#overlord 2
raeofgayshine · 1 year
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*slides this into consideration for the next Tumblr sexyman*
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projectyayhem · 1 year
Weekly Update 02/12/2023
Hey, there’re still like 50 minutes left before the weekend is over. If anything, I’m posting this early
Some games just have to have a bunch of cutscenes. They don’t necessarily serve a purpose or anything, just gotta have ‘em
Everybody wants to be the cat. Because the cat’s the only cat who knows where it’s at
Sometimes, when you think you know what’s going on and what’s going to happen, there’s a bird. This is one of those times, where there’s a bird now
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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Overlord II
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lupodebrinstar · 2 years
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guywithbeer · 11 months
Check out my review of the classic game, OVERLORD 2 here.
#overlord2 #review #videogames #gaming #fantasy #evil #singleplayer #villain
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odeu-m · 1 month
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thing for @celestialalpacaron's overlord husk au
closeups under the cut
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geekgirles · 1 month
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Sir???? Is that you????????
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rockethorse · 16 days
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Download (Sims 2)
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willosword · 4 months
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velvette giving vox a lil kissy kissy through her phone bc he made her laugh is literally everything to me
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garden-bug · 6 months
I love the Ninjago art style development because NO FUCKING WONDER -
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clarification cause this does not represent my feelings on the change and I don’t trust people to realise that:
it’s funny they did it but I prefer the design from before
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eternalwritess · 3 months
I may know someone - Platonic!Alastor & tech demon!reader + Vox x tech demon!reader
Summary: Vox is holding a grudge against the hotel and refuses to air the commercial that they created. But Alastor has someone in mind who might just be able to help...
"I always knew Vox was petty," Alastor hummed picking at his nails. He wasn't pleased to say the least. Not about the commercial of course, if it was possible for him to care less about it then he would. But rather with Vaggie at his door demanding that he do something about it, along with Charlie's pleading eyes trying to calm Vaggie so she could try and convince Alastor.
Quite honestly he didn't know what they thought he could do. He was injured for crying out loud. His wound from Adam still hurt like a truck and not to mention that he and Vaggie made a deal so he wouldn't have to deal with the picture box anymore.
"Please Al, I won't ask anything else of you!" Charlie begged bouncing on the tips of her feet whilst still attempting to hold Vaggie back, although with their wings it was getting harder as she would flap them out constantly.
"You shouldn't lie dear, isn't that an unholy quality?" He asked with some hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Alastor just try and fix it alright, we built this whole hotel and-" Alastor cut Vaggie off with an influx of static.
"Didn't we make a deal about this my dear?"
Vaggie paused for a moment before sighing and walking away leaving Charlie.
"Please, Alastor," She paused for a moment looking at him. "We really need this right now alright? Besides just think about it, more sinners means more entertainment for you if thats what you want," She said slowly walking over into him room before stopping once he glanced at her.
"Besides just think of all the fun you would have watching me uh," She paused thinking for a moment. "Struggle to rehabilitate sinners!" She added throwing up her arms in the air as a punctuation to her sentence.
Alastor sighed and met her eyes. "I really can't do anything dear, I only control the radio and besides, I doubt that rabble box will even listen to me. I don't know how to work this," he made a wild gesture with his hand. "Frivolous new technology works,"
His smile grew tight with disgust. "Its not worth the trouble anyways," he huffed and looked over to the side.
Charlie sighed and glanced away. "Fine, thats reasonable I guess," She groaned and smoothed down her wrinkled hair and began walking out the door.
"I wonder if dad would help me with this," she muttered as she walked along. Now that was something Alastor just couldn't have. He grit his teeth and tapped his staff onto the ground disappearing into shadow and reappearing in front of Charlie.
"Now now dear I didn't say I wouldn't help you-"
"You basically did though-"
Alastor put his finger in front of her mouth shushing her. "It is rude to interrupt don't you know?" He took his hand back and set it on his staff.
"I do know someone who might be able to help in our little endeavor. Rosie adores her quite so and I think that she might just be interested in this. Besides she is an old friend of mine," He explained bending down and smiling even wider.
It's been a while since he's seen you. He'd like to visit you after all and this would stick it to Lucifer and Vox. He's winning on all three sides of the coin.
"Well then! Can I meet her?"
"Patience Charlotte, come, come now. The place where she lives is quite dangerous indeed. It would be a shame for you to be harmed there,"
He hummed and walked her out the hotel. "You'll need to stay by me at all times. Do you understand?"
She nodded and Alastor nodded with her. "Good girl,"
You spun around in your chair. This was the fifth time today. If anyone else came into your office proclaiming they they needed your help you were gonna flip.
You weren't an overlord. But damn did you manage this side of the pentagram. A space so fucked that not even the strongest overlord would set their sights here. Too much work for not enough profit you would say. Honestly? You would agree if you weren't somewhat attached to this rancid place.
Knock knock.
You gripped your desk and groaned mentally, bracing yourself for whoever was at the door next.
"I swear to god Susan call me again for your fucking cat and I will shove it's claws up your-" You opened the door with a shout and stopped upon seeing a familiar red color scheme.
"Alastor- holy shit!" You laughed and stepped back. "Sorry for the shouting, its been a..." You trailed off and sighed shaking your head. "Rather stressful day," You snapped your fingers electricity from them instantly snapping on the lights to emit a warm glow from them.
Behind him was someone with blonde hair and red eyes and a red suit. God was there a lot of red going on here. "Who's this?" you asked gesturing over to her. "Looks nice, didn't know she was your type," You laughed before shaking your head not allowing Alastor to react.
"I'm kidding, I know you've got an ace up there," you laughed tugging at his sleeve before letting it go.
Alastor paused for a moment. "What?"
You moved on giggling. "Come on introduce her, Rosie would have your head for behavior like this," you laughed and grabbed the girl's hand.
"This is Charlotte Morningstar! Princess of hell and owner of the delusional establishment known as the Hazbin Hotel!" He said patting 'Charlotte's' head.
"You can call me Charlie," She quickly corrected. You nodded and bent down bowing down to her and raising her hand slightly above your head.
"Pleasure to meet you your highness, what can I do for you today. After all I doubt you come here on pleasantries," you gestured outside to where a few demons were about to have either an orgy or a torture scene. You pulled them in further shutting the door and closing the windows.
"Well you see I've been having a bit of trouble lately. Well see this man, Vox, refuses to air the commercial I made for my hotel. So I was wondering if you could possibly do something about it," She offered. She smiled warmly and you looked over to Alastor.
"Vox isn't really..." You sighed and rubbed your forehead. "Do you want me to talk with him? Cause I don't know him besides that fact that his tech is nothing more than flashy shit," you explained.
"No, no, no, no, well I mean... I just want my commercial aired, I can pay you if you'd like," She offered.
You paused and shook your head glancing over to Alastor. "What do you think that I can do?" you asked tilting your head over to him. Of course he would bring her to you, what else were you expecting.
"Well you can infiltrate Vox and his filthy lair! Get the commercial up and running!" He said with a swing of his arm.
You groaned and sat down in your chair. "Really? And how do you suppose I'm even gonna get close enough to do such a thing?"
"Why my dear you'll only have to do a flick of a wrist, I doubt that Vox knows he's not the only one with powers like yours," he said and gestured over to you grandly, as if introducing you all over again.
With a sigh you looked over to Charlie. Money didn't really mean shit here, besides you knew better than to say no to Alastor. Friends be damned, if he wanted something you had to give it to him unless you had a good reason which, you really didn't. Other than you just didn't want to of course.
"Alright then, I don't need to get paid though, just puts a target on my back-"
"Alrighty then!" Alastor was cut off by you.
"But, you're getting me over there. Got it smiles?" You asked looking over to him. His grin grew tight and you felt your grow at that.
"Of course, it would be unkindly of me if not,"
Charlie squealed and grabbed your hand pulling you up and giving you a hug. "Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you so much! I will not forget this, I swear!" She was bouncing up and down as you laughed and slowly pushed her away.
"Alright, don't get too happy about it. I still don't know if I can do it,"
"Don't worry, if any demon in this wretched realm can do it its you," Alastor said giving you a half pat on the head before you swiped his hand away.
"Alright then, so when do you want me to do this?" You asked.
"Oh take your time-"
"Now would be preferred. Here I'll even lead you," Alastor said grabbing you and pulling you in by the hook of your arm. You stumbled over and glared at him playfully a grin forming across your lips as you gaining your footing.
"What about the princess?" You pointed over to Charlie who was bouncing on her feet excitedly.
"Oh we can stop by the hotel on our way over, don't worry y/n,"
You laughed and looked over to Charlie. "Oh my god, I didn't tell you my name!" You laughed and stuck your hand out once more. "Y/n,"
She shook your hand and smiled. "Don't worry about it, besides I'm sure Al would've told me it,"
You nodded and turned over to Alastor. "Alright then, lead the way,"
To call the hotel a giant eyesore might be an understatement. It was clear that Alastor didn't design the thing whether that be for good or for worse. It's lights basically dissected your eyes into thousands of tiny little pieces.
God was it bright.
"So the V's are what they're called then?" You asked brushing off tiny specks of dust on your shoulder. You just had a conversation with someone named Angel and god did it feel wrong.
"Yes! They're quite incompetent though, nothing you need to worry about," He said patting your head once more. You groaned mentally at the gesture and watched as he spun his microphone around.
"Really? Aren't they overlords?" You questioned further adn watched how Alastor's grin grew tight at the mention.
"Yes but they're awfully pathetic and act like children. Throwing temper tantrums here and there," he paused for a moment before shutting his eyes and flitting them to you. "Actually you'd be more of a competent overlord than them-"
You held up a hand. "No, no, we've been over this. I'm not an overlord. I don't have nearly enough power-"
"I could help with that," He smiled and you watched the green and red glow light up from behind him.
"Uh huh, so you could put me on a leash? Yeah, no thanks," You rolled your eyes at the offer and watched as he laughed it off with you.
"No no, just as a friendly gesture. Of course a favor wouldn't be too bad I suppose,"
You laughed once more. "A favor? from me? I'm sorry but being gone for seven damn years must've screwed with your head. I can't do anything,"
You both stopped in front of a large building. At least in the alleyway of a shop in front of it. You noticed how Alastor avoided the cameras, he must've done this thousands of times.
"Aren't you doing this?" Alastor gestures over to the building.
Three V's hung at the very top of a very colorful building and- you take it back this is worse than the hotel. You winced at the colors and looked over to Alastor. "I might change my mind,"
You watched as he laughed for a short amount of time before returning to you. "Well then we better hurry up I suppose my dear," He snapped his fingers and you watched the cameras glitch for a second. "We'll only have a moment now," He said and he walked out with you and into a backroom of the building and- god the inside might just be worse.
Thousands of LEDs strung up around the hall with tons of flashing lights. Stuff to draw one's attention. You just wanted to get out. You followed Alastor around before he stopped. "You know the way from here?" He asked.
You paused and looked at him. "Please tell me you didn't-"
"I haven't been here before. I've never had a reason to before now," He said and tapped his staff onto the ground leaning on it for support. His ears bent slightly back in frustration.
You glanced at the cameras and sighed for a moment before looking back at him. "A minute please," you hummed and flicked a small bit of electricity over before tapping a device on your wrist generating a hologram. You watched as it flickered between the different places before stopping on one.
"Got it, we need to be in the room though and uh," You pointed to the hologram showing someone in the room. Alastor squinted and sighed.
"He was always obsessed," he groaned and looked over to you. "Get over there I'll lead him out and- don't get caught. Got it?" His gaze hardly even looked at you but you nodded anyways.
"Sir yes sir," You laughed and ran over towards where it would be. Having access to the cameras made it easier now you'd have to admit. You watched as people passed by and when you rarely messed up you knew where to go next. Then you reached the room. A room full of tv's and god- this was creepier in person.
You walked over looking down at the ledge of which the room seemed to drop forever. Yikes, you wouldn't wanna fall down there. You looked at the cameras seeing the guy from before shout at Alastor who was breaking a ton of stuff with a look on his face that said he was having way too much fun with this.
You looked over at the tv's and smiled flicking of bit of the electricity into the tv's and watching as it squirmed through. That should do it. You watched as it slowly ran through the computers and it flicked through everything. The channels, commercials, and god you're not looking at that one, until you found it. The commercial. With a grin you clicked approve and watched as it slowly became permanent with the humming from the computers agreeing with your own.
"That should do it," you muttered and looked back at the cameras and-
He's almost here.
You hissed to yourself cursing that you weren't more careful. Goddammit, you need an out, and now. You looked around the room and facepalmed mentally. This was horrible. The only thing you could hope to do it wait by the door and hope that he didn't see you.
You ran over and slid by the door covering your mouth. This was gonna suck. You balled your fists ready to get into a fight, you knew how to fight, you lived in the worst part of the fucking pentagram. You knew all the moves, you knew how to fight dirty. You raced through your head trying to gather your thoughts but none came. Your knees became weak. This was a real overlord. Alastor was a real overlord, shit what were you thinking.
You could hear the footsteps get closer and closer. Each step felt like hell to bare.
You can't remember how to fight, you readjust your hands trying to remember how to not break your thumb. The door handle turns and you almost lose it. You almost bolt down into the abyss. Hell it might be a better death than fucking with some flashy guy's tech.
"Dammit Alastor!" You hear the reverberate of a tv penetrate your ear. God it hurts, the footsteps retreat and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You let your hand fall to your side not letting yourself gain the time to process what just happened. Once the noise was gone you checked the cameras.
You opened the door and bolted it checking the cameras constantly until you were out of the wretched building. You panted heavily catching your breath as you leaned into the alleyway you and Alastor were at before. There was a fight, you could hear it. The shouting, the screaming. God were you glad you had Alastor. You covered your mouth and watched as everything slowly died down and a shadow slithered up to you.
You moved your feet back and watched as Alastor reformed in front of you. "Sorry for that one darling, I hope he didn't get too close," he said and pulled you in for a half side hug before letting you go.
"No, not... not at all," you muttered and watched as Alastor paused for a moment.
"Well he didn't see you did he?"
You looked up and paled at the thought. "Hell no! I... I hope not," you admitted slowly. "There's- there's no way," you said firmly once more and looked at Alastor who nodded.
"Understood, come along then we have work to do,"
Vox slammed the door into the control room. His suit was tattered and who the fuck did Alastor think he was was starting trouble on his territory. He groaned and watched as his tech lit up with almost a new color. He paused for a moment and walked forward watching as it glowed brighter than anything he's ever seen before dulling and disappearing into the darkness.
He touched his keyboard and felt the energy spark him and it hurt. It. Hurt. He made a small face before touching it again and it hummed in response before finally fading out. Electricity wasn't supposed to hurt him. So what the hell was that? He paused and watched as it returned to its normal state and sighed before seeing something playing on the screen.
The commercial. The fucking Hazbin Hotel bullshit was playing on his screens. He slammed his hand down and began trying to fix it only to find it kicking him out. What the hell? He tried again only to be met with the same fate not only that but a message appearing on the screen.
You cannot access this. Please try something else.
He shouted in frustration. "What the fuck is happening!?" He swiped over the screens and found something.
Footage of what the hell happened.
Next? --->
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projectyayhem · 1 year
Weekly Update 02/04/2023
It’s fine to post this at like, 10 PM, right? That’s peak hours for maximum exposure?
Ducks are cool, but generally not the best for sieges. Unless it’s a siege on like, a bread store or something. Then they’d probably be good
Sometimes you gotta do dangerous stuff. Other times, it’s an occupational hazard and you should be compensated for it, and should probably report it to someone anyway
Can anyone ever truly answer whether or not they are a furry? I mean, unless they’re a furry, in which case it’s usually pretty clear and obvious
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t4twailingstar · 2 months
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spinjitsuburst · 2 months
why aren’t there more concepts around the overlord being absolutely terrifying. horror-movie level eldritch being. the embodiment of DARKNESS and EVIL ITSELF should be a terrifying entity not only psychologically but also physically
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riinoaheartilly · 3 months
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just a couple of religious gorlfrens
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whamgram · 2 days
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The Alastor versus Vox fight from chapter 16 of my Charlastor fic, Under My Skin.
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