#orphys ampora
casanovasadmiral 1 month
How do you guys feel about the captors?
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sol being the closest thing to my kismesis, wwe are close, if youd describe it as such. i hate him and he hates me equally. tch. its been somethin rocky, i guess. thats wwhat ashen is for, though. it wworks out in the end or wwhatevver and wwe dont triple kill eachother.
me n tuna dont chat anymore, tula advwised me that maybe our kismesitude should be put on hold after his accident, i got a lot nicer to him and wve uh. just never resumed our pitch. its cool tho i dont miss him at all. yea.. porrim told me he said theres no hard feelings but i just feel bad, man.
I pity The Psiioniic, and respect his immense powwer. I saww him noww and again on my reports back to Dealia. wwe wwould talk and after i got him to stop threatening me on sight with lightning, chuckle wwe had a fair bond. Though, I think Avelux alwways hated me for not freeing him- I regret not doing so. Politics wwere not as simple as wwhat you saww on the outside. There wwere expectations of us all.
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casanovasadmiral 1 month
*hands each of you a panda plushie* I have to stay on brand. Go. 馃惣
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wwell i cant complain i suppose. its soft enough. though i cant say it wwill last long wwith me as i knoww someone wwho wwill klep it on sight.
vwhat a little cutie, babes- familiarly rotund. i do lowve me a chubby tummy. ill havwe to keep it around, hehe.
Strange beast. WWhile i am unsure wwhat exactly a 'panda' is, they seem rather endearing. good for your planet.
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casanovasadmiral 1 month
I just wanna know if I can get a hug from Orphys, pretty please?
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Since you asked so nicely, wwhy not.
big ol bear hug for u
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casanovasadmiral 1 month
Captain I've had a right horrible week. May I sit and braid your hair to calm down? -馃
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Of course. Be mindful of any knots please, the wvind vwas rather harsh on my locks.
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casanovasadmiral 1 month
I wanna know. If they have a favorite type of coffee or like, a drink that they would always order in a cafe.
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i havve a wwide vvariety of 'usual orders' at cafes, but id say primarily its either a french vvanilla cold breww wwith cold foam, iced matcha wwith cold foam- for hot, london fog or just a simple cappuccino.
i make coffee at home usually, i have one-a those espresso machines vwith the fancy milk bar on the side. eridan got himself one and then gifted me one for perigee a wvhile back. if go out or need a pick me up in the morning, i just order a vwanilla latte and a pastry.
Similarly, i do not often acquire fancier bevverages- just black coffee wwith a bit of sugar, sometimes cream, wwill suffice. Howwevver- the feww times Eridan has taken me to a cafe, i havve ordered a strawberry 'Frapp茅' thing and been Quite pleased. So that, i suppose.
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casanovasadmiral 3 months
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The absolute realest for this.
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casanovasadmiral 9 months
what did Dealia do to earn your ire so, Orphys?
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TW: Manipulation, Abuse themes.
WWell thats a long story, guppy.. Dealia plucked me out of the Orphaner Academy and made me one of her squadron on planet. Set to feed her lusus as wwell as execute her personal demands. I wwas faithful and loyal. I wwas strong and assured. At some point wwe became closer ovver the course of corporate parties and the like, she greww fond of me, or maybe just my skills. and we fell into wwhat i can only describe as a toxic relationship that crossed quadrants. stringing me along to keep her affairs in check. Regularly i wwas made to feel like i am less than wworthy. Called pathetic, called me things i nevver kneww could affect me. She made me get a tattoo to prove my honor to her wwhile i wwas awway on commission. Then told me she lovved me and all the gifts id bring her across the seas. evventually i had to preservve myself and i attempted to end things wwith her. I shouldvve knowwn there wwas no amicable end to wwhat she had planned for me, and now i bear the mark of her 'lovve' across my face.
Orphys didnt seem thrilled. But you asked.
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casanovasadmiral 10 months
Okay, big (and a bit weird) question for all of you:
What is your favorite body part?
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Eyes. Something to get lost in wwhen i need a moment of relaxation.
all the perfect imperfections. a smile that crooks a little higher on one side than the other, how freckles can frame features, beautifully asymmetrical.
alright vwell if evweryone is gonna be wvholesome i'll be the one to say it. i cant lie, i lovwe a tummy. gimme some fupa. c'mon nowv.
Thats a great point - I can agree.
wwell hes right, those are objectivvely amazing. howw could i havve forgotten..
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casanovasadmiral 11 months
Dualscar witch man would you kiss?
Grandpa harly, Bro, Signless, Summoner, Psiioniic, Darkleer or Ghb?
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Signless, Psiioniic, Darkleer. Easy question
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casanovasadmiral 2 years
Happy Halloween!!
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they tried to get dualscar to dress up, but he refused. eridan did manage to convince cronus to go as a 'cowboy' (slutty)
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casanovasadmiral 1 year
An idea what you look like as the opposite gender??
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smth like this
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casanovasadmiral 1 month
Dual, I know you kiss him but would you go on a date with darkleer? If not I get it he is a lot but I gess it be a cute pair
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I havven't kissed him, howwevver i said i wwould givven a list of others. Probably not.
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casanovasadmiral 1 year
*bites dualscar* you鈥檝e been bitten! >:3
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hes not hurt in the slightest. drama king.
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casanovasadmiral 1 year
Muse Playlists (spotify)
The Ampora Playlists. Often updated!
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casanovasadmiral 11 months
Hey daul whats your idea on a prefect romantic evening?
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Mn. A perfect romantic evve..? I think I'd go to the towwn square. Wwe wwould stroll around and peruse the different shoppes. Tuck in for a meal, maybe wwe wwould end up dancing.. Gently gazing from the bridge ovver the rivver. Sharing tender time.
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casanovasadmiral 2 years
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He was waiting for the outfit to come in :)
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