#or accent piece
pushpa-exports · 10 months
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Introducing a captivating addition to your living space - a striking black and white striped patterned mop table. The alternating black and white stripes create a bold and contemporary design that is sure to make a statement in any room. With its sturdy construction and smooth surface, this table offers both functionality and style. Whether used as a side table, coffee table, or accent piece, it effortlessly blends with various decor styles, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.
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queerdraws · 4 months
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modern AU
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somnas-writes · 2 months
Zosan as the couple who can’t take anything romantic seriously.
Zoro tries flirting and being smooth, mimicking the shit he sees sanji doing and sanji actually fucking loses it. He laughs so hard he falls to his knees and sobs.
Zoros embarrassed as shit but he also starts laughing because of how absurd what he said was.
They sit in the kitchen laughing so hard it gets difficult to breathe, chopper actually gets worried by how red they’re turning.
When finally they come down from the laughters, sanji mimicks Zoro and they start all over again
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offonaherosjourney · 9 months
Everybody say a big thank you to Mihawk's actor for putting his whole Draculussy into that performance
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milimeters-morales · 11 months
no but literally we need to take Prowler Miles away from these 20 something year old white women until they stop making him their “gangsta boo” just because he has cornrows and is the Prowler 😭😭 yall don’t even try to hide your disgusting feelings and attitude towards a young black kid and it’s honestly sickening. Why is he all of a sudden a toxic boyfriend? Why is he all of a sudden borderline or downright abusive to people? Why is the 15 year old black latino boy, that we know next to nothing about, all of a sudden fitting the worst stereotypes for black/latino men? Do you have any legitimate reasons for any of this besides, “he seems like the type?” Because you know what that sounds like, right? And i can’t even filter these out for my own peace of mind because you don’t tag your shit properly.
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agueforts · 1 month
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just an appreciation post for the set itself. my GOD have they outdone themselves this time
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pain-tool-sai · 2 months
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being really normal about diluc in my sketchbook (color added digitally)
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infriga · 9 months
Okay so I love Luffy being Latino of course, but I did think it was funny how he has the most white-ass grandpa on the planet, like Garp literally has a Scottish accent (which works really well for his character actually ngl). So I thought well maybe we can just assume that Luffy's mixed race from his biological mother's side then or something (it's not like we've seen her or learned a single thing about her in all these years so far) and Dragon will be white too but then no, apparently Dragon was cast already, and he ain't white either. So like, we can just assume Luffy is mixed race or something, or even that his dad just has darker skin, but that leaves Garp as the odd one out lmao
So now Garp's casting is extra funny because like sir, how? How'd you manage to be the only white guy in your family, who is also the only cop mind you, meanwhile your entire family is full of POC criminals who are all fighting the system and sticking it to the man while challenging the government and demolishing corrupt dictatorships? Is the live action show going to try to explain this or just rely on Luffy's absent grandmother to fill in the genetic gaps via audience imagination? Or is it going to be revealed some day that Dragon was adopted or something, because everyone is adopted in One Piece since it's found family propaganda incarnate? Or are they just going to ignore it completely because One Piece genetics are already completely bonkers anyway? Or maybe Garp is just that one white-passing family member with funny genetics who happens to look white lmfao
To be clear, this isn't a complaint, it's something I just find funny. Garp's real world ethnicity hasn't been brought up in any sbs answers I don't think, and the casting has been too perfect for me to have an issue with small things like "how come this Latino kid has a white Scottish grandpa?" if anything it heightens the experience and adds to the surprise of the reveal 😂
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hellaephemeral · 11 months
theory: sanji has a british accent in opla to show he is from a different place (the north blue) than the others of the crew
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she begged, "I caught it. I caught it."
"No," murmurs time and the waking world. "You didn't."
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The fact that Sanji didn’t have any lines in the trailer haunts me. Is Taz Skylar going to keep his British accent for the role?? I need to know.
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pushpa-exports · 10 months
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Introducing a captivating addition to your living space - a striking black and white striped patterned mop table. The alternating black and white stripes create a bold and contemporary design that is sure to make a statement in any room. With its sturdy construction and smooth surface, this table offers both functionality and style. Whether used as a side table, coffee table, or accent piece, it effortlessly blends with various decor styles, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.
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darishima · 11 months
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im going nuts over this screencap he's so babygirl
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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baguette but three different versions because i couldn't settle on one
i hate these losers so much did you know that they occupy a normal amount of my brainspace
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a lil close-up on the faces bc i really like lynn's expression hereasgghsfafgafsghafadfghashsahgdf
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emil1863 · 3 months
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Alabasta Ace hits different.
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latinokokonoi · 2 months
you know what sabo has that most white british men don’t????
full and kissable lips
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