girlymatsu · 9 months
OOOH YES YES YES OSOERI YES 8 & 9 maybe ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Selfship Ask Prompts
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8 - collarbone
“Erina-chaaan, you got any more beers?”
Osomatsu waited the whooole day for Erina to get off work and spend the whole night getting her drunk and happy with him. Like a whiny little pet he lounges around her place and pawing at her until she’s done.
One drink turns to many, and Erina laughs and snorts even more when she’s tipsy. They lay on the couch, and he rests his head on her chest so comfortably not even a crowbar can pry them apart.
There is nothing more filling to him than the scent of her. There’s a lingering cherry lotion scent wafting from Erina’s neck, mixed with something that can’t be described to be anything other than Home, where he belongs. Osomatsu heaves beer breathe onto her skin, so content hearing her heartbeat. Even after a night in of drinking, he’s more drunk off the sweetness of his sweetheart than the alcohol in his system.
The lazy bum peers up to see an angel’s face in a halo of her apartment’s warm light, her face flushed and eyes dazed from trying to keep up with his drunk ass. Erina’s smile is gentle, while Osomatsu’s is big and goofy.
And his eyes will peer back down along the rim of her pretty neck, back to the bare skin of her upper torso wearing such a sexy off the shoulder oversized tshirt… Mmm nice..
Osomatsu nibbles at Erina’s collarbone, being sure to swipe his tongue to get a taste. She holds the back of his neck gently and he can feel her giggly-ticklish wiggling.
“Noo don’t eat meee..”
Oh so cute.. so so cute… “Mmm that just makes me wanna eat you more..!”
Osomatsu pulls Erina further down beneath him as he nips and peppers her chest, gentle at first until he has the urge to make his mark on her skin.
9 - shoulder
“Owwww why the hell does it still hurrrt?!” Osomatsu whines and kicks his feet, dramatizing the soreness of his shoulder after visiting the hospital to get some updated vaccinations. He shows off his little bandages to his girlfriend as she listens to him wailing his woes at a park bench.
Sure he’s been through way worse pains he’s shaken off but owww—it’s tender!
Erina looks up at him with genuinely sad wet eyes, feeling his pain only tenfold. “My poor Ochomachu..! Is there anything I can do to make you feel better..?”
This makes Osomatsu theatrically tilt head to hem and haw. Osomatsu can think of a thousand ways and more swirling around in his head. He hugs her closer to him by the waist, leaning and nuzzling against the top of her head “Mmmm maybe you can kiss the pain away?” He flutters his eyelashes and pickers his lips. Pwease?
Erina’s puppy dog eyes turn smiling like she knows this routine so well.
“One thousand kiss beam attack!!” Erina blasts Osomatsu’s little shoulder bandage with pelts of tiny kisses! “Chuchuchuchuchuchuchu—!!”
Ahhh!! The way she calls it an attack when it’s supposed to be a healing move— What the hell!!! it’s so silly!!
Erina is pecking at his shoulder at a rapid speed with her eyes closed with mega lovey dovey determination. All of her chuchus concentrated at his shoulder and wills his entire arm to be the strongest it’s ever been.
What the hell!!! He loves her so much!!
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milkandhoneyfemme · 10 months
An OFOS butch/masc’s reverence for their femme <3
“Do you need help zipping your dress up?”
“Here, have my jacket.”
“Let me get the door for you.”
“I bought you flowers, just because.”
“Hold your hair up, I’ll put your necklace on for you.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll carry the bags for you.”
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ilona-mushroom · 1 year
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Weird pose but I just got a haircut and wanted to share :3
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“osof butch gerard isn’t real he can’t hurt you”
osof butch gerard:
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donnydamakkk · 3 months
who even am i if i dont write jennifer jareau as a happily married osof butchsband
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rvanhegelsom · 2 years
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The grand entrance https://www.instagram.com/p/CkWTwW-oSOf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riotrhea · 3 years
Hey gang if anybody has reading recs specifically about OSOF Butch/Femme stuffs please send them my way, a dyke needs to do research
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hekatekun · 3 years
pspspsps after reading lgbtmatsu moments i think i can confirm you are my fav osofic writer and the only one whose characterizations id trust my life with :] have a based day now of you excuse me it's time for me to read your yanaichi fic for the 75th time again and feel normal.
wowie that means a lot thank you 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 my partner and i originally weren’t even gonna publish them we wrote them as gifts for each other but i’m glad it’s struck a chord :)
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gregoftom · 5 years
That scene in episode 6 when they're on the bench at night, actually gives me life. Crowley is just so soft and tender when he talks to his angel, and I live for it. (Also I like to think they kissed or something when they got to Crowley's apartment :') )
yeah same.... his angel oof of of of osof osf o oofoof ...... yeah.... yeah . ..  .i’m so incoherent they’re so gentle ... :’(
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girlymatsu · 9 months
20? (First kiss)
WAAHH OK I had this partly written out a while ago and just decided to finish it for this prompt.. it’s a little bit of a downer in the beginning, hope it’s good!
“I mean… firsts aren’t too big of a deal! My first kiss wasn’t anything special at all!”
Erina waves her hand around, trying to casually comfort Osomatsu as he’s going through a childish drunken rant. They sit at a ramen bar and Erina is smiling at Osomatsu’s grumpy face leaning on his arms on the counter.
Silly Osomatsu waves his can of beer around lazily and in a bitter fashion, “Feh! Only popular socialites actually say that kinda stuff as a way to humble brag about all their experience— Have more pity on us little folk please!” Dramatically putting a hand on his chest as he laments.
“But it’s not like I’m popular or have that much experience really!” She really doesn’t, it’s really sad!
Osomatsu pouts. “You can’t say that when you’ve k-k-kissed before! Agh! Saying it is like damage inducing for virgins!” He leans so far back like he’s gonna fall over.
She playfully shoves him again for being so silly and dramatic.
“Noo really— It’s actually been so long, I don’t think it counts anymore!”
“Then who was your first kiss then huh Erina-Chan? An old boyfriend?” He squints at her with his brows furrowed leaning in close it makes her blush.
Erina gives a bit of an awkward smile as she’s fidgeting with her earring. Normally she wouldn’t talk about this to remain a little mysterious, but she wants to be honest with Osomatsu a little more. Let him in a little bit because she secretly does want him to be closer. “No! Nono haha— not at all, I’ve only ever had one boyfriend, and we weren’t together for very long, and we never kissed on the lips either..”
“Haah? who could you have kissed other than your boyfriend huh? Your friends? Randos?! Guys for money?!”
Erina widens her eyes and gives him an exasperated look, “Nonono!! Do you think I’m such a wild bad girl Osomatsu?” She tries to smile like she can take a joke, playfully shoving him like it didn’t hurt her at all that he would think that.
She might’ve been lucky or unlucky that Osomatsu couldn’t see her true emotions, he laughs off her reaction but she feels her fragile heart rattle a little. Does Osomatsu think she gets around often? Would it matter if she did? Does he think she’s so wild and alien like his brothers do and feel uncomfortable around her?
Erina sips at her drink even though she dislikes the taste of this beer, but it’s the one Ochomachu likes. They go their seperate ways amicably afterwards. Once becoming alone the noise in her head starts to come back.
When she had her first kiss, she was too little and naive to know better. Then when she grew up, she became an attention starved little monster. Maybe people would like her more if she was truly more pure-hearted. She walks along the road not realizing where she was going until she suddenly ended up home, just repeating “I’m not a bad girl… I’m not a bad girl…”
“Teach me how to kiss.”
The next day Osomatsu dropped in at her apartment without a prior notice. Erina sheepishly let him in, but she was just in her pajamas and didn’t have any makeup on. He takes up a lot of space on her small loveseat couch, their knees touch.
Osomatsu clears his throat, and he puts on a comically serious face. Erina doesn’t feel like he’s actually trying to make the mood less tense with his funny intense eyes.
“I need to kiss. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it the last time we talked about it— I’m kind of embarrassed to not have that experience at my age— As the eldest I have to be the first to kiss and hold hands with a girl!“ Osomatsu’s straight face breaks into a whine and shakes her shoulders. “You’re the only one I can count on Erina-chan!”
Erina can feel her whole face get warm and she feels so small when he towers over her like this. Small in a way she can’t help but like as a small animal.
“Ah… okay..! I’ll help you Osomatsu-kun..!”
It feels so warm…
Erina doesn’t remember her lips be this sensitive and tingly before. It’s so awkward, puckering and smacking her lips against his for longer than intended. She was so lost in the sensation that she forgot it was probably her job as the teacher to pull away. She can feel Osomatsu’s face all tense, and nervously she slowly backs up from him, guilty for losing herself in it.
Osomatsu’s eyes were still open, staring hard back at her when she opened her own eyes. Her face flushed even harder, “Was that okay..?”
Osomatsu opened his mouth to take a breath, it seems he wasn’t breathing that whole time. His gaze was unnerving and his lips quivering. Erina almost asks if something was wrong before he blurts out, “Again.”
She could barely reply more before his lips chase after hers again. Then it turned again, and again. Osomatsu was going to make sure Erina teaches him everything.
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milkandhoneyfemme · 10 months
Butchfemme OFOS Etiquette Tip
It’s no secret that plenty of people may prioritize fashion over function. This is especially so during the turn of the season. This inevitable change of temperature means you might find yourself a bit too warm or too chilly. However, this discomfort might offer you wonderfully romantic opportunities!
If your femme is noticeably chilly and does not have a coat of her own, it is an incredibly sweet gesture to offer yours. This simple gesture says that you care about her comfort, and are willing to sacrifice your own for that. Of course, don’t offer your jacket if you really need it. She wouldn’t want you to get hurt (or at least, I would hope not)!
If she has her own coat, offer to help her put her coat on. Stand behind your femme, and hold it open for her at waist level so she can easily place her hands in the armholes, and slide it up to her shoulders.
When it is too warm for the coat, offer to hold it for her. If you are stepping inside an establishment that has a coat check, use this, and take a photo of your ticket(s) in case you lose them. For hats/scarves/etc, don’t shove in sleeves. The attendant will hang it up for you securely. Don’t forget to tip the coat check attendant, even if there is already a charge! $1-$2 per coat is generally a good amount.
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speedyhunter114 · 3 years
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina
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How to install and use Telnet on Mac OSX Mojave Catalina High Sierra EI Capitan A utility website for MAC users to search for any MAC app and get the steps t. ZOC is a TELNET / SSH / SSH2 client and Terminal emulator for Mac. The app offers many functions, including support for multiple sessions, rollback, support for creating several separate processes, support for full-color Xterm emulation, meta keys, VT102, VT220, scripts in REXX and other languages, and much more.
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina Update
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina Free
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina Os
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Greetings friends! After I upgraded my old MacBook Pro to High Sierra 10.13, Terminal surprised me with something like this: “telnet command not found on Mac”. What? It turns out! He was deleted! Well, here the question arose of how to return telnet on Mac?
Install Telnet on Mac via Homebrew
You must first install the missing Homebrew package manager. What does Homebrew do? Homebrew installs the packages you need that are not provided by Apple. Use this step-by-step guide for the fastest solution:
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Install Homebrew via Terminal:
Install telnet using the Homebrew package manager:
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We are waiting for the installation to complete;
Now telnet is installed on macOS High Sierra. We check the performance:
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina Update
Read more:How to Use the Port Scanner in macOS Network Utility?
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina Free
Install Telnet On Mac Catalina Os
Of course, now few people use the telnet protocol, because there is SSH more powerful and secured tool, but still telnet sometimes could be necessary. Apple is so reckled about our security from that to exclude telnet from the list of basic Terminal commands on Mac. Nightmare sphere english download.
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maximvandaele · 4 years
Ik heb een tweede blog voor mezelf aangemaakt. Op deze blog zal ik vooral mijn tekeningen plaatsen, want het zou nogal chaotisch zijn om die ook op deze blog te plaatsen. De tweede blog kun je nu ook vinden onder het logo van deze blog (Gefil(osof)eerd).
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starznskullz · 7 years
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New Artist @zolo4real #NeedSomebody Ft @torylanez 🙌🏾🔥 #zolo #osof #zoloworldinc #torylanez #pop #popmusic #reggae #dancehall #hiphop #hiphopmusic #hiphoplife #hiphopstyle #hiphopnation #hiphophead #hiphopjunkie #hiphopjunkies #hiphopculture #urbanmusic #urbanartist #urbanculture
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osof-80 · 5 years
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OSOF Replacement Part Rod Holder Arbor Handle for Metal Cutting Double Head Sheet Nibbler Saw Cutter Drill Attachment
OSOF Replacement Part Rod Holder Arbor Handle for Metal Cutting Double Head Sheet Nibbler Saw Cutter Drill Attachment
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