yolodari · 2 years
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holy shit
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yolodari · 2 years
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yolodari · 2 years
I really wanna talk about Illidan and his Illidari. (quotes from the Illidan Novel) and the eroticism of it all..wait that’s just me
Akama shook his head. “Their leaders have been told to stand ready to move at a moment’s notice. I think the order will come if the ritual proves to be successful. I don’t think he wants to risk them beyond the temple if it is not.”
“He values them so highly? [Maiev speaking]
“They are the apple of his eye. He spends more time with them than he does planning the defense of his empire. It is puzzling. They represent something very important to him but I cannot work out what it is. I believe it will be revealed within the next few weeks”
Like it’s touching in a twisted sort of way because I do believe he feels..some sort of attachment to them. In his own messed up way.
“As he watched them move en masse under the Betrayer’s gaze, the resemblance between these combatants and their master struck Akama as never before. They were all like Illidan. They might have been his children. They were certainly his creations he had forged them from flesh into something new. The question was why.“
The inherent twisted nature of Illidan creating them to be mirror images of himself and coveting them until he deems it acceptable to risk them.
I think..they are his in a way that no one ever has been and I delight in the subtle and erotic possessive nature of his relationship with them. Notice he so often says “My Illidari.”
Because they are his creations. Forged from flesh into something new entirely as Akama said. They belong to him.
In some ways I think he views them as an extension of himself because..aren’t they? Even the name makes it clear who they serve, who they are modeled after.
When demon hunters look at him do they see their creator? It almost seems like some view him as a God and maybe he is to them. He created them after all. Not originally but he helped mold them into what they are now.
Lord Illidan but what is he lord of now? Not Outland. Just them. It’s listed as his title actually “Lord of The Illidari.” He is their Lord, an inherently possessive title honestly. To lord over something is to own it.
But we already know Illidan loves..possessively. We see that with how he feels about Tyrande. It’s only at the end of Legion that he truly accepts and respects that she’s chosen Malfurion, even going so far as to say she made the right choice. (Even if he wishes it could be different) like that’s some good character development there I think but that’s besides the point for this post.
But prior to that revelation for him, there’s this element of “You are mine” or “You should be mine” rather than “I’m not what you want so I want you to be happy even if it’s not with me.
However his Illidari are his. Something Malfurion and co can’t take from him. (Not that he’d want to)
They belong to him and they don’t look at him like he’s a monster like his brother and Tyrande…and well, everyone else does too.
(He arguably deserves it for some of the shit he’s pulled but I’m going by his POV, the whole ‘they call me the betrayer but in truth I was the one betrayed.’)
On the contrary, he turns them into the same kind of monster he is. “They were all like him.” and now they are monsters with him.
His monsters. Wholly dedicated to him and their mission of defeating the Legion.
Flesh molded into exactly what he needs.
I’m not sure if there’s a point to this post beyond i like to think Illidan has some kind of arguably unhealthy attachment to his demon hunters and I enjoy it.
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yolodari · 2 years
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commission for @illidan-f-stormrage :>
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yolodari · 3 years
how the FUCK does illidan stormrage sleep at night. and i dont mean that in a metaphorical sense i mean literally. he can't sleep on his back because he has wings. can't sleep on his front because of his horns. even side sleeping is probably a bit annoying because his horns stick out to the side. logistically how does he fucking sleep. no wonder he's so cranky all the time dude can never find a comfy position to nap
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yolodari · 3 years
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Fallen Illidan, based off of “L’Ange Dechu” Opened up a print shop for this too! https://society6.com/cyborgraptor
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yolodari · 3 years
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my mood
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yolodari · 3 years
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Illidaddy Illidan Stormrage for all the same occasion!
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yolodari · 3 years
you ever think about how many npcs probably think Illidan is hot but can’t admit to themselves that they think he’s hot because he’s (to them) Real Life Problematic and you don’t acknowledge that you’d let purple satan raw you when you learned in 4th grade history class how he tried to explode a continent just to kill one dude, like that’s how you get kicked out of the Light
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yolodari · 4 years
I wanna riff about Succubi and not a single one of you can stop me.
Is it weird that it feels like a taboo to talk about? Like gasp, god forbid anyone finds out that my DH is bound to a Succubi, what will that do for her image in the community. It’s weird, and well, to be honest I got over that pretty early on. But really though, there’s a stigma associated with it that I kind of want to talk about.
So I wanted to talk about one of the most common things I hear whenever anyone finds out Korrinth’s base demon was a Succubi (Like it’s a surprise); “Oh my, so what she’s horny all the time? Like uncontrollably right? So if I were to just sliiiiiiide over here….” Guys, I can’t tell you how tired I am of hearing that. To the point where I often wonder if people actually know what a succubi is, rather it seems they go with the fantasy. And that’s fine, I mean hey, sexually charged demon. I get it. I’m right there with you.
But like…. here’s the deal. Is a Succubi actually horny all the time? Probably not. Actually, I have a hard time seeing them actually pursuing sex for recreational pleasure. If you did it as a weapon, all the time, wouldn’t you just get bored? Wouldn’t the appeal be diminished? My dad had a really smart line for this “If you got a blowjob every day, eventually it would be a job that blows”. Can you imagine this being your go-to power move for lifetimes? I bet it gets old.
See, but that’s the thing I guess. Nobody ever seems to express to me that they do use sex as a weapon. They use seduction as a tactic to play off of the baser desires of man. They are literally the demonic version of a Femme Fatale, except somewhat more brazen. That’s never the light I -ever- hear Succubi cast in, even by people who really dig demon lore.
I guess my point is this. Are succubi really horny or do most people just want them to be horny? Cause the way it looks to me is that succubi actually weaponize that seduction against people that are horny on main. They ain’t out there getting railed for their personal pleasure, and if they are, honestly? That mortal dick probably doesn’t cut it, sorry to say. 
Anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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yolodari · 4 years
Illidan really took a bunch of angry, traumatized elves that had their lives ruined by the Legion, just like him, and gave them structure, purpose, and people who understood
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yolodari · 4 years
Blizzard needs to make shutter shades an option for Demon Hunters pronto
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“wuh what’s even the pooooint of demon hunters what would they even DO after Legion???”
live big
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yolodari · 4 years
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instagram full of cinemagraphs
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yolodari · 4 years
Not to be a basic b*tch but i miss Illidan Stormrage everday.
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yolodari · 4 years
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yolodari · 4 years
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Apparently, THIS GUY thought teaching murlocs fel magic was a good idea, so that’s one question answered.
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I have so many questions about this, but what I really wanna know is who, in the Burning Legion, looked at a bunch of murlocs and went “yeah, teaching these guys fel magic is a good idea,” and to follow that up, which genius in the Illidari was like “you know what? I’m gonna make demon hunter murlocs” because….
This is really pretty great, let’s be real.
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yolodari · 4 years
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I have so many questions about this, but what I really wanna know is who, in the Burning Legion, looked at a bunch of murlocs and went “yeah, teaching these guys fel magic is a good idea,” and to follow that up, which genius in the Illidari was like “you know what? I’m gonna make demon hunter murlocs” because....
This is really pretty great, let’s be real.
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