slaytheprofessor · 21 hours
"Why are you doing this?" you cry, file falling out of your trembling hands. "Why do you want me to feel like this? Why do you insist on hurting me? I wanted to help!"
The Guide: There is no sympathy on the professor's face as he lifts his shoulders in a slow shrug.
The Professor: I don't know, really.
The Professor: My memories are still... hazy. But for some reason, my mind tells me that you are not to be trusted.
The Professor: And my mind also tells me that everything in these files is something that I fear. You're tied into it, somehow.
Voice of the Researcher: That doesn't make any fucking sense!
Voice of the Curious: This---this isn't right. This isn't fair. We don't know anything, either, and he's blaming us for something that he doesn't even remember?
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slaytheprofessor · 2 days
The Guide: You take the file out of his hands and open it. And... you read.
The Guide: It is everything he told you it was. It is a story of a woman who had everything she could have ever wanted---a loving partner, children, a safe home, a career. But all of it was taken away by a sudden hurricane, leaving her alone in the world and without anything to live for.
The Guide: She is utterly and completely heartbroken, and she is angry. Angry at a world that cares not for her suffering. Angry at a world that sees fit to strike at random and rip happiness from her grasp. Angry at whatever force would do such a thing.
The Guide: When you finally close the file, you are filled with a deep and profound sadness as you begin to cry. And more than that, you feel... *softly* Oh, no.
Voice of the Curious: Wh---what is this? Why do I--- *voice catches* Why do I feel like---
Voice of the Researcher: That's... no. This doesn't make any... it doesn't make any sense. We're just---we're just a person, we didn't cause this.
Voice of the Curious: *starting to cry a little* I don't want to feel like this. Why is he making us feel like this?
The Professor: Do you understand, now?
The Guide: You are feeling exactly how he intended you to feel. Because... because this story has caused you to be wracked with guilt.
The Guide: No. No, you have every right to feel sorry, but do not play into his hands. You do not need to feel guilty. Not here, not anywhere.
Voice of the Curious: How can you be so sure?
The Guide: Because I told you before. He's not showing you the full picture.
The Professor: *voice sharper* I said, do you understand, now?
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slaytheprofessor · 3 days
Your gaze falls, again, on all of the files scattered around him. "What are the stories you're reading?"
The Professor: They're what's keeping me entertained down here. Or sane, at the very least.
The Guide: He closes the one in his hands and sets it neatly down on the floor, then selects another.
The Professor: These stories are not fiction, mind you. They are the firsthand accounts of people who have lost something, whether it be a home, a loved one, or a part of themselves. Tales from people who have been, in some way, wronged by change.
The Guide's voice catches at that.
Voice of the Researcher: *warning* Easy, now. Hands off the wheel, you promised.
The Guide: *whispering* The professor looks back up at you, something dark flickering in his otherwise empty eyes.
The Professor: It's a nice reminder, I think. Even though being stuck down here is less than ideal, it's good to know that things could always be worse. Better to be trapped than to wander helplessly in an uncaring world.
The Guide: He--- *swallows* He holds out the file to you.
The Professor: I think that you could stand to learn a thing or two from these stories.
Voice of the Curious: What... what does he mean by that?
The Guide: Don't listen to him. He'll only show you one side of things. He won't show you the full story.
Voice of the Researcher: Oh, and you would?
The Guide: If I could, I would show you everything.
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slaytheprofessor · 4 days
"What happened after I died?" you ask. "I freed you---or, well, you technically freed yourself---but now you've got twice the amount of chains you had before. Couldn't you just free yourself again with the rat bones?"
The Guide: The professor lets out a hollow laugh.
The Professor: It seems as though all of the rat bones have withered to dust. Whoever's keeping me here is very keen on me not attempting another escape.
The Guide: He looks down at the chains encircling his wrists, then the file in his hands.
The Professor: I... I attempted to leave, make no mistake. The door was locked, every time I tried, even when I dragged your body up the stairs.
The Professor: Then I closed my eyes, and... when I opened them, I was like this.
The Professor: *sigh* It's not so bad, I suppose. At least now, I have these stories to keep me company.
Voice of the Researcher: Oh... oh, shit.
Voice of the Curious: What?
Voice of the Researcher: I don't think he can leave on his own. Not without us.
Voice of the Curious: But that makes no sense. What's so special about us? Why are we so important?
The Guide: She's right. Him changing, it... it doesn't make any sense. He's human.
The Guide: Or at least, he's supposed to be.
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slaytheprofessor · 5 days
"Uh... hey." You raise your hand in an awkward wave. "You, uh... you look different."
The Guide: The professor blinks, gaze foggy behind his glasses.
The Professor: So do you.
Voice of the Curious: We do? Why? How did we---oh, perfect, the mirror didn't work, and now we'll never know---
Voice of the Researcher: Hey, it's okay. We can just ask him.
"How do I look different?" you ask aloud.
The Guide: The professor pauses, then lifts his shoulders in a slow shrug.
The Professor: You're dressed more sensibly than you were before, is all I can say. Still with the long skirt, but the sweater seems like it gives you more warmth.
The Professor: It's harder to really make out your face this time around, though. Almost as if your features don't want to stay the same.
Voice of the Curious: Is... is he talking about me?
Voice of the Researcher: How---how do you know?
Voice of the Curious: I... I think that's me. I think that's what I look like.
Voice of the Researcher: We don't look like anything. We're voices in her head.
The Guide: I, uh... I'm not really sure what else to say here.
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slaytheprofessor · 6 days
You step away from the mirror, putting that out of your mind. "Let's go check in on our... friend."
You reach for the knife, then think better of it. Bringing it down the first time didn't go so well, after all.
The Guide: You open the door to the basement. The steps are now made of linoleum, and there is a metal handrail where there wasn't one before. There is lighting in here, but it's that fluorescent lighting that's either too harsh or too dim, creating a jarring effect.
The Guide: And soon enough, you hear a voice.
The Professor: "...and I knew then that my world was shattered, for I could not bear the weight of losing that who I had loved so dearly. Her blood is on my hands, and without her, the world has stopped moving. I would yearn for the day that I were to die, except she is surely in heaven, and I am surely damned to rest in the land below..."
Voice of the Researcher: What the hell?
Voice of the Curious: What is he doing? Is he talking to us?
Voice of the Researcher: I think... I think he's reading something.
Voice of the Curious: What do we do, then? Do we go down and see? Do we leave him alone? Do we---
The Professor: I know you're there.
The Guide: You freeze where you stand, for you had thought that he was too absorbed in whatever he was reciting to notice your presence.
The Professor: *sighs* Come down, then.
The Guide: You walk downstairs... and you see him again.
The Guide: The basement is just as full of file cabinets as the main library, and the boxes are filled to the brim with files of all kinds. The light from the barred window overhead falls down on the professor, who has changed along with everything else.
The Guide: His hair is now loose and falls to his waist in tangled waves, and his spectacles are now sharp and square. No longer is he wearing a worn suit, but instead a threadbare sweater vest over a collared shirt. The chains encircle both of his wrists, now, and he sits crosslegged on the floor, surrounded by files. He holds one in his hands as he stares up at you with clear distrust.
The Professor: So, you've seen fit to leave your weapon behind this time. That's kind of you, I suppose.
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slaytheprofessor · 7 days
You approach the mirror, a small sense of foreboding creeping in. It's too dirty for you to even make out the faintest hint of your appearance.
Even now, you realize that you really, truly, have no idea what you look like. And you are slightly terrified to see what the mirror will reveal.
Voice of the Researcher: Try wiping it clean. It looks like it's been here for a while.
Voice of the Curious: But it just appeared while we were gone. How could it have been here for a while?
You reach out to wipe it clean... only for it to vanish at your touch.
The Guide: Did... something odd happen?
Voice of the Researcher: Um... yeah. The, uh. The mirror's not there anymore.
The Guide: Well. That's not troubling at all.
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slaytheprofessor · 8 days
"You, um." You swallow, unsure of what to do next. "You didn't mention the mirror."
There is a very, very, very long pause.
The Guide: I... I didn't mention the mirror because there isn't one. At least, not that I can see.
Voice of the Curious: Is that true? Are you lying to us? Or are we actually hallucinating? Are we---*starts to get frantic* Are we going crazy? Already?
Voice of the Researcher: Hey, hey, hey, take a deep breath.
Voice of the Researcher: Can... can you really not see the mirror, Guide? You're not fucking with us?
The Guide: I'm serious. There's no mirror.
The Guide: I mean, I believe that you can see a mirror, and I believe that there might be one there, but all I can see is what I just described.
Voice of the Researcher: Okay, that's... disturbing.
Voice of the Curious: Maybe we should check it out! It could be important.
Voice of the Curious: Or... wait, no, I really want to see what the professor looks like now. If the library's changed, he probably has, too.
Voice of the Curious: Ohhh, but the mirror's so vague, and there really could be something big there, and not to mention that I don't even know... what... we really look like...
There's a short silence.
Voice of the Researcher: *softly* What do you wanna do?
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slaytheprofessor · 10 days
"All right." You exhale, tucking your hair behind your ears. "Take two."
Voice of the Researcher: You gonna kill him this time?
You let out a tired sigh. "We'll see."
The Guide: You make your way down the street, already having memorized the route. Eventually, you reach the library again.
Voice of the Curious: Hey, why are there some lights on in some of the windows? You said that this city was abandoned, right?
The Guide: I... I actually don't know. Maybe some people left in a hurry.
Voice of the Curious: Why? What happened? Why is this city abandoned in the first place?
The Guide: I---look, you're asking me a lot of questions that I don't know the answer to.
Voice of the Researcher: Huh, guess he's not all-knowing after all.
The Guide: *exasperated* Shut up.
You cross the street and head into the library, door creaking and entry bell ringing. Only... it's different, now.
The Guide: The library has changed since you last saw it. The bookshelves are no longer bookshelves, but rows and rows of file cabinets, some open to display files inside. The floors are hardwood, yet much sturdier than the first time you came here, barely registering your footsteps. The door to the basement appears to be just a simple office door with an illegible nameplate. Even the desk is… well, not very different at all, just a little more clean than before. But the pristine blade is still the same.
You are at a pause, now. Because the Guide has, as usual, described everything perfectly... except for one thing.
Next to the door, there is a full-body mirror. Black metal, black glass, covered in dust.
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slaytheprofessor · 11 days
"It's nice of you to try to protect me," you tell the Guide, and you're surprised to find out that you mean it. "But I can take care of myself."
After a beat, the Guide lets out a small sigh, a steady mixture of resignation and affection.
The Guide: I know you can. It's just... it scares me when you're in danger. And I can't tell you why you should harbor the same resentment towards the professor that I have.
The Guide: But I promise, no matter what you do going forward, that I will support you. Even if you decide to spare him.
Voice of the Curious: Are you saying that because you really trust us? Or are you saying that because you know that there's a failsafe?
Voice of the Researcher: *snort* Damn, she came for you.
The Guide: I really do trust you.
The Guide: And, well, knowing that there's a failsafe helps.
Voice of the Curious: You're the most confusing person I've met, you know? I haven't met a lot of people, but almost nothing you say makes any sense.
The Guide: I'm very sorry about that.
Voice of the Researcher: I'm sure. Okay, so, this time around, you're gonna let us actually talk to the guy, right?
The Guide: I did let---yes!
Voice of the Researcher: Just making sure.
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slaytheprofessor · 12 days
"I... I died," you whisper, hand still massaging the spot on your neck where the professor sliced it open. "How... how am I back here again?"
The Guide: That would be my doing.
The Guide: Again, I---I can't tell you everything, but... let's just say that I figured out a loophole. I can buy you enough time to slay him, unless and until it's impossible for you to.
The Guide: And, well... I'd rather not see you die. Permanently, I mean.
Voice of the Curious: Why do you care so much about us? We don't remember anything, so does that mean that we used to know you? Were we friends?
Voice of the Researcher: Yeah, probably. Explains why he's so fucking overprotective.
The Guide: I am not---
Voice of the Researcher: You so are.
Voice of the Curious: And what was so bad about the professor calling us "princess?" It's just a nickname, right?
The Guide: It is not just a nickname. It's... it's complicated.
The Guide: The long and short of it is, that wasn't a term of endearment. And it's just... it's just not who you are.
Voice of the Researcher: *mock gasp* You mean we're not a princess? But I thought all girls were princesses!
The Guide: I didn't mean it like---*frustrated growl* Look, did you like being called "princess?"
Voice of the Curious: I don't know. *voice becomes small* It made us feel... wrong. I don't know how to...
Voice of the Curious: I don't know.
Voice of the Researcher: *sighs* Yeah, I'll admit it, it gave me the ick.
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slaytheprofessor · 13 days
Chapter II: The Archivist
Your eyes fly open as you awaken with a gasp.
You're back on the streets of the city, and it looks the same. Nondescript buildings, streets empty despite the solitary lights in a few of the windows. You grab at your throat, realizing that it's entirely healed. No scar to be found.
The Guide: That... worked. *small laugh* That actually worked. I wasn't sure if---
Voice of the Researcher: WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!
The Guide: *sighs* Ah. The consequences of my actions.
Voice of the Researcher: Consequences of---yeah, no SHIT! You fucking possessed us!
Right as she says that, another voice appears in your head. This one is softer, but it ricochets between different tones---low and sad at one moment, high and sweet at the next. The only thing that seems to stay steady is the clear sound of confusion.
Voice of the Curious: Yeah, why did you do that? I know we were supposed to kill him, but he didn't seem that bad. Why do you think that he's so dangerous?
The Guide: I---oh, hello. You're new.
Voice of the Curious: Hi!
Voice of the Researcher: Hello, yes, she's here, now would you please---
The Guide: To answer your question, I don't think he's dangerous, I know, but like I said before, there is something that's keeping me from telling you why and how.
The Guide: And... I'll admit, I got a bit carried away.
Voice of the Curious: Are you going to do it again? Can we just not make choices? Do we always have to do whatever you say?
The Guide: What? No!
Voice of the Researcher: *loud laugh* Uh, yeah, forgive me if I find that a bit hard to believe---
The Guide: You think I enjoyed doing that?! You had to step in and do the narrations because I was so torn up about it!
Voice of the Researcher: Okay, well, I get that "princess," for whatever reason, is your trigger phrase, but if you could not do that again? That would be great.
The Guide: Trust me, my hands are firmly off the reins from now on.
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slaytheprofessor · 13 days
Against all odds, you manage to struggle enough to croak out another warning. The professor cautiously approaches you... then lets out a sigh.
The Professor: Let me guess. You're not yourself at the moment, are you?
You shakily nod, pushing back against your hand that holds the knife.
The Professor: All right, then. Desperate times.
Voice of the Researcher: He carefully takes the knife out of your hand---
The Guide: He does WHAT?!
Voice of the Researcher: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Unless you're gonna ACTUALLY NARRATE, then STAY OUT OF THIS!
The Guide: I... *starting to hyperventilate* The professor twirls the knife in one hand and puts his other hand on the back of your head. The gesture should be comforting, but the expression on his face is stony and cold.
The Professor: This will be quick. Don't resist.
The Guide: And... *furious growl* And he slits your throat. The bastard.
You feel a sharp sting as blood pours from your throat... and then your vision fails you.
The Guide: You're dead, but only for now. This isn't the end.
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slaytheprofessor · 14 days
You cry out a warning, furiously fighting back against the Guide. The professor swiftly dodges out of the way, as the voice in your head is too distraught to properly narrate.
The Guide: *sobbing* I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I have to do this, I'm so sorry---
Voice of the Researcher: Uh---um---uh---
Voice of the Researcher: The professor's heard your warning, and he's managed to dodge your knife, but he's still looking at you with a suspicious expression. *hissing* Guide, what the ever-loving FUCK are you doing---
The Professor: *small, slow breaths* Easy now, my dear... put down the knife, and we can sort this all out.
Voice of the Researcher: Yeah, CAN WE, Mr. Guide, or are you too busy RAILROADING us to care?!
The Guide is fully weeping at this point as he pushes you forward. You still have some semblance of your will left... but there's no telling who will win out.
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slaytheprofessor · 15 days
"What do you mean, 'they?'" you ask, confused.
The Professor: Whoever put me here, of course. Whoever left me to rot with no explanation. I can't imagine that they're keen on you deciding to spare me.
"But I came here alone," you say. "There's no way someone could've trapped me down here, not without me noticing."
The Professor: *sighs* We can discuss this later. Again, will you give me a rat bone? Something from a leg will do.
You consider this, then nod. "Okay, then."
The Guide: You... you select a bone from the pile and hand it to the professor.
The Guide: As you watch, he inserts the bone into the lock of his manacle, fiddling with it while he mutters under his breath. After some time, it finally clicks open... and the manacle falls to the floor.
The Guide: The professor flexes his now-free wrist and rubs it, a triumphant smile on his face.
Voice of the Researcher: *explodes* He could've done that the WHOLE TIME?!
"You could've done that the WHOLE TIME?" you exclaim aloud, echoing your voice's thoughts. "What the hell, man?"
The Professor: *shrugs* I've tried before. It's never worked until now.
The Professor: I suppose you're my good-luck charm, hmm?
Voice of the Researcher: *small groan* Ugh. No.
The Guide: *deep breath* The professor stands to his feet with some difficulty, putting one hand on the wall to steady himself. It isn't long before he regains some semblance of balance, and he holds out a hand to you with a smile.
The Professor: Well, now... what say you and I get out of here, Princess?
There is a very long silence where neither of the voices in your head speak. Then:
The Guide: *vengeful hissing* You don't get to call her that.
Voice of the Researcher: Uh... what the fuck?
The Guide: *voice visibly trembling* The two of you start making your way towards the stairs... no. No. No.
The Guide: You don't know who he is. You don't know what he did. And this blasted place, it won't let me TELL YOU---
The Guide: I'm sorry. *voice breaks* I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do.
Voice of the Researcher: Again, what the fuck---
The Guide: The professor's back is turned. You hold up the knife as he turns around.
The Professor: What... exactly are you doing?
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slaytheprofessor · 16 days
The Guide: You head upstairs to look for a key, but... damn it.
The Guide: When you reach the top of the stairs, you realize that the door's closed. You try it, and it's locked.
Voice of the Researcher: Well, that's pretty convenient.
The Guide: You have the knife. He's diseased, he's suspicious, and I'm pretty sure he was flirting with you earlier. Just take care of him.
Voice of the Researcher: *laughs* Wait, is this what this is about? You're mad because he said that we were *imitates the professor's voice* "A very nice young lady?"
The Guide: You thought that was creepy!
Voice of the Researcher: Uh, yeah, but I'm not gonna kill him over it.
The Guide: I... *deep breath* You walk back downstairs, and you see the professor again. Still looking much too calm.
The Professor: So, they locked you down here with me, then? Can't say I'm surprised.
The Professor: *sighs* No matter. Hand me one of the rat bones, would you?
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slaytheprofessor · 17 days
"Screw this." You kneel down next to the professor. "Whatever you did to get yourself here, nobody deserves to live like this. I'm getting you out of here."
The Guide: What?! No, you're---you can't let him out!
Voice of the Researcher: I mean, I...
Voice of the Researcher: Okay, yeah, he's a bit of a creep, but did you not just hear what he said? He's been living off of fucking rats. Letting him out is the only humane thing to do at this point.
The Guide: Or you could just put him out of his misery! That would also be humane!
The Guide: I... shit. The professor looks at you with a slightly confused expression.
The Professor: While I do appreciate the change in tone, I'm fairly certain there's no key. How do you intend on freeing me?
The Guide: *sigh of relief* You hesitate, realizing that he's entirely correct. There's no way to get him out of his chains.
Voice of the Researcher: Um... I think I have to disagree with you on that front.
The Guide: What.
Voice of the Researcher: It's gonna be disgusting, and weird, and it's gonna be pretty painful for him, but... his wrist looks skinny enough.
The Guide: WHAT.
Voice of the Researcher: What's better?! Living as a prisoner and not even being treated as human, or living a free life as an amputee? I'd say the second option!
The Guide: Don't be ridiculous! If you cut off his hand, it'd probably bleed out! He'd be dead before you could leave the city!
The Professor: Are you just going to sit there silently, or are you going to come up with a plan?
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