#over some unfounded allegation
gayvampyr · 2 years
no one likes “proof or it didn’t happen” people but some of y’all will act like someone asking for literally any shred of evidence to support a claim means they’re evil and taking the other side or some shit and it’s stupid
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 3 months
Whats your opinion on the whole Christian Horner thing?
Let me preface this by saying, I have intentionally stayed away from this subject for many reasons, but given there was an outcome of the investigation today, and some of the information I’ve seen here throughout the past weeks, now is as good a time as any to respond to this ask I got weeks ago. This is not, nor will I be offering in the future, my opinion on whether Horner is guilty of the accusations or not. I just want to maybe provide context, and information from my experience and career thus far, that might help people understand, and also my opinion on the reaction from people. Caveat - I am not a lawyer, nor will I go into specifics of my current or previous job, however I worked in the legal profession where I worked on legal cases, reviewed evidence, and made submissions and recommendations that went in front of Judges.
Okay my thoughts. My thoughts are that an internal investigation that should have remained private for all parties involved, especially the alleged victim(s), was leaked and used as clickbait and gossip by the media and people on here and other social media sites. I think people decided guilt without having any genuine information, without seeing the evidence and without any credible sources. I think were the person being accused a different member of the paddock that the reaction would have been different. I think people used this to virtue signal and cry out about what good people they are. I think people that constantly say that the media and journalists shouldn’t be trusted, fed into a feeding frenzy that led to the name of the alleged victim(s) being published, which will undoubtedly impact them for the rest of their lives.
Onto specific things I have seen that I’d like to offer my take on:
Christian allegedly offering the victim a sum of money - First of all, for anyone who has a certain amount of wealth, especially those in the public eye, this is a usual occurrence. You try to avoid an investigation by any means possible, whether you’re innocent or guilty, because a) it’s easier and usually cheaper in the long run, b) pr and public image are damaged by even unfounded accusations and these things can run on for an extremely long time, and c) trial by media is a thing, and innocent people get tarnished for the rest of their lives because of something they were accused of. Now, I’m not saying any of those are why the offer was allegedly made, but those are some of the reasons. Companies do the same thing, when someone has an accident at work and hurts themselves, even if the company do not believe themselves to be at fault they will make a settlement offer, to avoid any legal back and forth. Settlements are not an admission of guilt, but a way to make something go away quickly.
Said money being why the investigation “went away” - I saw a quote that said “the grievance has been dismissed”, that means there was a finding, not that it was withdrawn. even so, this was a red bull investigation carried out by an external barrister. Once the company were made aware of the allegations, their investigation is independent of either party involved, so even if the alleged victim(s) withdrew their grievance, the company would still have a duty of care to ensure that any inappropriate behaviour or actions were identified, investigated and addressed. Most importantly, red bull want to protect themselves legally, and following the procedures and carrying out a thorough investigation, which would identify if they were potentially exposed to risk, is how they do that.
How can they ignore 100’s of pieces of evidence - We don’t know that they did. It was reported, but never confirmed that there was over 100 pieces of evidence submitted, so this is absolute hearsay. Further, I would be extremely surprised if the investigation ignored any piece of evidence, given the ramifications of an incorrect or improper investigation. Also I think it’s really important to say that evidence does not equal guilt or that one party to the proceedings is correct. Allow me to provide you with a personal example. I worked on a case where there was over 5000 pages of evidence submitted into a legal bundle. Approximately 4000 of those were from the appellant who argued that the other party had acted incorrectly. (forgive my vagueness here I’m not about to doxx myself). 4000 pages of evidence, which I reviewed and made a decision that I did not support their argument. The judge agreed with me also. Evidence can be subjective, and sometimes it can be completely irrelevant. The presence, and submission of evidence is to support one sides view of things, the other side will have their own, and both are examined and balanced and decisions made on that and sometimes also on other independent investigation.
The investigation is private and cannot be shared - This is law. GDPR in fact because this is occurring within Europe. I’m literally spending this entire week on a GDPR course, and have an exam on Friday, so I really don’t want to go on about legal basis and restrictions for sharing personal data, but let me tell you it’s for good reason, especially with investigations like this. All parties involved in this have a legal right to privacy, covered by the human rights act, and unless there is a compelling legal reason why their data should be shared, then it can’t be without their explicit consent. Simple as. And that’s disregarding that there will be confidential company information within the investigation that also cannot be shared.
Horner committed a crime - given that we do not know the specifics of what occurred we simply don’t have enough information to know this, HOWEVER, from the information I have read, and by the fact that I have not seen an indication that the police have been involved with this, nor are they carrying out their own investigation, I am working under the assumption that no law has been broken.
tl;dr - These are real people’s lives, we are not involved and we have no right to know anything. This isn’t salacious gossip, and it’s not a fun thing to band around and use as a stick to beat people with to prove how good we are. Processes and investigations like this should be private, and basing things on hearsay and unscrupulous reporters does more damage to any alleged victims than good. Having seen how fans and social media have treated this investigation, do you think that makes any other alleged victims want to come forwards? I think not. But that’s just me.
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lacewise · 4 months
Hey. I’m still seeing near daily hate speech on my timeline, especially to Jewish and Israeli people (minding their own business!!!). Stop it. Get over yourselves. People other than you also have a right to live.
Hate speech, bigotry, and threats are never acceptable behaviour. There should especially never be a time when intersectionally marginalized people don’t feel safe in communities meant for them on the basis of one of their other identities. I thought we went over this. That includes Jewish people. That includes, explicitly, every group that you think “deserves” it, because discrimination against them is “for a reason” (the only reason is discrimination). If it doesn’t, you have biases you need to unpack and grapple with… yourself. A good start is a lot of listening to Jewish people who explain how it’s discriminatory (which they shouldn’t have to do). No arguing. Just listening.
I’ve seen this about Black people, I’ve seen this about Romani people, I’ve seen this about Muslim people, I’ve seen this about Latine people, I’ve seen this about trans men, non-binary people, ace people, aro people, he/him lesbians—and I could go on. Right now, most often, I’m seeing it about Jewish and Israeli people (which are not interchangeable groups). It needs to stop. It needs to never have begun. You need to deal with this, now.
Unfortunately, I think I need to include some examples of antisemitism: sending Jewish people unfounded conspiracy theories and allegations is harassment. That includes using tags meant for in-Jewish community use.
Spreading the unfounded conspiracy theories because they “sound like” what you think about Jewish people is antisemitic discrimination.
Making Jewish people “prove” to you they have the “right opinions” before you’ll let them into spaces they have a right to access is antisemitic discrimination. Which you’d think a group of people who just learned collective punishment is bad would know.
Saying things like, (and I really hate quoting discriminatory language, so I won’t forgive anyone who made this necessary) “But so-and-so is Jewish” or “Did you know so-and-so is… Jewish…?” is monstrous. It’s antisemitic discrimination, and it’s pretty actively trying to cause harassment campaigns (or worse) against specific Jewish individuals. If you see that, you need to report and block whoever is doing it. I really don’t care what the current euphemism they’re using for Jewish people is, euphemisms have a history in discriminatory practices going back hundreds of years.
Trying to dox Israeli people, trying to mass report them off the internet, telling them to “Go back to their country” (really?), are all active and organized harassment campaigns I have witnessed. Which, after October 7th, strikes me as both violent threats and a support for terrorist attacks.
Some of you were platforming people who are clearly calling for progroms for months and then demanding to know why any Jewish person deserves to live in Israel.
This cannot keep happening. This cannot happen.
Don’t harass Jewish people. Don’t harass Israeli people, especially using antisemitic conspiracy theories. Not every Israeli person is Jewish, and every Israeli person cannot be constantly and individually held responsible for the failures and violence of the Israeli government. If people are committing crimes, you need to focus on the individuals and groups directly and provably responsible, and the government itself. And you still shouldn’t engage in hate speech or harassment campaigns. I shouldn’t have to debunk multiple conspiracy theories at once to say, “Don’t harass Israeli citizens.” You just… shouldn’t be doing it.
Don’t spread hate speech. Don’t engage in hate speech. Don’t engage in harassment campaigns. Don’t justify or defend other people doing it.
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voukkake · 9 months
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Like Minds AU - Set after the events of the movie
⚠️ (TW- references implying incest, ped0-philia and several psychological traumatic events, discretion is advised) MDNI⚠️
-English is not my first language so I'm sorry in advance if I made some grammatical mistake.
-This isn't a fanfic, it's more an idea, a veeery long idea. Enjoy.
Due to the rain at the last minute, the direction of the shotgun deviated, hitting Nigel in the neck and part of the jaw, he was hospitalized after Alex in a moment of empathy called the ambulance. While spending a month in hospital Alex is questioned and Nigel's paternal uncles come to see him. When Nigel manages to recover for the most part, he is prosecuted due to Alex's testimony, however he escapes a sentence and instead the judge admits him to the Bethlem psychiatric center for 16 months since his lawyer alleged a psychotic break and hints of schizophrenia due to his mother's constant abuse and his father's neglect. This treatment is due to the fact that in the psychiatric hospital they want to overcome his "mental" disorder and also the fact of his possible reintegration into society and university studies.
His doctor in charge is Robert H. Gadling, who is in charge of the boy's background check and verifying that his process is on the right track. Alex's father makes him move to London to continue his education. Nigel at first is totally silent and doesn't talk to anyone, not even the nurses, he doesn't take his medicine or eat, since that is the punishment he thinks he has received for not fulfilling his duty. Two weeks of this behavior pass and the uncles claim the incompetence of the hospital by deliberately ignoring care for their nephew. Robert decides to speak directly with him and Nigel, upon seeing him, tells him everything about his mother. Who, seeing his little interest in girls at the age of 6, began to make him have relationships with her to stimulate his mind. He describes everything in detail, ending with "Sometimes I think it would have been better if my father raped me... That way at least I would have had a chance to experiment with the genre that appeals to me." He also admits that he masturbates every night as he needs to release stress or he would kill someone.
The doctor notes the observations and although Nigel is clearly gay he ignores the implication and tells no one. In Nigel's diary he describes Robert as a knight, a guardian, a symbol of advancement and progress, a symbol of sun and day, which was in contrast to his own moon and night attitude. Weeks go by and Nigel starts taking his meds, also eats twice a day, writes a diary and only talks to the doctor, explaining his motives and his seemingly unfounded hatred of women. He also tells him that he lost interest in Alex, who he considers a total betrayer of his trust and the punishment will await him in his next life.
One afternoon Nigel peers at the doctor noticing an engagement ring and just then Robert's wife arrives, noticeably pregnant. That same afternoon Robert tells him that the H in his name stands for Hob, a very old nickname that was passed down through the generations in his family and no one calls him that, but Nigel can use it as a symbol of trust. A week later when Robert arrives early he hears a piercing scream and runs to find one of the security guards brutally raping Nigel in his room, who was crying and shaking, in a fit of rage the doctor takes the guard and beats him until leaving him unconscious, calling the police in his process. He helps Nigel and takes him to the hospital. After the incident, the guard repeats over and over again that it was Nigel who had been seducing him for days and the young man asked him to be rough and dry, that he had been enjoying it until suddenly his expression changed completely and he began to scream nonsense, however, no one believes him and he is locked up. At the hospital, Nigel cries every day and one day when his uncles go to visit him, Robert tells them that he cannot stay in the psychiatric hospital until the case is resolved, but despite this, the uncles refuse to give him accommodation, since they consider that it would be unwise as his social status would be greatly affected by the news.
Robert hears Nigel call his name and runs to his aid, commenting that he would arrange to take him home the next day that afternoon, feeling he was making good progress. Finally, as a promise, he leaves his jacket and gives him a small kiss on the forehead, causing Nigel to remain completely static.
Already installed in his new "home" Nigel steals used underwear from the doctor and harasses his wife without her noticing. One afternoon when he is alone with her in the living room he asks her the sex of the baby, to which she answers that it will be a girl. Robert's wife also notices that his husband's underwear has been stained and sticky for several weeks, but does not comment because she is more concerned about her pregnancy. Nigel asks her out of the blue one day if she thinks Robert's going to rape his daughter when she tells him that she likes girls to better pave the way for other men so that the girl grows up normally. Eleanor is frightened and calls her husband, when he arrives, Eleanor has already packed her suitcases and tells him she was to spend the night at her mother's house since she does not want that phenomenon around for the insinuation. (At this point Hob hasn't really told his wife why Nigel is staying at his house) The doctor lets her go and angrily confronts the boy, who simply ignores him and goes up to his room, closing the door.
The next day the doctor talks to one of his colleagues and she recommends that he get rid of the boy since he is a hopeless case, that someone with such a mashed mind will never find a place in society and will live confined to his madness and disturbance. She also mentions that Nigel will never be able to replace Robyn (Robert's first child with Eleanor and who had passed away just two years ago at 16 due to an accident on a school trip).
That same day in the afternoon, the doc packs Nigel's bags and when the boy realizes that they are going to hospitalize him in a new place, he begs and begs Hob not to abandon him, to forgive him since his intention was never to bother him or anyone, neither he or his wife, while crying inconsolably clinging to him. That moves the doctor's heart and takes him back home and talks to Eleanor confessing the reasons why Nigel was with them, and promising better behavior from the boy. She agrees and in a turn of events Nigel proves better and even helps her with the housework while Hob is away at work. Nigel learns to cook, wash, iron and even sew while receiving classes at home.
At night Nigel sneaks into Eleanor and Robert's room, gently kissing him on the lips and once even feeling his dick above the blanket. One night Eleanor goes out with her mother for a doctor's visit and spends the night at her house leaving Hob and Nigel alone, they live together as normal until Nigel uses various sleeping pills Eleanor had and grinds them up to put Hob to sleep. Already in a deep sleep Nigel abuses Hob, rubbing against him, kissing him and claiming that he will soon be his knight, his and his alone. One morning Hob wakes Nigel up to surprise him, takes him to the basement and shows him his things, bottles, tools and so on, commenting that he made a deal with the court to keep him under supervision whenever he wanted to experiment on dead animals since this would serve to control their creativity. A totally shocked Nigel kisses Hob, and apologizes afterwards. Hob takes this in stride as it means to him that the boy is opening up to him and he trusts him more so he decides to let it go.
After two months Eleanor begins to get sick, she is eight months pregnant but due to her health she is suddenly hospitalized. A week later she dies during childbirth and the baby with her. The following week Eleanor's mother dies in a car accident. Due to the loss and depression of the moment, Hob takes a few months off from his work and another psychiatrist is assigned to Nigel, surprisingly Nigel accepts on the condition that he stay in Hob's home, claiming that he needed someone to take care of him, he lawyer accepts the deal, as those months of improvement convince the jury that Nigel is "vindicating himself".
To help Hob, Nigel walks past him, cooks for him, reads to him stories, and one day after Hob has come home from a bar completely drunk, Nigel takes the late wife's lace pajamas off one of his shelves, puts on his perfume and manages to seduce his doctor, who disconsolately clings to the young man in search of comfort and affection. As the hangover hits him hard, the doctor does not remember anything but notices subtle changes in Nigel's way of acting, he is much more attentive, he cooks excellently and wears more "feminine" clothes for a man, and although he tries to deny it for the good of his patient begins to touch the young man a little more intimately. One day they cook together, leading one thing to another, a couple of shots of wine, Nigel seduces him enough to take it in the kitchen, then at the table and finally in Hob's room.
One afternoon two of Robert's co-workers knock on the door, since they have not heard news from their friend, Nigel opens for them, who is slightly blushing and with a cold attitude mentions that Hob is fine, slamming the door shut and surprising to both, this time the partner hits and threatens to call the police, this time the one who comes out is Robert and talks to both, mentioning that he had already spoken with the director of the psychiatric hospital and would start working again the following week. Both companions share that their attitude is strange, however they let it go.
Months pass, Hob is back at work, and Nigel continues to receive therapy and medication from a new psychiatrist. Hob learns from the news that the coroner who did the autopsy on Eleanor has been found dead and that the body has been weeks old. For Nigel's 18th birthday, the uncles send him a gift and an invitation to his birthday party which meant that everyone in the family circle could see that he was recovering successfully and thus not lose more prestige, they also inform him that he must appear at the court for the paperwork and receipt of the shares of his father, who since death had left everything in Nigel's name, not because he wanted to, but rather because Nigel convinced his mother to convince his father to leave everything to his name. Hob is given a family logo lighter and an invitation as well. So they both introduce themselves, making a good impression on the council and thus gaining more confidence. Hob and Nigel have sex in the bathroom of the uncle's room and later at Hob's house. Nigel was happy now, and he also wanted to find out if men could somehow get pregnant. Who knows, for now, he was fine with his knight.
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skippyv20 · 1 day
Long read, apologies for any grammar errors
This hysteria is getting out of control and is making the anti Sussex look somewhat deranged to an outsider. I’m just what I’m seeing and trying to bring the volume down.
I’ve seen Nigerians being called all kinds of things as being backwards as a result of practicing an unfounded vicious rumor of bestiality on females, when gender surgeries on childfen are on high demand in the west.
They’re are called corrupt, the poorest country in the world, no running water, electricity, kidnappings when human trafficking is on a large scale in the west, less we forget Epstein, Andrew and the other elites and lower elites. Epstein allegedly viciously SAed over 300 young girls. There’s a huge list of missing kids and adults in West? Where did they all go?
Yes, Nigeria like every other country needs help and by God’s grace the lord’s riches will solve all this unnecessary poverty wherever it exits.
Now, Meg’s 43% Nig, and as a Nigerian, I don’t believe, though I’ve gone to Nairaland to get peoples opinions on this visit and her so called heritage. People are more pro her, though there are some detractors with somr sense, though they easily drown them.
Her alleged new heritage is not a battle that a Caucasian will win. It’s best for Nigerians to believe whatever, and it explains how amongst other reason, colonization was easily done. It’s sad that some of my people can be got. People see a black, African, biracial in power and think they’ll be good for black folks. It’s one of the biggest scams in the world and black folks haven’t learned.
I didn’t really articulate myself on why Caucasians should stay out of this. It’s sort of a complex issue. I understand the Caucasians pov, but it’s up to Nigerians to accept it. Has anyone really seen that so called DNA? I have never heard anyone ask? It’s very impossible for a biracial to be 43% N, unless she has a one parent from Nigeria.
It tells a lot: Sussex drops her, but Nigeria welcomes her. I’m embarrassed to be Of Nigerian descent to be honest. I love that we live in the world where we can claim anything. I am now 25 % Antartican.
Imho, the best thing, would have been for people to voice their concerns, but ignore her. That’d have been the biggest humiliation. Just like low ratings of TV shows get canceled.
Once meg, announced she was Nigerian, I knew it wouldn’t have been long for her to claim physical territory in Nigeria. The rf should’ve been waiting and anticipated this, and put those titles in abeyance, and held on to the titles of their children and just said they were sorting things out. My gut is telling that it’s too late for that. It’s like not treating an infection early to prevent amputation of the foot.
Charles on the other hand is serving what?. All I hear from thr rf is the silly nonsense about who invited whom to stay where, who couldn’t see whom, and some other nonsense. When did GB, become like this? When have they lost the courage in acting right? Where is Churchill, Baldwin?
Edward the 8th and wallis could do whatever, but then the difference was that they were no longer part of the firm, kicked out of England, and didn’t leave on their own accord and visit at anytime like harry. That was a reality check. The RF has left this rogue, evil, scheming son get this vicious, and the price to pay is very painful.
Thank you.  The rumours you hear about Nigeria don’t come from this blog or other blogs here on Tumblr.  We have one focus, and that is Harry’s wife.  I do agree that we have a difficult time understanding the love anyone has for her.  But let me be clear….the fact that she is claiming to be 43% Nigerian hits us hard. (Note an author named Georgina Lawton claimed to have her DNA done and announced she was 43% Nigerian, not saying she isn’t, but rather it explains where Harry’s wife arrived at this, as usual she steals from others, including their DNA results).  She has claimed to be part Maltese as well, because a great great grandmother lived on the island of Malta.  She has claimed to be Jewish and Catholic.  She has implied she was Canadian when in fact she is American…I could go on and on.  This is what we all take issue with.  She uses and abuses, people and places, countries, religions etc.  She has always gotten away with these lies because no one would call her out.  We have worked so hard for so many years to expose her.  Now we finally are seeing results, people see what we see.  I am in complete agreement the BRF should have stopped this long ago, I shake my head as to why they have not.  I do appreciate all you have said, and again I will ponder.❤️
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coochiequeens · 25 days
The school could have just created a gender neutral third bathroom. Instead they took away the one place a girl could be safe from male harassment. And creating more work for the custodial staff since the moids are missing in the sanitary bins.
Brisbane State High School: Girls are left too scared to go to the toilet after female-only bathrooms are converted into a unisex block - with boys 'loitering outside and urinating in sanitary bins'
Girls toilets converted to unisex at co-ed school 
Parents accuse male students of urinating on seats 
PUBLISHED: 05:02 EDT, 18 April 2024 
A partially-selective school's decision to convert a girls' bathroom into a unisex toilet block has left parents concerned after a reported 'behavioural incident'.
Prestigious co-ed Brisbane State High School recently converted its P Block of female-only toilets to accommodate for either sex.
Since then, male students have been accused of intimidating female classmates outside the  unisex block and urinating over toilet seats and sanitary bins, the Courier Mail reported.
The decision to change the bathroom's gender restrictions is required by the state's Department of Education and Queensland Human Rights Commission.
The commission has ordered schools to have a specific proportion of both gender specific and unisex toilets.
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A prestigious co-ed school, Brisbane State High School (pictured), have come under fire for suddenly changing some girl's toilets to unisex this week
An email notifying parents of the change said the toilets are 'now a shared space and should be treated with respect by all students using the facility'.
One parent said female students were no longer entering the bathrooms.
'You have boys using those cubicles that were originally for girls p***ing everywhere, including on the sanitary bins in those limited stalls that now have them,' they told the Courier Mail.
'It's creating a very negative experience for the girls of the school.' 
The parent added that they didn't have an issue with the 'need to cater for diversity' but with the lack of consultation with parents before the change was made.
Another parent told the publication they were okay with the lack of consultation as it gave no time for the 'naysayers' to delay the change.  
'I think it's a good idea as it provides neutral facilities for those students that are non-binary,' the parent said. 
Parents have claimed female students are now afraid to enter the unisex block after male students urinated over toilet seats and sanitary bins
A spokesperson for the Department of Education said they are 'committed to providing inclusive facilities to respect and value diversity'.
'The introduction this term of a dedicated unisex toilet facility is available to anyone who wishes to use it.
'The school continues to provide separate girls and boys toileting facilities on both campuses. Sanitary bins have not been removed from school bathrooms.'
The spokesperson said the school is aware of an incident that 'occurred near, not inside, a school toilet facility' and that has been dealt with in line with the Student Code of Conduct.
They added that 'allegations that male students were intimidating girls or urinating on the toilet seats and sanitary bins in this toilet facility are unfounded'.
'The school takes all parent complaints seriously and deals with them as they arise.'
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soon-palestine · 6 months
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Alison Russell, a Scottish-born Belgian citizen and Human Rights Defender, was detained by the Israeli occupation authorities while documenting the demolition of a house in Masafer Yatta, in the South Hebron Hills of the occupied West Bank. She was deported after very perfunctory proceedings at the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court. Israeli police alleged in a public statement that Alison “supported a terrorist organization.” Her attorney pointed out that this claim had no basis. Nevertheless, the presiding judge issued a verdict couched in fiery nationalist rhetoric, claiming that “There are many faces to Hamas terror. There are various kinds of terrorists. Some terrorists wield guns and bombs while others use a computer keyboard”.
In the last month and a half, the charge of being a “supporter of a terrorist organization” has become an excuse for an extensive campaign of political persecution against anyone who dares to post any protest the unfolding genocide in Gaza. This has affected Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship and against Israeli Jews, such as the teacher Meir Baruchin, who was detained for almost a week on completely unfounded charges. In the Gaza Strip, a far more brutal procedure for the same allegations is implemented. A Gazan journalist or political activist accused of “supporting Hamas” may expect to be targeted and/or have their family targeted by a missile from an Israeli warplane. Such was, for example, the fate of Ahmed Abu Artema and countless other Palestinian activists and journalists. Nowadays in Israel, all it takes to be charged with “supporting terrorism” is to express sorrow and pain over the killing of children in the bombing of the Gaza Strip. State Attorney Amit Isman strongly criticized these detentions, but Israel’s police, controlled by Ben-Gvir, persist in carrying out such detentions.  In the case of human rights defender Alison Russell, the far-fetched charges of “supporting terrorism” or “keyboard terrorism” cover up the real reason for her detention and deportation. In court, the state asserted that “she had many times disrupted the activities of the IDF troops, whenever she came in contact with them”. Indeed, it is highly disturbing for the troops to have outside observers and witnesses present where acts of oppression take place, which often constitute blatant violations of International Law. 
The tiny villages at Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron Hills are attacked by settlers on one side and the army on the other: The settlers attack the villages, destroy whatever is at hand and threaten entire communities with murder, and in these criminal acts they enjoy complete immunity from the police and army. For its part, the army arrives to destroy the houses of the villagers, houses which were declared to be “illegal” by the Supreme Court. Alison was detained and deported when she tried to document the destruction of one of these houses. The police had stated “a deportation order from Israel” was issued to Alison, as well as a decree to “prevent her from entering Israel” in the future. We would like to emphasize that Alison never wanted to “enter Israel.” She wanted to come to the West Bank, a Palestinian territory occupied by Israel, by the express invitation of Palestinian residents to document and intervene in human rights abuses and stop an ongoing nakba. In the words of Alison herself, “The UN, created when the world was saying ‘nie wieder faschismus,’ has given up on Palestine. But right now, right here, in a tiny little corner of Palestine, there are a dozen villages that are under direct and immediate threat. When the handful of determined people that are here manage to organize a group to sleep in the hamlets, we delay their expulsion…I’m here ‘cos I really think our action is effective. Please make it more effective by getting involved too.”
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hughungrybear · 3 months
Saw a thread on Reddit about abuse allegations against GMMTV's Win Pawin made by his "real-life" gf (at this point, am still not sure if the lady is really his gf). Most of the comments were asking other fans to be conscientious and to stop spreading unfounded accusations without proof. However, there is this one comment that laments the fact that the other commenters are "choosing the word of a man over the claims of an abused woman", which, imo, misses the whole point entirely.
Gender does not matter. Men and women are both equally capable of lying and trying to ruin another person's reputation out of spite. Hence, no sane person in good conscience should take the word of the accuser solely because they are the "right" gender. That is widely irresponsible and, quite frankly, downright stupid.
It would be good to stick with known facts before choosing a side. I don't think a production company as well known as GMMTV would let it slide if anybody under their wing ruins their reputation. Remember that Assistant Director with cameos in BBS and ATOTS who was jailed because of sexual harrassment of a minor? The company did not protect that person. If accusations against Win Pawin are true, I doubt that company would turn a blind eye to it - especially with a massive international fan base, they would move to protect their name.
The same is also true if the accusations against Pawin are false. We already saw GMMTV making legal moves to sue everybody that says anything defamatory against their artists.
Overall, trusting a rumour just because of some misguided notion that "women must be supported at all costs" does not help anybody in general and women in particular.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
The patience I don't have is being tested, Jesus take the wheel
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So, all that accusations just to say you disagree with my take???
Good grief- I can't read beyond your disrespect, delusions and accusations. "You shaming him cos you feel someway about his hair" Do you think may be that could have been the barrier to your communication?
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Or you thought that was gonna fly over mi head?
You can't make unfounded allegations against people and expect them not to respond to it are you dumb?
Me, I see your disrespect and I raise you cusses and bruises and emotional damages. It's just the way it is.
Then you went and said I act like I know Jungkook personally- while also explaining to me how he's different on stage and off stage and how he has an IDAF attitude...
Question: are you his Aunt? Mother? Or the dude that suck his dick at night?
No? Then shut the fuck up telling me what he is or isn't. You don't know him personally EEEEEEEDA
As for name-calling please let's play that game. I BEG YOU. I'M ITCHING TO SAY A FEW WORDS.
Come at me find out just how immature I can be🥺
The disrespect aside, your opinion is totally valid and I agree with some of your takes. While I don't know Jungkook personally anyone with a functioning brain and who has been in this Fandom for a day CAN TELL he has an independent devil may care streak.
I was actually one of the few bloggers out here who pointed this out at a time where Jungkook's public persona wasn't as overtly brazen.
I pointed out years ago when he started asserting himself within the group and breaking away from the confines of the members' expectations.
You are seeing this IDAF attitude 2plus years ago, I'm seeing this all the way back to debut. He's always been this person but go on you tell me about it Jungkook's Auntie🙄 😒 😑
"Him giving a fuck about his hair has nothing to do with his shyness" it might be my lack of comprehension skills but I don't understand what you mean💀
Bottom line is, you and I were not there and we are both not him. We both can only speculate on why he's shy. And even though I don't know what your take is exactly on why you think he was shy- it's valid. You do you boo.
If you don't mind sharing it with the class- I would like to read it though 💀
I just don't know why this is such a big deal to you💀
Sometimes I wear things that are edgy and out there when I be on my boss chick shit channeling Lady Gaga until I walk into the office and every one is staring and suddenly the wind blows over my back and I wish I had more fabric covering my butt cheeks.
Jimin laughed at himself for posting his long hair
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And I laughed my ass off out here and said the same thing about him making fun of himself because of his hair because he knows it breaks the gender norms and some people will judge.
And yes he got dragged for it too by some people.
I came out here and celebrated that moment as a win for us because I love when BTS do gay shit or gender bending shit so why the fuck would Jungkook wearing his hair long set me off?
Why? Because I love it so much when people conform to tradition and societal norms?
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Not only are you assuming things about me you were falsely accusing me of something every one and their mother out here knows is false and when I set the record straight on you you turned around and called me a liar and told me I was backpeddling.
It's bizarre when you people do that shit. So bizarre. It's okay to be wrong you know? Especially about people you think badly off. Because we are not living in your delusions.
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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10 Tests For Guilt at the Salem Witch Trials
Rhetoric is only as potent as its source material – this is why any allusion to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 is so effective. What comes immediately to mind is the hideous and completely unfound legal proceedings – based mostly on superstition, irrational paranoia, Puritanism-fueled mass hysteria, and deception–which resulted in 19 wrongful executions, each one hanged, burned, or drowned for some ill-fated finger-pointing. The imagery evoked is just as barbaric and painful as the means by which these accused “witches” were tried and ultimately “proven” guilty. (In actuality, most of the “afflicted” were just suffering from some mental illness medical science hadn’t quite caught up to at the time, “evil” being amongst the worst know epidemics.) Here are ten ways their verdict was ascertained:
Witch Cake
This voodoo-inspired test, the ingredients of said cake were rye meal… and urine from the girls said to be afflicted by the witch’s evil incantations. The test had dogs eat this cake, after which the alleged witch should scream out in pain – for in the process of her cursing the victims, she sent invisible particles of herself (the embodiment of pure evil, that is), which would show up in the urine. The cake, then, was effectively a voodoo doll of herself in a way. This superstition came from the Cartesian “Doctrine of Effluvia,” which logically was prescribed as a document of medical fact.
Spectral Evidence
This type of evidence is based on claims by accusers that they would see the individual accused of witchcraft in dreams or visions doing the Devil’s bidding. The argument against this was that the Devil could take any shape, while the counter-argument was that the Devil could not inhabit an individual’s body without their permission. This form of evidence was somehow enough to convict several accused during the time it was deemed plausible. (When it was later thrown out, the conviction rate decline severely and hastened the trials’ conclusion.)
Eye Witnesses Testimonials
Some witnesses would confess to actually seeing the alleged witches practicing their black magic, which was enough to tattoo guilt all over them. Of course there was nothing to stop accusers of making up stories just to see people they disliked or deemed strange taken away. Many accusations stemmed from the belief that a death or illness had been caused by witchcraft, which upon filing with a magistrate and being deemed credible would lead to an arrest. On the charge of “affliction with witchcraft” or “entering a covenant with the devil.”
Witch’s Teat
If you’ve ever heard the expression “cold as a witch’s teat,” now you know the origin: the aforementioned teat corresponded to any kind of mole or unusual skin blemish which all witches (and frankly most humans) are characterized to have. The test was that this teat would be pricked with a needle, and if the recipient didn’t bleed or feel it, then surely there was a witch in our midst. Often times, however, needles would be purposefully blunted so it would be easier to demonstrate just how “cold and unfeeling” this teat really is.
Sought after in the accused home were any artifacts corresponding to witchcraft that could be used as evidence for condemnation. These included poppets (a voodoo doll of sorts through which spells could be cast), cauldrons full of ointments, and books on palm reading and horoscopes. Also having flying broomsticks, talking black cats, and pointy hats would be instant red flags (at least in the Harry Potter universe).
Lord’s Prayer Test
This was a literal test of faith. The accused would be made to recite the “Lord’s Prayer” without error – this included any stumbling, stammering, or outright spasming. As elocution is a painstaking art, it seems that any average human would slip up, but under “God’s eyes” (as well as whoever else sees themselves fit to judge) mistakes are unacceptable. As far as fits go, try forcing someone who may be mentally-retarded or hysterical (medically-speaking) or hallucinating from LSD-fungus-covered rye bread (another suspect of these ubiquitous “fits”) to read from the bible with absolute level-headedness.
Touch Test
This test is all about the performance. If an afflicted person – throwing fits and the like – suddenly becomes calm after the accused places their hand on him/her, then the toucher is most certainly a witch. This is said to be because all the “venom” and assorted evil toxins (stemming from the witch’s eye) that originally addled the afflicted soul have returned to their evil host.
Forced Confession by Dunking
Those who didn’t admit to being a witch and under heavy suspicion were usually induced to confess by way of torture. One method was dunking, in which the accused would be held under water repeatedly until they were successfully broken down. This is also an effective means to brainwash someone into believing a lie, anything to make the inhumanity cease.
Another means of torture designed to make the accuser talk, but made it impossible for them to talk, much less breathe. Called “pressing,” the subject is placed beneath heavy stones, meant to literally crush you into submission. One such recipient endured this very treatment, an 80 year-old man named Giles Corey accused of being a warlock (yes men could be accused as well). He refused to give a plea each of the several times he was asked, and was ultimately crushed to death by the stones, which, as it turned out, were more likely to speak than he was.
Bound Submersion
There was no favorable result in this test; essentially the alleged witch would be bound at the hands and feet – with heavy rocked attached – and thrown into a body of water. If the body floated to the surface, that was proof, along some kind of whimsical lines, that the accused was indeed a witch (at which point they’d execute her by some other means). If she sank to the bottom – and inevitably drowned – she was innocent. Given that none of these girls had received any proper Navy Seals training – inhale, hold your breath, don’t panic – about 100% of them drowned, with apathetic standers-by shrugging it off, thinking ‘Oh well. Now we know.”
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
President Vladimir Putin has acknowledged "radical Islamists" carried out Friday's deadly attack on a Moscow concert hall.
But the Russian leader has repeated his earlier claim the attackers had some kind of link to Ukraine and the West.
Ukraine has rejected the Russian claim as absurd.
An affiliate of the Islamic State (IS) group says it was behind the atrocity, in which 139 people were killed, and IS has released footage of the attack.
Twenty-two people are still in a serious condition in hospital, including two children, according to Russian officials.
The Russian leader said during a televised meeting on Monday: "We know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical Islamists, whose ideology the Islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries."
He then went on to say: "We want to know who ordered it." Many questions remained unanswered, he argued, repeating an unfounded claim that the attackers had tried to flee south to Ukraine.
"Who was waiting for them there?" he asked. "This atrocity may be just a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been at war with our country since 2014."
The US was trying to convince the world that Kyiv had no connection to the attack, he said. And he pointed the finger at the West, saying the attack could only be linked to attempts made by those who had fought against Russia by using Kyiv.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the Russian claims during his nightly video address: "Putin was talking to himself again... Again, he blames Ukraine. A sick and cynical creature."
The US says IS is "solely" to blame for the Moscow attack, and several European countries have stepped up security, with France warning of a resurgence in jihadist threats.
Four citizens of Tajikistan have appeared in court accused of carrying out the massacre. Four other suspects have been accused of aiding terrorism, including a 31-year-old man from Kyrgyzstan suspected of renting out a flat used by the attackers.
The attack took place little over two weeks after the US embassy warned that "extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts". Mr Putin rejected the warning as provocative only last week.
Three days before the gunmen targeted Crocus City Hall on the north-west fringe of Moscow, the Russian leader accused the US of using its warning of an imminent attack to "intimidate and destabilise our society".
Meanwhile, Russia's FSB security service announced on Tuesday that it had foiled an attack by pro-Ukraine Russian fighters in the southern city of Samara. It said a member of the Russian Volunteer Corps paramilitary group had blown himself up after being apprehended.
Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said it was obvious Mr Putin was looking for pretexts to attack Kyiv, but said the videos of the attack were clear and more than one IS claim confirmed the theory that it was involved.
The Moscow attack, claimed by a regional branch of IS called Islamic State-Khorasan, has heightened fears of renewed jihadist plots in Western Europe, ahead of a summer of major international sporting events.
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said on Monday night that France had been on maximum alert since Sunday night and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said two attacks had been foiled since the start of the year.
"We thwart a lot of attacks in France, one every two months," Mr Darmanin said on France 2 TV. Paris is due to host the Olympic Games in fourth months' time and the interior minister said the main threat was homegrown but the external IS threat was seeing a resurgence.
Mr Attal said 4,000 extra soldiers would be deployed across France in the coming days.
Germany has said it will introduce temporary border controls for the European Championships starting in June. The government in Berlin has already imposed controls on some of its borders in a bid to tackle gangs smuggling migrants across Europe.
Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said controls would take place on all German borders during the tournament "to prevent potential violent offenders from entering the country".
In a separate development, Turkey said it had arrested 147 people suspected of links to IS in simultaneous raids across 30 cities. Ankara has confirmed that two of the four suspected attackers visited Turkey weeks before the Moscow attack and said they were able to travel freely there as there was no warrant for their arrest.
Italy says it has intensified security ahead of the Easter holidays and has urged people to be alert, although "there are no concrete risks".
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hay I've got something of a really touching one: not feeling that way anymore/ I'm his father:
ok here's how it goes the Kent family (meaning Clark, Lois, 10-year-old Jon and Young Justice TV series season 1 Conner) go on a reporting gig and are interviewing a really nasty piece of work (namely a person) and around this time clark feels (after a long time) comfortable around Conner (especially after seeing him in action and everything he does even his kind heart) the person that the family's interviewing starts getting really nasty (like mean) especially towards Lois that's when Conner steps in and mouths off to him to protect Lois:
1: with the comfortable around him bit: how long do you think it would take in universe if Clark and Lois we're married and Jon was their with Conner to help Clark be ok around him?
2: what dose the man say to Lois that causes Conner to step in?
3: when the man starts mouthing off to Conner and seeing how hard Conner is trying to hold himself back by taking the man's verbal beating dose Clark step in?
4: at this point Clark is angry that his wife was insulted and so saw Conner. What dose the man say specifically to them that go Clark angry?
5: as Jon is helping his mom and brother is Clark taking over the interview?
6: when the man asks how is Clark do you see Clark saying "I'm her husband and his father" or if not what do you think he says?
7: would Conner be surprised and a little touched/embarrassed that Clark just called him Conner's father?
8: when the interview is over and the family is glad that is done with. Dose Clark notice that Conner is looking at him differently after hearing Clark call himself Conner's father?
9: do Clark and Conner have a moment to together to talk and if so what do they talk about?
1. About six months to an entire year upon first meeting Conner to the present day while Lois and Clark themselves had been married for about 12 years and Jon’s 10 years old
2. Most likely unfounded allegations and remarks of Lois having his interview only so she can advance her career at his expense, stating reporters like her being in on a conspiracy around ‘being politically correct’ and utterly dishonest with any social causes she advocates in her editorials. Basically the guy accuses Lois of being an utter fake and using her position to only tear down people she doesn’t like
3. He would subtly via hand on Conner’s shoulder as it had worked before
4. Asides from calling Lois a “fake” and a yellow journalist bully, the man called Conner a thug and career criminal in the making just by the way he looks and that teens like him deserve being treated as criminals who had disgraced their families
5. He would and try getting the questions back in topic as quickly yet calmly as possible
6. He would with a straightforward face and an uncompromising look on his eyes. Even if he hasn’t taken the glasses off and kept the suit instead of his blue and red one, Clark is allowing a bit of Superman himself into his demeanor
7. He’d be surprised for sure and touched by that remark. He’s internally proud of that after so long of a bond growing between him and the rest of the Kents
8. He would as Conner beforehand started learning how to read a room for the general mood of people close in proximity to him
9. They do; mainly Conner asks Clark if what he said was true just out of curiosity and finality to which Clark, after some thinking about, nods with a soft smile. It’s all Conner needs to confirm his answer, he smiles right back
Apologies for the delay in answering this my friend but I’m sure you’d like this ;-) @we-cross-universe-king-relate
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newsboys-of-1899 · 1 year
Do we have a definitive confirmation Kid Blink and David Simons definitely scabbed? I've read that they were accused of it but later found innocent by most of the other newsies, although they stepped down from their positions to ease tensions. Also given how unreliable newspapers could be at the time, I can't help but suspect some of the stories were either directly from or at least supported by the publishers trying to weaken the strike. Any grounds for this theory?
That is a very interesting question, and one I have wondered about many times myself! Unfortunately there’s no way to know for certain, but circumstances are suspicious. Let’s start with evidence and then discuss what might have happened.
Several newspapers reported on Kid Blink and David Simons selling the boycotted papers, which makes the idea that the Times or Sun or whatever other paper just made the story up unlikely. However, the details of events are different from paper to paper. Some say the two had accepted a bribe to break the strike. Some say it was a power move to be seen as a strong leader who ended the strike. Some say they thought the strike was over. And then what happened after their alleged betrayal also differs. Some sources say their papers were torn up by the other strikers. Some say they were searched and found to have no bribe money on them. Some say they were called to trial with the other strike leaders, including one in which they defend themselves in almost Shakespearean prose followed by a full multi-verse poem supposedly spontaneously composed by Kid Blink. I am inclined to believe that the latter at least was written by somebody who was not actually in the room, but whose poem I dearly wish had been turned into a song for the musical if only for the beautiful repeated line of “Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike! Strike ‘em on the head.”
The complication in believing anything these papers report is that the very people reporting on events are the people whose business is most directly affected by the strike. The World and Journal desperately wanted to make the strikers look bad to end the strike as quickly as possible, and they used their influence to try to stop the other papers encouraging it too. The other papers, by contrast, wanted the strike to continue as long as possible. With their competition boycotted they stood to make a lot of money as long as the strike was on.
So possible explanations:
Kid Blink and David Simons scabbed. They saw people were upset and came back to the cause. The papers reported exactly the truth.
Kid Blink and David Simons scabbed and were not forgiven. The rival papers tried to lighten the damage they knew this would do to strikers’ morale by pretending there was a trial and the two were found innocent.
The Times/Sun/Tribune made up the story for a good headline. I think this is unlikely as it would be against their interests, but it’s possible.
Unfounded rumours spread as they tend to among children, and by the time the rumours were proven false the damage had already been done.
Kid Blink and David Simons were victims of a whisper campaign by the World and Journal who deliberately planted misinformation among the kids to sabotage their cause.
Personally I think possibilities 4 and 5 are most likely but it’s impossible to know for sure. July 25 was the high point in the strike. Just the night before five thousand boys had rallied at Irving Hall. Public opinion was on their side. The World and Journal were scared. Of all the days to scab, the 26th would not be the day I would choose! However, if I were a newspaper executive, July 26 is exactly the day I would resort to starting rumours about children…
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shoujoboy-restart · 9 months
But is that your opinion or a fact? I guess the whole thing surrounding BLM and PragerU has me very confused since everyone else says some things about them and that they are not actually a university and then there's the fact that it's founder Dennis Prager said something that he thinks nothing wrong with indoctrinating children. Is that being taken out of context because every school's kind of does the same thing about schools teaching students to hate white people while being gay supposedly or is there some disagreement I'm not understanding?
it kind of feels like it's going to lead into that whoever I'm listening to are idiots and don't know what they are saying even though I can't just simply call everybody who thinks BLM and the civil Rights movements are somehow terrorist groups. It's like saying voting for DeSantis or Trump is better than Biden and everybody else is just fear-mongering about them even though I haven't been hearing good things about the Republican candidates and if we say something about Biden in the whole issue surrounding his son, honestly I'm starting to feel like the Hunter Biden stuff is too overhyped and I don't really think Joe Biden is involved in whatever dealing his son is involved as I'm not hearing anything major coming out of it and the Republicans are seemingly more focused on that then the sexual allegations against Biden or his whole deal with the classified documents which hasn't been brought up at often by either side. It's all Hunter this Hunter that and his father is involved in some crooked scheme needs to be impreached.
Let's go by parts.
My opinion is that Prager U uses of real and valid criticism of the organization calling itself BLM to attack people who are fighting against police brutality and racism, it is a fact the org BLM is a profit seeking with many of their CEOs having millions in their banks while not helping, the same way it's a fact that 94% of protest associatied or connected to BLM peaceful and the other 6% are still unfound on whether the violence and chaos was actually caused by protesters since there been multiple cases of confirmed infiltration by far-righters and cops.
I mean if the dude says "indoctrination bad" but then straight up says "actually indoctrination based" because it's for what he believes then ain't really much context that can save that lol most of the crying about "indoctrination" complaints are parents of highschoolers mad they can't obcessively control everything their child do and having a panic attack over the idea their kid won't be a carbon copy of them, I'm sure leftist parents do that as well but conservative ones actually demand their entire state to uphold that.
As a whole the Hunter Biden situation is just...pointless? Oh no, the son of a politician is a druggie and pays for prostitutes...and? Arrest the asshole or not for all I care, they are trying to claim that somehow this would have swayed peoples voting, It is republicans trying really hard to scrape the bottom of the barrel for reason to impeach Biden or attack his image, when as your self pointed out there enough to do just that, but again, since Trump also has allegations and shit.
Also I'm pretty sure the reason why Biden isn't being prosecuted and investigated for documents is because he actually did everything he should have done and the documents were literally a handful of documents in a safe, but on that I could be wrong, while Trumpie literally had boxes on top of fucking boxes in every corner of his damn home for some reason, together with multiple of the documents being classified, which as president at the time he could have just declassified them so it wouldn't be as much of a issue.
But if you want my advice as someone who used to be a anti-sjw? I didn't even stop being one at first because of how factually wrong the whole ideology was, is because almost every figure head I followed was becoming actual neo-Nazis, turning out to transphobic and homophobic while using gay and trans people as shields, constantly getting caught bold face lying(Blaire white) or just grifting as "apolitical" while having nothing but praises to the most extreme right wing lobotomites out here. Steven Crowder was having a 50 million contract and a extra 1 million whenever needed to just attack trans people 24/7, a lot of right wing content is unironically just corporate backed propaganda to regress society, the entire fox news teams was exposed for admitting they thought Trump and his supporters were loonies and that "election fraud" narrative is just bullshit they started talking because another right wing channel was syphoning their viewers whenever they said something like "Trump isn't a god and he made mistakes" in their lawsuit brought by Dominion.
I'm not saying you need to become luxury communism that believes in a 100 genders, but genuinely, the grift within the right is real, at least when leftists say some crazy shit, you have 90% they actually believe in what they are saying, while a right winger is probably just saying the shit to gain a chance of being employed by the likes of Prager.
If you want a really good channel to teach you some rhetoric and how to catch people saying shit without foundation I really recommend Mia's Rhetoric, she's not a bleeding heart leftist or anything, she's very progressive obviously but because of her knowledge in rhetoric she's really good at deconstructing arguments from fallacies to how people signage affects them, linking this video in specific to topical obviously.
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popolitiko · 1 year
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CNN reporter Oliver Darcy scolded by CEO Chris Licht over ‘emotional’ coverage of Trump town hall: report By Patrick Reilly - May 12, 2023
CNN reporter Oliver Darcy was reportedly left “visibly shaken” after his boss, CEO Chris Licht, tore into the liberal journalist over his “emotional” coverage of the network’s town hall Wednesday night featuring former President Donald Trump.
Darcy was called into a meeting with Licht and other network executives who have been frustrated with the backlash CNN received over the town hall — particularly from left-leaning outlets and politicians, Fox News reported.
Following the town hall broadcast, Darcy appeared to slight his own employer in his “Reliable Sources” newsletter.
In the write-up, Darcy claimed that “CNN and new network boss Chris Licht are facing a fury of criticism — both internally and externally over the event,” which appalled other staffers, who voiced their frustration with the CEO.
“I’m asking you to not be emotional,” the source paraphrased what Licht told Darcy at the meeting. Licht reportedly said that he wanted to see more objective coverage of all news outlets, not just CNN
Puck News’ Dylan Byers reported Friday that Darcy “stood by his work.”
“But afterward two sources who heard about the meeting described him as visibly shaken,” Byers reported Friday.
Critics blasted CNN for allowing the former president, now taking his third run at the White House, to repeat unfounded claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
Trump also mocked E. Jean Carroll, the writer who successfully sued him for sexual abuse and defamation. Trump has denied the allegations.
During a testy moment at CNN’s town hall, the president called moderator Kaitlan Collins a “nasty person,” eliciting cheers from the crowd.
It’s hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN Wednesday evening,” Darcy said in the opening of his newsletter. “How Licht and other CNN executives address the criticism in the coming days and weeks will be crucial. Will they defend what transpired at Saint Anselm College? Or will they express some regret?” Darcy wrote.
For Licht’s part, he seems to express no regret, praising Collins, a rising network star who is expected to be promoted from co-hosting CNN’s morning show to the primetime slot at 9 p.m.
“You do not have to like the former president’s answers, but you can’t say that we didn’t get them,” Licht said at a staff meeting Wednesday morning, according to the audio provided to The Post. “Kaitlan pressed him again and again and made news,” the CNN CEO reportedly told staffers, adding that making news “is our job.” The network also backed Collins in a statement after the town hall: “Tonight Kaitlan Collins exemplified what it means to be a world-class journalist. She asked tough, fair and revealing questions.”
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coochiequeens · 1 year
I don’t agree with violence, I don’t agree with armed protesters and I don’t agree with parents who would consider bringing their child to an event where they could see violence just so they can virtue signaling
By Dennis Romero
The hosts of a "Drag Queen Story Hour"-style event for children in Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday pulled the plug because of what they described as the intimidating presence of right-wing demonstrators.
The scheduled holiday themed "Holi-Drag Storytime" at the First Unitarian Church of Columbus, which runs the K-5 institution behind the event, Red Oak Community School, was canceled at the last-minute Saturday morning following internal discussions, organizers said.
Members of Ohio's Proud Boys organization and other right-wing groups made good on promises to make waves outside the venue Saturday. More than 50 demonstrators, including members of the Proud Boys, gathered near the church Saturday morning and shouted, chanted and held up signs. Some were armed with long guns.
As some Republican lawmakers and state leaders have sought to limit the rights of transgender people and make them a campaign issue, right-wing extremists have mounted parallel campaigns on the streets.
Some have all but denied the existence of nonbinary people, embraced legislation limiting transgender student participation in sports, decried gender-neutral bathrooms, and made unfounded allegations about connections between transgender people and certain types of crime.
The Proud Boys has been described by the FBI as an "extremist group with ties to white nationalism." 
Five of its members, including Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, were indicted by a federal grand jury on seditious conspiracy charges in connection with their alleged participation in an effort Jan. 6 to overturn the 2020 presidential election in favor of former President Donald Trump. They pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial.
Fear in Columbus over the week was great enough that the nonprofit Equality Ohio urged LGBTQ+ people and allies not to counterprotest because the situation outside the venue Saturday could be "potentially volatile and dangerous," according to a statement.
"Drag Queen Story Hour" events in Oregon and California this year have been targeted by right-wing demonstrators who have come armed, thrown items, and shouted transphobic slurs.
Following last month's mass shooting at a Colorado Springs, Colorado LGBTQ+ bar that killed five following a "Drag Divas" performance, some high-profile drag performers have increased their security protocols, such as hiring armed guards.
Saturday morning, speaking on the event's stage, framed by holiday decor that included a Christmas tree in the rainbow colors of the pride flag, Red Oak Community School manager Cheryl Ryan made an emotional video address explaining why "Holi-Drag Storytime" was canceled. 
She said that while police acknowledged the event, collaboration was lacking, and some of the participants felt unsafe, despite the planned presence of more than 100 security volunteers who planned to create a human perimeter around the venue.
Ryan blamed local leaders, including law enforcement, for letting members of the Proud Boys and other right-wing demonstrators gather while the audience for "Holi-Drag Storytime" ultimately could not.
"I received hundreds of emails, calls and messages from folks in the community asking, How can I help? What can I do? I’m ready to show up," Ryan said. "I never heard this message form the city’s leadership and those whose job it is to protect us."
She said the event sold nearly 1,000 individual tickets, the vast majority going to supporters who had no intention of attending.
ok tinfoil hat moment. Are they exposing kids to drag so they can gain sympathy, victim status and $ from people when right wing lunatics protest?
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