#on top of so many things. get the FUCK over yourself and grow up
whatsnewalycat · 3 days
Dave York x f!Reader
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Summary: Dave hypnotizes you.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 2.8k+
Warnings: hypnokink, not entirely good praxis of hypnosis, humiliation, implied infidelity, praise, smut, unprotected piv, D/s dynamic, dom dave, literal mind fucking so like a bit of body horror get into it
Notes: For @iamasaddie kinky May writing challenge. Prompt was hypnosis + Dave York. I found a lot of inspiration for this from a post in r/EroticHypnosis about mindfucking (can find again if anyone wants the link - lemme know!). Posting this in a hurry bc I am late to a thing so hopefully not tooooo many missed mistakes. OK THANK YOU FOR READING!!!
[ my masterlist ]
All your life you wished you could turn off your thoughts at will. 
Growing up, on those nights where your crowded head wouldn’t let you sleep, you would imagine twisting off the top of your skull like a jar lid and plopping your brain on the nightstand. It even worked sometimes, too, if you tried hard to convince yourself. When reminders of an upcoming math test or images of that cute boy in class crept into your purview, they had nowhere to go. They evaporated, and you slept. 
Dave says you’re too smart for your own good. Sometimes when you’re lost in thought, he tells you he wants to empty that pretty little head of yours. Not in a condescending way, although you can see how someone might interpret it like that. 
What he means is that he wants you to be with him when you’re with him. What he means is that he wants you to be present. Not thinking about the past or the future. Not reminding yourself of deadlines or analyzing the data stored in your brain or wondering what you mean to him exactly. 
The first time he suggested hypnosis, you balked. Even after he explained how it worked, you were hesitant enough for him to drop the subject. 
When he brought it up again, though, your skepticism swayed. You asked him for more details, so he dispensed the pros and cons and the step process. He could do it for you, he said. He knew how. He said he could rattle the bees from your buzzing honeycomb brain. All you had to do was trust him with this power. 
So you did. 
And you do. 
Your valiant beekeeper meets you at this hotel every other Tuesday night, except on holidays. This isn’t the only one-on-one time he dedicates to you, but it’s by far the most reliable. He doesn’t always hypnotize you, either. 
Regardless of whether he puts you in a trance or not, this standing date always starts the same. He slips you the keycard at some point throughout the day, only after he’s adorned it with a vase full of seasonal blooms and laid out something for you to wear. 
Tonight he left you lilacs and matching lingerie. Intricate floral appliqués embellish the pastel nightie he laid out on the bed. 
Opulence becomes you when you slip it on and pour a glass of champagne from the bottle Dave left to chill on ice. You mosey around the spacious high-end suite, sipping frosty bubbles as you admire the birds-eye view of downtown, the tall buildings and bustling city life all drenched in golden light from the setting sun. 
As the time nears eight o’clock, you empty your champagne flute and make yourself comfortable on the plush bed. Crystals hanging from the chandelier fragment soft white light into dazzling tiny spectrums, sparkling rainbow when the door to the suite opens, then closes. 
Dave enters the room with an air of authority that makes you straighten your spine and draw back your shoulders. After chucking off his jacket, he empties his pockets on the dresser and loosens his tie, then turns around to meet your gaze. 
His stern expression melts as he looks you over, seeming to appraise how your body fills out the lilac nightie. Heat sparks in the middle of you when he greets you, “Hey beautiful.” 
He approaches your side and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt, “Comfortable?” 
Nodding, you sit up to pull him in for a kiss. His plush lips respond without hesitation, firm but generous as he slips a wide palm around your body and brings you even closer. 
When he pulls back, he asks, “Are you ready?” 
He cradles your jaw, searching your face with blatant admiration before separating his body from yours. You lay back into the soft embrace of the pillows and wiggle around until you find the sweet spot of comfort while Dave drags an armchair to your bedside and sits down. Once you’re both settled and still, he begins. 
“Close your eyes.” 
You close them. 
“Take a deep breath in…”
You take in air until you can’t. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
You exhale, rationing your metered breath through a straw-sized ‘o’ formed by your lips. 
“Good. Take a deep breath in… two three four… and slowly release it. Deep breath in… two three four… now slowly release it.”
Behind closed lids, you concentrate on the rhythmic ebb and flow of your lungs contracting and expanding. His warm voice surrounds you. Envelops you. 
“That’s it. Keep breathing just like this. Each time you inhale, draw the life from your breath, and exhale the rest. Notice how cleansing it feels to let it go. How the tension melts from your muscles every time you take a deep breath in…”
You inhale. 
“…two three four…” 
Hold it. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
Then exhale.
“Perfect. Keep doing that. Now imagine that every time you take a deep breath in, a warm wave washes over you… and as you slowly release it, the tide carries away tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax…”
Each big lungful heats the tar holding your body together. You dissolve into the mattress as Dave’s deep, honeyed voice resonates through you. 
“Again, take a deep breath in as the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… and slowly release it as the tide carries away your tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax. Concentrate on my voice. Recognize it as a touchstone. If your mind starts to wander, have it return to the touchstone, return to my voice, and relax even deeper.” 
Trees tower above you, stretching high into the pale blue sky. The moss-covered rock before you glows as he speaks. 
“Notice how relaxed you feel. Notice that every time the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… tension melts from your body as you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into the sensation. Allow the relaxation to seep from your muscles into your bloodstream… to course through your veins and calm every cell in your body.
“Focus on your face. All those tiny little muscles in your forehead and around your eyes, notice how relaxed they are. Notice how the relaxation melts the muscles in your cheeks and jaw, letting your mouth go slack. You might feel as though you want to speak, but find yourself so relaxed that you can’t. That’s ok, because it feels good and safe to let the words dissolve on your tongue. Doesn’t it?” 
When you try to respond, your lips don’t move. This fact doesn’t bother you. It feels good and safe in the forest, staring up at the treetops. 
You realize you’re floating in a pond. You hear birds peacefully chirping and know it’s just you and them and the touchstone for a million miles. 
Everything feels profound, but simple. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“Doesn’t it feel so good to relax, darling?” 
Your fingertips rest against the soft moss of the touchstone. 
“Yes, it does,” you tell it. 
It glows with a satisfactory hum that vibrates through you.  
“Perfect. Continue to focus on my voice. Soon, I will ask you to open your eyes, then close them. When you close your eyes, you’ll notice a warm wave of relaxation washing over you, turning knots into snarls and snarls into strands, every muscle in your body gently untangling as you allow them to go limp and heavy…”
You understand and follow his instructions. 
“Open your eyes and take a deep breath in, two three four… and slowly release it, closing your eyes, letting the warm wave wash over you and pull you in deeper. 
“Soon, I’ll ask you to open your eyes again. When you close them, you’ll notice the warm wave of relaxation wash over you even stronger than before, pulling you even deeper. 
“Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes, sinking deeper and deeper. Good job. We’ll do it one more time, and when you close your eyes and relax, sink as deep as you can, all the way to the bottom. Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes.” 
You’re lying in a meadow of wildflowers outside the forest, looking up at the serene blue sky. The earth beneath you is solid and brings you an immense sense of comfort. 
“I want you to think about desire. Think about that warm, lush longing inside you. Concentrate on how good this sensation feels in your body, pleasure swelling thick at the center of you.”
His voice surrounds you, but you don’t see its source. The soothing timbre resonates from the wildflowers and the earth and the sky, from everywhere and nowhere all at once like how you imagine God sounded to Old Testament prophets. 
You bring your focus to desire. It does feel good. Amazing, actually. Tangible like a glowing ball of heat between your thighs that throbs with each syllable he speaks. 
“Allow the sensation to grow. Let it stretch and pulse and heat your skin. Let your mind empty of everything except this arousal. When thoughts arise, you let them fall away and arousal fills the empty space. You’ll let this happen over and over again until your head is empty of everything but arousal. Do you understand? You can speak now, darling, go ahead and answer.” 
“Try it for me.” 
You acknowledge the cognitions that populate your mind. When you think about how you need to put gas in your car, you imagine the reminder dropping away, then imagine the warm wanting glow of desire branching up through your body to take its place. You think about a work project, but it loosens and falls into an abyss. Desire floods the space in its wake, a thick hot liquid that glows with light like lava, spreading to each new vacancy with ease as the thoughts drop from your consciousness. 
“How does it feel?” 
“Good,” you breathe, voice faint on your tingling tongue. 
“Do you like how it feels, being horny and mindless?” 
Your husband’s face appears, taking up your whole mind, then falls away. Rich, bubbling pleasure surges through you to fill the gap. You have to suppress a moan to respond. 
“I like it,” you nod, “Fuck, it feels amazing.” 
“Good girl. Now, you might notice something interesting happen when I ask you a question. You might notice that when I ask you a question, you’ll try to form a thought to answer. When you do this, you’ll feel my cock enter your mind. It’s bigger and harder than you’ve ever seen it, swollen and thick and so fucking ready for you, darling. When you try to form a thought, it pushes forward into the wet hot folds of your brain, severing the connections that typically allow you to think, preventing a response from forming. My cock pulls out, and slowly thrusts forward again, pushing out the thoughts, over and over for as long as you consider a response to my question. It becomes impossible to focus. You might notice that this penetration feels like it would in your pussy. My hard cock rutting in and out, sending waves of arousal through your body, fucking the thoughts from your head. Every time my cock moves, you’ll try to respond but cannot make yourself focus. It feels amazing. You give in to the sensation, allowing it to overtake you completely. When you’re fully saturated with arousal and nothing else, my cock pulls out of your mind.” 
Your skin feels static and warm when you imagine him pushing his smooth, throbbing length into your brain. A shaky whimper croaks in your throat. Your heart thuds heavy within your chest, circulating desire, warm and wet, to every cell in your body. 
“You might notice that when I ask you another question, any attempts at thought or sensations that come up except arousal will be fucked from your head until you surrender to the arousal. It feels good to be dominated in this way. To let pleasure consume your entire being.” 
Licking your lips, you nod to show you understand.  
“Now when I ask you a question, you’ll allow your subconscious to follow my instructions. Are you ready, darling?” 
“How was your day?” 
When you try to recall your day and formulate an answer, the tip of his cock pierces the equator of your brain, splitting the hemispheres. He drives forward slowly, steadily, making you moan as he stretches you apart and tears all those delicate tissues that generate thought. Still, you try. 
My day, how was my day…
He drags his cock out, then drives it deeper inside you. 
Day… how was…
Your nerve endings buzz as he pulls out, gooey arousal shines on the shaft of his thick cock. He plunges forward into the hot center of you. You work your hips and whine. You can’t remember what he asked. It doesn’t seem as important as the pleasure clinging to your insides as he fucks you, so you give up. 
His cock pulls out of your mind completely. 
“What’s the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?” 
You consider the question. The tip of him breaches your brain, forcing out forecasts and clouds and sunshine. Fragments return as you attempt to answer again. 
The weather tomorrow…
He pumps in and out of you, obliterating whatever it was he wanted to know. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except the insatiable pleasure thrumming through you as he rubs against all your hungry nerves, giving them what they want. 
“Oh my god,” you hear yourself gasp. 
“How often do you think about fucking me?” 
Seeds of embarrassment sprout the tender beginnings of thought, then he fucks them out of your head until you’re rolling your hips, moaning and nodding for more. 
“Do you make yourself come when you think about fucking me?” 
Only a loading screen appears before he’s inside you again. His perfect, thick cock pumps you full of this throbbing heat. You wish it would never end. You want to feel this and only this forever. 
“That’s it, that’s my good girl. So horny and mindless for me. Letting my cock push deep and hard into the folds of your brain, fucking out all your thoughts, leaving your head empty to stuff you with arousal until you’re swollen and ripe, nothing else left but how fucking horny you are.” 
“Sssooooo fucking gooood,” you slur. 
“How would your husband feel if he saw you like this? In this hotel room, all dressed up in lingerie I bought for you, moaning and writhing on the bed?” 
A thought starts, and he pounds it out of you, merciless in its rhythm as each thrust pushes you higher and higher. Horny and mindless, that’s all you are. Nothing matters except this.
“Do you really think we’ll run away together? Do you really think I’d leave my wife for you?” 
A rotten sensation tingles in your chest before you feel him enter you from both ends, the cock in your mind working in tandem with the cock in your pussy. You choke out a moan and nod, body vibrating with a thick, hot sensation you can’t find the beginning or end of. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, holy fuck—” 
He groans, rolling his hips faster, fucking your entire being so hard and fast that you become pleasure itself. It’s everything and everywhere for eternity and you gladly accept this fact, wanting to forever exist in this moment. 
“That’s so good, darling. So fucking good. You want me to let you come, don’t you?” 
You nod frantically as the edges of you start to fray.
“Go ahead, come for me.” 
His permission completely unravels you, ripping away the last delicate thread holding you together. You sob as you fall apart into a thousand pieces. His hips stutter and he moans, giving you a few deep thrusts before pulling out. 
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath. You float in the peaceful pond, staring up at the towering treetops that kiss the sky. 
“Now in a minute, I’ll bring you back to your normal state. When I count to four and tell you to wake up, you’ll come out of the trance relaxed and refreshed. Your mind will feel spotless. You’ll know that I adore you and hold you close to my heart.”
You hear birds peacefully chirping. You know it’s just you and them and Dave for a million miles. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“And one two three four… wake up.”
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letorip · 22 hours
"i thought you thought of me better, someone you couldn't lose, you said, "we're not together," so now when we kiss i have anger issues"
pairing: natalie scatorccio x reader
summary: you and nat have been hooking up, but it seems the label of "no attachment" just seems to hurt you both.
warnings: explicit sexual content, mentions of sex, friends with benefits with feelings, you're a little bit of a dick
word count: 4.6k
A/N: it's come to my attention a LOT of people have used the chappell roan song casual for nat and i want to say i legitimately discovered this after i started writing. i tried to make it different from the others but there's definitely similarities just because they're based on the same song, but i want it known this was not an attempt to copy other people and i think so many of the other authors are insanely talented and i love reading their works.
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“Nat I swear to god I’m going to kick you out of this bed if you don’t stop moving,” you groaned, smushing your face further into the pillow. The thin cloth casing smelled like her floral shampoo and cigarette smoke, and you pressed it with your nose to make it last longer, squeezing your eyes shut and drawing a slow, heady lungful.
Natalie scoffed at you, pinching your bare side gently with her soft fingers, and you squirmed with a laugh. “This is my bed and you’re hogging the sheets, jerk. I’m trying to get comfortable.” If you had more of a conscience about the whole thing, you would have felt worse about leaving her out in the cold air of the room in what little she was wearing, but you were having all too much fun.
“Mm,” you hummed in response, bunching her comforter up in your hands and tugging even more towards you with a mischievous smile, to the point where the entire thing was wrapped around you and absolutely none was left on Natalie, who you could hear shift on the mattress behind you.
“You have got to be fucking with me,” she said in disbelief, and you grinned. “Give it here,” she demanded, reaching for your burrito of sheets and you jerked yourself away with a laugh, rolling over to see her staring at you with narrowed eyes. “Come on, give me my comforter,” she said again, trying and failing to seem assertive. Nat never scared you like she scared other people.
You raised your eyebrows at her in amusement and stuck your tongue out, rolling back away from her. “Are you serious??” she asked, reaching for you, but you moved from her grip again. “Come here, you idiot,” she laughed, wrapping a hand around your clump of her bedsheets and climbing on top of you, straddling your waist with her legs so you couldn't escape.
You squirmed underneath her, trying and failing to break free. She was a soccer player like you- though you didn’t play for the school- with strong legs so you could barely nudge her. "Are you done?" She asked with a beaming grin, hands next to your head on the bed to box you in. Her soft blonde hair fell around the both of you and you would have stopped for a moment to admire the view if an idea didn't suddenly pop into your mind.
"Hmm, let me think," you said, and Nat's smile immediately wiped away. "No," you said, and in an instant you shifted your weight, rolling her right off of you and onto the carpeted floor with a soft thud.
"Hey!" She called up from the floor, but you were too busy laughing. You sat up, tossing the sheets off to look at her down there in your triumph. "Jerk," she said, but not unaffectionately.
"Looks like you fell there," you replied, propping your head up on your hand and grinning from ear to ear.
"Aren't you funny."
"I like to think so."
She went silent for a moment, humming at your response and then just staring for a while, looking you over with an unreadable expression. You swallowed, letting her stare with a growing lump in your throat as you watched her eyes trace up your legs slowly from where they hung off the side of her mattress, landing on your waist and then trailing up again, to your chest for a while, and then finally up to your face.
The air in the room had been sucked out by a vacuum, and the two of you were left in a rising warmth and muggy heat. She stood up then, locking your eyes on hers and slowly walking towards you until she stood right over you, close enough to where you could feel her warm breath fanning down over your face.
Her own pale cheeks were flushed pink, and when her hands came up to rest on your shoulders your own went up to her waist, sliding your thumbs up further until they brushed against her ribcage. She shivered and tensed under your grip and you felt it.
Nat leaned down to you in a gentle way one would never assume would be her style, softly pressing her lips to yours. You sat like that for a moment, smiling gently into it as she clambered up to straddle your waist again, never once breaking contact. Her lips grew more hungry, moving against yours with a rising intensity and desire for more, softly breathing into your mouth and pushing on the bare skin of your shoulders.
Your hands moved down to wrap around the back of her thighs, holding her tight against you as she broke the kiss and moved down towards your neck. "Nat," you laughed in between attacks from her lips and small bites here and there. "We literally just did this. Like, not even thirty minutes ago."
"And?" she asked, going back to her business and moving her mouth to the space where your neck and shoulder met. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stop yourself from groaning and instead to form words. "Your hands are so rough," she whispered in your ear, before retreating down again.
Your hands slid up from the back of her thighs. "Sorry. It's the tennis and the water polo," you rushed, a tad apologetic. But Natalie shook her head, pulling back and leaning her forehead against yours to catch her breath.
"Fuckin' rich people," she said, smiling. You nodded, reconnecting your lips together before you trailed your mouth down her neck and to her collarbone, leaving small kisses as you went. One of her hands came up, fingers grabbing and threading at your hair to hold you there. "Wait, you have a butler don't you?" she asked, but the last part was cut off with a breath as you sucked right over her pulse.
You rolled your eyes in amusement at the question, pulling away and raising your eyebrows at her. "You really want to talk about that right now?" Nat had always harboured a fascination with your lifestyle you failed to understand, but you indulged her when she asked.
"I'm just saying," she laughed. "What's his name? Jeeves?"
"Nope," you shook your head in amusement, already knowing how she'd react. "Reginald."
"Now that's hot," Nat joked, smacking you on the shoulder playfully before she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you tighter to her.
"Yeah yeah, get it out of your system, idiot," You shook your head, looking up at her where she sat over you. Light warmed over her blonde hair from the window behind you both.
"Mhm," she hummed, kissing you one last time before she pulled away. "You should probably go soon," she said, looking over at her alarm clock with a frown.
"But I like this position," you teased with a smile, hands back on her waist and slowly tracing patterns on the skin there. Her skin was soft and you dragged the pads of your fingers up and down, tapping gently and doodling random shapes.
"Yeah well, my dad will be home soon. I don't think he'd like seeing us in this position," Nat said back, clambering off of you with a smirk. You felt the weight off your lap the moment she was gone and had to stop yourself from grabbing her hand and tugging her back towards you. Damn her father. From what you had heard of him from Nat, he wasn’t too nice anyways.
But you stopped yourself, watching Natalie go, walking to the other corner of her room to where you had thrown her jeans earlier. She turned to you as she tugged them on. "You're going to practice tomorrow, right?"
You nodded. "Couldn't escape soccer if I tried."
Nat nodded, grabbing a nearby shirt and throwing it over herself. “Want to meet up after? Continue what we started?” She asked with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes at her, shaking your head with a smile. “I can’t. My father is back from his business trip. We’re having my cousins over for dinner- it’s a whole big thing. Reginald is making a roast.”
“Okay,” Nat said, leaning back for a moment to think. "What about Lottie's party on Friday? You going to that too?"
"Couldn't escape Lottie if I tried," you said, throwing your head back against her bed and splaying out. Lottie Matthews held a special place in your heart as not only your neighbour but one of your best friends, and that meant being dragged to whatever social gathering she so desired to attend or host.
"Ooookay, so...would you want to maybe…go to Lottie's together?" That caught your attention and you froze, looking up to see Nat uncomfortably glancing around her room, arms crossed and mindlessly tugging on the ends of her sleeves.
"Uh...," you stuttered, propping yourself up on your arms and frowning. "I kind of already told Jackie I would go with her and Jeff. I thought you would be going with Kevyn and that one kid...so."
Nat nodded, looking down at the floor and frowning. "Yeah, it's... it's fine.”
“Okay…” you trailed off, watching her fidget. “Are you…?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Jesus Christ. It’s one party.”
“Okay,” you nodded. Nat was very clearly not fine, but you knew better than to push her buttons. She tended to explode upon confrontation, especially when she didn’t want to talk about it. You stood up, stretching your arms out and you could feel her watching you again, soft blue eyes looking over you.
“Listen,” she said, in a tone that was disarmingly sweet for Natalie Scatorccio. This was far from the tough girl who shoved you against lockers after practice or who argued with you about everything and anything she could. Her cheeks were flushed and she fidgeted with her fingers.
“When I said… earlier, when I said you had really rough hands. I like your hands. It wasn’t- I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
“Um…okay,” you replied, nodding gently at her. You had no clue why she was being so timid all of a sudden and it was a bit puzzling. You turned back from her to grab your shirt from the floor next to her bed, tugging it over your head and turning back. "Have you seen my shorts?" you asked, running a hand through your mussed up hair and attempting to tame it.
"Yeah," said Nat, still weirdly quiet. She held them up in her hand, outstretched towards you, and you walked over, grabbing them from her and tugging them on.
"Thanks," you smiled, pulling the drawstrings tight and going to get your socks. The entire time she just watched you, not saying much but clearly thinking a whole lot. "Are you sure you're okay?" you laughed. "Stop being weird, Nat. Just say it."
"Okay...Look, I know you said-" but she was cut off. From outside her bedroom down the hall, you heard the front door open and slam shut. Natalie's face went white in panic and she stood right up, running to the window and throwing it open without even a second to waste.
"NATALIE, GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!" the old, gruff voice called from her kitchen, and you knew this was a code red situation.
"Go! Go! Go!" She whispered at you, pushing you towards her window. "Get the fuck out before he finds you!"
"Wait, my shoes-" you said, hopping through the window and landing on the hot pavement in your socks. She laughed, turning back around and grabbing your sneakers off the floor, throwing them out the window and smacking you in the head, bouncing off you. "Ow!"
"Sorry!" She whispered, sticking her head out the window. "See you tomorrow?" Her eyes softened for a moment, looking hopeful.
"Yeah," you nodded, grabbing your shoes off the ground.
"NATALIE! NOW GODDAMMIT!" Her dad called again, and she spun around, heading for the door and leaving you outside her window. You didn't even bother putting your shoes on as you ran off in your socks, to where you had parked your car several streets down.
It was always Wednesdays in the cafeteria when the food looked most disgusting. You didn't eat it, but Shauna did, sitting right in front of you with a plate of what was allegedly turkey and gravy, and you always wanted to poke it a bit with a straw and see if it would get up and crawl away.
"Stop staring at my food," she laughed, and you shook your head, gagging a bit with overdramatic performance.
"It looks like a science experiment.”
"Yeah, well not everyone can have their food packed for them, now can they? Not my fault I don't have a maid like Lottie or a butler, like you," Shauna said, gesturing at you with her fork.
“Sorry,” you winced.
"You can have some of my sandwich, if you want," Lottie said, turning to Shauna and pulling it from her bag. "The housekeeper makes too much for me anyways."
Shauna shook her head. "I'm really fine, thanks Lottie. It's not as bad as it looks. Tastes almost good, in a weird way.”
“Maybe you’re just weird,” you shrugged with faux integrity, and Shauna stuck her tongue out at you.
“Are you guys going out for track in the spring?” Jackie asked, arms crossed out in front of her.
“I am, yeah,” said Lottie. “My parents think the more sports I do, the more colleges I get into.”
“Mine too,” you nodded. “I’m doing track but only if it doesn’t interfere with spring tennis.”
"What are you going out for?" Jackie asked. "I'm debating if I should even go out."
"Yeah, you should go out," Lottie said. "Track is always fun. (Y/n) and I both do relay and high jump, but you could probably handle the hurdles or short sprints."
"You think?" Jackie asked, staring off in contemplation.
You nodded again. "You'd do just fine. It's no big deal if you already know how to run, and me and-"
"-Oh. My. God." All three of you looked over at Jackie, who had straightened up completely. She was staring off behind you, into the distance with her mouth a bit agape. You hadn't even noticed she had stopped listening to the conversation.
"What?" You asked, puzzled by her expression. "Something on me?"
Jackie nodded, smirking. "A certain someone's eyes are."
You rolled your eyes. "Do I even want to know?"
"Oh come on," Jackie said. "You already know. Nat. She keeps looking over here from her burnout table."
You frowned, turning around and following her eyes. Natalie sat on the opposite side of the cafeteria, at one of the round green tables in the corner near the vending machines. She was indeed looking at you, headphones over her ears and cassette player on the table. When she saw you look back at her, she looked away quickly, turning to Kevyn.
"She's, like, stalking you at this point."
You scoffed, looking back to your table. "She's not stalking me, drama queen. She's probably just looking around."
Lottie turned back to the table, shrugging. "I mean, she does keep looking over here."
"Oh, not you too," you groaned, facepalming.
Lottie held up her hands defensively. "I'm just saying what I'm seeing." Shauna sent you a sympathetic look from across the table, retreating to eat more of her turkey. When someone gave Jackie crumbs like this she was like a dog with a bone. True investigative journalism at its finest.
"You said you two are hooking up right?" She asked, leaning forwards and almost whispering the last part. You frowned, not entirely sure why she was acting like it was a secret.
"Yeah, we hook up. We're not together though," you answered her.
"But she wants to be," Jackie said, flat out like it was a statement and an obvious one at that. She looked back over your shoulder where you assumed Natalie was still watching you. You shrugged.
"Maybe? I don't know. She hasn't said anything to me, so."
"She follows you around like a lovesick puppy, it's genuinely so weird. I've never seen Nat in love before-"
"Woah, slow down. She's not in love with me."
"Come on!" Jackie said, laughing. "You can NOT be that oblivious. Nat practically drools over you all the time whenever you're doing tennis at the courts next door!"
"So? We fuck around. Becoming a thing hasn't been talked about by either of us."
"Tell her that, then," Jackie giggled. "That nutcase is stalking you, I'm serious."
"Stop calling her a nutcase," you glared at her.
"It's just funny," Jackie shrugged. "So the cool, stoner burnout girl fell for the valedictorian, jock, key club president whose parents own a third home in Long Beach."
"Drop it, Jackie," Lottie said from next to you, shaking her head in irritation. God bless Lottie. But Jackie smirked at you again.
"It's just funny. Romeo and Juliet. It's cute, really," she laughed.
"Shut up," you said.
From overhead, the school bell rang, and you stood to gather your things for the final period of the day, bumping into Lottie as she did the same. Jackie spun to you.
“I’m gonna go find Jeff! See you guys at practice.”
“Bye,” Shauna nodded, giving her a warm smile.
The three of you grabbed your stuff and headed for the chemistry lab, turning down the hallway and up the stairs.
“Sorry about her, you know how she gets about Nat,” Shauna said to you, turning as you walked.
You shrugged. “It’s fine. She just needs to take it out on me next time, and not Nat. Nat didn’t do anything wrong.”
“She knows, yeah,” Shauna said, shuffling the books around in her arms so they were easier to hold onto. “You said your dad is back in town, right?”
“Yup. He was in Tokyo for some business or whatever. I don’t know, it’s boring stuff, a merger or something.”
Lottie shuddered. “I still remember when he yelled at us for pieing that old groundskeeper. He's like, scary."
You laughed. "He's not scary. He's just a business dude. No nonsense. And you and I know we were nonsense kids."
"Would he care if I went to the dinner? My parents are having date night and Taissa and Van are busy," Lottie said.
"I mean, I don't think he would care. My mother insisted on making a whole thing out of it. Pretty sure she invited the new neighbours, the Roosevelts."
"Wait, as in-" Lottie stopped, beginning to grin.
"It's not funny," you said, rolling your eyes.
"What? What's wrong with that?" asked Shauna.
"It's nothing, Lottie is being stupid."
"My mother keeps trying to set me up with their daughter, since she's on the golf team and likes science," you explained to Shauna. "She keeps trying to find me a match in our neighbourhood. Literally almost killed her when I said me and Lottie were just friends."
"Have you told them about Nat?" Shauna said. The three of you turned the corner, walking up to the water fountain you would hang out in front of right before class started. Shauna leaned back against the lockers nearby, and Lottie went for a drink.
"Uh, first of all, they would probably kill me, and second of all, we're not together officially or anything," you shrugged. "We mess around a bit, but we both say it's casual and give each other space. Nat's tough, she knows."
Speak of the devil. From where you stood leaning against a pillar, Nat walked by with some kid you didn't know, shooting a small smile in your direction. You just watched her go, giving her an awkward grimace and looking back to your friends.
"Eyes open, Lottie!" Coach Ben yelled from across the field near the bench. You could see Misty and Trevor, the manager for the boys' team, in the distance next to him, watching the scrimmage.
"Here!" She yelled. Lottie spun on her foot, sweeping the ball right from between Daniel DuPont's legs and up to Luke Miller, who was being covered down by a kid you didn't know. He looked around desperately, eyeing anyone she could pass to, finally locking eyes with you and booting it in your direction.
You caught it with your chest, letting it fall and then moving forward until Nat could catch up, Jeremy from your English class hot on her heels. You passed it out to her on the wing, letting her take it up the pitch.
She dribbled it, keeping it away from Carter Avery. He was a real prick, with a nasty sneer while he played, and he kept yelling at her, chasing her down the pitch while she ran. You moved up along with Jackie, ready for Nat to cross it to you, but she couldn't make it.
You watched Natalie push forward, but Laura Lee was nowhere to be found, covered completely by Shauna, who was an amazing defender and kept her completely boxed out. Taissa was on you and Jackie, and any pass in Jackie's direction would've immediately let Taissa run away with it.
Instead, Nat turned to Carter, trying to bounce it off his shoe and out, but it ricocheted, knocking off her own cleats and out. "Out on Natalie!" Coach Martinez yelled. "Natalie, if you're going to pull those tricks it has to work, come on!" He said, throwing up his hands.
She nodded, but Carter looked pissed, stalking over to her. "Play some good soccer, why don't you?" He sneered, coming right up to Nat's face. "Pull that bullshit again and I'll show you what happens."
You rolled your eyes, walking over. "Shut the hell up, Carter. It's your throw in anyways."
Carter Avery leered at you, trying to seem tall. "Got something to say to me, (L/n)?"
You put your hands on your hips, glaring right back at him. "Yeah, maybe I do, Avery. There's a reason the girls are going to nationals and the boys aren't. If you played just as well as you talked shit, maybe it'd be a winning team."
"Fuck off," he said. "I don't need your shit, country club."
"You're gonna get it anyways," you glared at him. "Just as long as you keep being a quivering pussy."
"Bite me," he said back.
"Can we play some soccer? Hellooo?" yelled Jackie from behind you. Carter grunted, but didn't say anything else, grabbing the ball from the ground and stalking towards the sideline. You rolled your eyes but backed up to your position, just behind Nat so you could give her support. Laura Lee came up, ready, and you looked back to Lottie to make sure she was behind you when-
A soccer ball collided right with your face, knocking you right off your feet. If it didn't hurt so damn much you would've been impressed by how good of a throw it was. Instead, you were left looking up at the sky, feeling blood begin to waterfall from your nose.
"Carter!" A voice yelled. "What the fuck!?"
"Oh my god!"
"Jesus Christ!"
"A very worried-looking Jackie was hovering over you, blocking your head from the sun. You saw Lottie behind her in a moment, and then everyone was crowing around in a weird halo of concern and disgust.
Nat elbowed her way through the crowd and was right by your head. "Are you okay?" She asked you, insanely worried. Her blue eyes were shining and distressed, and her blonde hair fell around you again like it did in her bedroom. You managed a weak thumbs up and a smile.
"Yup. Never better," you mumbled in pain, and she laughed, shaking her head.
"So stupid."
"How do I look?" You asked her.
"Covered in bruises, dude," she replied, with a smile. You heard some movement in the background and then you were being made to sit up. It was Misty, right behind you, carrying some nose plugs, bandaids, and a first aid kit.
They let you sit out for the rest of the scrimmage for obvious reasons, and you sat right on the patterned blue and yellow tiles that led to the locker rooms with an ice pack against your nose and eye, head resting right up against the wall.
You didn't know what they did with Carter and you didn't particularly care. The pain in your eye and your nose seemed to radiate through your whole body, and you squeezed your eyes shut. According to Misty it was a miracle you had avoided a concussion, but it wasn't a miracle for your nose, which currently sat stuffed with blood-soaked tissues.
From down the hall near the field you heard the heavy metal door open. "Hey," she said. You didn't move, trying to stop more blood from pouring out.
"Hey Nat," you replied.
"Carter is probably getting detention. Everyone knows it was on purpose."
"Coach Martinez can do that?" you asked.
"Apparently. He gave us this whole long speech and pretty much dissed the boys team for not being good. It was funny."
You smiled at the thought, nodding a little bit. "Remind me not to cross Coach Martinez."
"Will do."
"Is practice over?" You asked, opening one eye to look at her.
"Not yet," Nat shook her head. "I volunteered to check on you."
"My hero."
She rolled her eyes at the title, smiling in that cheesy, toothy way she liked to smile. You liked it when she smiled like that.
"Well, Carter's a douche," she said after a moment.
"I know. Kept on contemplating if it was worth it to knee him in the balls."
"You should've. That guy could fuckin' reproduce one day. There could be more, miserable, little clones of himself that other kids will have to put up with." Natalie walked over, sliding down onto the floor with you.
"Tell me how bad it is, would you?"
She winced. "It's definitely a 'black' eye. Your nose is busted, too."
"Great. My mother is gonna throw a giant fit about it, then," you groaned, imagining it now.
"Why?" She asked.
You laughed. "She's supposed to be setting me up tonight. Has this neighbour girl- Julie Roosevelt- picked out and everything for that dinner I told you about. She's not bad, she's at least nice, but I don't-"
You stopped talking when you noticed Natalie had tensed up next to you. She was staring at the opposite wall, looking absolutely beside herself. "She what?"
"She's trying to set me up..." you muttered. There was suddenly the overwhelming sensation you had just said something very very wrong. Nat stood right up, turning around to go back out the doors. "Nat, what's wrong? What did I say?"
She whipped back around to you, eyes watery, her bottom lip quivering a bit, in a way you had never seen Natalie either. "And you're letting her?"
"Um...I mean, I don't really have an excuse."
"Oh, you don't, do you? God, you're such a fucking asshole!"
"What did I do??" You asked her, standing up too.
"You really don't know?"
"No, Nat, I don't."
She shook her head, tears beginning to fall. "Go to hell, (Y/n)." With that she turned around, bursting through the metal doors. You were left in the hallway all alone, watching her go with a deep frown.
"Ahem," cleared a throat from behind you.
You nodded. "I know Lottie. I know."
so this took awhile. first non jenna ortega fanfic of mine, so it's probably a little bloated, but i wanted to get it out there because there will definitely be a part two. i like nat so much and i love the show, and there will definitely be more nat and more lottie from me and shauna (?) but next will be a tara carpenter fic
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callixton · 2 months
our ld is being genuinely cruel to our stage manager (also my very good friend. also still a STUDENT) and it is so fucking exhausting and also i was shaking with anger after she tried to humiliate him during a meeting with everyone after the run today. i am so so so fucking over it. can people pls just be decent to each other
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tojirights · 4 months
Prompt “❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜” with alastor :3
Likke reader has been with multiple people but alastor is the first person to make her cum 0.0
prompt: Hii I really like your work! Can you do face sitting with alastor like reader mentions that she wants to sit on alastor face to angel and alastor overhears or angels says outlook to husk while his wasted thank youu
a/n: combining these two prompts!! ^ thinking maybe alastor overhears you talking with angel about your woes and offers to uhhh assist 👀
"the guys down here suck, angel." you sigh, sitting next to angel in the hotel lounge. you crack open your beer and hand him one as well. "yer tellin' me, babe." he chuckles. "whats got ya worked up this tIme?" he hums, reaching an arm around your shoulders. "thats the thing! nothing!" you groan, leaning into his body. "you know how many times i've tried hooking up with someone just for them to bust in 30 seconds and rub my inner thigh?" angel almost chokes on his drink.
"they're the worst. no one down here has been able to make me cum but myself." you mutter, taking a sip of your drink. "who do you want, hm?" angel asks. "maybe i can hook ya up with someone good." he wiggles his eyebrows, earning a giggle from you. the alcohol is making you feel a little brave, so with a sigh, you let your words free. "y'know who i think about all the time?" angel's eyes widen with interest, anticipation building.
"alastor..." you admit for the first time out loud. angel does choke on his drink this time before he laughs. "bitch! the radio demon?!" he barely contains his cackle. "stop! i mean, have you seen him? god, angel. i'd get down on my knees and bark if he told me to. i wanna sit on his face, hold onto his antlers for support. ughh, he's so hot." you whine into angel's chest, embarrasmemt finally setting in. angel tries to contain himself, but you've never said something so out of pocket but also very relatable.
unbeknownst to you, alastor stands not far behind you, his ears twitching as he listens in. a part of him does feel a tinge of guilt for listening, but you'd be quieter if you didn't want anyone to hear you. "well now, isn't that interesting?" alastor's voice makes you jump, almost tossing your beer straight onto angel. "oh fuck..." angel all but pushes you over in an attempt to get away.
"oh my god. alastor i'm so sorry, i was just-" you scramble to defend yourself, but alastor puts his staff under your chin to raise your eyes to his. "what was that you said about wanting to... sit on my face? about these worthless little demons not knowing how to treat a woman?" the sultry tone in his voice has you clenching your thighs together, which you blame on the alcohol swirling in your gut. you laugh awkwardly, trying to brush this off as alastor teasing you but there's a look in his eyes that tells you he's dead serious. "it's nothing! just venting some frustrations, that's all."
your eyes are a dead giveaway, desire flooding them as you peer up at alastor. "why don't you accompany me to my room for the evening, darling? we wouldn't want these inexperienced fools to try and make a move now, would we?" he extends his hand, and you decide to throw caution to the wind. standing, you let him pull you close. "blow my mind, radio boy." you whisper, watching alastor's eyes darken and his smirk grow. alastor uses the shadows, leading you straight to his room in a mere moment.
your heart rate sky rockets, realization hitting your gut as you start to strip. "how long has it been?" he asks, picking you up with ease and carrying you to the bed. "w-what?" you hesistate, watching as alastor ushers you to climb on top of him. "since someone else made you cum?" you swallow, straddling his chest. "i don't even remember al..." alastor's hands come around to grip your ass and pull you forward. with a gasp, you brace yourself on the headboard and then the feeling of alastor's tongue immediately has your brain turning to mush.
it's dizzying, the slide of his tongue up and down your slit was already far better than anything you've experienced in such a long time. "o-oh fuck." your body shudders, barely being able to hold still. alastor's tongue dips passed your entrance, lapping up your juices like a man starving. you already feel that familiar coil in your stomach forming, threatening to snap all over alastor's face. "that's, oh god alastor, that's so good." you moan, gripping tighter on the headboard as your hips start to stutter on their own.
then, you feel alastor's hands on your ass start to push and pull you, forcing your cunt to slide over his tongue. "y-you, i'm gonna-" you can't even think straight, pleasure blinding you to anything else happening in the entire world. alastor hums against your clit, sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth and that's it, you're cumming hard enough that your vision goes dark and tears well in your eyes.
you're shaking, barely being able to breathe as alastor's tongue runs lazy circles over your still sensitive clit to ride out your orgasm. before you're fully recovered, alastor quickly flips you onto your back and his fingers find your puffy pussy. "you have no idea the honor it is to be the only one to see you like this, my dear. the only one to feel you-" he pauses, pushing two fingers inside your needy cunt so he can hear your sweet moans. "cum. and i will be the only one to continue feeling that. you will cum on my face, my fingers, my cock... anything you please."
the desire burning in your core strengthens once more. not even your own fingers have ever made you cum twice, but alastor is about to pull a second orgasm from you almost completely back to back. "make me cum again." you whine, hips arching further off the bed as his fingers pump in and out slowly. "on your cock, fuck, please fuck me alastor."
alastor chuckles, his free hand unbottoning the front of his pants just enough to free his cock. "how could i deny such a good girl? cum on my cock, my princess." in an instant, alastor's fingers are replaced by the thickness of his cock. the first thrust alone has you teetering on the edge, while his thumb rubs tight circles on your clit.
your pussy clenches around his girth, pulsing with every sweep of his finger. each thrust of his hips pushes you closer to the edge, his cock filling you like no one else could ever. "y-you, gonna cum again." you cry out, spasms wrecking your body as your second orgasm hits even more intense with the feeling of his thick cock stretching your pussy.
alastlor groans, pumping his cock deeper, deeper until he's cumming as well. "such a good girl." he grunts, pushing each thick rope of cum further inside. "you won't ever have to worry about not being taken care of, my dear." he assures, pulling out slowly even as your cunt tries to squeeze him in. "there's plenty more where that came from, rest your pretty little eyes." he coos, pulling a blanket on your tired body.
you just know this is going to be the best sleep pf your fucking life...
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arieslost · 30 days
MIAMI | ln4
summary: lando won for the first time and i have so many emotions i have to write something I’M SO FREAKING HAPPY
word count: 834
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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you feel like you’re in a dream. walking on sunshine. on cloud nine. all the good, amazing things in the world.
lando has won his first ever grand prix. his first career win. right in front of your eyes.
in all honesty, it feels like you’re floating. you can’t imagine how he must be feeling as the team comes rushing out of the garage to meet him as he parks the car in front of the first place banner.
“come with me!” zak says the moment he catches up to you from the pit wall, immediately reaching for your hand so he can help you navigate your way through the crowd. “he needs to see you front and center!”
you don’t think that’s necessarily true, that he would certainly rather see the team and catch up with you afterwards, but you’ve learned not to argue with zak. you just hold on tight and allow him to guide you to the front of the barrier separating everyone from the top three finishers and their cars.
your throat quickly grows hoarse from cheering as he proudly stands atop the car, and you can’t even hear yourself over the cheers of everyone else around you and in the grandstands.
you would happily go deaf in this moment, because the sound of hundreds of thousands of people cheering for your boyfriend would be the last thing ringing in your ears. if you dreamt this moment up, it wouldn’t even sound this good.
you’re quick to take out your phone and record as lando gives himself a running start to leap across the barrier entirely and into the waiting arms of the mclaren team, who immediately swarm around him, hugging him and patting him excitedly. at some point he gets flipped around, everyone’s hands supporting him from below so the world can see the beaming smile on his face.
you don’t know when they started, but you can feel the tears on your cheeks as he’s placed back on his feet on the other side of the barrier. he’s pulled into enthusiastic hugs by a few more team members, and then he starts calling your name, eyes frantically searching for you amongst the sea of papaya.
“lan!” you yell as loudly as you can, pressing yourself right up against the barrier and leaning forward.
he spots you from over zak’s shoulder as they embrace, his smile somehow growing impossibly wider the moment your eyes meet. your happy tears begin to fall even faster after he hugs andrea and immediately makes a beeline for you.
all the words you want to say to him get stuck in your throat as you throw your arms around his neck. he’s sweaty, but so are you, courtesy of the miami heat, and neither of you care. you yelp in surprise when you feel his arms go around your waist and lift.
“what are you doing?!” you laugh, clinging onto him with all your might regardless.
“i’m not gonna have a fucking barrier between us when i do this,” is all he offers as an explanation before he’s kissing you, cupping your face with one hand and holding the other above his head, his pointer finger extended up to the sky.
you don’t see it in the moment, of course, but you’ll see plenty of pictures of it later.
you kiss him back with equal fervor. it’s definitely not the most perfect kiss; you’re crying and he can’t stop smiling so your teeth knock together a couple times, but that doesn’t dim the passion between you both as you hold each other. the crowd chanting his name fades into background noise when you break apart for air and he rests his forehead against yours.
“i love you,” he says, over and over. “i love you, i love you. i’m so glad you’re here with me.”
“lan, i’m so proud of you,” you’re in hysterics, laughing as tears continue to fall down your face even while he gently wipes them away. “you deserve this. every single second.”
“i love you so, so much. thank you for not giving up on me,” he says, his words so sincere that you could fall to the ground right here and now.
“stop making me cry more!” you exclaim, hands covering his as you reach up to wipe your eyes. “don’t you have the top step of a podium to get to?”
“can i bring you with me?”
“absolutely not,” you giggle, pulling him into another tight hug.
“alright, but i told will to get you on his shoulders so i can see you perfectly while i’m up there.”
it doesn’t click in your head why he would bother telling you that until you’re on will’s shoulders and lando is spraying his champagne down at you from the top step with surprising accuracy. and when he finds you after it’s all over and kisses you again, you decide that champagne is your new favorite taste in the whole world.
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note: i don’t even care that i’m posting this late or if this sucks it doesn’t matter it needs to be posted today i am so happy for him i’m still crying oh my gosh I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I’M SO HAPPY LANDO NORRIS IS A GRAND PRIX WINNER
my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika
tags: @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @sweatrevenge5436-blog @kimis-gloves @mia-rrrs @decafmickey @customsbyjcg-blog @bigheartsthings @tania2748 @scuderiadevils @iloveyou3000morgan @ctrlyomomma @hiireadstuff @daemyratwst @arian-directioner @evelyn-ny @avg-golden-retriever @likedbygaslyy @vintagefucksstuff @piastorys @jisungstuff @personwhoisther @bernelflo @ahgase99 @ferrarisfailedstrats @levidazai
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
So this takes place before they start dating and the beginning of the relationship. Reader basically has never met a guy who has chivalry(or is respectful) like ALASTOR, so when Alastor’s mannerisms come out, reader just looks at him like “wtf are you doing?” BUT NOT IN A MEAN WAY, more like in a confused way because they’re from a time where chivalry isn’t as popular(especially to women in general) and reader was raised to be tough(but it’s still nice to get treated like a lady). So whenever alastor acts like that reader just gets awkward and shy.
IM ASKING FOR THIS CUZ LIKE THE GUYS NOW HAVE NO RESPECT OR CHIVALRY like alastor😔😒 (ik not ALL guys but most guys now and days are jackasses)
Hnnng I fucking love this ✨️
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Harassment, Men being nasty
Description: ☝️⬆️
Back when you were alive, men never did the sort of things that Alastor does unless they wanted to get laid
Most of the men you knew had tendencies to act like frat boys or old perverts
Only having one goal in mind and if they got rejected then they got fucking nasty as hell with you
On top of that, you didn't have the luxury of growing up to be soft and helpless like some people
You had to be strong and look out for yourself, you rarely looked to others for help
Not even your own family
Some people didn't even look at you as a woman, just as some tough badass who didn't need anyone's helping hand
At least you hoped that how they looked at you
Not that you would've rejected the offer if anyone actually tried to help you out, everyone needs a hand now and then
The only people who ever offered any sort of help were horny guys who offered to help you let off some steam with them
Fuck off
But Alastor grew up in a very different time than you and his way of treating you always gave you whiplash
He would never dream of asking you to fuck within the first few days of knowing each other, or even the first month wtf kind of animals have men turned into??
You don't even wanna know, Alastor
His little pet names alone made you flustered but his actions??? A whole other monster in itself
When you first met him this crazy guy kissed your hand like you were in some regency movie
You were so shy afterwards that you couldn't look him in the eyes, your cheeks hot and pink
One time, Alastor actually took off his coat and put it over a puddle for you step on
Didn't you just beat up some guy for ripping it???
You could've just stepped over the puddle in the first place??? Why did you do that??
"I did what any proper gentleman would do for a lady such as yourself, Y/N..!"
You gotta look away at that point or else he would see how hot your face is getting, feeling flustered
Alastor actually asked you to dance to a song that wasn't meant for grinding and sweating on each other??
You blush and mumble something about not knowing how to dance to music like this and instead of making fun of you Alastor teaches you how
He's a wonderful dancer and leads the entire time, not letting you make a fool of yourself in front of everyone
You've never felt your heart do skip so many beats before
You're trying to ignore what some random lecherous demon is saying about your body and the things he would do to it??
Guess what-
"Now that is not the way to start a proper conversation with a lady of Y/N's status, or any lady for that matter."
Alastor scares him off for you and won't even accept your thanks in return, making your legs wobbly
Once your suffering with feelings for Alastor then every little thing he does makes you turn into a gooey puddle
It doesn't stop when he's suddenly courting you, only getting worse with each romantic act
He brings you flowers, dedicates entire broadcasts to you, asks you to take evening strolls with him
He does all this and never even expects a parting kiss from you, simply happy to be in your presence
When/why the fuck did men stop acting like this?? This is so much better than how they were back when you were alive-
You get flustered just at the sight of him now, wondering just how he's going to make you swoon today
Alastor is slowly getting you accustomed to how he believes you should always be treated, happy that you're no longer confused by his actions
This motherfucker just Pavlov-ed you into falling for him
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This was so fun to write!! I hope I did a good enough job!!
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eddiesghxst · 3 months
A one shot of Mechanic!Eddie x F!reader
Established relationship, Eddie loosing his mind and relentlessly fucking you NASTY into your shared bed all because of how turned on he was by seeing you bent over moving laundry to the dryer in a pair of jeans that hug your ass so nicely🙈💗
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stink…. don’t do this to me
Those devious, cheeky little shorts of yours will be the death of Eddie, honestly.
Everytime you wear them he ends up balls deep, mumbling promises to knock you up and start a family. He wouldn’t be surprised if one of the few pregnancy scares you’ve had were a product of those fucking shorts.
He’s just getting home from work so he’s tired, but the second he sees you bent over the washer with your ass practically hanging out of your shorts, he’s pumped like a goddamn energizer bunny, so god knows how many rounds he’s fixing to pull out of you tonight (you both lost count at 5).
He’s stepping up behind you with a hum as you toss the clothes in the dryer and shut the lid, pressing his body to yours and nuzzling his face into your neck. His hands coast over your hips and stomach, greedy fingers searching to palm at your tits over the flimsy tank top you have on.
“What’d I tell you about these goddamn shorts, hm?” He nips at your ear, squeezing at your skin when you lean away from him with a grin and a roll of your eyes.
“I didn’t have any clean clothes left, okay?“
Eddie hums, pressing a kiss to your neck as he pushes your hips back against his growing bulge, “Mm, and these just so happened to be the only clean pants?”
Eddie huffs out a laugh, giving your ass a quick tap and causing you to yelp, “Maybe.” He mocks.
You roll your eyes, somehow slipping out from between him and the dryer and Eddie groans as you pick up the laundry basket, “I’m busy, Eddie. The laundry isn’t gonna fold itself.”
As if Eddie believes you’re really that eager to fold laundry.
He’s on you as soon as you dump the clothes onto your shared bed, pressing himself to you once again and ignoring the whine you give him. “I’ll be quick, come on. You can’t wear these and expect me to not hump you like a dog, are you serious?”
“Self control, Eddie. It’s a thing.”
“Fuck off.”
You’re giggling as he reaches forward and pushes the clean laundry out of the way before pressing you face first into the bed.
“Ass up, come on.” He pats your hip, “You wanted to wear these cute little shorts, now put them on display for me.”
Eddie watches as you arch your back out for him, softly swaying your hips in a taunting manner as he palms himself. It’s like Eddie looses his mind, honestly.
He nearly ripped these same shorts one time, but he realized if he did then he wouldn’t get the privilege of seeing you in them again and god is Eddie so glad he thought that through.
His palm comes down on your ass quick and hot, cock stirring in his jeans at the moan that slips from you. He gives your other cheek a slap, squeezing and pulling at the fat skin before he decides he can’t wait any longer and he has to fuck you.
The shorts are off in record time, and Eddie thanks whatever shitty manufacturing company made those as he flings them to the ground. He makes even quicker work of unbuttoning his jeans, growling when you sway your hips and wriggle a hand down to your pussy, teasing yourself in preparation for what’s to come.
Eddie doesn’t even bother taking his jeans completely off, he lets them rest at his thighs as he wraps an adrenaline-shaking hand around his throbbing cock and shuffles forward. “Move your hand.” He sharply orders, placing a hand on your bare hip as he aligns his tip with your entrance. You oblige without question, hands sinking into the sheets to hold as Eddie sinks into you.
You’re so fucking warm and hot and wet, and the moan you let out is sinful enough to make Eddie want to do the unthinkable.
“Oh my god,” You gasp as Eddie presses in to the hilt. You’re mumbling and babbling about how big Eddie is, your pretty cunt squeezing and fluttering around him as he settles. “Yeah? This what you wanted, huh?” Eddie teases as he slowly drags his cock out before pressing in again, balls pressing snug to your clit as you squirm.
You pant, whimpering and failing to answer Eddie, so he leans forward, hips working up a toe curling pace as he talks into your ear, “Baby just wanted a good dicking down, huh?” He hotly whispers.
You whimper loudly, clenching around his cock as you desperately nod into the sheets. “Yes, yes please.” You beg.
Eddie peppers kisses across your neck and shoulder, dragging his teeth across your soft skin as his hips relentlessly pound into you. “You know you just had to ask, baby. Instead you wanna slut yourself out—“ “F-fuck off.” You gasp, drunkenly grinning when you hear Eddie chuckle.
Eddie presses himself back up, calloused hands pressing into your hips to pin you to the mattress before he begins drilling into like it’s the last chance he’ll ever fucking get.
Wet sloshing, skin slapping and needy moans fill out the air and Eddie’s practically bouncing you onto his cock with the help of the bouncy bed and you’re just speechless— grappling back at Eddie with shaky hands as Eddie fucks you into oblivion.
“Gonna cum?” Eddie huffs. You answer with a loud moan and your warm walls clenching around Eddie, and he hums, “Give it to me, baby, come on. Want you on top after so I can see your pretty tits bounce in that lousy excuse of a shirt you’ve got on.”
He strikes a hand down on your ass, watching as the skin ripples beneath his force— and suddenly, you’re cumming and tensing around Eddie so hard that Eddie almost struggles to fuck himself into you.
And Eddie didn’t plan on cumming yet, he wanted to hold off for a while longer, but you feel so fucking good Eddie can’t even think of holding back.
He cums with a loud groan, pressing his weight onto you as he spills himself deep inside of your pulsing cut— and there’s so much that it spills and drips down onto the laundry that Eddie failed to move out of the way.
“Jesus— fuck,” Eddie moans as he pulls out, still cumming in lazy spurts as he fists himself, painting your pretty folds. You’re shaking beneath him, back and thighs quivering with pleasure, and Eddie curses at the sight. He barely lets you come down before palming your ass, cock twitching when you let out a drawn-out moan as he speaks, “Flip over, baby. We’re not leaving this room for a while,” He drawls, “Gotta knock you up, remember?”
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luveline · 5 months
kisses before dinner — steve comes home to his girls after a long day. 2k, mom!reader
Steve has a back ache twinging between his shoulders that takes his breath away as he treks the last step up to the front door. The door gets caught on the latch when he pushes it open, which is awesome, Steve’s so glad you’re being safe late at night, but deplorable in that he has wood grain etched into his jaw and no way inside. 
“Girls?” He knocks the glass pane. “Anybody home?” 
Everyone should be home. Your car is in the driveway, the girls’ shoes are by the wall. He pushes the door open as far as he can (not far) and weasels his face into the gap to look for you. It’s dark besides the upstairs bathroom light. 
Steve calls your name a few times, but eventually comes to the realisation that you’re all asleep and he’s locked out. He closes the door and heads back to his car to scrounge the spare back door key from under his seat. 
He fights through the garden gate covered in brambles to the backyard. It hasn’t been touched since summer, forgotten things left to the elements. Avery’s bike flakes with copper coloured rust against the wall. The trampoline net is tangled and fallen off of one side. There are plastic cups in the stinging nettles growing back beneath it and gummy bears swollen with water along the paving stones like some poor retelling of Hansel and Gretel. He unlocks the back door and promptly knocks over the trash can he’d left in front of it. His back whines as he cleans it away, but at least it’s warm inside. 
It’s good to be home. 
He shoves the toppled garbage back into the can, washes tomato sauce off of his hands in the sink, and lets himself bask in his own poorly lit company for a moment, rubbing his tired eyes. He was hoping for a welcome party. It took longer to help Robin move than they’d anticipated. 
“I won’t be back for a while,” he’d said apologetically down the phone. 
“Okie dokie,” you’d crooned. He didn’t need to see you to know there was a baby in your lap. “Just come home when you can, babe. And lift with your knees! I’ll put your plate in the fridge, yes? Love you.” Your voice turned to sugar. “Love you, love you, love you, honey.” You definitely weren’t talking to him at that point. Mother of my kids, he’d thought reverently, the strength of a thousand men restored for an hour or two before the fatigue truly set in and he and Robin considered leaving the rest of her furniture on her new front lawn.
He scratches his hair from his eyes with both hands. Mother of my kids, he thinks again. You’ve actually managed to keep the kitchen tidy, the only evidence of a day of play being the grape juice rings on the dining table placemats. How the fuck you’ve done it is a miracle worth marvelling. Three children, one (admittedly smaller) baby bump, and a full eighteen hours by yourself. You’re very impressive. 
He decides to tell you emphatically with his face in your neck. He should shower, and he will apologise to you for subjecting you to his sweaty hair in the morning. You’ll shrug off his apology, say something sweet about for better or worse or maybe wrinkle your nose and kiss him anyways. 
Steve honestly can’t find any shame about how much he likes you. Like and love can begin to diverge in a marriage, especially after kids when your duty as parents is more important than it is as partners, but you’ve yet to let him pull away, and he won’t give you a reason to. He’ll keep trying as hard as possible to be a husband you can adore. And you don’t have to do much, really. Realistically you give the majority of yourself every day to Steve and your kids, but he would cling to you if you got sick of it. He knows he would. You could turn hermit and live under the bed, and Steve would spend half his life on his stomach just looking at you.
Half trying to pull you out again. The other half getting the girls ready for school. He’s so tired he doesn’t realise that this is too many halves. 
When he gets to the top of the stairs he feels like a lifetime has passed since he left that morning, bright and early at 5AM. There’d been driving, car swaps, booing at people from behind the wheel, a hundred boxes, a million trips up and down the stairs, and a suspicious washing machine recalibration. This was without the cold coke drinking, peanuts, popcorn, mistimed movie references, and the obligatory insulting of Robin’s girlfriend’s mauve chaise, of which Robin refused to participate. 
Between all that, there’d been worrying, and a want for more phone calls. Promise me you’ll call me if you need anything at all, he’d said that morning, giving your face a fond caress. There’s a confidence that comes with this much love. Steve can pour every inch of his affection for you into one touch and knows you’ll soak it up like a sponge. Really. Any problems, any stress, any tantrums. Just call me. I’m ten minutes away. 
You were grateful if amused, telling him he didn’t need to worry so much, and then offering him another slice of toast. 
Is it weird how much I love my wife? he wonders, pushing open the bedroom door gently. 
You’re actually awake! He’s shocked and a little betrayed to find you looking at him, but the betrayal fades when he notices the swelling around your eyes and your trembling arm as you hoist yourself up under Avery’s weight. He’s woken you up coming in. 
“Sorry,” he mouths, frowning at your shakiness. 
You manage a smile and beckon him forward. The problem is the little ladies strewn about in the way. Avery drools on your chest while Dove takes up the entirety of Steve’s side, spread into a star shape, and Bethie snores loudly by your knees. An especially aggressive one makes him laugh as he rounds the bed to your side. 
“Hello,” he whispers, taking your face into a loving hand, “sorry I’m back so late.” 
You smile into his palm but don’t say anything. 
“You okay? Had a good day?” he asks.
You hum something nonsensical. He wipes at your cheek in the rough way you enjoy, your face bumped with every stroke of his thumb.
“Did you…”  Your eyelashes flutter closed. “Did you eat?” 
“Loads. Sorry. I’ll eat my dinner tomorrow.”
You wrinkle your nose. He’s been dying to see it. “Don’t bother, it wasn’t my best.”
“All dinners are your best.” 
You cover his hand with yours, and then you steal it away from your cheek and kiss it all over. Steve bends down to hug you.
“Missed you,” you say at the same time. Steve laughs. “Was it a long day?” you ask. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” 
“It was aeons,” you say. “The girls were good, mostly. Baby not so much.” 
“Aw, no,” he croons softly, “what’s she been doing?” 
“She won’t let me eat.” 
Steve rubs the top of your arm. “I’m sorry, honey. You should’ve called me.” 
“What are you gonna do, H?”
He breathes out into the side of your face. “You’re right, like always. What can I do?” 
He can’t do a thing to ease your morning sickness, so… Steve ends up taking a knee on the bed beside you to hold you for a while, no rush to lay down even though he aches in strings and shouts. “I’m glad I can’t get pregnant. I’d have hundreds of your babies if I could and it would be torture.” 
You laugh at his absurdity in the giggly startled way he’d been hoping for. 
“Did you throw up?” he asks, pulling away enough to see your face while his hand starts the soft journey down your front to your bump. You’re about three months along and the bump came quickly. It’s cute and Steve loves it and he tries not to be weird about it but he’s weird about you. 
“No, just kept churning. I made eggs for breakfast and we can’t eat them anymore.” 
Steve kisses your cheek, the corner of your eye, knowing it’ll make you happy. Your smile follows swiftly after, and he kisses that with gusto. “I don’t even like eggs,” he mumbles.
“You love eggs.” 
“What was it like being the stay at home mom today?” he asks. 
“Hard. But fun. Avery was being really nice to me all day, did you have something to do with that?” 
“Avery’s always nice.” 
Your smile widens impossibly, “Yeah, but she was asking me if I wanted to sit down and if I needed a glass of water all day.” 
Steve shrugs. “Doesn’t sound like something I’d do.” 
“Well don’t do it again, H. She’s just a baby. She doesn’t need to worry about me.” 
Steve strokes your forehead, totally in your orbit. “She’s not worrying. Are you worrying about her when you take care of her? And sometimes you need a reminder.” 
You chew it over. “Okay… you’re right. You win that one, Harrington. Mostly ‘cos I’m too tired.”
Steve always wins when he gets to slide into bed next to you. You push yourself over and bunch the kids up tighter. There’s not quite enough room for him. He feels as though he’s one little legged kick from falling back out, but he doesn’t mind, wrapping an arm around you and Avery where she’s sliding off of you and onto the mattress between you both. The poor girl is in a deep sleep, dribbling from the corner of her mouth. Steve wipes it away. 
“You comfortable enough?” he asks. 
“I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” 
He rests his head against yours on the pillows. “Missed you.” 
“But you had fun, right?” 
“It was great. I feel like I ran a marathon.” 
“Exhausted?” you ask. 
“And accomplished… You sure you’re okay? It was a long day by yourself. That stunt you pulled in the kitchen? Incredible.” 
“I thought you’d like that. I told the girls you’d buy them a pony.” 
“You did not.” 
You laugh into his cheek. “No, I didn't, you caught me… I’m fine, really. I did miss you. It’s not nice, not seeing you. I’m used to a couple of hours, but it started feeling wrong when it was dark out, I… it’s silly but I was thinking about how horrible it would be if you never came back–”
Your pitch lifts up as Steve gasps and slaps a hand over your mouth (doesn’t slap, but covers, big hand on your lips and pressing them shut without sympathy). 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He meets your eyes, smiling hard despite the fatigue clinging to you both, and doesn’t buckle, even as you kiss his palm again. “Pregnancy brain is a scary thing.” 
Your eyes turn to melting. He’s putty immediately, pulling your hand away to caress your cheek. 
“Wanna be crazy in love in the morning?” he asks gently. You put your arm behind Avery’s back and smile as she snuggles into your ribs. Steve kisses your nose. “Go to sleep, honey. I can feel how tired you are. Back to normal in the morning.” 
“Love you, Steve.” 
“Love you, too.”
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teymars · 7 months
NSFW hc’s for the Sully men bc I am bored:
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• They are each EXTREMELY fertile, pregnancy is almost inescapable when you’re with one of these boys.
• On top of being very fertile, they enjoy breeding their women more than anything, so cock-warming is a nonnegotiable.
• They have great stamina, allowing them to go round after round, ensuring they “fuck you properly”.
• They aren’t particularly vocal, (unless overstimulated) but the growling, grunting and whimpering in your ear never ceases.
• Major pleasure doms fs
• Think with their dicks more than anything (specifically Jake and Lo’ak)
• They enjoy scenting and marking their women in every way possible, even if it’s just leaving you full of leaking cum, to fend off other interested men.
• He will happily be late to any of his duties if it means an opportunity to fuck you full.
• Is especially sensitive about you touching his jewels, the feeling of them swelling within your small grasp always has him keening.
• Won’t admit it aloud but he’s totally came untouched to the thought of you in lingerie, giving him a lap-dance.
• Hates when you hide your noises from him, he doesn’t give two shits if somebody is standing 5ft away, let them know you’re his.
• Likes to fuck around by grinding against you in public, not so subtly. He has no regrets when you’re all needy and wet for him by the evening.
• Enjoys littering your inner thighs with deep-purple marks, secretly hoping they are noticeable to other people later on.
• Uses his old camera to create some fun videos with you, mainly so he can fuck into his own fist whilst you’re busy.
• Craves nights where you beg him to be rough, sure he enjoys making slow tender love to you, but being able to use you as he pleases always excites.
• Is a huge family guy, consistently keeping you bred and arguing that his heart will never be full enough of you and your ever-growing family.
• Prefers your muffled moans and gasps, he’d rather be the only man in the universe to hear such sounds from you, he can prove you are all his in so many other ways after all.
• He is always in favour of doggy-style. He’d never pass up the chance to mount and rut into you with all the energy he has. Simultaneously pushing your head into the cushions of your shared bed.
• He will lean over your shoulder and whisper the filthiest nothings, accompanied by licking your hot pulse-point, hoping to encourage copious amounts of slick from you to aid in his relentless pounding.
• Absolutely has a dick and tongue piercing. Though he may be a bit ashamed by his past foolishness, he soon figures the endless orgasms they produce from you are quite worth it.
• If he isn’t thinking tactically or about what his next meal will be (probably you), he’s planning all the positions he will put you in throughout the night.
• Gets especially needy in the mornings, often waking you up with the prodding of his swollen cock-head, at your already soaked entrance.
• Is especially sensitive on his tip, the way your walls squeeze and slide over it have him near cumming on the spot each time. When it pushes against the textures of your cervix though, he dives over the edge practically every time. (Good thing he’s got that endless stamina)
Bonus: • Will lazily thrust into you throughout the early morning, coaxing both your orgasms slowly before thrusting forward abruptly and emptying every last drop into your aching cunt, remaining there until he is 110% certain you’ll be giving him another child to cherish.
• Loves to sit and watch you fuck yourself with your fingers all evening, smirking consistently because he KNOWS his cock has ruined you for anything & anyone else.
• Will comfortably have a conversation with any family member over the comm devices, while fully sheathed inside your warmth.
• Will attempt to breed you anywhere, anytime regardless of who is around. That man has his priorities set fs.
• Fucking creams himself when you openly submit to him, wether it be through a suggestive “yes sir” or spreading yourself open upon your shared bed, ready for him.
• Bites onto your shoulder to muffle his increasing moans when your soft pussy becomes too much for him. The feeling of his cock’s ridges hooking into your wet walls only intensifying this.
• Most sensitive at his slit, the second you tease your delicate fingers or hot tongue along it, he is gone. His hips will be jolting as he fights to hold back an orgasm, succumbing to the tantalising feeling of your pinkie-finger pushing into his tiny slit, teasing him.
• Secretly wants nipple piercings but would never express that openly, he fears what will become of him the day you realise how stimulated his tits can get. Sticks to ear piercings instead and is yet to grasp how Neteyam dealt with the pain of piercing his own cock.
• Also unlike Neteyam, he is not as fussed about ensuring his bloodline carries on through the next 20 generations, BUT he does take pride in having a family with you and will never refuse breeding you so long as you’ll let him.
And that’s all, feel free to speak on any of your own hc’s!! 🩵
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msgexymunson · 11 months
Forbidden Fruit
Description: The newest object of your affections happens to be Eddie; your father's closest friend!
A/N: this is just smut personified and I ain't even sorry. Enjoy it with caution, hells saving a mighty fine warm spot for you ;). 
Warnings: age gap, Eddie's in his forties, reader implied 20s. Voyeurism, fingering, p in v unprotected sex (wrap the thingy, trust me I'm old) 
5k words
Masterlist Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Delicate fingers are slipping under the waistband of your sleep shorts. You stroke at your soft skin, running in teasing patterns. Your body begins to react to your secret touches, downy hairs starting to stand on end as your skin prickles with sensation. Then your hand drifts lower, lower, until it meets your pubic hair. Massaging your breast with your other hand you try to relax and empty your mind, just focus on the feeling. Not that it works. All you see when you close your eyes is Eddie. 
This is wrong. So fucking wrong. He was at least 20 years your senior. Hell, he was one of your father's closest friends. It may as well be forbidden. He probably thinks of you more like a daughter than a lover. 
You couldn't help it though. Recently he was just looking so damn fine. You're not sure if it was just him getting better with age, or you growing up and appreciating the man in front of you. Either way, woof. 
Your fingers find your clit as you think back to earlier today; the events of which hadn't been much help in quenching your mounting feelings. It had been a lovely day, the sun was beating down and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Eddie and your father had teamed up to do some of the yard work. Eddie was always on hand to help with any manual labour, or to fix things. He was really very good with those hands. 
Well, it was a beautiful day, so sunbathing seemed perfectly acceptable behaviour, and not an excuse to be in the yard at all. Nuh uh. You'd headed outside in your skimpy red bikini, book in hand, and laid on a lounger keeping one eye on Eddie. 
God, he'd looked particularly good today. His hair was grasped in a messy bun with a shock of grey and white visible through it. His stubble looked a few days old, peppering his chin and sharp jaw. Those eyes of his sparkled, a deep chocolate brown you wanted to dive into. Jeans clung to his muscular thighs, only wearing an old wife beater on top, showing off his tattoos and chiselled arms. There was a brief moment when he'd lifted up his vest to use it to wipe the sweat from his brow. Abs had gleamed in the midday sun, flexing and taunting you on purpose, or at least it had felt that way. 
When your father had gone inside to grab them both a beer, Eddie had sauntered over to you and crouched right by your lounger. You had done everything you could to keep your face neutral, even though your head was screaming and flinging its metaphorical hands in the air. 
"Hey sweetheart." 
The gravel in his voice sent shivers down your spine. 
"Hey Mr Munson." You responded, trying to keep your eyes on your book. 
"How many times I gotta tell ya? Call me Eddie." 
You glanced over and saw a slow grin creeping across his face, as he eyed you up and down. Is he checking me out? 
Tearing his eyes away, he spoke again. 
"So, where's the little boyfriend today?" 
"What? Oh, him. We broke up. He was… selfish" you reminded yourself of all those disappointing encounters, flicking through your mind like a magazine of the mundane.
His grin widened at that. 
"Oh, that's such a shame." 
He sounded so sincere, but that smile of his was certainly telling a different story. You found yourself looking at the way his eyes crinkled when he grinned. Probably thought he wasn't good enough for me, just like father said. 
It was like he'd read your mind. 
"He wasn't good enough for you anyway." 
"You think?" 
He'd leaned into you, as if telling a secret. You could smell him, lingering sweat, aftershave and cigarettes. Drawn to him, you'd sat up and moved a little closer. His words were a whisper in your ear, his hot breath on your neck making your heart beat just a little too fast.  
"What you need is a real man." 
Mouth falling open, you snapped your head to face him. A quick wink and he was back on his feet, smiling at your father who had just returned from the kitchen. He had walked off without a glance back. 
You press your clit harder at the memory of his words, your other hand snaking its way into your top to tease at your hardened nipple. A real man. 
Was he talking about himself? Or had he just been teasing you for your taste in boys? Either way, his words had made you wet, your thighs clinging together in supplication. 
Fuck it. If he was on your mind you may as well lean into it. Your thoughts wandered, making up scenarios in your head, thinking of those thick fingers replacing yours. Your speed on your clit doubles, thighs squeezing together. It still wasn't enough. There wasn't enough pressure. 
Pulling your hand away in a huff, your eyes land on a cushion on your bed. Hmm, now that just might do. 
Clambering to your bare knees, you straddle it, positioning the seam to sit just where you needed it. 
Now, this was better. You could almost imagine him underneath you as you humped at his impressive length. You assume he had a huge cock. Well, he did in your fantasies anyway. Pulling your top off and away, you tease at your sensitive nipples, one hand keeping the cushion in place. 
So close, you were so close. The warm feeling was pooling in your belly, your clit humming with desire. Scrunching your eyes shut and whimpering, a particularly good rub had you moaning out "Eddie!" 
Unfortunately, you had failed to hear the approaching footsteps. 
"Yeah sweetheart?" 
Frozen, you can only watch in abject horror as your bedroom door swings open and the object of your fantasies is standing in the door frame. 
"Oh shit, I thought- did you just say my name?" He seems split between looking away and getting an eyeful. 
Grasping the bed sheet you quickly cover up your bare chest, cheeks burning scarlet. 
"Sorry." He adds, looking you up and down one last time, and finally swings the door shut. 
Well that's it, now I need to move to a different state. Fuck fuck fuck. 
"Hey, honey, come hear a sec!" Your mother's voice, ringing up the stairs. Trying to get the blood to diffuse from your cheeks with sheer force of will, you hastily scramble to put your top back on. 
"Coming!" You shout back. Well, you nearly had. So fucking close. 
Making your way downstairs past the bathroom you see your parents arm in arm, Eddie spread out on one of the bar stools in the kitchen. Practically feeling his grin from here, you focus on your parents. 
"We're going out to dinner hon. Mr Munson here, well he was going to have a look at the cable. I can't get the damn thing to work. Sure you don't mind Eddie? Ain't you got somewhere else to be?" Your father looks towards Eddie with his question. 
"Nope. Completely free. I'm sure I can fix it." 
"Thanks buddy, you're a lifesaver. Hon, can you look after him? Make sure to give Mr Munson anything he needs." 
Cheeks flaring again with heat, you mumble out your agreement. 
"Thanks sweetie!" Your mother adds, planting a peck on your cheek. Then, they leave. It's just you and Eddie. 
He begins to walk towards you. The walls suddenly seem too close, your skin itchy, hairs standing on end. He stops in front of you, too close for comfort. A rough hand reaches to you and you flinch. He quickly pulls it away. 
"Well, better fix the cable." He smiles at you, and turns on his heel to the TV room, leaving you staring at his retreating ass as he leaves. 
Maybe he's not going to mention it? 
The thought seems too good to be true. You turn to leave, back the way you came, but a strange force is pulling at your gut. Pretty soon you're standing in the door frame of the TV room, staring at Eddie's ass as he bends to look at the cable box.
Fuck, that perfect ass.
He must have changed from earlier. Maybe he'd had a shower? He certainly smelled good. Staring at his back you notice his hair looked damp. 
OK, so, ignore what happened. Eddie seemed to be. Act natural. Be a good host. 
"Eddie, do you want a beer?" 
He doesn't bother looking back, but you hear his deep voice say, "sure thing sweetheart." 
Making your way back to the kitchen, you grab a beer for him and one for yourself, to steady your nerves. 
Placing it on the coffee table, you let him know it's behind him, as you swig your own. 
"Could you come down here sweetheart? I need a hand." 
You fall to your knees beside him. 
"Show me your hands?" 
Confused, you hold your palms up. 
"Perfect, tiny hands. Here." And he grasps one, swallowing it up in his large palm. The skin on skin contact is a shock to your system. 
He pulls your arm gently. 
"There's a cable right there, can you reach that?" 
Sticking your tongue out of the corner of your mouth, you extend your arm, reaching into the gap he couldn't quite hit. 
"Got it." 
"That's it. Good girl." You suck in a sudden breath at his words, warmth simmering in your core. Eddie doesn't seem to notice. 
He's adjusting some other cable, moving the network box to a better position as you stare at the veins in his neck. 
"So, did you finish?" 
"Huh?" Confusion floods your face as you scrunch your eyes at his words. 
"Earlier, when I walked in. Did you finish?" 
Your mouth hangs open. He mentioned it so nonchalantly, not even gaining eye contact. You're so shocked that you answer him without thinking about it. 
What sort of alternative reality is this? 
"OK, can you feel my hand? Give me that cable." 
You pass it to him wordlessly, fingers brushing his ever so slightly. 
"There. Should be fine now. Try the remote."
Turning the TV on, it does indeed work. You switch it off as Eddie sits back on his heels. 
"It just wasn't wired correctly. Easy mistake to make. So, you need a hand?" 
"Huh?" You sound out doltishly as he swigs his beer. 
"Seemed like you could do with some help earlier is all." 
Swallowing hard at his words, you feel your thighs clench and your heart race. 
"Eddie, what are you saying, exactly?" Words spilling out a lot calmer than you felt. 
"All I'm saying is, you looked like you could use some help. I reckon I could help you out. A lot more than a cushion, anyway." He says, a slow smile spreading over his face making your knees want to melt.
You stare and stare, momentarily lost for words. 
"Come on sweetheart, there's a reason why you were moaning my name. We need to get whatever this is out of our system. " 
You will your legs to move, to flee. They don't. They have their own agenda it seems, taking a shaky step towards him, and another. He's still kneeling on the floor, a slight smirk pulling at his face as if he has all the time in the world. 
Your knees do buckle then, under the weight of his words, as you mirror his position. There's a slight gap between you, but you're closer than you think you ever have been. The air between you seems to hum with desire, an electric current buzzing back and forth. 
Reaching out with hesitant fingers, you finally close the distance, resting your hand softly on his knee. 
"I'm- I'm sorry that I, erm, said your name, it's so damn embarrassing-" 
"Don't be sorry," he responds, his giant hand coming to rest over yours sending your pulse into overdrive, "that was the hottest thing I've ever seen." 
"Really?" You can't help the disbelief dripping all over your tone. 
"You're kidding right? I've been fuckin' hard for the last hour, I'm sure it's not healthy." 
You giggle into your hand at his confession and move to look down, but his hand is on your jaw then, pulling your chin up. 
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, you know. We can just forget all this and I'll leave." 
His stare is firm and sincere, but there's an undercurrent of need behind those eyes, one that's making the pulse between your legs hammer out a tattoo on your insides. 
Before it even registers in your head, you're the one pushing toward him, drawn in by that stare. Your lips are crushing against his when you realise you had taken the leap and kissed him. Eddie's hand presses into the small of your back, pushing you bodily against him, the other snaking into your hair. Opening your mouth to deepen the kiss his tongue begins to slide against yours. Never had a kiss felt so good, so sordid. You wrap your arms around his middle to steady yourself as he explores your mouth greedily. 
A slam of a car door snaps you back to reality; pushing your body off him hurriedly you look around with wild eyes. 
"Hey, sweetheart, it's OK. It's not them, it's too early for that." 
You stop and listen, and realise he's right. 
"Hey, it's OK." He smiles, flooding your tummy with warmth. 
"You wanna go and get comfortable, sweets? We can, well, just this once."
You nod and stand up wordlessly, leading him to your bedroom. Your pace is slow and measured as you walk up the stairs, belying the running commentary in your head. 
Oh fuck, I can't believe this is happening. This is Mr Munson for fucks sake. Dad would absolutely freak. Oh fuck. 
As you're closing the door, he's kicking his shoes off and sitting up on your bed. His rough demeanour and chiselled physique look so out of place, juxtaposed by the sweet pink bedclothes. 
"Come here sweetheart, right here." He says, patting his lap. You move over to him, trying to work out exactly where he wants you. 
"Knees either side, come on baby, I know you know how to straddle." His smile is dipped in sin, biting his lower lip slightly and flashing his teeth. You take a shaky breath and mount him, your thin sleep shorts barely covering your expectant pussy. 
"Can you, um, take your jeans off?" You ask hesitantly, "I wanna feel you." 
"Whatever you want baby, I'm here to help." 
You sit awkwardly to one side as he wiggles his jeans off those perfect hips, giving you a teasing sliver of his lower abdomen to gawp at before he's gripping your hips forcefully and pushing your core down against his solid bulge. 
"Hmm, nearly perfect," he says, giving you an appraising look. 
"What's not right?" You feel your cheeks blush, waiting for him to point out some flaws you have. 
"Well, I'm sure when I walked in earlier with you in this position you were topless." 
An impossible amount of blood flushes your face, chest, neck. Eddie's thumbs trace calming circles into the flesh of your hips, catching the hem of your top and slipping just beneath. 
Lifting your top up hesitantly, you move your arms up and away, discarding the clothing on the floor of your room. 
Eddie's eyes are fixated on your nude breasts, letting out a slow breath. He holds your hips harder, fingers bruising into you. 
"There. Perfect. You are perfect sweetheart. Such a good girl for me." 
It's deeply pathetic, the noise that escapes your lips at his praise, but it serves to break the spell Eddie is under and forces him to look at your rosy cheeks and pouting lips. 
"Fuck, you like that sweetheart?" He asks, large hands clinging to your hips, starting to grind you back and forth. His breathing is laboured, as if he's trying to hold himself together.
"Yeah." You say back, voice small, hiding under his studious gaze. 
"Don't go all shy on me now baby. This good, yeah?" 
You nod, mewling at the sensation. He's rock hard, and just the feel of his solid dick rubbing back and forth, hitting your swollen clit with each pass has your head spinning. Just two layers, two layers of flimsy fabric lay between him and you. Between him entering you. 
"Talk to me sweetheart. What do you need?" 
His eyes are searching yours, so eager to make you happy. 
"Please, please play with my nipples." 
A rough hum rumbles from his throat, hands creeping up to your chest. 
"So polite. Whatever you need sweetheart." 
Taking over grinding over his member, you feel your skin thrumming, heat bubbling in your gut as his hands begin to trace over your curves. His thumbs graze the underside of your tits with confident movements. Expecting him to start pinching at your nipples, it takes you entirely by surprise when he leans forward and takes one in his mouth, sucking hard. 
Whimpering quietly, you grip his shoulders, willing yourself to be quiet. It's like Eddie can read your fucking mind. Unlatching from your nipple, he grabs your chin firmly between his thumb and forefinger, forcing your eyes to meet his. 
"I told you. Don't be shy. It's just you and me here. I want to hear you. Every whimper, every fucking moan. I'm committing this to memory, so make it a good one." 
A watery grin unfurls over your face, eyes tearing up unexpectedly. 
"OK Eddie." 
"Good fucking girl." 
"Oh God-"
Before you're done moaning at his words, his lips are immersing your nipple again, wet and warm and rough; as he pinches the other with hardened skin fingertips. A thick tongue darts out, flicking back and forth over the hardened nub. 
"Oh Eddie, oh fuck!" Your moans are loud and unashamed, your hips frantically humping over his turgid cock, clit swollen, nearing on sore.
His breath diffuses over the sensitive skin of your breast. 
"See that's it baby, I know, I know. Keep going, use me." 
Chasing your release your movements become almost violent, hands grasping onto his wavy locks and tugging hard. He groans at that, almost a growl. Teeth scraping your aching nipple, he unlatches with a wet pop and instead bites into the joining spot between your neck and shoulder harder than anyone had done before. The act was bordering on feral. An animalistic gesture, sucking on your flesh as if he was sucking the orgasm out of you. 
It was working. The low simmering in your gut had bubbled over, threatening to pull you under into the deep depths of pleasure. You let it, screaming out his name as you lost breath, quickly losing yourself in the gaping depths of your release. 
Slowing your frantic rocking movements, you finally slow to a halt.
"Feel better sweetheart?" 
You hum, fingers tracing over the muscles of his toned arms. Your pussy hasn't gotten the message however, clenching around nothing. Your walls are pulsing, wanting to clench onto something, anything. 
"Yeah I'm good." 
"Don't lie to me." 
Gasping at his hard words, you look into his eyes. 
"If you're done I'll leave-" 
"No!" You shout, gripping him harshly,
fingernails embedding into his skin. This can't be over, not yet.
"See?" He laughs, almost mocking you, "if you need more, say so. I want to help you. What do you need?"
"I-" fuck why is this so difficult? "I need, I need something inside me." 
"See? Was that so hard? You want my fingers baby? I'll make you come, as many times as you need." 
You nod enthusiastically, slipping off his lap. He turns you to the side suddenly so your legs are draped over his. Firm, smooth strokes rub up, up, up your thighs making you quiver. 
"Take these shorts off. I need to see that pretty pussy of yours." 
Wiggling out of them, they land on the floor in a heap. 
"Fuck. Spread your legs a little." 
It isn't in you not to comply. Your knees fall open, entirely exposed. 
"Well, look at you. Fucking perfect." A rough hand slots between your legs, two fingers rubbing the length of your pussy. 
Leaning back on your hands, your back arches into his touch, hips moving upwards to meet each stroke. 
"You really want this? You want me to fuck you with my fingers?" His movements are tantalising and slow. Your body begs for more, more. 
Nodding at him, you soon see it's not enough. 
"Use your words sweetheart." Fingers whisper across forbidden skin, circling around but never touching your clit. 
"Oh God please, please I need you, please fill me up!" All modesty forgotten.
"Fuck, yeah that's it, hmm" you feel his fingers swipe your wet lips, about to go deeper. Leaning forward, he angles his head towards your cunt, and spits, hard.
Holy fucking fuck. 
That act had you clenching all over again, rocking into nothing. 
"Oh she likes that! Dirty girl." 
He smiles his approval and gathers your combined wetness, two fingers diving deep inside you. It's aggressive and rough and entirely what you've been craving. 
"This what you wanted baby? My fingers filling you up? Fucking into your cunt?" 
His words are filthy, switching something inside your head you weren't aware of until just now.
"Yeah, fuck please, stretch me out, I fucking need you baby, please please please!" 
Your tiny hands are gripping onto him, desperately seeking him, digging into skin and flesh. 
"Oh you are so hot. Keep begging, I like it." His salacious grin pours over his features, fingers working you roughly, nestling into a spot inside that had your toes curling. Your breathing is heavy and ragged, as his other hand slaps harshly against your thigh. 
"I said beg." 
His ministrations start to slow. 
"No, don't stop! Please, oh fuck please, I need to fucking come Eddie!" Your eyes seeking his with a desperate gleam, toying with your features. 
"Yeah, that's it sweetheart, fuck," and his hand lands a hard smack against the side of your ass making you shriek. 
"You're a dirty girl, aren't you?" His fingers continue, setting a brutal pace, each stroke reaching your g spot pathetically easily.
"Yeah, oh yes, for you I am." 
A thick tongue runs up the side of your neck, pushing his fingers harder, deeper. 
"Oh Eddie I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come, don't stop!" 
"Not stopping, not even if you paid me. Come for me sweetheart." 
Your hips betray you, rubbing against his fingers as hard as they can, desperately seeking your second release. 
They don't have long to look. Suddenly it bursts around you, popping in your head like a firecracker of feeling, pulsing out of you in waves. Your fingers wind into his hair once again as your orgasm floods your system, hands almost frightened of being swept away. 
You knew he was good with his hands but fuck, his words were something else. 
"Oh my God that was incredible." You stutter out, legs still trembling. 
"I aim to please. You good now baby?" His fingers whispering over your arm, catching your nerves, making quivers run over and over you. 
If I'm good, he's gonna leave, and that will be it. Fuck, just don't want it to be over. 
"No. I need you to fuck me. Just this once. Please. I- I need you to cum inside me."
"Shit sweetheart, you want my fuckin' cock? How could I refuse such a sweet good girl." 
Laying you down against your many pillows, he stands, ridding himself of his shirt and pants. 
Oh fuck, just look at his cock. 
It's swollen, throbbing against his slickened pubic hair, wetted by your own juices. Licking your lips impulsively, you spread your legs wide, wanting to guide his hips between yours.
"Fuck that's a pretty dick. So fucking big." 
He looks at you, quirking an eyebrow. 
Oh fuck you just said that out loud. 
"Yeah? You want it? You want me?" 
He's smiling, stroking at his throbbing length, making an emotion akin to jealousness bloom in your chest. 
"I need you Eddie." 
He climbs between your thighs again, letting another glob of spit fly from those perfect lips of his. 
"Oh!" You moan eagerly, writhing beneath him.
"You are perfect, aren't you? Fucking filthy and ready for me." The head of his swollen member nudges your soft opening. 
"I'm on birth control, please just fill me up." 
"Oh fuck you're gonna make me bust if you keep on like that." The words are admonishing, but he sounds impressed. 
His weight dips onto the mattress between your legs, making it sink dramatically. You grab his relatively narrow hips, your slender fingers forcing his body between yours. You need him inside you, now.
The fat, leaking head of his cock rubs against your intumescent lips. 
"Fuck me Eddie, I need you, please fuck me!" You blabber, fingers flexing hard against his hard muscles. 
The mushroom head of his turgid cock pushes against your sodden opening. It breaches you then, forcing its way into your soaking lips. 
Pushing harder and harder into your deepest depths, you whimper, walls quivering around his fat length. 
"Eddie, oh God Eddie!" Your moans are unrestrained and throaty, him rubbing against the spot that makes you wobble inside. 
"You wanna come again? So fucking greedy sweetheart." You expect those words to have bite to them, but he's grinning, forehead nearly touching yours as he hikes your legs around his middle. 
You hump at him recklessly, hips thrusting against his waist as hard as you can. 
 "Oh my fucking God, fuck!!" 
You release hard, wetness squirting over Eddie's imposing length as you moan hard and loud. 
"Hey honey, we're home!" 
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. 
Your eyes flick wildly to Eddie. It doesn't help that he seems amused, chuckling a silent laugh into your skin. 
"I've, I've gone to bed, see you in the morning!" You cry out desperately, hoping to heaven, or hell, that they listen. 
"Eddie fix the cable?" You hear your mom call out up the stairway. 
"Yeah he's, he's really good with his hands!" You shout back, Eddie's body shaking with silent laughter over you, the arms caging your head trembling with barely contained amusement. 
"Great news, night honey!" 
You grip Eddie's shoulders as hard as you can as you listen for the minute changes in air. There it is, mother and father both going to bed. 
"Fuck that was close." You huff, releasing your titanesque grip on his shoulders. 
"But I'm not done sweetheart." 
He thrusts hard and deep against you, his impressive member rubbing against that sweet spot yet again.
"Eddie, you can't, fuck-"
"Oh I can. You just need to shut up." He grins quietly, holding your body close to his. 
"Oh Eddie, oh-" 
"Shhh, fuck sweetheart, shut the fuck up." He whispers urgently into the skin of your neck. Your mouth forms a perfect 'o', wiggling against him ardently. 
He releases his cum into you with a hard, shuddering thrust, throbbing and throbbing out of him. It pumps inside you, pushing you to the edge of coming yet again.
Eddie knows. 
Grinning wickedly, he latches his teeth to your nipple again and sucks hard. Moments later you feel your release explode from your core, dampening your bed sheets in the process. 
Thrumming against him, sweaty skin against sweaty skin, you manage to coax your breathing to a normal level. 
"I hope that's everything you wanted sweetheart, 'cause it aint happening again." 
Before you can protest, Eddie is leaving the warmth between your thighs and aiming for the window, so no one suspects what just happened between you two. A few sure movements and he disappears, however reluctantly, into the night. Leaving you huffing, and panting, and wanting. 
@eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eddiethefreakkmunson @munson-blurbs @roanniom @eddiemunsonfuxks @eddiesprincess86 @corrodedhawkins @eddiethefreakkmunson @indouloureux @icallhimjoey
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sorrowedpickle · 10 months
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
A/N: I was eating donuts making this
A lil short
Warning: smut, strap_on sex, p in v, overstim, bottom!wednesday, top!reader
Minors and men, DNI
Request: pickle, pickle, pickle. i neeeeeeeeed a fic of just fucking anyone of jenna’s characters. like just making them go dumb from r’s strap or something
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Your eyes roaming over her arched back covered in dark hickeys and scratch marks, ass red and sensitive from you smacking it so much and so hard.
Her usual pale skin now different shades of colors scattered across her along her body that’s shakes and shivers with every touch you give her.
Her face buried deep into the pillow as she grips the sides bunching it up to cover her dark red ears as moans that were once silent escape her, trying to hide them as much as possible but she was too loud for it to work. It just sounded muffled or like it was through the walls.
As you looked over her, a small smirk rested on your face, relishing in the fact that you had turned this once well-kept and stoic woman into a mere sensitive mess. Her usual calm and collected demeanor had completely melted away under your touch, leaving nothing but her vulnerability.
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride deep inside, knowing that you had the power to affect her in such a way. You had conquered her defenses and broken down her walls, leaving her completely at your mercy. In this moment, you held onto her hips tightly, making sure she couldn’t get away from your grasp.
In your hands, she was a crumbling mess, her body writhing beneath yours as you thrusted into her. Oh, you could get used to this.
Your hands grip her already bruised hips, helping her push back against you as your relentless thrust continue into her.
She had said this was the only position she’d do when you requested to switch, just a little something more than you usually do to switch things up a bit. She claimed it was the least embarrassing position possible, with you not being able to see her face as you fucked her.
She seemed to ultimately regret this decision, she couldn’t control anything. Where your hands went, how fast or slow you thrusted into her, how many times you’d two do it.
No, you were in control it seemed and didn’t plan on stopping as your hips drilled into hers. Not only that, but the amount of times she came was embarrassing to admit in the time you’ve been going at it.
You, of course, couldn’t get enough. Watching her come undone — because for once you had the strap on on — only made you want to see it again which caused a cycle, a never ending cycle it seemed and Wednesday had to bare through it.
Her legs that gave out ages ago shook as you held her up, no longer being able to do anything but sit there and moan and whine into the pillow, trying her hardest to keep breathing and not let out choked moans.
One hand moves along her hip and up to her back, tracing the marks and soothingly trying to ease her a bit. Your touch soft and tender compared to your hips that slam against her as the straps to the strap-on dug into your skin, leaving rope burns in its wake but that was the last thing you were worried about with this girl in front of you.
Her once neatly kept hair now sprawled across her back in wavy curls, moving with her as she moves against the bed.
You pull her ass further up to get a better angle, forcing her face to bury deeper into the pillow as she lets out a long whine that’s quickly replaced by a quiet moan as you continue to pound into her.
If only you could actually feel her, how she’d throb around the cock after the continuous orgasms you gave her. Oh that must have felt like heaven if you could even keep up without growing weak yourself.
How could you not? With such a sight you could only imagine the way she felt wrapped around you.
Her legs start to shake more, her grip on the pillow tightening as her moans come out more frequent and your movements speed up, hold on her hips becoming firm to keep her in place while moved against her.
You watched her slowly turn her head to look back at you, a very rare sight to her. Her dark, lust filled eyes full of tears as she tried to hold back her moans, sensitive from the many orgasms you were giving her could have been the only cause of such a thing.
This only spurs you one, thrust becoming harder and her eyes widen. Her back arches further as a loud moan escapes her before she shoves her face back into the pillow, high pitches noises leaving her throat as you slam into her.
Her body continues to shake against you as you hold her hips up for her, leaning down to press a kiss to the back of her neck and soaking in the feeling of her shiver as thrust into her.
Eventually her body tenses, stuttering against you as you lean back up and she lets out a low moan into the pillow and her grip stays tight.
Her body had been thoroughly exhausted after the pleasure she had just experienced. Her limbs were barely capable of responding to any outside stimuli, and her breathing was shallow and laboured. Her face was hidden in the pillow as her chest rose up and down.
This doesn’t stop you though, your thrust only become faster as you desperately try to get her to do it one last time, pulling her hips back into you with force.
She cries out, hands gripping the pillow tighter. Still sensitive from her recent orgasm, more tears fall from her face eyes staring forward at the beds headboard unfocused.
You press your palm into her back to steady yourself and keep to motions going, watching the way she shakes and moans under you.
She had overstimulated you plenty of times, so you knew exactly how it worked and what to do. But to be the one actually doing and not receiving? You couldn’t decide which one you liked more.
Your hips continue to snap to hers in a repeated motion, keeping a steady pace as you fuck into her sensitive heat before she lets out another loud moan, this time it’s choked up and broken.
She’s had enough, you had decided as you slow your movements letting her breathing in heavily. Her grip on the pillow had turned her knuckles white and her fingers shook along with her sensitive body.
You smile, movements completely stopped as you sit behind her in between her legs with the fake cock still buried deep inside.
Letting her come down from her final high you gently rub her hips, running your hands up and down her back to help her calm down a bit before placing a kiss from the small of her back up to the back of her neck, gently moving her hair out of the way letting your fingers linger on the dark red and purple skin you had sucked and scratched.
While you do this, she says something incoherently under her breath. Her eyes still unfocused as she stared to the side not longer trying to stay up as she blinks slowly muttering and mumbling.
Leaning back a bit, you pull the dildo out not letting the small whine from her go unnoticed as you took the straps off and laid back against her, arms wrapping around her to trap them between her and bed as you nuzzle into her shoulder. Just feeling her breath against or simply be against you could calm you down in an instant and you hoped it’d work on her as well as you lazily place kisses on her shoulder.
“Still think this was a bad idea?” You ask, small smirk on your face and she mumbles something eye brows pinching together and her nose scrunching up before she relaxes again.
And before you know it, you feel her body completely relax and her breathing even out. She hasn’t even given you a chance to do anything like gloat or ask if she was okay. She was knocked out and would probably not wake up for a while.
You snort, sitting up to just admire the sight. Her face relaxed as marks liter across her bare body, mouth slightly agape and her breathing finally normal again.
A soft smile plays onto your lips, pulling the blanket over the two of you and you lay next to her. Body firmly pressed against hers as you wrap your arms around and rest your head on her shoulder and close your eyes. A soft sigh leaving you as you breath in her scent and feel her warm skin.
Tagslist: @bluetreecloud20 @skate-to-breathee @wol-fica @raven-ss @restlessdot @dumb-fvck104 @tabberthecat @crazyoffher @rhythm-catsandwine @makncheese12 @alexkolax @jennasfav @melthedwarf @t-wylia @unknownuserzdjdh @pnsteblnme
A/N: not my best, probably gonna edit it a bit later on
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lexawoah13 · 3 months
Awakened Desires
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You voted and drunk Soobin unable to resist eating you out won so here it is! Let me know what else you wanna see
Summary: After a drunken night out with your long time crush and best friend Choi Soobin you crash at his place. Little do you know he feels the same way about you. And when he sees you passed out on his bed in his shirt and no pants, he doesn’t know if he can resist anymore.
Soobin x afab reader
Warnings: smut, oral(f receiving), noncon(your asleep), slight somnophilia, wet dreams, sex dream, drunk oral
*Let me know if I missed anything*
Soobin exits the bathroom, hair wet, towel around his waist. Entering his room and looking up from the floor as he’s drying his hair with the towel around his neck, he’s met with your plump rear. You're asleep on your stomach, hands under your pillow with your head to the side. One of your legs is bent, bringing it higher towards your waist. Your pussy is on display between your spread thighs. Only covered by the tiny thin fabric of your thong.
Fuck. Soobin swallows hard, unable to break his eye contact with your core.
Why… why isn’t she wearing pants? On my bed? Is she asleep? Walking over to see your state, noticing yours out cold.
Intrusive thoughts surround his brain as he makes his way back to the end of the bed.
One look won’t hurt. Right? Fuck her ass is so nice. Wonder how soft it is? I should have my face buried in between her cheeks is what I should be doing. What I would do to taste her. I bet she tastes like heaven.
Subconsciously making his way closer and closer to you. Reaching out to touch you softly. Testing the waters as he traces his fingers gently up your thighs. A small tremble runs through you as they gently shake.
Fuckkk. Is that nice? Getting a little braver he runs his fingers higher to the tops of your thighs, running them back down on the inside. A small whine leaves your parted lips, and you wiggle into his touch.
She likes this. Good. Let me touch you, baby. Please Let me feel you for once. Christ I just wanna touch you once. He fully grabs your ass, massaging and spreading your cheeks to see your core even better.
Fuck you’re so perfect, baby. So so pretty. Wanna see your pretty pussy too. Wanna taste you.
Soobin’s desire is starting to take over. He’s rock hard as he touches you unknowingly. He knows it’s wrong. But with every sound you make, makes him crave more. Laying down between your legs, he’s eye level with your pussy. Drooling at the prospect of tasting you.
Did you plan this? Only wearing this and putting yourself fully on display for me y/n? Fuck I hope so.
Rubbing his thumb in a long swipe along your labia.
Fucking hell baby youre wet. Did I do this? Are you wet for me? Feeling your slick through the thin fabric of your underwear. Pushing lightly over your opening, making you moan. He pulls away scared you’ll wake up. Wiggling at the loss of contact.
‘Fuck’ he breathes out replacing his thumb, rubbing up and down. You spread your legs further apart to allow him in as he starts rubbing your clit. Heavy breathing and soft moans leave your lips. Unconsciously lifting your hips to feel more pleasure.
Fucking hell you really like it huh? What if I just.. Soobin hooks a finger under your thong and pushes it to the side. Revealing your core to him. Sticky with your slick he can’t help but groan at the sight. He’s pictured your pussy so many times but it was nothing compared to the real thing.
So pretty. Want to taste you so bad baby. Rubbing his thumb against your bare lips now, feeling how wet you truly were. Oh fuck you’re so wet. Need it. Need you so bad y/n. Your moans grow louder now, thinking you're having the wet dream of your life. It feels so real. Lifting your hips again to ask for more.
Look at you, showing yourself to me like that. You want it too, God, I hope you do. I want you so bad y/n. Can’t help it. Soobin brings his face closer to your burning center, aching for more. Thinking for a second before one final wiggle makes him cave, diving in to taste your sweet slick.
He moans into you, the vibrations making you arch your back in pleasure. Tastes so good. Fuck. Soobin starts thrusting against the bed. Unable to hold back from how good this is. I wish you were awake. God, I wanna see you underneath me. See what pretty faces you make. Wish you’d let me.
Soobin devours you, bringing you closer and closer to your high. Focusing on your clit, sucking and licking around the swollen bud. Starting to stir you from your sleep. The sensations are overwhelming for a dream. Still in the light grasp of sleep, you turn yourself over, giving him more access to you.
Gonna make you come. Fuck you’re so perfect. Just wanna see all of you. He slowly pushes his shirt up your torso.
wanna see them
until he finally reaches your breasts, pulling the fabric above them. Your nipples are hard, making him hold his breath as he stares at them.
"Why are you so fucking perfect?" he says under his breath.
Feeling the chill hit your skin you arch your back again, looking for the warmth that was touching you moments ago. Soobin took it as a sign. Moving his hand between your legs again he moved the fabric to the side, rubbing your clit as he lowered his head to take your pink, hardened nipple in his mouth. Running his tongue around it, your back lifts higher off the bed. A soft ‘more’ is whispered from your lips. He pops off of that breast just to attach himself to the other. Sucking harder and dragging his teeth along it, speeding up his movements on your clit.
“UggghhHh fuck… Binnie” you whisper softly
Soobin immediately stops, staring at your face, frozen in fear of being caught. But, your eyes are still shut, and you don’t seem awake.
The fuck? How does she know it’s me?
“Binnee” you whine louder “Don’t stop pleasee- need you” Your hips moving on their own searching for release.
Soobin’s cock twitches, blood rushing to his length making him harder. Moving his fingers towards your hole, Soobin presses against it without entering you, leaning up to your ear and quietly asking in his deep voice “What do you want baby? Tell me”
His warm breath against your neck awakens your senses more.
“Wanna comeee” you groggily whine
“Yeah? Wanna come on my tongue pretty girl?” Rubbing light circles on your clit.
“Please! Please Binnie let me” Your eyes start to open, waking from your slumber.
This feels too real to be a dream. Fuck what is wrong with me?!
Soobin slowly crawls back down your body, leaving wet kisses in his trail to resume his work on your needy cunt. Unknowing that you’re slowly regaining your consciousness. “Then cum for me Y/N” giving his permission before lapping at your clit once again, thrusting his middle and ring fingers into your dripping hole.
Your eyes shoot open and your back arches high from his bed. Your saccharine moans bouncing off his bedroom walls shoot straight through him as he grinds down on his sheets harder. You reach down and grab his hair, when the reality of the situation sinks in. Looking down at the soft dark locks of the man you’ve been in love with, devouring you whole
It wasn’t a fucking dream!? He’s actually doing this?
“CumMING” you barely get the word out before your legs stiffen around Soobin’s head, pulling his hair and clenching around his fingers as your cum coats his face.
You had never come that hard before and your body was vibrating.
What in the actual fuck just happened? Did he really just… WAIT DOES HE WANT ME!? I mean he must be right? He just gave me head while I was sleeping? THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!? Should I keep-
“That’s a good girl” Soobin coos, licking his lips of your remains essence “good bunny” leaving a feather light kiss on the apex of your slit, right above your throbbing clit. “Wish you were awake though” he whispers to himself.
“I am” you say, sitting up and pulling him into a deep lustful kiss.
Soobin’s eyes nearly pop out of his head at your action. Quickly giving into you and opening his mouth to your kiss. Until he realizes what is happening and pulls you off to apologize to you.
“Y/N I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-“
“Shut up!” You cover his mouth to stop him
“It’s my turn now”
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crypticminx · 3 months
lowkey need subby Nate being embarrassed but he can’t help it
LOVE SEEING THIS MAN FALL TO HIS KNEES- here you go my darling enjoy!! Smutttt ahead xoxo
𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩 𐙚₊˚⊹ᡣ𐭩
It’s nate who can’t believe you’re the one who’s made him utterly head over heels for you. It’s a burning sensation, the one you provide him, and he’s unable to shift away from it. He desires you more than anything, he’s devoted to you and hell, he’d do absolutely anything for you, even if it costs the very preserved man to feel embarrassed—something he wasn’t used to feeling, especially from a girl like you.
When the two of you are intimate, he’s begging for you to let him have a taste, the sight of your naked body on display for him is like art, the beauty of your busty breasts and your wet little pussy sprawled in front of him like it’s nothing, makes him feel so drawn with hunger for you.
You act like you’re not interested in him, like he’s a second fucking choice from a long list of unworthy boys you can pick from and it drives him insane.
“Fuck,” he groans, the feeling of his dick growing hard with pressure makes him crack. He’s weak for you and needs to have you, but you’re not letting him get you that easy.
You’re the one in charge, you give him demanding orders, stating very carefully that if he wants to have you—if he wants to savour you with all his might, he’s gonna have to work for it.
“Play with yourself,” your soft voices purrs, your eyes growing wide with pleasure seeing the man stunned that he can’t wither his way into you as hes done many times with various girls.
He’s flustered, he can feel his throat grow thick and he tries to hide away the radiating stains of red on his cheeks, but it’s no good. He stammers with his words, trying to reason why he can’t just fuck you right then and there.
But it’s hot.
You’re so damn hot, he doesn’t even dare to question it.
As you tilt your head as you lay across his bed, watching the scene in front of you unfold, you know you have full control over him.
He pulls down his pants, you’ve seen that his dick is already twitching to puncture your insides. He spits on his hand, he knows you like it when he does unruly things like that. And slowly but surely, his damp palm strokes his cock up and down. Thick strokes make his dark doe eyes feel hazy with lust.
His motions turn rapid once he sees you begin to touch your breasts, the slight bounce of your boobs as your hard nipples peak through your fingers make him wish he could wrap his tongue around them. Sucking them until you beg him to stop. However, that wasn’t going to happen.
“Y/n,” it sounds like a whimper—a desperate plea, he’s so close to cuming but he doesn’t want to do it until he can be in you and so once you’ve had enough of watching Nate jerk himself off, you allow him to join you on the bed.
His large frame towers over you and just as he’s about to settle his position of being on top, you stop him.
“No no no, Nate,” you grin wide with a sinful smile, “I’m on top, baby.”
He chuckles, his forehead is sweaty and he can feel tiny bits of precum exit himself, but he can’t afford to let a single drop go to waste.
You push him down as he falls with grace into the scattered pillows behind him, holding your body as you sit with ease on his cock. Your warm lips glide on his throbbing cock, easily making the two of you wet as he finally can let himself go.
You stir back and forth, aggressively riding him as you let out an angelic moan. His tight grip of your arms let go and you place your hands on his chest, furthering yourself deeper until he hits the right spot.
He wants to cum so bad, he’s dying for it, but he’s not going to do so until he hears his girl let him.
“Baby,” he begs again, such a strong man whining for your command makes you feel even more wet. The pressure in the air feels lust worthy and you arch your head beg as you clutch your hands with his, interlocking deeply as you can feel the eagerness of his cock ready to pulse.
He’s amazed that the two of you aren’t using protection, he’d always been so careful before. You liked to take risks and so did he.
“Fuck, I can’t-“ he groans, watching your eyes slowly roll back, your hair messily flowing as you bounce on him.
“Cum in me,” you finally let him and your wish is his command.
He happily releases himself as he’s got you overstimulated. He loves watch you get lost in the moment that’s making sweet love to you.
After all, there wasn’t anything he loved more than you.
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ovaryacted · 6 months
Worked on this at like 3 am and I wanted to get this thought out before I went to bed but I’m here imagining Leon having sensitive nipples. I know you’re probably imagining RE2 Leon initially, but let me present to you: RE4 Leon with sensitive nipples yeah? Inspired by this fanart by @larvamars, I be stalking them bad.
NSFW 18+. Slight gentle femdom, handjobs, nipple play, Leon being subby and touch deprived. 1k words.
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Leon didn’t realize when it started, or if it was always a thing for him, but he noticed how his chest tingled when he got aroused. What he does remember was how he found out, having you seated on his lap kissing him so deeply he could feel his lips go numb. You already took his shirt off, hands running over the expanse of his shoulders, feeling every sinew of muscle woven into his frame.
Your fingers moved down his chest as you arched up into him, gyrating your hips towards his in a slow grind. He groaned in your mouth, feeling the vibration of it on your tongue as it curled around his own. The bulge in his jeans was already pressing more into you, growing and twitching with every soft swivel of your hips. Without thinking, your fingers touched along his firm pecs, grazing over his right nipple and causing Leon to release a sound that was a mixture of a moan and a whimper.
You pulled away from his mouth and watched his face closely, how his cheeks were growing more pink in comparison to a few minutes ago. He didn’t say anything, but the slight embarrassment on his features was telling. He liked it, probably more than he thought he would, and it took him off guard. You didn’t pull away or move back, carefully rubbing your thumb against his nipple again more intentionally and hearing him gasp. Leon didn’t meet your eye then, turning his head to the side and suddenly more aware of the persistent throbbing of his cock rubbing against the zipper of his jeans.
Leon Kennedy, a man who often handles monsters double and triple his size, turns into a soft needy mess at a mere accidental touch. You smirked to yourself, leaning forward to place a kiss on his neck, his pulse beating at the contact.
“You don’t have to be shy with me baby. I just want to make you feel good”, you whispered in his ear, placing another kiss against the sensitive skin behind it. His breath hitched again, facing you one more and that’s when you saw it in his eyes – desire.
That was how he found himself in this predicament, not complaining one bit at how things took a turn.
Still sat on his lap, your hand was wrapped around his hard cock as you jerked him off. Thumb against his slit, you felt the precum spreading around his tip. You left kisses around his neck and collarbone, watching how his head was thrown back against the couch and you whispered sweet nothings in his ear. Adam’s apple bobbing with every swallow, he focused on the feel of you and your touch, his senses being consumed with just you.
You could already tell he was close, your poor boyfriend was always so sensitive whenever it came to having you like this. You saw how he was getting lost in your touch, humming with every pump of his length. He deeply wishes you were sucking him off instead, craving the feeling of your tongue lapping up the prominent vein on the underside of his cock and swirling at his tip just the way he liked. But he didn’t mind this either, frankly, he liked this a ton.
“Fuck, just like that”, he muttered under his breath, stopping himself from thrusting up into your hand since you were sitting on top of him. But in reality, he wanted to hide just how desperate he was for you.
“Yeah? You like it when I touch you like this?”, you commented back, biting your lip and feeling your arousal soak your underwear from making him feel good. You were both two sides of the same coin, two people who lived and breathed to pleasure each other. It was one of the many things that made your partnership work so well.
“Mhm, love it when you touch me”, he lifted his head to look at you then, the haziness of his blue eyes reminding you of a still ocean waiting to crash along the shore.
Leon shifted to kiss you again, hungry and suffocating as he bit at your bottom lip. You felt the way he twitched around your fingers, picking up the pace and squeezing him just a bit more. He practically whimpered in your mouth, a sound that you actively looked for every time you had him in the palm of your hand. A sneaky finger moved towards his chest again, your thumb rubbing harshly against one of his nipples. He was turning into putty at your complete mercy as he got closer to his release.
“Come on baby, need you to be good for me and cum. Make a mess for me”, you spoke to him softly, a contrast to the way you jerked him off with more purpose.
What Leon didn’t expect was for you to pinch at his nipple harshly, pleasure shooting down his spine and pouring into his lower gut. He came right at that moment, thighs shaking underneath you and his stomach flexed as his cum poured right over your fingers. You didn’t stop pumping him, not until his deep groans turned into whines and his thick fingers wrapped around your wrist to signal he was sensitive. When you pulled away, you didn’t tear your eyes from his as you cleaned up the mess he made on your hand. Your tongue lavished at your digits, and as Leon watched he could feel himself twitch again.
“You’re something”, he said after, placing a softer kiss on your lips as a thank you for getting him off.
“Says the man full of surprises”, you teased him, knowing you were being kindhearted. He chuckled then, shifting to have you under him on the couch with a grin on his face.
“How about I return the favor and really surprise you?”, he pinned your hips and reached to take your pants off of you completely. You never refused him, and you most certainly weren’t going to start now.
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©️ ovaryacted 2023. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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darl1ngpearl · 7 months
Mechanic!Ellie x Motorcyclist!Reader
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warning!!: smut, boob sucking, pussy eating, thigh riding, name usage: ma, mama, doll, dolly, darling, mommy, ect. Reader is female, sub reader, top Ellie.
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You’d be lying if you said you knew even a single thing about cars. Yet motorbikes? Yeah, don’t kid yourself you knew nothing about bikes either. Hence why, you were now stood outside the garage, gnawing at your bottom lip, trying to muster up the courage to step foot inside.
You were more than familiar with this garage, but more specifically, familiar with a certain individual that owned the place. She was the soul reason you felt so nervous, the soul reason why you were seconds away from loosing your bottom lip due to how hard you were biting down.
With clenched fists, and wobbly knees, you made your way through the entrance.
The garage was booming with music, full of a variety of vehicles in various different conditions, parts of vehicles sprawled across the floor, and the clattering of tools came from towards the back. It was a Sunday, so the garage was empty in regard to employees and customers. You can’t imagine that anyone else would be in, other than her. You probably would’ve came in another day, if your friends weren’t so desperate to go on a morning bike ride to the beach tomorrow, hence why you came in today.
You made your way further into the back of the garage, and as the music and the clattering of tools grew louder, the anxious feeling in your stomach grew bigger.
And there she was, well, what you could make out of her. The only think you could recognise was her timberland boots sticking out from underneath the car. She was fixing god knows what, and humming along to some song you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
You stood there for a few moments just watching her work away, before letting out a small, awkward cough.
Almost as soon as you had made your presence known, Ellie was sliding out from beneath the car. She stood up with a grunt, and wiped her oiled coated hands on her, already oiled coated pants.
God did she look good. Her hair was tied back, half up half down. Her freckled face was splattered with, what you could only assume was dirt and oil, and these splatters made their way down to her neck, and further down to her collarbone. She wore her signature wife pleaser with her “men’s working pants”, paired with her timberland boots.
As soon as she laid her glowing green eyes on you, her face lit up and she smirked. She crossed her arms over her chest and began to walk closer.
“Well look who it is, what do I gotta help you with this time ma?”
Oh yes, she was a flirt.
The blood rose to your cheeks as you watched her make her way closer. You were shy, how could you not be? She had such a confident energy, and there was no chance that you could miss it. The smirk on her face only grew as she watched the pink tone on your cheeks grow significantly deeper.
“Gonna speak up dolly? Or do I have to guess?”
“Um, I have a problem with my bike”
Your voice came out small, almost as small as a whisper. Yet Ellie heard it perfectly. Of course she did, because as soon as you spoke she let out the loudest snort known to man. Maybe you wouldn’t be this embarrassed, and maybe she wouldn’t find this as humorous if you weren’t walking into this garage at least once a week with a problem.
Many people who you’ve spoke to about your bike problems have told you to just get a new bike, or told you that you weren’t made to ride a bike. But the thing is, the bike was perfect, and you were more than perfect when it came to riding. Riding was like your talent. You’d been a part of various street races, and won every single one. And just riding around on the streets daily? god you were good. You were perfect. Yet when it came to caring for the bike, that is where you lacked.
Once, a few months ago, you came to Ellie in absolute pieces, convinced that your bike was completely done for. You remember sobbing in her arms for a little while too long, because your precious baby was broken. But god, the look on your face was priceless when all Ellie had to do to “fix” the bike was turn it on. You were completely stunned, and blabbered faster than you could even think about how when you went to turn it on, it wouldn’t turn on. But the more you think about it, the more you realise that the reason it didn’t turn on when you tried, is because you didn’t turn the keys in the ignition.
“What seems to be the problem?”
Ellie raises her eyebrows in amusement, waiting for a response. You look up at her, staring deep into her eyes.
“I don’t know?”
She chuckles and nods, before walking past you, making her way outside to your bike.
“You lil ditz, of course you don’t know”
“Hey! I am not a ditz!”
“Whatever you say ma”
You scoff and follow her to your bike. You watch as she takes a look around, checking the breaks, the tires, the blinkers, and god knows what else.
“Did you remember to turn it on, like… actually turn it on?”
You roll your eyes and nod,
“Yes, I did thank you”
She hold up her hands in defence before looks at your tires once more, crouching down and running a finger along them. You couldn’t take your eyes off her hands. They were so perfect, so veiny and oh so slender. You were fixated on them, so much so that you missed everything she said. She was now stood back infront of you, waving her hand Infront of your face.
“Hellooo? Earth to y/n?”
You look up at her with a deep blush across your face, and she just laughs.
“When you are finished gawking at me doll, I said you need a tire change. I got no clue how you are riding around safely with tires.”
“You’re meant to change the tires?”
“Jesus Christ girlie, how are you allowed on the road huh?”
She begins to push your bike inside the garage, to an empty area where she could begin to work. You follow her once again, like a lost puppy.
“How much is it gonna cost to get them changed els?”
“Hm, depends. You gonna gimme a kiss?”
“Said, you gonna gimme a kiss ma?”
She was teasing. She knew exactly how to tease you, and clearly a little too well, because your cheeks were burning red. She looks over her shoulder to you and winks.
You couldn’t tell if she was joking or just playing but either way, would you ever refuse to kiss her? Absolutely not.
You’d be a liar if you said you hadn’t dreamt of kissing her, on numerous occasions. It was almost the only thing you ever dreamt about.
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You watched as she began to work away, taking the tires off the motorbike before replacing them with new ones. It didn’t take long, and the whole time you watched. You watched as her muscles would flex, and how skilled she was with her hands. You were seconds away from drooling.
One she was done, she stood up and looked at her work with approval, and you did so also.
“Thank you so much els!”
You jumped up from where you were sat and wrapped your arms around her, squeezing her tight.
She chuckles and pats your back,
“Anytime mama”
You blush and squeeze her just a little tighter, not wanting the hug to end.
“So, what is the cost?”
“Well, all depends on wether you’re gonna gimme that kiss or not”
Oh, she was serious.
You looked up at her, arms still around her waist, and you’re met with her infamous smirk. She glances down at your lips, before looking back up at your eyes, and then she licks her lips.
“You’re… you’re serious?”
She scoffs and allows her hands travel down from your waist to your ass, giving it a firm pat.
Once again your face was beat red, and it was now your turn to glance at her lips. They looked so soft and plump, they had a slight sheen from where she had licked them, and there was a small scar on her bottom lip.
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna kiss me doll, you make it painfully obvious”
You roll your eyes and begin to draw circles on her back with your fingers. She hums and lifts one of her hands from your ass upto your face. She tilts up your chin, before using her thumb to toy with your bottom lip.
You stood there in silence for a few moments, before you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Wanna kiss you now els”
She chuckles,
“Oh you do now?”
You nod profusely, and look at her with pleading eyes. She groans and grabs a fistful of your ass, squeezing it tight before using her other hand to now stroke your cheek. She leans in and your heart begins to race.
It’s finally happening. This is what you have been waiting for for months, everytime you came to her garage all you could think about is how good it would feel to kiss her.
As you lean in to kiss her she suddenly pulls away, looking down at you with false confusion.
“Hm, are you kissing me for a discount or are you kissing me because you wanna see if it’s as good as you imagined?”
Oh my god.
You stare at her with your lips parted in shock, not muttering a word.
She forces out a sigh and removes her hand from your ass. The second her hand pulls away is the second that you let out one of the most desperate sounding whines either one of you have ever heard.
“Well cmon then, spit it out pretty”
You couldn’t believe it. It was like a mission for her to try and embarrass you.
You had to say something, obviously you weren’t kissing her for some discount. Hell, you would pay tripple the amount if it meant you could kiss her. But why does she have to make it so difficult?
She knew exactly how to fluster you without a doubt, every time you came to the garage. She could see right through you. Every time you would even attempt to hide something from her, she would know within a split second.
“Don’t wanna kiss you for some stupid discount els”
“Yeah? You sure ma?”
“I’m so sure, wanted to kiss you for so long now, been waiting for so long”
she slides her arms around your waist, her hands finding your ass once more.
“Aw my poor girl, I’m just so mean for making you wait that long aren’t I?”
She once again, waited for you to respond, whilst squeezing your ass just a little tighter.
You pout and nod your head, before she laughs.
“Let me make it up to you then, yeah?”
Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck
She tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, before connected her lips to yours. The kiss was soft, a short kiss yet not short enough to be a peck.
When she pulls away, she smiles at you and you give her a smile back, followed by a shy giggle.
“Strawberry chapstick?”
She licks her lips and nods in approval,
“Definitely strawberry”
She holds your face in the palms of her hands, and once again connects her lips to yours. This time, it’s messy, and ever so slowly, the both of you are making your way towards the ratty old couch that is propped up against the wall, your lips not leaving each others once.
She lowers you back onto the couch, laying you down. She hovers over you, and slowly pulls away from the kiss, a string of saliva keeping her lips connected to yours. Her lips were now swollen, but god does it make her even hotter.
She brushes your cheek with her knuckles and hums in approval, staring at your also swollen lips.
“You want this mama? Cus if not we can stop right now”
“Please els, I want this more than ever”
“That’s the right answer dollface”
She moves from off on top of you and sighs at the sight of you wearing oh so many layers. She needed to change that, and fast.
“Stand up for me”
She switches her position and now manspreads on the couch. You stand up directly in front of her and look at her confused.
“Now strip”
You stare at her blankly for a few moments, trying to process what was just said. She wanted you to… strip?
When it finally came to your realisation, you started to take off your leather jacket. You wanted this and you wanted it now, you didn’t need to stall more than you had to.
She leans back on the couch and hums, enjoying the show.
You give her a shy smile before kicking off your shoes, and then beginning to undo your jeans. She watches you like a hawk as you slide the jeans off the fat of your ass, which made you more flustered than you already were.
Once your jeans were pooling at your ankles, you lifted your top over your head and threw it somewhere on the floor. You shivered at the breeze kissing your skin, and hugged yourself for some warmth.
However, Ellie didn’t like that, she kissed her teeth and motioned with her hands for you to move your arms. And you did so, you let your arms fall back down to your side and you stood still in front of her, letting her eyes explore your almost bare body.
“Do a little spin for me sweet thing”
You felt your arousal begin to pool in your panties. You slowly turning in a circle for her to get a full view of your body. She hums in approval and chuckles.
“God you look so perfect, come here ma”
She pats her lap, silently telling you to sit, and so you did. You sat down on her lap and wrapped your arms around her nape, staring into her oh so gorgeous emerald eyes.
She rests her hands on your ass and stares right back at you. Not a word was said, yet it wasn’t awkward. The moment felt sensual, it felt perfect, and you didn’t want it to be over. But as soon as her lips pressed against your collarbone, you couldn’t wait for the silent moment to be over.
She left soft kisses trailing from your collarbone, to your breasts. This pulled soft whines from the back of your throat. How can a simple kiss feel so good?
You quickly unclasped your bra, for her to gain better access and she chuckles,
“Eager are we ma?”
“Ellie please, shut up and carry on”
She landed a sharp slap on your ass and you jolted forward, whimpering loud.
She manoeuvres your body into the previous position, before going back to leaving soft kisses over your breasts. You close your eyes and let your head fall forward, resting on the top of hers.
“Feels so good els”
“Yeah? Not even started yet mama and already feels that good?”
You nod your head and her kisses begin to turn to sucks. She starts litter hickeys all over your breasts and this makes the pool of arousal in your panties grow even more.
Your pussy ached for her, you needed her more than ever, you needed much more than just hickeys, even if her giving them to you did feel like heaven. So you began to grind on her thigh, attempting to make it subtle in hopes that she wouldn’t notice.
But how could she not? She felt the slow rocking against her thigh the second you began, and this rips a groan out from the back of her throat.
Suddenly, her lips latched around your nipple, and she began to suck and tug on it. You moaned directly into her ear and ground down on her thigh just a little harder, attempting to soothe the ache in between your legs.
She bit down on your nipple and this caused you to yelp, it hurt but in the best way possible.
Her hands moved up from your ass to your hips, and took the grinding into her own hands (literally). She rocked your hips against her in an agonising slow pace, which made you whine and whisper little pleads into her ear.
She was beyond turned on, she needed you more than ever. Her grip on your hips tightened, and she rocked you faster, pushing you further down onto her thigh.
“Oh god! Feels soooo good els, feels so so good”
“Yeah baby? I’m making you feel soooo good?”
You moans grew louder, and you feel your orgasm creeping closer. The feeling of the material of her pants against your clothed pussy felt just right. You began to pant, attempted to move your hips faster to chase your orgasm.
And then, she stopped. She stopped and she held you in place, lifting her head and tutting at you.
Tears began to pool in your eyes, you were so desperate and you were seconds away from your orgasm.
“Tell me, who is in charge here?”
“You are?”
“That’s right darling, so wanna tell me why you were speeding up? I had you at the exact pace I wanted you, and you tried to go faster? Tried to take control?”
You whine and wriggled in her grip. She didn’t like this, and you could tell when the grip on your hips tightened, giving you a silent warning to keep still.
“Was close els, wanted to cum”
“Oh you wanted to cum?”
You felt small. She made you feel so powerless and small with her dominant domineer, you had no control and you knew it. All you could do was nod.
“And you couldn’t wait until I made you cum huh? Had to do it all yourself? Don’t think I’m good enough to make you cum?”
You widened your eyes and shook your head,
“No! I know you can! Was just…desperate”
she hums and in a blink the position changes. You were once again laying down on the couch, and she was hovering over you. You stare up at her and she winks at you. She pecks your lips before trailing kisses down your body.
She kissed your chin, your collarbone, each breast, your stomach, your bellybutton, and then she placed a kiss just above your clothed clit which made you shudder.
“I’m gonna make you cum mama, that’s why we are in this position no? It’s my job now, not yours”
You bite down on your lip and nod at her. She toys with the waistband of your panties and hums, staring at the wet patch that soaked the majority of the underwear.
“Tsk, they’re in my way”
And in a flash your panties were now somewhere on the floor, and her head dove straight in between your legs. She was wasting no time.
You let out a loud gasp as she began to lap up your pussy, eating you out like it was her last meal. Her thumb was placed over your clit, rubbing slow circles.
It felt like heaven, you thought the grinding felt good but, this was a million times better.
Moans began to rip from your throat, and you threw your head back, bucking your hips up into her.
She huffs and uses her other hand to hold your hips down.
She spoke muffled, too focused on eating you out to lift her head. You quickly obeyed, not wanting to be denied another orgasm. She was so skilled with her tongue, so skilled.
Her tongue dove in and out of your pussy, hitting all the right spots. You grabbed a fist full of her hair, tugging on it, which caused her to let out a groan.
She removed her thumb, which caused you to whine from the loss of contact. Yet as soon as she pushed her face more into your pussy, you were no longer whining. Her nose kept bumping against your clit Every time she would move her head. You were in bliss.
“Oh god els!!”
She chuckles, although due to her face being buried deep in between your legs, it barely sounded like one.
You couldn’t help it, you began to feel your orgasm creeping over you once more and you began to buck your hips back into her. Her nose pressed harder into your clit and her tongue reached further into your pussy.
You couldn’t contain your moans, you were a mess. Tears began to brim in your eyes and you tugged on her hair harder. She didn’t push you down this time, she just kept going. She knew your were close, I mean, how could she not tell?
“F-fuck! Gonna cum, please mommy please!”
This set her off, and if it was even possible, she began to eat you out even faster. She was gripping onto your thighs, making a complete mess.
Then, that feeling in your stomach snapped. You came all over her face, and so fucking hard. Moans, whines and curse words came flying from your mouth, you were unable to hold anything back.
She slowed down her pace, allowing you to come down from your orgasm. Once it became too much, she pulled away.
She looked at you with a smirk on her face. Her chin was dripping with saliva and arousal, and even then, she looked fucking good.
You were fucked out. Your chest was heaving and tear stains were visible on your face, drool visible at the corners of your mouth. She looked at you, impressed with her work done to you.
You groan and hold your hands over your face, embarrassed.
“Shut up!”
She laughs and leans over you, pecking your lips.
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She walked you out of her garage, wheeling out your bike for you.
“I’ll message you okay dolly? Be safe on your ride back, try not to lose any bike parts”
You roll your eyes and giggle,
“Thank you again Ellie”
“Anytime mama”
You gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before she landed a soft smack on your ass, causing you to turn beet red almost immediately. She then tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, and leaned in to whisper to you.
“Next time, mommy will use her strap”
Next time?
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Join my discord server! I made a server for us to talk about the last of us, things I’ve written, future things written, to suggest ideas and so on !! I hope to see you there, it would be greatly appreciated 🥺🩷🩷
Requested by : @3starrosalyn
Tags : @elsblunt @elliestwomissingfingersss @ellieswife-8 @misosoupupup @vster0769
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hughesyodaddy43 · 1 month
Just maybe ⎸ N.H
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Pairings: Nico Hischier x reader genre: friends to lovers Warnings: swearing, fluff synopsis: when a hopeless romantic doesn't pick up on hints. word count: 2.3k authors note: first Nico fic! i hope you like it. Requests are open. missing the devils rn :(
Nico, Nico, Nico was all your mind would wander to, from late nights to early mornings your mind was crowded with the thought of him.
From every text to every lingering touch your heart ached for him.
The captain of the New Jersey devils.
The Swiss man who lives across the hall from you. 
Him and his cute accent. 
Him and the way his eyes light up when he smiles.
Him. Nico Hischier.
This was never new to you, love that is or more so how easily you love. Ever since you were young your mind and body was plagued by the thought of romance. You knew you were a hopeless romantic, how could you not be? Growing up you craved having love like in the movies. Was this the reason for your many heartbreaks? yes .
After every heartbreak your craving for love grew stronger, wanting to be held and kissed and loved just like you do, being cared for the way you care for others.
Unfortunately as of right now the only romantic tropes that had come to life for you was unrequited love. Living in the shadows of someone else's love and loss.
Nico knew about your love for romance movies, he knew you so well and it hurt you knowing that he would never love you the same way you love him. But your mind couldn't help but wonder, just maybe. What if he liked you back? 
Just maybe did the tighter squeeze of his hugs mean something? could the way he plays your favourite songs whenever he is driving you somewhere be a sign? Could the way he holds your hand when moving through large crowds be a hint to something more? Or is it when he always sends you a good morning text when he wakes up?
Perhaps, just maybe did he love you back?
Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw your phone screen light up on your kitchen bench. You place down your warm cup of coffee and reach to read whatever it was that lit your phone up bright. A sigh left your lips when you read the notification, revealing that it wasn't from Nico. you were so far gone, the thought of replying to other people sometimes felt daunting or annoying but replying to nico felt light and effortless. Like you could talk to him for ever and ever without running out of things to say or feeling uncomfy.
Instead the notification was from tinder, your pathetic attempt at getting over the hockey player was to surround yourself with other equally attractive men. 
However that was not the case, whatever dates you'd go on you couldn't keep your mind away from Nico. no man in your eyes was as good as him. The thought of anyone else felt foreign whereas Nico felt warm and homey.
Most of the dates you went on were unfavourable and rather unpleasant. You never were one for quick hookups due to your very annoying habit of catching feelings so fucking your way out of this slump was not an option for you, despite your girlfriends suggesting so.
You pull yourself back out of your trance when you receive a text message from your best friend, Stacie - regarding your plans for breakfast this morning. You pause for a second, reading the time that displays in the top corner of your phone, answering swiftly to confirm your whereabouts and ETA. 
You turn your speaker on and press shuffle on your playlist, attempting to drown your thoughts as you get ready for the day. 
You finish up your makeup and manoeuvre your way back around to the front door, grabbing your bag and filling it with whatever junk you may possibly need incase of a very uncommon emergency. 
You walk out into the hallway, locking your door tightly. You turn around and are met with big brown eyes you have grown very familiar with. He sends you a warming smile, in turn making your lips curl into an unintentional smile. Your cheeks burn up as you step forward towards the tall swiss hockey player, meeting him on the other side of the hallway.
“Hey!” you speak, hoping to disguise your excitement.
“Hello” nico respondes, tucking his keys into his pocket. “Where are you off to?” he adds, shifting his weight from his foot to the wall, leaning against it. 
“Gonna go meet stacie at the cafe down the street for breakfast, you?” you ask, tilting your head slightly, still smiling embarrassingly wide. “Morning practice, which i was gonna ask if you were coming to the game tonight?” he asks, smiling slightly, causing his dimples to appear.
His eyes god his eyes, sparkling under the light, staring deeply into your own. 
“Of course I am! Wouldn't miss it, especially when I get special treatment from the captain.” you say, lightly punching his arm. Nico laughs, redirecting himself to stand up straight, “anything for you” he answers with a wink, turning his body towards the elevator. You stand there for a second, trying to stop yourself from turning completely red. 
Nico waits for you to walk with him towards the elevator, the two of you slipping comfortably into a natural conversation.
You make it to the front of the apartment building, ending the intriguing conversation about playoff hockey and whatnot. 
“Do you need a quick ride? I don't mind driving you?” Nico asks, stepping towards you.
“Nah, I'll be okay to walk. Thank you tho” you reply.
Nico nods and goes in for a hug only to be turned down by you rejecting the advance to turn it into a simple fist bump, cringing at yourself for the gesture. Nico looked a bit stunned at the rejection but shakes it off with a light chuckle, returning the fist bump. 
“I'll see you at the game, Schatzi” Nico says, turning to walk towards the car park. You stand there for a second, running your hand through your hair “what the fuck was that? A fist bump??” you mutter under your breath before being interrupted by your phone ringing 
“Hurry up.” the phone call abruptly ends, putting two and two together you register that the unknown caller was stacie asking you to get your ass to the cafe.
You walk down the street,enjoying the sun that has peeked out through the clouds. You admire the atmosphere that surrounds the sidewalk, passing your way through the crowds and delicate shops placed around the streets.
Unfortunately for you all you could think about was Nico and his stupid cute dimples and his stupid fluffy hair and his stupid big brown eyes.
You find your way to the cafe, meeting Stacie at the outdoor seats. 
“Finally you show up, I thought you died” Stacie says, standing up to hug you, her long Auburn hair tied half up, neatly falling just away from her face. 
“Got caught up, sorry” you apologies, sitting down across from the girl. “From mr dimples i hope” she teases, sipping her pre- ordered latte with a smirk. I roll my eyes away from her, snickering. “Oh my god, it was him wasn't it?” her big eyes widened at the realisation. You don’t reply, simply smiling to yourself, playing with your fingers  in your lap. 
“Well you can tell me when your drink gets here, i got you a mocha since you were too late to order for yourself” Stacie chides. “Thanks Stac, you're too kind” you joke.
Your drink comes and the two of you order your food. Stacie looks at you with a playful smile, leaning forward to rest her head in her hands “so..what did you two talk about?” she  chimes. “Just..hockey or whatever” you shrug. “Mhm” her lips curl into a smirk “you should just tell him you like him” “what?no no i can't, we are just friends.” i defend.
If almost pre planned your phone vibrates on the table, revealing a very suggestive message from Nico 
Nico: can’t wait to see you tonight ;)
“What was that?” stacie questions, raising her eyebrow “can't wait to see you tonight? Hmm seems a little too friendly if you ask me”  she mocks “its nothing, i'm going to his game tonight.” you beat off.
“Listen, you've loved him pretty much since you've met him, call him a friend or whatever but I know how friends act and trust me, he likes you for sure. I mean you've been on so many dates with other guys to get over him and how many of them have actually been successful?” she monologues, pausing to take a bite of her fresh banana bread. 
“Trust me, he doesn’t think about me like that” you tally. “Well I'm just saying , you only live once and if you can't get over him then you might as well confess to him. At least if he rejects you then you can get closure and move on'' she states, once again leaving you speechless for a few seconds. She starts up once again after reading your worn expression.
“I've seen the way he looks at you yk?” your eyes meet hers “how does he look at me?” you question, confusing, staying evident in your expression. “Like he never wants to look away” she reveals. Once again sipping on her drink. 
“Hmmm I mean i've never seen anyone else around his place, and when we go out he doesn't really talk to any other girls.” you recall “ exactly, just give it a go. It's not like the world will end.” she finishes before swiftly changing the subject to one of her new boy toys of the month.
‘The world won't end’ you suppose the world won't end in the literal sense but what if he stops talking then it might as well end. It's dramatic but your whole day revolves around even the smallest thought of nico.. What are you even supposed to think about otherwise?
surely  just maybe he might like you, granted that everything stacie says is true, perhaps you should take your shot sooner than later.
Your heart beats steadily as you arrange your hair in half up pigtails, wrapping the hair tie with red and white ribbon. You unfortunately didn't have a jersey for this game so instead you decided to sport a white tank top with a red sweater in support of the devils. 
Once again your mind grows to Nico, the excitement of seeing him runs through your veins. You were never nervous or anxious to be around nico, if anything you felt safer and warmer around him, that is except now. The weight of what sense Stacie knocked into you really stuck in your mind. You couldn't help but wonder if you should confess and if it's even a good decision.
Your worries are cut short when you look at the time and quickly make your way to the front door, checking yourself out in the mirror one last time before slipping your shoes on and making your way to the prudential centre.
You walk into the arena, finding your seat comfortably in the stands, watching the warmups. Nico had asked you to meet him before the game. He said that he wanted to see you. After warmups you make your way to the hallway that leads out onto the ice, waiting patiently for nico to come see you.
He makes his way towards you, standing directly in front of you. He stands there, waiting for you to snap out of whatever trance your mind has put you in. your fiddling with your fingers, staring at your shoes, picking at your nails lightly. 
“You shouldn't pick at your nails” Nico says, reaching out to hold your hand. His voice pulls you out and startles you, you jump and flinch your hands away from him.
“Woah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.” he apologises, eyes filled with remorse as he looks down at you. “No it's okay, just didn't realise you were there” you console, letting him reach for your hands once again, this time not flinching back. It's at this point that the other teammates are making their way back out to start the game. “When is the game gonna start?” you ask 
“in a few minutes” he replies “just wanted to see you before it started” he adds, leaving you, standing there without a word “hey, what's going on inside that pretty head of yours?” he asks, bending down to read your face, his voice is calm and steady. 
A sudden surge of confidence overwhelms you. 
Fuck it. 
You lean upwards, moving your body closer to his to attach your lips onto his. He is taken by surprise but it's not long before he shakes his glove off of his hand and reaches out to take hold of the back of your neck, pulling you in deeper. 
You pull yourself away with a sharp inhale of air, nico face falling in a frown as you pull away. 
“I like you.” you confess. 
Nico stares at you, lips curling into a smile, his dimples becoming defined upon his cheeks.
“Yeah, I noticed.” he says, lowering his head back down to kiss your cheek. 
Nico simply winks and jogs away towards the ice, looking back with a wide smile and blushed cheeks. The loud hollers and chirps are heard from the other devils players as they disappear through the doorway and onto the ice.
You make your way back to the stands, sitting down and watching the boys skate around , Nico playing perfectly as always. With best efforts, the game ends in a tight win, in favour of the devils. The crowd makes their way out of the arena and you're met with one more message from nico.
Nico: Meet me in the parking lot after the game, my car is parked around the corner. I'd like to take you to dinner if you're up for it?
Your face lights up, a smile breaking out, you bite your lip as you answer a yes, making your way towards his car.
Just maybe…
He does love you back.
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