#or baby bluestreak take your pick
littlelightbolt · 2 months
JazzProwl + baby - Merformers AU Chapter 3 - A captive individual
So here's the last of the chapters I have ready written, I kinda write in a bullet point style cause I don't think my brain is at the capacity at the moment to come back and make them actual well written chapters. Enjoy tho. - Ideas still welcome. I'm kinda stuck on what other problems the character will be facing with life in the aquarium.
Life down in this hell hole has been a constant blood pressure raising experience for Prowl.
Not counting his transportation after being caught, he has calculated that it has been 32 cycles since his kidnapping from the Autobot pod after a bloody dispute with Optimus. Not even Jazz had tried to stop him when he stormed off.
The capture had been unpredictable. Never in his mind would it have occured to him that pirates had breached the secret coves wall.
His pod could be in danger and he couldn't even there to warn them. Even if the probabilities were low, he could only hope that no one else had been captured. The cove was a protected space. It would be detrimental to their way of life if humans were to discover them.
He fought every step of the transport process. Stuck alone in a tiny space with a foreign language echoing through as his music. Bruised and battered he arrived to a rather large facility. Bright colours were everywhere it was dizzying. After being poked and prodded, he was placed in an isolation pool. The empty walls smelt of distress and dead fish. He simmered deeply ashamed to have been outsmarted by a bunch of land dwellers. He graced his tank by thrashing aggressively sending big waves that splashed the humans who shrieked in displeasure recoiling from the edge of his pool. Despite the brief victory, he was soon swarmed by the lot of them.
Over the next few days, he learned quickly that attacking the staff was a futile effort. Where one fell another took their place. He always got drugged and worked with an awful headache there after. Now, he has reserved to take a smarter approach, observing all he could in hopes of plotting an escape someday.
Eventually the humans deemed him healthy enough to be transferred to a bigger pool. To his surprise, this one had furnishings of actual kelp and rocks. One of the walls had an ominous grate that connected to parts unknown. Prowl steered clear of that for now. There was a small alcove at the bottom to hide in, barely big enough to stretch out fully in. A small school of fish were in here with him while star fish rested on the glass wall looking outwards.
His first glimpse in what would be his new home was less that flattering. Beyond his tank there were many others just like his with pairs of mers or solo ones as he was. They too seemed to notice the new comers presence and we're checking him out too.
Prowl's skin curled at the thought of having little to no privacy.
Below to tank groups of humans were looking up at him. Most of them wore bright colours and expensive suits. The walkways reminded Prowl of the big loud yachts he would see from time to time back home. It disgusted him to be downgraded to an item to be observed.
Everyday it's just the same four walls and the humans outside. His neighbours loud and the humans louder still. He did his best to get through each day though and memorise the routines of the humans that took care of him.
Sometimes mers from the tanks around him were cartes off and returned again, sometimes they just never did. It was always the prettier mers, the ones who showed interest in the humans down below. Prowl deducts that being carted off is very bad and strives to be as antisocial as he can with the humans. He fears for the day his turn comes.
So far, escape is still far away. It was only in the night cycles where most mers were asleep that he could have a quiet reprieve from the over-stimulating environment, where the constant vigilance tore down on him.
It is there that the waves of loneliness would wash over him completely, pulling him under some nights. He would never admit that he laments that no one will come to save him. To get away from it all, what used to be a private pass time now became a self soothing hobby. He sang. Tuneless little melodies to songs he remembered from mainly Jazz.
His songs on those nights were considered some of the most hauntingly beautiful in the aquarium to the skeleton crew humans who worked the night shift. Only amplified when the humpback mer several tanks down that sang to and with him occasionally. They formed a sort of musical comradery.
It was the 55 day cycle here at the facility. The day cycle was stagnant and Prowl was well and truly bored. He swam a few laps around the tank and cleaned up his little burrow but aside from that there was nothing to do. Prowl cursed the humans cleverness, exploiting the mers need for being busy to entertain the crowds outside.
Prowl firmly pushed down the urge to look back at the glass knowing that doing so won't do him any favours. And so he laps, chasing the fish and rearranging the star fish.
The sounds coming from the glass were getting louder today. Way louder than usual. Curiosity getting the better of him, Prowl glanced towards the screen. A large crowd has gathered at his viewing window. Apprehension takes him, he never had so many humans stay in front of his enclosure.
A tiny hint of fear sinks in. Is he being carted off. A human dress in a workers uniform was in front of the crowd talking into a microphone echoing the words into the water "-and today we will be introducing this sweet little baby to what will hopefully be their loving surrogate parent!" Prowl had picked up a few words during his captivity but most of the sentence was beyond him.
The announcer finished with a flourish and the crowd clapped and cheered. The sound of something breaching the surface caught Prowl's awareness. A large box was being lowered into the tank. Prowl fear turned to dread when he saw the little body within it. The faint smell of distress and sick was coming off of them.
Knowing the humans, he kept a fair distance away from the box until it was fully lowered to the bottom of the tank. When the ropes had fully detached he made he way towards the box. At least the sick bastards didn't lock the little one in there. They could have drowned if they did.
Prowl was honestly a bit out of his depth in talking to young kids. The autobot pod didn't have any, the youngest was probably hot rod and they had found him when he was already a teen. Figuring the best way to gather their atte tion was to talk Prowl gently called out to the little form that laid there. The poor thing curled tight in fear slowly unfurled seemingly seeming him approable.
Prowl reached out to touch him, but being unsure of how to start allowed the baby to initiate first contact. Now up close, Prowl was thankful that no visible bruises were seen on the baby. But, it did to his eyes look slightly tired and flushed. Must have been the panic of being moved here taking its toll. They looked old enough to start talking but the little one was silent.
When the baby grasped his finger, Prowl was glad the terror twins weren't there to see him freeze. The world grew smaller until it was just the too of them, a wave of warm emotions unfurled in Prow 's cold heart. If only for a nano click. Another small hand was roaming his chest, pawing at his skin funnily enough it was slightly tickling the adult amusing him.
Wanting to assess the baby further, Prowl brought the little hands to his face scenting them, the baby was slightly malnourished and smelt of burnt sour milk due to the fever raging. They were sicker than he thought and it worried him.
It was then the crowd outside returned him to reality. The loud shouts and cheering shatter their small moment. The baby frightened once again.
Prowl made quick work of the latches. Opening the box and reaching inside for the baby. They were leaving, he was fed up of the unwelcome eyes on them. The baby latched on and curled around his chest rather snuggly, he could feel that they were burning up.
With a few powerful whips of his tail, he breached the surface of the tank allow the little one to breathe. Before diving back down into his little cove to his. It barely fit the too of them.
Kelp was a common herb in the sea incorporated into almost any dish the autobot pod cooked or made. Prowl remembered ratchet giving a lecture to the twin about eating their veggies. That it was also a great staple in medicine for simple illness like fevers. Thinking fast, Prowl slipped out of the cover and grabbed some kelp to use it as medicine for the little one. The humans watched him in fascination but he hardly cared for them. Arriving back to the shivering baby, he chewed up some kelp in his mouth making sure it was turned to paste before spitting it out and feeding it to the little one.
He fed them 3 mouthfuls of kelp before the little one showed signs of being full and drowsy.
The baby nuzzled into his form looking up at him once bleary before laying down to sleep.
Not wanting to awake the little one, Prowl got comfortable for the long unmoving wait of nap time. While the baby slept, Prowl's mind whirled. Well, he definitely wasn't bored now.
'where were their mother, pod? what happened to them, how long had the baby been alone for can they actually speak' many other questions swarmed his mind.
Most of all, his escape plan now had an additional variable. If he were to escape he would be bringing the baby with him. He could only pray to a god he didn't quite believe in: primus to be so merciful to them.
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dracoqueen22 · 3 years
[TF] The Uncle’s Prerogative
Title: The Uncle’s Prerogative Universe: The Perfect Storm ‘verse, post-Rain or Shine Characters: Jazz, Echo Rating: K+ Description: It’s hard to be a sparkling, but luckily, Jazz is the fun uncle.
It was a very sullen sparkling who dragged his feet out to meet Jazz after daycare was over. There was absolutely no pep in Echo’s step, and a tiny scowl sat around his little lips. Looked like a mini-Blurr in the middle of a sulk, he did.
Oh, this was going to be not fun at all.
Jazz crouched as Echo got closer, his arms resting across his knees. He had a feeling he knew what was causing the air of grump around his nephew, especially since he wasn’t clutching a notice of misbehavior.
“What’s up, little mech?” Jazz asked. “Bad day at school?”
“Was fine,” Echo mumbled. He looked past Jazz, behind him, and all around. “Mama? Papa?”
Yep. That’s it right there.
Jazz shook his head. “Nope. You got me this time. But that ain’t such a bad thing, is it? We have fun, don’t we?”
Echo sighed. It was a heavy sigh. Too heavy for a sparkling. Oh, woe. Jazz had to admit that he rather liked that Echo’s biggest worry was how much more attention his baby brother needed, and not, you know, a massive planetwide genocidal war.
Jazz stood and scooped Echo up, planting the sparkling on his shoulders. Echo squeaked and grabbed onto his head, squeezing his horns a bit too hard. Ow. Jazz winced, but didn’t comment. No need to upset little mech anymore than he already was. He hadn’t meant it.
“I know it sucks,” Jazz said as he held on to Echo’s legs and steered them toward the shopping district. Today seemed like a day for energon slushies and maybe a toy or two.
Or three.
Jazz wasn’t a parent. He was the fun uncle. It was his job to spoil Echo and put a smile back on that face.
“But you know, when you were little, you needed a lot of attention, too,” Jazz said.
Echo squeezed his horns tighter. “He’s not even big enough to play with yet. He’s boring.”
Jazz chuckled, but only on the inside. The novelty of having a new little brother burned off really quick, didn’t it?
“He cries all the time,” Echo grumbled, and laid across the top of Jazz’s head, a wan little being of complete distress. “Mama’s tired, and Papa’s busy, and they don’t even pick me up anymore.”
“Fair,” Jazz conceded. “But it’s not going to be forever. He’ll get a little older, and things’ll be different. Ya just gotta be patient.”
“It’s taking forever,” Echo whined and kicked out his feet, or tried to. Jazz’s grip on his ankles meant he couldn’t scuff up Jazz’s chassis with his shins.
He was learning.
Jazz hummed understandably. Everything took forever when you were little. He supposed he understood Echo to a certain extent. Jazz and Ricochet had been born at the same time, and he’d had to put up with Ricochet all his life. There was never a time he didn’t have to deal with Ricochet.
He’d probably be no different than Echo if Ricochet had been born as a little brother. Primus, the chaos he would’ve caused.
“Then lucky you that you have me and your Uncle Bluestreak to yourself for the next couple of days,” Jazz said.
Echo immediately perked up. “Uncle Boo? Really?” His enthusiasm rippled in his immature field, giving Jazz the beginnings of a processor ache. If Echo would stop squeezing his horns…
“Yes, really,” Jazz said. “But later. He’s working right now. So do ya know what we’re gonna do?”
“No, what?”
Jazz bounced a little, making Echo sway atop him and shriek with delight. “Go find something sweet and tasty to bring home for him. Sound good?”
“Slushies?” Echo asked hopefully, and Jazz would bet all the creds in his subspace Echo was about to start drooling. He had a sweet tooth just like his carrier. “Gummies? Oil cakes?” He paused and gasped audibly. “<i>Rust sticks</i>!?”
“I’ll let you pick,” Jazz said graciously.
Echo bounced hard enough to make Jazz’s visor wobble. “Yay!”
It was worth it, though, because gone was the wan little sparkling who thought his parents didn’t have time for him anymore. Maybe his favorite uncles weren’t a replacement, but they were good enough for now.
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caribouwritings · 4 years
Im here again! After weeks of having a break for tumblr, Im finally back to ask about the baby bluestreak au. What if… Prowl and Jazz took Bluestreak on a picnic? They do so inside the base, but the bit is having fun looking around as his dadas are relaxing
Yay, you brought baby Blue back too! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
Prowl was up to his optics in paperwork, and in desperate times came desperate measures.
Although he knew the twins were rambunctious and wild, they were the only ones available at short notice.
He almost reluctantly handed off Bluestreak to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker to babysit, under the promise he’d misplace that spray paint incident report if Blue was well taken care of.
Prowl quickly rushed to put all his files away.
“Slow down, Prowl,” Jazz calmly said.
“I got to pick up Blue from the twins,” Prowl argued, “I didn’t even do a through background check on them before letting them watch my sparkling.”
“Prowl, you got to relax,” Jazz chuckled, “the worse that you’re going to find is that he’ll need a bath. Which he is going to get anyways, so...”
“I’m being serious, Jazz!” Prowl snapped.
Jazz tapped Prowl’s olfactory sensor, “you’re cute when you’re mad.”
“Jazz.” Prowl growled.
“That’s my name,” Jazz wrapped an arm around him, “come on. Let’s go get the sparkling before he chats their audios off.”
Yogi Bear played on the giant TV in the bots’ little hangout area.
Bluestreak sat there rocking, holding his pedds as he asked a million questions.
“What he doing?” Blue asked.
“Stealing the picnic basket,” Sunstreaker answered as he continued painting.
“Why?” Blue asked.
“He’s not really good at making friends.” Sideswipe fibbed.
“Be he smart bear,” Blue argued.
“Uh...” Sideswipe tapped his chin, “then you should have a picnic, Blue. Invite Yogi.”
“Ya!” Blue wobbly got to his pedds.
“Good job, Sides,” Sunstreaker teased.
“I got this, Sunny,” Sideswipe said, “the kid likes me.”
Bluestreak waddled around, grabbing a tarp.
“Is that the picnic blanket?” Sideswipe asked, helping the little sparkling put it out.
“Uh huh!” Bluestreak crawled on the tarp. “Where Yogi?”
“Well you need a picnic basket,” Sunstreaker piped in.
“Hmm, where would we find a picnic basket?” Sideswipe wondered aloud.
The brothers rubbed their chins thinking, Bluestreak looked back and forth between them, then placed his servo on his chin.
At that moment, Prowl and Jazz walked in pausing to take in the scene.
“Don’t think too hard,” Jazz teased, “you might fry your processor.”
“Dada!” Bluestreak held up his hands.
“Hi, Blue!” Prowl picked him up, “did you have fun with the twins?”
Sideswipe turned to Jazz, “you wouldn’t happen to have a picnic basket, would you?”
Jazz tilted his head, “why?”
“Yogi!” Blue pointed at the TV.
Prowl gave the twins a look.
“He wants to invite Yogi over for a picnic,” Sunstreaker shrugged. “Sideswipe was the one going along with it.”
Sideswipe grinned.
Jazz sighed, turning to the door, “I’ll be back. I think I can find something.”
“You two can go,” Prowl bounced Bluestreak, “I know you two probably want to practice your... Judo Duo.”
“Jet Judo,” Sunstreaker mumbled.
“Thanks, sir!” Sideswipe and his brother hurried out the door behind Jazz.
“A picnic with Yogi Bear?” Prowl asked.
“Frwends.” Bluestreak said.
“Friends? You want to be friends with a bear?” Prowl sat down on the tarp.
“Ya!” Bluestreak declared.
Jazz walked back in, “I’m back. And I brought someone.”
Bluestreak’s optics widened, “Yogi!”
A teddy bear, slightly bigger than Jazz’s servo, wearing a green hat and collar hung out of a backpack. Next to the Yogi duplicate were three cubes of energon.
“Where’d you... how’d you...?” Prowl sputtered.
“Who do you think told the twins Blue’s favorite toons that settle him down?” Jazz smirked. “Besides, some humans donated this bear and I fixed it up for the kid.”
Jazz sat the bear on the tarp.
Bluestreak immediately crawled to it laughing maniacally, then globing it.
“Look at how happy he is,” Jazz sat down with Prowl.
Prowl smiled, “you really are something, Jazz.”
“Awe, aren’t you cute when you’re trying to avoid your feelings,” Jazz passed him a cube.
“I’m not avoiding my feelings,” Prowl argued.
“Uh huh,” Jazz chuckled.
“You haven’t said it either,” Prowl sipped his drink.
“Technically, I did,” Jazz swirled his drink, “you were asleep.”
Prowl dribbled his energon on himself, staring at Jazz.
“I love you, Prowl,” Jazz smiled. “And don’t stress. I can wait to hear you say it back.”
Bluestreak laughed hysterically, hugging his bear and bouncing.
Jazz laughed, but felt Prowl’s stare still on him. “What’s wrong, Prowler?”
Prowl cupped Jazz’s face, “you’re perfect.”
Then kissed him.
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Chapter 18 - Into The Flood Again
Seattle Washington, March 2 1990
(Andi is 20, Chris is 25)
ANDI: It was a grey Pacific North West afternoon, typical weather for Seattle and I had just finished my short little 4 hour shift at the local used record shop - Bluestreak Records - downtown. Instead of taking the bus back home, I decide to walk. Normally Chris will come and pick me up but he said he would be at Kim's rehearsing this afternoon so I just said that I would meet him there once I stop at home first to clean up a little. 
I wish I could just drive instead of having to catch a bus or a cab or have Chris drive me everywhere. Given my condition, it's definitely recommended that I don't. I wouldn't want to be behind the wheel and suddenly have an episode and end up causing an accident or killing someone.
As I walk out on to the sidewalk, slinging my bag over my shoulder, I take out my Walkman with my headphones and blast Metallica's Master Of Puppets album in my ears. Eventually I make it back home and climb the steps to the front door. Once I open the door, I step inside and take off my bag and my head phones, setting them down beside the door, then slip off my leather jacket and hang it up. The living room was dark as no one seemed to have opened the curtains at all since I left earlier this morning and I could hear the faint sound of Van Halen's first record playing from Andy and Xana's room. I walk over to the far window and open up the curtains to let some light in, though the gloominess of the day doesn't really help much. Then as I make my way down the hallway to get myself ready to take a shower, I see the bathroom door slightly open and a bare foot peaking out from the corner of the door.
"Xana?" I call out slightly panicked but trying to keep my cool. 
"Andy? Is that you in there?"
Still no answer.
I quickly move to the door and attempt to care fully open it but I couldn't as they were laying in front of the door.
"Andy!? Andy!!" I shout but no answer. After a few moments of me pushing on the door, I was able to slide myself through the crack and see that in fact it was Andy laying on the floor on his back, his blonde locks matted to his forehead, only in his blue plaid pajama pants and a syringe hanging out of his left forearm right in the crook of where his elbow bends.
"Holy shit, no... no, no, no, no," I keep repeating frantically as I maneuver myself in between him and the bathroom counter, and try my best to lift up his head, tapping his cheeks to get him to wake up. I lean over him and listen to see if I could hear him breathing and I could, but just barely. I take his right wrist and feel around for a pulse and then move my fingers up to his neck since I couldn't feel anything with his wrist. Eventually I do feel a pulse but it's so incredibly faint, it's almost hard to tell.
"Andy... can you hear me? Please, can you hear me?" I start to cry as I tap his cheek again. He still doesn't move but I hear a little groan emerge from his throat. I then carefully pull out the syringe from his arm and maneuver him into my lap, cradling his head as I attempt to get him to come back to me.
"g-g-g-gone" He groans out, barely able to form words as I hold him in my lap.
"What? Andy... no, no, no... stay with me," I cry and he tries to make out a few more words.
"l-l-l-love y-y-y-you," He mumbles as he tries to open his eyes.
"I'm gonna call an ambulance ok?" I say wiping away my tears.
"N-n-n-no," He mumbles again, and slowly starts to come around. He groans a few more times and begins to try to move. He throws his one arm around me and slowly begins to open his eyes to focus on me.
"I-I'm good... s'ok... I'm... ok," He slurs, still sounding so sleepy.
"I'm gonna call Chris and see if he can find Xana ok?" I say with tears still streaming down my cheeks.
"N-n-no... don't do that, j-just stay... stay here with me," He says closing his eyes again. I move my hand to his neck to check his pulse just to make sure and it's stronger than it was before but still slow.
"j-just stay here... with me... stay w-w-with me baby," He slurs and tries to laugh a little, though I definitely do not feel like laughing.
A couple of hours later, I was sitting in the living room sipping some tea, trying to distract myself by reading an article in a magazine about how the music scene in Seattle was starting a revolution. It mentioned Mudhoney, The Melvins  and Green River as pioneers of the whole Seattle sound and with a strong focus on Soundgarden leading the way for major record labels to want to pick up on the scene emerging. It also mentioned Mother Love Bone as the next big thing with the anticipation of the release of their debut album 'Apple' on Mercury/Stardog records.
Andy was eventually able to somewhat re-gain his composure and I helped him into his room for him to sleep of the remaining high he was still enduring. I was still supposed to go and meet Chris but I was afraid to leave Andy here alone in case something happened. Just as I was reading the last sentence of the article, the door opens and I see Chris coming through with his guitar case.
"Hey baby," I say sweetly, setting my cup down on the table in front of me.
"Hi... I uh... I thought you were going to meet me at Kim's?" He says as he sets his guitar case down and slips off his leather jacket.
"I know, I'm sorry... I uh should've called," I say as I flip closed the magazine, setting it beside me and rise from the couch. He hangs up his jacket, flipping those gorgeous dark curls out of his face and turns to see me. He takes me in his arms and places his lips on mine, in a long soulful kiss. He then breaks away from me and touches his forehead to mine.
"Everything alright?" He asks and I could feel my cheeks flush. I knew I had to tell him what happened, I just have to keep myself calm. But as soon as he asked that question, my brow began to furrow and my bottom lip began to quiver.
"Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me," He says attentively. I shake my head a little trying to rid the feeling but it was hard.
"Chris -I... I don't..." I start but I couldn't get the words out.
"Andi no baby, don't slip if you can help it... tell me, tell me what's wrong," He says sternly but not angry, more like frustrated at the fact that I might disappear before him.
"It's... it's Andy, I came home and I found him on the floor in the bathroom -"
"Was he using again?" He asks quickly and I nod.
"Where is he?"
"He's in his room..." I start to feel faint.
"No baby... stay with me... Andi! " He says and that's the last thing I hear before I find myself in the dark bathroom of Chris's basement.
CHRIS: "God damn It!"
I didn't mean to yell but fuck. Why did she have to slip right now? Of all fucking times, why right now? I'm not mad at her I'm just so... it's just frustrating.
I pick up her clothes from the floor and set them on the couch, then make my way down the hall to see exactly what was going on. As I walk into the bathroom, I don't see any sort of evidence that anything had taken place until I see the syringe with a few dirty cotton balls in the trash.
A wave of sadness and hurt washed over my entire body at the fact that she was the one to find him in the bathroom. I immediately make my way out of the bathroom and back down the hall to Andy and Xana's room knocking loudly on the door.
"Hey man, you in there?" I call but no answer. After a few minutes I just decide to head in myself. Normally I wouldn't be so determined but when it comes down to the fucking love of my life, the reason I breathe, finding him on the floor fucked up like that, it's a whole other ball game.
"Dude, you awake...? Andy...?" I ask my voice deep with assertiveness as I grab his ankle at the end of the bed and gently try to shake him awake. He lets out a grumble from the pillow but I couldn't make out just what he was saying.
"Andy wake up," I repeat.
"Whhaaa?" He groans as he rolls over and sees me standing beside his bed. He blinks his eyes a few times and sits up slowly, running his fingers through his hair, leaning his elbows on his knees.
"You alright man?" I ask. I figure I should start with that at least.
"Uh... yea, I think so," He says groggily with his eyes closed.
"What the fuck man? What the fuck are you doing?" I ask trying to not be angry because I know as well as anyone that never works.
"I don't know man," He says.
"Andrea found you, you know that? Just what the hell man?" I say as my anger recedes and I feel worry and hurt bubbling to the surface.
"I never meant for her to find me," He says quietly, his eyes still closed.
"Fuck, you're lucky she did. I mean... what if she never came home from work?  What if she just decided to head to Kim's to meet me without coming home first? What then?"
"Chris man, I'm sorry,"
I let out a sigh and flip my curls out of my eyes looking away for a moment while Andy looks up at me, looking like hell.
"I don't want you to be sorry... I just... I'm worried. We're all worried. We just want you to stop. You quit once before remember?"
"Yea," He says quietly.
"If you need help dude, I'm here. I'll always have your back man," I say and he gives me small smile and holds out his hand. I take it and give him a brotherly handshake patting him on his shoulder.
"Thanks," He says quietly and suddenly I hear a cry from the living room. We look at each other for a moment, then I quickly run out of his room and down the hall to the living room to see Andi sitting up on the couch, pulling down her Aerosmith T shirt and flipping her curls out from underneath.
"Babe?" I ask.
"Uh huh," She says calmly smirking as she reaches for jeans.
"What happened? When did you slip to?" I ask, a little concerned as to why she's so incredibly calm and seemingly much happier than before.
"Um, July '84," She says and pulls up her jeans, hopping into them as her curls bounce around her.
"July '84... oh... oohhhh," I say realizing with sudden lustfulness that seemed to come out of nowhere. She glances at me, sauntering over, biting her bottom lip as my memory of that night comes back to me. She lifts herself up and presses those soft plush lips to mine, lacing her fingers through my hair like she always does, which sends chills all over my entire body.
"You were amazing then, but you are incredible now," She whispers in my ear. She slowly pulls away from me and passes me to walk down the hall and as my eyes follow her, she looks back at me biting that bottom lip again and I couldn't help but practically chase her into the bedroom to relive that night over again.
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ratchetsboyfriend · 5 years
Mobile Masterlist
Desktop version
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Bumblebee meeting government agent S/O for the first time
Tfp Ratchet, Optimus, Rid15 Slipstream, and Jetstorm human’s first words are about how attractive the ‘Bot is 
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, Knockout, Predaking, and Rid15 Fixit take care of S/O for the day
Tfp Soundwave “Do you think we’re bad people?” prompt 
Tfp Shockwave with shy, smart, awkward, Autobot human love interest
Tfp Optimus, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Tfa Blitzwing sweet affection with S/O
Tfp Arcee “I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.” + “You don’t get to pick and choose. You’re stuck with me.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt
Tfa Jazz, Prowl, and Tfp Wheeljack sleeping with human S/O
Tfa Optimus “Keep your eyes on me.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet “That’s not what I meant and you know it!” prompt
Tfp Orion Pax “If you don’t like this world then change it.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, and Soundwave “If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, Tfa Jazz, and Rid15 Grimlock reacting to S/O’s weird human things
Tfa Bumblebee, Blitzwing, Prowl, Jazz, and Jettwins with S/O who’s insecure about their freckles
Rb Heatwave “Angry kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Rb Chase “Caught off guard kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Rb Blades “Top of head kiss”+superhero S/O
Rb Boulder “Height difference kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Tfa Bumblebee “I’m sorry kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet with S/O who’s interested in Cybertronian biology/culture
Tfp Optimus  “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt
Tfp Arcee “I almost lost you kiss” prompt
Tfp Megatron, Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave falling for the leader of MECH’s rival organization
Tfa Bumblebee “Giggly kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet being guardian to a shy, calm, older charge
Tfp Arcee “I’ve missed you kiss” prompt
Rb Blades and Boulder dating headcanons
Rid15 Bumblebee relaxing with S/O
Tfp Optimus “Needing to kiss to hide from the bad guys” prompt
Poly KOBD with the leader of MECH’s rival organization
Tfa Jazz, Prowl, and Rb Heatwave hearing S/O sing for the first time
Rid15 Soundwave “Returned from the dead kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Breakdown, and Knockout sleeping with human S/O
Rb Boulder, Heatwave, and Tfp Wheeljack reacting to S/O being pregnant
Tfp Wheeljack “Needing to kiss to hide from the bad guys” prompt
Poly Tfp Optimus/Ratchet “When one stops the kiss to whisper ‘I’m sorry, are you sure you-’ and they answer by kissing them more” prompt
Rb Chase, Heatwave, Boulder, and Blades seeing crush dressed up for the first time
Tfa Optimus, Bumblebee, Wreck-Gar, Blurr, and Blitzwing reacting to a S/O whose nose always bleeds
Rb Heatwave “I’ve missed you kiss” prompt
Tfa Blitzwing cuddling with a stressed out S/O
Tfp Breakdown POV for poly KOBD with rival MECH leader
Tfp Starscream meeting and falling for a Cybertronian who wasn’t involved with the war
Tfp Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave having a S/O who goes rock climbing, spelunking, and skydiving
Tfa Swindle with a love interest who can steal anything but only does it to take care of their siblings
Tfa Prowl, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Optimus meeting and falling for a photographer
Tfa Prowl “True love’s kiss” prompt  
Tfp Knockout having a secret relationship with a thrill seeking autobot human
Tfa Waspinator pining for a human who is nice to him
Tfp Breakdown is rescued by rival MECH leader
Tfp Ratchet being assigned to a charge who acts like him
Tfa Jetfire “Kiss on a dare” prompt
Tfp Optimus, Smokescreen, and Ratchet with a S/O who’s afraid to express affection at first
Tfa Ratchet “Shy kiss” prompt
Tfp Optimus, Ratchet, Knockout, and Megatron falling for a human who wants to combine human and Cybertronian medical science
Tfa Jetstorm “Spin the bottle kiss” prompt
MtMtE Whirl headcanons for having a human S/O
Tfp Megatron, Starscream, Predaking, Optimus, and Ratchet reacting to a human charge finally snapping
MtMtE Trailcutter headcanons for having a crush on a human
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, and  Soundwave reassuring a S/O who misunderstood a conversation
MtMtE Riptide at the beach with S/O
MtMtE Rung realizing he’s fallen for a human
Tfp Optimus’ S/O falling asleep on his shoulder
MtMtE Riptide and Fort Max dating headcanons
Tfp Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave taking care of a drunk S/O
Tfp Ratchet “One small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other” + “Staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in” prompts
Tfp Arcee “You’re essentially immortal until you meet your soulmate” prompt
MtMtE Overlord “You can see the red string of fate that connects you to your soulmate but only when you close your eyes” prompt
MtMtE Fulcrum “Your soulmates first impression/thought about you is written on your body” prompt
Tfa Megatron “You have a name on each wrist, your soulmate’s name and your enemy’s name and you don’t know which is which” prompt with enemy Lugnut
MtMtE Tarn “When your soulmate listens to music you can hear it too” prompt
Rb Blades “You only see in black and white until you touch your soulmate for the first time” prompt
Bw Dinobot “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Rid15  Sideswipe “Surprised kiss” prompt
MtMtE Rung being in love with a human
MtMtE Rung “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Tfa Ratchet “Instead of their first words to you, you have a random phrase that your soulmate will say one day so you could know them for years before realizing that they’re your soulmate” prompt
Tfp Ratchet getting his S/O out of a sticky situation
Tfa Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Blurr, Tfp Ratchet, and Bumblebee reacting to finding S/O with sparklings
Tfa Blitzwing “Kiss at dawn” + “Quick kiss” prompts
Mtmte Ratchet taking care of and reassuring a human who fainted after overworking themself
Tfa Prowl “Kiss under a full moon” prompt
Tfp Shockwave and Soundwave reacting to a S/O who has insomnia/sleep related anxiety
Tfp Optimus “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt with S/O calling Optimus an idiot
Rid15 Fixit “Surprised kiss” prompt
Mtmte Swerve, Rodimus, and Megatron reacting to receiving art from S/O
Mtmte Fulcrum, Krok, and Grimlock  cuddling headcanons
Tfp Ratchet “The day when you’re supposed to meet your soulmate will continually loop for the both of you until you finally find each other” prompt
Mtmte Bluestreak falling for a human and pining for them before finally asking them out
Tfa Blitzwing “Your soulmate’s name is somewhere on your body” prompt
Mtmte Poly Dratchet “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
The sequel to the poly Dratchet soulmate prompt
Mtmte Whirl, Tfp Ratchet, and Bulkhead “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
Mtmte Rung feeling overwhelmed by how much his S/O loves him
Tfp Soundwave reacting to the human bringing a cat on board
Mtmte Megatron “Your soulmate’s name is somewhere on your body” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Soundwave, and Bumblebee bonding with a human S/O over something silly
Tfa Waspinator "Routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing” prompt
Rb Heatwave comforting the human after the loss of a loved one
Mtmte Megatron and Ultra Magnus reacting to being called dad
Mtmte Ultra Magnus reacting to the human calling the baby ‘our kid’ (Ultra Dad au)
Rb Chase affection headcanons
Tfp Smokescreen, Arcee, and Wheeljack with a S/O who lost their memory
Mtmte Rung sequel to him being in love with a human
Mtmte Rodimus, Megatron, and Dratchet being cheered up by their human S/O
Mtmte Cygate “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Wreckers Springer affection headcanons 
Bw Inferno relationship headcanons 
Wreckers Springer relationship headcanons
Tfp Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave dealing with a human who screams every time they try to talk
Mtmte Whirl reacting to a heartfelt confession from a human
Rid15 Steeljaw, Thunderhoof, Fracture, and Saberhorn realizing that they’ve fallen for their human ally
Tfa Prowl “The day when you’re supposed to meet your soulmate will continually loop for the both of you until you finally find each other” prompt
Mtmte Fulcrum realizing he has feelings for a human after Misfire gets close with them
Mtmte Atomizer relationship headcanons
Tfa Blitzwing cuddling headcanons 
Bw Rattrap “Somewhere on your body is the first words your soulmate will ever say to you” prompt
Tfp Ratchet being forced to take breaks and recharge by a bigger bot S/O
Tfp Smokescreen and Mtmtme Swerve confessing to someone who shares their feelings
Mtmte Rodimus, Trailcutter, and Bluestreak at the beach with a human S/O
Tfa Optimus "Once a year, you and your soulmate swap bodies until you find each other." prompt
Mtmte First Aid trying to figure out who his friend's crush is and it's Ratchet
Mtmte Ultra Magnus how he and the human found their adopted child (Ultra Dad au)
Tfa Jet twins, Prowl, Ratchet, and Blitzwing with a S/O who chews on things to cope
Mtmte Rodimus cuddling with S/O after they both have a bad day
Ratchet, Optimus, Bulkhead, and Knockout whose charge is graduating from college
Rb Blades movie marathon date
Rb Heatwave, Tfa Prowl, Tfp Optimus, and Rid15 Steeljaw with a druid companion
Tfp Arachnid “You and your soulmate can feel each other’s pain” prompt
Mtmte Trailcutter trying to flirt
Bw Terrorsaur, Rattrap, and Waspinator’s S/O makes them flower crowns
Wreckers Springer cuddling headcanons
Mtmte Whirl napping headcanons
Mtmte Whirl “Somewhere on your body is the first words your soulmate will ever say to you” prompt
Rid15 Fracture dating an Autobot human
Tfp Arcee, Wheeljack, Arachnid, and Dreadwing’s S/O serenading them
Tfp KOBD/Mech leader reunion
Tfp Ratchet’s bot S/O hiding their injuries
Tfa Longarm, Sentinel, Megatron, and Jet twins reacting to a S/O whose nose always bleeds
Tfp Ratchet with a minibot S/O
Bw Waspinator “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
Mtmte Scavengers with a minicon S/O
Mtmte Drift and Rodimus couples’ costume for Halloween
Mtmte Roddratchet ghosthunting with S/O
Mtmte Scavengers celebrating Halloween
Tfp Ratchet S/O dressing up as a doctor to get a rise out of him
Tfp Megatron “Your soulmates first impression/thought about you is written on your body” prompt
Tfp Starscream, Megatron, Knockout, Ratchet, and Optimus reacting to being turned temporarily human and being taken care of by their S/O
Tfp Ratchet and Wheeljack pining for a human
Tfa Ratchet, Tfp Ratchet, Mtmte Ratchet, and CDRW reacting to reserved S/O going all out in a fight
Tfa Prowl, Optimus, and Bulkhead helping a S/O afraid of storms
273 notes · View notes
thanksjro · 4 years
Eugenesis, Part Six Scene Two: Even Roberts Is Concerned At This Point
Ultra Magnus, Death’s Head, Siren, and Galvatron have just reached Aquaria, thanks to the transwarp drive. They reenter reg-space and find themselves faced with the Thermopylae, leaving the orbit of a collapsing planet. Someone brings up whether or not they shouldn’t, you know, go down to the planet that looks about two minutes from self-destructing, but they’ve got to go get the Matrix, which they still believe to be in the underwater base.
We, as followers of the narrative, already know that the Matrix, Xenon, Haxian, and a bunch of nasty little baby makers are on that ship, and decidedly not on the planet anymore. The Aquaria team, unfortunately, does not have access to such information, and they dive down into the ocean, into that massive abyss that the Quintesson base is tucked into.
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Siren, I am so sorry, dude.
Over with Optimus in the Ark, we’re still being ridiculous.
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Optimus Prime, who has been around these folks (all of whom have literally millions of years of experience on him when it comes to fighting thanks to his dirt nap) for a grand total of maybe a day, thinks he’s fit to judge and damn everyone, in one of the most arguably high-stress situations to have ever befallen this entire race. Maybe the whole “turn out you only get to live for three more years after you wake up on Earth” thing is getting to him more than he cares to admit. I know I’d be a bit bleak if I found out I died in a video game made by some nerd with two first names.
The first Tridents are coming towards them over the horizon, and Optimus orders the aerial forces to take them down.  
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I like this little snippet.
Joining the Quintesson ships are our Quintessential Flying Fucks, using their jet bodies to their advantage- let’s not forget, for as much time they’ve spent within the story, they haven’t been seen by a vast majority of the Transformers. Most of the robot who saw them on Earth are either off-world or dead. It’s a hell of an advantage for them.
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Sevax, no, you fool! If you leave now, we’ll never get your lore!
While all this is happening up in the air, Optimus tells Mirage to move in. He and his team of ground troops jump out of the back of the ship, losing about half of their numbers to missile fire and lasers. It’s messy. Those who weren’t killed on the way down find themselves surrounded by Sharkticons and hoverbikers. This, too, is messy. Tracks is dead. Bonecrusher’s wounded enough to need to be picked up by Mirage.  
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How do you keep surviving these things, Swindle? Roberts must really like you or something.
Although, given what he’s done to some of his favorites, maybe not. Swindle may just be one lucky bastard.
A few of the remaining team members nab some hoverbikes and start making their way over to the Fortress proper. The battle rages on, more and more robots getting killed in violent, awful ways, to the point where I think even Roberts might have sat back and said “maybe this is a bit much,” because this little section is ended with:
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Back on the Ark, it’s just Optimus and Bluestreak.
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I mean, it’s just Bluestreak now.
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Now this is an interesting idea, a form of hierarchy based on computing power in the brain. A sort of genetic class-system, that only those who have extra abilities can benefit from. Sort of reminds me of the cold-construction racism in the IDW comics. Yes, I know Roberts didn’t come up with that all on his lonesome, it’s just an interesting comparison.
It also explains just why Thunderclash was kidnapped as opposed to Rodimus after the bomb went off.
This little hiccup in their biology really bites them in the ass here, as none of the Quintessons realize that it’s Optimus Friggin’ Prime that’s coming towards them. He promptly starts kicking tail.
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Optimus Prime trying to be as cool as Soundwave, but he’s already shown what a jackass he is in this. Too little too late, Optimus. Better luck next continuity. I bet he’s still thinking “fuck, I hope we all get killed for our warmongering”, as he’s bashing skulls in.
Back on the Ark, Bluestreak’s feeling a little lonely, now being the only one aboard. It’s honestly sort of surprising that a ship that big can be flown by a single pilot, but looks like he’s managing alright. He blasts a hole in the Fortress, we’re reminded that it’s the shape of a pentagon, because Quintessons, and then he zips up into the night sky.
Over at Delphi, Sygnet’s bothering Chromedome by screaming about getting a signal from the folks over at the Fortress. This wouldn’t be such a problem, but Chromedome’s busy working on the new microchip to counteract the Inhibitor Chip, and he’s actually running a little behind on the timeline for the whole thing. Sygnet, in a surprising show of understanding, leaves the room.
Sygnet takes the time to reflect on his personal experience with the Autobot/Decepticon war. He’s not a fighter, you see, not in the traditional sense. He spent his time devising and constructing weapons- traditional, biological, some that would violate the Geneva convention- and that was how he liked it. He wasn’t interested in being an active participant.
And yet he can’t help but wish he were fighting alongside Optimus Prime. No one is immune to his charm, it would seem.
As he’s thinking about Cybertron’s collective crush, he follows a set of cables tied to the wall, which lead him to a rather grim scene.
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…Did they take his legs? Why did they take his legs off? How much processing power could one’s leg’s possibly require when you’re flat on your back? I know that he’s about to do some intense stuff and probably needs all the help he can get, but-
It just seems a little overkill is all.
Soundwave’s all trussed up like a life-saving turkey, hooked up to the Delphi transmitter and ready to go with the anti-Inhibitor Chip signal.
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Soundwave’s not taking shit from anyone anymore. He’s had too long a week.
They radio in Chromedome, making sure he’s also good to go on his end- he’s meant to be piggybacking a secondary message alongside Soundwave’s signal, giving the prisoners coordinates to follow. He says that he is.
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Oh, well that’s very nice of you, Chromedome.
Perceptor doesn’t care about niceties though, just giving Soundwave a second of warning that this will probably hurt before flipping the switch.
Soundwave does his thing and then the lights go out.
For, like, the bottom half of the planet.
Luckily, the message got through before that happened.
Over in Kledji, the prisoners are busting out. Shrapnel, an Insecticon, manages to overload the generator for the entire prison, releasing everyone. Folks are transforming like there’s no tomorrow- honestly, there might not be at this rate- and moving towards the ships outside to get to the Sonic Canyons as fast as they can.
Back over at the Fortress battle, Quantax is standing out on the balcony having a little ego stroke.  
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It’s got him feeling good. So good, in fact, he decides to join in on the fun, pulling out a rifle and aiming for something easy.
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Looks like Mainframe wasn’t fast enough this time.
The sight of a fellow Autobot’s head just disappearing makes something snap inside Optimus, or something, because that’s the point when he decides it’s time to regroup, retreat, and move on to phase two of the plan. He sends out a long-range message to everyone stating this.
Quantax watches as the Ark returns to the field, loads up all its passengers, and then zooms away. Some Sharkticons had climbed onto the front in an attempt to stop it, but they’re no match for the power of gravity.
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Thank goodness that smile wasn’t sad or proud, or we might be in trouble here.
Man, I hope he remembered to turn on the artificial gravity before he did that.
Quantax is friggin’ pissed at this turn of events. He storms into the control room and orders every still-functioning trooper to hunt down the Transformers and eliminate them. This battle ain’t over ’til he says it is.
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petitelepus · 7 years
A Simple Femme In Beast’s Suit, chapter 5
So, I apparently forgot to post this little piece here on Tumblr last week. Well done me! Not. Shoutout to wonderful @rocksinmuffin, they made sure to give us another amazing Sin Day so maybe some angst will be what they need to finish the day off!
Swerve took a big breath. He needed to calm himself down. He wasn’t going to get a reprimanding from Ultra Magnus so he had no reason to be nervous. He was just going to have a session with Rung, the calmest and most understanding mech on the whole Lost Light. He understood why they would make him talk with Rung, but he couldn’t understand why he had to take Blazebite with him.
The said mech stood right behind Swerve, unconsciously intimidating him and curiously grazing her sharp servos against the tires on his shoulders. She must had been curious of them since she didn’t have any. The minibot knew she probably didn’t mean it, but her curiosity gave him creeps all over his spinal strut.
Suddenly door opened and Swerve flinched, jumping at the side to avoid mech leaving the office. Rung followed his latest patient and waved him off.
”Same time next week!” The orange mech called after them. Swerve gulped and Rung turned to him with a kind smile. ”Ah, Swerve, it’s great to see that you could make it. You’re early even!”
”Y- yeah, as great as this can be.”
Rung nodded in pleased manner and then his optics landed on big black mech that stood behind Swerve. Blazebite eyed the orange mech, her optics filled with curiosity. Who was this new mech, she probably thought.
Swerve made way as Rung stepped forward and offered his hand to femme like a real gentleman. ”And you must be young Blazebite I heard so much about. Are you ready to join our session? Oh where are my manners! My name is Rung and I’m ship’s psychiatric. If you ever have something bothering you then you can come talk to me.”
Blazebite tilted her helm in obvious confusion. ”…Ung…?”
Swerve tried not to snicker at the equal confusion showing on Rung’s face, but he couldn’t help a little to smile a little. Rung withdrew his hand and looked Swerve. ”Is she making fun of me?”
”No, I don’t think so, I doubt she even can. She’s just at sparkler’s level. That and I think she doesn’t know how to say R so it most likely isn’t anything malicious.” Swerve quickly explained. Rung nodded and smiled again. ”Well that certainly fits the profile that I received from her.”
The orange mech stepped aside and motioned to his office. Swerve and Blazebite entered the room and Rung followed them, closing door behind him. The minibot took a seat on the patient’s table and Rung moved to join him to his chair, when he suddenly froze in horror.
Swerve craned his neck to see what shocked the calm psychiatric so badly and he noticed Blazebite on other side of the room with one of Rung’s precious model ships in her big servos. The big femme crooned, her optics wide in wonder as she inspected the toy in her hands. Rung quickly sprinted to other side of the room and snatched the toy from black mech’s hands.
”Now, pardon me, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t touch my model planes! They’re very delicate and take great time to care for.”
Blazebite looked baffled, but more than anything, hurt. The femme’s lower lip started to quiver and coolant started to pool on her red optics and Swerve flinched in horror. He knew, Blazebite was going to cry and he didn’t want to hear that again.
Rung reacted quickly to Blazebite’s mood change and with a flick of his wrist he wished out of nowhere a box full of energon treats. The femme blinked and stared at the box, then Rung, who smiled and handed one energon stick to Blazebite. ”Here. I have also prepared something else for you.”
Blazebite crooned, coolant ebbing away and curiously nibbled the stick given to her. Once she realised that the stick was actually delicious, she started begging and whining for Rung to give her more. The orange mech chuckled, walked to his table and took out a metallic box that he opened for the giant femme to see and she chirped excitedly.
Swerve was curious to know what was in the box, but he didn’t have to wait long to know as Rung poured the everything inside box on the floor. Blocks of different shapes and sizes. Round blocks, cubes, triangles and stars. All painted with different bright sparkling paints.
Blazebite was absolutely overjoyed, sitting on the floor so she could play with blocks given to her. Rung put the box beside the femme and sat on his chair so they could finally start Swerve’s session.
”Now, we can start whenever you feel like you’re ready to talk. Take your time.” The psychiatric assured to metallurgist and placed his notepad against his leg.
Swerve twiddled his servos as he laid on a patient’s table. The table felt way too big for little old minibot, but he didn’t see it as a reason to complain. His gaze moved all across the secure office’s roof and once he got bored to it he switched to eye the vast model ship collection on the wall across the room.
Swerve instinctively looked at Rung who sat beside the table. The psychiatric was patiently giving him moment to collect himself and calm down. They said being calm helped a lot, but the minibot couldn’t calm himself down. Not with the large black femme in the room, piling blocks into a tower and accidentally knocking them over.
Finally, he sighed and turned his attention back to the ceiling.
”I- I don’t know where to start…!”
”How about how you have been lately?” Rung suggested gently. Swerve nodded and started from his nightmares, how they all began since they returned from Ovika 1.5 and what occurred in there. He didn’t go to details that happened to him during his time as hostage, leaving out the fact that he was orally satisfied and almost raped by the same big mech that was in the same room as he was.
But Rung being smart mech he was, always knew when someone wasn’t telling everything, but he didn’t pressure Swerve to talk about it. The minibot would tell him when he was ready. That didn’t stop the psychiatric from noticing how Swerve shot wary glances at Blazebite every other minute.
”I can see that Blazebite here is causing you distress. How do you feel about her being here during our session? Would you like me to call Brainstorm to pick her up?”
The black femme stopped fumbling with the blocks for a second when she heard her name being mentioned and she stared shorter mechs if one of them wanted her attention, but when she saw she wasn’t needed, she focused back on her blocks.
Swerve shook his helm slowly and unconsciously gnawed his lower lip. ”I… She’s fine here. She can barely speak and when she does she’s not even good at that. I doubt she can even understand what we’re talking about.”
”I understand.” Rung said. ”How do you feel about her in general?”
Swerve sighed. ”She’s… okay, I guess?”
”Just okay?”
”Well… she scares me…” Swerve confessed and started to twiddle with his servos again. Rung scribbled something down to his notepad and looked at minibot again. ”Go on.”
”I mean, she kidnapped me and almost killed my friends! What’s there not to fear!?”
”I agree with you, that is very traumatic to have happen to you.” Rung nodded. ”You have been through a lot since you joined the crew and to add—!”
”Her to my life on the ship! It’s like they did it just to toy with me and harass me! How can I know it wasn’t done just to bully me or something like that?” Swerve slumped in his seat after his little yelling and covered his face with his hands. ”She’s a monster…! I don’t trust her, rebooted or not, and I don’t know if I can ever forgive her for what she did!”
Rung scowled sadly. There was a gentle poke on his arm and he turned to look what needed his attention. Blazebite looked at him, her optics big and she pointed at her open mouth in needy manner, reminding him from Earth’s baby birds. The psychiatric smiled a little bit and gave her an energon stick.
Blazebite crumbled in gratitude, but instead of eating it, she crawled over to the table and sat herself beside Swerve who paid no mind to anything happening around him. Rung smiled at the sight. ”I think if Blazebite could understand what she did was wrong, she would feel regret.”
”That’s the thing! She doesn’t know! She can’t apologise anything to me because she’s stupid and doesn’t even have any memories of what she did!”
”Swerve, look to your right and don’t freak out.”
The minibot moved his hands away from his face and turned to see the black femme offering the candy stick she got from older mech. Swerve flinched in fear without realising it. Blazebite crooned and humbly offered her candy to metallurgist. Swerve accepted the stick slowly and carefully, eyeing it like the stick itself would bite him.
”I don’t think this really helps…”
”It’s a starting process for healing. Baby steps.” Rung said, putting his notepad away and crossing his hands over his lap. ”Quite frankly, I must disagree with Rodimus’ decision. It’s not wise for you to mainly look after Blazebite. I’m going to recommend that she is moved to another quarter. I’ll try to get it done today, but I can’t promise anything. Until then, I suggest that you try to live as normally as you can with Blazebite to your side this day.”
Swerve nodded. At least it was something. He could survive from one day with the monster. It shouldn’t be too much trouble, he could tend bar with Bluestreak while Ten could watch after Blazebite outside the bar where she wouldn’t cause problems to any customers.
Swerve and Rung finished their session with a promise from psychiatric that he would try to settle things as soon as possible and the metallurgist nodded, but he didn’t hold any hopes up. He wasn’t just that lucky.
With a dark cloud and black femme hanging above him, Swerve made his way to his bar. He saw a bunch of mechs already rounded up to the door, waiting for the bar to open. The minibot groaned and tried to see his bouncer over bigger mechs. When he finally noticed big mech he hollered him over and Ten came, pushing his way easily through the group of mechs who also heard Swerve.
”Swerve what’s the hold up, can you open the bar?”
”Yeah, get it open!”
”We wanna get thrashed!”
”Yeah, alright, just give me a second here!” Swerve called back and gave Ten a hard look. ”Ten, I need you to look after the bar entrance and Blazebite here. I don’t care what you do with her, just remember the regular rules and don’t let her bother any customers. Did I explain it to you slowly enough?”
”Ten.” Ten nodded humbly and Swerve made his way to the door through the mech mass. It was surprisingly easy for some reason. Like they were making way for him. There was a rumble behind the metallurgist and he glanced over his shoulder. Blazebite was right behind him and drawing attention to them.
”Hey, who’s the hot femme?”
”Haven’t seen her before!”
”Can I get your comm number baby?”
Swerve groaned out loud. She was already causing problems with customers. He turned around and gave the big femme a very annoyed and angry look. ”Stay here! You’re not allowed in the bar!”
Blazebite lowered her helm and crooned as if she was feeling bad for being left behind. Swerve didn’t pay any mind to it. He turned to open his bar and he was about to enter when there came more crooning behind him and Blazebite tried to follow after him. ”Swee…” He heard her whine.
”Hey, did you hear that?!”
”She’s calling after Swerve!”
”That’s the first one!”
The calls from other mechs hit deep mark inside Swerve. Without realising it, he had already turned around and pushed Blazebite with all his might. ”Stay out of here! I mean it! Don’t think I won’t get Ultra Magnus to take you away because I will if I need to!”
He wasn’t nearly strong enough to push Blazebite away, but the femme still took a step back on her own accord. Mechs around them bursted out laughing, all of them thinking it as harmless fun and not looking any deeper into situation as they made their way past Swerve and Blazebite to the bar.
The femme’s horns on the sides of her helm drooped back like kicked mechanimal’s fins, but Swerve was too upset and angry to pay any concern to her. He slammed bar’s door closed behind him and the music blared to life inside the bar as mechs started to party and drink.
Blazebite whined sadly and slumped on her place like a wilting plant. Ten saw how upset the femme had become and gently put his hand over her shoulder. She glanced the other mech confusedly and Ten tried to cheer her up. ”Ten.”
”…” Blazebite stared him and tilted her head in confusion. ”…en…?”
Ten beamed and pointed at himself happily. ”Ten!” He said as he tried to introduce himself to her with his lacking vocabulary. The big black femme pointed at him with her servo, her curiosity overcoming her sadness. ”E- en…?”
”Ten! Ten ten!”
Blazebite smiled and opened her mouth, but when no sound came out she frowned. ”E- e- en…!” It was obvious that she was getting frustrated with her own limited ability to speak properly. She tried again, only to fail and this time she growled in frustration as her glossa wouldn’t work together with her.
Ten patted her sympathetically to the shoulder and Blazebite growled more, but someone else heard her growling and got the wrong impression of the situation.
”Hey! Don’t be mean to Ten!” Came a childish voice and both big mechs stopped on their tracks as a mech smaller than both of them and white like snow appeared between them. Blazebite craned her neck cables to see down and she was met with cutest looking minibot ever, glaring her like she was a Decepticon.
”If you bully my friend you have to go through me first!” He said and put his arms over his waist. ”But before me, you have to go through Cyclonus!”
”Enough Tailgate.” Came a more serious voice as a purple mech with white horns on his helm made his way to them. Tailgate whined and pointed at the dark femme. ”But Cyclonus…! She was growling at Ten!”
”Ten!” Ten said, shaking his helm and putting his hand over Blazebite’s shoulder as a message that she wasn’t bullying him. Luckily Cyclonus came to ease the tension. ”Tailgate, whatever she was doing, I doubt she meant no harm to Ten.”
”But she was growling! Growliiiing!”
Cyclonus sighed and turned his attention to confused Blazebite who was still staring at suspicious Tailgate. ”My name is Cyclonus and this is my roommate Tailgate. And you are?”
Blazebite crooned, tilting her head and she grouched down closer to Tailgate’s level. She was currently way too curious towards Tailgate to pay any serious attention to Cyclonus. The white minibot puffed out his chest before the big femme and it vaguely reminded her from something small that tried to intimidate something bigger in order to protect themselves from bigger things.
Blazebite’s optics glinted happily and she made quick chirping sounds akin to a reptile and suddenly snatched Tailgate into her arms, hugging him closely against her body.
”Ow ow OW! Too hard! You’re hugging me too hard!” Poor Tailgate cried and he tried to struggle out of the deadly hug of affection. Not knowing what was wrong, but recognising the sounds leaving minibot as sounds of distress, the big femme let go of him.
Tailgate gave himself a look over and when he couldn’t find any scratches or dents he gave Blazebite another glance, now taking in her horns, black paint job, wings over her back and crimson optics. His thoughts were flying around until he came to a conclusion and turned to Cyclonus. ”Is she a new crew member? I’ve never seen a mech with wings before! I want to guess her alt mode!”
The stoic purple mech hummed and gave black femme a look. She seemed harmless so far with her behaviour, but her appearance was truly more frightening. He decided to ask for her name again. ”Your name. Would you share it with us and your side on this galaxy?”
Blazebite rumbled thoughtfully, trying her best to understand what everything meant, but it still left her wondering. Name? She knew a name! Many in fact! Swerve, Brainstorm, Rung, Ten and her own! But maybe it wasn’t her name they wanted? Certainly they wanted to know that Ten was her friend?
”E- en…! …en… eeen…!” Blazebite tried her best to say a name he gave her, but she couldn’t say it right. Cyclonus and Tailgate seemed to understand either way.
”Ten? So you’re also a friend of Ten’s?” Tailgate asked curiously. The femme crooned and hugged Ten as she hid her face against his big shoulder plating. Ten was build to handle roughhousing so he didn’t mind Blazebite’s strong hug. He patted her on the back, minding her folded wings. ”Ten ten.”
Cyclonus nodded in understandment and turned towards Tailgate. ”It appears she has trouble pronouncing Ten’s name. She might not even be able to say her own name.”
”Aww…! That’s so sad!” Tailgate cried and ran up to hug Blazebite leg. The act caught big femme’s attention and she let go of Ten so she could wonder minibot’s behaviour. The said mech snuggled his faceplate against her leg and looked up at her with his blue visor shining brightly.
”Do not worry anymore! Me and Cyclonus will teach you how to speak properly and you can then tell us your name!”
”Her name is Blazebite.”
All four mech turned around to see Chromedome standing there behind them, probably trying to get to the bar, but the entrance was blocked by Blazebite and other mechs surrounding her. Rewind’s helm popped up from behind his lover’s back and he waved happily to Tailgate and his other friends.
”Hi guys!” The always recording minibot greeted them happily and stepped away from behind his Chromedome’s back to meet them, when he was suddenly pushed back by his Conjunx Endura. It took all the mechs present by surprise and even more when Rewind tried again, only to be pushed back again.
”Domey, what’s the matter? Why can’t I go and meet our friends?” He glanced at his partner. Chromedome didn’t even glance at his smaller lover, never taking his visor off from Blazebite.
The femme crooned and eyed Chromedome from helm to pede, twisting and tilting her helm curiously like a organic reptile. When she noticed the smaller mech hidden behind his back, she took a step to the side to see minibot better, only for Chromedome to step in front of his lover protectively.
”Is there something wrong Chromedome?” Cyclonus asked calmly, trying to calm down the other mech. Chromedome flinched and glanced the purple mech from the corner of his visor before he turned his attention back to Blazebite. ”No, nothings wrong… I’m just being careful, that’s all.”
”Domey, I’m fine now and you told me she is harmless!” Rewind remarked with annoyed tone and tried to step out again, only to be pushed back yet again by his serious lover. ”I said she had reconditioning performed to her. I never said she was harmless.”
Blazebite crooned curiously and Tailgate stepped away to be by Cyclonus’ side. ”What is reconditioning Cyclonus?” He asked curious to know what it was.
The bigger mech hummed in grave thought. ”It’s a one way to perform mnemosurgery, but in reconditioning the surgeon removes and assembles mech’s mind, personality and memories to fit surgeon’s wishes. It’s normally performed only in strict supervision by an law enforcement and another surgeon.” Cyclonus explained and turned to look at Chromedome knowingly. ”It’s highly illegal to perform one without a permission from higher ups.”
”You forget Cyclonus that according to new law the surgery is allowed to be performed if by doing so means saving another mech’s life or prevent harm being done to any individual unable to defend themselves under an dangerous circumstances.”
The two mechs who who usually allowed their better and not to mention smaller halves do the talking were having a silent battle between themselves. Surprisingly it was Cyclonus who caved in. He hadn’t heard much, but he trusted Chromedome’s ability to judge situation if there was a chance of someone, especially Rewind, being harmed.
”I apologise. You were just acting by what’s the best for your Conjunx Endura. I shouldn’t doubt you.” The silent mech apologised humbly. Chromedome shook his head. If he had mouth then he would have smiled. ”You weren’t wrong about it being illegal, but I assure you, I made sure I had Ultra Magnus’ permission before starting and Brainstorm supervised the whole operation.”
Cyclonus nodded. ”I’m glad.”
The awkward situation now long gone and Chromedome actually noticed that his lover wasn’t safely behind him anymore, but standing beside Tailgate and gawking at Blazebite in wonder.
”Can you crouch?” Rewind asked curiously from her. Blazebite tilted her helm curiously to side, not understanding what the cassette mech asked her to do, so Rewind pointed down with his servos like he had seen Sunstreaker do with Bob when the mech wanted his pet to get down. ”I mean down. Can you get down?”
The giant femme crooned at little minibots and Chromedome was just about to jump at her, but instead of harming Rewind or Tailgate in any way she leaned down so she was closer to their height. Rewind smiled internally and petted the femme’s cheek, gently pulling his servos over her plating. To everyone’s surprise
”Cyclonus…! I think I know now what she is…!” Tailgate mumbled, his high voice grave for once in a life time as he turned to look his roommate straight into optics. On the side Chromedome felt coolant collecting to the side of his helm, the fear of the crew realising her true identity hitting it’s peak. That was, until Tailgate cheered. ”She’s like Bob! Only bigger!”
Chromedome let out a breath he didn’t even realise he was holding. Rewind patted Tailgate’s shoulder. ”Almost. She’s like us, but Domey rebooted her so it’s up to us to teach her how to be a good mech and Autobot.”
That only made Tailgate more excited! The happy little minibot turned towards Cyclonus, almost jumping on his spot. ”I can teach her stuff! I can teach her how to be a good guy like we Autobots are and how Decepticons are the evil guys!”
An almost faint smile ghosted over Cyclonus’ lips as he nodded. ”You must get Ultra Magnus’ permission, but otherwise I support your decision.”
Tailgate cheered like it was the day his Spark was forged and looked at happily smiling Blazebite, who had no idea what was going on, but minibot’s happiness was contagious. ”I’m going to teach you how to guess mech who’s transforming, how to play cards, how to play tag, how to—”
”I think we need to first teach her how to speak and read and then see where it goes.” Rewind chuckled in a good manner and glanced at his lover on the side. ”We will also help, won’t we Domey?”
Chromedome was quiet. He wanted to refuse and take Rewind to far away from Blazebite, but when he saw the hopeful look in his lover’s visor and heard how excited he sounded towards teaching her, he couldn’t deny it from him. So he nodded reluctantly. ”Alright, but only with me or Cyclonus supervising you all.”
Tailgate cheered and started excitedly to tell about all the amazing things they would do together, tuning off everyone else and anything around the mech’s little group. Blazebite had no idea what all the things minibot told him were, but when she glanced Ten for reassurance, the mech had smiled to her so she knew that something good or nice was being told to her.
Their conversation was interrupted by a loud screech of stools scraping across the floor, followed by mechs yelling and cursing at each other, followed by lots of punches and followed by Swerve yelling. ”NOT IN MY BAR TONIGHT! TEN, GET IN HERE!”
The bouncer immediately entered the bar to put a stop to the brawl going on, Cyclonus, Tailgate, Chromedome and Rewind following quickly behind him to offer any help he might had needed. Blazebite worried for her new companion’s disappearance followed behind them, but as soon as her pede touched the bar’s floor, Swerve yelled at her. ”YOU STAY OUTSIDE!”
Flinching in shock and fear, the giant femme backed up until the bar’s automatic doors slammed shut in front of her face and all the sound was muffled. Blazebite let out a long sad whine, her horns drooping in sadness. She was yelled and left all by herself alone. Somehow, the situation hit a painful spot in her...
”My, my, my, what an interesting conversation that was!” A new voice piped in, scaring Blazebite so badly she jumped on her spot. The femme looked to the side and saw a whole new mech standing there, his arms folded over his chest and his optics only on her.
Blazebite shrank on her place and carefully took a step back, afraid that the new mech held something against her. She didn’t understand where her fear came from, but it was present. The mech with blue eyes and yellow mouthguard raised his hands to air, palms towards her, showing her that he wasn’t a threat.
”Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you! I’m here to see you…!” He said with a calm gentle voice that coaxed Blazebite to leave her fears behind her and curiously approach him. The femme leaned close to the still mech, easily leaning over his form and sniffing him. The mech allowed her to take her time to get to know him. After a moment, she pulled away and chirped joyfully, accepting him to her presence.
The mech put his hands down and patted Blaxebite on the side like he was petting her and she happily leaned towards the kind touch. ”I’ve heard so much about you! You and I are pretty similar Blazebite, did you know that? Different from others, but only in a good way. No one else can see it, but I can see it crystal clearly. You’re a rough unpolished diamond and once I’m done with you, you will shine like no other femme ever did!”
Blazebite crooned curiously, her optics glinting and the mech laughed heartily. ”Where are my manners! My name is Getaway and I’m here to be your friend!”
The femme clicked her glossa as she tried to pronounce the new word given to her. ”…F- fiend…?”
Getaway grinned internally, the grin only visible in his bright blue optics. ”Friend, but close enough. Don’t worry though, we’ll get there sooner than you think…!”
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caribouwritings · 5 years
I don't want you to be burned out from one thing, so I wanted to wait until asking: do you have more ideas for adoptive papa Prowl with little Blue, and Jazz becoming a strong part of their lives? ❤️
Its been so long that I forgot where I left off in this AU (/。\)
Prowl opened his optics, finding he had fallen into recharge sometime while he was working on his paperwork.
He wiped the drool off the corner of his lip components and looked at where he left, ready to hop right back into it despite still feeling drained.
“Prowler, buddy?”
A voice he grown incredibly fond of entered his audios. Prowl lifted his optics, meeting Jazz’s worried face. In his servos were two cubes of energon.
“Yes?” Prowl tiredly smiled at the mech.
“Take a break,” Jazz held out a cube. “Trust me, you need one.”
“I do not.” Prowl took the energon cube, chugging it down as Jazz sipped his.
“Trust me,” Jazz repeated, “you need to refuel and recharge properly, this paperwork isn’t due until...” Jazz checked the date, then double checked it with a slack jaw, “a month?!?!”
“I’m trying to be ahead of schedule,” Prowl shrugged, putting the empty cube on his desk. “Prime likes that I’m always ahead of schedule, and I don’t want him to think I’m getting lazy.”
“You’re not.” Jazz assured, “now get up, and go cuddle your sparkling for a couple hours.”
“Bluestreak doesn’t need me to cuddle him,” Prowl picked up his pen, “and I don’t need-“
Jazz snatched the pen, “question, where is baby Blue?”
Prowl shook his head tiredly, “in his crib next to my desk.”
Jazz checked the crib, “did Mirage teach him how to turn invisible?”
Prowl’s optics widen, checking the empty crib. He frantically searched hoping it was just a trick but Bluestreak wasn’t there.
“Where is he? Where could he have gone?” Prowl jumped to his peds, “where is my sparkling?”
Jazz pointed his digit to Prowl’s own recharging slab, “and while you’re over there, you should catch some z’s too.”
Bluestreak was curled up on the slab sucking on his thumb, fluttering his doorwings as he dreamed.
Prowl sighed with relief, “okay, you win.”
“I know,” Jazz gave Prowl a peck on the cheek, “now go to sleep.”
“But I-“
Jazz reached behind Prowl and grabbed the mech by his doorwing, causing Prowl’s cooling fan to immediately kick on.
“Don’t make me drag you by these sensitive winglets,” Jazz teased. “I’ll sit by your berth and watch you if I have to.”
Prowl regained his composure and calmly stated, “I’m going, and if you must, you may watch me rest.”
Jazz nervously smiled, “I think I must.”
Prowl leaned in close to Jazz’s face, “my my, is that a faint hint I might make you blush?”
Jazz shooed Prowl away, “you’re delusional, go to sleep.” He guided Prowl to his berth, “jeez, Prowl, remind me to never give you high grade, it might make you more confident than me.”
Prowl picked up Bluestreak, settling down with his adopted sparkling close to his chest.
“You love me...” Prowl murmured, as he drifted off back into recharge.
Jazz smiled, sitting down next to the berth, whispering to the unconscious mech he grown fond of since their first encounter, “you have no idea, how much I love you.”
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