#oxygenating plants indoor
urbanplants12 · 8 months
Waste management in Home and Types of wastes at home
Types of wastes at home
MAY 27, 2022by Sadabahar Greens Pvt. Ltd.
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Types of Waste in Waste Management
Increasing awareness about the environment has brought issues like inefficient means of waste management in Disposal in the community to the forefront. We need to become aware of the waste generation daily and ensure that it is disposed of in a safe and environment-friendly manner. Now that everyone is staying at home, it’s more important than ever before that we should have efficient waste management at home. Accumulated garbage can breed germs and spread disease; something that should not be taken lightly. If this is something that you have taken for granted till now, here’s how you can make a conscious start. To begin with, what are the kinds of waste generation at home? Generally, there are three types:
Organic Waste
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This is the waste from our kitchens, such as leftover food, Vegetable and fruit peels, eggshells and so on. Organic waste is biodegradable and can be composted if appropriately treated with a sustainable solution composter. For a sustainable compost use Sadabahar composter vertical garden planter tower will help the best feature of it is self-fertilizing with inbuilt composter attached with planter and good equipment for waste management at home that is available at Urban plants. 
Toxic Waste
Old expired medicines, shoe polish, batteries, chemicals, bulbs, fertilisers and so on fall under this category. Waste need to be collected separately and disposed of with care so that they do not contaminate the environment it is the important thing to avoid plastic as per the rule of waste management at any place.
Recyclable Waste
Paper, metals, glass and plastics that can be recycled should be collected separately and sent to the recycling plant it's an alternate this to achieve best waste management at your home.
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Love it when you can actually see plants producing oxygen. This one was submerged in water for an hour to get rid of aphids
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vojska · 2 years
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budsn-blush · 10 months
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Indoor plants not only add aesthetic beauty to our living spaces but also play a crucial role in enhancing the air quality by increasing oxygen levels. These green companions act as natural air purifiers, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Certain plant species are particularly effective at oxygen production and are well-suited for indoor environments. Prominent examples include the Snake Plant (Sansevieria), Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum), Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum), and Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller). These plants are not only low-maintenance but can thrive in various light conditions, making them suitable for different parts of the house. By strategically placing indoor plants in our homes, we can enjoy cleaner and healthier air, promoting a refreshing atmosphere conducive to overall well-being and productivity. Embracing these green allies allows us to harness the power of nature while creating a soothing and oxygen-rich indoor haven.
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mentahealthcareus · 1 year
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zarasblog4u · 1 year
March 3rd
That's how they say hello right? I saw it in a movie, I don't remember which though, 'cause all I could think of was the new greeting I had to address you guys!
Today the topic is houseplants! A wonderful way to spruce up your home and make it more colorful, no?
Do you know what they really bring? Death and suffering!! Well, not death to me. But death to them because they are singlehandedly the hardest thing to take care of in this galaxy! The more plants I buy the more they die.... Ohh that rhymed maybe I should be a poet...
They wither and their last words they mutter,"if you had just....moved me 2 more inches....towards the sun...blehhh" and then they die.
Those greedy bunch. I never know what they want, and I suspect they don't know either. Just blaming it all on me and acting like they're the most priveleged bunch.
Well, you could argue they are considering they are the single lifeforce that keeps us breathing! But besides that they can't really complain. I'm trying aren't I? 
I even gave them some friends and let my pet spider mites play on them. Oh well, poor me. I guess I wasn't meant to take care of plants.
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justmossyall · 1 year
depression hacks masterpost
these are things that will help with mental illness that aren't 'go outside, drink water, and everything will be fine!!!1!!!11!1!11!' those are good fs but they don't work on their own. these will actually help in one way or another :)
hell yeah let's go
open your windows. the fresh air and sunlight will do you good and it takes like 5 seconds.
go buy some plants, there are like a gazillion that are next to impossible to kill. and don't come at me with 'ohhh I'll probably find a way hahaha" NO. the plants will be so helpful! they produce oxygen, bring nature indoors which psychologically improves your mental state, and they're just nice to look at! you can name them! sculpt and/or paint little pots for them!
STOP LISTENING TO SAD MUSIC. I cannot stress this enough. it just makes things worse. please stop. make a playlist of all your favorite stupid, happy, pump-up songs and listen to them all the time until they get annoying. then repeat!
acquire a gazillion stuffed animals. so much serotonin for such a small price
get a water bottle and put fun stickers on it, and designate that water bottle to be only for water. nothing else goes in it. that way you can drink out of it for kind of a long time before needing to wash it. keep it filled with water and actually drink out of it. drink as much water as you can, all the time.
chew gum! idk why but it works bro. especially watermelon.
hug people and ask people to hug you. hugs are so amazing it's like pure happiness but with the added perk of Deep Pressure. it can be from your friends, family, s/o, whoever.
make sure there's a lot of light in your room. not good to wallow in darkness. put up fairy lights, get fun lamps, light candles, keep your blinds open, etc.
dress like how you want to feel. be colorful, fun, and comfortable. don't wear hoodies, sweatpants and ratty old shoes, I know it's appealing but it's just going to keep you in that depressed state. I like to wear dresses, colorful jeans, graphic tees from 5-Below, combat boots, and lots of funky earrings. (seriously 5-Below is a lifesaver for literally anything!!!) you can get a lot of these things for super cheap - I got a 20 pack of fun earrings like duckies, mushrooms, mini water bottles, etc. for like $11, and a lot of my colorful jeans are like 6 bucks at the thrift store. whatever your style is or whatever you want it to be, work to make that happen. because getting dressed is one of the simplest things you'll do in a day, so why not make the most of it?
doodle. it's fun and simple, and it'll give your hands something to do other than pick at your skin if you do that kind of stuff (see below).
on a similar note, make art!!!!! it doesn't have to be good!!!!!! just make art all the time, as often as you can. write crappy fanfiction. make friendship bracelets. sculpt a funky lil cat. draw your comfort characters. art is so healing and it will do wonders for you. even just like run your hands through a giant bag of beads like I do :P
get fidgets and bring them everywhere with you. this is more of an anxiety/stimming thing for me but I pick at my fingers, lips, pimples, eyebrows, etc., and it hurts a lot and will probably leave scars. fidgets are just amazing. I'm partial to tangles and infinity cubes :) gum and chewelry are good for this as well (for when I bite my fingers/clothes or chew the skin off my lips)
if you find yourself with a whole day with nothing to do and you don't have the energy to get up and do anything, go to the park. bring a blanket, some snacks, and headphones, and just lay there and listen to music. sleep. watch youtube. literally anything you would normally do when you don't have energy, except it's outside in the sun and grass and nature around other people who are doing the same thing! 10/10
get a pet if you can. even just fish, but really a fluffy, snuggly animal is probably best such as a dog or cat. OH MY GOD THEY HELP SO MUCH. ANIMALS ARE MAGIC. I don't think I've ever been sad while holding or petting my grandma's dog. (our family doesn't have one right now lol)
spray perfume/body spray on you. faster and easier than deodorant and it usually smells better
if you're gonna scroll, scroll pinterest. honestly, it's probably best to get rid of things like tiktok and snapchat, but that's kinda unrealistic for most people so I get it <3 pinterest is probably gonna be better than other social media cause it's more creative?? if you know what I mean?? and usually it's reading things and not mindlessly watching videos
if you don't have the energy to do stuff with your hair, put it up in a bun! fast simple and easy. takes like 5 seconds, even for someone with super thick curly hair like me. (or cut it short! but most of us aren't brave enough to do that lol)
eat fruit. sweet and comforting, but healthy!! so much better for you than junk food, and honestly it tastes better most of the time too. I recommend strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. easy to take with you on the go and sooooo good <333
play calming video games such as animal crossing, minecraft, stardew valley, cats with soup (if you're into mobile games), etc. puzzle games are good too! if you want something more combat-y, I would recommend the zelda games or forager. still chill and mellow but has more combat and story/lore
garden if you can. I know this kind of ties in with having plants in your room, but if you're able and you have the energy, keep a flower and/or vegetable garden. there's something so beautiful in putting your hands in the warm dirt, smelling your freshly-planted flowers, eating sun-infused vegetables that taste infinitely better than store-bought. it's so nice, but I know it's not for everyone so don't worry about it if you don't get around to it <3
sleep in the bus/car on the way to school if you're tired. not a perfect solution but better than falling asleep in class
inhale through your nose, not your mouth. it's better for your lungs and you'll get better air quality that way. it also helps calm you better than mouth breathing, and you can't exactly smell the fresh air through your mouth :P
read. sit down and read a book. carry one with you wherever you go. spend a weekend day in the library with a huge stack of books just reading. it's so calming and helps stimulate your brain. doesn't matter what you read as long as it's making you happy :)
surround yourself with color, not dark drab colors. hang up art and posters on your walls, get bright blankets and pillows, lay out a tiny lil carpet, make bead curtains and string them up on your curtain rod, set out little figurines/sculptures around your room. put color and life everywhere around you, and that will start to seep into your soul.
tea is always good. or if you don't like tea, hot water with lemon juice and honey. basically the same :)
if you ever just don't want to do something, like you just absolutely don't want to get up and do _ thing, think about future you. would they be like "bro thanks so much you really helped me out there" if you did the thing? if yes, then do it, no matter how impossible it seems. you'll thank yourself later.
a statement that is near and dear to my heart: if you feel like everyone hates you, sleep. if you feel like you hate everyone, eat. if you feel like you hate yourself, shower.
NO MORE SU!C!DE JOKES. ever. the end! replace "i'm literally gonna kms" jokes or anything along those lines with "i'm literally gonna flop to the floor" or "i'm literally gonna go ham bananas on this place" or whatever wild bullshit pops into your brain.
watch studio ghibli movies. the most amazing things to ever exist. I have never felt sad while watching a ghibli movie. they are basically the definition of peace.
take a bubble bath!!!!! :D
making your bed helps for some reason??? why, I have no idea. but it does bro
get excited about things. smile when you hear your favorite song. hug your amazon package when it comes in. count down the days until a holiday. laugh with joy when you have an amazing day. it makes things so much better.
an important addition: bring snacks everywhere
that's all for now, lmk if you have anything else to add!!! love you guys, I promise it gets better <3
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At a societal level, most people grasp the importance of plants to their lives and the ecosystems they inhabit. The success of humans as a species is inextricably interwoven with the success of plant life on Earth. Without the growth of ancient forests, the biosphere in which we live would not have enough oxygen-rich air for humans to have evolved. Without the cultivation of plants for food, humans could not have settled, built shelters and developed rich and diverse cultures. In practical terms, too, building with plants makes a lot of sense. They grow back and are relatively easy to cultivate, harvest and process into useful materials. Their inherent fibrous structures give our buildings integrity. Trees, processed into timber, work extremely well in both compression and tension. Hollow straws and grasses hold air within them, making them great insulators. The lignin in many different plants can act as a natural binder when heated, meaning that you can essentially squash them, heat them and they stick together into useful sheet materials. Mixed with different binders like clay and lime, they can be given resistance to fire, insects and mould. Bio-based materials are also hygroscopic – meaning that they hold and release moisture. The fact that they can absorb humidity from a room helps to regulate damp and prevent mould from growing. That they are moisture permeable means that water vapour trapped in walls, from rain ingress or generated through leaks, always has somewhere to go. Contemporary buildings, on the other hand, are essentially wrapped in plastic sheets, trapping in moisture and resulting in poor indoor air quality.
Some of the best examples of bio-based buildings are hiding in plain sight in villages, towns and cities across the globe, having withstood decades, sometimes centuries of wear and tear. Timber-framed barns, reinforced with hazel wattle and clay daub can be found dotted across the British countryside. The technique of cob building, using loadbearing clay and straw, was very commonly used in the south-west of England in the 19th century, and many of those cob buildings still stand in Devon and Cornwall today. They are finished in a lime render and look from the outside like any other stone or brick building.
That these techniques have not become more widespread is, at first glance, surprising. The local materials and skills used to build with them were relatively low cost, and when well maintained, extremely durable. The critical thing about these materials, however, is how they were intrinsically linked to land, and specific geographies or bioregions. Industrialisation brought with it a change in agricultural practices and land ownership. Bio-based materials were conventionally derived from agricultural waste; long wheat straw was for example used for thatching, until modern chemical fertilisers that help the wheat grow more quickly weakened the structure of the straw, making it too brittle. Water reed, also used in thatching and as a render substrate, was once abundant in wetlands, but these were drained over the course of the 19th century to develop more arable farmland, cutting by approximately 90 per cent the amount of land on which the reed could grow.
Industrialisation also brought about the development of contemporary insulations, designed initially to prevent energy loss from high-energy machinery and factory spaces. Materials such as concrete and steel, which enabled the quick assembly of spaces of production, ultimately sought markets in domestic construction too. These materials were produced at an unprecedented scale and advertised as technologically advanced, in need of little or no maintenance: symbols of a bright future in which being cold, damp and living with fire risk were a thing of the past. And as these materials became more and more popular, regulatory frameworks began to be designed around them, with lawmakers falling victim to aggressive lobbying and marketing campaigns. Today, testing and certification, mortgages and insurances in the UK and beyond are generally designed around contemporary building systems, and materials which have proven their efficacy over decades of service are considered risky, fringe and ultimately more costly.
The petrochemical and mineral materials we have been building with since the Industrial Revolution require an enormous amount of energy to be extracted and processed. The cement industry, for example, is responsible for about eight per cent of planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions – far more than global carbon emissions from aviation. We cannot continue to build using materials that generate enormous outflows of emissions and have to be shipped across great distances. We need to use materials that are lower in embodied carbon: bio-based materials, derived from plants which can regenerate sustainably and sequester carbon into our buildings.
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spatialwave · 5 months
how do you think limoreau would say i love you for the first time? who would say it first?
omg… i need to write this one 🥹❤️
saying i love you was a phrase unknown to jordan li. they’d never said it in a romantic aspect before because it was easier to say you’re not in love than know you are and get your heart broken.
emotions sucked and heartbreaks sucked even more. they were above that.
it was a simple rule to abide by — don’t say it. don’t say it unless you absolutely know it to be true.
jordan silently understood that they would never find the chance of saying it, that they would live their life pursuing career goals and making it to the top. the seven didn’t seem like they had time for love.
who ever had time for love?
that was until marie moreau showed her face at god u.
it began at their very first meeting, hip-hop music blaring in their ears when a figure moved their way as they tried to power through some last-minute work for brink. “go away. go away. go the fuck away.” they repeated in their head in hopes that maybe that super could read minds and realize how horrendously busy they were.
unfortunately, big brown eyes peered up as a headphone popped out, ready to shoo off whoever the hell thought now was a good time to bother either them or brink.
a goddamn freshman. of course.
a narrowed gaze settled on marie moreau and only after a few seconds they felt all the oxygen leave their lungs. a beautiful sight. a beautiful woman. their heart fluttered and for the first time they had figured out what people meant by love at first sight.
it made jordan sick to their stomach.
they immediately convinced themselves that their feelings were solely attraction-based and far, far from anything close to love. it wasn’t illegal to appreciate someone’s beauty.
even when marie left in a huff after her short introduction to brink, they had an odd feeling about her and little did they know what lingering effect she would leave.
for the next several days they stayed up until the early hours of the morning tossing and turning in their bed as they thought about how kind she was to them when she introduced herself. the little compliment she spoke that made their heart thump hard against their ribs until it hurt.
jordan fed on praise from anything and anyone, but never had they felt so physically ill because of kind words. what was it with marie moreau?
she was all they thought about.
even when she managed to anger them more than they assumed was physically possible, jordan still had a soft spot hidden away for her.
time continued. feelings were shared. kisses healed past frustrations.
life never felt so full than with marie moreau.
“i don’t know why i was expecting a magical moment to happen,” marie spoke as she sat up straight, her lips letting go of red and white straw that sunk into a chocolate milkshake, “it’s just chocolate and ice cream blended together, not any better than i remember.”
the two of them sat in a diner, themed to be like the 60s, but it fell short with modern details and tacky indoor neon lighting. marie had said it like it was, it felt like a fever dream, but it was one of jordan’s favourites places, almost like a guilty pleasure. nostalgia for an era they’d never experienced — and likely never existed.
“you don’t like it?” jordan asked, eyes widening as they tucked back some of their shoulder-length hair behind an ear. that same hand fell to their necklace, fingers toying with the pearls that hung over the collar of their black long-sleeve. “you’re the one who dragged me here practically begging me for a milkshake.” their voice was full of amusement as they prodded for marie’s answer.
“says the one who wouldn’t shut up about this specific sixties diner and their amazing milkshakes for the past two weeks. you’re the one who subliminally planted the seed in my head.” marie smiled in return, resting her chin on her hand as she admired jordan’s features from across the booth. her attention flickered to the neon lights that seemed so out of place amongst the elvis and marilyn monroe decor, “this place is so weird, jordan.” she let out a breathy laugh.
“come on, babe. you’re telling me that you’ve never wanted to go to a diner that’s cyberpunk themed?” jordan’s eyes sparkled as they questioned with a smirk, reaching forward and pulling the milkshake so they could take a sip from the same straw, “this is, like, every person’s dream restaurant.”
“you do know that neon signs are meant to be used outside of businesses to attract customers, right? it’s not cyberpunk themed just because there are neon lights in the shapes of palm trees and flamingoes over every table.” her voice was full of playful exasperation as she grinned and reached back for the milkshake and pulled it away from jordan’s hands. she took a sip, letting out a soft sigh of content at the sweet and rich flavour, “you always take me to the strangest places.” she noted softly.
maybe it was the way she sighed in delight at the milkshake she tried to admit was boring. the way she hated the diner so much that it would make someone’s old-school-loving grandparents angry. the way she looked underneath the headache-inducing neon lighting so hues of pink and green lit up her face. or maybe it was the way she looked at jordan with those big, brown eyes — just as full of life as they were the first time jordan saw them.
it was a culmination of everything that made up marie moreau that had jordan blurting out words that they promised to always tread carefully with.
“god, i love you.” jordan’s breathy voice was just above a whisper, cheeks a bright red and eyes widenening when they realized what they’d said. “fuck. i mean—“ they stuttered as they tried to backtrack, blinking several times.
the words fell much-too easily from their lips. marie noticed that.
she tilted her head as she watched jordan’s internal battle from their admission of love, biting away a giddy smile of her own. she stayed silent and watched jordan for a few seconds, silently gathering their thoughts in a panic, but never once taking back those words.
“i love you too.” she said, her words clear and certain, waiting to see if they would comfort her partner’s worry.
jordan paused after taking several seconds to process her returned sentiment. their breath caught in their throat and their lips cracked into a small smile. the world slowed, allowing time for them to take a deep breath and slide their hand across the table to take marie’s into their own, craving the physical comfort.
“are you sure?” they asked quietly, struggling with feeling vulnerable and afraid. as if heartbreak was in the horizon, waiting to strike with a vice grip.
“more than i’d care to admit,” marie teased as she gave jordan’s hand a squeeze and placed another straw into the milkshake so they could both take a sip together.
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zincfingermotif · 1 year
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semi-organized thoughts on angel arm activation, plant biology, and vash in general
transcript + extras under the cut
(Based on the event colloquially known as the “Fifth Moon Incident”)
Catalyst is uncovered, exposing it to light
Chain reaction begins which starts energy conducting through the chamber and into the arm
2. Primary Stage
Catalyst chamber (gun) begins to be enveloped into hand
Gun and hand/arm can still vaguely be made out
3. Secondary Stage
Gun is fully enveloped and can no longer be seen
Shape of the Angel Arm starts to form
4. Tertiary Stage
The Angel Arm is fully formed
Neither the arm nor the gun’s shape can be seen
The activation process cannot be stopped after this point
The Angel Arm splits fully in four places and elongates, revealing the new core
Senses (sight, hearing, etc) are enhanced to a painful degree
A field of light and force is emitted that can be seen/felt from far away
Mild destruction of the surrounding area starts
The Angel Arm fires, with an involuntary wave of regeneration energy as recoil
Reopening of old wounds and extreme hair growth can occur
The arm fuses back together and returns to its original state with some scarring
An unconsciousness state lasting anywhere from 1 week to 6 months begins
Levels of Activation
0%  →
10% (Episode 24)   → (Episode 25)
50%  → Lost July (*Elizabeth vision), Fifth Moon Incident
100% (Episode 26)  →
What happened here?
Having two opposing Angel Arms meant that most of the after-effects canceled each other out.
Plant Biology and Bulb Structure
Taking Inspiration from...
Cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermum):
First organisms to produce oxygen on Earth, like the Plants were a major source of oxygen on the Planet after the crash
Often extremophiles, which includes desert environments
Used in agriculture for nitrogen fixation (basically free fertilizer), possibly how geo-Plants function
Hydras (Hydra vulgaris):
Extraordinary regeneration ability
Functionally immortal in stable environments
→ With the help of a Plant bulb, Knives was able to recover the portion of his body that was destroyed in Lost July.
A Selection of Plant Facts...
Can perform photosynthesis using pigments similar to carotenoids, phycobilin, and phycoerythrin
Found mostly in cells on the surface of their bodies
Have very slow metabolisms unless under stress conditions or unique circumstances
Rapidly mutate to adapt in unstable environments
Outdoors Model (Inepril)
Support and interface structure to core
Intake and outflow tubing
Maintenance platform
Control room typically in here
Liquid-filled core, semi-permeable to sunlight
Indoors Model (Flying Ship)
Miscellaneous (???)
Vash and Plant Comparison
← Similar hairline →
← Similar physique →
← Longer than average legs →
→ Knives's body type is closer to an Industrial Plant after spending an extended period of time in a bulb.
Wandering Plant (Vash the Stampede)
Industrial Plant (Soleil, Plant 2 of the Flying Ship)
Clothing Discussion
Exhausted and heavily injured, Vash was discovered wandering the desert by the Flying Ship crew.
The most severe of the injuries were on the left side of his chest, so the clothes made for him while recovering were designed to be put on with one arm (his right). This was coincidentally beneficial in the future.
The coat is fastened with rows of snaps, and the tails of the coat can be torn off in case of emergencies. (Generally, not all at once though.)
This outfit allows for more freedom of movement, which complements his level of flexibility. It also helps with escaping from the many, many dangerous situations he gets into.
The majority of Vash's outfit under his coat functions as compression gear to help with recovery and mitigation of the pain of all the injuries he's gotten over time.
For example, the design of his top allows for different levels of compression and support on either side of his chest.
Even with all this gear, some pain does occasionally slip through, particularly in the arms, back, and knees.
Starting with the fun ones, which are mostly bits of information I wasn’t quite sure on putting into the lore or not.
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Fun facts with Vash and Meryl or its alternate title: “What I was doing instead of studying for my Molecular Biology final” (may not be 100% scientifically accurate)
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Saw an article talking about an art exhibit of a chandelier made up of glass filled with algae to purify the air (though the purification was primarily converting excess carbon dioxide to oxygen and not anything else)
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Trying to imagine Vash’s daily getting dressed routine
Okay, now for the serious part. I feel a bit strange classifying this as an extra because that has a lighthearted connotation, but it wasn’t really something I could represent through drawing. Discussion of heavy mental health stuff ahead...
Much later on in this speculation project, I began to consider the possibility of Vash having some sort of obsessive-compulsive tendencies. This whole train of thought started when I saw someone’s art of Vash with cleaning -related compulsions (self harm warning as per OP’s tags), or at least that’s how I interpreted the comic when I first saw it. As someone who experiences something mildly similar to this on rare occasion (though the thought process behind it is much different), it really stuck in my mind personally.
To take what that person said in a slightly different direction, I think Vash could have some washing/cleaning-related compulsions in regards to his “everyone he touches dies” assertion. It is unfortunately kind of true because of his long life and tendency to be in dangerous situations, but I can imagine it getting folded into an obsessive-compulsive cycle over time. He touches someone or someone touches him, that thought enters his mind, he goes to wash himself in response or obsess over the thought if not able to, and then so much of the time that person will get hurt, reinforcing the cycle.  
Having the Angel Arms get activated outside of his control probably induced a lot of anxiety and obsession over harm into Vash as well, especially when he was forced to go against his no-killing thing because of Legato.
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And that’s the end. If you made it all the way here, thanks for reading!
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
🌿✨ 6 Air-Purifying Allies 🌬️🏠
Plants have once again proven to be our saviors, transforming indoor spaces into refreshing havens of clean air. These incredible botanical heroes can even purify air from across borders, including Canada! 🇨🇦
Here are six air-purifying plants that can turn your home into a revitalizing paradise:
1️⃣ Snake Plant: This laid-back friend releases oxygen at night, silently combating toxins. Perfect for the bedroom, it ensures you wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. 😴💚
2️⃣ Spider Plant: A multitasking champ, it adds elegance while acting as a natural air filter, trapping harmful particles. It’s like having a fancy superhero on your side. 🕷️🌿
3️⃣ Gerbera Daisy: These vibrant beauties brighten your day with cheery blooms and remove pollutants like benzene and trichloroethylene. It’s like having sunshine in a pot at home. 🌼😄
4️⃣ Bamboo Palm: Majestic and green, it tackles formaldehyde and benzene while adding beauty. Its gentle sway invites relaxation and breathes freshness. 🎋✨
5️⃣ Areca Palm: This tropical buddy boosts moisture levels and fights airborne toxins, creating a mini vacation spot in your living room. Cue the island vibes! 🌴☁️
6️⃣ Peace Lily: Elegant and peace-loving, it fights off ammonia and xylene, bringing calm and serenity with its white blooms and glossy leaves. 🌿🕊️
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bignaz8 · 1 year
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80-Year-Old Man Hasn’t Watered This Sealed Bottle Garden Since 1972 And It’s Still Alive.
David Latimer planted the terrarium garden on Easter Sunday in 1960. He placed some compost and a quarter pint of water into a 10-gallon glass carboy and inserted a spiderwort sprout, which is not typically an indoor plant, using wires.
In 1972, he opened the plant terrarium again to add a bit of water. With that one exception, the garden has remained sealed – all it needs is plenty of sunlight!
The self contained ecosystem has flourished for nearly 60 years.
For those who are wondering how this is even possible: the garden is a perfectly balanced and self-sufficient ecosystem. The bacteria in the compost eats the dead plants and breaks down the oxygen that is released by the plants, turning it into carbon dioxide, which is needed for photosynthesis.
The bottle is essentially a microcosm of earth.
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honey-buddha-kiss · 2 years
V and His Mini Cactus HC’s
i’ll never get over the fact that it’s canon that he has a cute little cactus.
he makes sure to water his cactus until water starts to run out of the drainage holes, then empties it out so the cactus doesn’t sit in water overnight
it has its own special place on the windowsill near his bed and it gets the perfect amount of bright, but indirect sunlight
jihyun’s mini cactus is a very happy cactus
his place is kind of like a breath of fresh air?
he’s got all kinds of plants indoors and outdoors. he has his own resources for natural and clean air
since v doesn’t tell people his troubles as to not burden them, he often vents to his cactus
he also gushes about how adorable mc is and how much he loves them and once he starts he can’t stop
it doesn’t understand anything he’s saying…jihyun sweetie, it’s just a plant
but hey that carbon dioxide is delicious.
cactus: here human, i’ll give you some oxygen in return
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
Enhancing Your Home with the Beauty and Benefits of Indoor Plants
Shaina Tranquilino
January 6, 2024
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In recent years, the trend of incorporating indoor plants into home decor has gained substantial popularity. Not only do they add a touch of natural beauty to any space, but indoor plants also offer a plethora of benefits that can greatly enhance our overall well-being. From purifying air quality to boosting mood and productivity, these green companions are much more than mere decorations. So, let's delve deeper into the advantages of having plants in your home.
1. Improved Air Quality: One of the most significant benefits of indoor plants is their ability to filter and cleanse the air we breathe. Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, thereby increasing oxygen levels indoors. Moreover, certain plant species such as peace lilies, spider plants, and snake plants have been proven effective at removing harmful toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the air, resulting in cleaner and fresher indoor environments.
2. Enhanced Mental Health: Research suggests that being surrounded by nature has a positive impact on mental well-being. Indoor plants not only bring elements of nature into our homes but also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Their presence helps create a calming atmosphere that promotes relaxation and improves overall mood. Additionally, caring for living organisms provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment which can boost self-esteem and improve emotional stability.
3. Increased Productivity: Plants aren't just aesthetically pleasing; they also have a profound effect on our productivity levels. Studies have shown that having greenery in workspaces or study areas enhances focus, concentration, creativity, and problem-solving skills. The presence of indoor plants can make us feel more connected to nature even when spending long hours indoors, leading to increased motivation and efficiency.
4. Natural Humidifiers: During winter months or in dry climates where humidity levels drop significantly indoors, many individuals suffer from dry skin or respiratory issues. Indoor plants act as natural humidifiers by releasing moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. This helps combat dryness and can alleviate symptoms such as dry skin, sore throats, and even reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
5. Noise Reduction: Believe it or not, plants have the ability to absorb sound waves and reduce noise pollution levels in your home. By placing larger plant varieties near windows or doors facing busy streets, you can create a barrier that absorbs external noises and creates a more serene environment indoors.
While adding indoor plants to your home decor may initially seem like a purely aesthetic choice, their numerous benefits extend far beyond visual appeal. The advantages of having indoor plants range from improved air quality and enhanced mental health to increased productivity and natural humidity regulation. So why not invite these green companions into your space? Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, the beauty and benefits of indoor plants make them an excellent addition to any home!
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abtan · 16 days
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Picking the right spot
We all know plants requiring sunlight is a well-known fact. But the harsh rays of sunlight in this summer can be harmful to the plant, therefore making it wilt. The pro tip we have is: When plants placed in the south and west, it have a tendency to receive more powerful rays of sunlight. So move them further away from those directions to protect them from getting sunburnt.
The humidity matters
Plants with decorative leaves such as ferns, mosaic plants and spider plants are the ones which thrive in highly humid conditions (mostly houseplants). Therefore, it is important to mist them from time to time in long periods of heat. We can create a tiny humid microclimate for our plants to beat the heat. Just fill up a bowl with water and pebbles and place the pot on the pebbles and it should be working!
Maintain and Retain the soil moisture
This summer season heat can deplete the soil’s moisture. We can always test the moisture by simply touching the soil or even poking the soil with popsicle or any sticks. If there is a gap between the soil and the sides of the pot, then there is a lack of moisture in the soil. But don’t worry, I got u! there are ways to replenish this. Adding organic compost like fruits and vegetables that is already rotten, it doesn't only retains the moisture in the soil but also helps in providing nutrients to your greens. They also help lock in the moisture for longer periods of time.
Water sufficiently but not too much
Overwatering can be fatal for indoor plants. While it's tempting to think they need more water in the summer, there are better watering techniques to consider. Ensure water is absorbed evenly by watering your plant gradually, and a helpful tip is to do so either early in the morning or after sunset to minimize evaporation.
Pro tip: If you’re going on a summer vacation or will be gone for an extended period, don’t fret! There are longer-term hydration solutions to keep your houseplants alive while you’re away to test out.
Avoid the use of chemical fertilizers
Fertilization leads to excess growth. And this, inturn, leads to lots of leaves and stems outgrowing the root system, causing stress to the plant especially when it is a houseplants or succulent. So adding chemicals for their growth during summertime is a huge no, maybe use a natural fertilizer like rotten fruits and vegetables.
Prune and trim the plants
Don’t wait till the end of summer to prune your pretty pants! It is natural for plants and their leaves to turn yellow or begin to wilt in the heat. Although the damaged part of the plant can cause stress to the health of the plant, it is important to remove the dead foliage to keep your plant healthy. This also helps in preventing the loss of water through transpiration.
Plants make up 80% of the food we eat and produce 98% of the oxygen we breathe.
Plants love music. Growing plants can be a quiet and peaceful experience but they also want to listen to your playlists. House plants love music and it encourages growth, so turn up the music! (not too loud!)
Plants reduce noise pollution. Houseplants, such as peace lilies and succulents, have been found to absorb sound! Surround workspace, house and anywhere with plants to create a quiet sanctuary
Plants ‘talk’ to each other. They do this via their roots in a very unique way, by secreting chemicals into the soil. These chemicals, called ‘root exudates’ tell every other living thing in the root zone how the plant is doing.
Did you know that plants also have such a clock? This means that they can prepare themselves for various times of the day. Plants use sugar signals to establish this circadian phase when it’s light and dark.
The smell of freshly-cut grass is actually a plant distress call.
Biologists have found that plants exhibit competitiveness amongst strangers of the same species but they are more accommodating towards their siblings. It means, plants compete with strangers by allocating more of their roots below ground. This helps them as they fight for access to water and soil nutrients.
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