#packs mac millers
frogoiw · 5 months
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sgftxtinajb · 1 year
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Hey! I love your writing. Could I please request a fluff piece when Iris is till a baby and Joel is on dad duty? Idk just something really fluffy where he just enjoys being a dad and also Sarah helping?
Dad Duty
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pairing: elementary!joel miller x f!reader
rating: F (no outbreak au, talks of diapers and poop because infants are a mess, elementary!joel being the best dad/husband in the world, talks of being drunk/alcohol consumption)
wc: <1k
a/n: sorry for the delayed wait on this, anon! i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless 🫶🏼
series masterlist | joel masterlist
“Are you sure you’ve got everything?” you asked, standing by the front door in a “going out” outfit for the first time since your daughter had been born six months ago. “I can cancel.”
Joel shook his head sternly as he and Sarah sat on the couch, Iris fast asleep in his arms.
“It’s your best friend’s birthday,” he said. “I won’t hear the end of it from her if she suspects you cancelled all because you don’t think I can handle a six-month old.”
“Of course I think you can handle it,” you said, offering him a sweet smile as you grabbed your purse. “I just feel guilty—“
“Baby,” he sighed, tilting his head at you. “Iris ain’t gonna remember you goin’ out one time when she was six months old.”
“I know, but—“
“No buts,” he said. “Get your fine ass out there, and take a couple shots for me while you’re at it.”
“Besides,” Sarah chimed in, pulling your eyes to hers. “I’m here as backup. Go have fun for once.”
Letting out a deep exhale, you nodded, agreeing to bury your guilt over leaving your daughter behind for the first time. “Fine. But if you need me—“
“Baby,” Joel chuckled. “We got it. Go get hammered.”
Walking over to him, you leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I love you.”
“Love you more,” he said, tilting your chin so that he could steal a quick peck on your lips, careful not to smudge your lipstick. “Go on now before they start honkin’ and wake baby girl up.”
“Alright,” you said, walking over to the door. “Sarah, don’t let your dad try to cook anything. I’d hate to come back to ashes.”
“Already on it.”
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“Sarah!” Joel called from the upstairs nursery, Iris on the changing table in front of him making the biggest and grossest mess he’d ever encountered in his tenure as a father. “We got any more wipes?”
Sarah was already laughing when she walked in, carrying a new pack of wipes in hand before she witnessed the scene in front of her and started to gag.
“I’m never having a kid,” she said, covering her nose with her t-shirt.
“This ain’t the usual,” Joel said, shaking his head as he tried his best to clean up his very wiggly daughter. “Stay still, baby girl. It’s—Jesus, Iris. How’d it get in your hair?”
“I’m not even sure a bath will fix this,” Sarah said, looking disgusted. “I think we have to take her back and get a brand new baby.”
“Your mom would notice,” he said. “Otherwise, ain’t too bad an idea.”
After a thorough cleaning that left Joel scarred, Iris was set down in her activity chair down in the living room, her favorite nonsensical cartoon on while Sarah helped Joel cook some mac and cheese for dinner, her babbles filing the home.
“And to think she thought the house would catch on fire if I tried to cook,” he said, smiling at the thought of you.
“Well, in fairness it has almost happened before,” she said, earning an offended look from her father. “You don’t remember the fork in the microwave incident?”
“Shit,” he cursed, shaking his head. “You’re right. But in my defense, someone left it in my takeout box.”
“Yeah, you.” Joel chuckled, amused by her wit. “But to pad your stats, we can lie and say you made dinner tonight.”
“No, she’d expect me to start cookin’ then,” he said. “I may have pulled a miracle tonight, but my battin’ average ain’t great. Do you want to take the chance of house burnin’ down?”
“Good point.”
“Exactly. You’re takin’ the credit for this work of art.” Joel pointed at the pot of artificial cheese goodness. “How in the world am I hungry after cleaning up Iris’s shi—“
“Dad,” she winced. “I just got the image out of my mind.”
“If I gotta remember it, you do too, baby girl.”
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It was midnight by the time you stumbled in, waving your best friend and her designated driver-slash-husband goodbye as you cracked the front door open before heading inside. To your surprise, Joel was still awake and rocking Iris to sleep in his arms, though judging by the heavy blink of his eyelids, he was barely hanging on.
“Hey baby,” he said with a smile as you stumbled your way over to the couch as quietly and gracefully as you could to sit down beside him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. “How was it?”
“I’m drunk,” you confessed, your voice raspy from singing along to the club’s music. “And hungry.”
“Well, lucky for you, Sarah made dinner,” he said, standing up with Iris and setting her down in her rocker before holding his hand out for you. “Come on, you drunkard.”
“How were the girls?” you asked, clasping your hand in his as he guided you to the kitchen table to have a seat while he warmed up tonight’s leftovers.
“A piece of cake,” he said, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder. “Iris had one very messy diaper incident, but besides that, she was an angel. Just like her mom.”
“Hey, I won’t be having any messy diaper incidents for another fifty years or so,” you joked, earning another grin. “You gonna love me when I’m wearing a diaper?”
“Baby, I’m older than you,” he reminded. “If you’re wearin’ a diaper, so am I.”
“Oh, I can’t wait,” you mused with a wide, drunken grin. “You can save your payback for then, have Iris see how it feels.”
“I like the way you think, baby,” he chuckled. “But I love her too much to make her go through what I went through earlier. I think I’m gonna need therapy after that.”
You stood up, finding your way over to him to wrap your arms around his waist and hug his back, too in love with him not to touch him.
“Thank you for tonight. I didn’t know how much I needed it,” you said, humming as Joel’s hand lowered from the pot on the stove to run over your forearm wrapped around his middle. “How about next weekend I watch the girls so you can have a night out?”
“Maybe one of these days we’ll both get to go out,” he chuckled. “Until then, I’m good stayin’ at home with my girls.”
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petermorwood · 1 year
Here’s a dish from French Cooking Academy, another of my subscribed YouTube channels.
I like the business of stuffing each chunk of beef with a bit of garlic and bacon; I’ve done this with lamb, using garlic and lemon. Another interesting detail is the use of cinnamon, suggesting a way-back-when influence either from the Moors or having access to spices as they passed through from Dpain Spain or North Africa on the way to somewhere else.
Kokkinisto (Greek) and Tajine (Morocco) also use cinnamon - and cloves, and nutmeg, and ginger etc. etc. depending on recipe. I’ve made both, they’re really excellent.
@dduane​ and I got Very Interested because the use of what Mum used to call “cake spices” is also quite medieval and, in DD’s case, adaptable for the Middle Kingdoms project.
The Corsican one recommends rigatoni, cannelloni or similar large hollow pasta (presumably to hold lots of sauce!) For a more medieval approach I’d try Loseyns from late-1300s cookbook “The Forme of Cury” (that’s “cookery” without the k, so “coo’rey” not “curry”.)
These are often regarded as Richard II-era ”lasagne”, though I wonder if there’s also an association with heraldic “lozenges”, easily created by cutting a sheet of pasta dough slantwise...
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Either way, here’s “Tasting History with Max Miller” (subscribed of course!) having a go at Loseyns, which turn out like mac & cheese with extra spices.
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Max ended up eating them with a stick because forks hadn’t been introduced yet, but IMO a better utensil would be the historical eating pick, like one of these.
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...or even a spoon, especially if the loseyns were cut small with that in mind.
However eating pasta with the fingers - like many other foods - may have been done in the 1300s; it was certainly recorded in paintings from the 1600s...
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...right up to the 1800s...
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...though I don’t think these were dressed with anything more than oil or butter and some grated cheese, and the potential for messy eating was still pretty high. Eating small pasta rather than dangly strands with the fingers was probably much tidier, especially if diners knew the proper etiquette for doing it...
Finally, here’s something from our own store-cupboard, bought out of curiosity during a recent visit to Polonez in Dublin.
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This is pasta cut into little squares; both the front and the back of the pack calls them łazanka...
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...and according to Google Translate, this just means “pasta noodles”.
Can any followers tell me if "łazanka” has any relationship to “lasagna” or “lozenge”? An enquiring mind wants to know! :->
ETA: @seriously-mike​ says “...łazanki were brought to Poland in 16th century by queen Bona Sforza (so) the relationship with lasagna might be there.” See his Reply for more info.
ETA (2): A little bell went off in my head about the shapes in the bag and I suddenly remembered seeing them as something call “torn pasta” - the Italian word is “maltagliati“ - which were made using re-rolled scraps of dough from “formal” shapes; more info at that link.
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loops-n-boops · 3 months
Seed Dump!!
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after a little unexpected turn to a DC hyperfixation that lasted roughly two weeks I'm back to my farcry shit (the usual) so imma give y'all a three for one, John doodles, Seed playlists and hcs in one post,, take your juice
Jacob Seed:
listens to cheesy love songs and some rock and metal
Most think John swears the most but that's a lie, it's him. Whenever Joseph isn't around he'll throw a "fuck this" every now and then
likes adult coloring books and crossword puzzles
if Joseph asks a favor that doesn't involve strength he always goes "I volunteer Johnny"
He opens doors for John and goes "ladies first"
can and will tackle John to the ground and yell "say uncle". He does all the annoying older brother shit idc
Tends to fight with Joseph. They always fought back and forth. As kids it was about how Joseph wouldn't 'man up'. Now it's about how he treats John, not knowing Joseph's been manipulating him to stay this whole time too
So in the past I hc that he's gay, I feel he struggles to come to terms with that. To this day he still is under the impression that it's wrong and makes him look soft, so he still tries to act like he doesn't
Rants to the judges. He is waits until he knows he's alone with the alpha of the pack and just dumps everything he has in his mind. That dog knows things no one else knows
His friendship with Eli in the past was a good one. It reminded him too much of his friendship with Miller (minus the possible secret romance part). They had similar inside jokes, Eli playfully punched him the same way Miller did. He hated it. He still hates it
Jacob is much more of a listener than a talker but prefers surrounding himself with people who talk a lot
Joseph Seed
Joseph doesn't hate John. He's hard on John so he learns. Johns become their father in Joseph's eyes and is making sure to shape him up. However he doesn't realize how terrible he's being to him as he does so.
His biggest fear is being alone. To combat that he almost subconsciously manipulates people to stay with him. He doesn't want to hurt them, but if he doesn't they'll leave. He'll be alone again
As a child Joseph wanted to be an author. He had notebooks filled with vibrant stories he made up in his head. Once a teenager though he found an interest in baking. Him and his wife's date nights consisted of them playing music as they tried a random recipe they found. It was a piece of happiness he never had as a child. They wanted to save money and open a bakery together. Still, to this day, Joseph gathers ingredients on Friday nights and bakes.
Has a heavy preference for Jacob. The man was with him the longest, helped him the most. It isn't that he doesn't love John, but he's detached. John wasn't there as long as Jacob was. John was raised by different people.
He hates winter. Winter was when Faith taken from him. He won't enter any vehicle. He won't go outside much. He hates it.
Puts everyone before himself. He could have not eaten at all that day but he will still be sure to make sure everyone else has. He will forget to eat unless someone else tells him to
His favorite song is Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac and whenever he hears it he gets a boost of happiness. He knows every word.
I don't care what anyone says, I think he's shockingly the worst with kids. He can't handle the tantrums, they stress him out. He doesn't yell or hit but he completely shuts down and won't really react
Doesn't put his hair down often. He sleeps with it down but beyond that? It's always up. Usually in a bun, but sometimes he'll go ponytail.
When angry he tends to quietly glare. He tells from time to time yeah, but he more often will glare at whoever upset him. A look that basically says 'you know what you did'
Hes actually much more of an introvert than people may think. He doesn't like being alone but that doesn't make him an extrovert. His idea on a relaxing day is sitting in a room with his brothers where they all do their own thing but they don't speak much. Comfortable silence. The idea that they're there makes him happy, and the fact that they can indulge in their own hobbies without judgment makes him even happier
John Seed
Much more of a talker than a listener. This makes him and Jacob a good pairing since he would talk a lot and Jacob would smile and listen.
He despises fast food. He tried it once and declared it as the grossest thing to every touch his mouth. He's also definitely the pickiest eater in general. He hates most seafood, broccoli, brussel sprouts, fast food, pizza if it's too greasy, chicken if there's too much tendon, the flavor of mashed potatoes and steak together but he'll eat it on separate occasions. He was picky as a kid and he's still picky as an adult
Actually needs glasses but will not wear them. Luckily he has contacts. However one time he lost one and had to wear his glasses and his chosen were staring at him confused. He needed them since he was little but he never got the appointment when he was with his brothers. Jacob did notice him squinting a lot. Joseph only had glasses because he got his prescription years ago (but they should've been renewed)
He went to religious schools from second grade onward. I'm talking the ones with uniforms and all your teachers are nuns. There's so many pictures of little John with one of those school uniforms and dorky glasses and a big smile.
Speaking of which I believe he was the cutest kid out of all of them. He had big ol doe eyes and got excited over everything. Joseph and Jacob used to call him sunshine when he was young because no matter how miserable and dark the world was around him he always was a happy little boy. He was bright, loving, innocent. An absolute sweetheart in his youth. He was the kid that waved to strangers on the street, his go to form of affection was hugs, and he comforted his brothers when they were upset despite not understanding why they were even upset.
The Duncan's viewed Johns innocent nature as why he was a tainted soul. He didn't understand accountability and the idea that not everyone was good confused him. They had to teach him. Besides, the Duncan's weren't too good themselves.
His adoptive parents were Henry and Amelia Duncan. They adopted John due to Amelia's infertility. John was the youngest there and was promising so they chose him not knowing they were taking a broken boy and breaking him beyond recognition. Johns obvious mental illness also made them feel he needed to be shaped. They were the type of people that thought praying could solve everything. John barely saw doctors, he never got therapy, and when they found out their son was bisexual they threatened to send him away.
However, Henry's mother: Evelyn loved John for who he is was. Accepted her little grandson. Henry's family was large, the man having four brothers and a sister. John was the baby, all of his newly adopted cousins being older than him. Not a lot of them were good, John wasn't even that good, but Evelyn had a clear preference for John, always calling him her angel. (I have too many Duncan hcs I'll stop there)
Johns behavior first began to plumiit near his sophomore year of high-school. He got a stick and poke tattoo when he was too young to have one from a friend. It did get infected but that was fine for him. It was a taste of freedom. A taste of freedom he never had in the past. He wanted a taste of the freedom of adulthood and was willing to rush his adolescence to get that. By the time he was a senior the little angel people knew and loved died, and in his place was a cold hearted snake that lacked any form of remorse for what he did. All he cared for was his own amusement.
As a boy he drew a lot, he quickly discovered art was something he enjoyed. He drew pictures of him and his brothers, but when he lived in Atlanta their faces started to become blurry. Were Joseph's eyes blue or were they green? Who was taller, Joseph or Jacob? What didn't help was the Duncan's wanted every aspect of Johns life before them to not exist. They tried convincing him that they weren't his family and that they hated him. They made him go into speech therapy to force his rural accent to go away. They didn't adopt a son, they adopted a pet.
I'll do a little softer one for the end: Johns secretly a bit of a hopeless romantic. He's always been fond of the idea of romance. He loves cheesy rom-coms, he reads romance books. All of it. Hes well aware that a romantic relationship is something he'll never have, but it doesn't hurt to wish for one. He falls too quickly, but then gets scared when he has to be vulnerable. He has issues, he's not a good person. His issues will scare everyone away. He has no chance. A part of him envies his brothers: Joseph for having a marriage and Jacob for clearly not being interested in romance at all. But some nights, he doesn't care. He'll grab a DVD player and watch his silly little romantic comedy movies (or say yes to the dress if he's feeling something dramatic) and will eat half a bag of gummy bears
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2012aura · 1 year
set up !
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summary : continuation of free treats.
warning : disgusting fluff.
pairing : college!ellie williams x black!reader
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it had been a couple days since ellie had requested your "finsta" account and you finally decided to post just because. you had recently hung out with dina and another friend from campus and she took some photos of you all during the day, so you just had to post them.
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liked by elliewilliams, dinawina and 12 others
blackmacmiller beating the poor allegations & no mac miller dress up today! jk i miss you both sm rn @dinawina @jjessiemessy !
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dinawina pls come over i’m BORED! & ellie is hereee!
> blackmacmiller GET OUT MY CMMTS!
jjessiemessy COME OVER IM WITH DINA!
> blackmacmiller are you guys lying rn …
> dinawina no ….
no matter if they were lying you were already packing your bag full of clothes, face masks, and snacks. you tied your hair into a quick puff, not caring how messy it looked and started on your way to dina's dorm room which was only a couple minutes away. you arrived on side b in under five minutes, scanning your keycard on the door and letting yourself in. you walked up the stairs to dina and ellie's dorm and quickly knocked on the door. you heard giggling and running to the door and dina answered it a few seconds later. "beating the poor allegations, cmon now!" dina laughed as she let you in, letting you instantly become at home with the two other familiar faces. you said a quick hello to ellie and jessie, as they sat on the floor playing some video game on the tv. this was nice, everyone just hung around and was friendly, and you could use a break from reality. you emptied your bag out on dina's bed, the snacks you bought falling to the side. "guess what i bought guys," you said with a huge smile on your face.
"ALCOHOL?" jessie yelled, rising to her feet and taking huge steps towards you. "no idiot, i bought baked goods from the shop! they let me take leftovers home today!" you said excitedly as you unpacked the goodies while walking over to the coffee table that was placed in the middle of the room. went back over to the bed, grabbing the shorts and tank top you bring to change into, just to make yourself a little more comfortable. you stripped right there in front of them, it wasn't weird between you, dina, and jessie to just strip and ellie was too distracted by the game to notice. but out of the corner of her eyes, she could see you sliding the shorts up your legs and placing the tank over your head and down your torso. she wouldn't mention it though, it wasn't that big of a deal.
"alright party people, LET'S EAT!" you yelled excitedly, grabbing a fruit tart from the nicely placed baked goods. letting the fruit and dough fill your mouth with its amazing flavor, "you know last week, i worked overtime to help the night shift! it was so fucking fun" you sounded muffed because of the tart still in your mouth, but you dragged the end of your sentence on. "oh my god, does that mean you got to work with the cute junior?" jessie squealed, picking a chocolate muffin from the table and taking a bite. "you mean sam, the guy whos like my cousin? gross jess ... just gross but yes i worked with samual." you jokingly said, watching as dina laughed at jessie. "hey at least i want a dude, you two cant pick someone for the life of you!" jessie defended, letting a sly smirk rise to her lips.
"i see why they call you jessie messy now," dina laughed as her head came crashing on your shoulder, you pushed her off with a shove. making her push you back, you enjoyed this, the unity between you all. you could see ellie grabbing a fruit tart too, her eyes widening with how good it was, "shit i might have to go to bushes more often! this shit is good!" ellie exclaimed, making you all fall into another fit of laughter. "I'm glad you like it ellie, and hey if you come by more often i can slide you more free treats," you said as you smiled at her. jessie and dina made gagging and kissing sounds as you both spoke. you hit the back of their heads, "shut up guys, omg let's do face masks, i bought so many!" you got up and ran towards the bed, grabbing the face masks and then running back.
you laid them all out on the floor, letting the girls pick which one they wanted. dina chose a blueberry-themed one, jessie an apple one, ellie chose the orange and you were left with strawberry. "we are gonna look like ten-year-olds, that's so funny!" you said as you opened the package. you placed the mask on your face and smoothed it with your fingers, and so did the rest of them. "jessie move over, i wanna play too" you said taking the controller from near her feet, they were playing mario cart. "i claim princess peace ellie, don't try to be slick," you said, moving the curls that were now stuck down to your forehead. "alright princess, looks like I'm going with mario,' ellie joked as she took another bite of the nearly gone tart.
by this point you both were six rounds in, jessie and dina were gossiping as you kept beating ellie in this childish game. "damn mario, what happened, ain't you supposed to win?" you joked, elbowing her softly to try to distract her. "cant with those hyenas back there gagging on air" that made you laugh so hard you let go of the controller, letting ellie become first place again. dina and jessie now laughing with you, you realized what ellie had done. oh that sly bastard, "cheater!" you yelled as you grabbed the pillow from behind you and hit her head. making her raise her hands in defense, "i am no such thing!" she yelled back, moving the pillow swiftly and refocusing her character. that's how most of your night was spent, eating baked goods and a bunch of junk and playing stupid video games.
"guys we should play a game, TOGETHER!" dina made sure to include that, making you and ellie's small talk stop and focus on them. "okay d, whatcha got in mind?" ellie said as she scooted closer to the pair, and you did the same. "truth or dare," jessie said evilly, letting a sneaky smirk onto her face. you and ellie both groaned, letting out a mixture of fine's and okay's as you all sat in the circle. your and ellie's knees touched, you never really noticed but ellie was buff. her arms and thighs were muscly, like some sort of eighties eye candy, and you wanted the bait. "okay ill ask first, ms. strawberry shortcake over there, truth or dare." you thought for a second, no matter what, they would lead the question to ellie somehow so you chose the easiest option. "truth," you said confidently, letting jessie think of her question for a second. "is it true that you are super single and ready to mingle" jessie said between breathy laughs.
"way to kill me with the cringe, but yes," you replied, laughing at her idiotic antics. now that, made a smile go to ellie's face, she was so happy you were single. "now my turn, dina, truth or dare?" you asked, patiently waiting for her to answer. "truth," classic dina, never wanting to be a risk taker. "is it true ... you have a super crush on jesse- not our friend but you know ... the dude" you made sure your question was as clear as daylight. "wow getting to the point, okay, yeah sure i do!" she squealed out, hiding her face in her hands. jessie laughed, "dina you have to date him! dina and jesse sitting in the tree-", "enough" dina whined out. "now it's my turn, ellie, is it true you are seeing someone right now?" dina knew it wasn't true, she just wanted to see how you would react. no matter how hard you tried, dina could see right through you, the ways your eyes lost their light quickly.
ellie's eyes widened a bit before answering, "oh shut up dina, you know that's not true." ellie said as dina laughed. "I'm bored dina, can we go to the store" jessie wined out, getting up from the floor and starting to throw a jacket on. "yeah jess lets go, you kids be good." dina said as she quickly threw her jacket on and zoomed out the door with jess. they set you up! you knew it, those sneaky little girls! you looked at ellie, "so uh, do you have any hobbies?" you questioned, moving your body to face hers. "yeah i do, firstly i play sports here but in my free time, i draw and play guitar," jesus you almost melted under her gaze, and she played sports, and guitar? you were like putty in her hands and she didn't even know it.
dina and jessie didn't arrive until the next morning, but your night with ellie was spent talking and playing video games. like a first date kind of, at least that's what you would call it in your mind. in the early morning when dina and jessie came back, she found you both on the couch, with your limbs tangled within each other. being the sneaky devil dina is, she took your phone, snapped a picture, and posted it to your instagram.
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liked by dinawina, jjessiemessy and 6 others
blackmacmiller a lil surprise for you
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WHY CLARITY JUST CAME ON AW MAN! NOW I GOTTA WRITE AGAIN! also this turned into a social media au quickly .. haha.
part 3
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mushbop · 3 months
url song tag game
aw tagged by @changingplumbob to do this! how fun!
i will tag @bouncytrait @wolfxdreamersims if you feel so inclined :D
insert a song for each letter of your username:
m - mama, you've been on my mind jeff buckley u - underdressed at the symphony faye webster s - saint bernard lincoln h - here we go again paramore b - back pack ajj o - objects in the mirror mac miller p - pathetic pool kids
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boosqoowoo · 11 months
beenzino - nike shoes (english lyrics translation)
24: 26, girl, let’s go Nikes on her feet make my love complete* *Callback to iconic lyrics by other rappers
"got Nikes on my feet and to be complete" - Dope Beat by Boogie Down Productions (1987)
"Suede Timbs on my feet makes my cipher complete" - The World Is Yours by Nas (1994)
"and the Nikes on my feet keep my cypher complete" - Nikes on My Feet by Mac Miller (2010)
*beenzino* 산책하기 딱인 온도와 the perfect temperature for a walk
그녀의 발엔 Nike 운동화 Nike sneakers on her feet *rhyme
i like your style, baby
그녀의 뒤로 늘어선 그림자 속에 묻어가 i'm buried in the shadows lined up behind her *aka he's following her around
왜 여자들은 그리 명품에 환장해? why are women so obsessed with luxury goods?
캠퍼스 안의 명품 백 luxury bag in the school campus
Is that Chanel? Is that Givenchy?
한 쪽 어깨로 드는 이삿짐 a mover carrying goods with one shoulder *like the moves carrying a box on one shoulder, women carry their luxury bags over one shoulder as well
허나 이 아이는 예외인 듯 해 but this kid seems to be an exception
호리호리한 등짝에 있는 백 backpack on her slim back
회색 hoodie 위 가방은 네이비 색 the bag above the gray hoodie is navy color
찰랑이는 머릿결은 wavin' flag the fluttering hair is wavin' flag
그녀의 걸음걸이, 느낌 있게 her step has a feel to it
춤 추는 귀고리, 너의 귀 밑에 dancing earrings, under your ears
이 도시는 너에 비해 시시해 this city is boring compared to you
넌 시멘트에 색감을 이식해 you bring color into cement
회색 도시 속 그녀가 신은 민트색 Nike shoes the mint-colored Nike shoes she wore in the gray city
빽빽한 빌딩 틈 사이 그녀의 자유로운 Nike shoes her free Nike shoes among the closely-packed building gaps
바람을 건드리는 그녀의 Fixie 위 Nike shoes Nike shoes on her Fixie bike playing with the wind *Fixie is a popular brand of bicycle
Yeah, I like your Nike shoes. I wanna spend every night with you *choiza* 너는 좀 아는 것만 같아, 그 느낌 the feeling of knowing you a little, that feeling
조금은 수줍은 듯이 담백한 그 눈빛 that shy demeanor and innocent gaze
화장기 없는 피부 makeup-free skin
아침 해에 자연스레 그을린 naturally tanned in the morning sun
튤립처럼 아주 선명한 your lips your lips are as bright as tulips
그지? right? it's cheaper than Gucci
하지만 니 센스는 빛나 저 흔한 금붙이보다 더 but your sense shines more than that common gold piece
쳐다보기 눈부신 니 가는 발목이 your thin ankles are dazzling to look at
제대로 붙잡았어, 내 발목 you grabbed my ankle perfectly
잘못 했다간 갇히겠어, 너란 감옥에 if i make a mistake, i'll get locked up in the prison of you
은근하고 부드럽고 편해, 마치 잠옷의 soft and comfortable, just like pajamas
익숙함, 치명적인 친숙함이 날 네게로 자꾸 끌어당겨, 이 순간 right now, this familiar and fatal intimacy keeps making me want to pull myself towards you
넌 낯이 낮처럼 밝아서 낮이 어울려 you fit into the daytime because your face is as bright as the day *낯 is used for both daytime and face
좀 일찍 만나. 너와는 하루가 빨리 저물어 let's meet early, the day passes face when i'm with you
알지? 스니커에 스키니진 내게는 비키니 보다 더 섹시해 you know right? sneakers and skinny jeans are sexier to me than a bikini
it's killin' me
*beenzino* 회색 도시 속 그녀가 신은 민트색 Nike shoes the mint-colored Nike shoes she wore in the gray city
빽빽한 빌딩 틈 사이 그녀의 자유로운 Nike shoes her free Nike shoes among the closely-packed building gaps
바람을 건드리는 그녀의 Fixie 위 Nike shoes Nike shoes on her Fixie bike playing with the wind
Yeah, I like your Nike shoes. I wanna spend every night with you
*gaeko* Nike shoes, girl
니가 흘리는 치명적인 매력을 줏어 i pick up the fatal charm that you spread around
tight jean 아래로 떨어진 담백한 발목에 패션은 독특한 안목 below a tight jean is a skinny bright ankle, a unique eye for fashion
단발머리. 니 얇은 허리에 내 팔을 두루 두른 채로 서울 숲 거리를 short hair, my hands wrapped around your thin waist, walking around the streets of Seoul Forest Park
산책 아님 조깅해. Just do it walking or jogging, just do it
긴장을 대화로 이완해. Work my lips to it relaxing with conversation, work my lips to it
옅은 스모키 화장에 넌 Smokey Robinson을 the light smokey makeup, you're Smokey Robinson *Smokey Robinson is an American singer-songwriter
사랑하는 섹시한 취향에 난 고삐가 풀린 토끼 because of your sexy tastes that i love, i'm a rabbit unleashed from its reins
나는 고비를 몇 번이나 넘기는지 몰라 i don't know how many times i got over the crisis 난 너의 노비 i'm your slave 이 가시나는 아마 카시나를 자주 가는 것 같아. this girl probably visits Kasina* often *Kasina is a Korean online shopping website 참 간지가 나 that's pretty snazzy 이쁜 Nike 신발 벗고 운동할까? shall we take off our pretty Nike shoes and work out?* *what exercise doesn't need shoes? Sex.
땀 한 번 쭉 빼고 밥 먹으러 갈까? why not we sweat it all out in one go and then grab something to eat?
*beenzino* 회색 도시 속 그녀가 신은 민트색 Nike shoes the mint-colored Nike shoes she wore in the gray city
빽빽한 빌딩 틈 사이 그녀의 자유로운 Nike shoes her free Nike shoes among the closely-packed building gaps
바람을 건드리는 그녀의 Fixie 위 Nike shoes Nike shoes on her Fixie bike playing with the wind
Yeah, I like your Nike shoes. I wanna spend every night with you
햇살처럼 포근한 일요일 아침의 귓속말 a whisper in my ear on Sunday monday like warm sunshine
한강 위를 달릴 때는 뭐가 어울릴 수 있을까? what could be suitable for running alongside the Han River?
강바람에 질끈 감은 너의 눈썹의 곡선과 the curves of your eyebrows that are tightly wounded in the wind *Nike's logo looks like eyebrows
입술의 색처럼 독특한, 마치 광고에서 본 듯한 as unique as the color of the lips, as if seen in advertisements
너의 Nike shoes your Nike shoes
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This Must Be the Place
Summary: Emma McDonough was at her brother's wedding in Minneapolis when the world ended. Twenty years later, the boyfriend she left behind shows up in Lincoln, MA just after she gets her feet back under her. Follow Emma on her journey from Austin to Minneapolis to Lincoln to the Boston QZ to...wherever else Joel Miller may lead her.
Pairings: Joel Miller/OFC, Bill/Frank, hints of Joel/Tess
Warnings: Angst, canon-typical violence, fainting, former lovers reunion, mentions of dead pet (dog), if I missed any let me know!
Word Count: 3023
A/N: First time writing for TLOU -- I've never played the game but I'm head over heels in love with the show, so this series will follow that. Somewhat established relationship between Joel and OFC, Emma, but they haven't seen each other in twenty years which complicates things a bit! 
Looking forward to your feedback! There will be at least a Part 2, but hoping this will be a series so let me know what you think!
Read on AO3 | Masterlist
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April 16, 2023
When Joel flicked on the radio, “Cecelia” by Simon and Garfunkel started playing on the radio. Followed by “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac. Then “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Diana Ross. Joel glanced at Tess where she was sitting at the shitty little table in the kitchen. All she did was nod. 
“Tomorrow night?” he asked.
Again, Tess nodded. Joel got to his feet and started packing for the trip to Bill and Frank’s. Seventies hits meant “new stock” and since his normal oxy dealer had stood him up last week they were hurting for supplies. 
From under the floorboards he unfurled his pack and reached inside, feeling for the collar that he kept in the bottom of it. His fingers brushed against smooth leather, and relief spread up his arm and across his chest.
The collar meant almost as much to Joel as his watch did. It served as a reminder of those he had lost, but unlike the watch that was entirely Sarah, the collar held a double meaning. First, of the dog who had worn it. Secondly, of the woman who had picked it out. 
Bash, a shaggy black border collie/lab mix. Emma, the lost love of his life. 
Blue leather, dirtied brown with age, and a metal clip that jangled every time the dog shook himself out. Since Emma hated the constant clicking of his tags, she’d found a one that clipped onto the band of the collar rather than dangling off the d-ring. 
Once upon a time, the tag was engraved with ‘Bash’ and had her phone number beneath. Nearly half of it had been scraped away due to age and the car accident they’d been in on Outbreak Day. 
Somehow the dog had escaped the accident unscathed, had followed Joel while he carried Sarah through the wreckage of their Austin suburb. Had laid down and whined next to Sarah’s body. Like Joel, Tommy had to drag the dog away from the girl’s body and get them moving again. Joel had buried his face in the dog’s thick fur to sop up his tears. For the next six years, Bash didn’t leave Joel’s side. 
Until he got bit.
Joel couldn’t think about what happened next, just like he didn’t let himself think about what happened to Sarah.
It was better, easier, to shove those memories into the back of his mind so he could get on with the business of daily survival. 
By now, fourteen years later, the dog would’ve been long gone anyway. Still, Joel shoved the collar into the bottom of every bag he packed. Every time he and Tess left on a smuggling mission, he couldn’t bring himself to leave it behind, hidden under the floorboards with his weapons and whiskey. If he believed in that sort of thing, he would think bringing the collar was akin to bringing the dog himself. With you in spirit, or some shit like that.
But he didn’t believe that. The dog was dead. Most likely, his owner was too. If the world was kind, she had been dead since the beginning. 
But this world was far from kind.
It was only habit that made him stash the strap of blue leather in the front pocket of his pack. Like checking over his shoulder while walking through the QZ after sundown or tapping the bottom of his whiskey glass on the table after a ‘cheers’. 
Not the unhinged glimmer of hope that one day he would be able to present the collar to its original owner. That one day he would see her face again. That one day he would know for sure if she had survived or not. 
Joel shook the thoughts out of his mind, clenching his jaw at his own foolishness. He packed the rest of his supplies quickly, then put the pack by the door so it would be ready to grab and go after his shift at the ash pit tomorrow. Tess had a street sweeping rotation, so they’d get done around the same time. 
The sound of the spring rain against the windows helped usher him into sleep that night despite the ache in his knees and back. Joel dreamt of her for the first time in ages and awoke feeling emptier than usual. 
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Emma enjoyed going up and down the stairs without a cast and crutches so much that when she reached the bottom, she turned around on her heel and climbed them again before descending once more.
“Someone doesn’t miss her cast at all,” Frank commented, wheeling himself into the foyer from the parlor. A wide smile cracked her face in half.
“Not even a little bit,” she replied. “Where’s Bill?” 
The gruffer of the two gentlemen was usually right behind his partner, wheeling him from room to room even though Frank insisted he could do that himself — “It’s my legs that are useless, Bill, my arms are fine!” 
“Making sure the seedlings survived the storm,” Frank explained, gesturing out the back door with one hand. “His elbow is still bugging him though, so we’re in for more rain.” He let Emma redirect him back to the parlor and she sat on the piano bench in front of him.
“He could’ve asked me to do that,” she said as she held up two fingers of each of her hands out to him and Frank reached forward, squeezing them as tightly as he could. His grip was a little weaker than yesterday, but she didn’t mention that out loud.
Now that her right leg was out of the cast, she knew her time in this well-equipped domestic paradise was coming to an end. Bill had always insisted that once she was healed she would continue on her way to the Boston QZ and never mention Lincoln to anyone. He’d even made her sign a contract to that effect in her own blood. 
Even though Frank insisted that Bill softened over time and had come to enjoy Emma’s company, a pit in her stomach told her that sooner or later she would have to call the Boston QZ home.
“You know him, so used to doing everything his own way. If he had asked you he would’ve redone it anyway,” Frank said as she led him through the physical therapy exercises she knew for dexterity. 
Tapping each fingertip to the thumb (the middle finger of his left hand didn’t cooperate), flexion/extension (mostly good), and the wrist deviations (again, the left hand was less than cooperative). Then they did their regular arm stretches together.
“That’s fair. I still feel like I should pull more weight around here,” she lamented. 
The couple had taken her in, fed her from their garden and supplies, and for the first two weeks she wasn’t able to do much more than entertain Frank until Bill found her a pair of crutches in one of the various places in town he’d squirreled things away. 
Frank put a hand on her knee. “You’re doing all you can. The cast only came off a week ago, you need to take it easy or you’ll re-break your leg.” 
“Hey, who’s the doctor here?” Emma joked, smiling at Frank. He smiled back at her and tugged at the end of the braid that lay on her shoulder, fondness crinkling his eyes. She was going to miss him dearly.
They’d spent hours talking about their lives in the pre-outbreak days and the years since. She told him about how she was at her little brother’s rehearsal dinner when the shit hit the fan, running for her life in a cocktail dress. He’d shared the horrors of the Baltimore QZ falling and his journey north. She let him know the heartbreaking reason she was traveling to Boston. 
Emma hadn’t thought she would ever tell anyone that secret, but Frank was so easy to trust, to befriend, to adore. His big blue eyes never showed the slightest hint of judgment or disgust at the things she had done to survive. He was an incredible listener and he gave the best hugs, even in the wheelchair. She understood why Bill fell for him.
Bill, on the other hand, was more reluctant to open up to her. He listened to her stories like he was looking for weaknesses or trying to catch her in a lie. Once he saw that Frank was comfortable around her, however, his answers to her questions became less monosyllabic. They talked about wines and gardening and radio broadcasting and he even let her start seeds in the seedling trays. 
“Oh yeah, Doc?” Frank teased, “Where’s your degree?” 
“University of Shitty FEDRA Med School, class of ‘05,” she joked. This was a common back and forth between them. 
They laughed as she wheeled him to the back porch in front of his easel. Once she got him a clean rag for his brushes, she retreated to her room and picked up the book she had started the previous day, Jane Eyre. One of her favorites.
Her reading was interrupted an hour and a half later by Frank shouting at her from the bottom of the stairs.
“Em! Come down and meet our friends from the QZ!”
She’d heard tell of the smugglers, Tess and Joel from the Boston QZ. They brought building materials and seeds and, most importantly, Frank’s pain meds. She’d pointedly ignored the flash of excitement the name ‘Joel’ gave her — the chances of this Joel being her Joel were slim to none. 
Emma made herself presentable in the dusty hall mirror, then descended the staircase — only once this time — and went out the open front door. Outside smelled like wet earth and petrichor and ozone. She stepped onto the porch with a ‘creak’ and two people who stood midway down the front walk whipped around to face her. From the other side of them, Frank was smiling and waving her closer.
A tall woman with graying brown hair and intense hazel eyes straightened as Emma approached. Her face told Emma the story of hard-won survival, of a fierceness that Emma recognized.
The second person, the man reaching for his gun, made her heart thud to a complete stop. His dark brown eyes widened and his hand fell away from the gun tucked in his holster.
His hair and beard were grayer, his face lined deeper in what she figured was a permanent frown, but it was him. Same firm jaw, same powerful frame. Joel, it was Joel — her Joel! 
Emma couldn’t draw a breath. Instead, she felt all her blood rush downward and her vision blackened around the edges. Her shoulder slammed into the door jamb, but she barely felt it and her knees crashed to the wood porch. 
She came to almost immediately, multiple pairs of hands helping her up and ushering her into the parlor. 
“Head between your knees, hun,” a woman’s voice reached her as they placed her in a plush chair. “Deep breaths, in and out. There you go.” 
Emma followed the instructions and felt oxygen beginning to circulate in her body again. Bill’s rough hand passed her a glass of water, and she took small sips as she sat back up. The woman — Tess, she assumed — had a look of concern on her features, Bill’s mustache twitched. 
“Can you tell me your name? Do you know where you are?” Tess demanded. 
“Emma McDonough, I’m in Lincoln Massachusetts,” Emma answered. She could hear Frank yelling from outside and Bill ducked out, returning momentarily. Frank’s eyes were as wide as saucers and he all but lunged for Emma, his hands fluttering around her like a mother hen. 
“Are you okay? What the hell happened?”
“I’m fine, I swear, I was just…surprised, is all.”
“Surprised by what?” Frank asked, dropping his hands. 
Bill answered, “You know Joel. There’s history there?” 
Emma nodded, “Yeah.”
“Oh, shit,” Tess said, “You’re her, aren’t you? The girlfriend who was out of town when it all happened?” 
Emma nodded. The room went silent. She looked between the three others in the room, not seeing the cause of her embarrassingly Austen-like swoon. Tess looked out the window, then crossed to the front door. Bill and Frank shared one of their looks and Frank’s hand came to rest on her knee. They all turned their heads at the sound of approaching boots. A few seconds later, Joel’s broadness blocked most of the door frame. 
“Can-” he paused, clearing his throat, “Can y’all give us a moment?”
“Of course,” Frank said, squeezing Emma’s knee. “We’ll be just outside if you need us.” 
Bill gave her a look that said, ‘I’ll shoot him if you want me to,’ as he wheeled Frank out the door to join Tess on the porch. 
Joel closed the pocket doors next to her, then leaned his forehead against them. Emma got to her feet, slowly so as not to faint again. Her mind buzzed with questions, so many of them she had no idea where to begin.
“I-I don’t even know where to start,” she offered. “What-? How-? I…I…”
Joel turned to face her. His eyes darted over her figure, an unreadable expression on his hardened face. All of a sudden, Emma felt self-conscious. 
Twenty years had gone by and she knew she didn’t look the same as she used to. Like Joel, the years had hardened her face. Her body was softer in places that were once firm, thicker around the middle but still svelte. She wasn’t the sexy thirty-year-old she’d been when they’d started dating. Then again, he’d softened around the middle too but it hadn’t detracted from the strength and power he radiated. 
It didn’t detract from how drop-dead sexy he was. If anything, the years of survival had given his rugged good looks sharper edges that she was more than willing to dash herself against. 
She moved first, taking a half-step toward him like he was a timber wolf she had managed to corner. He instinctively stepped back and held up a hand to stop her. She stopped. The air between them thickened.
Slowly, Joel shrugged off the pack on his back, holding it with one arm and digging into it with the other. Emma’s brow furrowed and her head tilted. Once he had retrieved what he was searching for, he let the pack drop to the ground and stepped toward her, offering her what was in his hand. 
A beat up scrap of leather that might’ve once been blue. The clip-on tag was all scratched to shit, but she knew it had once read ‘Bash’. Joel was careful to not let their hands touch as she let him place the collar in her hand. Her fingers closed around it, tears springing into her eyes. She noticed Joel’s shoulders tighten, his hand scrubbing down his face.
Memories of the smiling, happy dog flooded her mind and she pressed the collar to her chest. Her eyes slid shut. 
Picking out Bash at the shelter, just a little shaggy floppy-eared puppy. All the training that had convinced her she would never be ready for a baby. The fights that realization caused with her ex-husband. Bash putting himself between them during those fights, growling at her ex-husband. 
She heard wood tracks rattling and opened her eyes just in time to see Joel exiting the front door of the house. 
Emma jogged after him, “Hey! Wait!” 
Joel was halfway down the front walk again, heading toward where Bill, Frank, and Tess were chatting. He paused but didn’t turn back toward her. 
“What? Were you expecting some tearful joyous reunion?” he asked from over his shoulder, voice dangerously low. 
Emma stopped her approach at the bottom of the stairs, mouth agape as if he’d just slapped her. Rage swelled within her. What the fuck did he have to be so defensive — so dismissive — about? “After twenty years, maybe I expect a little more than you handing me my dead dog’s collar and leaving, yeah!” 
Joel turned to her, “I’m not the same, Emma. It’s been twenty years, I’ve been through a lot-”
How dare he! She whipped the collar at him and raised her voice, “Fuck you! You don’t think I have too?” He caught the leather and tucked it into his back pocket. Tess, Bill, and Frank all turned toward them when they heard her shouting. She ignored them, keeping her focus on Joel. 
“I didn’t say that,” he argued, his hands going to his hips in a way she remembered all too well. “Just trying to temper expectations.”
“Temper expectations? If you’re not happy to see me just fucking say so,” Emma spat. Her volume had returned to normal, but the three other adults were heading their way.
“It ain’t that. I’m glad to see you alive, Emma, I am, but it’s not like we have the time to fall into each other’s arms and sob it out right now.”
She threw her arms up in frustration. “You were the one who asked for a minute!”
“Cuz you fuckin’ fainted!” 
He may as well have slapped her. All at once, she understood why he’d given her the collar after carrying around for so long. The hard look he was giving her and how he was carefully maintaining his distance — 
He thought she was weak. Vulnerable. A damsel in need of protection. And, if this world had taught her anything, it was no place for damsels. 
Good thing she wasn’t one.
She closed the distance between them and slapped him across the face, making sure she made it hurt. Tess shouted and slotted herself between the former couple and Bill grabbed Emma around the waist, dragging her back. Turning, Tess guided Joel back a few steps and spoke to him in a low tone. 
Emma shook Bill off of her and headed back into the house. She glanced over her shoulder, catching Joel’s gaze on her for a moment. He rubbed his jaw with a big hand and brushed Tess’s hands away from himself, dark brown eyes following her into the house and up the stairs.
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frogoiw · 5 months
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My Music for March 2023
Dear Tumblr,
They don’t call it March Madness for no reason, believe me this month was complete and utter madness. I went through a whirlwind of emotions. It was really the passing of my grandma that caught my family and me off guard. No one thought she would be taken out from under us, in a brief moment it happened so fast and at that moment her heart gave out. I couldn't believe it and I’m still in shock. My grandma was very dear to me and I’ve been grieving and going through the motions of her loss. The music I have been listening to has been very therapeutic and has brought that healing feeling I’ve been aligning to. I wasn’t joking when I mentioned in a previous blog that the leading ladies were back at it again. With Kali Uchis and Lana Del Rey both dropping their albums in March, the Top Songs for 3.2023 playlist on Spotify is lit and jammed packed with new music that was released this month among other songs I fell in love with while listening to my Spotify Discover Weekly.  Shout out to Kali Uchis for putting her whole love and couchie in Red moon In Venus. Shout out to Princess Nokia for “i love you but this is goodbye” the album that brought closure to that situation that you didn’t think you needed. Last but not least, shout out to the Queen and mother to us all Lana Del Rey. The song Grants couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. The lyrics hit close to home. The lyric in particular, “My grandmother’s last smile I’m gonna take that too with me It’s a beautiful life” It’s these music synchronicities that tell me everything is going to be okay. The reason why I take time to share the music is important because you don’t know how impactful a song can be to a person who can relate to the music or feel understood in the poetry of that artist. Anyways here is the link for March music on Spotify:
Without further adieu coming in at … 
71. Jon Batiste Interlude by Lana Del Rey
70. Bigger Pictures by Atmosphere
69. Night Vision by Mareux
68. Left Behind by The Plot In You
67. Locked out of Heaven by Gideon
66. Me Matas by Eslabon Armando
65. Plane Vs. Tank Vs. Submarine by Tigers Jaw
64. Stop the Fucking Gar by Circa Survive
63. Spirit Desire by Tigers Jaw
62. 70s Haze by VIKA
61. You’re Gonna Miss Me by 13th Floor Elevators
60. Mr. delivery man by ExistentialBeing, Kota the Friend, OGP!nkboi
59. Missing My Exxx by HYMN.
58. More Than Friends by Indie Anthony
57. Colour of Joy by DILLY DALLY
56. Live Your Fantasy by Israel’s Arcade
55. Where Have All My Friends Gone?
54. Happy by CLIP
53. Lua by Bright Eyes
52. Lions by Tune-Yards
51. Yellow Brick Road by Sudan Archives
50. MONA LISA by Tei Shi
49. BAD FRUIT* by Jean Dawson, Earl Sweatshirt
48. Since I Have A Lover by 6LACK
47. The Mourning After by Mac Miller
46. STILL C U by Jessie Reyez
45. Hola Soledad- Cover by Ragnunath
44. NN12 by Julian Dysart
43. Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes
42. ルージュの伝言 by Yumi Arai
41. Bound by Dana and Alden
40. Soulful Strut by Young-Holt unlimited
39. Glorious Game by El Michels Affair, Black Thought, KIRBY
38. I Am Progress by Prozack Turner, The Grouch, Deuce Eclipse
37. Birds by Daisha McBride
36. The Party by Portraits Of Tracy
35. The God hour by A$AP ANT, A$AP Rocky
34. NASTY by Russ
33. Diana by Armani Caesar, Kodak Black
32. Can I by Kehlani
31. Red Ruby Da Sleeze by Nicki Minaj
30. Hasta Cuando by Kali Uchis
29. Come Te Quiero Yo by Kali Uchis
28. Love Between… by Kali Uchis
27. The Way by Manchester Orchestra
26. Lose You Again by Manchester Orchestra
25. Quietly by Manchester Orchestra
24. Yellow Love by Citizen
23. The Tide by Hit-Boy, Nas
22. But You Alexandra Savior
21. Candy Necklace by Lana Del Rey, Jon Batiste
20. Let The Light In by Lana Del Rey, Father John Misty
19. Fishtail by Lana Del Rey
18. Blue by Kali Uchis
17. Deserve Me by Kali Uchis, Summer Walker
16. Not Too Late (interlude) by Kali Uchis
15. lUcky girl synDrome by Tommi Aura
14. Just A Girl by Florence + the Machine
13. Letting Go Manchester Orchestra
12. Freak In Me by Mild Orange
11. Love Is Only a Feeling by HOMESHAKE
10. Up In The Sky by Emilee Moore
9. As The Sun Sets by Sorry
8. Happy by Princess Nokia
7. Angels & demons by Princess Nokia
6. Worth the wait by Kali Uchis, Omar Apollo
5. The Grants by Lana Del Rey
4. Moral Conscience by Kali Uchis
3. Taco Truck x VB by Lana Del Rey 
2. Lo siento by Princess Nokia
1. Peppers by Lana Del Rey, Tommy Genesis
Thank you for tuning in.
Miss Solitude 
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joeymydude · 2 years
The Beatles
Paul is on his way to my house i kid you not, moments passing by in my head, all the thoughts of my home. i am so happy. There is a memory here in this home, damn good memory, i have the warmest family to me. i owe up to the elderly in my family i love them with all of my heart. Best time of my life here in Tucson, Arizona, twisting and shouting to dancing in my living room letting go thinking of the past times my family had with music. i am so happy once again. A note for you reader anyone really, DREAMS DO COME TRUE! One last time Paul is on his way to my house. my most favorite experience here in Tucson, staying up pulling an all nighter into the sky we wake up to a ,marmalade sunrise, i kid you not I kid you not. Tucson, Arizona you are very beautiful to me i love you with all my heart. ANYONE OUT THERE IN NEED OF VOICE I AM HERE FOR YOU! You know we are no longer sitting on a corn flake one last time because its cool, Paul Mcartney is on his way to my home in Tucson, Arizona. TUCSON ARIZONIANS I APPRECIATED YOU AS MUCH AS WE LET GO UNDER THIS HOT SUN! WE HOT WE NOW WE HOT! PAUL ON HIS WAY WE ARE GOING TO AS US ALL BEATLES SAID, THE BEATLES SAID BEST, WE ARE GOING TO PARTY PARTY! I AM NOW IN THE BAND AS SOON AS PAUL ARRIVES I AM PUMPED! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING TUCSON, ARIZONA. I LOVE YOU! I WANNA THANK YOU! BIG THANKS TO FOX THEATER VERY GOOD FRIEND VERY GOOD HEART. BIG SHOUTOUT TO HOTEL CONGRESS! BIG HUG FOR YOU U OF A STUDENTS, BEST TIME AT THE MAC MILLER SECRET SHOW ON THE U OF A GROUNDS. BIG HUG FOR KREAYSHAWN, CHARLI XCX AND HEATHER MCARTNEY I WANNA THANK YOU. I LOVE MY MOM AND MY LITTLE BROTHER. I AM SO PUMPED PAUL IS ON HIS WAY TO MY HOME. M83 PLAYED THE BIGGEST MOTIVATIONAL ESCAPE EVER! “DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH ME” RACONTE-MOI UNE HISTORIE - M83     “EVERYBODY SAW THE SUNSIHNE OHHH YEAH” IVE GOT A FEELING - THE BEATLES 
                                                                              THE BEATLES BAND MEMBER 
                                                                                           JOEY ARENAS 
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jcmarchi · 1 day
Cover Reveal – Dragon Age: The Veilguard
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/cover-reveal-dragon-age-the-veilguard/
Cover Reveal – Dragon Age: The Veilguard
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This month, Dragon Age: The Veilguard (you read that right – Dreadwolf is no more) graces the cover of Game Informer. After years developing Baldur’s Gate and its sequel early in its history, BioWare struck out to create its own fantasy RPG. That series began with Dragon Age: Origins in 2009. It was followed up with Dragon Age II in 2011, and then Dragon Age: Inquisition in 2014. While the Dragon Age series’ history has its ups and downs, fans have been patiently waiting for BioWare to return to the franchise, and 2024 is finally the year. 
We visited BioWare’s Edmonton, Canada, office for an exclusive look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, including a look at its character creator, its prologue and opening missions, and more. We also spoke to many of the game’s leads about the name change, the series’ shift to real-time action combat, the various companions (and the relationships you can forge with them), and The Veilguard’s hub location. You can learn about the titular Veilguard, Solas’ role in the game, and so much more in our 12-page cover story for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. 
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But there are plenty of other excellent reads within this issue of Game Informer! Some of us flew to Los Angeles, California, to attend Summer Game Fest and the not-E3 weekend’s various other events to check out new games, interview developers, and more. Our previews section is jam-packed with new details about upcoming releases we can’t wait for. 
Brian Shea flew to Warsaw, Poland, to check out two upcoming releases – Frostpunk 2 and The Alters – and he came away excited about both. Jon Woodey went hands-on with Final Fantasy XIV’s upcoming Dawntrail expansion (and spoke to director Naoki Yoshida, too), and as someone with 8,000 hours in the game, his words are the ones you’ll want to read. 
On the freelance front, Charlie Wacholz writes about how last year’s Dave The Diver is one of the best game representations of the rewards and struggles of working in the food and beverage industry, and Grant Stoner spoke with Sony and Microsoft about the development of process and history of the companies’ Adaptive and Access controllers. And for a lil’ terror this summer, Ashley Bardhan spoke to several horror game developers about why the alluring town known as Silent Hill is a crucial location to Konami’s horror masterpiece. 
As always, you’ll find an editor’s note from editor-in-chief Matt Miller, reviews from various freelancers and staff editors, a Top 5 list (hint hint: dragons), and more. 
Here’s a closer look at the cover: 
Not a print subscriber yet but want this issue? Well, you’re in luck! Subscribing today – or within the next few days – will net you a print copy of this issue! You can join the ranks of the Game Informer print subscribers through our new standalone print subscription! Just head here to sign up for either one or two years at a fraction of the cost of buying the issues individually! You can even gift a print subscription to your favorite gamer!
You can also try to nab a Game Informer Gold version of the issue. Limited to a numbered print run per issue, this premium version of Game Informer isn’t available for sale. To learn about places where you might be able to get a copy, check out our official Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, BlueSky, and Threads accounts and stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks. Click here to read more about Game Informer Gold.
Print subscribers can expect their issues to arrive in the coming weeks. The digital edition launches June 18 for PC/Mac, iOS, and Google Play. Individual print copies will be available for purchase in the coming weeks at GameStop.
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xmegijax · 1 month
Bīfi jeb ķīviņi
Nedaudz par notiekošo repa nesaskaņās
Līdz šim galīgi nebiju pievērsusi uzmanību repa bīfiem jeb ķīviņiem. Iespējams tāpēc, ka neredzēju ko ar to iesākt, kā tas ietekmētu manu skatījumu un izjūtas par repu un mūziku kopumā. Atzīšos, ka kopš “Sīrupa” laikiem baigi nepatērēju preses un ziņu platformas, kur tiek apstpriesti karstākie jaunumi par izpildītājiem, un tas viss leikas un laikam arī ir tāda mēļošanās (mēles trīšana) vien. Protams, ik pa laikam paskatos kādas intervijas vai sava veida šovus ( šoutouts Mac Miller And Most Dope family šovam, iesaku un Action Bronson Thats Fucking delicious), bet neteiktu, ka ļoti izteikti digotu mākslinieku personīgās dzīves (cik bērni, ko deito, cik bijušie utt), drīzāk interesē vispārīgie uzskati par dzīvi, mākslu, sajūtām, pieredzi. 
Un tad manā interešu lokā ielēca P Diddy skandāls, ko nevarēju palaist garām, jo savā mērā tas diezgan cieši iet kopā ar vispārīgajām vērtībām, notiekošo situāciju mūzikas biznesā un izpratni par kaut kādu morāli. Blakus Diddy situācijai ļoti nesen parādījās arī Chris Brown saķeršanās ar Quavo, kur abi divi arī veltīja viens otram singlus ar asiem, ļoti personīgiem pārmetumiem un dzēlībām. Izpildījums man šķita ļoti jēls un varbūt nedaudz uzjautrinoš. Visādā gadijumā galīgi ne nopietns. Kas tajā visā likās super dīvaini, ka Chris Brown izpirka Quavo koncertu teju visu arēnu, mēģinot viņu pazemot. Skats jau dramatisks, lielā zālē tikai ap 50 cilvēkiem pie skatuves. Visvairāk jau man žēl fanus. Pohuj, ka Chris ieflekso ar savu naudu, ka var nopirkt tik daudz biļešu. Kā ar tiem cilvēkiem, kuriem tika laupīta iespēja baudīt mākslinieka uzstāšanos? 
Tagad pie galvenā punkta, Kendrika vs Dreik lietu. Kad iznāca First person shooter, man likās drosmīgs gājiens no J Cole puses iepīt Kendrika vārdu un sevi pozicionēt tik augstā rangā (lai gan J Cole noteikti ir manā topā jau n-gadus). Tas, kam tajā brīdī pievērsu uzmanību bija J Cole rinda “Not Russia, but apply pressure / To your cranium, Cole's automatic when aimin' 'em” , kur tiek iepīts dziesmas nosaukums no Off-season albuma (Applying pressure) un vārdu salikums your cranium fonētiski ir līdzīgs Ukraine. Man tas šķiet max interesanti, ka asv scēnā tik liels reperis pievērš uzmanību šim konfliktam otrpus okeāna. Un šādā veidā arī brīdinot par gaidāmo karu repa pasaulē. Šobrīd, noklausoties Kendrika dissus, es savelku paralēles ar First person shooter rindām. Piemēram, “I search one name, and end up seein' twenty tings
Nadine, Christine, Justine, Kathleen, Charlene, Pauline, Claudine
Man, I pack 'em in this phone like some sardines
And they send me naked pictures, it's the small things” ļoti viegli var interpretēt, ka Dreikam ir daudz sieviešu, ko var tālāk apspelēt neuzticībā un runāt par vispārējo seksuālo aktivitāti, kā arī man aizķēra Dreika sevis salīdzināšana ar pop karali Maiklu Džeksonu, kurš paralēli saviem hitiem bija ļoti populārs ar lielo pedofīlijas lietu. Kopumā, man šķiet First person shooter ir tas gabals, kurš iedeva Kendrikam ļoti lielu bagāžu ar iedvesmu un iespēju nu ta beidzot izteikt savu lielo žulti, ko viņš izdarīja noteikti daudz meistarīgāk, interesantāk,profesionālāk, daudzpusīgāk nekā Dreiks. Par to, kam šis viss bija vajadzīgs un kam taisnība. Varbūt ne vienam, bet man atnāca atklāsme par kronēšanu un “lielās kazas” (G.O.A.T.) titulu, atklāsme, kura ļoti iespējams no daudzajiem repa faniem jau ir pašsaprotama. Mums vajag kronēt karali, lai nostādītu ne tikai skilu jeb prasmju līmeni, bet arī morāles un vērtību kopumu. Kam mēs sekosim? Kas mūs dzīs uz priekšu? Ko mēs gribam vispār sasniegt? Un uz šiem jautājumiem Kendriks spēj mūs, kā klausītājus pietuvināt tam daudz tuvāk. Varat neieņemt neviena pusi, bet padomāt par to, kas ir labs un, kas slikts, to noteikti nāksies. 
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mitchbeck · 4 months
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aintshitbiz · 6 months
Dave Luv ft Reo Cragun "Gunfire" Video
Originally from Chicago, Dave Luv is a rising artist on the Hip Hop scene. He has mesmerized audiences with his distinctive brand of contemporary hip hop, captivating them with his energizing sounds and thought-provoking lyrics.
Checkout his video "Gunfire"
Click Here to Download the DJ Pack via Virdiko.com
Dave Luv stands out as a great innovator in a genre that is always changing. He distinguishes himself from his contemporaries by his ability to fluidly meld genres and experiment with various sounds. Dave Luv has tremendous talent and a contagious energy that will have a long-lasting effect on the Hip Hop community. Inspired by Mac Miller, J Cole, and Kendrick Lamar, he believes: “Music is supposed to create a feeling, I want you to feel like you can relate to what I’ve written. If I manage to change the life of one person, I have succeeded. I hope you’re happy when you hear it.” As he continues to push the frontiers of contemporary hip hop, keep an eye out for this rising artist. Connect w. Dave Luv: Twitter: daveluvofficial Instagram: daveluvofficial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daveluvofficial Tik Tok: @daveluvofficial
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