#ocean playset
kollectorsrus · 1 year
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ultrafangirlishness · 11 months
The Barbie Movie.
A small, non-comprehensive list of things that stood out to me (spoilers? Kind of?)
The soundtrack
All the jokes that played off of what it was actually like to play with barbies (the pool & ocean being flat, the cups having no drinks in them, the shower having no water, etc.
The choreography
The "I Am Kenough" tie-dye sweater
Barbies of many shapes and sizes! All very beautiful!
THE ENDING, OH MA LORD. Both the way the story concluded really beautifully, but also the ending joke that no one was prepared for—
Just... everything about Ryan Gosling's performance
Kate McKinnon playing the deranged, "ugly" Barbie
In the same vein, that movie would NOT have been complete without representing the kids who played with their dolls "too hard" (cutting their hair, bending them in weird ways, etc.)
Acknowledging that Barbie did in fact mean a lot to some girls. This movie was geared towards everyone, whether you grew up loving Barbie or hating her.
The mom and her daughter
The fact that when Barbie was starting to become "defective" and/or when she was in the real world, you could start to see her ""flaws"". Like I noticed in some scenes her eyebrows were unplucked and no longer perfectly sculpted, or her skin no longer perfectly smooth with foundation.
It was clear that SO much thought and research was put into this. I couldn't believe how many references there were to specific clothing items, certain playsets, etc.
The fact that Barbie and Ken DIDN'T end up together, and that Barbie DIDN'T indulge Ken in his flirtations (is that a word?) even once
The weird dark humor coming out of nowhere
The fact that Barbie never once looked at the human women (who were "imperfect" in comparison to her) with disgust
......the moment between her and the woman on the bench 😭😭😭
The mom's rant about how hard it is being a woman (esp a mother) and how you can never win 🙌🙏
The misogyny in the Real World was so well done. It wasn't overexaggated or over the top it was just NORMAL EVERYDAY LIFE
The moment where I went "OH so THAT'S where the mugshot memes came from"
Ruth Handler <3
The fact that everyone came to the theater dressed either in pink or Barbie-like attire :)
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steddie-as-they-come · 8 months
everywhere, everything
ao3 link
With a sharp laugh, Robin jumps off the swing and lands, only stumbling a little bit. “Did you see that!” she calls, but her mom isn’t watching, her eyes on her book.
She groans and runs away, clambering up the stairs on the playground structure and sliding around the twisty-turny slide. 
She’s about to go again, but she hears a sound come from under the plastic rock wall. 
“Huh?” She ducks into the shade under the rock wall. Another boy, with his hair shaved like her dad sometimes had, looks at her with big scared eyes. 
She takes a seat next to him. “Hi,” she says gently, because her mom says that if someone’s shy she needs to be gentle. “Do you wanna play pirates with me?” 
The boy just keeps looking at her, knees folded to his chest. He’s wearing a dress like how her mom did when she had to go to the hospital. “Are you okay?” she asks second, because what if he’s sick? “What’s your name?” 
He mumbles something Robin couldn’t quite catch. 
“Steven?” she asks. “Is that what you said?”
The boy hesitates, looking down at his wrist, then nods. “Steven,” he says aloud. “I am Steven.” 
“Can I call you Steve?” she asks. “As a nickname?”
Robin brushes wood chips off her pants. “Yeah. Like a name that’s shorter than your normal name, because it’s easier. My cousin calls me Robbie.” She lowers her voice. “Only he doesn’t do it around my grandma, because she doesn’t like it.” 
“Oh. Okay. Steve?” 
“Yep. Hi, Steve, I’m Robin.” She holds out her hand to shake, like she sees her parents do with people they’re meeting for the first time. Steve doesn’t take it, though, and Robin thinks it’s probably because it’s silly. Why do people need to shake hands when they meet each other? 
She drops it. “So…pirates?” she asks, standing up.
“What’s a pirate?” Steve asks curiously, following her out into the sun. 
Robin gasps dramatically. “They’re the coolest. They’d go out on the ocean and take treasure from other pirates, and they’d fight like hi-yah and argh and yo-ho-ho and then they’d blow everyone up with their cannons!” She punctuates this with cannonball sound effects, spreading her arms wide to mimic the explosion. 
Steve weakly copies her, making the same explosion sound. Robin laughs. “Okay, do you wanna be on the same crew or different crew?” 
He tilts his head confusedly. 
“You could work with me against other pirates, or we could be fighting each other.” she rephrases, which is the word she learned from her dad, meaning to say something in a different way but still have it mean the same thing.
“Work with you.” Steve says. 
“Okay!” Robin helps him climb up the weird stairs to the top of the tower. “So this is our pirate ship, and they’re the other pirates.” She gestures to the few other kids running around the playground. “We gotta scare them away from coming up here.” 
But as they’re playing, Robin starts to notice no other kids are even trying to come up. Normally the tower is a coveted spot. And she knows she’s not really that scary, at least when she’s not trying to be, so she doesn’t understand. It’s less fun when no one’s coming to try to take the tower from them. 
“They’re not coming.” she says to Steve. He’s cupping a hand over his face, leaning against the railing and looking at the people below.
He scrunches up his forehead funny. “You wanted them to come?” 
“Well, yeah,” she says. “It’s not fun if they don’t try.” 
He takes his hand down from his nose, and Robin yelps. “Are you okay?” 
Because Steve has blood dripping from his nose. It’s running down his arm and staining his dress-thingy. 
Steve nods. “I was keeping the kids away for you.” he says, leaning heavily against the railing. 
Robin barely hears him. She seizes his non-bloody arm and hauls him off the playset, running for her mom. “Mom?” she yells. “Mom!”
Her mom puts her book down. “Robin, what is it- Oh!” She blanches at the sight of Steve with blood down his front. “Honey, are you okay?” Her eyes rake over him, taking in his hospital gown and shorn hair. 
“This is Steve, Mom.” Robin says, talking too fast. “He was shy and we were playing pirates and then he was bleeding and I don’t know what to do?” 
“Did you hit your face on something, sweetie?” her mom asks, kneeling down to get on Steve’s level and placing her hand where Robin’s had been.
Steve shakes his head. 
“Well, where are your parents? We might want to get you to a doctor, that looks bad.” 
Steve pulls out of her grip. “No! No doctors! Bad men!” More blood drips out of his nose.
And the weirdest thing happens. Instead of Robin’s mom pressing the issue, her face goes slack. “Okay,” she murmurs, like she’s in a trance. “No doctors.” 
“Mom?” Robin asks worriedly. 
She snaps out of it. “Robin, what do you think about having a playdate with Steve?” 
“Um, right now?” 
“Yeah, right now.” her mom says, taking her book from the bench. “Come on, both of you.” 
She walks off, and Robin looks at Steve, expecting him to look worried. Instead, he grins victoriously, and it’s kind of scary, seeing him smile like that with blood coating his face. 
“Your parents.” she whispers. “Won’t they be worried if you come to my house for a playdate?” 
“I don’t-” he stumbles over his words “-don’t have parents. And you’re the first nice one since I escaped, so I want to go with you.”
“Escaped?” Robin hisses. “Escaped from where?”
“Come on!” her mom calls, honking the car horn. 
They both run towards the car. 
Neither of them get a chance to talk until after Steve’s all cleaned up. Robin starts to notice that every time her mom begins to ask a question about Steve’s past, he jerks his hand weirdly, and his nose bleeds again. Her teachers said she was very perceptive, and her little dictionary said that word meant she noticed too many things.
Robin kind of wishes she wasn’t so perceptive. 
After her mom stands up to go make them sandwiches for lunch, Robin scoots closer to Steve on the bathroom floor. “Where did you come from?” she asks. She spots Steve’s hand start to raise, and she grabs it, pushing it down. “Don’t do that, you have to tell me. I want to know.” 
Steve rolls up the sleeve of his shirt by his wrist. It’s actually Robin’s shirt, but she let Steve have it since he liked the yellow color. 
A set of numbers looks back at her. 
“What?” she asks, because… what?
“There was this lab. Run by bad men.” he says. “They did mean stuff to me and other kids. I was Seven.” Oh, Robin thinks. Seven, not Steven. “And there were um…twelve of us?” He looks at his hands, trying to remember. “No, no, Twelve died. Just eleven kids.” 
“What were they trying to do?” Robin asks hesitantly. She doesn’t know if she really wants to know. 
But she will know, so Steve can have someone to tell. 
Steve doesn’t answer. He raises his hand. 
Her toothbrush, a red one, floats out of the cup and lands in her lap. 
“Whoa!” Robin says. “That’s so cool!!” 
Steve smiles, and his nose only bleeds a little. 
Robin leans forward with the tissues before it can drip onto his shirt and blots it away. “What else can you do?” 
“I can read minds.” Steve says, nose still bleeding. “You’re thinking of cleaning my nose off again.” He leans forward and plucks the tissue from Robin’s hands, wiping it away himself. “And I can- can-” He hesitates, then leans forward more. “I can control people’s minds.” 
“You can what?” she says loudly, and Steve frantically hushes her. 
“That’s how I escaped. I controlled the guard to let me out and I ran away.” he admits quietly. “But if they find me I’ll be sent back.” He waves his hand, and it’s like a wave crashes over Robin’s brain. 
When she comes back to herself, she’s standing. Steve’s got half the tissue box held to his nose. 
“You controlled me.” she says, in a state of shock.
“Sorry,” he says. “I wanted to prove it.”
“Would you like to live with us?” she asks before she can stop herself.
Reckless. A word Robin has heard time and time again. Her mom says it means she doesn’t stop to think before doing things. Her dad says it means she does things her way and doesn’t try to change for other people. 
She has half a mind to take it back. 
But Steve’s face lights up, brighter than the yellow of the shirt he’s wearing. “Really?” he asks. “But, what if the bad men come?” 
“I’ll fight them off.” Robin offers. She picks up her toothbrush, swinging it like a bat. “I play softball. I’ll teach you how to swing the bat so you can hit ‘em, if they come.” 
“And your parents?” 
“Use your mind control again.” Robin says. “You can, um, you can say you’re their son too. Convince them that we’re siblings! Then you can live with me, and we’ll be brother and sister!” 
“Okay.” Steve says. “I think I want to be your brother.”
“Great!” She sticks out her hand again to shake on the plan.
He stares at it. Right, raised in a lab. “You shake it. Like this.” She tries to show him, but it’s kinda hard to do it with both of her hands. “It’s what you do when you meet someone new, or how you agree on a plan.” 
“Oh, okay!” He sticks out his hand, and she shakes it. 
Operation Buckley Siblings is a go.
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kylejsugarman · 2 months
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i put together a little playset of baby-esque g3 my little ponies......the orange pony is named "baby ocean dreamer" which is just too perfect :') baby is too just a baby ocean dreamer
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johannstutt413 · 4 months
(@mokagachas said "whoever else wants to", I am whoever else and I wanted to lol)
"Tag game!
Shuffle your favorite playlist and list the first five songs to play!"
I've got 142+ hours of music in one Spotify playset I've had for like 5 years. Gacha moment for real.
Operation Blade (Arknights OST)
Tearin' up My Heart - Radio Edit (*NSYNC)
A Face in the Crowd (Tom Petty)
The Drug In Me Is Reimagined (Falling In Reverse)
A Drop in the Ocean (Ron Pope)
Extending the same offer - anyone who wants to share, tag you're it!
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dolljunk · 2 years
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The Rainbow High Pacific Coast Pool and beach playset was on my list because of how nicely scaled it was for 1/6th scale dolls plus I find my current direction of dolls tends to be oceanic or aquatic and this absolutely tickles my fancy.
I'm genuinely happy how nicely everything fits Wataru, my blorbo, and if I had better weather I'd probably photograph a lot more. My only complaints is that I wished there was more drinks included because I adore how detailed, and rement level of quality the two included drinks were.
My favourite features are the palm trees being painted as well as having hidden coconut detail, as well as the fully functional umbrella on a stand that can stand freely but also has a peg you can attach it to without it being intrusive.
Between this, the RH closet, and Avery's clothing rack, if MGA comes out with any mid sized playsets I know for sure I would be in trouble.
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405blazeitt · 11 months
fell asleep on the couch and had a dream that there was an ylvis i sogn lego playset.
but before you wish that was real, this was also a world where some folks had a life-saving brain implant that would stop functioning if they broke ToS, which included straying from approved regions. one person who'd received a warning for this was a veteran in his early 20s who said to the press, and i quote, "i just wanted to see the ocean, man."
i wasn't directly affected by that, though. i was ratwatching by some dumpsters while thinking of how to respond to someone i'd just started texting and very quickly received a slew of texts about astrology from. like is it too soon to say that i'm not into that? idk. seems like such a minor life issue compared to those brain implants. maybe i should forget about it and get into lego.
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gluttonemporium · 1 year
A sound of disjointed whirring quietly resounds in the silence of a dilapidated virtual space... The makeshift environment of a certain island, used for a particular scheme fallen through, now long-since dormant.
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A close-to-ideal-as-possible hiding place for a robot Shadow on the run.
"F-Fuck me to tears..." She groans, continuing to drag her battered form along. "S-Stupid fucking ice queen and her s-stupid fucking meathead boyfriend..."
Shabrys wasn't doing so hot. Her body was broken in multiple places. One of her arms was dislocated and hanging at the shoulder. One of her legs was bent and twisted in a mangling of metal. A chance showdown with the Shadow Operatives had leg to her pitiable state, and one that had gone immensely poorly.
If she hadn't been told about this place some time ago by her then-fiancee, she might not have been able to escape anywhere.
"...G-God, I m-m-miss you..." Shabrys murmured, sorrow in the broken synth of her voice. "W-Why'd you have to go and get k-killed...?"
It'd been beautiful. They were going to devour the world together. But now...
The empty void of virtual space didn't answer back. It couldn't. Shabrys' broken, malfunctioning voice was among the only sounds left in this place. A deserted island getaway, devoid of any people, save for the battle damaged Shadow...
As fond as those memories were, they were long gone now. Even at the time, her voracious other half had mentioned this place only in passing. Like an old playset she had long grown tired of. Surely, nothing more than a temporary haven for the robot?
Or maybe something more.
Over the hum of the ocean waves, the various mechanical sounds from Shabrys' scarred body, there came something else. Was it... humming? Here?
It was someone humming in consideration-
"Wow. Somebody got fucked up. What's the matter, babe? Did the tide bring you in?" The voice was tinny and faint, but it was definitely real. As real as real could be in this virtual place!
And it was coming from a... giant flip phone?
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toychest321 · 1 year
Since I havent been able to find any myself, here's some Barbie news for January 2023! (Special thanks to Barbielist Holland on Wordpress)
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First off is the 2023 Birthday Wishes Barbie (#HJX02), whose dress looks like the monkeys paw result of someone's wish that barbiecore fashion made a resurgence
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Then there's the next member of the Inspiring Women series: Bessie Coleman
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We've got our first look at the 2023 Barbie Looks collection: (from left to right) #13-HJW80, #14-HJW81, #15-‎HJW82, #16-‎HJW83, #17-HJW84, and #18-‎HJW85. Personally I prefer the silver and black outfits from the 2022 line
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There's going to be three new Barbie Loves The Ocean dolls! For those unaware, these dolls are made from oceanbound plastics, wear recycled fabrics, and fully closed recyclable packaging! The first two look gorgeous (left to right, #HPL94 1 and #HLP93 2), and Barbie (#HLP92 3) is... also there (it's the uneccessary ruffle on the dress, sorry Barbie)
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There will be three new Fashionista fashion packs: #‎HJT17 1 (which I feel would be best completed with a cowboy hat), #‎HJT19 2 (which would probably look better with a white collared shirt underneath), and #‎HJT18 3 (unfortunately not as good as the other two, the top looks too simple imo and the stitching on the skirt is awkward)
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And I'll end the post off with this absolutely incredible doll vanity playset (#‎HJV35), it carries a modern look while simultaneously being distinctly Barbie! I wish the seat had actual fur, but that's a minor gripe.
That's all for now, take care doll fans!
(Source: https://barbielistholland.wordpress.com/2022/07/05/2023-news-about-the-barbie-dolls/)
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dreamweavers · 11 months
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got lucky and found some mini lalas yesterday! candle slice o cake and ocean seabreeze!
I'm glad they're doing the reusable packaging and 3 accessories thing again (I remember when they ditched the reusable packaging and only had 1 accessory, I was so mad lmao) but I did like it best when the packaging, rather than folding out like a playset, was a simple house. have every single one of those houses too. I always loved all the details in them. by far some of my all time favorite dolls.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
So i go the continuities for my transformers ocs here's what i have so far:
In 1985, Following the success of Transformers, Hasbro decided to create two toylines this time to market for girls based on the concept of transformation. One of them was Transform-A-Girl, intended to be to Hasbro's answer to She Ra. Like She-Ra, each character had her own weapon, special power, persona, and were divided into factions of good vs evil. The main draw however were fashion accessories that could change into transportation. For example, Imani's backpack could turn into a jetpack, while her rival Regina had a skateboard that could turn into a rocket. There were other gimmicks such as color changing hair, glow in the dark makeup, and light up vehicles, as well as playsets in various motifs from urban landscapes to fierce jungle empires, to beautiful ocean castles. While a moderate success, the toyline did not meet expectations and was cancelled in 1991. In those years the brand went stagnant only releasing a few reissues but not much else.
Six years later, Hasbro brought back the line to coincide with the release of Beast Wars. Like the previous generation, the new Transform-A-Girl emphasized animal motifs with a new cast of characters. It was believed the reason this line was to counter Sailor Moon (which had been dubbed in the States at the time). A 2d animated show was also created to market the series.
After Beast Wars ended Transform A Girl would go into another period of inactivity. Until in 2007 the line came back just in time for Michael Bay's movie! The Girls also made in appearance in Transformers Animated as that show's main group of humans. Since then the characters made appearances in Transformers Media and will have their own show coming out in 2023.
Another draw for the line was the array of diversity not typically featured in most doll lines at the time. No two girls looked the same, and had surprisingly complex personalities and lore. Even the main character wasn't a skinny blonde white woman but a plus sized black woman who didn't fall into fatphobic stereotypes. The creator of the line, whose identity remains anonymous, said that they wanted a doll line that focused on lore and characterization. That girls deserve stories that are just as complicated as boys, to show that every girl is unique in their own way. They wanted girls of color to experience superhero stories in a way that empowers them, while also showing the importance of asking for help and cooperation (avoiding the strong black woman trope). Said the reclusive artist, "I want to show that girls like me were heroes, that being a hero doesn't mean shouldering burdens by yourself. And I hope that message resonates with everyone one day."
Characters: Gen 1: Imani/Skyliner, Nicole/Nightshift, Alisha, Regina/Thunder Queen, Jewelia, Haumea, Connie Irving, Stellatrix, Lady Belladonna, Morbita
Characters: Beast Wars: Mariposa/Butterflix, Elle-Phantom, Damselfly, Draguna, Orchidstrator
Animated: Imani/Skyliner, Nicole/Nightshift, Alisha, Malina/Butterflix, Veena Micel/Melinoe, Connie Irving, Regine/Thunder Queen
Prime: Agent Imani, Regina
Cyberverse: NA
Bayformers: Imani, Nicole, Alisha, Regina, Stellatrix, Morbita, Solace
Knightverse: Imani, Malina/Mariposa, Draguna
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kollectorsrus · 1 year
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lovelybrandt · 1 month
Sneak Peek Bandai Toys Coming To Fall/Winter in Japan 🍂🍁❄️☃️ FIFA™ World Cup Qatar 2022 Magical Ocean New Products Are Available Now!!! Release November 20th 2022 Merch Candy Toys Accessories
Magical Keeper Secret Diary
Secret Keeper Treasure Box With Key Teams National
Magical Tablet Anti Water Resistant
Magical Dance Sea Star Tambourine
Pre-Coord Football Mini World Dress Up Change Set Characters
S.H Figuarts
QPosket by Banpestro
Action Figure Banpresto
Mascot Plush Banpresto
Sea Animals Playsets With Figure Doll
Lists Of Characters: Kai Havertz 💚👨‍💻 🧪Joshua Kimmich 💛🧜‍♀️🐚🎏☀️⭐✨ Dusan Vlahovic 💜🦋👑 Jude Bellingham 🧡🍑😘✨ Mykhalio Mudryk 💙🛥️🐳⚓
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giftguidestips · 1 month
Unleash the Epic Battle with Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Toys
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Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure as two iconic titans clash in the ultimate battle for supremacy. With the release of "Godzilla vs. Kong," fans around the world are eagerly anticipating the epic showdown between these legendary monsters. And what better way to celebrate the release than with the latest collection of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toys?
Experience the Excitement
From towering action figures to detailed playsets, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toys offer fans the opportunity to immerse themselves in the heart-pounding action of the blockbuster film. Whether you're a lifelong fan of Godzilla and Kong or a newcomer to the franchise, these toys capture the excitement and intensity of the epic battle like never before.
Iconic Characters Come to Life
One of the highlights of the Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toy line is the stunning attention to detail given to each character. From the menacing roar of Godzilla to the ferocious roar of Kong, every aspect of these iconic monsters has been meticulously recreated to ensure an authentic and immersive experience for fans.
The action figures feature articulation and poseability, allowing you to recreate your favorite scenes from the film or unleash your imagination and stage epic battles of your own. With a variety of sizes and styles to choose from, there's a Godzilla or Kong figure to suit every fan's collection.
Immersive Playsets and Vehicles
In addition to action figures, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire toy line also includes immersive playsets and vehicles that bring the world of the film to life. From the towering skyscrapers of the city to the depths of the ocean, these playsets provide the perfect backdrop for epic battles and daring adventures.
Take control of the mighty Skullcrawler as it rampages through the city streets, or pilot the powerful Mechagodzilla as it faces off against Godzilla and Kong in a battle for the ages. With interactive features and realistic detailing, these playsets offer endless opportunities for imaginative play and storytelling. with Gift Guides Tips
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backyardfunfactory · 2 months
Unleashing Imagination
 “Shiver me timbers”, said Jason as he spots the shark right below the wooden ladder. The dangerous shark is circling his pirate ship.  He jumps out with his make-believe sword and strikes the shark scaring it away.  “Ahoy Matey”, he says as he helps the young maiden Jessica onto the playset ship who is now safe from the circling shark.  He looks out over the vast ocean filled with…
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michelle-0 · 4 months
A Colorful Journey of Learning and Creativity for Preschoolers
Play-Doh is a well-known brand of modeling clay that has been enjoyed by children for many years. It offers colorful and moldable clay that allows children to create various shapes and designs, encouraging creativity and motor skills development.
Hot Product
Play-Doh Create and Count Numbers Playset Preschool Toy for Kids 3 Years and Up with 6 Double-Sided Playmats
NUMBER FUN: This numbers toy for kids 3 years and up can help them explore and practice preschool math skills like counting, number recognition, and sequences while also practicing fine motor skills
6 DOUBLE-SIDED PLAYMATS: Spark curiosity with this kids arts and crafts counting toy! The playmats have fill-in pictures for sorting and grouping, plus open space for hands-on toy imagination play
COUNTING CARDS: This preschool toy has 10 counting flashcards and 4 Play-Doh stampers with fun sea animal designs to help kids practice number matching, sequencing, and sorting
6 PLAY-DOH CANS: 2-ounce cans let kids explore and experiment with colors. This Play-Doh set set comes with yellow, blue, orange, green, pink, and red modeling compound. Contains wheat
EXPLORE COUNTING WITH SHAPES: 4 colorful Play-Doh cutters make 8 shapes to discover! Kids can count and compare differences in size, number of sides, patterns, and more
EASY-OPEN CONVENIENT PACKAGING: Ships in plain frustration-free packaging, so kids can create and play right away
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6 Preschool Playmats
The large playmat has an ocean scene on one side and a wide-open workspace on the other, giving kids great surfaces to play on. 5 smaller playmats have fun, fill-in pictures of a tree, caterpillar, sun, and more!
Undersea Fun
The 4 stampers make funny, finny friends that include a dolphin, fish, starfish, and seashell! Kids can match them to the shapes on the counting cards, or they can tell an ocean story using the scene printed on the large playmat.
Explore Counting through Shapes
Your little learner can practice counting as they explore familiar shapes! The 4 cutters make 8 different shapes, with varying numbers of sides. Kids can play with circles, squares, triangles, hearts, and more!
6 Creative Colors
Kids will love counting and creating with 6 Play-Doh colors! The 2-ounce cans feature 6 different classic colors that kids can count on for lots of Play-Doh fun.
A Review Of Play-Doh
I loved having the variety of colors of play doh in this pack, and the shape accessories are great. The only reason this is 4 stars instead of 5 is the play mats. When I purchased this I was hoping they would be similar to the plastic style mats I had as a kid in the 90s. These mats are actually more like cardboard. They seem durable for the material. The real problem is the packaging. The mats were partially rolled in the packaging when it arrived. They are very difficult to flatten out again. I set them under heavy books for a few days, and they where still not flat. If they were flat in the package that would probably be better.
6 Double-Sided Playmats: Interactive Learning Spaces
Engage in interactive learning with 6 double-sided playmats that provide dynamic spaces for exploration. From basic counting exercises to playful scenes, these mats serve as a canvas for young minds to practice numbers, shapes, and colors, turning every session into a multisensory experience of fun learning. ️
Preschool Educational Toy: Building Foundations
The Play-Doh Create and Count Numbers Playset serves as more than just a toy—it’s a preschool educational tool that helps build foundations in early mathematics. As kids mold numbers, create shapes, and explore different colors, they are laying the groundwork for numerical understanding and creative expression.
Perfect Gift for Curious Minds: Wrap Up the Fun Learning
Searching for the perfect gift for curious young minds? The Play-Doh Create and Count Numbers Playset is the answer. Wrap up the fun learning and gift preschoolers the joy of hands-on exploration, creativity, and the excitement of discovering numbers through the delightful world of Play-Doh. 
Conclusion: Play-Doh Create and Count Numbers Playset – Where Learning Meets Creativity
The Play-Doh Create and Count Numbers Playset isn’t just a preschool toy; it’s where learning meets creativity. With the opportunity to unleash creativity, 6 double-sided playmats providing interactive learning spaces, its role as a preschool educational toy, the perfect gift potential, and the promise of a fun learning adventure, this playset invites young minds to squeeze, shape, and count their way into a world where education and creativity go hand in hand.
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