#oh a hundo percent
slaytheprofessor · 27 days
"I heard that you're supposed to kill me," you tell him. "That you want to end the world, and I'm what's standing in your way."
Voice of the Researcher: Okay, we're getting right into it, then.
The Guide: The professor looks you up and down with a smirk on his face. Prick.
The Professor: Nonsense. I quite like the world, you know, and I'd rather not see it destroyed.
The Professor: Besides, why on earth would I want to kill you? You seem like a very nice young lady, knife in your hands nonwithstanding. I think killing you would be doing the world a disservice.
The Guide lets out a noise that you're not quite sure how to identify.
Voice of the Researcher: Ooooooooh no, I---I don't like the way he said that. That's creepy. That's a hundo percent creepy.
The Guide: *teeth clearly gritted* Like I said. Prick.
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sopiao · 10 months
Imagine price with a reader thats a metalhead and one day price js saw readers old photos wayback when reader was a kid and the reader had braces and glasses. Price's reaction is in shock and he wont stop teasing the reader about it
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a hundo percent something he’d do. (i assume their a couple in this, i’m terribly sorry if i misinterpreted it :,( )
It’d be when you first officially move in together. You would live pretty far from your family so you two visited for the weekend! There were no guest rooms so there was no choice but to sleep in your room. So, naturally, he was curious about your childhood and your teenage room.
“We might have to leave early tomorrow to be there on time—” You begin to unwind for bed, brushing your hair, and doing your overall routine for bed.
“Bascom High Yearbook?” Price reads out the title of your freshmen yearbook. Making your stomach drop, along with your brush. You immediately whip your head to see Price with a leather yearbook on his hands, a smug smile targeted towards you. Judging by your reaction he already knows he’s gonna get a good time out of this.
“Oh! That must be my sister’s!” You lie, although it was quick and sorta convincing, he already knew by your tone and reaction that you were lying. You quickly walk over to him and reach for the book in his hands. Chuckling at how desperate you were to hide this part of your life from him, snatching it from your reach before you can get too close.
“No, no. I saw that look in your face” He caught you. You took no attempt to lie or even hide that you didn’t want him to see it. Climbing over him and reaching to get it away. Laughing at your nervousness as he had you pinned on the bed, him laying on his side on top of you.
“Oh. My. God” You went limp in defeat, already knowing he saw your embarrassing photo. Your Freshman year wasn’t your best, maybe your Junior or Senior, but not Freshmen. It doesn’t help that the photographer never got your flattering side. No one ever looks good in yearbook photos, and if you are, you’re either lying or God’s favorite.
You had big oversized glasses that barely fit your face, braces on full display from your excited smile to be a high schooler, and a hairstyle that you were sure made you look cool. Price started laughing even harder, his head resting on his cheek as his other hand held his side.
“Shut up” You grumble, slipping away from him to snatch the horrid book away from him.
“No- no. Wait” He took the yearbook away from you once again and laid on his stomach with the open book in front of him. He flipped through the other pages, you sitting on his back, giving up and letting him search. Every so often you’d point out someone you’re still friends with or someone you didn’t like.
“Aww, weren’t you adorable?” He laughs out of pure adoration when he sees a photo of you in a cow inside for halloween. Another photo of you in an oversized jersey, probably your dad’s. With each photo he spotted you out, he fell in love more with how similar yet different you are now, and the more you wanted to die out of embarrassment.
“Christ. You look like you were being tortured” He chuckled again at a photo of you at your worst phase of your braces, having to wear 10 rubber bands on the brackets. “Brace face” He whispered, a teasing smile on his face, making it easier for you to smack him on the bicep.
“I guess that’s when it all started, hm?” He chuckled, turning the book to show you yet another photo, in this one you had your hair down and partially covering your face with a dark blue streak, pulling out a rock hand sign with a Rammstein shirt on, horrible black eyeliner, the studded cuff, and worst of all, the undercut, standing with a group that looked similar to how you looked.
“UGH—” You turned away, jump-scared by your own self. Cringing to yourself. Making him laugh even more. Immediately shooting up with an excuse to try and save yourself.
“To be fair, that was my friend’s idea. She wanted to do that” Price nodded, over exaggerating like he was convinced.
“Ahh, yes. I get it now. It was this friends idea” He teased and taunted even more. Causing you to roll your eyes at him and playfully land a punch on his shoulder. After a while of more silence and an occasional hum chuckle you heard the book clap shut and felt the bed shift to turn to you.
“Got any more?” He asks so casually. What else do you have to lose? After a minute you sigh and go under the bed to pull up a box of old polaroids and flip phones. Filled with photos of things you find cool and selfies of you and your friends together.
“At first I was kinda intimidated to approach you. Seeing this just makes you softer” He commented under his breath, not really intending you to hear him. Even though you were beyond embarrassed, this little comment made you melt with how he really saw you.
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catchyhuh · 8 months
terms of endearment. aw.
take this however you want, ship wise, self-insert wise, whatever, i’m just tired of reading fanfiction and going “NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goemon would NOT say babygirl!!!!” like i'm the roger ebert of ao3. THAT’S ALL A JOKE BY THE WAY, I LOVE MY FELLOW CREATIVES I JUST HAVE TO SPEAK MY TRUTH,
lupin: lupin uses every name under the SUN if he personally deems it cute enough. nothing is too cutesy, too stupid, too overdramatic. do you know many people who unironically still say ‘lover?’ oh you do. my bad. but you get the point. it’s to the point that he rarely even doubledips. one day it’s darling the next it’s cutiepie and then some shit like. morning dove. mon petit chou-fleur.  the funny thing is that when he’s actually being sincere and truly one hundo percent overcome with love he tends to just say the person’s name. go figure
jigen: more a believer in the sarcastic petname than anything else. but i mean you knew that just look at how he talks to people when he knows he’s winning against them. that said it wouldn’t be hard to pull like, “baby” out of him. Babe. he’s not going too sugary though. sweetheart is his hard limit. AND DON’T GO GETTING TOO SAPPY ON HIM EITHER! he’ll accept petnames thrown his way. in private. keep that shit locked down he can’t have outsiders knowing he doesn’t gag when someone calls him handsome. unless it’s like a bit then he’s fine. he’s always down for the bit!
fujiko: ALSO uses a shit ton of them but has more standards for being taken seriously than lupin. so she’s not really getting POETIC with it, even if she does truly like the other person, she just keeps it nice and cute. honey usually comes up the most, both sarcastically and genuinely. she also strikes me as the type to have little names for someone based on their appearance, like… trying to think of an example. like… big… guy? or like. blondie? YOU CAN FIGURE IT OUT point being she keeps it very standard.
goemon: sorry. he doesn’t have too much fun with it. goemon’s idea of an affectionate nickname is just outright saying someone’s name as it is, no honorifics, no formalities. it’s like, intimate to him! more romantic than using some common term of endearment. however, on the opposite hand, as long as it wasn’t overdone he’d would be okay with, and eventually grow to LOVE being called cute names. again, won’t stand for anything too ridiculously silly, but he just melts internally when someone calls him darling or some shit.
zenigata: sorry he’s also boring :( i think part of it comes from just the total disconnect he has with. anything remotely romantic but unless he’s just. drunk? if he’s drunk it probably just slips out but OTHERWISE you’re not pulling a lot outta this guy. like goemon he thinks it's cute when someone else does it to him IF. if he likes them and it’s not in front of certain people. otherwise it's embarrassing. actually it's probably embarrassing for him either way he just tends to be very defensive about things. play your cards right you might get a cutie. and then he’d be mortified he said it
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Feisty twin being one of those crazy toddlers that definitely has to be on one of those kid leashes so they don’t run away in public while soft twin just clinging to Ada or Leon’s leg.
oh one HUNDO percent
soft twin just always quietly on leon's shoulders or holding ada's hand when they go on family walks
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fighty twin just crawling over every single inch of the play structure. her grubby lil hands just finding the weirdest places to hang off of, leon literally like. HOW IS SHE FINDING ALL THESE PLACES
"she's our daughter leon, what did you expect?"
soft twin is just like making a sandcastle by herself and making grabby hands for ada to come help her decorate it, leon just chasing fighty twin around the structure and trips on a toy and slams his face into a bar
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nanathott · 26 days
Toji one-hundo percent lets out whimpers when you have sex and he prays to wtv tf is out there that you don’t hear it…but you do and he knows you do because you clench down on him oh so good every time. So now it’s just an unspoken secret between you two ;3
-🦥 (please god let this go through im starting to think tumblr hates me but i dont wanna flood your ask box either🥲)
oh to hear toji whimper in my ear when he’s overstimulated pls lord send me toji fushiguro
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kiefbowl · 2 years
let me salad discourse for a second bc it is very sad and annoying that salad is considered a deprivation when it is so yummy and good and you can put whatever you want in there. it's a bowl full of cold veggies and also whatever you want and you can eat a big bowl of it and it can one hundo percent be full of only the delicious things you like but if you're a woman and you eat a salad ppl will be like oh you on a diet yeah I'm on the I love grape tomatoes by the kilo diet mind your business andrew
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König and sneak doing this in the halls after been told not to speak to each other ever again like AHHHHHH.
Also when könig woke up before sneak when they were in the hotel I firmly believe könig just admired sneaks sleepy face. Kissed sneaks forehead. caressed sneaks check and took some photos
This man is doing things to me Ifstg
Ahahaha Price plowing through like
Oh yeah, Sneak was there luring him in slowly and König got hit with a freight train of feels cause someone was making THAT much effort to hang with him 💕 warms my heart thinking of him being all like OH SHIT, MA THIS IS THE ONE!
König definitely admired his lil sleepy Angel, I can imagine Sneak shifting around in their sleep and him just cradling them in his arms and keeping their head comfy and fixing their hair out their eyes and eeeee 😭 thinking of cuddling with König gets me so emotional I CANT 😭😭🥰
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Definitely want to hear more HC!
Here's some random notes I had about Spider & co. in my Days Into Decades fic :)
Spider eats the weirdest combinations of food. He had to make a lot of his own food and never had anyone tell him he couldn't put ketchup on his pizza, so he tried all sorts of gross shit. Jelly on ice cream? Surprisingly delicious. Cheeze whiz smooshed between two crackers? Yum. His friends have valiantly tried to stop the madness, but he just tries to force-feed them his concoctions as a result. All of the adults are reasonably disgusted by this, but I feel like Quaritch and Jake would both try to one-up the other by trying the grossest things Spider can come up with, after hearing that the other tried it. ("Sully ate whipped cream on a slice of tomato? Fuck it, give me one.") Spider one-hundo percent uses this to his advantage.
Spider and Lo'ak get stoned every once in a while. The latter doesn't really smoke often because he's in sports and his girlfriend doesn't really like the smell, but his and Spider's drug dealer is Kiri. Kiri is all about communing with nature and sees no problem with relaxing with Eywa's creations. She's not really a drug dealer, but she supplies the boys with stuff in exchange for random tasks (Spider once had to be a model for her art club).
Neteyam does not smoke. He tried once, got way too paranoid and ended up sitting in his closest for four hours. He does however, like to record the others when their high, because it's extremely entertaining. Kiri says the most out of pocket shit, like existential questions, then tries to count all of the pieces of wood in the floor. Lo'ak usually just sinks into a bean bag with a bag of chips and relaxes. Spider either gets really zoned in on stuff and doesn't talk for hours or will not shut up.
The Sully's have entire albums dedicated to each child, but also have albums from each year, sometimes more than one depending on how interesting things get. Because of the sheer number of photographs they have, there are also a lot of pictures of Spider scattered throughout. Somewhere in the chaos, Jake has a picture of Neteyam and Spider grinning, both missing a tooth after a badly timed hug when they were four.
Jake and Neytiri have a lot of kids. Sometimes, especially as kids, Spider just got tossed in the mix and they didn't even notice. When they were really young, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Neteyam slept in a pile on their parent's bed everyday for naptime. More often than not, Spider would end up in the tangle of limbs, snoring away. Even as they got older and had sleepovers, they'd end up on top of each other in their sleep. Spider always slept best on those nights, even when they would camp out on the living room floor and stay up as long as they could.
Spider thinks he's the most intimidating person ever. Like, all of his friends are taller and stronger than him. He looks young for his age, often mistaken for a freshman at school. But, he dresses in baggy clothes and ripped jeans, even has a wallet chain. He skateboards and draws on his beat-to-shit converse in sharpie. He frowns at people and sometimes even colors his nails in black marker. Because, he's a degenerate, okay? But, in reality, most people just think he looks like a kid playing dress-up. Like, old ladies see him at the grocery store and go oh, what a nice young man, doing the shopping for his parents. He thinks they're talking about how scary he looks, but really they think he's thirteen and such a cutie-pie. He is not observant, guys.
He constantly misplaced his inhaler as a kid. As a result, the Sully's (specifically doomsday prepper Jake and his apprentice, Neteyam) have inhalers all over. Neteyam keeps one in the glove compartment and another in his backpack. Jake has like, four of them scattered around the house just in case and asks Spider if he has his nearly every day when he drops him off at school. When Quaritch eventually gets custody, he'd totally buy like ten of them. One in the car, one in the kitchen, the bathroom, his bedroom, Spider's desk drawer. And he totally makes Spider physically show him the inhaler every time he goes to leave the house. Everyone is paranoid as shit about it and Spider takes this as nobody trusting him to be able to remember something so simple (even though my boy is forgetful af)
Spider has (undiagnosed) ADHD. Like, he cannot focus in school most of the time, even when he likes the class. He usually copies notes from someone and tries to go over it all again after school. He forgets stuff all the time, constantly losing his phone (it's usually in his jacket pocket and he just forgot to take it out when he got home). He likes being outside a lot, so he can burn off some of the energy when everything becomes too much.
This is all I have atm, but a lot of it won't be in the fic, so I thought I'd put it on here.
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warwickroyals · 2 years
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beginning - previous - next
this one is packed with references and light spoilers . . . happy hunting. ("quay" is pronounced like "key", I've saved you all from saying it the wrong way for half your life like I have ^_^)
[MARK ASHLEY] Queen's Quay is the typical vacation hotspot for Sunderland's wealthy and elite. Cliche in its glamorous beauty.
[MARK] It hardly seems the place for a royal scandal, but the presence of King Louis’s youngest grandson has attracted controversy . . . and droves of photographers.
[ARTHUR] News ‘copter.
[MARK] What do you think they’re doing?
[ARTHUR] I don’t know, taking pictures, probably, some guy’s in there with a big-ass camera.
[MARK] Do they bother you?
[ARTHUR] Nah, I’m used to it. But it’s loud as hell, huh?
[MARK] But other than the cameras, you’re enjoying yourself?
[ARTHUR] Yeah, totally, we’ve got the three Bs: beaches, beers, and babes. So, uh, yeah it’s been great.
[MARK] Better than up north with grandpa, I’d bet?
[ARTHUR] Oh, one-hundo-percent.
[MARK] But while the prince might be well accustomed to intrusive photographers, the people of Queen’s Quay are not. Noise complaints and police reports have almost doubled in the past week.
[ARTHUR] I’m here to help you bitchless individuals out.
[ARTHUR] It’s easy, like, do this shit and: instant bitches
[ARTHUR] Chicks love sandcastles, just bullshit it. They love artsy shit like this.
[ARTHUR] You can be a 4/10 but if you can make a 6/10 sandcastle, you’re set.
[ARTHUR] I failed honours arts but bitches think I’m Beethoven when I bust out one of these.
[FINCH] Beethoven was a musician, tho . . .
[ARTHUR] I literally just said I failed AP art, Finch, why are you surprised?
[MARK] Your older brother is currently enrolled at Warwick Metropolitan University. If he graduates he will be the first member of your family to receive a graduate degree. Do you have any plans for post-secondary education?
[ARTHUR] Not really? People always get mad when I say this, but why do I need a degree? So I can get a good job?
[ARTHUR] Be real, I’m wearing a shirt with pineapples on it, you don’t want me filing anyone’s taxes. My brother’s the smart one.
[MARK] University can provide you with a lot of amazing opportunities.
[ARTHUR] I’d just fail. And even if I did well, people like you would just say I got unfair treatment like last time, so . . . I’m good.
[LOCAL WOMAN #2] I think it's just frustrating because you know that if he wasn’t royalty the police would have already shut it down. We don’t treat celebs like this.
[LOCAL MAN #1] The hotel is right across the street from us. It’s constant music and noise and traffic. It’s terrible.
[FINCH] What type of vape is that, my man?
[ARTHUR] Strawberry ice cream. I prefer the mango, but this one is alright.
[FINCH] They’re clowning you for vaping in chat, Art.
[COOKIE] Probably because it’s gross as fuck.
[ARTHUR] Omigod, shut up, both of you.
[ARTHUR] You guys are like my dad. Cigarettes are fine but vaping is so bad for you.
[FINCH] You’re not worried about popcorn lung?
[ARTHUR] You know I don’t believe in that shit.
[COOKIE] But he’ll believe once he develops it, tho.
[LOCAL MAN #2] I think the people here are being a little dramatic. Sure he's loud, but so are the local kids. Sure he's causing trouble, point me to one boy that hasn't? Stuff like this happens, people only care because of who he is.
[COOKIE]  . . . Like, yeah, why do you think I'm here? Woodbine is, like, so freaking boring in the winter, bitch—Oh, can I swear or will you censor bad words?
[MARK] We won’t censor, um, that one
[COOKIE] Oh, goody! I thought I’d [REDACTED]ed it up for a second there.
[MARK] Are these your friends from school, Your Royal Highness?
[ARTHUR] Well, I went to an all-boys school, so yes and no—
[COOKIE] His school was scuffed
[ARTHU] —she’s just saying that, she was always visiting afterhours, if you know what I mean. I have that effect on bitches.
[COOKIE] I don’t give a fuck if they’re talking ‘bout my tits. I’m built differently for these little boys, the fuck?
[COOKIE] All white bikini my body looks like milk.
[ARTHUR] White on white?
[COOKIE]White on white on white. My nails are white too.
[COOKIE & ARTHUR] White on white on white on white 
[FINCH] They’re both so fucking annoying, guys. Pray for me.
[MARK] In recent years, the status of the Duke of Woodbine’s two sons has been subject to controversy. Last year, both young men were stripped of tax-funded police protection after senior members of the royal family reportedly expressed concerns. Prince Arthur refused to answer questions about his family. Back to you, Ana.
[MARK] Is it safe to say you’re dreading the end of your vacation?
[ARTHUR] As much as you’re dreading the end of this interview, yeah.
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thegeminisage · 3 months
time for a star trek update. sunday we watched ds9's "dax" and tng's "tapestry," and last night* we watched ds9's "the passenger"
*times changed as always i am actually typing this up at 1am and scheduling it to go up later
dax (ds9):
i feel like we sorely needed this episode bc we havent gotten much out of dax yet, except for how she (he? to refer to the old one right) and sisko fucked twins together or something (and good for them)
i like the ethical questions it presents. IS jadzia responsible for crimes curzon committed? she both is and isn't the same person, but who she is can't be split down the middle, so how can you be fair to both halves?
WWWILD that people fight for the honor of being possessed by a worm. i think that sounds horrible. not everyone has to agree with me, of course
i like whatever sisko and dax have going on. "you used to be way older than me and my father figure and we fucked twins one time but now you're a SUPER hot young woman who i both know very well and also don't know at all and one time you touched my face oh So gently." like, what the hell was that, firstly, and secondly, he can't even decide if he's attracted to her or not. the upshot of it all being that if jadzia was only jadzia she would, hilariously, be way too young for him
kira didn't have much screentime in this episode but i like when she and sisko instantly and nonverbally worked out that she was gonna be a shit about bureaucracy simply to get dax's ass out of the frying pan. and she smiled the whole time she did it!! i love i love i LOVE that she smiles when she's angry. one hundo percent my fav thing about her
they didn't exactly answer any of the questions they set up in this episode bc dax got off on a technicality (didn't do the murder) but i kind of like it better that way. like, you really CAN'T answer where dax ends and jadzia begins, that's the point of it. if i was ranking ds9 characters from most to least favorite (adn trust me i WILL get to that), dax would probably be near be near the bottom, not bc i don't like her but because usually she's very closed off and not interesting, but this was fascinating af. good for her
tapestry (tng):
this episode fucking sucked ass
firstly, q didn't add anything to this episode. like he didn't save picard from danger, or affect change in any way whatsoever. picard coded but lived. that's the exact same thing that would have happened had q not interfered. so what did he even do that for? normally he gives a reason even if it is a bad one but this time it's ???
way too few moments of q wanting desperately to fuck picard while picard wants desperately to be away from him bc he a wretched little man. i bet he watched picard fuck that girl though
which by the way is sooo weird. she's too young to be kissing sir patrick stewart, love and light
the story picard told about getting stabbed to wesley was actually one of the cooler moments of that episode, but seeing it acted out, especially by the actor who played young picard, made it...less cool. sir patrick stewart did a better job because he's sir patrick stewart, but i was so done with the episode by the time we got there that i didn't care
what was the message of this episode exactly? it's dumb to have regrets? you should always get into bar brawls that can kill you and you're a bad friend if you don't do it? don't attempt to initiate a romantic relationship with a girl you've been crushing on who has stated that she likes you back? picard's like "hey maybe we shouldn't provoke these guys who can kill us over a fucking game" and suddenly everyone in his life thinks he's a bad person?? like he was afraid for his life and his friend was just bulldozing over all his concerns THAT GUY is a bad person. not picard?? for once??
johnny nickname stupid. actually picard's whole younger self persona sucks. it's like what society thinks captain kirk was, because of KIRK DRIFT. he's a caricature. and old present day picard is a pussy who never leaves the ship and told worf to kill himself?? is there no middle ground???
oh yeah and isn't it a little insulting to be like...my god, this LOSER who carries around papers all day and does nothing else, this life is a fate worse than death! it's better to be DEAD than in a body of a low ranking science officer. If You Don't Get Stabbed In Bar Fights No One Will Ever Notice You You Will Never Be Offered Opportunities
like sorry who did they think watched star trek...surely not people with day jobs which involved carrying papers to superiors
at least we have dom jot. it look sooooo fun i was utterly captivated by it i wanna play it in REAL LIFE
anyway. bad episodes when we not only don't have the side characters doing nothing but they straight up arent even here. SIGH. i want tng to be good so bad please please please let the next ones be good
the passenger (ds9):
HELLOOOOOO this one served SOOO much cunt. like, first of all, i want that twink obliterated
it's increasingly funny to be watching julian get shot down by dax. it's like the vibe q and picard have but more grounded and less horrible. and you can tell she really likes him but not Like That, more like a "aww this is my pet twink who keeps hitting on me hes so funny" kind of way. she thinks he's adorable but wouldn't fuck him.
I HOPE. i'll be crushed if he has any romantic entanglements because i want to exclusively imagine him with garak but also because whatever he has going on with jadzia is really funny
also, whatever speech he was making to kira in the shuttle about how fucking great he is when this is his first field assignment. he is so unwell and also funny. her giving up in sheer incredulity and playing along for the bit because he's so stupid you can't even be insulted was like. really good.
odo my beloved...he was really autistic in this episode. he was like, i need to know exactly what my duties are and who's in charge and know that i won't be undermined here. considering the xenophobia he's dealt with i absolutely get it. AND!!! he gave that annoying yellowshirt guy full credit where it was due even though he was being annoying and a big meanie earlier. i loved also that sisko was straight with him, said he liked him, AND!!! stood up for him behind his back. picard never supports his people like this he's too busy telling worf to kill himself ro whatever it is that he does
i also like, of course, all that he has going on with quark. "i'm always watching him" or whatever he said. so true. not to be space racist, but if you'd told me before i watched ds9 i'd have so much fun with the ferengi i'd have thought you were out of your fucking mind
anyway, i haven't decided if anyone in ds9 is my specialest little princess yet but odo, sisko, and kira are currently my top contenders.
oh, speaking of that annoying yellowshirt guy, i was SOOO sure the bad guy had jumped in him bc of his personality transplant but he really did just get his act together and the bad guy was in bashir instead. LOVED that twist bc star trek so rarely manages to trick me, but also i solved it ahead of time because of Clues so i got to feel tricked AND feel smart
the guy who plays julian certainly did act. in those scenes. he opened his mouth so wide to enunciate. he spoke so slowly. it was so fucking hilarious
i like when he got back and he was like it's me, don't shoot! they shot his ass anyway. i literally want that twink obliterated
anyway 9/10 great episode the only thing i missed was o'brien
NEXT TIME: tng's "birthright," parts i & ii, hopefully at the same time lol
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grahamkennedy · 1 year
OH MY GOD. Okay so this will sound like an "and everybody clapped" situation but I promise it's not. So I decided to get a few drinks and a soup after the movie, right? And the waiter was the most friendliest chattiest gay man and it's the bar next to the movie theatre, right, so he's asking everyone about what movies they went to see yada yada yada. And I'm completely one hundo percent honest I'm like "listen I only really went to see this movie because there's an actor I have a crush on in it, have you ever heard of Arian Moayed, he's in Succession" and he's like "alright okay never heard of him but lemme see a picture of him, I'll be the judge of that". Anyway, I go scrolling to find my favourite photo and he's like "oh, no, yeah, I get it, maybe I'll watch Succession" and anyway if we gain another Arian girlie and it's a 60ish year old man that was me.
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mischiefsmind · 2 years
Plz yes PLZ lean into that binnie brain rot, i am one hundo percent there with you
Those thighs, the way he would grin seeing how needy youd get riding them, but how hed look at you with wonderment of how luck he is that he gets to see you like this, so pretty for him.
I also choose to believe that changbin is a growler and/or deep moaner, but if you touch him just right he might whimper a bit.
He might punish you if you take advantage of his weak spot though, changbin is very fond of putting his pretty brat in their place.
Some brain rot for you, i played myself typing this out, time to perish.
A/N: I have been thinking about how to write this piece of work for about a day now because writer's block is a big ass bitch. I also haven't written smut in a while so please bare with me and how this will turn out in the end.
warnings: thigh riding, orgasm denial, Little degradation, some dom/sub-themes
pairing: Changbin X Reader
Words: 421
As Changbin laid back on the couch watching you become a blubbering mess as you road his thighs. His hands on your hips moving them the way he wants you to move making sure that he was in control of the whole situation. Seeing the way that you moved on his thigh, making a mess on high thigh as he was able to see the slick that was created on his thigh making him hard all over again. Each groan from him made you more pathetic by the minute. You could feel his thighs flexing on your clit; each time he did it you would moan out in pleasure.  
This was your punishment for messing with him and making fun of him when he whimpered while giving him head, and because of this. He knew that you wouldn’t be able to keep yourself composed as you grind your cunt on his thigh. He loved looking at your face seeing how brain dumb you were starting to get because of all the feelings at once, Changbin laughed at the way you looked making you whimpered in embarrassment. With each move of your hips on his thigh and the degradation that you got from him, you could feel yourself get  closer to the edge.
“Please Binnie I need to cum please I am sorry for making fun of you I didn’t mean to make fun of you.” You started to beg him 
He started to have a chuckle “Oh really so you saying that I sound like a messy baby  wasn’t making fun of me.” 
“Binnie I am really sorry, please. I really need to cum, I am so close to cumming I just need to cum please I am begging you, Binnie.” You started to sound pathetic but you didn’t care you wanted to cum you wanted to have the sweet release that only he could give you 
He started to move your hip faster while pushing down harder, You gasped at the new feeling thinking that he was going to let you come. He paused for a moment stopping all movement at that moment making you whine at the lack of pleasure. “Aww, poor baby did you think that I would let you cum that fast this is your punishment for being a brat. You are going to edge yourself on my thigh till I am felt satisfied all right my baby.” You groaned at the punishment and the loss of your orgasm. He started moving your hip making you moan
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stargazeraldroth · 8 months
oh yeah, on the topic of hating the portrayal of ink and errors dynamic in fgod being a total black and white situation, i one hundo percent agree that thats big sucks.
its so boring, ive worked an immoral ink myself and it can work! people are just making it boring because they dont know how to write ink being immoral properly!
sorry about my mini rant i just. i agree with u.
Oh no no, you can rant about it if you'd like! I figured you were someone who is more into FGOD than I am, so it'd be great to know some of your thoughts about it too!
I just want my boys to have some depth to their dynamics, that's all. But generally speaking, I do wish they kept of their canon personality traits. Like maybe I wouldn't mind it so much if they also showed Error's temper or manbaby tendencies? Like I understand why he's so different, I've made AUs where I change their personalities up too, but sometimes FGOD Error feels like an entirely different character, and not just an alternate version of Error, if that makes sense. Like, he feels too rational, stable, and level-headed when the key difference is that he's just forced to destroy AUs. Maybe that could come from a misunderstanding of how FGOD works on my part, but I hardly ever see characterization that makes him feel like Error.
Personally I think we should let FGOD Error say fuck
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sortyourlifeoutmate · 7 months
Sorry to say but I don't one-hundo percent trust the The Telegraph journalist even if he apparently in Gaza, given he's got in with the IDF, which - to me - kind of makes him a little suspect. If a dude was embedded with Hamas I'd also be a little suspicious.
(I'm assuming he got in with the IDF, since how else would he be there and why else would he be getting sources from them? Maybe I'm wrong.)
Sure, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Hamas might be setting booby traps in the nursery of a hospital. That is a thing that could physically happen. Do I believe a journalist telling me so when he's following the IDF around like a puppy? Uh, not really. Sorry.
What I do believe though is Hamas folding when attacked, given they're outnumbered, outgunned, and not an actual military. Motivation only carries you so far when you're being fucking obliterated by the guys who have you ten to one. Oh, and you're also starving.
This is why I'm always leery whenever the papers talk up Hezbollah. All the missiles and rockets? Yes. That's legit. Thousands of 'hardened fighters'? Less sure, since that doesn't matter much when you're getting bombed to shit.
The IDF is many things, but stingy with the fire support is not one of them. Just saying.
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dykeyote · 10 months
🎶!! best podcast soundtrack ^^
oh lets just be real here its not even a contest . its absolutely one hundo percent camp here and there and it KILLS ME bc i dont like the guy and sometimes i resent that he made the soundtrack bc hos fanbase is quite parasocial and it can draw in strange people to my silly blorbo show but dear god if he didnt create a soundtrack that is somehow INSANELY fitting to the show and its tone as well as just fucking slapping its literally Perfect its super fucking good on its own adn paired w how amazingly it fits the show itself? no contest . HOWEVER honorable mention goes to wtnv because the soundtrack is extremely fitting as well and really nice to listen to vilayet in particular is a standout ..... penumbra also has some pretty stellar character themes (nureyevs and vespas come to mind)
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mmmthornton · 1 year
feel a strange relation between this song and Daniil, but it's also. kinda stupid-sounding being written by a man who's so straight. what did you suffer for brother. but i feel like Daniil would like it hearing it on a party while drunk out of his ass
oh yeah, one hundo percent. Bi college guy Daniil Dankovsky staying up until 3am doing shots and debating existential ludonarrative theories with the Stamatins and then putting Depeche Mode on LOUDLY in his headphones while he pulls an all nighter to finish a research paper. That tracks.
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