thapatkanyz · 9 months
Izzítás! Izzgatási! Igazoltatási! Kigazoltatási! Grimaszolgatás! Grow-szolgáltatás! Grasszolgáltatás. Gézengúzolás. KézenhúzAdács. Pécsenrúgdalózás. Picsánrúgdalódás! NemCopyzgatás.
.. Izzítási!!! Izzgatási! Igazoltatási! Kigazoltatási! Grimaszolgatás!
Grow-szolgáltatás! Grasszolgáltatás. Gézengúzolás. KézenhúzAdács. Pécsenrúgdalózás. Picsánrúgdalódás! NemCopyzgatás. Izzítás!
52-es körzet!-Ökörnek karám!
Trapszarnak far! Ám
.. a törlés késik!
Kéne gondolkodni
.. a mocskot mért nézik (?) nem túl Yo!-szemmel a Patkányok!? Ne légy álnok! Szerinted végig miről hadoválnak? Ne szivasd magad halálra! Stíluskő? Yo!-Neked a Kaláka! 😂meg maláta!-Nem Találod a vénát?
Akkor magyarázd már el nekem, hogy mé’ játszod a bénát? - Lépd át!-Rád omlik pont a Rubicon!-Híg béke!? Smoke Factory NEM Copycon! Így kéne ha nem félne az iGAZságtól. A valóst nem választod el a valótlanságtól! Hatóságtól behaluzva menekülést mímelve! Szétpimpelve! Kurvának állva! Driftelve!kanyarba rángat! Addig vagy jól még a Patkányz sanyargatava rághat füledbe szádba! Az ajtók már nincsenek nyitva tárva! Bezárva! A mozidba mik mennek..☮️
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hicapacity · 9 months
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- Három dolgot szedjél Viktor :
-gyógyszer, -szemét, -cókmók!
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nofatclips · 5 months
Travessant la llum del sol by Univers from the album L'estat Natural
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claypotsstuff · 10 months
Did anybody else go through bursts of random obsession and now has extensive knowledge and/or useless life skills on the most random things? Or was that just me ?
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bocadosdefilosofia · 10 months
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«El universo no tiende á la inmovilidad; su movimiento es perpetuo, porque él mismo es en sí infinito. La ley del equilibrio que en él preside, no le conduce á la uniformidad ni á la inmovilidad; le asegura al contrario una renovación eterna por medio de la economía de las fuerzas, que son infinitas.
Y si tal es la verdadera constitución del universo, preciso es admitir que tal es también la de la Humanidad. No vamos á una perfección ideal, á un estado definitivo, que, salvando con la muerte el espacio que de él nos separa, podríamos conseguir en un momento. Vamos con el universo por una incesante metamorfosis, que se cumple tanto más segura y gloriosamente, cuanta más inteligencia y moralidad desarrollamos. El Progreso es, pues, la ley de nuestra alma, no sólo en el sentido de que, por nuestro propio perfeccionamiento, debemos continuamente aproximarnos á la absoluta Justicia y á lo ideal, sino también en el de que, renovándose y desarrollándose sin fin la humanidad, como la creación, el ideal de Justicia y de belleza que necesitamos realizar cambia y se agranda eternamente.»
P. J. Proudhon: Filosofía popular (F. Pí y Margall, trad.). Librería de Alfonso Durán, págs. 107-108. Madrid, 1868
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banmaihong · 17 days
Lẩu bò nhúng giấm và tả pí lù của Việt Nam lọt top 5 món lẩu ngon nhất thế giới
Trên trang TasteAtlas, món lẩu bò nhúng giấm được 4,6 sao, trở thành một trong những món thịt ngon nhất thế giới – Ảnh: TasteAtlas © Được Tuổi trẻ cung cấp   Chuyên trang ẩm thực TasteAtlas công bố danh sách 5 món lẩu ngon nhất thế giới, trong đó có lẩu bò nhúng giấm và tả pí lù của Việt Nam. Continue reading Lẩu bò nhúng giấm và tả pí lù của Việt Nam lọt top 5 món lẩu ngon nhất thế giới
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diyeipetea · 2 years
Jazz Para Ti: #JPT85 T05P02 Por Pachi Tapiz [Podcast de jazz]
Jazz Para Ti: #JPT85 T05P02 Por Pachi Tapiz [Podcast de jazz]
Jazz Para Ti 85 En la edición del 11 de octubre de 2022 de Jazz Para Ti, el segundo programa de la temporada 2022-23, suena música de las siguientes grabaciones. Lionel Hampton: À L’Olympia (Versailles, 1956) Gonzalo del Val: Tornaviaje (Errabal Jazz, 2022) Ignasi Terraza, Adrian Cunningham, Esteve Pi: Unusual Trio (Swit Records, 2022) Alvin Queen Trio: Night Train To Copenhague (Stunt Records,…
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Bīng Pí Yuè Bǐng / 冰皮月饼 / Snow Skin Mooncake
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allegedlyalan · 3 months
Šťastné Březnové idy všem maturantům, co si u ústních chcou vytáhnout starověký Řím (mně) (prosím).
(zjišťuju, že jsem nevědomky na Den pí upekla dort a na Březnové idy ho zakrojila, tak snad to přinese štěstí haha)
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ruanbaijie · 3 months
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note: 皮卡丘 (pí kǎ qiū) means "Pikachu", vs. 皮在痒 (pí zài yǎng) which literally means "skin is itching" (i.e. Itchy Skin), which figuratively means someone is asking for a spanking
THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) 1.18 adapted from the danmei novel Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 by Xi Zi Xu 西子绪
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zhuzhudushu · 6 months
跳舞 Dance Vocab
来自:Yoyo Chinese Upper Intermediate Unit 28
生词 Words:
肚皮舞 / dù pí wǔ / belly dance
现代舞 / xiàn dài wǔ / modern dance
民族舞 / mín zú wǔ / folk dance
爵士舞 / jué shì wǔ / jazz dance
交际舞 / jiāo jì wǔ / ballroom dance
街舞 / jiē wǔ / hiphop or street dance
传统舞 / chuán tǒng wǔ / traditional dance
顺便问一下 / shùn biàn wèn yì xià / by the way, can I ask...
语法 Grammar:
都 / already
从... 就... 了 / to [do something] since [time]
大概 / approximately, about
能有 / about, maybe about...
例子 Examples:
都晚上七点了,我们该吃晚饭了。It's already 7pm, we should eat dinner.
我从六岁就开始学弹钢琴了。I have been learning piano since I was only 6 years old.
她的舞友跳的(种)是中国传统舞。(The type of dance) her dance friends are doing is traditional chinese dance.
顺便问一下,你们都学跳舞多长时间了?By the way can I ask, how long have you all been studying dance?
我学了大概能有六七年了。I've learned for about maybe 6-7 years.
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thapatkanyz · 2 years
Új mocsok, de árad!
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biglittleluobo · 1 year
🧑‍🔬🧑‍🔬🧪🧪 Chemical elements (化学元素) 🥼🥼⚗️⚗️
I have learned something amazing which is that the Chinese word for sodium (Na) is … 钠 (nà)! If only they all matched like that!!
Ex: 低钠酱油 (dī nà jiàng yóu) - low sodium soy sauce
Sometimes you may see the word 卤 (鹵/滷,lǔ, halogen or salt) used to describe dishes or sauces, such as 卤肉饭 (lǔ ròu fàn, braised pork rice), 打卤面 (dǎ lǔ miàn, noodles with thick gravy), 卤虾油 (lǔ xiā yóu, shrimp sauce).
Here is the first three rows of the periodic table!
Hydrogen (H) - 氢 (qīng)
Helium (He) - 氦 (hài)
Lithium (Li) - 锂 (lǐ)
Beryllium (Be) - 铍 (pí)
Boron (B) - 硼 (péng)
Carbon (C) - 碳 (tàn)
Nitrogen (N) - 氮 (dàn)
Oxygen (O) - 氧 (yǎng)
Fluorine (F) - 氟 (fú)
Neon (Ne) - 氖 (nǎi)
Sodium (Na) - 钠 (nà)
Magnesium (Mg) - 镁 (měi)
Aluminum (Al) - 铝 (lǚ)
Silicon (Si) - 硅 (guī)
Phosphorus (P) - 磷 (lín)
Sulfur (S) - 硫 (líu)
Chlorine (Cl) - 氯 (lǜ)
Argon (Ar) - 氩 (yà)
And a few more useful ones:
Iron (Fe) - 铁 (tiě)
Gold (Au) - 金 (jīn)
Silver (Ag) - 银 (yín)
地铁 (dì tiě) - subway; short for (地下铁道, “underground iron path”)
金银 (jīn yín) - gold and silver, can be used to refer to ancient currency
穿金戴银 (chuān jīn dài yín) - to be dressed in gold (clothes) and silver (ornamentation) (idiom)
Radical practice
Notice how all of the above (except gold) have a radical based on 金 (钅, metal, gold), 气 (air, gas), or 石 (stone). Makes sense based on each element right? ;)
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TS3 - Chinese Cuisine 【中國美食】12 Custom content 
D E C O R A T I O N   
Don’t believe portrayal of Chinese food in Shang Simla world because Shang Simla is American Chinatown from Western perspective which the food portrayal in that World is Westernized Chinese, not authentic, wrong to us Chinese and general Asian Sims players. There is no such thing as Fortune Cookies in Chinese cuisine. Fortune cookies are American product 100%. 
Chinese cuisine is the most oldest and diverse cuisine in the world, including noodles, which was first recorded invented in China from 4,000 years ago, has been existed until modern times.  
There are so many dishes in China, because due to many regions and provinces, I cannot include all of them here. I released list of my favourite dishes, which are prominent to Southern China region. Yanwo tang (Swallow bird’s nest soup) is the most expensive one because it provides health benefits: high levels of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
Title is below of the picture. 
Main course / 菜
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紅燒肉   Hóngshāo ròu   (Red braised pork belly) | Price: §5
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四川擔擔麵    Sìchuān dàn dàn miàn  (Sichuan hot & spicy noodles)  | Price: §5
燕窩湯   Yànwō tāng  (Swallow bird’s nest soup)  | Price: §55
蒜蓉炒青菜   Suàn róng chǎo qīngcài  (Stir-fried Pak Choy with garlic)  | Price: §5
牛肉炒麵    Niúròu chǎomiàn  (Stir-fried noodle beef) | Price: §5
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脆皮燒肉   Cuì pí shāo ròu  (Crispy pork belly)  | Price: §5
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北京烤鴨 Běijīng kǎoyā (Beijing roasted duck) | Price: §22
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四川麻辣豬肉拉麵   Sìchuān málà zhūròu lāmiàn   (Sichuan hot & spicy noodles, served with pork meat and Pak Choy vegetables) | Price: §5
餛飩湯    Húntún tāng  (Wonton soup) | Price: §5
紅燒豬蹄    Hóngshāo zhū tí  (Braised pork trotters) | Price: §5
Rice, as staple meal
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一碗白飯和筷子   Yī wǎn báifàn hé kuàizi (A bowl of rice with chopsticks) | Price: §2
一碗白飯  Yī wǎn báifàn  (A bowl of rice) | Price: §2
Mesh by Me, Rice & Sichuan mala zhurou lamian photography are by Me. The rest of food textures credits to each owner.  
Do not reupload/make profit/link to adf.ly or donation, no sims3planet, no simsdom.
Can be found in “Decor> All“ category
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sadsackpostteen · 2 months
So for this year's Chinese grand prix, news may travel faster in Chinese social media and for you guys to familiarize their nick names, here are some of Lando's and Oscar's Chinese papaya fans use a lot and you'll find them full of love 🧡🧡
Oscar Piastri(奥斯卡•皮亚斯特里)
For fans, they'd like to shorten if the name's too long. Initially (I mean before his F1 era) they call him Xiǎo Pí (not pie, read pea, no specific meaning in this context, only to make it cute). Also he looks like koala, and he loves sleeping, and he's so chill all the time, so the nick name 🐨 just speaks itself.
Another hilarious nickname is called 陈皮 Chén Pí (dried tangerine or orange peel, a Chinese medicine/cooking ingredient), which has a more complicated connotation.
Ok, so he reveals he is 1/16 Chinese, right? A vlogger in China, whose channel is about finding heritage for celebrities, made a video(in Chinese) about him. As we all know, his great great grandfather was Chinese, whose name, according to some digging of the archive, is called Chan Wong. Since it's two-character, people confused the family name with his given name, until now we are not certain whether Chan (chén) or Wong is his family name. Some people simply combine it with his current family name and call Oscar Chén Pí, and it just spreads out. For a derivation of this nickname, we combined Chen Pi and Pia together, and we got Chen Pi Ya(陈皮鸭), which is a roasted duck thing I haven’t got any chance to taste yet.
Lando Norris(兰多•诺里斯)
Although the official translation of his name is 兰多 (Lán Duō), his name sounds more like 兰豆. In English narrative, you guys have Landoscar to address this ship, some Chinese fans call this pair 豆皮 (dried bean curd). Yes, we Chinese like using food as a nickname for the celebrities we love.
McLaren(迈凯伦/ 麦麦)
Those are directly translated from phonetic pronunciation instead of actual meaning. But there's another cute name derived from the official one, it's called 麦麦幼儿园 (McKindergarten). Since they're the youngest duo on the grid and they give such a strong brother vibe, the fans love to babifiy them. There're a lot of cute drawings of those boys by Chinese fans, you may find some on tbl.
If my explanation is not accurate, feel free to correct. And hope the boys can perform well this weekend 🤗🤗
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metrodisco · 4 days
vocal stims i have acquired from smiling friends
- ahahahahaha nom ahahahaha nom ahahahaha nom ahahahahah n
- we can HANGOUT and SMOKE WEED and fill our bellies with DIET soda and play bURNOUT REVENGE for the PÍ ÉS TUU
- the entire picking up twigs song
- don' go past the rickety bridge.... YOULL GET LOWST
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