#orpheus and eurydice motif
raayllum · 8 months
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thinking about how orpheus turning to look back at eurydice isn’t a sign of mortal frailness but a sign of love
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
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his waters of mars moment, foreshadowed by a million preceding events, but this time he's not doing it out of hubris or to prove some kind of point, alone and unhinged: he's doing it for love.
all the way back in before the flood ... i'm changing history to save clara.
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"The shade of Orpheus now fled below, and recognized all he had seen before; and as he searched through the Elysian Fields, he came upon his lost Eurydice, and passionately threw his arms around her; here now they walk together, side by side, or now he follows as she goes before him, or he precedes, and she goes after him; and now there is no longer any danger when Orpheus looks on Eurydice." - Metamorphoses, Ovid
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itsame-ariana · 6 months
so been thinking of life series a lot obviously and I was watching Jimmy streams earlier AND I was relistening to Hadestown this week and
Here me out Jim as Eurydice
Y’all can choose the Orpheus
Do we see the vision? (Please guys- I’ve seen multiple life series animatics and at least one fanart with Hadestown songs I know these have crossover fans)
Did this idea spawn because even tho I’ve heard this soundtrack many times and had life brainrot for months something pinged in my head when Hades mentioned a canary for the mine???
Okay I accidentally ended up going on a big ramble about ideas for this in the tags so I might have to make this an AU now
if I do I gotta think of a cool name
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jedimandalorian · 9 months
Ahsoka Episode 6 “Far, Far Away”: The Story, the Symbolism, and the Score
Episode 6 of Ahsoka begins with the sound of distant purrgil calls as Ahsoka and Huyang travel through hyperspace, crossing the void between galaxies. During their discussion of the tales Huyang used to tell the Jedi younglings there is no music.
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I loved that Huyang said such an iconic line in this episode, reminding us that this is indeed a fairy tale, a children’s story.
The Title Card for Ahsoka appears, and then the episode title, “Far, far Away.”
We hear ominous music when Sabine is in the brig onboard the Eye of Sion. The window to her cell is shaped like an upside down triangle.
The sinister music continues during the scene with Baylan, Shin, and Morgan on the bridge. Morgan’s Theme (the Nightsister theme) is heard when the Eye of Sion exits hyperspace.
The line “Peridea is a graveyard” reminds us that this is indeed a “descent into the abyss” a stage of the hero’s journey which I have discussed on this blog before. Ominous music plays here.
The characters who are aligned with the dark side are on a quest for more power to dominate others. They have followed the Path to Peridea as a kind of path to perdition as I have mentioned in my previous metas. But Sabine, our heroine, is descending into the Underworld on a more noble quest. She hopes to find her beloved Ezra Bridger, echoing the story of Orpheus, the hero of Greek myth who descends into the Underworld to find his beloved Eurydice.
Morgan’s Theme continues when they board the shuttle and descend to the planet Peridea.
The landscape of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is suggested by the giant statues and the Nightsister fortress, which resembles an evil version of Minas Tirith.
The characters encounter three Nightsisters, analogous to the Three Fates of Greek mythology, the Moirai. (Note the similarities between this word and the name of Ahsoka’s owl, Morai, a creature I predict that we will be seeing again soon.)
The three Fates were the personification of destiny in Greek mythology. The three sisters were known as Clotho (the spinner), Lachesis (the alotter), and Atropos (the unturnable, a metaphor for death). The end credits for this episode name these three Nightsisters as Klothow, Lakesis, and Aktropaw, clearly indicating the intended symbolism of these three characters. As George Lucas said back in the late nineties, “Well, when I did Star Wars I consciously set about to recreate myths and the — and the classic mythological motifs. And I wanted to use those motifs to deal with issues that existed today.” (From billmoyers.com) Lucas’ apprentice, Dave Filoni, has learned this lesson from the master himself.
The music is quieter in this scene, with sounds of low vibrations being heard. Morgan’s Theme continues when Sabine is imprisoned by the Nightsisters’ three orbs, which held her bound within a triangle made of red cords of energy.
Outside of the fortress three wolf-like creatures howl as ominous music plays. Choral music suggesting the mysticism of the fallen Jedi Order is heard as Baylan speaks of Peridea being a realm of “dreams and madness” from old “children’s stories come to life.” Once again, the viewer is reminded that we are being told a fairy tale, a myth. The musical score subtly teases the listener with three notes from Ahsoka’s Ronin theme in this scene.
Sabine is imprisoned inside the Nightsister fortress as the Chimaera arrives with the sound of ominous metallic rumbling. Thrawn’s flagship Star Destroyer was named after the female fire-breathing monster in Greek mythology which was part lion, part goat, and part dragon.
I am no Freudian, but the Chimaera’s open docking bay hovering over the phallic tower of the Nightsister fortress seems to be the most overtly sexual symbolism I have seen in Star Wars in a long time. However, I’m not here to discuss that visual metaphor.
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Organ music which anticipates but does not present Thrawn’s theme is heard as the Nighttroopers muster under Enoch’s command. These undead stormtroopers have cracked armor repaired with golden seams suggesting the Japanese art of kintsugi, as well as armor pieces bound with bands of red cloth. They are heard chanting “Thrawn! Thrawn!” as the Grand Admiral makes his dramatic entrance. For me this chant was reminiscent of how the orcs in Return of the King chanted “Grond! Grond!” when using their mighty battering ram against the walls of Minas Tirith. (You can do your own Freudian analysis of that scene. I’m not going there.) What was Grond?
“Grond, also known as the Wolf's Head, was a one hundred-foot long battering ram with a head in the shape of a ravening wolf, used in the arsenal of Sauron in the Third Age. Though named for Grond, Morgoth’s warhammer, it was created in the likeness of the Wolf of Angband, Carcharoth.”—from lotr.fandom.com
Creepy music accompanies the Nighttroopers as they transfer of cargo from the catacombs beneath the fortress. What is inside them? Dead Nightsisters, waiting to be revived by dark magic?
Thumps and low pitched sounds accompany Thrawn’s conversation with Baylan.
Thrawn speaks of Sabine’s desire to be reunited with her long-lost friend. (The word desire is a very intentional word choice, with the connotation that the connection between Sabine and Ezra has potential to be more than just friendship.)
Sabine: I’m sure he’s doing just fine.
Thrawn: You gambled the fate of your galaxy on that belief.
Sabine: You wouldn’t understand.
Thrawn: Perhaps not.
Evil does not understand love and loyalty. (See my previous post about the Path to Peridea.)
Enoch returns Sabine’s weapons to her, and she is provided with provisions and a wolf-like howler for a mount. He tells her to “die well” as she embarks on her “fool’s errand.”
The line about a “fool’s errand” calls to mind this scene from Tolkien’s novel, The Return of the King:
'Tell me,' he said, 'is there any hope? For Frodo, I mean; or at least mostly for Frodo.'
Gandalf put his hand on Pippin's head. 'There never was much hope,' he answered. 'Just a fool's hope, as I have been told…”
“A Fool’s Hope” was also the title of the penultimate episode of Star Wars Rebels final season.
Once again, Thrawn’s theme is only hinted at by the organ music at the end of the scene.
Sabine’s scanner is destroyed during her fight for her life with the red-armored bandits in the wastelands. Her life is saved by her Mandalorian armor and weapons, Ahsoka’s training, and Ezra’s lightsaber in this action sequence.
Baylan and Shin ride out on howlers. Nighttroopers load coffin-like cargo containers onto the Chimaera as uneasy music plays. Thrawn decides to dispatch only two squadrons of Nighttroopers. His disdain for Jedi, light or dark, is apparent: “It matters not whether Wren and Bridger are killed or stranded here. The same can be said for your two mercenaries.” Ominous music plays.
The scene with Sabine and the howler is accompanied by gentle music played upon wooden flutes. Sabine processes her abandonment issues and her complex feelings for Ezra in this scene by taking out her emotions on the howler. “You. You abandoned me. I should have known you are a coward.” She tries to make the howler stop following her, but the loyal animal comes back as soon as she walks away. “Okay. Fine,” she says. “I’ll give you another chance, but you better not bail on me this time.” The gentle flute music continues. A motif of ascending perfect fifths suggests Ezra’s Theme.
The howler stops to drink water and sniffs the air. The thing that Sabine and the audience assumes to be a rock is revealed to be a sentient little hermit-crab-like creature called a Noti. Gentle music plays when Sabine kneels, puts down her blaster, and extends her hand to the creature. The Noti recognizes the Rebel Alliance symbol (an evolution of her own Starbird design) on her pauldron. The creature has a medallion of his own, marked with a similar symbol.
“Do you know Ezra Bridger?” Sabine asks, touching her heart. “He’s my friend.”
Ominous music plays as Baylan and Shin discover the dead bandits. Once again choral music is heard when Baylan reminisces about the Jedi Order.
It is also revealed that the Nightsisters are fleeing from a power that is greater than their own.
Baylan and Shin see the red Bandits in the distance. “The enemy of our enemy is our friend,” says Baylan, “for now.”
Peaceful and noble sounding music is heard when Sabine sees the Noti encampment. She smiles at the mother Noti rocking her baby in a hammock.
With Sabine in the foreground, the camera pans to show a now adult, bearded Ezra Bridger wearing a red robe and leaning against the wall of his home. “I knew I could count on you,” he says as joyful music plays, music which features the piccolo, flute, and other woodwind instruments.
The closed captioning for this episode says that there is captivating music playing when Sabine and Ezra finally embrace. We hear a beautifully orchestrated rendition of Ezra’s Theme on the French horn with a new countermelody in the strings to heighten the emotional impact of this long-awaited scene.
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Ezra’s Theme is heard again when he says “Sabine, thanks for coming. I can’t wait to go home.”
When we return to where the Chimaera is docked with the Nightsister fortress, a suggestion of Thrawn’s Theme is heard at a quick tempo suggesting the urgency of the situation that is about to unfold. Ahsoka Tano is coming. “The thread of destiny demands it” is a line that further emphasizes the three Nightsisters playing the role of the three fates. We finally hear Thrawn’s Theme presented in an obvious way as the episode ends.
I have blogged about the magnificent end credits music in previous blog posts, so this time I am going to discuss something different: the alchemical symbolism in Ahsoka.
The central focus of alchemy was to transmute base metals into gold and create the elixir of life, as any aficionado of the lore of the philosopher’s stone knows. The process is a metaphor for the purification and transformation of the human soul to a state of perfection.
Three colors symbolize this process, black, white, and red.
First there is the nigredo (blackening) stage of the alchemist’s work, representing the breaking of the human spirit. This is where both Sabine and Ahsoka are at the beginning of the series.
Second is the albedo (whitening) stage, which involves washing away impurities or vices, and being ready to grow and learn again. This is most clearly illustrated by Ahsoka the Grey’s “death” and transformation into Ahsoka the White.
Third is the rubedo (reddening) stage, which is where we are in the story right now. It represents the purified and awakened spirit reaching its highest and purest form.
“The symbols used in alchemical writing and art to represent this red stage can include blood, a phoenix , a rose, a crowned king, or a figure wearing red clothes.”—Wikipedia.
The color red, of course, is symbolic of Nightsisters and their magic in this series, as well as symbolizing the red thread of fate.
Baylan Skoll’s line about having to “destroy in order to create” is an example of the alchemical concept of “solve et coagula” meaning to separate then join together. Nothing new can be built without destroying the old. Perhaps this is really telling us about the destruction and rebuilding of the Jedi Order.
In the completion of the rubedo stage there must be a union of sulphur and mercury, also known as the wedding of the Red King (the sun) and the White Queen (the moon). Sulphur represents the masculine principle, the soul, and the fire of life. (Remember Ezra’s red robe?) Mercury represents the feminine principle and the mind, flexible and changing. (Sabine is a clever young woman who lives inside her head, sometimes too much. Lately she’s been distracted by her heart.) Mercury also represents a state that can transcend death.
Is the much-discussed Ezra and Sabine hug the union of Sulphur and Mercury? Or should we expect something more than that?
Much has been written about Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati as the mythological wolves who chase the sun and the moon. This episode ends with the pair in pursuit of Ezra (sulphur, the Red King, the sun) and Sabine (mercury, the White Queen, the moon). When Skoll and Hati catch the sun and the moon, Ragnarok begins.
Besides sulphur and mercury, there is another element present at the rubedo stage of alchemical transformation: salt.
Ahsoka the White is coming.
Please reblog and comment on what you think of my musical and literary analysis of this episode of Ahsoka. I am looking forward to reading your replies.
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a-mythologynerd · 23 days
The thing about Darlington is at first glance he seems so much more tame and straight laced in comparison to Alex, and, like he is to an extent, but its all about the packaging. (And isn't that the thing between these two anyways from the very start?) I just always get reminded how many of his character traits aren't some dignified or morally superior dichotomy to Alex and her ruthlessness. The thing is, Darlington is just as ruthless and ambitious, he just didn't have to confront it until Hell. The desperate, starving, consumption motif is so clear from Alex's very first chapter but it's not til later that you realize Darlington is the exact same way, just about things other than the extreme level of survival Alex had to endure. Instead, Darlington was able to scrap by and keep the legacy going, serving something and keep the roof over his head. It makes it less obvious then that he is also a survivor and has that same drive.
You can especially see it in the way he tries to prep himself (the exercises, the learning, the training) for the long awaited "grand adventure," the way he treats his study of the arcane (I mean seriously, you cannot paint that boy as the lawful good archetype if he decided to devote himself into brewing a mythic possibly fake archaic drink that might MIGHT let him see the great beyond just because he had to believe there was more to this life, he had nothing left to lose, and he just had to find out and couldn't be satisfied with only some instead of all), and even more clearly, the dream vision he is granted in Hell. Dawes gets a dream of academic success, Turner professional success, Darlington has a dream where his house is never empty and there is always more people, knowledge, and he finally knows the secrets of every mystery in the world. He just hides all this better. He has the polish, the East Coast rich vs LA rich, and the austere Puritanical upbringing that makes him seem as Alex puts it, "expensive." But the reason these two work (and the reason I am insane about it) is because of this shared character trait of never being satisfied and always wanting more (what's really interesting is Alex seems to want more comfort and security and Darlington wants more risk and adventure and that's what drives the conflict). I'm drawn to the parallel someone on here once said about how Darlington is a sword and Alex is a cannonball. Same effect just different methods. Different packaging. Add in the questions of who is the rabid dog, who is the soldier, the servant, the monarch, Dante, Virigil, Beatrice, Orpheus, and Eurydice? I just love how these two characters seem SO diametrically opposed at first glance but are actually so alike in childhood, character, and ambition.
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samglyph · 1 year
Orpheus and Eurydice’s “it’s you it’s me” being a recurring motif in the musical and not just meaning that they recognize each other when they see each other again in the context of the show but also them recognizing each other in the context of the cycle. Hearing that line as Orpheus turns around and sees her you know he isn’t just saying that in seeing Eurydice and knowing it’s the woman he loves but also in sudden understanding of the story that they are inside. It is a sudden realization of why he always knew Eurydice in the first place. It is a recognition of the fact that this has happened before, before that memory leaves and then story begins again. “All I know is you’re someone I’ve always known”. I’m losing it.
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viola-halogen · 1 month
Ok I already wrote this out in my notes but I thought I’d post a compilation of some of my thoughts/things I noticed about Hadestown when I saw it in London.
Firstly I mentioned in this post a thought I had during Doubt Comes In about Orpheus being injured after Papers and that making it harder to walk out of Hadestown
Secondly GENDER NEUTRAL HERMES IS ELITE. I loved that they were actually referred to with they/them pronouns a couple of times. Also Orpheus saying “excuse me Hermes” instead of “Mister Hermes” like. This boy is so polite.
Dónal Finn was absolutely devastating during Is It True. Like the way he just SOBBED “is this how the world is?” gave me intense chills
Multiple times during When The Chips are down Eurydice seems to be pleading with Hermes to tell her what to do, but Hermes just doesn’t respond. It really showcased how they can only tell the story, they can’t influence it
Also during Why We Build The Wall Hermes is the only character who isn’t singing—they’re just standing there the whole time stony-faced and silent despite at points Hades singing directly at them like he’s trying to get a rise out of them. Like it portrays so well how Hermes is outside of the story and also how they’re mourning it and have been since they started telling it.
Just in general Melanie la Barrie did such a good job portraying the tragedy of Hermes and being the powerless narrator
Zachary James was made for the role of Hades. His voice was incredible and his physical acting was so enjoyable to watch.
Also His Kiss, The Riot was incredible. Probably on par with Stewart Clarke’s Javert’s Suicide
After Why We Build The Wall Hades walked over to Persephone and touched her arm and she flinched and shoved him off and it was a really powerful moment because for the whole song Persephone is like a wall herself and in that moment you see the cracks in her composure
During Epic III after Hades hears The Melody he rushes over to try and subdue the workers and is physically taken aback when he realised he doesn’t have power over them anymore
Also at the end of Epic III when Hades finally sang The Melody Persephone burst into tears and Oh My God
Hades and Persephone’s dance was so dorky and sweet in They Danced and honestly Zachary James’s Hades was just so dorky in his more human moments. Peak endearingly awkward old people.
During Orpheus’s parts of Doubt Comes In the stage is completely dark with only him lit so that we can’t see Eurydice either and even we’re not actually sure if she’s there
I love all the ways in which they make the audience complicit in the story. Like obviously there’s the “we’re gonna sing it again” motif and like, by nature of us being there we’re part of the reason the story’s getting told again
But also in Epic III the audience laughs when Hades says “oh, it’s about me” and that’s what makes Orpheus lose his nerve and have to be encouraged by Hermes
Also when Hermes tells Orpheus and Eurydice “you’re gonna have to prove it before gods and men” they gesture to Hades, Persephone and the Fates as the Gods and then to the audience as the men. Like it just cements how we have a role to play as Orpheus’s audience, the thing that gives him his power
Which also makes me think (even though it probably wouldn’t work) how cool it would be if in Our Lady of the Underground the audience was expected to join in on the chorus lines (when Persephone sings “brother what’s my name?”)
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wen-kexing-apologist · 7 months
Thank God for @so-much-yet-to-learn deciding not to watch this, meaning he can’t be spoiled and I can spam his DMs with all the twists, and turns.
I literally do not think at this point, even seven episodes in I can really write analysis of the show. I’m almost certainly going to rewatch this, and maybe that will inspire conversations around lighting, and blocking, and use of reflection but for now, I am just going to talk about some of the things I have been noticing and some paths I see those threads taking. 
First of all, in a ghost story, I do not think that I am actually putting too much weight on the use of Hamlet as a play in this story. However, I will admit upfront that I am very potentially putting too much weight on the Greek mythology (River Styx, and Orpheus and Eurydice) that were referenced in, I think like…episode 1 or 2. 
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But, what can you expect when some of the first supernatural happenings we get is Dan waking up on a boat in the middle of a body of water (River Styx)? This does not hold consistently, but there is a trend I have been noticing, of following. It has been making me think of Orpheus and Eurydice, that Orpheus is supposed to guide his lover out of the underworld, and back to the land of the living, but he cannot turn to look behind him. He has to trust that Eurydice is there, following behind him. 
And I have been noticing some point in the show where following behind and not turning back to look have been particularly relevant. In Episode 6, Dan sees a reflection of Trin in the bathroom mirror. Trin is technically behind Dan, but the second that Dan turns to look? Trin is gone. When Dan looks away, he sees a reflection in the mirror of Trin leaving the bathroom, and he follows behind Trin all the way to the funhouse. 
This scene had some particularly striking and beautiful uses of mirrors and reflections. Namely that we see Trin, walking, and Dan following far behind in a number of mirrors. But every time a mirror appears Dan stops for a moment to look at himself. At this point, Trin has continued moving (in fact Trin never stops moving) and we see Dan completely alone in the mirror. What does this have to do with anything? What is the show trying to say about what purpose Trin, the shadow, the visions Dan have serve? Not sure yet! But it’s fucking fascinating. 
Hamlet, of course, is an obvious choice of story for a boy that can see ghosts, especially because Dan sees the ghost of his father at some point(s) in the show. Especially because there is a recurring theme/motif of drowning in this show. We have multiple boys who are haunted, both Dan and Nai being able to see ghosts, we have Dan who harbors anger in his heart for the way his father abused the family, we have a boy who went missing, last seen by the lake and whose ghost consistently appears waterlogged. We have a shadow that grabs Dan by the ankle and tries to keep him below water, we have a moment where Dan sees Trin’s lifeless body floating in a pool. Where are they going with this? I don’t know! And I want to find out. 
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I have thoughts about water and it’s relation to baptism, that these boys are attending a Catholic school, that Dan is constantly pushing back against the way the school functions and the beliefs that Brother Anurak holds. I am so fascinated by the fact that Catholic priest Brother Anurak cannot confirm the existence of spirits, (when Dan has been haunted by this shadow for almost a decade of his life), and that he turns to Buddhism, and a venerable monk to help him navigate the moments where he slips between reality and dreams. 
I am fascinated by the fact that the Shadow we see gets progressively less scary, at least to me, as time goes on. This is an entity that has been following Dan from the time he was seven. When he was a child, at his mother’s funeral he called this Shadow his friend when he was talking to Brother Anurak.  
This may seem tangential, but, about a year or two ago, I played a little indie video came called Gone Home. The premise is that you arrive back to your childhood home, unannounced only to find that no one in your family is home, they have vanished without a trace, and all that remains are these letters your sister left. When I started playing this game, I was tense, I thought perhaps the house was haunted, perhaps my family had been killed and a murderer was about to pop out from around a corner. But as the story unfolds, as you read more letters from your sister, you realize that she’s queer, she’s telling you a story of why she has left, she has gone to reunite with her girlfriend. And I cannot explain the level of safety and comfort that washed over me the second I realized this was a queer story. 
In some ways that is what this Shadow feels like to me. At first it is scary, it is set up to be, it creeps up, background music builds tension, creates jumpscares of sorts, the shadow is what keeps nearly drowning Dan. But as the episodes continue, the shadow doesn’t do that anymore, Dan turns around and hugs the Shadow, and it takes him to his father (who is a massive fucking asshole to be fair).
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In Episode 6 or 7, Dan is dreaming of one of the few peaceful and happy memories he has of childhood, and the Shadow rests it’s incorporeal hands on his shoulders, almost familiar and comforting, and Dan talks to it. Dan asks it if he can stay there a little longer, and the Shadow lets him. And for me this begs the question, what is the Shadow? Is the Shadow one entity, or multiple? Are the different interactions with the Shadow meant to signify Dan is interacting with multiple different people? Is the Shadow a spirit, or a manifestation of something else: grief, anger, pain? Did Dan die/is Dan dead?
We see two instances of almost sexual acts performed by the Shadow on Dan. Once happens in a dream, and within the dream Dan is conscious. But he wakes up the next morning wet and covered in scratch marks. The second time, Dan is unconscious, but the Shadow appears in the real world, not the dream world (as far as we can tell) and starts pulling up Dan’s shirt, leans in close, so that they are almost mouth to Shadow…mouth? Both times, there is some form of pleasure on Dan’s face, but both times Dan is technically unconscious, and not really able to give consent. 
Is Dan supposed to be enjoying these moments? If so, are they coming from a lover of his, either one from the past or are we perpetuating circles of time where Dan is retroactively being haunted by someone he loves and loses in the future? I don’t know about you all, and personally I don’t want every story that involved Catholicism to focus on the known history of pedophilia within the Catholic church, but…
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Dan has been seeing the Shadow since after he was shot accidentally by his mother and she had a mental breakdown, but this is around the same time that Brother Anurak, Catholic Priest, Brother Anurak enters the picture. And Dan says that the Shadow has been getting stronger since he started at this boarding school where Brother Anurak is a teacher. Could the Shadow be a metaphor for childhood sexual assault trauma that Dan cannot remember, or does not want to face? Possibly. Brother Anurak has seemed a little bit suspicious in the show thus far, (not wholly in the like, “possibly a pedophile” way to be clear, just in the “this dude almost certainly knows more about this student’s disappearance than he is letting on” kind of way). 
Then again, according to the precisely thirty seconds of google searching on name meanings I did, Anurak as a name apparently means “the one who takes care” or “male angel”. I would love someone who is not me and has an actual understanding of the Thai language to correct me if I am wrong. (@recentadultburnout or @lurkingteapot are either of you watching this show? If so, would you be willing to discuss name meanings for Shadow the series? Obviously, no pressure or obligation). 
ANYWAY, the Shadow does not really seem like all too much of an antagonistic force at this point, more of a neutral or potentially positive force, so again, I have 25 different theories that are all possibly wrong, and this is one of them. 
Other theories about the Shadow: Dan started seeing it after almost dying of a gunshot wound, it’s just like the manifestation of death and Dan has been running from it for awhile, it is a manifestation of the people Dan cares about in his life, it is actively trying to possess Dan and keeps getting interrupted, it is a spiritual guide that is supposed to lead Dan towards helping other spirits find justice and peace. It’s a physical manifestation of queerness. Like seriously, I could probably go on all day. 
And actually, queerness is something I do want to talk about while I am here. Because this show is certainly not shying away from homophobia.
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Nai has suffered for revealing his crush on Anan the previous year, he is still suffering for it. It did not escape my notice that the only known queer kid at an all-boys Catholic boarding school does not have a roommate. Nai is pretty much always alone, until Dan shows up, and Nai is warned by his teacher to stay away from Dan to make sure “Dan stays out of trouble”. Ever time that Dan and Nai are seen walking together, touch each other casually, exit a room together, they are called a slur. Nai tries to tell Dan to stay away from him so that Dan isn’t condemning himself to the life of a social pariah. We get one good Token Straight Friend in Josh. We learn that Trin was queer, and Trin was friends with Nai, and now Trin has disappeared. 
The queer kid(s) or the kids associated with the queer kid are the only people getting beaten up at this school, and the actor that plays dickbag Anan is truly committing to the bit, because the (fake) punches he delivers look like they got some force to them. 
I was actually just chatting with @so-much-yet-to-learn and as I was writing out the sentence “what if the Shadow is a physical manifestation of queerness?” he wrote “ooh, so Nai sees them as human figures whereas Dan sees his as a shadow commentary on how aware they are of their sexuality, maybe?” Dan does see Trin in full form, so I am not sure how much this does track, but it is at least worth acknowledging that Nai is aware of his queerness, has been outed, is The Known Queer at school, and has a very visibly obvious crush on Dan. Meanwhile, Dan reads queer (to me), some of the things he says, the way he laughed at Josh asking him if he liked Cha-aim, the fact that he sticks with Nai, make me think he is aware of his queerness. But, we as the audience have not actually gotten any explicit confirmation that Dan is queer or aware of his queerness. 
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photo from @blmpff
However, it is worth noting the physical ghost that Dan is able to see is Trin, another queer boy, (who everyone at school knew was queer because they knew he had a crush on his male theater teacher) and then some random boy that we have never seen before that he, once again, only sees in a mirror. But in Episode 7, Dan has lost this grounding stone, and the line between reality and dreams is constantly blurring. In Episode 7, Dan dreams of a near empty place, the only thing on the floor are drawings of a boxer, a naval ship, a sailor. He sees a man with one arm missing, the remainder of the limb bandaged and bleeding, he sees a man (again, only from behind) handcuffed to a table, behind bars, reading a letter by candlelight, he sees a man tied to a post, blindfolded and about to be executed, once again facing away, back turned to a firing squad. 
Dan finds out like, practically the next day about the local legend of the One Armed Man, who was a boxer, joined the navy, lost his arm, sold himself to homosexual millionaires, and got arrested for selling drugs to party goers who ended up dying of drug overdoses. You know who else has currently been associated with a narcotics related drug overdose?
The missing, queer boy who was trying to break tradition, and bring progress to his school. 
Trin, the missing queer boy who has hallucinations. Hallucinations like… 
Dead bodies. 
You know who else saw dead bodies in the most recent episodes?
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photos from @sparklyeyedhimbo
I don’t know where I am going with this beyond the fact that Trin is established to have bipolar disorder, for which was on medication. In flashback he is shown stating that he wants to get off his medication, we are told in the present that he had stopped taking his medication, and that instead he was treating his bipolar with narcotics, and that he had smoked week the night of his disappearance. It is at this point I would like to say, this show would be absolutely fucking based if they actually gave Trin bipolar disorder, and then had the adults that are suspicious and clearly hiding something, weaponize the stigma against his mental health disorder to try to discredit whatever Trin was trying to do, as well as distance themselves from any potential suspicion around their level of involvement in Trin’s disappearance. (This is not to say this is behavior I support irl, it is to say that it would be excellent commentary around how someone’s mental health can be weaponized against them in truly terrible ways)
So by my count we have two instances of drug overdose mentions from two separate people and stories (Trin’s disappearance and the One Armed Man), and two instances of “hallucinations” of seeing dead people (Trin’s vision he discusses in an audio recording and Dan’s vision in art class). These are not enough data points to say they are definitively doing something with this, but it is just something I am noting. 
Another theory that @so-much-yet-to-learn floated in conversation with me was the idea that the boys that were being haunted were ones who were breaking the status quo in some way. Trin was trying to do away with hazing at school and was called in to the administrator’s office multiple times and told to change his student president campaign policies, Nai is currently the only known queer at school, and Dan does not engage in anything even resembling filial piety. (Again, his dad is a Grade A Major Fucking Asshole).
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photos from @sparklyeyedhimbo
Where am I going with this? I don’t know! Maybe nowhere! Again, my brain is going BRRRRRRR and I am just rapidly cycling through a thousand unformed theories. God, I just want to know what happened, I want to know what everyone knows, I want to know what the fuck is up with Anan and the teacher he is fucking and their involvement in all of this, I wanna know why the fuck he is as reactive as he is (like he literally almost strangled Dan to the point of unconsciousness at the end of Episode 7), Anan and HIS TEACHER keep making references to Trin, to “the nurses other daughter”, throwing suspicion on Dan about knowing about them. I want to know how they are involved in all of this. 
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chocodaffodil · 4 months
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ahhhh happy Valentine's day to miseryloves-co! @valensemblestars
I erm did not find them so maybe the username was changed?!
Anyways here is wataei with orpheus + eurydice motif
tragic wataei yuri fr...
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raayllum · 4 months
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That's found in the last witness before the wave hits Marvelling at God, hey yeah Before he feels alone one final time And marries the sea Imagine being loved by me
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sheisalivingchild · 6 months
Wait for Me (Hadestown 2010 Album) || Coriolanus & Lucy Gray - Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Hope you enjoy! It's a sad song, but maybe it will turn out this time...
UPDATE: new version with high quality footage! :)
Commentary under the jump:
I've been wanting to make a Hadestown video for TBOSAS, there are so many fun threads to pull on!! Admittedly, some of the parallels here are more vibes-based than really narrative based, but I found enough to work with. The scene where Coryo explores the bombed-out arena and looks into the chasm of the tunnel seemed like an obvious jumping off point, so that was my initial idea.
The first verse basically assembled itself. I wasn't sure if I was going to use the whole song, but it ended up being easier as the verses overlap slightly and there wasn't a clean place to cut! The third verse was the hardest to stage; I cracked it by building up to the moment at the end where Coryo gets caught and expelled. Rather than literally following Lucy Gray during the games, he's choosing to break the rules to help her survive. But he's plagued with doubt along the way because he's not sure if he can trust her! It's kind of funny positioning Coryo as Hadestown Orpheus (especially since older Snow has so many parallels to Hades), because literally the instant he loses sight of his "Eurydice" in the woods he just flops instantly. Alas.
I got specific inspiration for this vid when I noticed the twirling/descending piano cue in TBOSAS (performed by featured soloist Yuja Wang) that plays during key moments of Coryo and Lucy Gray's relationship. It sounds very similar to the descending scale motif in the Hadestown soundtrack and creates a distinct, fragile mood, like we're waiting for the tentative bond between them to snap. I originally wanted to try and blend one into the other but they weren't quite similar enough. I also decided to go with the more ghostly 2010 concept album version of "Wait for Me" over the stage version, as it fit the tone I was trying to achieve.
I haven't actually completed a fanvid in literal years, but I got started on this one last night and it just poured out of me. I have some ideas for more, so hopefully I'll be able to get around to them!
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Btw - okay I wrote this in tags but perhaps it's relevant enough to give it its own post - BTW before the new episode comes out one thing that EXTREMELY pisses me off every time I see anyone mention it: stop stop STOP saying “the ada should have listened to Ranpo and not have taken the job!!” “The ada is so stupid for not listening to Ranpo when they know he's always right!!”. Seriously stop!!!!!!!
I know Ranpo is always right but please understand that they had no choice!!!! What were they supposed to do, go “sorry for your hostages that are set to be executed nothing we can do about it” like??????? No!!! They could have never said that!!!!!! You know what, this is the same as the Orpheus situation. Sometimes characters are doomed by the narrative with nothing they can do about it!!!!! Sometimes there's not a way to escape the wrong choice!!!!!!!! And it's especially important to notice that when reading a series with a literal MAGICAL BOOK THAT REWRITES REALITY YOU. KNOW.
Orpheus could not NOT turn around, because that would have meant he didn't love Eurydice as much as he did! He was always doomed to turn around! There's no other way the story could have gone! The agency members could have never not picked the job, because then they wouldn't be the good guys, the group who helps people, but that's who they are! They were always doomed to pick the job! They were meant for their downfall! There's no other way the story could have gone!
I swear to God understanding this is essential to pick the later motif of the arc! You won't be able to enjoy it as much if you are always able to look back and say “ah but they could have just listened to Ranpo”. They couldn't!!!!!!!
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"We are unique emanations of the same shared Light."
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Collective unconscious refers to the unconscious mind and shared mental concepts. It is generally associated with idealism and was coined by Carl Jung. According to Jung, the human collective unconscious is populated by instincts, as well as by archetypes: ancient primal symbols such as
The Great Mother
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The Shadow
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"Shadows were cast here. History made.”
“Am I to cast a Shadow?”
“Yes. You were bred to be a sorrow-bearer. I seek a Hive commander, but those are not so readily available. So I made you.”
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"The shadows, showing the truth by their casting."
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The Tower
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"...wellsprings and rivers..."
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The Tree of Life
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Jung considered the collective unconscious to underpin and surround the unconscious mind, distinguishing it from the personal unconscious of Freudian psychoanalysis. He believed that the concept of the collective unconscious helps to explain why similar themes occur in mythologies around the world.
O: [sighs] I do not fully understand what I saw, and for a Human to understand a Hive mind... How many legends of katabasis do we have, Ikora?
I: We currently have dozens of stories about descending to the realms of the dead, though research has indicated many more must have existed, lost in the layers of Human history we will never lay eyes on. Mathematically, there were likely hundreds.
I: [pauses] Inanna and Dumuzid and Geshtinanna, Orpheus and Eurydice, Izanagi and Izanami, to name a few. Gods and goddesses, mortal and immortal lovers, always seeking to descend and return with the lost.
O: And neither the lost nor those who searched for them were ever returned the same.
He argued that the collective unconscious had a profound influence on the lives of individuals, who lived out its symbols and clothed them in meaning through their experiences.
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"They evidently live and function in the deeper layers of the unconscious, especially in that phylogenetic substratum which I have called the collective unconscious. This localization explains a good deal of their strangeness: they bring into our ephemeral consciousness an unknown psychic life belonging to a remote past. It is the mind of our unknown ancestors, their way of thinking and feeling, their way of experiencing life and the world, gods, and men. The existence of these archaic strata is presumably the source of man's belief in reincarnations and in memories of 'previous experiences'. Just as the human body is a museum, so to speak, of its phylogenetic history, so too is the psyche."
Ego | Shadow
Sacred Progenitor | Tyrannical Progenitor
Old Wise Man | Trickster
Animus | Anima
Meaning | Absurdity
Centrality | Diffusion
Order | Chaos
Opposition | Conjunction
Time | Eternity
Sacred | Profane
Transformation | Fixity
Light | Darkness
"And the essential thing, psychologically, is that in dreams, fantasies, and other exceptional states of mind the most far-fetched mythological motifs and symbols can appear autochthonously at any time, often, apparently, as the result of particular influences, traditions, and excitations working on the individual, but more often without any sign of them. These "primordial images" or "archetypes," as I have called them, belong to the basic stock of the unconscious psyche and cannot be explained as personal acquisitions. Together they make up that psychic stratum which has been called the collective unconscious. The existence of the collective unconscious means that individual consciousness is anything but a tabula rasa and is not immune to predetermining influences. On the contrary, it is in the highest degree influenced by inherited presuppositions, quite apart from the unavoidable influences exerted upon it by the environment. The collective unconscious comprises in itself the psychic life of our ancestors right back to the earliest beginnings. It is the matrix of all conscious psychic occurrences, and hence it exerts an influence that compromises the freedom of consciousness in the highest degree, since it is continually striving to lead all conscious processes back into the old paths."
Every weapon wielded and scrap of armor worn, every place visited, person met, symbol seen and pondered, every thought formed and lost and formed again... each one has a place in this story. Haven't you ever wondered what it all means? Where the path leads? Many have followed it before, countless numbers. And soon, it will be your turn. To walk. To see.
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To understand.
A dream of a metaphor made starkly, an allegory discussed in study of ontology, in Darkness not unkind. It leaves behind a warped, barely-real data fragment to mark its passing. There is a voice that echoes across the Darkness, and it asks this question: what is the purpose of it all? And there is another voice that calls back and says: listen, I will tell you a purpose. I will tell you of a Final Shape. Look: there are a hundred gildings for this story. It comes down to one key matter. Beings in suffering crave purpose to carry them through. The tyrant consumed by ennui or the disenfranchised struggling simply to survive—it is the state of mind, the pain which cries out: give me a reason I should suffer so! Let us speak of power and choices. A man comes to a crossroads and asks of the sky, "Which road shall I take?" There is no answer from the sky, nor the wind, nor the earth beneath his feet. But another wanderer on the road, coming from behind and hearing the question, says, "I know the way. You should take the dexter road." If the man agrees, he puts himself in the wanderer's power, ceding his own choices for the implicit promise that this is the correct road, the safe road. And if he disagrees? Let us say that the wanderer draws a knife. The man may therefore be made to take the dexter road. But now if the knife goes away, the man will certainly flee. And perhaps even if the knife remains, the man may tire of being threatened and decide the risk is worth fleeing. In this way, the wanderer erodes their own power. If the wanderer says, "The wind has said that you should take the road of my choosing," will the man accept the choice made for him? And if the wanderer says, "Behold, I have seen that the meaning of suffering lies along the dexter road," will the man give away his own power for longer? Is it not easier to accept the guidance of a stranger when the path ahead is unknown?
And day dissolves into gold Night beckons and calls Night turns white with grief I can’t sleep
Whispers of the past Memories of yesteryears The things that did not last I recollect the tears
My love hold me tight There’s a haunted moon tonight Withered flowers never lie In midnight hours and numb goodbyes
Whispers of the past Memories of yesteryears The things they did not last I recollect the tears
Whispers of the past Memories of yesteryears The things they did not last I recollect the tears, the tears
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itsame-ariana · 4 months
(kinda sorta)
Life SMP Hadestown AU
//Life SMP Hadestown AU//
Master post for something no one may see.
Idk if this is anything but enjoy
I dunno- this and into the woods is my favorite musicals and I’ve had traffic brain rot for AGESSS and I was finally re-listening to Hadestown and this absolute fever dream of an idea dawned on me during hey little song bird
So yeah. Enjoy?
Here’s the original post when I got this idea
And obvious disclaimer this are all the character versions of these people not the actual people thank you very much for you patience.
//Life series Hadestown AU//
Eurydice- Jimmy Solidarity ✨the canary✨ you see the vision. This (joke?) is what started this whole thing so.
Orpheus- Still deciding between Scott and Tango
Tango pros:
- They are soulmates
- the goat horns are kinda vaguely like music/an instrument 👀
- ranchers duo is SO SWEET always
- their lives are tethered which in a way fits the story of the show and the myth.
- idk i just like this idea
- why are you still here? It’s over. Go home.
- c!jimmy seems to be on better terms with c!tango than c!scott soooo
Scott pros:
- they were husbands, Jimmy died first tragically (very accurate to original myth)
- THE FLOWER MOTIF- specifically a red flower. It’s just so perfect
- they saw each other in the afterlife
- Scott is always attached to flower husbands which seems fitting
- he likes to sing? Empires musical? I don’t know but it seems like it works
-flower husbands and desert duo have connections (you will see why this is important)
So yeah leaning towards tango for the vibes but leaning towards Scott for actual similarities in plot and such.
(If someone wants to say Joel or someone I will happily hear you out lol)
Hades and Persephone- c!Grian and c!Scar/desert duo. The characters were once in love and then it grew into a a more bitter relationship. There are lots of potential parallels with Hadestown older lovers and desert duo. Grian and scar also have flower/plant motifs.
Grian as hades- He is a watcher, which seems fitting. Creator of the games seems fitting for god of death and also the industrial foreman Hadestown has. Original winner.
Scar as Persephone- Now that he is a winner, I personally love the idea of him being the earth, which is perfect for the god(dess) of spring. I also think his secret life skins going from green to black is an accidental parallel.
The only real issue with this is I want to incorporate Grian being the sun but that’s contradictory;-;
Hermes- My main idea atm is Martyn. This is mostly because storytelling and lore is very connected to him and his character. Who doesn’t love some eyes and ears AU/lore
I am also considering pearl just because I like that idea, her being the moon and being connected to g and s, etc
And Ren because he is such a storyteller/theater kid
The Fates- I have several ideas for this
-the watchers(and secret keeper.) Obvious reasons
- the other winners
-clethubs because they are a fun/good trio lol
- ren, pearl, Scott (in case I don’t have them as Hermes/orpheus)
- the remaining Evo members: bigb (also he was so creechur in third life ), pearl, and if he’s not Hermes, Martyn (also good since pearl and martyn have won)
Based on a lot of the plant motifs imagine if instead of a carnation it was a poppy.
I’m very slow with drawing and have never written any kind of fic before but if people like this idea I’d love suggestions for the AU and I’ll definitely make some character designs :)
Character designs/descriptions:
Jimmy coming soon to a theater near you
Other posts for the AU:
Full circle lol
Potential name
How to include both Scott and Tango
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attheendoftheline · 1 year
Things I noticed-
Here’s a collection of little things I’ve noticed that I can’t make into a detailed meta post like my other stuff (still recommend you check them out).
In way down Hadestown they’re on the stage for the full time, largely laying and watching until they have to move out of the way. Though my favorite little thing is that Eurydice leads Orpheus in a little dance and she spins him.
Also noticeably whenever Eurydice even starts to have a good time the fates come in and start to chase her.
Literally any time Orpheus leaps out in front of her. He’s trying.
Not in show but when the wall broke and came in someone in the audience went “holllly shit!” Which, if you ever seen any iteration live- holy shit is right.
Orpheus shakes. A lot actually. “The man who’s gonna marry you” his voice trembles. It’s more noticeable in act two, he’s beaten, terrified and worried it makes sense. In the middle of epic III he’s trembling like a flower - there’s tears on his face but he keeps going.
The beloved ‘Bended knee’ motif, when he first meets her he’s bent fixing the mic. Love the blocking
Added to this when Eurydice first comes in and he’s like 🧍‍♂️ then runs off. Alternatively when this happens in road to hell reprise and he has even more reason to stand there mystified.
Every time the fates blow out her candle, she’s about five seconds from hitting one of them
When Hermes says dead (what she was instead was dead) Eurydice looks dead (sorry) at him. Again the shock she has gets me every time
Orpheus has a slight limp after papers, it varies based on the actions he needs to do in a scene but it’s noticeable
Also he does fight back but it’s like 6/1 and he’s a poet shaped like a twig do the math.
I’m embrassed it took me this long but in chant II Orpheus is de programming the workers/starting a revolt. Though his voice he can get them to do stuff, thus snapping them out of it.
Anyways, the way Eurydice is comforted by the song (can you feel it/can you hear it) she looks like she’s melting in someone’s arms though she is all alone. Just for a moment.
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