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I can imagine Order!Beans are like… the bean equivalent of stray dogs that came from awful homes and are now afraid of any kind of contact
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orange-frog · 1 year
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
I impress myself in terrible ways
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
nooooo I thought I had dialogue screenshots bc Keye’s my first Outlander to not tell Lana Valkorion is living in her brain and Lana got mad over not being trusted (gee, Lana, wonder if it had anything to do with Rishi and Ziost) and I wanted it preserved for posterity. I know I could just rerun chapter six but that’s annoying and I wanna keep moving forward, not redo stuff. :\ Why didn’t they take?
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 2 years
Te reason the US (and by extension the UK) is like that™ is because you've got horny christianity (catholicism) coming from the south of Europe, and lazy christianity (protestantism) coming from the north of Europe.
But instead of blending naturally, they cancelled each other out, so instead of a country full of lazy whores (like you see in Germany) we got a country full of workaholic prudes.
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wattscn · 7 months
why do the weekdays feel like they go by so fast suddenly 💀
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animegirlsakurablr · 2 years
Me, to my Servants: Why do. So many. Of you bitches. Need Proofs?!
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Here’s everyone I have a design for so far for the canon characters! Feel free to ask anything about them or anyone else!!
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colorlesschristmastree · 11 months
Why is it that you can’t bring up how silly the valks winning the blood rite was without one of their stans being like “b-b-but feyre 😖😖” What about her?
The walked away from the fight with the wyrm about to get sepsis and die from her injuries. She walked away from the rainbow because she wasn’t just fighting with a sword she had her magic that she had been training extensively for months at that point. She’s able to winnow and get away from opponents, none of her fighting in that scene was one on one and she had many many resources available to her. Then Im sure someone will bring up the twins from Hybern and that fight.. yk the one where she was fighting side by side with Lucien and again had the ability to winnow and would’ve lost were it not for that ability, Lucien’s presence, and her quick thinking to burn one of them. All of those fights were pretty reasonable? She’d already been training for some time in acowar and acomaf, has always been canonically a quick thinker and someone who is very observant and in tune with her surroundings.
Meanwhile the blood rite erased already established canon in order to ensure they’d win. The monsters of the illyrian steppes that were said to attack anything they find suddenly having magic noses that exclusively detect illyrians? The illyrian males present simultaneously being willing to put aside anything in order to hunt those three down because they’re females and the illyrians are sexist while also being too distracted fighting each other because they actually don’t care that much about the females to bother hunting the valks down? Which is it? Are they evil monsters who will stop at nothing to hunt down women or are they stupid brutes who only care about fighting each other? Those same illyrian males who at this point in their training are meant to be some of the best sword wielders in Prythian actually can’t fight for shit and despite being brutally trained from a young age are blundering fools who actually can’t fight well and are sloppy and careless. Don’t even get me started on the friendship bracelets situation because that was just so stupid. At least when Lucien helped Feyre in acowar it’s because he was already there, not because his eye is actually magically connected to her bc of their beautiful friendship and bond and he can find her anywhere.
It’s totally ok to have enjoyed the blood rite in that book but admit you enjoyed it because it was entertaining, not because it made any sense. Don’t try to deflect the poor writing in that plot onto fight scenes that are nowhere near as nonsensical.
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oathofkaslana · 1 month
lee oathofkaslana, i was wondering if you have any advice for getting into hi3, especially in regards to digging into the lore. i’ve been following along with your hi3 posts for literal months and i get more intrigued each time you discuss it so i finally decided to just go for it. i know theres the game/webtoon/animated shorts/cooking with valks but i’m not totally sure about how to go about approaching all of it and the more obscure elements (like the other games with the hi3 characters) because i don’t want to miss out on anything. is there a certain order of approach that you suggest? also, are there any resources that may help with taking it all in, like explaining the basics and the timeline or something like that? there’s no pressure to answer right away, i’m sure you might want time to compile your thoughts, i just trust your judgement on how to get into hi3 over trying to figure it out myself based on how knowledgeable you appear to be about everything.
cracks knuckles. anon im being so serious this made my day both bc of your kind words and bc its the perfect opportunity for me to infodump about hi3 resources (<- especially unfortunate part of my current interest on hi3 is that im a lil too deep into things about the game that dont really matter?? thats beside the point)
lee oathofkaslana's hi3 starter guide :) ps: important. please please read my warning in the comics section of other content.
reading lists! ok this is the most important thing so its going first. hi3's comics are a lot more important to the plot than like. genshin's. and its kinda annoying bc in some cases you'll be guided from going between chapters of the game to a comic and vice versa. i highly recommend checking out both of these reading lists: hoyostans reading guide (start from part 1 phase 1) archives wiki hi3 reading list the seconds a lot easier to follow imo! especially with the earlier ones. i personally prefer primarily using the second one and then consulting the first to see if there's any extra content that's missing (since some ggz/retconned hi3 comics are linked there and provide some context! the first one also has some very helpful notes from the OP!) i DO think that reading the comics in the order listed on the archives wiki and then starting chapter one is best. it might feel like a dip in story telling though but i promise it will get a lot btter once theyre a lot more stable w their game development and writing :)
other content: comics: ok first i have to put a warning. escape from nagazora is from ggz iirc and like. early ggz and early hi3 humor kinda sucks ass. there's awful sexualization of underaged girls and its weird about women and this is where a lot of the fetishization comes in. they're also not normal about consent here. also another warning about azure waters. it heavily references CSA and has an almost rape scene and i completely hated the way it was all visually portrayed. if needed I will gladly summarize these comics for you without any of those details. this aside, the comics are included in the reading guides! there are also non-canonical ones though! (4komas featured on the manga site and 4komas from the jp twitter! theres a google drive linked in the other post w fan translations. they're comedic and not at all canonical but they may spoil things since its run coincides with the game's progress so i dont really recommend reading them until you're farther along. atm i am just starting part 1.5 and ive read most of it, but i am intentionally avoiding newer ones just by looking at what design is in the thumbnail. they're very quick to read though dw!) animated shorts -> they are included in the game :) if you would prefer watching them in chinese, i'm afraid you'll have to look at it on youtube though :' for some reason on the western servers all the CG's in the first part are in japanese even if you switch your language to chinese. chronicles -> they're included in both the reading guides! theres some that aren't very lore relevant (dreams of gemima and kallen chronicles) but they're a fine source of weapons and crystals (hi3 equiv of primos) part 2 -> i haven't started it yet but from what i've seen, it's recommended that you finish part 1 before this. open-world -> again, follow the reading order for these :) the only exception is APHO because that takes place in the future (after part 1.5). i haven't finished it and i personally don’t plan to until after i do 1.5 in case there's any important spoilers! there are major hints that kinda spoil the end of part 1 though. <- same with the alien space comic. it takes place. sometime after APHO i think. other universe events -> primarily captainverse. obv these take place in a different universe! these characters are not the same as the main characters. iirc the only one that's really lore-relevant is honkai salvation log (it comes later in the game and later in the hoyostans reading guide!!) donghua: cooking with valks: not canonical content. season 1 is pretty safe but it is best watched after chapter 12 to get full context for some references! honestly you could probably get by with watching the rest of the series after imo but if you'd prefer to play it safe, the hoyostans guide includes it :) golden courtyard: do not watch this one until you finish chapter 31. journey crisis: do not watch this until you finish part 1.5 ggz/hg2: honestly. you don't need to know ggz for hi3. you would benefit from knowing the retrospective timeline's history for the main trio but from there on, ggz and hi3 follow completely different stories with different characters. honestly you could go by without knowing the main trio's history in retro i think its already explained enough in the main story and other media.
links. youtube: homulabs -> has cohesive lore videos that help a lot (esp later on)! also has some hsr stuff if you're interested :) hide's honkai archives -> playthroughs of all of part 1 completely in chinese (including cut scenes). also fixes up some of the translations since i believe the eng translations are translated from the jp dub! i mostly use this to both rewatch chapters when i need background noise and look at cutscenes with OP's translations. i find it interesting.. official hi3 youtube visual novels: again, look at the reading guides. im pretty sure think some of those links on both guides are wonky though so ill provide them here. ae visual novel (eng) shattered swords/7 swords visual novel (eng) durandal visual novel (eng) i also have a larger post with various links here build/combat: ok this is my weakspot. marisa honkai -> kind of unfortunate backbone of the hi3 community. allegedly kicked someone from his discord server for saying kiana is a lesbian. but his infographics are useful! he also has a youtube but i can't vet how his videos are o7 <- lore player and very obvious about it elysian realm shallow sequence -> in case you're ever struggling w this part. dont worry about it early game though you'll get to it in time. honestly its optional though so.
quick tips/loose info:
the wikis will be your best friend.
do the character trials!! they teach you how to use any of the characters and you can open them whenever you want! if the battlesuit is new, you will also get rewards if you do the trial in time :)
honkai has an absurd amount of currencies for some fucking reason. this is more of a warning than a tip.
ok imo hi3 combat is super super fun but my god the powercreep sucks asssssssss. i hate the process of building characters because you have to pull for characters signature gear and that equipment banner's pity doesnt carry over it fucking sucks.
BUT don't worry too much honestly if you are just playing for the story like i am it doesn't matter too much since you don't need to use your own valkyries for much (story wise). do at least build some though even to a minor degree (you will need them for chronicles)
speaking of gacha though! there's no 50/50 to worry about in honkai!
don't go into the chat for room 1 its fucking scary and full of weirdos (derogatory) and assholes. first and last time i went there i saw homophobes.
remember this is all for fun :) sorry if this seems long or wayyyy too serious i meant it when i say im awfully fixated on this fuckass game! i hope you enjoy it if you continue to play it :DD <3
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poryphoria · 7 months
erm what the phreak......it's like some kind of phighting oc post in here!! yeah i have four of these guys n they're all a big beautiful found family. Smiles
Enphoso's gear is based off the joyful periastron epsilon, albeit VERY heavily modified- she's the Crossroads' very own slasher, and also the adoptive mother of these three doofuses! Despite being a serial killer she loves her babies very much and keeps regular contact with them. Somehow. We're not.... Entirely sure how that's working out- but hey, it is! She never shows any skin and uses a voice changer while speaking- no one's really sure what she looks or sounds like. She's in her early 60s, so she's pretty damn adept at keeping herself alive.
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Zombiestaff's gear is xeir namesake- xey wanted to be a Phighter, but unfortunately Dom & Valk have filed a restraining order on them due to xeir.... Unorthodox methods, putting it politely. Besides xeir tendency to Literally Just Bite People, xeir Phinisher quite literally entails mind controlling any Phighters within a certain radius, briefly turning them into hapless zombies to serve Zombiestaff's bidding! After some brief discussing and one-too many matches swept, the move was agreed to be illegal and Zombiestaff was banned from using xeir gear in matches. This doesn't stop xem from sneaking into the ring every so often, of course! Xey are the youngest sibling, jobless and currently living in the sewers of the Crossroads. C:
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Bloxy Cola is god's least favorite service worker! Similar to Zombiestaff (despite what xey might insist), her dreams of being a Phighter also fell through, though mostly due to his own anxieties and feelings that her gear was "worthless" for combat. He works painfully long shifts at a gas station in the middle of buttfuck nowhere instead, selling cheap junk food and gasoline to people who are probably, generally having more fun than her for a living! He's tired, man. She's very tired. He's the middlest sibling.
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Alien Parasite is a rather interesting case. Oldest sibling, and the only actual successful Phighter of the phamily- she used to reside in Playground with the rest of her family, until a particular Sword event and a bad run-in rendered it partially zombified! She still has a relative amount of her personality and free will intact, which is exactly why Blackrock took such a strong interest in it. She was "politely made" an "offer" of free housing within Blackrock, in exchange for completely signing away its human rights to scientific study- and really, how could a guy refuse??? Her siblings don't hear from it much anymore, but any correspondence they do get out of her sounds cheerful enough, so surely it's doing fine! Right? Right??
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.....Bloxy and Zombie don't like to think about it all that much.
under the cut is some bonus doodles, concepts n little snippets of them interacting C:
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+ hey man who's that
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raelyn-dreams · 8 months
Hi hi!! Did you read the valkyrie climax event? What are your thoughts on it? Do you think it was a good development for Valkyrie as a unit (and for shumika)? 🤔
Hi!!! It's lovely to see you again :)
So originally this post started off with a Le temps des fleurs analysis...that got so long that rather than subject everyone to a five page post, I've decided I'll post separately in the future lol.
But yes, I have read through Raison D'etre! To be honest, I don't think this post will be able to sum up all my thoughts, but I'll try to hit the important parts!
I feel that first I need to define what, to me, makes a good climax event. A good climax event, by my personal definition, ties up loose threads of the current storyline, addresses built-up conflicts with good pacing and in-character reactions, and resolves the current story thread of the unit while still allowing many more narratives to be weaved in the future. So far, of the other units we've gotten climax events of (fine, Crazy:B, Ra*bits, Double Face, and as of recently, 2wink), I think this has all been done fairly well - a couple character slip-ups, a few pacing issues here and there, a shoved-in conflict or two - but ultimately, they did their job, and I came away feeling fairly satisfied by their current conclusions.
I think I also need to state that I do not expect, nor frankly want, all of the character's issues and relationships to come away squeaky clean and unproblematic. I'm always for development of course (Neverland's garbage talk made me sob over how far Shu and Mika have come), but ultimately, this game is about a bunch of screwed-up kids in an exploitative industry, and how they navigate it while facing their own personal issues. Like other gacha games, from otomes like Obey Me to fellow joseimukes like Twisted Wonderland, the end goal is not to make the characters perfect, or even relatively good people. It's to weave a satisfying narrative, something that hooks and engages people. And while I will be the first to say the Enstars writing is not always "good" and can be riddled with problems, I still see a lot of potential in it and ultimately enjoy it, which is why I'm writing this.
I'm happy to say that Valkyrie did not break the pattern of satisfying climax events for me, and in fact, has come away as my favorite of them thus far. I readily admit that bias does in fact play a factor in my enjoyment - as it did with 2wink's and I'm sure it will when Alkaloid's drops - but I truly did feel that Valkyrie's climax event was incredibly satisfying for both of them.
So, onto the story!
Some of my favorite bits:
Shu defending Nazuna's autonomy was so asdfghjkl 😭 GODDAMN that hit me right in the feels! I liked that despite Nazuna being part of the event, the writing didn't try to dredge up ex-valk issues, and instead used Nazuna as a person close to them in order to forward their development, rather than as an angst tool, if that makes sense? He also seems to be doing a lot better since Ra*bits climax (poor man finally caught a break), so good for him! Also, Mika gaining weight! He is finally eating properly 🥺 I'm so proud.
Ok, so adding onto the above, initially the Kuro-Nazuna crossdressing subplot made me wary since I was afraid enstars was backtracking into some of its more...iffy writing choices (*stares at Poltergeist*). However, after reading the story through, I can safely say that the way it ties back into the theme was good, and ultimately, neither Kuro nor Nazuna exhibited any behavior that impacted my enjoyment of the story (+ this thread addressing issues people had with Kuro here, because my dude was getting attacked when this dropped).
Instead of "haha man in a dress", it showed a good progression of attitudes with old vs new era and Japan vs West that I felt was explored pretty thoughtfully, and the way Shu and Mika honored that by having such gnc stage costumes was very lovely! Kuro and Nazuna's good reactions to it also showed how much more open-minded they were as compared to Shu's grandfathers era, and also showed a reflection of enstars own writing changes between ! and !! era (ex. Koga and Subaru dropping their slur usage towards Arashi, Kaoru being more thoughtful towards Adonis's background, etc). I'm not trying to be a suck-up to the writers, since there is some stuff they've written that is...less than lovely. However, I don't think this situation was one of them, and overall, it tied back into Shu's journey well.
One scene I really want to talk about is the foie gras conversation because that was just!!! so!!! It's a very small scene in the grand scheme of things, but I thought it showed their development really well (Raelyn get new phrases challenge lol), so I wanted to mention it here! Mika wants to try foie gras, and Shu is like "why. it's gross and inhumane and there are so many better foods" which is totally fair (foie gras is often inhumanely created). However, Mika doesn't automatically apologize and back down like he would in the past, stating that he knows, but he still finds it interesting. Shu also does not shut Mika down; he states that maybe at another time, though he sticks to his own boundaries of not having it himself.
What I really like about this scene on Shu's end (and his relationship with Mika as a whole) is that he does not regress into treating Mika like he did Nazuna; he does not try to insist that Mika is perfect and should not soil himself with such indelicacies, nor does he put him on a pedestal and automatically throw out his own opinions for Mika (essentially, treating him as Mika treated him). Shu truly treats him as an equal here, by stating his own opinion and having an open and meaningful conversation with Mika, getting his view on it without completely sacrificing his own thoughts. Mika, in turn, does not treat Shu's words as gospel, nor does he feel the need to plead his case; the conversation is entirely casual, a mere exchange between partners, but its so important because its one of the first times they've demonstrated that they've made it to this point. The whole thing is wrapped very nicely in a bow by Shu creating something with a similar taste and texture to foie gras to give Mika a similar experience, without having to cook the actual thing - its a great compromise both are satisfied with, and gives us a look into how their current art and performances are being created.
(Translations below by mika_enstars)
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Shu's whole-hearted acceptance of Mika also comes back into play during the grave-robbing aftermath, which is something I have a lot of thoughts on, so I'll save it for a separate post.
Getting into what blew every enstars fan's mind, time to discuss the very queer themes of Raison D'etre. This shocked me when the translations first came out - I think the closest we've EVER gotten to this amount of explicit rep was Beasts and Pretty Mission, and even those can be argued for different interpretations, though I feel their text is pretty clear. Lots of queer fans (including me) gravitate to Valkyrie, and enstars as a whole tbh, for good reason - lots of their story aspects can be considered queer, from Shu's feminine interests and subsequent bullying, Nazuna feeling "trapped" by ex-Valk's expectations, and Mika's alt interests and unwavering devotion.
The doll plot was confusing as hell lol, but I get why it was done in such a convoluted manner, since it was supposed to be left up to interpretation, and force Shu and Mika to come to their own conclusions. Shu's grandfather deliberately set it up in such a way that Shu would be forced to weave the story he wants, and in doing so, accept the parts of himself he had hidden away - a fairly thin parallel to his grandfather's queer youth.
However, the difference here is that Shu does not plan on hiding, he does not plan on bundling away his feelings in a neat little box (or journal, in this case), and leaving them behind. In Antique Legend, we see that Shu's grandfather clearly tried to conform to what was expected of him, and impart those same values onto Shu - though Shu never fully stuck to those principles in favor of forging his own path, which I think his grandfather was secretly proud of him for.
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(Antique Legend: Dumps of Dreams, Ep 8)
Shu internally monologues about how different his grandfather's time and the current one he lives in are, and how things are evolving in such a way that he can stand on stage without the ridicule his grandfather may have faced. This, along with the ending of "Let's live together happily, Kagehira" as an ode to his grandfather's dreams, really does read like a love story to me, especially the part right before where Mika compares the love Shu's grandmother has for his grandfather as the same love Shu has for him - which Shu doesn't deny.
A couple other things to wrap up:
I found it so interesting how Mika and Shu had different takes on his grandfather's life, and trying to unravel the truth was both fun and a chore and a half for me lol. All in all, the audience isn't meant to know fully, but I think Mika's theory might hold a bit more water (Shu's grandfather being gnc and dating the landlady), since he had extra info and is bffs with Naru, giving him a bit more insight. However, I can definitely see why Shu went with his theory of "grandpa had many different male lovers in his youth", as not only is it the one that does not imply cheating, but it is a closer representation of how Shu feels, and I think that's what grandpa was trying to get at.
The use of "boku" and "ore" was also pretty good storytelling imo, and adds an extra layer of projection, since Shu uses "boku" while Mika uses "ore" in day-to-day life. "Boku" is also seen as politer and more formal, while "ore" is more casual and was at one point seen as crass, which reflected their story roles well!
The fact that Shu's grandfather just??? Fakes his death on a regular basis is???? So???? I can't even asdfghjkl. Kuro being like "yeah, I comforted him the first 5 times, but then I got kinda sick of it" is so funny too. I wonder if any of the rich enstars kids are gonna do this in the future, my money's on Eichi (for profit), Ritsu (for fun), or Hiyori (for drama) personally.
I know I said I wouldn't talk about it here, but the grave-robbing aftermath where Shu describes Mika as a fairy during their first meeting, as a contrast to how he had always described him as a ghost? That got me so good, especially since it's something so idealistic being used when Mika is currently cold and covered in dirt. It's just such wholehearted acceptance of his partner, it's so beautiful.
Anyways, I think I'll end it here, but again, thank you so much for the ask and patience Dia!!!
(Edit: accidentally included RYUSEITAI with the climax units, it's fixed now)
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midknightwritings · 1 year
Lol I know you've been getting a lot of Valkyrie fanfic and as a fellow valkyrieP I'm here to add more( if you are tired of em or if you are not comfortable it's fine to ignore this😌). I'm here to rq a Valkyrie with a reader who is in a newly made unit that have a malice mizer theme outfit and creates dark meaning songs if you get what I mean. Scenario or drabble, up to you. Thanks for reading this😊
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Artistic Sanctuary
Synopsis : After joining a newly formed unit, you excitedly told Mika and Shu about your live that’s coming up! After constantly pleading for them to watch you perform, they finally gave into your request. Both Mika and Shu entered the venue to finally watch you for the first time, not knowing that they’d be pleasantly surprised.
Era : Music !!
Warning/s : Implied mentions of the War era
Mentioned Character/s : G/N!Reader / Mika / Shu
A/N : Hi Anon !! Don’t worry about it~ Valkyrie’s songs were actually one of the reasons why I got into enstars !! So Valk definitely has a place in my heart hehehe~ I’m not too familiar with Malice Mizer but I looked into some of their songs and they seem super cool !! I love their outfits too !! I hope I did your request justice and I hope you enjoy <3
As the crowd continued to funnel into the venue, the hushed voices of excitement were the only things that surrounded Mika and Shu. Mika sat on his seat with just as much excitement as the other fans yet, contained himself as his eyes darted around the room, trying to look for a certain someone. Shu sat beside him patiently, his hands held Mademoiselle close as he combed her long, blonde hair. He was already getting quite annoyed at the crowd, and was trying his absolute best to hold himself back from yelling at them. Though, internally, Shu was also quite curious as to what will happen next.
──•~❉᯽ 1 Week Ago ᯽❉~•──
“Please Shu~! I promise it’ll be a worthwhile experience! Just this one time and then you guys don’t have to attend any more future ones if you don't wanna!” you pleaded, as Shu merely continued to stitch the costume in his hands, seemingly ignoring your overly dramatic pleas.
“Non! I absolutely cannot stand crowds! Being trapped within such a herd is truly unpleasant!” “I understand but I really want to know what you guys think of our performance! Please~?” “For the last time [ Y/N ], non!”
Dramatically groaning in defeat, you allowed yourself to plop onto the seat beside you as you continued to quietly watch Shu tend to his craft. “Nnha... Sorry bout that [ Y/N ], maybe we can see ya perform some other time?” Mika comforted, giving you an apologetic smile as he took a seat beside you.
Sighing in defeat, you gave him a small smile in return, “Thank you Mika~ I-” before you could've said anything else, a thought popped into your head. “-I just thought that it'd be interesting for you guys since our unit leans towards the artistic route too… You know?” you continued.
In the corner of your eye, you noticed that Shu paused for a split second, as if he was thinking about something, before he loudly sighed in defeat and placed his costume down.
“Humph! Very well… I shall bear with such an insolent crowd in order to judge your performance fairly. After all, ordinary people can never seem to comprehend the arts!” “Thank you so much! I promise you guys won’t be disappointed!”
As the lights started to dim, the crowd seemingly got louder. Their whispers turned into loud cheers as the spotlight shone onto the stage. Looking up, Mika and Shu’s eyes widened in awe when they finally saw you and your unitmates standing on stage.
Your outfits were designed in a gothic style, paired with small intricate accessories that were bold in colour. The lipstick combined with the dark eyeshadow, and makeup as a whole, helped compliment all the small accents on the outfits which further pushed its overall gothic style.
Not only that, but your outfits were even historically accurate! Mika and Shu were surprised at this fact because they were used to seeing other performers take creative liberty, yet your unit stayed true to the time period. The stitching style even matched the techniques that would’ve been used at that time!
To say that Shu and Mika were impressed would be an understatement. The fact that everything matched the set of the stage made everything so much more cohesive.
Just like a painting, the details and composition all tied together nicely, ready for the main event.
The first notes of the song resounded throughout the room as you began to sing. Mika and Shu were initially taken aback from the lyrics but soon came to realize just how raw and real they were.
No sugarcoating, no lies. It was as if your unit purposefully took on the role of being the personification of reality.
Reality has its beautiful moments, but it also has its own fair share of atrocities. Mika and Shu both knew that, they dealt with moments like these in the past themselves, and the music perfectly encapsulated this dichotomy.
Watching your performance was like watching a painter make their strokes on a canvas. Your voice matched your lyrics while the same was true for your unitmates and theirs. It was as if everything was planned accordingly, even up to the inflections of the words, in order to bring forth the purest of emotions for the audience to witness and experience.
Throughout your performance, you were able to see them both within the crowd. Mika was cheering for you with a wide smile plastered on his face as his dual-coloured eyes shone with excitement, while Shu constantly nodded in content as the live went on. Through that small gesture alone, you knew your unit was able to match his standards, which internally made you cheer.
Once the live ended, and the crowd dissipated, you left backstage with your unitmates before seeing Mika and Shu patiently waiting for you by the door. “I’ll see you guys next time, good job today!” you smiled, giving your unit a quick wave, before running towards the two Valkyrie members.
“So, what did you guys think?” you asked excitedly, eyes shining with glee and curiosity.
“[ Y/N ]! Yer performance was really good! Yer outfits are gorgeous, they're super detailed n’ accurate too, ya know!” “As a fellow artist, I shall admit that the amount of intricacy that was put into the details and craftsmanship of your performance was très bien. It’s such a shame that the crowd was filled with ignorants who lack understanding of its artistic value.”
“Aw thank you guys so much~ I’m so glad you liked it!" you smiled with glee. "Hopefully, you can watch again next time! If you want to, of course~” you added, chuckling a bit. Seeing the content expression on your face stirred a warm, happy feeling within them and they couldn’t help but give in.
It wouldn’t hurt to take you up on that offer and watch you perform again, after all.
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riftclaw · 1 year
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I guess this is kind of a propaganda post for @sonic-oc-showdown as well as a way to introduce V to my friends in the moderneo discord! I’ve made them look at him but haven’t talked much about him before.
V is nb/genderfluid; sometimes he’s a man and sometimes he’s a woman. He doesn’t accept she/her pronouns from anyone who isn’t a close friend, though, bc he’s spent enough time in the military to get mad at people using feminine pronouns as an insult.
The number of times he’s punched someone for using feminine pronouns as an insult is extremely high.
He’s also polyam and has a fairly stable family unit w Caprice, Curie, Valke and Luka, with a couple sattelite relationships that matter just as much to him.
The wolf here is Curie, and V broke into a government lab and stole him away bc they were mistreating him.
He’s the power member of a heroes team with Curie being flight and @sege-h‘s Storm as speed.
His hidden disability is a condition similar to MS, with gradual nervous system degeneration focused mostly on his legs and tail. He’s still young enough that he can avoid the cane/crutches most of the time, and he doesn’t like showing “weakness” very much so he only relies on them when he absolutely has to.
He got so annoyed at not being able to use hammerspace powers like every other mobian in Amalgam that he hacked his own genetic code in order to give them to himself. Before that he just carried a bunch of rings in his pockets to throw at people if they smacked him.
He and Caprice got married for legal purposes (so Caprice would be able to handle his finances and the like if something happened to him) but it took him like 2 years to realise Caprice also really loved him. Being aroallo is hard sometimes.
GUN thinks they gave V his shapeshifting powers and V lets them believe that. It means they don’t ask too much about his ability to pop in and out of reality.
The military really would lock him in a box if he wasn’t so good at escaping. They still haven’t figured out how he does it.
His blunted/flat affect and dry sense of humour mean that it’s very hard to tell when he’s just messing with you. He takes full advantage of this.
He pioneered a technique to stabilise dangerous mutations in mobians, which he used to save DJ the Polecat’s life when he started turning intangible and sliding through objects. He brings DJ new comic books every time he goes to the facility DJ lives in.
V introduced himself to Apple the Badger by piledriving her transphobic father into his car and walking her home.
He lets his girlfriend Neura poison him for fun.
He won’t obey orders from anyone he doesn’t respect, and said respect has to be earned. He’s told several powerful people to take a long walk off a short pier bc he didn’t like what they wanted him to do.
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myristicisms · 2 months
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How long has she been a dweller of Deepground for? That irritating chuckle seems to have been something on loop for years and years, no matter how she tries to ignore it it still rings loud and clear within her ears, each command and order given to her from the all knowing professor. She's tired, not in the physical sense but sick of having to inflict more and more pain upon those that didn't ask for nor deserve it. Varying ages, from young teens to middle aged, it was indiscriminate and she hated it with everything in her being.
Regret was not something she could just shake off, back when a smiling face was what she'd get have breakfast with rather than sit on her lonesome, times were simpler, happier. She may not have had much money or much use but there was joy in abundance and that's what counted.
Nowadays there really was nothing, just shot after shot, day in and day out all she could do was just continue on and do as she's told, try to ease each person through the process and give them a moment of relief, time to deal with the disorienting feeling of the injections. Today had been relatively easy, slow and pleasant enough but she knows already that the reason for that was due to who she had too. The Emperor's time had come around again and she can only hope that this time, much like the previous times throughout the years, would go by smoothly enough. Dealing with the Tsviets wasn't the worst, certainly didn't make her feel too horrible but for the last fourteen years they usually made her guilt leap into her throat.
Pallid fingers gently drum against her thigh, patiently waiting for the familiar drone of footsteps to approach her room, years ago she'd be wheeling around the area getting everything sorted before her next ‘ patient ’ but Valk had learned a while ago to take as much time as possible whenever the white haired man came for his injections.
( What an ugly name... )
But it's hers, whether she liked it or not it didn't really matter. She's pulled from her thoughts once the Restrictors opened her door, the same song and dance begins again it seems and once she sees white spikes step in, she's swift to stand and offer a polite bow to the man, quicky ushers the Restrictors out with a scowl. Cerulean blues land on the ruler of Deepground and her expression softens. “ Sir. ” She offers politely, allows the man time to get himself situated. “ It's good to see you once again, circumstances aside, that is. ”
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Lil starter for @sleeplesswork | Weiss
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nonymous-nb · 20 days
dunno if youre comfortable with this ask- feel free to delete this lolol do you think valk is a dom or sub? (WHY DID I ASK THIS FIRST THING IN THE MORNING SORRY I JUST WOKE UP AHUFHUIHFHAIHUANV,CBNAFBCUIAHFW)
{I say, he's a sub.. I think Valk is the kind of guy to do what you tell him to do, like a sub that follows orders? Take that as you will + I don't mind these kind of asks as long as it's doesn't go overboard 🧍✨}
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