#oh hey guys Yoruichi is here
troius · 5 months
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rinsvg · 11 months
summer nights | Y. shihouin x black fem reader
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Hey guys this is my entry for cinny’s sapphic event, @punkologist I hope you love it cinny 💕
On a hot summer night, you found yourself lost in contemplation, walking the congested streets of Tokyo. Despite the fact that you frequently felt out of place as a Black lady entering and leaving Japan and as one of the few black shinigami, you were an expert city navigator. But you just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen tonight.
You noticed her as you rounded a corner. The former captain of the Gotei 13's 2nd Division, Yoruichi Shihouin, was leaning against a wall and appeared as composed as ever. Of course, you had seen her before; she had once been your captain.
"Hey there," she said, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "What's a beautiful woman like you doing out here all alone?"
She caught your attention as you arched an eyebrow at her audacity. You retorted sloppily, "Don't act like you don't know me yoruichi; I could ask you the same thing.
Yoruichi beaming. Your half-turned scowl was met with a smile from her as she answered, "Fair enough. But why the hostility against me? I thought we were friends, gorgeous girl, so I'll answer first. I merely wanted to say hello because I sensed you entering from the soul society.”
Before responding, you turned around to see if anyone else was in the area. "Hello and farewell, Yoruichi." You rolled your eyes and brushed past her. "I have more important things to do than be talking to the likes of you," you said.
Yoruichi winked at you, "Oh come on gorgeous, don't you wanna have fun with me we can go fuck with Urahara together just like old times."
She spoke to you with such utter arrogance that you were astounded, acting as if she were anything other than a traitor to your entire being. Atlas, it was difficult to maintain your anger toward her since she was your first love and her being hot didn’t help.
Yoruichi smiled at you, considering her suggestion. “Let's just save us both some time and get going gorgeous because I can see you finding the idea interesting.” And with that She changed into her sleek black cat form and leaped upon your shoulder.
Although you were taken aback, you couldn't help but smile as you felt the soft fur against your skin for the first time in a very long time. Yoruichi rubbed her head against your cheek and purred blissfully.
"So, what say you and I embark on an adventure?” Yoruichi murmured, her voice muffled by your hair, "Just like old times.
You chuckled as a thrill that you usually seem to have when you play pranks with her began to bubble up inside of you. “Yes, why not? I'd never be able to refuse you regardless”.
As you and Yoruichi wandered through the city, you felt a sense of freedom that you hadn't experienced in a long time. With her by your side, you felt invincible, like nothing could stop you. If only you realized from whose house she was bringing you to soul society's sole savior, Ichigo Kurosaki.
You completely stopped walking. "No." You shook your head. "I'm not breaking into Ichigo Kurosaki's home simply for the hell of it". You replied while giving her a side-eye for even asking that of you. "You know how many times that boy saved our lives."
"Oh, please, who's gonna stop us?" Yoruichi grinned at you and spoke in a low voice so as not to disturb the residents of the Kurosaki house.
You answered, "The police," with a glimmer of disbelief in your eyes that she actually think that she would accomplish breaking into the ichigo kurosaki house
You rolled your eyes. "Oh sure, it’s not like we're doing anything that illegal," you whispered sarcastically while following behind as she climbed up to the window seal.
Yoruichi chuckled. "That's not the point. It's the thrill of almost getting caught that makes this so exciting gorgeous girl”.
You stayed close behind Yoruichi as she scaled the wall and went through the window. You observed Ichigo's sleeping form partially off the bed as you follow her, his comforter practically touching the floor. Yoruichi paused, and you turned around to look at her. She silently counted down while raising three fingers. You observed her while being both perplexed and mildly intrigued by what she was doing. It wasn't until she dropped something on his face with the last finger that you recognized what she had done. He coughed and spurted to consciousness. You laughed and gaped in amazement at where the earth she got a water balloon from. She joined in as you continued to chuckle.
That is, until you felt a hot gaze land on your face and halted. You gently turned around to find ichigo slowly getting up from the bed and sitting up right while glaring at you. He raised an eyebrow and said, "Yoruichi and— wait who are you?."
“My name is y/n”. You greeted him with a deep bow, "Nice to meet you, Ichigo Kurosaki.
Ichigo returned the bow, "Likewise, but nonetheless, Yoruichi and Y/N, I'll give you a generous head start of five minutes to run; if I were you, I'd take that time to get ready to beg for mercy.
Yoruichi chuckled, "You thank your going to catch me strawberry; I'll like to see you try," and then she sprang out the window, you followed.
Even though you shook your head at Yoruichi childish taunt, the prospect of being pursued made your heart race. You and Yoruichi kept exploring the city, hopping from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding lighting, and ducking and weaving through alleyways while Ichigo sought to catch up with you at every opportunity.
You noticed that as the evening went on, the thought of leaving Yoruichi made you feel sadder and sadder. The ridiculousness of some of her statements made you giggle as you conversed about everything and nothing. She was always the only person with whom you consistently felt a connection while living in a soul society. Her ridiculous taunts and pranks, and the way she could weasel her way into anyone's heart if she actually tried, were one of the many reasons you fell in love with her.
As the sun began to rise, you and Yoruichi found yourselves perched atop a tall building, watching the city wake up below you. You sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet.
You abruptly blurted, "Thank you," breaking the stillness. “For this evening; Since you left, I truly haven't had that much fun in a long time”.
Yoruichi gave you a smile. “You don't have to say thank you, gorgeous; I always enjoy spending time with you”. Her smiled turned downward a little. “ I hope you always remember that”.
You looked out at the city, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. You knew that this night would be etched in your memory forever, a memory that’ll join all the others with her.
As you and Yoruichi made your way back down to street level, you felt it again, a sense of sadness. You didn't know when you would see her again, but you knew that this wasn't the end of your journey together, it never really is with her.
"Hey," Yoruichi whispered softly, placing a hand on your waist while pulling you closer. "Don't be sad. We'll see each other again soon."
You nodded, feeling a familiar sense of comfort at her words. "I hope so."
Yoruichi leaned in, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, you can count on it, gorgeous," she said before softly peeking your lips. She pulled away while giving you a wink, transformed back into her cat form, and walked away.
With a sensation of longing in your heart, you watched her leave. Yoruichi always managed to find you, so you were certain that you would run into her again, and you couldn’t wait.
As you made your trek to the portal back to the soul society, you couldn't help but smile at the memories of the night. You knew that you were going to get chewed out by Captain Soifon for abandoning the post, but you just couldn’t find it in you to care at the moment.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Ichigo : Okay...Back about over a year ago in season 3. I still don't get it, I told everyone saying that we came to save Rukia from being executed and then here's the problem. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING OF GETTING HER KILLED OFF FROM THE SHOW!? ARE YOU NUTS!?
Byakuya : Woah! Just before you know it, I didn't mind to be a little something about hurting any feelings that we all planned into. And you just wanted throw a hissy fit at me?
Ichigo : AIZEN WAS THE ONE WHO TRICKED ALL OF YOU INTO KILLING RUKIA OFF THE SHOW AND EVERYONE WAS SO PISSED OFF ABOUT IT! What was the point of fighting over Rukia, what started this incident!
Byakuya : Apparently, Aizen played us all for fools, and it turns out that he wasn't killed by Rukia, and he was playing a magic trick when Momo realizes that it was just a prank, and we were bamboozled by this idiot.
Ichigo : ...You mean we've been fighting over Rukia to be saved or to be killed in the middle of the incident, to realized that AIZEN HAS BEEN PRANKING ALL OF US FROM THE START!?!
Byakuya : Yes, and also, he ate all of the cookie crisp cereal.
Rukia : That was my favorite cereal of the day! I eat that for breakfast every morning! Of course he ate my freaking cereal and I was going to eat it! But thanks to you, I never realized that I thought that I was the criminal, but I have been never played by a fool that wanted me to get me killed off the show! Some nerves of people that I was going to hell for that. (hears Aizen eating bowl of fruity pebbles)
Aizen : Uhh, what? What's everyone looking at?
Orihime : Hey! That's my fruity pebbles! I was going to eat that for breakfast!
Aizen : Uhh, IT'S MINE! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT! [laughs hysterically] *SA1 SFX : Dash Panel*
Oirhime : Hey! Come back here with my cereal! *SA1 SFX : Dash Panel*
Ichigo : Oh this is nuts. First saving Rukia from being killed off the show, now this fighting over Kids' cereal! What's the point of saving Rukia or saving everyone's breakfast this morning?
Renji : Hey, guys! I just got back from the market!
Ichigo : Now what?
Rukia : *pig squealing*
Ichigo : Hey, Rukia, are you okay? It feels like that Renji has a surprise for you or something that--*SA1 SFX : Dash Panel*
Renji : I got a brand new box of Cookie Crisp cereal for each and--Huh?
Renji : Oh shi-(gets into a fight cloud) NO, RUKIA! NO! STOP! RUKIA! PLEASE! STOP! THAT'S MY ARM! MY ONE GOOD ARM!
Orihime : Come back here with my Fruity Pebbles! Give it to me! Just give it me!
Aizen :I don't think so!~
Orihime : Just get me back my cereal! (stops and grab Ichigo by shoulders) IF I CAN'T GET MY CEREAL BACK, I'M GONNA CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS, WHICH ALSO HAPPENS TO BE CEREAL! I WANT MY CEREAL BAAAAACK!!! *SA1 SFX : DASH PANEL*
Ichigo : Why did I even think about saving Rukia from being killed off the show? (looks at Yoruichi eating a bowl of Chex)
Yoruichi : What? I'm just eating. Also, try getting some Honey Smacks cereal at your local market.
Ichigo : I'm going to a ramen shop to eat some noodles.
Yachiru : Hey, guys! What I missed!? I was just eating some Trix Cereal. But this sillly Asian rabbit would not to bother me.
Kenpachi : Uhh, Yachiru, that's Asian Trix.
Yachiru : Uh-oh! Umm, silly Rabbit? Trix are for kids? (laughs nervously) Did I get that right?
Asian Rabbit : YOU SHARE! *KICK!*
(bird chirping)
Yachiru : (goofy voice) Okay, I understand about Asian Trix! They're wildly dangerous for eating. (falls back)
Kenpachi : Nuts.
[iris out]
Cheese : I LIKE CEREAL!!!
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
don’t come for me with your half-assed presence
Pain spread across your abdomen, sending you sprawling. Rolling over you turn on your hands and knees, steadying, as you eyed the purple-haired boy in front of you, breathing hard – in the nose, out the mouth.
“Shinso, five, Yoruichi, six.” A voice announced, loud, tired, but clear.
Cursing under your breath, you lifted your shirt to wipe the sweat off your upper lip.
Shinso Hitoshi’s breathing was haggard, hair sticking wildly above him, eyes narrowed at you but focused and steady – it was a good look on him.
Aizawa Shouta – also known as the Pro Hero: Eraser Head, stood idly on the side, watching the two teens go at it. Beside him stood a rather muscular elderly man, dressed in his kimono clothes, stoic eyes on the two teens before him, the stern Shihan of the Yoruichi dojo.
…who also just happened to be your grandfather and Eraser Head’s instructor during his early years.
“Oi, foolish granddaughter, keep up!”
“Shut it, old man!” you yelled back, annoyed. But turning back to the purple-haired teen, you discreetly gave him a thumbs up. You’re keeping up, that’s good!
Though hidden by his scarf-capturing device, you could see the making of a smile spread across his face from the faint crinkles beneath his tired eyes.
Rising to stand, you fell into a ready stance, the teen mimicking you.
“Best six outta ten?”
“You’re on.”
The two men watched on the sides as the two began to go at it again, the purple-haired teen careful with your lower attacks, while you avoided his fists and scarf, yellow eyes glinting as you attuned yourself to Shinso’s, trying to get a read on him – ears picking up on his breathing, the pressure of his footsteps, eyes taking in the slightest movement, any signs of hesitation.
A kick followed by a swift sweep off, he just barely managed to duck before meeting your smirk. Planting your feet against the ground, you leaped over him, completely catching him off guard, before you leaped towards him again. Everything was happening too fast for him to catch up, your body or legs wrapped around his neck, before arms grabbed hold of him and slammed him down the mat, hard.
“Yoruichi, seven, Shinso, five,” Aizawa announced once again, eyes betraying nothing as his gaze fixed on the purple-haired teen.
Sweat was dripping down his clothes, his muscles were burning from the exercise. Still, he struggled on his feet, body flinching a bit from the kick (or was it a punch?) you delivered two or four fights back? He didn’t know, he was getting lost.
These supplementary lessons were getting harder and harder, especially when it was at night and that he was up against someone with nocturnal quirk and skilled in martial arts.
“You remind me of my best friend,” you say to him, hands on your knees. “you both don’t know when to quit. Or was it just Izuku, who didn’t like to quit?” the words were a bit testy, but in a way, a challenge.
That seemed to be the right trigger, watching with a smirk as the purple-haired teen quickly got to his feet, controlling his breathing.
“You’re hard to beat, so let’s put it at that.” He tells you, eyes narrowed.
You shrug, smirk still in place.
“Also, Midoriya can be irritatingly encouraging.”
The smirk was gone, replacing it was a genuine smile that almost took him off guard.
Keyword: almost.
“Foolish granddaughter, don’t flirt! That wasn’t part of the training.”
“Shut up, old man!”
In the end, you had Shinso beat 10 to seven.
He was improving, more alert, more used to one-on-one combat, and stronger. Watching him, training with him, just the thought of how much influence Izuku’s done at his new school, interacting with the people he met, with whom he’s spread his kindness to – it was a great way to end your day.
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To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Finished another training session!
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
Uwah! That’s so cool!
But wait, is that Aizawa-sensei behind you?
 To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Not telling! :p
But yeah, sometimes I have to spar with him.
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Yeah, but he beats me every damn time :/
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
Well, he is a Pro Hero after all.
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
That. And because he’s kinda dirty when we spar D:<
He’d use his quirk when I least expect it.
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
sorry if i’m rambling
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
Chill, no problemo~ :3
As if I’m not used to your excitement after 15 years of friendship hehehoho ;D
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
You’re the best, (Nickname)!
To: Izuku
From: (Name)
I know I am.
Just drop by the café or text me, okay?
From: Izuku
To: (Name)
Will do!
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Having finished your shift, you released a heavy breath. Weekends were the only times you were granted to work longer hours; you usually request for the closing shift as your body worked better at night. Still, it didn’t mean work was easy as weekends also tend to the busiest time of the week.
“At least I’m getting paid for this…” you mutter to yourself, fixing your bag around your shoulders.
After disclosing with Izuku your quirk, you’d expect him to turn his back on you, after all, he was kept in the dark for so long. But the thing was, you forgot that he wasn’t the other guy. Instead, he went a mile asking about your quirk – what does it exactly do, its amazing advantages, and how it was a waste that you were studying at a normal school. Needless to say, nothing’s changed between you two. It actually reminded you of the time he shared his secret.
“…come again?”
“Y-Yes, my quirk…it was passed down to me…by All Might…”
“(N-Nickname)…?” Izuku asked, worried.
For what seemed like a minute, you tugged his sleeve, he looked up at you. “Izuku…punch me.”
Izuku didn’t really punch you, because he feared the power One for All was capable of, instead, he just pinched you. As hard as he could.
Jolting at the pain, eyes gazed at the bruise on your wrist. “W-Woah…I am awake, this is real. Y-You have a quirk?!” (e/c) eyes widened at the curly-haired boy, shrinking at the information disclosed between you two.
You could see that frail little boy, standing on wobbly knees to protect you, tiny fists raised in the air.
This was still the same boy. “Izuku,” Your protector. “that’s amazing!” Your best friend. “You finally get to be a hero now!” Your hero.
Those words.
Those heartfelt words, together with that bright look in your eyes – pride and love, those were the words he was waiting for.
He heard it first from his idol, and now, he heard it from his best friend.
A wet sheen filled up your friend’s green eyes, a warbled smile making its way on his freckled cheeks. You stopped, feeling your heart swell at the expression on his face.
“H-Hey, why’re you making that face?”
Shaking his head, he stared into space, worrying you. “I-I’m just…I-I…”
Falling to his knees, the tears wouldn’t stop, streaming down his face as those words, those words that left your mouth swallowed him whole.
Realization fell upon you; you couldn’t help but tear up as well. Izuku can be too modest with himself, sometimes.
“Dummy, get over here!”
As if needing to be told, he tackled you into a hug, crying on your shoulder as you rubbed at his back. “Of course, you can be a hero, Izuku, with or without your quirk. You’d make an amazing hero! In fact, you’re my hero.”
Those words fuelled his tears even more, hand tightening on your shirt. Izuku wailed, you held him tighter, tears continuing to stream down your faces.
Just thinking about it makes you laugh, especially since after that, you were left with a wet shirt filled with snot and tears and Izuku was so guilty that he bought you a new shirt the very next day.
Since then, your friendship strengthened.
It made you happy because he trusted a great secret in your hands because he trusts you that much, you were important to him.
But as much as you loved and adored your best friend, what you couldn’t understand was why he had to reveal his secret to him.
Shoulders sagged, eyes dulling. “Bakugou Katsuki…”
He just stood there, leaning against the wall, hands in his pocket, as though he’d been waiting on you. Carmine eyes swallowed you whole, however, you refused to bow in his presence.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
It had been a little over a week since he last dropped by, since then, he hadn’t come back since. Izuku dropped earlier that week, much to your relief. Anyone but him would be a sight for sore eyes.
“I want to talk to you…”
Scoffing, you stepped away from him. “Thanks, but no thanks.”
Before you could take another step, he takes you by the elbow, stopping you. “That wasn’t a request.”
He was so close, his tall frame towering over yours, the smell of burnt sugar and spicy cinnamon lingered – the sensation was too much for your heightened senses.
Glaring, your eyes slowly shifted from (e/c) to a dangerous yellow. “Sorry, don’t fucking care.”
Undeterred by the change, his hold tightened, eyes still locked on to yours. “Let me rephrase: I need to talk to you.”
He sounded desperate, too desperate. Something unheard of from one Bakugou Katsuki.
Smirking, you titled your head as you leaned in, noses brushing. “Oh, yeah? Too late, used up all my fucks for you.”
Tripping his foot, catching him off-balance, you used his disorientation to turn on your heel, strapping your backpack in front of you before you made a run for it. With the help of your sonar senses, you had found an easy route out, one where it’d be easy to get away from him and away from unwanted attention.
With all your might, you leap off the ground, leaping ledge to ledge before you were atop a building, legs instantly moved the moment you landed. Not a moment’s notice, you tell yourself, leaping on to the next room, must escape-
“OI!” a blast sounded off behind you.
Fuck. “Seriously!?” you looked back in disbelief. “You’re doing this?”
Eyes narrowed, you dropped to the ground, scowling at the blond as you landed swiftly on your feet. “Not a chance.” And then you ran again.
Following the path your senses mapped out, the chase continued on, unable to shake him off even as you purposely dashed through a crowded street, skirting through easily. He was screaming behind you, people making way for the angry teen after you.
For a few blocks, you were almost confident you had lost him, unable to keep up with your heightened speed. However, if there was one thing Aizawa Shouta or your grandfather taught you, it’s that you could never underestimate your enemy…
Bakugou let out a loud growl, practically sounding like a snarl, too, explosions went off with every leap, it was sure to make a scene.
…sooner or later, they’d catch up to you.
You did catch their sports festival, Bakugou winning the first spot even though his finals match was rather half-assed. Nonetheless, he was rather versatile, calculating, and undeniably cocky the whole time, effortlessly besting and standing out above the rest of his class. It was irritating, to say the least.
No one with that shitty of an attitude and pride should be capable of such amazing feats.
Still hot on your heels, Bakugou relentlessly chased after you, quick to follow even after you’ve come across building after building. With your heightened hearing, you could hear him cursing under his ragged breath, his chest pounding wildly, exhausted from the tireless chase. There was the faint sweet scent of nitroglycerin cumulating from his palms, which he’s probably saving up for a later time, something you’d have to be wary about.
It’s alright, you thought to yourself, seeing the familiar houses of your subdivision, you could outrun him. Also, it was night-time, where your quirk was at its peak form.
Sure enough, an explosion blasted off behind you, launching him forward. Having expected this, just as he reached you did you jump back, a great foot off the ground, legs folded in time before his hands grabbed hold of either of them.
What you weren’t expecting was that he had blasted with only one hand, the other was on the side, ready for another blast.
A loud explosion cut through the night, Bakugou’s body propelling, colliding with yours until you were both flying off, blindly landing in a nearby park, on some bushes.
Ash touched your tongue, vision unfocused, slowly coming to from the bright flash, ears ringing almost painfully – senses disoriented, you tried to collect yourself.
Fingers twitched, grabbing hold of the dirt. Yes, you were definitely knocked out. But you could still make a run for it-
Sniffing, your nose picked up the smell of smoke, grass, dirt, and burnt sugar.
Strong arms were wrapped around your body, Bakugou behind you, holding on to you, cushioning you against him to break the fall. Coming to, he groaned, his breath was hot against your neck, arms tightening as he sat up, bringing you with him.
For a moment, you relished at the moment – his arms were tight around you, letting you lean against his chest, roughened hands gently grabbed hold of yours, and his nose burrowed into your neck.
Ears suddenly focused on the beating of his heart, the gentle fluttering, like a bird’s wing flapping, resonating throughout his body. The beats, it was in tune with yours. Gentle. Calm. An unexplained warmth.
Hot breath against your sensitive neck brought you back, remembering the wild chase from earlier. “Oi,” he remained silent, unmoving. “L-Let go of me-“
“Not a chance.”
“Fucking,” his hands tightened on yours, firmly. “what the fuck, let me go, Bakugou!”
He still wouldn’t budge, teeth grinding. Freeing one hand, you shoved at him, using your nocturnal strength, but he still wouldn’t budge. So, fucking persistent! Finally freeing your other hand, you tried with all your might to push him away, but his hold on you only tightened.
“I said,” Push “let” Shove “me” Push, Shove “go!”
“Hey, (Name)…” he whispered, rough voice almost tired, rough hands grabbing hold of your wrists, breath hot against your ear. A whimper escaping your mouth before you could stop yourself. “…what’s so great about Deku?”
Your body went slack, his hold unrelenting on your wrists.
“What makes him so special? All Might, you, you seem to find him amazing, endearing. Why is that?” his hands slid into yours, thumbs rubbing your palm. “What does he have that I don’t?”
“Why?” his hands squeezed over yours. “Why were you willing to spend all that time, pretending to be quirkless, just to be with him? Why him? He’s just Deku! Why didn’t you tell anyone that you had a quirk? Why didn’t you tell me!?”
The desperation in his voice, followed by bitterness, insecurities, probably held on for years and years, the way he desperately held unto your hands, unto you – unrelenting, desperate, as if to ground yourself. All of it – it was exhausting. So exhausting.
“I’m exhausted,” you whispered. “please let me go.”
Annoyed, he snarled. “Not until you answer me.”
“Would it make a difference?”
“It would at least make things crystal fucking clear!”
You could feel your hands twitch against his, that ugly feeling coming back. “If that’s the case,” sighing dramatically, you leaned back a bit, yellow eyes glinting against the moonlight “then the answer should be obvious.”
There was something in the way those eyes shined, something that reminded him of something. However, because his emotions were muddled, it obscured his line of thinking, causing one ugly emotion to rise above the rest.
“Hah? Are you in love with him or something!?”
“The fuck-!?” body turning, you shoved at him, hard, finally creating some space. “NO! HE’S MY BEST FRIEND! I DON’T SEE HIM THAT WAY, AND NEITHER DOES HE!”
“Then, why do you trust him so much? Why didn’t you tell me about your quirk? Where does he go off all high and mighty, as if he were better than me? Is that it? Were you both fucking sorry for me? Were you looking down on me as well, huh, (Nickname)!?”
Pain spread across his cheeks; face turned the other way. You must’ve used your quirk, maybe you didn’t, but it hurt. It fucking hurt.
“You’re despicable, Bakugou Katsuki, absolutely despicable.” Shoving away, you stood, body shaking – from anger, disappointed, you don’t know.
Yellow faded away into (e/c), those (e/c) eyes were burning down, tears starting to form, threatening to fall, which shocked him. He’s never seen you cry, not even once.
“You want to know why I trust Izuku so much, why I care for him so much, why I love him so much, and why I chose him over you? Because compared to you, Izuku’s always been more of a hero compared to you.” his body stiffened at that, hands balling into fists, fingers digging into dirt and grass. “Also, you do remember what happened in junior high school, right?” He flinched, faltered.
Flashbacks of that day came rushing through your head, along with the pain, wreck, and havoc. So much happened that day, so much, too much.
Jerking his head upwards, he could only watch you walk away.
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You went home that day, lost in a daze as tears streamed down your face. Once in the safety of your room, your legs gave out, falling awkwardly to the ground, your bag slipping off you.
With shaky hands, you reached for your bag, unable to stop shaking as you desperately search through your things. Picking up your phone, you called the one person who would always help you through the pain.
“(N-Nickname)…?” came his sluggish voice, having answered on the fifth ring.
Breaking into a garbled sigh, you pressed a hand to your mouth. The noise alerting Izuku on the other end. “(Nickname)?” his voice was firmer, alert, sleep gone completely. “What’s wrong, are you okay? Is it nightmares?” a wet laugh escaped your mouth, shaking your head even though he couldn’t see it. “What is it, (Nickname)? Please tell me.”
Sniffling, you wiped your nose with the back of your hand, knees folding. “I love you; you know that?”
“Yeah, I love you, too, (Nickname).”
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Bakugou Katsuki came home that night, covered in dirt and grass, feeling numb. Completely numb, from head to toe. Barely registering that he was in his living room, home.
His cheeks numbed from the slap earlier, sure to leave a bruise for a day or two. He probably deserved it.
Unable to shake the memories of that day – laughter from him and his classmates, a burnt notebook, the look on Deku’s face, your words, the look in your eyes – before sick dread washed over his veins.
Angrily, he threw his bag across the room, hitting the wall.
masterlist • four
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Ready Made Family. How even would an Aizen style version go? Seriously. Maybe it's all the Good/Redeemed Aizen fics ive been reading lately (cravings, y'know?), but everytime i try to picture him (Aizen) actually /getting/ with /anyone/ it devolves into "Bored and Lonely Rich Guy Seeks Entertainment (where did this Romance come from??)"
Okay for the Aizen Style I think it’d have to be another Soul Society AU for a number of reasons.
So! Aizen, lonely and isolated, hiding behind a pleasant demeanor, soft empty smiles, and glasses, is basically going through the motions.
Life is sickeningly boring for him.  He craves interaction on an equal level, craves someone to look at him and see.
But aside from Urahara Kisuke who, unfortunately, focuses much of his intellect elsewhere and the majority of his spirit in Shihouin Yoruichi’s direction, Sosuke has yet to find anything close to an equal in all of Seireitei.
And that isolation has begun to drive him towards a ... darker train of thought.  Insidious whispers of “what if” and “how dare they” and “I could do so much better” begin to slink through the back of his mind, becoming more and more prominent by the day as he looks around him and sees just how much and how often the Seireitei fails.
And his motivation to hold those thoughts back lessens more and more each day.
Then, on one of his walks out in the further reaches of Rukongai where he’s in no danger of being spied upon by anyone from any of the Divisions, everything shifts.
Sosuke feels her before he sees her, feels her reiatsu brushing against his senses like someone pressing a palm to his back and dragging it down.
The feel of it sets his hair on end and his heart pounding in his chest.
Such power and not of a flavor he recognizes.  So that means it cannot be a member of the Gotei 13 because he would have recognized that level of power before now.  Would have sought it out, studied it, determined if the owner was worthy.
And that’s when he feels the presence of a hollow in the direction of this new curiosity.
So of course he hones in on that presence and, with a burst of shunpo, heads directly for it.
What he finds is not at all what he was expecting.
In the mere seconds it took for him to flash step across the distance the hollow has been rather brutally destroyed.
It’s killer is a woman.  With her back turned toward him all he can really see beyond the flair of her hips in the ragged hakama she’s wearing is her long braid of sunset colored hair and the fact that she stands a handful of inches short than his own height.
Well that and the fact that she’s also carrying the largest zanpaktou he’s ever seen outside of someone’s bankai.
And then she turns and Sosuke is forced to pause because she is beautiful.
A sculpted face, soulful eyes, and berry bitten lips.  Perhaps not a classic beauty but striking just the same.
Boredom might be one of Sosuke’s curses in life but even he can admire a beautiful flower from time to time. Especially one with such impressive spiritual reserves. 
And then she locks her gaze on him and those eyes narrow sharply and some deeper part of Sosuke perks up in interest.
“Ah,” Sosuke steps up, the well worn and always effective soft smile of Aizen-taichou already spreading across his face.  “That was rather impressive Miss ...?”
He lets the question trail off, fishing for a name.
But, unlike most others, this woman doesn’t seem particularly impressed with him.  If anything his pleasant smile makes her gaze sharpen. Which is, in its own way, riveting.
“Karin, Yuzu,” the woman barks out instead of answering him.  “Come here.”
And, much to Sosuke’s surprise, two little girls come tumbling out of the trees like little fawns, scrambling to get to the woman’s side.  Sosuke hadn’t even sensed them, hidden as they were beneath the flood of the woman’s reiatsu and yet, somehow, looking not the slightest bit worse for the wear for it.
“Ichi-nee,” the little pale haired one whispers.  “It was so scary.”
And, like the sun rising, like a storm clearing, the woman smiles.
“Told you I’d protect you didn’t I?” She murmurs as, one eye still trained on Sosuke and her sword still firmly in hand, she crouches down to look the girl in the eyes.  “Always going to protect both of you.  From anything.”
“Ichi-nee is First Protector,” the dark haired one sings out.
“Exactly,” the woman, Ichi, agrees.  “You two hurt at all?”
Instantly the bright haired one begins to squirm.
“Yuzu?” Ichi’s attention hones in on her.  “Show me.”
And, lower lip trembling, the girl reaches for the hem of her yukata and does.  It’s not much, just a scraped knee really.  If anything she looks more concerned about the rip in her already threadbare yukata.
“I’m sorry,” Yuzu whimpers.  “I ripped it.”
“Hey,” Ichi soothes softly, free hand coming up to brush tears off a tiny cheek. “it doesn’t matter.  I’ll fix it later or get you a new one.”
“But the money,” the girl that must be Karin whispers, eyes owlish as she glances towards where Sosuke is standing, like it’s a secret.
“Isn’t something you worry about,” Ichi interrupts.  “Ever.  That’s why you’ve got me.”
And then she places her zanpaktou on her back and reaches over and rips a strip of cloth from her already ragged sleeve.  With swift motions she wraps the girl’s knee, smooths down her yukata, and then straightens back up.
The two girls move to stand behind her without even being asked.
Then and only then does Ichi give Sosuke her attention again.
“You still here?” She asks bluntly, a scowl settling on her face again.
“Of course,” Sosuke smiles again, dipping his head in the two children’s direction only to bite back a smirk as they both flush and duck further behind their protector.  “It would be remiss of me as 5th Division Taichou and a Shinigami to abandon you out here after an attack Ichi-san.”
“Ichigo,” the woman huffs.  “My name’s Kurosaki Ichigo.
‘Ichigo,’ Sosuke turns the name over in his mind.  Yes he could see that.  Both interpretations seem to fit her rather well.
“A pleasure to meet you Kurosaki-san,” Sosuke smiles wider, “I am Ai-”
“Don’t care,” Ichigo interrupts his introduction with a sharp wave of her hand.  “We’re leaving.  You go on back to your Division Taichou.”
Sosuke blinks once but manages to not show his slight shock at her outright rudeness.
“Would you like an escort home?” He asks instead even though it’s blatantly obvious that she doesn’t need one.
“Nope,” Ichigo waves the children forward, making a wide circle around Sosuke, seemingly careful to keep herself in between him and the children in her charge.  “Specially not from someone with your kind of power who still smiles like that.”
“And how, exactly, do I smile?” Sosuke finds himself asking.
“Fake,” Ichigo tells him shortly.  “Doesn’t reach your eyes.  You smile like you’re lying.”
And with only a handful of words Sosuke feels seen.
‘Well then’ Sosuke can’t help but think as he reaches up to pull his glass off of his face, eyes trained on Ichigo’s retreating back, ‘how about that.’
And oh, Sosuke realizes with a stab of surprise as he stares at the sway of her braid, for the first time in a long time he wants.
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lo-55 · 3 years
Shattered Chains of Fate Ch. 8
Not Yet Too Late
 When they are tossed unceremoniously out the gate of the Dangai (and hell, Ichigo never thought he’d miss the vertigo of a Ray Shift before) Ichigo and Yoroichi are the only ones who land on their feet. Orihime breaks their fall with one of her barriers. Seeing it in action, three pronged and glowing, helps him file away what she can do for later.
 He starts looking around.
 They’re in a village, one that’s empty and devoid of life. Seemingly. Ichigo sees shadows move in the buildings. Okay. Not ideal. Nothing good comes from dropping right in the middle of civilization. It always leads to a fight. London had been a shit show and a half.
 At least he can see now. And what he sees, down the road, is unmistakable.
 “Is that Seireitei?” Ichigo asks aloud. A sprawling city with the harsh edges and an oppressive aura of order and structure. There was a thin line the separate the streets there, shining and well kept, from even the nice enough streets they stood upon. Ichigo knew it for what it was even if Kyo hadn’t told him about it before. He can recognize a military compound for what it is.
 “Yes,” Yoruichi comes to stand at his feet. “Right now we’re in the Rukongai, the outskirts of the soul society. This is the part of the soul society where the most souls live, and also the poorest part.”
 Ichigo doesn’t respond as Yoruichi explains it to his friends who don’t know.
 He eyes the line in the ground.
 “They’ll know we’re here,” he said abruptly. “We need to move away from here. Our entrance was too flashy, and the people in these houses probably won’t keep us a secret. Yoruichi, the Seireitei. Does is have some kind of bounded field?”
 There was no way a military complex didn’t have defenses, no matter how it looked right there.
 “...Yes. There’s a wall that will fall should anyone try to cross the threshold without a permit. On top of that, there’s a gate guardian who will not let anyone past him.”
 “That’s fine. Okay,” Ichigo ran his fingers through his hair, gathering it all to the back of his head. He tied it into a tight, short pony tail. “We need a base of operations so we can figure out how to get in. We’re short on time but still… I’d like to avoid rushing in head first.”
 If it was just him, he probably wouldn’t be so cautious. If it was him, Mash, Cu, and Medusa he would have no hesitation. Break in, make a fuss, and disappear into the veritable maze he knows stretches out. Kyo had told him once how easy it was to get lost if you didn’t know where he was going.
 Yoruichi is giving him the strangest look, but she doesn’t argue.
 “You’re right. Come with me. I have a friend nearby who I believe will be willing to help us.”
 Ichigo casts one last look at the Seireitei and follows after the black cat leading their path.
     Just wait for me a little longer Rukia. I swear. I will come save you.  
 Three days.
 Kisuke has been training Ichigo Kurosaki for three days when Yoruichi finally comes back from where she’s taken his two young friends for their own training. It leaves a bad taste in his mouth, this whole plan.
 Not their ages, though they are infants by shinigami time. Smaller people than them are made killers, as Kisuke himself well knows. He was barely taller than Jinta when he had met Yoruichi, and scarcely five years older than that when she first handed him envelope of thick, expensive paper. The parchment itself had been worth more money than he’d seen in his entire first century of after-life. The life inside of it, worth somehow more and less.
 He knew, understood intimately, how far a person could go for their friends. As far as follow them into a dark, dangerous new world.
 They don’t have a lot of options, other than to train these teenagers to the best of their abilities. He, Tessei, Yoruichi and the Visord are all banned completely from the Soul Society. Shy of destroying the defending, interdimensional barrier that binds them, there’s no way for them to go in.
 While he could, if he did then they would be faced with Yamamoto and the terrible two, Ukitake and Kyoraku, the second they stepped foot in rukongai. Even Kisuke, with his clever plans and deadly edge, can’t stand against the overwhelming power of Yamamoto’s burning blade.
 That’s not even to mention the other two captains, who are kind only when they can be.
 Kisuke had been young still, just a tetchy little first year in the academy, who hadn’t yet learned to hide completely behind his smiles, under Shihoin sponsorship the last year of the Quincy war.
 He can remember intimately, horribly, the dark look in Yoruichi’s eyes when she walked back into the Shihoin manor with the two trailing after her. It had been the first time Kisuke had ever seen the two, and the affable captain of the eighth and the gentle commander of the thirteenth were no where to be seen.
 They were commanders in a war of extermination, with shadows in the their eyes, and a hand on a blade at all times. Everything about them had been dangerous, weary dogs barely leashed to their master. Ready for the next fight, ready for the next kill. They hadn’t had the luxury of mercy then.
 If any of them are caught in Seireitei, there will be no luxury allowed from the Central 46.
 But these teenagers are young. The old guard, Yamamoto, Unohana, and Yamamoto’s first two students like to pretend that they’re no longer wolves. Kisuke is forced to bank on the idea that they will go after these children with as much mercy as they will be allowed.
 That was the plan.
 It had started as a contingency plan when Masaki and Isshin had first come to him with news of her pregnancy. A dark scheme that he wanted to discard, but he wasn’t able to. A child with the blood of a great shinigami line and a long standing quincy one. Half blooded on both sides, with the potential of a natural born hollow inside his soul.
 (Kisuke’s hands have itched for years to see this boy, to find out what he could do, where his tendencies lay.
 Then Masaki had died, and Isshin had forbidden any of them from coming near the Kurosaki house. Even Kisuke has enough respect for that.)  
 The plan      was    a hail mary that banked on the better nature of war veterans and murderers, and Yoruichi’s ability to train and keep track of human teenagers. She’ll have more luck herding cats.
     Was    .
 Now, things have changed.
 Ichigo lies a hundred yards away in a crater, his arms stretched out and his breathing even. Even asleep, he’s not let go of his sword.
 Yoruichi sits at his side, her tail curled around her front paws.
 “He really just meditated and woke up his powers?” Kisuke has to ask again. It’s the second time. Rarely does he need something repeated but this… This is a bit different.
 “Mmmm. He was in a house that wasn’t his families. It only smelled like him and the mod soul, Kon. I didn’t get to see everything, obviously. I’m not sure what he did. He said, and I quote, ‘Fucking everyone is so damn cryptic all the time’. And then, ‘a backwards ray shift’. After that he slipped into something like jinzen. His reitsu changed while he was meditating, and you know the rest.”
 Kisuke frowned deeply. “Who was being cryptic?”
 “I couldn’t tell you,” Yoruichi shakes her head. “He’s a strange kid, Kisuke.”
 “That’s putting it mildly. Have you seen him fight? I’ve never seen anyone that refined and that coarse in the same time.”
 “He doesn’t have a single particular style,” Yoruichi agreed. “But it’s clear he knows several different ones, and is at least proficient in each. Did you notice he’s ambidextrous?”
 “Mhmm. I did. Did you notice his soul looks older than his body?”
 Kisuke is reluctant to admit it, but he might have to talk to Isshin about this.
 He should be more worried. He is, his mind spinning a hundred paranoid ideas. Everything from Aizen has already gotten to Ichigo, even though he knows that’s impossible right now, to Ichigo has been replaced by a clone that Kisuke didn’t make.
 * *
 They finally lure the people out of hiding so Yoruichi can ask the leader of the village for someone named Kukaku.
 Shiba Kukaku. If Ichigo recalls, Kyo had once told him that Shiba were a strange type of royalty in the Seireitei. Not as stuck up as the rest of the noblemen, who Kyo quietly despised (he’d never been good enough at lying to hide all of his vitriol from Ichigo) they were a rowdy bunch that blew things up a lot.
 Not exactly stealthy, but Ichigo was willing to go along with whatever Yoruichi’s plan was for now. Clearly she knew what she was doing. She and Urahara, and probably Tessai and the kids, were undoubtedly from here. What happened and why they were in the world of the living was none of his business.
 They were in the middle of talking to the old man when the door burst open and a pig launched a man off of her(?) back.
 Ichigo caught him effortlessly around the middle.
 “Ah! She threw me again!” The stranger shouted, far to close to Ichigo’s ear. Ichigo set him on his feet.
 “Careful,” he advised. The man dusts his pants off and finally looks to Ichigo.
 “I’m fine, I’m fine. It happens all… the… time?” He stares. Ichigo can see the flip switched in his head, and suddenly he’d ducking a punch. “A punk ass shinigami!”
 “Hey. Don’t be rude,” Ichigo says with no sense of irony at all. The man is broad, strong, with a bandana over his black hair and goggles over his eyes.
 “What are you doing here?!”
 Ichigo just stared at him. This guy was so rowdy. They really didn’t have time to be dealing with him…
 Of course, he got right in Ichigo’s face. He even patted his cheek patronizingly.
 “Didn’t you hear me? I asked what a punk ass shinigami like you is-”
 When Ichigo punches him he goes flying right back through the wall.
 “...huh,” Ichigo says idly. “I tried to hold back.”
 That training with Urahara must have done him more good than he first thought.
 He picks his way through the broken wall to find his attacker knocked out on the ground.
 “Oh. Well that happened.”
 He shrugs it off and goes back inside to sit beside Yoruichi in front of a bug eyed mayor while a bunch of punks riding literal hogs surround the guy Ichigo knocked out.
 “Anyhow. You were saying your friend lives somewhere around here, weren’t you?”
 “....yes. We will have to find Kukaku’s house, but I believe that she will help us.”
 “How is she going to get us into Seireitei? If the walls come down and there’s guards at the gate that cuts off the direct route.”
 “You’re not wrong.”
 Yoruichi explains that the Seireitei is surrounded on all sides by a spirit barrier. No amount of spirit energy will serve them any good. Which is irritating. If it was spells or a bounded field they could maybe find a way to wind through them or hack past the barriers, like Flat does as easy as breathing. But if it’s that secure, above and bellow, Ichigo really has no choice but to trust Yoruichi to know what she’s doing.
 He doesn’t have any better ideas, certainly. So they set off to find this Kukaku Shiba.
 The only problem is that she is, apparently, the older sister of the guy Ichigo KO’d. And that’s how Ichigo finds himself running away from a woman with one arm and a hand full of bombs.
 How is this his life?
 Yoruichi manages to smooth things over by explaining that Ganju had started everything and Ichigo had only hit him once. Then the scolding goes from Kukaku on Ichigo to Kukaku on Ganju.
 “And I thought I had weird family dynamics,” Ichigo muttered to Uryu, who’s been watching the whole ordeal like it’s a sitcom.
 “Your family dynamics are weird,” Uryu replies without missing a beat.
 Ichigo snorts, but shuts up when Kukaku turns to them.
 “Alright. Since this is Yoruichi and Urahara asking me, I can’t say no to this job. But I don’t trust you kids. So once Ganju,” Who had been dragged home by the hog riders while Ichigo’s group was looking for the house, “Wakes up, he’ll be going with you.”
 First Ichigo knocked him out, then his own sister. Ichigo is starting to pity the fool.
 Which was just great.
 “Fine,” Ichigo mentally starts changing his plans again around the new arrival. It’ll add friction. Ganju clearly hates shinigami, but if they’re going up against shinigami hopefully the common enemy will help smooth over the enmity.
 “But first, how exactly are you planning on getting us in there?”
 “Huh? I’ll show you.”
 Kukaku leads them into the bowels of the house, until they’re standing in a dark room and looking up at a round chimney that Ichigo knows extends high outside.
 “I’m going to get you in through the sky!”
 “...fuck me,” Ichigo says. “It’s a canon.”
     Please dear god let this be less terrifying than being shot into the sky on a bow.  
 “That’s right! You’re looking at the number one fireworks maker, Kukaku Shiba!”
 Kukaku tosses a ball his way. Ichigo turns it over in his hands, inspecting it curiously. There’s a design on it that reminds him vaguely of a phoenix and star wars. The door slides open while Ichigo is inspecting it, and Ganju steps inside. He’s got a nasty black eye.
 “Focus your energy in there,” she orders.
 Ichigo, who has spent five years pouring his mana and reiryoku into literally dozens of people, does just that. It’s as easy as breathing. A light flickers and he finds himself in a perfect sphere that glows so brightly with his energy it threatens to blind even him. Beyond the confines he can hear his friends shout. So he cuts off the pouring of power and drops the ball to the floor.
 “Was that right?” he asks.
 The dropped jaw on Kukaku’s face was enough of an answer.
 Ichigo always has been good at making impressions.
 “Yeah,” she says at last, recovering faster than Ichigo was expecting. “That’ll work. My men will take you to the training room for some more practice. If it’s not perfect by tomorrow, you’ll blow up on entry.”
 Ichigo doesn’t even blink.
 “I understand. Thanks.”
 While they’re walking away, Ichigo takes a look back just in time to see Ganju’s face twisted in unmistakable pain.
 * * *
 Tea steams across the table, twirling in the light of the overhead. The kettle sits on the counter, unplugged but still hot and ready to use. The wonders of human convenience.
 Isshin sits across from Kisuke on the low table, his eyes strangely dark, his customary smile missing. It’s frankly disturbing, and a good sign of the times.
 “So,” Isshin starts. “Why did you call? I doubt it’s a social call.”
 Indeed, his son has just left on a potential suicide mission to save a girl he barely knows on grounds of a favor that he owes. It’s such a Shiba thing to do.
 Ichigo is a frightening boy, he is his parents son, but Kisuke thinks he will surpass them both rather soon.
 “No, I'm afraid not,” Kisuke’s tone is still light, still somewhat playful. He misses Yoruichi at his side. He kind of misses the brash, unbending teenager that had been in his basement. Ichigo seems to have a talent for worming his way into people’s good graces, despite his manners.
 Kisuke can’t imagine how often he gathers followers if his plan for invading seireitei was to make allies and convince them to commit treason. Ichigo doesn’t seem      stupid    . Perhaps just overly optimistic?  
 “When did you teach your son to fight with a sword?” he asks instead, starting with the easiest question. Easier than asking ‘Isshin why the fuck does a child move like he’s lived and breathed fighting but thinks the bonds of friendship will save him?’. Or, ‘How did Ichigo do in one hour what normally takes more than ten years?’.
 “I never have. Why?” Isshin frowns. “He went to karate for years, and we spar at home, but he’s never held a weapon before.”
 “Is that so?” Kisuke cocks his head, his grey eyes narrowing minutely. Never touched a sword? No, that’s impossible. Ichigo moves with grace and holds a weapon with ease that only comes from long years of practice.
 “Why? Kisuke, what’s going on with my son?” Isshin’s voice raises. He slaps his hands on the table, only to retract them with Kisuke gives him a Look.
 Kisuke can only shake his head. “I couldn’t tell you. Your best guess is to ask him, but I know you won't do that.”
 Guilt and discomfort flickers across Isshin's face. He looks down, his fists clenching in his lap.
 “The time isn't right yet.”
 “The time's never going to be right,” It’s something Kisuke has wanted to say for      years    now.  “You'll keep putting it off until eventually, it's too late. I know you.”
 Isshin's jaw sets and he narrows those dark eyes at Kisuke. Anyone else might have at least squirmed. Kisuke doesn’t so much as blink. “That's why I asked you to look out for him.”
 “Have you seen your son lately, Isshin?” He hardly needs anyone to look out for him anymore. Even Kisuke has nothing to teach. All he van do right now, without jeopardizing Ichigo’s trust in him, is keep pushing Ichigo to grow stronger and stronger.
 It occurs to him, briefly, that Ichigo might learn who they are in Seireitei, but that is a bridge Kisuke will cross when they reach it.
 “Don’t talk down to me!” Isshin’s temper finally frays. The fact that it took so little is telling. Isshin is worried about Ichigo. A father who told his son none of what his life may hold is worried now for what will happen to him that life.
 Kisuke wants to laugh in his face.
 Since he doesn’t want to be punched, even by Isshin in a gigai, he snaps his fan out over his smiling mouth.
 “Then step up, Isshin. You’re children are growing. If you’re not careful, your children will leave you behind.”
 He thinks, privately, that Ichigo already has.
 Isshin is silent for a long, terrible minute. Isshin is never silent. He is loud and brash and makes an excellent ‘idiot distraction’. Too good, sometimes, if he really hasn’t noticed any of this.
 Ichigo walks with purpose. With weariness. Kisuke is too familiar with the dark edges of existence not to see the way Ichigo faces windows and door, the way he watches shadows, the way his hand twitches to the right like there’s something or someone there when the air is empty. Kisuke can see the darkness in the back of brown eyes.
 Something happened, and the only time it could have occurred was over the summer.
 What happened, in this Chaldea?
 “...he asked me about Masaki,” Isshin says at last. “He asked me if she was a quincy.”
 “Did you tell him?” As if Kisuke doesn’t already know the answer.
 His voice is quiet.
 “He asked me in front of her grave, and I couldn’t tell him the truth. It’s already too late, Kisuke.”
 “Isshin… You really area fool.”
 Ichigo is gone now. Maybe, for Isshin, forever.
 * * * *
 That night, Ichigo finds himself sitting outside in the grass, rolling stones through his fingers while lightning bugs flicker around him.
 It’s picturesque out here. Almost enough to be the paradise so many people hope for.
 It’s nothing like the long, dark corridors of Kur. It’s nothing like the dead soil and the flickering cages tended to so carefully by Ereshkigal. Ichigo aches with thoughts of what might have happened to her. Where is she, that she allowed her land to fall into such a state of poverty? When had grass started to grow? When had a King taken over the afterlife?
 He has a million questions and not a single answer.
 Ichigo rolls a rock around in his palm. In his other hand he brings up a small knife and cuts into the stone a familiar rune. One line with a single smaller one branching off downwards.
   He knows mana won’t work here. There is no life for this land of life energy. That was how they’d defeated Tiamat, after all.
 So he must come up with something else.
     Ichigo knows, for Scathach has told him, that most mages have absolutely reiryoku to their name. Once they die they can no longer perform their precious magic, for there is no mana for them to use.
 Ichigo is blessed (or something) with an over abundance of both and a talent only for mana transference.
 It seems to him that the concept can’t be that different.
 So he focuses on the stone in his hand and calls on the energy he can feel humming around him. In the air, the grass, the earth, it makes up everything the same way mana does. He draws it into himself and tries to press into the rock in his hand.  The energy sinks in, slowly at first. It’s like trying to force syrup into a water balloon made of concrete.
  It’s not really working.
  Some instinct hisses in the back of his mind and Ichigo sits straight up, drawing Zangetsu from where he’s sat in the grass beside him. He’s not a second too late, barely blocking a blow that comes from the shadows.
 Ichigo is on his feet in a second.
 He hasn’t survived this long by being stupid, and he’s always trusted his instincts. They’ve never let him die yet.
 They’re far enough away that if he shouts no one will reach him in time to help. Even if he was closer, when he sees the man step out of the trees he knows without a doubt; none of his friends can take this man.
 He’s tall. Silver hair and a curved smile makes him think of a snake. He almost feels like Stheno, enough that it sets Ichigo’s teeth on edge. He remembers clearly her habit of toying with those she likes, embarrassing and driving them to ruin while watching them struggle.
 “You know it’s rude to attack someone when their back is turned?” Ichigo says, tilting his blade and letting the bandages flow off and into the air.
 The mans smile stretches.
 “You have good reflexes for a kid,” he teases, his voice light. Ichigo narrows his eyes. This man is strong. Stronger than Ichigo for certain, but if he’s careful…
 “I’m not a kid. Who are you?”
 “Me? Oh, no one really. I just wanted to see who it was that came to visit today. You’re causing quite the stir, you know.”
 “Oh yeah?” Ichigo narrows his eyes. “Are you here for a fight?”
 The man considers him. He lifts a dagger up, twirling it elegantly. He drops into a hard stands, one leg behind the other, partially bent, his hand with the knife at the back.
 Ichigo gets Zangetsu up without a second to spare, blocking the blade an inch from cutting into his shoulder. It extends and retracts in the time it takes to blink.
 Ichigo isn’t the fastest person, and his sword is big and powerful not small and swift. They’re a bad match up.
 Oh well.
 Ichigo lifts Zangetsu and brings him back down, slicing the air and cleaving the earth. The man, a shinigami with a white coat the flutters around him, dodges to the side with a single step. Ichigo catches a glimpse of his eyes. Quicksilver, it’s gone a second later and replaced by that same smile.
 “If you’re looking for a fight, I won’t back down,” Ichigo warns. Zangetsu hums in his grasp, comforting and familiar. His blood pounds, excitement rushes under his skin.
 “You're an interesting guy,” the stranger muses, “Aren’t you afraid of me?”
 It’s all Ichigo can do not to laugh.
 Ichigo has fought gods and monsters. This is just a man.
 “No way in hell.”
 “What a strange person you are.” He puts his short sword back in it’s sheath and it disappears inside his sleeves. Ichigo doesn’t trust it for a minute. “I have what I need. Bye bye now.”
 He waves and disappears in a blur of speed that makes Ichigo’s stomach twist. If that man wanted him dead, he would probably      be    dead.
 Ichigo is left alone in the dark.
 With nothing else to do, he picks up his rock and tries again.
 He only gets a few more minutes of trying to fill the cement balloon before the door to the main house opens and Orihime comes walking out. She shivers at the chill in the air and looks around until her eyes find his. They’re full of concern and compassion.
 It’s for the best. Ichigo needs to talk to her anyways.
 He waves her over.
 Orihime is someone that Ichigo has known for years, but barely knows at all in the end. He knows how her brother died.
 (He was there when it happened, when they came broken bodied and hearted into the kurosaki clinic. Her hair was short and her eyes were wet and dull with grief. For Ichigo grief was already an old companion. He’d sat at her side while his dad tried to explain what was happening to a child that already knew. He wonders if she remembers. He almost hopes she does.)
 Yet, they’ve never hung out outside of school. She is Tatsuki’s friend, and Tatsuki is Ichigo’s, and so she is in the same orbit as he is but they’ve never really gone off with each other, and rarely had true conversations.
 (He keeps waiting for her to bring up Acidwire/Sora.)
 (she doesn’t)
 She kneels across from him, a bright smile in the dark of night and Ichigo is suddenly very, very glad that she’d not come a few minutes earlier. He’s not sure how well he could have protected her.
 The thought tastes like bile.
 “Kurosaki,” she smiles sweetly at him. “You’ve been out here so long. Aren’t you getting cold?”
 Ichigo tilts his head before he shakes it.
 “No, I’m fine.”
 Orihime is unsure of herself. It seems like she always is, except when she protected them in the Dangai, and when she swore to follow him into battle.
 How does he keep finding these people? These inexplicably loyal beings, with power beyond humans, who follow him into convoluted plots and dangerous schemes? How does he keep tricking people into thinking it’s a good idea?
 Is everyone just stupid?
 “Orihime, listen.”
 She perks up, all of his attention on him. Ichigo doesn’t like saying this, but it’s something he has to. There’s no other option.
 “When we get to the Seireitei, you’re going to be out top supporter. You’re our only healer, and while Uryu and I know basic first aid, it’s different from actually fixing someone. On top of that, you’re our shield. I know you’ve got an attack, but listen. Can you use it?”
 Orihime’s brows furrow. “I can use it. I know how, I’ve been practicing with Tsubaki and Yoruichi for a long time now.”
 “I don’t mean physically,” he corrects. He wants to be gentle, but it’s just not going to work. “I mean, can you actually hurt someone?”
 She freezes.
 “If it comes down to you or them. If it comes down to them or me. Orihime, could you hurt someone? Could you attack with the intent of making sure they don’t get back up?”
 She clasps her hands in her lap. “I-I can-”
 “If you can’t,” he cuts in swiftly. “Say it now. When we fight we need to know you have our backs. Do you understand, Orihime? “
 “Y-yes,” she bows her head. Her hair pins glow faintly in the darkness, distracting from the shadow cast over her eyes.
 * * * * *
 Ichigo eyes the dark waters of the Mississippi warily.
 “This is insane,” he says aloud, “I’ve never seen anything this wide before.”
 He spins and points at Cu. “Don’t say a thing.”
 The caster lifts his hand, looking innocent. “I can’t say wha now?”
 “Fuck you.”
 “Stop being vulgar.”
 Kyo prods Ichigo from the side, garnering his attention. Mash sits at the front of their boat, a flat barge that pushes along valiantly. They’re halfway to the whitehouse now. Halfway to the end of the war, and Ichigo can feel the stress thrum across his skin. He doesn’t know what to do now.  The traveling. The waiting. The intermediate fighting is tiring everyone out, Ichigo included.
 It’s hard to stay on guard 24/7, with anxiety pushing them forwards as much as anything else.
 As much as supporting other people tires him out, staying on his toes constantly is a whole other type of exhausting.
 He trusts his servants to keep him from harm, but they still rely on him to support them, to give them orders, to supply them with information that they need. He stays in the back, he watches and waits, and tells them where best to place their blows. He looks for opening they can’t see from so close up.
 Kyo’s hand lands on his knee. Ichigo stops bouncing it. He hadn’t even realized hed started.
 “Kyo…?” It still feels wrong to voice his true name out loud, even though Kyo has told him a more intimate secret than just his name.
 Kyo turns his dark eyes on Ichigo. There’s a furrow in his brows. He’s just as tired as the rest of them. With the rest of the world collapsing, more and more hollow’s are being pushed into the only place left in the living world. Early on it was just weaklings, but now there are smaller, more humanoid monsters that stalk their steps, waiting to devour the dead they leave in their wake.
 A war is an all you can eat buffet for creatures made of fear, rage, and hunger.
 “Breath, Ichigo,” Kyo nudges him back against the crate they’re rested against, near the edge of t the flat barge.
 “I am breathing,” he grumbles petulantly.
 Kyo barely has enough dignity not to roll his eyes. That’s fine. Ichigo has been wearing him down for months. Kyo wears manners and politeness like armor, and Ichigo has a terrible habit of shattering things like that.
 “You know what I mean. You should reserve yourself for the final fight.”
 “I know. I’m trying.”
 Kyo hums. The moon hangs heavy and full above their heads. Ichigo knows instinctively that neither of them will really sleep, but resting his eyes is better than nothing. With Medusa on watch, no one will sneak up on them.
 It’s only a small comfort.
 A bigger comfort is the shoulder pressed against his, invisible and intangible to everyone but him. Ichigo will not admit it, but it feels sometimes like Kyo is only his. The rest of these heroes are here to save the world, and Kyo is too, but while they all have each other the two of them are the only ones privy to the world of the dead and the skull masked monsters that creep in the shadows.
 Something protective curls in his chest and Ichigo relaxes, leaning half into Kyo’s side. He watches the moon ripples across the water, unattainable and intangible.  
 * * * * * *
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Mysterylover watches Bleach Episode 304
1. We open with IchiSisters Reanimating Ichigo as the Frankenstein monster! OH MAN I just reread that book. Go walk among the world Ichi!
2. I was told this episode is spoiler free; I hope the OP is the same, since I am watching it. I can’t really tell what’s going on in it cause there aren’t a lot of character shots. (There’s some cool scenes of Aizen, Orihime, Gin and some of the hollow trainers, Urahara, Yoruichi, Rangiku, Uryu, Rukia, and finally Ichigo, who has sexy longer hair now. So I assume they’re all involved in whatever filler arc this episode is set around.)
3. So how did Ichigo end up as Frankenstein’s mosnter?! Also RUKIA IS A VAMPIRE FAIRY NOW?! Cool cool. 
4. And she stabs him back into the castle. Cool cool. We need a spooky castle to be truly Halloween. Let’s see everyone else’s costumes. Rangiku, Hitsu, Ishida, HIME And Renji are here!
5. OK so Uryu is a vampire...drinking milk for some reason. And Ishi points this out. Apparently he’s protesting blood drinking because blood is red. Wow Ishi. Even the Twilight vampires drank blood (animal but still)
6. Rangiku is a witch. Orihime is...A PUMPKIN GHOST?!? Cause she’s the best. Interesting, Hime is the only one of the girls who isn’t in a sexy costume. Though to be fair Ichigo isn’t wearing a shirt. 
7. Apparently Ruki is a seductress vampire and she implies she wants to seduce Byakuya. I knew they were an OT3 with Renji the Mummy, I just knew it. Though apparently Renji is a pirate mummy. (his pirate flashback costume is pretty sexy too)
8. Hitsu is the wolf. Though he looks more like a sexy cat. AND HE FETCHES LIKE A DOG. That’s adorable.
9. So Villains! Hunting the Monsters! (our protags. Neat). They want a crystal macGuffin. 
10. Plot of filler is going on but I’m distracted by Orihime eating a huge stack of pancakes in the background. YAS. 
12. The villains are Ichigo and Uryu’s dads?! Didn’t se that coming. (though it fits the whole Frankenstein thing. That’s kinda brilliant)
13. Ichi wants to turn human but the others don’t especially. For some reason. 
14. Renji joins the fight! Yay! I’ve just realized that his bandages are also skin tight. So since the Vampire look is inherently hot regardless of skimpiness, that officially means everyone but Hime is wearing a sexy costume. Cause she’s the Quirky One. 
15. So we get a whacky battle scene where Ichigo and the two dads get captured and Rangiku gets to cast a Magical Girl Spell.
16. And Hitsu upgrades to full Wolfie form. Yay? I guess Uryu is basically gonna try and kill them. But it doesn’t work and Ichi is fine. And now Hollowfied. Damn you guys are screwed. 
17. Or not cause he immediately collapses. And dumps the mask. And we get the  cute “we just killed two guys” laughter before they prove to of course not be dead.
18. BACK TO HIME! Who is stacking pumpkins to form a barrier. The wild crew rejoins her. Uryu is hanging on Ichi cause they’re boyfriends. 
19. Unfortunately the crystal is gone. Who stole the crystal? OR WAS THERE NEVER A CRYSTAL TO BEGIN WITH ?!
20. Ichi and Uryu team up as Frankenstein and Dracula and it’s really badass. But then the dads just quit. LOL. 
21. Hey there’s Rukia! SHE IS THE SNOW CRYSTAL!? Cool plot twist. And Ichi gets electrocuted. Kinda randomly. And turns into a werewolf. Apparently it was a dream in the mind of this guy I don’t recognize. Ah well. Any excuse for Halloween filler
22. That was fun! I’d actually been kinda down about Halloween this year cause of COVID and all, so having a little sample of halloween fun was definitely a treat. Nice going Bleach!
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of-muppets-and-men · 4 years
Chapter 5: Rising Light
For the first time in what felt like eons, Rukia could say she felt happy. Her life after the Quincy war was most definitely not at all what she’d thought it would be, but at least she could find solace in the little things. She would keep her promise to Katsumi and visited the Shihouin manor every chance she was given, Ichika eagerly by her side every time. The unknowing half-sisters would play from morning till evening, uproarious laughter and pure smiles never leaving their faces. Rukia could happily sit and watch for hours on end; the mother’s joy of seeing her girls flourish delighted her beyond words.
Because if she refrained for even a moment, she would drown in all the regrets that plagued her. The things she should’ve done differently or things she shouldn’t have done at all. If it weren’t for these gracious visits, Rukia likely would’ve fallen apart at the seams ten times over. So to spare her children the harm of the truth, Rukia omitted it altogether. And foolishly intended it to stay that way.
Three years passed by far too slowly and far too quickly in equal measure. Passage of time was typically inconsequential for Souls and Shinigami; decades could whip by and no one would bat an eyelash. Most in the Seireitei stop keeping track after a century or two. Three years was a wink by comparison, but that didn’t change Rukia’s perception by any stretch. Not to mention today: Katsumi’s birthday.
It was odd. Seeing the girl who once was barely bigger than her forearm growing into a beauty nearly as tall as her now. Bitter as it may have been to come to terms with. But still… Ten years old. In a home of warm and plenty. All things Rukia wanted for her but couldn’t provide. A debt to Yoruichi she’d never be able to truly repay. 
The party was going to be a small affair, just the way they wanted it. As grand as Rukia and Renji’s wedding had been, most shinigami including them and Yoruichi weren’t big on pageantry. But for what it lacked in guests, it made up for in substance. The Abarai family came down as they normally did, Ichika beaming with excitement to see her best friend again. Renji begrudgingly held Katsumi’s gift: a limited edition Chappie plush. She was Rukia’s daughter after all…
As the family came through the front door, they barely managed to take off their sandals before they could hear Katsumi barrelling down the hallway.
“ICHIKA! AUNTIE RUKIA!” the little girl exclaimed as she tackled them both.
“KATSUMI!” Ichika roared, equally excited.
With a thud and audible groan, Rukia was planted on the ground, Katsumi’s arms wrapped around her waist. Her eyes, by the soul king her eyes, looked identical to Rukia’s. Her elated firstborn giggled as Rukia ran a hand through her hair.
“Hey Sweetie.”
“Jeez, you guys okay?” Renji asked, able to avoid the chain reaction.
“Mhmmm!” both girls said together.
“I’m fine, dear.” Rukia noted weakly, still a touch winded.
Her husband chuckled and crossed his arms at the entanglement of bodies while Rukia scoffed at his lack of action. Eventually, Ichika and Katsumi got up on their own, helping Rukia too albeit a bit unnecessary. The acting captain of squad 13 dusted herself off just before delivering a swift kick to Renji’s kneecap. The lieutenant slumped over in pain, while Rukia and the girls smirked deviously.
“The hell was that for?!” He snapped, clutching his abused leg.
His wife didn’t say or do anything besides give him a playful raspberry; a gesture Katsumi and his daughter copied. Renji could only groan in response, evidently outnumbered again.
“My oh my, I was wondering what all the fuss was.” A voice from beyond the foyer said.
The Lady of the Shihouin slowly sauntered into view, her typical grin stretched across her visage. Katsumi’s eyes brightened, running into her arms.
“Mama! Auntie Rukia, Uncle Renji and Ichika came!” the little one sang, bouncing up and down.
“I can see! C’mon let’s show them inside.” Yoruichi said lovingly.
“Okay!” Katsumi cheered “Ichika! I’ll race you!”
Ichika locked her gaze on her best friend, full of determination, “You’re on.”
Before anyone could argue, they bolted down the hallways, leaving their parents behind in a cloud of dust. She was sure they couldn’t hear her, but Rukia called out to them anyway.
“Ichika! Don’t break anything!” 
Her daughter slowly faded into a speck in the distance. A short sigh escaped through her nose followed by a chuckle. Her husband did the same, save for his almost proud smile. 
“Well, I guess we should find them before they find the cake.” Yoruichi chimed in.
She had that right. The last thing those two walking cataclysms needed was sugar. The shinigami weaved their way through the winding corridors; Renji marvelling at the unexpected complexity of the manor. Even Rukia was a touch surprised, far too accustomed to the layout of her own home. Unlike Ichika, Rukia didn’t have the child-like enthusiasm to explore. It was exsquisite, lavish in every sense of the word compared to the bland tastes of the Kuchiki household. Formality may not have been in Yoruichi’s vocabulary but luxury definitely was. 
Well, nothing is broken so far, Rukia thought to herself.
 A minute or so later, faint laughter could be heard from the dining they’d been searching for. With a gentle slide of the door, the shinigami saw their children playing a rousing game of tag around the dining table, loud as always. Though what they didn’t expect to see or who rather, was Isane joining in on the fun.
“Hey you guys! Long time no see.”
“Isane?!’ Rukia smiled.
“Captain Kotetsu? What are you doing here?” Renji said, equally perplexed.
The captain of the fourth division casually walked over to her friends, a captured Katsumi trapped under her arm. As Katsumi tried to wriggle free, Ichika pulled on her arms in an attempt to free her. But they sorely underestimated the might of a captain.
“Auntie! Lemme gooo!” the girl protested happily.
Ignoring Katsumi's cries for release, Isane answered Renji’s lingering question, “Why wouldn’t I be here? This one here would never forgive me if I missed out on her birthday.”
A lump had begun to take shape in Rukia’s throat. Her violet eyes gazed into her former nursemaid’s, a silent plea for her to maintain her secret. Please Isane, her mind repeated over and over. Luckily, her pleas would reluctantly not go unanswered. Isane put down her adoptive niece, giving her a loving kiss on the forehead. Renji stood like a stump, confused by the relationship between Isane and this seemingly random kid.
“Yoruichi asked me for help when Katsumi was little. Who was I to say no to an innocent child.” the captain explained.
“Is that right?” said Renji, arms crossed with vague suspicion.
“Mhmmm. Katsumi was quite sickly when I found her...” Yoruichi piped up, vouching for Isane’s lie, “She probably wouldn’t have made it if Isane hadn’t helped me.”
“I see…”
Silence enveloped the Shinigami, save for the girls in the background. A familiar solemn look adorned the lieutenant’s face, a look the captains were fishing for. Meanwhile, Rukia couldn’t say a word as her confidants lied on her behalf. Every syllable created a deeper pit in her stomach, worsened by the fact Katsumi was mere feet away. She tried her hardest to remain composed, but the mask threatened to slip at every turn. 
Before the mood could devolve any further, the refreshing scent of food filled the air. In a moment’s notice, a slew of attendants filled the room, carrying platters of anything you could possibly ask for. Meat cutlets, Ramen, Curry, and so much more; arguably too much for the small party to handle. 
A single member of Yoruichi cooking staff approached her, “Everything you requested, my Lady.”
“Yoruichi! You didn’t need to serve this much…” Rukia chided.
“Nonsense!” Yoruichi rejoiced, “Now let’s dig in”
Rukia rolled her eyes at her old friend as everyone blessed the meal before them
“Thank you for the food!” they all said in unison.
Plate by plate, the group slowly chipped away at the banquet that laid before them. Unfortunately with the girls present, alcohol was strictly prohibited by the Lady of the House. Much to Renji’s annoyance. But he wouldn’t let it put a damper on the meal. After all, everything tasted divine. The birthday girl barely gave herself time to breathe, she was stuffing her face so quickly.
Though it didn’t take long for things to slow back down. While they recovered from a phenomenal meal, now seemed as good a time as any to give Katsumi her gifts. Ichika excitedly gave Katsumi the large box, taking no time at all to tear through the wrapping paper. 
Katsumi gasped in delight, “A CHAPPIE?!”
“Special edition too.” Rukia added, warmed by her daughter’s shared love of the rabbit.
Katsumi leaped into Rukia’s embrace, brimming with glee “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“You’re very welcome, Katsumi…”
Ichika joined in, hugging her half sister and mother as tightly as her little frame would allow. Renji sat by, basking in the joy of his family while Yoruichi and Isane disappeared into the kitchen. And when they returned, dazzling light drew the birthday girl’s attention. In her hands, Isane held a cake decorated in sparklers courtesy of Kukaku, while Yoruichi  held something behind her back. Katsumi’s gaze remained fixed on the cake, her cake; her mouth agape like a flytrap. As Isane placed it on the table in front of her, Yoruichi stroked a hand through the girl’s hair, saying a sentiment everyone repeated.
“Happy birthday, Katsumi.”
With a blow of the candles, the group cheered on the little soul, making her smile more brightly than she ever had before. 
“Did you make a wish, Sweetheart?” Yoruichi asked tentatively.
“Uh huh!” Katsumi proudly declared.
A poke in her ribs led her Katsumi’s eyes to Ichika, “Well, what is it?”
“I wanna be a Shinigami!”
A twinge of horror shuddered down Rukia’s spine. A Shinigami? She was far too young to even flirt with the idea. Beads of sweat formulated on her brow as she looked in Yoruichi’s direction. It seemed the Captain of squad 4 shared her concern but the Commander of the Onmitsukido had other ideas.
“Well then… If that’s what you want, then you’re probably going to need this.” Yoruichi said, pulling out Katsumi’s zanpakuto from behind her, “I think you’re tall enough to hold it now.”
She placed the sheathed blade in the girl’s hands while Renji and Ichika marvelled at its size. The weapon tipped as Katsumi tried to find her balance with it, the weight still unfamiliar. Eventually, she managed to hold it still, smiling at her first steps towards her wish. Rukia, however, did not share in her delight; all too eager to voice her objections. Both of her children sat quietly while she raised her voice.
“She’s too young. They’ll never let her enroll at Shin’o.” Rukia argued, upset Yoruichi would entertain the idea while she was still a child.
“No matter, she can apprentice under me.”
“I could teach her some basic kido” Isane half-heartedly spoke up.
Rukia was less than entertained. She may have forfeited her right as Katsumi’s mother, but that wouldn’t stop her from protecting her. How could Yoruichi be so blase about this? Katsumi is a child. She shouldn’t be so eager to thrust herself into a life of dangerous combat. Curses, of all the things she could’ve inherited, it just had to be Ichigo’s recklessness.
“Well, it does matter too much right now.” Yoruichi spoke again, “given that she has yet to learn her zanpakuto’s name.
“True. But if that thing’s size is anything to go by, then I look forward to the day she’s ready.” Renji suddenly remarked.
Rukia’s gaze snapped towards her husband, but he only replied with a shrug. A defeated shake of the head ended Rukia’s outburst. What Yoruichi said barely set her at ease. Sole reason being, if she’s Ichigo’s daughter, then it won’t be long until she learns her zanpakuto’s name. And that idea gave her chills.
Quick as the day started, it was now coming to a close. Evening just on the horizon, Rukia and Renji decided it was about time to bring Ichika home. As much as Ichika might’ve complained, her wails weren’t as convincing as she began to drift off in Renji’s arms. After a lovely party, the abarai family said their proper goodbyes, promising to return sometime soon. One last hug from a teary eyed Katsumi and they were on their way home. It was bittersweet, but Rukia felt blessed she was able to share this day with her.
Yoruichi and Katsumi waited by the gate as was customary until their guests were no longer in sight. Isane had returned to her own barracks some time before; an urgent matter according to Kiyone. With a big yawn, Yoruichi felt it was long overdue for Katsumi to be in bed.
“Such a big girl, putting on a brave face. C’mon, let’s go inside.” Yoruichi coaxed, offering a hand.
The exhausted child took her mother’s hand, barely awake enough to make her way back inside. Every hallway looked the same as Yoruichi guided her through. If only for a moment, she found the strength to ask a question that had lingered on her mind.
“Mama? When will I learn my sword’s name?” 
The sudden question took Yoruichi by surprise, but was able to answer, “One day Katsumi. Once you start your training, it will tell you.”
“Your Zanpakuto is a part of you, an extension of your soul. When you’re ready, it will tell you its name. Now no more questions, it’s time for bed.”
Yoruichi could hear her daughter’s disappointed pout, but fortunately she was too tired to argue any further. The pair continued through the manor until they at last came to Katsumi’s room. The massive bedroom fit for a princess matched the luxurious tone of the rest of the manor. With a spot of help, Katsumi lazily changed into a nightgown leaving her Shihakusho in a pile on the floor. Yoruichi chuckled as Katsumi shambled towards her bed, flopping on the mattress like a fish out of water. The captain made sure to tuck her beneath the velvety duvet and with a kiss on the forehead, Yoruichi made her exit.
“Goodnight, Sweetheart.” She said quietly though she was only met with her daughter’s delicate snoring.
Katsumi drifted off in a sea of blankets while Yoruichi shut the door behind her. Shrouded in bliss, she faded slowly into a dream or what seemed like a dream?
She heard a voice call out her name and awoke in a place she didn’t recognize. Where am I, she pondered to herself. Katsumi arose on a slope of green grass; her eyes shot forward to a place she’d never been. A riverbank? That bridge… this wasn’t the Seireitei… but if so, where was this place. Katsumi’s gaze continued to dart around, trying to make sense of what was going on.
“Mom?! Auntie Rukia?! Anybody?!” She called out to no avail. 
But the strangest part was.. Even though she was alone, Kastumi didn’t feel scared. She was remarkably calm despite having every reason not to be. Suddenly, she saw a woman by the river. Where did she come from? She definitely wasn’t there before. Katsumi slowly and carefully approached, the woman turning to look at her. Whoever she was, she was beautiful… a warm smile accompanied by long wavy, brown hair flowing over her shoulder. She was dressed up in a silver kimono with a golden obi. Another thing felt strange about her, somehow familiar? Yet Katsumi had never seen her before. Before Katsumi could even say a word, the mysterious woman spoke first.
“I’ve watched and waited a long time for you to arrive here.” the woman said.
“Who are you?” Katsumi asked, finding her voice.
The woman then proceeded to pick something off the ground, a thing Katsumi hadn’t noticed before. A long object she recognized as a sword. Eyes wide, she stared at the woman. With a smile, the woman spoke once more.
“I am your Zanpakuto.”
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udaitenma · 4 years
rereading tbtp ch -108 and -107 like
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i’m just thinking how many times Shinji has succeeded in pranking someone and tell them to dress a certain way for an occasion, whomst else does he prank, surely he said this to Aizen knowing that this dude gonna be non-compliant. Shoulda made it captain’s orders~ it’s what they’re for after all right dude
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how do her iris/pupils go from big to smol 0-100 like that girl what 
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ummm b r u h 
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haha rose is a cutie 
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asking about squad 0, is he pretending to not already know about them or did he really not know? 
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oh my god, look at that face. (this guy really really testing me here how do you choose between this blond dumbass and the other blonde dumbass (Shinji))
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check the way they tie their obi here, short like Love/Uki/Shinji seems to be the standard? Kensei has a rope, Rose has some … thing…
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Shunsui has it longer, the rest of’em have it wound around them. Is that Soujun in the back there? Which Kuchiki dat be :eyes: nvm it’s yamada seinosuke of sq4 
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this girl really hates change haha, seems like she didn’t get much say or much transparency in what/where Hikifune went, makes me think what Hikifune told Hiyori about the whole leaving thing, given she was like a mother figure to Hiyori? Weird, probably squad 0 stuff is kinda hush hush but that sucks, to be kept in the dark and feeling like your own captain is hiding stuff from you hey. Also lol Hiyori hates that squad two onmitsukidou does dirty assassination work, I think she feels like they sneak around and fight unfairly, all that backstabby stuff. Hardly a square-up-with-me-in-the-pit affair.
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kiiinda contradictory though that she thinks Kisuke looks like a total doofus that no one should follow but also acknowledges he’s real deal onmitsukidou lol so assassins can look like that, props to Kisuke for not getting offended lmao (also isn’t hiyori cute haha) 
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ahh there we go, she’s asking why Kisuke is all like lmaoooooooo when she’s literally flaming his old squad, she is goading him and expecting him to get upset and retaliate. Kisuke says, well I’m squad 12 now, and Hiyori is shook. Says 2 things about Hiyori, 1) hiyori obvs expects kisuke to react how she’d react if someone did this to her, creature of pride that she is, forbid someone flame her old affiliations, and 2) lol she can’t believe kisuke can “flip” to squad 12 so fast, because her loyal ass cannot fathom flippin’ like this
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lol million dollar question, what the f*** he got down there. most indestructible thing in bleach? a piece of aizen’s prison chair, and WHY ? 
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lol shinji, mildly disgusted at kisuke even considering trying to imitate hikifune. i’ve already written stuff about this scene so probably won’t go too much into it here but hey if it ain’t for shiyori this is an otp right here ;d 
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kisuke’s “this motherf*****” face l0l
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this whole scene hurts sm, shinji my guy u getting played so hard rn 
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become a captain, yoruichi-san said, it will be fun, she said. (is that what convinced him lol) 
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lol hiyori is bothered that kisuke asked them to try to understand each other, this prickly one cannot deal l0l where does she get off punching all these blonde captains in the face and they?? let her?? do it??? Kisuke just lets her do it haha just like Shinji ey deliberate and calculating mofos rip hiyori 
aight off to the maggots nest they go .//tbc 
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
The last three episodes of the Cap’n Amagai filler arc are just Peak Bleach Filler and I loved them. Basically, in a Shocking! Turn of Events, Amagai kills the Evil Vizier, and kidnaps Rurichiyo while Ichigo and Rukia look on, utterly poleaxed. How could this have happened? Right here in a filler arc, where this always happens?
Anyway, Amagai has gone to confront Yamamoto, which goes exactly like this:
Amagai: You put a fish in my basket killed my dad! Yamamoto: I forgot I did that Amagai: You owe me an apology Yamamoto: Just hold your breath and see
Then Ichigo is like, “Look, man, I respect needing revenge, but you made a little girl SAD and I cannot forgive that!”
They fight.
Meanwhile, there is a literally a scene of all the other captains standing around while Yoruichi recaps the entire plot of this filler arc.
Back to the fight! Amagai’s has a bakkoutou, which turns into a bandelier of eyeballs, so that’s pretty sweet. His bankai (or whatever) is two swords: a pink-and-white, heart shaped fire tuba and a lightsaber. I love this guy so, so much.
It’s a pretty typical fight, Amagai’s bakkoutou negates soul reaper powers, which I guess is why no one can help Ichigo (who can conveniently now Hollowify for more than 11 seconds). Yamamoto has taken his shirt off at some point, and is just standing there, shirtless. He makes no excuses or attempts to deny that he stone-cold murdered Amagai’s dad. He’s just chillin’ while Ichigo fights his battle for him. I am pretty sure he falls asleep at some point.
Hey, remember earlier, when I mentioned that Rukia was really phoning this arc in? At the beginning of the fight, Ichigo is like, “Hey, Rukia, protect Rurichiyo with your life!” and Rukia’s like, “Got it, chief!” and then absolutely does not. At some point, a wall collapses on them, and Rukia climbs out of the rubble and is like, “oh shit Rurichiyo” and it turns out that Enryu and Kenryu have saved her, and she’s just like “phew!” and goes back to ignoring them. Rukia took a lot of shit in the Bount arc, and I honestly respect her taking this one a little easy.
Uggggh was there a fight going on? (it’s actually a good fight, if you love fire tubas, which, of course I do) Anyway, Ichigo beats Amagai and Amagai is basically dying and is about to let his bakkoutou take him over when Everyone shows up, like all the captains and Renji hauling around a half-conscious Kira. Yoruichi then proceeds to explain that Amagai’s dad was an undercover narc investigating bakkoutou and they forcefully attach a bakkoutou to him and Yamamoto had to take him out and he definitely felt bad about it (Yamamoto’s facial expression does not indicate that he felt bad about it, or in fact, that he remembers any of this. Look, he murders a lot of people). Was this the plot of Donnie Brasco? I don’t know, all I remember about that movie was Al Pachino’s velour jogging suit.
Amagai feels terrible about this, shouts that he has wasted his life, and sets himself on fire. Kira is understandably upset.
Next comes the greatest part of the episode, where Ichigo is like, “Hey, maybe we could go... put him out? Or something?” and Byakuya puts his hand on Ichigo’s shoulder and is like “A dude’s gotta do this sometimes.”
I cannot emphasize enough that the Captain-Commander could have cut all this off two episodes ago, and they probably could have had another captain for the war against Aizen, but instead, he fell asleep standing up. End scene.
And thus ends the arc! Ichigo says goodbye to Rurichiyo, but otherwise, it just... ends here! Bye! Drive safe! @avatarpabu97​ I regret to inform you that Ichigo and Kira never interact this entire arc. They are together for all of two scenes. Kira is unconscious in one of them; in the other, he is in anguish because his captain is on fire.
I think I neglected to mention this earlier, but this entire filler arc takes place in the middle of the Hueco Mundo arc. The Shinigami’s Cups joke about this, but it’s literally the only time it can take place! Chad uses El Directo and La Muerte, so it must be after they go to Hueco Mundo, but Ichigo’s got his powers and the Vizard captains aren’t there, so it can’t be after Aizen’s defeat.
Anyway, this is filler arc was great, I rate it 5 Fire Tubas. Let us never forget:
the Dangai cleaner running over some Menos
the shinigami bar staffed by a shinigami bartender
Squad 3 throws terrible parties
Kira has the reiatsu of a baby
That time Renji showed up and there was a sick guitar riff
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch8
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Chapter 7
I enjoy Uryu's company, I mean he knows on what to say and what not to say, I liked sitting with Uryu because he knows on how to comfort me when I'm feeling down, when it was lunch time, Uryu asked, "What are you planning on eating?" "I don't know, I didn't bring anything," I said, shyly, "Was I suppose to?" "Nah, I can share my portion," he said, then starting to split his lunch in half. Rukia and Ichigo were watching us from a distance, they've noticed that I've become comfortable around Uryu that I can basically tell him everything. When class started again, the teachers were noticing my sudden change when I switched to be in front of Uryu, they did not say a word, same with Ichigo, he was seeing my smile again. Uryu is my shield for being in the World of the Living, I wonder on if Ichigo will continue to be my sword, then I seen a big tall guy coming our way when school was over, he asked, "Hey, Uryu, who is this?" "Hm, oh, this is Akari Itsuki," greeted Uryu, "Akari meet Chad Sado." "Nice to meet you," I said, feeling like he should be my sword. Uryu asked me, "By the way, what do you do after school?" "Um, can I freely say that I'm from the Soul Society?" I asked. Uryu looked around and says, "I mean, I'm friends with Rukia, she's from the Soul Society so that counts. Your secret is safe with me, so what rank are you?" "I'm in Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya's squad and to answer that I'm the 3rd, I'm very hardworking," I said. Uryu and Chad were listening while the others were far up ahead, they are like Renji and Ichigo in the Soul Society, Uryu asked, "So, do you have a love interest?" "I'm strongly falling in love with Shuhei Hisagi," I said, "He loves that I have a passion for fighting." "That's good, I guess," said Uryu, sounding concern. I looked at him, "In a good way, I'm not like Captain Kenpachi, looking for a fight, I just fight for peace." "I see, so what is the name of your Zanpakuto?" he asked. I answered, "Her name is Shadow Phoenix." "I'm guessing that is not her actual name," said Chad. I told him, "She prefers Shadow Phoenix, she loathes her real name." "We understand," I hear Uryu say. Then he asked again, "How long did it take for you to master Shikai and Bankai?" "5 years," I said, "I've been practicing every day to get everything right on my own." "Oh wow," says Uryu, "You are very hardworking then." "Of course," I told him, "Besides she decided that 5 years of training on mastering Shikai and another 5 years of mastering Bankai." "Oh I see now, I thought you meant 2 years of Shikai training and 3 years of Bankai training," I hear Renji say. I greeted him, "Oh hi, Renji." "You ready to go back to South Korea?" he asked. I nodded, "Well see you guys tomorrow." I arrived back at the EXO headquarters, it feels weird coming back to a dark and gloomy when I came from a wonderful place, Kai asked me, "So, do you need help with anything?" "Nah, I can handle this work on my own," I said, "After all, I'm always working hard on what I need to do in order for things to get done." "Alright, let us know if you need anything," says Baekhyun, not caring on what I do. I went to my room, rolling my eyes, I set down my bag and began working on some of the homework, once I was finished, Suho came in and told me, "The guys and I are going on a mission, we will return when its finished." "Do you want me to go with you?" I asked, "I mean, will there be any fighting?" "Nah, no fighting," said Suho, "Feel free to ask one of your friends." He left, I haven't challenged Byakuya or Rukia, so I went with the best choice, Rukia came over and asked, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I mean I only challenged Renji, Toshiro, Ichigo, Yumichika, Urahara, Sui Feng, Yoruichi, and Ikkaku, I haven't challenged you," I said to her. Rukia says, "You know you don't have keep fighting, you can be on the alert team for incoming Hollows." "I want to keep on doing this," I said, "I haven't been asked to do that yet." Just before we started the fight, the 9 guys came to us, Rukia and myself were about to fight but apparently they can't see us, then I noticed that we are in Soul Reaper outfits, we need to be careful on how we fight so we don't knock one of them over, Rukia said, "Let's be careful with our fight." "Wait let Shadow Phoenix create the barrier," I told her. I created the barrier now the guys sees us, Suho shouted, "Guys, let's clear the arena for these girls." They nodded in agreement, all but big guy Chanyeol just stood there, I couldn't help but shout, "Super Nova!!!" I pointed it at him, he went from serious to terrified, then I noticed nothing happened, just a fire shield all around Chanyeol, Rukia and myself looked at each other in total confusion, she asked, "Was that all of Super Nova?" "Apparently so," I told her, "I was expecting an explosion." "Same here," she said, "Though it's a good thing for a fire shield to keep you warm and protected." "That is a really good point," I said, "Alright let's start!" Then we started our 1st round, everyone was watching us 2 girls going at it with full aggression, I was in 100% of aggression Rukia was not in that full in aggression as I am. After our 5 rounds, Rukia said, "You are a worthy opponent, Akari." "Thanks and sorry about me going into total aggression back there," I told her. Chanyeol and the others met up with us, Sehun said, "You are a Pyromancer, I think you are suppose to be in total aggression." "Thanks, I guess," I said, "What are you guys doing here?" "We want to train with you girls and your friends," said Suho, "We want to be stronger." "Consider it done," said Rukia, "Just so you know, you will only be Substitute Soul Reapers, in order to become full Soul Reapers, you need to be born in the Soul Society." "We don't care," says Chen, "We've given up on our gang because we are basically dead to the world. Everyone forgotten about us, so take us away." "Are you sure about this transition?" I asked. They all nodded, Suho said, "We want to redeem ourselves for what we have done to the world." "But, in order to go into the Soul Society, remember if you get out of line on who you are dealing with, you will be executed," I told him. They understood because I'm going to lead them to Kukaku Shiba and Urahara for them to train. I took the 9 guys out of their bodies by using my left hand that apparently does that transition, we then led them to Urahara's place, the merchant asks, "Ah, Akari, Rukia, what can I help you with?" "We need you to train these 9 like you did with the 3," I said to him. I left Urahara do the training because he knows the ways of the Zanpakuto, I sighed, "I wonder if Suho will ever know that his spiritual pressure is not like Ichigo's pressure." "Actually those 9 guys if they are together for a long time they can increase each other's spiritual pressures," said Rukia, "I mean, look at Kris, Luhan, and Tao's spiritual pressure." "Yeah, they match Ichigo's perfectly, I wonder if they are going to have the same exact training as Kris, Luhan, Tao, and Ichigo had," I said, "I never trained with Urahara, I only trained by myself." "Oh wow, that's amazing," said Rukia, "But I think I have an idea on what made them want to redeem themselves." "Oh yeah, and what's that?" I asked. She said, "They want to protect you and fight alongside you." "They realize I can take care of myself right?" I asked. Then I got the realization note from Ichigo one night saying, "Not everyone can take care of themselves, if they can take care of themselves is because they are either isolating themselves or too scared of trying something that they want to do. Look, Akari, I know I scared you but you got to drop that act thinking you can protect yourself forever, well, guess what, you can't protect yourself forever you have to open up to other people for you to trust that they can protect you." I couldn't believe Ichigo was not only telling me that but it shows that he is going to be my sword for a long time, I just stayed silent, then I heard Renji saying, "Hey, I know on what he said might upset you that you might've thought that he was scolding you but he wasn't, I made sure that he tried his best to keep his attitude at bay, I mean, he still doesn't know that you never knew your parents." "Yeah, that's why I have a very hard time accepting other people into my life," I said to him, "I just wish that Ichigo would shut up and let me say what I have to say, but I guess I would never tell him at all if he keeps this up." "But, don't forget that Shadow Phoenix took you in because she immediately knew that you were an orphan," said Rukia, "She felt so sorry for you, that's why she came to you in that 5th year when you were training Shikai." "Yeah, wait, she did?" I asked, "I didn't know that me being an orphan made her come out. She didn't tell me." "You didn't ask her," said Renji, "Ichigo will eventually learn about you being an orphan." "I mean me being scared shitless in class meant that I didn't have her with me," I said, "Everytime I carry her, I felt my confidence boosting." "That's right," said Rukia, "We noticed the sudden change in class when you recently got her back." "Yep and it was worth it," I told her. We went back to Urahara, telling him that they can go back to the world of the living with us. As they did, they received an overwhelming experience of concerned faces, I met Chanyeol's sister, Yoora, she had the look of concern all over her face, he went over to her so he could comfort her. So did the others, Suho looked at Rukia, Renji, and myself, saying, "Thank you for taking us over there." "Just so you know the effects will wear off once you guys sleep," I said, "You still have the abilities of coming out of your bodies but that is totally up to you guys." "We rather want to stay in our bodies until our training session begins," he said. Then off we went to Ichigo's place, I was still remained at Renji's side this time I saw Uryu and Chad, I instantly went in between them. Uryu looks at me, smiles, "Hey, Akari." "Nice to see you again, Uryu," I said, in a sweet tone of voice. I could've sworn Shadow Phoenix was giving Uryu a glare because he looked away with a terrified look on his face, I told her, "Mother, leave him alone." "Sorry, I can't help myself with my motherly instinct," she said. I rolled my eyes, "He's just a friend." "Uh-huh, just like Shuhei, and you still have feeling for Shuhei," I hear her say. I said, "At least, I didn't get back with Kai!" "Good point," she said, simmering down. Ichigo walked in, sees me, I was avoiding eye contact from him still, I'm hiding behind Uryu, and Uryu didn't mind not even Chad, they allowed me to sit in between them, he asks me, "How did it go with the training of the 9 guys?" "They've just started," I told him, in a shy manor. He begins talking to the others, Uryu quietly asked, "Is there you want to talk about?" "I've been wanting to say to Ichigo but he keeps me from saying it," I told him. Uryu said, "You can tell me." "I never my parents, I was an orphan in the Soul Society," I said, "I've been trying to find on if I am from the world of the living or was I really born in the Soul Society." "That is the big question on your mind," said Uryu, "I see that your Zanpakuto took you as her daughter?" "Yes, that's how I mastered Shikai in that 5th year apparently," I told him. He just nodded knowing that I have a very serious mission at hand, I looked to seeing Ichigo looking right me, I kept quiet then looked away from him, Renji tells him, "Go easy on her, Ichigo, she has been through a lot." "Why should I?" I heard him ask Renji. I snapped, "Do you want to know why I have been taking care of myself?" "Because you are too scared?" Ichigo answered, "I've told you-" I cut him off by saying, "Would you at least shut up and let me finish?" He was shocked then said, "Then say on what you were wanting to say." "You are lucky to have a father," I said, "I, for one, I never knew on who my parents were, I was an orphan in the Soul Society." "Actually, the head captain felt so sorry for you and decided to take you in," said Renji, "I heard that when I was trying to find out on where your parents were." From that point on, Ichigo never said anything negative about me constantly saying that I can take care of myself because it's my way of saying no thanks I can handle things on my own. I don't mean to say that in a rude way, I just have a hard time opening up to people that might use it against me. I am sitting in front of Uryu again basically I'm sticking with Uryu in all of the classes we have together, having Uryu around is very comforting for me, he saw me go away to EXO headquarters to check if they need anything help with their training. Every member has the Chain of Fate on their chest where their hearts are, I asked Urahara, "Should we take those chains off?" "Do you think it's time for that?" he asked back. I said, "The chain hindered Ichigo's training so I guess we can give these guys a chance." I didn't wait for Urahara to say anything back, I went to one of the members that was resting which was Jongdae, he looked at me, asks, "What do you want?" Without answering, I just pulled the chain off of him, when the chain was removed from Jongdae, Urahara who was freaked out, asked, "Are you crazy? Why did you do that?" I knelt down, putting my right hand to his forehead, saying, "Relax, you are still alive, this chain hinders your training if you are achieving Shikai and Bankai." "Shikai and Bankai? What are those?" asked Jongdae. I turned towards him, smirked at him, "Since you asked, we'll start with you." I grabbed on hold of him and went to a private area where he can achieve his Zanpakuto, in front of us, we were seeing nine regular katanas. One for each member, I asked Shadow Phoenix to pick best for each one. I pointed the fifth sword, he went to it he asked, "What's going to happen?" "You'll see," I told him, "This is your Zanpakuto." "Do I give it a name?" he asked. I told him, "Every Zanpakuto was given a name, the wielder has to know its name and its spirit." "Are you going to help me with Shikai and Bankai?" he asked again. I told him, "Those come later but for right now, you need to know your Zanpakuto first before Shikai and Bankai." "Alright," he said, "We are very new to this." "That's why training is the most important for us, Soul Reapers," I told him, "Luckily for you guys, you are now from the Soul Society, but we are here to help you out the best way we can." "So, about these Hollows you kill, do you actually kill them?" he asked. I answered, "No, we cleanse them from what they were." "Oh," he said, "That's clears everything that I have for questions." "Alright, but learning your Zanpakuto's spirit is only doing sleeping or meditation," I said, "I extremely suggest for you to do mediation." "I can do meditation," he said, "Chanyeol is one hell of an impatient dude." "I'm sure, his Zanpakuto will put him in his place," I said to him, "The spirits are much older and wiser than you and everybody else so he better stop being that way or he will turn into a Hollow." "Oh shoot," he shouted. I covered his mouth, "Don't wake them up, just keep your focus on YOUR Zanpakuto which is the fifth one." Then I picked it up closer to him so he can know that this is his sword, I told him, "Her name is Curious Heart." "Curious Heart? That's a beautiful name," he said. Then I left him to meditate in order to get in touch with her, I teleported back to seeing curious faces, minus Chanyeol. I went to Chanyeol, yanked his chain off of him, he gasped, "What is wrong with you?" "Stop being an ass and get your act straight otherwise you will turn into a Hollow," I told him, "Any negative thought you have will turn against you and will make you into a Hollow if you stop acting like an ass!" "Oh shit," muttered Baekhyun. I took Chanyeol to where I had Jongdae, told him to stay put while I get the rest of the gang over while they had their chains of fate removed since they are now from the Soul Society. I turned to them and told them, "Don't bother Jongdae, he is meditating to set an example of what you need to do. Each sword has a name of its own and is connected to one of you. Jongdae's Zanpakutos name is Curious Heart." I looked at where Urahara was at, he noticed that I got this training session, then I asked, "Who would like to go next after Jongdae?" Baekhyun stepped up and said, "I want to go next." I pretended to not hear him and turned to Kai, "Kai, thank you for volunteering on going next." I grabbed Kai, led him to the 8th sword, he said, "Baekhyun said he was going next." "Yeah but not everyone can have a turn because this is a very long process," I told him, "By the way, your Zanpakuto's name is Majestic Leviathan. Her original name is Reckless Rose but she prefers Majestic Leviathan." He nodded then started to meditate like Jongdae, then I pulled Minseok towards his which is the first sword, I told him, "Her name is Blizzard, start meditating." He started doing that, Baekhyun's Zanpakutos name is Masked Light, Suho's Zanpakuto is Swift Winter River, Chanyeol's named Colossal Jaguar, Kyungsoo's named Grim Earth, Yixing's named Little Earth, and Sehun's Zanpakuto is named Enraged Hurricane. They all started mediating, I was watching them I am surrounded by the spirits of their Zanpakutos and Shadow Phoenix, trying to see on who is getting close to losing their focus or close to get in touch with the spirit of his Zanpakuto.
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darisu-chan · 5 years
The Fairest of Them All-Chapter 4
Hey guys, I’m back with one for chapter from this fanfic. Hope you all like it. As always, you can read it parts 1, 2, and 3 in the links, and you can also read this chapter and the rest of the work in here.
As always, thank you so much for all of your support!
See you!
Summary: A runaway princess, a cursed hero, a mad king. The three bring together the fairytale you never knew you needed. Can Princess Shirayuki recover her kingdom? Or will evil King Aizen triumph? And will Kuro ever be able to break his curse?
Chapter 4: The Wheels of Destiny
Orihime was a very nice and chatty person, as Shirayuki came to realize. After bringing her to the room she had been in before, Orihime left and came back with a nightgown, bandages and ointment. She helped her out of her torn dress and started dressing her wounds. Thankfully all scratches were merely superficial. As she helped her, Orihime never stopped talking. She talked about the materials of her dress. About how Shirayuki’s hair had gotten stuck on a bush. About her scratches and other things. It amused the princess. She had never met someone who spoke so freely to her. Not even Renji could talk to her like that after first meeting each other.
“Can I ask you something?” Shirayuki said once Orihime had stopped talking.
“Sure.” The other woman smiled at her sweetly.
“How do you exactly help Kuro? Forgive me, but you don’t look much like a fighter.” She finally asked. She had been wondering about it since they met.
Orihime laughed. “That’s because I’m not.” She said. “I’m a healer. I prepare medicines and sell them to the people at the town nearby. But I also help them in their activities. Whenever one of them gets injured, I cure them.” Her smile fell. “They’ve been injuring themselves a lot recently. Kuro specially.”
“You seem like you’re close to Kuro.” Shirayuki remarked, after noticing how the woman started frowning.
“We are close!” Orihime exclaimed, smile back on her face. “He helped me long ago, after my brother died and I didn’t have a home. He took me to Tatsuki and her family. Thanks to him I met Tatsuki, and Chad and, eventually, Uryu.”
“Uryu?” Shirayuki asked, puzzled.
She giggled. “Ah, well, you know him as Ishida. He prefers to be called by his last name. But I call him Uryu.” She said, blushing slightly.
“So you’ve known Kuro for a long time?” Shirayuki wondered.
“Yes. Long before the curse.” Orihime said, smiling sadly.
“How did he look like?” She asked. “Before the markings and the black hair.”
The woman’s face acquired a wistful look. “Tan skin, as if it had been kissed by the sun. Strong jaw. Chiseled chin. Hair the color of a sunset. Deep brown eyes.” Orihime then realized she had been rambling by the way Shirayuki was staring at her. She flushed and then chuckled. “He was a really handsome man. Strong too. But now… I’m afraid he’s lost himself.” She said, her smile turning sad. “He lost his home. His family. He even lost his name.”
“His name? Is it not Kuro?” Shirayuki asked her.
Orihime shook her head. “You’re not the only one who wants to protect their identity.” She declared. “That’s why he changed it to Kuro. So no one from our kingdom could track him down. As far as they know, he is dead.”
“They also think I’m dead.” She replied.
Orihime put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get your kingdom back, don’t worry.” Shirayuki nodded wordlessly. “In the meantime, get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll talk some more.”
The princess looked around. “Should I sleep with you and Tatsuki? Or move to another room?”
“Oh, Tatsuki and I don’t share a room.” She answered. “She bunks with Chad, because she claims he’s the only one that doesn’t snore. They sleep on the room to the left. Keigo and Mizuiro share the room in front of Tatsuki’s. Yoruichi sleeps wherever she wants. Kuro normally sleeps by himself. And Uryu and I sleep in the master bedroom at the far end of the corridor.”
Shirayuki blushed at the implications of her words. She turned to Orihime quizzically, and then noticed something shining in her left hand. A ring. “Oh.”
The woman giggled. “You can stay in this room. There are more blankets in the closet if you’re cold.” She said, opening the closet doors.
“Thank you.”
“Have a nice night, Shirayuki.” Orihime bid her goodbye. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask us.”
“Again thank you.”
“It’s no problem, really.”
“Good night.”
With one last smile, Orihime left and Shirayuki collapsed on the bed. It was warm and comfortable. Better than sleeping on hay in a cell. She covered herself and then blew out the candle Orihime had left her. Closing her eyes, she managed to smile. Today had been a good day after all. She was still alive and away from Aizen. And she had been lucky enough to meet someone who could help her defeat the evil king and take her kingdom back. Her thoughts then strayed to Kuro. She felt awful for what had happened to him, but she couldn’t help but be intrigued by him. Just who was him?
With Kuro still in her mind, she fell asleep.
Outside, Orihime noticed Kuro, who was just walking up the stairs. She smiled at him.
“I gave her your room, hope you don’t mind.”
The man shook his head. “It’s fine. I can always sleep on the couch.”
“Or you can always share the room with her.” She said playfully.
Kuro got flustered. “Of course not! I can’t do that! She’s a princess!”
Orihime giggled, clearly amused by his outburst. “You know, you two aren’t different at all. If you give her a chance, she might surprise you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked.
“Nothing. Just looking out for you.” She said, mysteriously.
“Whatever you say.”
“Just promise me something.” She said, before going to her room.
“What’s that?” Kuro asked.
“Don’t close off yourself to getting to know her better. She’s different from others. She won’t judge you.” Orihime said earnestly.
“I don’t think she’s the one.” He replied, voice turning sad.
“I know you’ve gotten your hopes up before in the last year.” She told him. “But don’t lose faith.”
Kuro sighed heavily. “I thought I’d found her before.” He retorted. “But it was never her.”
“Go on.” He said, motioning to the corridor. “Your husband awaits you.”
Orihime frowned. “I won’t insist anymore. But at least be her friend. She needs one right now.” And with that, she left him alone to his thoughts.
Kuro looked at the room he knew Shirayuki was sleeping at. “A friend, huh?” He whispered. That he could do. He wouldn’t lose anything by just befriending the princess. Still, when he lay down on the couch, preparing to rest, he couldn’t stop the spark of hope which ignited inside his chest.
Aizen smiled as he walked the deep end corridors of the castle.
“You are in a good mood today, my lord.” Gin remarked as they walked together.
“Indeed.” The king answered. How could he not be happy with the news he had received earlier that day. He smirked. Today was the day.
Along Tousen and two guards, they walked to his secret room. Opening the door, he couldn’t help but smile when he saw the magic mirror inside. Things were going just as he had planned so many years ago. He approached the magical object and stood in front of it.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, don’t tell me lies, tell me all.” He spoke the enchanted words once more.
The white face from before appeared and looked at him. “I am Barragan, the magic mirror, tell me what you wish to know.” Barragan repeated. Noticing it was Aizen again, he narrowed his eyes. “What is it you wish to know now, king of many, king of none?”
Aizen frowned at his words. He would have to ask him later what they meant. “I have dealt with that which stood in the way of my plans. Now I’ve come to ask what I’ve been looking for: the woman who shall be my queen and mother of my heirs.”
“Say the question. You know the words.” Barragan declared.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” Aizen asked solemnly.
The mirror closed his eyes and started speaking. “Hair as black as ebony, lips as red as blood, skin as white as snow. It is the girl whom they call Shirayuki the one you are looking for. She still breathes and her heart still beats. Escaping from death, deep in the woods, she has found the one who can destroy your plans. Beware, because the wheels of destiny are turning. Heed my words, King Aizen, or you will lose it all. If their hearts touch, she will free him, and he will melt her heart. But if Shirayuki dies, nothing will be able to stop you. For as long as she breathes, you will never know rest.” With that Barragan finished his speech, and the mirror turned black.
Aizen did not say anything else. He exited the room, Gin and Tousen in tow. He walked to his chamber, leaving the door wide open. When his men walked in, they closed the door for him, and approached him.
“My lord?” It was Tousen who walked towards him. “Are you alright?”
The mad king did not answer. He walked to his desk and flung everything that was on top of it. In his rage, he stomped over manuscripts, books, and ink. Then, he punched a mirror, his hand bleeding from the glass shards. He ignored the shouts from Gin and Tousen. Instead, he noticed a book which he had previously stepped on. He carefully picked it up and opened it. Then, he smirked. “I’ve got it.”
Gin raised an eyebrow. “Got what, my lord?”
“Gin, Tousen. Prepare everything for a ball.” He said, ignoring Gin.
“A ball?” Tousen asked.
“Yes. A ball, for all the people in this kingdom! Invite the nobles, the bakers, the farmers! Even invite our own servants! Let this be a great feast!” He exclaimed, gesturing wildly.
“It will be done, my lord.” Tousen said, not thinking of asking further.
“Make the preparations immediately.” Aizen ordered him. Tousen exited the room, and left the two men alone.
“I gather you know how to take care of the dear princess?”
“Indeed, Gin, indeed.”
Aizen smiled. Although the princess had been nothing but a pest, he knew how to take care of her. She was too predictable to be able to fool him.
“Do you want me to punish Abarai?” He asked again.
“Don’t even bother. He must be far away from the castle by now.” Aizen replied, reading the book intently.
He had other things to take care of. He would heed the mirror’s words to the letter. Luckily, he knew how to make sure the princess would never be a problem again, and he would get rid of her little friend to boot. It was just so perfect.
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deathwonderwish · 5 years
HitsuKarinweek2019 day 2 Nightmare.
He was always afraid to lose her, but what he didn't know is that he never had her to begin with.
“Hey Toshiro?” She asked softly. They two of them were sitting on the railing watching the sunset. It was one of those rare times when the ice captain decided to visit the human world, and he ended up helping her with another game. After the game they were just walking toward Karin's home when they saw the sunset.
“What?” he answered without looking up from his phone.
“What are you afraid of?” she asked.
This time he looked up from his phone, because the question had caught him off guard. He never thought she'd ask that. He got up and started moving away from her.
“Who know?” truth was… he was afraid for quite a lot of things, he was afraid that he wasn't strong enough compared to the rest of the captains, he was afraid for Hinamori who was too innocent for the world they lived in, he was always afraid to lose the people dear to him, he used to be afraid of losing control of his power and kill his grandmother or some other people when he was sleeping. But Kurosaki Karin didn't need to know that. In fact she didn't need to know anything about him, after all, he was a captain of the Gotei 13 and she was just a human and Kurosaki Ichigo's younger sister.
She quickly got up from the railing as well and followed him like the last time he visited. Karin sighed seeing that he wasn't going to answer her. She fully expected that, they've only met 3 times times so why would he want to tell her anything about him?
“Well I'm afraid for my family, I don't want to see them in harm, I don't like seeing Ichi-nii injured after a battle and I'm certainly afraid that one day Yuzu might leave me. Maybe I'm even afraid of death, I mean I don't want to be a ghost”
“You will become a soul after you died, you want it or not” he said in front of her.
“Well I guess that can't be helped, now can it?” She said, and he didn't answer so she sighed.
It was always quite awkward when it came to talking with him, Karin realised it that particular day. And for her it never felt the same, he was always pushing her away and she just wanted to be friends with him. Maybe she should try harder next time?
2 years later, she was 14, an she asked the same question again when she saw him. This time he wasn't on vacation but on a mission and the topic of his mission was her. During those two years when Ichigo lost his powers, her reiatsu started to grow and she became the one who protected the family even though she never wanted any powers. When Ichigo never got his powers back she started her training with Urahara's and Yoruichi because she wanted to protect her family and be the one to protect Ichigo this time. So when the soul society found out about her they sent him to investigate.
“Are you afraid of anything?” she asked again. This time they were in Urahara's basement.
“That's none of your business Kurosaki” he said coldly, like he always did. Well at least this time he called her by her name.
After that she stopped asking and stopped thing to talk with him. Somehow it bothered him and he didn't know why.
After that they started to see each other a lot more often when she started to “officially” work for the Seireitei, she wasn't a shinigami, no she didn't want to be one, she was simply someone that the soul society could rely on if they are ever in trouble, like Orihime or Chad. And he was sent there sometimes for training other times to make sure everything was alright, because Karakura was still a common place for hollows to appear and there was no longer a substitute shinigami like Kurosaki Ichigo there to protect it.
All these times that he spend in the human world he started to get know Karin a little better and maybe she could be considered a good friend after all this time. He learned that she was the youngest of all the Kurosaki siblings, he learned that ever since she entered high school she no longer played soccer, he learned that she was strong, stubborn and more mature than the other kids her age. But he still pushed her away when she did her best trying to get to know him.
The next time they had a conversation was when she was 17, this time he was actually the one who started and he realised some noticeable changes in her that bothered him more than they should.
“Good afternoon Kurosaki” he said once he walked out of the gate, into Urahara's shop and she was there sitting on the floor drinking tea while reading a book.
“Good afternoon captain Hitsugaya” she replied without looking a him. It bothered him, first of all she called him by his title, something she never did, not even once during the little time that they had known each other. Secondly she wasn't even looking at him, usually when he visited she'd be the first person to greet him and smile at him (he'd never admit it out loud but he actually loved her smiles and he liked her calling him by his given name).
“What's wrong Kurosaki?” He asked, maybe a little too concerned on his part, considering the fact that they hardly know each other.
“Nothing is wrong, I'm just stressed. Finals are coming up and if I want to get into a good University this is the most important exam of my life. So do you have any business?” She asked.
“Actually I'm on vacation this time” he said. As soon as he said that she got up from the ground.
“Then you should have told me, I wasted all my time coming here thinking that there is trouble” with that she left.
He was confused, he hadn't seen her for 2 years and she changed that much?
“Humans change really fast, she's now a young woman, no longer the child that she used to be. Isn't that right captain?” He turned to look at the ex 12th Captain's words and it hit him hard, Kurosaki Karin was no longer that child he found so annoying back then, this girl, no this woman that he saw was the grown up version of his friend.
Later that week he he was ready to start a real conversation with her that had nothing to do  with business and he found her on top of her roof, she was just sitting there, and she looked beautiful in his eyes, even if she was just wearing pyjamas and her hair was a mess.
“Hey” he said sitting near her
“Ah, hi, Hitsugaya-san, I'm really sorry about the other day that I snapped at you. I really was stressed out with all the exams and all that” she said and he was surprised at her seriousness, usually she was never that serious with him.
“Is fine, don't worry about it. I understand I guess” he was like that too when there was a lot of paperwork.
“Ah good, anyways… is there anything you need? Is the hollows increasing again? I haven't felt anything so far, but maybe that was because my mind really wasn't there. Sorry about that”
“No, I'm on vacation this time” he said.
“Oh I forgot about that, then why are you doing here?”
“There is something I meant to ask”
“Why did you call me captain Hitsugaya? You never did that” when he turned to look at her he could only see the surprise on her face. But she soon composed herself.
She was surprised because she never expected him asking her anything that wasn't work related, back then, she was the one asking none work related questions and he never answered any of them.
“That's because it's the right thing to do, when I was younger I did not have the best manners so I called you by your given name, I'm really sorry if I was rude to you, but it won't  happen again, now that I've grown and realised how rude I was because we are just acquaintances after all, I shouldn't really follow everything that Ichigo did” she said calmly.
Her sentence bothered him a lot, especially the part when she said that they were only acquaintances, he felt disappointed, even hurt.
“Don't worry about it, well I have to go now, see you around Kurosaki" he didn't know why but he just want to get out of there fast, he couldn't understand why his chest was aching.
He decided to ask his lieutenant.
“Captain you are upset because you like Karin-chan, and I mean romantically like Karin-chan, you are sad because to her you are just an acquaintance, while you want your relationship to be something more” Rangiku explained.
“There is no way I could ever involve myself with someone romantically, I'm a captain and I have so many duties” he tried to deny it but it sounded ridiculous even to his own ears.
“Oh that's not an excuse sir, captain Kuchiki was married for many years before his wife died, don't deny your feelings because that doesn't make you strong. Sometimes when you accept your feelings they may be already too late.” She whispered the last part but he heard her anyways.
Well maybe Rangiku did love Gin, but there was nothing that they could do about his death.
He remembered that time she asked what his fears were and one of them was to lose the people he cared for, he couldn't even imagine if he ever lose her, he didn't want to imagine. Maybe this time he was finally ready to answer her questions. He just hoped that it wasn't too late.
“Thanks Matsumoto…” with that he left his office ready to go to the human world again and tell her his answer and feelings.
But he was too late. When he found her by her reiatsu he saw her in the distance, she was walking with someone else, they were holding hands and they were walking really close to each other. He could see that Karin was smiling with that guy and they were laughing, their interaction was nothing like theirs. He decided to follow them but in the end he saw something that he wished he had never seen, Karin was kissing that boy as they arrived at her house.
“I'm too late…” he brought a hand to his face and noticed the wetness on his hand. He wasn't aware that he had been crying this entire time.
When she was 23 he visited once again, this time for a mission and he came with other shinigamis as well, when he saw her for the first time after that last time he couldn't help but think how beautiful she had became.
“Hey Hitsugaya-san” she waved at him when he went pass through the gate.
He waved back “Kurosaki” she still called him by his last name, so formal, so unlike her.
“So is there anything wrong? I heard that you guys were coming.”
“Nothing is wrong, we are here for a check-up” he answered, it was a lie and she knew that.
“Alright them, well if that's all then I won't be needed here” she said rather seriously, he couldn't recognize that tone she used, because he had never seen her so serious before.
He thought about it and maybe it was the right time to tell her about his feelings after so long. Even if she might reject him he just wanted to let her know that. He might never admit it but loving her was one of his biggest fears.
“Wait Kurosaki, can we talk?” He asked and she stopped.
“Sure, what's wrong?”
“It's something… um personal so do you mind coming with me to somewhere else?” He said, he knew that behind him Matsumoto was wishing him the best of luck.
Surprised that Toshiro would act like that, Karin simply nodded “um sure… where would you want to go?”
“The railings”
With that said the two of them walked together toward their destination, it was so awkward.
“You can tell me now whatever you wanted to say” Karin started, trying to break the uncomfortable silence.
“Do you remember that you asked about my fears?” He asked.
Karin thought about it for a second “maybe. I did ask you a lot of questions back then” she didn't really remember that particular question though.
“I fear losing the people I care about.” He answered.
“Don't we all? But I don't understand, why are you telling me this now?” Karin asked both confused and surprised. Surprised because he was kind of opening up to her and confused about why he was doing that.
“You are one of them Karin. I fear losing you. I realised my feelings too late and I've been so afraid to tell you my feelings, I'm in love with you” there he said it, Sand apart from the fear of rejection he felt a lot lighter.
On the other hand Karin laughed, after finally understanding where the conversation was going she realised how silly everything was.
Of all the reactions, he wasn't expecting her to laugh.
“I'm flattered Hitsugaya-san, but do you not see how unrealistic this is? I mean we hardly know each other. How many times have we actually seen each other? I can count the times with my fingers. Not to mention most of the times that we do see each other they are always business related stuff…” she paused and when she started her next sentence, all the humor in her  voice gone, and replaced with a bitter tone. “But you know what? I used to have a crush on you, the time you first saved me from those older kids when you helped me with that game. I really thought you were pretty cool. But of course at that moment I didn't know what a crush was, I didn't know what it was to like someone. But still I wanted to be your friend, so I tried my best, only to realize that you didn't care and you always pushed me away. As I grew older I started to understand more about those feeling and I realised how stupid I had been as a child, I also realised that to you I was only a human, if not just Kurosaki Ichigo's sister, I ended up giving up on you. What I'm trying to say is... you don't have to be afraid of losing me, because I was never yours to begin with, and you were never mind either.” Honestly her words were painful and harsh, but what she said was true. She did try to get closer to him and he had always pushed her away. There was nothing he could say.
“I understand that I have been distant in the past and I'm deeply sorry about that. But to me you aren't just another human, you aren't just Kurosaki Ichigo's sister. You are my friend.” He apologized
Karin sighed  “thank you for telling me that Hitsugaya-san… but…” she didn't want to say anything that would hurt him even if they were true. Her eyes. Looked down at the engagement ring on her finger and he saw it when he saw her touching it.
“I see, I won't be bothering you again then Kurosaki-san” he didn't even leave her time to ask what he meant, he was already gone.
That day she realised that he was gone from her life forever. She didn't do anything because she has already accepted his absence.
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missstormcaller · 7 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Part 6 Full Translation
Chapter 4
Squad 9 Barracks. "……" Hisagi Shūhei was sitting at his vice captain's desk, gazing at and reflecting on previous issues of Seireitei Communication. At his back, the voice of Muguruma, his captain, called out to him. "Hey, what's with the long face, Shūhei." "Uh, captain…" "Is it because of the business from just a short while ago? Well, it's not surprising that you're irritated." "…sorry, it really shows on my face huh?" He intended to bottle up his emotions, but it seems he couldn't even do a good job of that, no matter how hard he tried. After taking a deep breath, Hisagi posed a question to Muguruma.
"Captain, did you know about it? Captain Tōsen…I mean, Tōsen Kaname's past?" "…Just a little." Even now, Hisagi has a habit of calling Tōsen "captain Tōsen" when he gets worked up. He understands this is discourteous towards the current captain Muguruma, but no matter what, when it came to Tōsen, it seemed impossible to keep in control of his reasoning power. Because Muguruma is understanding of that, he couldn't even blame Hisagi for it. "I'm not the kind of person who concerns myself with a subordinate's past or something. So I didn't inquire that deeply, and even if I didn't ask, he was able to work in a reliable enough manner… but thinking back on it now, perhaps I should have gotten to the core of things some more." "What about the Tsunayashiro noblemen…?" "All the same, the likes of nobility was not a matter worth worrying about as far as I was concerned. It's okay if they were like Kyōraku san, Kuchiki or Yoruichi, but ordinary nobles were not ones who wanted to get too close to that bunch." Hisagi also knew well about the arrogance and irrationality of the Shinigami noblemen. If it was arrogance that is somewhat genial in nature like the Omaedas' then it would be excusable, but the conduct of nobles like that which was seen from the Central 46 not too long ago was outrageous. Although he had heard that Central 46 had also happened to reform their way of thinking after the war, still, among those who live in Kizokugai*, there were many who openly looked down upon commoners or those who hailed from Rukongai.
(*TN -- "Noble Town" i.e. the district within Seireitei where many nobles live, see my WDkALY Part 6 translation for more info.) "It would've been great if they were all like Yoruichi san." "…That in its own way will only spell trouble." Imagining the figures of a crowd of Yoruichis leaping around Kizokugai, Muguruma knit his eyebrows together in unease, whilst recalling the past he crafted his words. "Come to think of it, around the time that Byakuya guy was still a brat, whenever Yoruichi would tease him, he'd be furious and he was a delight to be around, but now he's become completely nobleman-like." "It can't be helped. He is the head of one of the four great noble clans after all." "But then Yoruichi would have had the same standpoint too back then…" As he said that Muguruma picked up a copy of "Seireitei Communication" which was on the desk, he flipped through the pages whilst questioning Hisagi. "Anyway, you've dared to undertake this task huh? Given the circumstances, I think it would have been fine if you had refused and passed the matter off to others in the squad you know?” "…I was also hesitant when it came to deciding."
An hour ago - Squad 1 barracks "…Understood. I will take on this special edition matter." "Eh? Really?… You're fine with it?" In response to Kyōraku who spoke as if he was surprised, Hisagi gives a firm nod. "Yes, I am, but I inherited Seireitei Communication from the former editor-in-chiefs like it was my castle…so, whether or not that guy deserves to have a special edition made for him, I will first and foremost collect information on him with my own hands." "You talk more boldly than I could've imagined… ah… Just so you know, if you're bringing up the past it's likely you're already being watched by the Kinin Noble Assembly*. But I think we can curb the efforts of those belonging to Central 46 one way or another if we ask Nayura chan." (*TN-- they deal with matters relating to the four great noble clans, see WDkALY Part 9 translation) "No, it's not the past I'm going to collect information on, but rather the current situation around that man. I will write down exactly what I have observed with integrity, if there are no problems, then please leave the special edition up to me." "…You have no personal grudges?" Kyōraku inquired in a certain manner, as if feeling him out, after a short silence hung between them, Hisagi replied. "I can't be certain of whether or not there is some…in any case, to distort an article with my emotions, that in itself would be an insult to captain Tōsen." Although he had unintentionally called Tōsen "captain" even here, Nanao only slightly narrowed her eyes and and no one directly pointed the issue out to him. After watching Hisagi with a serious look in his eye for a short while, he lightly shrugged his shoulders and opened his mouth to speak. "I see, well then, you've been asked to do this. But don't push yourself too hard. Your addressee is a leader amongst the nobles who operates under a completely different set of principles to we of the Gotei 13. It's possible that they may meddle with any weak points they see in you the interviewer.” "I'm prepared for that. I can't interview cunning Shinigami if I'm afraid of such things." "Really? You'd be okay even if a seductive young lady like Rangiku chan used flirtatious means to get what they want?" "Ehh? You really think I'd be taken in by that kind of thing…?" A flustered Hisagi turns his attention towards Nanao, but she immediately averts her eyes. Subsequently, when he turned his face towards Muguruma-- "Well, amongst the vice captains you seem to be second only to Omaeda when it comes to falling into a trap." --He said, expressing his impressions quite frankly. "Second to Omaeda!?" "That's right, but Omaeda has money, so perhaps he's galavanting​ about the place more than one would expect and is accustomed to flirtatious advances. Then that would mean your actually number one…" "No, no, not at all! What about the others, such as Renji… the others…?"
He recollected various things that happened in the past -- more specifically things like the reactions of both himself and Renji when Kurotsuchi Mayuri once told them "I can perform a Zanpakutō sex change", he realised there was little difference between them. "Well, that's quite enough of that conversation don't you think! Anyway, you can leave this matter with me!" "Of course, it's better to have a certain kind of relaxed attitude. Since it's pretty tough keeping company with those nobles who do nothing but strain your nerves." "Captain Kyōraku……" Realising that those words from just a moment ago were said for the purpose of alleviating his mental strain, Hisagi felt a sense of gratitude towards Kyōraku whilst speaking once again. "I understand. In the name of Seireitei Communication, please allow me to undertake this task." "Yes, do let me know if there's anything I can assist you with too. However, a captain commander's job is more hectic than I expected, so I can't be available at all times." "Thank you very much! Err……" Then, Hisagi remembered. Questions he had to ask the captain commander personally. " ?  What's the matter?" Responding to Kyōraku who tilted his head in puzzlement, Hisagi broached the subject with a serious look on his face. "Captain Kyōraku…sorry to change the subject but, there's one more thing I want to ask you." "What would you like to ask me? I hope I can give you an answer." "……It's about captain Ukitake, and Ginjō Kūgo." "……" A slight shadow is cast over Kyōraku's expression and after a brief silence, he opened his mouth to speak. "I'm at a loss, why ask about that at this point in time I wonder?" "I met with Ginjō today." "!  I see… right, there's no need to worry about him. Regarding his treatment, Ukitake requested to prolong it as much as possible." Whilst calling to mind the face of his now deceased dear friend, Kyōraku quietly glanced towards an empty space. "Captain Ukitake, he……" "However, that’s because it wasn't possible to say whether or not he was innocent in all this from outward appearances, in truth, Ukitake tolerated it and adopted a wait and see attitude." After displaying a wry smile, Kyōraku then asks Hisagi about the fundamental points. "So then…did you hear the story from him?" "Yes, but, I can't very well listen to and swallow up only one side of the story." "You treat such matters seriously huh? I think that's a good thing, yes." After flashing a smile as if he was reassured by Hisagi's attitude towards his work, Kyōraku released a small sigh whilst he formed his words. "Be that as it may…will you give me a little time?" "Time?" "It appears that Ukitake tried to keep the matter to himself. I too was unable to grasp the whole story. However, with my current position, various things that were ambiguous before can now be cleared up I think. If that happens, it's possible that Ginjō Kūgo will also be given a pardon of sorts." After going as far as to say that, Kyōraku narrowed his one eye. "…On the flip side, there is also a possibility that a criminal amongst the Shinigami will be uncovered." "…Understood. I will wait until then." Following that, he was given a short briefing and after obtaining a number of 'interview permissions', Hisagi left the 1st division barracks. As he hurried back towards his own squad barracks, Hisagi thinks over the instructions for the special edition issue once again. ---- Tsunayashiro Tokinada. Whilst reflecting upon the name that was carved into his mind many times over, he tried to subdue his emotions as he headed towards his squad barracks with an extremely grim looking face ------  it was enough to frighten Yamada Hanatarō who he had passed by en route.
Present time - Squad 9 Barracks. "Oh damn, is that the time? Sorry captain, I have to head out for the interviews." "You're a busy guy huh. Where will you go to next?" "Squad 11. To those guys Madarame and Yumichika, I'm going to interview those two about the left arm of the Soul King."
One hour later - Squad 11 Barracks - Resting Area. "Well… that's precisely what we saw. If that's somewhat helpful?" "In fact, during that battle we were mostly just watching. So it's a rather tedious matter. Oh, I hate to admit it too much, but Nemu chan's fight was truly beautiful." In response to to Madarame and Yumichika who continued to narrate their rough accounts on the matter, Hisagi knit his eyebrows as he replied. "So in brief, if I understood you correctly, captain Kurotsuchi was being crazy as usual. Still, I hope Nemu san will be healed without problem…" "Rather than 'healing', it seems she'll have a new body soon. That Akon guy said that a few years later, by crawling around she'll probably be able to use a certain level of shunpo." "That will be a sight to behold." Unable to imagine it he tilted his head to the side, but Hisagi didn't probe too deeply into the subject and decided to ask other questions instead. "So then, surely captain Kurotsuchi talked about the left arm of the Soul King?" "Yeah, I couldn't understand anything at all about that thing…" Because he had heard rumours surrounding that topic, Hisagi had paid a visit to these two specifically to enquire about the details of the battle. Hisagi was trying to investigate whether or not there was some kind of connection between the "right arm of the Soul King" that dwelled in captain Ukitake, and the "left arm of the Soul King" that for some reason was in the Wandenreich camp. A local deity called "Mimihagi sama" dwelled within Ukitake. If it was truly the right arm of the Soul King, why in the world were the arms of the Soul King detached from the body? Given that this may also affect Ukitake's honour depending on the circumstances, Hisagi wanted to make a clear distinction between the boundaries of rumour and reality, however -- with this interview, the state of affairs started to appear increasingly chaotic. "That guy, he was changing his manner of speech and had some strange things to say. Like "I have always been a Quincy" for example." "……?" At the words which had unexpectedly left Yumichika's mouth, Hisagi reflexively knit his eyebrows together. "No way, that's strange. Why is the left arm of Soul King sama Quincy from the beginning? Could it be that somebody amongst the Quincies obtained the left arm of Soul King sama somewhere, and then implanted it within their body like Ukitake san or something?" "How should I know? It's not like we could even hear the whole exchange after all." "What about you Madarame?" "I probably can't explain the reasoning behind things that Yumichika can't understand. Ask captain Kurotsuchi."
Although it was a reasonable suggestion, Hisagi could only release a sigh at that. "I've requested permission to collect information on a variety of other subjects, such as the situation with kira…but these past six months he seems to be busy all the time. He rejected any interviews. He says he has a mountain of new research." Realising that he was already complaining, Hisagi dropped his shoulders whilst backing-up with his next words. "Well, that's mostly because of Seireitei's restoration and Nemu san so I guess it can't be helped…" "You look like you're having a hard time. You never seemed suited to this line of work to begin with." "It's not a question of being suited or not. Madarame, you too wouldn't listen to someone who told you "the battle is not suited to you so give up" would you?" "Right, I would cut the guy down before he could tell me a joke like that." Just when he let out a sigh at Madarame's unsettling reply, Hisagi remembered something. "Come to think of it, you have a younger sister right? When I investigated the name of the Shinigami who is currently in charge of Karakura Town with the intel I recovered, I was surprised that the name that came up was Madarame." "Oh…Shino? I'm not sure if she's my sister or a cousin. Apparently, on the first day she was dispatched to Karakura Town, she was knocked out by a group of huge Hollows and then rescued by Ichigo, she's still got a long way to go. It's just like what I kept telling her, squad 11 is too difficult. She won't be able to mix in with us tough guys." Madarame looked worried despite speaking so bluntly, in response, it was Yumichika who matter-of-factly pointed out the flaws in his argument rather than Hisagi. "Well, if several large Hollows were your opponents, normally, a novice soldier alone would end up dying even if they were squad 11." "…That's right Madarame. Not everyone is like you or captain Zaraki." After his vague interjection, Hisagi cast his eyes down. The time he was still a pupil at the Shinō Academy sprang into his mind -- he was leading the juniors in a training exercise when they were attacked by huge Hollows, that was when he lost his comrade Kanisawa. At that time, Hisagi was at his wit's end, the incident was swiftly dealt with when Aizen and Ichimaru Gin who had appeared in the wake of the trouble, defeated the enemies by themselves. ---- I wonder if the person I am today has become as strong as Aizen and Ichimaru was back then…? Despite thinking that, he still cautioned himself, what he wanted to obtain was not really such strength. He reaffirmed that since that fight, it was Tōsen who gave him a 'way' to regard fear in battle ---- at the same time, he recalled the name of the man which he had heard from Kyōraku. Tsunayashiro Tokinada.
The man who was the root cause of Tōsen being led astray. ---- Such a guy is really a clan head of one of the four great noble houses? "Oi, what's the matter Hisagi?" "Huh? Ah, it's nothing, sorry. I was just thinking about something." Coming to his senses at Madarame's voice, Hisagi scolded himself whilst returning to the subject of the "left arm of the Soul King". "Isn't there someone else who also witnessed that battle? I want to gather as much information as possible." "Ah, perhaps, there is someone." "Who?" When Hisagi enquired - thinking that surely there was no other spectators other than Madarame and co. - with his curiosity peaking, Madarame calmly revealed the name of the person in question. "Yamada should have been lying around nearby. That's right, the 4th division's 3rd seat."
1 hour later - Squad 4 Barracks. "Well, about that…I was really just paralysed and ended up collapsing that's all…" As he tilted his head at Hanatarō who for some reason had a fearful expression on his face, Hisagi began to consider that this trip had been made in vain. At the time of the battle against the Quincy called Pernida who was apparently the "left arm of the Soul King", it seems Hanatarō was caught up in Kurotsuchi Mayuri's Zanpakutō ability and all the muscles in his body were paralysed. "Anyway, why does it seem like you're too afraid to look at my face?" "Eh? No, about that… you were making a grim face earlier on the street, I thought something had put you in a bad mood…" "…Ah, sorry. I was feeling a little irritated earlier." ---- I let it show on my face that much? As he reflected upon himself, Hisagi crafts words in order to dodge the real issue. "It's nothing, after this I have to go to Kizokugai to collect information, but I'm not quite sure how to start work on it. I was just a little irritated because of that." "Eh? Kizokugai?" "That's right, in brief, I've received authorised entry, but the question is from which establishment do I start the interviews… captain Kuchiki and Yoruichi san seem busy. And the procedures surrounding Central 46 and the Noble Assembly are troublesome."
The latter half of his sentence was no deception but rather a true sentiment. Although he had obtained permission from Kyōraku to freely enter Kizokugai in order to interview this Tokinada character, it was necessary to acquire separate permissions to collect material on each of the institutions surrounding the nobles. Hisagi considered it too early to go to the Tsunayashiro clan directly, he intended to begin his investigations in the documents of the Great Spirit Book Gallery which was under the management of Amakado Nayura, however ---- "Well err, if you need someone who is well acquainted with Kizokugai, then I know a person." "Ehh? This person is in Squad 4?" "N-no… not quite but… but he said it's his day off today, so I think it would be no problem." "?  Who in the world is it?" At Hisagi's question, Hanatarō lowered his head seeming somewhat apologetic, at the same time he replied as if he was lacking in self confidence. "R-right… it's Yamada Seinosuke…he's my older brother… probably. He left just a short while ago, so if he's not at our family home right now, then he'll be at the Shinō Seyakuin in Kizokugai I think."
"Oh! Come to think of it, Yamada was the name of a representative of the Shinō Seyakuin! So he's actually Hanatarō's older brother! I remember because he was featured in articles a few times before I became editor-in-chief! ……wait a minute, what do you mean by probably?" "…My brother, he's got a talent for Kaidō unlike myself…sometimes I grow doubtful about whether or not we're truly brothers" "How can someone like you be worried about something like that…?" Releasing a sigh Hisagi tries to cheer Hanatarō up. "Relax. Your reputation for Kaidō is considered top-class even in Seireitei Communication opinion polls you know?" "……How can…such a thing… huuhh? M-maybe my brother pitied me, and handed out bribes to everyone who voted……I-I'm sorry, I beg your forgiveness!" "Both you and captain Kotetsu too, why are talented members of the 4th division so negative about themselves…?" ---- Perhaps it's a reaction to Unohana san being more than twice as powerful as almost any other Shinigami. Although Hisagi considered such a thing, in his eyes, he could confidently say that Hanatarō's skill in Kaidō was more than outstanding. Even if the person himself says he has no talent, if he was able to reach his current level just by pushing himself, then it's safe to say that he has plenty of talent in Kaidō. In fact, the opinions on Hanatarō that was sent into Seireitei Communication also had some saying that "because he always has a negative expression on his face, we get somewhat uneasy around him", but for the most part, only when it came to healing did he display a positive stance, and the voices of those who acknowledged that talent and attitude were in the majority. It was the same after the Great War had ended, far from being timid, he rushed around the scene of the battlefield together with Inoue and others to provide medical treatment, and everyone who saw him acknowledged Hanatarō as a respectable Shinigami. Hisagi who was one of the people among those who acknowledged him, began to once again consider Hanatarō's suggestion from earlier. Meeting the chief of the Shinō Seyakuin in Kizokugai would mean there is an extremely high possibility of being able to detail things such as the interpersonal relationships between the nobles and their reputations. If that's the case, then there was no way he could let slip the opportunity to secure connections here. ---- well, if he's Hanatarō's brother, then he's surely a friendly person. Coming to an optimistic conclusion with his carefree speculations, Hisagi decided to accept Hanatarō's proposal. "Pardon me, Hanatarō. If it's alright with you, I'd really appreciate it if you could introduce me to your older brother." He remained unaware of the fact that this choice has once again, significantly altered his fate.
Meanwhile at the Squad 1 Barracks. Around the same time as Hisagi meeting with Hanatarō ------ Even at the 1st division barracks, a reunion drama was unfolding. "Long time no see, Shunsui. Since I was sent to the Maggot's Nest I think." A large escort had accompanied an important noble to the 1st division barracks -- Tsunayashiro Tokinada ordered those people to leave the room so now he was facing the captain commander of the Gotei 13 one-to-one. "Is that so? At any rate, I heard that you were in a state of house arrest for a few hundred years." "It's a foolish affair. Those guys from the head house tried to humiliate me by making me take responsibility for my crime, so they tried to treat my very being itself as nonexistent. Rather than behaving in such a way, they might as well have given me a formal sentence, like execution or exile. And what is the consequence of hesitating to root out the criminal from their own house? Take a look, that criminal has now taken everything from them." If one were to hear those words alone, its contents could be interpreted as something akin to self-mockery. However, he was talking whilst his whole face was lit up with a smile, Kyōraku could sense that Tokinada was sneering at each and every aforementioned member of the Tsunayashiro clan, from the bottom of his heart. "…Can I take that as a confession that you conspired to dispose of your family predecessors?" "Oh my, you're not serious are you? I was merely being sarcastic you know?" After giving a strained laugh, Tokinada narrowed his eyes as he spoke. "However, even if that is the case, I am clan head already. And even if something happens afterwards, I can easily silence it. There won't be a reduction of penalty like the time I killed my comrade and wife. Rather, I can make it out to be so that the crime itself was completely nonexistent." "Would you really be able to pull off such a thing? The current Central 46 are beginning to change their old fashioned ways you know?" "Nonetheless, aristocrat society itself hasn't changed. Isn't that right?" "……" "Even though everything was being destroyed by that herd of Quincies, and they only had to seclude themselves indoors, the majority of the nobles of Seireitei still couldn't change. The only ones that have changed are those who have had various experiences out in the world from the very outset, such as you, the Kuchiki clan, the Shihōins and so on. It's laughable that as many as two houses among the four great noble clans were fighting on the frontline. Though if the Shiba clan were taken into account, then it would have been three houses amongst the five great noble clans." The five great noble clans.
The Shiba clan which had completely collapsed in recent years, used to be counted amongst the four great noble clans, the "founding five houses" are said to be connected to the beginnings of Soul Society. It is also said that Tsunayashiro clan were the leaders amongst the five great noble houses, and aside from the Soul King and squad zero who were in effect isolated from politics, it's possible to say that they were the most influential voice in existence within Seireitei. The current head of that very Tsunayashiro clan distorts his lips into a leering smile. "Naturally, I haven't changed from the old ways either. The same is true of my resentment towards you, Kyōraku Shunsui." "Your resentment is undue. I was merely preventing you from committing evil deeds that's all." "That was a completely unexpected turn in the road. I intended to play the part of an ill-fated husband who was betrayed by both his comrade and his wife whilst remaining undetected by everybody, however… I couldn't believe it, a man like you who did nothing but chase after women was too sharp-witted for me. Truly, it's quite admirable how you were the one to expose my crimes." With a crooked smile still playing on his lips, Tokinada talked about the past in a dispassionate manner. "I didn't expose anything. "He killed his buddy following a dispute, and while he was at it he also killed his wife who rebuked him for it"…… Something like that was the only conclusion I could come to when all the fundamental details were in a grove*." (*TN -- "in a grove" is a Japanese idiom taken from a story title meaning one is unable to discern the truth because it's shrouded in mystery/evidence is conflicting or insufficient) After responding with that, Kyōraku also uttered an 'apology' of sorts. "There is one thing I need to apologise to you about." "…What? You apologising to me? I don't think it's possible but, you're not going to beg my forgiveness because you exposed my crimes are you?" Then, after Kyōraku shakes his head a little, he fixes his eyes on the man with the cool demeanour who belonged to one of the four great noble clans. If the escort of noblemen were still around him whilst he stared at Tokinada with that kind of look, that alone would have them up in arms considering the act 'disrespectful', in an unconcerned manner Kyōraku then spoke of his own ‘crime’.
"At the time of Rukia chan's execution scandal… to be honest, until I understood the truth of the matter, I even suspected you just a little. I wondered if you had given her a heavier punishment than what was originally intended by making the necessary preparations in secret from the shadows of Central 46." "Dear me, you were on the verge of pinning Aizen's wrongdoings on me? But why would you think such a thing? I don't have a motive to force the killing of Kuchiki Rukia do I? I've never even met her anyway." "When Kuchiki kun took Hisana chan who was a resident of Rukongai as his wife… as well as the time he tried to adopt Rukia chan into the family……it wasn't just the Kuchikis. The voice of opposition also came from the Tsunayashiro clan. So I thought that if it's the case that you made those recommendations whilst in the process of reinstating yourself, then it's possible that you were pulling the strings behind the Tsunayashiro clan." "So, I had no reason to make the recommendations in the first place?" In response to Tokinada who shrugged his shoulders, Kyōraku spoke. "You don't need things like reasons. It merely stems from harassment… killing time. And attracting the attention of the nobles." "……" "You've made it this far through sheer harassment. That's your true nature isn't it? Tokinada." "Show some self-restraint, Shunsui. Do you really think the likes of a mere Gotei 13 captain commander can talk about me as they please?" Quite in contrast with his words from just now, Tokinada grinned from ear to ear. It was as if he was admiring Kyōraku's speech word for word. Without returning a smile to him, Kyōraku simply questioned him in an unfazed manner. "And? What business has brought you all the way here specifically? If you have a complaint against the Gotei 13, I'd be happy to pass it onto the Kinin Noble Assembly or the Central 46 for you." "Ah, it's an uncomplicated matter. I wanted to obtain some contacts." "Contacts?" "Kuchiki aside, Shihoin Yoruichi cannot be contacted through the aristocratic networks. Even the Kinin Noble Assembly are unable to get a hold of her whereabouts… but, perhaps you know a way to get in touch with that unruly woman?" As Tokinada said so, he handed over a piece of paper on which he had written his message to Yoruichi. After receiving it and scanning through it with his eyes, Kyōraku maintained a blank expression as he posed a question to Tokinada. "She has already handed over her position as clan head to her younger brother Yūshirō… but what are you planning?" "Nothing at all? I'm merely thinking of putting forward a solemn proposal. For the sake of Soul Society, no, for the sake of harmony in all worlds, the Human World and Hueco Mundo included as well. Unable to place even a fragment of trust in the words Tokinada had just spat out, Kyōraku grew even more suspicious. "Really, you came for that alone?" "In addition to that, I came to see you. Though you've already dwindled quite a lot by now, compared to your time at the Shinō Academy. Thanks to you, my resentment has simmered and risen to the surface once again." Continuing to flash smile in which one could not discern whether he was being serious or simply joking, Tokinada added one more thing as if he had just remembered something. "Which reminds me, it seems Ukitake has kicked the bucket?" "……" "And the right arm of Soul King sama dwelled within his lowly body, I suppose it's too much of an honour for the undeserving paupers of Rukongai."
Although Tokinada's manner of speaking was not dissimilar to a provocation, Kyōraku remained unswayed by it and asked further questions instead. "Ginjō Kūgo. Do you know that name?" "…Ah, if I'm not mistaken, he was the first substitute Shinigami. I heard that he's the mad dog that betrayed Seireitei but, well, thanks to that precedent we were able to gain a hero named Kurosaki Ichigo. It must have been a good bargain from Ukitake's viewpoint too. But, why ask me about such a man?" "Nevermind, I was just checking… and, Ukitake's resolution was never cheap like you think it is." When Tokinada heard that, he shrugged his shoulders a second time, as soon as there was nothing more to talk about, he turned his back to Kyōraku. "There is nothing of great value in this world. Especially in Soul Society where just about everything is a sham." After taking a few more steps, he came to a stop once again and cast a glance towards the corner of the captain's office. "Oh, just so you know, I truly had nothing to do with the execution of your mother, Ise Nanao." " ──── " At the corner of the room, from the depths of the space which to all appearances seemed empty, came the sound of a gasp. "It's not like I'm the mastermind behind everything. Anyway, if I had the authority back then… I wouldn't execute her so quickly. Just like how it was in Kuchiki Rukia's case, I would play cat and mouse before killing her in a grand performance atop Sōkyoku Hill. And, I'd order Kyōraku to attend with front row seats at the Garden of Judgement*." (*TN -- Mentioned in Bleach Ch. 65, the name of the area atop Sōkyoku Hill where one would gather to witness an execution.) Flashing a villainous smile towards the vast empty space, Tokinada added more words. "Just like that time with Kuchiki Rukia, will Kyōraku try to rescue your mother by going as far as to destroy the gallows? Would he go as far as making an enemy out of Seireitei like Kurosaki Ichigo by trying to save her? I'm afraid that's unlikely to be the case. Kyōraku would forsake your mother. He did forsake her. In order to protect none other than you, Ise Nanao!" "Would you kindly end your monologue right there? Head of the Tsunayashiro clan, Tokinada sama." Although it sounds like a statement made in jest with his usual easygoing manner, Tokinada who was before his eyes sensed Kyōraku's cold Reiatsu on the back of his insincere honorific language, like he was under a bed of water that had frozen still. After Tokinada had become aware of that atmosphere and narrowing his eyes in response, he placed his hand on the Zanpakutō attached at his hip as he continued to speak. "…Good heavens, how frightening. I don't want to get dragged under a sea of water and have my throat cut up. Allow me to excuse myself for today." After confirming that Tokinada had left the squad barracks along with his escort group, Kyōraku walked over to the corner of his captain's office and lightly brushed his hand through the space there.
Then, the space distorts like cloth, Nanao, whose face had turned pale, materialised from the other side of the scenery which was being lifted up. Kyōraku encircled his arm around the shoulders of Nanao who was trembling whilst washed in a cold sweat, she was engulfed in the warmth of his Reiatsu which made her feel safe. "Are you okay, Nanao chan?" "Y-yes…I'm sorry, captain." "Oh my, not even I could notice you eavesdropping, you've grown up fast haven't you. Is this Lisa chan's influence?" Perhaps he was trying to put her mind at ease by making her remember a familiar face and that's why he mentioned Yadōmaru Lisa's name, his former vice captain and a person who is currently being regarded as a candidate for captain of squad 8. Perceiving Kyōraku's concern, Nanao used her willpower to regain control over her breathing. "Did he scare you? He gives you such a feeling because he emits quite a creepy Reiatsu doesn't he?" "…In the past, when I was exposed to former captain commander Yamamoto's Reiatsu, I was unable to even move…but in that man's case, it's completely different in nature." If it's the case that she was a frog being glared at by a snake when she was faced with Yamamoto Genryusai's wrath, then in her self-analysis, just now, she was the one that appeared to be the snake that has been made to dissolve into a slithering slug. (TN-- The frog being glared at by a snake is a Japanese idiom meaning one is paralysed on the spot, it has the same nuance as "a deer in the headlights" idiom in English.) Before she could even get aggravated by the fact that he had used both herself and her mother as tools in order to denigrate Kyōraku, a deep and bottomless feeling of eeriness was gnawing away at Nanao's heart. Whilst harbouring fear of this mysterious character in addition to the fact that he had the ability to see through her own Injūtsu* (*Concealing art) that not even Kyōraku could notice, Nanao opened her mouth to speak with a slight tremble that remained in her voice. "Captain…I am against such a man… becoming a head amongst the four great noble clans." As he pondered 'when was the last time she spoke about things relating to personal matters with personal feelings', Kyōraku quietly looks up at the sky. "Regarding that matter, I agree completely." Next, reflecting upon the man's request to contact Yoruichi, Kyōraku mutters to himself. "This is a troublesome turn of events huh… very much so."
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tappity-tap · 7 years
<< PART V || PART VII >> Story Rating: M Chapter Warnings: Pregnancy mentions. [This chapter is very sfw]
(FYI: From this chapter on I will also be tagging for IchiHime)
The Kurosaki’s house was last on Renji’s list.
 Ideally, Ichigo would’ve been the first person he’d want to break the news to but unfortunately, as a university student, he had class all day and wouldn’t be home until around 5pm. So as soon as Renji stepped out of the portal and into the cold winter air of the Living World, he shivered and set off for Urahara’s establishment with his coat pulled tightly around him.
 “Ohhhh, my my my!” The shopkeeper snapped open his fan with a sly wink “You two certainly didn’t waste any time, did you?” Behind him, the kids (and even Tessai) covered their mouths and snickered.
 As luck would have it, Shihoin Yoruichi was in the Living World that day as well, on break from teaching at the Academy. She smirked right along with them. “Feels good knowing you actually got it right, huh?”
 Renji dodged the poke she aimed at his arm and mentally kicked himself for even going there in the first place.
 He found Sado training hard at his gym, soaked with sweat and sorely in need of a break. When Renji told him the news, he was so stunned he actually paused in the middle of towel-drying his damp hair and sank down onto a nearby bench.
 “Wow,” he kept repeating, shaking his head in amazement and reaching for his water bottle, “Wow. That’s great, Abarai.” He took a long swing, only putting it down to flash a happy grin and a thumbs-up as Renji left.
 After ringing the doorbell, Renji stood freezing outside Inoue’s apartment for what seemed like forever before finally accepting she wasn’t home (maybe Rukia wrote down her work schedule wrong?) and he’d have to come back later. Or one of the guys would tell her first. Probably the latter.
 Up next was…
 Renji crossed his arms in annoyance. “Really? That’s all ya have to say? ‘Oh’?”
 Ishida pushed his glasses up his nose with one finger. “I apologize if I seem unenthused, Abarai-san. I was simply unaware that Shinigami had any sort of natural reproductive capabilities. As a Quincy, and even from a medical standpoint, I’m actually very intrigued.”
 “Ya know Ichigo’s old man was a Shinigami, right?”
 “One who’d been bound to a human body and was living here as a human, yes.” Ishida reminded him. “However, you and Kuchiki are deceased souls unattached to physical bodies. It makes no logical sense for you to be able to conceive.”
 He…actually had a fair point. But Renji wouldn’t admit that. Not to his face. He settled for rolling his eyes instead. “Look…I’ve no idea how it works but…stuff happened ‘an now we’re havin’ a kid. ‘Sides, there’re other people in Soul Society who’ve had babies before.”
 This was true. Most of the nobles Renji knew of…Byakuya, Kira, the Omaedas, the Shihoins…had come into Soul Society as children born to a mother and a father instead of the usual crossing over after dying in the Living World. But admittedly, these births took place years apart, sometimes decades would go by before another family in the Seireitei was blessed with a brand-new addition, and the only noble Ishida was close to had been adopted into hers. He couldn’t exactly fault a merely 20 year-old human for his ignorance on the subject.
 “Right. Well.” Said human gave him a nod and went back to thumbing through his obnoxiously thick textbook. “My sincere congratulations. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an exam to study for.”
 (Renji would hold a slight grudge about this encounter until a few months later when a large box full of handmade baby clothing and supplies arrived on the doorstep.)
 At last, at a quarter past 5pm, Renji made his way up the walk to the Kurosaki’s residence.
 The sister with dark hair answered the door. “Oh, hey,” she greeted in recognition and motioned for him to come inside, “Ichi-Nii’s upstairs, wait just a sec.” Renji entered and took off his coat and shoes as she moved to the back of the house.
 “ICHI-NII IT’S FOR YOU!” she bellowed up the stairs right after he’d settled into a plush armchair.
 Ichigo’s muffled voice answered from above. “Geez, you don’t have to scream at me, Karin, I can hear you just fine. Who is it?”
 “That really tall guy with the tattoos and red hair.”
 “Oh, Renji-kun is here?” A feminine voice this time.
 “Yeah, so you two should get down here already.” Once she relayed that, Karin shuffled away and disappeared into another room.
 Renji suddenly sat up straight. It wasn’t just any feminine voice that had answered Karin, it was Inoue’s voice. Which meant she was with Ichigo. In his room. Alone.
 So that must mean…
 He couldn’t help the triumphant grin that spread over his face as they came down the stairs together. “Yo, Ichigo! Oh, ‘an if it isn’t Inoue! Didn’t expect to see you here.” Renji raised his eyebrows smugly at Ichigo.
 “Hey, that’s my line.” Ichigo retorted, flopping onto the couch and shooting him a look that read as annoyance with a slight hint of what the hell are you doing in my house right now?
 “Ah…well…I walked Kurosaki-kun home from the train station today.” Inoue blushed and perched herself primly beside Ichigo. She glanced around. “It’s good to see you, Renji-kun! Is Rukia-san not with you?” Since she was one of the few people who knew Rukia had taken Renji’s family name she had started addressing them by their given names to avoid confusion.
 Renji shook his head. “No, Rukia’s not with me.”
 “Oh.” Inoue looked disappointed. This worked as the perfect lead-in for Renji, however.
 Sticking to his plan to make the reveal as dramatic and exciting as possible, Renji cleared his throat and leaned forward with his arms braced on his knees. “Actually,” he said in a low, solemn voice with his eyes closed, ”that’s exactly the reason why I’m here today.” He lifted his head and gave them a stern look. “There’s…somethin’ I need to tell both ‘o ya.”
 Unfortunately, this plan of his backfired spectacularly. Both Ichigo and Inoue stiffened and their eyes widened simultaneously with fear. “Renji, did something happen to Rukia?” Ichigo demanded in a panicked tone while Inoue grabbed onto his sleeve and began drawing in short gasping breaths.
 “Whoa, whoa, hey, you two! Calm down! She’s fine!” Renji snapped out of the serious persona and frantically waved his hands in an attempt to diffuse the situation before they got worked up any further.
 It did the trick. They let out a sigh of relief in unison and Ichigo ran his hand through his spiky orange hair. “Damn it, Renji, don’t lead in like that!” he swore.
 With her breathing returning to normal, Inoue cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips. “But she’s alright? Why isn’t she here?” she asked. She was still holding on to Ichigo’s sleeve.
 Renji sat forward and tried again, this time forgoing the act. “Okay…the reason Rukia couldn’t come with me today, ‘an can’t come to the Living World for a while, is ‘cause we dunno how the journey here or bein’ in a Gigai will affect her now that…” he paused for effect, looking back and forth between their anxious faces before breaking out his proudest smile.
 “She’s pregnant. We’re havin’ a baby.”
 Much to Renji’s chagrin, the initial reaction was a little less enthusiastic than he would have liked coming from the people he and Rukia considered their closest human friends. Obviously under the assumption he was just messing with them, at first they both simply stared like they were expecting him to burst out laughing and say “Gotcha!” the second they made any indication they believed him.
 When that didn’t happen, however, Ichigo’s eyebrows shot up almost to his hairline. “Wait, seriously?”
 Renji puffed out his chest. “Seriously.”
 Inoue let out an excited squeal and enthusiastically clasped her hands together. “Oh, Renji-kun! That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for you both!” she exclaimed. True to form, she burst into tears shortly after.
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 Renji usually didn’t like making girls cry (not that he did that often) but seeing the news had made Inoue so elated gave him a warm happy feeling. As promised, he took careful mental notes of all the details to tell Rukia later.
Ichigo regarded her fondly before turning back to Renji. “Yeah…yeah. I’m really happy for you guys, too.” He sported the same expression that appeared three years ago as Renji openly expressed his gratitude to his friend for reuniting him with Rukia. Out of all people, Ichigo probably understood most just what this child meant to them.
 Through her wet sniffling, Inoue managed to compose herself enough to ask Renji, “When is the baby coming?”
 “End of summer, right before fall. Captain Kotetsu put the due date at September 17th.”
 It didn’t take Ichigo long to do the math.* He immediately dropped the sentimental air and snorted, “Nice wedding present you got her, Renji.”
 Renji let the jab slide off with a casual shrug. “Heh. I know, right? But ya know what, enough about me ‘an Rukia.” He leaned back in the recliner and looked pointedly at the two of them. “What’s goin’ on here?” he asked with a sly grin and a gesture for emphasis, already knowing full well what the answer was.
 Inoue hiccupped and turned beet red. Ichigo’s utterly mortified face glared back at him.
Author’s Notes: Ishida banter is best banter and now I’m sad this is the only time he has dialogue in the story. :( As for the other characters appearing here, Urahara plays a big role at the end of the next chapter and Chad is featured in most of the final chapter.
So yes, at this point Ichigo and Orihime have been together as a couple for a few weeks and you’ll hear more about that in Part VIII.
*The 40 month due date for pregnancies is actually calculated from about two weeks before conception. If conception occurred at the end of December when I had the wedding take place this means the due date would fall in mid-September. As the son of a doctor who has most likely seen a good number of pregnant people come into the clinic I would expect Ichigo to have some knowledge of this.
Continued in [PART VII - THE WAIT]
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ichihimefan24 · 7 years
Ichihime fan fiction part 7
last time we left on Ichigo and Orihime combined their powers to form a fused getsuga tensho to defeat Grimmjow.  
Orihime: You did it Ichigo!
Ichigo: No we did it*smiles while looking at her*.
Orihime: Oh Ichigo.
Ichigo: Orihime.
They both stare into each others eyes and then both of them collapse from using up their spiritual pressure. Then two people come out the shadows and reveal themselves who watched the whole fight.
Kisuke: They did well together for young lovers.
Yoruichi: I take lover boy you take Orihime.
Kiskuke: gotcha.
They take them back to Ichigo house to heal them and let them rest. Now Ichigo is starting to wake up.
Ichigo: huh? Where am I? Hey wait a minute I’m in my room.
He turns to his right and Orihime is laying right next to him in his bed and now she starting to wake up too.
Orihime: Wha? What happened to us Ichigo?
Ichigo: last thing I remember is we just took down Grimmjow and I was looking at you.
Orihime: Same here I think we passed out after using up all that spiritual pressure.
Ichigo: yeah your right.
Orihime: this reminds me of the first time I was in your room.
Ichigo: oh yeah I wanted to ask you why did you come into my room to heal me in the middle of night while i was sleeping.
Orihime turns really red.
Orhime: well I wanted to make sure you ok before I left to say goodbye and that I would fallen in love with you five times over. I was about to kiss you on the lips but I didn’t cause I was to scared to.
Ichigo: *blushes* Well I could go back in time to relive that moment so I would woke up to kiss to tell you to kiss me.
Orihime*smiles* I will make that happen my love.
She gets on top of him and kisses him on the lips.
Ichigo: I love you.
Orihime: I love you too Ichigo will you be my prom date.
Ichigo: Of course my love.
They continue to make out on his bed. When Ichigo’s bedroom door slams open with his dad has the biggest grin on his face.
Isshin: That’s my boy he got a hot prom date and is about to get laid in his room! I’m so proud of you my son.
They both stop making out and Ichigo gets up and starts to yell at his dad.
Ichigo: Dad what the hell you ruined the moment you prev!!
Isshin: Oh calm down Ichigo It’s not like nobody saw or heard you guys.
A coulpe of familiar voices came over the inter calm.
Rukia: Oh don’t worry we heard everything It’s about time Ichigo got laid!
Renji: Way to go Ichigo! Damn your so lucky I wish Rukia would do that to me.
Rukia:*with annoyed voice* Shut up you idiot.
Renji: Um I leave you young lovers alone besides Rukia is about to kill me cya.
*Rukia’s voice in the background* 
Rukia: how many times do have to tell you were dating in secret you dumb idiot.
Renji runs like hell out of Kisuke shop while Rukia chase after him.
Ichigo: Alright I had enough Orihime before anything else stupid happens. 
Orihime: Ok Ichigo.
Like always I hope you guys liked it sorry it took a while to put this up I got busy with family and the holidays. Part 8 will be up around Valentines day. 
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