#page 4339
pesterloglog · 5 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley, Davesprite
Act 6, page 4336-4345
JOHN: oh man, rose and dave have sweet god tier pajamas like us! that's so awesome.
JOHN: haha, dave looks like kind of a doofus with that snug little hood.
JADE: i think he looks cool!!!!!
JADE: the cape is great, hes like a super hero now
JOHN: that's true.
JOHN: i still think i prefer my outfit though.
JOHN: look at all those trolls...
JOHN: there are so many trolls. the idea of meeting them all is kind of overwhelming.
JOHN: i wonder which one is which?
JOHN: i think that must have been karkat there. and that was probably his clown asshole friend he mentioned, too.
JADE: yup
JOHN: and that was definitely terezi, with the fancy glasses.
JOHN: not sure about the others... i wonder if vriska was there?
JADE: ...
JOHN: it's nice to see rose looks better.
JOHN: last time i saw her, she looked really grim.
JOHN: and also, dark.
JOHN: i was trying to talk to her, but she sounded like a babbling monster, so i couldn't understand her.
JOHN: it was really frustrating, and all of my nervous rambling probably made me sound like an idiot.
JOHN: and then when i woke up later, she was dead.
JADE: :(
JOHN: did you know...
JOHN: that i had to kiss her to make her come back to life?
JADE: !!!
JOHN: yes, it's true.
JOHN: it's kind of weird kissing a dead body, but i didn't mind.
JOHN: how did you feel about it when you kissed dave when he died?
JADE: ...........
JADE: how did you know about that!
JOHN: karkat told me.
JADE: oh
JADE: that figures
JOHN: do you think that all of our unbridled corpse smooching means karkat's silly shipping prophecy will come true?
JADE: umm
JOHN: i mean, the guy is really angry, and says fuck like in practically every sentence.
JOHN: but he does weirdly seem to know what he's talking about when it comes to romance.
JADE: yeah
JADE: i dunno
JADE: do you want it to come true?
JOHN: man.
JOHN: i don't know.
JOHN: do you?
JADE: hmmmmmm.....
JOHN: hmm, indeed.
JADE: i think i miss them already
JADE: and weve only been here for a few minutes :(
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: there's a lot i want to tell them about.
JOHN: and a lot i want to ask them.
JADE: well
JADE: you could ask them now if you want
JOHN: really?
JADE: yes
JADE: in fact
JADE: you can hop right through me and join them
JADE: then you can travel with them to the new session if you like
JOHN: whoa!
JOHN: well, heck, why don't we do that then?
JOHN: it would probably be more fun with them than being on this golden battleship by ourselves.
JADE: it probably would!
JADE: but i cant go with you
JADE: i can serve as a gateway
JADE: but i cant travel to the sun myself, remember?
JOHN: oh yeah.
JOHN: dammit!
JADE: but its ok, really!
JADE: if thats what you wanted to do, i wouldnt mind
JADE: but whatever you do, you have to decide quickly
JADE: they will be departing from the sun very soon
JOHN: but i wouldn't want to leave you here all alone for three years.
JOHN: that would suck!
JADE: i wouldnt really be alone though
JADE: i have the population of five planets to keep me company!
JOHN: that's right.
JOHN: that makes it seem not so boring i guess.
JOHN: but still...
JOHN: i would feel really bad leaving you here, even if you do have a million salamanders and chess guys to keep you company.
JOHN: you are my friend and also my sorta-sister, and we just met for the first time ever a few minutes ago...
JOHN: i'm not going to be like, welp! see ya in three years jade!
JADE: awww :D
JADE: ok then
JADE: personally, i think this trip could be a lot of fun!
JADE: theres no pressure to do anything important or run around like lunatics anymore
JADE: we can just relax
JOHN: yeah.
JOHN: now that you mention it, i'm pretty beat.
JOHN: also... starving!!!
JADE: woof!
JADE: whoops
JOHN: heheh.
JOHN: i sure hope there are things to eat on those planets.
JOHN: there were a lot of weird glowing mushrooms on lowas. i dunno about those.
JOHN: i seem to remember a bunch of farms on the battlefield...
JADE: there should be lots of good stuff on the planets
JADE: also i would bet this ship is stocked with plenty of military rations
JOHN: yeah, probably.
JOHN: pff, hell, we could just raid all of our fridges and alchemize some tasty grub!
JADE: oh yeah!!!
JADE: durrr, problem solved
JOHN: ok, cool.
JOHN: but it would still be nice to say hi to everybody before they leave.
JOHN: just to let them know how we're doing.
JADE: yes
JOHN: like, one of the last things rose saw before she died was me dying...
JOHN: i wonder if she knows i'm ok?
JADE: im pretty sure she knows a ton of things now
JADE: considering she is a fully realized seer of light
JOHN: yeah, probably.
JOHN: then maybe i'll just hop over real fast, and give karkat a fist bump, and give dave a hard time about his hella tight little hood, and then hop back?
JADE: im sure that would be hilarious
JADE: but
JADE: if you go i dont think i can bring you back
JADE: i cant bring anyone or anything to here from there!
JOHN: aw man, really??
JADE: as far as i know...
JADE: if theres a way i havent figured it out yet
JADE: i am still kind of new to this omnipotence thing after all :\
JOHN: that's stupid.
JOHN: what is with all these rules!
JADE: i dont know!
JADE: im sure the rules exist for a good reason though
JADE: maybe to somewhat limit the power and reach of omnipotent beings?
JADE: if there are no limits at all, it could be especially dangerous in the wrong hands
JADE: like what happened with jack!
JOHN: isn't that a contradiction though?
JOHN: if there are limits to your powers, you can't exactly be OMNIpotent, can you?
JOHN: more like...
JOHN: semipotent.
JADE: then i guess thats what we are!
JADE: semipotent demigods
JOHN: demidogs.
JADE: woof woof woof!
JADE: dammit!!!!!!
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: can you not control the woofs?
JADE: i havent gotten the hang of the woofs yet :(
JOHN: so, the dog ears...
JOHN: is that a permanent thing now, or what?
JADE: i think so
JOHN: i like them.
JADE: i do too!
JOHN: you are like a furry now, but not really the weird kind that people on the internet like to have sex with in their imagination.
JOHN: hey, can i at least send a message through?
JOHN: like a note or something?
JADE: sure!
JADE: better hurry up and write it though
JOHN: oh snap! ok, gotta think, quick...
JOHN: what do i write on?
JOHN: maybe the back of a movie poster or something?
JOHN: i don't think i have one captchalogued though...
JOHN: and now that i think about it, most of them were ruined by imps. :(
JADE: how about this one?
JADE: looks like its still in pretty good condition
JOHN: yes, that's perfect!!!
JOHN: everyone will love it, especially probably dave.
JOHN: i think i need something to fold it up and put it in though.
JOHN: i don't want to just like crumple it up and chuck it in there like some garbage...
JOHN: i could stick it in a book i guess.
JOHN: but i kind of don't want to part with any great reading material, especially since we're going on a long trip.
JADE: john you have to hurry!
JOHN: ok, ok, um...
JADE: here, will this work?
JOHN: oh, yeah. i guess that'll be fine.
JOHN: now, uhhh, what to write...
JADE: whatever you write just make it quick!
JADE: and tell everyone i say hi!
JOHN: ok, will do.
JADE: ok, while you work on that, i think ill bring up some friends
JOHN: huh?
JADE: you know, let some of our travel companions get acquainted with the ship!
JOHN: oh fuck, it's dave sprite!!!
JOHN: i forgot about him.
DAVESPRITE: yeah no shit
JOHN: how've you been, buddy?
JADE: shooooooooosh!!!!!
JADE: write now, catch up later!
JOHN: ok, i think this is a pretty good letter.
DAVESPRITE: let me check it out
DAVESPRITE: maybe ill humorously defile willis and afflecks dumb skyward yearning faces
JOHN: oh HELL no.
DAVESPRITE: come on dude hand it over
JADE: nooooo come on guys theyre about to go just stuff it in the bucket and throw it at me already!!!
DAVESPRITE: too late i already did it with sprite powers while he wasnt looking
JOHN: augh you bastard!
JOHN: wait a minute!
JOHN: i forgot, trolls hate cleaning products for some alien reason! shit, that's going to make everyone so uncomfortable.
JOHN: oh well, there it goes. too late i guess.
DAVESPRITE: ahahahaha you fucked up
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zirhlikuzgun · 3 months
January's crew - Page 36
[4261] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4262] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4263] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4264] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4265] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4266] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4267] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4268] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4269] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4270] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4271] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4272] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4273] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4274] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4275] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4276] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4277] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4278] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4279] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4280] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4281] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4282] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4283] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4284] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4285] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4286] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4287] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4288] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4289] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4290] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4291] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4292] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4293] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4294] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4295] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4296] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4297] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4298] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4299] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4300] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4301] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4302] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4303] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4304] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4305] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4306] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4307] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4308] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4309] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4310] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4311] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4312] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4313] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4314] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4315] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4316] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4317] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4318] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4319] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4320] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4321] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4322] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4323] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4324] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4325] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4326] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4327] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4328] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4329] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4330] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4331] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4332] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4333] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4334] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4335] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4336] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4337] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4338] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4339] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4340] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4341] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4342] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4343] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4344] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4345] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4346] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4347] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4348] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4349] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4350] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4351] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4352] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4353] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4354] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4355] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4356] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4357] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4358] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4359] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4360] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4361] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4362] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4363] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4364] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4365] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4366] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4367] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4368] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4369] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4370] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4371] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4372] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4373] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4374] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4375] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4376] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4377] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4378] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4379] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4380] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4381] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4382] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4383] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4384] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4385] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4386] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4387] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4388] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[4389] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4390] {In the style of Rita Raven}
[4391] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cousins and siblings]
[4392] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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jule1122 · 2 years
2021 creator’s wrap!
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2021. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagging anyone who hasn’t done it yet.  I love reading these!
I was tagged by the lovely @lambourngb.  This was really hard for me because I made the mistake of looking at my stats page the other day (and I never do that) and realized everything was down from 2020 even though I didn’t start writing until April 2020.  In 2021, my word count was down and hits, kudos and comments were a lot lower.  I did meet my goal of posting at least once a month so I am clinging to that.  Anyway, enough whining, here are 5 fics I am relatively happy with.
What They’ll Say About Us (1921 words): This was the 2nd fic I posted in 2021 and it really set the tone for my writing for the year.  An intimate moment between Alex and Michael where Alex opens up about some of his vulnerabilities and Michael finds a way to reassure him.  It’s quiet and loving and features a surprise handprint.
Fall back into place (5755 words):  My Valentine’s Day fic (a month late) that looked a few Valentine’s Days in Alex and Michael’s life from getting back together to marriage.  I like the theme of sunflowers I didn’t plan and the edible tattoo kink I gave Michael.
I’ll meet you at the divide (4339 words): I debated included this one because the fic in my head is so much better than what I wrote.  I really wanted to show Alex as a caretaker and the different ways he relates to his friends.  I don’t think I did him justice, but I tried.  It was also a love confession prompt fic, and I do like Michael’s (repeated) love confession.  I think I’ll always be sad about what it could have been, but it has some nice moments.
In my mind, you are the road I choose to travel (1000 words): Did this make the list because singing the title makes happy?  Maybe.  Just 1000 words of Michael loving Alex and Alex loving him back.  Nothing much to see here.
You don’t have to go it alone (4179 words): Written for Alex Manes Week.  My beautiful Alex who needs so much love.  This is a look at the people who have loved him throughout the years, ending with Michael of course. 
Bonus fic!  One of the things I wanted to do last year was write some non Malex fic.  And I did.  I wrote friendship fic, Death, Kaliz, and character centric fics.  And with all my insecurities and desire for validation, I had to accept that there would be little to no audience for this fics.  I really had to write them because I wanted to and just be happy with my own enjoyment of them.  So I wrote of one of the craziest ideas I’ve ever had, one I knew literally no one wanted to read.  I wrote a fic about with Jesse and Mimi as a couple in some mythical time after Mindy left but before Jesse became a believer in Project Shepherd.  A few people read it, but honestly, it is one of my favorite fics.  One I think about at night and come up with more ways it could work, worlds were Mimi and Jesse work together to take down Project Shepherd, where Alex grows up loved and all the ripples it creates.  I’ll probably never write that world because it’s way beyond my skill level, but I have a little piece of what could have been.
This one goes out to the one I love (1254 words):  Maria has a vision that shows her Jesse wasn’t always a monster.  He was capable of love once.
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news4u1 · 2 years
Last Witness: A Legal Thriller
Last Witness: A Legal Thriller
Price: (as of – Details) ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09W4DVVLQ Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 20, 2022 Language ‏ : ‎ English File size ‏ : ‎ 4339 KB Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled Print length ‏ : ‎ 120 pages Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
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fastcarvegas · 2 years
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noemov · 3 years
Cinepelis Violet y Finch Pelicula Completa en Espanol 2020
Descargar Violet y Finch (2020) Drama, Romance. Violet y Finch se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Ver Violet y Finch HD Calidad.
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Violet y Finch (2020)
Fecha de estreno : 2020-02-28 Géneros : Drama, Romance Runtime : 108 Minutes Home Page : https://www.netflix.com/title/80208802 IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3907584 Company : Echo Lake Entertainment, Mazur / Kaplan Company Reparto : Elle Fanning, Justice Smith, Alexandra Shipp, Kelli O'Hara, Lamar Johnson, Virginia Gardner, Felix Mallard, Sofia Hasmik, Keegan-Michael Key, Luke Wilson Tagline: Vive la vida a pleno brillo Overview : Violet y Theodore son dos amigos cuyo encuentro cambia sus vidas para siempre. Mientras luchan por dejar atrás las cicatrices de su pasado, descubren que incluso los momentos más insignificantes pueden tener una importancia crucial en sus vidas.
Ver Violet y Finch (2020) Pelicula Completa en Espanol. Violet y Finch se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Descargar Violet y Finch HD Calidad.
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therightnj · 4 years
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We have the date set to present The Right Fit Prom to give you your night to remember!🎈If you are interested in attending our event please follow the rules below👍 The Prom will be held on Wednesday August 5th at Adelphia’s Restaurant in DeptFord.⭐️ These are the steps to follow! 💜You purchased your dress with us for prom 2020 💜Leave your name and tag your guest. Please tell us what school you attend and your grade. 💜Share this post on your story or page and tag us to spread the word! 💜Details will be announced once we confirm attendance. 💜We will follow all safety guidelines to keep everyone happy and healthy 💜You will not want to miss this! 💜Call us @856-269-4339 with any questions #saveprom2020 #anighttoremember #wevalueourcustomers #youdeservethis #therightfitnj (at The Right Fit Dresses and Alterations) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB2xH1LHjyO/?igshid=1cvmjdontx6c9
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hogbu · 5 years
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gomezmicheal · 4 years
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newagesispage · 4 years
                                                                        AUGUST   2020
 There is a limited series coming to Showtime ,Blackbird: Lena Horne and America.
Barack Obama joined a zoom call to Crip camp for the 30th anniversary of Americans with Disabilities act.** Hearing Obama, Clinton and even Bush speak as they remembered John Lewis reminds us how calming it can be to hear inspiring words.** Feel bad that Jimmy Carter could not attend since it was in Georgia. We miss ya.**John Lewis put his own words out there in the NY Times on the day of his funeral. He also wrote letters over the last couple of months to many activists to continue the fight.
Racism is so American that when you protest it, people think you’re protesting America. – Romy Reiner
Check our Smartless, the new podcast from Sean Hayes, Jason Bateman and Will Arnett. Each episode one of the hosts brings a surprise guest that answers questions.
Opening some states is like opening a ‘peeing’ section of the pool. –Neil de Grasse Tyson
Rumor is that Dave Chappelle will be on Letterman’s next batch of Netflix shows, My next guest needs no introduction.
Check out the album Grandpa Metal from Brian Posehn, Brendon Small, Scott Ian, Al Yankovic, Corey Taylor and Jill janus.
Reports have come thru that Brett Kavanaugh wanted the Supreme Court to avoid decisions about abortion and Trump’s financials.
The Redskins have become the Washington Football team.
Hulu will bring us Nine Perfect Strangers with Nicole Kidman, Melissa McCarthy and Michael Shannon.
Days alert: I wish Bonnie would turn out to be Adrienne. If the switch was made when she chose Justin over Lucas,that would explain a lot. Eve is back for revenge but Ciara and Hope will find Ben. Will it be too late? I hope this brings Shane  and Teresa back to town.  Allie will have a boy but who is the Father? Rumor is that it could be Theo Carver or Parker Jonas or Tripp Dalton. Will Eli and Lani have twins? Sarah and Xander will reunite??
Spencer Grammer was stabbed while trying to break up an altercation in NY. She is on the mend.
The Green Banana is a sort of 425 foot bright blue sink hole that has been found off the coast of Florida. Divers say it is about 155 feet below the surface.
The Department of Homeland Security has more law enforcement capability than all other branches combined.** Why aren’t the storm troopers working on real crime?? Fingers crossed for no more Trump troops for “Operation Legend.”
Jim Jordan says that, “Big tech’s out to get conservatives.” The top performing FB posts that day: Ben Shapiro 2. Fox news 3. Dan Bongino 4. CNS news 5. Ben Shapiro 6. Ben Shapiro 7. Fox news 8. CNN  9. Blue lives matter
2 million Americans do not have running water.
Actor Bryan Callen has been accused of sexual assault.
Breonna Taylor is on the cover of O.** The WNBA has dedicated their season to Breonna and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Epix has brought us a sort of new look at Manson with Helter Skelter: An American Myth.
Southern Crossroads has a slogan: Rednecks for Black lives!!
Louis De Joy, the new Postmaster General has apparently shut down sorting machines and cut overtime so that mail carriers must leave mail behind.
David Duke is permanently banned from Twitter.
The Emmy noms are here: Netflix broke all previos records for number of noms. Leading the pack was Watchmen, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Ozark, Succession, The Mandolorian, SNL and Schitt’s Creek. The best drama category is the toughest with The Mandolorian, Ozark, Succession, Better Call Saul, The Crown, The Handmaids tale, Killing Eve and Stranger Things. Best supporting actor in drama and comedy is tough including Kieran Culkin, Giancarlo Esposito, Matthew Macfayden, Andre Braugher, Tony Shalhoub, Kenan Thompsonand Daniel Levy. The limited series or movie supporting actress is loaded with goodies too like Holland Taylor, Uzo Aduba, Margo Martindale, Tracey Ullman, Toni Collette and Jean Smart. How can you pick?? The 72nd Emmy’s will be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
A new low: College Covid parties in Alabama to see who can get it. I think we need to crack down on education because we have some pretty stupid people in this country. Why do we want to work the medical professionals within an inch of their lives??** 155 thousand dead. The total cases have dipped slightly but fatalities are up. ** Pelosi has issued mandatory mask order for the house.** In the new covid bill they want 1.75 bill for a new FBI building that will stay in the same place that it now stands?? This surely couldn’t be because it is across the street from the Trump hotel and he does not want competition and likes his special locale. **The Senate decided to take a long weekend and not deal with it until August. How do so many not care about their fellow man??** The longer it takes to get the virus under control, the more business’s we lose forever.
The Catherine’s clothing chain is closing.
We need more detective shows with real stories about cops that don’t do things by the book. We have all heard of the fucked up crime scenes like Jon Benet Ramsey or Jeff Macdonald and we know that is just the tip of the iceberg.
There have been shootings all over the country at various gatherings which should not even have been held.
There is a long history with these vipers, Bill Barr’s Father hired a 20 year old Jeff Epstein to teach at Dalton. He was a high school drop out with no degree.** The usual suspects, Nugent and Baio et al.will speak virtually for Trump at the Republican convention.** Contrary to what the administration said, Paw Patrol was not cancelled.** You knew he would get around to wanting to postpone the election. Too bad for him congress has to agree and if they can’t work it out  then the speaker may have to take over.
Shep Smith has joined CNBC.
Colin Kaepernick’s life will come to Netflix from Ava Duvernay. **
The world hates us so much right now. We’ve been ruined in more ways than we know.** What kind of shithole President wishes a child sex trafficker well?
Billy Eichner will play Paul Lynde in Man in the Box.
The U.S. has told the Chinese consulate in Houston to shut down. Is this because of intellectual theft?? Now China has moved us out of our consulate there.
Fairfax County will rename Robert E. Lee high after John Lewis.
The Reagan foundation has asked the Trump campaign to stop raising money off of his name.
I’ve been begging everyone for years; please wear a mask! –Emo Phillips** CVS and Wal Mart no longer require masks!!
The company, Tele Tracking that took over control of the covid info is owned by Chris Johnson. The 10 mil contract went to the NY real estate dude.
Funny how everything is a handout besides generational wealth.
Hooray to the Yankees and the Nationals for taking a knee before the game.** Trump claims he was busy with Covid and could not throw out the first pitch. Come to find out, he was not asked. He made it  up.
Favre and Trump golfing, yea, that sounds about right.
A company can keep women from birth control if there are religious or moral objections. About 126 thousand women will lose coverage.
Lt. Col Vindman had been approved for promotion but the President would make the final decision. The brave hero decided to retire.
The Supreme Court ruled that Trump can’t block his records being released. It is in the public interest but Trump can try again to block with different tactics.** They also ruled that most of Eastern Oklahoma will remain Native American land.** The Esselen tribe of Monterey county have reclaimed land on  the Big Sur coast that was theirs 250 years ago. This was a cooperative effort between them, the California natural resources agency and a conservancy group.
Trump calls the Black lives matter in front of Trump tower, “a symbol of hate.”** Cops shot, Cops killing civilians, mask confrontations: The mental illness in this country is officially off the charts.
Biden claims he will use the Trump tax cuts to pay for 5 million new jobs in products and technology. The Dems released their agenda that touts free child care.** 100 days before the election, Brad Parscale was demoted.  Jared puts his friends in high places and it goes on.** They say John Kasich will speak for the Dem convention. **
Hey Seth Meyers: I LOVE the sea Captain!!
Muddy Water’s former Chicago home at 4339 S. Lake Park Ave. will be a museum.
Sen. Tom Cotton called slavery, “a necessary evil.”
Still advertising on Fox news: Verizon, Noom, Allstate, Pfizer, Ancestry, Honey, Poshmark, Purple and Sanofi. ** And we know never to eat Goya again.
Jean Smart will star in Miss Macy.
Oprah mag will stop print.
It is so Scary Clown: The only thing the enemy can’t stand is being laughed at. –Mark Twain
R.I.P. all the Covid victims, Nick Cordero, Hugh Downs, Ennio Morricone, Bill Field, the elephants of Botswana, Ronald Schwary, Charlie Daniels,  Mary Kay Letourneau,  Max B. Bryer, Kelly Preston, Naya Rivera, Ben Keough,  Phyllis Somerville, Grant Imahara, Emitt Rhodes, Regis Philbin, John Lewis, John Saxon, Peter Green, Malik B., Herman Cain, Alan Parker and Olivia de Havilland.
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myempowerblog · 4 years
5 BIG Emotional Motivators that Will Get You Sales
5 BIG Emotional Motivators that Will Get You Sales
Here’s an experiment for you to try. If you don’t already, get a year’s worth of issues of any one magazine. If possible, make it a business magazine such as Entrepreneur. Now go through each issue of the magazine and see which full page and half page ads repeat month after month, and which ads are only there for one month before they disappear.
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Notice the difference between the two types of…
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cesadey-blog · 5 years
ingredients create. It is absolutely viable to create a delicious .
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mysavy-blog · 5 years
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