon to BNHA but I guess not pre-canon to the Vigilantes stuff? But I haven't read that yet so who knows if it lines up lol. Also, this has been done since like February, but I haven't posted it yet because there's supposed to be a sequel and I still haven't even started it after all these months lol. We'll see how soon it gets done
Fandom: BNHA
Ship(s): EraserMic
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Mic/Ler!Aizawa (brief Ler!Mic/Lee!Aizawa)
Word Count: 4345 words
Summary: Hizashi comes clean about something he's been craving for a long time, and Shouta is more than happy to assist. There’s just one problem... Hizashi’s convinced it won’t work.
[ao3 link]
It didn’t take long after their confessions for Hizashi and Shouta to find themselves tangled together on the couch, lip-locked. Hizashi had honestly thought it would take far longer, considering Shouta’s preference to take things slow, but Hizashi certainly wasn’t complaining as Shouta’s kisses got more and more heated. Maybe being best friends for seven years before finally admitting to their pining removed a few steps from the equation.
Not that Hizashi wanted to go any further than making out that day. And luckily, it seemed as though Shouta was on the same page, so Hizashi didn’t feel any pressure as he slowly pushed Shouta onto his back and straddled his hips, changing the angle of the kiss. 
Shouta let out a tiny, pleased hum and Hizashi couldn’t suppress the bubble of joy in his chest, his smile almost breaking their kiss. Shouta reached up and gripped his hips, and it was Hizashi’s turn to gasp into Shouta’s mouth, trying to push himself even closer. Shouta’s hand slid under his shirt and up his bare back and Hizashi shivered, Shouta surging forward to swallow another little gasp escaping from his lips.
Damn, Hizashi thought. Where the hell did he learn to kiss like that?
Finally feeling a bit more stable in their new position, Hizashi moved his hands from where he’d been holding himself up on either side of Shouta’s head. He dragged them down Shouta’s chest and slipped them beneath the hem of his shirt, gently dragging his blunt nails up Shouta’s sides.
And then Shouta flinched and pulled away and the only thought running through Hizashi’s head was oh no, I fucked up.
But then Shouta’s quiet laugh filled Hizashi’s ears and his heart was thrumming for a reason entirely separate from fear. Though Hizashi was hesitant to think it so early on (although, was it really that early on when Hizashi had been falling for him for the better part of a decade?), a certain L-word came to mind at the gentle sound.
Hizashi was forced out of his reverie as Shouta’s squirming under him got more and more pronounced and his hands finally stopped squeezing his hips so that they could try and remove Hizashi’s hands from his sides.
“No tickling allowed!” He stuttered out through his giggles.
Hizashi grinned, trying to ignore the swooping in his stomach and the butterflies in his heart. He especially tried to ignore the mischievous, playfully predatory thoughts that were beginning to fill his head. While he didn’t remove his hands from Shouta’s sides, he did press them flat against the skin in an effort to stop the accidental tickling.
“Sorry,” Hizashi said, knowing he didn’t sound sorry in the slightest. “I honestly forgot you were ticklish, was it always that bad?” 
Shouta scowled and crossed his arms as best he could with Hizashi sitting on top of him with his hands buried under his shirt.
Hizashi bit his lip on his grin as the thought, I know how to make that smile come back, came to his mind entirely unprompted. He carefully kept his hands still and flat against Shouta’s skin.
“No,” Shouta bit out after a moment. “It was never that bad when the others got me.”
Hizashi couldn’t help how his grin widened. “Aw, babe! Are you saying I’m special?”
A light flush came to Shouta’s cheeks that was entirely unrelated to their previous activities and Hizashi let out a fond little coo on the tail end of a laugh. Shouta apparently decided that that was the last straw, and started trying again to push Hizashi’s hands out of his shirt.
“No, I’m saying you’re a nuisance.”
Hizashi bit his lip again. He could still see the traces of a smile in Shouta’s face. Though his mouth was stern and his jaw was set, his eyebrows weren’t all bunched up and the skin around his eyes was still crinkled as if he was smiling. That, plus the fact that he really wasn’t putting that much effort into shoving Hizashi away (seriously, the man could have Hizashi pinned to the ground in seconds, and yet was having trouble getting Hizashi’s hands out of his shirt? Hizashi called bullshit), assured him that Shouta was far from angry at the situation. In fact, it seemed like they were both still having fun.
So Hizashi made a calculated risk, hoping Shouta wouldn’t kill him for it later.
He let out a fake gasp and made the most overly dramatic affronted expression he could. “Is that any way to treat your boyfriend, Sho?”
Shouta’s eyes widened and he froze. “Wait, ‘Zashi--”
Hizashi did not, in fact, wait.
His hands immediately morphed back into claws, only this time the tickling was a lot more purposeful than before and Shouta was laughing a lot harder. His hands scrabbled weakly at Hizashi’s through the fabric of his shirt, but the effort was quickly abandoned as Shouta slammed his arms to his sides to prevent Hizashi from crawling any higher up his ribcage.
Hizashi could listen to Shouta’s laugh all day, if he could. It was a quiet sound, always making Hizashi go silent when he heard it so he could absorb it all. No matter how hard he laughed, it never got any louder, just more intense, and Hizashi almost thought it was funny how well Shouta’s laugh suited him.
Not to mention the smiles it drew out of him. Shouta rarely smiled for real, making good use of that feral smile full of shark teeth, a look he’d perfected in high school to scare off his bullies. Or, if he did smile for real, he would duck his head down and bury it in the capture weapon that was a near-permanent fixture around his neck.
But right now, that smile had nowhere to hide, and Hizashi was going to enjoy it to the fullest.
Deciding trying to get into Shouta’s underarms was a futile effort, Hizashi instead began moving his hands down. Shouta’s eyes widened again and Hizashi knew he was on the right track. He couldn’t help but let out an evil little chuckle, though he quickly fell silent again afterwards to continue relishing in Shouta’s laughter.
And then Shouta snorted when Hizashi reached his hips, bucking hard and squeezing his eyes shut. Hizashi dug in, sure he had found the jackpot and began to crow in delight, when suddenly he found himself as the one with his back to the cushions, Shouta crawling on top of him with a playfully threatening expression.
“You’re so dead, Mic,” he growled, though it wasn’t nearly as frightening as Shouta was probably going for, thanks to all his panting.
Hizashi gulped, feeling that swoop in his stomach once more, but it was quickly overpowered by his premature feelings of disappointment. He tried to mask it as Shouta leaned over him, keeping his smug grin firmly in place, but judging by the way Shouta narrowed his eyes, he could tell something was up.
Shouta hummed, leaning in closer. “Where are you ticklish then, ‘Zashi?” Shouta’s hands came to rest on his sides, fingers curled so the points pressed into his flesh. “If you tell me now, I might go easy on you.”
Hizashi flashed back to all the times Nemuri tried to tase his sides or ribs and failed, only serving to spook him and not make him laugh. To all the times Tensei grabbed at his knees, whether in revenge or to shut him up, and Hizashi didn’t even so much as twitch or crack a smile (well, at least not one related to the attempted tickling). To all the times the two (and even Shouta, on occasion) had dogpiled on top of him and dug tickling fingers into his flesh to try and win a tickle fight only to garner no reaction.
“I don’t know,” Hizashi said honestly, fighting to keep his face playful. “I don’t think I am, really.”
Shouta narrowed his eyes. “You may have been good at hiding it when we were younger,” he said, fingers twitching, “but there’s no damn way you aren’t ticklish.” 
And then Shouta punctuated the end of his sentence with a squeeze. It was probably timed to try and catch Hizashi off guard so he would laugh, but nothing happened. Hizashi felt his unbothered facade slipping.
“Told you, babe. I guess I’ll just be winning all the tickle fights in this relationship. Good thing you have the best laugh ever! I could listen to i--”
“Why do you sound disappointed?” Shouta said, blunt as ever.
Hizashi scrambled for a moment. He could lie. He could say Shouta read him wrong (like that would ever happen), or that he felt put-out for losing and getting pinned so easily. Or he could distract Shouta, get them to start making out again so the interaction would slip his mind. He could come up with some lie--
But could he?
This was Shouta he was talking about. Shouta, who had never judged Hizashi once in their lives. Shouta, who filled the spot of best friend before Hizashi could even blink. Shouta, who he’d been pining for since they were fifteen. Shouta, who was now his boyfriend.
And best friends turned boyfriends deserved the truth.
Hizashi stuttered for a moment, trying to get his voice to work the way he wanted it to, before he managed to force out, “Can I-- Could we have this conversation… without you on top of me?”
The words had barely finished leaving his mouth before Shouta was off of him. Hizashi quickly sat up, leaving the rest of the couch now free from his long legs. He winced when Shouta sat all the way at the other end.
“I didn’t mean that far,” he mumbled, staring down at his hands.
After a moment, the couch cushion dipped next to Hizashi and Shouta’s thigh came into his field of vision. Then, so did two hands that reached out to grab his own, stopping him from picking his cuticles raw and bloody.
“Hizashi,” Shouta said, voice barely above a whisper. “Are you okay?”
Hizashi plastered on another one of his grins. “I’m fine! It’s just…” His grin faltered. “It’s not something I’ve ever really talked about before?”
“Well, I’m a good listener.”
This time, Hizashi’s grin was far more true. “And don’t I know it,” he replied, leaning over to peck Shouta on the cheek.
Shouta leaned in before Hizashi had fully pulled away and nuzzled his nose into Hizashi’s cheek. “Take your time.”
Hizashi took a few moments to breathe as he thought of where to start. Shouta, true to his word, sat quietly and ready to listen. Every few seconds, he would run his thumbs over Hizashi’s knuckles or squeeze his hands, like he was trying to let Hizashi know that he was still there.
“I have this thing,” Hizashi said, and then immediately winced at the terrible wording.
“A thing?” Shouta prompted when he didn’t start up again.
“I--It’s just--I like--” Hizashi cut himself off with a frustrated huff. “It’s so embarrassing to talk about.”
Shouta nuzzled his cheek again.
“I was disappointed because… I like it.” Hizashi spat out the words like they were acid, but once they were out, the words wouldn’t stop coming. “I like tickling. It’s just, it seems fun. It’s fun to do with friends, to do to them at least. I just… I want to be tickled, it looks like it’s so much fun, but it never works, it’s never worked. And and every time someone tries, I know it’s not gonna work, but it still upset me every time, and it’s so dumb--”
“I’m gonna stop you there,” Shouta said, voice firm, and Hizashi’s heart stopped dead. “It’s not dumb.”
Hizashi looked up. Shouta placed a hand on his cheek and gave him one of those rare small smiles.
“It’s not, ‘Zashi. It’s perfectly reasonable to be disappointed about something like that. Anyway, I don’t think you have to be embarrassed about liking tickling, I don’t think it’s weird.”
“You don’t?”
Shouta grinned at him, moving his hand back down to squeeze Hizashi’s fingers again. “It’s pretty cute, ‘Zashi. I mean, tickling? That’s adorable.”
Hizashi couldn’t stop the embarrassed grin that spread across his face even as he felt his cheeks start to burn. He tried to tug his hands back to hide his face but Shouta wouldn’t let go, so instead he brought their joined hands up to attempt to hide his face.
Shouta hummed. “I know I said you didn’t need to be embarrassed, but really, I think you’re pretty damn adorable like this.”
“Yes, ‘Zashi?” Shouta asked, but this time he put a teasing little lilt in his voice that made Hizashi’s stomach do somersaults. 
Hizashi didn’t bother replying, simply burying his face deeper into their joined hands.
He heard Shouta chuckle fondly, but soon after, Shouta leaned in closer and spoke in a much more serious tone, “Hey. I know you don’t think it would work, but we could try?”
Hizashi peeked his eyes out from behind their hands. “Try?”
Shouta shrugged. “I was more ticklish with you than I am with Tensei or Nemuri. Maybe the same is true for you?”
Hizashi hated the traitorous hope that built up in his heart. “Really?”
“Let’s move somewhere with a bit more room, yeah?”
Shouta stood and pulled Hizashi up with him, carefully leading him down the hall to the bedroom. He kept a careful eye on Hizashi the whole way, and Hizashi knew Shouta was trying to read his microexpressions, making sure he was on board with what was happening. And it just so happened that Hizashi was more than on board with the current line of events.
“We don’t have to do this now if you don’t want to,” Shouta said as he opened the bedroom door. “We can do it later, or never.”
“Nope,” Hizashi said, with far more confidence and conviction than he was feeling. “You got my hopes up, you’re going through with it.”
Shouta gave him another small smile before a devious look entered his eyes. Hizashi didn’t even have time to react before Shouta had swept him off his feet, making Hizashi squeal, and tossed him onto the bed. Hizashi couldn’t help but laugh as he bounced on the mattress, Shouta climbing up after him. Shouta’s playful side was something heavily guarded, and to this day, Hizashi still felt giddy every time he got to experience it.
“So,” Shouta said, settling over his hips again. “What should I do to you?”
Hizashi hummed happily, a giddy bubble settling into his chest even as the words sent another round of swooping butterflies through his stomach. He reached out and slid his hands up under Shouta’s shirt to grip his waist, needing to be close to him. Of course, he couldn’t help but teasingly brush his thumbs at the edges of Shouta’s stomach just to watch him jolt.
This time, Shouta reacted much faster. Before Hizashi could blink, his wrists were nabbed and pinned above his head by one of Shouta’s hands. Hizashi gasped and squirmed, trying to escape, but Shouta had always been much stronger than him, relying far more on hand-to-hand combat than Hizashi did with his own quirk.
“Are you trying to make this worse for yourself?” Shouta growled.
“Maybe,” Hizashi muttered, looking away.
Shouta let out a low chuckle that sent shivers down Hizashi’s spine for multiple reasons. Against his better judgement, Hizashi met Shouta’s eyes.
“It’s so cute to watch you squirm.”
The current turn of events was entirely unfair, in Hizashi’s humble opinion, especially with how much more he started to squirm with Shouta’s statement alone. He hadn’t teased Shouta earlier, when he’d been drawing the laughter out of him. How did Shouta even know how to tease like this?
And despite logically knowing he wouldn’t feel a ticklish thing, Hizashi still gasped when Shouta slid a hand under his shirt to grip his side, much like Hizashi had just done to him. He, too, rubbed his thumb against Hizashi’s skin teasingly, though the touch was firm enough that even the most ticklish of people wouldn’t have twitched.
“I might just keep you like this for a while,” Shouta hummed, eyes scanning down his torso. “Face all red, looking so nervous. If you keep biting your lip like that, you’re going to split it.”
Hizashi grumbled wordlessly, trying to bend his elbows in to cover his face, which, true to Shouta’s word, was steadily growing redder. Shouta caught him and eliminated the possibility immediately, tugging his arms up even higher so he had no slack to shield himself with.
“You don’t get to hide. It’s not often I get to see the great Present Mic so flustered.”
“Shut up!” Hizashi whined.
If he had been wanting to be tickled before, he was craving it now. While Hizashi had explored plenty online and certainly knew that teasing words would affect him, he had no clue that it could be so unbearable when implemented in real life. The nervous, anticipatory, fluttery feeling that started in his stomach had begun moving up into his chest now, as well. He felt like a big ball of nerves. He was torn between hating it and loving it.
Shouta hummed. “You were clearly enjoying yourself when tickling me,” he said, leaning in to purr directly into Hizashi’s ear. “I think it’s only fair that I have a little fun of my own.”
“Yes, Sunshine?”
“Just-- Will you just test it already?”
The thumb rubbing against his side halted and Shouta raised an eyebrow. “Test what?”
Hizashi threw his head back (as much as he could while he was laying down with it on a pillow, at least) and groaned. “Please don’t make me say it again!”
Shouta buried his face into Hizashi’s neck, and Hizashi could feel the grin against his skin. “No, I think I will. Ask nicely, then we’ll try.”
“Please?” Hizashi tried, despite knowing Shouta wouldn’t let him get away with just that.
“I know you can do better than that, Hizashi,” Shouta said. “Come on, full sentences. You’re a radio host, aren’t you? Talking is your job, surely you’re better at it than that.”
Hizashi groaned again and then tilted his head so he could bury his face in Shouta’s mane of hair.
“Will you please try tickling me?” He mumbled.
“Good enough for me,” Shouta said against his neck, then immediately began pressing soft, open-mouthed kisses against the skin.
Hizashi hummed and let his eyes slide shut, tipping his head back to give Shouta more access, despite not understanding his motivations since Hizashi was supposed to be getting tickled right about now. Shouta made an approving noise, bringing his teeth into the mix and sucking at the skin before quickly soothing the spot with more kisses. At least Hizashi’s directional speaker hid his neck, he didn’t want to try explaining that one away to the press.
One hand still kept Hizashi’s wrists securely pinned above his head, and Hizashi found that entirely unfair. Shouta knew he liked to use his hands a lot when kissing or making out, and he couldn’t help but try to wiggle them free to at least run them through Shouta’s hair. Shouta gave his wrists a warning squeeze and Hizashi took the hint, stopping his struggles.
Shouta eventually made his way up to Hizashi’s ear, a spot that never failed to make Hizashi melt. Shouta had figured that one out quickly, much to his chagrin. Hizashi still hadn’t found any similar spots on Shouta, yet.
Hizashi melted into the mattress with a sigh as Shouta lavished affection around his ear, just the way he liked. Then, Shouta did something he’d never done before, that none of Hizashi’s lovers had ever done before. He drew Hizashi’s earlobe into his mouth and nibbled on it ever-so-slightly.
Hizashi’s eyes flew open as he choked on a gasp, his body attempting to jolt away from Shouta. An involuntary smile fought onto his face and Hizashi couldn’t help but bite his lip to try and diminish it. Was this…
Shouta dropped Hizashi’s earlobe to murmur into his ear, “Oh? What was that? I thought you weren’t ticklish, Sunshine.”
Hizashi oddly felt like he couldn’t catch his breath, but in a good way. His stomach was doing somersaults, and it felt like there were butterflies floating underneath his ribs. He sucked in a breath as Shouta pressed a gentle kiss to the shell of his ear before pulling back, releasing his hands as well.
“Well,” Hizashi said, his voice far softer than intended. “That’s one spot.”
Shouta smiled, slowly pushing Hizashi’s shirt up. “It is. Shirt on or off?”
Hizashi’s blush flared up again and he bit his lip. “Um. On?”
Shouta nodded, leaving his shirt bunched up just above the base of his ribcage, leaving his sides and stomach exposed.
“Okay?” He asked.
Hizashi nodded and relaxed a little. He relaxed even more when Shouta reached up to brush his thumb against Hizashi’s cheekbone.
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” Hizashi grumbled.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” Shouta said. Then he smirked. “Don’t worry, I won’t let up until you’re nice and relaxed.”
Hizashi let out an embarrassed smile and covered his face with his newly-freed hands. Shouta laughed and leaned over him to kiss the backs of his palms.
“Keep hiding like that and I’ll have to tie you up,” Shouta said, clearly teasing.
And yet, despite Shouta likely not meaning it, Hizashi’s breath left him. Shouta froze.
“Do-- You would want that?”
Hizashi made an embarrassed noise. “I mean, not now, but… maybe? Another time?”
Hizashi peeked through his fingers to see Shouta biting his lip.
“We… can talk about that later.”
Hizashi nodded, and Shouta rolled his eyes. He pulled Hizashi’s hands away from his face, gently pushing them away from his torso.
“I want to see you.”
Hizashi pouted. “Now that’s not fair.”
Shouta grinned. “It’s perfectly fair.”
Hizashi resisted the urge to cross his arms or cover his face, instead fisting his hands in the bed sheets several centimeters away from his torso. Leaving plenty of room for Shouta’s hands on his skin.
“Tell me if you want to stop, yeah?” Shouta asked, laying his palm flat on Hizashi’s stomach.
Hizashi took a deep breath. “Yeah, okay.”
Out of nowhere, Shouta’s other hand pinched Hizashi’s side. It startled him, making him jump, but it didn’t tickle. While he was distracted by that, before Hizashi’s disappointment could set in, all five fingers of the hand on Hizashi’s stomach started scratching away at his abdomen. Hizashi gasped and his hands instantly flew up to his mouth.
“Don’t hide your smile, ‘Zashi,” Shouta murmured. “It’s so beautiful.”
“You can’t just say things like that!”
Hizashi twitched as the scratching fingers started searching out sensitive spots, Shouta’s other hand coming back into the mix and wiggling ever-so-lightly at the side of Hizashi’s hip, where his sweatpants had ridden down. Hizashi bit his lip on his smile under his hands, feeling giggles build up in his chest as he held his breath.
And this was it, Hizashi realized. This was what he’d been missing all this time. This maddening sensation that made him want to move closer and squirm away all at once, this was what he’d been missing out on for all those years. And it was working. This was the third best day of Hizashi’s life, only behind the day he met Shouta and the day he and Shouta confessed.
Shouta grinned down at him. “Everything you dreamed of?”
“Shut up!” Hizashi said, cursing when a giggle slipped out in the retort. “Oh god!”
“So, what do I get for winning?”
Hizashi squealed as Shouta’s fingers started rapidly crawling up his sides and ribs. His hands shot down to grip Shouta’s arms, trying his best to not to push him away.
“Whatever you want!” Hizashi cried out through his growing laughter.
“Whatever I want?”
Hizashi nodded, his eyes squeezing shut as he laughed. He felt Shouta lean in and put his lips right next to Hizashi’s ear.
“Well, it’s a good thing I want to hear you laugh.”
Hizashi let out a full shriek when Shouta’s hands shot up into his armpits under his shirt, scratching away at the shockingly sensitive skin. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, he started nibbling on Hizashi’s ear again, making his laughter go all high-pitched and squealing. Even Shouta’s soft exhales started to tickle.
And that was definitely something Hizashi was noticing. Now that he was laughing and giggling and squealing away, he even felt more ticklish. He wondered if even a squeeze to his sides or hips or knees would actually be effective, now, when they had never been before. Even the air in the room, brushing across his bare sides and stomach, made him feel all tingly.
And then it all stopped.
Shouta pulled back, suddenly and without a word. Cool air swept in onto Hizashi where their bodies had been pressed together, and he couldn’t help but shiver. Hizashi furrowed his brows and dropped his hands from where they covered his mouth, panting for air. Did he do something wrong?
“Why’d we stop?”
Shouta cocked his head to one side, tugging his hair up and out of his face and tying it up. “I’m going to give you a challenge.”
“... A challenge?”
Shouta gave him that shark-like grin. “I’m going to try and find all your tickle spots. And you, Hizashi. You cannot try to stop me or cover your face. If you do, I stop until you get back into position.”
Hizashi felt his face heating up, and Shouta’s smile got a more predatory edge to it. His breath caught in his throat as Shouta leaned in to talk directly into his ear again, leaving Hizashi shivering for a completely different reason.
“Well?” He breathed against the shell of Hizashi’s ear.
“Challenge accepted,” Hizashi whispered.
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hezjena · 3 years
2020 - Fics in Review
Ahh thank you so much @sidhelives for tagging me, which was actually amazing, because I was thinking that I hadn’t written a lot this year… but turns out I really had! And also booo, for making me do so much maths. An I pass the curse of having to do maths onto @piecesofsolaswriting and of course to anyone who wants to do it! <3
Overall Stats Total Words Written: 153340 Total Completed Fics: 9 Average Words Per Month: 12778
Ongoing Fics and Series
Rituals of the Dalish - Dragon Age Els Lavellan/Solas - 35 new Chapters - 94047 And I completely edited it from 1st person to 3rd… which took a long time
Make No Mistake - Dragon Age Merrill/Fem!Hawke - 9153
Writer’s Block - Dragon Age Varric/Cassandra - 4345
The Cottage on the Amaranthine Coast - Dragon Age Els Lavellan/Solas - 8247
Completed Fics
Fever Dream - Dragon Age Els Lavellan/Solas - 16115
Presumption - Dragon Age Els Lavellan/Solas - 2645
Elfroot Tea - Dragon Age Keeper Deshanna Character Study - 2382
Malfeasance - Dragon Age Merrill Character Study - 6,049
Midnight - Dragon Age Merrill/Marina Hawke - 2138
Come to the Table - Dragon Age Celene/Anora - 2,450
Fluff on their Own Terms - Dragon Age Varric&Cassandra - 1386
Holding Out For A Hero - Dragon Age Cassandra/Fem!Hawke - 1014
Hunger - Castlevania Striga/Morana - 2305 words
Fic I spent the most time on:
That would have to be Rituals of Dalish, my long fic that just keeps going. I even took five months out over the course of the year to edit it twice. Which was a slightly insane undertaking, but I’m really happy with how it has turned out and am inspired to keep writing!
Fic I spent the least time on:
It would have to be Come to the Table, I saw the prompt, and fell into a writing black hole. I just got hit with a bolt of inspiration lightning, typed the whole first draft up on my phone in a couple of hours (my wrists hated me) and had it edited a few hours after that. The whole experience took maybe six hours in total.
Favourite thing that I wrote this year:
It’s going to be a toss up between Fluff on their Own Terms - a cracky fic about Varric writing a terribly smutty version of Swords and Shields Two, in order to annoy Cassandra and Malfeasance, which couldn’t be more different. A dark look at Merrill’s backstory that tackles her difficult relationship with Marethari and was written because of Cryptographic_Delurk’s gorgeous prompt.
Favourite things that I read this year:
Ohhh the list is so long… I have read so much this year. I guess I’m going to stick with five, that seems like a good number. Although I know I’m missing so many good ones, and I apologise to everyone who I’ve missed <3
Vindicated - PiecesofSolas / @piecesofsolaswriting
An absolutely fantastic Solavellan fic, that has drama, intrigue and excitement. That I even got the absolute honour of proofreading this autumn. Vindicated is just so fun, it’s so easy to get lost in the pages and lose hours to this fic, it’s just soo good.
Though the Truth May Vary This Ship Will Carry On - Cryptographic_Delurk / @the-cryptographer
Probably a cheat, because it was a gift, but it’s a truly beautiful look at Isabela that I just want everyone to read. In places it is dark, but doesn’t shy away from any of the darkness - which I live for. I have read this so many times and it still hits right between my ribs. Utter perfection.
The Queen of Peace - @beaubashley
So I read the prequel to this, Good Grief last year and it has haunted me with the absolutely beautiful plot, writing and story. It lives in my brain completely rent free. The sequel utterly lives up to the first and is so good, heartbreaking, tragic and is in my humble opinion, the epitome of Solvallan Hell.
The Coolness of Your Shadow - Viscariafields / @nug-juggler
I had to mention this one, not only did it make me realise that I adore Bethany/Alistair - but it’s so well written and sweet that I’ve read it a couple of times just because I wanted to re-experience the absolute joy that is reading this fic.
Carrion for Crows (Remastered) - Alexis_Trvlyn
This one gets an honourable mention, as at the time of writing this, there are just two chapters posted. But I read a lot of Carrion for Crows and absolutely loved it, gritty and dark and a delicious reversal of Solavallen. And now it is being rewritten, bigger and better and probably even more delicious. And I just cannot wait.
Things I want to work on in 2021:
Ohhhh, if I said finish Rituals I might cry. But maybe if I say I’d like to at least finish Act Two, that is a more reasonable goal. Beyond that I have a to-do list a mile long, and a reading list even longer. And I’m sure I’ll get to both eventually, haha. I want also want to work on emotive writing and I think I’m about getting a good handle on emotions, but I want to push myself harder and try to get it down. 
2020 was a mess. I don’t think I need to say anymore on that, but I’ve been able to deal with so much of the mess by living in Thedas - and I have made so many good friends in the community and I’m just really grateful for everyone. To 2021 being better! 
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4345
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Jan 29/30,  2020                Wed/Thu 8:31 AM
Birthday - EF - Nasser Algharibeh  .. Thursday, January 30 .. love and greetings on your birthday and the affection of the Ef .. 
A breezy day .. a pooja to the Goddess Saraswati .. her blessings sought .. and then spending time with what Saraswati blessed my Father with .. his wisdom his writing and his immense genius , which I discover each passing day .. there is not a page that I open , whether of his poetry or his prose to find so much to learn and educate myself with ..
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.. I must to work .. the night before tempted me to retire early .. so the amiss with the Blog , but at work and in between there shall be an attempt to connect and deliver ..
My love to all ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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fastcarvegas · 2 years
Monaco GP
**MONACO 2022 Weekend**
f1tv link: <https://f1tv.formula1.com/page/4345/formula-1-grand-prix-de-monaco-2022>
Fri May 27 - Sun May 29
*Free Practice 1* -- Friday
5:00 am / 7:00 am / 8:00 am / 1:00 pm // Sat 2:00 am
*Free Practice 2* -- Friday
8:00 am / 10:00 am / 11:00 am / 4:00 pm // Sat 5:00 am
*Free Practice 3* -- Saturday
4:00 am / 6:00 am / 7:00 am / 12:00 pm // Sun 1:00 am
*Qualifying* -- Saturday
7:00 am / 9:00 am / 10:00 am / 3:00 pm // Sun 4:00 am
*RACE* -- Sunday
6:00 am / 8:00 am / 9:00 am / 2:00 pm // Mon 3:00 am
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Titanium is the perfect metal to make replacement human body parts
Titanium material is expensive and can be problematic when it comes to traditional processing technologies. For example, its high melting point (1,670℃, much higher than steel alloys) is a challenge.
The relatively low-cost precision of 3D printing is therefore a game-changer for titanium. 3D printing is where an object is built layer by layer and designers can create amazing shapes.
This allows the production of complex shapes such as replacement parts of a jaw bone, heel, hip, dental implants, or cranioplasty plates in surgery. It can also be used to make golf clubs and aircraft components.
The CSIRO is working with industry to develop new technologies in 3D printing using titanium. (It even made a dragon out of titanium.)
Advances in 3D printing are opening up new avenues to further improve the function of customised bodypart implants made of titanium.
Such implants can be designed to be porous, making them lighter but allowing blood, nutrients and nerves to pass through and can even promote bone in-growth.
Safe in the body
Titanium is considered the most biocompatible metal – not harmful or toxic to living tissue – due to its resistance to corrosion from bodily fluids. This ability to withstand the harsh bodily environment is a result of the protective oxide film that forms naturally in the presence of oxygen.
Its ability to physically bond with bone also gives titanium an advantage over other materials that require the use of an adhesive to remain attached. Titanium implants last longer, and much larger forces are required to break the bonds that join them to the body compared with their alternatives.
Titanium alloys commonly used in load-bearing implants are significantly less stiff – and closer in performance to human bone – than stainless steel or cobalt-based alloys.
Aerospace applications
Titanium weighs about half as much as steel but is 30% stronger, which makes it ideally suited to the aerospace industry where every gram matters.
In the late 1940s the US government helped to get production of titanium going as it could see its potential for “aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, and other military purposes”.
Titanium has increasingly become the buy-to-fly material for aircraft designers striving to develop faster, lighter and more efficient aircraft.
About 39% of the US Air Force’s F22 Raptor, one of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, is made of titanium.
Civil aviation moved in the same direction with Boeing’s new 787 Dreamliner made of 15% titanium, significantly more than previous models.
Two key areas where titanium is used in airliners is in their landing gear and jet engines. Landing gear needs to withstand the massive amounts of force exerted on it every time a plane hits a runway.
Titanium’s toughness means it can absorb the huge amounts of energy expelled when a plane lands without ever weakening.
Titanium’s heat resistance means it can be used inside modern jet engines, where temperatures can reach 800℃. Steel begins to soften at around 400℃ but titanium can withstand the intense heat of a jet engine without losing its strength.
Where to find titanium
In its natural state, titanium is always found bonded with other elements, usually within igneous rocks and sediments derived from them.
The most commonly mined materials containing titanium are ilmenite (an iron-titanium oxide, FeTiO3) and rutile (a titanium oxide, TiO2).
Ilmenite is most abundant in China, whereas Australia has the highest global proportion of rutile, about 40% according to Geoscience Australia. It’s found mostly on the east, west and southern coastlines of Australia.
Both materials are generally extracted from sands, after which the titanium is separated from the other minerals.
Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of titanium, producing more than 1.5 million tonnes in 2014. South Africa and China are the two next leading producers of titanium, producing 1.16 and 1 million tonnes, respectively.
Being among the top ten most abundant elements in Earth’s crust, titanium resources aren’t currently under threat – good news for the many scientists and innovators constantly looking for new ways to improve life with titanium.
Titanium Forgings Shapes
Titanium forgings refer to products manufactured by the process of shaping metal utilizing compressive forces. The compressive forces used are generally delivered via pressing, pounding, or squeezing under great pressure. Although there are many different kinds of forging processes available, they can be grouped into three main classes:
Forging produces pieces that are stronger than an equivalent cast or machined part. As the metal is shaped during the forging process, the internal grain deforms to follow the general shape of the part. This results in a grain that is continuous throughout the part, resulting in its high strength characteristics. Forgings are broadly classified as either cold, warm or hot forgings, according to the temperature at which the processing is performed.
Iron and steel are nearly always hot forged, which prevents the work hardening that would result from cold forging. Work hardening increases the difficulty of performing secondary machining operations on the metal pieces. When work hardening is desired, other methods of hardening, most notably heat treating, may be applied to the piece. Alloys such as aluminum and titanium that are amenable to precipitation hardening can be hot forged, followed by hardening. Because of their high strength, forgings are almost always used where reliability and human safety are critical such as in the aerospace, automotive, ship building, oil drilling, engine and petrochemical industries.
For more information or to receive a prompt aluminum price quote, please contact us at 800 398-4345 or submit the Request Information form on the right side of this page.
Titanium rod and bar are made from a corrosion-resistant material that has one of the highest strength-to-weight ratios of all metals. Due to the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high-temperature resistance, and non-magnetic properties of titanium rods, it is used in the main parts of equipment, shaft body, solid parts, mixing shaft, etc.
Titanium Rods’ Characteristics
In addition, titanium rods have the characteristics of high strength, good toughness, low modulus of elasticity, compatibility with the human body, and are widely used in the medical industry.
The forging material of the titanium rod is mainly pure titanium and titanium alloy of various compositions, and the original state of the material is titanium rod, titanium ingot, metal powder, and liquid metal.
The ratio of the cross-sectional area of the metal before deformation to the cross-sectional area after deformation is called the forging ratio. Proper selection of forging ratio, reasonable heating temperature and holding time, reasonable initial forging temperature, and final forging temperature, reasonable deformation, and deformation speed is closely related to improving product quality and reducing cost.
Generally, small and medium-sized forgings use round or square bars as blanks. If the grain structure and mechanical properties of the bar are uniform and good, the shape and size are accurate, and the surface quality is good, it is convenient for mass production. As long as the heating temperature and deformation conditions are properly controlled, high-quality forgings can be forged without requiring large forging deformation.
On the aircraft, titanium alloy is mainly used to manufacture the main force members such as girders, landing gears, hubs, and joints. Titanium alloy is mainly used to manufacture adapter rings, scraper fans, compressor discs, and blades on the engine.
In the metalworking world, every metal part possesses its own unique set of benefits. No matter what industry you’re in, it’s important to know the benefits of different metal components so that you can choose the part that will be the most valuable for your specific project. One metal part that is used in various industries for it’s advantages is titanium tubing! What are the benefits of titanium tubing? Keep reading to find out!
4 Benefits of Titanium Pipe and Tube
1. Lower Density
The density of Titanium pipe and tube is significantly lower than steel, copper, or nickel products. Despite their low density, they are very strong and rigid when compared to other alloy components.
2. Resistant to Corrosion
Another benefit of utilizing titanium tubing is that titanium alloys are resistant to corrosion. This makes these tubes an appealing option if you need a part to work efficiently in a highly corrosive environment.
3. Resistant to Chemicals
Corrosion is not the only thing that titanium tubes are resistant to. They are also resistant to chemicals. These titanium parts can withstand different chemical compounds while still preforming effectively.
4. Great Heat Transfer Properties
Titanium tubes have great heat transfer properties thanks to its thermal conductivity and resistance. The same can’t be said for copper and carbon steel tubes. Their resistance to heat also allows them to work successfully at temperatures up to 600 degrees or higher.
These are just a few of the many benefits that come from utilizing titanium tubes. Because of these benefits, you can find titanium tubing in countless important industries such as power generation, sporting goods, marine, nuclear, and paper industries.
If you’re interested in using titanium tubes for your next project, Ferralloy, Inc. can help! We also have the infrastructure and facilities to supply raw materials in numerous grades and forms! Visit our metalworking foundry online today!
Titanium is sliver grey, colored transition metal found in abundance among all minerals. Titanium has high melting point and offers very good corrosion resistant property, heat properties and strength to weight ratio. Titanium is extracted from ores of rutile and ilmenite. Aerospace & aviation industry is the major end user of the titanium product.
Titanium is used in production of super light high speed aircrafts, satellites and spacecrafts, and ships. Apart from aerospace & aviation, some other major end user industries of titanium products include paper, plastic, and paints & coatings.
Titanium products are also popular in various healthcare applications such as pacemakers, and defibrillators due to chemical properties of titanium such as inertness to UV rays and self-cleaning properties.
Based on the different product type, the global titanium products market can be broadly categorized as titanium concentrate, titanium tetrachloride, titanium sponge, ferrotitanium, titanium pigment and other. Based on the various applications of the titanium product, the market can be segmented in seven broad categories namely, aerospace & marine, industrial, medical, energy, pigments, additives & coatings, and others.
Rising demand of titanium products in aircraft carriers, defense equipments and various other chemical processing industries such as oil and gas is driving the global titanium product market. Moreover, the recent development in cost effective manufacturing technology coupled with superior weight-to strength ratio compare to some of the other traditional product such as steel is expected to boost the market in upcoming years.
Unavailability of raw material, fluctuating price of input materials, and high cost of titanium product are some of the major challenge for the titanium product market.
North America is the largest market of titanium product followed by the Europe and Asia pacific. Asia Pacific is the fasted growing market. The major end user industry such as healthcare, power, automotive and aerospace industries of the titanium product is growing which in turns helping the titanium product market in this region.
Some of the major companies operating in global titanium products market include, Huntsman International, DuPont, Ineos, Iluka Resources Ltd., Sumitomo Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation., Toho Titanium Co., Ltd., RTI International Metals, Allegheny Technologies Incorporated, Titanium Metal Corporation., Tronox Limited (U.S)., Indian Rare Earths Limited (India)., and Sierra Rutile Limited (U.K)
Titanium is a well-known material to be characterised as flammable under certain morphologies. Titanium and its alloys have a great affinity for oxygen and will form a native 2-7 nm TiO2 layer instantly if a clean metallic surface is exposed to air at room temperature. This film prevents further oxidation from taking place and protects the underlying metal powder. When heat is applied, either through a thermal source or a spark, the powder can generally or locally heat to the point of thermal runaway or burning. The consensus mechanism of self-sustaining thermal runaway of titanium powder occurs by means of ion diffusion through this native TiO2 film on the titanium powder [1, 2]. As the micron size of the powder decreases, the specific surface area (in units of m2/g) increases at a rate of 6/d where d=particle diameter. In context, to fill a typical AM machine with 45 kg of titanium powder, with an average particle size of 20 μm, this powder will have enough surface area to cover over 3000 m2. Generally, titanium powders with a particle size < 45 μm are considered a flammability hazard.
When describing a reaction of any metal powder, there are three categories into which each reaction may fall: 1) stagnant, 2) freely aspirated and 3) conveyed. Stagnant powder reactions generally are a result of powder that collects on a horizontal surface and ignition is typically from a heat source, as a more significant source is necessary to ignite a stagnant bed of powder. When powder is dispersed in the air, the fine powders may stay aloft creating a cloud. Aspiration of powder, and specifically titanium powder, does not automatically mean the cloud will ignite spontaneously. However, if the temperature threshold or spark energy necessary for ignition is met, rapid oxidation of powder can occur as it mixes with oxygen from the air. This is a result of no thermal heat sink of other powders or materials in near proximity to the powder cloud allowing it to reach a much higher temperature and propagate to other powders, which may result in a large pressure increase and possible explosion.
Ignition can come from a variety of sources, which will be discussed throughout this article. Thermal exposure to temperatures of 300-700°C can cause ignition of titanium powder despite the native oxide layer (i.e., minimum ignition temperature or MIT). Spark ignition can come from a variety of sources including static electricity build-up, electric components and friction/impact of metal components. Titanium powder can have minimum (spark) ignition energies (MIE) of 3-30 mJ.
Powder production
After atomisation, Titanium powder is traditionally collected in a cyclone system. These powders are typically non-passivated. The transfer of these non-passivated powders from the atomisation cyclone to ancillary process containers is considered to present a high risk of thermal runaway, which may require breaking of the inert gas seal and exposure to oxygen with high potential for powder aspiration. To overcome this problem, non-passivated powder requires exposure to air (or a reactive gas) to passivate at room temperature, a very time consuming and potentially dangerous process. As an example, passivation of 215 kg of aluminium powder was conducted in a powder collection canister after atomisation, requiring a 20 hour cool down (below MIT), followed by a 1.5 hour passivation period [3]. While canisters can be isolated and moved for passivation, this process concentrates a large quantity of nascent surface powders (i.e. highly reactive) in a confined vessel, which is not ideal.
A novel passivation approach
As a solution to this problem, Praxair Surface Technologies, Inc. uses a novel in-situ passivation process that prevents further oxidation of the powder during exposure to air, thus minimising any exothermic reaction, thereby greatly diminishing the possibility of thermal runaway or burning of powder. Using Praxair’s in-situ process, titanium powders are passivated prior to reaching the cyclone collection and are deemed safe to handle after dropping below the aforementioned MIT (300-700°C in air). This not only increases the productivity of titanium powder production, but also greatly diminishes the hazards of the powder.
The ability to add a specific passivation layer to the titanium powder without greatly affecting the powder making process requires the formation of an oxide shell in-situ after the powders initially solidify and descend downwards within the atomisation chamber. The most important aspect of in-situ passivation is the generation of a layer similar (in thickness and chemistry) to the native oxide film that will form on the surface of titanium at room temperature (i.e., a 2-7 nm thick oxide) [4-7]. Oxide thickness becomes extremely important because of the extremely large surface area described above. Ideally, the total oxygen content should stay below 1300 ppmw (0.13 wt.%) for a 20 μm particle, which requires a target titanium oxide thickness of ~2-3 nm if the bulk material contains less than 1000 ppmw of O2. If the target oxide shell thickness of 1-3 nm can be produced then no additional oxidation should take place when exposed to air at room temperature for extended periods of time.
The post-processing of titanium powder undoubtedly will utilise electrical equipment from sieves, blenders, feeders, etc. This challenge also presents itself to users of AM equipment. When considering electrical installations involving any flammable substance, it is highly recommended to reference National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, particularly articles 500 to 504. These sections describe the recommended best installation practices for electrical equipment in the presence of a hazardous material. Class II is relevant to combustible dusts (e.g., metal powders) and, within Class II locations, there are Divisions I and II. To determine which division a process/material may fall into, the reader is directed to read these descriptions carefully.
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feastforaking · 6 years
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zubirproperty · 3 years
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That’s where ‘Morning Pages’ comes in. It’s basically a series of prompts to help me pay attention to the things in my life that I'm grateful for, that I'm in awe of, or that I might be holding onto or anxious about.
Dan Shipper: The Sultan of Superorganizers
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artmann100 · 3 years
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