#official terriermon
koushirouizumi · 7 months
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{from here}
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darrellmore · 3 months
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digi-lov · 1 year
Let's have a look at the Twin Digimon, Terriermon and Lopmon!
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Although only referred to by their baby names, Gummymon and Chocomon, both Terriermon and Lopmon had their debut in the Movie Digimon Adventure 02: Vol.1 Hurricane Touchdown!!/Vol.2 Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals.
[If you have only seen the English Digimon The Movie, I highly recommend watching the japanese original for each of the 3 movies cut together for it. This movie alone has about 50% of its content cut.]
Most of you will easily remember Terriermon, but Lopmon only shows up in its child form in this ending illustration done by the late Yasuo Ōtsuka.
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Instead of Kenji Watanabe or other Bandai staff, Terriermon and Lopmon were designed by the movie's director, Yamauchi Shigeyasu himself, for the movie.
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On the design sheet, we can see several points in which Terriermon and Lopmon were supposed to be distinct from each other in their body style. On this sheet, Terriermon is 1.7 heads tall, while Lopmon is 2 heads tall. Even if they would fall straight down, Lopmon's ears also appear to be shorter than Terriermon's. Lopmon's visible canine is a design element still used today, even though in terms of size and proportions, the twins are identical in modern media.
Due to its popularity from the Adventure 02 movie, Terriermon was chosen as partner for Jianliang Li/Henry Wong in the next anime season, Digimon Tamers, and by association, Lopmon was chosen as partner for Jian's sister Xiaochun/Suzie.
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According to the Reference Book, Lopmon is the lonely crybaby type, while Terriermon is calm and robust. Both have the move Petit Twister, while Terriermon's signature move is Blazing Fire and Lopmon's is Blazing Ice. Furthermore, the Reference Book entries of their Baby I stages Zerimon and Cocomon state that they're the only Digimon that are born as twins, but the reason why is still unknown. They also aren't exclusively born as twins and can hatch alone from eggs individually as well.
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On the Digimon Web Twitter, Terriermon and Lopmon appear on various occasions, including the celebration of ふたごの日 futago no hi Twins Day. (5th of February)
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The Card Game also features them together on some of their cards! And there's even official card sleeves with the two.
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Both of them appear to be very popular and are featured in many parts of the franchise, Lopmon in particular, being chosen as a partner Digimon for characters in a number of games.
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otakween · 3 months
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Digimon Tamers - Volume 1
Another one of these lazy manhua adaptations. I can't say they're not fun, fast reads, but they're very eye roll worthy and shoddily put together. This one is four volumes long.
Ch. 1
As usual, it's nice to get a refresh of the story in a condensed format, even if it is super dumbed down.
Lots of cheesy meta references to goggles making you the leader and a sneaky Pokemon gag too. I wonder if Digimon got compared to Pokemon a bunch in Japan or if that's just a western perspective...
Ch. 2
Two sex jokes in this chapter. Culumon makes a reference to "petting" and Takato says something about "digimon mating season." Kinda squicked me out considering the audience, like wut.
Jian calling Terriermon's "moumantai" catchphrase "lame" felt kind of out of character. Also, I feel like Terriermon is less sassy than he was in the anime.
Ch. 3
I feel like we never really get a satisfying answer for why Terriermon snaps in Gargomon form. I guess having guns for arms just does that to you? Terriermon barely mentions anything about it.
Ch. 4
The panel showing that lady from Hypnos (the one in the chair that they show like 50 million times in the anime) was so show-accurate that I'm suspicious it was traced.
Ch. 5-6
Apparently Renamon attacks with "diamonds" instead of leaves in the English version of Tamers, I had to look that up cuz I was confused.
I gotta admit I laughed at the random old dude on the street being like "those darn kids and their rap music!" when Rika brushed by him.
When Guilmon de-digivolves after being stuck as Growlmon, Jian says that Takato "saved his digimon with his tears!" What...? Since when was that a thing? What is this, the Pokemon movie?
Ch. 7
Terriermon says that if he doesn't digivolve than he'll lose his powers...which sounds like fake lore that they just made up on the spot. Does he just mean he'll lost the window of opportunity to digivolve?
Rolled my eyes at Culumon saying "I'm a living plot device!" I mean...it's true, but can we leave abridged series-like lines out of the official release?
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ultimate-good-dog · 1 year
Ultimate Good Dog Official Bracket
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Preliminaries are closed!
The Bracket is done!
I did my best to seed the bracket but i'm p. new at it so like, i did my best
The matchups!
Side A
Cerberus (Greek Mythology) Vs Aralez (Armenian Mythology)
Cheedle (HunterxHunter) Vs Sam (Sam and Max)
Nina And Alexander (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs The Husky (The Thing)
The Disreputable Dog Vs the Hound of Baskerville
Akamaru (Naruto) Vs Missile (Ghost Trick)
Mrs O'Leary (Percy Jackson) Vs Dog (Good Omens)
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch!) Vs Diogee (Milo Murphy's law)
This is Fine Dog (Gunshow) Vs Snoopy (Peanuts)
Terriermon (Digimon) Vs Growlithe (Pokemon)
Clifford (Clifford the big red dog) Vs Spot (Spot the dog)
Jake the Dog (adventure time) Vs Becquerel (Homestuck)
Bandit Heeler (bluey) Vs Bluey Heeler (bluey)
K-9 (looney Tunes) Vs K-9 (doctor Who)
Stitch Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch) Vs Blue (Blue's clues)
Seymour Asses (Futurama) Vs Balto (Balto)
Naga (Legend of Korra) Vs Wishbone (Wishbone)
Side B
Polterpup (Luigi's Mansion) Vs Pugsley (Paranormal Park)
Courage (Courage the cowardly dog) Vs Annoying Dog (Undertale)
Miss Rosa (Night in the Woods) Vs Dr Doppler (Treasure Planet)
Slinky Dog (Toy Story) Vs Monchie Mitchel (the Mitchels Vs the Machines)
Cerberus (Hades) Vs Hayabusa (Okami)
Toby (Ace Attourney) Vs Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
Toto (Wizard of Oz) Vs Perrito (Puss n Boots: the last wish)
Dug (Up) Vs Pongo & Perdita (101 Dalmations)
Odie (Garfield) Vs Dogmatix (Asterix)
Daikichi & Dog Ninja (Ensemble Stars & Rhythm Heaven) Vs Sunkist (Half Life but the AI are self aware)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) Vs Waffles (moonglow Bay)
Bond (SpyxFamily) Vs Koromaru (Persona 3)
Scrappy Doo (Scooby doo where are you) Vs Scooby Doo (Scooby doo where are you)
Bear (Person of Interest) Vs Rex (Inspector Rex)
Puppycat (Bee and Puppycat) Vs Grommit (Wallace and Grommit)
Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise) Vs Queequeg (X-files)
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(Blog admins are @cobalt-axolotl and @codyton )
The tamers:
Lopmon (nicks partner)
Paildramon (dae’s partner)
Kamemon (clover’s partner)
Impmon (Lizz’s partner)
Herissmon (Adriana partner)
Kokabuterimon (Sam’s partner)
Victory Agumon (Cassidy’s partner)
Zeed Gabumon (Evan’s partner)
Terriermon (rose’s partner)
Gammamon (Riley’s partner)
Dorumon (Kasey’s partner)
Ryudamon (Ava’s partner)
Veemon (Jun’s partner)
The royal knights
Research Digimon
Tamers in the future:
RIZE squad:
Neo knights:
Team treasure rock:
The crew of the NO seadragon
Captain Phineas
Zwart army (the villain’s)
Zwart crowmon
Digimon Partner’s in the future
Pulsemon (Regan’s partner)
Dracmon (Simon’s partner)
Pteromon (max’s partner)
Monodramon (Cyprus’ partner)
Jazamon (Aron’s partner)
Hackmon (Kai’s partner)
Loogamon (Chloe’s partner)
Kokuwamon (Ann’s partner)
Blucomon (argent’s Partner)
Vorvomon (Scott’s partner)
Impmon X (Jordan’s partner)
Tempomon (Ben’s partner)
Etemon (Leon’s partner)
Shoutmon (zeke’s partner)
Leomon (Mikes Partner)
Kotemon (Phineas’s partner)
Mermaimon (Mai’s partner)
Seadramon (Harry’s partner)
Monmon (jack’s partner)
Gomamon (ruby’s partner)
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
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Hello, it's Ni again with a little idea in mind: What if we start breaking the comfort zone and trying the most difficult part of Digimon writing/arting? Yes, the digimon.
I'm making this post an encouragement for you to start trying something new and expand your skills -- I'll share some of the tips I've been using for a whole decade when it comes to writing and drawing digimon with their human partners.
Bear with Ni!!
For writing:
My method is: making any inner monologue into a conversation and letting the digimon complete, elaborate, or comment on the human partner's lines.
The technique of the former has been observed by some people that this is basically what happens in-series (at least in Adventure/02 material) -- all of that planned inner monologue you had planned for the character? turn it into a conversation with the digimon. There's so little inner thoughts depicted in Adventure and 02 BUT there's a ton of little exchanges between the human with their partner. It also helps that in Adventure & 02, the digimon are somewhat an "other self" of the children, so they basically know them enough to point out when they're hesitant, nervous, angry, embarrassed or happy.
It also helps that certain digimon partners like Daisuke's V-mon, Jou's Gomamon and Wallace's Gummymon/Terriermon have no filter and try to encourage their partners by either roasting them by sheer accident. Remember, the digimon are extremely honest when it comes to their partners feelings, they can spot a lie pretty easily. So why not write Taichi saying a lie to hide something and Agumon innocently commenting aloud that that was a lie?
The latter technique is my own personal flavor. I'll give you an example: Daisuke is explaining his delicious new ramen recipe, and V-mon adds some commentaries like a TV announcer on TV commercials by saying "And there's more!" "Look at this delicious ramen broth!" "It's 100% approved by the customers!"
The digimon usually tends to put extra emphasis on what their partner is saying, or they make little comments! Or even, they might elaborate or complete phrases as well. The reverse can happen too, of course. Think about stuff like Happy Smile, 2-TOP, Fly High, HEY-Rasshai!, Forever Adolescence, etc songs where they have a little talk between the songs, or are bickering, or are completing the others’ lines.
For Drawing:
This part is a little more trickish, but here we go. Let’s watch a few shots of Digimon anime/movies and analyze how they depict the kids interacting with their digimon.
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Since Tailmon is small, Hikari crouches to her eye level in order to talk with her in Kizuna. Note that this is how you can have both in the same scene/shot when Tailmon is not in Hikari’s arms. You need to plan where to place the digimon in your art, by knowing its size in-series, which form you want to feature in the picture, and where to place them.
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For the celebration of Hunters’ final episode 10th Anniversary in 2022, The Digimon Web profile on twitter posted this illust of Gumdramon and Tagiru. Note that Gumdramon is the main star of the composition and Tagiru is behind him, as if he was commanding Gumdramon in a battle.
Now, some personal examples from my own art, to show how I deal with this:
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This composition plays with the idea of a selfie. Gumdramon is being held by Tagiru here.
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Middle Schooler Daisuke & Chibimon meets Kiyoshiro & Jellymon. The interaction between them is Daisuke and Chibimon looking at Kiyocchi’s hand, which is also the exact arm Jellymon is tied to.
Now, for bigger mons: Know their size and how to place them in the scenario, like Angoramon is here in this official art:
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Since Angoramon is bigger than Jellymon and Gammamon, they decided to place him and Ruli behind the other two pairs. You can see this composition shows an interesting dynamic between them and also Jellymon on top of Kiyoshiro’s head.
Remember: the bigger the evolution/form you want to depict with their human partner, the more trickish might be. But don't worry! I trust you to figure it out! You can do it!!
I hope this post can help people, those observations and tips really helped me once and are still helping me when working on digi-stuff ;v;
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dash-n-step · 11 months
alright so just for personal reference, recently announced digimon things, from what I understand:
Digimon Survive one year global release anniversary
Digimon The Movie dub remaster - higher quality re-release/redubbing, as well as subtitle for original japanese dub - not sure if this counts as official? - as many as the old voice actors they could get - redub is as faithful as possible thanks to sound mixing - HOWEVER, there is no angela anaconda short before the movie, so alas I must boycott the film u.u - HOWEVER HOWEVER, they didn't change Bunny Blast to its original move name, meaning the "Is Terriermon a dog" discourse lives on, so boycott cancelled
Digimon Adventure 02 remaster also announced for blu-ray
Digimon Source Code, another Chinese mobile game, showed off gameplay at a recent event, but seems largely coincidental - looks good - apparently it was announced ages ago and people thought it was cancelled - it seems to play about the same as all the other recent digimon mobile games)
a Japanese only digimon comic contest announced about four of its award winning submissions - will be judged further during august - will get printed in V Jump in October - some honorable mentions that I don't think can be read on the website/twitter
Digimon 02 The Beginning trailer and promo art - pretty big, but also pretty straightforward
Mugendramon model that looks metal as fuck - the usual agumon/gabumon evo figures
D-3 digivices and 02 memory card, - other miscellaneous bits of merchandise for events
Digimon Card Game binders with Beelzemon/Beelstarmon
Digimon Seekers updated (still haven't touched this unfortunately)
something about a digimon seekers fanart event, it actually links to twitter posts on the website, so that's pretty cool
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coolgirl576 · 5 months
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art by my friend TERriermon on night cafe (fyi i am the official poster of her art)
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shihalyfie · 2 years
Between Hiro and Espimon, I kind of jokingly hope that Umi Tenjin and somehow Mona Marshall to do voices in Ghost Game as well. "The Koushirouing never ends~"
Oh, goodness, I am so glad I am not the only one who thought this. (For those unaware, Hiro's voice actress Tamura Mutsumi voiced Koushirou in tri. and Kizuna, while Espimon's voice actress Kobayashi Yumiko voiced Koushirou in Adventure:, and official has even pointed this out.)
In fact, Tenjin seems to have retired from voice acting -- she's had no new roles in over a decade, and she currently has no agency affiliation, which usually is a sign of withdrawal from the industry. (The voice acting industry is rather extremely make-it-or-break-it, and one of the really unfortunate things is that a lot of Digimon voice actors don't end up getting a decent flow of work in the industry, so a rather significant percentage has retired.) But she did return for Adventure PSP (2013) and the 15th anniversary drama CD (2015), and it seems she quietly showed up to a Digimon music event in 2019 with Kazama (Yamato), the probably-industry-retired Araki (Hikari), and the very industry-retired Tada (Terriermon/Lopmon), so she's probably not averse to picking up Koushirou again if it's for something short and not a full TV series. That said, I wonder if she would be willing to do so for a role that's a reference to Koushirou, not necessarily Koushirou himself (not that I think she'd hate the idea, but we are talking about dragging someone out of retirement)...
This is a bit of a digression (and perhaps a bit of a sadder note to divert this post into, I'm sorry about that), but I do wonder about things like this in regards to the extremely awkward circumstances Adventure-related things are currently in right now, something I've been calling a "divorce" situation between the old staff and the new staff due to the fallout of tri. and Kizuna. The most infamous part of it is the fallout between Kakudou and Kizuna production (which was only really the last straw in a passive-aggressiveness war that had been going on since the later parts of tri., this was just the first time it was so obvious in public), but I've seen other production staff members from the original Adventure and 02 also dancing around the topic of tri. and Kizuna/The Beginning on Twitter with differing levels of awkwardness. (I can't say I really blame them; considering how enthusiastically they like to talk about their work on the original series, it really seems to have been like their baby to them, so it's only natural something like this happening with something so personal is likely to give them mixed feelings.)
This awkward situation has been happening to a lesser extent with the voice actors as well -- for one example, Tochika Kouichi (Hawkmon) joined Twitter last year and didn't hesitate to re-establish contact with Natsuki Rio (Miyako's original voice actress), shortly after which the latter's profile suddenly updated from "Miyako" to "Miyako (2000)", as if the incident (and especially Tochika's promotion of Kizuna/The Beginning-related stuff in front of her) had given her increased awareness that she doesn't get to be Miyako anymore. But on the bright side, most of our voice actor testimony indicates that they seem to have also been understanding of the reason why this all happened; Fujita Toshiko gave her blessing to the new tri. voice actors before she passed, Maeda Ai was openly supportive of Yoshida as Mimi, and Urawa certainly took the fact Iori's role was basically taken away from her right in front of her eyes in stride for the most part. And after all, Tenjin being likely industry retired means she probably would have less of a stake in this than the actors who are still active and therefore really did have an important role taken away from them.
Meanwhile, Mona was lucky and got to voice Izzy every time (for those who aren't aware, people who know the American English dub generally agree she's got to be one of the most iconic voices in it), and I actually even wonder if they'll end up keeping her for the upcoming Adventure: dub despite the fact that the Japanese version deliberately changed out the cast (edit: I’ve been informed that apparently they’re definitively changing them out, ah well). If they do dub Ghost Game, she should absolutely voice Hiro. Either way, please bless another generation of kids with her. (In fact, she probably actually sounds closer to Tamura than Tenjin when you think about it.)
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rex101111 · 10 months
Oh! You've got an Agumon plushie? How cute! From what I've seen Digimon tends to not have a lot in terms of those (though I'll admit when you compare it to something like pokemon it feels more stark) I've got a terriermon doll that I bought at a convention a few years back!
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This little guy! Got him in a convention a few years back. Pretty sure he's not official merch or anything, but for a fan made he ain't bad! He's got that suction cup thing on his head that lets him stick to glass, but I just put him on a shelf near my computer :D
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sluggybasson107 · 2 years
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[Image Description: A banner with the purple words “Sluggy/Basson/107” is centered on the left side. “Digimon/Fanartist” is underneath in pink with a purple drop shadow. On the right, there’s official art of Terriermon hugging onto Ami Aiba as she runs ahead of Keisuke Amasawa and Tentomon, who are struggling to hold shopping bags. There is a pink drop shadow to the official art. The background has pink squares randomly placed and a gradient of pink to white. End Image Description.]
Known as Sluggy╎Female╎she/her
Hello! I'm Sluggy, someone who loves Digimon-related things. I have a tag for my art! I usually draw adventure/02 characters, but I create art for Frontier and Cyber Sleuth too! Please don’t repost anything I make, thank you <3
My carrd and my about me!
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digi-lov · 1 year
We talked about the Twin Digimon last week. This week, I wanna take a closer look at their (standard) evolution lines.
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As you can see, they each have a "regular" and a "dark" evolution line. In Lopmon's case, the "dark" evolution line specifically has a corruption theme. This is, of course, because Lopmon and its entire "dark" line were designed for the movie Hurricane Touchdown, which had its corruption as the main plot point. As a result, Lopmon's lines are very different from each other, while Terriermon only gets simple classic recolors.
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Possibly the most corrupted among them is Wendimon.
Wendimon first gets introduced in the movie, and it posesses a chilling presence throughout all of it. However, not just Hurricane Touchdown, but all iterations of Wendimon, across the franchise's media, depict it as somehow corrupted beyond reason, usually not even being able to talk in cohesive sentences.
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I wanna take a short moment to talk about its name origin. I'll not delve into too much detail, as I'm sure there are more educated people on this topic, but Wendimon is named after an evil spirit from Anishinaabe cultures, which name you are not supposed to say, as to not draw the spirit to you. I just wanted to share, in case some of you weren't aware.
But, moving on
The "regular" adult levels Gargomon and Turuiemon. Comparing the two, I really like how Gargomon has a long-range armed combat theme and Turuiemon a close-range combat theme. Gargomon, as mentioned before, appeared in Hurricane Touchdown and appeared plenty in Tamers as Jian's partner. Turuiemon, unfortunately, didn't have any big appearances until recent years. It had its debut in December 2001 as a card in Hyper Coloseum, in a Tamers themed booster.
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Next up are Lopmon's perfect Level evolutions, Antylamon and Antylamon (Deva). The original Antylamon from Hurricane Touchdown is a Virus type. For Tamers, they decided to have Antylamon as the Deva representing the Hare, and so a Data type variant was created. It had its debut in Hyper Coloseum, in a booster featuring all Deva, a month before first seen in the anime at the end of 2001. The biggest visual difference is the purple scarf of Antylamon (Deva), but it also has a crest, like all Deva, on its chestplate (more on that maybe at some point?). Video games predominantly feature Antylamon (Deva) over Antylamon (Virus).
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Now, if you remember, Terriermon and Lopmon were specifically designed for the movie Hurricane Touchdown. With Terriermon first showing up in its child form and Lopmon in its adult form, Wendimon, Gargomon and Antylamon are each twins' first evolution we get to see them actually evolve into during the movie. Because of this, it's interesting to me that these two share a distinct symbol, Antylamon on its arms and Gargomon on its face.
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Another evolution we get introduced to in the Hurricane Touchdown movie is Rapidmon (Armor). Most people are probably more familiar with the green Perfect level Rapidmon as we see it in Tamers. Looking at the Digimental of Fate, you can see the classic Armor Digimon - Digimental resemblance. Rapidmon's abdomen comes from the sphere part of the Digimental, the base below that resembles its boots, and the wing on top resembles the ear-wings. Because the Perfect level Rapidmon uses essentially the same design, the jump from Gargomon to Rapidmon seems a lot bigger than the one from Terriermon to Gargomon. On a little side note, the official Bandai artwork of Rapidmon (Perfect) has an open helmet, even though the anime uses a closed helmet like the Rapidmon (Armor). BlackRapidmon, despite being a recolor, has a closed helmet as well.
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Lastly, a short look at Cherubimon (Virtue) and Cherubimon (Vice). Both of them, again, debuted in the movie Hurricane Touchdown, which influenced their design. We get to see the corrupted, mad Cherubimon (Vice) first and only briefly see it in its Cherubimon (Virtue) form.
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I believe the simple but effective changes between their designs were in part to allow this nice transition at the end of the movie.
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The Lopmon line, especially, gets used in a lot of media for the sake of corruption/dark evolution story lines. Most noteworthy, Cherubimon (Vice) is the (first) main villain in the Digimon Frontier Anime season.
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thaisibir · 1 year
Hey, it’s been a while!
I was reading through your Survive stuff again and I had some thought, specifically regarding the kids and possible Kemonogami partners.
If Ellie/Yuki had lived, I could see her with two possible partners: Salamon or Lunamon, though leaning towards Lunamon since she hasn’t been partnered up with anyone in official media outside of Sayo from Digimon Dusk.
Plus, it could partner with my pick for Richard, which is Coronamon. Not only would Lunamon and Coronamon eventually evolve into two of the Olympus 12 like Labramon to Plutomon, but Apollomon and Dianamon can jogress to Gracenovamon. If Ellie had lived, I can see her and Richard being close and it could reflect in their partners.
As for Gavin, Owen and Liam, there are three partners that come to mind though I don’t know who would have who: Liollmon, Gaomon and Gomamon. And why not give Caleb a possible partner in Bearmon, who can also become an Olympus 12 Digimon in Marsmon or Merkurimon.
The others haven’t had kids yet, but if they do biologically or adopt:
Ryo’s possible kid could have Wormmon or even the new bug Digimon in Fanbeemon or Morphomon.
I do like Kaito and Takuma together, tbh, and if they adopted, I could see their kid having Guilmon, which harkens to the free Guilmon you get when you download Survive. Plus, Guilmon is a dinosaur like Agumon but a virus type like Dracmon.
Shuuji’s kid would be easy as I believe they would get Terriermon to match his Lopmon.
If Saki ever adopted, I could see Lalamon being a viable partner, or perhaps a more unconventional partner in Mushroomon, who can become Bloominglordmon as a Mega.
Finally, with Minoru, if he ever did have a kid, I could see Hawkmon being an option, or the lesser used or known Rookie of Hyokomon.
So yeah, I’ve thought about this a lot😅
Hey there, good to hear from you, especially after a while!
I’ve actually thought about this a lot too, ever since September of last year. Admittedly I have a bias for Aoi and Saki since they're my favorite Survive characters, so I went a lot further into the future lives I imagined for them than the others. I really like what you’ve thought of for the other Survive kids though. Your headcanons for them end up being mine too! I never had concrete ideas for the others having kids, but I can see them being good parents and now after seeing your headcanons, I can’t imagine anything else.
As for Aoi’s four sons, however, I already have had character bios and partners for them in mind for months now. I got a fic I’ve been wanting to write and everything. The gist of it:
-Aoi and Labramon become Plutomon and join the Olympos Twelve -the Olympos Twelve (especially Jupitermon) are the big bads -her kids grow up to become teens with partners of their own -they follow their mother’s footsteps in fusing with their partners to become Royal Knights -they’re forced to fight their own mother in order to save both worlds
I just haven’t yet had the time to start it yet. I’m currently writing an Aoi x Saki fic, The Dog In Her, that focuses on their evolving friendship when they’re teens, will lead to how and why Aoi’s in England throughout her adult life, and foreshadows her future transformation into Plutomon. The fic where Aoi has kids and becomes Plutomon, Gods Arise, is going to be a sequel that takes place many years later. I love tragedy and family drama, so I really look forward to working on it someday.
So, alas, while I have had a different direction in mind for Aoi’s kids, I absolutely love your idea of her firstborn son and daughter having Coronamon and Lunamon, so they could jogress into Grandnovamon. I don’t know how I could incorporate that into Gods Arise; maybe I could do an alternate universe storyline or something that has a timeline where Aoi’s daughter didn’t die shortly after birth. Or maybe you could write it! I’d love to read it if that’d be the case.
More detailed notes for the sequel fic and character bios for Aoi’s family are under the cut, in case if you’re interested at all in reading further. I’ve been keeping this to myself for many months, since it’s still very much in the brainstorming stage, and I wasn’t sure if anyone would want to read it all honestly, but now you got me eager to share.
Digimon Survive: Gods Arise Summary: [Survive sequel, 15-25 years after Truthful Route] Aoi's oldest child has run away, lured to a place where unpartnered monsters roam. At her plea for help, old friends reunite and embark on a rescue mission. Saki knows she shouldn't pine over a newly widowed woman. Still, old buried feelings rear their head. Gods begin their ascent to power and conquest, but it's not the boy they're after.
Aoi Shibuya Age: 30, 40 (post 10 year time skip, but continues to appear 30) Partner: Labramon Family: Caleb (husband), Richard (son), Gavin (son), Owen (son), Liam (son), Ellie (daughter, deceased), Tatsuo (father), Hana (mother)
(See previously written headcanons in separate notes for full details)
Additional details: Since her first venture into the Kemonogami world, Aoi has grown a lot more confident and competent due to her career in law enforcement, though she never lost her kind nature and maternal side. She hates resorting to violence, preferring negotiation, but if it comes down to that, her skills in combat and firearms are far from lacking. Having spent the first 18 years of her life in Japan, and the rest of it in England, she is comfortably situated between the two cultures. She does her best to keep her UK-born kids in touch with their Japanese heritage. She also strives to stay close to her friends who remain in Japan. Until recent events in the story, she has been unaware of Saki’s unrequited love for her (through no fault of her own, since Saki had kept her feelings hidden when Aoi got engaged and married).
Labramon Partner: Aoi Since coming to the real world with her human partner, Labramon had moved to England and joined the MI5 with her. She works like a police dog, helping Aoi with her tracking abilities and defending her in dangerous situations. Despite her animalistic appearance, she’s treated as a valuable member of the family Aoi and her husband had made together. She adores their kids and would always be entrusted to watch over them.
Caleb Shanahan Age: 33 (at death) Aoi's husband and fellow MI5 agent three years her senior. He is a tall, well-built and handsome man with cropped dirty blonde hair and a trimmed beard. He was born and raised in England, though he is well-traveled due to his father being in the military. Caleb and Aoi met at work and grew closer as they were assigned cases together. He is the object of admiration and attraction among the women at work, though it's the kind and quiet Aoi he falls in love with. Their common love for reading and cooking made him even more fond of her. He learned about the Kemonogami world through Aoi, and by becoming romantically involved with her he came to regard Labramon as extended family. Toward his sons with Aoi, he is a doting, loving father who likes to take them fishing, his favorite hobby. He was killed in the line of duty, and his death sets off the events of the story.
Richard "Richie" Benjiro Shanahan Age: 8, 18 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Dorumon (Alphamon) Birthday: September 25 The oldest child of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he was taken to Japan to be raised by his maternal grandparents. He has a special place in his parents’ hearts for being their first surviving child after the death of their baby daughter. Driven by grief at his father's funeral, he was the one who ventured into the Kemonogami world on his own, prompting Aoi to pursue him in an effort to bring him back home. He believes he's responsible for his mother's downfall and transformation into Plutomon. For 10 years he has carried a tremendous amount of guilt and the need to save her from the darkness that binds her. Reckless and impulsive in his youth, he has since inherited his mother's sense of responsibility. He is always trying to take care of his younger brothers, making sure they are safe and well.
Gavin Eisuke Shanahan Age: 6, 16 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Veemon, Ulforceveedramon Birthday: April 10 The second son of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he was taken to Japan to be raised by his maternal grandparents. Of the four brothers, he is the most intelligent and level-headed. He takes after his mother's studious nature and academic prowess. He's a good student and abides by the rules, deferent and reserved to a fault. His practical and analytical approach sometimes makes him seem cold and insensitive.
Owen Isamu Shanahan Age: 5, 15 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Huckmon (Jesmon) Birthday: February 3 The third son of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he stayed in England to be raised by his paternal grandparents. He inherited his mother's kindness and sweet nature. He doesn't like fights and takes a pacifistic approach to almost everything. He is notoriously gullible and can be too trusting. Though raised in England, he tries to stay in touch with his Japanese heritage by talking often to his older brothers and maternal grandparents.
Liam Daiki Shanahan Age: 3, 13 (post 10 year time skip) Partner: Dracomon (Dynasmon) Birthday: December 24 The second youngest child of Aoi and Caleb. After Aoi became Plutomon, he stayed in England to be raised by his paternal grandparents. He was only 3 years old when his father died and his mother became Plutomon. Because of this, of the four he has the weakest recollection of his parents and is the most bitter about being orphaned. He bears resentment toward his mother for being an absent parent for most of his life, as well as for the destruction and terror she inflicts on the world as Plutomon. Growing up hating his mother and everything she represents, he has the most antagonistic view of his Japanese heritage and clings to his English side. Ironically enough, he physically resembles his mother the most. Unlike her, however, he is prickly and foul-mouthed with a short fuse.
Dorumon Partner: Richard Evolutions: Dorugamon, Dorugreymon, Alphamon Has a “fight first think later” mindset, which often gets him into trouble. He can be selfish and immature, and has a hard time making friends, but he’s working on changing his ways.
Veemon Partner: Gavin Evolutions: Veedramon, Aeroveedramon, Ulforceveedramon Sly and mischievous, enjoys a good prank. He scoffs at the rules and likes to stir up harmless trouble. He’s always telling Gavin to relax and not be such a stick in the mud.
Huckmon Partner: Owen Evolutions: Baohuckmon, Saviorhuckmon, Jesmon Brave and adventurous, fearless of the unknown. He tries to keep an upbeat attitude and have a positive outlook on life. The most mature of the four Kemonogami, he serves as the grounding voice of reason for Owen.
Dracomon Partner: Liam Evolutions: Coredramon (Blue), Wingdramon, Dynasmon Proud and stubborn, tenacious in battle. His arrogance often makes him overconfident and he is just as unwilling to admit he had made mistakes. He is obsessed with shiny things and would hoard as many as he could carry.
Plot: Aoi’s husband, who’s in law enforcement like his wife, is shot and killed in the line of duty. During his funeral, his and Aoi’s oldest child Richard runs away to the Kemonogami world. She beseeches the rest of the Survive gang to help find and bring back her son. For the first time since the end of the Truthful route, they enter the other world with their partners together. Meanwhile, Richard meets Dorumon, who claims that he was “sent by the gods to find a hero.” Richard lets Dorumon lead him deeper into the Kemonogami world, trying to bury his grief amid the wonder and awe from exploring the world he had heard so much about from his mother. As the Survive gang try to track down Richard, Saki struggles with unrequited feelings for Aoi she thought she had buried long ago. Aoi, fresh with grief from her husband’s death, struggles with holding herself together as she tries to find her son.
The “gods,” the Olympos Eleven led by Jupitermon, had indeed sent Dorumon to meet Richard, but it’s not the boy they want. They need the god of the underworld to fulfill their ambition of rising to full power and conquering both worlds. To this end, they indirectly lure Aoi back into the Kemonogami world. Committed to her family as a wife and mother, she had no reason to go there otherwise. When Aoi and her friends finally find Richard, the Olympos Eleven come out of hiding and threaten Richard’s life. Already wracked with grief, and not wanting to lose another member of her family, in desperation Aoi says she would do anything to have him set free. They bind her in chains, force her into servitude, and in a violent, bloody ritual, make her and Labramon fuse to trigger the rise of Plutomon. Saki, with her partner who can evolve into Ceresmon Medium, joins the Olympos Eleven to accompany Aoi and save her from the worst of Jupitermon’s unhealthy pleasure in subjugating her. With the addition of Plutomon and Ceresmon, the prophesied circle of gods is complete. The rest of the Survive gang are allowed to bring Richard back with them to the real world, though the ascent of the Olympos Twelve plunges both worlds into chaos. Kemonogami and humans alike are subjugated under tyranny and fear, with Plutomon being the unwilling emissary of death and execution to anyone who tries to resist.
Over the course of ten years, Aoi’s four sons are divided between the grandparents who become their legal guardians, with Richard and Gavin living in Japan while Owen and Liam stay in England. At the ages of 18, 16, 15 and 13 respectively, they reach the point that they can join the Resistance (led by Aoi’s friends) and fight back against the Olympos Twelve. The other three boys gain partners as well: Veemon, Huckmon, and Dracomon. With partners of their own and destinies to become draconic Royal Knights, only they can match in power with their mother to defeat her and set her free. Controlled and commanded by Jupitermon to oppose her own children, Aoi is willing to face even death if killing her is what it would take to save both worlds. At the same time, over the years Aoi and Saki’s relationship grows into mutual love as Saki has been a constant comforting presence when Aoi is torn away from her family, and she finally confesses that she has loved Aoi all this time.
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digimonloving · 2 years
Aight I have one more prompt for Dr Cutemon and then I'll stop(for a while). How about a prompt were Cutemon falls in love with a patient who is a Terriermon. She is to shy to ask Terriermon out on a date but Terriermon notices and ask her for her.
Cutemon falling for her patient, Terriermon
Cutemon always handled the Digimon patients, with her Tamer as her assistant and all. When Terriermon came in, looking for a check-up and wondering if something was wrong with his arm since it kept hurting, Cutemon couldn't help but feel something for the other the moment she saw him.
From what she learned from her Tamer; doctors shouldn't fall for their patients! While it did happen, and wasn't exactly illegal or anything, it still wasn't advised. She was a bit upset, but still did what she could as she tried to keep her feelings out of it as she handled Terriermon and made sure he was alright.
Which proved hard when Terriermon made her laugh or did something silly to amuse her while she did the check-up on him and taking a look at his arm just to be sure that it wasn't broken or hurt in a major way.
She didn't hide her crush well, and Terriermon could pick up on it quite quickly! It's part of the reason why he was trying so hard to get her to laugh and take care of him more until he was sure that he was all good, and she could give him a clean bill of health. He kept hoping she'd ask him on a date, but that didn't seem to be happening any time soon.
But, once he was officially no longer her patient, he brought her a few flowers and asked her out on a date! After all, she seemed pretty shy, and she didn't get back to him -- or at least she didn't want to seem too clingy or something.
Of course, Cutemon accepted! She was a bit relieved that Terriermon brought it up because there was no way she was going to be able to tell him at all. And her Tamer seemed alright with it, too, and even encouraged her to go with the Terriermon.
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variouscolors · 1 year
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.:Wallace’s Memories
A long time ago, a child in the village of Summer Memory, Colorado got a DigiEgg while his mother was browsing on the internet. The child took the giant egg and took care of it like he had taken care of any other normal egg. His family had a little farm, so Wallace was used to animals. But this giant egg… It brought to life not one but two mysterious creatures. Round and soft, such creatures weren’t treated differently by the boy. So the small babies grew pretty quickly into higher forms – Gummymon and Chocomon. Those surprised the boy, as they started to talk normally and naturally! They became inseparable friends, until the day Chocomon got infected by a random virus and disappeared… In the flower field. 
Wallace and his family had to move out, so they went to live in New York due to his parent’s current job. Without finding Chocomon, Wallace and Gummymon left him behind and against their wishes.
Wallace grew up, so did Gummymon (turning into Terriermon now) and he suddenly developed a few coping mechanisms, such as flirting with girls. Yes, his “girlfriend” was an anime character and he learned Japanese mostly with Gummymon, and this real Asian friend he had and he told her about the digimon. He was quite immature, so they never dated at all and only kept on a friendship basis. Besides that, he was thankful for their bonds. One day, Wallace found a strange device lying on his desk. It was when he became an official Chosen Child.
Chocomon then started to stalk Wallace in New York. Gummymon felt it was his duty to protect Wallace, BUT he couldn’t lay a finger on Chocomon first. Chocomon’s new form wasn’t like Gummymon’s and he felt more like a scary monster. It was when Wallace started to seek for Chocomon, and promise him to go back to the flower field again. Gummymon was against that idea at first, but he wanted to save Chocomon as well… So they had to go back there! Maybe… Maybe Chocomon can change back and they all live together again, right!?
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This is when Wallace and Daisuke’s paths crossed. Those Japanese kids were looking for other people. Wallace knew about some strange disappearances happening in New York, but he only connected the dots when he learned of it happening to Daisuke’s friends. Gummymon had suspected it already, but Wallace wanted to not believe it at all. Chocomon is a good digimon! He wouldn’t do that! Right!?
Wallace then gave up and decided to open his heart to Daisuke, who was too smart-for-the-usual-Daisuke and wondered if Chocomon, the digimon kidnapping Chosen Children, was his partner. After Daisuke shed tears for his tragic story, the boys settled to go together to the flower field, in order to say everyone – even Chocomon.
But… That wasn’t what happened. Sadly, a battle started and they almost lost everything, but the power of Destiny blessed them with a Miracle. Chocomon was saved from the virus… But had reverted into DigiEgg state. Wallace and Gummymon found the egg lying on a lake, and took it back to New York. Years and Years trying to hatch such digiegg… But nothing. A year after his first meeting with Daisuke, he met Mimi, who introduced him to Koushiro. They kept in contact, and Koushiro said he would investigate his case. In Summer 2003, he met Daisuke again and he, Mimi and their friend were involved in a strange winter and abandoned New York caused by a digimon who they named by Natchan. Once the mystery was solved and everything came back to normal, the trio, Chibimon and Gummymon went to look for Natchan’s partner.
A few years later, the egg finally hatched. Chocomon was back!! And with no evil virus involved this time!! As Chocomon grew healthy, he evolved into Lopmon. They got their happy back.
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But… Wallace is still oblivious about digimon in general. He doesn’t know what a Digital Gate is, what a Digital World is, that digimon change names when they evolve… Yep, nothing at all. Daisuke and Mimi will have to teach him… Or at least try to.
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