#ooc; tin pin break
the-post-crow · 2 years
Pinned post
Not main story: cannon things that tend to be role-playing, so they get filters
Ooc: Vee having a fun time and generally just being chaotic
Main story: the main story of the blog
Vee's red velvet Playlist: right what it says on the tin, just a collection of songs I'm compiling into a Playlist
Narrator cookie chaos: just narrator cookie being chaotic good
Timekeeper no: new m!a tag
Art resources: right what it says on the tin
Notes for vee: important shit I need to write down
lychee saturday: every saturday we take time just to mess with lychee dragon. also shipping fuel.
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MUSES [all available for asks]:
Red velvet cookie [spirit of darkness] (he/him, gay, poly, transmasc)
Poison mushroom cookie (he/him, around ace)
Licorice cookie (he/him, gay)
Shwartzwailder (he/they/it, questioning)
*narrator cookie* (any pronouns and shit)
Crunchy chip cookie
Wildberry cookie
Crimson vanilla cookie [vampire] (he/him, bi)
Pitch black cacao cookie [dragon] (he/him, bi)
Dark choco cookie [dragon] (he/him, omni)
Pastry cookie [cake hound] (she/her)
Vee cookie (legit just in universe mod, replycons by @flowergardeneditz)
Black forest dragon cookie (child. No other thing)
Chiffon (also a child)
clotted cream cookie [naga] (he/him, bi)
Strawberry cookie [actually contains strawberrys] (she/her, questioning)
Mournful dark caster cookie (he/him, questioning)
Gingerbrave (he/him)
Alchemist cookie (she/her, questioning)
Lychee dragon cookie (she/they lesbian)
Lord signl3ss (straight)
Shadow wizard (gay)
Blo =)
Ro-ro [sorrow] =(
Ash catchem
Milky way cookie
Black Pearl Cookie
Strawberry crepe cookie
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16 years old, autistic
he/him, skull/skullself, cake/cakeself, blood/bloodself, hound/houndself, poison/poisonself, break/breakself. (bolded are preferred, bolded red is currently using)
Yes I got my name from the owl house bite me
im an edgey bitch
Fandoms: murder drones, cookie run (duh), mlp, Steven universe, homestuck, madoka magica, the owl house, some others
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This one
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( hi guys im still very shy in rping rhyme but thank u for the follows! i dont think im quite ready for a starter call yet but pls like/reply to this for an inbox call and i’ll either go through your memes and send u one as rhyme or write u an original ask, whatever i can manage as i work out my portrayal! feel free to dm me or reach out on discorb to plot too if interested at all ! )
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squirrelhacks · 2 years
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( @petitprincekiryu​ not only did tumblr tell me to follow my own oc on this blog but they also recognize that both ur joshua and my oc are absolute sinners <3 )
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shutodan · 3 years
guys my bro yammers tin pin deck is so cringe 😬😬😬
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pixiechick · 3 years
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( mort here btw i wont be using this blog Much until around february or after but just a heads up for how this blog is gonna work since its gonna be a little different from my other ones!!!! since some friends followed bc i was messing around w kayden )
SO! not negative in any way but a disclaimer about this blog! im not often open about it but i have a dissociative disorder as a result of childhood trauma. the Old, Out Dated, and like, Not Really Good term for disorders like these is ‘multiple personality disorder’, to give unaware people an idea on what im talking about. i am technically diagnosed with DID (dissociative identity disorder) but it was from a psychiatrist i only saw once and wont be able to see again, so i usually refer to my disorder as OSDD (other specified dissociative disorder) instead, which is sort of like DID Lite, and often used for people with symptoms of DID but who dont fit the criteria 100%. i use this term instead of technically having the DID diagnosis, because amnesia between “personality” switches is somewhat common with DID from what i know, and i do not experience that as severely as some other people i know who also have DID, so im not comfortable using “DID” to describe myself until i see another psychiatrist that i will be able to meet with for more than one session
im coming out about this because i will be co-running this blog with my alter, Lesley. (an ‘alter’ is what we in the OSDD/DID community refer to our ‘other personalities’ as, since they are essentially their own, individual people who just happen to share the same brain/body. les is not really me, and vice versa.) she’s wanted to write coco for quite a long time now, but we realised it was going to be hard to do so without people going “mort is that you?” so after some thought, we’ve decided it would just be best to come out about our disorder and co-run the blog, so she can write most of the dialogue, and i can write most of the Non dialogue, since she’s not as good at that.
i understand that this is likely rly confusing!!! so for all ooc posts we’ll be using alternate faceclaims so people can differentiate us, and we’ll try to sign off ooc tags/posts/DMs with “M” for mort or “L” for les. our ooc typing styles and tones are a lot different as well, but i know not everyone can pick up on that so we’re going to try to make it as clear as possible who is who and i hope everyone will be patient with us and willing to deal with the confusion. i’ll try to stick to using meowth as my faceclaim, and les will try to stick with using pikachu (she LOVES pikachu). im gonna put a little divider here now and let let finish up this post-
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fuckin hell took us way 2 long 2 rember where th fuk my pikachu icons wer saved. me or mort’ll make em nicer later probs but w/e 4 now. so heyyyy we thot itd b a good idea 2 let me introduce myself @ th end of here so ppl can get 2 kno me a lil or smth i guess. im lesley, i prefer th nickname les (pronounced less, but if u pronounce it lez insted thats also chill). i use she/they pronouns, eithers good. we’ll try 2 like? make an actual page abt this shit once th blogs up n runnin normally but hopefully this mess works 4 now lmao.
SO ill b writing/helping with most of th dialogue 4 coco since shes a bitch jst like me. but if our portrayal dont seem consistant all th time its probs cuz we’re 2 peeps runnin a single blog.
so abt me i am like. KIND OF MEAN LOL? like i aint nice nd im kiiiinda petty? so ill PROBS leave most of th talking 2 people 2 mort but ill def occasionally tlk 2 pals in tags or make ooc posts or w/e. jst rly wanna stress tht mort and i are really different ppl so plz plz if u see Me talking and go ‘‘wow what an asshole i hate this chic’‘ that is 100% chill just pls dont take it out on mort ykno?
u can ask 4 my personal carrd/tumblr or our system carrd (a system is wat peeps like us call peeps like us. since we’r like a collective) privately if u want 2 know more but plz dont b offended if we dont give it 2 u rite away cuz while like IM fine w sharin anything abt me it also has som more Personal info on mort that he isnt as public with SO yeah
is that it? i think thats it. peace. we’r gonna play some pokego cuz we caught A SHIT TON OF PIKACHUS WHILE WE WER OUT FUCK YEA FUCK YEA gotta check n see which we’r keepin n stuff aaaaand then morts gonna try 2 do some neku and/or rhyme replies but we mite fuck around on here a little tn 2
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hitoshishins-hoe · 5 years
Barbarian!Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Alright y’all! So I got a ton of great feedback on my fantasy au headcanons, and I was asked by several people on discord to write a one-shot based on my Bakugou headcanon, and so that’s what I decided to do! It is a bit long, and I may have gotten a little carried away, but I hope you guys like it! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
Warnings/Triggers: swearing, slightly ooc Bakugou (I love soft Bakugou ok), nsfw, loss of virginity, unprotected sex
Tengoku - Translates to “Heaven” 
Tenshi - Translates to “Angel”
Inari - Japanese goddess of prosperity
Word count: 5k
‘Forever’ was never in the cards for Bakugou. He planned on living fast, hard, and rich. Kicking ass, pillaging, taking revenge — but running into you made him realize maybe there’s more to life than just vigilante work. 
“Get your ass up shitty hair, we have a city to burn!” Bakugou slaps Kirishima awake from a deep sleep. 
“Bro chill! I can’t shift now! I have to save my energy to burn said city! Why don’t we travel by foot? There’s a city nearby, maybe we can sleep on an actual bed for once?” He stretches awake, now getting dressed. 
“Nah fuck that. We can go if you want, but I’m setting up camp, I’m not staying in some nasty fucking inn.”
Kirishima sighs, but agrees. It’s not like he had much choice anyway. After all, Bakugou was his only family in this world.
After eating breakfast, the two men packed up their belongings and began the trek to Tengoku, a small village about a half a day’s hike into the mountains. 
“Y/N! How are you my dear? What’s that you have there?” You look up from the small fragment of wood in your hand, having just finished carving the tail of a dragon. 
“Oh, good morning Tenshi! I had a dream last night about a dragon. He was red and huge, and he had a scar over his right eye.” You laugh, rubbing the back of your neck unconsciously. 
“Y’know, where I come from, those dreams that seem to be too real for comfort are just prophecy for the future.” She smiles warmly. 
Your (E/C) eyes catch a glint of sunlight at that. “Really? You really think I’ll meet a dragon someday?” You smile off into nothing. 
“Of course I do! You’ve wanted to see a dragon since you were about knee-height. And, well, every dragon has a rider, don’t they? Maybe a nice young man will come along with it. You’ve been here too long, go out and meet someone!” She laughs, knowing you’d grown up in the small village and had never left. You had no reason to. 
“Very funny, Tenshi. I’ll tell that to my dream-dragon.” You roll your eyes, focusing back down at the half-carved fragment in your hand. 
She laughs and makes her way down the small unpaved road that ran through the town, mostly lined with small tents with fresh produce, vendors, and entertainers.
Tenshi was the town’s founder, having come from ‘across the sea.’ She’d never tell anyone more than that. No one knew her name either, but everyone had affectionately coined the name ‘Tenshi,’ meaning ‘Angel’. She was well into her 80’s at least, and she acted as the chief and village grandmother to those who needed it. 
You on the other hand were an artist. Having been raised in Tengoku by monks, you lived a quiet life. Soon into your childhood you picked up the craft of carving. You’d found a small arrowhead along the creek that ran through town and starting working away at a chunk of wood you found nearby. From then on it became a hobby, then a craft, and now an art form. You started selling them to passers-by on their way to other destinations, and it brought in enough money to buy you a permanent room at the inn with plenty to spare. 
After Tenshi leaves, you go back to carving the dragon, each scale identical to the last. 
“How much for that one?” You yelp at the gruff voice immediately in front of you. You collect yourself and glance down at your half-finished dragon. 
“O-oh! This one? Well it’s not finished yet, I’m about halfway finished with carving and I still have to dye it! Can I offer you one of my finished pieces?” You gesture to the small table in front of you. 
The man just shakes his head, motioning to your hand. “I want that one. How long’ll it take?”
You think for a moment, and tell him maybe another 1-2 hours before the dye would dry once the carving was finished. 
He nods and grunts, making his way behind your table to the grass behind you. You look at him confused, but let it go since he’s not bothering you. 
You quickly glance behind you, offering the man a small smile. “I’m (Y/L/N) (Y/N) by the way.”
He looks up at you. “Bakugou Katsuki. Pleasure.”
You turn around sitting down in the small chair behind your table, hunched over while you carve. The man behind you doesn’t speak, and neither do you. It goes on like this for roughly an hour, until he breaks the silence. 
“Have you ever seen a dragon?” He asks you. 
You look up from your piece and sigh. “No, but it’s always been my dream, literally. I had a dream last night about a dragon. That’s what this carving is based on. There were lots of little details I remember about it. Like how there’s a scar along it’s right eye, across it’s chest, and on it’s left wing. Oddly specific, huh?” You laugh. “Our villages leader, Tenshi, says that sometimes those dreams that feel too real to be a dream are actually prophecy. Cool huh?” 
Bakugou’s eyes widen a bit, realizing you’d just described his dragon, Kirishima. 
“What is it?” You ask, noticing his change in demeanor. 
“I–” he pauses, mulling over his next words. His slack jaw turns up into a grin. “You want to meet a dragon?”
Now it’s your turn to look confused. “Y-you know one? Seriously?” You pause for a minute. “You’d better not be fucking with me.”
He chuckles “Whoa whoa princess, who says I’m fucking with you? He’s a shifter, not a full-blooded dragon but shit’s all the same to me. Finish up that carving for me and I’ll take you to him.”
Your eyes light up, feeling the sincerity in his voice. You immediately turn back to your unfinished piece, continuing on the hundreds of intricate scales. You two strike up a conversation after, both retelling stories from childhood, up to now. 
Through talking with him you learn that he really had it rough growing up, never having a true family, much like you. He was always moving towns, doing everyone’s dirty work with little to no pay. One day he was abducted and sold into slavery at the ripe young age of 15. The man he was sold to was one of the most foul men to walk the earth. The only nice thing was his slave-mate, Eijirou Kirishima.
The two teens quickly became friends. Spending every day and night in shared quarters really gave two people time to get to know each other. Shortly after Bakugou was purchased, Kirishima confided in him that was actually a dragon-shifter. No one else knew, or else he’d either be thrown into a bidding-war, or murdered. Some envied owning a shifter, while others thought they were a sin against the balance of life itself. 
Bakugou and Kirishima continued working for their owner for another 3 years before they decided to make their move. Over time they’d taken careful note of other slave owners in the village, their schedules, how many spaces they owned, family or no family. They also managed to pilfer small amounts of money, both from their own master as well as others. 
After some reassurance from Bakugou, Kirishima was able to shift and light the village ablaze. They created a network of safe houses so the other slaves were able to reach safety before all the slave owners were burned into oblivion. 
They never looked back after that. 
You look on with awe as Bakugou relays some of his and Kirishima’s adventures, as they continued to make their way through small towns, identifying rotten people, and “taking care of them.”
“W-wow,” you finally muster. You look down at your now finished piece, turning it in your hand. “You both sound incredible.”
He chuckles at that. “Yeah, well, what can I say. We’re both pretty damn cool.”
You laugh faintly, turning back to place your figurine into a small tin of crimson dye, allowing it to sit there for several minutes.
You both sit in silence as you pull the dragon out of the dye and set it on a drying rack. 
“You mentioned you grew up in this town, right? Why haven’t you left yet?” He asks, standing to his feet. 
You think for a minute. “I guess I haven’t really had any reason to. It’s quiet and everyone knows me here, ya know? Sure we don’t have the best food, or the best artisans, but it’s nice here.” You reply, turning to the table in front of you. 
“You realize how fucking talented you are, right? You could make four times what you make here if you were to travel to different towns.” He says sounding slightly irritated. “Don’t you want to see what else the world has to offer?”
You grow quiet, the faint smile fading from your face. “I never said I didn’t want to, but leaving everything I know, on my own completely, terrifies me.” You look down at your feet, letting out a shallow sigh.
“You can always tag along with Kirishima and I you know. I’d never oppose to a beautiful woman on my arm.” 
You look at him with wide eyes, cheeks flush. 
“Y-you just met me, you’d really take a chance on me? What if I’m a murderer or something?” You laugh nervously. 
He lunged forward at you, pinning you to the ground. You let out a soft grunt as you hit the ground, his hand pinning your arms above your head as he straddles your hips. 
“If you were a murderer, you’d never let someone get the upper hand, right?” He gives you a shit-eating grin as you huff in protest. 
“Besides, don’t you want to ‘live a little?’”
Your face cheeks deepen red in embarrassment, noticing the slight bulge in his pants so close to your heat. 
He notices your blush and snorts, hauling himself off of you, pulling you up with him. 
“How much longer on that dragon?” He asks, nodding to the drying rack. You dust yourself off, trying to hide your fading blush as you go to look at the dragon. 
“Ah, looks like it’s done!” You reply excitedly. 
You pick it up and look it over, proud of your handiwork. You then reach for Bakugou’s hand, uncurling his calloused fingers and setting the figurine in his open palm. He brings it to his face and inspects it, eyes lit with curiosity. 
“This is fucking incredible, (Y/L/N).” He says, awestruck. 
You let out a quiet ‘thank you’ and stand quiet for a moment. “You can call me (Y/N), you know. I’m not a fan of formalities.” You reply. 
Bakugou nods. “Yeah, me neither. Just call me Katsuki. And how much do I owe you for this?” He asks reaching for his coin pouch. 
“No no no! Don’t worry about it!” You exclaim, waiving your hands at him. “Please, as long as I can see a dragon I don’t need payment. It’s fine, really.”
He grunts out a ‘fine.’ And stuffs the figurine into his cloak. “Want to go see that dragon now?”
You nod eagerly, packing up your stocked items and throwing them into a bag. “Let me drop these off at the inn on our way there,” you tell him as you put up a “closed” sign on the table. 
You two travel down the now mostly empty road, dusk quickly approaching as you reach the inn. You run up to your room to put your stock away, jogging down the hall as to not keep Bakugou waiting. You grip the dresser in your room, panting as you’d worn yourself out a bit. “Katsuki,” you mumble, enjoying the way his name rolled off your tongue. 
“Yes?” You hear Bakugou’s voice from behind you. You yelp, running out the door before you could muster up an embarrassing excuse as to why you were saying his name in the mirror. 
He chuckles and follows you closely, eyes now wandering to your figure. You had on a plain dress, though it looked a tad small, only accentuating your curves. He wanted to devour you right then and there, but that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly, would it?
He eventually takes the lead, leading you to his small camp about a half mile outside the town. You two arrive about 20 minutes later, as the sun dips behind the mountains.
“Kirishima! We have a visitor!” Bakugou yells at the tent, a tall red-haired man poking his head out. 
“Dude, I-” He stutters, gesturing to his small protruding horns and scales on his face. You miss this exchange as you’re admiring the surrounding forest, since you’ve never been this far up the mountain before. 
“It’s fine, she’s fine.” He states gruffly, turning to you, oblivious to his state. His eyes soften as he sees you looking around the forest, admiring the sights. You notice him looking and look down at your feet, embarrassed. “C’mon, Kirishima will show you tomorrow, why don’t you sleep here tonight?” He nods at the small fire Kirishima had going. 
You sheepishly agree and make your way over to the tent, Kirishima now sitting by the fire. He extends an arm to you. “Hi! I’m Kirishima Eijirou! You can call me Kiri.” He grins, mouth full of jagged teeth. His smile is warm, and you return it in kind. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), please call me (Y/N),” you shake his hand and sit by the fire.
“Hey Bakugou, I gotta, uh...eat,” Kirishima says. “Go eat then,” Bakugou replies, sitting down between the two of you. “Don’t wait up,” he mumbles under his breath, the shifter understanding immediately. 
“Well (Y/N), it was nice meeting you! I’ll be gone for the rest of the night, but I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” He smiles, running off in the opposite direction of Tengoku.
Shortly after Kirishima leaves, you heave out a sigh and flop backwards onto the grass, looking at the stars. Bakugou looks down at you, still amazed at how oblivious you are. He eventually lays his head next to yours, grunting as his head hits the ground. “Ow,” he grumbles, having hit it harder than he intended. You laugh at the whack  sound his head makes, spinning into a fit of laughter when he starts whispering profanities at the ground. 
“Hey, what are you laughing at, princess? You think it’s funny?” You wipe away a tear as your laughs turn into sniffles. 
“Maybe a little bit,” you laugh again. 
“Uh huh. You ticklish, sweetheart?” he smirks, your face paling at his threat. 
“Shi-,” you barely get anything out before he has you pinned, hands attacking your sides. 
“N-no! Please s-stop! I can’t take it!” You cry, the tickling so intense your eyes fill with tears.
“If you want me to stop, make me,” he smiles smugly. 
Having gained a new wave of confidence, you take your knee up to his groin and rub against his bulge, eliciting a moan from Bakugou, distracting him just long enough to flip your bodies so you now straddled him. 
Now he’s the one to be taken aback by your sudden change of attitude. “Where’d this come from?” He asks, his hands settling on your hips. 
You lean forward, your hands finding his chest underneath his heavy pelt as you bring your face just inches from his. “You were the one that said I should ‘live a little’, right? That’s what I’m doing.” 
He smirks, hands gripping tighter to your thighs. “Alright then brat, show me whatcha got.”
You lock your lips against his, his breath hot against your nose as you start to grind against him. He lets out a breathy moan, giving you enough space to slip your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. It’s not long before the bulge in his pants is now straining against the fabric.
You slowly remove his pelt, revealing a well-built but scarred chest. You move your lips to his neck, gently sucking on the skin just beneath his jaw. 
“Fuck,” he groans as you suck on his sweet spot. You trail your kisses down his chest, leaving love bites in your wake. 
“You done this before?” Bakugou looks down at you, your hands now grasping the waistband of his pants. 
“N-no,” you stutter. “I only know what the entertainers in town have told me.” he replies with a weak tch as you continue. 
You undo his belt and slip his pants along with his boxers down around his ankles, his cock springing free from the confining material. Your eyes go wide at the size of him, never having seen a dick in person before. Noticing your hesitation, he smirks down at you. 
“What, don’t tell me you’re gonna back out now,” he laughs tauntingly. “We’re just ge—fuuuuck!” His face tenses as you lick a long stripe against the underside of his cock. 
You slowly coax his hardened member into your mouth, throat clenching as you slowly start sliding it in and out. You start at a steady pace, using your hand where your mouth can’t reach. Bakugou moans as you grow used to the size of him, taking more of him into your mouth inch by inch. Bakugou slowly starts to buck his hips up into your mouth, beginning to face fuck you as your throat clenches with every thrust. Your eyes brim with tears as the tip repeatedly hits the back of your windpipe. Your core begins to ache with neglect as Bakugou’s hips begin to stutter.
“F-fuck, I’m going to come,” he breathes as he thrusts into your mouth a handful more times before your mouth is filled with his salty seed. 
You slowly slip his cock from your mouth as you gulp down the liquid, wiping your mouth as you do so.
He chuckles, smug grin returning to his face. “Not bad for a first-timer,” he says, flipping you both so that he’s now straddling your hips.
He leans in next your ear and whispers “My turn,” as he bites down on your earlobe, sending a jolt of pleasure up your spine.
He kisses up your neck and jaw to your lips, pressing his body to yours. He momentarily breaks the kiss, his hands snaking under your dress, pulling it up over your shoulders, revealing your bare chest.
He trails kisses down your neck softly sucking, leaving love bites as you did to him. One of his hands makes its way to your already hard nipple, lightly tugging on it while his tongue swirls your other bud, eliciting a small moan from you. 
He continues his assault down your front, kissing your soft curves as his lips reach your waistline. His vermillion eyes meet yours as his fingers hook the band of your underwear and slide them down until they’re discarded on the ground, his lips never leaving your body.
He kisses your inner thighs, sending shivers up your spine, your mouth now agape as your core aches with want.
“Already so wet for me,” he coos, warm breath fanning your now bare cunt.
You moan, shifting your legs open wider, giving Bakugou better access. He kisses your now soaking heat, slowly prodding you open with his tongue. 
“Pl-please go slow,” you whisper, threading your fingers through his slightly damp hair. 
He reaches a hand up to your face, slowly stroking your cheek reassuringly. 
“Don’t worry princess, I know what I’m doing.” he replies, sliding his hand back down to your waist. 
“Let me know if you’re ever in pain, okay? I’ll stop immediately.”
You give him a curt nod as he slips his index finger into his mouth, turning his attention back to what’s in front of him. 
He slowly slides his finger into you, causing you to clench in discomfort. He stays still for a moment before he slowly starts sliding his finger in and out of your heat, already dripping with your arousal. After a short while he adds in a second finger, his eyes continuously flicking up to your face to gauge your reactions. 
Your eyes are clenched in pleasure, soft moans and mumbles of his name falling from your mouth. “K-Katsuki,” you start, slowly opening your eyes.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” He asks, still sliding his now coated fingers in and out of you. 
“Please fuck me,” your cheeks flush at your outburst. 
He smirks at that, sliding his fingers out of you, as you sigh at the loss of contact. He licks his fingers clean and pulls himself up to you, kissing you more fervently this time. 
You taste yourself on your tongue as you moan, Bakugou slipping his tongue into your mouth. He reaches down to himself pumping his cock several times, long since hard again. He lines up with your entrance, breaking your kiss momentarily. 
“Are you ready?” he asks, meeting your gaze.
You eagerly nod, as he does as well. He slowly slides himself into you, as you wince with pain. His eyes never leave you, even as your eyes close as you focus on the mild pain as he slowly stretches you. You start to relax as he bottoms out, stilling there for a moment to give you time to adjust. 
After a heavy sigh from you, he begins to move, slowly at first, barely sliding several inches in and out of you. 
“You can move, Katsuki,” you breathe. 
He grunts in agreeance as he picks up the pace, balls slapping against your heat as he nestles his face into the crook of your shoulder. 
It isn’t long before you feel a knot in your stomach, on the verge of coming undone. 
“Katsuki, I–” you moan, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he continues to pound into you. 
You come with a flash of white, clenching around him as your vision blurs. The feeling of you squeezing around him so tightly sends Bakugou over the edge not long after, a strangled moan leaving him as he paints your insides white. 
After several more thrusts he slips himself from you, collapsing next to you, quickly pulling you to his warm chest. 
You two stay like that for a bit, both lightly panting from your orgasms. You slowly curl yourself into him, his arm wrapping around you as your sigh. 
“My offer still stands. You can come with us, you know.” He breaks the silence, as you slowly look up at him. 
His eyes meet yours as you quickly turn away, cheeks pink with slight embarrassment.
“I feel like I’d slow you guys down,” you sigh, readjusting yourself as the cold night air starts to register. “Besides, I don’t know if I’d even be useful.”
He rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t ask you along if I didn’t want you there. I feel like you’d be able to help funnel people out while Kirishima and I handle the rest. You’re good with people, right? You’d be able to do a lot of fucking good, (Y/N). And besides, your work is too damn amazing to stay locked away here. Don’t stay cramped up in this little town the rest of your life. Do something, you know?” He says gruffly. 
You lay in silence for a moment, processing his proposal. You pull yourself to a sitting position, and Bakugou shortly follows suit. 
You turn to him, pulling his face to yours and kiss him gently. 
“You know what? Sure. Why not?” You grin, filled with fresh resolve. 
He smirks at that, pulling you back to his chest as he lays back down in the cool grass. He reaches for a discarded item of clothing and wipes the both of you up. He throws you your dress and you slip it back on, as he finds some clothing to put back on as well.
Using each other for warmth, sleep takes you both, sunrise still a handful of hours away. 
You awake with the sun, hazy oranges and purples dancing behind your eyelids as the sun drags up over the horizon. You pull yourself up, stretching as you yawn away your drowsiness. 
You look down at Bakugou, his mouth slightly agape as he slowly stirs awake. You smile, thinking about all the things you hoped to do. Sight-seeing, exploring new foods, selling your trinkets to new markets of people; the opportunities seem endless. 
“Hey! Glad to see you’re awake! I stopped by earlier but you two were still passed out, so I went into town and got some food!” You hear Kirishima’s voice to your left, his arms full of cloth sacks, presumably filled with food. 
“Good morning,” you reply, voice still thick with sleep as he hands you a bag. 
He sits to the right of you, Bakugou stirring on your left as you open the bag and start eating. 
Bakugou eventually sits up, rubbing his eyes as Kirishima hands him a sack as well, Bakugou muttering a low “thank you” as he still struggles to wake up. 
The three of you sit in silence for a while, as you all finish up your food. 
Bakugou is the first to speak up, setting his discarded wrappings on the ground beside him. “(Y/N) here’s going to join us, she can help evacuate people as we do the rest.”
“Sweet! You’ll fit right in!” Kirishima smiles, wrapping an arm around you.
“I do have to collect my things from town, and say goodbye to everyone, but I’m ready to go after that!” you smile back, taking a sip of water.
Bakugou stands up, taking everyone’s discarded food wrappings and throwing them into a sack as the three of you clean up camp.
As day breaks, the three of you make your way into town, conversing along the way.
Before long you reach Tengoku, the sun now high above your heads as you make your way to the inn. It doesn’t take long to pack your small number of things. You don’t have much more than a week’s worth of clothing, a hand-carved hairbrush, and a handful of figurines, as well as a couple of knives. 
The three of you walk back to the front desk, returning your key to the innkeeper, exchanging pleasantries and a tearful goodbye. 
You slowly make your rounds around Tengoku, wishing everyone well and promising you’d be back. 
The hardest person to leave is of course Tenshi.
At present she’s at the local shrine, paying her respects. The three of you stop at the bottom of the steps, as to not disturb her. 
“Can you guys give me a minute?” You ask hesitantly, placing your bag on the ground. The pair of men nod as you slowly make your way to the top of the shrine. 
“Hey Tenshi,” you start, gently placing a shaky hand on her shoulder. She opens her eyes and stands from her kneeling position and turns to you, tears welling in her eyes. 
She smiles softly, taking your hands in hers. “I was just praying for you,” she says, slowly rubbing circles into the backs of your hands. “I spoke with Inari this morning, and she told me what you set out to do, and I’m so very proud of you, (Y/N).” she gleams. 
You smile and bring her small frame to yours in a tight embrace, failing to hold back tears.
“You'll be back,” she says as you both pull away. “I know you will.”
You smile at that, knowing she knew better than anyone what the future holds. 
You make your way back down the steps, eyes still slightly puffy as you reach Kirishima and Bakugou. 
“You good?” Bakugou asks, handing you your duffel bag. 
You nod, assuring him you’d be fine. Kirishima hands off his bags to Bakugou and starts to stretch out his limbs as Bakugou drops the bags next to you. 
Your thoughts are pulled to Kirishima as you see him out of the corner of your eye stretching. You give him a sideways glance, slightly confused at what he was doing. 
Bakugou observes you and snorts. “Hey I promised you a dragon, didn’t I? He can’t transform if his damn limbs are stiff.”
You mouth an “oh” as Kirishima takes a deep breath and his skin begins to darken to a crimson red. 
A tail slowly protrudes from his lower back as he begins to grow in size. His arms lengthen to match his legs as they progressively become longer and thicker, ends coming to sharp onyx claws. His face elongates into a snout, his mouth lined with the same jagged teeth he adorns in his human form. Wings twice the length of his now massive body protrude from his back, varying shades of crimson and black, a scar running along the crease of his left wing. He shakes himself out, his scales catching the sunlight, reflecting tinges of black and purple. 
Honestly, you’re awestruck. You’ve never seen something so massive and beautiful in your life. Bakugou’s eyes never leave you, admiring your face of wonder. You slowly make your way around to Kirishima’s front, his eyes catching yours as he brings his face level with you. Your eyes immediately land on his notable scar over his right eye, and you reach out to it, brushing your hand over his face. You walk back around to his side, dragging your palm against his scaly skin as you walk back to Bakugou. 
“W-wow,” is all you can utter as Bakugou chuckles. 
“He is somethin’, huh? Let’s get going.” He replies, hoisting you onto Kirishima’s back. 
He tosses you the remaining bags and pulls himself up as well, settling himself directly in front of you. You take one more glance back at the shrine, Tenshi now waving at you. You wave back, flashing Tenshi a toothy grin. You then turn to face Bakugou, your arms snaking around his thin waist. His muscles tense under you as he slaps Kirishima’s back, signaling it was time to go. 
Without time to register, Kirishima shoots up into the sky, your hands finding purchase on Bakugou’s pelt as you hold on for dear life. As quickly as it starts it’s over, Kirishima leveling out amongst the clouds. 
It’s breathtaking. The heat of the day melts away as the air pressure drops, the clouds breezing by. You feel like you could float on endlessly, and with Bakugou at your fingertips and Kirishima securely beneath you, you feel like you’re in heaven. 
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squirrelhacks · 2 years
( okayy nap time but *thinks about fretrhyme and rhymeshoka* hmmm )
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( rhyme thoughts of the night: theyd have rly interesting dynamics w sho uzuki and coco and im so glad we got to see a lil bit of rhyme w coco n uzuki in neo but i was so ROBBED of sho interactions )
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genuinely wasnt expecting this much interaction off the bat so thank u sm everyone;; idk how much more ill get done tn but i wanted to drop some basic rhyme headcanons even tho a lot of its already on their about page!!!
any pronouns are all right with rhyme, including neo pronouns. literally anything u wanna call them pronouns wise they’re okay with (so don’t worry if you wanna use she or he for my rhyme also! they use em all)
shiki ( @groovepawn​ ) gave rhyme the crown pin on their hat! its from the same line as rhyme’s bell necklace was, and rhyme treasures it very much
they have a tech youtube channel for simple phone, computer, and tablet repairs, but on april fools they post troom troom styled 5 minute life hacks
they can do epic scooter tricks
small animals (rodents mostly) and noise are attracted to them due to their time as a noise
rhyme has asthma but hasnt had a serious attack in a very long time- however they always have their inhaler on them to make beat less worried about them
rhyme has a hamster named “dream”
rhyme likes hacking shiny pokemon and rare items in games for their friends, but would never personally cheat in a game themselves
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holds them holds them holds them holds them holds them holds them holds them holds th
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( me: am i a bad rhyme writer because i had them joke about it being fine that they were stuck as noise bc they like almonds now so they’re seemingly totally chill with it
me @ me: no because rhyme has trauma and although they’re not as bad about the “whatever i’m fine :) everyone else matters more” as neku they still are kinda like that. they’ll open very easily but they have a hard time prioritizing two people at the same time and are a bit self sacrificing. also i think rhymes memories from being noise are probably somewhat vague??? they remember the sensation of being erased ALL TOO WELL. they remember what it was like to have every shred of their soul absolutely demolished. and they vaguely remember being noise! but i imagine that their capacity for thought wasn’t as big as noise. so it’s kind of like a dream… where you remember it happening but it almost feels like it wasn’t even you and it’s fuzzy )
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squirrelhacks · 2 years
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squirrelhacks · 2 years
( forcing rhyme and uzuki to become friends was the best decision of my life thank u so much katee )
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squirrelhacks · 2 years
( i BELIEVE i’ve gathered up all of the replies i owe for rhyme but if any are missing from this list, or if anyone wants anything on here dropped, just lmk!! :> )
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owed replies for neo rhyme:
lollipopsandgunshots; uzuki
a-musing-mixologist: beat
a-musing-mixologist: fret
crownshattered: shoka
fazbearentinc: foxy
owed replies for original rhyme:
kingsmedley: dsverse
zettatrixs: beat (during twewy)
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( ehehehehe okay gamers im gonna head to bed in a moment i think but thank u so much for going along w my hacker shit posts rhyme was already my fav twewy character and now i lov them even more. got smth in my queue for tomorrow for here and im working on a post for neku as well. ill be around more tomorrow! today my brain was just all over the place like i said before but i had a very very good day and i love all of u so much yadda yadda ill try not to be a broken record sorry fjdskf )
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( it just occured to me while writing this thing for my queue between commission work that during twewy, rhyme probably doesn’t remember how they died, either, at least not exactly? they probably know that someone tried to push them out of the way. but they don’t know that it was beat because of beat’s entry fee. so the question is do they know that their brother was the one to try to save them or is that fuzzy too? because rhyme clearly remembers they have a brother they just don’t remember that it’s beat... hmmm food for thought ill be Considering the possibilities )
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