#ok im sleeping now ^__^ forgot how fun this is to do hehe
squuote · 11 months
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*SLAMS THIS DOWN WITH BRUTE FORCE okay placing this here!!! getting truly silly with it now
alt version that i think is more fun
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
rainy days = thinking about kuroo <3 more kuroo hcs for you, liaaaaa! 💫
i think kuroo would automatically put his arm around your shoulders if you sat next to him on the couch - subconsciously rubbing your cheek w his thumb (im so touchstarved helP)
kuroo likes to fluster you w his words, but the best way to fluster him is by hugging him out of no where, or throwing w compliment his way, or smooching his cheeks :,( he just loves when you outwardly show your love for him!!
he’d absolutely love having your close friends or family over at your place. he likes to see how engaged you are w them and how big your smile becomes when you’re surrounded by your favorite people :) he’d also try so hard to impress them omg (stop he’d tell everyone how you two started dating w stars in his eyes oh my gosh that’s his favorite story!)
on rainy days, you two wear your biggest hoodies and lay around, talking to each other about the times in your lives that the other was not a part of - childhood trips, elementary school crushes, embarrassing phases, etc. (he’d make fun of all the people you had crushes on as a joke, but inwardly, he’s overwhelmed with pride that you two ended up together)
if you’re coming home from a big exam day or an interview, he’d jump onto you right as you enter to wrap you into a hug and tell you how proud he is of you!! “you’re pretty amazing, you know that? i know you did amazing! and if you didn’t? that’s ok! there’s always gonna be another one!” :)
he doesn’t let you dwell on mistakes or failures. he constantly reminds you that everything is a learning experience <3 but he also does his best to cheer you up!! he brings you your favorite snacks, or your favorite plushies to comfort you.
omg i feel like he’d loVE making the bed with you in the morning! you’re both half asleep, but tossing the pillows to each other reminds him of his volleyball days (maybe he’ll have to teach you?) and he can’t help but smile as you carefully fold the blankets w your face all puffy from sleep (pls i think he’d be in love w your puffy sleepy face)
speaking of your puffy sleepy face, he’d definitely be tempted to just chomp on your cheek gently. you just look so cute!! he’d do it and then walk away as quickly as he can before you can comprehend what just happened.
mayhaps he’d secretly save up for a trip for the two of you??? once he saves up enough money, he’d surprise you w plane tickets. he’d also plan everything out in advance. best boyfie >:( best travel buddy!!!
kuroo would water all your plants if you forgot :( and change their locations to follow the sunlight :( he’s so attentive to your hobbies and interests (taking care of the plants basically becomes apart of his everyday routine)
his hugs!! aaaaa he’d put his hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your torso. he’d hold you so so close and lay some kisses on the top of your head :( he’d also gently rock the both of you from side to side, resting his cheek on top of your head. he never wants to break away from your hugs!!!
don’t mind me, just reading your drabbles to provide some comfort on a gloomy day 🌧 as always, i hope you have a lovely day, lia! sending tons of warm hugs <33
— 🧸 anon
hii! it was also rainy for me today :0 rainy days always makes me want to feel more cozy, and your hcs are doing just the thing :'
the subtle touching and affection :' i'm so touch-starved too-
ahhaha he'll be so good at making your cheeks turn red. but oh when he's flustered, his cheeks, ears, and neck will turn pink all at once :' (so cute ><)
:'(( thinking about kuroo fitting right into your family makes my heart so soft
YES sign me up for cuddling with kuroo on rainy days 😫(and sunny days) PLS he'll make fun of your past crushes so much, secretly prideful that they never stood a chance with you >:))
kuroo being a supportive friend/partner/parent/person in general makes my heart so soft :'(((
suddenly, i feel motivated to make my bed more often...
aaaaaaaah he'll find your puffy cheeks absolutely a d o r a b l e! i can imagine him doing random stuff and quickly walking away to contain his laugh ahhahah
:(((( PLS where can i volunteer to be his s/o i'll give up anything djlsdkfj travelling with him sounds so nice :' i'm sure he'll be patient and just there for a fun too, so nothing stressful
now i feel like crying-
heheheh him hydrating your plants >>> i can imagine him rushing to change the pot location to match the sunlight :D (too cute)
noooo i love your hcs so so so much :'(( they make my day everytime i read/reread them! i'm currently working on a sumi drabble that i hope you like hehe :')) thank you lots for your kuroo hcs, and i hope you have a lovely lovely lovely day <33
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello again :)
Heres a second part of my fanfic, as i said in previous post that i will add one or two. I know the begining might be a bit long and boring, but i decided my other two favorite Duskwood characters deserve some love ,too. :)
 Thanks to all who took their time to read it!
Next thing I remember was waking up in a hospital. The bright light from the window made me squint my eyes, and my head throbbed as hell. „Arghh, too bright.“ I mumbled, as a cheerfull voice next to me responded  „Well finaly, I was begining to worry you would never wake up! You know, you're taking those beautysleep advices too seriously.“ My eyes ajusted to the light, and I was looking at that cheerful, loving face, the face I knew oh so well. „Hmm, considering all, an extra hour or so of beautysleep is so allowed for me.“  I said, my voice hoarse a bit. She snorted „Make that 'an extra day or so'! You slept for almost three days!“ she said, walkig towards my bed and hugging me carefully. It felt good, just knowing she was there. She pulled away from me, her face serious.  “What wer you thinking?“ „ I'm sorry Jessy, so, so sorry.“  I said, tears swelling behind my eyes. „ I know what I did was stupid, but belive me, I really tought I was doing the right thing.“ „The 'right thing' almost got you killed Maya!“ she yelled at me, wich made me realize just how much she was worried about me. I burried my face in my hands, tears falling down „Please Jessy, dont be mad at me, I feel awfull as it is already. I realize my actions wer wrong, but I cant undo any of it now. And God knows im more then happy to be alive, and Hannah too! And I know my „sorry“ might not be enough this time, but I reall am sorry Jessy, you cant imagine how much. But please, please, you have to forgive me, I couldnt stand if I loose you!“ I couldnt force myself to look at her, I was so scared she would just get up and leave. And who could blame her, really, after all I did, she would have every right to do so. Suddenly, my hands wer slowely being moved from my face, and i opened my eyes  to see hers holding mine. I lifted my head, and our eyes met. Hers wer now also full of tears. She hugged me so fiercly, and even if everything still hurted me like hell, I was so reliefed and hugged her back tightly as I could. „Ofcourse I forgive you, Maya. I was so damn worried and scared that I will loose you!“ I was releifed to hear her say it, I hugged her even tighter, saying through my tears „I'm sorry Jessy.“ She held me like that for a while, and then pulled slowly back. „I'm glad you're ok Maya.“ She said, smile coming back to that pretty face. „Look at us! Bawling here like little kids.“ That made me chuckle, and i said whiping my tears  „Huh, I never tought our fist time meeting would be with me in the hospital. But, hey, im not picky, i'm just glad I finaly had a chance to hug you.“  „I dont think anyone imagined this to be the place of your first meeting us. You do realize others will want to come and see you? Dan already wanted to come with me, he was mumbling something about how he owes you a whiskey. But i gave him such a stern look, he just kissed me goodby and said to say 'hi' from him and ran away from me.“ The tought of Dan being scared of Jessy made me laugh so hard, i got a little dizzy from the pain. Jessy noticed me vincing, quickly saying „But that can wait, you need to rest more first. It's not like you're going anywhere anytime soon!“ She looked at me all serious, and i understood why Dan acted like he did. „Dont worry, Jessy, I wont try to break out of hospital.“ I said with a grin on my face. „A bit of r'n'r is definatly what I need now.“ „Good! And since i'm clearly your favorite person from our little clique, you wont get rid of me that easy while  in here.“ She said cheerfully. „Thanks, Jessy. I mean it, Im really glad you're here with me.“ „Me too, Maya, me too.“ She stayed with me that whole afternoon, and I was happy about it. We talked about everything we could think of: how we gonna take that walk arround Duskwood together, having coffee at the Rainbow caffee, going to Aurora for drinks. Jessy was so full of life, and managed to stay so positive through all of this mess. She told me that police gave her my stuff and my phone, and will bring me what i need. It wasnt so important, but i could really use my phone.  It was like Jessy could read my mind, and she looked at me with simpathy „Did Jake contacted you?“  There was a knot in my stomack when she asked, because I knew I wasnt out in the clear with what I did with everyone just jet. „I dont know, Jessy,  I guess i'll find out when I get my phone. But im sure Lily told him all about it by now, and to be honest, it's the one conversation i'm scared of having at the moment.“ „I'm sure it will be fine.“ „I really hope so, Jessy. I really care so much for him. I dont know for sure what he feels, and it doesnt really matter, I just cant stand the tought of him being mad at me. Or not talking to me anymore...I got so used of having him arround, even just virtualy..i dont know Jessy, i cant explain it... i just need him in my life. Does this make any sense to you?“  She looked at me, with care and a hint of worry showing on her face „Yes Maya, it makes perfect sense.“ We talked for a while more. She looked at the clok on the wall and jumped „Oh, yay I gotta go, forgot Im meeting Dan! He made me promise to meet later, since I didnt let him come with me here.“ „Heh, better go then, I dont want Dan blaming me AGAIN for getting stud up by you. Or he might not buy me that whiskey he promised, an to be honest I could really use it now.“ I sad smiling at her. „Ohh no, you two are gonna be a pain in the butt when you meet, arent you?“ she groaned, but a smile was written all over her face. „Dont worry, i'll behave..as much as possible. As for Dan, im sure if you join us and give him some of your 'scarry' looks, he'll behave too.“  She bursted out laughing. „Oh, cant wait for it! I'll go grab your phone  real quick, and then im off.“ She ran for the door, stoped, turned arround giving me one more of her beautiful smiles „I'm really glad you're ok Maya.“ I smiled back,“ Me too Jessy, me too.“ She came back with my phone, plugged it to charge next to my bed hugging me quickly before leaving.
It was almost dark outside, and the room was so quiet since Jessy left. There wasnt much comotion in the hospital, and I appriciated it actualy, some peace after all the mess was a nice change. I stared at the window for a while, just enjoyeing the sceene of the sun setting down, the sky taking that purpleish-blue color. I was actually delaying the moment of turning my phone on, because I was scared. A the same time I hoped Jake would contact me, but then I was also scared of talking to him. Its been three days since the incident, and im sure Jake found out everything by now, so maybe he vented some of the anger off in the mean time. Ah, c'mon Maya, dont be a sissy! – i tought to myself – You stared death in the face, and showed it the middle finger, and you're scared of that thing? I took a deep breath, took my phone from the stand, and turned it on. It felt like forever for it to turn when i punched my code, and when it finaly did, i left it aside. The beeping of new messages, missed calls, new emails and all was the only sound spreading through the room. And with every beep my stomach reacted a bit, thinking if any of those beeps belongs to Jakes. I got so lost in my toughts, that a voice snaped me back, startling me a bit. A nurse smiled „Sorry hun, i didnt want to fright you. Just came to chek up on you, ask if you need anyhting and to give you some pain meds.“ She winked at me „It's the good stuff, will help you sleep better.“ „Thank you, mam, im good.“ I smiled back at her, and quickly glanced at my phone - 44 missed calls, 24 messages, 17 emails. That will be some time killing stuff. The nurse was done, she waved at me wishing me good night, saying to feel free calling her if I needed anything. I thanked her again as she left the room. I took my phone, my hand shakeing. I checked 'missed calls' first, and tho i didnt expect it, was a bit dissapointed Jake wasnt among one of them. I opened the messages, and Jessy's message was on top. „Sending you hugs&kisses!“ it was written under the picture of her and Dan, grining with their glasses raised. It made me smile, and i texted her back „Hehe, Dan must be happy you actualy came this time! xD Have fun you two, cant wait to join you. Hugs&kisses“ I checked other messages, and my hearth squeezed a bit when i saw he didnt texted either. I didnt feel like replaying to any at the moment, settling the phone back on the stand. I switched off the light above the bed, turned on the side, staring at now complete darkness throught the window. One tear rolled down my cheek as i closed my eyes, hoping sleep will come soon.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
For my fellow Sweater Weather fans ❤️ @lumosinlove - thank you!
Kudos to @frombeauxbatons for helping me with Finnish.
@wxlfstxrx and @siriuslyqueer love youuu 💕
Sweater weather chats #10
The team goes to Vegas. Kris gets a new phone. Olli speaks Finnish. Remus and Sirius are in their honeymoon phase. The team dads ship it. Kasey gets cuddles. Logan gets lost. Leo is mad. Everyone bets on Sergei. Dumo is not a fan of Russian cheering during sex. Will we ever find out about Prague?
Wednesday 9.22 pm
Eliascookie: eyyy fucking love wifi in the air. 🤪
Dumodad: shhh someone is trying to nap and you guys are loud 🥴
Logantremblayzzz: sorry grandpa. Not all of us are old and cranky.
Sergei_81: careful I fight people for you
CarbO’Hara: and we love you dearly for that. But no denying you and dumo are old and cranky. You could literally both be Leo’s dads
Ollibear: he looks more like sunny and sergei’s baby than dumo’s
Blizzard: ohhh a love triangle 🙊😳
Sunnysideup: as much as I love sergei, I wouldn’t get between him and dumo. They’re the bromance of our gen :) also not my type
Kaneyoudigit: yeah. Where does that butt slap come from anyways? Even when one of them is out or injured they find time for that 👻
Bradygunz: I don’t think anyone understands it... where does it come from? Something about Prague - Allison was super cagey about it.
Dumodad: shhhh let us sleep. Night boys. Got another few hours and practice tomorrow is not optional. Sleep.
Nadotheman: VEGAS BABY
Krisvolley: practice and a game Nado.
RussianGod: DONT be boring krissy
Friday 12.33 pm
Remus created a group chat
Remus added Dumo, Sirius, Sergei, Sunny and Krissy
Remus named group chat HELP
Remus: okay boys. Sorry for this but I’m a little worried. We’re in Vegas and with a whole day of no games and only practice tomorrow once we touch down in LA, I can’t keep an eye on the entire team.
Dumo: haha dont worry go have a nice date with cap. God knows he’s cranky enough that you were away for that course for three days.
Sunny: don’t worry I sleep with ear plugs anyways 😜
Remus: hey we have separate rooms!
Krissy: wE hAvE sEpErAtE rOoMs....... it’s ok remmy 😉 cap plays better after you do whatever it is you do.
Sirius: alright stop. I wasn’t cranky. And leave Remus alone. You’re supposed to be the mature ones. Also Krissy?
Krissy: yes. I got a new iPhone and made the mistake of asking timmers and Olli to help me set it up on the plane. Now I can’t get it to change back. They set it to Finnish. Have no fucking clue and haven’t managed to get hold of Olli yet. 😳😳😳😳
Sergei: cap and re go enjoy honeymoon we take care of babies
Sunny: 😜😜😜😜😜 enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it’s chores, babies and using alone time to catch up on sleep
Dumo: yeah. Don’t take your blissful kid free life for granted. 😈
Krissy: didn’t Logan and the other two walk in on your guys doing it in the kitchen last month?
Dumo: so?
Sergei: haha just kitchen? I’ve caught them worse. Is ok. You understand when you have babies. 😆
Krissy: I have a baby. I’m just single 😫😫😫
Sunny: want us to find a girl for you?🤓
Krissy: no thank you. Leave my sex life alone.
Sergei: u even have one?
Krissy left the group chat
Dumo added krissy to the group chat
Dumo: Sergei is sorry......... also he walked in on us maybe 5 times calm down. There’s nothing like Russian cheering to kill a mood....
Sunny: 5? That can’t be right. You were bunnies when she was pregnant last. I saw things I cannot unsee 🤯🤯🤯
Sirius left the group chat
Remus: you broke Sirius. Anyways I’ll leave the babysitting to you guys then.
Friday 2.54 pm
Logantremblayzzz: guys I’m lost. I’ve been walking towards that big pointy thing and the map from the hotel is crap and I got away from finn and he’s not picking up
*picture of map*
Blizzard: Logan.
Blizzard: how the fuck have you lived to see 23? 😆
Logantremblayzzz: oh. That makes more sense. 🙈🙈🙈
Newt-leo: what do you mean you lost Finn? Are you both lost somewhere in Vegas? Just use your phone and get back to the hotel...
Blizzard: Finn left his phone here in the room😂😂😂 better send out a search party
Logantremblayzzz: well I don’t know what happened. I can’t find him now. 😭
LeWilliam: There’s literally one strip of road in Vegas and you’ve gotten lost. 🐸
Dumodad: I swear to the fucking hockey gods we were never this stupid. Idiots. Get back here for 5, and we can go have a team dinner for those who want. Sergei is buying
Evanderbell: ohh @tylerthemighty and I are in!! Thanks @sergei_81!!!
Sunnysideup: he’s sleeping? Hahahah he’s gonna be unhappyyyy 😂
RussianGod: hehe thanks we’re play too...
Nadotheman: he means game. But yeah. Free dinner 😎
Prongstar: I think this one @logantremblayzzz has to go into the promo videos hahahahah 😂😂😂 I’m telling Marlene.... 😘
Ollibear: is anyone looking for Finn?
Newt-leo: yeah me and @krisvolley are going out now
Friday 3.44 pm
Logantremblayzzz: I was lost too! Not my fault you wander about
CarbO’Hara: I was talking to a puppy and when I got back up you were gone 😔 didn’t have my phone. Had to ask two Cher’s and an Elvis how to get back. 😫
Newt-leo: you’re back at the hotel now?
CarbO’Hara: yes. Forgot my phone.
Walkietalkie: uhhh someone is in the dog house 😂😂😂
Nadotheman: bad fish... no goalie love for youuu
Blizzard: I can cuddle ya Finn. No worries. 😘😫😘
Logantremblayzzz: you’re not cuddling Finn. Go cuddle Nado if you need to.
RussianGod: come on blizzard. We do goalie sandwich 🥪🥪🥪🥪
Blizzard: gimme five minutes boysss 😍
Krisvolley: we’re heading back now. You’re paying for our cab Finn. Leo is really mad 😉
Friday 3.52 pm
Timmyforrealz: awww 😍
*nado and Kuny cuddling blizzard in a goalie sandwich*
Ollibear: there’s a lot of bromance in my room right now. 😂
Walkietalkie: at least they’re fully clothed. 🤞🏻
Friday 6.33 pm
Dumodad: yes you are. It’s your turn. 😘
Sunnysideup: u know it. It’s the deal. Shouldn’t bet if you can’t pay up.
Sergei_81: is thanks I get for fighting for you all.
Sirius: you keep bringing that up. But you love fighting for us. We love you for it 😜
Dumodad: haha cap’s got a point my friend. And you’re a glorious fighter. Haha your punches are feared through the league. Even the linesmen try to avoid getting between you and your victim
Nadotheman: you know there’s a bet in the league? First rookie to take you down gets a Rolex from a draw? Everyone chips in at draft? 😜
RussianGod: is true hehehe I put money in on never so I want watch
KrisVolley: was that an option? 😳 how did I not think of this
RussianGod: I’m smart just not in English. English stupid. Russian best 🥳
Friday 9.33 pm
Ollibear: Mä oon niin ilonen mut mulla on ikävä kotiin. Mulla on ikävä muumeja.
Ollibear: Ja mun äitiä.
Ollibear: Tykkään myös tosi paljon pannukakuista.
Prongstar: Olli.exe stopped working…….
Sunnysideup: eh anyone’s got an eye on Olli? He’s defaulted to Finnish… 🙊🙊🙊
Dumodad: @timmyforrealzzz @nadotheman @russiangod
KrisVolley: hahahaha Olli just had some shots. The waitress was making googly eyes at him and I guess he couldn’t say no 😆
Timmyforrealz: I think we should get him back to the hotel 😁😁😁
Nadotheman: not it!!!!
RussianGod: I got him. He dont walk
“Kuny, he can’t even walk”
“I’m got him. He very drunk. Hehe not hold liquor well for Finn. Is embarrassing” Kuny snorted and hoisted his teammate more firmly over his shoulder.
“He owes me $100 for bribing the driver to take us”
“Sä oot hyvä venäläinen. Et ilkee venäläinen. Tunnen pahoja ja ilkeitä venäläisiä.”
“Any idea what he’s saying?”
“Not sure is even Finnish. Sound like just words”
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faithylilac · 3 years
The party party part 4
Cj and Carter were sitting by a tree, a bit away from the rest of their group. Carter was quietly saying “Nyah” over and over, rocking themselves back and forth. Poor CJ didn’t know what to do to calm them down. “Carter, sorry if this seems rude. What would you do if we stumble upon some very evil dude with a stupid mustache and a cat?” The goddess asked her nymph friend. Carter stopped sobbing and look at her with a straight face, “cry.”
But unbeknownst to them, the large group was coming up from behind them. “Hey Carter, look at this looser!” Dax appeared with a knocked out monk in A baby carrier on his back. Carter starts screaming and climbs up the tree. “Crap, did the paper bag fall of?” The god ask, trying to look behind him. “I got it.” Cj stomps at the ground and a giant tulip appears. She snips off the bulb and shoves it down on the cat boy monk’s head. “Ok Carter, scary Nyah Nyah boy is gone now!” Cj shouted from the base of the tree. Carter then jumped down from the tree and looked completely fine and not as if he was crying for twenty minutes.
Carter seemed to have calmed down completely, even though all they did was shove a flower on a passed out cat boy. Faithy, Echo, and the two new guest finally caught up with everyone and Faithy was hyped. “Cj, Carter! You gotta meet Jo and Ash! They’re gonna show us how to get to the nearest village.” Faithy announced, but ummmmm she forgot something.
“Yeah, I’m Jo, that’s Ash.” The taller one intruded herself and stuck her hand out for Carter to shake it. Carter screamed in her face and ran back up the tree. “CARTER! YOU WILL COME DOWN AND APOLOGIZE!” Faithy screamed at him, just causing him to screech uncontrollably. Faithy turned to Ash and Jo and smiled sweetly. “I’m sorry for his behavior, and I’m sorry for mine.” Without a moment to question what she said, she pulls out her mace and starts hacking at the tree.
Ash and Jo looked over to the other party members, out of fear? Eh, mainly confusion. But judging by their expressions, this was a normal Tuesday. They look back the priestess and she’s gotten through most of tree and kicks it down. Carter was in fact screaming the whole time, but it got louder as the tree fell with him in it. It made a loud clash and the two conscious cat people reconsider their life choices.
“Faithy, you could have just asked me to come down.” Carter said as he got up unscathed. “Sorry, my bad dude.” Faithy replied as she dust herself off.
“Now apologize to our new friends.” Carter apparently forgot they were there and start screaming yet again. But he was screaming so much his throat ran dry and started choking on his own saliva and passed out. Yes that’s how that works— I DON’T CARE WHAT GOOGLE SAYS.
“Dax, do we have another baby carrier?” Echo asked. “Yeah, but I’m already carrying Mr Ed Sheeran jr.” Dax shook about and the monk’s limbs just flopped around. “Dang, I would carry Carter, but my shoes don’t have the support for it.”
“I mean, can’t you just leave him on that conveniently placed pole right there?” Cj spoke up while pointing at a weird pole sticking out of the ground. They all nodded, and Dax went to stick the monk on the pole.
“Anyway, sorry about Carter. They’re highly afraid of cats for some reason. We haven’t unlocked that part of his backstory yet.” Faithy explained to their new friends. They just nod, not sure what to do. They’re just afraid because they’re gonna be stuck with these lunatics for a while.
After a few hours, they all arrive at a town. With hope in her eyes, Faithy looks for an inn, hoping to skip a tavern this time around, as that normally gets the group into trouble. Behold! The first thing she lays her eyes on is a sign that says, “completely empty inn that’s super cheep that can house your family of 7!” Hopefully no crazy bald man screams about family while they’re there.
“Ok. So, I need a room for my precious family of seven. How can I acquire such a luxury?” The priestess asked the innkeeper. Of course it was the inn keeper, it would be really awkward if that was a random guest...... Dax was doing that on the other side of the room. He was very surprised when Faithy was able to acquire a room and he wasn’t.
They all pile into the room which had 7 beds, which is weird cause you’d think the parents would share one— but good for this inn for making accommodations for single parents. “Ok. What do we do now? Carter is passed out and you’ve banned us from going to the pub.” Cj asked, it was pretty much on everyone’s minds. Faithy eyes went wide, she forgot to actually explain crucial details.
“OKAY! Echo, please wake up Carter and we’ll get this party started.” Echo got up and went over to bed Dax threw him down on and leaned over him. Echo looked rather princely today, maybe it was going to wake it’s love with true love’s kiss? No, cause kissing unconscious people without their consent is weird and creepy and not romantic so don’t do it. “Carter wake up, there are seals.” The nymph immediately shot up and nearly smacked echo in the head with his own.
“Ok, I was lied to. Echo I can’t believe you... actually I can, I just don’t like this current situation.” Carter replied. Echo quickly scooped him up in it’s arms and carried the nymph over to the others. “Dang, Carter coming in style. But alas, no one wishes to carry me!” Dax said dramatically. The blue boy and the goth wizard just roll their eyes and sit down.
“OKAY! So I’ve been lacking in the leader department as of late so.... after this meeting, someone else is getting the leader stick.” Faithy announced. Of course that kinda confused half the people there, man imagine almost doubling your group in a day. “Anyway. I’ll let Jo and Ash explained who they are, then Cj, and I guess it would be polite if the people that have been together for more than a day explain ourselves.” She explained. Everyone seemed chill with that arrangement.
Jo stood up, with her cloak still on. “Hi, so my name is Jo— some people call me Jojo, kinda bizarre if you just add on to my name to make a nickname... anyway...” she then pulled out a map. “Ash is traveling musician and I’m his protection. Anyway, he is going to preform for the sacred protector of Bees up north.” Jo explained while outlining their rout on the map.
“Apparently she’s getting married or something.” Ash cut in and Jo nodded. “Anyway, your leader realized you will be heading north for a while and decided traveling in a big group would be beneficial for everyone.” The bard explained.
“Perfect! Anyway, Cj, your turn. A lot happened since we met, I don’t think we remember much of what you told us.” Faithy said, trying to move things along.
A big weight fell off Cj’s chest. She knew she said things about herself that she’s shouldn’t have, it was a relief on her part. “Well, I have a good relationship with plant life. They will help me out when I call on them or when I don’t... the plants tend to sense when I’m in distress.” She explained as she conjured a vine to come closer that was peaking from the window.
“But I also ran a flower shop that I inherited from— my grandmother... yes her... well she was like a grandmother to me.” Cj quickly shut down, feeling as if she had said too much.
“Anyway, I know everyone is dying to know about me! Hi I’m Echo, I’m super hot I know. I kinda just tuned into lizards. I tried the bug thing, I hated it and went back to lizards cause they’re super cool and swaggy.” Echo said dramatically. “And don’t feel like you have to stay with one kind of magic! What do you need themes for? That’s super mega lame— it’s pretty sussy baka moment.”
Ahhhhh Echo, never failed to speak it’s mind. It’s an inspiration to us all, making people wanting to be their true selves— NO IM NOT PROJECTING... Echo is just an honest person that will tell you when it is adventuring out with others instead of being like “oh yeah, I got to go to sleep”
“I’m Carter, I’m blue, I like seals.” Carter got straight to the point I guess. “Also if someone looks rich, they won’t be much longer. Hehe knifes.”
Faithy just blinks at him slowly. She sighs, just grateful he isn’t screaming at the cat people.
“Hey mortals, I’m Dax, I’m also God. Right now I can sense the nararator wants to make a stupid joke, but they know I would kill them if they did.” Dax piped in. Wait a diddly darn minute, why would I want to make the joke “Dax the—“
“I would tell the tale of how I stumbled across my current favorite mortals, but it’s just not as fun when there aren’t any drunk people around.” Dax took a lean back in the chair that just randomly appeared and started dozing off.
“Hi, I’m Faithy.” The priestess simply ignored her friend and went on. “I was left at the temple as a baby, very generic I know. Anyway, someone left what I thought was a delicious lasagna in my office, so I decided to chow down. What I didn’t know was that was the sacred offering of one the most important nights of the year.... anyway I’m on the run from a whole religion....” she sighed and pulled her knees up to her chest.
At one point I wasn’t sure I was gonna get this far with this story, But here I am! Who do you think the new leader should be? Idk, I haven’t thought that far ahead.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
hello my lovely morgy 💌🍄✨ ahhhh i apologize for my lateness today, it was busy and quite stressful in the end, but i'm ok!! sadly this is going to be shorter because i'm exhausted after some events from a few hours ago (plus it's 0:19 here hehe) how are you?? i hope well, oh, and i hope you enjoyed the time at your nonna's house, and if not, at least you're back home!! 🌺💫 (1/4)
"i got checked out and the nice doctors gave me medicines for my illness, so i'm feeling much much better physically!! and i'm so happy that i didn't get stuck in the hospital again!! my lovely neighbor, who was a farmer in his homeland, has a quite sizable vegetable garden that he built last year, and he gave me some of the produce from his first harvest!! i thought that it was such a sweet gesture! (2/4)
i plan on writing a "thank you" letter and making some lovely buccellati for cookies for him!! ahhh i feel that you would love them, since everyone who has tried them always asks for more hehe!! 🌟 oh, and i got to practice my dancing because i haven't since i was last in the hospital,, so i was a teensy bit rusty at first but i soon got back into it 💗 plus, my cats came to cheer me on ☀ (3/4)
i also watched a film with my sis and papa,, it was some action movie about an invasion and it reminded me that for a short time when i was younger, i wanted to join the military!! it sounds really funny to me now since all my health issues would actually exempt me,, i was an ambitious child 🌛 (4/ 4̶ 5)
well, i hope you get enough rest, and take care of yourself!! i'll be back tomorrow with longer writings and lots of love as always 💞 mamma mia,, i almost forgot!!! thanks for looking out for me like always ❤❤❤ - lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of love, your adoring waifu 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 ps: oh, we could maybe play minecraft sometime?? 😳😳💓 (5/5)"
Do not fret darling for i myself am once again late at answering ur letter since yesterday evening after i came back from my grandma's (it did go well btw👁️👁️) for the first time in Y E A R S i crashed out of exhaustion like i deadass sleeped from 10 pm to almost 2 fucking pm today which is like a rarity for my insomniac ass fndhdnns but the excessive heat and the fact that i slept like 1 hr and 30 min before i visited my grandma got to me ig🤡👌(fun fact i havent properly slept a full night since i was in 4th grade)
Rant aside, im very happy to hear ur all well and have been able to practice dancing and stuff...i myself was very into learning choreos for some reason when i was little and h o l y s h i t I TOO WANTED TO JOIN THE MILITARY? I ALMOST ENDED UP APPLYING TO A MILITARY SCHOOL 2 YEARS AGO JDUCHDDFBDH we t w i n n i n g darling😳😳😳😳
Im also amazed once again at how ppl always give u stuff but then again why wouldnt they 😩😩😩 im p sure ur cookies r marvelous as well👀👁️👀👁️👀👁️
And one last thing: the final paragraph of ur letter made me w o k e ahdjsjs what if i put my mc bed next to urs...haha jk...u n l e s s?👀
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lveclouds · 4 years
ship your mutuals with bts and why?
ok here we go i’m gonna go on a tangent hehe (also i shipped one of my mutuals with a chinese drama actor aka wang yibo from the untamed ok im sorry anon i couldn’t help myself!!) 
@honeylovecult: tess, i ship you with hobi because he’s the epitome of an angel and he always brings love and happiness everywhere he goes, and so do you! you’re also very supportive of your mutuals and you spread nothing but positive vibes everywhere you go!! i feel like you and hobi would go on cute dates. for example, you’d accompany him to the dance studio where you would watch him practice and then he’d convince you to dance with him and he’d guide you through every step, and when you would get a move right, he’d smile and kiss you sweetly. 
@yoonsgiggle: hannah, you already know that i have to ship you with yoongi. you would drop by the studio to bring him lunch sometimes, and he’d blush and pretend that the gesture didn’t affect him, but when you two are alone, yoongi would give you the sweetest gummy smile and say”thank you. i really appreciate you coming here. you really didn’t have to do this.” then, he would gather you in his arms and give you the biggest hug. even though yoongi’s not a very affectionate person, i’d feel like he’d make an exception for you 😔
@sketchguk: teresa, you and jungkook are practically a match made in heaven. you are so talented and sweet and so is he!! and jungkook would love showering you in kisses and hugs and cling onto you like a koala bear constantly. he would allow you to play with his soft hair as he drifts off to sleep because “it feels nice” as he’d put it. he would give you his devastating smile, eye crinkles and all. he would treat you like royalty, and i can totally imagine him carrying you bridal style when you break/sprain your ankle even when you insist that you can walk just fine with your crutches, and then he’d pout, his doe eyes getting all big, and say”babeee why would need those stupid things when you have me? i can carry you wherever and whenever you want! i’m much more reliable than those crappy pieces of metal!” oh and he would insist on making you the focus of his next gcf, despite you saying that you were shy. “babe! don’t be shy! you’re gorgeous!” he’d say, looking at you lovingly through the lens of his expensive camera as he filmed you eating a bowl of cereal. “guk, why are you filming me now, i look terrible”, you’d say, gesturing to your messy bun and makeup free face. he’d again pout and insisted that you looked absolutely stunning and that seeing you in his shirt and no makeup was the best thing to wake up to the morning. “i want the fans to see how lucky i am.” 
@angtaelic: mirelle, you and taehyung would be so freaking cute together!! he would take you on dates to the art museum and travel the world with you, taking tons of cute photos to look back on. taehyung would spoil the heck out of you, taking you to the best restaurants and insisting on paying. i feel like he would convince you to see a play with him at a local theater. also, taehyung would hold hands with you wherever you go because he likes seeing how perfectly your hands fit together. and, when night falls, he would take you to the prettiest parts of city you’re in, and after taking lots of photos of you posing in front of the famous landmarks, he would grab you by the waist and kiss you sweetly. 
@yoonseok:( ok i’m breaking the rules for this pls don’t attack me y’all hehe ) mk, i would ship you with wang yibo because first, of all, you’d make a stunning couple!!! like a visual queen and king? together? hell yes! and i feel like you’d take over the world together, in a way. i could totally see you working as a stylist or even a makeup artist in the industry and then you get hired to do his makeup and hair for a photo shoot and he falls in love with you. idk i can just see him getting all shy and flustered whenever you would apply makeup or even do as much as reach around him to grab a brush or something off the vanity in front of him. he’d pretend like he’s not affected, when, deep down, he really likes you. 
@funkyrosejin: sarvi you and jin would be freaking adorable!! he would let you hold rj when you’re feeling sad and he would have heart events just for you. this man would pull hearts made of paper out of his shirt and even bend a whole ass hanger into the shape of a heart, all for you. he would make you laugh with his dorky dad jokes, letting out his adorable and iconic laugh. he would send kisses your way when the other members aren’t looking. jin would also let you wear his oversized hoodies and jackets when you’re cold. or, he would wrap you in his arms and not bother to let go. 
@namuswife: amanda! you and joon?? practically the couple of the century! he would take you on cute bike rides through seoul and to different art museums and bookstores, where he would insist on spending hours at, reading different books and even letting you pick one out for him to read. he would also take you to his studio, where he would write you a cute ass song and dedicate it to you ofc. and he would smile at you with those adorable dimples as he grabs your hand and cradles it gently, looking sweetly into your eyes. you would also go on cute beach dates where he would insist on looking for crabs and when he would find one, joon would run up to you, eyes bright with happiness and his voice full of excitement. “babe! look! this crab is so cute! it is dotty and tiny and its shell is very colorful!” you would look at him fondly as he adorably rambled about the tiny sea creature in his hands and how people shouldn’t eat them and that they were their friends. 
@jiminestamour: laura you and jimin would be so cute!! he would spoil you rotten, giving you lots of gifts and taking you to your favorite vacation spots, insisting on paying for everything. he would take lots of candid photos of you as well. jimin would tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and insist on tying your hair so that he could see your beautiful face better, as he would put it. jimin would shower you in affection and kiss you sweetly every chance he got, not caring who saw. lastly, jimin would sing you to sleep, and you would fall asleep with the sound of his sweet and angelic voice in your ears. 
@softguks: i would also ship you with guk because he’s the sweetest angel and so are you!!! he would be your biggest fan and support you in anything you do. he would insist on giving you back rubs and running a bath for you when you get especially stressed out, and even insist on washing your hair for you! he would serenade you constantly and get all smug when he makes you blush. jungkook would also spoil the heck out of you and carry you to sleep when you would fall asleep on the couch reading a book or watching your favorite drama or tv show, and when you would try to get up in the morning, guk would immediately pull you back into bed and wrap his arms firmly around you, clinging on to you for dear life. 
sorry this was so long guys!! and i definitely forgot to add people, but i will do a part two of this because this was so fun!!! 
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slushrottweiler · 4 years
Reactions to Ep.1 of Andromeda Six
Because @gilliandaye asked me to live blog my reactions. I forgot, so I replayed six times and made stupid notes.
Pretty background art
Oh look, I have amnesia… great 
Enter first LI:I like your vest
MC is handling this situation A LOT better than I would
I can't get over the June has the same name as my grandma
"Your legs give out" sure MC, defs not a ploy to get the hot space cowboy to catch you
Ahhh his blush is adorable!
Oh so he can blush and smoulder. That's just not fair
Ahhh hello Not-Liara
She seems nice but I'm never one d or the tranquil LIs. Too put together. 
Why would asking me questions randomly prompt my memory? That's not how memory loss works.
Oh no, dark past incoming
Eh, not gonna flirt. If I wanna hang with a pretty blue skinned genius, Ill play Mass effect
You're a doctor! Walk me to my room?
No shit your lost MC
Yay the fun, energetic one
Omg Look at his robot arm!
Holy shit every VN I play and like has 1 character with a missing arm. Lucio, Finn and now Bash. We gotta branch out…
Dude, stop calling me Kid, I Am Older Than You!
I like your tattoos handsome
Hehe, he's fun
Flirt! Flirt HARD! 
Bet your arm has vibration settings
No don't leave me with the hot assassin
Hello tall, dark and cliche
Oh no… I like the cliche 
They've got snark and banter I'm doomed
Why does this ship need an assassin. What do you people do???
Fuck, he called me Princess. Im a total goner
I want to choose the snarky flirt option, but the other one ends with me pinned to a wall and I'm trash for it
I now have 2 save files
Captain on deck
So he's the grumpy one
Let me worm my way into your heart until you find me begrudgingly endearing.
I kinda wanna boop him on the nose…
Im gonna ruin this man
Bitch please you're not my supervisor - oh wait
FENRIS!!! My bloody elf husband has moved up in the world
They suspect I'm from Goldis; royal family mysteriously dead and me with amnesia. I'm sorry when did I start watching Anastasia?
Lol, he just want to watch me walk away. 
He has a cute smirk sprite
Ayame I love you please marry me
Pfft they aren't dating 
Called it
Shes the earnest tease, whilst bash is the playfil tease.
Oh shit she's holding me chin 
Top me tiny space mermaid!!!
Oh no! Mama-Ryo is mad. RUN AWAY
Crap I have to pick only 1!
I now have five additional save files
June is so soft and wholesome. I hope he's got a more complicated thing coz right now he's almost too good. And this is coming from a Superman fan.
Bash get out of my bed!
Bash get in to my bed!!!
I bet he gives good hugs
Crap I really like Damon
It's a cliche for a reason ok! 
The fact that he's tired enough for his banter to slip up is too cute. Sleepy Damon come snooze with me
Boi I'm not sleeping with you just like that. Buy me dinner first.
He called me Your Highness in a snarky insult voice and I'm so done for. 
Oh so now you're sorry Captain
Crap I'm getting Cullen-vibes from him. 
Look at you. Trying to backtrack like a mother fucker
Fine, just because I wanna see your blush sprite
Aya is so cute.
So much bi girl drama, do I wanna be you, be your bff, or climb you like a tree???
(D) all of the above 
Yes Aya, you are defs Baby
Music box talk - oh I am SOOOOO lost royalty
Am I remembering this voice or an I legit telepathic? I can sense the force oooohhhhhh
Yeah this is super Anastasia-y right down to the fancy music box being returned by my LI. 
Favs so far: Damon, Calderon & Bash
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Ayato Sakamaki (Story 02)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Orange Mansion ー Ayato's room
Ayato: (Tch, yesterday was weird. I thought that I’d just enjoy my time and play with Chichinashi)
(Was that, dazzling... because I sucked her blood?)
(Oh, it's definitely because it was thick, sweet and delicious. Its only nature to feel that way.)
(— but, that taste... It felt kind of nostalgic. Why...?)
(Not good... I should definitely stop thinking about it. I might get better like that)
Shit, I remembered that blood and I immediately got thirsty.
OK. I will go to the her room and drink as much as possible.
Besides, it is natural that I have Eve by my side.
That’s right. I will become the king and the best...
Place: Orange Mansion ー unoccupied room
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Yui: (Ayato-kun... He really forgot about me)
(But If I think about it, it seems that not only Ayato-kun, everyone has a strange memory.)
(At such a time, what should I do from now on?)
(— Ayato-kun, will probably... not remember me from now on?)
*footsteps appear*
Yui: —!
(This approaching footsteps... could it be Ayato-kun !?)
Ayato: Yo, Ayato-sama went to your room to check if you’re okay! So, how are you?
Yui: I, uhm..
(In this current situation, I can’t be happy ...)
(I also, don’t think Ayato-kun came here because he’s worried...)
Ayato: I am thirsty. So you should offer me your blood
Yui: (Yeah, it looks like I thought. Ayato just came here to suck my blood)
Ah, Ayato-kun. I want you to knock at least. Because I am surprised if it is so sudden
Ayato: I don’t care. I thought I’m allowed to enter when I want to
Yui: (He’s not listening at all...)
Ayato: I said that I am thirsty tho. Hurry up and give me your blood already!
Yui: (I feel like... I came back to when I first met him)
(Although I finally started to understand, Ayato-kun is not the same —)
(We even got over all the hard and sad things together, we became lovers, have you really forgotten it all?)
Ayato: What are you waiting for. I’ll suck your blood, whatever you say!
Yui: Ah! Wait! I want you to listen to a story from me!
Ayato: A story? I’ll listen to it after I sucked your blood.
*Ayato pushes Yui*
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Yui: Kya!
(I’m forced against the wall—)
Ayato: Hehe.. that looks good. Don’t struggle. I’ll go and suck from the same place as yesterday.
Make sure to feel the pleasure.  Aren’t you happy and excited about it? That’s why...
Yui: ....
(Oh, I’m used to be sucked by Ayato because... he is my partner, maybe that’s why im not scared?)
Ayato: — What is that? Be more scared, you’re making me bored like that.
Yui: huh?
Ayato: I wonder what happened to you yesterday. You’re not scared at all.
Yui: ....yes, it’s like I said before.
(Its not like that it’s my first time, that I’m forced to let him suck my blood...)
(Without noticing, I probably got used to it.)
(At the end, this Ayato-kun is not different to the person I fell in love with)
...yes. I’m not scared at all.
Ayato: You do, really know your place now. Are you finally giving me more of that delicious face? ...*kisses* 
Yui: ...hey!
(He kissed my neck...!)
Ayato: Heh, your voice finally came out. You should enjoy it more, because I won’t stop here. Entertain me.
Yui: (He‘s really going to suck the same place...!)
(I should not get swept away with my thoughts. I need to make Ayato-kun listen to me! But how...)
(... I know!)
Hey! It’s Ruki-kun!
Ayato: Tch, did he came in to interrupt me again?!
*Ayato steps back*
Yui: (Yes, he let me go! I’m free now...!)
Ayato: ...Hah? What do you mean, I don’t see anyone here
Yui: (That’s bad! If he’ll figure out I tricked him...!)
Ayato: Idiot, don't think I’ll forgive you easily for scaring Ore-sama like that...
Yui: ...After all, you were scared right?
Ayato: You literally tricked me! I shall punish you for lying to me!
Yui: ...Uhh, I’m sorry
Ayato: I’m sorry my ass!
*Ayato pushes Yui*
Yui: ...Wait!
Ayato: Looks like I caught you! I won’t let you get away from me that easy anymore.
Make sure to remember that. You should slowly understand the fact that you can’t run away from me, so don’t even try it
Yui: I’m sorry! I won’t disobey anymore~!
Ayato: Heh, exactly!
*someone enters the room*
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Shin: — Wait. What are you both doing?
Ayato: Huh?
Yui: Shin-san
Shin: Could you keep your voices down... it’s annoying
Ayato: Oh just, shut up. its none of your business anyway
Shin: Are you betraying our brother while taking blood from her? —You better stop with that.
Ayato: hah?
Shin: I‘ll tell him it’s a misunderstanding this time and I‘ll pretend I didn’t see anything
You and Eve could be killed by our eldest brother. He‘s supposed to become the king tho.
Ayato: Who said that? I for myself, decided that i‘ll become king!
Shin: heh
You‘re the worst. Are you really so stupid that you don’t understand?
I‘ll stop interrupting here, such an idiot is not worth my precious time.
Ayato: You‘re so annoying. Get out of here!
Shin: I was planing to go anyway.  Ah... That's right, I need to bring you a message.
In the livingroom is some pudding from our brother... and you shouldn’t touch it
*Shin leaves*
Ayato: Eh, pudding
Yui: (Ayato-kun...? Is this...really okay?)
Ayato: Sounds good. I will eat it while Ruki is gone
Yui: (Oh my!)
Ayato: i‘m looking forward to see his sloppy face when he comes back!
*Ayato leaves*
Yui: Wait, Ayato-kun!
*Yui follows Ayato*
(But ruki-kun is eating pudding? It’s a bit surprising)
Place: Orange Mansion - Living room
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Ayato: Oh! I discovered the pudding! I‘m sure that’s it
Yui: Wait, Ayato-kun. I think it would be bad if you take it, Ruki hates it when you‘re acting selfish.
Ayato: hehe, but there’s only one left.
Yui: (He shouldn’t...do it. But he won’t listen to me)
*Ayato is eating*
Ayato: I‘m surprised. This tastes amazing
Yui: (AH! He‘s really eating it!)
Are you sure Ruki-kun won’t notice?
Ayato: Shin will probably tell him anyway
Yui: (I can't imagine that Ruki is actually eating pudding)
(This would rather suit Kanato-kun in my opinion)
Ayato-kun. I still think it’s a bad idea that you’re eating it
Ayato: You‘re so noisy. Come on... open your mouth.
Yui: Huh? What...
*Ayato feed her*
Yui: hmh!
(He literally forced the spoon in my mouth!)
Ayato: hehe! Now you ate sth from it too
Yui: still
Ayato: hehe, it really looks like you enjoyed it.
I wouldn’t mind more of those kind of plays at all.
It's more fun if I am sucking your blood, but this atmosphere is fine too.
Yui: (Wait!? I guess, he’s just looking at me, as his toy for now...)
Ayato: Is the spoon too huge for your mouth or what? I should get another one then.
Yui: Nono, I am totally fine... Hey Ayato.kun, you really can’t remember anything...?
Ayato: Huh? What is it.
Yui: (Nothing changed... He doesn’t love me neither he remembers sth)
(Will I be able, to return the memories we had together...?)
(I can’t give up on him so easily)
*Ruki comes in*
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Ruki: Why are you guys gathering in such a place and what ...
Yui: Oh, Ruki-kun! That is...
Ruki: Oi, why is it that you ate a whole dessert from Kanato here?
Yui: Eh!!
(This pudding wasn’t from Ruki-kun, it was from Kanato-kun from the very beginning...!)
(What should I do, as I know Kanato-kun will get very angry)
Ayato: eh? This wasn’t yours at all?
Ruki: I should‘ve known Shin would do sth like that..
Do you think it’s possible to prepare a whole pudding before dinner? Start thinking!
Ayato: What you mean, You mean shin actually fooled me?! What an asshole!
Moreover, Kanato will get extremely angry at me if he finds out!
If Kanato will find out I ate it, I won’t be able to sleep ever again...
Yui: (Yes, right. Kanato-kun, who loves sweets, wouldn’t leave Ayato in peace at all)
*someone enters*
Kanato: ...I-Is that... my... pudding...
Yui: Ah!
Ayato: Tch... he came
Yui: (im afraid what will happen...!)
*Kanato starts crying*
sobs I... was... sobs ... looking forward to eat it this evening—ahh!
Ruki: *sigh* how troublesome...
Ayato: Stop crying over a fucking pudding. I didn’t even knew it was yours
Yui: (Kanato-kun is so angry. I wonder why that food was so important to him...)
Kanato: Why didn’t you and Ruki stop Ayato from that?
Were you thinking that I‘d not notice it and you could smile at me like nothing happened? You are disgusting me.
Yui: (Now he‘s also angry at me..!)
Ruki: Calm down, Kanato. You cant change the situation anymore now
Kanato: I am very calm. Just touch one of my Puddings again and I‘ll make your death will be 100 times worse then you can imagine it.
Ayato: It‘s not like I‘d care. Come on, let’s go Chichinashi.
Yui: Ah!
(Ayato-kun grabbed my hand...)
1) ー Apologize (white)♡♡♡
2) ー Follow him (black)
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ー Apologize ♡
Yui: Ayato-kun wait! You should apologize for the pudding
Ayato: Idiot, as if I‘d care about that
Yui: (Maybe I should apologize for him...)
Ayato: Come on, hurry up. Let’s go!
Yui: Oh, wait Ayato-kun..!
ー Follow
Yui: (I might apologize to kanato-kun later, he wouldn’t listen to me right now anyway)
Ayato: What are you doing? If you follow me then come on!
Yui: Oh, wait Ayato-kun...!
end Choices
Ruki: Wait! We‘re not done yet, come back!
Ayato: ugh, stop following us!
Kanato: I will never forgive you for that. You shall die and roast in hell, Ayato!
*Kanato follows them*
Kanato: ....
→ Story 03
← Story 01
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pokemagines · 5 years
JAPAN TRIP 2k19 with Mod Elesa (1/?)
hey n’yall it’s mod elesa, lemme tell u bout my japan trip! u can find some of the photos of these events on my instagram @atel2er! i didn’t want to flood this post with pictures hehe ,,
went for school, study abroad trip to study visualization and simulation of “serious games” that businesses buy and use (but i dont feel like talking abt it since this is the FUN POST
may 10-26
the flight was 11 hours, p easy, i didn’t know anybody going into the trip because i didn’t go to any of the meetings HAHhaHEHA
whatever. everyone on the trip initially came off as if they had yellow fever and i was like ... i’m really not trying to interact with FETISHIZERS
turns out they were all really cool! only this one kid was a real weeaboo who was greasy and tall and a neckbeard who kept talking about being “culturally insensitive” and speaking japanese constantly to the teacher and the TA like ... ok patrick we get it you flex
i stayed in a hotel in shinjuku! everything is so small and i used the bidets for the first time and WOO chile that shit feels FUNKY on your asshole
i visited shinjuku major (kabukicho aka red light district, couple other places!), ikebukuro (THE MEGA POKEMON CENTER), mt fuji, fuji q highland, akihabara, hamamatsucho (area where tokyo tower is), HARAJUKU, and the emperor’s palace! i’m probably forgetting some places since we went to a lot of temples and shrines that were cool ...
the public transportation in japan is scarily on time.. like, by the second. they apologize if they’re one minute early and will wait until the scheduled time before they move omg
the subway stations have their own jingles! they kind of act as an alarm system because a lot of people sleep on the subway (which is why people generally don’t talk on it) and will recognize the jingle for their stop!
the crowded hours on the subway are noon and 6-8pm... like, its insane. it’s actually packed like sardines in there. 
EVERYONE THERE IS SO SHORT.... i was taller than a lot of the grown men there (i’m 5′4″ or 162 cm for reference) and most people were around 5 feet tall... the only people taller than me were some kids around my age and this gaggle of japanese schoolgirls who were like 5′7+ and i was like. sis you’re 13, why are you that tall
pokemon is EXTREMELY prevalent in japan wherever you go. there’s pikachu stickers on taxis, pikachu is on ads on the subway and at the AIRPORT, pokemon go is widely played by a lot of people and so many of the people in my group played it so i got conned into playing again. i leveled up 5 times within 3 days and honestly? i’m god
anime is very normal there... i know that sounds all “weeby” but a lot of normal shops had animated mascots and there were ads for anime all over the place. 
literally gacha machines everywhere i spent a lot of coins on gacha machines plz kill me
the homies in japan loooove crepes. they sold so many crepes. everywhere. just crepes. also spaghetti carbonara! and corndogs HAHAHA
the food there is so cheap but SOOO GOOD. sushi isn’t all that expensive at all?? like a set of 16 pieces is 1080Y... meanwhile that cost in america is like. $6000 HAHAHAHAH. 
very humid? at all times? also the RAIN is debilitating if u make one wrong step you will slip and die (like i did! i stepped on a tile and fucking fell into a puddle! i have bruises still!)
SHINJUKU (detective pikachu day, may 10)
i went to go see detective pikachu on its release day in shinjuku! before that, i went to a couple sega buildings--
the sega buildings are 4 story buildings FILLED with claw machines holding stuffed animals, figurines, candy, all kinds of stuff. when i went, there was a lot of detective pikachu-related stuff. i saw this detective pikachu hat in one of the machines and spent 1000Y (about $10) or 10 attempts at the claw machine ... i still can’t believe i got it ... nobody was there to see it besides me and i YELLED when it dropped 
i wore the hat that entire day around shinjuku because i honestly felt like god. people would point at me and go like “ah! meitantei pikachu!” and smile at me. i was a celebrity. i wore the hat into the movie theatre, i wore it through the entire movie, and when i was walking out, someone tapped on my shoulder and asked for my picture. she was all nervous about her english and was like “i love your hat. may i take a picture?” and i was like omG YES U CAN... sweet bab... so that’s the first photo of me that ended up on some random person’s phone
we waited around for the mass of people to exit the theatre and then left, and we ran into her again! she asked me more questions about the hat: “did you make it?” “no, i got it in a claw machine in the sega building.” she looked dumbfounded. “in shinjuku?” “yes.” “in the sega building? over there?” “yeees.” “in a claw machine?!” “yes!” “ah! i thought you made it! it’s so cute! i’m going to get one for myself.” “lol ok have fun”
i learned that its customary to stay until the very end of the credits before leaving a movie out of respect for the people who made it! meanwhile in america we walk out when the credits roll FHDSKFJS OOPIES
SHINJUKU (visit #2)
we went in the night time to go see the red light district aka kabuki-cho because thats where a lot of the bars are
i don’t drink so i didn’t join the people who went to the bars to get CRUNK, so i dragged two other guys with me and we walked around the red light district
I SAW SO MANY HOST CLUBS. so many maid cafes. so many bars. i saw a love hotel too... i was like... i wanna go inside... Blease... and my friends were like “you’re so weird KHEDJFSk” and im like “I WAS GOOGLING THESE IN CLASS TODAY, I DIDN’T THINK THEY WERE REAL”
my friend sean (he’s from taipei, cool guy, could read a lot of the kanji so we used him to navigate the subway HAHA) was walking with me that night and we saw this hole in the wall that had stairs going down to a peep show ... homegirl had her whole ass out on the sign... tiddies covered with caution tape ... i said MAAM?
one of the signs in kabuki-cho had a woman doing straight up ahegao with (what i’m pretty sure was) nut on her face. it was a small sign and i was the only one who saw it. i lost my shit. it was the funniest thing ever
kabuki-cho is really really dirty... like people straight up litter all the time bc there’s no trashcans around? so people throw their shit on the ground? and everyone steps on it... very seedy area, very gross, but i was absolutely enthralled with the nightlife and the blatant sexual vibes half the places had!
some dude stopped me and started speaking english saying “do you like karaoke? you should come drink with me for two hours, it’s a great price if you drink a lot” and i was like “no... i have to go home” and he’s like “come onnnn it’s a good price” and i was like. i’m not very assertive with men so i started panicking and my friend sean (A GOD AMONG MEN) started speaking chinese to him and he backed off ... i love you sean you’re so fucking COOL
IKEBUKURO (pokemon mega center)
so there’s this huge mall. i forgot the name, but it’s got like a lot of floors and they’re MASSIVE
on the 2rd floor is the MEGA POKEMON CENTER!!! i was so HYPED to go in there!!! it was teeming with people but there was just... so much stuff. all kinds of merch. they had plushies of the original 151, a shitton of really cool tshirts, a whole block for detective pikachu-themed merch (pins, socks, canvas bags, shirts, patches, hats, etc), and sooo much more. there’s a giant charizard statue when you walk in, as well as a statue of a pokestop HAHA. i was so excited and i wanted to buy so many things when i was in there bc they had stuff for all the legendaries (LATIOS AND LATIAS STUFF WERE THERE I WAS SO HAPPY)!!! literally anything you can think of, they had in some kind of pokemon print. including underwear. yeah i said it. here’s a really good article that showcases some of the stuff they sold there!
for reference, 100 yen is about 1 usd. a lot of things there were 480 yen ($4.80) or 3000Y ($30) and it was just... beautiful. 
when i was there, yen didn’t feel like it had monetary value since it’s not the currency i’m used to, so i sPENT WAY TOO MUCH AHFJKDFD
they had themed cash registers with each of the starters... i cried :’)
i actually went there a second time but it was packed for a different reason. some idol group was performing on the ground floor and a shitton of girls were screaming fanchants while their jpop boys danced LOLLL. now i know how people see kpop stans ...
AKIHABARA (i went like 8 times)
this is what i like to call my birthplace
we went to the maid cafe. of course we fucking did. i got a dreamland passport and some cat ears. THE MAIDS ALL LOVED HATSUNE MIKU
SPEAKING OF HATSUNE MIKU AKA MY GODDESS, she was pretty popular in akihabara! she was also on some posters in the subway stations (across tokyo, not just in akihabara) and was apparently having some magical mirai concert???
there’s this giant tower called radio kaikan thats right outside the akihabara station that’s filled with all sorts of anime shit. i spent so much money in there. Good God. there was a furret plush for 5400Y and i was so STINGY that day i shouldve BOUGHT IT....  it was a longboi and i was like... sis!!!!
remember how i said my brain didn’t register that yen had monetary value? yeah i spent hundreds of dollars here no cap ...
i went to a kaguya-sama cafe as well on another day bc my friend joe (one of the figureine-collecting weebs) wanted to go and get a chika coaster
i went into a three floor sex shop and gave no fucks, the bottom floor was filled with bdsm shit and LEATHER SCHOOLGIRL OUTFITS and it was WILD. and these two old men were just casually browsing this shit like we weren’t both looking at whips and buttplugs in Public you know
i wasn’t fazed by a lot of the stuff there bc i read Funky fanfiction but the people i went in there with were major uncomfy ... i was like PRUDES HAJKFDAHDS i almost bought something don’t tell anybody
OKAY SO. there’s this place called super potato that has a floor dedicated to old games and consoles. they had so many gameboy advances and gamecubes and old consoles (famicom, dreamcast etc) for CHEAP. they had a gameboy color for 4900Y and a gamecube for 5600Y. a bitch almost cried. they had every old pokemon game under the sun (the original red, blue, yellow, gold and silver) and i ,,, they were 480Y. they were 480Y. that’s five fucking dollars. do you know how much collectors pay for that shit on ebay? HUNDREDS. i could’ve mass bought those and sold them and made so much cash but I DIDN’T.
that store had an original unopened copy of super smash bros melee and pokemon colosseum and i was like... wait if i cop a gamecube i could play pokemon collosseum like a true g... ((i didn’t cop))
but anyways there were a lot of games that didn’t make it to america (including mother 3! which my friend connor bought! as well as the console to play it!) and just... so many old things i grew up with ... 
whenever i walked out of the super potato we’d end up in an alley where all the girls who work at cafes were advertising their stuff
i always took the flyers from the girls bc they spoke their cute english to me and i was like... i’d die for you, yknow that?
ALL KINDS OF CAFES. regular maid cafe, pirate cafe, ninja cafe (you could do that thing where you karate chop a wooden block in half), sailor cafe (as in actual ship captains), shrine maiden cafe, vampire cafe, prince cafe (for the ladies ;3), catgirl cafe, bunny girl cafe... i took all of the goddamn flYERS THEY WERE ALL SO CUTE :( i wanted to go so bad...
FUJI Q HIGHLAND (also known as the time i flipped my shit and went on rollercoasters)
when i found out about fuji-q, i told my group that we HAD to go. i didn’t want to go to an onsen. i wanted to go to fuji-q. i had to. i love rollercoasters, it’s my passion, my driving fORCE IN LIFE
so fuji-q is home to 4 record-breaking rollercoasters! u got fast boi aka jojo reference do-dodonpa; EXTREME TALL BOI fujiyama; superior to x2 at six flags eejanaika; and the steepest rollercoaster in the world TAKABISHA ... i got to ride fujiyama, eejanaika, and takabisha! the scariest one was probably fujiyama despite it being very cut and dry up for... ever ... 79 meters ... oh god ... i lost my shit on the way down ladies let me TELL YOU
FUJIYAMA ALSO HAS A VIEW OF MT FUJI AND I WAS LIK E”YO GUYS ITS MT FUJI” and then we went down and i screamed
please watch the pov videos for these rides they’re very good but they don’t convey the absurd amount of excitement i had going on these rides
anyways the fuji-q park was having a sword art online collaboration when i visited, so they played SAO music and had cardboard cutouts for them across the park... kirito’s ride was fujiyama (aka the king of them all). i forgot the other ones but those alicization kiddos were there but ion care about ALICE OR EUGEO
the first ride i went on was eejanaika which is a 4d rollercoaster, pretty epic, total Baby Ride though
i went on as a single rider so i ended up getting put in this group with these college kids! the guy i was sitting next to spoke to me in english and asked basic questions: “where are you from?”, “is this [ride] easy for you?”, “how old are you?”, basic stuff. he asked why i was in japan and i told him i was studying at waseda university, and he immediately perked up and went “I GO TO WASEDA!!! WASEDA YEAH!!!” and fist bumped me ... his friends were giggling and kept asking him to ask me questions and it was just. so wholesome.
when we were abt to get on the ride he looks at me and says “my name is soichiro. call me so-chan ok??” and i was like... “so-chan” and his friENDS ALL STARTED GIGGLIGN AND I WAS LIKE U///W///U
while we were going up on the ride, he kept yelling “JESUS FUCK YOU JESUS CHRIST” and my favorite: “JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK YOU” because apparently fuck cannot be standalone! “what the fuck you” is my new fave insult (i miss you so-chan)
afterwards he kept coughing and was like. dead. his soul left his body. so i asked in him japanese like,,, “daijobu ka?” and he was like “nai.” and i just laughed at him bc BA B Y SO-CHAN CANT HANDLE SOME SPINS 
i bought a corndog at fuji-q at this place called arirang hotdog which is a korean style hotdog place??? BRUH that shit is so good but i shat myself for a good minute afterwards ... damn i want those corndogs
sadly i did not get to go on do-dodonpa because nobody wanted to ride with me and i didn’t want to go by myself >:/// still mad abt that bc that was the FAST BOI ...
also. takabisha. the guiness world record with the 121 degree drop. not even scary. BUT they do hang you there for like 3 seconds before making you go down and i was like “YALL FUCKIN WITH ME” really loud when they hung us there ... PLS watch a pov video you’ll see what i mean ...
HARAJUKU (i totally forgot abt this place OH lord)
i bought ... clothes here ...
they have all those clothes with the random english words on them so OF COURSE i had to buy one AS WELL AS a hat to match!
i also bought one of those ear hats where u press the paws and the ears move ... bts inspired that one
so many people in harajuku absolutely DECKED OUT in fashion. what a bunch of legends.
apparently wearing shirts that say “babygirl” are popular here i have no clue why ,,,, also im pretty sure i remember seeing a shirt that said “call me daddy” and i’m like. Ok Japan
half the shit in english made ZERO SENSE or was SPELLED WRONG and that was common all across japan, not just on harajuku fashion pieces LMAOOOO
deadass i went to a couple businesses (fuji xerox, nissan factory, etc) and they had spelling errors all over the place... nissan really had a placard that said “Prease do not touch” AND I CACKLED hfDSKLJF ilove u nissan
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planetdream · 2 years
okay no but yes I just got sick for another week 😭😭😭 life is not kind to me,,,,I JUST finished an essay and it's 6:19am rn and the sky is lighting up this is homophobic </3
I'm trying to get to terms to losing it but mannnnn I'm so pissed and upset because I had three kpop photo cards in it 😭 (along with other very important stuff ofc like my old student cards and I, obviously, alr graduated)
What can I say I'm just someone who loves the dark too much sksksksks jokes aside tho the dark is nice cos it makes me less guilty to be depressed - it's so weird to see it still light outside at 7pm rip
DREAMIE I WAS LOWKEY KIDDING BUT YOU ACTUALLY SAVED A SPOT FOR ME ALDHFJSJSHDJSKKDDK I LOVE YOU HELLO?? Okay but yes I will Sit Down and Think About It and come back to you with an MV uwu
Also Maniac omg,,,,Felix is such a queer king with that skirt and his HAIR as always a fashion icon. Hyunjin with red hair?? Chan with blue hair?? Changbin with green highlights?? Freaking LEE KNOW with purple hair?? These boys are here to slay and they aren't leaving anyone alive oh no. And Han with that slicked back hairstyle </3 I'm sorry Seungmin but Han is killing me there I can't skskkzsksksksks Also erm no hate but I didn't like the song at first? But it's so catchy?? Like does it sit at the top of my skz playlist? Not really. But is it so catchy that it makes me want to loop it so many times my brain explodes? Yes.
(also sorry if everything looks incoherent I've been writing a 2k essay for the past seven hours and I desperately need sleep)
Bestie SAME on the touch starved end 😭✋ and yes physical emotional connection desperately needed here as well pls 😭😭 I think my friend's constant complaints rubbed off on me because he's always like omg I want a boyfriend and there can only be one touch starved hoe between us so I have to be the bigger person ☠️☠️ but yes much love needed here as well
SCREAMING CRYING MOANING AT THE MENTAL IMAGE. just,,,,seungmo trying to not betray his feelings but ultimately man is a human as well and at the end he's not even scrolling through his phone,,,,the screen is black and it's just something to anchor himself onto </3 absolutely insane with that idea
Also that anon who said Lee Know <3. Massive vibes <33
How are you doing dreamie? Hope all is well hehe :)
ok first off—get some sleep (maybe u already are idk) can't have u out here sleep-deprived AND sick omg.
and the wallet 💔💔💔 three pcs and important things oh baby i really feel for u...tbh i dont think i'd be able to come to terms with losing it...
as for the collab—there's not a set deadline for posting the fic at the moment (and there probably won't be lol) so you can take your time choosing the fic, but that seungmin spot is 100% yours, babe!
maniac—the boys all look so good and im proud of what they've accomplished this era so far. i was talking about this with moon the other day but it's so fun to watch all of this happen in real time. like bb200?? so sexy of them, really. and yeah, at first listen i wasn't vibing with maniac like i did the other songs on the album (chalking it up to my general occasional dislike of singles) but after the second listen i liked it a lot more ahaha
— apologising for things seeming incoherent?? welcome to my entire blog fr
i've been going outside more and more lately since it's getting warmer and idk im just so...starved of different types of connections. i think i want a romantic connection lol, but that's a lot of work rn and i can't put someone through the stress of dealing with me atm rip
how am i doing? well it's pretty late now and i had a pretty busy day and im finally settling in at home fr and im just....so emotional for no reason?? wanna cry a little bit but other than that im doing good. upset bc i don't have any weed rn but it is what it is lol
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
collegebf! daniel
a/n; happy birthday to kang choding hehe,, dedicated for my dearest mother @mongniel aurora until she disowned me so im trying to validate myself and also the loyal mom, ariane @deepdickdaniel
(repost bc the tags werent working)moodboard will be uploaded in a seperate post soon!
major: vetinary
minor: sports science
honestly took up vetinary bc of peter and rooney
so he could save on the fees to the vet
though he puts up a strong front he is often a kultz and actually really soft??
likes kids too and often swings by the early childhood department to visit minhyun
but let’s face it, animals like him better than the babies do
has a phobia of insects, especially flying ones
hence cant join practical lessons that involves specimen or live insects
his classmates would be kind enough to share with him the notes they took in class, but he would rather fail the topic than look at notes of insects
there was once his friend, ong threw a fake spider whilst daniel was studying and he screamed, pushing off the seemingly 1 ton table and chair away from him
ong was like,,, “are you sure he wants to be a vet next time”
despite his phobia of insects, he will actually grin and bear it when he needs to remove lice from animals
red bull and gummy addict, but more likely to die of shock from insects than diabetes
you will always spot a can of red bull on his lecture desk, and bet 10 bucks it has a love note attached to it from his admirers
fairly popular in school, because a soft, tall and cute guy doing vetinary?? he just screams boyfriend material in that white lab coat
and glasses slipping down his nosebridge just makes him look even more cuter
loves dancing as a hobby so he took it up as his minor
does b-boying and modern dance, looks equally hot in both
when the school hall is filled with girls, it is either some kpop boy band is performing, or daniel and his dance group, wanna one are performing
has so much charisma in his dancing, the idea of “cute daniel” gets thrown away
but a cute bunny most of the time who is addicted to gummies
surprisingly, hasn’t dated a lot as contrast to rumours that he’s a fuckboy
he really hates fucking around with others’ feelings… despite being choding(childish) around his hyungs of wanna one
meanwhile you,, a medicine student trying to keep up with the expectations of society
to be honest, you’re doing well
but not well enough to enter the top hospitals of seoul
and you’re here on scholarship anyway, might as well make use of it to make your parents proud
you’re your parents’ only child too, the pressure to do well is also quite high
you barely dated, the only time was in high school where you were a foolish teenager dating your best friend
you did have classmates confessing to you though, but everything stayed platonic
they weren’t upset surprisingly, they were more than willing to be friends with you too
eventually they found their other halves, but are still good friends with you
you were glad guys in your faculty were understanding,, unlike some that disliked you after that
you were friends with jaehwan, your old friend since the both of you were in diapers
he took up music, and ended up having lots of college scholarship offers
he eventually went to your college, despite it not one of his first few choices
“my friend would die a lonely virgin if i didnt help her with her love life”
“shut up jaehwan, 80% of your girlfriends broke up with you because your laugh is annoying”
“i dId NOT aSk for this sLaNdEr”
anyway, you had no idea how jaehwan ended up in wanna one(and daniel’s roomate), depite his “boom boom-bastic” dance skills
but that boy’s vocals can reach to the gods in heaven and appease them
he tried to matchmake you with all of the members of wanna one(excluding the minors of course) but it all failed because your friend was the worst at being discreet
the lords of venus eventually shined upon you when daniel was sent to your faculty for “emergency” treatment
“y/n,,, we need you to fix daniel, quick.” jaehwan said breathlessly over the phone
“if he needs a one night stand, im not an option, you know that, kim jaehwan.”
“no, that stupid boy accidentally cut himself while trying to disect a frog… and he’s bleeding a lot.”
“oh the flower boy from vetinary?” you nodded as you took your first aid kit, “but you aren’t even majoring in vetinary, jaehwan, what are you doing with daniel?”
“he called me to call you– ok nevermind, i’ll explain to you later, we’re on our way to your faculty. wait for us outside the medicine labs.”
“uh okay.”
so there you were, waiting outside the medicine labs with your first aid kit
seconds later, you saw 3 boys running towards you, one visibly taller than the other 2
you could finally make out their faces, it was jaehwan, daniel and another boy, wonwoo whom you were friends with due to jaehwan’s failed matchmaking
“y/n,, i think daniel is gonna suffer from anaemia…”
you tried to stifle your laughter as you examined the cardigan wrapped around daniel’s hand
“he won’t. don’t worry.” you assured them as you unraveled the cardigan, “let’s just hope it’s nothing too deep…”
when you revealed the wound, it was just a minor cut, though not as minor as a paper cut but definitely bleeding
you glared at jaehwan, who smiled sheepishly and resigned to his death after you treated daniel
you dressed the wound quickly, lips pursed in concentration
what you didnt notice was daniel’s gaze, which was on you the whole time
he had a weird feeling in his stomach, he wanted to use his other hand to run it through your hair
he tried to shake it off, but he got more and more attracted to you when he saw your eyes meeting his to make sure he isnt uncomfortable
this wasnt the first time daniel saw you though, he often saw you on jaehwan’s lockscreen, as your friend had set the selca both of you took as his lockscreen
as much as daniel wanted to meet you, he didn’t want to give you the wrong impression because of his rumours
and now he finally did, but he was pretty sure you’re gonna hate him for being over-reacting
“done,” you patted his dressing and pushed his hand towards him, “it’s nothing too deep, don’t worry. but make sure to take it off when you’re showering, if you need any help just give me a call.”
daniel shot you one of his signature eyesmiles, “thank you so much, i’m sorry i had to make you rush down for me…”
“no its fine! just call me whenever. i hope you get well soon.” you smiled, then tiptoed to daniel’s ear, “just don’t tell jaehwan though, he can be a little, nosey.”
you were lying if you said daniel wasn’t attractive and totally did not win you over with his eyesmile in the span of 3 seconds
“and kim jaehwan, you owe me a meal. for helping your friend and putting up with your drama.”
at this point, daniel was totally smitten
everyone could see it, even the members of wanna one started teasing him about it
“i can set you up with a date with y/n if you want–”
“no i dont like her peter and rooney are my girlfriends”
daniel totally did not ask almost everyone in his faculty for your number
when he finally had the guts to text you, he was all giddy when you replied, jumping up whenever he heard the personalized notification just for your contact
meanwhile, while you were talking to daniel, you really loved it when he talks about animals, it seemed like all time has stopped in the world and his passion for taking care of animals is just so attractive
and he didnt seem like the usual fuckboy everyone perceived him to be
one day, daniel asked you out for a pizza date, and you immediately agreed
because free pizza and a cute date, why not
the both of you ended up going to laundry pizza, just bc daniel said ioi went there to take their album jacket photos there LOL
but the pizza there was good so you weren’t complaining
daniel ended up paying for the both of you, after 15 minutes of rentless argument over who should pay
the both of you also went to the arcade, wasting your money on those claw machines
you didn’t get anything, but you had fun throwing airballs at the basketball machine thingy
daniel walked you back pretty early, because he knew you had a morning lecture the next morning
not gonna lie, you wanted to stay longer but daniel was not gonna have any of it
daniel walked you till your doorstep, and your hands were fumbling through your purse for your keys
looks like someone forgot their keys,,,
you laughed humourlessly as you tried to open the locked door, but only for daniel to giggle along with you
your roomate was out too, and she wouldn’t be back till the next morning
“i dont think its safe for you to be sleeping outside, why dont you stay over at my place?”
“ok let’s go”
you didnt even say anything and here you are, at daniel’s dorm, unsure of what to do
just watching daniel hastily clean up his dorm is quite amusing
“jaehwan wont be back till really late, he has an event to attend to.” daniel smiled as he proceeeds to kick the sweet wrappers under the sofa, “i’m sorry you have to put up with this, y/n.”
“no, no, thank you for letting me stay here, or i’ll be freezing in the cold right now.” you shook your head, yawning
“do you want a change of clothes? i have a hoodie you can wear…hopefully”
you never knew you would be staying in daniel’s dorm, on his bed, in his hoodie
until today
you slept fairly well, with daniel’s scent invading all your senses
until you felt something on your foot
you woke up, scared
the thing kept probing at your feet, and soon it was licking it
you screamed, and soon enough daniel ran into his room to see what happned
“y-y/n?” he rubbed his eyes as he turned on the lights, “what happened?”
“s-something was at my foot”
daniel moved the sheets, and he found rooney peacefully sleeping on the foot of the bed
“i’m sorry, rooney always likes to invade the bed in the middle of the night,,, i should’ve told you earlier”
“it’s fine, i was just too shocked hahaha”
“maybe i’ll sleep with you, so peter and rooney wont disturb us”
you stared at daniel, as he quickly waved his hands, “no, no, i wont do anything, i swear, you can end me if i do.”
neither of you could sleep, so daniel nudged you
“y/n… i know its weird to say this but,, i like you”
well that was really weird
“i don’t expect you to accept me and all but i just wanna let you know that i–”
you cut daniel off with a kiss, as he sneakily snaked his arms around your waist to bring you closer
after a good like, 20 seconds, you pulled away, “me, rejecting kang daniel?? no way.”
ever since the both of you started dating, jaehwan started to brag about himself, saying that the both of you were a couple thanks to him,,,
but would shut up immediately after he sees you in the vicinity because he would be running away from you
a very cute relationship, daniel would always wrap his arms around your shoulders and snuggle you close to him
instant ramen dates are a big thing and you always have to clean up after daniel
but he helps of course, after hearing you nag at him for the nth time
he would always make you a bento before your papers, with a note that says, “with this bento, you will do well! fighting! love, daniel”
and vice versa, you would bake him muffins too
sweetest boyfriend, but the type to say pick up lines to annoy the heck out of you
they arent even smooth, theyre hella bad
and yes, kang choding still exists
you have to physically stop him from buying/eating more gummies or his teeth would rot
since daniel is relatively bigger in size, you would always steal his clothes and he would always wonder how his clothes would mysteriously go missing
he would know the answer when he sees you the next morning
the whole campus ships the both of you sm
please love kang daniel
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #14: “It's certainly been a day here on Celestial” - Stephen
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I think right now, Jared sort of saw it coming, Stephen saw it coming, and I saw it coming. I knew three of us were not making it to the end. I think the troubling thing for me is that like now there are 5 people who all kinda came together to purposefully exclude 2 of us. I won't cry about it- all of us are guilty of it in this merge. Instead, what I will do is just use it to justify what I do from here on out. I've already identified the clusters of Michael/Chloe and then Zach/Bryce. Will be thinking about who to target between these and I most definitely see  Loris as a recent addition. For now, I'll continue to act oblivious and dumb
I know what I'm gonna do, but I'll sleep on it. I think I want to make Bryce/Zach have faith in me again. Think I am gonna be with them. Heck, even have some Gay F4 thing with Loris. I've already told people about the duos, so I want Loris to think I'd prefer him over everybody else (talk in the morning). Bryce, I played the "we are winners, i wanna go to the end with you" card. Zach is who I'll have to work on next...Then there is Michael and Chloe. I'll just keep saying I'm in both of their corners, make them all feel comfortable pretty much, but not sloppily. If it can get me to F6, so be it, in which case, I'll get to decide which of these strats I stick to and move on. I want to  keep this idol for as long as possible, but if I have to, I'll play it, but I can't do it now- it is far too soon.
I feel like this is the game in which people make their moves too early. Bryce, Zach, Rhys all attempted this and got callout for it. Now Loris, Michael, and Chloe are doing it. Had the 3 waited like one more tribal, they'd have sat more pretty in F6 bar the idol and all but now they exposed themselves and what do we say to people who are exposed? That they are threats to everyone else! So my best pitch is to tell Bryce/Zach its in our best interest to work together at least for this vote.
Whether this is the round that kills the game of me or not I just wanna show that like, when I am put into corner, I tend to up the strategy and right this moment, I feel like I am doing that- I just hope it will work
So far I actually feel I may have to use my idol if push comes to shove. Mayhe it'll curry favor if I do but lol I know that the Brits may be together, thats fine. But like at least pretend to still be interested so I won't go after you? Michael says he is open but just by taking to him I could really tell he's sorta had his mind made up, Chloe is like "oh we'll see, rounds are changing always!" and Loris, who clearly got on earlier suddenly fell silent and went offline since I tried talking to him. I'll tell ya what, even if Zach and Bryce are lying, they can at least fake it right
I actually now sympathize for Jack and Matt. Although we ALL (them included) could have handled their situation better, I do know what it is like to be in their position and to know I didnt help them as much makes me think my position now is karmic justice
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WELL. Yesterday I was slightly blindsided. I knew Jared wasn't long for this world but to take him out with Bryce and Zach both standing there, totally vulnerable, well... I can't help but feel like it's a mistake.
I never had much loyalty to the gay agenda anyway, but it feels like we were used just to take out Rhys? Which is dumb but whatever. If you were going to use us for one vote why make it Rhys?
In any case, I once again need to adapt myself to the new battle lines. I tried to reconcile things with Bryce and I think it went alright? I told him I've been on his ass since F10 and he didn't seem too pissed about it. I know Zach was mad at me though, so I offered him a trip to Final Tribal in exchange for mending the fence. He didn't say yes right away so there's still a chance of him declining, but I feel like I'm making a better offer than Betty White and Loris. I think this will work, tbh, and I do plan on staying loyal to it unless it becomes abundantly clear I'll lose to him.
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It really sucks to feel like I came close again to an immunity and lost again. The good thing for last time was that I didn't feel like I was in danger and now I am. All people will claim they will do something, though until it's actually done, you never know. So I guess now I've got to put a lot of faith in Zach and Bryce to keep me or maybe I should just use the idol and be a okay, I'm not sure. I think I have to continue maintaining hope, but I don't see my odds looking good and it sucks
I quickly decided I'm gonna go all in. I either play it now and become easy vote for F6 or I save it and somehow surprisingly live this round and increase odds of living in the next. I think if I go home with the idol this time, I won't feel too bad since the chances of me having gone home without it for F6 would've been high. If I do not make it, then you know, I honestly can't really say I "regret" something. I did good in mastermind, and feel a okay for how I did!
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im so sad jared gone i cant win im just sitting here waiting for my time to be up like wow this is so fun i love this for me KJFHKADSJ
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hi girls I’m so sorry I’m really busy today I promise. I’ll catch up tomorrow if I’m still here. I’m scared. this could be my last confessional. signing off....
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AHHHH SO MUCH GOING ON I FORGOT TO DO THIS HEHE. So I won my first individual immunity in celestial go Michael and now the vote is looking crazy as fuck so I’m so fucking lucky to have immunity at this point sksksksksksk. So it’s looking like shits gonna hit the fan but I really want bryce and zach out of this damn game like are you fucking serious guys like you wanted them out they’re clearly bigger threats get your act together. So I’m questioning my path to the end yet again but do you know what? I’m hopeful everyone loves an underdog and I just need to do the best I can to get to that final 3 (or at least the final 4 so people do a jury roundtable about me hehe)
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It's certainly been a day here on Celestial. Pretty soon we're heading to yet another tribal council. The plans as I know them are as follows:
The Gay Agenda (Me/Chris/Michael/Chloe/Loris) will be voting for Bryce! Except no. Because I don't really want Bryce to go anymore. At least not tonight. Me and Chris decided we'd rather take a shot at the 3 people who flipped last time to weaken their position a little bit. No.
Tonight, I'll be voting for Loris, hopefully, with Zach and Bryce. I know from Chris and Jared that he doesn't particularly trust me and has considered voting me out in the past. He's also well positioned to make it to the end at the rate things are going so if I can just end that possibility tonight, it'd be real nice.
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ok so like this vote i just wanted to vote out stephen i leaked everything from chris/stephen to everyone else in hopes they'll vote stephen. i know they were targeting bryce prior but UGH. bryce is gonna do loris i think to secure 3 votes on him. i feel like this will backfire.
but like im here to have fun and play my game. i want stephen out, then boom. imma try. if they still vote bryce, then so be it. imagien if it ties 3-3-1 (bryce/loris/stephen HASGLDSKGDSGDS).
theres not much to say. if i survive, im going hard for f6 just to ensure myself f4.
but my plan is sorta this. vote stephen out now. bryce leaves 6th (or michael) michael/bryce fifth n then unless chris wins f4, i probs make f3 with chloe/loris, which has been my ideal f3 for a few rounds now.
if bryce leaves this round, thats perfectly fine bc then one of stephen or smsth leaves next round. i wanted michael out this round but he immune so who cares.
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High risk, high payoff move
So much cracked shit has gone down today. Obviously Chris and Stephen might be feeling a little nervy after the Jared vote which is understandable. However they did not need to go and make an alliance called crystal clear and approach Bryce and Zach about targeting me and Loris considering Michael is immune. Sis I almost flipped my ass right back on Stephen and Chris and almost be voting Stephen tonight despite knowing Bryce is a big ass threat. If they had of just kept their mouth silent then both of them would’ve definitely been in final 6 but nooo they had to go do some crazy shit that made Loris massively fucking paranoid. Stephen I stg if u don’t vote Bryce tonight and if he doesn’t go home then I will fucking haunt ur ass.
I adore Michael with my whole whole whole entire heart he’s one of my favourite allies I’ve ever had and I trust him with my fucking life. There’s not many people I trust in orgs to make an F2 with nvm make an F2 with and then honour that. But with Michael I cannot see myself betraying him.
Idk who to vote for this revote. I’m tired.
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In an attempt to get my vote to stay, Loris threatened to give a legacy advantage to Bryce if we kept him in. Since Michael knows about this, it's going to be difficult to get any votes put on him at all this round, but I might still be able to turn this situation around.
The truth is, I kinda wanted to get Zach out before Bryce anyway. He's every bit as threatening as Bryce in challenges, and has admitted to trying to get me out at this last tribal council. I did try to re-build the strategic relationship with Zach by voting Loris out, but it looks like I have to take another path. I just hope Michael and Chloe don't side with Zach since they also know about the legacy advantage.
How I approach this vote is really going to come down to immunity. If Bryce or Zach wins, I may have to just bite the bullet and vote Michael this round, since with immunity and the legacy advantage they'll be invincible. However, if one of the other 4 players can pull it off, I think I can avoid this scenario. I think if that happens we'd just split the vote one more time between Zach and Bryce and vote out whoever isn't saved by the advantage.
And hey, if Chris needs to use the idol? Fine by me at this point. Saving it for F5 is a cute idea but it may not be practical at that point. This is the much more worrying vote in my opinion, since, if Bryce does have the legacy advantage, he can't get voted out here anyway, and will continue to be a target at F5 and F4.
Loris is voted out 3-3-1, 3-2. He becomes the sixth member of our jury.
Watch Loris’ exit interview take place below:
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dva-online · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by the ever so lovely friend of mine @@jmarcogliese ! Thank you hun!! <333 (I’m only doing this on this blog bc i’m lazy lol)
nicknames: Aly, Lys, Lyssa, Alyssa remratchet, babycakes, and some I forgot lol whoops
gender: female
star sign: aries!!
height: uhhh I’m 5′6 so thats approximately 170cm but I  haven’t measured myself in cm in 4 years... (I am 5′6 though! That much I have measured)
time: 12:26 pm
birthday: march 25th!!
favourite bands: bts, hotshot, toppdogg, monsta x, nct 127, tokyo police club, foo fighters, nirvana, cage the elephant, red velvet, pristin, and like a gazillion i won’t bother naming but check out my spotify acc if you’re interested i guess lol (it’s lyssakittykat)
favourite solo artists: city and colour, miso, oohyo, dave monks, and like a few others that you can also check out on my spotify! (acc name above!)
song stuck in my head: I’m a hotshot by hotshot lol
last movie I watched: baraka
last show I watched: scorpion!
when did I create my blog: oh gosh its been awhile but this my side-blog which I believe I created this year sometime? or maybe last year? all I know is that my main blog, peachscrossing-nya, is like 3 or 4 years old now?
what do i post: kpop, aesthetic stuff that I think is pretty, memes, psa’s and other stuff about the world today, advice, quotes, MY WRITING! (please go check out shangri-la! link is on my blog but I’m not sure if you can view it on mobile oops... just search it on my blog and it should come up lol) etc.
last thing I googled: what is 5′6 in cm (because I wasn’t sure lol)
do you have other blogs: Yes!! My animal crossing blog is peachescrossing-nya!!
do you get asks: hahahahahahahahahahhhaa no but i wish I got more lol my inbox is so dry
why did you choose your url: idk... it sounded nice in my head and I just kinda wanted a dreamy and starry kinda user bc it was cute
following: 1′917 (I meant to go through and clean it up a bit but ha yeah ok)
followers: 33! Thank you all so much btw!!
favourite colours: green, pink, and recently I’ve been liking yellow and mustard a lot!
average hours of sleep: its better you don’t know hehe (its not a lot whoops)
lucky number: 3!
instruments: flute, piano, and does my voice count? also recorder (yes it is an instrument and yes i still play it bc its fun ok!) and i know how to whistle! (I’m not that great at it though lol but I can do it!)
what am I wearing: pj shorts lol (its cold outside but its hot inside so you tell me fam) and a white mini chefs t-shirt from years ago
how many blankets do I sleep with: usually i have my top sheet and either my black duvet, some other duvet, or my quilt! 
dream job: kindergarten teacher or some sort of singer/musician lol (Im actaully pretty self concious about my singing lol but its nice to dream!)
dream trip: korea, poland, mediterranean, england, atlantic canada. texas, and fran/l.a, and like a buch of other places lol (I love travelling) 
favourite food: uh i like pretty much every single shrimp thing ever and homemade chicken wraps! also dim sum... I like food lol
nationality: I’m polish, russian, and canadian! 
favourite song right now: take me by miso
I tag my lovely friends @lux-quxxn and @softtbias <333 also if you’d like to do this as well, feel free to do so lol! If you want to, go ahead and tag me because its fun seeing everyones answers! <3
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Saturday, March 25, 2017
So this is weird. Not exactly sure how this notebook works but it looks really cool. I even set it up on my phone. Tots want to transfer all the lists from notes to this on my phone. So today. Too many thoughts unsure where to start. So this is gonna be a ramble.
 I'm watching Chopped right now. Cant pay attention to it. I try to watch and I cant focus. No idea whats cooking. No idea about the basket ingredients. My head cant focus on the show. I keep thinking.
 Good sleep last night. Woke up at 6:30 to begin my day. So enjoying waking up and thinking. It's the best thing ever. I havent been able to this in so long, its like my brain just turned on. Papa says I just gave myself permission to do other things. 4 years of just focusing on colitis and tv and now its like the world has opened new opportunities.
 Tots feel bad for not formatting this. Or being articulate. So scatter brained. BRAIN TURN OFF!!!! Or at least calm down.
 Kinda feel like its fine though. My writing is showing how im thinking. Makes me feel cool. ;)
 This will be great on a blog. I have so many plans for recording this trip. Excited.
 Ok so back to today. Woke up feeling good.
 Hoping not to repeat anything from this entry to another entry.
 Ok, ok. Focus. Now I want guddo to see what she thinks about this journal. She always stole my journal when I was small and said it was boring. Like just a list of events. No emotion or feelings or anything juicy. Thinking this is a better attempt.
 Ok, really. The point is to focus on today. Feeling like I should do something artistic and focus on the whole transplant thing if its gonna be on a blog. Nah. This is better.
 Woke up happy. I started reading this MIT tech magazine. So interesting. Wanting to start reading about advancements in tech. and to read research articles.
 Then, I started looking up things for guddo. So happy her application deadline isn't passed. Tots freaked out the other day that all deadlines are gone.
 Really wanting to color right now. Its actually really soothing. Gotta finish the entry though.
 Pass order was perfect today. Got out at noon.
 Then went to the best massage ever. You got no idea. My masseur is an angel. (love the background noise of tv) She had perfect pressure, perfectly warm hands. Perfectly hot hot stones. Hehe. Hot hot. Ive had several massages, but this is the best one yet. Ive never moaned in my life but I did today. I was so afraid that I was making it awkward.
 I keep peeing. WHY? Every freaking 20 minutes! :(
 Yeah im gonna say everything. No barriers. No embarrassment. Having people look at your butt for the last four years because of colitis.
 By the way, the relaxation room before and after a massage is something everyone should do. It's so calming. You should definitely arrive early enough to get 30 minutes in the relaxation room before your massage. It's great being surrounded by people, all on comfy couches, enjoying soft music. So calming. Therapeutic.
 Post massage.
 Ok, so now I want to start this on a blog and make it public for people to read daily if they're interested. But my mom says I jinx things when I do that. I'll talk to Guddo, Mama, and Papa and analyze their opinions. Probs gonna do it anyway. I want to keep my friends updated but I also want to make it public and see if I can be popular. (my dad is taking a pic of me right now for the family) So vain, I know. But I think it's ok. Might just skip asking everyone.
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My daddy's picture
 Gotta pee again. Ugh. So frustrating.
 This is taking so much longer than expected but I'm really enjoying it.
 Loving my life.
 Ok, after massage. Went back to apartment (dad has an apartment nearby to get to nih when I get discharged from hospital and need to come stay in area for biweekly checkups) Opened packages! Got my new disney jacket, cherry blossom hand sanitizers, fan for hospital. Then, just changed and got ready to go. I keep wanting to work on my LEGO castle but with always doing something everyday I don't get time to do things at the apartment. T_T
 So back to hospital we go. Currently hooked up to IV pole thingy. 12-6 is basically the only time I'm unhooked when I can be everyday (some days I have extra medications so the schedule changes some times.
 Almost forgot to mention pizza. Right after leaving the hospital, I convinced Papa to go to &pizza. Half the fun of eating is eating with another person.
  So ive been without food for the last 5 weeks. Docs wanted to do a bowl rest where nothing goes through mouth except meds and water necessary to take them. For some days now I've been allowed to slowly add clear liquids. Basically one item a day, slowly increasing amount of liquids everyday while reducing my high dose steroids every few days. Clear liquids includes tea, chicken broth, italian ice, etc.
 Back to &pizza. We took lots of videos of the process. Such a good smell in the restaurant. So many toppings. I recorded the people there, my dad ordering, the food. Videos are great ways to save memories. While my dad ate, I had some sweet tea and cherry italian fruit ice. It was so much fun to just take him out and eat together after so long.
  Btw, I was readmitted to hospital 5 weeks ago for gvhd of the gut. More on that later.
 My dad hated the pizza but I think he enjoyed the experience. And then, of course he complained about the bad food afterwards and how I owe him another pizza. Blah blah blah.
 Ok, back in hospital now. Getting tired. Think im gonna stop for today. Anything I forgot to mention, sorry. Going to Tumblr now, starting new blog, posting on FB, bypassing parents (though I did ask my dad about it). Peace out.
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nakamuto · 7 years
✨ tag thing ✨
Tagged by @1aeil noodle senpai <3 (hi i know i never do any of these tags but im gonna bc i have nothing better to do and thanks for tagging me in these hehe)
rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you are finished you have to tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!!
1: are you named after someone : nah
2. when is the last time you cried : 5mins ago? im always worried about mark (like ok it’s not a cry like maybe 5 tear drops just left my eye but then the last time i actually cried was over yuta when people shat on him i cant even sorry im emo when it comes to my fave)
3. do you like your handwriting : yeah because i can write shit about people and not have anyone decode it because it’s too illegible (idk how my teacher do it tho i have the ugliest handwriting on earth)
4. what is your favorite lunch to eat : my own gourmet style instant ramen
5. do you have kids : mark and friends (basically nct dream and winwin but mark is my main son sorry im biased) and also christine but sometimes she’s rly the mum...
6. if you were another person, would you be friends with you : nah i wont want to know this person
7. do you use sarcasm : always but no one catches it fml
8. do you still have your tonsils : ye
9. would you bungee jump : yES
10. what is your favorite kind of cereal : FROSTIES
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off : nah where do you find time for that
12: do you think you’re a strong person : physically nope but im mentally stronger
13: what is your favorite ice cream flavour : chocolate chips and vanilla, not so much of a chocolate ice cream fan idk why everyone is obsessed with it
14: what is the first thing you notice about people : face? HAHA! AND THEIR SHOES!!!!!IDK WHY!!!
15: red or pink : none but i’ll go with red
16: what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself : p much everything except for hair eyes and height
17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now : grey sweatpants, barefooted
18: what was the last thing you ate : my feelings, because im emo over mark im a worried mom
19: what are you listening to right now : bts spring day
20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be: indigo
21: favorite smell : floral scents, SMELL OF NEW BOOKS, carbon dioxide air when it’s night time, rain smell (soz im rly weird axbsbxs)
22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone : some random person my friend asked me to pick up her phone for her im...such a good friend
23: favorite sport to watch : diving, swimming, hockey, badminton, gymnastics (just not soccer im sorry yuta)
24: hair color : dark brown
25: eye color : dark brown
26: do you wear contacts : nah
27: favorite food to eat : dimsum...like a real chinese person
28: scary movies or comedy : HORROR
29: last movie you watched : split (the acting was SO good)
30: what color of shirt are you wearing : purple
31: summer or winter : LOUD RESOUNDING WINTER
32: hugs or kisses : HUG
33: what book are you currently reading : blind willow, sleeping woman by haruki murakami (IM TRYING TO CLEAR ALL MY MURAKAMI TO READS BEFORE I MOVE ON)
34: who do you miss right now : mark
35: what is on your mouse pad : doodles...haha
36: what is the last tv program you watched : i forgot
37: what is the best sound : nature, (not to be that trash but...mark’s laughter)
38: rolling stones or the beatles : neither
39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? usa new york (from sg)
40: do you have a special talent : can play a couple of instruments and uh idk i forgot what can i do;;;,, (i think im a p convincing and persuasive person? i talked this person into buying this correction tape for no reason)
41: where were you born : singapore
42: people you expect to participate in this : @taeiloves @y-ta @teewhytrack @jaehynu @markhee @paradiseyuta @1aeyong @nctokki @nctlimit @neocitys @jenowhat
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