#otp: charlotte and harry
lucy-moderatz · 5 months
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the-witching-ash · 5 months
WBW for Richie Donahue-Callisto? 🥺
Disclaimer: Thia is Richie Gilmore, just his crossover variant within the Delicate-verse crossover with @randomestfandoms-ocs
world building wednesday
send me the name of a character, and i’ll reply with:
full name: Richard Victor Donaue-Callisto
gender: cis-male
sexuality: Queer (identivied as Bi originally but he realized he wasn’t really into that into women and no other label felt right, so he went with settling on queer.)
pronouns: he/him
family: Kirsty Gilmore (sister), Rory Gilmore (sister), Richard Gilmore (grandfather), Emily Gilmore 🙄 (grandmother) Lorelei Gilmore 🙄 (mother) Lottie Donaue-Callisto (guardian/mother-in-law), Troy Donaue-Callisto (boyfriend/husband), Harry Bechtel (other boyfriend/husband) , Vicki St.James-Bechtel (horary sister-in-law), Charlotte & Odette Donaue-Callisto (twin daughters)
birthplace: Hartford, Connecticut
job: Waiter at Luke’s/helps Sookie in the kitchen at the Independence Inn, various college jobs, Cardiologist. (First-gentleman of the United States. 🥺)
phobias: Christopher Hayden
guilty pleasures: he’s fully a junior in high school when they start coming out, but because of Kirsty, has a soft spot for the animated Barbie movies.
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
otp: Richie/Troy, Richie/Harry
ot3: Richie/Troy/Harry
brotp: Richie & Kirsty, Richie & Vicki, Richie & the LDB Boys
notp: Richie/Francie Jarvis
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stargazinginautumn · 1 year
Another question if you feel like answering: what are your top five OTPs of all time?! No pressure to include Serenate just because I'm the one asking ;)
This was hard..
I think those are the ones I can think of that I personally could never imagine without each other, because they are/were just perfect for each other!
The O.C. - Ryan & Marissa
I was devastated when they killed off Marissa! It was not the same after and I think those two would have been endgame otherwise!
Charmed - Prue & Andy
Same with those two, I was so angry when they killed Andy and the love interests they gave Prue after him were so stupid and boring, Phoebe and Paige got way better guys to date, it is a real shame because Prue is my favourite Halliwell sister - and after they killed her off as well the show really was going down with every new season.. I loved the first seasons because it was a great mix of dark and a bit of comedy but after that they really overdid it with the comedic parts and it became too lame and silly..
Gossip Girl - Serena & Nate
I think I have said this before so to make it short - they were so comfortable with each other (but not in a boring way) and Serena was way more calm and happy with Nate than with any other. I think he was really good for her.. In my mind they still get together someday, after she finally divorces Dan! ;b
Sex and the City - Charlotte & Harry
I am such a fan of them, they are so sweet together! They had the most admirable relationship. Harry is perfect for Charlotte because he does worship the ground she is walking on but at the same time he keeps her on her toes and this is so rare!
Golden Girls - Sophia/Dorothy/Rose/Blanche (platonic) ;)
Do I need to say more about this amazing quartet?! I know Dorothy gets married again in the end, but they will always have their sisterhood that will last forever and it’s the most beautiful thing!
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iamaicecreamlover · 2 years
Types Of Ships
The types of ships I have supported as a fan in my many fandoms. I can’t speak for every fan, but maybe one of these will relate to you. WARNING! This is gonna be long. You may disagree with some examples, if you do GET OVER IT. Also some ships may be from the same anime so mixed feeling alert incoming.
The Canon Ships
These are the ships that you shipped because they're canon. The creators and everyone behind the scenes guided you to supporting their choice. Rewarding you and every other fan with adorable and can’t help but love scenes. By time these ships become your OTP you’ll be pleading for them to finally become canon because you know it's going to happen, eventually. 
Personal Examples; Natsu x Lucy from Fairy Tail, Inuyasha x Kagome (honestly f*ck Kikyo the zombie) from Inuyasha, Midoriya x Ochaco from Boku No Hero Academia, and my favorite Hinata x Naruto from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden.
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When I first started getting into anime, I was only a fan of canon ships. I may have found other ships cute but because they weren't possible in canon I never thought about it with my imagination. Learned to get rid of that thinking quick, LOL!
P.S Hinata deserve better than just being a love interest!
The Gay Ships
I would love to say if they were a het couple I would still ship it, but it almost 100% possible its because there gay that I ship it. In a heteronormative society sometimes you just need a good old gay couple to hard core ship, whether there canon or not.
Personal Examples; Steve Rogers x Bucky from Marvel, Santana x Brittany from (hate to love this show) Glee, and my one of my many gay favorites Aziraphale x Crowley from Good Omens
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The Only Support As Fanon ships
Some ships you know should never be canon, but you can’t help but dream of the possibility. Something just draws you to the beautiful mess that would be that ship.
Personal favorites; Charlotte x Ichiya from Infinite Stratos, Hawks x Dabi from Boku No Hero Academia, my OTP of guilty pleasures Bakugou x Midoriya from Boku No Hero Academia
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Seriously, never let these ships be canon. My head might explode because of how much is wrong with it. So many toxic relationships
P.S Loveeee Barbarian Bakugou or Dragon Tamer Bakugou design, either way he doesn't have a shirt on so I’m good!
The Enemies To Lovers ships
Didn’t realize I was so into these ships until they recently became a bigger thing over the years.
Personal Favorites; Logan x Veronica from Veronica Mars, Garcia x Alvez from Criminal Minds, Claire x Bender from Breakfast Club, Lux x Amity from Owl House, and my one of my all time favorites Catra x Adora from She-Ra Princesses Of Power
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The Stumble Upon A Great Fanart, Fanfic, Donjin, or Video And Now I’m On Board ships
All of these ships I genuinely had zero interest in until their fandoms hit me over the head
Personal Favorites; Lisanna x Bixlow from Fairy Tail, Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY, and wow there is sooo much fanfiction for them Harry Potter X Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter
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The Background Couple Ships
That couple thats always behind the main pairing or even further into the background but even a glimpse of them keeps the ship alive even if there not together.
Janna x Tom from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Pacifica x Dipper from Gravity falls, and all pairing from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun (seriously there all hilarious and would be great together)
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The Equal Footing Ships
Especially canon couples sometimes the ship feels uneven. Sometimes it’s there appearance but sometimes it just how one partner treats the other that you can’t help but ship another couple since each person in the relationship seems to have met their match.
Shego x Kim from Kim Possible and Kaito x Shinichi from Detective Conan.
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The Cry So Hard Ships
When the pairing you’ve been rooting for never happens and all you can think is, ‘whyyyyy!!!’
Personal Favorites; Yui x Hinata from Angel Beats, Kaori x Kosei from My Lie In April, and Hatori x Kana from Fruits Basket
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The Childhood Ships The ships you saw growing up that made you the fan you are today Personal Favorites; Ned x Moses from Ned Declassfied, Quinn x Logan from Zoey 101, and Sam x Freddy from ICarly
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The OTP Ships
The couples that you can’t stop squealing, daydreaming, reading fanfiction, looking at fanart, and yearn to see how their children look
Personal Favorites; Percy x Annabeth from Percy Jackson, Cress x Thorne from Lunar Chronicles, Ryuuosuke x Rita from Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo, Anya x Damien from Spy x Family and my recent top favorite Sasaki x Miyano from Sasaki to Miyano
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This defines their relationship so much ❤️
Thanks for reading to the end, especially since I know how long this is. Took me a while to type it all. This is dedicated to the fandoms. If you're a fan in any of my fandoms, I hope it's nice to know someone can relate to loving love. 
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a-wayfairing-stranger · 3 months
WBW for Alex
full name: Alexandria Modesty Baker/ Alexander Benjamin Lawson.
gender: Non-Binary (AFAB)
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: She/her He/him
family: Richard Sharpe (husband) Jonathan Baker (Father) Anne Joy Baker (Mother)Harold Baker (older brother) Arabella Baker (Sister in law) Charlotte White (Older sister)Robert White (Brother-in-Law) Madalene Sharpe (Daughter) Bridget “ (Daughter, Richard’s twin) Richard Sharpe (Son, Bridget’s twin) Estella Sharpe (Daughter) Frederick Sharpe (Son) Hazel Sharpe (Daughter)
job: Solider, Socialite
phobias: spiders, dying
guilty pleasures: Singing, cream cakes.
morality alignment?: Chaotic Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Disorganised
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable.
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: follower while younger but a leader in her older years
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hardworking.
otp: Alex x Sharpe (Always and forever)
ot3: Alex x Sharpe x Theresa (Sorry I deleted you from existence in the fic queen you would've loved a bisexual cross dresser)
brotp: Alex & Harris.
notp: Alex x Harper (Sorry King i love you but not like that)
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siewmai · 2 years
001: this way up ofc // 002: kate and lisa :D
this way up
favourite character: shona even though she is spineless least favourite character: it used to be vish but after s2 it might actually be richard 5 favourite ships (canon or non-canon): charsho, charaine, braine, S1 raine, aine/alina character I find most attractive: charlotte character I would marry: charlotte character I would be best friends with: brad, maybe? he's the most grounded, he's funny, he likes drinking, he'd make me exercise and keep me in check a random thought: i literally have random thoughts about twu every single day lmao but i guess the latest random one is my headcanon that shona's contact in charlotte's phone goes from 'Shona O'Keefe' to 'Shona :)' to 'sexy yoda' to 'Shona' an unpopular opinion: WHERE DO I BEGIN? we'll be here all fucking day. my biggest one is probably that freddie is hot (chris geere my love) and that he is a good character and that cutting him out in s2 was a disastrous decision. i stand by my belief that the MAIN reason why shona and vish's relationship in s2 feels so stupid and meaningless is because freddie is no longer involved in the plot. aine and freddie's relationship in s1 directly parallels shona and vish's, and aisling completely shit the bed on giving either relationship the development or conclusion it deserves my canon OTP: charsho forever, charsho deniers drop dead my non-canon OTP: braine most badass character: charlotte for giving it to shona and telling her what's what most epic villain: aisling bea for the s2 fuckery vish in s1 for being a genuinely compelling and complex interesting character, this passive-aggressive, manipulative, self-centred Nice Guy character; aasif absolutely ate pairing I am not a fan of: vish and shona for obvious reasons. also s2 raine because what did the pod people do with richard? character I feel the writers screwed up: RICHARD AND VISH. i mean WHERE DO I START. i already did a long ass tumblr post on how mad i was over richard in s2. "i can't stop her talking" be fucking for real favourite friendship: aine and etienne character I most identify with: s1 shona. forever worried about the people she loved, stressed and harried, quick to anger, ambitious, snarky, protective, gay character I wish I could be: chien. she's a hilarious little asian spitfire, like is that not the dream?!
kate x lisa
when i started shipping them: properly after watching mw in cinemas in august 2020 my thoughts: i have been obsessed with them for two years what else is there to say?! i blame sharon and kst what makes me happy about them: they're so cute together. their relationship is just... in canon... enemies to friends... the endless potential... what makes me sad about them: they are not canon and never will be. also a movie ship and for a movie that will never get a sequel so i only have 2 hours of canon content of them things done in fanfic that annoys me: there is not enough fanfic of them to be annoyed by anything, but maybe making kate anything but a lesbian. things i look for in a fanfic: there is not enough fanfic of them to be picky!!! my wishlist: at this point i just need kst and sharon to be dating pls who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nobody lmao they're endgame i mean... ugh... knife to my throat... ruby and lisa, sarah and kate my happily ever after for them: settling down in a quiet neighbourhood, domestic happy peaceful life with frankie
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past11pm · 4 years
Can’t listen to any new music without relating it to these two!
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sunsetcurve · 5 years
the hogwarts au but charlotte comes into potions class and starts teasing henry about how she can smell his cologne from down the corridor and then the professor announces they’re brewing amortentia
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wioletwitch · 2 years
tagged by: the sweet @ginnypcttcr thank you! ♡
rules: answer the following questions and then tag nine people
tagging: @hockles @shirehobbit @jckeperalta @violanotvioline @goldrushdeans @madamebarnes @artemistics @greyyjoys @october-belle (feel free to ignore!)
favourite genres? acoustic folk, folk pop, indie rock, rock.
favourite artists? hozier, of monsters and men.
favourite songs? science fiction by smallpools, svag by self deception.
most listened song recently? alligator by of monsters and men
song currently stuck in your head? staring at the sun by mika.
favourite lyrics? organs by of monsters and men, sing (to noise making) by hozier.
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
favourite genre? fantasy.
favourite writers? cornelia funke, maggie stiefvater, charlotte brontë.
favourite book? pride and prejudice.
favourite book series? harry potter.
perfect book to read on a rainy day? jane eyre.
favourite characters? harry potter, elizabeth bennet, lyra silvertongue.
hardcover or paperback | buy or library | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
favourite tv/film genre? fantasy, period drama.
favourite film? lotr.
comfort film? lotr, pride and prejudice, knives out.
film you watch every year? ... lotr.
favourite tv show? stranger things, downton abbey.
comfort tv show? downton abbey. also, this is a weird one but top gear / grand tour.
most rewatched tv show? spn and downton abbey.
ultimate otp from a tv show? claire/jamie from outlander.
five favourite characters? aragorn, eowyn, tom branson, claire fraser, .
tv shows or films | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
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emmaswcns · 3 years
rules: tag 9 people to learn more about them!
tagged by: @lilliantruscott <33 thank you so much bea
tagging: @swiftbarnes , @yellenasbelova , @anakinskyiwalker , @benoitblanc , @parrishh , @danielsousa , @intothewickedwood , @ronniemacswanmillsgilmore + anyone else who wants to do this !! ( no pressure as usual ofc )
♡ fave genres: literally almost everything but country 
♡ fave artists: oy, dangerous question lmao. get ready to shame me. post malone, one direction, good charlotte, my chemical romance, t.swift & halsey.
♡ fave songs: praying by kesha, i wanna dance w somebody by whitney houston, believe by cher, & i am obsessed w industry baby by lil nas x rn. 
♡ songs most listened to recently: the entire hamilton album, industry baby, hold on by justin bieber, traitor by olivia rodrigo & dior by pop smoke
♡ song currently stuck in your head: anyone by justin bieber
♡ fave lyrics: oh here we go lyrics are my kinkkkkk
‘sometimes i pray for you at night. someday maybe you’ll see the light. some say in life you’re going to get what you give, but some things only god can forgive’ - praying by kesha 
like all of taylor’s lyrics off 1989 & most of her other songs i could get tattooed on my body 
all of megan thee stallion’s verses in wap 
‘i’m scared to get close and i hate being alone. i long for that feeling to not feel at all. the higher i get, the lower i sink. i can’t drown my demons they know how to swim.’ - can you feel my heart by bring me the horizon.
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or quiet volume | slow or and fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio music on
♡ fave writers: honestly i haven’t read enough books to have a fave writer :’( i really love lisa jewell & celeste ng tho
♡ fave genres: thriller/mystery 
♡ fave book series: harry potter !! (i am that basic yes)
♡ comfort book: lmao i have a comfort fic but that’s about it
♡ perfect books to read on a rainy day: any book really 
♡ 5 fave characters: i just don’t vibe w book characters like that omg :(
♡ 5 quotes from your fave books that you know by heart: they are all harry potter so i will not bore everyone w those quotes. i will just put my all time fave: “it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | book series or and standalone novels | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or and during the day | reading at home or in nature | music while reading or reading in silence | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or the summary | rereading or just once
tv + movies
♡ fave tv / movie genres: teen dramas, reality tv, rom-coms, mystery/thriller, once upon a time whatever that falls under lmao 
♡ fave movies: non disney: all the potc movies, harry potter, my cousin vinny, miss congeniality, cap: the winter soldier. disney: lion king, beauty & the beast, cinderella & snow white.
♡ comfort movies: see above lmao
♡ movies you watch every year: home alone & the grinch at xmas time
♡ fave tv shows: once upon a time, the office, friends, parks & rec, prison break, sons of anarchy, arrested development & breaking bad.
♡ most rewatched tv show: ugh it’s a tie between the office & friends
♡ ultimate otp: swanqueen <3
♡ 5 fave characters: emma swan (ouat), chandler bing (friends), chris traeger (parks and rec), michael bluth (arrested development), regina mills (ouat) 
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or and one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching!!!!!!! or watching just once | downloads or watching online
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lucy-moderatz · 28 days
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misscrawfords · 3 years
AO3 meme
Tagged by the lovely @lavellenchanted a loooooong time ago! Being tagged in something else made me remember this!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 81
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 481,758
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? On AO3 - Downton Abbey, The London Life RPG, Star Wars, The Hour, Mansfield Park, Indian Summers, Timeless, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Sanditon (ITV)
This is not including all my HP fic that is still languishing on FFNet...
I'm also very confused because I definitely wrote a Doctor Who one-shot and it seems to have disappeared into thin air. :/
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. So Well Hidden: unfinished Sidney/Charlotte "only one bed" fic
2. The Premiere: post-TROS social media Reylo fic
3. Growing Beyond: unfinished Reylo teachers AU
4. University Challenge: unfinished Downton Abbey university AU
5. Still Possible: Freddie/Bel one-shot (actually amazed this is so high)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Generally not. I should but also it takes ages and if I'm engaged in fandom then I'd honestly rather be writing the next chapter. If someone has written a particularly interesting comment or asked a question I try to remember to reply but tbh I often forget. I don't think there should be any expectation that authors reply to comments; the comments are the payment for the writing, you know? I feel pressurised by the idea I'm meant to reply to all comments... so rather than doing it half-heartedly I tend to just... not.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Snow Falls. I had Matthew die of old age in it, wtf. I never write that sort of a tear jerker.
7. Do you write crossovers? I wrote a very short Downton Abbey/The Hour crossover but I think that's it. I like the idea of them though. I had an epic Doctor Who/Harry Potter crossover live in my head for years when I was in my late teens/early 20s. That would have been amazing.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? On the fic? I mean, I've had the odd bad or patronising review but nothing that sticks in my mind. I've received anon hate on tumblr for things I've said about writing and my stories though. It was pretty distressing.
9. Do you write smut? If you do, what kind of smut do you write? The only smut I have ever written was co-written with @orangeshipper and I have honestly no idea where that came from or went. It's not something I feel comfortable doing. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I just got a totally new AO3 account and tried writing and posting the most unbelivably filthy, kinky stuff without anyone associating it with me. Sometimes I want to...
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah, several times in Downton Abbey where someone passed off all my fics as their own on another website. And I'm pretty sure the same thing happened with some of my HP ones years ago. I can't really remember now.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? See above. Claire and I wrote so much Matthew/Mary things, it was a beautiful time. We wrote so much more than was ever published. I miss nun!AU in particular and detective!Matthew. They were good. And I've co-written stories for London Life as well. 10000s of words of Geoff/Viola fic, my all time RPG OTP, but rather meaningless to everyone else!
12. What’s your all time favorite ship? Of all time? Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane. They sum up everything I could ever want in a fictional ship and a real life relationship. To. Be. Honest.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter. I was bored on holiday once and very annoying so my mum told me to imagine what would happen next in the HP universe and make up my own story. I don't think I knew what fanfiction was at that point but when we got back from holiday and I somehow stumbled on it online and realised I was already making up these stories. Took a long time for me to start writing mine down though.
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Consolation Prize, for ever and ever, Amen. Sometimes I worry that I'm actually a one-hit-wonder and that I'll never write anything so good or so personal or so rich or so, uh, completed again. It is my most beloved child.
Tagging: @oldshrewsburyian @qqueenofhades @buildarocketboys @contagiousgrace @dollsome-does-tumblr
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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monicaposh · 3 years
Do you watch any other shows? If so, who do you Ship?
Hmm. Obviously Varchie but I assume that’s what you meant by ‘other shows’. Surprisingly I watch a lot of shows without heavy ships or I’m just indifferent to them. Below are some of my all time fave show ships tho, might add to this if I missed any:
90210 — Brenda & Dylan ofc. One of my first ships 🥺 They live in my mind rent free. Stay tuned for a fun take on them in the next installment of across the stars!!
SBTB — Zack & Kelly forever. They have owned me for almost thirty years. This show is certainly outdated but I loved it growing up. You can’t imagine how many times I’ve rewatched the Vegas wedding 😂 also I don’t claim the reboot
Dawson’s Creek — Pacey & Joey this was one of the biggest coming of age shows on the air when I was growing up. I shipped Joey with Dawson for the first ten years of my life until seeing the light during a rewatch with my girlfriends in college. Ships aside- watch this because it’s a classic.
Gilmore Girls — Rory & Logan ofc Ive been in too many debates over who was best suited together but Logan Huntzberger ALL DAY. although the REAL OTP of this series will forever be the twin pillars of strength Richard & Emily
Gossip Girl — Blair & Nate *it should be noted I heavily multiship in the gg world (obviously) even the darker ships, crack ships and those from the books that never saw the light of day. Erik and Blair were a ship in the books I loved but Nair will always be my OTP. Don’t @ me. I come from nearly twenty years of gossip girl background and my origin lies with the book series. So many missed moments the show couldn’t even begin to capture. The ruby ring, the heart pin, two teen lovers sailing the sea together feeding each other artichoke hearts, ugh they are everything to me. Goes to rewatch The Grandfather ep and reread the books! (I’m also a Blair/Nate/Serena enthusiast)
The Office — Jim & Pam this adorable and quirky work romance certainly resembles how my own marriage came to be and I have such a soft spot for these two. I love this show and I love this ship!
The OC — Seth & Summer (Alexa play champagne supernova) but also ofc Ryan & Marissa. Literally the greatest core four to exist. A dynamic foursome of two great ships that Riverdale only wishes it could replicate. Also- top tier soundtrack.
OUAT — Snow & Charming, (I will always find you 🥺) and CaptainSwan/OutlawQueen. this show is always a comforting one to rewatch for me. The best take on Snow White and Prince Charming I could ask for from my favorite Disney pairing of all time. My wedding was inspired by their Enchanted Forest I loved it so much! Also the unexpected ships of beloved fairytale characters created through the storylines are truly amazing!
PLL — Haleb and Spoby forever!! Both of these ships drove me through every season (except the one we don’t speak of🥴). Scrabble games, secret living arrangements, ugh missing it all! Though I’d be lying if I didn’t love Wren Kingston shaking things up from time to time.
SATC — Charlotte & Harry ugh the unforeseen romance, a Park Avenue princess falling for her seemingly sloppy divorce lawyer, the conversion to Judaism, and OF COURSE Elizabeth Taylor. This couple is forever a favorite of mine!
Honorable Mentions:
The Wonder Years — Kevin & Winnie 🥺 hurts so good
The Sopranos — Tony & Carmela
True Blood — Eric & Sookie
Boy Meets World — Shawn & Angela
*This is probably more than you asked for but once you had me thinking I couldn’t stop 😂 I’ll be back if I think of any others or have new ones to add as I watch other shows! Currently watching lost!
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The Spanish Princess (Starz)
I went a bit out of sequence for this, because my free Starz trial ends September 1st and I don’t trust my ability to get through three whole seasons of The Borgias and finish The Spanish Princess in a week and a half. So I skipped The Borgias for now, but will be watching it next. After being kind of meh about The White Princess, I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked this series. I managed to blow through all eight episodes in about three days.
However, now I find out there is a season two of TSP coming, but it’s not available in Canada yet, it seems.
The Good: This show is hilarious if you know anything about Henry VIII and all his wives. There are so many little lines of dialogue that are like little Easter Eggs, such has Harry’s promise to never, ever love another. Oh boy.
In the early episodes I liked how they introduced some of the cultural differences between Spain and England. Historical drama has a tendency to be very Britain-centric, so it’s a refreshing change to see England treated as this ‘strange new place’ especially when it’s in that sort of “What is wrong with these weird, repressed people? They don’t even WAIL at FUNERALS? Or BATHE every day? or NAP?” way.
There’s a bigger time jump between this and The White Princess, so the aging up of characters seemed more reasonable and not as jarring.
The Bad: Some of the accents are.. oh boy. Also, all of the men of the privy council kind of look the same, and all seem to be named Thomas.
Favorite Characters: Catherine is a strong main character, and I’m rooting for her, even though we all know things don’t turn out great for her.
Maggie Pole continues to be a favorite, and continues to get a raw deal when all she wants is to be left to her own devices. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Princess Meg and I am looking forward to seeing more of her in season two. She’s just feisty and no-BS and I love her relationship with her brothers, and her introduction to her husband and the big smile on her face makes me hopeful she’ll be happy with King James, even with all his kids.
Least Favorite Characters: Being outside the fourth wall and having the foresight of history is a terrible thing because I already dislike Prince Harry, like, a lot.
Margaret Beaufort, won’t you just die already? I can’t believe I’m saying that considering how much I loved her character in The White Queen.  But early Margaret was a much more sympathetic, if single-minded character. That said, I’ve seen three different women portray her in the last month, and while Amanda Hale is still my favorite Margaret, Harriet Walter really brings home how ‘My Lady, the King’s Mother’ manipulated those around her, something that Michelle Fairley’s portrayal unfortunately lacked.
OTP: Lina + Oviedo: I hope those crazy kids can make it work. Catherine + Arthur: We could have had it aaaaaaallllll
Forget everyone else, I don’t care if it is historically inaccurate, I loved Maggie + Thomas More just because want all the goodness for Maggie and also the actors had amazing chemistry.
Faces I Recognized: Charlotte Hope (Game of Thrones), Angus Imrie (Fleabag).
So, I looked through the casting page and got super freaking excited to see not only Mark Rowley (The Last Kingdom), but Ray Stevenson (Rome) listed and I cannot describe the disappointment in knowing I won’t see either of them until next season, although I think I caught a 2-second glimpse of Mark in the background of episode 2 when Meg gets betrothed to King James of Scotland. I think he *may* have been one of the two dudes who showed up with William Dunbar. Did I go back over that scene several times to see if it was him? I might have.
EDIT: So I barely recognized Ray Stevenson as King James, but I sure recognized Mark Rowley and my poor little heart broke each time asmy brain screamed “MY SWEET SWEET FINAN WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN?”
That said, he did well in the role, it was just hard to watch him be such a dick.
Maybe I need to learn to separate characters from their actors more. Nah.
“Historical” Drama Rewatch List
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OTPs and NOTPs
Tagged by @cats-and-metersticks. Thank you, Sopheh frand! 😘
OTPs 💕RebelCaptain (Jyn/Cassian, Rogue One) 💕Sabezra (Ezra/Sabine, Star Wars: Rebels) 💕Deckerstar (Lucifer/Chloe, Lucifer) 💕LMS (idk, are they still called that?? Luke/Mara, original SW EU)
NOTPs 🙅‍♀️Any of these folks with anyone else 🙅‍♀️Some others, but I don’t wanna hate hate hate. That’s for my other blog. ;)
Tagging! @oh-nostalgiaa @pingou7 @rebelle-capitan @callioope @kotaface @rapidashpatronus @skyshipper @hoofgirl @aluckydenvermint @skitzofreak (gah, I owe you a reply to your answer to my droid ask!!) @captainandors @grexigone @gofytomcat1 @konekorambles @leaiorganas @imsfire2 @ohstardustgirl @incognitajones @thereigning-lorelai (so sorry I missed you!!)
Bonus content below the cut for who else I ship! You may not agree, so don’t look if you’re not feeling open-minded. :) <3
Han x Qi’Ra (so sue me. I find Han x Leia incredibly toxic except in the original books), Dan x Charlotte (Lucifer), Maze x Eve (Lucifer), Marianne x Connell (Normal People), Harry x Hermione (duh), Aragorn x Eowyn (it’s going to be all right. don’t have an aneurysm), Krennic x himself (j/k), Kanera (SW: Rebels), and The World x Peace 💕
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