#outdoor knitwear
fashionbooksmilano · 11 months
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Fashion Trends Sportwear Winter 03/04
Chiefeditors Marita Sonnenberg, Heinz Sommermeyer
Sketches Bernd H.Fritz
Art.Direction Karl-Wilhelm Schalk
Branche & Business, Düsseldorf 2003, 170 pages, 23x31cm
euro 80,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
Fashion Stories : Alp glow, Highlands, Labrador, Metropolis
Alp glow  : rustic romanticism, old traditions, hand embroidered, chunky knitwear, authentic fabrics, reduced colours
Highlands : sorty superpositions,simple basics, artistic knit structures, natural materials with technical finish, warmearth clours
Labrador : casual sportwear, warm lambskin, antique leather optics, destroyed denim, voluminous knits, neutral combined colours with intensive colourits
Metropolis : charming hippie look, cosmopolitam sets, figure-hugging silhouettes, fairytale corduroy and velvet, wild patterns, brillant colours
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satans-knitwear · 10 months
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Todays weather- Mild with a chance of hoe activity.
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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aefward · 7 days
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Avery knitted maxi dress by Anna October
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levi-supreme · 2 years
A- Z Headcanons of Erwin Smith
Characters: Erwin Smith feat. small mentions of Mike and Levi.
Genre: Modern!au with tiny references to the snk canon if you can see it
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Some suggestive content.
A/N: Happy Birthday Commander (big tits) Erwin Smith!!!!! I wrote him a smutty fic for his birthday last year, so I shall give him something more family-friendly and relatable xD
Also, this one is dedicated to my bestie/sister-in-law Mrs Mia Smith @ack3rlady <333 these are highly inspired by our daily conversations about our husbands so I hope you'll like it 💖
Check out my other modern au!Erwin headcanons here!
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A: Attention
Erwin is really attentive and pays a lot of attention to small details. He's the kind of person who remembers a lot of small details, and will hardly forget his schedules and plans.
However, due to his attention to detail, some people might find that Erwin is nitpicking too much. People might also think that Erwin is micromanaging too much as he wants everything to be perfect and in order.
B: Behaviour
Erwin is always calm and collected no matter the situation. He is always polite to people younger than him and respectful to those older than him as well.
Erwin is always the most grounded in his circle of friends, and people tend to depend on him due to how knowledgeable he is too. Erwin is very sensible and intelligent, and hardly does anything that would harm his image.
C: Career
With Erwin'a charisma and great leadership, he would do well in organisations that requires discipline and order, such as the military, the police, or the navy. He would be a very persuasive and charismatic leader who leads with knowledge and compassion.
I can also foresee Erwin doing really well in a political career. He is extremely persuasive and charming, and he can easily garner support from the general public and citizens as well. Likewise, he would also stand firm in his beliefs and work for the rights of the people.
Erwin would also do well in the corporate world, such as opening up his own business, working as a financial advisor, or a fund manager. He makes daring moves and investments, and even though they might be risky, Erwin's wit always bring the organisation he is working for to new heights.
D: Dating
I think Erwin would be someone who enjoys going on classic dates like in the good olden days; a dinner and dance, a late night movie at the outdoor cinema, a walk in the park. He loves spending quality and undisturbed time with his lover, and he loves diverting all his attention to them.
However! Erwin finds thrill and excitement in other kinds of dates too; arcade dates, shopping dates, beach dates, hiking dates just to name a few. As long as he's with his lover, anywhere would always be the perfect date.
E: Energy level
Erwin's mood is always calm and relaxed, so he doesn't have random bursts of energy. He's always on-the-go, and he is always doing something.
Erwin hardly has mood swings as well, unless he is too stressed up at work. Erwin does not really like surprises and impromptu occasions, and he prefers having a plan than to work on spontaneous bursts of energy. Therefore, Erwin would also behave as such, and he is always predictable and easy to go along with.
F: Fashion
I feel that Erwin would have a preference for long sleeve shirts, knitwear, and sweaters. He would like to wear light coloured clothing too. Colours like khaki, beige, ivory, and mother-of-pearl would look very nice on him. Baby blue and sky blue would complement his eyes too.
His wardrobe has a large variety of business suits, formal wear, and also more casual button-ups and tailored trousers. Erwin's wardrobe is more colourful during the spring and summer.
I also feel that Erwin is the kind of person who collects watches, and he has many watches for different suits and occasions.
G: Games
I don't think Erwin plays a lot of games, and he isn't interested in them as well. However, he might just give in to peer pressure and join Levi and Mike on games like Counter Strike and Call of Duty.
Erwin would probably enjoy playing card games like Blackjack and Poker, and somehow he manages to bluff really well. He would also enjoy strategy games like chess, shogi, go (wei qi), and reversi.
H: Hobbies
Other than reading and chess, I think Erwin would enjoy exercising a lot. He does a mix of aerobic and anaerobic activities, and running is his favourite. He usually goes to the gym with Mike and Levi where they would help to spot one another while at the weight machines.
I think Erwin would secretly enjoy crocheting too. It's hard to see Erwin sitting down for hours crocheting something, but Erwin is really good with his hands. He sometimes crochets gifts for his lover too.
I: Interior
I can foresee Erwin's house to be really wide and spacious, with not too many decorative items and furniture. Erwin would have paintings hung on the wall, and there would be bookshelves around the house too.
Erwin's bedroom is really simple, with a single bed, a small armchair by the window accompanied by a floor lamp. Erwin spends most of his time in his study/home office, where he would spend the most effort to maintain as well.
His home office would be bright and well-lit, with bookshelves by the wall too. Erwin has a preference for white lights and he loves opening his window during the day too.
J: Jealousy
Erwin would definitely not be a jealous lover, for he trusts his partner wholeheartedly. He doesn't worry if his partner is going out with friends of the opposite sex, as long as he knows where they're going.
However, Erwin can be a little possessive, especially if he sees someone hitting on his partner. He would switch from a calm demeanour and become a little stern, exerting dominance over the other party so that they know his partner's taken.
K: Kinks
You can't deny this, but Erwin definitely has a size kink. He finds his smaller-sized partner really desirable, and he loves how protective he can get over his partner.
Also, Erwin really loves holding his partner by their waist. The subtle act of putting his hand around their waist, or on the small of their back while walking makes him feel really 'manly', and he can be protective of his lover too.
During sex, Erwin would be a really gentle and sweet lover, always making sure his partner is feeling good. However, he definitely has his rougher moments too. Erwin would enjoy taking his partner from the rear, and he would get so turned on whenever he pulls his partner up by the hair or limbs so that he can take a good look at their blissful face.
L: Love language
Erwin is someone who wouldn't hesitate to spend his money on his lover. No, he doesn't necessarily splurge, but he loves pampering his lover with purchases. If his partner sees something they really like, Erwin would buy it. Erwin would also pay for meals and desserts, for the groceries, for dates, and anything that involves finances. Erwin wouldn't let his lover spend a single cent.
Erwin would also enjoy spending undisturbed time with his lover too. I feel that Erwin would sometimes be too engrossed in work that he forgets to separate work and personal time, so he would really appreciate spending quality time with his beloved. Even though it's activities like watching tv, cooking, or even doing chores, he appreciates all the little moments spent together with his lover.
Erwin would be so good at giving his lover words of affirmation! He loves singing praises of his lover, and he loves encouraging his lover with his words too.
M: Marriage
Erwin would look forward to married life so much. To him, it's more than being lawfully wedded under the law. Getting married means a commitment to spend their lives together, and a decision to be devoted to his lover for the rest of his life. It is also a promise to be by each other's side, supporting each other in everything in life.
Erwin would have an elaborate wedding proposal; he would enlist the help of his friends to make the occasion perfect. He would probably bring his lover to a place with sentimental value; like the place the went on their very first date.
N: Nicknames
Erwin would love nicknames such as 'sweetheart', 'dear', 'darling', and 'love'. They're simple, heartfelt, and not too cheesy as well.
Erwin would probably be embarrassed if you call him names with a slight tease, like 'babe', 'handsome', or 'hot stuff'.
Erwin probably got nasty nicknames in school because of his thick prominent eyebrows, but he definitely doesn't mind them. He even thinks they're funny (Mike called him Eyebrows, Levi called him Shitty Brows).
O: Outbursts
Erwin would be pretty well-natured and doesn't have much of a bad temper, but do not make him angry! He would flare up and shout at the top of his voice when he's angry, and his anger would last a long time as well.
Erwin also does not like to be challenged, therefore he does not appreciate being questioned about his choices and actions. He would be irritated if someone showed him any doubt towards his decisions and abilities.
P: Parenting style
Erwin would be the father who always tries to educate and be there for his children, just like how his father had been there for him when he was younger. Erwin would be the role model in his children's lives, showing them all the right examples and teaching them the right values and morals.
Erwin would also have his fair share of being a fun parent without forgetting about education. He loves bringing his children to the museum, science centre, planetarium etc for them to learn and expand their knowledge while also having fun.
Erwin wouldn't have preferences for a daughter or son as well, but I feel that he might be sliiiiiiightly biased to having an elder son and a younger daughter.
Q: Quirks
Erwin would unfortunately be a snorer, a very loud one too. He's constantly working and always busy, and he snores really loudly. Sometimes he even scares himself with how loud he sounds too.
I feel that Erwin would also tend to rub his eyes a lot too, because of how dry they always are. He knows it's a bad habit, but he can't help it. He carries eye drops around with him all the time.
For some reason I feel that Erwin prefers eating white meat opposed to red meat, so you'll see him enjoying chicken and fish more than others. However, he definitely wouldn't say no to a nice steak! Erwin's favourite fish is codfish, and he likes eating seafood like shrimps too.
R: Romance
Erwin is 10/10 a very romantic lover! He would remember the dates of anniversaries and birthdays at the tip of his finger, and he would plan for these celebrations way ahead too.
Erwin would pamper his lover just the way they love and want without asking for anything in return. He would be a very devoted and loving partner as well.
During sex, I feel that Erwin would pay a lot more attention on the foreplay and build up than the actual sex. He loves to pleasure and slowly prepare his partner, and he loves making his lover feel good as well. Erwin would prefer to be the dominant one in bed, but he wouldn't oppose to switching things up once in a while too.
S: Sweets
Erwin wouldn't enjoy sweet stuff too much, but he definitely enjoys eating baked goods like cupcakes, muffins, cookies, cakes, and doughnuts. Erwin loves taking his coffee black, and it goes well when he's eating a sweet treat as well.
He would probably avoid treats like caramel popcorn, candy floss, lollipops, hard candy, or anything that has too much sugar. Erwin would also dislike anything with whipped cream as well.
T: Television
Erwin probably doesn't watch much tv, but he enjoys watching shows like Breaking Bad, Prison Break, Sherlock, and The Crown. He would also enjoy shows that are educational, like the history channels and BBC.
Erwin would prefer DC to Marvel, and he probably has a secret collection of DVDs of DC movies that no one knows about.
U: Unwind
Erwin loves to read as a form of unwinding. Magazines, bibliographies, self-help books, fiction anything! Erwin also enjoys reading the newspaper, and prefers hard copies of them than digital copies.
He also likes exercising and sweating it out. Erwin prefers aerobic activities that gets his heart pumping, like running, swimming, and cycling. Erwin usually runs about 5km to 8km each time he's out for a run.
V: Vacation
I feel that Erwin would enjoy visiting somewhere warm and sunny even though he doesn't really like the heat. Erwin loves listening to the waves, and loves being near the sea too. He would enjoy visiting countries in South East Asia, such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, or Singapore.
Erwin probably grew up in the city, therefore he would love visiting countries that have a slower-paced of living as well. He would enjoy strolling around the city, visiting historical sites and learning about the country's history, study their architecture, and learn about the cultures of the people there.
W: Weather
Erwin loves the summer! He would enjoy getting a little tan, and he loves wearing thinner shirts during the hotter days as well. He does complain about the heat occasionally, but he loves the longer summer nights.
Erwin also likes it when its windy. He loves seeing the leaves sway with the breeze, and he loves the feeling of the wind through his hair as well.
Kisses with Erwin are always deep and passionate. Erwin loves kissing his lover, and he always has to kiss his lover goodbye before leaving for work.
Erwin loves cupping his lover's cheeks with his hands while they kiss, and he definitely wouldn't object to a little more tongue too. However, he wouldn't be that affectionate in public!
Erwin's hugs are really warm and comforting given how big his build is. Erwin also loves enveloping his lover in a tight hug. Whenever his lover is in a bad mood, Erwin's hugs would definitely make everything better.
Y: Yearning
Erwin wouldn't be too affected if his lover had to leave him for a while, be it an overseas work trip, or a short getaway. Erwin would constantly be in contact with his lover, making sure they're having their meals and getting enough sleep. He would constantly send them messages, and video call each other every night too.
Erwin keeps the house neat and tidy during his lover's absence, and he would want them to returning to a clean and tidy home. Erwin would reach the airport early to wait for their return, and welcome them with a big hug.
Z: Zodiac
Erwin is born on 14 October, making him a Libra. Libras are known to be very charismatic individuals, and are always the spotlight in any occasion. Libra men are also extremely charming, and you would definitely find yourself become attracted to Erwin the first time you see him.
Libras, however, are rather vain, and pay a lot of attention to their appearance. Libras might also find it hard to settle down in a relationship, as they prefer to socialise and widen their circle.
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Tagging: @cinnamonlevi @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @hannie2kay @lilshades
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kelloggjkellogg · 7 months
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This advert brings many things from the late 60s and early 70s together: DIY knitwear patterns, boots and matching tights and turtlenecks.
Britt wears... Hair: Outdoor Retreat Eyelashes: Eyelashes: 3D Lashes | Kijiko (kijiko-catfood.com) Earrings: Base game Eyeshadow: Swingin' Sixties Makeup | Patreon Eyeliner: Base game Blusher: Base game (MAC) Lipstick: Swingin' Sixties Makeup | Patreon Bodysuit: Playdate bodysuits by pralinesims - The Sims 4 Download - SimsFinds.com Skirt: Skirt: Serenity X Enrique - Back To The 60s Collection, 22 items | Patreon Tights: Get To Work Boots: 70s High Boots - The Sims 4 Download - SimsFinds.com
Gillian wears... Hair: Outdoor Retreat Eyelashes: Eyelashes: 3D Lashes | Kijiko (kijiko-catfood.com) Earrings: Base game Eyeshadow: Swingin' Sixties Makeup | Patreon Eyeliner: Base game Blusher: Swingin' Sixties Makeup | Patreon Lipstick: The Sims Resource - Simxties - Jackie Lips Bodysuit: Playdate bodysuits by pralinesims - The Sims 4 Download - SimsFinds.com Skirt: Base game Tights: Get To Work Boots: 70s High Boots - The Sims 4 Download - SimsFinds.com
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mystarmyangel · 4 months
[FULL TRANS] 240201 YoonA – Vogue Hong Kong February 2024 Issue Interview
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February cover story | YoonA : “Love can make this world a lot warmer” Editor note: Anyone who loves K-pop will know Lim YoonA’s name. YoonA has been standing at the forefront of the Hallyu wave since she debuted in 2007 with Girls’ Generation (SNSD), becoming the most dazzling presence be it on stage or on screen, and more so becoming the global idol of many. In our February issue, she exudes limitless charms in Miu Miu’s latest wear and Qeelin’s jewellery. After all, she is the one and only Lim YoonA.  YoonA has recently once again become a hot topic as ‘King The Land’, the Korean drama that she starred in, topped the Netflix’s non-English TV chart. In the drama, she plays as the bright and cheerful hotelier Cheon Sarang, and this name means ‘love’ in Korean. This time, she poses as the cover girl for our February issue with the theme ‘love’ as well. In YoonA’s heart, what is the meaning of ‘love’? She said: “I think love is something so necessary and important in life, no matter what form it takes as love can make this world a lot warmer.” Q1: You recently starred as the female lead of ‘King The Land’ that was ranked number 1 globally on Netflix. Were there any unforgettable moments when you were filming this project? Also, can you share with us some of the behind story? What I remembered vividly the most was the super cold weather, it is especially so when we were filming for outdoor scenes, we were like fighting a battle in the cold. (Laughs) The behind story that I thought of right now was that when we were doing interview before the drama aired, I said that I hope that ‘King The Land’ can be ranked first globally on Netflix, and this wish indeed came true.
Q2: What is the one distinguishing feature you like about your character Cheon Sarang? Do you two have any similarities? What I like most is her positive and professional attitude. I think our smiles are similar.
Q3: The drama ‘Big Mouth’ was a noir genre, which was a huge contrast to the ‘King The Land’ which is a romantic comedy drama. As an actress, how do you prepare yourself when acting different characters? I would consider stylings that fit the characters, and also portraying emotions that suit the character’s personality. I will also do my research on how to best convey the character’s emotions and story to the viewers.
Q4: You first stepped into the limelight when you debut as a member of SNSD in 2007. It has been 18 years since then, looking back, what insights and growth have you gained? I do not think that I have make major transformation, my personality is still the same as before, but I have matured a lot in this 18 years. The insights and wisdom I have gained through experiences over the years have make me grown to who I am today.
Q5: As a celebrity, how do you constantly grow and improve yourself? I think that I am steadily walking forward, a step at a time. As my filmography continues to expand with each passing year, I have also continued to grow constantly, among them, there were new challenges as well as projects that are well received by the audience. I hope that in the future I would be able to welcome more meaningful challenges that will allow me to grow even more, and to continue to work hard and move forward.
Q6: What is the most memorable moment you spent with SNSD members? There was a period of time when we were really busy, we travelled to numerous places due to our global concert tour, for example going to the hot springs and amusement parks, those left me with really beautiful memories, that I would cherish deep in my heart.
Q7: How would you describe your personal styling? What is the one item that you like the most? During winter, I like to wear comfortable and warm knitwear, and in summer, I especially like wearing one piece dress, because you can complete the whole styling with just a piece of clothing.
Q8: What role does jewellery plays in your everyday styling? How do you match your outfits with jewellery? If the outfits that I’m wearing are fanciful, I would pick simple jewellery to match, and if my outfits are minimalistic, then I would use jewellery to add flavour to it. Just like what people always say, “simplicity is the best” (Laughs)
Q9: If you can say one sentence to the 17 years old Lim YoonA that just debut, what would it be? I will say, “I hope that you can continue to walk every step steadily according to your own thoughts, just as how you have been doing right now.”
Q10: What is the next plan for Lim YoonA? Are there any new things you would like to try, be it in music or acting field? Whenever I am in touch with a new project, I would always feel like I am challenging myself. I do not restrict myself in a certain field, instead I will work hard to explore every different sides of me. My next project is a movie called ‘2 O’Clock Date’, I believe that everyone would see a refreshing side of me, please look forward to it!
Source: Vogue HK Trans: mystarmyangel
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mysadcorner · 2 years
DC Characters x Knitter!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owners - Requests open -
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Tag list: @simligul
Damian Wayne
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• The majority of clothes and things Damian wear is for the purpose of protection and making sure everyone knows who he is from a first glance, so it isn’t often that he’s able to wear the knitwear you make for him. However this does mean that whenever he has days off or free time he does manage to wear the things you make if the weather is okay for it - so usually in the autumn and winter months.
• On the days that it’s cold outside and probably snowing, then he likes to wear the things you give him. He does love how beautiful the weather is during the winter so when he wears your knitwear it keeps him warm and allows him to enjoy the outdoors much more than he would be able to without them.
• Damian would end up with a huge collection of the things you’ve made him and a wide variety of things (like mittens, jumpers, and scarves) which he all keeps in a special place. He holds the things that you make him in a very special place in his heart as it reminds him of how much you appreciate each other and that you’ll always be there for one another even when you can’t physically be near.
• Most of the things you make for Damian are neutral and dark - he’s not a big fan of bright coloured knitwear - as he likes to keep his clothes casual and simple on his days off. Plus, once you figure out what his favourite colour combos are and the styles he likes then you’re able to make him matching items that can go with any of his outfits.
• Damian always expects to receive something you’ve made as a gift during his birthday and holidays and he couldn’t think of a better present you could even give him, and he knows how much you enjoy making them. Also, he knows how much effort you put into every piece that you give him with will always be worth more than any amount of money in his opinion.
• Damian also likes to sit with you and relax while you’re knitting as he finds your concentration makes for a very comforting atmosphere that he loves. He also finds that the two of you can sit in a comfortable silence while you both entertain yourselves yet are still able to bond with quality time together.
Conner Kent
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• Conner absolutely adores everything you make for him and will always make sure to wear the things you give him as a show of his proudness of you. It doesn’t matter what kind of item it is that you give him he’ll wear it as much as he possibly can - and usually whenever you give him something new he wear it almost everyday until it starts to look a bit worn out.
• Conner also doesn’t really care what colour or style of item you give him, but you would make him extremely happy if it came in his favourite colours or had his symbol somewhere on it (but of course in a more hidden or discreet place). Often when you give him things of various colours, he tries to style his outfit es around what you give him so that he can wear everything you make and always look incredible at the same time.
• He would also really like it is you knitted him little charms or accessories to go with his outfits - just because you knit doesn’t mean everything you make needs to be for the purpose of keeping warm in his opinion. Usually the little charms you make him have an inside joke tied to them or a deeper meaning, and by having these things he can take them with him when he needs to leave for a while or do something dangerous while also maintaining the full protection he would have had regardless.
• By wearing the knitwear you make him he’s always reminded that someone is out there that really cares and thinks about him, rather than just viewing him as another person who’s whole life is dedicated to helping people. Especially in the winter when peoples emotions tend to be down and they’re frequently more lonely, that little reminder helps him quite significantly and ensures he’s happy all day every day that he wears or sees what you’ve made for him.
• Sometimes while he’s going through all the things that you’ve given him he’ll notice that a certain piece is either missing from the collection or is a little too worn for wear. If this is the case you’re always happy to make him a new piece to make sure he’s kept warm and cozy during the cold winter days, and you’re always happy to make him whatever he suggests.
• You often make him a little bundle of things to have during the winter such as a new jumper, especially thick fluffy sock and a scarf to make sure he’s all set for the cold rainy and snowy weather. It basically becomes a yearly routine the two of you have and you always enjoy it as you get to experiment with the things you make for him and it keeps you busy and entertained at the same time.
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• Raven takes special care of the things you make her and she always follows the care instructions you give her so that the things you make will last as long as they possibly can. She wants to cherish them until she gets old so taking good care of them is always the first step to make sure that can happen.
• Raven always goes out with you to but the things you need to make the things you knit with, and she’s always happy to give you suggestions as to what to make if you’re ever feeling stuck as to what you should make next. She is also great at helping you pick colour combos for the things you want to make and helping you plan out design patterns for your more difficult things.
• Raven is very prone to getting cold in the winter and no matter how many layers of clothing she still somehow manages to feel it. However, your knitwear helps a lot in terms of keeping her warm and cozy especially on the days she really doesn’t want to go outside but still has to. Because of this, you always make sure to make the jumpers and scarfs for her extra thick so she can feel more comfortable during the colder months of the year.
• When she sees how much you enjoy knitting, Raven does try to join in sometimes and it’s always a lot of fun when you’re first teaching her how to knit things. She of course starts off simple but doesn’t really make it a frequent hobby of hers because of how busy she is with other things - but she does find it as a great way to wind down and relax with you on days that are cold outside and she just wants a nice little activity to do while indoors.
• Much like Damian, the majority of things Raven wears are dark and typically go with each other very well due to the limited colours used. But this is actually a very a good thing, as you already tend to know the type of thing she likes and what she could wear it with so you’d never have to worry about her not being able to wear something confidently while she’s out or trying to please you by doing so uncomfortably.
Garfield Logan
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• Garfield can never have too many things of whatever you make, and eventually he has so much knitwear from you that his room looks like it belongs to a hoarder. He never wants to get rid of anything and just keeps asking you for more and more because of how happy it makes him to receive something that you made with your own hands.
• Every now and then Garfield would come and sit with you while you were knitting and rather than sit peacefully with you he’d often try to make a conversation, not like you’d mind him doing that though. He always makes your peaceful time knitting fun and goofy and somehow always manages to find a funny conversation to have.
• Garfield will wear every single colour you could ever get your hands on and would proudly wear any kind of crazy pattern you could ever create for him. He especially loves it when you make designs on jumpers or scarfs of the things he can turn into which he always makes the most effort to show off.
• On cold winter nights he’s always covered with a blanket you’ve made while he’s keeping himself warm with either a fire in front of him or with you beside him. Regardless of how cold he starts off with, he always ends up falling asleep because of how cozy and warm your blankets manage to make him even on the coldest of winter nights.
• He really loves it when you make knitwear for the things he can turn into, and every time you give him a new piece he always flaunts it off with the people he knows. This is his way of bragging about how good you are at making things and will never get enough of all the things you can make for him that both keep him warm and always look adorable.
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mrbingley · 2 years
thinking about constructing some sort of tiny whimsical portable knitwear shop to walk around my local farmers market and sell my extra knitwear. think: beedle from botw. everyone is like “just make an etsy store!” but where is the whimsy in that?! where is the fun, the connection? i want to be my own knitter’s equivalent of a one man band! and wear the same whimsical outfit. and get to stroll about my neighborhood with a shelf dangling around my neck adorned with colorful knitted flags with pretty mittens and hats and what not folded neatly atop the shelf. i want a comically large backpack full of yarn and extra knitwear. i want to enjoy being outdoors amongst others while casually knitting a scarf or something simple when ppl aren’t interacting with me.
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slinkhvrds · 2 years
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introducing wendy slinkhard ! Here’s a thing that people don’t tell you. We are allowed to be both soft and strong. We are allowed to be both fierce but fragile. There is a magic in our ability to bend without breaking...
the basics ;;
Full Name: Gwendoline ‘Wendy’ Slinkhard Nickname: Wends, Winnie, Dee Dee, Wen Age: Twenty Three Birthday: 28th July, !955 Gender & Pronouns: Cis Female, She/Her Blood Status: Half-Blood, Werewolf  Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Affiliation in the War: Unaffiliated Occupation: Assistant at the Diagon Alley Apothecary
more under the cut
personality ;;
Likes: Daisyroot draught, clear skies so she can gaze at the stars, being outdoors on sunny days, reading by the fire, anything that will satisfy her sweet tooth, candlelit baths, her dog, cooler weather that calls for knitted sweaters Dislikes: Thunderstorms, the full moon and the days leading up to it and afterwards, people who undermine her or treat her like a child, the feel of velvet, being alone, the taste of wolfsbane Fears: Accidentally hurting someone she cares about, the full moon, the world proving her right and seeing her as nothing but a monster Strengths: Selfless, kind-hearted, resilient, generous, protective Weaknesses: Uncertain, secretive, self-deprecating, anxious, too forgiving.  
appearance ;;
Height: 5 foot, 4 inches Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Light brown Hair Style: Wendy’s hair is naturally curly and is kept relatively long. She likes to have it down most of the time.  Scars/Distinguishing Features: Wendy’s most distinguishing feature is the large bitemark on her left shoulder. She also have a variety of scars across her body, a new one from every time she has to transform Clothing Style: Light or autumnal colours. She owns a lot of knitwear and takes a lot of pride in her appearance. Likes to wear jewellery
wizarding world information ;;
Previous School/House: Hogwarts School, Ravenclaw House Extracurriculars at School: Astronomy Club, Potions Club Wand Type: 11 inches, Beech wood, Phoenix feather core Patronus: Wendy’s Patronus takes the form of a dog Boggart: Wendy’s Boggart takes the form of a full moon Amortentia: When presented with Amortentia, Wendy smells old books, freshly cut grass, autumnal scented candles, freshly washed sheets, sunkissed skin. Mirror of Erised: If Wendy were to look in to the Mirror of Erised, she would see herself happy and cured of her lycanthropy. She would also see a world not at war.
other information ;;
Aesthetics: Stacks of old books, a head full of ideas but you’re too afraid to pursue them, royal blue and bronze, ‘i never wanted to be this monster’, parchment and quills scattered across a desk, high wasted jeans and worn sneakers, a home full of plants, putting others before your own needs, a cauldron that always has something brewing in it, the smell of fresh ingredients, ‘be kind or say nothing’, dreading the full moon. Astrological Sign: Leo Personality Type: INFJ-T Wanted Connections: Friends, lovers, exes, hook ups, people (from either side) to try and convince her to take a side in the war, anything - i am here for all the connections! 
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magicapandora · 2 years
You haven't posted about Victor in a while and I caught myself thinking about the lil vampire fella.
Shoot me any thoughts, headcanons, whatever you got about Victor 🖤
I’m such a bad parent but I’ll try my best!
Victor in my canon/Rosie’s story is very much a dork in wolfs clothing. He puts up a very thought out persona of a bad boy who’s led a trail of broken hearts and won’t hesitate to fight, but is actually a massive dork who’s a huge romantic. He’ll shamelessly flirt with anyone and everyone in 7th year while still watching Star Wars; A New Hope and reading Diane Wynn Jones. He’s still Mr.Smooth but just wears his heart on his leather clad shoulder.
I also thinks he owns a diary with a lock and key and he hides it under his pillow, even if he doesn’t have to since his bed is a coffin, after all. He has some scattered pages of song sheets, poems, love letters he’s never finished, old flyers from concerts he’s visited, and a tarot card he got from a fortune teller lady, The Devil card.
Now time for my expertise; Fashion!
I think Victor wears a lot of dark colors, of course. Blacks, Grays, Reds, Purples, and Blues. I can also see him liking Latex, Leather. Knitwear, and any shiny like cloth, to catch someone’s eye of course. He really likes long sleeved jackets and shirts but doesn’t mind wearing tank tops and the like. As for his pants type, ripped jeans are a must. He rips his own jeans, like a true goth kid. And for shoes he only wear the gothest of shoes; Doc martens/j
As for his appearance, I see him with more messier hair, but it’s just more deliberately messy, with a half ponytail like his old model, and maybe the underside of his hair is dyed blonde? I also think he has fangs and pointed ears, because of course. And he has lots and lots of freckles! I can see him actually being an outdoor person before being turned, and also some of them are just genetic.
Lastly, I think he’d get at *least* a tongue piercing if not snake bites and an eye piercing. It’s the 90s, it was the peak of grunge and punk/goth culture, he totally got it over the summer after 6th year.
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Lets feel good about something ✨☀️
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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aefward · 8 months
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roylmens · 1 day
Wedding suits in Bangalore
Sophisticated Formal Ensemble — Formal Christmas Outfit for Men:
For the epitome of a Christmas outfit, men can choose a sophisticated and formal ensemble, perfect for weddings and festive occasions. Select a tailored suit in festive tones like deep green or rich burgundy, paired with a crisp dress shirt and a silk tie for timeless elegance. This ensemble ensures a polished appearance, wedding suits in Bangalore, making it an ideal choice for formal holiday gatherings or Christmas Eve celebrations.
Styling Tips
- Opt for a deep green or rich burgundy suit with a classic white shirt for color coordination at weddings.
- Elevate the look with subtle festive accessories like cufflinks or a tie pin.
- Ensure a well-fitted suit for a polished appearance at wedding ceremonies.
2. Smart-Casual Elegance — Smart-Casual Christmas Outfit for Men:
Achieve a perfect blend of style and comfort with a smart-casual Christmas outfit for men, suitable for weddings and family celebrations. Pair a tailored blazer with a cozy turtleneck or a patterned dress shirt, complemented by tailored trousers and smart shoes for a refined touch. wedding suits in Bangalore,this ensemble strikes the right balance, making it ideal for office holiday parties or family gatherings during the festive season.
Styling Tips:
- Mix tweed blazers with soft cashmere turtlenecks for textured pairings, perfect for wedding receptions.
- Experiment with festive patterns like houndstooth or plaid for a hint of holiday spirit.
- Complete the look with polished leather shoes that complement the ensemble at wedding events.
3. Italian Elegance — Christmas Outfits for Men:
Indulge in the finesse of Italian elegance with suits known for impeccable craftsmanship and luxurious fabrics, making them ideal as wedding suits. Italian tailoring, with its exquisite fabrics, impeccable fits, and timeless designs, adds a touch of European charm to Christmas ensembles. wedding suits in Bangalore, Choose tailored precision, add festive accents with accessories, and complete the look with polished footwear for unparalleled festive sophistication at weddings.
Styling Tips:
- Choose a suit tailored to perfection for enhanced silhouette and confidence at wedding ceremonies.
- Add subtle festive details with accessories like Christmas-themed ties or pocket squares.
- Complete the look with sleek dress shoes or stylish boots for wedding receptions.
Layered Winter Fashion — Layered Christmas Outfit for Men:
Combat the winter chill in style with a layered Christmas outfit for men, perfect for outdoor festive events or holiday shopping excursions. Experiment with textured coats, scarves, and knitwear for added warmth and depth, ensuring a stylish appearance at weddings ,wedding suits in Bangalore. Play with different textures, mix and match materials, and maintain color harmony for a sophisticated layered look suitable for various wedding festivities.
Styling Tips:
- Experiment with different textures by layering coats, scarves, and knitwear for warmth and style at weddings.
- Pair varying materials like wool coats with cashmere scarves or knitted cardigans for a sophisticated layered look.
- Choose a cohesive color scheme for the layers to complement each other during wedding celebrations.
5. Trendy Casual Vibes — Fashionable Casual Wear: Christmas Outfit for Men:
Infuse trendiness into your Christmas look with fashionable casual wear, suitable for casual gatherings and laid-back celebrations, wedding suits in Bangalore Rock statement shirts, well-fitted jeans, and stylish footwear for a relaxed yet chic vibe, perfect for Christmas brunches or casual weddings. Incorporate statement pieces, choose well-fitted jeans, and enhance the outfit with subtle accessories for a complete ensemble at wedding events.
Styling Tips:
- Incorporate statement shirts or trendy sweaters to elevate the casual Christmas outfit at casual gatherings and weddings.
- Opt for well-fitted jeans and stylish footwear to add flair to the casual look during wedding festivities.
- Enhance the outfit with subtle accessories like belts or wristwatches for a stylish appearance at weddings.
As we conclude this style journey, remember that the right Christmas outfit for men, whether for weddings or other celebrations, should reflect your personality, instill confidence, and evoke a festive spirit. Prepare to adorn yourself with these fabulous Christmas outfits for men presented by Royal Menswear & Textiles, ensuring a memorable and joyous, yet fashionable Christmas. Elevate your festive style with Royal Menswear’s collection, the ultimate destination for the best wedding suits in Bangalore, and make a statement at every celebration. Explore timeless elegance and discover your unique style with us this Christmas!
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bernjc · 12 days
Bern JC: Leading Apparel & Clothing Manufacturer in Pakistan
Introduction: Bern JC emerges as a trailblazer in the apparel and clothing manufacturing industry in Pakistan, distinguished for its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. With a comprehensive portfolio that encompasses knitwear and sportswear categories, Bern JC has positioned itself as a leading provider of premium garments tailored to meet the diverse needs of customers worldwide.
Craftsmanship and Expertise: At Bern JC, craftsmanship and expertise are at the heart of our manufacturing process. Our skilled artisans, equipped with years of experience and knowledge, meticulously craft each garment to perfection. Whether it's intricate knitwear patterns or high-performance sportswear designs, our attention to detail and commitment to excellence shine through in every stitch.
Knitwear Collection: Bern JC's knitwear collection stands as a testament to our expertise as a custom knitwear manufacturer & exporter in Pakistan, showcasing a blend of traditional techniques and contemporary styles. We offer a range of sweaters, cardigans, scarves, and more, featuring classic cable knits to trendy jacquard patterns. Our knitwear embodies elegance, comfort, and versatility, crafted from premium yarns and materials. These garments exude quality and sophistication, making them a wardrobe staple for discerning customers. Sportswear Range: In the realm of sportswear, Bern JC emerges as a leading custom sportswear exporter in Pakistan, delivering innovative and functional apparel designed to enhance performance and style. Our sportswear range features cutting-edge fabrics, ergonomic designs, and advanced technologies that cater to athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and active individuals. Whether it's running, yoga, or outdoor adventures, our sportswear ensures optimal comfort, flexibility, and durability for every activity. Quality Assurance: Quality is the cornerstone of Bern JC's manufacturing philosophy, and we uphold rigorous standards throughout the production process. From fabric selection to final finishing, each garment undergoes thorough quality control checks to ensure superior craftsmanship, fit, and durability. Our commitment to quality extends beyond product excellence to encompass ethical and sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact.
Innovation and Sustainability: Bern JC is dedicated to continuous innovation and sustainability, driving advancements in garment manufacturing and environmental stewardship. We invest in research and development to explore new materials, techniques, and processes that enhance performance, comfort, and sustainability. From eco-friendly fibers to energy-efficient production methods, we strive to minimize our carbon footprint while delivering innovative and responsible apparel solutions.
Global Presence and Market Reach: While rooted in Pakistan, Bern JC has a global presence and market reach, exporting its apparel to customers worldwide. Our garments are trusted and appreciated by retailers, wholesalers, and consumers across diverse markets, including Europe, North America, Asia, and beyond. With a reputation for quality, reliability, and style, Bern JC continues to expand its footprint in the global apparel industry.
Customer-Centric Approach: At Bern JC, we place utmost importance on customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations with every garment we produce. Our customer-centric approach ensures that we listen to and understand the needs and preferences of our clients, offering personalized service and solutions that meet their unique requirements. From custom designs to flexible order quantities, we are committed to delivering an exceptional experience for every customer.
Collaboration and Partnership: Bern JC values collaboration and partnership, working closely with retailers, designers, and brands to create bespoke apparel collections that reflect their vision and brand identity. We believe in fostering long-term relationships built on trust, transparency, and mutual respect, ensuring that our partners receive the support and expertise they need to succeed in the competitive apparel market.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Bern JC stands as a beacon of excellence in the apparel and clothing manufacturing industry in Pakistan. With a diverse portfolio encompassing knitwear and sportswear categories, we continue to set the standard for quality, innovation, and sustainability. Whether it's classic knitwear or cutting-edge sportswear, Bern JC remains dedicated to delivering premium garments that embody style, comfort, and performance. Join us in experiencing the Bern JC difference today.
For inquiries about our apparel manufacturing services or to explore partnership opportunities, please visit our website or contact us directly. https://www.bernjc.com/
Contact Information
WhatsApp Us Now: +923044442200
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