#occupational therapy career
sir-snow · 2 months
I don't believe in therapy.
Let's just read Neitzsche and do kinky stuff together.
That'll be healthy, right?
#my thoughts on therapy are much more complex than that#I just know that 90% of people in every occupation just plain shouldn't be there#And I really don't feel like window shopping through a bunch of peusdo intellectuals#When all I'm trying to do is better comprehend my reality and my role in it#And the major-majority of therapists#That I've had personal or professional interactions with#Either just plain don't care#Are giving you that look like#“Oh god is this going to be the person that beats me to death with my own clip-board”#Or are just waiting for you to say something incriminating so they can involve the police#There was one older lady in particular I talked too#Not even realizing she was a therapist until she started asking me a bunch of personal questions#And the subject of careers got brought up#And this gal was genuinely shell-shocked when I gave minor details about one of my verbally abusive father figures#It was as if she'd only heard about cases like that in books or on TV#And my reaction to her newfound curiosity was sort of blasé#Like yeah#Have you literally never interacted with a lower to middle class drunk or any of their kids before?#Granted I only said 90% earlier#Because there's one dude in particular I wouldn't mind buying a beer for#Now that I think about it#There's also a nurse I wish I could apologize too#Even if she was being holier than thou with her Bible pushing#But some people don't seem to realise that bastards are naturally predispositioned to being atheists#I just can't seem to fathom why a boy who grew up without his biological father#Doesn't like to hear about a guy who's father created him just so he can die for the sins of others#And that it would make much more sense for her to put her efforts into preventing some other kid's life from being more fucked up#Than it already is#Rather than trying to unravel the issues of a young man whom they just met with a pre-printed out sheet of paper#Wow I really didn't intend to write this much
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gaygunsmoke · 4 months
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star-anise · 2 months
It's been a hot minute since I looked at Canada's National Occupation Classification system. I learned about it when studying career counselling in grad school, and it's pretty useful in terms of job-hunting and getting information on what different types of jobs require and pay.
A friend asked me for advice about becoming a therapist so I went and looked. They redid it since I last visited, and oh man there are some chef's kiss decisions.
There are 9 top-level categories, with 1 being legislative and senior management, 5 being arts, culture, and sport, and 9 being manufacture and utilities. So I was looking for my old job's classification, which used to be 4153 - Family, marriage and other related counsellors. Knowing that made searching the government job bank really easy back in the day, because instead of searching "counsellor" "counselor" "psychotherapist" "mental health therapist" "clinical counsellor" etc etc etc to find them all, I just typed "4153" and hit enter.
Anyway, they redid the system and now that job is parked at 41301 - Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies. Here's the tree to get there:
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Cool cool cool. It's tidier, even if the occupations are still a bit messy. (When I dropped out of the field, the different counselling subdivisions were tapping their toes impatiently waiting for the provincial government to let them form their own professional regulatory college. Which still has not happened. Last week my shrink said he'd got an email from the College of Psychologists announcing that it would be gathering all the smaller counselling fields into its own downy breast instead. I have no idea what's happening anymore.)
Anyway. I scrolled down to another job I once worked and HAHA WHAT
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Yes. There are only three sub-units of category 44:
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In-home caregivers:
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Combat specialists
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I find this grouping of professions hilarious, appropriate, and deeply validating. No notes. 🧑‍🍳👌💋
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barbsgirlfriend · 4 months
Velvet & Veneer Headcanons Pt. 3
(If you notice inconsistencies between posts it is because I use google translate. My first language isn’t English, it is Swedish. And I also changed some stuff)
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Full name
Velvet Lyric Mazzola
Vel (pretty much everyone), sis (Veneer)
Age & DOB
19 31/7/05
Gender & Pronouns
Cis Female She/her
Singer & Performer
68.95 kg (152 lbs)
192 cm (6’3)
Body Shape
Body Type
Skin Color
Face Shape
Long, wavy, healthy, bright green
Round shaped, bright blue
Normal Apparel
Extravagant clothing, skirts, jean shorts, crop tops, makeup
Distinguishing features
Beauty mark above lip, scar on her left arm from childhood, dimples, five tattoos, and a big ahh forehead
Personality Type
ESTP-A (the entrepreneur)
Short Description
Velvet is extremely goal-orientated, and would put her friends or family down to reach her own goals. She strives for attention and love. Velvet might seem mean on the outside, but deep down she has a soft spot for her twin brother, Veneer. She’s extremely protective of her loved ones, but she isn’t the most reliable. Velvet barks more than she bites, but she can knock a bitch down.
Mean, ambitious, artistic, humorous, intelligent, controlling, protective, talented, somewhat toxic, and strong
Bubble baths, perfume, money, shopping, expensive clothes, praise, candles, mani pedis, the beach, purple crop tops, and roses
Trolls, being ignored, cheap perfumes, the feel of velvet fabrics 💀, her parents, being bossed around, balloons
Singing, dancing, songwriting, yoga, sketching makeup ideas, collecting vintage magazines, hairstyling, and zip lining
Thantophobia, atychiphobia, athazagoraphobia, cynophobia
On July 31st, 2005, Velvet was born along with her younger twin brother. Her parents only wanted a boy, so she never got a lot of attention. She was cared for on and off by her parents and grandparents. Velvet made a strong connection with her grandmother, January, who was a famous singer in her days. Her grandmother was the main reason she wanted to start singing.
At the age of six, she was enrolled to a private primary school with her brother. Velvet became instantly popular for her famous grandmother and dentist parents. She became friends with almost everybody and loved her younger years. In year 3, her grandmother passed away. It was difficult on Velvet as she lost her main caretaker and friend.
At the start of secondary school, Velvet started becoming rebellious. She and Veneer would sneak out of the house to go to parties, smoke, etc. Eventually, the two were caught. As a punishment, they were given too many activities to worry about instead of sneaking off. She really started to despise her parents.
Velvet would skip her extracurriculars and use her free time to hangout with her friends or sleep. In year 12, she started dating. Velvet was dating the goalie for the school’s football team. However, he was a cunt. He was toxic and emotionally abusive towards Velvet.
This relationship was very draining for her. It made Velvet’s mental health really decline. One day, she got into a heated argument, and he hit her. Velvet went to protect herself, but Veneer jumped in and beat the fuck out of him. Safe to say, he never messed with her again.
Around that time, she started her singing career. Velvet would post her songs on SoundCloud, and got a few thousand followers! She felt consumed by the fame and wanted MORE. Velvet convinced her twin brother to start singing with her a bit after. They became insanely famous stupidly fast.
Velvet was blinded by her fame and money, making her toxic and controlling. It was so bad that she had to go to weekly therapy to control herself. She moved out of her parents house and into a beach home for her and Veneer.
She lives with Veneer right outside of Mount Rageous. she’s pretty happy now. She loves her life and how far she’s come.
Favorites & Least Favorites
F: East Coast oysters. LF: scrambled eggs
F: raspberry lemonade. LF: Pepsi
F: Agora Hills (Doja Cat). LF: 9 to 5 (Dolly Parton) she’s sick and tired of crimp singing it
F: Summer. LF: winter
F: her grandmother’s music hall. LF: childhood room
F: purple. LF: red
Mother: Veronica Mazzola/56/living
Father: Valentino Mazzola Jr./58/living
Brother: Veneer Mazzola/19/living
Other: Grandma/Mom’s Side/January Harmony/85/deceased, Grandpa/Dad’s Side/Valentino Mazzola Sr./92/deceased
Lover(s): Joey/20/living/ex, Orchid/18/living
Birthplace: Mount Rageous
Residence: 5 miles out of Mount Rageous in a Beach House
Nationality: Mount Rageon
Ethnicity: Mount Rageon
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Full Name
Veneer Adagio Mazzola
Ven (almost everyone), bro (Velvet)
Age & DOB
19 31/7/05
Gender & Pronouns
Cis male He/him
Bisexual with pref for men
Singer & Performer
67.13 kg (148 lbs)
183 cm (6’0)
Body Shape
Body type
Skin Color
Face shape
Medium, wavy, soft, bright green
Round and bright blue
Normal Apparel
Extravagant clothing, heels, jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, bracelets, earrings
Distinguishing features
Scar on upper lip, tooth gap, and three tattoos
Personality type
ESFJ-A (the consul)
Short Description
Veneer is extremely smart… like VERY smart. He’s insane with how good his intuition is and how quick he can find your biggest insecurities. Veneer is goal-orientated like his older twin sister, but he’s more secretive about it. To most, he only seems to be a flamboyant himbo. But in reality, Veneer is a caring but shady bitch.
Loud, judgy, overall friendly, happy-go-lucky, flamboyant, sensitive, protective, strong, talented, intelligent, mean
Pop music, gossip, anything gucci, the champagne toast scent from BaBW, beanies, vintage clothing, expensive jewelry, smell of gasoline
Cheap food, being bossed around, cigarettes, Velvet spraying perfume on him, being tickled, being alone, lavender scent, having no money
Dancing, singing, gardening, shopping, sketching fashion ideas, crocheting, acting, playing tennis, fishing
Atychiphobia, acrophobia, traumatophobia
On July 31st, 2005, Veneer was born along with his older twin sister. Their parents only wanted a boy, so Veneer got the most attention growing up. He was spoiled to death by his parents, but it made him uncomfortable. Ever since he was a toddler, he was weirded out by his parents. However, there was an important figure in his life that made him not uncomfy: Valentino Mazzola Sr.
His grandfather supported his love of dance and acting, but also taught him “manly” things. Veneer was very close to his grandfather. He started attending a private primary school with his twin sister. Quickly, he became popular; not just by his family being famous. Veneer was an extremely nice kid in Primary School.
In middle school, Veneer started to experiment with who he was. He started painting his nails, got his ears pierced, and acted more feminine. But this angered his parents; they said that they didn’t want a gay child. With that, he started becoming very secretive. Veneer didn’t talk to certain people for months on end.
When he got to year 10, his grandfather past away. It was really hard on Veneer. On top of all the stressful activities he had to do; he had to suffer loss. This was when Velvet and Veneer started their singing career. (Ha that rhymed).
He felt so happy that people adored him; he felt even happier his sister was getting the attention she deserved. Due to getting famous, Veneer really stopped caring. He became himself and didn’t give two shits if his parents started complaining.
Veneer became an icon in Mount Rageous quickly. He is just as greedy with his fame as Velvet, but he can control himself more. He loves his life, his family, his boho chic home decorations, and his money.
Favorites & Least Favorites
F: Lobster tail LF: coconut
F: Pipeline Punch Monster LF: sparkling water
F: I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman (Britney Spears) LF: Rude Boy (Rihanna)
F: Fall LF: Winter
F: the beach LF: elevators
F: hot pink LF: bright yellow
Mother: Veronica Mazzola/56/living
Father: Valentino Mazzola Jr./58/living
Sister: Velvet Mazzola/19/living
Other: grandma/Mom’s side/January Harmony/85/deceased, Grandpa/dad’s side/Valentino Mazzola Sr./92/deceased
Lover(s): Kid Ritz/19/living
Birthplace: Mount Rageous
Residence: 5 miles out of Mount Rageous
Nationality: Mount Rageon
Ethnicity: Mount Rageon
(Thank you for reading this massive thing <3 )
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scientia-rex · 6 months
just found your account! question for you that you might not know the answer to but I would like to ask anyway: are there any accessible careers in medicine for a disabled person? I've pretty thoroughly researched med school and yeah I could not do that lmao. But I'm also not sure I want to give up on all of that? Like maybe there are career paths where the training and work just isn't so physically demanding? if you have any suggestions for me that would be so helpful.
Good question. There ARE doctors out there with a range of disabilities, but it's a very challenging journey because of the omnipresent bias from everyone around you--admissions committees, professors, preceptors, attendings, fellow students. There are also a wide variety of disabilities, so disabilities that would make one job very difficult could be a negligible barrier for another.
If you're interested in health professions but "doctor" doesn't have to be the be-all end-all, here's a list of some of the other professions I work with regularly and consider indispensable that you might want to look into:
-Physical therapy
-Occupational therapy
-Mental health counseling
-Substance use counseling
-Nursing (approach with caution; this is another field with a long history of brutal hazing)
-NOT PODIATRY. Good God. I saw the Podiatry residents at our hospital and they had NO WORK HOUR RESTRICTIONS. They were constantly on the verge of collapse.
-Respiratory therapy
-Lactation consultant
-CT/MRI technician
-Dialysis technician
-Speech Language Pathology
-Social work
-Healthcare Navigator
-Massage therapy
-Research assistant
You can do so much for people without ever going to medical school. Don't get tunnel vision about your future. Chase what's best for YOU.
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mcromwell · 4 months
Ayo! New follower here. I love your art and your mind set of just messing around to make cool stuff. but I’ve also seen you love been to at least one convention (I didn’t scroll far enough to see more about conventions) and I wanted to ask. How you did it? I really enjoy making art and I would love to make it a career so this boils down to :
how did you do it? And how can I do it too?
not just like first steps but what happens after that? I’m young enough that if this doesn’t work out I have plenty of time to look into other careers before worrying about paying for rent or necessities with money from my future occupation. I know that everyone’s experience is different but I still hoping you can give me a somewhat clear answer.
thank you for inspiring me
(sorry this ask was so long)
Hello there! Thank you for your message.
These questions are large and hard to answer. Being more specific in your questions helps. "How I did it" is very... large in scope. That question could be answered just by saying, "I did it by never wanting anything else and never losing sight of my goal." But that doesn't help you much. So I'll just try to touch on some key points and contexts.
I'm 32. Only in the last couple years has my practice been enough to make a living doing it. I've always wanted this and literally everything I've done in my life has been to get here. I've worked two jobs my entire working life (age 19-now): retail/customer service and art stuff on the side. Because of the pandemic, I got double unemployment and stimulus checks, which became my initial investment into merch and savings safety net to get started. I started therapy to address my fears of asking for help, my negative self-talk, and catastrophic thinking. (Therapy has helped me with my art so much.) Then I was laid off for real in 2020 and hit the ground running with art. I split rent with roommates, I live very very cheaply, and art is my passion. If art for a living is what you want to do and you're happy to make lots of concessions to get it, this career works. It takes a while to get momentum and regular sales/attention-- just don't quit. The more stuff you do the more people will recognize you and like your work.
It would be dishonest to not address my privilege here, too. My parents have always emotionally supported my practice, my friends too, and I got to go to art school with no debt. I did outside of school art mentorships. My art education experiences taught me a lot of art techniques and self-employed skills and that only happened due to the support of my folks. I had resources a lot of people don't. (Which is why I want to help new artists learn this stuff as much as I can; not everyone is as lucky as I am.)
My advice for you if you want to do what I do, which is being self-employed making and selling art and art merchandise for a living:
Get used to making concessions right at first. Your art career will probably not start out gangbusters, so get used to low sales and saving money and working hard. Make things within your means and grow from there.
Fuck around and find out. Try making merch, try making videos, try things you see other artists doing, try everything and see if it works for how you like to make stuff. I learn so much from YouTube, to be totally honest. Artists are good sharers.
Follow a shit ton of artists and see what works for them. Join artist groups and ask thoughtful, specific questions to learn from those already doing it.
Learn how to write about your art. Write about why you make it. It helps make it more compelling to others. "How to Sell Your Art Online" by Cory Huff is a good book to read for tips on this.
Develop a healthy relationship with art-making. If you sit down at a blank page and it terrifies you: address that first. Don't try to start a business if you're still struggling with making art regularly.
In fact, don't start a business until you're really ready. Art comes first. You can easily do art and build skills and do commissions and run an online shop along with working a job that pays bills reliably while you grow into the artist you're meant to be.
Don't pigeon-hole yourself into only one channel: don't JUST apply to cons, try street fairs too. Don't JUST sell online, get your work into cafes as well. You'll see which routes are more profitable/worth the time as you try them out. Eggs in many baskets, you know.
There's probably a whole essay I could write on this. And you're right--mileage varies between person to person vastly. The part of the world you live in, your access to transportation, education, your mental health, what type of work you like to make, etc. Art careers almost never look the same 1:1 even in fandom spaces like furry/anime. If you're self-made, it will reflect that.
I recommend the YouTube channels Rafi Was Here, Robin Sealark, Cat Graffam, and the website The Abundant Artist (again by Cory Huff) for more resources.
Don't be afraid to take leaps of faith. Try everything. Be true to what works for you and what doesn't feel sustainable. Be authentic with your art and stay true to your interests. And good luck.
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Ok but pirates aren't freedom fighters who want to kick navy ass. They're career criminals who want to steal stuff and then resell it. This is organized crime. Ye Olde boat mafia. We're not watching a rom com set in a revolutionary vanguard here we're watching Al Capone fall madly in love with an upstart criminal who said "Instead of beating in my subordinates kneecaps in with a led pipe when they disappoint me I send them to therapy. :)"
Yeah they tussle with the navy (boat cops) sometimes, Yeah a large number of them are non white and it is set during the colonial era in the caribbean. These two things lend themselves to the progressive writers room putting strong anti colonial vibes into the show. That said, you can't assume that Izzy or Ed or whoever is based because they're pirates. The only political beliefs pirates have to have is "Breaking the law is pretty cool" They're not even Zheng Yi Sao's crew actively hindering Portuguese and East India Company ships in their attempt to occupy China. They're just kind of going around on a boat doing crimes and occasionally Ed skins a guy for getting racist. That's ok. It's a romcom. but it's weird to ascribe political positions to characters based on their occupations when you'd probably be better served watching their behavior for that kind of indicator
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drtroad · 1 month
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links : statistics. wanted plots. tags. pinterest.
・。  [ cindy kimberly .  cis woman .  she/her ] - ingrid arroyo  was  blasting  espresso by sabrina carpenter  on  the  sidewalk  in  austin today .  according  to  other  atx  residents  , the  twenty -six  year  old  nail technician has been  given  a  reputation  of  being airheaded ,  but also  ebullient .  [ hand me down guitar in a pale pink case, years old travel case full of keepsakes, evergrowing collection of gold jewelry with her initals  ] 
quick stats
introducing ingrid alma arroyo
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known as. ingrid.
birthdate. 25 june.
zodiac big three. cancer sun, pisces moon, virgo rising.
sexuality. bisexual.
hometown. austin, texas.
residence. lives in her childhood home with her mother and her grandma.
occupation. officially, at-home nail tech and occasional disney princess for hire (her specialty's include encanto's isabela and princess jasmine). unofficially, aspiring singer-songwriter.
education. manicurist license, high school diploma.
inspiration(s). jane villanueva (jane the virgin), charlotte york (sex and the city), molly gunn (uptown girls), cher horowitz (clueless).
tw mentions of abuse and cancer
born and raised in austin!
ingrid doesn't remember much about her father and doesn't really care too. her mother, lucia, had an incredibly tumultuous relationship with him that eventually culminated in her serving four years in jail and losing custody of ingrid in the process. when she was sent away, ingrid went to live with her grandma. ingrid was six then.
her grandma, fernanda, is supa dupa catholic so ingrid grew up regularly attending church services. she eventually joined the choir, which was where she fell in love with all things music! she was seven when she begged her grandma to teach her piano on their yamaha, and eight when she pleaded for a guitar for christmas. she was gifted a pink ukulele that year (and eventually graduated to her deceased grandpa's guitar when she was old enough to treat it with care).
ingrid's ten when her mother's released and moves back in, under the condition that she attend therapy / anger management meetings and do some community service. things are tense at first, but aren't so bad after that. ingrid remembers her childhood pretty fondly! her adolescence saw her passing her classes with flying colors, and getting involved with school plays.
while she can be a bit ditzy, ingrid's booksmart enough to land a scholarship that covered everything but housing for a university in new york. nevermind that though, she had some money saved up from the slew of fast food jobs she had in high school, and had no doubt she could come up with the rest as she went (which she eventually did as a disney princess for hire). besides, her heart had yearned for the big city since she was twelve, when her family flew out there to see a play on broadway- it was the only vacation they ever took. if her family wouldn't allow her to pursue music as a degree (and they wouldn't, ingrid had already asked a million times over), then at least she could be in the vicinity of where a tiny ingrid once fell even deeper in love with it. before she knew it, the three of them are on a three-day roadtrip to syracuse to drop her off for school.
fernanda falls ill with cancer in ingrid's sophomore year. it only takes a semester for her to drop out of school and move back home. take up two jobs to help her mother with the medical bills. over the course of a couple years, fernanda recovers just fine. still, ingrid's much too anxious to be that far away if it ever happened again, so she stays in austin.
the whole ordeal shook her up a bit, reminded ingrid just how fleeting life can be. it's after her grandma enters remission that she decides to pursue a career in music (under the condition that she has a "real job" (fernanda's words)). it all happens really quickly.
at twenty-one, she saved enough to enroll in cosmetology school for her manicurist's license so she could start doing nails at home in the spare room. still does party princess gigs if she needs the extra money and/or if family friends are begging her to, but her real hustle is reserved for her music career! catch ingrid arroyo live at anywhere that will take her- and i mean, literally anywhere- or spamming your insta and tiktok feed with new sets she's just done and/or countless covers of all your favorite pop and indie girlies.
immature, endlessly optimistic, meticulous, ebullient, sentimental
immature. she can come off as such because she has endless amounts of optimism and a tendency to say ... come se dice .. Stupid Shit ("do you know what time it is?" "a watch doesn't really go with this outfit, daddy" / "how am i supposed to know where anything is on this map if it's not labeled?" / "who cares if he's a jerk? he's hot!"). her grandma was a stickler for good grades but it only made ingrid veryvery good at committing things with memory in order to regurgitate it out an hour later.
ebullient. very friendly, always a ball of energy!! default state is bouncing off the walls.
meticulous. love's in the details! she can be a little vain but she's a real stickler when it comes to her appearance. prides herself on the littlest makeup trick or an extra gem on her nails that "really brings the whole thing together". this trait is especially apparent in her songwriting too!! veryvery self-critical when it comes to that.
sentimental. saves everything from movie tickets to all the receipts from really good days she's had and handwritten notes. veryveryvery sensitive! tenderhearted! falls in love with people all the time, is seldom able to really commit to them.
wanted plots
you can find them linked at the top of this post!
psd credit
brewing by jessource.
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arolock · 1 month
Name and dimension: Mortimer "Morty" Smith, Miami-1789
Age: 19
Occupation: partnership in his grandfather's business
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Miami-1789 timeline is a but odd. In this dimension Rick met Diane when they both were students, way earlier than other Ricks, which moved all time points, making Beth, Morty and Summer older than other versions of them. Diane in this dimension broke up with Rick when he dived deep into drug dealing, trying to provide for his family. Due to his growing business Rick later moved to Miami.
When Diane suddenly died (disappeared in the blue light in front of Beth, Jerry and kids during family dinner), Beth called her father, with whom she secretly kept in touch, in complete shock. Rick immediately demanded the family to move with him in Miami, which they did. Rick's paranoia, fueled with the unexplainable death of his ex-wife and his family being so close to his business area, hit off the rocket.
Growing up in a household run by a paranoid control freak of a drug lord made Morty cynical and cunning. His morals are grey at best, he operates under his own complicated code of rules. He believes that there are no good people in the business, and has no problem with shooting them down if needed, but, in contrary to many other Mortys, doesn't have suppressed anger issues and isn't prone to a juvenile violence, even if he does have fun in shootouts and fights.
Has no shame whatsoever, easily uses his good looks whenever he sees fit, but his borderline obsession with his appearance almost led him to develop an eating disorder in attempt to keep a 'teenage' body when he hit the growth spur. Luckily his changed habits were picked by Summer in time, and she convinced Morty to go to therapy.
Morty adores fashion and prefers feminine style in his looks. Bought The Pink Glock just for funzies, proceeds to kill the most annoying guys he encounters with it. Goes under 'he/him' pronoun, but mostly just to fuck with people when they misgender him, in his heart doesn't give a flying fuck about the matter. If he really likes a person, he allows them to use whatever pronoun they see fit. He's aro/pan, prefers androgynous looks in his partners. Doesn't date.
Despite working enormous amount of hours with Rick's paperwork, hates hustle culture with a passion, once shot a guy whos shenanigans made him and Rick work overtime. Often clashes with Rick on that, but steadily holds his ground.
Does have his own plans that are connected to Rick's business, but keeps it between himself, Rick and partly Summer. His parents know better than push on the future career subject, they are too scared that he will keep his 'dancing hobby' his primal occupation. Which he sure won't, but he likes to keep this sword hanging above their heads.
Morty's pronouns for family and friends:
Mom and dad use 'he/him' (just out of the habit, they did ask him first about it though when they saw him going for more and more feminine look).
Rick switches them depending on his mood, Morty's attitude and the current situation they found themselves in (some of their associates are more of asses then ciates, and it's easier to play along to a certain point).
Summer, Squanchy and Jessica go with 'she/her' (Summer combines the pronoun with calling Morty her little brother, Jessica simply likes Morty's feminine look and figured that 'she' pronoun suits the look better, and Squanchy just was confused about the whole thing and misgendered Morty at their first meet, but was so adorable that Morty didn't have a heart to break it to him, so he just let it slide).
Birdperson exclusively uses 'they/them' (he sternly believes that it suits Morty the best not because of his looks, but of his nature. Refuses to elaborate further).
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heardatmedschool · 5 months
A quick guide on what different titles mean in my posts
(Since education AND healthcare systems vary around the world).
Medical Student (4.5-5 years)
You can get into medical school straight out of high school. College degrees do exist, but they are not the norm, not for medicine, and not for any career, tbh.
You fist 2-3 years are mostly theory. Calculus, chemistry, biology, anatomy, histology, embriology, physiology, pathology, physiopathology, microbiology, pharmacology…. That period end with semiology, and you get a Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Science.
Then, for the next 2 years, you have your clinicals, in which you spend half of the day in the hospital, with patients, and half the day in class, but definitely more focused on patient care and management.
Med student in clinicals = baby of the team (most of the time).
When you finish, you get your Academic Degree, Licenciate in Medicine.
Medical Intern (1.5-2 years)
No longer a student, you are now in your professional practice. Although you are technically still in med school in your university, you can say goodbye to classes, since you’re now a worker.
Probably bottom of the food chain, and probably does all the paperwork that nobody wants to do, but it’s a period where you gain a lot of independence and knowledge through work.
When you finish, you get your Professional Title, Médico Cirujano, but also need to pass a national test (EUNACOM) in order to be able to work.
Once you are a Doctor, you can work with that, or you can specialize.
Resident Doctor
A doctor, who is both working and studying towards a specialty.
Doctor who is on charge of a team. Tends to be an specialist.
Other titles that may cause confusion:
CNA: I use CNA to refer to TENS (Técnico de Enfermería de Nivel Superior). Technical degree (2.5 years). Takes care of patient’s basic needs, vital signs, may administer non-prescription medications.
Scrub tech: An specialized TENS. Takes care of the surgical instrumental and the sterile field in the OR.
Other TENS specializations: (that aren’t shared with other workers) Ambulance paramedic, anesthesia tech, trauma tech (takes care of plasters).
Medical Technologist: University degree (5Y). In charge of handling the machines and advanced technology equipment. They have 5 sub-specialties: ENT, ophthalmology, morphophysiopathology, blood bank and radiology.
Kinesiologist: University degree (5Y). They encapsulate both Physical Therapy and Respiratory Therapy.
Midwife: University Degree (5Y). Kind of like L&D nurses. Also in charge of reproductive health (i.e inserts IUDs, tests for STIs). Can assist births without a doctor if uncomplicated.
Other professionals that may not need further explanation:
Speech therapy.
Occupational therapy.
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pearlypairings · 6 months
pt x ot au pretty please!
Oooh yes! This is like my self-indulgent lil baby wip! As I’m having fun with new tropes/challenges, how could I ignore a physical therapist Steve Harrington and occupational therapist Chrissy falling in love??
I used to work in outpatient therapy and I would LOVE to write a friends/coworkers to lovers for steve x chrissy as young adults instead of HS students. This setting would give me all the warm and fuzzies as they both get to help others in their career AND are still growing as people. Plus all the dopey pining and workplace drama are just the sprinkles on top.
The only snippet I have is a bit of banter:
“Your chewing is going to drive me absolutely bonkers. Would you at least tone it down?” Steve smirked at Chrissy, mouth finally closing to chew his microwaved leftovers at the break table. He swallowed, the motion of his throat overdramatic and conspicuous enough to be blindingly obvious that it was malicious compliance.
wip title ask game
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spookyscribe · 5 months
In a weird transitional place where mentally I am excited for my future projects/career but then I realize again that my physical wellbeing depends (currently) on me limiting myself and my productivity. Right now, my occupational therapist wants me to limit my typing as much as possible because my arms are ANGRY! Occupational therapy HURTS SO BAD.
Getting a nerve study done next month. There is more going on in my arms/hands/wrists besides carpal tunnel. It might not even be carpal tunnel but some other nerve issue (I think radial tunnel syndrome).
Possibly long term, I can’t spend all day on the computer like I used to editing, tutoring, writing, and then playing games or scrolling through social media. (Woe!)
Change is really daunting but the health of my wrists/hands/arms depends on it?? I’m going to have to get used to voice to text and writing aloud (mortifying!!), and I’m still working on my optimal computer setup.
At the same time, my motivation and inspiration have been thriving, and I think it’s because I was forced to take it easy and assess why I keep writing despite the trouble it’s causing. Because of my limited time to type, I think more carefully about what I’m writing and how I spend my time instead of procrastination. So… that’s a bright side. 😊
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inlocusmads · 1 year
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pi nora rose | character sheet
Full name: Nora Lin Rose / Zhang Ying Xiu (she/her)
Reason or meaning of name:
English: Nora - “shining light”, Lin - “forest, jade”.
Cantonese: Ying - “clever”, Xiu - “outstanding”, Zhang - “to draw a bow; archer”
Birth date: 7th January 1990
Appearance: 5 '6, light brown complexion, has short choppy black hair, with a scar across her left eyelid, has a hunched back situation going on; button-up shirt with a brown corduroy jacket, clip-on earrings and trousers.
Background: Asian-American (Han Chinese by ethnicity, American by citizenship)
Occupation: Private eye
LI: Trystan Thorne
━ childhood:
Before what she calls “The Shitshow” happened, Nora had a pretty supportive upbringing. Her parents were both immigrants from Hong Kong who settled in Manhattan. Her mom, Alison, worked as a professor and her dad, Jimmy, was a police officer.
Alison passed away when Nora was 9 after a battle with a chronic illness, caught and misdiagnosed by healthcare professionals. Jimmy, as per canon, was murdered on active duty when she was 13. This led to Nora developing a lot of distrust for the healthcare industry.
She was what you’d call a “troubled kid” at school and sometimes her trauma manifested in the form of panic attacks, anger issues and so on. Nora had to regularly switch schools to find one that accommodated her. Uncle Tommy, being her primary guardian, had tons to sort out, besides coping with his own loss.
Nora didn’t have the drive to get into medicine, so she decided to go with the next certain plan which was applying to be a police officer (since it was a tried and tested field) right after college. 
Most of her career-defining decisions were made like darts thrown at a board. She was consumed entirely by the loss of her parents, it felt like she had no choice. She wanted something to do, she had no idea and she couldn’t give two shits about therapy.
Education: She did a B.A in Criminal Law and a minor in theoretical physics from the University of Buffalo.
━ nypd years:
Nora was pretty good at solving puzzles mostly because she knew where to look for answers. A disadvantage when one day, she takes upon the case of Aneesa Wang privately, after the latter approaches her about a criminal gang using her as a fall guy.
This kind of leads to Nora learning a crap ton of stuff about her fellow coworkers and being able to sniff out dirty cops. Aneesa had to leave the country entirely, halting her postgrad dreams likely forever, which was the catalyst that made Nora submit her finding and quit the force.
━ the ginovesi agency:
Nora secures a position thanks to Mafalda learning about the breakthrough she’d made on the police department. She offers her a temp job to get to know her and ensure she is properly ready to earn her license.
She started out doing desk jobs but quickly earned Mafalda’s respect which allowed her to work on some high-profile cases as her assistant. After obtaining her license, she works on a massive embezzlement case that kind of becomes her magnum opus.
Her forte usually lies in corporate fraud, infidelity and missing persons cases.
━ thoughts on trystan:
Nora and Trystan are both “one falls first, other falls harder” and give off big divorced energy at the same time.
She sees him as a client at first, then a contributor and a friend which becomes a relationship. They will never get certain parts of each other but aren’t afraid to show unabashed empathy without holding back.
━ misc:
She’s somewhat fluent in Cantonese, knows English and picked up some French in school.
Had she not gotten into medicine or detective work, she would have likely been a soccer player.
She’s bisexual and also on the ace spectrum (likely sex-indifferent) mostly because she’s exhausted and doesn’t have fucks to give.
favourite puzzles of hers: sudoku, tetris, solitaire, rubik’s cubes, minesweeper - literally any card game. She swears by the “takes a second to learn, a lifetime to master” rule of thumb.
useless skills: throwing things with a bang-on aim, able to cook dinner in under five minutes, can recognize any ABBA song from the first five seconds.
problem areas: can’t remember shit, so she carries a pocket notebook and a pen wherever she goes, sometimes prone to a lot of anger which is taken care of.
top 5 films: secret sunshine; superbad; napoleon dynamite; eternal sunshine; oldboy. full list here
Nora doesn’t talk much. She enjoys her peace, she likes the symbiotic experience of rolling a little weed and watching trash reality shows late at night. It helps her deal with past failures.
songs that best describe her: (full playlist here)
Character tags:
#thorne rose headcanons
#incorrect thorne rose (essentially headcanons pt 2)
#trystan x nora (or) #nora x trystan (fics, bonus headcanons, other stuff?)
find her bubble character sheet here
nora's wardrobe
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sea-dukes-assistant · 11 months
ATTN: The boomers that follow me for some reason
The abuse I'd been getting since this started dropped off roughly 2016, when I told Rachel if she wanted to have a say in what I post, she can pay me. It picked back up roughly the same time Harry was outed as being with his current wife, at the time of the Karen Occupation, and been on the upswing ever since.
For the longest time, I never understood why I received so much negative attention from your particular niche in this fandom. I never spoke to you, minded your business, nor knew you existed, yet you felt the need to mind mine, scold me, yell at me, and speak to me as though I do not deserve respect and decency, perhaps going so far as to hoping one day I'd just eat a bullet.
The theory, which is disturbing at best, for why you project your insecurities onto me (and only me) is that you can't fathom mine and younger generations being so "ourselves" because that was not a thing when you grew up. I'm sorry that was the way it was, but that is not how it is now. Times change, often for the better, even from when I was growing up in the '90s. I'm thankful for this. You lot, however, seem to have taken the fantasy/ideology of "what a man should be" and decided you are disgusted/upset that I do not fall into that mold. So you come into my house and shit all over the place like you ain't got no home training, sending me homophobic messages, personally insulting me and my intelligence, telling me I need to "get my head checked (I've had 2 neuro-pysch exams I promise you my brain functions just fine)," and going out of your way to make me hate myself. Why? So you can fix me and make me the "alpha male" of your fantasies. It's like some form of conversion therapy. This is why you're so obsessed with me. I'm not bitter that nobody else is being hated on; I'M BITTER THAT I WAS/AM SINGLED OUT.
Quite frankly, that's fucking disturbing. I'm 36. I'm a regular guy, enlisted, trying to make it through the next 10 of my career without further damaging my already broken body. I'm nobody. But y'all out here harassing me for *checks notes* living my life and being happy. Not even a single shred of empathy. Just fuckin' "SEND IT" with the constant degradation and berating and lecturing. Fuck sake I serve this country with pride, nearly had the national ensign over my casket and folded and handed to my mother before I hit 30, and this is how y'all gonna act towards me, after walking around with your metaphorical dick out, posting boomer ass Facebook graphics yelling "REPOST THE FLAG OR YOUR A COMMIE?" THAT is some fucking disrespect, not a royal in an honorary position of rank wearing a service's uniform. It's fucking disgusting...oh I'm a "brave PATRIOT" until you find out I wanna fuck some hot British guy's brains out. Then I need to shut up and "eat shit and die."
I'm not a project. I'm not responsible for your issues. I'm under no obligation to be nice to you. Your baggage is not mine to carry. You are responsible for your own behavior. I do have intellectual superiority; this is not me swinging my dick, it is fact. My ASVAB score qualified me for everything except the nuclear field. I learned college-level electronics theory in 9 months. I've had a combined 10 months of specialized training on specific systems, the most recent being the AN/GSC-52B MET. This last advancement cycle I scored in the 93rd percentile overall IN THE ENTIRE GODDAMN NAVY. My job is entirely critical-thinking, problem solving, and written/verbal communication. PEOPLE COULD DIE IF THE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS CAN'T SEE THE PLANES. I have to explain to idiots officers with degrees why I can't connect a system carrying classified data to their unclassified computer to they "don't have to get up" to look at the console. Between you there's...what, 10 brain cells? You think tabloids are classic literature. IT IS A FUCKING FACT, BRENDA.
Oh and the "I hate that you were treated like that/you didn't deserve that BUT" can be shoved up your ass, as well. If that were the case, you wouldn't continue your anonymous! tirade about how I'm a fuck up, need to be nicer, how I'm treated is entirely my fault, and using Prince Philip, who is very much dead despite my wishes, as a way to emotionally manipulate me (an entirely different level of Fucking Disgusting).
The entire fucking audacity. Take your own advice and look in the mirror. YOU are the reason I'm so fucking stressed. YOU are the reason I fucking hate it here and want to leave. YOU are the reason I'm so fucking "rude" and on defense all the time. DEALING WITH YOU IS FUCKING EXHAUSTING.
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lissadream · 10 months
A long story and a request. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and your consideration.
I am starting my career as new teacher after a late in life career change.
I have attended online classes for the last six and a half years while working one full time job, one part time job, and raising my children and foster children with my husband of 22-years. Finances have been tight, but I have already spent upwards of $600 of my own money to provide for my new 5/6 grade science classroom. Schools budgets only stretch so far, and many items are needed - especially as a first year teacher.
My first career was as an Occupational Therapy Assistant. I worked with children with special needs - autism, cerebral palsy, ADD/ADHD, ODD, OCD, Down’s and the list goes on. Because of this, I am a firm believer in meeting sensory needs of children to increase their ability to maintain interest and focus.
I believe that meeting sensory needs for all children in the classroom can increase attention to task and help students engage better with curriculum, furthering their understanding and increasing their abilities.
Items such as cushions to lay on the floor, wiggle and bouncy seats, and other alternative seating will allow for safe, free, non-distracting movement. Bounce bands will help so wiggly feet do not make noise. The fidget toys will give idle hands something to do while they listen or watch and will help students meet their body needs so their minds can engage to the fullest degree.
I plan to use the items selected to create a classroom that has lots of options to appease the body, so the mind can focus. And I need your help!
If you click on the link, you’ll be taken to my Donors Choose page. Here you can look at all the items I’ve selected and their cost.
If you donate - big or small, it doesn’t matter - I’m one step closer to building an amazing classroom where my students can flourish.
If you are able to donate, please use the promo code LIFTOFF and Donors Choose will double your donation up to $50.
If you’re unable to donate, consider sharing my post.
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Meeting sensory needs for all children in the classroom can increase attention to task and help students engage better with curriculum.
Items such as cushions to lay on the floor. Wiggle and bouncy seats will allow for safe, free, non-distracting movement. Bounce bands will help so wiggly feet do not make noise. The fidget toys will give idle hands something to do while they listen or watch will help students meet their body needs so their minds can engage to the fullest degree.
I plan to use the items selected to create a classroom that has lots of options to appease the body, so the mind can focus. Thank you so much for your consideration. I appreciate each and every one of you! Blessings!
Note: enter code LIFTOFF at checkout and Donors Choose will double your donation up to $50!
ETA: protect fully funded! Thank you!!!
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d3athlessong · 10 days
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⸻ Welcome to Antioch, IVO HENLEY ! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for 26 YEARS and are known to be UNASSUMING yet INTREPID. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re involved in STREET RACES as a SOLO RACER, but most know you for your work as a STORE ASSISTANT at RETRO DEVIANT. We’ll see you around town soon !
quick facts ⸻
character name: ivo julius henley nickname: ivo face claim: corteon moore birthday: 7th january 1998 place of birth: antioch, or sexuality: bisexual zodiac: capricorn sun, taurus moon mbti: istp moral alignment: chaotic good occupation: store assistant, car tuner place of work: retro deviant subplot affiliation: street racers ( solo racer ) positive traits: methodical, tenacious, unassuming negative traits: hedonistic, intrepid, withdrawn languages: english love language: acts of service
abstract ⸻
weighed down by the guilt of surviving the car accident that killed his best friend, ivo left a promising life and career to return to his hometown. in antioch, he discovered a morbid relief in throttle therapy. he doesn’t care about the pink slips as much he does the high of driving at dangerous speeds in illegally tuned cars. when he isn’t racing, you can find him inundating customers with information about old records in retro deviant; or you can find him in his parents’ garage in verdant hills, tuning cars for a handsome price.
wanted connections ⸻
rival : they frequently race against each other. maybe they hate each other, maybe it's a frenemy situation... maybe it's sexy. friends who were also friends with his dead friend : maybe there's tension there, maybe they blame him for the accident. or maybe they're worried for him. customers of car tuning business : may be illegal or may be not, your choice !
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