#otp: the freedom of madness
beevean · 4 months
1, 3 & 4
1) list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
It may be a phenomenon limited to the Tumblr side, but I find heartwarming how CV fans will pick their Special Guy/Girl and build an entire shrine around them, analyzing them to death until even others start to appreciate them more :) there are many people here that I recognize as, for example, the Joachim fan, the Simon fan, the John & Eric fan, the Shanoa fan, the Trevor fan... I never get bored of what they offer <3
Aside from that, I find it a more welcoming environment than the Sonic fandom, perhaps because the game fandom is so small hahahaha :') and, well, I found great friends here <3
3) a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Sonic: Silver and Elise! Yes '06 is not the most charitable of first introductions, but they're neat. Silver works as a naive yet headstrong young hedgehog, idealistic and brutal, determined to the point of stubborness. Elise's issue is mostly in how the story treats her: as a character, she's intriguing to explore due to her trauma and repressed nature, and her sweet relationship with Sonic, the embodiment of freedom.
CV: Richter and Simon! I didn't get the hype around Richter until I understood better how his role in SoTN is tied to the Belmont's bigger theme of the cycle of revenge, and how Richter represents the fissure in such a big legacy - something foreshadowed in RoB, even. And Simon was always to me the most archetypal Belmont, a flat badass, but not only I realized that his badass feats are actually really cool, especially Simon's Quest, I can now see the appeal in such a noble guy, both inspired and an inspiration, kind of a gentle giant :)
4) say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Shadamy can be cute if written well, even not going through the obvious path "Amy reminds Shadow of Maria/Amy can fix him". In his own game, Shadow can interrupt his corruption arc for the sake of helping Amy finding Cream and Chao, and even sounds a little flustered in the recap :P and Amy would probably like Shadow's good heart and courage.
I don't ship any ship with Alucard lol, but some are very cute. Trevorcard has potential, the shunned down to earth man and the disowned dhampir prince, Alucard full of turmoil for his family situation and Trevor looking past his identity as Dracula's son and seeing a wounded young man in need of a friend :) and Hectorcard not only has an immaculate aesthetic, but it would be fun to imagine how the two could grow closer after Dracula goes mad.
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I'm a sneak, so I'm going with all the primes for your actual OTP (Ruveal yourself)
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 17, 19, 23 and 29.
Picking one ship was sooo hard, there’s so many different dynamics that are so delicious … i did have to go with Rosénali though, that was the ship that finally got me into writing for this fandom in the first place.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Easy, Rosé is one big spender! She sees something Denali might like at the mall? Bought it! Denali’s eyes linger just a moment on something in a shop window? Bought it! Denali just as much as mentions she could use a snack right now, Rosé already pulled out her phone, UberEats on short dial.
3: Who walks around half naked and who yells at them to put on clothes?
Also Rosé. Why would she hide what god has given her when it’s so nice to look at? Especially in the early stages of their relationship, Denali would get bright red, turning the other way and begging Rosé to please at least put on a shirt! And of course, Rosé relishes in the other woman’s embarrassment, loving nothing more than to tease her.
7: Which one constantly wears the others clothes?
Denali, she loves snooping around Rosé‘s side of the closet until she finds something she likes. May that be a comfortable band T-Shirt, a cute dress or crop top or a pair of shorts, if it fits her Denali will wear it and never give it back.
11: If they were to rob a museum, which one does backflips over the lasers and which one strolls behind with a bag of chips?
Obviously, Denali is the crazy athlete with the blackbelt and Olympic training. And of course, Rosé loves watching her girls succeed.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the others overprotective sibling?
Since I adore Stephanie’s Child, lets assume they are sisters in this scenario. While Jan welcomes Denali with open arms, always happy to make a new friend or extend their family, Lagoona was a lot more reserved at first. Rosé wasn‘t really one to bring home a partner, she had been dating around and been very vocal about how much she enjoyed her freedom until now, so of course Lagoona was more than a little suspicious of the girl that had changed her sister mind so suddenly at first. Denali tried so hard to make friends though, bringing over homemade cookies and snacks and participating in every family tradition or event without hesitation, eventually Lagoona had to warm up to the sweet girl.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Oh I think it’s very different for each of them. Denali would be great, she’s more gentle and empathetic and also genuinely gets excited about some kids content herself. Meanwhile, Rosé is very clear that she does not want kids of her own, convinced it would not fit into her lifestyle, which is probably for the better.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one has bought a puppy?
Ah, that’s another easy one! One day Rosé comes home from rehearsals to find the house quiet, all she can hear is Denali cooing in another room somewhere, using her baby voice, which of course raised immediate suspicion. Turns out Denali stopped by the shelter on her own way back home, originally only stopping by to donate some of their old blankets and pillows, when an especially anxious little pup had come up to sniff her. Denali probably would’ve fallen in love from that alone, but when the staff told her the brown little dog usually avoids any visitors, she basically had no choice but to take her. Watching the two of them on the carpet in the living room now, Denali throwing a little chew toy that Donut the dog chases after with an excited squeal, Rosé just can’t bring herself to be mad about it either.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
Rosé. She’s always trying to be of service for her babygirl, if it were her way Denali would never even lift a finger. Denali of course loves the romantic gesture, looping her arm through Rosé’s and resting her head on her shoulder with a wide smile.
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cleverthylacine · 1 year
Before I answer, which Wave? I think you probably mean Soundwave but you could have also meant Shocky.
OK this is anon so you won’t know I asked.  I’ll just have to do both.
Starscream/Shockwave: maaaybe? could be fun! Mad science love affairs are always fun, and you know that each of them has at least one angle, usually more.  I would like to see this in a fic. I’m particularly fond of Shockwave discovers An Emotion fics so I am all for it.
Starscream/Soundwave: NOPE
This is almost NOTP for me, but it’s not as much of a NOTP as Cosmos/Soundwave is, so at least there’s that for ya?
First of all...Ravage/Soundwave is my OTP, except in Cyberverse where there’s no evidence Ravage ever existed. Now, Soundwave has two hands (and an immense number of cables even in G1 where you only see them a couple times). But I prefer that his other hand be attached to either Jazz or Megatron.
If they do it in Earthspark I will be very disappointed unless it’s a “Soundwave has two hands” situation involving both Ravage and Starscream.  I don’t know enough about ES Starscream to have an opinion on whether he is good enough for my space husband, but...Ravage/Soundwave is my absolute OTP, and in Earthspark, they have shown us all the cassettes giving up on Soundwave except Ravage. I know that it’s probably not going to happen because idiots will consider it bestiality despite the fact that she’s smarter than Bumblebee is, but that doesn’t mean that anything which replaces it will be easy for me to love.
In Cyberverse, Ravage doesn’t exist, but in Cyberverse, Starscream is the absolute worst, and Soundwave is as always the king mech of my heart. Plus, Soundwave and Hot Rod have hearts in their optics even at first when they’re still annoying each other, so in CV I ship Hot Rod/Soundwave, and yes, Soundwave has two hands, but CV Starscream is a Quint collaborator who tried to destroy their universe.  I like Starscream generally, but not this one.
In G1, I can’t see it.  Soundwave is deeply loyal to Megatron and Starscream keeps trying to murder him.
In Prime, people who write this are almost always Megatron haters and Autobot stans. And they make Soundwave helpless, which I hate. Megatron is pretty gross in TFP and he’s terrifying, but he respects Soundwave and they’re obviously very close. Every Starscream/Soundwave TFP fic I have ever read involves Megatron raping them both and usually getting one of them involuntarily pregnant, at which point they flee to Optimus and his amazing Autobot healing spike.  Gross. This makes me puke.
Megatron is an asshole when his brain is on dark energon, but he loves Soundwave at least as a friend, and since he was an ex-gladiator turned freedom fighter, I really don’t see Megatron raping anyone ever. Addictive, hard drugs make you do worse things than you’d ordinarily do, but usually they only make you do things completely outside your moral compass if you’re desperate to get them and someone else who has them is making you do that thing.
Ravage is canonically dead in TFP, but I like to think that Megs and Sounders both loved her and that this might even be part of what’s making Megs so whack, although he’s clearly not over his divorce from OP.
Anyhow, it’s possible that I could like this maybe if the people who wrote it weren’t always trying to make me pity them both and worship OP’s dick.
In IDW1, even Riptide, who is not on anyone’s top 10 IQ list, has managed to notice that Ravage was in a messy triad with Megatron and Soundwave and that Ravage is being forced to make a decision that Ravage does not want to make or acknowledge. The way Rav and Wave met in IDW is super romantic, and nothing shouts “broken triad” like telling your lover to go murder the other third of your triad when that person betrays you both and also you want to know which of you two she loves most.  Meanwhile, I don’t see enough interaction between Starscream and Ravage to have any basis for shipping them.
In TFA Soundwave is robot Pinocchio and not really Soundwave so who cares?
In the UT Soundwave is a Unicron agent and Starscream is desperately trying to be good so I don’t see that happening either.
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stickthisbig · 1 year
Okay, so. I am finished with my name written next to yours, and I have things to say! I don't recommend continuing with this post if you haven't read it.
I basically started writing this story because I really loved Legacy of Dragons, and I came out of it wanting to do something with Egbert. I really like Merilwen/Egbert and think it's a super underrated ship, so this was the second? third? story about them I started. Especially as Egbert matures, the position of the two of them of the reluctant moral backbone of the group has real potential.
I have been mad at Dob for a while over Liliana and Katie and also Liliana and Katie. I'm at a phase in my life where I have no time at all for villain fucking, and I can't interpret what Dob did to Katie as anything but hideously sad.
(I'm under the understanding that something happened with Liliana this season but. I'm behind because I've been spending all my time writing this story.)
So what happens to Dob here is not punitive; it is a gift. Would that someone could rewrite it like that for me, bestow the freedom that comes from not falling in love with everyone. I can't have that, but at least I can give it to Dob, because I get really furious at fictional characters whose ills I relate to.
It's a Prudence/Corazon story because OTP, motherfuckers. Competence Kink Corazon for life.
This story is also my love letter to a kind of fanwork that I think is fading out? I thought repeatedly that this is the story I'd have written in 2004- big, broad story beats, lots of movement and action, huge set pieces, really ridiculous payoffs- only unlike in 2004, I'm actually a pretty good writer? The whole climactic fight sequence is something drawn straight off of the kind of fic that would have done numbers on the Pit of Voles back in the day. The difference is that I deliberately set it up and built in the emotional scaffolding, instead of it being omg so random. Most of the chapters end with travel, because it's meant to evoke the breathlessness of that kind of writing, pulpy and serialized, with something always coming.
I feel like fandom is less and less interested in that kind of thing, with an introspective turn towards smaller stories, even if they're not shorter. Also most of those big stories weren't actually good, because if you don't do the work, you get something unreadable.
For all of those reasons, I think it's the thing I've written that's most like a season of the show. That's not a thing I've been very interested in in OxBitD, and my longest Oxventures story is about breaking up the band.
So yeah, pretty proud of it tbh. I think for the most part, it lands pretty well. I took some risks, but I think they paid off. I do have one last thing which was cut out because of pacing, so that may show up in the coming weeks. For now, a break.
(That's a lie. I started writing Edvard/Zillah/Kasimir on my phone this morning.)
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airasora · 1 year
I was listening to Gorgeous by Taylor Swift and it made me think of Charmine! Dont know how you picture their dynamic but I can imagine Jasmine getting so frustrated seeing Henry at a party because hes ~so gorgeous~ lol
Well shit. Now I have to make a Charmine OTP playlist, don't I? 😏
Honestly I've added this song to my Hollina and Thraxette playlist as well 🤣
I am 100% into some tsundere vibes for Jasmine. Cause she's temperamental, headstrong and cares a great deal about her freedom. And Henry is such a carefree sweet himbo who is just so unoffensive and hard to get angry with and Jasmine fucking HATES IT 🤣
I could so see her being mad at herself for liking one of her suitors, cause she doesn't want to like any of them cause she's being forced into marriage. So her fight for freedom will pull her away from Henry, but her feelings for him are telling her it's fine to say yes to a marriage if it's him even if it is arranged.
I see some potential angst here, but more than anything else i see some really funny and cute fluff 😆
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sixofravens-reads · 10 months
Finished The Lost Future of Pepperharrow!
(spoilers ahead!)
This was a...good book? I guess? I feel like I should've reread The Watchmaker of Filigree Street first, but also don't because not much from that book seemed to carry over to this one.
I liked the plot, though it didn't make sense to me for a while, at least there was enough happening to keep me engaged. The setting was cool, I've read a lot of books set in Japan this year and I really enjoyed it, especially seeing more of the forest and Mount Fuji. Also Six is wonderful! Love a weird child, especially one that doesn't play to the Creepy Child stereotype and is just....normal little-girl weird. Also Thaniel and Mori's parenting skills are excellent and hilarious.
I did hate that Takiko got fridged. Like, there's no way around it. She died to further Mori's plot, and because Thaniel somehow fucked up by switching to the dark timeline with a decision he didn't know was important. I feel like there's a way this could've been written so she didn't die, but I also kinda feel like the author wanted her out of the way so this pesky wife wouldn't interfere with Mori's gay English affair. Though she's also just a marriage of convenience, and he abandoned her for 10 years so was she really interfering? The book acts like Mori coming back to Japan means he now has to Fulfill Husbandly Duties or something, which he really doesn't. (This drives me nuts bc it's like every SPN fanfic that bends over backwards to get rid of Dean's love interest in a ~cool feminist way~. No, she didn't die because she was in the way! She died.....to uh....create enough of a disturbance in this timeline that Mori comes back!! Nevermind that she could've just thought about it really hard and he would've reacted as if it happened! It makes me so mad because after a decade Takiko finally has the freedom to do whatever she wants without guilt and anger and fear hanging over her and she just! Dies!! Why!!!)
Also, it's hard to explain but since I've read a lot of books set in Japan recently, by comparison it really feels like the author came at this from a hard British perspective? Like, I know Thaniel is a Brit and thinks everything is strange and new when he arrives there, but even when she's narrating from Takiko or Kuroda's perspectives it still doesn't feel totally...natural? It's like she set the story in Japan, but wanted it to still be Britain, and has to strongly point out whenever something is Not British, if that makes any sense? I'm honestly not sure what would help with this, maybe it's just her writing style annoying me. There's just a subtle difference between her writing and say, Sifton Tracey Anipare's in Yume.
Also, I wish we'd gotten Grace's perspective again. I know she was a kind of a cunt and a bit homophobic in the last book, but she was deeply interesting and I would've liked to hear more about the experiments. Also, I find it mildly weird that she and Thaniel left off on a sour note, and yet she seems terribly excited to see him, beyond like, normal relief about maybe getting busted out of her lab-prison, so hearing her perspective on the whole thing would've been nice.
Anyway, this book was a 3-3.5/5 for me I think. I might reread it someday but...idk. Pulley is not a bad author but I don't think she's ever going to write a book that will totally wow me, and I think she tends to set up interesting plot points, but then sacrifices good plot and sensible character choices to keep her OTPs together without much fuss. At the end of this, she really wanted Thaniel and Mori to go back to England as if nothing ever happened except the electron microscope being invented (which...is actually kinda pointless unless penicillin was ALSO discovered at this time, did Mori put mouldy bread in some petri dishes too?) and it doesn't really feel like a truly satisfying ending.
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meejijis · 6 years
short salty rant
Things im tired of in finding samewada fanfics about 89% of the time:
Literally about 90% of fanfics i found is the prompt is about rewriting the true ending fanfic thats been rewrotten so so SO many times, no matter how hard i try to look for other decent fanfics, this prompt shows up
s///al////wa///da is included in samewada fanfics about 50% of the time >_>
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fandomsilhouette · 3 years
So a lot of people have been talking about sentiAdrien, and @arcadeology​ brought up the point that many times, the very thing that someone is hurt by is what is part of them to begin with: 
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Those of you who’ve read this delightful fic will understand exactly why this post about pigeon feather allergies has prompted me to write. 
cw: sentiAdrien crack theories, pregnancy, miscarriage, blood, illness, Gabriel AgrestexPigeon Man crack OTP, crack taken seriously. 
Emilie married Gabriel Agreste for the money. 
It’s not a bad thing. He was sweet to her, attentive and kind if a little too coldly distant for her tastes, and Emilie was a model girlfriend-turned-wife in more ways than one: doting, flirtatious without being scandalous, affectionate, the picture perfect face for his up and coming fashion brand. 
Besides, she was 24 years old and hadn’t even had a crush yet, and her sister loved magic so deeply Emilie was worried this mystical “career” would leave Amelie destitute. Gabriel was soft to her whims, and rich enough to support another family. 
Emilie was just being practical. 
Mr. Ramier was anything but. He was wildly passionate about anything and everything he loved, pigeons most of all. He dreamt of flying free, wild rebellion and dogged pursuit in the name of love. He was the best kind of crazy. 
No one ever imagined he’d be crazy in love with a married woman. 
He certainly never imagined she could love him back. 
Emilie had always been practical, that’s all. So when the offer of a warm body came, a man who made her heart patter in her chest and bring to life the flutter of feathers taking flight in freedom as her wings, she fell into bed with him and loved and laughed and lied to keep her marriage safe. She loved Mr. Ramier for every reason she could never love Gabriel Agreste: he loved her back. 
It’s just such a shame that practicality never prevented accidents. It’s such a shame Emilie could see herself loving this bastard baby enough to be impractical enough to keep him. 
It doesn’t matter. Practical can mean anything, as long as it keeps her-- and now, her lover and her child-- safe. Magic, whispered her sister. Magic, she followed. 
Gabriel, ever devoted servant of his wife, follows obediently. 
Half buried in snow, fingers moments away from permanent frostbite, Emilie unearths her first treasure. It’s not half of what she wanted, neither wishes nor creation nor cat, but the butterfly and peacock miraculi wink and shimmer against snow, and the drop of blood that spills when the brooch pricks stands stark red against the fluffy white. She kicks black pebbles over the trodden snow to cover her tracks and grins, triumphant. 
It’s a promise, Emilie whispers. Red for the ladybug, black for the cat she’ll have in her hands. 
Promises are not practical, she remembers six months later. With every experiment on the brooch, Emilie finds herself coughing up blood and bile, black and red and horrible, horrifying. 
It doesn’t matter. Emilie makes do with what she’s got. Gabriel searches harder, goes on longer trips and calls them business, because it’s his business whether she dies, whether she lives to represent his company, or to keep him company. He’s in Tibet when she succeeds, or manages something close to success. He has no idea the baby’s been lost. 
He’s never known it wasn’t his, anyways. 
Gabriel isn’t due back home before the baby comes; there’s a baby in her arms to greet him at the door and she’s made it herself. He praises her new choker, pigeon feather dusted in gold and glitter hanging down past her throat. 
It’s the last time she’ll ever see Mr. Ramier. Emilie is practical, and her love is not. This gift, though, she will cherish for far longer than her own life. 
She’ll cherish it long enough for her son’s. 
Adrien is a perfect boy, a model boy modeled after his cousin and delightful to every sense; he grows in strange spurts and jumps, and Gabriel is too busy to notice. Emilie keeps her boy home, safe and protected and easy to mold. 
It’s not enough. She sends Gabriel pacing the earth for the miraculi she craves, experiments desperately on the one she has until she’s coughing up more than blood: strength, memories, hope. It doesn’t matter. Anything is too cheap a price to pay for her baby boy, for the love she lost by the hand of her own folly. 
When she gives up the last of everything, Adrien turns into a real boy: hard coded to love and grow and... rebel. He finds his own wings as his mother loses hers, and Gabriel goes mad in his grief. 
After all, he’s lost the two people he’s ever known all at once. 
When his empathy butterfly phases into Mr. Ramier, Gabriel is awash in a type of furiously determined love he's only felt twice.
Once from his wife...
And once upon a time from his son.
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sofd-maybe · 2 years
(probably going to get alot of him) Snatcher?
>:) doesn’t matter thanks for the opportunity >:)
Least favorite thing abt them: idk?? I don’t rly think there’s a lot I dislike abt him in canon?? Wait no I just remembered I’m bad at video games and can’t get past his gay rights form in Breaching the Contract die die die stop making my switch lite lag.
brOTP: conductor, grooves, and MJ >:)!!
OTP: none lol
nOTP: him and Vanessa.
Random headcanon: not original but he played violin while Vanessa played the piano. They used to practice songs with both instruments a lot together.
Unpopular opinion: don’t have one I think??
Song I associate them with: aaaa can’t think of one right now I’m sorry
Favorite picture of them:
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(I know that’s the prince but that’s still Him to me sshhshhs don’t worry. Second place is him with the violin)
Saved this for last…
Favorite thing abt them:
(mentions of trauma/abuse sorry)
I uhhh talked abt this before in tags somewhere,, but I like how he’s angry!!! He understands what he was put through and got mad and now he’s big and scary and lives in the woods which is partially on fire good for him❤️. I hope he burns everything! I hope he burns and burns and burns until finally realizes how exhausted and lonely he is. There are SO MANY THOUGHTS I have abt him and Vanessa and also just Vanessa by herself. How long was Vanessa Like That exactly. Bc if he grew up with her gradually getting worse OH BOY does walking on eggshells around ppl like that mentally and emotionally beat you to a pulp. It changes the person you become. You lose part of yourself in becoming someone that person won’t get upset with. As messed up as it sounds I wonder if he felt a sense of relief when he died? A feeling of freedom before trapping himself in self loathing lol. I suck at comics but OH GOD do I wanna draw this out somehow or discuss this with someone he is so insanely full of problems
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princesssarisa · 3 years
Fictional Character Ask: Don José?
Favorite thing about them: His depth, complexity and dynamism as a character. He's much more than just the naïve lovesick wimp who goes mad with jealousy that pop culture and tenors who can't act paint him as being. His struggle between his conservative values and the allure of freedom and passion, and with his own capacity for rage, is something that exists in him long before he meets Carmen. At least in productions that include the too-often cut dialogue about his wayward past and the fact that he was forced to join the army because he killed another young man in a knife fight.
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing much. Just the little detail of his trying to force Carmen to stay with him and later come back to him against her will, then murdering her when he fails.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have a temper, though I hope I can control it better than he can.
*I'm close to my mother.
*I think Carmen is fascinating.
Three things I don’t have in common with them:
*I'd make a terrible soldier.
*I can't imagine myself pulling a knife on a person, unless it were desperate self-defense.
*I'm female.
Favorite line: The middle section of the Flower Song:
Je me prenais à te maudire, à te détester, à me dire : pourquoi faut-il que le destin l'ait mise là sur mon chemin ? Puis je m'accusais de blasphème, et je ne sentais en moi-même, je ne sentais qu'un seul désir, un seul désir, un seul espoir : te revoir, ô Carmen, oui, te revoir!
(I took to cursing you, detesting you, asking myself
"Why did destiny have to throw her across my path?"
Then I accused myself of blasphemy, and within myself,
I felt but one desire, one desire, one hope:
To see you again, oh Carmen, to see you again!)
And near the end of the opera, this terrible yet powerful passage:
Ainsi, le salut de mon âme, je l'aurai perdu pour que toi, pour que tu t'en ailles, infâme, entre ses bras, rire de moi! Non, par le sang, tu n'iras pas ! Carmen, c'est moi que tu suivras!
(So I am to lose my soul's salvation, so that you can run to him,
Infamous creature, to laugh at me in his arms!
No, by my blood, you shall not go! Carmen, you're coming with me!)
brOTP: His mother, and Micaela, because even though he's willing to marry her, she seems more like an extension of his mother to him than a real romantic partner.
OTP: The fantasy of Carmen that comes to his mind whenever he sniffs the flower she threw at him. He'd be much better off if he stayed with her and left the real Carmen alone.
nOTP: Carmen herself; not that they aren't a fascinating pair to watch, but they're like oil and water.
Random Headcanon: All his references to salvation and damnation in the final scene are literal, not figurative. Even though he failed to become a priest as his mother hoped, the religious upbringing she gave him has left its mark. He sincerely thinks he's going to hell because of the life of "sin" his passion for Carmen has driven him to, and in the end, part of the reason why he kills her is that if he has to go to hell, he wants to take her there with him.
Unpopular Opinion: As with Carmen herself, I have more than one.
(1) What drives him to desperation in the end isn't love, or jealousy. It's that he's lost everything. His good name is destroyed, he has no position, no home and no friends, his mother is dead, he threw away his future with Micaela long ago, and he arguably thinks his soul is damned too. The hope of winning back Carmen's love is all he has left to live for, and he feels entitled to it, since it was "because of her" that he lost everything else. To say he only snaps out of mad passion and jealousy is so reductive.
(2) He doesn't "sacrifice everything" for Carmen. The only willing sacrifice he makes is letting her escape from arrest and his resulting demotion and month in prison. He doesn't chose to desert the army for Carmen; he almost leaves her rather than do so. But then his commanding officer Zuniga comes along to woo her for himself, mocks him and slaps him, and it's by rashly drawing his sword on Zuniga in humiliation and jealousy that he permanently disgraces himself and is forced to flee to a life of crime. To call that a sacrifice for love is an extreme stretch.
(3) I don't think of him as "Poor José" or think Carmen is a fool to give up the devotion he offers her. I do pity him, but his downfall is less Carmen's fault and more his own than he cares to admit, and since his devotion to Carmen comes with possessiveness that she can't bear and with values incompatible with her own, I don't blame her at all for rejecting him in the end. I still remember how freeing it was when I realized that I didn't need to fully sympathize with him or view him as Carmen's victim. It was like a weight lifted off my chest, which let me fully enjoy the opera and not feel disturbed by it.
Song I associate with them: What else? The Flower Song.
Favorite picture of them:
Prosper Mérimée's watercolor illustration of José and Carmen. It's not often you get to see the original book author's personal vision of the characters:
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This 1999 costume sketch by the artist Robert Perdziola:
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Two handsome Italian tenors from the 1950s and '60s. With these two, Carmen's choice to pursue José was no wonder!
Franco Corelli:
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Mario del Monaco:
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The first Don José I ever saw, José Carreras in the 1987 Metropolitan Opera telecast:
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This disturbing image of Jonas Kaufmann kissing the lips of dead Carmen (Anna Caterina Antonacci), Covent Garden, 2006:
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Thiago Arancam, San Francisco Opera, 2011:
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Brandon Jovanovich with Patricia Bardon as Carmen, LA Opera, 2013:
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Piotr Beczala with Margarita Gritskova as Carmen, Vienna State Opera, 2018:
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This photo I saved long ago of a tenor whose name I don't remember:
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dinawrites · 3 years
Westwood is so compelling im ALSO beguiled just like Tristan rip
I saw that youre open for ocs in westwood - do you have any rules for that? Creatures you creature types you don't want included or canon characters you don't want to interact with oc ideas? Rules for posting and sharing westwood oc ideas?
Anything like that? I just dont want to overstep cos this entire world is so cool an intricate and youre already so nice for letting others play in your sandbox
Thank you so much! This is genuinely so heart-warming to hear. I'm so glad that people are liking Westwood. I was worried for a bit that I was the only one who was going to be obsessing over it, so to hear these words have really validated me like a parking ticket. And to know that people actually want to create OCs for it?! I really cannot wrap my head around it. When I pitched the idea to some friends about creating OCs for Westwood, the response was a little bit shaky and disheartening, so I really didn't want to push the idea at all. But I initially created Westwood Academy with the intention of it being a safe place for fun, non-committal OCs and I'm really open to any and all OCs for Westwood. In fact, I encourage it!
I really don't want to be restrictive, but I do have some rules for Westwood OCs, the biggest being:
Please abide by the rules of the Westwood Universe.
One of the things I didn't like about media like The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Teen Wolf, etc. is that they would begin with previously established rules and then progressively break each and every single one. The consequence of this are the stakes, now made non-existent, and characters are in danger of being so overpowered, every threat becomes laughable or easily vanquished. An example of this is Hope Mikaelson being a Tribrid, when it was previously stated that a vampire could not also be a witch. Also, why is it necessary for someone to not only possess the superhuman speed and strength of a vampire, but also turn into a wolf, and also be able to do magic?
To prevent this, I've created a set of Laws of Lore that governs the world of Westwood:
The Westwood Six (Witches, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Fae, Werewolves, Vampires) are the only creatures admitted into Westwood, as they are the pillars that make up the Recondite Citizenry.
Any other creature has not done so, are not represented on the Eldritch Council, and have elected to remain independent of the Citizenry. Although this means their freedom, it also means they are isolated from aid.
The Unseelie Court (including Imps) have no interest in interaction with the mortal plane, and thus do not attend Westwood.
The only ones capable of creating half-Fae are Elves, and even so, many do not survive to adolescence.
Nymphs have minor manipulation over their respective elements (otherwise, what reason do I have for Sorcerers?)
Warlocks are at the mercy of their Demons. The only one to have achieved ownership of his own free will was Atticus Aimes, and was driven mad by it.
The First Families were the first Witches to settle in Westwood, not the first ever Witches. More Witches exist outside of the Families, and are safe from the bloodcurse.
Hybrids cannot, and, in the current timeline of Ottoline's enrollment, do not exist. Many die, as they are unnatural, and cannot survive in nature. The only thing outside of this is Warlocking oneself, in which it is a matter of possession. Atticus himself was a Witch when he sold his soul to The Fiend.
Werewolves die during the Warlocking process as their bodies reject the Demon, and Vampires cannot enter a demonic bargain as they have no soul to sign.
Only Werewolves exist.
Only a few Witches, Warlocks, and Sorcerers remain, so I will eventually have to put a cap on how many more of them can be admitted to Westwood. But as of now, feel free to make OCs for the Troika!
Outside of that, anything goes! Canon characters are all available for OC interaction. Some canon relationships to know about beforehand:
Ottoline, Thomasin, and Eliseo are the Golden Trio of Westwood
Ottoline and Ulric are an OTP but it's a slow-burn, and we love unnecessary angst. So he is available for pairings during his and Otto's "enemies" phase of Enemies-To-Lovers
Eliseo and Thomasin are also OTP, but they try and stay away from each other romantically. This leads to more than its fair share of shenanigans. Both are available for temporary pairings
Matías and Tristan both believe they love Otto, but they really don't. They're simply being thralled by a protection spell she has placed on her by her mother (very similar to a Siren's mesmer). Both are available for pairings
One of the many mysteries at Westwood is the Disapearrance of Lucille Burke, so if you're looking for canonical angst for an OC to be made for, concern for a missing friend or lover would be perfect
Westwood Academy is a college, not a high school. All students are legal and majority of them are immortal and much older than they look anyways. So, unless a teacher is otherwise taken, they're free for pairings!
There are no rules for content posting. I'm just excited to see what you come up with! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have for your OC, whether it be about the species they are or a character pairing you envision, and how that character would react or interact to certain things. My ask box is always open!
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ladydevoir · 3 years
Not sure if you've done it yet, Cinder for the character ask. If you have, the Salem
I have done neither yet so lets do both~ Cinder: favorite thing about them: Their tenacity. They never stop, never give up, and after relating a little too much to her backstory, I have to admire that a lot. least favorite thing about them: She's responsible for the deaths of my two favourite characters (Penny and Pyrrha). favorite line "This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians but are in reality nothing more than men." brOTP Currently I dont think there's anyone, maybe after her redemption arc once we see her lower the mask and interract with people I'll come up with one. OTP Snowfall. Why yes I am projecting my love of strong, commanding women with this ship. nOTP Knightfall. Love the name, absolutely despise the concept. random headcanon Cinder loves sewing. All of her outfits are hand-made by her, and she will spend days working on a single outfit. unpopular opinion Before V8, I thought Cinder was a bad character who should have stayed dead after the V5 ending. The show really hadn't given us a lot to go with as to why Cinder was kept around. Then V8 happened. And now I want this bitch to live. song i associate with them Monster by Divide Music (yeah its a Gaara song but the lyrics fit Cinder post Midnight so very well.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6P_LaCvpLE favorite picture of them
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This. Tear away the mask, and this is what you're left with. The real Cinder. And I love it. Now then, time for Salem. favorite thing about them They are a terrifying villian. This immortal, unstoppable force lurking in the shadows, kept hidden from the public, she is a true eldrich horror in human form. least favorite thing about them Look, I get being mad at your husband and the gods, but do you really have to take it out on the rest of the world? (Yeah i couldnt think of much.) Also, what is your endgame here?? favorite line "We finally had freedom..." brOTP None. Considering she sees everyone as beneath her. OTP Same as brOTP. nOTP Salem and Cinder. I dont ship people with their abuser. random headcanon Salem is technophobic. She views technology as a pathetic shadow of what her world had created with their magic and thus refuses to use it. unpopular opinion Honestly, I find Salem really boring and kind of a generic villian. Her manipulation seems really flat and I cannot for the life of me figure out how she managed to convince anyone to join her. (Except Watts and Cinder, Watts is just that much of an asshole that I can believe all Salem needed to say was "I'll let you ruin Ironwood" and he instantly signed up. Cinder at least I fully believe the manipulation she uses against her and why it made Cinder join her.) song i associate with them With Me by All Ends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8TxnuOia5w favorite picture of them
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I dont know why, this image is just funny to me.
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kiribakuhappiness · 4 years
Hey, so I’m new to the fandom, like new-new, and I’ve seen a lot of ships but KiriBaku seems to be my favorite at the moment but I’ve seen a lot of people bashing it because some people apparently harass the creator?(not cool people, not cool) But being honest I was kinda picking up on some homophobia in those criticisms, do you think I’m having a false alarm or do you see it too? Lie the blog! Keep up the good work!❤️
Hmmhmmhmmm, there’s a lot to unpack here, and I generally don’t involve myself in fandom drama (just because I’m here as an escape from some real world shit, and for writing practice, and I would rather spend my free time enjoying myself rather than hyper fixating on all the other bullshit that goes on on the internet) but I’ll do my best to explain some of my limited points-of-view! (These are all my own thoughts, which you are 100% allowed to disagree with, I’m not your mom):
Like you, I am also fairly new to the fandom (I think I discovered bnha about 2-3ish months ago, at most), so I don’t know a lot about the inner workings of its online community just yet, though I’m starting to get the hang of it. I just really love the characters, and the fanart, and the fanfiction, so I kinda stick close to the edges and don’t interact with anybody who is literally just looking for a fight. I respect all ships, I respect all pairings and brotps and otps (except - say it with me folks - M I N E T A), because really, it’s not any of my business what other people choose to spend their free time looking at, and at the end of the goddamn day, these are literally just made-up, fictional characters in a made-up, fictional world that will not affect my life in literally any way, shape, or form outside of the internet.
It’s my opinion that if I don’t like something, I just don’t look at it. It’s not like anyone is making me or like I have to read fics or look at pictures for pairings I don’t love or anything like that. (I feel like a lot of people feel obligated to look at everything; like if it’s on the internet then for some reason that means that they have to look at it and give their own opinion on it because it’s there, and I think that’s another toxic repercussion of the internet that I will bore someone else with another day). ANYWAY:
From what I’ve heard - the KiriBaku harassment for Horikoshi was all a ruse, and the real harassment actually happened a couple of years ago, and it didn’t really have much to do with KiriBaku at all. Some screenshots of some old emails and things startled circulating (as these things do for some reason) and people got all up-in-arms about it and jumped to a lot of different conclusions (which isn’t really anyone’s fault, save for the people spreading the false information, because a lot of it was pretty convincing - it’s nearly impossible to differentiate false information from true facts when so much of the evidence can be misconstrued or altered in some way or another).
In my opinion (which you literally don’t have to agree with, it’s fine, I won’t bite your head off for it or anything), Horikoshi is a wonderful creator, and what he chooses to do with his own work is entirely up to him and, quite frankly, none of my business. He has provided us with many captivating characters, several gut-wrenching suspense-filled moments, and an abundance of creative freedom to draw our own conclusions in regards to the relationships (friendships and more) between the characters of his universe. Anyone who thinks that Horikoshi owes them anything, in any sort of way, is highly delusional. Just like every other artist in the entire world, just like everyone creating fanart and writing fanfiction on this platform and others, Horikoshi is allowed to do whatever he pleases without feeling the need to cater to anyone’s wishes. People create for themselves, not for others. This is his creative release, his own sweat and blood, and he should get respect for putting it out into the world for us to enjoy. And honestly, any harassment aimed at him is just added fuel for him to do the exact opposite that they’re asking for or (god forbid) gives him ammunition to kill off one of the characters we all know and love - and I really wouldn’t judge him for doing that. It’s his story to tell, not mine.
So, I really don’t think the KiriBaku “scandal” was anything important at all. I am sure there were plenty of homophobic comments being thrown away - people getting angry at the thought that others in the fandom were pushing for something enough to send death threats to the original creator, which honestly? I get where the anger would be coming from (not about the homophobic stuff though, even when angry, those comments are never okay, and if you see anyone spewing shit like that please report them for the sake of all of those in the lgbt+ community who have to sift through hurtful shit like that, it’s so unnecessary; if you have to reduce your argument to pathetic slurs and hurtful comments that have nothing to do with the actual argument, then your point is automatically refuted, imho, stick with the facts or don’t say anything at all) - but I think it was a simple misunderstanding/over-exaggeration that got way out of hand because the internet has a tendency to do stuff like that.
I’ve only met very supportive people in this fandom (maybe I’m just lucky, or just haven’t put in the time to receive comments/posts like that yet) and I think the KiriBaku fandom is a great, wholesome place to settle down in. Their character dynamic and chemistry - whether you want them to be in a relationship or not - is as entertaining as it is charming, and if you want to support two bros loving each other like dudes should, I highly recommend sticking around and indulging in all of the goodness that Horikoshi has inspired.
I won’t be talking about this topic any further! I hope this helps! Welcome to the madness, I’m here to spread some positivity if you ever need it, ahaha! :D <3
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Top Five of 2020
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
My lovely @the-starryknight thanks for the tag!  I’ll tag a few people, but you probably already did it: @ruinsplume @kasjophe @gallifrey1sburning @quicksilvermaid @prolix- @dazedandinked 
Right. This year was insane, I got stuck first half of the year in Ireland with only 2 friends close by, all my family in Brazil or Spain while I was writing my bloody master thesis (that is what I’m proudest of this year, but it’s not published yet, so won’t go in this list). I managed a lot of hard emotions in solitude, by myself, while reading drarry fics to keep afloat (great coping mechanism, actually!). And after handing my thesis and moving to Spain, I was feeling deeply empty. So I went back to fic-writing, after 2 or 3 years of not even looking at my old fics. 
It all started when I saw the posts for prompt claiming on the @hd-hurtfest  blog. To think how that post changed everything in my life is just bizarre. So I am very thankful! It has been a huge pleasure to go back to fic-writing and to re-embrace the HP fandom, mainly the drarry squad! To get to know so many lovely people and I’m forever grateful for that. 
Here is my Top Five:
hear me (with your whole body): (Drarry, E, 9k) this is the fic I wrote for the hd-hurtfest 2020. I saw @quicksilvermaid’s prompt and I shivered. It lured me so much I had the whole plot in my head as soon as I finished sending the claim. It was so hard to write it. Because the topic is very sensitive: open relationships, sexual mismatch, bad communication skills. I brought most of my bad experiences in all these sensitive topics as if I was purging it from my body while writing ‘hear me’. It was a very raw process of looking into my own still bleeding wounds, but very cathartic. And it was hard because it was my very first drarry (I love drarry and I normally only read drarry, but I’ve never felt confident enough to write it), so I was very nervous. And in bloody English xD LOL but I’m bloody proud of it. I wanted to write something real without making a show of blaming one of the parts, at the same time I wanted to use and unreliable POV (Harry’s) and to bring forth all those very uncomfortable realities of jealousy, insecurity of one’s sexuality etc. in a way people could relate to. I’ve never imagined the response to this fic would be so nice, and many of the comments drove me to deep reflection. I’m specially happy about this fic because after writing ‘hear me’ something cracked open inside of me, in my own personal-romantic life and also in writing. Like a small miracle. And then, I couldn’t stop writing anymore.
Rebel Rebel: (Sirius/Remus. E, 5k) heh, Wolfstar is my OTP *-* So writing this tiny fic with ‘there was no war’ prompt for the sirius black fest was a bloody delight. The feeling of exploring their youth, in the early 80s and the whole atmosphere of that time was exhilarating! Bowie’s concerts, HIV+ and Aids, queer community and old school crushes. Giving them a future and professions was fun as fuck. But the best part was making Sirius Black fuck around, wild and free, you know. Because he bloody well deserved it. I love the writing style I explored there, very influenced by Caio Fernando Abreu, one of my favourite Brazilian writers and it was just great great fun!
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise: (Drarry + Wolfstar, E, 40k+ WIP) I need to post 3 more chapters along this next few days.  I’m adding Dragons here because NEVER. IN. MY. LIFE I thought this story would come out of my head into the pages, and I’m so bloody happy, so bloody proud of myself. I cannot believe how much I’ve written in a month, about a plot that had some path in my head but never a shape, and how this all blossomed inside of me and how it’s coming out just brilliantly. I know I’ll think back at some point and think this and that are not great. But I think this fic is one of my best works, it deals with the queer community, with depression and acceptance, with HIV+ folk, and deep emotions. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of writing. And here it is, and writing it made me manage the fact that I wouldn’t be able to spend this xmas with my family, so I spent this last month with this characters and feeling the opposite of lonely. And to be able to write Harry having a family, you know, being raised by Remus and Sirius is just marvellous. I’m over the moon with wolfstar being great gaydads :D
Scorching: (Pansmione, E, 1.5k) first time I translated a Portuguese fic of mine to English. It was fun to do it, as it’s purely smutty smut and well, I love pansmione and it makes me greedy to go back to writing about this ship. I like how it turned out, but it’s not beta-ed so maybe it’s not great. But damn, I really like this Pansy. ^^
The Old Ways: (Voldemort/Walburga, M, 3k). So, I have a whole word document full of snippets on the Black family. As the Black family is my huge guilty pleasure (that’s why Tainara Black has been my pen name since 2005). I don’t like to think Walburga was only a mad pureblood bigoted woman, I like to think of her as being strongly magical and very sure of herself. Someone three-dimensional with knowledge of Dark magic of the old ways and a deep insanity that comes with legacy of pureness, but also with financial influence and  management of old wizarding land. I realised Walburga is only 1 year older than Voldie, she is closest to his age than her husband or brother (if we follow the Balck Family Genealogical Tree), and this sparked a whole idea inside of me. So this fic is a character study of Walburga when Sirius is only 10 and Voldemort is organising a war, and I honestly think is one of my best fics (even though it wasn’t beta-ed). I loved writing about this powerful witch, that got stuck in keeping her bloodline alive, that gave up on great deeds of power and freedom to become a pureblood mother and wife. But it’s the fic no one reads, so I’m adding a bit of it here in hopes it may interest someone:
He climbs the last step of the noisy, rusty, winding stair, his eyes mapping the place in silent wonder. The rooftop is sombre. Rough grey cement floor and dead flower beds in a far corner, big dark clay pots with dead branches and dry bushes scattered around; the only living thing is an imposing carnivorous plant, it’s toothed lips opening and closing sharply around bugs and other insects.
She is right there, in the centre of the chaotic rooftop garden and he thinks the house is in shambles, and so is she. The moon is reflecting its cold brightness over her as if it were a stage light. He takes a second to contemplate her stance. He has never seen her like this before. It is such an incongruous sight it almost feels like he’s intruding. Is not a feeling he’s used to.
She’s perched in a high frail copper chair, her ankles crossed lightly, with pale bare feet against the dirty coarse floor, one white arm falling languidly from the armrest, her elegant fingers holding a thin long smoking pipe. Rings of smoke rising into the night sky. The back of her skull resting on the back of the chair, he can’t see her face from this angle, but he’s stunned by the imagery.
She looks almost mythical; with her long black mane messy and loose, barely touching the ground. He can’t remember when was the last time he’s seen her hair down, but he’s pretty sure it wasn’t that long, nor were there silver strikes colouring it in a mix of salt and pepper.
“How long do you plan to stare?” her voice is as rusty as the whole house and he scoffs.
keep reading
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josephslittledeputy · 3 years
OTP Soundtrack
Tagged by @scungilliwoman & @henbased tyyy! :)
Tagging: @havingsomemorejohnlarks @clicheantagonist​ (I’m not sure who else has yet to be tagged, but if you haven’t yet please do one and feel free to tag me :) I always love finding new music!)
OTP: The Burning Heart (Willa/Joseph)
Apple Blossom - White Stripes
The Burning Heart - Hans Zimmer (The reason for their ship name 🙈)
Give Me A Reason - The Rosebuds
Faith In Love - Devil Doll
Werewolf Heart - Dead Man’s Bones
OTP: What The Water Gave Me (Willa/John)
Pretty When You Cry - Vast
Wait By The River - Lord Huron
Time Of The Season - The Ben Taylor Band
Too Late To Turn Back Now - Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose
For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert
OTP: The Freedom of Madness (Willa/Jacob)
Secret Smile - Semisonic
Desire - Meg Myers
Become The Beast - Karliene
Funnel Of Love - SQÜRL, Madeline Folin
Dirty Laundry - Bitter:Sweet
OTP: Lonely Days Are Over (Sunny/Rush)
At Last - Etta James
Yeah, I said it - Rihanna
Fooled Around And Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli
Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Alex Sloan (Couldn’t resist the temptation to throw in some angst)
OTP: Pleasure Leads To Pain (Sunny/Lou)
Gimme What I Want - Miley Cyrus
Boys Wanna Be Her - Peaches
Shameless - The Weeknd
Terrible Thing - AG
Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing - Chris Isaak
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Hey because I'm not sure we've talked about her yet, but tell me about Madi? 💜
YES! I will talk about Madi. 
How I feel about this character
Ugh so, like all the female characters, I LOVE her personally, but I hate her ending, how her character is written, and how she differs from her historical counterpart. 
I really love Madi as a character. Especially as such a well rounded, beautifully acted, IMPORTANT character, she is so important. I was watching Black Sails with a black friend of mine, and he said that, even with the ending, even though it’s not good, he could forgive Black Sails because of the things he’s so often used to seeing that they didn’t do. Madi lives. LOVE for Madi is what makes the revolution fail(and yeah, it sucks that it’s against her agency, but the point he made was that you NEVER see LOVE for a BLACK WOMAN be the thing that stops the world.) Black Sails without Madi is a completely different story, and I love that she is an active part of the plot as well as important enough to other characters(not just Silver, Flint, her mother, the alliance, all rely on her at some point. Even Rogers recognizes her value.) That, as low a bar as it is, is an important one.
I love that she’s smart and hopeful and determined. I see her very much as a parallel to Thomas, even moreso than Flint, in that she believes in things with her whole being. She has that line from Don Quixote to Flint, but I think it’s as much a dig at herself as it is at Flint. 
“Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be.”
Flint has just told her exactly what could be accomplished if they are successful. He’s not dreaming, he sees the world in terms of if/then. But she sees the future beyond that. She sees the possibility and she’s drawing the parallel(unknowingly) between herself and Thomas and I LOVE it.
But she’s also SMART, she’s WHIP fucking SMART and she KNOWS how to lead her people and she is confident in herself. She is tough, there isn’t an ounce of self-doubt in her and the way that shows the LOVE she must have known growing up??? Just. I love Madi because I love how much she is loved. But also like, she is allowed to be naive in some ways, to be over confident and over trusting. She’s allowed to have flaws that I don’t think detracts from her value as a character, but are the natural progression when someone who, by her mother’s own admission, has been sheltered but still knows of injustice.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Pre-finale I LOVE her and Silver. I thought there was such potential there for her to become his rock, to show him that there were rewards, to be his Thomas, in a way, to love him surely enough that he could take the chance to crack himself open and start healing the hurt parts. And I think then he absolutely would have been ride or die - part of what I hate so much is the parallel between Thomas and James, and Madi and Silver, is that Thomas and James were able to have the time to build that and Madi and Silver weren’t. And the tragedy is that it ends in so much more heartbreak than just personal ones, because of who Madi is, what she represents, and when it happens.
Post finale I ship Madi with whoever and whatever makes her fucking goddamn happy and that probably isn’t John Silver at this point.
BUT my two crack ships are Eleanor/Madi bc i’m ALL about that girlhood bromance and the POWERSHARING dynamic between them??? Magnifique. and Madi/Joshua because Joshua is a fucking dumbass but also has a great heart and seems like a good guy and cares and makes connections and has dumbass false teeth and Madi deserves someone who will be loyal to her and understand her and make her smile.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Like my absolute ABSOLUTE non romantic OTP to END all OTPs is Madi and Flint. Because I do think she and Thomas are so similar in so many ways, and honestly just because Flint and Madi get along???? so well?????? like when they do become friends, and they connect, you can tell like, Flint’s just like YES. ANOTHER DAUGHTER. GREAT. THIS IS MORE THAN FINE. and just penguin waddles his way over there and like???? and then Madi - who for all she has HAD Mr. Scott hasn’t really ...experienced the True Dad Energy like that? And she finds in him a partner too, someone who sees the possibility and the freedom that she has been searching for on her island and never finding. Her mother has that line 
“they are dangerous, their ideas are dangerous - especially to you.”
Madi didn’t become a revolutionary when the pirates found their island. I get the feeling this has been something she’s been arguing with her mother for a while, and now, with Flint, she’s FOUND that kindred spirit and I just???? love them???????? So much?????????
And especially post finale. Just....just give Madi her gay uncles, James who is like, so chill??? Now that he’s away from having to lead people and be responsible for people’s lives, and he’s FUNNY and she’s never actually seen him smile like that before?? And he plays with all the kids wherever he is and they NEVER mcfucking want him to leave. And Thomas who will talk to her from dusk until dawn about treaties and British Law and how to circumvent this clause or extort this particular weakness. 
And at first she’d been weary - after everything with John - of trusting another group of white men. But from the first moment it’s been clear that here, her word will be respected and her wishes upheld because she and Flint share that vision and so does Thomas, and the reports she gets back from the escaped slaves who have reached freedom through the encampment that now sits where Oglethorpe’s plantation once was. 
And while she is learning from her mother she is also learning from Julius, from Eme, from Flint, from Thomas. She learns, and learns, and when it’s finally ready for her to step into her mother’s shoes it is a seamless and peaceful thing, like one exhale flowing into the next inhale, it doesnt start or end with violence and wailing, but with laughter, and joy - bittersweet but there all the same - and okay this kind of got away from me give MADI NICE THINGS OR I WILL RIOT.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Huh I don’t....honestly know enough about the popularity of opinions on Madi to know what’s unpopular but I feel like ‘Silver doesn’t deserve her’ is at least a somewhat controversial take? I don’t know OH. Wait I know what my unpopular opinion will be:
She shouldn’t have existed because she exists solely to be a love interest to Silver where the real person she is based off of was an old matron Queen who is basically the Maroon Queen in BS just with Madi’s actual drive and she so badass we STILL use the guerilla tactics she developed to use against the British today but Steinberg was like ‘No, I think a black, 60 y/o Xena is boring, let’s make that part of the character basically non-existent and give her role to the 20 y/o daughter and also make her in need of saving from the white man. That’s hot.’
Cool. I will expect your assassins at dawn.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Eleanor/Madi WHEN
MADI/JOSHUA WHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also that her storyline hadn’t been shoved aside for the emotional angst of the white men, that we had seen more of her in the aftermath, that she had been given agency in her own future and in the future of her people that she clearly believed in. I just wanted good things for Madi and for her to be respected as a character.
To that end, what I wish WOULD happen is that she teams up with Thomas and James at the Savannah BnB to basically completely ignore the treaty with the British, funnel slaves off the islands, and, while they don’t restart the war, they still help to undermine slavery in the Bahamas and the Colonies and uhhh basically everything i said up under the non-romantic OTP. xD
Assuming the assassins don’t get to me, ASK ME ABOUT MY OPINIONS
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