#ososan incorrect quotes
Todo: Atsushi-kun, I won't buy you anything else, no matter how cool you act.
Todo: We're just friends with benefits, after all.
Atsu: Hey, Matsuno. That bag would be great for work.
Todo: *Buys bag* Oh, all right.
Atsu: That'll be perfect for my car.
Todo: Oh, all right.
Atsu: If it's not to much to ask, can you hand me your wallet.
Todo: Oh, all rig- Wait! Aren't you the rich one!
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rgco413 · 6 months
For context, when I post an Incorrect Ososan Quote it's actually not live but queued up. I amass a bunch of quotes I find funny and queue them all up for 6:06AM/PM the same day, so sometimes I'll have like 10+ quotes lined up for like a week.
So I think it's both funny and nice that when someone likes one of the quotes, I get a notif with it's number, and I just have NO IDEA what the quote is because by the time it's posted it could be like days after I made it and I've already forgotten.
So I get to revisit it like it's the first time I've seen it and get a laugh like it's someone else's incorrect Quote XD
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jasonreynoso · 5 years
Ichimatsu: If I was driving the bus and Karamatsu was in front of it, am I gonna stop the bus?
*Ichimatsu snickers and laughs humanically intensifies*
Ichimatsu: NO!!!!!!
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incorrectosomatsu · 3 years
Choromatsu: damn the power went out
Jyushimatsu: don’t worry, I got this
Jyushimatsu: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Choromatsu: What-?
Jyushimatsu: I swallowed a glow stick!
Choromatsu, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
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ask-horny-oso · 5 years
Where are you now? How does your world look like? Do you like it there? Are there others? What do you do when you're not answering our questions? Do you have a home? Tell me about your surroundings, I'm very curious! ✦v✦)
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Right now I'm on earth-! I was assigned to kill these two humans but I've been stalling for a couple days- Hell sends me money everyday for essentials so its pretty cool here. I usually sleep all day unless Im out visiting a certain priest. My world looks like yours- unless you're a demon. If you are- I'm definitely doing all my work- you should give me a raise~~!
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dragonfruitsu · 6 years
The fact that we are considered adults is terrifying and hilarious.
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Ichimatsu: I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate everyone
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dragonfruitsu · 6 years
Choromatsu’s Funeral Request
Choromatsu: When I die, I want Osomatsu to bury me so he can let me down one last time.
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dragonfruitsu · 6 years
Why don't you try speaking in words instead of your damn dirty lies?
Choromatsu to Todomatsu
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Kara in Episode 24
Kara: Can I live here?
Chibita: Absolutely not.
Kara: I brought rent money.
Chibita: Did you bring a toothbrush?
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