#of elvenkind
dndtreasury · 2 years
Circlet of Elvenkind
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nevui-penim-miruvorrr · 2 months
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8$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
10$ ONE character WAIST UP with color
16$ TWO  characters CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
20$ TWO characters WAIST UP with COLOR
40$-TWO characters  FULL BODY   with COLOR
50$-i don’t want put the word with nsxx or i will be flagged lol  + COLOR + FULL BODY  
i don’t do, mechas,background or armors too complicated
*only paypal
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tilthedayidice · 1 month
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Welcome Back to "Is..... is this it?"
Today's "Treasure" is: Lonely Left Boot of Elvenkind
"This is the left boot of the famous magical footwear. Unfortunately, useless without its pair."
Same dude, same. I've been missing my Left Brain for a while and am just not the same without it. I miss sudoku
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ithriel-coins · 1 year
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home <3 a self indulgent elfkin stimboard !
source links: x x x || x x x || x x x
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elfkin-culture-is · 1 year
elfkin culture is wearing pointy ears and random people asking if you are a real elf, to which you can correctly respond "yes :)"
elfkin culture is random small children getting very excited that they get to meet a real elf in person!
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yael-art-den · 10 months
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Guy solves a single case without dying (more than once) and think he is hot shit
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nimdreams · 3 months
I wrote down some thoughts. Sharing them makes me feel vulnerable, but I wish to put it out there in case it can help one person in any way, even if just to show they're not alone in certain struggles.
Escapism was always a big part of my identity as an elf. I would daydream about my elven life, self insert myself into elven stories, and I never ever told anyone about any of it. Being an elf was a secret, only known to me, something I treasured and kept close. I was afraid of what people would think.
In my daydreams I fought orcs, talked to animals, used magical powers and I always felt so much pride for my elven beauty. I remember a book we had on the wood elves from Warhammer, which I read over and over, flicking through the beautiful illustrations and photos of wood elf models.
I was always quite sure about being a nature elf myself. A wolfrider, a wood elf, a night elf. One with nature, close to all the animals and a shapeshifter taking feline form. I'd see myself walking among the oldest trees and knowing each of them personally. Climbing them and feeling the breeze as I sat between their branches.
I often had a hard time as a kid, but my elven self was my escape. Something no one could take away from me. Until I did myself. As time went by, and I grew older, no longer a teen but a young adult.. still "playing pretend" at being an elf in my own mind. I was harsh on myself, and told myself it was time to leave childhood imagination behind. To accept that I wasn't an elf, but human. I turned my back on a part of myself and started to heavily mask.
It made me physically sick, and years later, when I wanted to fully accept my true self and let me be me again, I didn't know how. I couldn't find my way back to myself.
I still feel like I am wandering. "Not all those who wander are lost", but I do feel lost. And I don't know how to find my way back to myself. I'm not sure if I still can. Am I even an elf still?
With all this self-searching, am I supposed to find something new? Or rediscover old identities that I truly have been all this time, just waiting to resurface. Am I an elf, no matter what I do? Is this something innate that will not change, but grow with me? Is it okay to just.. exist as an elf, in my own way, as my own person?
I don't have the answers, and my relationship with my elven side is fragile. A small, helpless thing that I want to protect and shield. That, part of me, still wants to keep secret and hidden away. Something filled with memories of shame, something that had to be snuffed out. I want to find my pride, and confidence, and an elven community where I feel like I belong, but I feel like an outsider there. Because I am someone still uncertain of claiming my elven heritage, my spot next to my fellow elves.
I don't know how to end this. I am at a loss for words now.
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otherkin-confessional · 10 months
I know that hating on elves is a meme in the scifi/fantasy community, and some of the posts about it are pretty funny, but sometimes it does make me a little self conscious. like... that's me, guys...
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noldorinimladris · 11 months
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ArtFight 2023, ChiffonBrat, Hobbit Multiattack
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elluendifad · 2 months
Hi!! Could you talk a little about what following Tolkien elven religion is like for you? (Only if you want, of course.)
I'm a very newly awakened elf and I've just started reading the silmarillion. I haven't even gotten that far yet, but already it's the most connected I've felt to any religious system/religious lore before. I'm considering practicing Elvish religion, but idk. I feel a little strange saying I want to practice a religion from a work of fiction, y'know? (Please don't take this as me saying your beliefs are strange— I think they're incredibly cool. This is very much just a me thing.)
Anyway, I guess my question is something along the lines of How did you realize this was the religion for you/What do you believe wrt Tolkiens work being or not being fiction?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and doubly so if you choose to answer! Have a nice timezone :))
Alatulya, welcome kin! this one is a little long so there is a break. i also accidentally hit publish early, so we will see how editing it works lol.
table of contents: 1. my personal history and variety of practitioners 2. dealing with fictional mythology + my fave paper on this 3. specifics of tolk elven religion
Eldarin religion has been my primary religion (buddhism and my eclectic animistic witchcraft also there and co piloting) for seven years. I have been working with other eldar on our own group experience of this religion for two or a bit more years. I have taken a bit of priestly service role of collecting and organizing materials and keeping track of the calendar, which we call Loa and which assigns different holidays and themes in order throughout the year. i suspect this role is agreeable and natural for me as minya, but that anyone could do it. the degree of demand differs depending on the person, and i would say that much of my time is set to thinking of or practicing our religion. others have less involvement, and some of us feel our cosmology and philosophy is more cultural than religious the way humans might think being a member of a religious group should be. as for my own journey of getting here, i have been otherkin for most of my life and many years of that was 'generally a nature spirit type thing.' which became 'an elf but i am not sure what kind.' which then became 'oh god… am i one of those hoity toity tolkien elves?' bc there is a cultural expectation among elfkin that tolk elves are more dour and care what color clothes you wear or something… turns out that is not true! or, at least, i have not met these grim arbiters of what is becoming of the firstborn! reading the silm and other texts in the legendarium to fill in what i had absorbed from the hobbit and lotr (books and movies) was the lightbulb in the dim cellar. i use a mixed spiritual and psychological theory of origin and function for my several theriotypes and elven kintype, and this experience filled in some gaps i had just been sitting with. i personally feel that i am living one continuous eldarin life--awoken at cuivienen among the minyar, lived and died, spent my time in mandos, and was reembodied here. my sense of memory is dim, and i generally assume that is just a sign that memory is not necessarily important for this part of my life the way it was in arda. it is a great honor to live this life and to find other eldar and folks of all kindreds to share my love of life with. it was natural to transition from my magic and religious work with nature spirits to a cosmology centered on the legendarium-some of the spirits i still work and live with admit they are maiar, others are not maiar and are of the many kinds of spirit and sprite that entered into ea after its foundation to explore. our working relationships and the techniques i use for magic have stayed much the same. so how i do it is just one example in a variety.
2. i will answer first on dealing with the fictional aspect and wrestling with the nature of constructed or pop culture or modern mythology spirituality-the individual beliefs differ there, too!
for my part, i do not think the legendarium is a factual history of this actual world we currently live in. i do think jrrt was channeling something, and may or may not have been kin himself of arda reembodied here.
i think ea, like most faerie realms, is both here and not here and you have to open yourself up and step into it. once most people have experienced the enchantment of an otherworld, they are never fully able to drop the sense of it. i do feel that the legendarium makes a suitable mythopoetic 'history' for powers and themes that apply to both this world and ea and where they overlap, and that the legendarium becomes more historically factual the closer you move into ea and the further you go from current earth.
there is a lovely paper that i surely have annoyed everyone with titled the tolkien spiritual milieu by Markus Altena Davidsen of the university of leiden that really gets into the anatomy of constructed religion and what is present in certain medias that lends itself to that anatomy, which he calls 'religious affordances' in the text. it details a number of groups of many varied beliefs in the tolkien spiritual sphere, some active and some long gone, and i feel that it is a great way to expand one's vocabulary and mental concept of constructed religion and the wide variety that is possible in such constructions. the pdf is available from the university website here
if you check out mr davidsen's other published papers on that website, there are several others also relevant to fiction sourced mythology and spirituality including some by other authors.
3. that being said, there are religious affordances for the eldar in the texts, but not necessarily enough for a fully fleshed out practice as is prepared and given to new members of various world religions. it will take a bit of crafting, but we elves do love to craft! most of us blend legendarium cosmology and philosophy with practices or philosophies we are previously familiar with, like neopaganism or judaism or etc etc.
we have developed some structure in the forms of: a multiply layered observational calendar for the six seasons, eight holidays, twelve months, and seven days of the week; the fourteen valar and several named maiar associated with certain valar; the panentheistic experience of the creator Eru; and the use of witchcraft, meditation, devotional or worship activity, enchantments, glamor, and arts like music poetry painting crochet etc.
most of us practice our own personal flavor by ourselves, and group rituals or ensorcelments are rare at the moment. we are all exploring, and i would be thrilled to hear about your own explorations and what calls to you!
sooo… basically i have a worship and work relationship with our gods and supportive spirits, and give observation on the schedule of the loa. i have daily practices, like offering of beverage an thanks or an oil anointment of my body, and then weekly practices like an eruhini veneration and well wishes for the dead. and monthly practices on the full and dark moon, which is focused on the vala of that month, where i usually do spellwork for the constellation. there are holidays at the start of each season and at the solstices, where i will sometimes do magic for the group but is usually about the personal journey. the one time another elf was physically with me i did do some small rituals including that elda. my herbalism work is inherently religious to me and i also count both learning and practicing herbalism as a devotional activity, same with going on walks or drumming.
i invite you very earnestly to reach out any time and through any means you are comfortable with, and i wish you a very blessed full moon of winds. hantanyel ar namarie!
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mossdamp · 10 months
🌙🌾 i would like to commune with others. is it improper to make a post asking for interaction? either way, if any elvenkind, fairykin, or any other nonhumans would like to chat at all, do feel free to leave an ask in my inbox. i do not bite :)
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my-t4t-romance · 2 years
High-Res Elfkin Flags
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I really think the elfkin flag is underrated, but I’ve always been picky about image resolution when it comes to flags (or anything, really), so I colorpicked and reconstructed it in ibispaint. here’s the versions with and without colors inside the star, plus the star itself with the colors in it. hope this is helpful to someone!
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sirmicothesilly · 10 months
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feanorcurufinwe · 1 year
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[he/him 💎🗡️]
Got a new wig recently and it makes me feel so so so good
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tengwar · 1 year
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elfkin-culture-is · 8 months
elf culture is ooh, trees.
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