#one of my pals wanted me to post this on tumblr LMAO
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im blooning out
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genericpuff · 1 year
On today's episode of "Rachel exaggerates things to make herself sound cooler-"
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Soooo this is a lie.
No seriously, this has to be a lie. I don't make these kinds of accusations willy-nilly. This has to be a lie.
First of all, if her file sizes are truly 11GB for each episode, that would mean her file resolutions would have to be stupid high, and I just ain't buying that when so much of her art comes out looking like fried chicken.
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But again, look at the backgrounds. Crystal clear. Which supports my theory that Rachel has her assistants draw the characters flat and exports them as PNG's so that she (or another one of her assistants) can slap the backgrounds in afterwards which is why when they pinch and zoom, the backgrounds look fine (as they're added in afterwards) and the characters look like they've been drawn with chalk. The shading itself isn't deep fried though, which is, again, because Rachel adds in the shading in post after her assistants have sent her all the flats.
Anyways, moving on from that, if her file sizes are actually 11GB per episode, that would mean her resolution would have to be STUPID high and that would mean there's no excuse for panels to look like this. This is not a Webtoons compression problem, Webtoons does compress images for you if you don't do it yourself but they don't result in specifically deep fried textures like this, that's ALL happening on Rachel's side. If it were a Webtoons' problem, the entire comic would look like that, not just select panels.
This is also what the panels tend to look like in book form. The book art is clearly very compressed and blurred from being too low of a resolution for print, which means either the editor is not being provided the root files, or the root files weren't ever that crisp to begin with. Either one is plausible and either one isn't good.
But of course, I'm not going to make these claims without my own proof. So here's the file sizes for Episode 12 of Rekindled, the longest episode in the series so far by panel count and page length, clocking in at 42 panels and an average of 25 layers per page (and that's including the text layers which adds a good chunk on its own, the actual art layers are like, half of that).
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Also, here's what a pinch and zoom panel in Rekindled comes out looking like:
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You can still pick up on some fuzziness, but the lineart doesn't look straight up chunky like it does in LO.
Meanwhile, one of my longest episodes of TIME GATE: [AFTERBIRTH] has a file size that honestly shocked me with how small it was.
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Guess how many panels that episode had?
Go on, guess. Take a second. Compare it to the file size of Episode 12 of Rekindled, take your best educated guess. Time Gate: [AFTERBIRTH] is also a full color webtoon with full shading and rendering that I used to upload once a week. Go ahead, I'll wait.
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Ninety. Seven.
Not only is that more panels than what LO dishes out on a weekly basis, but its overall file size doesn't even come out to be 10% of what Rachel is claiming LO's file sizes to be.
This is what Time Gate: [AFTERBIRTH] looks like, by the way:
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(don't mind the blurriness that's working against my point, that's Tumblr, not me LMAO)
But, let's face it, I didn't want to just use my own examples as a comparison, because that seems unfair. I'm not an Originals creator, I just put myself under similar pressures as one because I'm an idiot who tries too hard.
So I asked one of my Originals pals. I will not disclose their name, but they are someone who works for Webtoons Originals and has similar panel requirements and deadlines. They also work with a similar flatting + shade workflow as LO, they have cel-shaded colors and bold flat coloring.
When I asked them how big their file sizes were, they said that at 2500px width - similar to what I draw at, 2400px width - and 200-300k pixel length (again, they're drawing an entire episode on one canvas) their episode file sizes come out to roughly one gigabyte, very rarely much bigger than that.
Rachel is full of shit. This is some Tommy Tallarico level shit, exaggerating stupid things that don't matter to try and make herself seem impressive. It isn't impressive. It makes her look like an unorganized dunderhead at best, and at worst, makes her look like a flat out liar who needs to prop herself up on the dumbest shit to make herself look good. File gigabyte size isn't impressive or indicative of anything, you can achieve high quality art without your file size amounting to 11 GB, and let's face it, Lore Olympus is not high quality art. You're telling me art like this:
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amounts to 11 GB?
Now the only way I can see this happening is if maybe, maybe she had like, a bajillion layers full of garbage-
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Oh. Oh no. Lore Olympus. Is a sprite comic.*
(*edit for clarification: I've had people confused over what I mean by sprite comic because LO clearly isn't made with 16/8 bit sprites. Sprite comic was a term universally used back in the day for comics that reused the same body parts, heads, expressions, etc. much like how sprites are designed, often keeping an entire file full of different layers made up of these assets to make for easier development. This technique was utilized in comics like CTRL + ALT + DEL. LO is definitely not literally a sprite comic but the way its layers are designed feel very much like something that's being cobbled together like 'sprite' comics were. I'm old.)
Even with these pics for proof, with 600+ layers on one canvas, if there's barely anything on those layers, then it still wouldn't make up that 11GB file size because the amount of layers doesn't necessarily add to file size on its own, at least not by that much, unless they're actually filled with stuff. And again, Rachel's art in LO doesn't scream "highly detailed with many layers". It only had many layers because for some reason she insists on working that way even to its own detriment.
From the looks of it, Rachel's importing all of her assistants' PNG's as separate layers and adding all the shading and the extra details on their own separate layers and basically dividing everything up into tiny bite sized pieces. That's the only clear explanation I can come up with. But if so, that means she's being INCREDIBLY inefficient with her workflow that it's amounting to SIX HUNDRED+ LAYERS AT 11 GB PER EPISODE. THAT IS ABSURD. THIS COMIC IS WAY TOO LOW QUALITY TO JUSTIFY THESE FILE SIZES AND LAYER COUNTS. RACHEL DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK SHE'S DOING-
She's also very clearly using the cloud as a way to backup her work and work with her assistants. God knows how much she's spending on cloud space because of her own incompetency.
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Honestly, at this point, as I sit here playing the Photoshop equivalent of Cookie Clicker, clicking the 'new layer' button over and over and over again with my mouse to truly understand what it would feel like to operate at 600+ layers per episode of a webtoon, I'm more inclined to believe she's just lying. Capping. Pulling shit out of her ass. Straight up making shit up. It wouldn't be the first time she's done that. But also because the alternative is a lot more grim - the #1 best selling webtoon on the platform is being operated like the world's worst group project and still coming out on the other side looking like deep fried garbage despite its stupid high file size.
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heymrspatel · 1 month
i was tagged by @heymacy @creepkinginc @mickeym4ndy @y0itsbri to do the pinterest game
and by @heymacy @mybrainismelted @energievie @deedala @lingy910y
@transmickey @thepupperino @mmmichyyy @ardent-fox @sxltburn
@jrooc @blue-disco-lights @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom to do the tag game thank you pals!! 💙
✨ pinterest procrastination tag game ✨
rules: first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe
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✨ weekly tag wednesday friday ✨
name: julissa
age: 33
your time zone: est or edt whatever the fuck
what do you do for work? stupid little formulas in excel
do you have any pets? no 😞
what first drew you to this fandom? i actually watched the show when it first started. lost track sometime during a hiatus. then picked it back up during season 10 and started lurking while it was still airing. but i only started interacting in 2021 when i realized how nice and friendly and welcoming everyone was!
are you a morning person or a night owl? 100% night owl! i tend to be a cranky pants in the mornings
what are your hobbies? drawing and taking silly little pictures mostly! but occassionally i also enjoy reading and baking and crafting and sending letters heehee 🥰
how tall are you? 5'1 🤏
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? uhhh idk, i just want to be happy lol
favorite color? blue and green 🌊🌲
favorite book? man idk man there's too many man
favorite movie? (see above) but also almost famous
favorite fic? (see two answers above) but also i would be silly not to mention ITQD or LRPD because those are my most reread. sometimes i'll just blindly choose a chapter when i need to feel better lmao
favorite musical artist: (see three answers above) but also this changes depending on when you ask me. right this second? kevin abstract, griff, and troye sivan - there's some variety for ya lol
what is your average screen time so far this week? 3hrs and 27min - but that's a lie because i'm in front of a computer literally all day so...
what's the first app you open in the morning? depends on the notifications. but 9 times out of 10 it's discord
how long have you been on tumblr? like 14/15 years... on and off but um yea lmaoalsdkfj about 3 years actively posting on this account though
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i can fall asleep anywhere. just give me a few minutes.
i'm really late, but i'll tag a few babies @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey @howlinchickhowl @rereadanon if ya want. if not, this is just me giving you a little smooch 💙
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transmickey · 1 month
weekly tag wednesday (which i am actually doing for once) yaaaay 🥳 thank you @heymacy for this week's questions + @stocious @deedala @spacerockwriting @spookygingerr and
@transsexual-dandelions for also tagging me.. i give u all a smooch on the forehead
(disclaimer: there is presently a glitch with tumblr that only allows you to tag 5 people per line in your text posts. to remedy that, you can separate your tags into different lines as i have at the bottom of this post to ensure that everyone that's tagged knows they've been tagged!)
let's get started!
name: ajax
age: 4/5 of a nosho plus a bit more
your time zone: BST (utc+1) (boooo daylight savings)
what do you do for work? i am a student full time 🤓 but only for another 5 weeks (!) (!!!) (ur all invited to my graduation i hope ur july is lookin empty)
do you have any pets? no :( never have :(
what first drew you to this fandom? i can't even remember its been 84 years... i think i was just watching every 'popular' show going around on tumblr at the time lmao
are you a morning person or a night owl? somehow both . what do you mean i can't sustainably go to sleep at 3am and wake up at 6am isn't that so cruel
what are your hobbies? gaming, reading, going on silly little walks
how tall are you? i forgor . 163 cm i think?
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? hmmm new york babeeyyy
favorite color? blue
favorite book? [static noises]
favorite movie? [static noises] (im so sorry im not a movie person)
favorite fic? cooperative gameplay my beloved
favorite musical artist: AH! AHHH! noah kahan and phoebe bridgers and neck deep and the 1975 and taylor swift and sleep token and ethel cain and eden and- [gets dragged off stage]
what is your average screen time so far this week? i don't know and i don't want to know
what's the first app you open in the morning? either discord or imessage
how long have you been on tumblr? .. 8 or 9 years total?
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: ok i technically already said this one but! my last ever undergrad lecture is in exactly a week and i graduate in a couple months everyone jump up and down and say YIPPEE!
tagging some pals (sorry if you've already done it i have dumb baby brain) (i love u) (*hands you a cookie*) @mybrainismelted @transmurderbug @gallapiech @roryonic @creepkinginc
@jrooc @ian-galagher @astaraels @mickeysgaymom @heymrspatel
@lupeloto @lee-ow
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hi mush, first of all: LOVE YOUR PAGE!!! my dearest pal “literally logan anon” got me into cod ghosts like… 3 weeks ago ?? and i’ve been aggressively hyperfixated ever since (many thanks to the community on tumblr and, of course, your posts which have been fuelling me through the throes of uni coursework)
second things second: in love with ur autistic logan headcanon ?!?! your post about him dicking about with the AAC board had me in stitches. anyway jumping of from my pal’s anon, i think that logan probably has little sense of self identity. after all he has lived in his brother and father’s footsteps all his life, he has rarely been given the autonomy to do or say what he pleases and he is, in general, acting at the whims of others. i think all of this would lead him to have a very limited sense of self-worth, purpose, identity, etc. - he is merely an extension of hesh, and i think this definitely upsets him a lot. he doesn’t knwo what he wants because he hasn’t been given the opportunity to decide that. all very sadge… what are ur thoughts my g
Good luck with uni shit!!!! Glad I could help you cope lmao
Ah, yes. The fart sfx... he has the humor of a 12 year old. Elias is exasperated but ykw if Logan likes it (Tablet) that's good. Even if it's just *FartFartFart* ad infinitum.
Ooooo Logan with the identity struggle, yesssss. And I agree 100%, I do think Logan would have a limited view of himself outside someone who just follows his brother around. HOWEVER... I also think Hesh has a very limited view of himself outside being The Big Brother where his hobbies are "Watching after Lou" and his skills are "Keeping my brother safe+alive" AND I think the both of them are this way in part due to their upbringing because Elias had been fostering the "Stay together." mentality in them from like day one but then ODIN absolutely exasperated it to the point of (almost) no return. CIRCLES BACK TO THE CODEPENDENCY BTW!!! We make this shit a WEB of mental illness.
That "Opportunity outside being tool/wielder" might come around only because of the pit and tbh I think it's a little poetic in a way that the most terrible thing to happen to either of the bros could be smthn that changes their lives for the better if they manage to roll with it and recover without destroying everything.
Elias ily baby but DAMN your mental illness (Being in the military) is also your kids mental illness now.
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
good mooooorning the capitals are inexplicably in a wild card spot!! sending in j, u, & y for the ask meme hehe
good morning my friend!! they sure are!! that's the power of love baby!!!!! 💕💖✨🙏🦅
j. What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
ohhhh i SURE have. futurefic is my favorite thing. just, everything about it — the mass of feelings that your characters thought they left in the past rearing up again! getting to slowly unravel whatever backstory you've concocted for your readers! all the complicated feelings that come with having grown up and built a life with imperfect pieces even when it was the best you could do at the time! also i love futurefic because it is almost always also second chance romance and i love second chances so much.
u. Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
yes! so many!! i unfortunately only ever end up writing like 1/20th of the pairings i'm into because i am a SLOW writer but, i would love to get my grubby little fingers into whatever is going on in vancouver — probably elias/brock or elias/quinn. i feel like i would like to try my hand one day at connor/leon but i need to be gripped by the EXACT right scenario u know? i don't know if writing prompt fills on tumblr dot com counts as trying it but if it doesn't then i am absolutely adding eldest son disaster pairing matthew/quinn to this list. also i don't know if i want ME to write this but i do want a nice long tender unexpected feelings leon/bedsy fic to exist in the world because sometimes we all need a little problematic age gap in our lives. i feel like i have more but i am totally blanking. oh — gibby/trevor. i do want john to destroy that twink, preferably while he's deep in his jamie feelings. i want it to be MESSY.
y. What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
this is pretty complicated tbh! like, i was NOT in a good headspace with haw when i posted it (i def should have done another editing pass but i was like fuck it i'm done lmao) but other people's love for it really and truly helped me get out of that headspace and remember why i loved the story and characters so much! so the popularity of the fic was a really lovely thing for me there. but also there's like, i wrote a band of brothers fic a couple years ago that's obviously never going to be super popular because it's for a tv show from 2001 but also i think that it's the best written thing on my ao3 page. by far the fic i'm the MOST satisfied with even though it only got a moderate amount of love due to the smaller fandom! then in the middle there's something like tnno, which a lot of people love but i was satisfied with it regardless because the two pals whose feelings about it mattered most to me also loved it. so i think this equation changes depending on my personal relationship to each fic!
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nepenthean-sleep · 2 years
griddlehark fic recs
what's up i'm tumblr user nepenthean-sleep and the locked tomb books psychologically destroyed me so i read griddlehark fic to cope. here's a list of some of my favorite fics. tumblr usernames added if i could find them (sorry for the notification!). part 2 here.
Kiss Me, Idiot T - Antipode oneshot. post pool scene, canon-compliant, just generally cute (understatement).
do what you can with me, and do it quietly T - cobrakids / @funsizedshark oneshot. college AU. this one is BRAND NEW but its so good. the author has gideon and harrow's voices down 100%. i really hope it becomes a whole AU or a multi-chapter fic!
for the gleam of a jewel, or a smile T - cristabeloct / @gothicenjoyer long multi-chapter. third house murder mystery featuring all the heirs and cavs from canaan house! i will admit i have not yet finished this fic but everything about it so far is incredible. i love how fleshed out (heh, flesh magic joke) the third house feels in this fic. it reminds me a lot of the mysterious study of doctor sex in that it's very interesting to see the inner workings of another house.
for better, for worse T - mutterandmumble oneshot. college AU. oh my god this one is hilarious i was crying laughing. two absolutely insufferable lesbians argue in a wendy's drive-through at 2am. one of my favorite fics of all time.
The Long Defeat G - pipistrelle oneshot. harrow's letter #24 of 24 from htn. this one hurts, lmao! absolutely wonderful, great job.
at arm's length T - mutterandmumble oneshot. college AU. harrow has to call gideon to pick up a drunk pal from her apartment. this whole fic is very funny. i am a big fan of unnervingly out-of-character drunk palamedes.
i will learn to love the shears T - corpsesoldier / @corpsesoldier oneshot. set after the avulsion trial. gideon helps harrow cut her hair. very introspective and i think it made one of my friends cry.
you kissed me (you heathen) T - its_alenatic oneshot. the kiss from ntn from gideon's perspective! this fic made me want to throw my laptop out a window!
Safe Words T - zoicite short multi-chapter. set post-pool scene when gideon and harrow talk about random things. gideon tells a very funny story about camilla handcuffing harrow that reveals more about gideon's own psyche than she probably intended.
How It Happened T - YeeHawmura oneshot. pool scene with a htn twist. also made me want to throw my laptop out a window!
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wynnyfryd · 6 months
Re your rb comments on aidaronan's fic data post, wanted to say that you are a household name for me. I told my gf about our "wake up TPAU, eat lunch TPAU, go to bed TPAU" "second breakfast TPAU" "apple" exchange (bc she loves LOTR) and we now use this for everything all the time. Maybe I'm out of touch but idc how often someone posts, there's stories I've followed actively for months and years that have been so meaningful to me. This is all literally voluntary and for fun, and I'm so happy to think of you as one of my tumblr pals ❤️ so proud of you and in awe of your brain!
LMAO i love that, i was cracking myself up taking those screenshots that day. delighted to be mutual fandom dinguses with you 🍎🥂
also thank you so muuuuch, that’s very kind of you and i’m accepting your compliment gracefully and normally and not at all like a blubbering little baby
(also also i’m gonna do a big writing day tomorrow so there will be more trailer park au either tomorrow afternoon or tuesday morning at the latest. i’m saying it publicly so now it has to be true)
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milkmaidovich · 10 months
Milkmaidovich Plays Catch-up
I am BEHIND pals
Had a long week and a half of Book Stuff to finalize (who knew cover design would take up so much of my brain [it's me, I knew]) but it's all finished so it's time to CATCH UP!
(This post will be a Tag Game Tuesday post, with everything else getting its own)
Jul 18 Tag Game Tuesday
Thanks to @howlinchickhowl @auds-and-evens @mickeyheartian @scurvgirl , @tanktopgallavich , @metalheadmickey , and @vintagelacerosette for the tags!
name: kat
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home? A state I don't particularly like in the southeastern US (it’s very red which is hard for this queer anti-capitalist socialist) but it was a career-related move so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favorite animal: hiphopopopotamus
cereal of choice: love me a strawberry & yogurt Joe’s-O from Trader Joe’s, or the churro Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and also a Honey Nut Cheerio if I can’t get the other two
are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Kinesthetic is the main one, the writing/doing is helpful for my ADHD, especially if I mix and match with visual/auditory
first pet? Carnival Goldfish that we had living in a crystal punch bowl
favorite scent? Tuberose, amber, oud, leather (I love a darkspicy scent)
do you believe in astrology? Eh? Kind of? I see some undeniable traits of the signs in myself and those around me but also I see a lot of incorrect stuff so it's more for fun than for basing life choices on
how many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? Literal hundreds, I'm not going to count
sharpies or highlighters? Sharpies FOREVER
a song that makes you cry: uhhhhh most recent one is Unknown/Nth by Hozier
a song that makes you happy: SO MANY! Most recently: The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala (Suck It and See is always in heavy rotation in the summer)
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself! I write sometimes! Hopefully more now that I've got some more time! Find me on AO3
July 25 Tag Game
Thanks to @celestialmickey, @transmickey, @lupeloto, @harrowhark-a-vagrant, and @scurvgirl for the tags!
name: kat
age: 33
pronouns: she/her
your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): cancer 🦀, ENTP-T, 9w1/8 (I don't really understand the MBTI/enneagram stuff if someone feels like explaining)
how tall are you? 5'3.5" (1.6m, 161cm)
what color are your eyes? Greeeeeeen
the last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): UH the super Mario movie with my kid? I think? A couple months ago
favorite dessert: peach pie/cobbler ALWAYS
outer space or the ocean? The ocean, why the fuck do we need to keep going to space when the ocean is RIGHT THERE
you’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? 10pc chicken nugget, fries, sprite
are you good with plants? Maybe?????? Genuinely unsure
would your current self and high school self get along? Lmao maybe?????? Honestly it's 50/50
a food you can’t stand: FUCK BEETS
something you’d do if money were no object: TRAVEL AND CONCERTS AND TRAVELING TO CONCERTS
the last app you opened on your phone (tumblr doesn’t count!): DayForce
and finally, compliment yourself! You are better at learned skills than you give yourself credit for!!
Since these are so behind I won't tag anyone but if you didn't get tagged and want to play, consider this your tag!
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certifieddoofus1 · 1 year
Aaaaa I’m so nervous to post this kind of content. But hey I gotta get over my fears at some point. 😭💔
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(Also yes I take art requests and art trades. Art trades are preferable. Seriously hit me up! It’s been forever since I last did this! No to commissions, I’m not that good lmao. )
Howdy pals, I’m new on tumblr, I just joined it recently because I like the content on this site. And I was hoping to maybe meet some new friends with the same interests as me…?
Anways! Here is some art I recently made! I’m a super big Yakuza fan, especially of their latest game “Like a dragon”. I “fell in love” with the games new protagonist, Ichiban, and got really tempted to draw some oc x canon. 😭💕One thing you should know about me is I’m super big on the oc x canon community. I’m really supportive of other peoples ships and they make me feel more comfortable about having my own. So be prepared to get a lot of support from me if you have an oc you ship with a canon character too! We oc x canoners stick together!>:) 💕(especially Yakuza ones because I’m OBSESSED *screams*)
Anyways…. ( I need to stop saying Anways so much and expand my vocabulary!! GRRRR. ) Here’s some information about the random “girl” I just had to ship with our beloved Ichiban Kasuga. (But to be fair can you really blame me? Ichiban is super cute. I want to steal him and lock him in my basement. I’d provide him with food and water Ofc. )
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Yume Nakagawa 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
Age: 29
Height: 5’10 (no she won’t step on you.)
Patriarch of the Nakagawa Family. (Formally Tojo. Can’t decide if I want her family to convert to The Omi Alliance or Seiryu clan after the Tojo clan was banished.)
Yume is the type of girl who… idk how to explain it.. the type of girl who doesn’t have a type. She’s unexplainable. There I said it. She’s unpredictable, Erratic, pretty horny, Violent, Cocky. She’s a HUGE flirt… a horrible one too. She makes everyone uncomfortable with her over the top sexual comments. She grew up with a ton of men and they insisted on teaching her their roots, so hence the reason she kinda flirts like a F Boy. (I mean half the time it works but on the other hand…… nah. The men she hits on are concerned. ) If I had to compare her personality to anyone in the Yakuza game series she would probably be the most similar to Nishitani.
୨⎯ "Some Facts " ⎯୨
- Yume usually fights with machetes, her go to weapon. She usually uses them for her more… “extreme fights”. When she just wants to give some one a good beating she’ll just pull out her brass knuckles and go crazy.
- She has a soft spot for children. She hates teenagers tho. Thinks they are the scum of the earth.
- Has a pet possum named Lulu at home. Literally she found the possum in her back yard digging through her trash and was like… “ Yep, you’re mine now.” and just took her in like that.
-Yume was a noncommittal person before she met Ichiban. She quickly fell in love with his bright and heroic personality and realized how attracted she was to him. Eventually she made the first move… by asking him to… “slay her dragon.” Obviously he didn’t get what she meant so she asked him on a movie date instead. Ichiban fell asleep on her shoulder. 😔👌💕
Thats all I’ll reveal about Yume so far! If you want to know more about her check out my future posts! I’m probably gonna be drawing her more often.
All drawings are made by @certifieddoofus1
Have a nice day!!!
Also shout out to @kiryu-kazuma-wife
You inspired me to post about my Yakuza oc x canon! Thanks for giving me a little self confidence boost! I hope you’re having a great day/night! :)💕💖
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inlocusmads · 14 days
Aeruilir ✨
Honestly the biggest problem I faced with the wip is the nomenclature system more than the actual mechanics of it all. I found myself borrowing words from Quenya and Sindarin to try and construct something that kind of matches our real-world nomenclature? (Conlang is hard you guys) It's one of those wips I want to go back and rewrite again sometime soon because I feel like I would have a completely different outlook on how Killian perceives her sexuality than what I did many months ago.
I also wanted to have this mythic aspect to it where Ittar and Bakshi kind of understand Killian and just watch over her and also simultaneously have this patron demi-god like figure, for Aeruilirs in the realm. I took some inspiration from Artemis's hunters from Greek Mythology - yes, celibacy/abstinence isn't the same as being arospec and/or aspec, but mostly because I loved the idea of this - "if there are two gods for love and intimacy the elves worship, there could be an idea of a patron for the people who don't experience romantic or sexual attraction" and to have the gods respect that was a nice little bonus there.
Another thing that really prompted me to write this fic was just how plausible it felt and how it kind of fitted in with the rest of Elven canon in Blades. Elves have Dinvalir and Kilvalir (the split attraction model as we know - I remember a Tumblr post that gave a really nice detailed explanation for this but I lost the link :( ) and now you have the aros and the aces thrown into the mix! I really wish PB mentions it in canon sometime soon because that would be really cool.
Looking back on the fic, I think I may have made Killian's aro-ace-ness into something prophetic or something of a superpower-esque thing lmao which granted, stems from my own frustration of arophobia and acephobia and I wanted to see more positivity (as an aro-ace person myself). If I had an opportunity to change a few things about it right now, I'd probably have Killian be a lot more chill and Ittar and Bakshi being "Oh. Cool, anyways, you're still screwed my pal. You pissed off like, half the gods." and K's just "There are gods???"
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if you would maybe be willing to talk a little bit about your decision to use a beta reader? I feel like some people have very strong opinions about this, whether it’s for or against, but I think most of the writers who I follow on here actually don’t use them (barring you of course lol). I guess I’m just curious why you prefer to use one, and how you found someone you trust enough to read over your work before posting. And if you’re willing, what exactly is your beta looking for? Spag check, plot holes, or something else entirely? Sorry this is long, I’m just very interested in all the unique ways writers go about their processes! Thank you :)
sure lol i started working w a beta reader back when i was writing atydsp bc people kept commenting abt misused britishisms/how obvious it was that i was usamerican (which was fucking annoying btw lmao) so i was like ok let me see if i can find a british person 2 check my shit...at that point i hadn't made this tumblr yet + was totally clueless in terms of how 2 actually like. interact w any sort of fandom community so i v clumsily made a tiktok account + was like "um british ppl if anyone wants 2 help please dm..." in the endnotes of a ch. + i just got lucky that the person who i connected w ended up being really great + has continued to help me out w other works (hi vi if ur reading this <3)
generally speaking i just ask a beta reader 2 check for any obvious misused britishisms in my chs, but i know some people will look for help w more in-depth editing, plot holes, etc. i guess technical fandom terminology might be "britpick" and not "beta reader" for what i'm doing but...idk idrc what it's called. and later down the line when the first person i connected w was too busy i found someone via tumblr after i'd started interacting more w ppl + sort of had a bit more a community (hi mayane if ur reading this <3) so now i have. two really great people who help me out who i've just become pals w over time <3
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onward--upward · 5 months
Get To Know Me
hiya i was tagged in two diff versions of this by my lovely pals @firenati0n and @bigassbowlingballhead thank you!! i am Lazy so i have compiled them both into one massive post. enjoy!?
Last song: Gimme a Minute by PVRIS
Last film: the dark knight!!! (excellent movie. i am not even a batman guy, im just a heath ledger guy)
Currently reading: i am reading an ARC of "I Want You More" by swan huntley (excellent so far!!) and also i'm slowly working my way through house of leaves
Currently watching: percy jackson!!!!! most beloved <3
Currently consuming: um!!! coke zero (perpetually)
Currently craving: it's like 1AM but i could probably go for some pasta rn
Were you named after anyone? no i was not!
When was the last time you cried? god i dunno. a couple months ago maybe?? (i probably should have cried more recently, there was cause for it lol but i am Bad at crying)
Do you have kids? lmfao. no!
What sports do you play/have you played? this may surprise nobody, but: hockey. i also played soccer growing up and i did horseback riding if that counts (this is how i have broken so many bones)
Do you use sarcasm? oh, frequently. constantly, one might say!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? i actually... don't know?? hair, i guess
What’s your eye color? green!!!!!!
Scary movies or happy endings? why not both <3
Any talents? oh i am so talented!!!! (lying) i mean... writing, i guess? that's the only thing i know how to do
Where were you born? canada, babyyy
What are your hobbies? read, write, scroll on tumblr <3 walk dogs <3 i like to drive, does that count as a hobby?? oh i also occasionally paint
Do you have any pets? yuh
How tall are you? like five foot eight
Favorite subject in school? guess. (its english)
Dream job? to echo roop, i dont dream of labour (lmao!) but i would love to be an editor!! publishing industry i am coming for u
i am not tagging any pals simply because i have created my own frankensteinian hybrid of this tag game and i don't want to inflict it on anybody else <3 but feel free to participate if it calls to you!
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heymrspatel · 1 year
✨ artist interview ✨
i was tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @mikhailoisbaby and @deathclassic to do this artist interview that chrissy whipped up off of the popular fic writer one! thanks for the tag even if i feel like a grand ol' imposter 😅
1. Do you post on Ao3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post? i do! i didn't before, but i was bullied by tumblr into doing so after they took down the art for "cinematic" lmao! then the pals encouraged me to upload the rest! i have 4 works: cinematic, kinktober, gallacrafts, and original art.
2. What is your total art count? 83! (including the zine stickers/tattoos)
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos? i used the helpful stats website @suzy-queued suggested!
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4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes! i still think it's insane when people choose to leave nice comments, so i try my best to respond!
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for? shameless, hi. if we're talking about art that i've shared, then it's also shameless. but the first one just for fun was harry potter (yeaaa yeaaa 🙄)
6. Have you ever received hate on any art? yep lol
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to? i guess the true answer is none. however, i get the urge to draw every time i watch something that i end up loving. recently i've wanted to draw for young royals and stranger things, but i never ended up doing anything. i would also be too shy to post 😅
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship? i've had many, but based on impact and inspiration i'd have to go with ian and mickey 💙
9. Do you draw outside of fandom? i do!! it's my favorite hobby! the only difference is that outside of this space i usually just sketch. so it's very different than what i share here.
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected? oh probably this one! it changed quite a bit and was originally drawn flipped around. i think it tells a different story depending on which way you look at it!
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11. Do you draw smut? yes! the teasing kind. the "what's that hand doing?!" kind lmao
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied? not that i know of!
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece? yea! i've collabed on art for fics with @whatwouldmickeydo and @metalheadmickey and on the zine and timeline with @you-are-so-much-better-than-that 🥰
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw? omg i have an entire list of ideas that just exist and may never come to life lol! they range from extreme fluff to absolute filth... my notes app: -kiss on the cheek/scrunchy face -mickey's head hanging off bed/mouth open/ian's hand wrapped around the nape of his neck -holding hands at the alibi alsdkfjlk
15. What are your drawing strengths? i would say adding details and tying the story i'm trying to convey together. and i like to think that i'm ok at giving them that tender and in love feel no matter the situation.
16. What are your drawing weaknesses? all of it? haha proportions and certain angles are really hard for me. hands and noses yikes! i am also terrible at drawing from memory. i usually draw with about 20 references pulled up on my laptop. like, i am the bozo googling "table". 17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn? it's gotta be the roadtrip one! but i also really really love this one:
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18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know? i love adding/repeating little details that no one would really notice unless you're zooming all the way in or seeing a few pieces as a set. i built a color palette very early on that has stayed consistent throughout. i play a lot with blues and greens as a motif. and uh i'm still learning! everyday! with every single one!
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom? i genuinely love doing it! i also love a prompt, that's why i started all of this with gallacrafts. and i just really love putting them in situations i want to see them in and drawing them stupidly in love!
but, i also hoard unhinged tags in my cheeks like a chipmunk lmao every series i've done was born from people screaming a version of "YOU'RE INSANE" at me 😂
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favourite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight. i usually draw on the couch, hunched over like a shrimp. i’m normally up really late (i see 3am too often) and that’s when i get most of my work done. i typically watch something i've seen before so that i don't have to fully pay attention or i'll listen to music. i sketch a rough draft of what i want the final piece to end up looking like, then i do a shit ton of research and pull up a stupid amount of references. i have a really creepy pinterest board full of body parts lol! then i fight for my life and rage until the line work is fully done. after that, it’s smooth sailing with coloring and shading 😌
i'm feeling a little tag shy, but i'll tag @gallawitchxx @doodlevich @y0itsbri and @grumpymickmilk if you want to play! if not i'm just giving you some flowers 💐
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genericpuff · 1 year
always wanted to make one of those 'day in the life' posts so here u go!
TW/CW: Tattoo needles, mild blood/mentioning of blood
ima be honest with you, sometimes those 'day in the life' reels on tiktok n junk annoy the piss out of me because they seem so disingenuous, but that's honest to god probably just my executive dysfunction being salty because there's no way in HELL i'm gonna be on some 'grind' where i'm getting up at 6 am to make smoothies and do a workout before i have to go to actual work, i can't with that and i struggle to fathom anyone else doing that consistently LMAO (but i know there are and y'all are a different breed, i wouldn't be able to do it LOL)
like i literally get up anywhere between 30-10 minutes before i gotta catch the bus to go to work-
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(understand that i can only get away with doing this because the bus stop is LITERALLY RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY HOUSE LMAOOO i could also just as easily walk , work is about 15-20 minutes away, but like... i don't wanna when i could just sleep in for another 15-20 minutes LOL)
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most of my mornings consist of battling with myself to get out of bed until the last possible minute and then hoping the bus isn't early so i don't miss it on account of my own executive dysfunction, paired with timmy's because i'm a canadian hoser, buds.
i'm actually pretty hyped though for that apartment move at the start of april because as soon as we've moved, we'll be even CLOSER to my work to the point i won't even have to catch the bus anymore, you can literally see the new place out my work window. watch me find ways to still be late for work LMAO
anyways. i got off kinda easy today because NORMALLY i have to get up earlier as most of the time my appointments start at 1 PM, but I only had one appointment today and we had booked it for 3 so I got to sleep in a bit longer <3 This was the design I had made up for them (a sternum piece):
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but then it turned out i had completely neglected the one change they wanted, which was to make the middle flower a lotus flower. thank god for my ipad, having the ability to change up designs on the go was half the reason I bought it ~
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easy fix uwu
as for the setup, my tattoo setup is pretty simple, the machine isn't actually ready to go yet but i usually set that up after the stencil is applied to give the stencil time to sit and dry (and i don't like having nothing to do while i wait):
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(the actual machine once it's wrapped):
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it was a full kitchen in the shop today meaning me, my boss, and my two other coworkers who work in the open area were all working and having a good time. one of my other coworkers wasn't in today but they work in a separate private room so the main area itself was full. sometimes i'll come in and i can tell who was in first based on what's playing on the TV. if it's documentaries or reruns of old comedy shows (like the Office) I know it's my boss, if it's reality TV then I know it's L, and if it's music from Spotify then it's usually my other coworker S.
It was S today :' )
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here's the actual stencil on the skin! my client is an old pal who i've tattooed a couple times and was thankfully okay with me taking pics and posting these ~ (haha, no female presenting nipples here, tumblr!)
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as you can probably see I had to take a marker to the tail and redraw it so it would go around the belly button, originally the stencil went right thru it and wouldn't have looked good
but guess what? didn't matter anyways because the fucking stencil wouLDN'T FUCKING STICK. like, as soon as I started working on it, I realized it was gonna be one of those stencils, the kind that wipe away INSTANTLY. I think it was a combination of just the placement (backs and sternums don't tend to hold as well) as well as her skin type (not all skin types hold onto stencils and ink equally) and the fact that it was hotter in the shop than it usually is which amounted to a bit of sweat (esp in the belly area where things tend to be a lot warmer) which resulted in the stencil not holding in the slightest. y'all it was STRESSFUL and even after I tried to re-apply the stencil again as best as I could (with the tattoo already in progress and the old stencil pretty much gone) it STILL wouldn't hold, so I essentially had to bloodline the whole thing (i.e. line it in so lightly and quickly just to get SOMETHING visible in there after the stencil disappeared. half the lines weren't even genuine lines, just the tiniest faintest impressions that mostly consisted of blood, but still better than nothing).
eventually my coworkers had all clocked out for the day so i was the last one standing, meaning I got control over the Spotify >:D
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(and played pretty much the exact same music my coworker would have because we have the exact same tastes in music lmao)
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so this is where i had to re-stencil because the original stencil i had put on was wiping away like crazy, but then the second stencil ended up being just as shitty. like you can see where i had to put the lines in 'good enough' near the top because even the shoddy stencil redo was GONE as i was working on it, and it created this sort of cyclical problem where i couldn't just not wipe while i worked because that would result in there being ink anywhere so i couldn't see what i was doing... but then i would wipe to clean it up and poof stencil gone. it was a nightmare and stressed me out but big thanks to my client for understanding and trusting the process <3
because even tattoos are allowed to have an ugly stage before they look good ~
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all in all i'm pretty happy with how it came out in the end, the process definitely didn't go as smoothly as i had initially hoped and i would have liked to spend more time on the actual lining process in the beginning, but i had to rush that shit. thankfully as soon as that foundation was laid, it gave me time to just go in and tighten up those lines, a lot of this ended up being freehand compared to what i had planned on doing :' )
(the best part is this client has two lil' dermals just an inch or so above the tattoo that the snake's face and tongue line up perfectly with, it's adorable haha)
either way, that was my day at the shop, i was the last one there so it was on me to settle the debit/credit machine, set the alarms and have everything ready for another day tomorrow!
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very appropriate music for the last track of the day lmao and our shop pet, Smaug, poked his head out to say hello!
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for the most part, a good day! aside from that stupid stencil giving me a hard time, it was still pretty chill, came out to be a 3 hour day, I showed up around 2:30, my appointment started at 3 and we were all done by 5:30, left just in time to go pick up some sushi takeout and catch the next bus home <3
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(have I ever shown my face on my Tumblr before??? if not, here's me!)
My job's pretty cool. Still have to deal with a lot of "typical bullshit" esp when it comes to communicating with clients and setting up appointments as well as tattoo-unique bullshit like dealing with squirmers or crappy stencils or not being able to have a social life without people pestering me for free work, but it's the best job I could ever ask for especially in this particular location. The husband and wife duo who run the place are super sweet but have their shit together well, they run a tight ship and it means I don't have anything to worry about besides setting up my appointments and tattooing. It took a lot of fighting over the course of years to finally end up in a comfortable place, and many times I almost gave up, but it was worth it because now I'm in a great place that pays well and I get to do what I love.
But I'm still pretty eager to get home most days lol So I grabbed my sushi, caught the bus, and made it home.
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It was about 6:25 when I landed and because of Daylight Savings, it's still very light out. It does so much for my mental health to leave work and have it still be sunny, the ✨ seasonal depression ✨ is gone and all I have to worry about now is ✨ regular depression ✨ And it's gonna be even better once we move to the new place because it's on a ground floor and has windows aplenty, loads of natural light (compared to the gross basement we live in rn).
But until then, this is what I come home to (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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I will now spend the next 6-8 hours playing FF XIV, watching my shows, and working on Rekindled and Time Gate, pretty much all at the same time or at least jumping between. Usually I'll have something playing on rerun on the TV in the background (so something I don't have to pay attention to, like reruns of the Office or Bob's Burgers or w/e I'm feeling that day) and then I'll be listening to music in my headphones or - if I want to engage with something that isn't a rerun - I'll put on a Youtube video that's easy to listen to and absorb without having to look directly at. Sometimes it's speedrun documentaries, sometimes it's GameGrumps compilations, just depends on what I'm feeling and what shows up in my recommended that day LOL Yes , it might seem 'pointless' to have a show playing in the background while also listening to music, but it's sorta just there as a presence and idk, it brings my ADHD brain comfort lol
If you don't believe me that this is the level of multitasking that I'm at, the other day I made a call to Nintendo Support to help my husband get back into his account and I did it while running dungeons in FF XIV, yaaaaay ADHD! My brain needs constant stimulation to function! ╰(‵□′)╯
(and yes, I'm usually joined by Psuwis - it's Maliseet for 'cat' - who's very needy for my attention as soon as I get home lol)
This is how I spend most of my evenings, and even entire days if I'm not in the shop (and my schedule's pretty flexible, sometimes I'm at the shop 5 days a week, other times I might only work 2 or 3 days, it just depends on how busy my bookings are). My husband is actually probably just getting off work rn so he'll likely be home by the time I'm wrapping up this post lmao
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I actually worked on Rekindled pretty much all day yesterday, so now the episode's almost done already, it's coming along nicely! I'm hoping to have it done tonight or tomorrow so that I can have it ready for Saturday when I'm away on my trip (and maybe get a headstart on Ep 12 so that we can have a new episode next weekend as well during my apartment move!)
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Anyone in my follows play FF XIV? Currently working on my Astrologian, it's pretty fun! You can find me (Pym Thras'rala) in Hyperion if you ever wanna party up sometime!
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That's pretty much it! Not really anything super crazy or exciting to show, my life's pretty routine and that's how I like it. A lot of my social life is online nowadays but I do make time to go out and hang out with IRL pals as well. If this were done on a Friday most of what I'd be doing is hanging out down at the bar with pals LMAO
So yeah! hope you enjoyed this lil' self-indulgent "talk about myself for 20 minutes" post ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ If anything I hope it offers some kind of solidarity to the other pals out there who need 27390572309 forms of stimulation to get through the day LMAO
(also not recommending anyone live the way i do, my back hurts, my sleep schedule is fucked and my brain is fried(*゜ー゜*)let's all hold each other accountable and remember to check our postures, stand up and stretch every hour, and stay hydrated <3 ).
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
what's this?? marshy actually finished a fic for the first time in ages??? no fuckin way—
anyway hi i forget how i usually intro these tumblr fics of mine gjdskfds but going by my writing tag it looks like i usually just wing it so uhh here! have some domestic age regression fluff between caregivers!tanya and mike and little!lila (with a liiiight sprinkling of angst and hurt/comfort in the middle there because i just couldn't help myself, lmao). small warning for a reference to will and lila's mothers and what that entails, ie emotional abuse, though it's not super explicit. if there's anything else i need to warn for, lmk!
super special thanks to @whenthedeeppurplefalls for betaing this fic, literally idk if it would've gotten done without you so i super appreciate you looking at it hglkdsjf 💞 tysm pal seriously :') /gen
as per usual with these fics, eventually this'll get posted to ao3 as well and i'll reblog this with a link when that's ready, but for now, without further ado, here it is please enjoy <3
"Babe, why is William in timeout?"
Tanya huffs out a laugh as she makes her way to Mike over at the door, greeting him with a kiss to his mouth and taking the grocery bags out of his hands. "That's Lila, honey," she says, moving aside so he can step inside the apartment and shut the door behind him.
"Ah. That makes more sense," he says, turning his gaze to the girl currently pouting in the corner of the kitchen. "Hi, sweetheart. What have you done this time?"
Lila turns to him, her arms crossed over her chest and her cheeks puffed out adorably. One leg is crossed over the other, giving her the air of an offended little lady, and Mike has to bite back a laugh. Her and William are both so cute—equally so, of course, given the fact they share a body, but they both have their own unique little quirks in the way they carry themselves that are absolutely precious in their own little ways.
"You can tell him if you want to, honey," Tanya says, putting away the groceries Mike had brought home. "I won't add time to your timeout."
Lila huffs, pout increasing somehow. "Mama's being unfair," she says, shooting a withering glare in Tanya's direction. "It was an accident."
"Ohohoho, no it was not," Tanya says, shaking her head with a click of her tongue. "You wanna actually tell him what you did?"
Lila glares at her for another moment, before turning back to the wall. Mike actually laughs at that, taking a few steps further to stroke her hair lightly.
"Well, now I'm curious," he says. "What'd you do to earn the timeout chair?"
Lila huffs, hunching in on herself a little. "You're on her side," she accuses, her cheeks reddening.
"Well, honey, I can't be on your side if I don't know what you did," he says, shaking his head slightly.
Lila stays silent, her eyes fixed on the ground. She almost looks embarrassed, an expression that's very rare for her. Mike ruffles her hair, before moving his hand to squeeze her shoulder lightly.
"I guess she doesn't want to tell me," Mike says, shaking his head. "What'd she do, Mama Bird?"
Tanya turns to him, her eyes alight with amusement and irritation. "Well, she almost burnt the fucking house down," she says, shooting a half-smile in Lila's direction.
Mike's eyebrows raise. "Oh? How the fuck did she do that?" he asks, absentmindedly rubbing circles against Lila's shoulder with his fingertips.
"Put a fork in the microwave," Tanya says, shaking her head. "She's very lucky I caught it before it started sparking."
"It was—it was an accident!" Lila protests suddenly. She looks up at Mike with pleading eyes, leaning against him all cutely in that way she does when she wants something. "This isn't fair!"
Mike hums, turning his eyes toward Tanya. "If she just left her fork in her food, I don't think it's fair to—”
Tanya shoots him a pointed look. "It was just a fork in there," she says, turning her eyes to Lila and adding, "and I'd just told her about how putting metal in the microwave is dangerous."
"Oh. Hmm." Mike looks back down at Lila, giving her shoulder a light pat. "Yeah, I don't think I can defend you, sweetheart."
"Not fair," Lila mumbles, kicking at the air helplessly. "It was—I just wanted to see what happened."
"I told you what happens," Tanya says, pulling out a pot from the drawer. "There was no reason to try it out, my sweet girl.”
“What if I didn’t believe you?” Lila protests, looking up at Mike pleadingly again, as though he’ll somehow be able to help her.
“Well, then we have a bigger problem then,” Tanya says, shaking her head. She turns around then, holding the pot out in front of her and turning her attention toward Mike. “How do we feel about spaghetti for dinner?”
“I brought the meatballs,” he says, shrugging lightly and moving his hand to rub Lila’s back soothingly. “I say go for it.”
“Dada—” Lila starts pitifully, presumably to plead for help or mercy.
Before she can finish, or Mike can say anything, however, Tanya interrupts. “Ah ah ah. No talking rule is back in effect.” She looks over at her, her eyes softening sympathetically. “Only a minute left, little one.”
Lila whines, her eyes dropping to her feet. Mike smiles at her, also sympathetically, and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“Sounds like you’ll be free soon,” he says, giving her a light pat. “Hang in there, sweetheart.”
Lila huffs, kicking her feet frantically. Mike steps away from her, then, making his way over to Tanya’s side, watching her as she puts a pot of water on.
“Once you get that on, can we talk for a minute in the other room? Real quick before little one gets free?” he asks lowly. Then, not wanting to worry her, he adds, “Nothing bad, just…caregiver stuff.”
Tanya nods, a slight look of relief falling across her face, before flicking the stove on and taking a step back. “Lila, we’ll be back soon, okay?” she calls in her direction. “We’re just gonna be in the other room for a minute, we’re not leaving, sweet pea.”
Lila turns to look at them, her eyes round and brow furrowed. She opens her mouth as if to speak, but then realizing she can’t, she huffs, turning back to the wall.
Mike snorts softly at the sight, shaking his head slightly and leading Tanya out to the living room. He looks through the doorway, and once he’s certain Lila’s not trying to snoop, he turns back to Tanya with a curious expression.
“How long you put her in for?”
Tanya shrugs. “Just ten minutes,” she says, running her fingers loosely through her hair. “She got it bumped up to thirteen, though, as she usually does.”
Mike hums, nodding thoughtfully. “Kind of a short time for almost burning the house down,” he remarks with mild amusement.
Tanya laughs quietly, shrugging a little. “Yeah, maybe…I don’t know,” she says, letting out a soft sigh. “I think she was just acting out for attention rather than trying to get on my nerves like she usually does. I mean, I was kind of distracted today…I feel bad about it, so I didn’t want to punish her too harshly.”
“Hmm, alright…it does sound like she didn’t add as much time as she usually does, huh?”
Tanya snorts. “Yeah, I think she’s feeling neglected, poor girl.”
Mike coos sympathetically, shaking his head slightly in the direction of the kitchen. “Yeah…poor girl.” He tilts his head then, regarding Tanya with a soft gaze. “What about you? You said you were distracted, are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m just…” Tanya frowns, waving her hand lightly. “Looking for a job has been…stressful. But it’s not anything more than that.”
Mike nods and reaches out, wrapping his arm around her and giving her a comforting squeeze. “Alright, I get that,” he says gently, rubbing her arm soothingly. “Hey, you’re gonna be okay. It’ll happen eventually.”
“Yeah…I just…I feel bad that you and Will are the ones supporting us, especially with the baby expenses, and—”
Suddenly, Tanya’s phone goes off, the sound ringing out through the apartment. She blinks in surprise, and she fishes her phone out of her pocket, turning it off quickly.
“Oh. Lila’s free,” she says, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Mike smiles as well, despite his lingering concern. “You think she heard it?”
In answer to his question, they’re suddenly greeted with a shout, and the sound of little feet rushing in their direction. They turn to see Lila pausing just in the doorway, her eyes wide and round.
“Mama? Can I…” she starts, rocking back and forth on her heels.
Tanya chuckles softly, giving Mike a squeeze before pulling away from him to go to her. “Yes, baby, you’re out of timeout,” she says affectionately, reaching up to cradle her face. “Is the water boiling, honey?”
“Ummm…” Lila tilts her head, or at least, as best she can while still pressing her face into Tanya’s palms, anyway. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Okay. I’m gonna go continue making dinner,” Tanya says, squishing her cheeks gently and earning a squawk of indignation in return. She chuckles, kissing her forehead gently and asking, “You wanna hang out with Mike while I do that?”
Lila looks at Mike over her shoulder, her brow furrowed and lips drooping. “Um…okay,” she says, her voice sounding hollow.
Tanya frowns, regarding her with concern. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”
“I mean…Mike usually makes dinner,” she says, huffing lightly. “And ‘m not allowed in the kitchen when you guys cook.”
“Ohhh…” Tanya says, shooting a frown in Mike’s direction. “You wanna be with me?”
Lila shrugs, and then, hesitantly, she nods. She’s very pointedly avoiding looking at both of them—the embarrassed look is back on her face, too. “Somethin’ like that,” she mumbles.
“I can take over dinner if she wants to be with her mama,” Mike says, shrugging a little.
Lila’s face turns even redder, a pout coming across her face. “You’re making it sound so—I just have somethin’ I need to say to her, okay?”
"Awww, baby, it's okay if you wanna be with me sometimes," Tanya coos, thumbs rubbing lightly at her cheeks. "There's nothing wrong with needing that."
Lila huffs, squirming out of her palms and crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not like—" she starts, before her eyes dart from the floor to Tanya's face. She flushes harder, somehow, her whole face pink, and suddenly races away from Tanya to throw herself onto the couch, curling into herself against one of the arms, making herself small in that way William usually does.
Tanya's eyebrows raise at the sight, and she turns to Mike, shooting him a look that's equal parts amused and concerned. He shoots her a matching look in return, pointing toward the kitchen.
"I'll go take care of the boiling water now," he says, voice wavering somewhere between light and uncertain.
"Sounds good to me," Tanya says, lips twitching slightly. They settle on a smile as she passes Mike on her way to the couch, however, and she keeps her expression soft as she settles down on the cushions next to the now pouting little girl she calls her own, carefully reaching out to stroke her arm. "Hey, sweetie. You doing okay?"
Lila mumbles something unintelligible into the arm of the couch, her face smushed up against the fabric. Once again, Tanya can't help but think of it as a very William move—she can't help but wonder how many traits they have in common that she's just never seen because Lila tends to be less openly vulnerable around them.
"I didn't catch that, little girl. Can you repeat yourself?"
Lila huffs once again, sounding entirely put upon. She looks up at Tanya, her face still smudged with a pink blush, her eyes oddly sad, and murmurs, "I'm sorry I'm such a bad girl, Mama."
The concern already bubbling up in Tanya's stomach suddenly spills over in the form of a coo falling from her lips, a frown falling over her face. "Oh, Lila, honey...come here..."
When it comes to William and Lila, bad isn't nearly as strong a word as naughty—naughty, for both of them, is a sign they're in a very, very bad headspace, naughty means that something has set them off in a very real way, naughty means that they're thinking about their respective mothers again, and that's never a good thing—but it still isn't good to hear, either. Especially not from Lila, who most of the time, refuses to acknowledge that the thing she's done wrong is, in fact, wrong.
Tanya's worries are only further confirmed when Lila crawls all the way into her lap, wrapping her arms around her neck and clinging to her tightly, like she's terrified of being let go of. Sure, Lila's become a lot more comfortable with being touched or physically coddled as of late, even going so far as to enjoy it (which she had admitted to them one afternoon in a very roundabout way), but she's still not much of a cuddler, and she definitely doesn't cling like this unless she's in a mood. Not necessarily in a bad mood, sure, but, well...right now...
"You're not a bad girl, honey," Tanya murmurs, wrapping her arms around her tightly and kissing her on the top of her head. "I mean, sure, you do bad things sometimes, but we all do. I mean, I've fu—messed up things more often than I can count, especially with William and Dada. That doesn't make me a bad person, does it?"
Even as she says it, Tanya has to choke back the uncertainty rising in her throat. She's gotten better about not thinking of herself as the certified worst person in the whole entire fucking world, but god, it's hard not to fall back to hold habits sometimes.
Apparently, Lila knows that too. "But you still feel like a bad person sometimes," she mumbles into her collarbone, clinging a little tighter. "S’okay. I do too s’metimes. 'm sorry. Sorry I do bad things."
Tanya swallows thickly, unsure of what to make of all this. "It's okay, sweetheart. I forgive you," she murmurs. "What brought this on, little one...?"
Lila's quiet for a moment, playing with the fabric of her shirt. "You seemed mad at me today."
"Mad at you...?"
"Mhmm." Lila sniffles, and Tanya's heart breaks as she realizes she's holding back tears. "You didn'...didn' really look at me, or wanna play with me, an'—an' then when you were makin' your tea you told me 'bout the spoon, an'—an' I dunno, I was stupid, an' I wan'ed you t' look at me, 'nd you got mad at me—"
"Oh, honey, I only got upset cuz you were doing something dangerous, I wasn't upset with you before that, promise," Tanya soothes, running her hand up and down her spine lightly. "I...I was a bit distracted today, and I wasn't paying as much attention to you as I should have, and I'm sorry. Did it feel like I was ignoring you? Is that why you thought I was mad?"
Lila whines a little, nodding against her shoulder. Tanya hums comfortingly, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't mad, and I wasn't ignoring you. I was just spacey today. It had nothing to do with you, I promise I would never ignore you on purpose, okay?"
"...mmkay," Lila mumbles, and to Tanya's relief, she sounds less upset than she did before. She does, however, sound a bit embarrassed.
"My little girl. It's okay. You can want attention from me, there's nothing wrong with that."
Lila makes a grumpy noise in response (and oh, Tanya can't even pretend not to chuckle at that, it's just too adorable), lifting her face from Tanya's shoulder. Her flush has gone down a bit, but she is still visibly pink, which is just unbearably precious.
"Hi, sweetie," Tanya says, reaching up to stroke her hair lightly. "How're you feelin'?"
"...better," Lila mumbles, her eyes darting downward, one of her hands reaching up to play with the necklace Tanya's wearing. "I'm glad—glad you weren't mad at me. At least 'til I tried to burn the place down."
"Yeahhh, never do that again, little love," Tanya says with a laugh, still carding her hands absently through her hair. "I wasn't kidding about it burning down the place."
A tiny smile appears on Lila's face at that. "But I still wanna see that!"
"Oh, do not even think about it, little missy," Tanya scolds, but her tone is still more light than actually angry. "We look up videos of microwaves catching fire on Youtube if you want, but don't you dare even think about trying it at home or you'll be getting more than a ten minute time out."
"How much more?" Lila asks, her voice lightly curious. "An hour?"
"Lila," Tanya says, fond and exasperated.
"...two hours?" Lila prods, finally lifting her eyes. As soon as she meets Tanya's dryly amused gaze, she bursts into giggles, bonking their foreheads together. "Three hours!"
"It'll be more like forever, Lila," Tanya says with a huff of a laugh, rolling her eyes fondly. "I don't think we can afford a place other than this. Or to replace all our stuff."
"Mm...William would be mad if I destroyed his toys 'nyway," Lila agrees, rolling off of Tanya's lap to settle at her side instead, still cuddled up close with her head resting against her shoulder and one of Tanya's arms still wrapped around her. "Fine, I won't burn the house down."
"Thank you baby," Tanya says with a chuckle, rubbing her arm lightly. "That's what every Mama wants to hear from her little girl."
Lila giggles at that, nuzzling further into her shoulder. Then, she falls quiet for a long moment, aside from humming contentedly as Tanya strokes her hair. Tanya almost thinks she's gone nonverbal, before Lila suddenly speaks up again, her voice going soft.
"What were you distracted by, Mama?"
"Oh," Tanya says, swallowing back a wave of anxiety suddenly rising up in her. "It's just...adult stuff, honey. I don't want you to worry about it while you're small, okay?"
Lila looks up at her with a scrutinizing stare, as though Tanya's a puzzle she's trying to figure out. "Mmkay...if you say so..."
Tanya smiles at her comfortingly, rubbing her arm lightly. "If you're still worried about it later, we can talk about it when you're big, if you want. But right now you're just a baby, so don't worry about it, okay?"
"I'm not a baby. I'm not William," Lila says, a very adorable pout coming over her face. "But...okay...if you're sure..."
Tanya's smile widens a little, and she chuckles softly. "Are you worried about your mama, Lila?"
Lila flushes, her nose scrunching up a little and her cheeks once again turning pink. "I just don't want you to ignore me again," she mumbles, turning her face away so Tanya can't see her.
"Aww, honey..." Tanya reaches over with her other arm, wrapping it around Lila and giving her a tight squeeze. She presses a kiss to the back of her head, smiling a little at the lightly pleased huff she receives for it. "I can't promise I won't get spacey again, but I promise I'm gonna try to do better, okay? And sweetheart, if it does start to feel like I'm ignoring you again, it's okay to ask me for attention. In fact, please please please tell me if you feel ignored, and I'll make sure to give you the attention you need. I love you to death and I don't want you to feel unloved. Okay?"
"Mmph...okay. Okay, Mama, I will," Lila mumbles, squirming a little in Tanya's embrace. "Thank you. 'n...'nIloveyoutoo. Now get off me."
Tanya chuckles, pressing one last kiss to her curls before drawing back, finally freeing Lila from her lovingly crushing embrace. Lila straightens up as well, lingering close but no longer trying to squish up against her side like she was before, and that combined with the fact she doesn't seem actually seem very irritated about being snuggled makes Tanya figure that she probably was just starting to get a little overstimulated by all the touch. Probably best to give her a bit of a cool down on it—she'll have to let Mike know when they go in for dinner.
"Hey, girls, spaghetti's ready!"
In speaking of the man himself. Tanya smiles, turning to Lila and gesturing back toward the kitchen. "You ready to eat, baby?"
Lila turns in that direction, staring at the doorway with a scrutinizing expression. "Yeah," she says, surprisingly casually for what an intense look she was giving the kitchen, and hops up to her feet. She lingers, however, watching as Tanya gets to her feet, tilting her head a little once she's standing. "Um. Mama?"
Tanya looks at her, another wave of concern washing over her. "Yeah honey?"
Lila looks at her for a moment, rocking back and forth on her heels. "...after dinner, can we watch microwaves explode on Youtube?"
Well, that's not what Tanya had been expecting. She can't help but laugh a little, shaking her head in amusement. "Yeah, honey, of course we can. Just me and you, or do you want Dada there too?"
Lila shrugs noncommittally, her eyes already lighting up in excitement with the yes she's been given. "He can watch too. I don' care, 'long as you're there." She then grins broadly, before turning on her heels and sprinting toward the kitchen, where Tanya can hear her calling, "Dada! Guess what me and Mama are gonna watch!"
Tanya can't stop the fond smile that spreads across her lips at that. She follows after Lila, readying herself to explain to Mike why they're about to spend their evening on Youtube watching cutlery spark and set fire to appliances, and knowing damn well she wouldn't want it any other way.
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